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  • Project on the topic of school supplies. Project: History of school supplies Project (preparatory group) on the topic. Distance learning of teachers according to GEF at low prices

    Project on the topic of school supplies. Project: History of school supplies Project (preparatory group) on the topic. Distance learning of teachers according to GEF at low prices

    Many tools and devices we consider things familiar in our everyday life, and school supplies are no exception. By the way, did you think about how and why did the materials that we use are used while at studying?

    1. Pencil

    Stylus, ancient Roman writing tool, was the progenitor of a modern pencil. Some early stylus was made from lead. First graphite instead heavy metal was applied in 1564 in England. He left darker lines on paper, but was too soft and easily broke. To protect graphite, he needed a holder. The first holders or chassis for graphite were ropes wound on graphite sticks. Later, the rope was replaced by hollow wooden chopsticks, and the first production of pencils began in 1662 in Nuremberg. By the end of the 19th century, in the US, the pencils began to produce massively, they were made from the red cedar, but they were not stained to be better visible wood texture.

    2. Eraser

    Until 1770, when the first erases appeared, people were erased their pencil errors with pieces of rubber or wax, and sandstone or pumose sandstone was used to remove ink. Japanese writers for erasing a pencil used soft bread. English Engineer Edward Narn first applied rubber eraser and was impressed with the effect. The problem was that his eraser was easily crumbled, and they had an unpleasant smell. When Charles Houdier invented vulcanization, the problem was solved. And then in the middle of the 19th century, Hyman Lipman patented his successful idea, and the erases began to be attached to the tip of the pencil.

    3. Ballpoint pen

    In 1888, American Kozhevnik John Load patented the first version of the ballpoint handle to place the skins, and then other inventors began to patent their modifications of this invention. In 1935, Ladislas's newspaper and Greg Biro, disappointed with feathers, wanted to invent the feather with a wonderful and improving ink. So Biro's handles were born, but there were no huge sales, and after World War II, the inventors sold their design of Eberhard Faber for 500 thousand dollars. Milton Reynolds, the seller from Chicago, who became interested in the Biro handle, became a multimillionaire after he began to produce and sell this product in the United States. Business flourished, but buyers constantly discovered that there are still a lot of flaws in the handles. Since then, the modernization of such a simple thing does not stop.

    4. Transporter

    Transportary measures the corners of the last 500 years. Cartographer Thomas Blandreville first described this tool in his monograph of 1589 " Short description Universal cards. " By the beginning of the 17th century, transportists were often used by sailors for navigation. By the 20th century they came to school. Transporters from brass, steel, ivory and plastic in the form of circles, rectangles, squares, semicircles and a quarter of the circles. Some vehicles are available with rules, stencils and templates. The Japanese transporter, exposed at the World Exhibition of 1876, looked like a bar with jar, and every 30 degrees marked the sign of the zodiac.

    5. Drawing Circul

    The drawing Circle exists from ancient times. Samples of these Roman tools can be seen in the British Museum. Initially, both legs of the drawing circulation ended with acute ends so that the circle could be made on the paper, which was then drowned in ink. In the 18th century, a graphite pencil was already attached to one leg to draw circles on paper. Previously, the circles were made from brass, German silver, aluminum, steel, wood and plastics. They could also decorate beautifully, turning into small works of art.

    6. Ryubzak

    Before the appearance of backpacks, schoolchildren and students folded textbooks in a stack and tied it with a leather or tissue belt. In 1938, Gerry Outdoors invented the first backpack on the zipper, but at that time students became little interested in this novelty. She was sold mainly to tourists and skiers, and students had been walking with bandaged books or portfolios. In 1967, Gerry Outdoors created the first modern nylon backpack, and he instantly became a hit, but again for tourists. Students accepted this accessory already later. In order not to lag behind the time, the backpacks have become smaller since then, and now they are equipped with additional pockets and departments for smartphones, tablets and other gadgets.

