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  • Classes of the sea and oceans in the preparatory group. Abstract of the GCD "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans" in the preparatory group. Didactic game "Fold the fish"

    Classes of the sea and oceans in the preparatory group.  Abstract of the GCD

    Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten number 10 "Romashka" town. Novomikhailovsky

    Abstract of GCD in speech therapy preparatory group"This mysterious underwater world!"

    Teacher speech therapist


    Tatiana Mikhailovna


    Educational area : speech

    Kind of activity: direct educational

    Age group : preparatory

    Theme: "This mysterious underwater world!"

    Target: enrichment of the active vocabulary; development of coherent, grammatically correct dialogical speech.

    Software content:

    Correctional educational :

      expand and deepen children's knowledge about the sea and its inhabitants;

      improve vocabulary;

      grammatical structure of speech;

      sound pronunciation;

      expressiveness of speech;

      improve the skill of using prepositions in speech;

      improving the skill of sound - letter analysis words.

    Correctional and developmental :

      expand and activate the vocabulary of nouns, adjectives, verbs on the topic "Underwater World";

      improve word formation skills;

      develop articulatory motor skills, speech breathing;

      learn to coordinate speech with movements;

      develop general and fine motor skills;

      develop dexterity, quickness of reaction, coordination of movements;

      develop expressiveness of speech and expressiveness of movements;

      activate logical thinking, attention, memory, imagination;

    Correctional and educational :

    to foster a cognitive and nature conservation interest in the representatives of the marine fauna;

    foster a tolerant attitude towards the answers of children;

    to form the ability to work and play in a team;

    foster a sense of collectivism, responsibility.

    Preliminary work : A story about the underwater world - about amazing creatures that can live only in water (plants, animals). Examining pictures, photographs depicting marine life, posters from the albums "The World of Nature", "Animals", reading "Sea Tales" by S. Sakharov, the story "The Good Shell" by S. Voronin, learning finger gymnastics "Underwater World". Examining illustrations in books, reading works about the underwater world, memorizing the words of finger gymnastics, talking about children's trips to the river, the sea.

    Vocabulary work : bathyscaphe, scuba gear

    Materials and equipment :

    • presentation "Inhabitants of the sea and the ocean";

      CD with the sound of the sea;

      planar images of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans from sandpaper;

      playing field depicting the seabed;

      planar images of animal inhabitants of the seas and oceans on velcro;

      small stones;

      toy - fish;

      blue canvas depicting the sea;


      container with chips for sound analysis words.

    Activity progress

    Speech therapist : Guys, today we will have an unusual lesson, I invite you on a sea voyage. We will learn a lot of interesting things about the sea and its inhabitants, we will descend into its depths. ( take a globe .)

    And here is our assistant. Guys, is it?

    Children : Globe.

    Speech therapist: Look everyone at the globe. If you don't twist it, what does it look like?

    Children: Multi-colored.

    Speech therapist: And if it is strongly promoted, then it turns blue. Why?

    Children : Because there is more blue paint on the globe than green and brown.

    Speech therapist: What does the blue paint on the globe mean?

    Children: Seas and oceans are marked with blue paint on the globe.

    Speech therapist : Guys, all seas and oceans are very deep. Even the tallest mountain would have disappeared into the salty depths. Imagine that we are on the seashore. Sit right on the sand. ( Children sit on the carpet )

    (I include a CD with the sound of the sea, and 1 presentation slide with the image of the seashore).

    Speech therapist : What do we hear sitting on the seashore?

    Children : Wind noise, surf noise, sea pebbles rustle, gulls cry, fish splash.

    Speech therapist : While you are listening to the sounds of the sea, imagine that you are on the waves, splashing in the sea, breathe in the sea air.

    Speech therapist: Guys, what can you use to travel?

    (children's answers)

    Speech therapist : What do you think you can use to go down to the seabed?

    (children's answers)

    Speech therapist : That's right, and you can also go down to the bottom of the sea with the help of a bathyscaphe. Please repeat. The bathyscaphe is such a large iron ball with portholes, inside it has many different devices to observe marine life. ( I show the image of the bathyscaphe slide 2.)

    Speech therapist : On the first underwater trip, it is better to sail together in a large submarine. Let's take a camera with us in order to photograph everything that we see interesting. We have to learn and see the sea, its underwater inhabitants, the wealth of the seabed. Passengers, take seats. The boat is ready to dive. Sea waves shake her ( side bends ). At the expense of "three" we dive ( children count to three ). We dived not deeply and are on the top floor of the underwater world. It is light and warm here, as this floor illuminates and warms the sun. Look, a miracle giant is floating on board to the right. ( Whale picture show slide 3 ). Who is this? ( Blue whale ).

    Sound-letter analysis the wordswhale.

    Articulation and breathing exercises.

    "The whale emerges." Open your mouth wide, push your narrow tongue forward as much as possible (hold for 5 seconds) and retract deep into the mouth.

    "The whale swims." Open the mouth wide, press the lateral edges of the tongue to the lateral upper teeth almost to the canines, raise and lower the tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums.

    Guys, look, another sea animal flashed by. ( Dolphin picture show slide 4 ). Yes, it's the same. ( Dolphin ) .

    "Dolphin splashes". The alternation of a "cup" and a spread tongue (dolphins now raise and lower their tails).

    Whales and dolphins are mammals. Why animals and not fish? (They have lungs, they feed their cubs with milk, and their tails and fins are an adaptation to life in the water). They live near the surface of the water, since they do not have gills, they need to swim out in order to swallow air. Let's show how dolphins and whales emerge.

    Dolphins and Whales. Children close their hands in the lock, lower them down and do a breathing exercise: inhale through the nose, pause (counting "one", "two", "three") and exhale through the mouth.

    Speech therapist : Guys, now let's play the game "Clap your hands when you hear the sound [l] in the word."

    Words: scuba, fish, whale, boat, sea, diver, shark, octopus, fin, turtle, stingray, flounder, fisherman, jellyfish, horse.

    Something we lingered on the top floor. We go deeper. Here it is already darker and the water has become cooler. Why do you think?

    Children : The sun's rays make their way here with difficulty.

    Speech therapist: Who is this floating? ( Shark picture show slide 5).

    The predatory big fish swooped down like a lump.

    Instantly the victim was swallowed by an insatiable ... (shark).

    Speech therapist : What does a shark eat?

    Children : Fish, marine animals.

    Sound-alphabetic analysis of a wordshark.

    Speech therapist : Can sharks attack humans?

    Children : Yes.

    Speech therapist: Let's swim away from this dangerous fish. The dive continues. So we ended up on seabed... Can we breathe underwater?

    Children : No. Man has no gills.

    Speech therapist : How can you travel on the seabed?

    Children : Wear scuba gear, diving suits. (showing an image of a man in a scuba suit, slide 6).

    Speech therapist : So, we put on scuba gear and diving suits ( children imitate putting on costumes) ... We leave the ship. How beautiful it is here.

    (finger gymnastics is performed)

    "Underwater world"

    Look around quickly! Make a palm at the forehead with a "visor"

    What do you see, dear friend? Put your fingers in rings at


    The water is clear here. Spread their palms to the sides

    The seahorse is swimming here. Wave-like movements of the palms


    Here is a jellyfish, here is a squid. The palms of both hands down in

    the shape of the cap is moving towards

    But this is a fish ball ... Connect the fingers of both hands in

    ball shape.

    But, spreading eight legs, Show the back of both

    palms and move them up,

    The guests are greeted by an octopus.

    (Slideshow with images of seahorse, jellyfish, squid, fish ball, octopus slides 7-11)

    Speech therapist : What green algae, how many different inhabitants. Oh, I noticed something among them. ( Show fish image slide 12). Who is this?

    Children : A fish.

    Speech therapist : Let's play with the fish.

    The game is called "Questions - Answers". We pass it on to each other, answering my questions.

    (Children stand in a circle and answer questions, passing the fish to each other.)

    Whose head? (This is a fish head.) Whose tail? (This is a fish tail).

    Whose gills? (These are fish gills.) Whose belly? (This is a fish belly.)

    Whose fins? (These are fish fins.) Whose bones? (These are fish bones).

    Whose scales? (These are fish scales.) Whose eggs? (These are fish eggs).

    Whose torso? (This is a fish body). Whose eyes? (These are fish eyes).

    Game “What is there no fish without? ".

    Guys, tell me, what is there no fish without?

    Children answer: "There is no fish without a head (gills, fins, scales, eyes, mouth)."

    Game "On the seabed".

    (on the playing field, representing the seabed, images of sea animals are fixed with the help of velcro: jellyfish, stingray, shark, starfish, crab, dolphin, octopus, seahorse, etc.)

