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  • Educational program "School of Future Student"
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  • Survival school camp program. Program of additional information School of survival. Children's association classes

    Survival school camp program. Program of additional information School of survival. Children's association classes

    Cgoo Lee Altai Regional Pedagogical Lyceum

    Health and tourist camp "Fadeev Log"

    « Survival School »

    Program additional education

    Pedagogue-organizer Arvaacheva S. V.


    "Survival School »

    A modern person, well adapted to the urbanized medium, often turns out to be completely helpless if necessary to survive in natural conditions. With autonomous survival in nature, the person will need not only comprehensive and iron will, but also certain knowledge and skills to overcome emerging difficulties and emergency circumstances.

    Objectives and activities of the School of Survival Program

    The main purpose of this program is the adaptation of schoolchildren to the conditions of survival in the natural environment.

      acquaint schoolchildren with the main stress factors and hazards arising in the conditions of survival in nature and the ways to overcome them.

    Teach ways to orientation on terrain, the main techniques for survival in the natural environment;

    Educate the initiative, readiness for the adoption of independent decisions;

    Help acquire the necessary knowledge to carry out tourist activities;

    Education of the ecological worldview and the careful attitude of young people to the environment.

    Thematic plan.



    Problems of forced autonomous existence

    2. Feeding distress signals.

    3. Orientation on the terrain.

    4. Determination of the direction and movement in azimuth.

    5. Organization of refuge and shelter.

    6. Bonfire. Basic principles of handling fire.

    7. Drinking mode and water production.

    8. Food and food mining.

    9. Organization, preparation and conduct of turbo.

    10. The most typical hazards for health in the campaign, their prevention and first aid.


    10 hours

    Section 1. Problems of forced autonomous existence.

    Extreme conditions and extreme situations in nature. Factors defining the success of survival (anthropometric, natural-environment, logistical, environmental). The main factors of stress: a sense of fear, loneliness, loss of orientation, overwork, hunger, thirst, heat, pain, etc., ways to overcome them. Problems of adaptation to environmental conditions. Basics of autonomous existence in various climatogeographic conditions.

    Section 2. Feeding disaster signals.

    Special (radio, signal lamp, signal rockets, smoke checker) and infridate means of alarm (bonfires, mirror, demasking the terrain). Feeding signals during movement. Methods of signaling in day and night. International signal codes on Earth and signal gestures.

    Section 3. Orientation on the terrain.

    Orientation on the compass. Use compass and homemade compass. Ways to orientation on local features. Orientation through the Sun (on the position during the day and height of standing, observation of the shadow, by the clock and the sun). Orientation at night (along the polar star, on the movement of stars, in the moon).

    Determination of time without hours (through the Sun, on the Moon, the behavior of birds and plants).

    Section 4. Determining the direction and movement in azimuth.

    Azimuth, definition, countdown and purpose.

    The simplest methods of measurement and estimates of the distance on the ground (on the map, in the pedestrian speed, eye shooter).

    Section 5. Organization of refuge and shelter.

    Choosing a place and type of shelter depending on the nature of the terrain, the presence of undergraduated "building materials". Basic requirements for temporary shelter. Features of the organization of refuge on the plain and in the mountainous terrain, in the forest, in the steppe, in winter conditions.

    Section 6. Bonfire. Basic principles of handling fire.

    Choosing a place for a fire and a device of fire. Source materials for cloth, extract, main fuel and its workpiece.

    The types of fires and their organization (slab, well, pyramid, star, noda, taiga, night). Types of fires and foci (bonfire for heating, for drying clothes, cooking, signal), their features. Methods for breeding a fire without matches, in crude weather, in the snow, maintenance of fire and its carrying.

    Safety by the fire. Measures to prevent fires in natural conditions.

    Section 7. Drinking mode and water production.

    Water supply in autonomy conditions, search for water sources. Cleaning from impurities and disinfection of water (the manufacture of simple filters and clerics, boiling, disinfecting with medicines, special chemicals and people). Collection and use of precipitation. Drinking mode on route and parking.

    Section 8. Food and Food Power.

    Rules for overcoming forced starvation in terms of autonomy.

    Edible berries, mushrooms, nuts. Check for edible. Medicinal plants and their use in natural conditions.

    Extraction of animal food (manufacturing weapons, traps, silk and gear, various ways of hunting and fishing). Nontraditional food.

    Features of cooking in autonomy (in the presence and absence of cookware for cooking). Basic security rules for the use of plant and animal food. Storage of cooked food and food reserves.

    Section 9. Organization, preparation and conduct of turbo.

    Definition of the idea, travel targets and deadlines. Development of the route. Drawing up a schedule.

    Packing and organization of the group. Preparation of equipment, pickup kit, dialing. Mode of hiking life, organization of movement, alternation of load and rest. Organization of Bivakov, coagulation of the camp.

    Personal hygiene in the campaign.

    Formation of a responsible attitude of students to environment.

    Section 10. The most typical hazards for health hike, their prevention and first aid.

    Prevention of thermal and sunshine. Stay mode in the sun and tan. Corn, their prevention and treatment in hiking conditions. Insect and tick bites, snakes, burns of plants and first medical care for them. Types of bleeding, stop methods. Emergency resuscitation assistance when stopping breathing and heartbeat. Methods of artificial ventilation of the lungs, indirect heart massage. Signs of clinical death.

    Ears, dislocations, stretching, fractures and first medical care for them. Punch lightning and safety measures in a thunderstorm.

    View of the final control - carrying out the final tourist relay.

    During the passage of the stages of the relay at stations, the participants respond to theoretical questions in the course "School of Survival".

    The list of stages of the relay and cards with tasks are attached.

    The program "School of Survival in Extreme Conditions" of the tourist and sports direction, is focused on the organization educational environment and the activities of children in creative mode, providing moral, aesthetic, physical and psychological development, as well as creating conditions for choice future profession. The program allows you to prepare students for independent actions in case emergency situationsin both nature and in the conditions of the modern world.

    The program provides a wide approach to the study of the nature of Kuban, Russia and the world, and also helps to develop the skills of autonomous existence in nature.

    One of the main forms is tourism and local history work on the terrain. During hikes, children learn independent rational use Gifts of nature, like survival tools.

    The novelty of the program is that the exchange rate in secondary school practically absent or it integrates with various subjectsthat does not give an elementary view, how to behave a person in case of an emergency situation of a natural or anthropogenic nature. This program will allow you to teach schoolboy with the autonomous existence and use of nature gifts for survival.

    The program includesin miscellaneous blocks:

    1. Tourism, as a means of knowledge of the surrounding world.

    2. Knowledge of natural factors and resources.

    3. Medical and psychological and physical training.

    4. The knowledge system necessary for survival in various conditions in the nature of the IV anthropogenic landscapes.



    Explanatory note

    The program "School of Survival in Extreme Conditions" of the tourist and sports field is focused on organizing the educational environment and children's activities in creative regime, providing moral, aesthetic, physical and psychological development, as well as creating conditions for the choice of the future profession. The program allows you to prepare students for independent actions in case of emergency situations, both in nature and in the contemporary world.

    The program provides a wide approach to the study of the nature of Kuban, Russia and the world, and also helps to develop the skills of autonomous existence in nature.

    One of the main forms is tourism and local history work on the terrain. During hikes, children learn from the independent rational use of the gifts of nature as the means of survival.

    The novelty of the program is that the course of the OBZH in a secondary school is practically absent or it is integrated with various objects, which does not give an elementary presentation, how to behave person in case of an emergency situation of a natural or anthropogenic nature. This program will allow you to teach schoolboy with the autonomous existence and use of nature gifts for survival.

    The program includesin miscellaneous blocks:

    1. Knowledge of natural factors and resources.
    2. Medical and psychological and physical training.

    4. The knowledge system necessary for survival in various conditions in the nature of the IV anthropogenic landscapes.

    The success of the program depends on the number of classes in the area relating to the object of study, it is necessary to use all forms of active types of tourism: walks, excursions, tourist campaigns, expeditions.

    The relevance of this program is due to its practical significance.

    The purpose of the program: creating a holistic medium for the formation and development of a socially active person who has a number of skills and skills necessary for autonomous existence in case of emergency situations, culture of behavior in nature, responsible environmental attitude and as a result of their health.


    1. Training:

    Formation of students in students in knowledge of laws and laws acting in alive and inanimate nature;

    Training in the skills of autonomous existence in nature and in anthropogenic

    Generalization and deepening knowledge on history, geography, biology of Kuban, Russia and

    Fastening knowledge of cartography, ecology.

    2. Educational:

    Education of norms (motifs, motivation) behavior and activities
    to comply with a healthy lifestyle and improving the environment;

    Formation of organizational skills of work in the team.

    3. Developing:

    Development intellectual abilitiesaimed at target caused and

    life situations: emotional, volitional and psychological sphere (belief in
    the possibility of solving situations), the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and
    personal participation in practical affairs on environmental protection.

    A distinctive feature of the program is that the learning of the software helps schoolchildren from an early age to do without the benefits of civilization and in case of an emergency, it makes it possible not only to avoid destructive consequences for their own health, and sometimes even life, but also help their "surrounding" to organize events Upon exit from this situation. The program combines material on various school subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, cubanovation, geography, obzh and physical cultureAnd this causes an interest in a more in-depth study of the above items.

    The program is designed for students of 9-15 years.

    Terms of implementation of 1 year, with the prospect of expanding knowledge on the topics studied and the accumulated experience in field conditions.

    Methods and forms of work.

    Studying the accumulated material about the locality (conversations, sections, seminars).

    Search and research (independent work with the performance of various tasks),

    Intellectual games ("Brain Ring", various quizzes).

    Classes are held 2 times a week for 2 hours.

    Number of student hours: 144.

    Expected Result.


    Typical plants and animals of the nature of the region, factors that strengthen human health;

    Your body - how it is arranged, about tourist hygiene, the rules for disinfecting and cleaning drinking water in the campaign, diseases characteristic of natural conditions its locality;

    Be able to:

    Define typical plants and animal edges appearancedefined


    when wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (hike, rest in the forest and anthropogenic settlements);

    Correctly choose and collect fuel for a fire at different times of the year, right

    natural environment.

    Methods for checking the results of the program assimilation:

    Participation in tourist competitions (search and rescue work).

    Conducting quiz competitions on the material studied.

    Conduct parental meetings.

    Preparation of marcing reports, expeditions.

    Control of the administration of the educational institution.

    Educational and thematic plan.

    No. p / p




    Initial tourist preparation

    Tourist - Friend Friend

    Technique movement

    Water search and food methods

    Physical, medical and psychological training

    Autonomous survival in extreme situations

    What is "survival"?

    Survival in polar conditions

    Survival in the mountains

    Survival in the tropics

    Survival in the desert -

    Survival in the sea

    Survival in emergency situations of natural nature

    Survival with emergency anthropogenic situations


    Security in the city and home environment

    1st section Starting tourist preparation of 84 hours.

    The formation of knowledge of nature as a interrelated system, tourist knowledge and abilities of environmental management (tourist, recreational environmental management), to interest children search and cognitive activities and develop creative activity.