    • New house carry in hand, doors at home - on the castle. Here the tenants are paper, all terribly important.
    • The word portfolio is formed from two French: "Wear" and "Sheet". Now you, of course, guessed that portfolio Named so because they carry sheets of paper, notebooks, books. In general, it is possible to put anything in it, but from this name, once this given to him, will no longer change.
    • In this narrow box you will find pencils, handles, feathers, paper clips, buttons, anything for the soul.
    Pencil case.
    • Pen in Latin - penna. And where were the feathers stored? In a special box called pencil case. Previously, they wrote real goose feathers. And although then they were replaced by more comfortable, metal plates for writing, titles feather, feathers, according to tradition, preserved. Now we put on it and pens, and pencils, and even for the gum there there is a place. And the name remains the same, as it is often in the language.
    • Guess that for things - a sharp key, and not a bird, she sees this keyboard, he sees the seeds not on the field, not on the bed - on the sheets of his notebook.
    • In the snowfield on the road rushing my one-legged horse and for many years leaves black trail
    A PEN.
    • the Greek Word, from which, perhaps, occurred by our hand, I marked "collecting", "I'm accumulating", "the instrument of collecting (in a bunch), zagrebania. But when they write a pen, then as if they collect letters in the group ...
    About 4,000 years before our era
    • A man scratches a wet clay plate with a bronze or bone stick
    About 3000 years before our era
    • Egyptians begin to use images in their writings. The inscriptions on the scroll of the papyrus are applied with thin cane tassels or feathers.
    1300 years before our era
    • Romans are used for the letter thin waxhels applied to wooden tiles, and metal feathers. She is erased written by the second end of the pen.
    Middle Ages
    • In addition to Parchment, Anglo-Saxes use tiles filled with wax. They write metal or bone feathers, in which one end is sharpened, and the second is used for erasing Kommersant
    600-1800 of our era
    • The Europeans found that the use of a sharpened pen changes the style of the letter (handwriting). Feather handle (first appeared in Seville, Spain) was used as a writing tool from 600 to 1800 of our era.
    • Metal feathered handle was patented in 1803. Steel feathers entered public use in the 1830s. In the 19th century, metal handles fully fassed the handles from goose feathers.
    • Lewis Edson Waterman (Lewis Edson Waterman), an insurance agent, invented the first real referral.
    • The invention of modern ballpoint handle is attributed to Josef and George Biro. In the summer of 1943, the first industrial copies were made. The ballpoint handle was used by the military during World War II, as it was more convenient and stronger than the first
    • Black Ivashka, a wooden shirt, where the nose will pass, laid a note. If you finish it, draw everything you want! Sun, sea, mountains, beach. What is this?
    • I have a magic wand, friends, I can build a tower, a house and a plane, and a great steamer.
    • The stiffelen pencil is invented independently in France and Australia.
    • It does not look like a man, but he has a heart, and his work all year, he gives heart. He writes when dictated. He is drawn, and draws. And today he will paint my album
    • For me, rubber band, brothers, bite the enemy! I can not challenge her in any way. I did a cat and a cat - beauty! And she walked a little - no cat! With her good picture not to create! - So in all scolded rubber band ... Pencil
    • Although I am not a battle, friends, I am trying hard.
    • Yarastik, I am a rubber, a chumazine back. But my conscience is clean: I have a breakdown with a leaf.
    • The notebooks in the portfolio rustled that in life it is more important, solved. Notebook in the line mirket: -Grammatics! And in the cell a notebook grumbling: "Mathematics! What a notebook with a notebook was reconcile, for us still remains a mystery.
    • Notebook - This is an old Russian borrowing from Greek. In the monuments is found from the XI century. Educated from tetras. - "The fourth part of the sheet" or tetro. - "Folded fourly". Why is such a name? The fact is that before the notebooks had only four sheets: one big leaf was folded in half, then in half, cut, stuck in the middle - and the notebook is ready.
    • Latina album means "white". IN Ancient Rome The album was called the board covered with white plaster. On this white board wrote different messages, orders, the names of the distinguished warriors and put it for universal review in places where many people were going. And for the medieval knight, the album was a notebook necessarily from white leaflets, in which there could be a history of ancient kind, knight's coat of arms, motto and wise statements of famous people.
    • In the diary, set the house and stand next to. How good are! Well, mom, sign!

    Project "History school supplies»

    Project type : Information and creative.

    Project participants : Children of the preparatory group, educators, parents of pupils.

    Deadline: 10 days.

    Problem question:

    The relevance of the project : our pre-school institution is in-depth working on the problem of continuity between kindergarten and school. Thus, the question of familiarizing future first-graders with school supplies is an integral part of this issue.

