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  • What books to read during pregnancy: works of art for expectant mothers. Books for expectant mothers. What you need to know about pregnancy, childbirth and parenting What is better for pregnant women to read

    What books to read during pregnancy: works of art for expectant mothers.  Books for expectant mothers.  What you need to know about pregnancy, childbirth and parenting What is better for pregnant women to read

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    O. V. Berdnikova
    Pregnancy Week by Week: A Modern Guide for Moms-to-be

    Getting ready to become a mother

    The news that you will soon become a mother, together with joy, often brings with it anxiety. What should be done in order not to harm the unborn baby? How to swaddle your baby correctly? How many times a day should I feed my baby? But you never know different questions arise from the expectant mother.

    Of course, it's too early to worry about the postpartum period at the beginning of pregnancy, because you will have 9 months of bearing a baby. During this time, you will learn a lot of new and interesting things. It is possible that on the way to childbirth, you will have a lot of worries about your child. Almost all of them will help you to dispel the observational gynecologist, and you can find the answers to the rest of the questions in the proposed book.

    The main thing for a pregnant woman is to acquire a favorable emotional mood, and nothing else but taking care of the unborn child can so distract a woman preparing to become a mother from the many problems associated with pregnancy.

    In many ways, expectant mothers are helped by future grandmothers, but what if the mother is far away? After all, such simple questions as swaddling and feeding a baby can cause panic in an inexperienced woman expecting a baby. Meanwhile, excitement is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, and a good book will help answer all the questions that arise, which will become not only a "guide" to pregnancy, but also an assistant for the first days spent at home with a newborn.

    In this book, you will learn how to determine the sex of the unborn child, for which you need morning exercises, and you will find a whole range of exercises designed for pregnant women. You will learn a lot about nutrition, diets and what foods contain essential nutrients, vitamins and trace elements. In addition, you will be able to correctly determine the duration of pregnancy and understand how your baby is developing within you.

    After reading one of the chapters, you will learn how to properly prepare for pregnancy, if it is planned. Another chapter describes the approximate regimen of the mother's day in the first days after the baby is born, and also tells about all those necessary items that will be needed to care for the baby.

    It is equally important to find out the opinion of psychologists. As a rule, in all antenatal clinics there are special rooms for preparing pregnant women for childbirth, but not every expectant mother can find time for this. After reading this book, you can get rid of most of the fears and anxieties and get a lot of useful advice not only for preparing for childbirth, but also for raising a child.

    PART 1
    Family planning

    Every girl dreams of successfully getting married and having at least one child. However, everything is not so simple, because a child is a future full-fledged person, and his possible appearance must be taken seriously. First of all, you should discuss this issue with your husband. Is he ready for this and will he be able to provide you and the unborn child with everything you need. Currently, family planning offices operate in every antenatal clinic. Do not hesitate, go there with your husband! Experienced specialists will tell you a lot and help you choose the right time for the baby's appearance.

    It is extremely important to achieve spiritual harmony, anxiety and restlessness badly affects the course of pregnancy.

    If you decide to raise a child alone, which is now quite common, then you need to approach such an important decision even more seriously. The most important question is - can you provide a normal existence for your child? If so, then everything else should not embarrass a girl worthy of the title of heroine. Indeed, in our difficult time, raising a child alone is very difficult.

    A single mother, in addition to financial problems, is also exposed to emotional stress. Be that as it may, but to see happy married couples expecting a baby is very difficult. But a pregnant woman will see them all the time - in the antenatal clinic, in the laboratory, in the park, in shops, etc. No matter how strange it may sound, it is pregnant women who most often pay attention to pregnant women. And the happy smiles on the face of a woman expecting a baby, whom her husband helps to put on shoes, carry heavy bags or choose tiny things in children's stores, often traumatize a single mother-to-be.

    That is why it is worthwhile to think in advance about whether you can endure such serious tests. If so, then the following few tips should accompany you until the end of your pregnancy. First, think about your child more often, talk to him. Experts have proven that a child, after a very short time after conception, begins to hear and understand his mother.

    The relationship between mother and child begins during the intrauterine development of the baby. If in the first months this is not yet noticeable, then in the second half of pregnancy the baby can respond to mom with jerks.

    Secondly, think more about the time when he is born. Dream about how you will play and raise your baby, come up with a name for a boy and a girl. Thirdly, devote more time to the arrangement of the children's room. Do not buy everything at once, the longer you shop, the better, and you have a lot of time, as much as nine months, or forty weeks.

    Who is a boy or a girl?

    There are several ways to program the sex of the unborn child. However, none of them give a 100% guarantee that the unborn child will be exactly the gender you want.

    As a rule, the sex of the child is formed before 3 months of pregnancy. First of all, it depends on the male reproductive cell - the sperm carrying the X- or Y-chromosomes, while the female cell - the egg - always carries a set of only X-chromosomes.

    What is obtained as a result of combining the same or different sets of chromosomes is now known to every student. If the sperm brought the Y chromosomes, then a boy will soon be born. A girl needs X chromosomes. However, in any case, no matter who was born, a difficult, but such a fertile time is coming for the mother.

    Many parents do not care what gender they will have a child, but there are those who suffer from an obsessive desire to have a girl or a boy. As mentioned above, there are several ways to try to program the sex of the child. But this is only an attempt, and one should not place too much hope in it.

    We will program the gender of the child

    Do you want a girl? To braid her pigtails, dress up in beautiful dresses, skirts, socks, bows, hats. Or maybe a boy? Cars, soldiers, pistols and officers' caps? In any case, the desire for a particular sex of the child depends on the individual's personality. How to make sure that a child of exactly the gender you want to appear? Try programming it yourself.

    The power of human self-hypnosis is capable of raising him above the ground and curing an incurable disease, and not just assigning a certain gender to the child. You should start dreaming of a girl or a boy even before pregnancy, both for you and the child's father. Perhaps, if you really want this, the body will develop exactly those chromosomes that will subsequently set the desired gender of the child.

    You can program the child according to the age of the parents' blood. If the mother's blood is older, then a boy will be born and vice versa. The age of the blood is calculated by the time of its renewal. So the blood of a woman is renewed once every 3 years, a man's - once every 4 years.

    The main thing is to believe that it is a boy (or a girl) who will be born, and to believe in it sincerely. The rest remains to be done by nature. However, even if the result turns out to be the opposite, neither you nor the baby's father will be disappointed, because parenting is a unique feeling, independent of the gender of the child born into the world.

    Table 1. Relationship between the age of mother and child

    Another method of programming the sex of the child is the ratio of the age of the expectant mother and the month of conception. Here is a table compiled from statistical data.

    Planning a baby

    So, you have come to a mutual agreement that the family is missing a third person. At least three months before pregnancy, you, as the mother of the unborn baby, must take care of his health. After all, you will be his "home" for as long as nine months, and for this you need to cleanse your body of numerous toxins that are not dangerous for you, but can harm the unborn baby.

