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  • Externally, it's like. External and preparation for OGE and EGE How to pass a single extender exam

    Externally, it's like. External and preparation for OGE and EGE How to pass a single extender exam

    If you need to explore the external program for 10 and 11 classes or you want to resume training, having a certificate for grade 9, we are ready to offer high-quality training in our private educational center.

    How is the training external?

    • Grade 10 - classes 3 times a week in groups or only on Saturdays, the program is designed for 1 year.
    • Grade 11 - classes in groups 3 times a week or on Saturdays, the duration of training is 1 year.
    • 10-11 class external - classes 3 times a week, the program is also calculated for 1 year.

    Training is carried out in groups of 5-15 people. Also possible individual sessions To explore the program for 10-11 class external. In this case, the schedule and schedule of classes are discussed separately with each student.

    Features of the external program in the center "Success"

    Training externally allows you to learn training program Senior school with a smaller number of classes - you visit the classes of just 3 days a week. All information is applied in compressed, but at the same time an experienced and fascinating form, experienced teachers work.

    What is included in the external program

    1. drawing up homework and tasks for mastering the material of the house by a special program;
    2. performing tasks at home and their check with teachers;
    3. performance laboratory work, Drawing up projects, writing abstracts. Each teacher makes up its list with a credit book;
    4. individual classes with each student for the development of incomprehensive material and work on errors;
    5. solution of test work and tests;
    6. preparation for admission to university and state final exams.

    10-11 Existan classes for 1 year: It's possible with us!

    Not so long ago, one of the most popular forms of learning among high school students was external. With his help, gifted children received the opportunity not only to learn at home, but also to finish training for a year or even two before. But what is it? What are the advantages and disadvantages of this type of learning, and most importantly, where and how can I get an education in the form of external?

    External as one of the forms of training

    To begin with, let's deal with what external and what are called persons who receive education with this

    Externate is one of the alternative forms in which the student independently examines the content of the curriculum and then, according to the results of intermediate certification, allowed for exams or final certification. Training through this form of study is called externals.

    According to the results of the delivery of GIA, a student can receive a document on education, and in case the program has not been learned in the amount established by the curriculum - to obtain a certificate of a sample established by law.

    The external form is valid in all educational institutions that have state accreditation. There are no age limits for those who want to receive an external formation. External can learn both first grader and university student.

    Training features

    Like any other form of training, external has its own characteristics.

    1. Externals do not need to attend lessons or lectures. But this does not mean that the student does not attend an educational institution at all. He is obliged to appear on consultation with the teacher, intermediate and final certification.

    2. For students of this form of education, a schedule of individual advice is drawn up to which they must come. During consultation, External not only receives recommendations for the study of one or another discipline, but also asks the teacher of his questions.

    3. For the externity, an individual schedule for the completion of the final certification is also drawn up, according to the results of which a document of the established sample is issued.

    4. Gifted students per year can pass a program of several classes or courses.

    Who is the external external?

    Despite the absence of any restrictions, not everyone can receive education with the help of external. First of all it is associated with the specifics. In addition, not all parents agree that their child spent almost all the time at home and did not attend an educational institution. But in some cases, the external can become the only right solution.

    So, here is the most for joining External:

    1. childhood of a child. If the child is absorbed school Program Much faster than their classmates, then it is possible that he should go to the external.

    2. Classes in sports or creative teams. Often, professional athletes and artists have a lot of time to give their "Hobbies" - attend training and rehearsals, take part in competitions and reviews, often leave. With this situation, the child does not work systematically attend classes at school, and therefore, the best output will be the form of external.

    3. Frequent parents' business trips Also can lead to the fact that the child will rarely visit the school and engage in self-education.

    4. Health. Unfortunately, not all children are healthy. Some of them have such diseases that lead to disabilities and limit freedom of movement. Of course, for such children it is provided, but nothing prevents from replacing it to external.

    5. Work. This item is applicable to students. Often they have to pay all their free time to work to pay not only their studies, but also life in another city. Sometimes work takes too much time, the student has to miss classes, which ultimately leads to the deduction for the absenteeism or the same session.

    Advantages of externalation

    Like any training, externatr has its advantages and disadvantages. To begin with, let's talk about the main advantages.