    Analysis of the pedagogical experience of teachers and research results suggests that a child is a preschooler, acting to school, has an insufficient idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose and functions of school supplies.
    If in preschool age leading activity is the game, then at school age, an educational activity acquires such a role in the child's life.
    For a former preschooler and a first-grader's schoolchildren, school supplies, first of all, perform in the role of toys and both with any toy, you need to teach a child to play.

    Long before school, it is necessary to form elementary self-organization skills in learning activities. These skills will continue for the child "assistants" in training activities.
    Back in preschool years, the child needs to learn: any activity - the game, work, classes - requires a certain preparation. Therefore, it is important to provide that, for example, it will be necessary for drawing, modeling for playing or labor, where and how it is better to sit down, whether everything you need at hand, as it is better to place the materials and benefits needed for classes.

    A child, acting to school, has an insufficient idea of \u200b\u200bthe purpose and functions of school supplies, and ask the question "What are they needed for?"

    Objective of the project: To form interest in school.Introduce children with the purpose and functions of school supplies so that in school children did not play with them, but used to be appointed in educational process As a tool for implementing certain purposes.

    Integration of educational areas: Cognitive development, Socio-communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, Speech development.

    Tasks: expand the ideas about school;form the motivation of teachings and interest in the process itself; Removing the feeling of anxiety and doubts from preschoolers before meeting with the school; promote the development of mutual understanding and friendliness; form elementary self-organizing skills in training activities; Increase parental competence in pre-school issues.

    Children's knowledge area: During the conversation "What is school supplies", we obtained the following results:

    Estimated result: formed in children of ideas about the purpose and functions of school supplies.

    Stages of work on the project:

    Preparatory stage:

    Prepare in the group the necessary material for cognitive and productive activities (the development of abstracts directly educational activities, conversations, selection of wall-printed and didactic games);

    Prepare homework For parents, collect the necessary information and arrange it;

    Help from parents in the selection of literature and table games for school themes;

    Basic Stage:

    Project implementation:

    1 day

    Cognitive development

    "School portfolio secrets" (conversation about the history of school supplies) book.

    Why do school supplies need?

    How the first letters appeared (book papyrus)

    Suggest to view encyclopedia and books with writing history.

    Tips for parents in the corner

    First books "

    2 day

    Cognitive development

    Socially communicative


    "School Penal Secrets"

    What did you write before?

    The history of the appearance of the handle.

    What are used now.

    Di« Help the screw gather a handle "

    It is proposed to collect one handle.

    Exhibition "Ball Handles"

    Consultation for parents and educators on the topic "Pencils"

    As for the penalties, since none of the existing structures can cause any harm to the health of the child.

    3 day

    Cognitive development

    "School Penal Secrets" (continued) Eraser, Clips.

    What subjects can still be in the penalty?

    The history of the emergence.

    Di« Fast eraser "

    - childi must remove unnecessary details of the pencil drawing as quickly as possible.

    Di "Help the tongue gather a closure chain"

    Development of small motility.

    Children are invited to assemble a chain of clips. (Who is faster)

    Children are offered school supplies.

    Folder-moving: "Requirements for Penals".

    4 day

    Cognitive development

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    "School Penal Secrets" (continued) Pencils (Colored and Simple), Sharpener.

    The history of the emergence.

    Why do you need pencils?

    How to use a sharpener?

    D / and "Pencils"

    Development of small motility.

    D. / and "Help to collect Parades Malvina"

    Teach to distinguish between colored and simple pencils.

    Drawing "Rainbow".

    Development creative abilities.


    Information in the parental corner "Preparation of the hand to the letter"

    5 day

    Speech development

    Riddles on school supplies. Presentation.

    Learn one of the mysteries.

    Scene-role game "School" goal:

    Learn to select the attributes necessary for the game;

    Learn to distribute roles and act according to the role assigned;

    Learning to carry out game action on speech instructions;

    Teach modeling role dialog;

    Expand and deepen the knowledge of children about school and school supplies.

    Equipment: School supplies Necessary for study, pointer, attributes, tasks, call.

    Who came up with a ballpoint pen?

    ( Information

    for parental corner)

    6 day

    Cognitive development

    Artistic and aesthetic


    "School portfolio secrets" (continued) scissors, paper.