    In addition to cleansing the entire body, it is equally important to take care of the child's dowry. Acquiring in advance everything that is necessary for caring for a newborn and clothes for him is not only pleasant chores, but also taking care of the future person.


    If you have been using birth control pills, you should stop taking them three to four months before getting pregnant.

    These pills contain a large amount of hormones that can provoke a miscarriage in the early stages of pregnancy.

    Now directly about medicines. If you are registered with any doctor, then you should definitely consult with him. You may not need to have a baby at this stage in your life. If everything is in order, consult your doctor and gynecologist about the medications you are taking. Anything that is not capable of harming the baby can be taken in the future, and all other medications will have to be replaced with more gentle ones or stop taking them altogether.

    It is advisable to stop taking aspirin, analgin and various antibiotics in two to three months, as they can cause abnormalities in the development of the baby. Naturally, during pregnancy, pregnant women are strictly prohibited from taking any medications without the permission of the therapist. If your future child is dear to you and you want him to be born and grow up healthy, then take your time and, if necessary, go to the doctor.

    In all civilized countries of the world, contraceptive pills stop taking six months, that is, six months before the start of pregnancy. The residual amount of hormones contained in oral contraceptives can give impetus to the abnormal development of the child's bone tissue.

    In the first trimester of pregnancy, the baby's nervous system, brain, heart and other vital organs are laid. During this period, you need to try not to harm him with any medications. You need to know about this! You should not even take valerian without the permission of the gynecologist watching you. Be sure to tell your doctor about your concerns and he will prescribe all the necessary medications.

    In the case of self-medication, irreversible changes can occur in your baby's nascent body. So, due to the intake of simple aspirin, a child may develop deafness or the skull may not form properly. Many antibiotics and tranquilizers cause cerebral palsy syndrome.

    In general, you can easily protect yourself from all these troubles, only remembering that your child will live in you and only you are able to give him everything he needs. After all, everything that you eat and feel is your baby eats and feels. Scientists have proven that with a sharp, suddenly lighting up light, the baby in the womb squints.

    There is no need to be afraid or ashamed of your gynecologist, for the next nine months he should become your closest friend.

    Now it should become clear that you need to maintain your body in perfect order. After all, you care not only about the cleanliness of the children's room, but also about its decoration, which creates a certain mood. Toys, children's accessories are everywhere, it is light, clean and calm. You just need to remember that you will be a kind of nursery for the unborn baby. Once you set yourself up for this, it will be much easier for you to avoid unforeseen problems.

    The harm caused by alcohol

    It would be useful to talk about bad habits. Alcohol and all its constituents pose a threat not only to heredity. Alcohol promotes the rapid leaching of calcium from the mother's body, which leads to the development of rickets in a newborn baby. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is extremely important to completely eliminate alcohol and nicotine, the dangers of which there is no need to talk about.

    A woman's body is cleansed twice as fast as a man's. A man should refrain from drinking alcohol for a year.

    In addition to rickets and bad heredity, alcohol destroys the psyche of a child long before his birth. Very often in families in which even one of the parents suffers from alcoholism, children are born not only with lesions of the central nervous system, but also with physical deformities. Therefore, think about what is more important to you - a glass of vodka or a healthy child. It is necessary to exclude alcohol intake at least six months before pregnancy. During this time, most of the toxins will have time to leave your body.

    In the last two trimesters of pregnancy, almost all gynecologists recommend taking 100 grams of red wine at room temperature. Weak grape alcohol is not ethyl alcohol that is harmful to the unborn child. In addition to pleasant sensations, and it was said above that everything that the mother feels is transmitted to the child, red wines contribute to an increase in hemoglobin in the blood. However, the recommended dose should not be exceeded, as even red wine in large quantities will harm the baby.

    A few words about smoking

    In recent years, the number of women who smoke has increased at an alarming rate. In addition to the Ministry of Health, warnings about the dangers of smoking are heard from the lips of all doctors in the world. But, apparently, reasonable words have no effect on either women or men.

    However, women should consider quitting smoking well before pregnancy. At least three months should pass after the last smoked cigarette. If you are completely indifferent to your health, then think about the health of your child.

    Statistics show that children of women who smoke are often born prematurely, and if they were born on time, their body weight is 200–300 grams less than that of children of healthy and nonsmoking mothers. In addition, the nicotine contained in cigarettes is quite capable of causing a miscarriage or provoking a frozen pregnancy.

    Long conversations about the dangers of smoking tend to yield zero results, but they are still worth doing. Indeed, in addition to nicotine, a cigarette contains a lot of other substances harmful to the health of mothers and children. Among them are hydrogen sulfide, nitrogen, ammonia, carbon monoxide and many essential oils.

    On average, the smoke of one cigarette contains about 10 milligrams of tar and 0.8 milligrams of nicotine. One of the most dangerous constituents of cigarette smoke is benzpyrene. It has been tested by experts and recognized as a dangerous carcinogen that causes cancerous tumors.

    Over time, the golden rules of young parents (not to drink or smoke from the beginning of pregnancy until the child turns five) are increasingly erased from the minds of Russians.

    If you are going to prohibit smoking for your grown-up child, then think about the fact that by smoking a cigarette, you served the unborn child only as a conduit for nicotine, which crosses the placenta into the blood and brain of the fetus or fetus. Smoking is especially dangerous for women who have anemia (lack of hemoglobin). As you know, hemoglobin serves as a conductor of oxygen and its deficiency leads to oxygen starvation of the child. Nicotine, penetrating into the blood and infecting it, only exacerbates this problem.

    After reading all of the above, think again what is more dear to you: your child and health or a pack of cigarettes?


    Women who use drugs in the present or in the past are particularly at risk. If you are on drugs, then there can be no question of having a child! Narcotic substances strongly affect not only the brain, in which almost irreversible changes occur, but also the human genes.

    A mother using drugs is the worst thing that can happen in a child's life. Think - after all, with each reception of this poison you are offering your child not something that will cripple him, but a potent poison! As a result, you will give birth to a physically or mentally disabled child who will suffer through your fault.

    Statistics show that a child born to parents suffering from drug addiction is almost always born with hereditary disorders.

    Even if the addiction to narcotic substances is in the past, it is necessary to tell the gynecologist who is watching you, because there is always a danger of relapse. Think about it not during pregnancy, but long before it. If you want to have full, healthy children - do not hesitate, contact your doctor. He will recommend several psychological tests and, based on their results, he will prescribe a specific treatment for you. This will not necessarily be a course of medication. You may need to take vitamins and undergo a rehabilitation course with a psychologist who will help you get rid of drug addiction forever.

    What you need to know about the structure of the genitals

    The female genital organs are divided into external and internal. The former include the labia majora and minora, the pubis and the clitoris. The second is the vagina, uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries.

