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  • Unusual riddles on the school theme. Material on the topic: School riddles

    Unusual riddles on the school theme. Material on the topic: School riddles

    Invent a riddle is a creative task for the development of children in elementary school. Schoolchildren analyze, compare, oppose properties, features, signs various items, phenomena, animals, etc.

    Compound the riddles on their own very exciting process that children adore. They are happy to prepare such homework on the world or other subjects in 1-3 grade elementary school. Children especially like themselves invent riddles about animals, about the seasons, about birds and plants. Let us give the following riddles invented students to one of these lessons.

    Riddles invented by children

    Gray, fluffy, but not a wolf.
    Striped, but not a tigress.
    There is a mustache, but not grandfather.
    Call the answer soon!

    Tick, think time is calculated,
    Go and rush, although there are standing on site.

    Pouring and polishes watering
    Gardeners respect

    From the sky dripping water
    What someone is where
    Fast children grow up
    If it fall under it

    On one leg four horn.
    Pulls, grabs, it helps to eat.

    Little elephant
    On the carpet runs.
    A trunk collects dust
    The tail in the outlet sticks out.
    (A vacuum cleaner)

    Master fur coat sewed
    Needles take out forgotten.

    That all the time goes without regard

    I have a lot of girlfriends,
    We are all very good.
    If you need a person,
    We will help with the soul. (Books)

    I wait for you guys!
    Very, very much I am!
    Why don't you take?
    Because poisonous!

    Who sings so sliding
    What kind of sun gets up?

    Smoke allows and warmly gives.

    He is beaten, and he flies.

    We will tell us about everything
    In the morning, in the evening and day.

    In the morning reveal,
    In the evening closed.

    Mechanical screen
    Everything shows us.
    From it we learn
    What and where, when, how much?

    What is a mute cover?
    There are pens and chalk in it,
    And also pencils
    And stomers are looking for.
    (Pencil case)

    What a berry is so
    Appetizing, big?
    On top of greens full,
    And inside red.

    He has four legs,
    He all jumps along the path.

    This home is very sensible,
    In it we take knowledge.

    She herself is dumb,
    But she teaches everyone.

    Striped citizen
    Our thirst quenched.

    Shaggy friend
    House wakes.

    Squint, small,
    In white fur coat, in boots.
    (Chukchi Santa Claus)

    Sits on a spoon
    Long legs.

    Small, multicolored,
    Frequently not catching.

    You say quietly heard loud.

    Blizzards are cold
    Hungry wolves,
    Nights dark
    When does it happen?

    After winter arrive
    Maslenitsa meets
    All warm heats up
    Birds convenes

    He tells everything about everything,
    And the whole world will show.

    In the morning I get up
    And we go to school.

    She has one hand, very thin she.
    Everything works, digging,
    Large pits are pulling.

    With him - warm
    Without it - cold.

    This is a beautiful animal,
    It loves affection, clean,
    Milk and mice.

    This is the most favorite thing.
    Little children.
    This thing you can buy
    And you can make with your own hands.

    And this - everyone loves
    Especially in the heat.
    (Ice cream)

    What is the bright light in the dark?
    (Light bulb)

    Small, spiny.

    Inside the wiring stretch.
    As if the sun shines brightly,
    He will meet everyone.
    (Light bulb)

    Eat pit, it is full of water.
    Who wants to sleep in full.

    In the morning it blooms,
    Night closes.

    Round ball.
    On the field rides.

    Elephant appeared in the kitchen
    He sat on the stove.
    And whistles, and puffs,
    In the stomach water boys. (Kettle)

    On the sun wedge,
    At rain Blin

    If a child is experiencing difficulties, parents can connect and help come up with a riddle to school together with the whole family. Compose together with children it charges positive, and the child gives the desired time to close communication with his parents. What could be more important than these minutes?

    About school for children with answers not only with this educational institution, with school objects or stationery. In general, the riddles are folk folklore, short poars about a certain subject, explicitly or indirectly describing it, but not referring directly.

    Riddles of school and school subjects can be used not only in the lessons, but also in children's garden, during the preparation of the baby to school. For this, such short poems can be printed on separate cards, arrange funny relay with riddles, contests and quiz.