    Speech therapist: guys, look carefully and answer my questions. Where is the seahorse located?

    Children : The seahorse is hiding between the corals.

    Speech therapist: Where does the jellyfish swim?

    Children : jellyfish swims under the slope.

    Speech therapist : where does the crab come from?

    Children : the crab gets out from under the stone.

    Speech therapist : Who is the shark chasing?

    Children : the shark chases the fish.

    (the speech therapist asks a number of similar questions)

    Speech therapist: take another close look to remember where the sea animals are. Now close your eyes.

    (children close their eyes, and the speech therapist swaps jellyfish and stingray)

    Speech therapist: what changed?

    Children : jellyfish and stingray swapped places. Previously, the jellyfish was above the slope, and now the jellyfish is under the slope.

    Moving exercise "At the bottom"

    The snails are crawling move in a circle in a half-squat,. hands folded behind back

    They're bringing their houses.

    They move their horns, make "horns" from fingers, rhythmically. tilting your head left and right.

    They look at the fish.

    The fish are swimming move in a circle, doing rowing. hand movements

    Rowing with fins.

    Right, left turn , perform torso turns. left, right and vice versa

    And then vice versa.

    We admired the seabed, got acquainted with sea inhabitants, played with sea animals. And now we, in diver suits, will sink to the very bottom, so dark and explore it by touch. (I invite the children to a large piece of cloth lying on the carpet. The inhabitants of the seas and oceans are hidden under the cloth - plane images of animals made of sandpaper, covered with small pebbles. I propose to sit around a piece of cloth.)

    Speech therapist : And now a new interesting game "Learn by the contour". Dip your hands "under the water" that this fabric depicts, look for sea animals and, feeling them, try to recognize. ( Children put their hands under the fabric, find sea animals, feel them and call them a sea animal without taking it out from under the fabric, after answering they take it out and check the correctness of the task.)

    Speech therapist: Well done, you made me very happy, real explorers, but it's time for us to return to the ship, float, take off our costumes ( simulate taking off costumes ) .

    Speech therapist : We have learned a lot of new, interesting, and in order to consolidate our knowledge, I invite you to play game "Guess".

    1. Without what there is no sea? (without water)

    2. What is the biggest fish in the sea? (blue whale)

    3. Which fish has both eyes on one side? (at the flounder)

    4. Who has a mouth on its belly? (at the shark)

    5. Which dog doesn't bark? (sea)

    6. What skate is not allowed to ride? (on sea)

    7. A person who works underwater in a special suit? (diver)

    8. A relative of cancer? (crab)

    Speech therapist: You did a very good job, you tried. We coped with all the tasks. What did you like about the lesson? What difficulties did you experience? The lesson is over.

    Summary of GCD for coherent speech

    Goals: -develop coherent speech;

    Refine and enrich the lexical dictionary on a given topic;

    Develop visual and auditory attention, logical thinking

    Tasks:- to consolidate the ability to retell the text "Dolphin" based on the diagram;

    To consolidate the ability to use nouns in the form of r.p. plural in sentences;

    To acquaint with the new concept of "polar lights";

    Equipment:- soft toy penguin;

    Photographs depicting sharks, seahorses, walruses, a school of dolphins, penguins, sea turtles, aurora borealis;

    Subject picture "Dolphin";

    Outline of the story "Dolphin";

    Puzzle cards with the image of an octopus, walrus, dolphin, seal, penguin, sea leopard, jellyfish, starfish (8 pieces in total);

    Puzzle card with the image of the north sea;

    Puzzle card with the image of the South Sea;



    1.Org. moment

    Good morning.

    Look closely at the board - these are the silhouettes of the inhabitants of the seas and oceans. The one who recognizes and names who it is will sit down ... (walrus, penguin, whale, seahorse, octopus, dolphin, shark)

    2. Main part

    A guest came to our class - the penguin Pete. He has just returned from a trip to the seas and oceans. Pete brought us pictures of marine life. Take a close look at them and tell who you see.

    (photo "shark") Who do we see in this photo? Sharks.

    Where can you find many sharks? Many sharks can be found in the sea.

    (photo "seahorses") Who is the family we see in this picture? Seven seahorses. Where does the seahorse family live? The seahorse family lives at the bottom of the sea.

    (photo "a herd of walruses") In this photo we see a herd of whom? A herd of walruses. What is a herd of walruses doing? Resting. What does a herd of walruses rest on? A herd of walruses is resting on an ice floe.

    (photo "turtle") A lot of people crawling? Sea turtles. Why do many sea turtles crawl? There are many sea turtles crawling on the sand.

    (photo "penguins") Who do we see here? Penguins.
    Where can you see penguins? Penguins can be seen in Antarctica.

    (photo "dolphins") Who is there? A flock of dolphins. What is the flock of dolphins swimming up to? A flock of dolphins swims up to the ship.

    On this journey, Pete met and made friends with a little dolphin. Listen.

    One little dolphin has lost his mother. He was weak from hunger and became ill. And then the dolphin swam to people for help. Kind people helped the dolphin. They treated him and fed him with fish. Soon the baby dolphin recovered and even learned to sing songs. People looked at him and thought: "How good it is to have such a wonderful friend - a baby dolphin!" And the dolphin sang and thought: "How good that I have such real friends - people!"

    (Working with story outline)

    Guys, look at this diagram, what do you think will be the first drawing on the diagram and which will be the last? The first is the top, the last is the bottom, because arrows point from top to bottom.

    Remember who the little dolphin lost? The little dolphin has lost his mother.

    What happened to him? He was weak from hunger and became ill.

    To whom did the dolphin come for help? The dolphin sailed to people for help.

    How did people help the dolphin? They treated him and fed him with fish.

    What has the baby dolphin learned? The little dolphin learned to sing songs.

    What did people think? People thought how good it is to have such a wonderful baby dolphin friend.

    What was the baby dolphin thinking? The little dolphin thought it was good that I had such real friends - people.

    2. Dynamic pause

    (children get up) Let's play. You will become dolphins for a minute, and I will be a trainer. Let's play with the ball.

    I hold the ball over the wave

    At the end of a long rope

    So I want to be with me

    Dolphins played with a ball.

    (the speech therapist throws the ball to the children, and they pass the ball in a circle)

    3. Continuation of the main part:

    Now I will tell the story about the dolphin one more time and then I will ask you to retell it. Listen carefully.

    (story based on the diagram)

    Who wants to retell the story?

    (retelling of children based on the diagram)

    Guys, look, Pete has another photo ready. (photo "polar lights")

    What's on it? Polar Lights.

    The aurora is clearly visible at night against a dark sky background. It happens only in the North and in Antarctica, in the amazing land where our guest lives. Pete observed the aurora many times and even wrote a poem about it:

    Multicolored stripes

    Decorate the sky

    Polar Lights-

    This is a round dance of colors!

    And really, look, what colors do you see? Green, yellow, purple, red.

    (puzzle game)

    I have two large cards. One depicts a cold northern sea, and the other depicts a warm southern sea. Where is what? How did you guess? (northern, because aurora borealis, snow, ice floes ...)

    (large cards are placed on the table)

    The little penguin has prepared a game for you. I will make riddles about the inhabitants of these seas. The one who guesses the riddle will receive a small card - a puzzle. This puzzle needs to be connected to a suitable large card.


      Don't you know me?

    I live at the bottom of the sea

    Head and eight legs

    Who is this? ... Octopus.

    (the child receives an octopus puzzle card and connects it to a large south sea card)

    2. The fanged beast,

    Instead of legs - fins

    The tail is dragging on the ice

    The beast is not afraid of frost. Walrus.

    (the child receives a puzzle card "walrus" and connects it with a large card "north sea")

    3. How beautiful they sail

    Very fast and playful

    We are shown backs

    From the sea water ... dolphins.

    (the child receives a dolphin puzzle card and connects it to a large south sea card)

      He's not too lazy to dive for fish

    A seal dives into a cold ice-hole.

    (the child receives the "seal" puzzle card and connects it to the large "north sea" card)

    5. There are wings, but it does not fly

    He dives into the ice-hole

    Very important lord

    And his name is ... penguin.

    (the child receives a "penguin" puzzle card and connects it with a large "north sea" card)

    6. When I am at sea I am pleasant

    There are many brown spots on the skin

    But watch out for me penguin

    Don't come to me alone. Sea leopard.

    (the child receives a leopard sea puzzle card and connects it to a large north sea card)

    7. She is transparent like water

    Swims there, swims here. Jellyfish.

    (the child receives a jellyfish puzzle card and connects it to a large south sea card)

    8. Deep at the bottom she

    As if it is visible in the sky

    But it does not shine and does not warm

    Because he can't. Starfish.