    Between the clitoris and the entrance to the vagina is the opening of the urethra, the entrance to the vagina is covered by the hymen, which looks like a crescent moon. It cannot be attributed to the genitals, since in almost all women it is removed during the first intercourse.

    Internal female genital organs: a - vagina, b - cervical canal, c - fundus, d - fallopian tube, e - ovary

    The uterus is a muscular organ with a cavity inside, consisting of two parts. The first part is the cervix, it protrudes into the vagina, and during childbirth it is completely smoothed out, opening the passage to the baby. The second part is the body of the uterus, in which the embryo develops, and later the fetus.

    The upper part of the uterus is called the fundus, from which the fallopian tubes extend. The canals of the fallopian tubes on one side open into the uterus, and on the other, wider, into the abdominal cavity.

    It is to this part of the fallopian tubes that the ovaries are closest. In them, an egg matures, which, after full maturation, passes through the fallopian tube into the uterus and leaves the woman's body through the vagina along with menstrual blood.

    The procedure for removing the hymen is called defloration. Defloration is often painful and accompanied by slight bleeding.

    Breast structure: a - glandular tissue, b - adipose tissue, c - mammary glands, d - holes of the mammary glands in the nipple

    Some women suffering from obstruction of the fallopian tubes cannot become pregnant, since the egg cell under such conditions is deprived of the opportunity to meet with the sperm. In such cases, you need to consult a doctor who, after conducting a special examination, will decide exactly how you can be helped to achieve the desired result - pregnancy.

    Many girls believe that there cannot be a lot of milk in a small breast. This opinion is wrong.

    A woman's breasts deserve no less attention - the best source of nutrition for babies. Breast size depends on the amount of adipose tissue, and in addition to it, there are glandular tissue and mammary glands in the breast. It is on the latter that the amount of milk that appears in the breast immediately after the birth of the child depends.

    PART 2
    The rhythm of a pregnant woman's life

    With the onset of pregnancy, a woman begins a time of global changes not only in her body, but also in the rhythm of life. Everything that you will now be doing should be done only in the name of the unborn baby. Often you have to change your rhythm of life due to the weakness that many women feel in the first months of pregnancy. And of course, a busy, hyperactive life that business women lead is not suitable for a pregnant woman.

    Pregnant woman's daily routine

    The main thing that should be absent in the daily routine of a pregnant woman is overwork and fatigue. Spend more time outdoors, go for walks and do what you like best. In the morning, you should do some light exercise.

    It is very important to protect yourself, and therefore your baby, from external adverse factors. Minimize communication with sick or simply unpleasant people, use household chemicals as little as possible. We are surrounded by quite a few chemicals that can adversely affect health. These are all kinds of impregnations for materials used for the manufacture of sofas and armchairs, polishes and varnishes for cabinets, walls and other furniture, air fresheners and much more.

    Particular attention should be paid to clothing. It should not only be comfortable and comfortable, but also made of natural materials. Synthetics have a lot of negative properties. It does not allow air to flow to the body, heats up from high temperatures and cools down very much at low temperatures. Even if you have never had an allergy before pregnancy, it can occur during pregnancy, and it is often caused by synthetic fabrics.

    Very often we simply do not notice around us that which harms us. Of course, we cannot ensure complete sterility of the environment, but it is desirable to minimize the hazard level as much as possible.

    Try to keep your underwear from natural materials. The bra should be slightly larger, because the breast of a pregnant woman increases from the very beginning of pregnancy and should not be constrained. In addition to discomfort, a woman may develop mastitis - seals in the mammary glands.

    There is one detail that every pregnant woman should know about. From about the second half of pregnancy, when the abdomen begins to grow, it is recommended to purchase a bandage - a special belt that keeps the baby in the correct position and does not allow the abdominal muscles to stretch excessively. The bandage is worn under outerwear, it is practically invisible and helps prevent the appearance of stretch marks.

    When buying a new dress, you must take into account that the belly will quickly increase. In no case should the growing belly be pulled down. Due to a violation of blood circulation in the fetus, oxygen starvation may begin, and due to a lack of space for movement, various pathologies may develop. If you are used to dressing brightly and catchy, you do not need to deny yourself this. Do not hide a plump figure, most men admire pregnant women and treat women more tenderly and carefully.


    At the same time as meeting the requirements of fashion, clothing must be comfortable. Nowadays, the markets and shops offer a wide variety of clothes that can satisfy any tastes and requirements. The most popular clothes today are denim sundresses and overalls. They are considered the best option for pregnant women, because, firstly, denim is made from natural material, and secondly, there is a way to increase the size of such clothes.

    It is better to refuse trousers. Although they are comfortable to wear, they quickly become small. It is better not to buy skirts, the most suitable option is a sundress. He will not tighten his stomach and will not fall at the most inopportune moment.

    With the same attention you need to approach the choice of shoes. Fashion is out of place here. From the first days of pregnancy, you should avoid high heels. Wearing high-heeled shoes can cause back pain, and in the last months of pregnancy, they increase the risk of falling because the center of gravity is shifted forward. The best option is a stable heel up to 5 centimeters high. Sports shoes or trainers are very comfortable and some pregnant women prefer them over other shoes.

    Feel free to take advantage of your position. Ask to give you a seat on public transport. First of all, this is taking care of your child, because sudden inhibition strongly shakes you and can provoke a miscarriage, especially in the first months of pregnancy.

    In winter and spring, shoes should be even more stable. On the soles, special heels should be glued or nailed, which increase friction. Naturally, there shouldn't be any high heels here either.

    Protect yourself from infectious diseases. In the first months of pregnancy, they can cause a miscarriage or give impetus to the abnormal development of the fetus. In addition, under the influence of intoxication caused by an infectious disease, the amniotic fluid almost always becomes cloudy, which also negatively affects the development of the child. It should be remembered that during pregnancy you should not take most of the medications that you used to easily cure a cold before. Now it will be much more difficult to do it.

    All young mothers are afraid of such an operation as a cesarean section. This is understandable: what woman wants to ruin her belly with an ugly scar? And for the child, this operation does not pass without negative consequences. However, modern doctors more and more often have to resort to cesarean section. Therefore, it should be remembered that by observing all the requirements and adhering to a certain regimen and diet, a woman will most likely be able to avoid complications that usually cause a caesarean section.

    If someone in your household is sick, ask them to put on a gauze mask. At least you will somehow protect yourself from colds.

    Try not to exclude minimal physical activity from your regimen. Be sure to do gymnastics designed for pregnant women, walk more, walk on foot. However, it is imperative to listen to yourself and be guided primarily by common sense. Some pregnant women choose to ignore the fatigue that occurs. Don't be like them. If you are overworked, leave everything, quit cleaning, washing, cooking, return from a walk, take time off from work. Allow yourself to rest.