    1. Develop knowledge of man and its place in nature as a special object.

    2. To form skills and skills of autonomous work in nature. To form an understanding of the dependence of the degree of environmental impact on the types of tourism and the type of tourist nature management, the adoption of environmental tourist skills and skills behavioral (life-supporting,
    reclamation and side-use).

    3. Formation of skills and skills work with a plan and card, orientation on

    4. Physical, medical and psychological training and tourist preparation
    technique to pursue software requirements for physical Education and
    age features.

    Methods and forms of classes:

    Theoretical - Conversation with a demonstration of illustrative material and models.

    Practical Classes in the area and on the area: observations, work with measuring instruments, extensions-workshops on the description of nature objects. Gaming forms (Games with ready-made rules; game contests, competition games, contests and plot roles).

    Short description of theoretical and practical training

    1. Tourist - Friend Friend

    Tourism is a mass form of active recreation and recovery, as a sport. Types of tourism. The effect of pedestrian tourism on the environment. As tourists learn the world. What tourist and local history positions and orders are.

    What is "ecology"? What is the environment. Why study the tourist ecology. how different types Tourism affect the environment. The participation of tourists in case of nature conservation.

    Practical work - selection of illustrative material on plants and animal edges (for album, abstract), organization of the exhibition of books, the distribution of tourist and

    local history posts and instructions. Organization of observations of nature.

    1. Technique movement

    Development of vehicle techniques in various location conditions, alone and group movement. Concepts: tempo, rhythm, special teams in with group movement.

    Practical work is a trip with overcoming various obstacles.

    Observation of nature and design of material by observation. Registration of the album "Tourist on the note" (Page "Plants and Animals from" Red Book "Edge"). Excursion and workshop on the study of the habitat of plants and animals (or hike).

    1. Breakdown camps in ordinary and extreme conditions

    What to take with you hike. Tourist gear. The tent is a tourist house: its device, installation rules and selection of the place (so as not to harm nature). Selection of space for Bivak and place arrangement. Shelters and their types. How to choose the right place for a fire and equip the fire. Rules for the use of the fire in the tourist campaign. The rules of "burial" of household waste - after us - cleaner than before us. Rules of communication with wild animals.

    Practical work - a selection of material and the design of the album "Tourist to a note" (about medicinal plants, they need to know - they are poisonous).

    1. Basics of locality orientation

    School plan, school on the city plan (villages, villages, village). What are the cards. Plan of terrain, topographic map, tourist cards. Map of sports orientation (first acquaintance). In the world of landmarks. Compass. Topographic signs and their appointment. Orientation on the area on the map and local features.

    Practical work - Topographic dictation, work with a class and school plan, definition on the compass of the side of the horizon, the game on the area on the map.

    1. Ways to search for water and food.

    Water search is a primary task for existence in autonomous conditions. Sources of water, types of water landscapes. Water production methods from the atmosphere.

    Hunting, fishing, preparation and cooking in extreme conditions. Plants - enemies and friends: medicinal, fruit-berry (edible) wild plants, edible mushrooms. "Red Signal" - Caution, Poisonous! Universal test for edible.

    Practical work - Excursion - Workshop on the study and collection of herbarium medicinal plants "Green pharmacy". Observation of nature design materials observation.

    Adaptation of a person to the climate of a moderate belt. Prevention measures of colds, influenza, avitaminosis. Seasonality of diseases. Health and diseases of schoolchildren. Factors that strengthen and weaken human health in natural conditions of their edge. Effect (indirect and straight) polluted air, water, soils on the human body. Prevention of modern diseases. Special exercise. Psychology of survival. Practical work - to provide first aid.

    Preparation for competitions in tourist equipment and search and rescue work.

    Practical work - training in the gym and natural conditions.

    2nd section Autonomous survival in extreme situations (72 hours).


    To form the concept of adaptation of a person to the conditions of autonomous existence in nature, teach children to apply practical survival skills in various landscapes and urban cycles, preservation and improving human health.


    Develop knowledge about a person and his adaptation to a climate of a moderate belt, role
    recreational (tourist-local history) activities in improving the health of young

    Further development of natural choice skills in various climatic
    conditions, the application of rules and abilities to fulfill the norms and regulations of the recreational
    natural Management.

    Develop the skill of survival in all conditions, and also to instill a goal
    survive, but help to survive others.

    Show the role of sports tourism, sports orientation in development
    personality, in rehabilitation.

    Short description of those, theoretical and practical training

    2.1. What is "survival"?

    The concept of "survival" is given, as well as to tell what events will be performed for successful survival.

    2.2. Survival in polar conditions.

    Polar regions, movement in polar conditions, types of shelters, features breeding fire and cooking, water production and food in cold climates.

    Practical work - one-day winter campaign.

    2.3. Survival in the mountains.

    Mountain hiking: climate and terrain. Methods of orientation in the mountains. Mountain movement. Danger of glaciers and avalanche. Special climbing techniques. Nodes and special equipment.

    Practical work is a planned three-day hike.

    2.4. Survival in the tropics.

    Tropical natural zone, movement on the jungle, clothing tips for tropics. Camp and shelter, search for water and food in tropical conditions. Dangerous plants and animals.

    2.5. Survival in temperate climate conditions.

    Temperate climate. Features of the geography of the Krasnodar Territory and Seversky District. In this section, the main place is given to the campaigns in the area of \u200b\u200bthe district (practice).

    2.6. Survival in the desert.

    High temperatures and insufficient rainfall, water in the desert and ways to prey. Travel clothing. Plant and animal food. Danger. Ways to build shelter in the desert.

    Practical work - water extraction under difficult conditions.

    2.7. Survival in the sea.

    How to avoid panic with an accident on the water? Survival in water. Rescue means and their contents. Disaster signals. Water production and food.

    Practical work - drawing up a reminder of salvation on water and ice.

    2.8. Survival in emergency situations of natural nature and measures to save.

    Mortal, hurricanes, storms. Heavy snowfall and glaciation. Storm. Forest fires. Earthquakes and eruption of volcanoes. Drought.

    Practical work - training on rescue work (use of communications, signs and signals of salvation, search parties).

    2.9. Survival in emergency situations of an anthropogenic nature, accidents in chemical and other dangerous enterprises.

    2.10. Security in the city and home environment.

    Safety on the roads in public transport, in the home environment, with terrorist acts.Practical work - drawing up survival memos in different environments.

    As a result of the development of the program, students should:

    1. Tourism, as a means of knowledge of the surrounding world.


    1. what is a campaign, a country trip;
    2. tourist equipment (hiking output);
    3. medical aid kit;
    4. environmentally friendly Bivak, the rules of its equipment;
    5. homemade tourist equipment, promoting environmental protection;
    6. terms of use of fire in the tourist campaign;
    7. walking through flat areas;
    8. descent and lifting on the slopes;
    9. concepts: school plan, city (village) and its surroundings, terrain, scale;
    10. the concept of "card" (physico-geographical, topographic, sports
      orientation, tourist);
    11. legend Plan, Topographic Map, Sport Orienteering
      (separate signs);
    12. local signs of orientation;

    Compass device and working with it.

    The impact of tourist equipment (bonfire and bivar equipment) and
    equipment in nature;

    - that incorrect (i.e. environmentally illiterate) movement of tourists,
    holidaymakers in the area - the cause of the destruction of natural landscapes;

    That correctly chosen personal equipment and medical first aid kit - pledge
    successful campaign, rest and excellent health;

    Purpose of the plan of terrain and various cards for the tourist, the role of the plan, cards in business
    nature conservation;

    Influence of sports orienteering classes on improving, development
    observation and horizons.

    Be able to:

    - select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather

    - use fire in the tourist campaign;

    - correctly choose the place of descent and lifting on the slopes of different types, go down and
    climb the slope;

    Perform the rules of walking on flat areas in the forest (coniferous, deciduous,
    mixed), in the meadow and swamp;

    Properly equip the fire;

    Work with a plan and topographic card;

    Perform elementary techniques for working with sports orientation card;

    Work with a compass: to determine the side of the horizon, orient the area.

    2. Knowledge of natural factors and resources.


    - variety of plants and animal forests, meadows;

    Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the region;

    Rare and endangered plants of the edge;

    Factors that strengthen and weaken human health (on the example of their
    natural zone).


    - the value of the forest, meadow, water bodies in a person's life, in strengthening his health, in rest and

    - the effect of habitat for living organisms (adaptability);

    - effect of environmental pollution on human health.

    Be able to:

    - identify typical plants and animal edges in appearance;

    - determine the side of the horizon, the weather condition with plants and local

    - give examples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms in
    communication with the habitat.

    3. Medical and psychological and physical training.


    Your body - how it is arranged;

    About tourist hygiene;

    Rules for disinfection and purification of drinking water hike;

    Diseases characteristic of natural conditions of their locality and their measures

    Diseases associated with environmental pollution;

    Feature of medical and physical training of a young tourist;

    - poisonous and inedible plants and mushrooms of their edge.

    Effect of environmental conditions on human health;

    The need to preserve the "purity" of a human habitat to preserve it

    Be able to:

    - perform personal hygiene rules, first aid rules
    with wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (hiking, rest in the forest);

    - define poisonous, inedible plants and mushrooms;

    - disinfection and clean drinking water in the field;

    4. The knowledge system necessary for survival in different conditions in nature and in anthropogenic landscapes.


    1. concept natural zones and landscapes;
    2. features of survival in autonomous conditions;
    3. the patterns of nature of various areas.
    4. that the correctly chosen rate of behavior will reduce the load on nature.
    5. the duration of the "healing of wounds" caused by nature by tourists (firefly).
      Be able to:
    6. correctly choose and collect fuel for the fire at different times of the year;
    7. correctly take drinking water and clean it in the field;

    In the campaign (during the excursion) to be able to dispose of various types of household waste;

    Collect and use medicinal, fruit and berry plants;

    Expand the feasibility of their behavior in a specific natural environment.

    References for children

    1. Bagaughdinova F.G. Tourist-local history activities of students. - M.: TsDUTUR, 1996.

    144 p.

    2. Planet - Our home: Education. - Reader for preschoolers and junior schoolchildren. /
    Cost. IG Belavina, N.G. Foundation. - M.: Lyada, 1995. - 228 p.

    3. Velek I. What should know and be able to be able to be a young defender of nature. - M: Progress, 1983. - 273 p.

    4. Queen A.E., Kuchenseva G.G. Ecological track (author's program) / Bulletin
    ASEO-1994-vol. 3-4-s. 3-7.

    1. Kubrin A.M. Claim to navigate the terrain. - M.: 1998.
    2. Kubrin A.M. Entertaining about the orientation. - M.: Enlightenment, 1980. - 108 p.
    3. Mindelevich S. It's time to hike! - M.: "Young Guard", 1985. - 180 p.

    References for teacher

    Barysheva Yu.A.