    (the child receives a starfish puzzle card and connects it to a large south sea card)

    4. Outcome of the lesson:

    What did we do in class? We remembered the inhabitants of the seas and oceans and told the story about the dolphin.

    GBOU SOSH s. Khvorostyanka structural unit " Kindergarten"Spikelet"


    open class by coherent speech

    (preparatory group)

    Topic: "Inhabitants of the seas and oceans"

    Teacher speech therapist:

    Terentyeva N.A.

    year 2013

    Municipalbudgetarypreschooleducational institution kindergarten combinedkind"GOLDKEY "Urbansettlements"Working villageVanino "municipal districtKhabarovsk Territory

    GCD for cognitive development

    v senior group

    Prepared by: educator Kamina T.V.

    2017 year

    GCD for cognitive development in the senior group

    (Ecology, regional component)

    Theme "Animals of the seas and oceans"

    Priority educational area: cognitive development.

    Integration of educational areas: social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, speech development, physical development.

    Target: generalization and addition of children's knowledge about the animals of the seas and oceans: fish, mammals.


    Create a positively emotional focus, an intriguing beginning, ensuring psychological readiness for communication between adults and children.

    To consolidate knowledge about marine animals (size, appearance, methods of movement, nutrition, placement on sea floors.)

    To consolidate knowledge about the fauna of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk (Tatar Strait) through the outdoor game "The sea is worried once".

    To activate the dictionary on the topic "Underwater World" - the ability to select adjectives for nouns.

    Promote awareness of environmentally sound behavior at sea.

    Help relieve eye strain by relaxing the eye muscles using artistic word.

    Develop the ability to establish causal relationships.

    Develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature.

    Develop the ability to use a reference frame to compose a story.

    Promote the development of cognitive interest.

    Develop the need for physical activity.

    Cultivate interest in the lesson.

    To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards the world around us.

    Preliminary work:

    Viewing illustrations, encyclopedias about marine life, watching the cartoon "Nemo", the game - loto "Underwater World", informative stories about marine life, creating models of warm and cold seas with their inhabitants, reading stories, poems, fairy tales about sea inhabitants. Guessing riddles on the topic, learning the game "The sea is worried once ..." with complication - "Sea animals of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Tatar Strait."

    Methods and techniques:

    surprise moment, problem-situational method, conversation, guessing riddles, questions, sample story, game method

    Materials and equipment:

    projector, laptop, presentation "Riddles of sea animals", audio recording of sounds "sound of the sea", presentation with the reference scheme of the story (mnemonic table) and pictures of sea animals, presentation "Pollution of the sea", masks of sea animals, poster "Pollution of the sea", glue , brushes, oilcloths, napkins, plates, ready-made prohibition signs, letter, bottle, box with a set of aquarium fish.

    GCD move:

    Psychological attitude:

    Good morning heaven,

    Good morning sunshine

    Good morning to us

    Good morning.

    Guys, amazing adventures and interesting tasks await us in class today. And all together, of course, we will cope with them.

    Introductory, organizational, motivational moment:

    On the weekend I went for a walk to the sea and found this bottle there. Apparently she was thrown ashore by a storm from the sea. There is something in it. Let's see?

    (We take out the letter, read it)

    “Everyone! Everyone! Everyone! Who will find this letter! The evil Ursula has bewitched us. We forgot our name, where we live, what we can eat!

    Help us please! Disenchant us!

    And you can find out where we are by solving the riddle:

    " In him salty water, ships are sailing on it "


    R. S .

    "We can communicate with you through a magic screen"

    So, today, guys, we have to go on a sea voyage.

    Remember everything we know about the animals of the sea, tell them and complete all the tasks that will help to disenchant them and drive Ursula away.

    You are ready? Then let's go. I invite you to our ship.

    Main part:

    Sit more comfortably on the chairs. Close your eyes. They swam. Open your eyes. Here we are.

    To go down into the water, we need to put on diving suits.

    "Who is not afraid of depth and honors underwater decrees

    And doomed to success?

    Of course they are divers. "

    Now you can go to the seabed. And here is the magic screen. Let's stand behind the chairs and see what we need to do?

    (on the screen the first slide of the presentation "Riddles of marine animals" with question marks)

    To find out who sent us a letter, we need to guess riddles.Listen carefully.

    Very rarely rests,
    But the fountain always lets out
    The oceans are sailing
    Well, of course it is (whale)

    Word spread about him:
    Eight legs and a head.
    To make it worse for everyone
    He releases ink (octopus)

    Looks like a spiky ball

    Lives deep at the bottom (sea urchin)

    Fast, nimble,

    And friendly

    They swim, they play

    What are they called? (dolphin)

    Guess what kind of horses

    Rushing into the sea in pursuit?

    Could hide in the algae

    Small sea ... (horse)

    Ferocious, merciless,

    Incredibly fast

    Teeth are sharp knives

    The mouth is stuck all over them! (shark)

    What a tailed cloak, dark

    Cuts the waves in the sea?

    Carefully! It has a category.

    Electric he ... (scat)

    Deep at the bottom she

    As if visible in the sky.

    But it does not shine and does not warm,

    Because he can't (starfish)

    For myself at the bottom of the sea

    He builds a house with his claws.

    Round carapace, ten paws.

    Have you guessed? This is ... (crab)

    (after the correct answer to the riddle, the image of the guessed animal appears on the screen)

    Well done boys! We found out who wrote the letter we found.

    And how can you call these animals, in one word?

    (sea creatures)

    Gymnastics for the eyes:

    Let's get some rest and do some eye exercises. Sit on the chairs. Sit comfortably. Lean against the back of a chair. Put your feet straight. Keep your head straight. The neck is calm, relaxed, does not move. Only your eyes are working. (Audio recording of the sound of the sea sounds)

    We are tired all a little bit suggesting a rest.

    Rest our ears, we will listen to the silence

    And we close our eyes, and let them rest.

    Imagine the sea in silence

    Fresh wind in the open

    A wave floats behind a wave

    And there is silence in the neighborhood ...

    We open our eyes, children.

    Night, it's dark outside

    We need to close our eyes.

    One, two, three, four, five,

    You can open the eyes.

    We count to five again

    Close our eyes again

    One, two, three, four, five

    We open them again.

    And now you together need

    Blink your eyes together.

    They looked left and right,

    Everyone looked down and up,

    Have a rest, well,

    We repeat everything else.

    Children, we helped the animals remember their names.

    But in order to disenchant them, now we need to tell the animals about how they live, what they eat.

    Please note that there is a diagram on the screen - a hint for your story. Listen to my story.

    (An image of a skate appears on the screen)

    This stingray - stingray - fish - lives on the lower floor of the sea - feeds on small fish, molluscs, crustaceans and other inhabitants of the seabed - can change color for camouflage.

    Children on the screen choose a picture of an animal they would like to talk about.

    (children's stories)

    Well done boys. Now these sea animals have remembered everything and will be able to help other sea inhabitants, their friends.

    Let's rest now and play a game, which is also called as the sea on the shore that we live in. Who can tell what it's called?

    (Sea of ​​Okhotsk, Tatar Strait)

    Is our sea warm or cold?


    Go to the table with pictures. Choose for yourself animal masks only for those who can live in our cold sea.

    Outdoor play:

    "The sea is worried once" with complication - "Sea animals of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Tatar Strait".

    Description of the rules of the game:

    Children move to the count and freeze on the command "freeze", taking a pose and position according to the floor of the living in the sea of ​​the animal whose mask they chose for the game. The child who has been thawed should name the animal that he chose, tell which floor of the sea it lives on and why.

    Put the masks back on the table.

    Come to me. Stand in a circle.

    Guys, we, of course, helped the animals. But Ursula bewitched not only animals, but also some people. Let's see what they are doing.

    Children go to the high chairs.

    Watching the presentation "Pollution of the Seas".

    What do you think people need to do to keep the water in the seas and oceans clean?

    (children's answers)


    I suggest you make a collage poster that will help people remember how to keep the seas and oceans clean.

    Come to the table. We need to stick prohibition signs on objects and objects that pollute the seas.

    (remind the rules for working with brushes and glue)

    Our collage is ready. Well done boys! Now you and I have definitely chased away the evil Ursula, and she will no longer harm sea animals and people.

    Marine animals say thank you very much and give you a gift.

    (set of aquarium fish)

    We will put them in our aquarium.

    Now we need to get back to the ship.

    Go in

    Removing diving suits

    We sit down. (The sound of the sound of the sound of the sea)


    So our journey is over. Did you like it? What did we do with you today? What did you like the most?

    Want to know more about marine life? Then in the next lesson I will tell you about the most amazing and unusual animals of the underwater world.


    And tell me, so that the animals of the seas and oceans live happily ever after, what should people do?