    It is advisable to listen to classical music, if you do not like it, then put your favorite CD or audio cassette, the only exception is rock music, which is simply contraindicated for your child. Scientists have found that under the influence of such music, the child shrinks into a ball, his heart rate increases, that is, the baby is simply frightened. Go to theaters, cinemas, museums, read kind, smart books and children's stories. Fill yourself with the best: communication with close and dear people, with nature. Everything that you like and bring pleasant sensations and emotions should surround you from the first to the last day of pregnancy.

    If you are a young woman who is about to give birth for the first time, then you should pay special attention to the state of your body.

    Visiting the dentist should be a rule for a pregnant woman. The developing body requires a lot of calcium, and it will take it from your body. Diseased teeth, among other things, are the place where various infections enter the body.

    Treat yourself carefully and very carefully. Sometimes, after a miscarriage, a young woman cannot understand the cause of what happened. However, there can be many of them. Do not overwork! This is one of the most important reasons for a possible miscarriage.

    Get a full physical exam before getting pregnant. If there is something wrong with your health, then a course of treatment will be needed. Remember that even bad teeth can be a nuisance. In the first trimester, you need to be especially sensitive to your feelings.

    It is impossible not to pay attention to ailments. If your fatigue persists, you should inform your gynecologist about it. And even more so, do not postpone going to the antenatal clinic if you have pain in the lower back or abdomen. Don't wait for bleeding to open. The most important thing for a pregnant woman is to trust her inner voice - then everything will be all right.

    Keep working or quit

    Often, girls, upon learning that they are pregnant, prefer to quit their jobs. Of course, freedom of choice exists for everyone and you are free to decide whether to stay at work or quit your job. However, you should think carefully about everything and not make rash and hasty decisions.

    If your job is in any way associated with a health risk, then naturally you need to consult with your doctor. If he believes that work can really harm your child, then it is worth quitting, because the health of the baby should come first. Otherwise, it is better not to leave work.

    First, you should spend more time moving, doing something, and interacting with other people. Being at home, you will quickly get tired of everyday routine, and communication with friends is unlikely to happen more often - after all, they will not quit their job for you. Secondly, depriving yourself of extra money on the eve of the birth of a child is simply stupid. It is better to spend the received salary on sliders, undershirts and diapers.

    There are several advantages to staying at work. The first two are described above, there are two more - after the end of maternity leave, if you wish, you can return to work, and your work experience will not be interrupted. There is one more small plus - if you have a friendly working team, then, most likely, you and your child will be presented with a gift, and this is always nice.

    By law, your maternity leave must start at 30 weeks of pregnancy and end 1.5 years after your baby is born. Of course, if you wish, it may end earlier.

    However, you don’t have to stay at work until your last day and wait to be whisked away from work with contractions straight to the maternity hospital.


    Along with the change in your rhythm of life with the onset of pregnancy, nutrition should also change. Now you are not only the "home" for your unborn child, but also his "dining room". Due to improper or inappropriate nutrition, you can quickly lose strength or you will develop anemia, which is very dangerous for the baby's health.

    Now you have to "eat for two." Of course, you've heard this from friends and family before, but you need to take it seriously. Please consult your doctor about this. He will tell you what foods you can eat and what not, and also advise an approximate meal schedule. As a rule, all doctors advise pregnant women with fractional meals - according to the principle "often better, but little by little."

    From experience I know that many expectant mothers during pregnancy strive to prepare themselves as best as possible for the upcoming birth and meeting with their baby. They desperately want to avoid possible mistakes not only in the process of giving birth to a child, but also in caring for him, in communication, in upbringing. They attend classes for pregnant women, turn to specialists and, of course, study the literature on these issues, in which there has been no shortage for a long time. Often such books for pregnant women are passed from girlfriend to girlfriend, passed on to acquaintances or relatives, in whose families replenishment is expected. But the choice of these books is not always successful.

    1. Books for pregnant women. Grantley Dick-Reed. Childbirth without fear

    Fear of the upcoming birth has always worried expectant mothers. Often, medicine itself contributed to this, asserting that childbirth without pain is impossible. The outstanding English doctor Grantley Dick-Reed proved that this is not the case, that not only physical fitness of the body is important for painless childbirth, but also the correct psychological and emotional attitude of expectant mothers. You will learn how to save yourself from unnecessary suffering by reading his book.

    2. Glenn Doman. Harmonious development of the child

    Glen Doman is co-director of the Human Development Institute in Philadelphia. In developing his methodology, Doman relied on many years of research conducted in various countries of the world with both healthy and mentally retarded children. Studies have shown that in the first 6 years of life, children learn three times more than in the rest of their lives. “And there is nothing strange about that,” says Glen Doman, “it's just that kids do what they like.”

    No less important is another discovery by Doman: the child's brain is programmed to learn from birth, and while it is actively growing (after three years it slows down significantly, and after six it practically stops), the child does not need any additional motivation to learn.

    After reading this book for parents, you will learn how to competently organize the process so that any child begins to enjoy learning everything that is offered to him.

    3. Cecile Lupan. Trust in your child

    The name Cecile Lupan is frequently mentioned among the early developmental Methodists. But it would be wrong to attribute it to the creators of the new technique. She has not invented anything fundamentally new, but her advice and recommendations are interesting because they are the personal experience of an ordinary mother who raised two daughters.

    The main idea of ​​the author: children do not require care-attention, but attention-interest that only their parents can give them. They are the best educators for kids. It is necessary to cultivate self-confidence in the child. That is why recommendations are constantly repeated in the book - not to force events and finish any lesson with the baby with that exercise, that element that he is good at.

    You will find a lot of interesting things in this book for parents and, based on its recommendations, you will be able to draw up a program for the development of your child yourself.

    4. Montessori. Books for parents.

    "To raise a child, you need to know him, to know him, you need to watch him, and to watch him, you need to give him freedom."

    Maria Montessori has created a pedagogical system that is as close as possible to the ideal situation when a child learns himself. The point of the system is to motivate the child to realize his individuality, to find his own unique path. The system consists of three parts: child, environment, teacher. At the center of the entire system is the child. A special environment is created around him, in which he lives and studies independently. In this environment, the child improves his physical condition, forms motor and sensory skills that are appropriate for age, gains life experience, learn to organize and compare different objects and phenomena, and gain knowledge from his own experience. The teacher, on the other hand, observes the child and helps him when required. The basis of Montessori pedagogy, its motto is “help me do it myself”.

    5. Michelle Auden. Revived childbirth

    "Revived Childbirth" is a wonderful book for pregnant women by the French doctor, obstetrician-gynecologist Michel Auden. At a hospital in Pitivier in France, where he worked for a long time as a full-time surgeon and obstetrician, Auden created a special maternity ward. According to his theory, childbirth should be as close to natural as possible, and medical intervention should be minimized. In his department, women give birth as they please - in any position, if desired - in water, without any drugs that speed up the process of childbirth. The medical staff monitors what is happening and intervenes only when there is a real threat to the life and health of the mother or baby.