    2. Formation of environmental-edged knowledge in school - M.: TsDUT RF,
    1997. - 104 p.

    3. Pleshakov A. A. Program of the Optional Course "Ecology for Junior Schoolchildren"

    4. Pleshakov A.A. Program "Nature and We" (grade 4).
    5. Environmental programs for general education educational institutions and children
    preschool institutions. - Kurgan: GUNU Administration of the Kurgan region, 1993. - S.

    6. Plemshakov A.A. Ecology for younger schoolchildren - M.: Enlightenment, 1995. - 45 s.

    7. Pleshakov A. A. From the ground to the sky: Atlas - the determinant of nature and ecology

    8. Paulis K. Children in the pioneer camp. -M.: "ProfiSdat", 1989. - 143 p.

    9. Simonova L.P. Keys of nature. Teaching manual. - M.: Agar, 1997. - 144


    Goals and objectives for 2009-2010

    1. Creating a holistic medium for the formation and development of socially active

    possessing a number of skills and skills necessary for autonomous in emergency situations, culture of behavior in nature, responsible environmental attitude and as a result of their health.

    2. Formation of knowledge system of laws and patterns,
    in a living and inanimate nature, training skills of autonomous existence in anthropogenic conditions, a generalization and deepening of knowledge in Kuban, Russia and the world, consolidating knowledge of cartography.

    3 . Education of the norms of behavior and activities aimed at
    healthy lifestyle and environmental improvement,
    organizational skills to work in the team.

    4. Development of intellectual abilities aimed at target, causal and
    probable analysis that students can carry out in emergency and
    life situations: an emotional, volitional and psychological sphere (belief in the possibility of solving situations), the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and participation in practical affairs on the protection of the environment.

    Expected Result.

    As a result of the program material, students of the School of Survival School


    - what is tourism, the concept of "card" (physico-geographical, topographic, sports orientation, tourist), conditional signs of the plan, topographic sports orientation (individual signs);

    Typical plants and animals of the nature of the region, factors that strengthen human health.

    Its organism is how it is arranged, about tourist hygiene, the rules for disinfection and purification of drinking water in the campaign, diseases characteristic of natural conditions of their locality.

    The concept of natural zones and landscapes, the features of survival in the patterns of nature of various regions.

    Be able to:

    Select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather conditions, to carry out the rules of walking on flat areas in the forest (coniferous, mixed), in a meadow and a swamp, properly equip the fire, work with a plan and topographic card, perform elementary techniques for working with a sports card orientation;

    Determine typical plants and animal edges in appearance, determine
    horizon side, weather condition with plants and local signs, bring
    examples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms in connection with the environment

    1. perform personal hygiene rules, first aid rules
      with wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (in a hike, rest in the forest, etc.);
    2. correctly choose and collect fuel for a fire at different times of the year, right
      take drinking water and clean it in the field, in the campaign (during the excursion) to be able to
      dispose of various types of household waste, collect and use medicinal,
      fruit-berry plants, explain the feasibility of their behavior in a concrete
      natural environment.

    Organizational-mass workEvents Performance:

    The holiday "Tourist - Friend Friend" September.

    Participation in the "Star Cam" September.

    Competition "I am able to navigate" October.

    Scientific Ecological Conference November.

    Quiz "Plants and Animals of the Krasnodar Territory" December.

    The game "What we take with you on the campaign" January.

    Competition "Tourists - Rescuers" February.

    Competitions "Tourist Family" March

    Camping during the year.

    Outcome: Participation in the district flight of tourists.

    Organizational formation work

    1. Registration of the folder "Plants and animals of the Krasnodar Territory".
    2. Album "We are in the campaigns."
    3. Registration of the folder on the results of the year.

    Methodical work

    1. Development of materials "Nature Seversky District".
    2. Development of holiday scripts and quizzes.
    3. Registration of the album "What you need to know about the laws of nature?"

    Work with parents

    1. Parental meetings:

    1. Org. collection. September
    2. Problems of students when acquiring knowledge about nature.

    2. Competitions "Tourist family", quiz "Plants and animals of the Krasnodar Territory".

    Plan for self-education

    Literature study:

    1. The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors

    1. Pleshakov A. A. Ecology for younger schoolchildren - M.: Education, 1995. - 45 s.
    2. Simonova L.P. Keys of nature. Educational and methodical manual. - M.: Agar, 1997. - 144

    3. Tatarnikova L.G., Zakharevich N.B., Kalinina T.O. Valeology - Basics of Safety
    life of a child. - St. Petersburg:"Rigos", 1995. - 214 p.

    4. Tourist-local history activities of students: Program and Methodical

    Calendar and thematic planning of the unification "School of survivalin extreme conditions "

    Theme lesson









    1. Initial tourist preparation


    Tourist of a friend of nature

    Tourism is like sport.


    Bagaughdinova F.G.

    Tourists learn laws

    different species



    tourism what is


    nature laws.


    students. - M.:

    TSDUTUR, 1996.


    Technique movement

    Technique Promotion

    Movement of group B.


    groups in extreme

    tourist campaign.


    conditions (in tourist


    survival Moscow


    responsibilities of participants

    Ast- Astrelle under


    red T.timoshin


    different types

    ,. -




    cross-links, landslides,



    screaming, descent and

    survival Moscow


    Ast- Astrelle under

    red T.timoshin



    All species are revealed


    sneaking B.

    obstacles I.


    tourist campaign

    decorating machinery

    survival Moscow

    overcoming them

    Ast- Astrelle under

    red T.timoshin


    Overcoming rivers I.

    Features of guidance





    survival Moscow Ast- Astrel Under Edyomina 2006

    Overcoming mountain terrain

    Technique overcoming obstacles in the mountains: rise, descent, etc.

    1.3. Breakdown camps in ordinary and extreme conditions

    What to take with you hike. Tourist gear.

    Personal and team gear of the tourist.

    Mindelevich S. It's time to hike! - m.; "Young Guard", 1985,

    Shelters and their types. Tent - tourist house: its device, rules for its installation

    How the tent is arranged, its types. The possibility of the device of other types of shelters is considered: Chalas, etc.

    Selection of space for Bivak and place arrangement.

    . ■■■<""

    What you need to know when choosing a place overnight stay and parking.

    Bonfire and fireplace.

    Types and types of fires and their use

    Mindelevich S. It's time to hike! -M.: "Young Guard". 1985.

    Rules of "burial" of household waste after us - cleaner than before us

    Environmental work in the tourist campaign

    Forest wealth

    < ■■" .<

    Catalog of edible plants of the Krasnodar Territory

    Pashkang sq. M. Rodzevich N.N. The main rules for the behavior of students in nature. // Geography in School, 2002. - № 5.

    Mindelevich S. It's time to hike! - M.: "Young Guard", 1985.

    Practice (physical training classes)

    Cross preparation, a set of exercises for tourists

    Mindelevich S. It's time to hike! -M.: "Young Guard", 1985.

    1.4. Basics of locality orientation

    Local origin orientation

    Orientation on the stars, the sun, the moon, MKU, etc.

    Plan and map

    Terrain plan, conditional signs. Teach children to work

    Kubrin A.M. Claim to navigate the terrain. - M.:

    with a plan and map.


    Orientation by plan and map

    Orientation on the compass.

    Kubrin A.M. Quality to navigate the terrain, - M.: 1998

    Orienteering practice

    Kubrin A.M. Claim to navigate the terrain. - M.: 1998

    Orienteering practice

    Cross preparation, locality orientation (practice).

    Kubrin A.M. Claim to navigate the terrain. - m.; 1998.

    1.5. Water search and food methods

    Ways to search and clean water

    The main methods of water production in various conditions of nature and its cleaning are described.

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006

    Hunting, fishing, preparation and cooking in extreme conditions.

    Rules catching fish and hunting without special means.

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006

    1.6. Physical, medical and psychological training.

    Adaptation of a person to the climate of a moderate belt.

    A description of the proper behavior and action in the wildlife of a moderate climate, the concept of "addictive to natural conditions".

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006

    Psychology survival

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006

    Cross preparation, a set of exercises for tourists

    Complex of exercises for tourists (development of force and endurance)

    Cross preparation, a set of exercises for tourists

    Complex of exercises for tourists V. Mironov Moscow, 2001

    Complex of exercises for tourists (development of force and endurance)

    Cross preparation, a set of exercises for tourists

    Complex of exercises for tourists V. Mironov Moscow, 2001

    Complex exercises for tourists (flexibility development)

    Cross preparation, a set of exercises for tourists

    Complex of exercises for tourists V. Mironov Moscow, 2001

    Cross preparation, a set of exercises for tourists

    Complex of exercises for tourists

    V. Mironov Moscow, 2001


    A set of exercises for tourists (development of agility and speed).

    Cross preparation, a set of exercises for tourists

    Complex of exercises for tourists V. Mironov Moscow, 2001



    1.7. Special tourist preparation


    Features of special tourist training

    Special techniques of tourist training during the competition and in nature.




    Passage of mounted crossing

    Technique and tactics of the passing stage hinged crossing

    Rules for conducting competitions in the tourist all-around V. Tepsauchov 1996




    Broad passage

    Technique and tactics

    Rules for conducting competitions in the tourist all-around V. Tepsauchov 1996





    Rules for conducting competitions in the tourist all-around V. Tepsauchov 1996





    Technique and tactics of the PTS stage

    Rules for conducting competitions in the tourist all-around V. Tepsauchov 1996




    Passing parallel railing

    Technique and tactics of stage passage parallel ropes

    Rules for conducting competitions in the tourist all-around V. Tepsauchov 1996




    Passage of tourist sex

    General equipment and tactics of tourist-sports stripes

    Rules for conducting competitions in the tourist all-around V. Tepsauchov 1996



    2. Autonomous survival in extreme situations

    2.1. What is "survival"?


    The concept of "survival"

    What is survival and his organization.

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006



    2.2. Survival in polar conditions


    Polar regions, movement in polar conditions

    Features of the nature of polar latitudes



    Ast- Astrel Under the Red T.timoshin 2006


    Types of shelters

    Types of shelters in polar conditions

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006




    Features Blooding Fire and Cooking

    Methods of fire production in polar conditions

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006




    Harvesting water and food in cold climate conditions.

    Water and food production in polar conditions

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006



    2.3. Survival in the mountains


    Mountain hiking: climate and terrain.

    Nature Features Mountain Area

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006





    Methods of orientation in the mountains. Mountain Movement,

    Orientation in the mountains and tactics of movement

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006



    Danger of glaciers and avalanche

    What is glaciers and plains, their danger to humans.

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006




    Special climbing techniques. Nodes and special equipment

    Special tourist preparation

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006



    2.4. Survival in the tropics


    Tropical natural zone, movement on the jungle, clothing tips for tropics.

    Features of the nature of the tropical natural zone

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006





    Camp and shelter

    Types of shelters in the tropical natural zone

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006





    Search for water and food in tropical conditions

    Water and food production in the tropical natural zone

    Newest survival encyclopedia Moscow



    Ast- Astrel at the edge of T.Timopshna 2006


    Dangerous plants and animals.

    Dangers of the tropical natural zone

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006



    2.5. Survival in temperate climate


    Temperate climate.