    From where the paper came.

    Paper making.

    Careful attitude to paper.

    Instructions for working with scissors.

    Applique "Figures"

    Using scissors and paper cut any items from school supplies and glue on cardboard in the form of a portfolio.

    Exhibition different species Paper.

    "Taking care of a child, do not forget about him ..."

    Perfect School School (Parent Information)

    7 day

    Socio-communicative development

    "School portfolio secrets"Rule, squares.

    D / and "Help Pinocchio Measure items"

    Teach object measurement skills using a ruler.

    Drawing of segments defined long.

    Exhibition of various types of lines and squares, transport, milestone.

    Suggest parents at home.

    Reading a poem "Briefcase"

    V. Danko

    8 day

    Cognitive development

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    "School portfolio's secrets" paint, gouache, tassels.

    Types of brushes.

    Appointment, use in the life of people.

    Drawing "to school"

    Tassel exhibition (for drawing, for glue, paint brushes, wide, narrow, thin-thick)

    "How to teach a child to draw", "Develop creative personality"(Information in the corner)

    9 day

    Cognitive development

    Artistic and aesthetic development

    Reburs, puzzles, crosswords about school supplies.

    D / and on the development of attention "toys, school, sport"

    If you hear a word that relates to toys, slamming hands; If you hear the word related to school supplies - put your hands on the table, as in school; And if the word refers to sports accessories - ruffles hands aside.

    Cutting pictures with the image of school items.

    Suggest parents to visit the school in which the child is going to go to the first class.

    10 day

    Cognitive development

    Socially communicative


    Speech development

    "School portfolio secrets" (generalization)

    D / and "Help to collect a portfolio is minted"

    - cranulate careful attitude towards school property and personal school supplies.

    D / and "divide the words to syllables" (speech development)

    Equipment: School supplies necessary for study.

    Tips for parents in the corner "Just collect a child to school"

    The final stage:

    The presentation of the project is the design of the exhibition of children's work.

    Creating an album with children "Riddles from the portfolio".

    Methodical support Project: multimedia equipment, methodological manuals, illustration on project, encyclopedia and book with writing stories, coloring, school supplies necessary for study.

    Steadfasting the school threshold, recent preschoolers begin a new, very important period of the formation of a person. This is a new way of life that suggests a new system of relationships with the surrounding people, the implementation of new activities, the implementation of new tasks, changing the regime to ensure that the school adaptation takes place is painless.

    Description of the new problem : Preparing for school - a difficult period in the life of a preschooler. Admission to school and the initial period of training cause restructuring of the lifestyle and activities of the child. Small man is in waiting. The whole lifestyle of the child is changing radically (mode, change of communication with adults and peers, an increase in the volume of intellectual load). The child's attitude to school is formed before he goes into it. And here is an important role playing information about the school and the way it is submitted by parents and educators kindergarten. Thus, all this can be reflected in short-term project "Soon to school." School orientation projects contribute to the increase in social and cognitive activity Children, purposeful formation of the integrative qualities necessary for the successful inclusion of children in school life.


      Aizman R. I. Preparation of a child to school / R.I. Aizman. M., 1991.

      Arnautova E. P. Pedagogue and family. M.: 2001.

      E. Arnautov. Preferably relations of Dou, schools and parents of future first-graders. - M.: Sphere. 2006.)

      Arkhipova I. A.Preparation of a child for school. - Ekaterinburg, 2004

      Bezless M. M. Stairs to school: kN. For teachers and parents. M.: Drop, 2001.

      Gavrina S.E. and others. Tests for preschoolers. - m.; 2008.

      Gavrina S. E., Kutyavina N. L. and others. Develop attention. - M., 2003.

      Golneva L A. 365 test tasks and exercises to prepare for school / L. A. Golovnev. St. Petersburg., 2000.

      Dubrovina I. V. The readiness of the child to school / I.V. Dubrovina. M., 1995.

      Kabanova M. N. Preparing for school / M.N. Kabanova. St. Petersburg., 2001.

      Karkacheva N. A. In a box with pencils. // Our holidays. No. 1 for 2008.

      Nefedova E. A.Preparing for school / E.A. Nefedova, O.V. Pattern. M., 2008.