    This book for pregnant women reads like a work of fiction and is perceived rather as a collection of tips on how to give birth, how to make this moment less stressful for both the woman and the newborn.

    6. William and Martha Sears. Your child: Everything you need to know about your child from birth to two years old.

    The authors of this book for parents are themselves pediatricians, and also parents of eight children. The book contains useful tips, diary entries of the authors, many specific examples about different children, detailed recommendations on feeding and walking with children, bathing and treatment, games and activities with them.

    7. William and Martha Sears. We are expecting a baby. Moscow, "Kron-press", 2000.

    Childbirth is an exciting event and a great challenge not only for you, but also for your baby. How the expectant mother will behave during childbirth depends not only on her well-being, but also on the health of her crumbs. Therefore, it is very important to properly prepare for childbirth and create all the conditions for it to pass easily and without complications.

    A book for pregnant women written by William and Martha Sears will tell you how to do it right. Being not only famous pediatricians and obstetricians in the USA, they are the parents of eight children and know absolutely everything about childbirth!

    8. William and Martha Sears. How to put your baby to bed. Moscow, "AST - Astrel", 2003.

    This guide will show you where your child should sleep; is it possible to leave him crying; how to get him to sleep all night; what to feed your baby to help him sleep well; what are the benefits of breastfeeding; what is the parental care of a small child; what to do if the child resists, and much more.

    9. B. and L. Nikitin. We and our children.

    In this book, parents of seven children share their experiences of physical, mental and moral education in their family. Their experience, which at first seemed unusual and risky to many, has now gained wide recognition both in our country and abroad. He has stood the test of time and helps young parents to organize their lives with their children so that they are healthy, smart, kind, and the dads and mothers themselves can feel the joy of creativity in communicating with their children.

    10. B.P. Nikitin. Educational games.

    The book for parents contains a description of games, which are a kind of "mental gymnastics", a detailed description of the methodology for their implementation and the method of making.

    11. B. and L. Nikitin. Our children's health reserves.

    This is a wonderful book for parents of educators-innovators and parents of large families - Nikitins. The authors share their experience regarding the hardening and physical development of children. This stunning book has revolutionized the opinion of many parents and doctors about the health of the child.

    12. Encyclopedia of delusions. Children. Moscow, "Eksmo", 2002.

    This book contains and analyzes the misconceptions one way or another related to the birth and upbringing of children. Along with myths, it provides practical advice and guidance for parents.

    13. Naumenko G.M. Ethnography of childhood. Moscow, "Belovodye", 1998.

    In the form of true stories of Russian peasants, keepers of the original folk language, tunes, images, the book reveals the entire system of folk pedagogy from conception, birth to nurturing, treatment and primary education, which can be very effective today.

    14. Give birth and be reborn. Moscow, "Knowledge", 2000. Books for pregnant women.

    The book offered to the reader is a reliable support for future parents in preparing for the birth of a baby. In the form of a confidential conversation with a close friend, she will give answers to the “most feminine” questions. In it you will find all the necessary information about the physiology and psychology of pregnancy and birth.

    This book is the Russian version of the Dutch bestseller “Bevallen & Opstaan”. The publication has been adapted for more than a year, here, in addition to all the necessary medical information, dozens of interviews with Russian women are collected, who share how they actually had childbirth.

    15. Zakharov A.I. Child before birth. St. Petersburg, "Soyuz", 1998

    This book for pregnant women presents the latest author's developments in perinatal psychology and medicine. Its author - a doctor and psychologist - addresses the book to specialists and all those who are interested in the development and formation of a person.

    16. Tsaregradskaya Zh.V. Child from conception to one year. Moscow, "AST - Astrel"

    This book - a single monthly description of the development of a child from the moment of fertilization until he reaches 12 months after birth - is a textbook on perinatal education. Much attention is paid to the description of the symbiotic unity of mother and child. In addition, it provides a description of the psychological characteristics of a woman during pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding, presented as a single line.

    The publication is addressed to professionals who work with pregnant women and newborns, as well as those who are preparing to become parents.

    17. Konstantinov N. How to understand a baby. Rostov-on-Don, "Phoenix", 2000

    This parenting book will show you how to understand your little one who can't speak yet. The book will help you not to be afraid of various difficulties in the first months of a baby's life, and will tell you how to cope with them. In addition, it will give an idea of ​​how the healthy psyche of a child is formed, how the foundations of his character are laid, what needs to be done to make the baby happy when he comes into this world.

    18. Svechnikova M. Childbirth without injuries. St. Petersburg, "Pioneer", Moscow, "AST - Astrel", 2001

    The statistics of injuries sustained in childbirth have reached alarming rates. Explicit or latent birth traumas cripple the lives of hundreds of thousands of children, overnight ruin the lives of young parents, making them hostages of a sick child. But is the situation really so hopeless? The author of the book is an obstetrician-gynecologist, member of the presidium of the Association of Perinatal Psychology, director of the "Motherhood and Childhood" program in the social movement "For Healthy Russia" Marina Svechnikova argues that birth injuries can be avoided. This book tells about what you need to do to give birth to a healthy child.

    19. Korczak J. How to love a child

    Korczak's upbringing system is built on the belief in the absolute, irrelevant value of childhood.

    Korczak does not offer ready-made solutions and special methods, he confidentially addresses the reader as a kind interlocutor, invites him to reflect and overcome his problems and mistakes himself in the difficult task of educating a growing personality.

    20. Lebuyer F. Childbirth without pain and fear. Moscow, "Ripol-classic", 2005.

    At home or in a maternity hospital, a baby's life in this world should not begin with suffering. According to many modern researchers, the process of birth leaves an indelible imprint on the entire life of a person and forms many aspects of his psyche and attitude to the world around him. The beginning of life should be happy. And, therefore, it should be without violence. Not all parents can organize a “soft birth” for their child, not everyone even knows that this is possible.

    This parenting book will show you how to do this. Frederic Lebuyer, an experienced and discerning obstetrician who has delivered over a thousand births, has used shocking photographs and vivid imaginative language to not only help us visualize the birth process, but also to look at it through the eyes of a newborn baby. Perhaps no one has yet been able to write about this so vividly and strongly. When it first saw the light of day in 1974, Frédéric Labuier's book became the primary source on soft childbirth and gradually changed the attitude towards the newborn, towards the mother, and towards childbirth.

    21. Dolto-Tolich K. On the paths of birth. Izhevsk, 2003

    This book is a collection of articles and speeches on the problems of early child development and psychotherapeutic support of pregnancy. Its author is Dr. Katrin Dolto-Tolich, a pediatrician and haptopsychotherapist known in Western Europe. Russian by her father and French by her mother, she determines the area of ​​her professional interests in the most important period of human development for the development of a person - his bearing, birth and first year of life.