    Features of Nature of Russia, Krasnodar Territory and Seversky District

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006





    Features of the geography of the Krasnodar Territory

    Regional science





    Features of the geography of the Seversky District.

    Regional science

    In cleaning geography of the Krasnodar Territory ed. Kuban 1991




    Tourist hike







    Tourist hike







    Tourist hike






    2.6. Survival in the desert


    High temperatures and insufficient rainfall, water in the desert and ways to prey.

    Impact on the human body of high temperatures and precipitation

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006





    Travel clothing.

    Selection of travel clothes

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006





    Plant and animal food. Danger.

    Consideration of the catalog of animal and vegetable desert

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006




    Ways to build shelter in the desert.

    Shelters in the desert

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006



    2.7. Survival in the sea


    How to avoid panic with an accident on the water?

    Psychological training techniques in the emergence of emergencies.

    The latest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astroleer under the edit






    Survival in water.

    Methods of survival in water element

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006





    Rescue means and their contents.

    Rescue work and equipment for water salvation

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006




    Disaster signals. Water production and food.

    Special disaster signals.

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astrel at the editors of the year 2006



    2.8. Survival in emergency situations of natural nature


    Flooding. Mortal, hurricanes, storms.

    Nature of phenomena





    Heavy snowfall and glaciation.

    Nature of phenomena


    Velek I. What should know and be able to be able to be a young defender of nature.




    Storm. Forest fires.

    Nature of phenomena

    Velek I. What should know and be able to be able to be a young defender of nature.



    Earthquakes and eruption of volcanoes. Drought.

    Nature of phenomena

    Velek I. What should know and be able to be able to be a young defender of nature.



    2.9. Survival with emergency anthropogenic situations


    Accidents on chemical and other dangerous enterprises






    Organization of measures to save during accidents

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST Astrel under the edit




    2.10. Security in the city and home environment


    Safety on the road


    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST Astrel under the edit





    Safety in public transport and home environment

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST Astrel under the edit





    Safety in terrorist acts.

    The newest encyclopedia of survival Moscow AST Astrel under





    red T.timoshin

    1. The latest encyclopedia of survival Moscow Ast- Astroleer under the edit
    2. Barysheva Yu.A. The formation of ecological and local history knowledge in school. - M.: TsDUT RF,
      1997.-104 p.
    3. Pleshakov A. A. Program of the Optional Course "Ecology for Junior Schoolchildren" //
      Bulletin of Education - 1993. - № 6 - p. 72-80.
    4. Pleshakov A.A. Program "Nature and We" (grade 4). "Save nature" (Grade 3):
      Ecology programs for general educational institutions and children's
      preschool institutions. - Kurgan: GUNU Administration of the Kurgan region, 1993. - S.


    1. Pleshakov A.A. Ecology for younger schoolchildren - M.: Enlightenment, 1995. - 45 s.
    2. Pleshakov A.A. From Earth to Heaven: Atlas - determinant for nature and ecology
      for students. CL. - M.: Enlightenment, 1998. - 224 p.
    3. Paulis K. Children in the pioneer camp. -M.: "ProfiSdat", 1989. - 143 p.
    4. Simonova L.P. Keys of nature. Educational and methodical manual. -M.: Agar, 1997. - 144

    9. Tatarnikova L.G., Zakharevich N.B., Kalinina T.O. Valeology - Basics of Safety
    life of a child. - St. Petersburg: "RE1GOS", 1995. - 214 p.

    10. Tourist and local history activities of students: Program and Methodical
    recommendations for the teacher. / Author-compiler F.G. Bahautdinova. - Kazan:
    Republican Situri, 1991.-21 s.

    MOU "Magazinyanovskaya Secondary School"

    " Survival School"


    Lecturer - Organizer Obzh

    School of Survival Survival "Torch"

    In the conditions of additional education, there was a need to build such a course of life-safety, which would fill the gaps of the school program of the OBZH, and at the same time, would significantly expand this course. It would complement its practical skills not only security in specific cases and situations, but also to the promotional integrated development of key competencies of the individual.

    The purpose of the program:

    creating conditions for comprehensive development of the potential of the personality and increasing the possibilities of adequate response in extreme situations, the formation of a healthy lifestyle, patriotic education

    to achieve this purpose, the following tasks are solved

    the formation of spiritual and moral qualities of the personality;

    promote the development of educational skills of independent technical and biological research work;

    provide the possibility of developing self-regulation of our own behavior on the basis of the development of the variability and tolerance of thinking and behavior;

    create conditions for developing practical knowledge by students under conditions and parameters of successful livelihoods in various conditions that are reduced to some basic types;

    organization of leisure children;

    teach adolescents to carry out elementary scientific research and field work;

    physical development of students, the formation of their needs in a healthy lifestyle

    rail to the student readiness for the protection of the Fatherland. Proper act in extreme situations.

    The Survival School Union Program is designed for students 6-8 and 9-11 grades and provides for the acquisition of the necessary skills to gain knowledge on lubricants, sports discharges on tourism, tourist all-around, orienteering. The program is designed for teachers of additional education, teachers of obzh, teachers of physical culture.

    The program is designed for 2 years of study, but can also be used for a longer period. The program of the first year of study (initial preparation) can be used for two years, and after passing the two-year cycle, the teacher may supplement it, based on his experience, specialization, interests of students. The time allotted for training is 136 hours a year, and practical classes make up most of the program.

    The first and second year of study involve teaching the foundations of tourism, orientation, acquaintance with the holding of tourist competitions as participants (pedestrian, skiing, cycling)

    In connection with the specifics of the work of tourist associations, the time payable for practical classes on the ground, excursions in its settlement, installed-4 hours, for holding one day of the campaign, country excursion, tourist events -8 hours. Practical occupation can be carried out both on the ground and in the room, depending on the subject of classes, the time of year. Special attention should be paid attention to the advocacy and special training. The recommended minimum composition of the first year of study of 15 people, in subsequent years at least 12 people. When typing for students of the first year, a group should be completed with a group with exceeding the number of students, as a substantially natural screening of the members of the circle during the training period and, moreover, not all children for one reason or another can participate in educational and credit measures. Classes can be carried out with a complete composition of the circles, but as the experience gained a large emphasis on group (2-3 people) and individual classes, especially at the stage of learning, when specialization begins.

    Theoretical and practical classes should be carried out with the involvement of visual materials, using the latest techniques, the teacher must educate in students of the ability to independently make decisions, strictly implement the rules of the competition, to be an objective judge. The prerequisite is to participate in the preparation of travel activities conducted in their educational institution, district, republic. For theoretical and practical classes, it is recommended to involve experienced judges, tourists, athletes. After each year, a multi-day tourist event is held beyond the study clock - campaign, silence, competitions, fees, tourist camp.

    Exemplary Survival School Curriculum

    (first year of study)

    Number of hours




    Practical lessons

    Basics of tourist training

    Tourist travel, tourism development history

    Educational role of tourism

    Compass. Work with compass

    Measurement of distances

    Methods of orientation

    Orientation in local subjects. Actions in case of orientation loss.

    Regional science

    Native region, its natural features, history, famous countrymen

    Tourist capabilities of the native land, an overview of excursion facilities, museums

    Study of the Travel District

    Socially useful work and travel, environmental protection and cultural monuments

    Basics of hygiene and first preference

    Personal tourist hygiene, disease prevention

    Hiking medical first aid kit, the use of medicinal plants

    Basic techniques for first prefusion

    Trees of transportation of the victim

    General and special physical training

    Brief information about the structure and functions of the body and the influence of physical exercises

    Medical control, self-control, warning sports injuries in training

    general physical preparation

    Special physical training

    Total for the period of study

    Credit power hike outside the watches

    1. Basics of tourist preparation

    Travel travel, tourism development history

    Tourism is a means of knowing their edge, physical and spiritual development, recovery, education of independence, acquiring labor and applied skills. Famous Russian travelers, their role in the development of our country. The history of tourism development in Russia. Organization of the development of tourism in Russia. The role of the states and educational institutions in the development of children-youth tourism. Types of tourism. Pedestrian, ski, water, cycling. Characteristic of each type. The concept of sports tourism. Excursion and foreign tourism. Discharged standards for sports tourism, sports orienteering, tourist all-around.

    Regional science. Tourist - local lore movement of students "Fatherland", the main directions of movement.

    1.2 Educational role of tourism.

    The importance of tourist and local history activities in the development of personality. Her role in preparing the protection of the Motherland. In the choice of profession and preparation for upcoming work. The spiritual and physical capabilities of the natural and social environment in the development of the personality. Social useful work. The role of tourist work in the formation of the general culture of the personality, proper behavior in nature and in society.

    Voliski efforts and their importance in hikes and training. Education of volitional qualities: purposefulness, perseverance and perseverance, independence and initiative, decisiveness and courage, excerpts and self-control. Laws, rules, norms and traditions of tourism, traditions of their team.

    1.3 Personal and Group Tourism Equipment.

    The concept of personal and group tourist equipment. List of personal equipment for one, three-day campaign, requirements for it. Types of backpacks, sleeping bags, advantages and disadvantages. Rules for placement of items in a backpack. Clothes and shoes for summer and winter hikes. Equipment for winter trips, ski types. Preparation of personal equipment to the campaign.

    Group equipment, requirements for it. Tyats of tents, their appointment, advantages and disadvantages. Hiking dishes for cooking. Saw axes. The composition and purpose of the repair aid kit. Economic set: equipment, mittens, knives, etc. Features of equipment for a winter campaign.

    Practical activity Laying backpacks, fitting equipment, work with equipment, care for it and repair.


    Create conditions in the Survival School for the formation of a healthy need from a pupil in a healthy lifestyle, able to navigate in modern social conditions.


    Propaganda of physical culture and healthy lifestyle; Development of physical qualities and socio-communicative skills and skills; Disclose the personal potential of the child, develop natural deposit and creative abilities.

    Organizational and pedagogical foundations of learning.

    The implementation of this Program suggests that the main task facing the students of the Survival School is the formation of social needs, the motives of interests associated with a healthy lifestyle, willingness to use sports achievements to preserve health and high performance, curriculum plans of all directions included in school Survival "are designed for 4 years of study. The program provides for the study of theoretical and mastering practical knowledge in the following areas of sports activities:

    The direction "Tourism" is intended for the formation of students from students about the tourist sports and its development, vital motor skills and skills, the advent of love for the native land, collectivism. The last step in mastering is a multi-day trip to the places of the native land.

    At the school of survival school, when studying new material and consolidate practical skills and skills, various forms and methods appropriate to the goals and tasks are used, as well as the content of educational activities. (These are the methods of verbal perception, a visibility method, a practical method, competitive and game form.) The greatest effect and the result gives game and competitive forms that are mainly used by educators in class. Specively applied in the work of pedagogical techniques: beliefs, explanations, promotion, censure, bright convincing examples are used from the life of outstanding athletes as an example for imitation.

    Direction "Tourism"

    Consists of the following sections:

    Pedestrian tourism;

    Classes on tourism are aimed at the development of force, endurance, dexterity, courage, perseverance, discipline, education of the feeling of collectivism, love for nature, extension of the horizon. Before entering the route, special training is carried out, on which the students of the Survival Schools work out the elements of sports and tourist techniques: set the tent, burn fires, put the backpack.