    1. The presence of additional free time. Since the student is not required to attend a school daily, it appears a little more free hours. So, the time is exempt that goes on the road, change, (if there is such educational institution). In addition, it reduces the student's expenses.
    2. Training in an individually compiled program. The student sees the entire amount of work in advance, can faster to study the simple and understandable topics, and more difficult to leave for later. In addition, it can pay more time truly important subjects to deepen his knowledge in the area chosen.
    3. The ability to adjust the routine of the day. Did you hear about the human biorhythms? Some work better in the morning, others are more energetic in the evening, or even at night. Usually all classes are held in the morning, which is not suitable for everyone. Externals are the right to choose, at what time where and how to study.
    4. Obtaining a document on education ahead. Working externally, you can go through the year training material, calculated for several years.

    Disadvantages of externalation

    The main disadvantages of the external are as follows:

    1. Reduced learning quality. We note immediately that this statement is considered controversial. On the one hand, External does not have hard control by the teacher, the quality of his knowledge is verified only during the interim and final certification.

    On the other hand, control is still present, while the knowledge of all those provided for by the curriculum is checked.

    2. Difficulties in independent development disciplines. No matter how cool, a person cannot digest all the disciplines equally well. For example, not everyone understands chemistry and can figure it out with the help of a teacher. And what then talk about her independent learning? After all, external is an education obtained by independently. Externals cannot receive full-fledged teacher help, so they will have to either try to deal with one or another theme independently, or to seek help from familiar or even hiring tutors.

    3. Imperfect knowledge in a particular area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. In the course of independent training, External may not be predicted by the necessary practical skills, skip here or another part of the material, which ultimately leads to spaces in knowledge. Such errors may be expensive in the future.

    Rights externs

    We note the basic rights of externs, which recorded the law on externalate.

    1. Externus has the right to consult each subject. The duration of consultation can be from 15 minutes to 2 hours per year.

    2. External has the right to attend practical and laboratory classes to obtain practical skills.

    3. The student is obliged to provide reference and educational literature both in the school or university library and at the departments.

    4. Externus has the right to take part in the Olympiads and Competitors.

    Admission to Externate

    Admission to Externate includes a number of following steps:

    1. First of all, it is necessary to get acquainted with the list, which lists the externalities of Moscow or another city by choice.

    2. Discuss with the school principal or decan the possibility of learning external.

    3. Write a statement for a certain form.

    4. Provide the necessary documents.

    5. Compose and approve individual learning schedule.

    6. Get textbooks and educational and methodological manuals, Materials.

    In what cases should not go to external?

    Despite its attractiveness, external is a rather complicated form of training. Therefore, before you decide to switch to external or translate your children to him, think if you can do the following things:

    1. Organize a clear mode and schedule of classes.
    2. Create conditions for full-fledged systematic learning.
    3. Clarify your child material from one or another sphere of knowledge.
    4. Independently disassemble any, even the most difficult topic.
    5. You can organize yourself.
    6. Know how to work with reference books and books.

    If you can not fulfill at least one item from this list, that is, it is highly likely that you will not be able to get an education with the help of external.

    Did you decide to choose external? This means that you will have a lot to work. Therefore, we decided to give you several valuable tips to help facilitate training.

    1. Be sure to attend all consultations. On them you can not only get syllabus On the subject, to get acquainted with the teacher, learn his requirements, the form of passing the exam, exemplary tasks.

    2. Ask your questions as early as possible.

    3. Perform all tasks provided for by the curriculum.

    4. Do not deviate from the curriculum. If you need to learn 7 topics, learn them, do not throw away those that seem boring, uninteresting and absolutely useless.

    5. Worry your curriculum and routine. Do not forget that you should not dump all items in one pile. Clean one subject hour and a half per day, try to disassemble no more than five per day.

    6. Find out the requirements for paperwork.

    7. Make up your subject plan. To do this, consider the number of exercises in them and try to uniformly divide them on weeks.

    Moscow schools-external

    Before the adoption of the new law "On Education" in 2012, the following externalities of Moscow worked:

    For externals at the Moscow Gymnasium No. 710. External for students of 10 -11 classes is open. Approximate learning date - 10-11 class for 8 months, 11 - in 5 months.

    2. School No. 88 offered external for students of 8-11 classes. The passage of the 8 -9 class program is possible for the year; 10-11 per year; Grade 11 - for six months.

    3. School No. 90 opened external for students of grades 8-11. Training for 8-9 and 10-11 class per year, graduate from 9 and 11 classes in six months.

    4. School 2104 opened external for students of grades 10-11. You can finish 10-11 classes both for the year and for one and a half. Mastering the program class 11 - for 3 months.

    5 school 1287 proposes to finish 10-11 class per year


    Initially, the external was provided for by the Law of the Russian Federation "On Education" of 23.06. 2000. An additional document was also attached to him - "Regulations on obtaining general Education In the form of external, "in which the features of this form of external were described in detail.