    Funny and fun school riddles It is called for to show a mixture and speed of kids - for example, play who will give the correct answer will quickly. Why do you still need riddles about school? In such mgads, not only is described educational process, but also school items, accessories - notebooks, a scroll, rope, ruler and pencils, briefcases and badges, first call, first-graders. So for children 2-3-4-5 classes will be useful when carrying out matinees and contests, quiz and just ordinary lessons.

    Riddles about school, disciples, first-graders and calls with answers

    Children love to guess school riddles about lessons, first-graders and students, call and the educational process itself. After all, cheerful poems create a pleasant impression of classrooms and knowledge.

    It is through such folk creativity that the love of children to school can be instilled in school and the desire to receive new knowledge. After all, the school is not only tedious lessons, but also a lot of interesting things: new friends and girlfriends, funny changes, football games on the school yard, competitions and relay, holidays and concerts. So, let's start guessing riddles of school, students and first graders.

    School Supplies: Rule, Pens, Notebooks, Pencils

    School supplies are the same indispensable attribute of school years as well as a spoon for a cook. In other words, ruler, notebooks, handles, markers and pencils are associated with students and receiving new knowledge. O. Riddles school supplies There are quite fun and funny, short and simple or long and complex. But they like children! Such poems perfectly fit into the program of any school holiday, so choose anyone and guess with children.

    School riddles about lessons and objects

    In this section you will find interesting riddles For schoolchildren about various school disciplines, lessons and objects. These are no longer common poems with answers, but about specific subjects that children need to guess. After all, each particular subject at school has its own characteristics and differences. Analyzing these differences, you can easily and quickly guess any riddle.

    School riddles about marks (ratings)

    Riddles to school about teachers

    To prepare for school, you need to know what the school is and that children do in it. And will help to understand all the riddles of school. Files can be used as a folder-mobile in the corner of the parent.

    First grate seven years.
    Behind the knee,
    And in the hands of a big bouquet,
    On the cheeks of the blush.
    What for the festive date?
    Who will tell me guys? (September 1)

    Every year the school opens the door.
    With the warmth of all children takes.
    Baby Novoseli are put up.
    Do you know how they are called? (First-graders)

    Cozy and spacious house.
    Good kids are much in it.
    Beautifully written and read.
    They paint children and believe. (School)

    Then I'm in a cage, then in the ruler, -
    Write on them Sumy-ka,
    You can draw and draw,
    I call me ... (notebook)

    My briefcase is not great and not small:
    Lying in it a notebooks, a letter and ... (penalty)

    I am friends with the teacher.
    On the blackboard I will show everything.
    Watch me, you are without fear.
    Do you know who I am? I - ... (pointer)

    Through the nose you sharpen.
    Draw whatever you want.
    There will be sun, sea, beach.
    What is this? ... (pencil)

    Near the river
    In the meadow
    They took a rainbow arc.
    And put in the box. (Colour pencils)

    In school bag I'm lying
    How do you learn, I will say. (Diary)

    In the school portfolio, a notebook,
    And what a notebook is a mystery.
    Will be appreciated in her student,
    And in the evening mom will show ... (diary)

    Your pigtail without rest
    She looked in the paint.
    Then painted pigtail
    In the album leads on page. (Brush)

    Draw posters master
    Bright, thin ... (Feltaster)

    How do you learn tell,
    All estimates of the IMG will show. (Diary)

    I am straight.
    Draw you helping you.
    Something you without me
    Guess the guys,
    Who am I? - ... (line)

    What can be prepared, but you can not eat? (Lessons)

    I'm a little workman, friends,
    I am happy diligently.
    If you give me a job -
    In vain worked a pencil. (Erasing gum)

    I'm in order inside
    In stacks of books and notebooks. (Portfolio)

    Do not bush, but with leaves.
    Not a shirt, but stitched.
    Not a man, but tells. (Book)

    Says she silently
    But it is clear and misfortune.
    You talk more often with her -
    You will become four times smart. (Book)

    I know everything, everyone learns
    And herself always silent.
    To make friends with me,
    You need to read learning. (Book)