    As a result of the study of "tourism", the student of the School of Survival must:

    Have a presentation:

    About tourism history,

    About the types and forms of tourism,

    About the main elements of topography,

    On conditional topographic signs,

    On hygienic support of tourist travel,

    About the types of self-massage,

    About the rules honey. preparation

    On the rules of behavior in extreme situations,

    On safety rules during shooting,

    About the passage of obstacles

    About judging at competitions.

    Survival School Mug Program

    Number of hours



    Safety in classes

    Extreme situations in nature and their causes

    Survival factors and stressors in natural conditions

    Psychological basis for survival in natural conditions

    How to avoid getting into an extreme situation

    Reliable clothes, safety shoes

    Basic rules of conduct in the extreme situation

    Determination of the direction of exit


    Access to the settlement (by local subjects)

    Construction of temporary housing

    Methods of mining of fire

    Power supply and water

    Search and cooking

    Disaster signals

    Changing climatographic conditions

    International Code of Visual Signals

    Light orientation

    Orientation on the stars

    Determination of the parties to the light with local items

    Rules for breeding fire

    Types of firebones

    Nature food

    water supply

    Wild edible plants

    Cooking food

    tourist knots

    Direct knot

    Counter knot

    Weaving knot

    Grapevine knot

    Winter tourism

    Safety during skiing

    Tropstage skiing

    Azimuthal stroke

    Descent and subside with mountains on skis

    Description of the tourist route (winter route)

    Repair inventory in nature

    First aid

    Semafortan ABC

    Knitting sea nodes

    Sea tries

    Installation of tent


    Expected program implementation result:

    the development of all components of sociocultural competencies during the implementation of a practical activity approach to classes;

    improving self-assessment in the absence of unfavorable (asymmetric) relations in the socionic model of the group;

    changing personal installations - compensation of at least individual "minuses" in the structure of sociogen, the development of tolerance and tolerance to someone else's opinion, an increase in the possibilities of self-regulation of their own behavior;

    increase resistance to aggressive external environmental factors;

    acquisition of environmental design and research skills.

    The need to organize the School of Survival was to develop the social adaptation of adolescents in the modern world, which is impossible without organizing continuous education and education, which creates optimal conditions for the disclosure of personal potential and comprehensive development. School of Survival includes a huge variety and selection of sports activities and physical training.

    The School of Survival is aimed at developing the necessary physical qualities of future defenders of the Fatherland. In order to be perfectly to master combat skills, it is necessary to quickly solve problems, it is necessary to be a strong, courageous, hardy person.

    Tourism is a journey, fascinating hiking, where the pupils are studying their land, the love of nature is brought up, the horizons are expanding. Tourism is the most comprehensive type of upbringing a healthy and hardened man, he teaches collectivism, partnership, discipline, initiative, hard work, mutual assistance. Tourism expands the horizon, enriches spiritual life, is a means of knowledge of beauty. Rousseau in tourist campaigns saw a means of patriotic education of young people.

    All of the listed manifold of sports activities included in the "Survival School" is the best, social adaptation for adolescents, one of the means of comprehensive harmonious physical development of children. Taking such a variety of sports activities, the students of the Survival Schools develop and correspond to such physical qualities, as force, dexterity, speed, endurance, the ability to find a way out of any non-standard life situation.

    Be able to:

    Navigate the area on the map, on the heavenly luminaires, by local

    subjects, distribute personal equipment, install tents, breed

    bonfires, cook food.

    Elements of hand-to-hand fight

    1) Protection against straight and side shocks Fist 1

    2) Capturing an attacking arm and enemy feet 1 1

    3) Safe position of the enemy 1 1

    4) strikes with a knife and their reflection

    5) knife knocking at the time of the attack

    6) Capture hands with knife and enemy neutralization

    Concepts of tourism

    A tourist campaign is a journey with an active way of movement in distant areas of residence regions carried out with an educational, wellness sports, research goal.

    The walk is movement on the ground with a cognitive, wellness target, in order to temper the body.

    Excursion is a collective visit to certain objects with a cognitive goal.

    A tourist expedition is an organized multi-day journey into a low-investigated area, which is carried out with special research objectives.

    The terrain means a certain space on the earth's surface, on which it is customary to distinguish between relief and local items.

    Relief is a set of all irregularities that form the earth's surface. The ridge is an elevation stretched in one direction.

    The saddle is a reduced part of the ridge or an elongated mountain, located between two adjacent peaks.

    Verybang - not fastened with vegetation bulk sand bugs of a semi-short form with bulging against wind.

    The hill is a small rounded elevation with a height of less than 200 m and with gentle slopes and unclear concrete foot.

    The collapse is a common exaltation with a height of less than 200 m with rounded slopes and not a pronounced sole.

    Valley - stretched in length a hollow form of relief having a bias in one direction.

    The floodplain is a part of the valley in the midst.

    The ravine is a narrow, elongated decrease in the terrain with steep or ripples


    The beam is similar to the ravine, but has a gentle, often redefined slopes.

    Hollow - an elongated deepening falling in one direction. Wasproof - line connecting low dots along the bottom of the dell.

    Basin is a decrease in the terrain, closed on all sides.

    The map is an image on which a significant portion of the earth's surface is given and the curvature of the Earth is taken into account.

    Plan - a reduced image of any terrain on paper, performed by conditional signs on a specific scale.

    Bergshtri - direction of lowering the slope specified by this sign.

    Scale - the ratio of the length of the line on the map to the length of the corresponding line on the ground, expressed in the same length measure.

    The coordinates are angular and linear values \u200b\u200bcharacterizing the position of points on the surface or in space.

    Orientation - determination of the location of its location relative to the side of the horizon of the surrounding local objects and terrain.

    Tandem - dual location of tents

    UPU (military-applied sport)

    for teachers

    1. "On the militarized bar of obstacles" militia


    2. "Military bar obstacles" 1988

    3. "We need a school of preparing for life" 1999

    4. Ripa preparation for military service "1988

    for students

    1. Evdokimov B. C. "Well, guys!" 1998

    2. Evdokimov B. C. "One day in the army" in 1998

    3. "Optional Preparation Hour 1987

    4. M "Military-School Holiday in School" 1983

    5. "And well, boys", 1988

    6. "And the boys" 1988

    7. "And well-ka guys" 1988.


    for teachers

    1., "Tourist Topography" Moscow 1985

    2. "Tourism" Moscow Education 1988

    3. "Pedagogy of tourist and local history work at school" Moscow


    at the Pedagogical Council

    protocol No.__ from _______2013

    Director MBOU DOD "CVR"

    for gifted children

    O.S. Kurbanova

    Adapted educational


    Children's association

    "Survival School"
    designed for one year of study

    for students of 12-14 years of age
    for 2013-2014 academic year

    Nizhnekamsk, RT

    Structure of the program

    Title page;
    section 1 - explanatory note;
    section 2. - educational and thematic plan;
    section 3. - the contents of the program;
    section 4.-Etaps of pedagogical control;
    section 5. - educational work;
    section 6. - Methodical Program, References for the teacher, References for children.
    Attachment 1
    Appendix 2.
    Appendix 3.

    I.. Explanatory note
    Educational program "Survival School" it is an area of \u200b\u200bscientific knowledge covering the theory and practice of human protection against dangerous and harmful factors of natural and anthropogenic origin in all areas of its activities.

    Systemary study of the most likely situations, their features and possible consequences, behavior training in such conditions are designed to prepare a pupil to choose the right solution to exit situations with the smallest losses. This preparation must be continuous in all stages of human vital activity.

    Pupils will produce psychological resistance to stress, harmful factors and readiness for competent management in everyday contacts with machinery, nature, ecology, people.

    The basis for the creation of this program was a number of benefits: "Survival in Natural Conditions", Russian Raritet Publishing House, 1993 of the publication; Tutorials Litvinova E.N., Smirnova A.T. and Shibetsky A.P.

    Relevance Programs are determined by the needs of society in spiritual and moral education, as the necessary element of the preservation and further development of society, the beginning of a conscious perception of the world.

    The system of spiritual and moral and patriotic education includes the following directions:

    Formation of the need for a healthy lifestyle;

    Education of patriotism and citizenship;

    Formation of the spirituality of schoolchildren through attitudes towards literature, media;

    Appeal to the traditions and values \u200b\u200bof their people.

    The program involves a systematic study of the most likely situations, their features and possible consequences, behavior training in such conditions, helping to prepare a pupil to choose the right solution to exit situations with the smallest loss.

    The program is designed for one year, on pupils 12-13 years. The number of children in the group is 15 people.

    Classes are held in accordance with the thematic plan 2 times a week, 2 hours on the basis of the Cabinet Obzh, the Gymnasium, the office of the Gymnasium Gymnas number 13, Tire near School No. 3.

    The program is also based on the psycho-physiological characteristics of children of this age.

    The purpose of the program : develop the ability of students on the theory and practice of human protection against dangerous and harmful factors.

    Tasks :


    Prepare students to the basic ways of protection in emergency situations, receptions for first aid, etc.;

    Promote the development of independent thinking and behavior in unfamiliar situations of both natural and social character.


    Form the primary survival skills in the natural environment.


    Education of the feelings of patriotism and citizenship;

    Form the need for a healthy lifestyle;

    The formation of the spirituality of schoolchildren through the attitude to what is happening, the media;

    To form a careful attitude towards the traditions and values \u200b\u200bof their people.

    Expected results

    After the development of this program, students should:

    Purchase knowledge, skills and skills (competencies) for survival, a number of physical and psychological qualities of the individual necessary to accelerate adaptation to the conditions of habitat, as well as internal readiness for hazardous activities.

    To form new ideas and concepts on the formation of the life positions of a healthy lifestyle.
    Equipment and materials: posters, visual material: posters, paintings, media, ICT, firearms, etc.
    Documents and materialsWith which the program is drawn up: the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Tatarstan "On Education", Annex 3 of the Decree of the Head of the Executive Committee of the Nizhnekamsky Municipal District of the Republic of Tajikistan "The quality of the municipal service for the provision of additional education to children in additional education institutions of the NMR RT , Typical rules for ODO workers, job description of the teacher of additional education.

    The program is drawn up taking into account the national-regional component.

    II.. Educational-themed Plan


    Number of hours











    School plan.

    Disaster signals.





    Health and Hygiene.

    PMP with burns

    PMP during drowning.

    PMP for fractures.

    PMP when frostbite.






    Products and water.






    Water. Search for water.






    Breeding fire.

    Crafts of the campfire.






    TB with electrical appliances.





    Survival In cold territories.





    Survival In the tropics zone.





    Survival in desert.





    Survival on the sea.





    Preparation for the Olympiad.





    Poisonous snakes.

    Illustration. PMP.





    Types of nodes.

    Knitting various nodes.





    Chemical hazardous substances.





    Appearance and development Armed for the Russian Federation.


















    Trekking in shooting gallery.