    (Protect, do not pollute nature)


    Krinochkina Svetlana Andreevna
    MKDOU 50
    G. Revda

    Life under water
    In the depths of the seas and oceans, there is its own, incomparable with anything, amazing, and not like the one that surrounds you and me underwater world. The underwater world has its own rules and conditions for survival. But in addition to all the dangers, this world harbors an amazing beauty and its uniqueness, which cannot be found on land, or anywhere else.
    Today we will talk about who we can meet in the depths of the underwater world.
    The largest whales are considered
    The whale is the largest animal on earth today. And he is not a fish, as someone thought in childhood, but a mammal. And although a whale can stay under water for a long time, it is still forced to surface from time to time in order to breathe air into its lungs. It is then that the characteristic fountain above the water can be seen.
    Dolphins are some of the most mysterious creatures.
    The most beautiful representatives of cetaceans with a graceful body that is ideally suited for movement in the water and allows it to swim very quickly, they have very elastic and smooth skin. They have little or no water resistance thanks to the oily secretions that make it easier for the water to glide over the skin. They have a very distinctive muzzle. In some species, it even ends with a real "beak", perhaps a little flattened.
    Dolphins are the finest acrobats among marine mammals. They love to jump out of the water, do somersaults in the air, dive "fish" again or have fun flopping on their backs. The dolphin is most often seen in zoos and dolphinariums. He seems cute and smiling due to the special curve of the mouth line.
    V Ancient Greece the dolphin was considered a sacred animal, many myths and legends were associated with it.
    Dolphins live in large groups - flocks. In a pack, all animals are related by kinship. There are no strangers or strangers here. These communities are strong, united and friendly; they never disintegrate and have existed for probably hundreds of years. At the head of such a flock is an experienced, lived male. But in some species, the opposite is true: the head is a mature female, while the males are in secondary roles.
    Now let's talk about sharks.
    Shark is a collective name. There is a white, blue, tiger, feline, soup, herring, fox shark, nurse shark, hammerhead shark. Scientists count 350 species of these fish. And only 27 of them are accused of assaults on a person. And in a few, this is observed only once.
    There are very small sharks no larger than a pencil and weighing about 200 grams, and there are huge ones - up to 20 meters in length. The weight of such giants reaches 20 tons.
    The largest sharks - there are two types of them - the whale and the giant, never attack humans. They feed on plankton and small fish, filtering water through thousands of tiny teeth. White shark is considered aggressive and dangerous. It reaches 5 - 6 meters in length, occasionally up to 12. But the white shark is a rare fish.
    Do sharks often attack humans? No, rarely. True, over the past 50 years, such cases have become more frequent. This is due to the appearance in the sea of ​​a large number of scuba divers who, not knowing the habits of sharks and not knowing how to handle them, by their behavior provoke their attack. In fact, sharks are scary cowards. They are afraid of people and try to stay away from them. This is the opinion of an expert in the biology and behavior of these fish, an American scientist, Professor Eugenia Clark, who has devoted her entire life to the study of sharks. Many times she put on scuba gear, went down to the sea and swam among the sharks. I watched them day and night also in the oceanariums.
    Another representative is the octopus.
    Octopuses are the most famous of the cephalopods, but, nevertheless, they hide many secrets of their biology. There are 200 species of octopuses in the world, allocated in a separate order. Their closest relatives are squid and cuttlefish, and distant relatives are all gastropods and bivalves.
    Octopuses are very poisonous. Yes, yes, don't be surprised. The poison, which paralyzes the victim, is injected by the octopus into the body of crabs, fish and frogs and then "calmly" eats them. This poison is dangerous for humans. As a rule, the site of the bite is very swollen. The person feels dizzy and weak. This condition can last from a week to a month. Sometimes it happened that people died. True, these cases are very rare. But, nevertheless, you need to know that the octopus is a poisonous creature.
    Scientists are still amazed by the "fighting arsenal" of the cephalopod mollusk. It seems that no other living thing on the planet has so many great adaptations for survival. Judge for yourself. Octopuses have 8 or 10 muscular tentacles, they are also called hands, with which it can grab prey. They are all equipped with claws and suction cups. These invertebrates have a powerful beak and even better eyesight than the eagle. They have poisonous glands, and they see in complete darkness due to infrared vision. With the help of their "jet engine" octopuses move perfectly under water, can lie on the surface for hours and even walk along the shore. To do this, they have a "reservoir" for storing water.
    Octopuses have the property of regeneration, that is, if you cut off the tentacle, it will soon grow back. Octopuses shoot in the same way as squids, with an ink liquid that reliably saves them from enemies. Some species even know how to make a crude copy of this liquid, which confuses the attacker. Sometimes they add drugs to the ink that intoxicate the pursuers.
    Octopuses are close relatives of squid. But unlike their counterparts, they have 8-10 tentacles instead of 7. In addition, the body of the octopus has a slightly different shape. It is not arrow-shaped like that of a squid, but rather resembles a pear with tentacles. In addition, the suckers on the tentacles are devoid of sharp horny outgrowths. So the octopus cannot hit its prey with them. But he has another formidable weapon. All octopuses have well-developed, sharp jaws.
    Further fish.
    Fish napoleon
    Napoleon is a large and very beautiful fish in the Red Sea. It grows more than 2 m. It feeds on mollusks, which it gnaws with molars located in the back of the mouth.
    Fish of the red sea
    Lionfish on the hunt Lionfish is a poisonous fish. A prick from a lionfish spines causes severe pain.
    Clown fish
    Surprisingly, these cute little colorful striped fish are really brave and even extremely aggressive! Despite the fact that it is only 2-5 inches long, clownfish will not be afraid to approach even divers in order to expel them from their abode.
    Butterfly fish
    These fish got their name for their unusually bright and variegated color, which really resembles butterflies. Butterfly fish, although exotic inhabitants of reefs, are familiar to everyone to one degree or another, because they are the favorite subjects of underwater naturalists' photography. Butterfly fish belong to the family of bristle-toothed order Perchiformes, but common perches are very distantly related to them. Systematically, angel fish are the closest to butterfly fish.
    Fish angel
    Unlike butterfly fish, in which fry differ little in color from adult fish, many angel fish strongly change color and pattern during their life.
    What do you think Corals are?
    CORALS, marine colonial coelenterates, mainly from the class of coral polyps, partly from the class of hydroids (hydrocorals), characterized by the ability to form a powerful skeleton, which remains after the death of the animal and contributes to the formation of reefs, atolls and islands. The most famous and stony corals, because it is their growth that leads to the formation of coral reefs and islands.
    The main places of their distribution are the Caribbean Sea (Florida, Bahamas, West Indies) and the Indo-Pacific region, especially the area northeast of Australia (Coral Sea).
    Other representatives are:
    Crabs are a suborder of invertebrates of the order of decapod crustaceans. The development of the crab occurs with metamorphosis; a zoea larva emerges from the eggs, which turns into a megalopa larva, and then into an adult crab. The pursued crab is capable of breaking off its limbs with a sharp movement, in place of which new ones grow. Crabs feed on invertebrates. Many crabs are edible and fished.
    More than 4 thousand species of crabs are known.
    Sea snakes.
    There are about 50 species of real sea snakes. Typically, sea snakes inhabit the coastal tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans as well as the Red Sea. Unlike mythical snakes, they are small in size and usually reach a length of no more than 70-100 centimeters. Only one species of snake, namely the coiled leaftail, can grow up to 2.7 meters. Almost all the life of a sea snake takes place in water. Some of them, during the breeding season, crawl out onto land, where they lay their eggs in the coastal sand or give birth to live snakes here. But many sea snakes do not leave the sea at all: here they are born, spend their whole life and die.
    Sea turtles are inhabitants of salt waters. Unlike their terrestrial relatives, they are large. They live in warm tropical waters, almost never visiting cold latitudes. Unlike their terrestrial relatives, they are large. They live in tropical latitudes, almost never visiting cold waters.
    Sea turtles have barely changed in the millions of years since they first appeared on the planet. They are characterized by well-developed forelimbs, used as fins, and hind legs that are almost not involved in movement. Also, in sea turtles, the limbs cannot be drawn into the shell. Moreover, some species, such as, for example, the leatherback turtle, have no shell at all.
    Mantis sea shrimp
    Everywhere among aquairumists this species is known as Odontodactylus scyallarus. This wonderful crustacean is one of 500 species of stomatopods known today. These are predatory crustaceans, native to the Indian and Pacific oceans, where they can be found on a sandy, stone or shell bottom, often close to reefs at a distance of 3-40 m.This predator uses its wonderful sight in the process of hunting, quietly and calmly waiting while prey out of reach, and then grabs her with his other pair of legs.