    22. Winnicott D.V. Conversation with parents. Moscow, "Class", 1994

    The great English child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst Donald Woods Winnicott (his ideas influenced pediatrics, in particular B. Spock) did not believe in advice and recommendations. Moreover, he considered them harmful, depriving parents of intuitive wisdom and self-confidence. Then what was he, the greatest professional, talking about with these same parents?

    But about this their intuitive wisdom and what stands behind it. With amazing directness, warmth and without sentimentality, he talks about things that are not accepted to talk about, but which exist. For example, about the moments when we do not love our child, but he does not love us. And about the need for such moments in a complex matter of love. About childish jealousy. About striving to be an ideal mother and why a child needs an ordinary, imperfect one more.

    With its frankness, this book is almost frightening - and with it it attracts. She is supportive and encouraging without giving false hopes that “someone knows better”. It is absolutely necessary to read it to professional doctors, teachers, psychologists, because for them it is the work of a classic, translated into Russian for the first time. But in reality it is nevertheless addressed to those whom Winnicott knew, understood and who served all the long years of his medical practice - those who had, have and will have small children.

    23. Winnicott D.V. Small children and their mothers. Moscow, "Class", 1998

    For parents - future and present mums and dads - such a book is infinitely important, because it relieves groundless anxieties and instills confidence. She describes and analyzes many of the things that bother young mothers and that they have no one to discuss with. For example, a feeling of complete absorption in a newborn, bordering on the disappearance of one's own personality, depression and irritation, fear of being a “bad mother”, incomprehensible child behavior ... In general, motherhood as it is, without horror and embellishment.

    24. Winnicott D.V. Family and personality development. Mother and child. Yekaterinburg, "Litur", 2004

    The proposed book is addressed to everyone who is not indifferent to the process of child development from birth to adolescence.

    D.V. Winnicott introduced the concept of a “good enough mother,” who has a primary sense of motherhood, thanks to which her child feels love and security and fully develops.

    But there are children who are less fortunate, and they have a "sad childhood" because of the broken emotional ties with their mother. Such children do not lag behind their peers in terms of development, but they have psychological trauma in their souls and eyes. The author also pays attention to raising a child in a defective family, adopted children, twins and an only child in the family. For each of them you need to select your own type of communication and upbringing.

    How to avoid mistakes in raising a child, read in this wonderful book.

    25. Miller A. The drama of a gifted child and the search for his own self. Moscow, “Academic project”, 2003.

    A. Miller's book is dedicated to not gifted children and their parents in the traditional sense of the word “gifted”; it is addressed to all children and all parents. All children, without exception, are gifted from birth with many talents and abilities, and, perhaps, the main ones are the ability to live, experience their life and act in their life. The drama of a child gifted with these talents consists in the fact that his behavior, his experiences and his very life may turn out to be (and, as a rule, actually turn out to be) only means that serve certain needs of his parents. The child's own life as such becomes in this case exclusively "life for ...". So he, becoming more and more well-bred, gradually loses his giftedness, exchanging it for "love", "recognition", "praise", "care", "attention", etc. parents. Along with this, he loses his own life, his experiences, his actions - he loses himself.

    To turn the world upside down, it is enough to turn people's ideas about this world. A. Miller does this work more than professionally. Depriving us of all sorts of illusions about childhood and giving us the opportunity to face the reality of our own life, she confronts her reader with literally Hamlet's existential choice: to be or not to be - to live their own life or continue an alienated existence, "life for ...". The choice of an authentic, authentic life, the choice of self-realization is impossible without a special return of a person to his own childhood, accompanied by a psychotherapist. The main goal of such a return is to experience and become aware of those feelings that were once denied the right to life.

    26. Bowlby D. Creation and destruction of emotional connections. Moscow, "Academic project", 2004

    Bowlby's main focus is why separation from a mother in infancy and early childhood is experienced by a child as acute grief, and why the consequences of separation affect mental and physical well-being throughout later life?

    The author consistently convinces the reader that the concepts and approaches developed in the field of animal behavior research clarify a lot and can become the basis for practical actions of child and clinical psychologists.

    27. Sokolova L., Nekrylova A. Raising a child in Russian traditions. Moscow, "Iris-press", 2003

    The book for parents presents the traditions of folk pedagogy - a unique system of upbringing that has been developed over the centuries and has no analogues in terms of the complexity and effectiveness of the impact on the child. Describes the rituals and customs associated with the appearance of a newborn (bathing, breastfeeding, clothes, lullabies and pets), raising children from early to adolescence (games and toys, punishment, learning to work), participation of children in traditional holidays (Svyatki, Novy year, Shrovetide, Easter, Red Hill, etc.).

    28. Russian children. Fundamentals of folk pedagogy. St. Petersburg, "Art-SPb", 2006

    The encyclopedia recreates the living conditions of children in a Russian village in the 19th - first quarter of the 20th century. It traces the influence of centuries-old traditions on the physical, labor and sexual education of children in the family. Much attention is paid to games with the help of which children were prepared for adult life, it tells about the introduction of children to Orthodoxy and participation in the ritual life of society.

    The topics included in the encyclopedia are very diverse: "Grandmother and Grandfather", "Mother", "Father", "Daughter", "Son", "Games for (girls) boys", "Clothes for (girls) boys", "Feeding", "Midwife", "Baptism", "On the threshold of youth", "The appearance of a child's soul", more than a hundred articles, each of which is accompanied by a list of references.

    The Appendix includes children's folklore: lullabies, little toys, nursery rhymes, jokes, children's tales, tongue twisters, counting rhymes, etc.; descriptions of popular folk games, scenarios of ethnographic holidays; folk medicine, medical conspiracies.

    29. Ledloff J. How to raise a happy child. Moscow, "Genesis", 2005

    J. Ledloff spent two and a half years in the tribes of South American Indians, where complete harmony reigns in relations between adults and children, which is so lacking in a civilized society. She concluded that if we treat children the way our ancestors did for millennia, our little ones will be calm and happy.

    This book is for parents about how important it is when raising a child to listen to your own intuition, and not to the advice of “experts” in the field of child care.

    30. Barbara Zukunft-Huber Gymnastics for babies. Moscow, AST. Astrel, 2007

    This book helps moms come to this decision: in our healthy society, I want to accustom my child to exercises that develop motor skills, from the most important period of the formation of motor skills in a person until the achievement of beautiful posture.

    31. Michelle Auden Caesarean section: a safe exit or a threat to the future? Moscow, International School of Traditional Obstetrics, 2006.