    Calendar-thematic plan

    children's Association Objectives on Life Safety

    "Survival School"

    p / P.


    Objective, tasks




    Instructing on TB, from, traffic rules.

    Remind about safety regulations, labor protection, road rules.



    Impactsolar radiation per person. Crafts from Panama paper.

    Give the basic concepts of radiation.




    Preparation and holding of duty, raids on the lyceum board.

    Familiarize with the work plan of the children's association for the school year



    Meeting with representatives of the Department of Youth and Sports.


    Production of a compass on the wrist clock.

    School plan.

    Disaster signals.

    Meeting with law enforcement agencies.

    To acquaint pupils with the story of the B.Polev "Tale of this person."

    Consider the abilities and reserves of the body in autonomous existence.

    Teach some native orientation signs. Teach use the compass.

    Know and be able to distinguish the types of signals, their purpose.





    Health and Hygiene.

    PMP with burns

    PMP during drowning.

    PMP for fractures.

    PMP when frostbite.

    PMP with electric shock.


    Group "E" in the composition of food.

    Develop the first aid ability.

    Examine ways of imposing bandages.

    Teach assistance in bone fractures. Be able to distinguish between open and closed bone fractures. Consider the importance of the musculoskeletal system.



    24.09, 29.09, 01.10,

    06.10, 08.10, 13.10,


    Products and water.


    Vegetable products ("edible mushrooms" - crafts and drawings).

    Products of animal origin.

    Preparation for urban competitions in shooting.

    Give the concept of complete, absolute and incomplete quantitative starvation.

    Crafts, drawings.



    Preparation for the subject Olympiad on the OBZH.

    Repeat material by sections.

    8 27.10, 29.10, 03.11,05.11,



    What is electric current? (conversation).

    TB with electrical appliances.

    TB with fires (fires about fires).

    TB on roads (road signs).

    Environmental safety (fantastic story).

    Familiarize with the rules of safe behavior on the roads, when using electrical appliances in everyday life.

    Implement the ability to comply with safety regulations



    10.11, 12.11, 17.11, 19.11


    Survival In cold territories. Survival In the tropics zone.

    Survival in desert.

    Survival on the sea.

    Disassemble the meaning of the word "survive."

    Acquaint students with a survival action plan.



    Meeting with representatives of law enforcement agencies of Nizhnekamsk and Feldsher School.

    Familiarize students with the main offenses of the city and the district. Aim on observance of the behavior of schoolchildren.



    Preparation for military field fees.

    Physical training.

    Preparation for the subject Olympiad on the Obzh

    Physical training


    01.12, 03.12


    Poisonous snakes.

    Illustration. PMP.

    To be able to provide a PPM with snake bite.




    Types of nodes.

    Knitting various nodes.

    Teach to tie different types of nodes.



    Chemical hazardous substances.

    Making a marlevary dressing.

    Recall and consolidate knowledge related to the nature of the Achni action, and measures to provide PMPs when defeating them.

    Wool, gauze, thread, needle.


    15.12, 17.12


    Appearance and development

    Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.


    Disassembly and assembly AKM.

    Quiz "Science in military business."

    "Well, ka, guys" or "and well, girls!"

    Meeting with representatives of the military commissariat. Conversation "Our paratroopers."

    Trekking in shooting gallery. Testing.

    Give the concept - "Defense of the State."
    Educating patriotic character qualities to their debris.

    Consider the appointment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Familiarize with the peculiarities of the military service and the management charter.



    22.12, 24.12, 12.01, 14.01,19.01, 21.01, 26.01, 28.01, 02.02, 04.02, 09.02, 11.02,

    16.02, 18.02, 24.02, 25.02, 02.03




    Consider straps and emblems.

    Jozh magazine.


    04.03, 09.03, 11.03


    Water. Search for water.

    Obtaining distilled water.


    Methods for detecting a water source and obtaining pure water.

    Teach a filter to make a distiller in natural conditions.

    Sample filter



    Breeding fire.

    Crafts of the campfire.

    Give the basic concepts of campfire.

    Consider types of fires. Consider the types of fires.

    Find differences and similarities.

    On the landscape sheet.

    Illustrations with bonfire species




    Disassembly, assembly of the Kalashnikov machine gun.

    Consider the ACM device.

    Get familiar with its characteristics.

    Zun on disassembly and assembly of the machine. Familiarize the principles of work AKM.



    25.03, 30.03, 01.04, 06.04, 08.04,13.04, 15.04, 20.04, 22.04, 27.04, 29.04, 04.05, 06.05, 11.05


    Trekking in shooting gallery.

    Familiarize the principles of work AKM.

    Rifles, Pilks.


    13.05,18.05, 20.05, 25.05, 27.05



    III. Contents of the program
    Healthy lifestyle.
    The impact of solar radiation per person. Views of beta and gamma radiation. To give the concept of radioactive infection.

    Manufacture of Panama paper.

    Orientation on the terrain.

    Making compass; sketching the plan of the settlement, schools; Cards with road designations from school to home and vice versa.

    Health and hygiene. Vitamins, groups of vitamins, nutritional supplements of the group E, first aid for injuries and injuries.

    Practical work: Fundamentals of first medical care (Cabinet of Feldscher);

    essay or report on vitamins and their meaning for the human body;

    production of a table by groups "E".

    Products and water.

    Practical work: manufacture of a distiller;

    Search for water. The value of water for human health.

    The fire.

    Practical work: crafts from matches or brooms.

    Practical work: drawings;

    making road signs;


    Survival in natural conditions.

    Cooking in natural conditions.

    Practical work: recipes of hiking dishes;

    view pictures;

    drawing plants.

    Practical work: Computer slides of amphibians;


    first Aid - Medicines.

    Types of nodes.

    Practical work: knitting various nodes on colored laces.

    Chemical hazardous substances.

    Practical work: Making a marlevary dressing.
    Basics of military service.
    Theme 16. The emergence and development of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Practical work: Preparation for a review contest building and songs;

    building elements.

    Topic 17. Shooting. Emblems.

    Practical work: sketching in color of the pursuit and emblems of childbirth troops;

    the ability to find differences.

    Theme 18. Firearms.

    Practical work: disassembly and assembly of the Kalashnikov machine gun.

    Topic 19. TIR.

    Practical work: shooting from a pneumatic rifle.

    IV.. Pedagogical control

    What knowledge, skills,

    skills are controlled

    form of control



    Primary survival skills in natural environment.

    The development of independent thinking and behavior in unfamiliar situations of both natural and social character.

    Physical and psychological qualities of personality.

    Written testing.
    Subject Olympiad.

    (School tour)




    Development of thinking and memory.

    Testing among the accounting of 6-8 classes for participation in the subject Olympiad (urban).

    October December


    Knowledge of the circulative charter.

    Preparation for viewing, building and songs.

    School event.

    January February


    Knowledge of the circulative charter.

    Competition - reviews of building and songs. City event.



    Mastering the skills of the disassembly of the machine for a while.

    Disassembly and assembly of the Kalashnikov machine gun.

    January March


    Competition for shooting



    Fastening the skills of the firing of a rifle in the lying position, sitting.

    Trekking in shooting gallery.

    Acquaintance with a pneumatic rifle.

    April May

    V.. Program methodical support
    Work on the methodical theme: "Preparation of students to the basic ways of protection in emergency situations."

    Replenishment of the personal library with novelties of scientific and methodical literature.

    Development of a conversation with parents about "zozh", "On personal care of the child" ..

    Development of communication on the topic "Emergencies in everyday life".

    Drawing up memo on the topic: "First medical care for injuries",

    "Pedestrian duties",

    "Driver's duties and passengers."

    Development of test tasks by program sections.

    Development of topics on topics at the request of students.

    Management research works of students, etc.

    V.I.. Educational and educational work

    Event, form



    Holiday "Knowledge Day"



    Civil defense.

    Planned evacuation with the participation of city services.

    Television broadcast of squad

    young firefighters (DUP)

    on TV in Nizhnekamsk.
    Conversations on TB.


    September, January


    First medical care for burns, wounds.

    October December


    Conversations about the Patriotic War of 1812

    During a year


    View all about Afghanistan videos.




    During a year


    Contest viewing building and songs

    January February


    Defenders of the Fatherland Day.

    "Well, ka, guys"; "And well, girls."

    February March


    Children Protection Day.



    Municipal Competition of Young Firefighters.

    Disassembly and assembly of the machine.


    Literature for students:

    1. Logs of the OBZH - Fusion 2005-2008;
    2. Tutorial for students of grades 6-7.

    2. Academic manual "Survival in natural conditions". - M.: CPI Russian Raritet, 1993 - 160 p.

    3. Korostylev N.B. From I am to A.- 2rd, recreation. and add. M. Medicine, 1987. -288 p.: Il. (scient. - Popped. Med. Literature. Children on health)

    4. Litvinov E.N., Smirnov A.T. Basics of life safety. Study Guide 6 CL. M., 1997.159c.

    5. Litvinov E.N., Smirnov A.T. Basics of life safety. Study Guide 7 CL. M., 1997. 155С.

    6. Svyatova N.V. Safety and protection of a person in emergency. Kazan.2000.

    7.Toporov I.K. Basics of life safety.

    8.Bezetsky P.A., Podopayev A.K. Accidents, natural disasters and human safety. Kazan. 1999.

    9. Shibetsky P.A. "Basics of military service": uch. Benefit. - Kazan: RIC "SCHOOL", 2002. 244С.

    Attachment 1
    civil defense
    Go - a system of events to prepare for protection and protection of the population, material and cultural values \u200b\u200bin the territory of the Russian Federation by dangers.

    The school creates formations ... Show the folder "Plan of Protection".

    Chemical infection. Concentration of ahs and wind speed. It is necessary to know which substances are used on the Hoo, in the zone of which you live. And what substances are on the NKNX? Hearing the danger - to protect the respiratory organs and follow the protective structure.

    Ammonia(Colorless gas with a sharp smell of nasharyar. Alcohol) - give it moisturized. Shelodorod, skin and mucous membranes to wash with water and 2% born k-you. To drip 2 drops of 30% of the Albucida RR, and in the nose - warm rap. butter.

    Sulfurian anhydride (Besz. G. with a sweet taste in the mouth) - oxygen, mucous rinse with water or 2% of soda, from cough - codeine.

    Hydrogen sulfide(G. with a smell of rotten eggs) -proved, peace, oxygen, milk with soda, claims.

    Hydrochloric acid (Besmene. Liquid, smokes in the air) - washed, rest, warm.

    Phosgene (Besz.G. with the smell of the above-hand hay and rotten fruits) - oxygen, warmth, mountains with soda, mystery rinse 2% Rom soda, lawsuit. Breathing is impossible.

    Chlorine(greenish-yellow. m. with a sharp smell. Chlorine) -Corodorod, Heat, Codeine, lawsuit. breath.
    P and m T K a in a fire.