    In the new law "On education in Russian Federation"Dated December 29, 2012 this form of training is not provided. Thus, the new law "On Education" exterunate as the form of learning eliminates.

    Nevertheless, the possibility of obtaining family education or self-education remains. At the same time, the interim and final certifications in the form of externalation are possible.


    Externality is one of the forms of learning at which the student independently develops the curriculum. She learning has both its advantages and disadvantages and is not suitable for everyone. To date, the law does not provide for education with this form of training.

    Externate became popular in soviet timeSince I allowed to get a certificate without separation from production. Working young people had no time to "cool" in classes. Many ended the "eight-year" external, coming to school only for tasks and for exams.

    The second of the Soviet tradition, in the Education Law, which has been in force from 1992 to 2012, externatate was allocated as a separate form of education. Although, in fact, it was just a way of independent learning. In the unlawful rule in the 1990s and 2000s junior schoolchildrenWho wishes to pass the program faster, enrolled on family training, and high school students - to external. Hence the expression "graduate from the external school" expression.


    • Externate is not a form of learning, but a form of certification.
    • To learn externally, you need to go to family education Or self-education.
    • Externally can become anyone who loves to learn and does not want (can't) go to a regular school.
    • You can go to external in any school where family learning is provided.
    • It is more convenient to learn externally remotely.
    • The Foxford online school gives deep systemic knowledge, allows you to do at a convenient pace and get a Moscow school certificate.

    We spend a thorough selection of our teachers for external. All of them possess many years of experience in preparation for the exam. In addition to teachers, our experts follow the progress of students and the learning process. These are teachers of higher qualifications, many of them take part not only in the evaluation of work when conducting the USE, but also in the development examination options and methodical manuals. They like no other else know all the underwater stones of the OGE and EGE. All this allows us to guarantee the maximum quality of preparation, and our graduates - show all the best results on the exam.

    1. Preparation for OGE and EGE in external studies at school

    In some schools, the externalities are organized preparation for the exam in the intensive classes. Advantages: A program of such classes has been agreed with the basic program for studying the subject. Disadvantages: Too little time for serious training, because the number of classes in the intensive is minimized. In addition, classes are held in a class where students are 20, and everyone's level of preparation is different.

    2. Preparation for OGE and EGE at full-time classes in mini-groups with

    Preparation for the exam is held in part in mini-groups with tutoring.


    • Students receive all the necessary training materials.
    • Groups up to 12 people.
    • Students can attend weekly online advice, promptly ask questions to teachers, which allows them to cope with the difficulties when performing homework.

    3. Remote preparation for OGE and EGE

    All externs can engage in school year On the study portal, where the most important about OGE / EGE will learn, test testing, psychological training, which will help cope with examination stress.

    To prepare for the OGE and the EGE on the educational portal there are all the necessary tutorialsIn which a clear explanation of the theory for all test tasks is given. Details disassembled the solution of all typical test tasks. Electronic simulators allow you to perform typical tasks with automatic check, that is, students can immediately see their errors.

    On the online lessons with the teacher, all the tasks that caused the problems of students are distinguished.

    Such preparation will allow the student to fully prepare, eliminating any accidents on the exam.

    4. Preparations for OGE and EGE on online classes in mini-groups with tutoring

    Preparations for the OGE and the EGE are held on the online classes of mini-groups with.


    • Groups are formed depending on the level of student training after detailed diagnostics.
    • Students receive all the necessary training materials. Students get access to electronic training materials and electronic training for exam preparations.
    • Groups up to 12 people.
    • Tutors check homework. Performance control is underway, which allows the tutor to track successes and disadvantages of each student.
    • The effectiveness of student performance and performance is monitored, and monitoring results are transferred to students and parents.

    5. Preparation for OGE and EGE on individual full-time classes with tutoring

    Preparation for OGE and EGE is carried out individually with a tutor.


    • The technique of classes takes into account the peculiarities of the student's perception.
    • Classes are held in equipped rooms Training CenterThe new pedagogical and information technologies are used.

    6. Preparations for the OGE and EGE on individual online classes with tutoring

    Preparations for the OGE and the EGE are carried out individually on online classes with a tutor.


    • Thorough diagnosis of the student training level is needed, without it it is impossible to effectively distribute the preparation time.
    • Individual training program.
    • Students are provided by all necessary educational materialsAccess access to electronic simulators.
    • Regular control of the effectiveness of exercises.