    On the table in front of me
    Bowl of the earth was twisted:
    Arctic, Equator, Pole, -
    Bearing the whole land ... (Globe)

    On the leg is one,
    Right turns his head.
    We show countries,
    Rivers, mountains, oceans. (The globe)

    On black white
    They write something.
    Let the rag -
    Clean page. (School board)

    White pebbles melted
    On the board traces left. (A piece of chalk)

    In the bazaar you can not buy, we will not weigh the scales. (Knowledge)

    In this section, we tried to collect a selection of children's mysteries dedicated to school, reading, writing and alphabet. For kids will be very informative and interesting to find answers. All the riddles are drawn up in poetic form, which attracts children and helps to memorize them like poems.
    With the help of riddles about school, parents are easily in fascinating and gaming form Prepare a baby to study. You have fun at the breakdown of riddles with your child.

    Thirty three sisters
    The growth is small.
    If you know their secret,
    That all will find an answer.
    Answer: ( Letters)
    Letters icons like fighters on the parade,
    Strictly built in a row.
    Everyone is in a conditioned place
    And called the system ...
    Answer:( Alphabet)
    On black white
    They write something.
    Let the rag -
    Clean page.
    Answer: ( School board)
    On a black field -
    Skok-Joke -
    Walking bunny-whisk.
    Answer: ( a piece of chalk)

    White pebbles melted
    On the board traces left.
    Answer: ( a piece of chalk)

    How boring, brothers,
    On someone else's back to ride!
    Would give me a couple of legs
    So I could run.
    Answer: ( Ranger)

    In winter, he runs to school
    And in the summer in the room lies.
    As soon as autumn is coming
    He takes me by hand.
    Answer: (portfolio)

    New house carry in hand
    Doors at home - on the castle.
    Here are residents of paper,
    All terribly important.
    Answer: ( Briefcase, books, notebooks)

    I object for school important.
    To make a cube paper,
    Plane, cardboard house,
    Applique in the album,
    You will not spare me.
    I am a lipid, viscous ...
    Answer: ( Glue)

    On work I did not miss
    I cut out flowers,
    Multicolored snowflakes,
    Birds, stars, pictures.
    I am almost an artist.
    Helped me ...
    Answer: ( Scissors)

    Something grandmother's scores
    Take a reluctance.
    Better I will take the guys
    To school new ...
    Answer: ( Calculator)

    Then I'm in a cage, then in the ruler.
    Write on them Sumy-ka!
    Answer: ( Notebook)

    On the leg is one,
    Right turns his head.
    We show countries,
    Rivers, mountains, oceans.
    Answer: ( the globe)

    Two legs agreed
    Do arcs and circles.
    Answer: ( Compass)

    We write in it set to the house -
    Put us marks nearby
    Since the mark is good,
    We ask: "Mom, sign!"
    Answer: ( Diary)

    Crumb-birds sat down in a row
    And the words say.
    Answer: ( Letters)

    In a wonderful house live
    Merry friends
    They are all name named
    From the letter A to Ya.
    And you, since they are not familiar with them,
    Stick faster in a friendly house!
    Answer: ( Primer)

    Who says silently?
    Answer: ( Book)

    Not a bush, but with leaves, not a shirt, but sewn,
    Not a man, but tells.
    Answer: ( Book)

    There is a sheet, there is a root.
    Not a bush and not a flower.
    No paw, there is no hands.
    And comes to the house as a friend.
    Knees to mom will fall
    You will tell you about everything.
    Answer: ( Book)

    Strictly -
    Forty names
    In a thick notebook.
    To the right of them
    Cells are rated
    So as not to run away
    Your marks.
    Answer: ( Cool magazine)

    I will indicate everything on the map
    Pole, Tundra and Alaska.
    I am friends with the teacher.
    Guess? I - ...
    Answer: ( Pointer)

    Look outside -
    House, like a house,
    But there are no tenants in it.
    In it, books are interesting
    Stand up with rows.
    On long shelves
    Along the wall
    Accommodated tales of antiquities,
    And Chernomor,
    And Tsar Gvidon,
    And good grandfather Mazay ...
    What do this house call?
    Try guess!
    Answer: ( Library)