    1. Immediately leave the building.

    2. Do not approach explosive objects.

    3. Report a fire in fire protection, about the detection of explosoop. Item - to the police.

    4. If the firefighter is small, until the arrival of the firefighters to extinguish with remedies.

    5. Keep composure.

    6. Passing through the last minute premises, cover with wet mockery.

    7. If clothes caught fire, do not try to run, but try to knock down the flame jumping on the floor (if possible, hide with water).

    8. Breathe through a wet fabric.

    9. If you burn email. Wiring, de-energize it.

    10. If the building is damaged by an explosion - to enter care.

    Appendix 2.
    Entertaining questions

    Emergency - what is it?

    Ability to overcome fear.

    Urban security lessons.

    How to cope with infection? (Flu epidemic).

    Nature and safety.

    How to protect your home from intruders?

    Why are injuries?

    If blood flows from the wound?

    Security for any weather?

    What does smoking spend?

    Caution - fire!

    Basic rules for safe behavior on water.

    The ability to swim is the main safety factor on the water.

    First aid on water.

    How are pedestrians and drivers divided the street?

    Vehicle types and their brake properties.

    Causes of road traffic injuries.

    Disbanding specific cases of DTT.

    How to protect yourself on sidewalks and sidewars?

    Right-sided movement of vehicles and pedestrians.

    Crossroads and their types.

    Trip outside.

    Road, elements and rules of behavior on it.

    How to move the road?

    Traffic control signals.

    Learn traffic rules,

    Road through the eyes of drivers. Signals submitted by drivers of vehicles.

    We are passengers.

    Ride by bus and trolleybus.

    Trip on tram.

    On the street - not in the room, about the guys, remember?

    Appendix 3.

    Program for the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle

    Health is the most important characteristic of the development of the child throughout school childhood, creating conditions for the formation of a healthy lifestyle of a schoolchildren - one of their tasks of the educational institution.

    The heading program includes the following directions:

    1. Diagnosis of student health: Health Groups, Groups on Physical Education, Diseases, Disease Pass (Total 1 Student).

    2. Control over compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards.

    3. The presence of emotional discharges, physical cultural minutes and pauses, eye gymnastics, the actualization of the motor activity of schoolchildren, aimed at improving the body by means of physical culture and ensuring active leisure of students. At the special control of the administration is the conduct of testing in the ratio of the schedule. Drawing up a schedule taking into account the dynamics of physiological functions and mental performance of schoolchildren throughout the school day and week.

    4. Creating a favorable psychological climate: Attention to the child by adults, friendly relations with peers.

    5. Work on students' enrichment by valeologic knowledge, starting in kindergarten and continued in elementary school within the framework of the program "Rusky cheeks".

    6. Conduct psychological and pedagogical consiliums whose decisions are aimed at choosing an educational route that optimizing the load on the child.

    For organizing physical culture and health and sports work at school, two sports halls are functioning, a stadium with running tracks, a swimming pool for students of all classes.

    Department of Education Executive Committee

    Nizhnekamsky municipal district of the RT

    MBOU DOD "CVR" for gifted children NMR RT

    AGREED Approved

    Director MBOU DOD "CVR" on the methodical advice

    for gifted children Head of Department

    protocol No.__ from __________ methodical work

    O.S. Kurbanova ___________ G.I.Hizriev

    Calendar-thematic plan

    children's association classes

    "Survival School"

    for 2013-2014 academic year

    Explanatory note

    The program of the School of Survival School of Tourist-Sports Area is focused on the organization of the educational environment in the children-youth center and the activities of children in creative mode, providing moral, aesthetic, physical and psychological development, as well as creating conditions for the choice of the future profession. The program allows you to prepare students for independent actions in case of emergency situations, both in nature and in the contemporary world.

    The program provides a wide approach to studying nature, and also helps to develop the skills of autonomous existence in nature.

    During hikes, children learn from the independent rational use of the gifts of nature as the means of survival.

    This program will allow you to teach schoolboy with the autonomous existence and use of nature gifts for survival.

    The continuity of the School School program is that the basis of this program is the triad of the Security System - "Nature - Man-Community", special attention is given to raising a harmoniously developed personality. The term "society" was conditionally introduced not only the concept of "society", but also the results of human activity, that is, man-made aspects and their impact on people and the environment.

    Appeal to externally, such a simple scheme is capable of treating conditions available for children for children in which the harmonious development of life is possible, and helps to clearly define the role and place of a person as a decisive security factor.

    The program includesin miscellaneous blocks:

      Knowledge of natural factors and resources.

      Medical and psychological and physical training.

      The knowledge system necessary for survival in various conditions in the nature of the IV anthropogenic landscapes.

      System of knowledge and skills in a rifle shooting

    The success of the program depends on the number of classes in the area,referring to the object of study, in work it is necessary to use all forms of activetourism types: walks, excursions, tourist campaigns, expeditions. Block B.already developed with the fact that the main values \u200b\u200bare really becoming the national security of the country, life and human health. In exercises on fire training, students receive initial knowledge and skills in shooting from a rifle, and at the end of occupations are given control standards. When conducting classes, special attention is paid to strict compliance with the rules and safety measures when handling weapons, ammunition.

    ACTUALOST.this program is due to its practical significance.

    The purpose of the program: creating a holistic medium for the formation and development of a socially active person who has a number of skills and skills necessary for autonomousexistence in emergency situations, culture of behavior in nature,responsible attitude to the environment and as a result of their health,practical skills and skills in the state defense; military professional interests and motifs; knowledge of the role of a healthy lifestyle in ensuring the safety of personality, society and the state; Requirements for moral, psychological and professional qualities of students; military-professional orientation; skills independently acquire and apply knowledge; the ability to discuss the results and draw conclusions, produce adjustments in the vital activity of various objects; the ability to conduct comparative characteristics and monitor their activities;


    1. Training:

    Formation of students in students in knowledge of laws and laws acting in a living and inanimate nature;

    Training skills of autonomous existence in nature and in anthropogenic conditions;

    Generalization and deepening knowledge on history, geography, biology of Kuban, Russia and the world;

    Fastening knowledge of cartography, ecology.

    The introduction of students to personal, public and state security issues;

    Popularization and propaganda of a healthy and safe lifestyle;

    Popularization of military-applied sports.

    2. Educational:

    Raising the norms (motifs, motives) of behavior and activities aimed at complying with a healthy lifestyle and improving the state of the environment;

    Formation of organizational skills of work in the team.

    3. Developing:

    The development of intellectual abilities aimed at target, causative and probable analysis, which students can carry out an emergency and
    life situations: an emotional, volitional and psychological sphere (convictions in the possibility of solving situations), the desire to disseminate environmental knowledge and personal participation in practical affairs on environmental protection.

    Fire training classes are carried out on the basis of the following methodological principles:

    but) The principle of consciousness and activity. Each student must fully consciously fulfill the tasks set before him.

    b) The principle of visibility. Most yielding form of training. On specific visual examples, students should better absorb the necessary material.

    in) The principle of availability (from the known to unknown, from simple to complex, from light to difficult). The material is selected accessible to assimilate on the basis of existing knowledge.

    d) The principle of systematic activity. Success in the development of certain knowledge, skills and skills is based on their systematic consolidation.

    e) The principle of gradually increasing the requirements. Improving the quality of exercise and improving the results of shooting can be expected only gradually increasing the load and increasing demands.

    The distinctive feature of the program is that the learning of the software helps to schoolchildren to do without the benefits of civilization and, in the event of an emergency, it makes it possible not only to avoid destructive consequences for their own health, and sometimes even life, but also help their "surrounding" to organize events to exit This situation. The program combines material on various school subjects: biology, chemistry, physics, cubanov, geography, venture and physical culture, and this causes an interest in a more in-depth study of the above items.

    The program is designed for pupils of 9-15 years.

    Terms of implementation of 1 year, with the prospect of expanding knowledge on the topics studied and the accumulated experience in field conditions.

    Methods and forms of work.

    Studying the accumulated material about the locality (conversations, sections, seminars).

    Search and research (independent work with the performance of various tasks),

    Intellectual games ("Brain Ring", various quizzes).

    Classes are held 2 times a week for 2 hours.

    Number of student hours: 144.

    Expected Result.

    As a result of the passage of the program material, the pupils of the union of survival school


    - what is tourism, the concept of "card" (physico-geographical, topographic,sports orientation, tourist), conditional signs of the plan, topographicsports orientation (separate signs);

    Typical plants and animals of the nature of the region, factors that strengthen human health;

    Your body - as it is arranged, about tourist hygiene, the rules for disinfection and purification of drinking water in the campaign, diseases characteristic of natural conditions of their locality;

    The concept of natural zones and landscapes, the features of survival in the patterns of nature of various regions.

      understanding the basic provisions of the National Security Concept of the Russian Federation to ensure the national security of Russia;

      understanding the legal foundations of military service;

      knowledge of major types of military activities;

      knowledge of firing preparation;

      knowledge of the rules for the use of weapons to defeat various goals in battle;

      knowledge of the material part of the rifle weapon

    Be able to:

    Select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather conditions, to carry out the rules of walking on flat areas in the forest (coniferous, mixed), in a meadow and a swamp, properly equip the fire, work with a plan and topographic card, perform elementary techniques for working with a sports card orientation;

    Determine typical types of plants and animal edges in appearance, identify the parties of the horizon, the state of weather with the help of plants and local signs, give examples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms due to the habitat;

    Perform personal hygiene rules, the rules for the provision of first medical care in wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (in hike, rest in the forest and anthropogenic settlements);

    Correctly choose and collect fuel for a fire at different times of the year, to correctly take drinking water and clean it in the field, in a hike (during an excursion) to be able to dispose of various types of household waste, collect and use medicinal, fruit-berry plants, explain the feasibility of their behavior in a concrete natural environment.

      the ability to hit the target from the first shot;

      the ability to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activity.

    Methods for checking the results of the program assimilation:

    Participation in tourist competitions (search and rescue work).

    Conducting quiz competitions on the material studied.

    Conduct parental meetings.

    Preparation of marcing reports, expeditions.

    Control of the administration of the educational institution.

    Educational and thematic plan.





    Initial tourist preparation




    Tourist - Friend Friend

    2 – 4

    Technique movement




    Water search and food methods


    Physical, medical and psychological training




    Autonomous survival in extreme situations




    What is "survival"?


    Survival in polar conditions


    Survival in the mountains


    Survival in the tropics


    Survival in temperate climate


    Survival in the desert -


    Survival in the sea


    Survival in emergency situations of natural nature


    Survival with emergency anthropogenic situations


    Security in the city and home environment



    General rules training




    The role and value of rifle training

    Safety regulations




    Rules of safe handling of weapons, ammunition

    Material-technical part of small arms




    The material and technical part of the pneumatic rifle.

    Tactical and technical data of a pneumatic rifle

    The material and technical part of the Kalashnikov machine

    Disassembly and assembly machine AK



    Fundamentals and rules of shooting.




    Commands submitted on the firing turn

    Manufacture of shooting.



    Performing shooting from the position of "lying"


    Performing shooting from the position "From the stop"


    Performing shooting from the position "Standing"


    Performing shooting from the position "From the knee"

    Perform control standards.