    Marine life project

    Preparatory group "Rodnichok"

    Type ofthe project: informational and creative

    Participants: children, parents, educator.

    Interaction of teachers: educators, parents

    Implementation period the project: 2 weeks (19.09-30.09)

    Problem: "What areinhabitants of the sea »

    Game motivation: "A trip to the underwater world"


    Today, security issues the environment are very acute. One of the reasons for this is the lack of environmental awareness and culture among people. The foundations of ecological culture are laid even in preschool age. There are many unknown and beautiful things around us. I would like to introduce children to this mysterious and mysterious world. During implementation the project children will learn about inhabitants of the seas and oceans... Feeling of love for nature. The desire to protect and protect it. Participation of children in project« Inhabitants of the sea » will maximize the enrichment of knowledge and ideas about the life of fish and inhabitants of the sea and the ocean, develop coherent speech, creativity of children,

    Target the project: Creation of conditions for the education of ecological culture and the development of cognitive and creativity children in the process of implementing information and creative the project« Inhabitants of the seas and oceans » .


    Expand children's understanding of inhabitants of the deep sea, to form the ability to think;

    Development logical thinking, ability to draw conclusions and conclusions based on comparison of facts, results, observations;

    To develop an aesthetic perception of the surrounding world, the ability to see the beautiful;

    Develop the ability to listen to the sounds of nature;

    Develop cognitive interest, creativity;

    Use various non-traditional artistic and graphic techniques;

    Teach to protect the environment;

    Expected results the project

    Own concepts "sea creatures", "fishes", "Shellfish";

    Have the simplest ideas about some of the features of the structure of the body in connection with

    Their life in the water, the way they move (swims, crawls,

    Disguise methods, about the uniqueness of each type;

    Know about the relationship with others inhabitants;

    Have an understanding of the relationship activities human and environment;

    To form the initial skills of environmentally competent behavior in nature;

    Make up descriptive story about sea inhabitant using

    reference circuit.

    Stages of implementation the project:

    1. Preparatory

    Formulation of the problem;

    Developing a plan the project;

    Creation of an appropriate developmental environment in the group;

    Collection and accumulation of material on the problem;

    Informing and familiarizing parents with the topic the project.

    2. Main

    Setting a problem for children "What areinhabitants of the sea ;

    Involving children in planning activities and implementation of the outlined long-term plan;

    Creation of interaction between adults and children to the result.

    3. Practical and analytical

    Studying the opinions of all participants the project on work on implementation the project;

    Organization and holding "Quizzes"

    Compilation of a collection of children's illustrations and stories "Marine inhabitants"

    Collective panel work "At the bottom of the sea"

    4. Productive

    Quiz "Wonders of the Underwater World"

    Presentation of the collection of children's illustrations and stories "Marine inhabitants"

    Collective panel presentation "At the bottom of the sea"

    Preliminary work:

    Search work on the selection of illustrative material, on the topic "Marineinmates » , « Sea » ;

    Acquaintance with literary works: G. Kosova "ABC of the underwater world", S. Sakharnov "Who inthe sea lives , A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", G. H. Andersen "Mermaid"; Tatiana Domarenok "Sea rescuers"; Nadezhda Shemyakina "The Tale of the Whale" "At the bottom of the sea"

    Learning poems by V. Orlov "What are the outfits for the sea?", "I'm drawingsea » , Y. Dulepins "Octopus", S. Baranova "Dolphins" "Gull" making riddles.

    Examination of reproductions of paintings by I.K.Aivazovsky "Night. Blue Wave", "The Ninth Wave", "Blacksea » , "Hurricane onsea » , A. Rylov « Sea ... Stones ", "In the blue space", A. Bogolyubov "Sailboat insea » .

    Listening to a song "Dolphins" "In the port"; Debussy K. « Sea » "Conversation of the wind withby sea » ; Ravel M. "Play of water";

    Watching cartoons "Colorful family", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish","Mermaid", "Finding Nemo", "Underwater lads".

    Cooperation with parents: Making a collection of children's illustrations and stories "Sea inhabitants". (Parents write down a story invented by the children, draw a sea animal with the children.)

    Long-term plan work

    Name of the joint activities

    1. Conversation: "What different seas!"

    2. Conversation: "Hidden treasuresseas »

    3. GCD for familiarization with the natural environment

    4. GCD for ISO activities"Underwater kingdom"

    5. Presentation "Life at Sea"

    6. Origami "Rybki"

    7. GCD for FEMP "Marine arithmetic"

    8. Reading fiction A. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish",T. Domarenok "Sea rescuers", S. Sakharnov "Who inthe sea lives , I. Sudareva poems "At the bottom of the sea", G. Kosova "ABC of the underwater world"

    9. Examination of paintings: I.K.Aivazovsky "Night. Blue Wave", "The Ninth Wave","Blacksea » , "Hurricane onsea » , A. Rylov « Sea ... Stones ", "In the blue space", A. Bogolyubov "Sailboat insea » .

    10. Listening to a song "Dolphins" on verses by S. Kozlov from the cartoon "In the port"; Debussy K. « Sea » , sketch for a symphony orchestra, "Conversation of the wind withby sea » ; Ravel M. "Play of water".

    11. Watching cartoons " "Colorful family", "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish","Mermaid", "Finding Nemo", "Underwater lads".

    12. Riddles about marine inhabitants.

    13. Learning poems by V. Orlov "What are the outfits for the sea?", "I'm drawingsea » , Y. Dulepins "Octopus", S. Baranova "Dolphins", proverbs and sayings, finger gymnastics "Gull".

    14. Board game - walker « Sea »

    15. Physical education: "Cruise"

    16. Didactic games: "The Little Mermaid" "The Fourth Extra", Whose silhouette? "Whose Shadow","Collect the Dolphin","Guess which body of water","Who lives here?", “Who will I tell you about?

    17. Word games : Describe the animal ", "Guess a riddle", "Who hears what?","Whose kids?","Find an item by description", "Call it in one word?"

    18. Outdoor games: "Fishing rod", « The sea is worried once » , "Carp and Pike", "Stream"

    29. Plot and role-playing the game: "Steamer"

    20. Working with parents: "Making a collection of children's illustrations and stories" Sea inhabitants "

    23. Quiz "Wonders of the underwater world!"

    Implementationthe project

    Joint activities of children and teachers.

    Target: Enhance cognitive interest in to the inhabitants of the deep sea... Consolidate children's knowledge about the diversity of the underwater world; encourage search engine skills activities; enrich the speech of children; to form a respect for nature.

    Conversations: About fish, about the seas, sea treasures.

    Examination of illustrations (encyclopedias « The sea and its world » , "Atlasseas and oceans »)

    Viewing videos "Sea World". "Underwater world", "Mammals in zoo: Performance by dolphins, fur seals, Belukha whale. Cartoons: "About the fisherman and the fish" A.S. Pushkin; "Nemo", "Underwater lads"

    Album with the species diversity of the animal, flora, their environment a habitat;

    Examination of paintings by artists, depicting the underwater world of paintings, the underwater world of paintings by Mark Suzino;

    Product project activities : Photo album "How beautiful this underwater world is", A collection of children's stories about the seas and oceans, aquarium layout, collective panel "At the bottom of the sea", photos from GCD, design of the play corner "Sea World"

    Cognitive development

    Conversation on theme: "What different seas!"

    Conversation: "Hidden treasuresseas

    Examination of reproductions of paintings by I.K.Aivazovsky "Night. Blue Wave", "The Ninth Wave", "Blacksea » , "Hurricane onsea » , A. Rylov « Sea ... Stones ", "In the blue space", A. Bogolyubov "Sailboat insea » ;

    Gcd "Journey through the depths of the sea"

    Reading fiction

    Target: Generate interest in works of art different genres, to reveal the relationship between the fairytale and the real world; teach to highlight main idea works;

    Explain how important pictures are in a book; show how much you can learn by looking at book illustrations.

    Riddles about marine inhabitants,

    S. Sakharnov "Who inthe sea lives , A. S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish", G. H. Andersen "Mermaid"; Tatiana Domarenok "Sea rescuers"; Nadezhda Shemyakina "The Tale of the Whale", reading poems by Inna Sudareva "At the bottom of the sea";

    Learning poems by V. Orlov "What are the outfits for the sea?", "I'm drawingsea » , Y. Dulepins "Octopus", S. Baranova "Dolphins", proverbs and sayings, finger gymnastics "Gull"

    Didactic games

    Target: Clarify and consolidate and knowledge about inhabitants of the sea... Develop resourcefulness, ingenuity, attention, the ability to prove the correctness of your judgment.


    "The fourth extra"

    "Whose silhouette"

    "Whose Shadow?"

    "Collect the Dolphin"

    "Guess which body of water"

    "Who lives here?"