    In this book for pregnant women, the eminent French obstetrician-gynecologist Michel Auden brings us back to the key needs of women in childbirth, the awareness of which makes it possible to make easy and safe childbirth through natural routes a common phenomenon. A scientist and physician with half a century of practice, Auden provides the most valuable practical recommendations to achieve this. He also considers in the light of the latest scientific research the issues of pregnancy management, preparation for childbirth, fathers participation in childbirth, breastfeeding.

    The author examines in detail the history of the caesarean section, analyzes the changes that have occurred over the past fifty years in the practice of obstetrics. Society has become accustomed to the idea of ​​the ease and safety of childbirth through surgery: today, almost every fourth child in the world is born this way. The author convincingly dispels the myth that having a caesarean section does not affect the mental and physical health of a child in the future. The prospects for the development of human civilization are analyzed in the case of following this path.

    The book will help to make a choice for those who decide for themselves the question of where and how to give birth, so that later the mother and child would be healthy.

    32. Deepak Chopra Pregnancy and childbirth. A magical start to life. Moscow "Sofia" 2007

    This book is addressed to future mothers and fathers, as well as to everyone who wants to be related to the birth and upbringing of children.

    Despite its inspiration and sublimity, it is very practical in nature. Her ideas, techniques and exercises will help the mother-to-be to listen to the wisdom of her body. You will naturally develop skills to neutralize stressful situations, balance nutrition, strengthen muscles, increase the firmness and elasticity of your tissues, find inner balance and comprehensively prepare for childbirth.

    Guided by the principles of this book, you will learn a lot about yourself and about the secrets of your inner harmony and happiness.

    33. Françoise Dolto On the side of the child. Yekaterinburg, Rama Publishing, 2010.

    For F. Dolto, everything is essential: the rights of the child, educational reform, autism, the influence of television and computers, children's sexuality, children's complexes, early development, etc. subtle, holistic analysis to see the multidimensionality of the child's world, its complexity and ambiguity. Behind the method of F. Dolto-psychoanalyst is the approach of a philosopher, psychologist, sociologist - a person who is sensitive to the changes taking place in the world and their reflection on the systems of upbringing and education of children.

    The book is addressed to every adult seeking to expand the boundaries of knowledge in relation to childhood and learn to understand and love children.

    34. Carolyn Elyacheff Latent Pain Institute for Humanities Research, 2011.

    The book will help you to know yourself, your children, your loved ones and those around you. Having withstood several editions in France, it is written so fascinatingly that it will be interesting both to a specialist and to the widest reader, helping the reader to find the peace of mind that everyone needs so much.

    Of course, I am not suggesting that you will read all of the recommended pregnancy books. But some of them can be a real help for you during the period of acquiring your own parenting experience.

    The number and variety of books for parents-to-be is impressive. True, 9 months will not be enough to master them. Our regular author Anna Krasovskaya has read many popular books about pregnancy and children and has selected 7 of the best for you.

    "French children do not spit the food. Secrets of upbringing from Paris ”. Pamela Druckerman

    You learned that you will soon become a mom, and, of course, you experience joy, as well as excitement and anxiety. Without a doubt, you will still have time to study all medical terms and choose the best courses for pregnant women, but for now we recommend that you relax and read Pamela Druckerman's funny advice.

    In her book, she tells how Parisian women differ from mothers from the United States and why their children are not capricious and eat everything without exception. Thanks to humor and light syllable, the book reads quickly and leaves a pleasant aftertaste.

    One of the main thoughts of the work: mother is, first of all, a woman. It is with this attitude that we invite you to embark on the path of parenting.

    “I am also struck by the almost universal conviction of the French that even good mothers should not be in the service of their children, and there is no reason to be killed by the whims of a child.”

    “9 months of happiness. Desk guide for pregnant women. " Elena Berezovskaya

    Pregnancy is not always perfect, and doctors are often prone to overdiagnosis. Elena Berezovskaya, in her manual, debunked the main myths about diagnoses that are often given to pregnant women.

    The book is a guide to the main diseases and ailments that a woman may encounter while carrying a child. The author, comparing Russian medicine with Western medicine, talks in detail about how serious these problems are, and how well the treatment is justified.

    "The main thing that you must learn: modern medicine does not know how to deal with the threat of termination of pregnancy, and all drugs that have been tried or tried by doctors are ineffective."

    "Waiting for the baby." Martha Sears, William Sears, Linda Huey Holt

    William and Martha Sears are midwives, writers and parents of eight children. The book is more geared towards American readers. We recommend it because of the detailed pregnancy calendar, divided into months and weeks. In each section, the authors talk about the main ailments that the expectant mother may face, accompany them with advice, useful recipes and stories from their practice.

    It is interesting to open the book on the eve of next month in order to find out how the baby is developing and what the mother should be ready for.

    “To know that a little man is growing inside me, who is completely dependent on me and my love, is not only a huge responsibility, but also a great happiness. This is the greatest pleasure I have ever experienced in my life. "

    "The health of the child and the common sense of his relatives." Evgeny Komarovsky

    Perhaps the most thorough Russian-language work for parents. Once you've read books about pregnancy and it's too early to prepare for childbirth, you can turn your attention to literature on childcare.

    In this book, Evgeny Olegovich spoke in as much detail as possible about all aspects of childcare. How to bathe, walk, dress, what and how to feed - the first part of the book provides practical advice. The second part contains a guide to the main childhood diseases with recommendations for their treatment.

    Be sure to give this book to the future dad, men like Komarovsky's syllable. Do not forget to re-read the main chapters after the birth of your baby if you suddenly feel that it is too cold at home, and bathing your baby in cool water is scary.

    "A happy child is a child who has both a mom and a dad who find time not only to love this child, but also to love each other."

    "It's too late after three." Masaru Ibuka

    The book was written by one of the founders and chief engineer of Sony, who learned from the experience of his children that early development plays a huge role. The author does not give practical recommendations, but in an accessible form talks about the importance of the first three years of a child.

    "After three it's too late" is very popular in Russia, based on Masaru Ibuka's methodology, centers with developmental activities for babies from 8 months are being opened.

    “Not one child is born a genius, and not one is a fool. It all depends on the stimulation and the degree of development of the brain during the decisive years of the child's life. These are the years from birth to the age of three. It's too late to educate in kindergarten. "

    "Childbirth without fear." Grantley Dick-Reed

    The best way to stop being afraid of childbirth is to study the process itself as well as possible and prepare at least a rough plan of action. For this, classes in special schools for pregnant women are well suited.

    In his work, the British obstetrician, who is also called "the father of natural childbirth", tells how to make the birth of a child painless and natural. Dick-Reed describes in detail what to expect at each stage of labor and how to breathe correctly. It is important that the book contains the most simple techniques that you will definitely not forget. We advise you to read the book towards the end of pregnancy in order to maintain the correct attitude until the first contractions.