    Performing control standards for shooting from pneumatic weapons,

    (3 + 5 + 5), lying, from the stop, from the knee.

    Disassembly and assembly of AKS.





    Initial tourist preparation.

    The formation of knowledge of nature as a interrelated system, tourist knowledge and abilities of environmental management (tourist, recreational environmental management), to interest children search and cognitive activities and develop creative activity.


    1. Develop knowledge of man and its place in nature as a special object.

    2. To form skills and skills of autonomous work in nature. To form an understanding of the dependence of the degree of environmental impact on the types of tourism and the type of tourist nature management, the adoption of environmental tourist skills and skills behavioral (life-supporting,
    reclamation and side-use).

    3. Formation of skills and skills work with a plan and card, orientation on

    4. Physical, medical and psychological training and tourist preparation
    technique to conduct taking into account program requirements for physical education and
    age features.

    Methods and forms of classes:

    Theoretical - Conversation with a demonstration of illustrative material and models.

    Practical Classes in the area and on the area: observations, work with measuring instruments, extensions-workshops on the description of nature objects. Gaming forms (games with finished rules; game-competition, competition games, contests and plot roles).

    Short description of theoretical and practical training

    Tourist - Friend Friend

    Tourism is a mass form of active recreation and recovery, as a sport. Types of tourism. The effect of pedestrian tourism on the environment. As tourists will know the world around. What tourist and local history positions and orders are.

    What is "ecology"? What is the environment. Why study the tourist ecology. As different types of tourism affect the environment. The participation of tourists in case of nature conservation.

    Practical work - selection of illustrative material on plants and animal edges (for album, abstract), organization of the exhibition of books, the distribution of tourist and

    local history posts and instructions. Organization of observations of nature.

    Technique movement

    Development of vehicle techniques in various location conditions, alone and group movement. Concepts: tempo, rhythm, special teams in with group movement.

    Practical work is a trip with overcoming various obstacles.

    Observation of nature and design of material by observation. Registration of the album "Tourist on the note" (Page "Plants and Animals from" Red Book "Edge"). Excursion and workshop on the study of the habitat of plants and animals (or hike).

    Breakdown camps in ordinary and extreme conditions

    What to take with you hike. Tourist gear. The tent is a tourist house: its device, installation rules and selection of the place (so as not to harm nature). Selection of space for Bivak and place arrangement. Shelters and their types. How to choose the right place for a fire and equip the fire. Rules for the use of the fire in the tourist campaign. The rules of "burial" of household waste - after us - cleaner than before us. Rules of communication with wild animals.

    Practical work - a selection of material and the design of the album "Tourist to a note" (about medicinal plants, they need to know - they are poisonous).

    Basics of locality orientation

    School plan, school on the city plan (villages, villages, village). What are the cards. Plan of terrain, topographic map, tourist cards. Map of sports orientation (first acquaintance). In the world of landmarks. Compass. Topographic signs and their appointment. Orientation on the area on the map and local features.

    Practical work - Topographic dictation, work with a class and school plan, definition on the compass of the side of the horizon, the game on the area on the map.

    Ways to search for water and food.

    Water search is a primary task for existence in autonomous conditions. Sources of water, types of water landscapes. Water production methods from the atmosphere.

    Hunting, fishing, preparation and cooking in extreme conditions. Plants - enemies and friends: medicinal, fruit-berry (edible) wild plants, edible mushrooms. "Red Signal" - Caution, Poisonous! Universal test for edible.

    Practical work - Excursion - Workshop on the study and collection of herbarium medicinal plants "Green pharmacy". Observation of nature design materials observation.

    Physical, medical and psychological training.

    Adaptation of a person to the climate of a moderate belt. Prevention measures of colds, influenza, avitaminosis. Seasonality of diseases. Health and diseases of schoolchildren. Factors that strengthen and weaken human health in natural conditions of their edge. Effect (indirect and straight) polluted air, water, soils on the human body. Prevention of modern diseases. Special exercise. Psychology of survival. Practical work - to provide first aid.

    Special tourist preparation

    Preparation for competitions in tourist equipment and search and rescue work.

    Practical work - training in the gym and natural conditions.

    Autonomous survival in extreme situations.


    To form the concept of adaptation of a person to the conditions of autonomous existence in nature, teach children to apply practical survival skills in various landscapes and urban cycles, preservation and improving human health.


    Develop knowledge about a person and his adaptation to a climate of a moderate belt, role
    recreational (tourist-local history) activities in improving the health of young

    Further development of natural choice skills in various climatic
    conditions, the application of rules and abilities to fulfill the norms and regulations of the recreational
    natural Management.

    Develop the skill of survival in all conditions, and also to instill a goal
    survive, but help to survive others.

    Show the role of sports tourism, sports orientation in development
    personality, in rehabilitation.

    Short description of those, theoretical and practical training

    What is "survival"?

    The concept of "survival" is given, as well as to tell what events will be performed for successful survival.

    Survival in polar conditions.

    Polar regions, movement in polar conditions, types of shelters, features breeding fire and cooking, water production and food in cold climates.

    Practical work - one-day winter campaign.

    Survival in the mountains.

    Mountain hiking: climate and terrain. Methods of orientation in the mountains. Mountain movement. Danger of glaciers and avalanche. Special climbing techniques. Nodes and special equipment.

    Practical work is a planned three-day hike.

    Survival in the tropics.

    Tropical natural zone, movement on the jungle, clothing tips for tropics. Camp and shelter, search for water and food in tropical conditions. Dangerous plants and animals.

    Survival in temperate climate conditions.

    Temperate climate. Features of the geography of the Krasnodar Territory and Seversky District. In this section, the main place is given to the campaigns in the area of \u200b\u200bthe district (practice).

    Survival in the desert.

    High temperatures and insufficient rainfall, water in the desert and ways to prey. Travel clothing. Plant and animal food. Danger. Ways to build shelter in the desert.

    Practical work - water extraction under difficult conditions.

    2.7. Survival in the sea.

    How to avoid panic with an accident on the water? Survival in water. Rescue means and their contents. Disaster signals. Water production and food.

    Practical work - drawing up a reminder of salvation on water and ice.

    Survival in emergency situations of natural nature and measuressalvation.

    Mortal, hurricanes, storms. Heavy snowfall and glaciation. Storm. Forest fires. Earthquakes and eruption of volcanoes. Drought.

    Practical work - training on rescue work (use of communications, signs and signals of salvation, search parties).

    Survival in emergency situations of an anthropogenic nature, accidents in chemical and other dangerous enterprises.

    Security in the city and home environment.

    Safety on the roads, public transport, in the home environment, whenterrorist acts. Practical work - drawing up survival memos in different environments.

    As a result of the development of the program, students should:

    1. Tourism, as a means of knowledge of the surrounding world.


      what is a campaign, a country trip;

      tourist equipment (hiking output);

      medical aid kit;

      environmentally friendly Bivak, the rules of its equipment;

      homemade tourist equipment, promoting environmental protection;

      terms of use of fire in the tourist campaign;

      walking through flat areas;

      descent and lifting on the slopes;

      concepts: school plan, city (village) and its surroundings, terrain, scale;

      the concept of "card" (physico-geographical, topographic, sports
      orientation, tourist);

      legend Plan, Topographic Map, Sport Orienteering
      (separate signs);

      local signs of orientation;

    Compass device and working with it.

    The impact of tourist equipment (bonfire and bivar equipment) and
    equipment in nature;

    - that incorrect (i.e. environmentally illiterate) movement of tourists,
    holidaymakers in the area - the cause of the destruction of natural landscapes;

    That correctly chosen personal equipment and medical first aid kit - pledge
    successful campaign, rest and excellent health;

    Purpose of the plan of terrain and various cards for the tourist, the role of the plan, cards in business
    nature conservation;

    Influence of sports orienteering classes on improving, development
    observation and horizons.

    Be able to:

    - select personal tourist equipment depending on the season of the year and weather

    - use fire in the tourist campaign;

    - correctly choose the place of descent and lifting on the slopes of different types, go down and
    climb the slope;

    Perform the rules of walking on flat areas in the forest (coniferous, deciduous,
    mixed), in the meadow and swamp;

    Properly equip the fire;

    Work with a plan and topographic card;

    Perform elementary techniques for working with sports orientation card;

    Work with a compass: to determine the side of the horizon, orient the area.

    2. Knowledge of natural factors and resources.


    - variety of plants and animal forests, meadows;

    Typical plants and animals of the natural zone of the region;

    Rare and endangered plants of the edge;

    Factors that strengthen and weaken human health (on the example of their
    natural zone).


    - the value of the forest, meadow, water bodies in a person's life, in strengthening his health, in rest and

    - the effect of habitat for living organisms (adaptability);

    - effect of environmental pollution on human health.

    Be able to:

    - identify typical plants and animal edges in appearance;

    - determine the side of the horizon, the weather condition with plants and local

    - give examples and explain the features of the external structure of living organisms in
    communication with the habitat.

    3. Medical and psychological and physical training.


    Your body - how it is arranged;

    About tourist hygiene;

    Rules for disinfection and purification of drinking water hike;

    Diseases characteristic of natural conditions of their locality and their measures

    Diseases associated with environmental pollution;

    Feature of medical and physical training of a young tourist;

    - poisonous and inedible plants and mushrooms of their edge.

    Effect of environmental conditions on human health;

    The need to preserve the "purity" of a human habitat to preserve it

    Be able to:

    - perform personal hygiene rules, first aid rules
    with wounds, bleeding and burns in the field (hiking, rest in the forest);

    - define poisonous, inedible plants and mushrooms;

    - disinfection and clean drinking water in the field;

    4. The knowledge system necessary for survival in different conditions in nature and in anthropogenic landscapes.


      the concept of natural zones and landscapes;

      features of survival in autonomous conditions;

      the patterns of nature of various areas.

      that the correctly chosen rate of behavior will reduce the load on nature.

      the duration of the "healing of wounds" caused by nature by tourists (firefly).
      Be able to:

      correctly choose and collect fuel for the fire at different times of the year;

      correctly take drinking water and clean it in the field;

    In the campaign (during the excursion) to be able to dispose of various types of household waste;

    Collect and use medicinal, fruit and berry plants;

    Expand the feasibility of their behavior in a specific natural environment.


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      Planet - Our home: Education. - Reader for preschoolers and younger students. / Sost IG Belavina, N.G. Foundation. - M.: Laida, 2009.

      Kubrin A.M. Claim to navigate the terrain. - M.: 2008.

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      Decree of the President of the Russian Federation "On measures of state support of public associations, leading to the military-patriotic education of youth" No. 727 dated 05/16/1996.

      Government Resolution "On military-patriotic and children's associations" No. 551 of 24.07.2001.

      Profile training in matters and answers (educational and methodological manual), Kaluga-2006, Koipkro.

      Terminal Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

      Book for teacher "Basics of preparation for military service", V.A.vasnev and S.A. Plennaya, Moscow, "Enlightenment", 2003.

      "Military-professional orientation of students", A.A.Volokitin, N.N. Grachev, V.A. Zhiltsov, etc., Moscow, Drop, 2004.