    "Who will I tell you about"

    Word games

    Target. Develop the ability to describe a body of water, its inhabitants by description.

    Expand children's vocabulary: jellyfish, octopus, shrimp, sawfish, crab, seahorse, flounder.

    "Describe the animal"

    "Guess a riddle"

    "Who hears what?"

    "Whose kids?"

    "Find an item by description"

    "Name it in one word"

    Productive species activities:

    Exhibition of drawings and crafts from natural and waste material « Sea and sea secrets » .

    Target: Teach children various techniques of working with various visual means, the ability to follow oral instructions, operate with concepts denoting spatial characteristics. Develop fine motor skills of hands and eyes, artistic taste and creativity. To foster a culture of work, communication skills of children.

    Collective application "In the depths of the sea"

    GCD for Iso activities"Underwater kingdom"

    GCD for modeling "Magic Land - Underwater Kingdom"

    Origami "Sea fish"

    Making a collection of children's illustrations and stories "Sea inhabitants"

    Musical activity

    Target: Learn to perceive the character of animals through musical compositions. Exercise children in creating expressive images of marine inhabitants... Instill a love for various musical genres.

    Listening to a song "Dolphins" on verses by S. Kozlov from the cartoon "In the port";

    Debussy K. « Sea » ,

    sketch for a symphony orchestra, "Conversation of the wind withby sea » ;

    Ravel M. "Play of water";

    The children really liked our cognitive lesson, they were looking forward to every day to learn something new about inhabitants of the aquatic world... I also liked talking with children, listening to their stories about residents seas and oceans... Together children

    During the conversation about the inhabitants of the sea, the children listened attentively, and were afraid to miss something, everyone was interested, perhaps because they knew that later there would be questions about this theme and those who respond best will receive prizes. The children looked at the photographs I proposed with interest. inhabitants of the sea, with some they already knew, and some they saw for the first time.

    At a conversation about residents ocean children began to notice that some animals live in sea and in ocean... But their interest did not diminish.

    Children were looking forward to the day when we will spend physical culture leisure.

    Of course, the application aroused the most interest among the children. Everyone was involved, everyone was doing their own thing. So that the children do not argue, the duties were distributed by a counting-machine. Everyone was happy with the result. When the parents came, the children took them to the applique and began to tell who did what. The final quiz was held "Wonders of the underwater world!" where children showed all their accumulated knowledge on this topic! A lot of work was done with the parents, they, together with the children, wrote stories about the seas that we designed in a collection! Also, the parents took part in the creation of a model - an aquarium, in the creation of a photo album "How beautiful this underwater world is!"

    It seems to me that our collective creative work went well, I managed to interest and surprise the children with something, I saw how well the memory and fantasy are developed in children.


    Annex 1

    Outdoor games:

    Pike and crucian carp

    Purpose of the game: development of motor abilities, speed of reaction.

    The course of the game: at opposite ends of the playing area, 2 "bays" are outlined, in which the "carp" live. The distance between the "bays" is about 10-15 m. The rest of the playground space is a "river". The "pike" is chosen from the players, all the rest - the "carp". "Karasi" all stand together in one of the "bays", and "pike" - in the middle of the "river". “Shuka” says “One, two, three!”, And all “crucians” begin to swim to the opposite bay. "Pike" catches "carp". The caught "crucian" stands in the middle of the playing area. "Pike" again counts, "crucians" are swimming again, and so on.

    The caught "carp" stand in the middle of the "river", holding hands, and form a net. “Karasi” continue to swim from one “bay” to another, but now they are passing through the net. "Pike" catches "crucians" running out of the net.

    All caught "carp" join the net, and now a circle is formed from it - a basket. Uncaught "carp" run through the basket, and the "pike" catches them. When there are very few “crucians” left, the caught ones form tops - they stand in 2 rows, facing each other, forming a corridor. "Shuka" stands 2 m from the top and catches the "carp" at the exit from them. The game ends when all the crucians are caught.

    Special Notes: On the Three! all "crucians" should start running from one "bay" to another. The caught "carp" standing in a net, basket or tops do not interfere with the movement of the rest of the "fish". All "carp" when dashing should run into a net, basket or top. The players forming the basket can catch the "pike" if they manage to throw their intertwined hands behind the "pike" and drive it into the basket. If the "pike" falls into the basket, all the caught "carp" are released and a new "pike" is selected, and the former becomes a "carp".

    Fish and crocodiles

    Purpose of the game: development of motor and communication skills.

    Attributes: Medium rubber ball.

    Game progress: in the center of the field draw a large circle with a diameter of about 4 m. Players are divided into 2 teams - "fish" and "crocodiles". "Fish" defend their home, and "crocodiles" attack them. The “fish” players enter the circle, and the “crocodile” players surround them behind the line, moving away from each other at approximately the same distance. Having received the ball from the presenter, the attackers throw the ball over the circle 3 times in a row. This is the prerequisite for starting the game. At this time, "crocodiles" are not allowed to hit those in the circle, and they cannot jump and catch the ball. After 3 re-rolls, the crocodile players try to seize the moment and hit the circle. Those who are in the circle try to avoid blows - they defend themselves, that is, the “fish” catch the ball or try to keep it in the circle. In case of a successful defense, the players switch roles.

    Special remarks: if the crocodile kick reaches the goal and the ball goes out of the circle, then the defender who hit the ball is out of the game. If the ball does not reach the goal, the crocodile player who threw the ball is out of the game.


    Attributes: rope 2-3 m long, peg, chair.

    The course of the game: all players are "fish". One player is a "shark". A loop is made at one end of the rope and put on a peg fixed to the ground in the center of the site.

    You can tie a rope to a chair in the center.

    "Shark" takes the free end of the rope and runs in a circle so that it is taut, and the hand with the rope is at knee level. When the rope approaches, the “fish” children, who have scattered across the sea-platform, need to jump over it.

    Special Notes: "fish" caught by a rope are considered to be eaten by a "shark"

    Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

    Attributes: 3-5m cord.

    Game progress: a circle is laid out of the cord - a "net" in the center of the playing field. All players are "fish". Three are "fishermen". "Fishermen" stand in the center of the circle. "Fishes" run all over the site, sometimes running into a circle. The "fishermen" are trying to catch them.

    Special Notes: You can only catch fish in a circle. The caught "fish" are eliminated from the game.


    Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities.

    Game progress: 2 parallel lines are drawn on the playing court. Between them is the "river". All players stand on the bank or on both banks of the "river". The host quickly says “Into the river!” And the players jump into the river. The host shouts “To the shore!” And the players jump to the shore. The player who made a mistake leaves the game. The last player who has never made a mistake wins. He becomes the new leader.

    Special Notes: The facilitator can pick up the pace. After the end of the game, all losing players jump on one leg along the "river".

    Sea figures

    Purpose of the game: development of motor, communication and creative abilities, expansion of erudition.

    Attributes: multiple chairs.

    Game progress: Chairs are placed around the playground. The leader is the captain. He gives each player the name of an item from the ship's environment. The captain begins to move behind the backs of those sitting in a circle and talk about sailing on the ship, while naming the items necessary for sea navigation. Each "item" named by the captain stands up. They line up one after another for the captain. When all the players have stood up, the captain shouts: "There is a storm at sea!" Children move in waves. The captain commands: "It's calm at sea!" Children try to take their places on chairs as soon as possible. The one left without a chair becomes the captain and starts the game again, telling his story.

    Special Notes: Players must build up behind the captain in the order of the items named by him. You can sit not only on your own, but also on any free chair.

    Appendix 2

    GCD for familiarization with the natural environment

    "Journey through the depths of the sea"

    Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution Kindergarten N23 "Golden Key" of the city of Domodedovo

    To shape the research skills of children preschool age.

    - solving problem situations, teaching the ability to compare, analyze, draw conclusions.
    - development of speech, logical thinking, visual-figurative perception, cognitive activity.
    - the formation of moral, emotional relationship to the outside world.
    Methods and techniques:
    Repetition, consolidation of the passed material
    Magnetic board, screen, disc with the recording "Sounds of the Sea", magnets depicting marine life, a shell with a pearl, toys: crab, octopus, goldfish, "Magic stones", album sheets, gouache, brushes, pencil, oilcloth.
    Projector, music center.
    Preliminary work:
    A conversation about marine life, the design of the group in the form of a seabed, viewing photographic illustrations from a painting by I.K. Aivazovsky "Black Sea", reading fiction, reading scientific and journalistic messages about crabs, about sharks, outdoor games, drawing.
    Vocabulary work:
    Octopus, pearl, clam, shell
    Course of the lesson

    Stage 1. Increased attention. The music is playing (the sound of the sea)
    Educator. Guys, close your eyes, listen, how pleasant are these sounds to our ears? If you guess the riddle, you will immediately guess what we are going to talk about today.
    Here - wherever we look -
    Watery blue space.
    In it the wave rises like a wall
    White crest over the wave.
    And sometimes there is peace and quiet.
    Was everyone able to recognize him?