    I am a collection of cards; from hitting
    Two of my meanings depend.
    You want - turn into the name
    Shiny, silky fabric I.
    Answer: ( Atlas - Atlas)

    For me, rubber band, brothers, bite the enemy!
    I can not challenge her in any way.
    I did a cat and a cat - beauty!
    And she walked a little - no cat!
    With her good picture not to create!
    So in all the rubber bands scolded ...
    Answer:( Pencil)

    Not like a little man
    But he has a heart
    And work all year round
    He gives heart.
    He is drawn, and draws.
    And today in the evening
    He painted the album to me.
    Answer: ( Pencil)

    Magic wand I have friends.
    I can build this rod
    Tower, house and plane,
    And a huge steamer!
    Answer: ( Pencil)

    In a white field on the road
    Rushing my one-legged horse
    And for many, many years
    Leaves him his mark.
    Answer: ( Pen-pencil)

    Although I am not a battle, friends,
    I am happy diligently.
    Answer: ( Rubber)

    If you give her work -
    In vain worked a pencil.
    Answer: ( Rubber)

    Near the river
    In the meadow
    They took a rainbow arc.
    And put in the box.
    Answer: ( Colour pencils)

    This is what is for the animal
    Walks along and across?
    In the paint saved nose,
    Wooden long tail.
    Answer: ( Brush)

    He will draw a picture
    And paints Pinocchio.
    He will write the announcement
    And greeting card.
    Draw wizard posters -
    Bright, thin ...
    Answer: ( Flomaster)

    There are seas - you can not swim,
    There are no roads - it is impossible to go,
    Earth is - you can not plow,
    What is it?
    Answer: ( Geographic map)

    Colored liquid for Scripture.
    Will you tell me who is her name?
    When the poet was composed,
    In her feather Makal.
    Answer: ( Ink)

    We will meet: I - paint,
    In a round jar, I sit.
    I paint coloring,
    And still pictures for a fairy tale
    Drawn baby.
    I am brighter than pencil,
    Very juicy ...
    Answer: ( Gouache)

    Schools are not simple buildings,
    In schools get ...
    Answer: ( Knowledge)

    Physical worker told us
    Everyone goes into a sports ...
    Answer: ( Hall)

    Between two calls time
    Called ...
    Answer: ( Lesson)

    City in bows, bouquets.
    Goodbye, you hear the summer!
    On this day, Gourby is cheerful
    Together we step in school.
    Answer: ( 1 September is the day of knowledge)

    First grate seven years.
    Behind the knee,
    And in the hands of a big bouquet,
    On the cheeks of the blush.
    What for the festive date?
    Answer, guys!
    Answer: ( 1 September is the day of knowledge)

    Rules this day
    Was written for me.
    I will not be late
    After all, I observe him.
    Answer: ( Daily regime)

    I could not come in time -
    The lesson has long started.
    Teacher strict immediately became -
    Why did he punish me?
    Answer: ( Late)

    Stands house -
    Who will come to him
    That knowledge will acquire.
    Answer: ( School)

    It is a cheerful, light house.
    Guys with agile many in it.
    They write and think
    Draw and read.
    Answer: ( School)

    He calls, calls, calls,
    He makes it very much:
    Then sit and learn
    Then stand up, disadvantaged.
    Answer: ( Call)

    Opened the door of the school,
    Let novoseli lette?
    Who guys know
    What are they called?
    Answer: ( First-graders)

    Live in a difficult book
    Cheerful brothers.
    Ten of them, but these brothers
    Consider everything in the world.
    Answer: ( Numbers)

    There are friends, such a bird:
    If it sits on the page,
    I am very happy I
    And with me the whole family.
    Answer: ( Five)

    There is a completely different bird.
    If it sits on the page,
    Then with a downhill head
    I come back home.
    Answer: ( Two)

    In each book
    And Tetrak.
    Can be found
    These beds.
    Answer: ( Strits)

    I am a small figurine,
    Point under me big.
    Kohl ask what you gather,
    Without me you will not cost.
    Answer: ( Question mark)