    Project of the joint venture of the teacher with the children of the preparatory group

    Abstract of the project team joint activity with children for senior children preschool age (6-7 years)

    Project Topic: History of School Supplies

    Description: I offer you an abstract of the draft joint venture of an educator with children for children of senior preschool age (6-7 years). Project Topic: History of School Supplies

    This material will be useful to educators of the preparatory group. Currently, the need to rethink the essence of the education process, finding new approaches to the education of preschoolers who contribute to the most complete development of children,

    The solution to this important problem makes pay attention to the educational potential of the project activities of children

    Project goal: to expand the ideas of children about school supplies

    Project type: information, research, creative, medium-term.

    Project Topic: Story of School Supplies.

    The goal of the project: to expand the ideas of children about school supplies.

    · Development of cognitive interests - the appointment of school supplies, their decoration, the history of appearance, changes in appearance and functions.

    · Development of creative abilities - essay, drawing, applique, design project "Time Tape"

    · Development of communicative abilities - discussion, proportion of hypotheses, establishment of agreements.

    Final Outcome Event: Child Design

    Project Duration: 2-3 weeks

    Integration of educational regions (Educational regions are indicated)

    Team work Adult and Children, taking into account the integration of educational areas (organization forms)

    Enrichment of the educational environment for independent activities of children

    Interaction with parents, social partners

    1 stage motivational diagnostic


    Drawing up a collection "School supplies" - a collection is going together with children and parents, any images (cuts, photos, postcards, unusual school supplies, etc.) are accepted.

    Problem Talk: Where did school supplies come from why they are so different as appearance subject talks about his appointment

    Creating a game creativity: (Children can write text on a wax plate, consider the collection, create images using the collection items, etc.)

    Participation in the creation of a collection, the manufacture of wax tablets

    2 Stage organizational



    Consider images and objects from the collection: classification of images and items for different bases (Appointment, material), analysis of images and subjects on issues:

    · What do we know about school supplies?

    · What do we want to know?

    · How can we find out?

    Excursion to the Stationery Store

    Combining children in working groups: researchers, artists, writers

    Placing on Wednesday "Secret Storages"

    Participation in the creation of "secret storages"

    Participation in the excursion

    3 Stage meaningful and practical



    Reading fiction

    Artistic creativity

    Substitute"What the most ancient school supplies looked like"

    What are the ancient school supplies in different countries? What are decorated?

    Consider images of vintage school supplies.

    Search for an answer to the question "Is it always the accessories as now as now?". Consider image

    · Conversation "History score"

    · View the animation series "Fixy" - a series of the story of things: "The story of the ballpoint handle", "about the ballpoint handle", "Caution: Paint and Glue"

    · Fantasy games "What a pencil tells, a ballpoint pen, etc. By choosing children

    Substitute:How did my grandparents and grandparents studied at school?

    · Reading were "Philippok"

    · Conversation "How my parents studied at school"

    Tasks: Teach children with coherent retelling,

    · Production of the screen "My parents, grandparents - schoolchildren"

    · Exhibition of children's drawings, together with the parents "My first lesson"

    Substitutes How Decorated School Supplies

    · Conversation "Beautiful school supplies"

    · Reading the poem "School sketches" V. Berestov to intensify the knowledge of children about school supplies.

    · Riddown mysteries about school supplies,

    · Decoration of pencils "My Cheerful Pencil"

    · Designing from paper "Stand for pencils"

    · Didactic game "Toy-School-Sport"

    Tasks: Develop attention, coordinate word and movement. (If you hear a word that belongs to toys, slamming hands; if you hear the word related to school supplies, - put your hands on the table, as in school; and if the word refers to sports accessories - ruffle hands aside)

    · Didactic game "Collect a briefcase"

    Tasks: Develop attention, consolidate knowledge of school supplies.

    Substitutes What are different pencils?

    · Conversation "What are these different", during a conversation showing the graphic works of artists created by different materials and real artistic materials or slides with their images

    · Children's experimentation "Determination of the softness and hardness of the pencils", "Comparison of the coal pencil, pastels, Sangina and simple pencils"

    · Pastel and Sangina animal drawing

    DVD "Fixy" - series

    The story of things:

    Making an account, modern Abaca.