    Educator. That's right guys, this is the sea.
    Stage 2. Main part
    Educator. Take a look around, what changes do you see in the group? (children's answers).
    That's right, today we will go to the bottom of the sea (a screeching sound is heard behind the screen).
    What is it guys? Who is scratching with impatience? Yes, it is an inhabitant of the bottom of the sea (a crab, a shell in its claws, a pearl in a shell). Can you answer who it is? (children's answers).
    The teacher places magnets with the image of the seabed and a shell with a pearl on the magnetic board.
    Guys, let's imagine that we find ourselves on the seabed with you, and a beautiful pearl will be our guide, it will lead us through the depths of the sea (the pearl stops near the crab).
    How many of you can tell about this sea dweller?
    Child. Crabs live in the seas. The head of the crab is small, the abdomen is short. The two front powerful limbs are called claws, with their help crabs grab prey and defend themselves. Crabs do not move forward or backward, but to the side due to the fact that their limbs bend there. In a crab, the body is covered with a hard shell. The crab has 10 legs.
    Educator. That's right, all crabs have ten legs, but the front pair of legs is not visible, they are hidden under the shell and serve to clean the crab gills. What are gills for a crab? (Answers of children). With the help of their gills, crabs breathe underwater. The eyes of crabs are amazing: they are planted on "stalks" that can retract and extend. The claws of the crab are strong, sharp as scissors. Claws are the two largest crab arms. What do crabs eat? They have on the menu: worms, shellfish, fish.
    Crabs are eaten very delicately and even beautifully. One claw serves as a "fork", the other - a "knife". With a "knife" they cut the food into small pieces, and with a "fork" slowly. Slowly, they bring a piece to their mouth. It should be noted that crabs willingly eat dead animals. For what they are called "scavengers" of the seabed. Due to the fact that crabs eat the remains of animals, plants, garbage left from people, the coast and the seabed are regularly cleaned. Crabs hunt mainly at night, and during the day they burrow in the sand or hide among stones. Sometimes they steal fish from fishing nets. Sometimes they themselves become entangled in the networks, but this does not matter for them. Why do you think? (Answers of children). With their sharp claws, the crabs cut the threads of the nets and free themselves. And into the holes left in the nets, and the fish is in a hurry to get out into the wild.
    (The teacher places marine life on the projector). Guys, look at the screen, please single out a predator from a number of marine life. (Children find a shark). Well done, the guys coped with the task. What can you tell us about this predator?
    Child. She is a cunning predator, her teeth are sharp, she is very bloodthirsty. When she goes hunting, all the animals hide, freeze so that the shark does not notice them. She looks around very carefully, looks for prey, the shark is very hungry and angry. The predator swims and, not noticing anything, will swim away to another place to hunt. And sea inhabitants again come out of their shelters and swim, frolic, splash water with each other.
    Educator. Guys, look, the pearl led us to the school of fish. Look how many unusual representatives of this class are here, both large and small and striped. What can you tell us about them? (children's answers)
    Children. Fish live in the sea, very beautiful and different. There are fish similar to a hedgehog, with the same spines, there are similar to birds, to butterflies, to a parrot, there are fish that swell when they get scared, and there are also fish of different colors, striped, speckled and you can admire them.
    Educator. So only fish live in the sea?
    Child. The sea is inhabited by dolphins, whales, sea shells, and algae plants also grow.
    Child. Starfish and skates, jellyfish also live in the sea.
    Educator. That's right guys, the water world is very diverse. (the teacher places the species of marine fish and plants on the projector). Now take a look and disassemble, please, where are the fish, and where are the plants?
    Well done, we did the job. Now, let's turn into fish for a while (exercise).
    The fish swam, dived
    (Movements are performed in accordance with the text).
    In the salty sea water.
    Then they will come together, they will disperse,
    They will bury themselves in the sand.
    Here comes the jellyfish
    (Smooth undulating movements of the hands down, walking)
    And this was a katran.
    (Running with arms outstretched with folded palms)
    The mussels opened the doors
    (Squat down and rise slowly, opening your palms)
    The crab is moving slowly.
    (Moving on bent legs, arms out to the sides)
    This is a fishing boat
    (Walking in jerks, accompanied by raking hand movements),
    This is a flock of fish
    (Scatter run)
    This is, of course, a dolphin,
    (Leaning forward in motion, simulating diving)
    I will solve all of you.
    (Hands spread apart)
    Educator. Today you told me a lot about sea inhabitants, only you did not remember about one more inhabitant, guess the riddle about whom this is said:

    Don't you know me?
    I live at the bottom of the sea
    Head and eight legs -
    That's all I am ...
    Children. Octopus!
    Educator. That's right, guys, it's an octopus. Look, the pearl led us to the octopus underwater workshop. How beautiful and big he is. The octopus gets its name from the number of legs. There are exactly eight of them. Once upon a time, very, very long ago, the number eight was called differently - "eight", so people began to call this amazing animal "octopus". The body of the octopus looks like a large pear with long branches extending from it - tentacles on which there are suckers. With the help of suction cups, the octopus can grab and hold prey, as well as attach to underwater objects. Octopuses feed on crabs, fish and other marine animals. They seize prey with their strong tentacles and devour with a hard hooked beak. The mouth of the octopus is small, resembling the beak of a parrot and is often called the "beak". Octopuses secrete poisonous saliva, which can be dangerous to humans, but, as a rule, the octopus never attacks first, but always flees. The octopus has the ability to change color, so it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish it against the background of the bottom or underwater rocks. For example, I walked over the sand - I turned yellow, I got into the algae - I turned green. Guys, do you know that octopuses can not only swim, but also walk along the bottom by rearranging the tentacles. Octopuses have special luminous skin areas on their bodies. These "flashlights" help the octopus at night and at great depths, where it is always dark.
    Guys, our octopus is very bored to swim alone on the seabed, let us draw fabulous octopus friends for him, but just draw him magical, mysterious, you can draw his eyes, mouth, let him have an unusual one. Guys, look how beautiful your octopuses are. Well done! (ready-made drawings are posted at the exhibition "The Magic Octopus")

    Lesson summary.

    So our lesson has come to an end. What sea creatures did we meet?
    Guys, what did you like about the lesson, what was interesting? What new things have you learned about the aquatic world? Well, the pearl needs to go back to the sea. After all, she is also a sea inhabitant. Where did this pearl come from? A grain of sand gets into the shell of a bivalve mollusk. To relieve the mollusc from unpleasant stabbing sensations, the shell begins to secrete nacre, which is layered on the grain of sand, and the matte ball grows and grows. As a result, a pearl appears between the body of the mollusk and the shell wall. But before it turns into a pearl, it will take from 2 to 5 years. Pearls are highly prized as a decoration. Pearls are an old and beloved gem. Pearl color is white, pink or yellowish, sometimes black. A beautiful necklace is made of pearls.
    Educator. Look, a beautiful fish is swimming towards us, she wants to make a riddle.
    I don't walk and don't fly
    And try to catch up!
    I am golden.
    Well, look into a fairy tale!
    Educator. Guess guys what kind of fish it is? I wonder how she lives, whether she still has magic power. Maybe she will help fulfill all our desires and dreams right now.
    Gold fish. Dear guys, I will give you magic power, and your wishes will come true. But only if they are from a kind heart, will not harm anyone and if they are conceived not for one person, but for all people. Stand in a circle, stretch your arms forward, put your palms together with a cup, close your eyes. (The teacher gives each child a "magic stone".). The pebble needs to be squeezed in your palms, giving off your warmth, and it will give you the power to fulfill your desires. (Children squeeze a pebble in their palm and take turns saying their wish).
    Now all your wishes will come true. And these stones will remain with you as a memory of our meeting. Good luck on your journey through the depths of the sea!
    Educator. Do you like the depths of the sea? Let's sit in a circle and once again listen to the sound of the sea (audio recording). As a keepsake, as a gift from the goldfish, we were left with small pebbles.

    Abstract of GCD (image)

    Theme: "Underwater world".

    .Target: To form the ability to depict the inhabitants of the underwater world in drawings with watercolors in accordance with its specifics.

    Learning tasks:

      Maintain an interest in visual activities in children and a desire to display their impressions.

      Create conditions for the implementation of fine art activities. Lead children to understand that the underwater world of the seas and oceans is very diverse and you can depict any underwater inhabitants in your drawings.

      Expand children's ideas about the underwater inhabitants of the seas and oceans.