    Presentation with "Vintage and Modern Accident Tools and Writing Accessories"

    Making "Filipple"

    Shirma "" My parents, grandparents - schoolchildren ""

    Exhibition of drawings "My first lesson"

    Making a poem "School sketches" V. Berestov, mysteries

    Pencil decoration materials

    Materials for designing paper.

    Equipment for didactic games

    Making various artistic materials for creating graphic works,.

    books with Illustrations E. Charushina

    Search for DVD "Fixy" - Series History of Things:

    Preparation of the presentation "Vintage and Modern Accident Tools and Writing Accessories"

    Search for your school photos, photo relatives,

    Participation of parents in collaborative activities: writing stories, creating drawings, drawing exhibition drawings

    Search for various, beautiful handles, pencils, etc.

    Parents take part in the decoration of the pencils along with the children, the organization of the pencil exhibition.

    Parents' help in finding equipment for didactic games

    Help in finding artistic materials and slides for display, reproductions of graphic works of artists

    4 stage final



    Artistic Creativity Reading Artistic Literature

    Children's Design: Creating Time Tapes "Pencils" "Handles", "Accounting Tools" Discussion of children's projects

    Illustrations for creating "Time Tapes"

    Help in creating "Time Tapes"


    1., Verasca activities of preschoolers. Manual for teachers preschool institutions. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2010.

    2. Nuclear inventions.

    3. Stories about what surrounds you. . Publisher: Children's literature, 1962.

    4. Kutsakova I. artistic work In kindergarten. Program and abstract classes. - M.: Sphere, 2010. - 240c.

    5. Kutsakova and maternity. Manual work in kindergarten and at home. Manual for teachers and parents. For classes with children 4-7 years. - M., Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.

    6. Muli ideas about a person in history and culture: Toolkit for dow - M.: Sphere, 2009.

    7. From birth to school. The main educational program of pre-school education. Ed. , .- 2nd ed., Act. and add. - M.: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011.

    8. Pavlova didactic games to familiarize themselves with the outside world. To work with children 4-7 years. - M. Mosaic-Synthesis, 2011

    9. Ushakova preschoolers with literature and development of speech. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011.

    10. Readings for preschoolers for 5-7 years. Manual for kindergarten educators and parents. / Sost et al. - 1st edition. M., AST. 1997.

    11. Tolstoy, Publisher: Amfora, 2010

    12. Standko Activities with children of senior preschool age // Magazine "Department of Pre-school educational institution. - № 4, 2004

    Short description

    The purpose of this extraction event is to create comfortable conditions for the adaptation of first-graders, the development of communicative communication skills and the formation of a positive attitude towards the learning process.


    Kutuzov Irina Fedorovna
    MBOU SOSH №78, city Novosibirsk
    Class: 1.
    Extracurricular Event: Holiday "Visiting School Supplies"
    Preparatory work:
    a) declare the contest of the drawings "School days"
    b) Choose the best notebooks on subjects.
    c) Prepare Masks - Caps: Pencil, Notebook, Sharpener, Bookmark, Dance, Eraser.
    d) Competition for the original bookmark for the book.

    -The school today is a big holiday,
    All gathered with the friendly family.
    - yesterday we were told - kids,
    Sometimes called - pitching ...
    - Today we are sitting at the desk,
    And the name of us - first-graders.
    -You, guys, have already studied for 2 months - a whole training quarter. During this time you met each other, began to live in school rules.
    And in the lessons we learn to write letters and numbers, read and analyze words. And what helpers help you work in the lessons? How to call them? (School supplies)
    - Now we were visiting school supplies. So, attention!
    (Children come out with macmas-caps)
    1) If you finish me,
    Draw whatever you want:
    Sun, Sea, Mountains, Beach ...
    Hello, I - Pencil
    "I liked the drawings ... .., ......, ....
    Thank you guys!
    (Hands Prizes)

    And now I want to check how you can draw with closed eyes.
    (Children draw on a blackboard with closed eyes)
    *** Scarf for Competition ***

    2) I can be in a cage,
    And I can in the ruler,
    It is not easy to write in me.
    What is me? (Notebook)

    Awards the guys who have the best notebook.

    And now the game "Missing Chair"
    (At a distance of 2-3m. They put the chairs, put a notebook. Players with blindfolded eyes sit down on a chair, take a notebook in hand. At the team get up, make 5 steps forward, then turn around them, go back to your chair and sit on it, taking notebook).

    3) -Why from under sharpeners
    Walk chips and sawdust?
    Pencil does not want to write
    Here it is and sharpening. (Pencil sharpener)

    "Cream brains." Need to answer:
    a) how to call young animals: horse - ...., Bear - ...., Camel ...., Pig- ... .., Chicted ...
    b) Denis has three pencils: yellow, red and blue. Yellow shorter red, and red in short blue. What is the shortest?

    4) -When and why? Why and where?
    You want to find answers to all
    And I am a faithful assistant to you
    After all, the tutorial is friends and you.

    I am a beautiful bookmark,
    I need you for order.
    In vain, the page is not leaf,
    Where bookmark, read there!
    a) rewarding guys for the best bookmark.

    b) game "Caterpillar"

    5) - what is boring, brothers,
    On someone else's land ride!
    Gave me anyone a couple of legs
    So I myself could run. (Dance)

    a) Competition "Who will quickly fold the portfolio."
    6) - if I have a job
    In vain worked a pencil. (Eraser)
    a) Scene "Who offended whom?"
    b) game "Roosters"
    c) game "Rouh"
    - Here and the holiday comes to an end.
    "Along all school supplies, we managed to visit a visit." Name them.
    - Do not forget your assistants at home. Be careful and overwhelming with them.

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    Visiting school supplies.docx

    Kutuzov Irina Fedorovna

    MBOU SOSH №78, city Novosibirsk

    Class: 1.

    Extracurricular Event: Holiday "Visiting School Supplies"

    Preparatory work:

    a) declare the contest of the drawings "School days"

    b) Choose the best notebooks on subjects.

    c) Prepare Masks - Caps: Pencil, Notebook, Sharpener, Bookmark, Dance, Eraser.

    d) Competition for the original bookmark for the book.


    At school today is a big holiday,

    All gathered with the friendly family.

    Yesterday we were told - kids,

    Sometimes called - pitching ...

    Today we are sitting at the desk,

    And the name of us - first-graders.

    You guys have learned for 2 months - a whole training quarter. During this time you met each other, began to live in school rules.

    And in the lessons we learn to write letters and numbers, read and analyze words. And what helpers help you work in the lessons? How to call them? (School supplies)

    Now we are visiting school supplies. So, attention!

    (Children come out with macmas-caps)

      If you finish me,

    Draw whatever you want:

    Sun, Sea, Mountains, Beach ...

    Hello, I - Pencil

    I liked the drawings ... .., ......, ....

    Thank you guys!

    (Hands Prizes)

    And now I want to check how you can draw with closed eyes.

    (Children draw on a blackboard with closed eyes)

    *** Scarf for Competition ***

      I can be in a cage,

    And I can in the ruler,

    It is not easy to write in me.

    What is me? (Notebook)

    Awards the guys who have the best notebook.

    And now the game "Missing Chair"

    (At a distance of 2-3m. They put the chairs, put a notebook. Players with blindfolded eyes sit down on a chair, take a notebook in hand. At the team get up, make 5 steps forward, then turn around them, go back to your chair and sit on it, taking notebook).

      Why from under sharpeners

    Walk chips and sawdust?

    Pencil does not want to write

    Here it is and sharpening. (Pencil sharpener)

    "Cream brains." Need to answer:

    a) how to call young animals: horse - ...., Bear - ...., Camel ...., Pig- ... .., Chicted ...

    b) Denis has three pencils: yellow, red and blue. Yellow shorter red, and red in short blue. What is the shortest?

      When and why? Why and where?

    You want to find answers to all

    And I am a faithful assistant to you

    After all, the tutorial is friends and you.

    I am a beautiful bookmark,

    I need you for order.

    In vain, the page is not leaf,

    Where bookmark, read there!

    a) rewarding guys for the best bookmark.

    b) game "Caterpillar"

      How boring, brothers,

    On someone else's land ride!

    Gave me anyone a couple of legs

    So I myself could run. (Dance)

    a) Competition "Who will quickly fold the portfolio."

    6) - if I have a job

    In vain worked a pencil. (Eraser)

    a) Scene "Who offended whom?"

    b) game "Roosters"

    c) game "Rouh"

    Here and the holiday comes to an end.

    Not all school supplies we managed to visit a visit. Name them.