      Contribute to the development of the ability to paint with watercolors, using its transparency and lightness, smooth transition from one color to another, paint with a brush in different ways.

    Developmental tasks:

    1. Develop free communication with adults and peers.

    2. Develop a monologue speech, speech activity

      Develop auditory and visual attention.

      To activate vocabulary on the topic "Inhabitants of the underwater world"

    5 To develop the ability to use multidirectional during work,

    cohesive, smooth hand movements. Promote the development of visual

    hand movement control.

    Educational tasks:

      Raise curiosity, the desire to learn more new things,

      Foster a sense of satisfaction with a job well done.

      To foster a feeling of joy for the comrades who have done beautiful work.

    Educational areas:

      Cognitive development

      Speech development

      Social and communicative development

      Motor development

    Priority area:

      Artistic and aesthetic

    Material: Watercolor paper for each child, watercolors, foam sponge, brushes, napkins for each child.

    Course of the lesson

    Educator:- Guys, guess. where are we going to travel today ...

    Here - wherever we look -
    Watery blue space.
    In it the wave rises like a wall
    White crest over the wave.
    And sometimes there is peace and quiet.
    Was everyone able to recognize him?

    We are going on a journey across the seas and oceans, and we will not only travel, but study the sea world.

    Educator: We are a team and our vessel, I propose to name it "Seeker". Do you agree? Why do you think Seeker? (Answers of children)

    Of course. Ms will search and find miracles of sea wonders. The sea is a land of incredible wonders. ( Children come up to the map)

    Educator: Guys, look at the map. What's on it in blue? (Answers of children). Yes kids , most of the surface of the earth is water. These are seas and oceans. Do you know any seas and oceans? ( Children are called, the teacher shows on the map)

    Educator: Guys, were there any of you at sea? ( Children talk about the sea, how salty the water is, that you can't see the other shore.)

    Well, what are we going on a sea voyage? ( Children go to the "Seeker" steamer, built in advance from a large builder, choose the Captain, are going on a journey)

    A knock on the door: Aibolit enters.

    Aibolit - Take me with you, I will be useful to you, you cannot go on a long and dangerous journey without a doctor.

    Children: Doctor Aibolit, welcome to our vessel Seeker.

    Educator: Children, who knows what the coldest ocean is?

    Child: Arctic Ocean (There is always snow and very cold).

    Educator: There are a lot of seas on planet Earth.

    What color are they depicted on the map?

    Children: Blue, blue.

    Educator: Yes, the water in the sea looks blue to us.

    Dr. Aibolit: The sea is not always blue. When I sailed to Africa, our ship was caught in a storm and the sea was purple, almost black! Southern seas more blue, and the northern ones are greenish. (Consider water color illustrations or slides.)

    Educator: Well, our journey has come to an end, and now we are going to draw a sea inhabitant.

    Child: But as?

    Educator: And what it is, I will now show and tell you. Well done! Independent work of children.

    Educator: Let's leave our work. You all have a beautiful sea! And we will continue our journey further.

    Physical education for the eyes: "Mermaid"

    Educator: Guys, look, miracles begin. What a blue sea.

    Now I will read you an excerpt from a fairy tale, and you will guess what kind of fairy tale it is.

    “An old man lived with his old woman.

    By the very blue sea ... "

    Children's answers

    Educator: That's right, listen further.

    They lived in a dilapidated dugout, the old man caught fish with a net, and the old woman spun her yarn. The grandfather was kind, and the old woman was calm, and they had peace and harmony in the house. And the nature was calm: blue sky, calm sea. And in this calm sea lived a kind, magical "goldfish". But, she lived - not alone, look - how many friends the fish has. The teacher brings in a goldfish.

    Educator: Oh, look what marine life is here! ( There is a show of individual inhabitants (stingrays, seahorse, coral fish, dolphins, sharks and other fish, starfish, jellyfish. Children name them, examine, discuss)

    Dr. Aibolitwarns children which inhabitants are dangerous - for example, you cannot take jellyfish with your hands, a stingray is dangerous, sea cocks have sharp thorns, etc.)

    Educator: Guys, pay attention to the goldfish, what color is it? What paint are we going to paint it with?

    Children: Yellow, orange.

    Educator: What colors do the other inhabitants have? ( children's answers), Yes, the fish are colorful, you can come up with a color for them yourself when you populate them in your seas. Children, also pay attention, and what is the bottom by the sea?

    Children: Sandy, stony, there are algae.

    Educator: This can also be displayed in the figure. We go to our "underwater kingdom" and will fill it with marine life, but first, prepare our fingers for work.

    Physical education

    The star in the sky sways meekly.

    (arms raised up, fingers wide apart, slight swaying


    The boat sways in the white mist

    That boat has wonderful colors.

    (hands are lowered, slightly divorced, slight swaying of the body to the left

    and right)

    The wind gently shakes the boat,

    It invites us to the magic kingdom.

    (children sit at tables on chairs).

    Educator:WITH using a thin brush, we will paint the inhabitants of the sea. Or maybe one of you will draw a shore, pebbles, sand.

    (Children are doing the work, the teacher is watching the drawing.

    Analysis of works:

    Lay out all the work on a large table. It turned out "Underwater Kingdom".

    Educator: Guys, what were we doing today? ( Children's answers) How I like it! What a huge, calm, blue sea. And the inhabitants of the "sea kingdom" move around calmly. When I look at your drawings, I see that only good triumphs in your country.

    Children choose the drawings they like, explain why they chose these drawings.

    Educator: - You have got wonderful drawings, and today we will open an exhibition of your works.

    Abstract of the GCD for the formation of elementary mathematical representations"Marine arithmetic"

    Abstract of the GCD on the formation of elementary mathematical representations.

    Software content:

    Introduce the formation of the number 7, the number 7; To fix the quantitative and ordinal count of objects within 7; Continue to develop the ability to navigate in time;

    Develop attention, intelligence, ability to think logically; Cultivate interest in mathematical knowledge. Material: cards with numbers from 1 to 7 for each child; demo card with number 7; cards with the image of a goat and kids; attention development test; ball; simple pencils; card with a picture of a rebus (family); cards with the names of the days of the week.

    Introduction to the game situation

    Educator: Dear guys! Take a look at what I found in the group today. Children gather on the carpet near the teacher. The teacher shows to

    They just sailed past us,

    We played and sailed away.

    Backs flicker among the waves

    Children, who is this?

    Educator: (takes out a picture of a dolphin from the box, attaches it to an easel)

    Educator: Let's help the dolphin? Can you handle it? Children sit down at tables. Game "Day - Night"

    Educator: Your knowledge will come in handy right now. How many dolphins do we have? Place the card in front of you with the number that represents the number 1.

    Educator: Let's play the game "Day-Night" with the dolphin. You know that fabulous transformations take place at night. Night! Children close their eyes, show that they are sleeping. The teacher adds a picture with a picture of a goat.

    Educator: - Day! What changed? (A dolphin swam) - How many dolphins are now? (2) - How did the number 2 come about? (1 + 1 = 2) After the number 1, put a card with the number that represents the number 2. - Night! Children are "sleeping" - the teacher introduces another dolphin. - Day! What changed? How did the number 3 come about? Show the card with the number 3. Next, similarly with the remaining four dolphins. - Count the heroes of the fairy tale in order (ordinal). There are seven kids on the board. The teacher shows the number 7, and the children find it on their desk. - Circle the number 7. - What does it look like? Here is a seven - a poker, it has one leg.

    The seven were especially honored in antiquity. Once upon a time, seven was the limiting number, which is confirmed by the proverbs "Bow from seven ailments", "Seven do not wait for one", where "seven" is used in the meaning of "all." Didactic game "Week" Educator: - Oh, there is something else in our box. What is it? (The teacher takes out and reads randomly the names of the days of the week). I understood ... Dolphin got it all mixed up - you need to help him arrange the days of the week in order. Can we handle it? The teacher invites children to remember all days of the week with the help of a ball game. The game "Hey, week, become!" - Even in Ancient Babylon, seven planets were known, to which both the Sun and the Moon were then numbered. They began to count the time by them. Thus the seven-day week was born. Seven cannot be divided into two equal parts, or into three equal parts, or into four. So they gave the name WEEK - not divided. Didactic game "Solve the rebus" Educator (looks into the box): And then there is something else. Help me find out what this picture means - solve the puzzle. Children's answers. (Family) The caregiver shows a picture of a goat. - The whole family is together - and the soul is in place! Didactic exercise "Encrypted writing" Educator: Let's play with dolphins? Circle all the pictures that refer to the number 7.

    Educator: Did we help the dolphin? What have we done for him? Why were we able to do this? Well done! We coped with the tasks because you are attentive, quick-witted and responsive.