    “They'd better have thrown away their watch! Childbirth is not a mechanical process that can be measured in minutes or hours. What a mother needs is peace of mind so that she can relax, fully relying on her body, so that she can be confident in the successful completion of labor. "

    “Secret support. Affection in the life of a child. " Lyudmila Petranovskaya

    Lyudmila Petranovskaya is a well-known psychologist, writer and publicist.

    "Secret Support" tells about the main stages in a child's life: the period of "wearing out", crises of the first year and three years, school and transitional age.

    “You shouldn't sacrifice communication with your child in order to“ give him all the best ”. There is nothing better than you and your hugs in the world, no money can buy the trust and peace of mind of a child. "

    We hope our list will help you to be fully armed during pregnancy, childbirth and in the first months of your baby's life. Well, if you are not a book lover, check out our for women in position.

    We are in a hurry to help and offer you our rating of fiction for those who are in the most excellent position. No heartbreaking sadness! Only books about happiness, friendship, love and joy.

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    Nice old-fashioned love stories written in high syllables are a great choice for pregnant women. These books are usually about feelings, emotions and family values, they show beautiful characters, and the story itself moves calmly and measuredly. Add to this balls, horseback riding, the nobility of men and the beautiful dresses of women, and you have a universal recipe for a soulful book. This is Austin's best novel (and the most famous, including for screen adaptations), but there are others - "Emma", "Arguments of Reason", "Feeling and Sensitivity".

    I want more? If "" Charlotte Brontë and " " Margaret Mitchell you have already read, pay attention to. Pushkin, Tolstoy, Ostrovsky could have inspired melancholy at school, but now they will almost certainly be perceived differently.

    2. J.K. Rowling "Harry Potter"

    It's time to re-read this incredible tale or read it for the first time. The books are much deeper, more interesting and richer in events than their film adaptations, and with each new entry in this story, new details will open up for you. Don't believe me? Check out our article on storylines you've never noticed before.

    I want more? Fascinating fairy tales without horror stories, which are equally suitable for children and adults, are not so rare. We also advise you not to forget about the magnificent Moomins Tove Jansson and Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynn Jones.

    3. Maria Parr "Waffle Heart"

    Baby stories that mother-to-be will love do not have to be magical. Maria Parr's popular book tells the story of nine-year-old Trilla and Lena, tomboy from a Norwegian farm in Shchepki Matilda Bay. They live here as if in isolation from the rest of civilization - they get to the city by ferry, in the morning they go out to sea for fish, and in the fall they go to the mountains to collect their sheep. This idyllic world does not seem to be disturbed by any social upheavals, as if it does not depend on what is happening somewhere outside the several houses described. But friendship and love here are the most real, extremely reliable. As well as an amazing mixture of funny with a little sad and serious with mocking.

    I want more? Maria Parr is called the continuer of the traditions of another Scandinavian writer, a Swede. Just in case, we remind you that she has not only Carlson and Pippi Longstocking, but also the young detective Kalle Blumkvist, the mischievous Emil from Lönneberg and the girl Katya with her notes about travels in America and Europe.

    A funny and kind series of books about the shopaholic Becky, who tries to combine a passion for shopping with a career and relationships, at some point received a sequel about the heroine's adventures during pregnancy. If you are expecting a baby, most of the situations described here will probably seem familiar to you. Becky goes to an ultrasound scan and leads a "hunt" for an eminent obstetrician-gynecologist to get under his supervision. She suffers from prenatal depression, and her patient husband suffers from crazy pregnant whims. And, of course, Becky will get sick with a new form of shopaholism and plunge headlong into an endless test drive of strollers, a choice of clothes, a crib and so on.

    I want more? English humor is a positive and easy reading for pregnant women. Jeeves and Worcester Series Jerome K. Jerome and satirical plays Oscar Wilde will appeal to many expectant mothers.

    Fragment of the poster for the movie "Shopaholic" (2009)

    A touching and tender love story against the backdrop of modern Paris - what could be better? When the young artist Camilla loses faith in herself, then, by the will of circumstances, she moves to live with her neighbor, the shy, bespectacled Filibert. The duet will not happen right away, because a whole trio now lives in the apartment - the hooligan chef Frank lives there with Philibert. Some moments can make you feel a little sad, but everything will end well and pleasantly for everyone.

    I want more? Another gentle Parisian love story with a drop of humor and one adorable cat - "Red notebook, or Parisian quest" Cherchez la femme "by Antoine Lauren.

    6. Ioanna Khmelevskaya "What the deceased said"

    Many pregnant women enjoy reading books by Daria Dontsova and other domestic authors of an ironic detective story, but few are ready to admit this - their reputation among readers is too controversial. We offer you an excellent alternative, absolutely not ashamed even for book snobs - the novels of the founder of the genre, Ioanna Khmelevskaya. The answers to the crimes in her books are not too tricky, but the positive heroines, their dialogues and adventures are funny and very relaxing.

    I want more? The books are an amazing mixture of Victorian England and a completely feminine investigation. In a series of books about Charlotte and Thomas Pitt, his wife helps the police inspector solve crimes.

    Still from the movie "Just Together" (2007)

    7. Rosamund Pilcher "Heirloom"

    A measured family saga, which unfolds in the best traditions of a sedate English novel, is what you need for a pregnant woman's peace of mind. Three generations of the family described in the book argue over inheritance, but we will only find out the reason for their hostility towards the end. The detailed characters will surely remind you of someone you know, and each of them will eventually awaken not only understanding, but also sympathy.

    I want more? From the classics, pay attention to the thorough (several books), but fascinating "" John Galsworthy, and from modern ones, try a mesmerizing, full of fragile beauty story about childhood and growing up When God Was a Rabbit by Sarah Winman.

    An amazing collection of nostalgic stories from the life of a provincial town. Four boys while away the summer in a way that can only be done as a child, and their grandfather bottles dandelion wine in the hope of corking the best of the seasons in a glass jar. Bradbury is a great stylist and writes incredibly tasty. You will feel his book with all your senses at once. You will sneeze from the dusty ground, inhale the scent of herbs and flowers, toil in the heat, touch the trees with your fingers and, of course, listen to the rain. Ideal from the point of view of positiveness, sincerity and light nostalgia for childhood.

    I want more? The book "Celestina, or the Sixth Sense" by Malgorzata Muserovich now it is almost impossible to find it in paper form, because it was published only once, back in Soviet times. Now we are doomed to read and re-read it in the e-mail. However, the pleasure of meeting a Polish schoolgirl and her crazy, funny family to tears is no less from this.

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    We return to magic again, but this time it's not about children's stories, but about love. Zvezdnaya is rightfully considered one of the best authors of romantic fantasy: her books successfully combine magical details with an interesting love story and light humor. Fortunately, the author is unusually prolific and has published so many books that you will probably have enough for the entire duration of your pregnancy and still have more. The plot revolves around a negligent student of the magic academy, where all sorts of strange things happen every now and then.

    I want more? Stephenie Meyer and her "" is popular no matter what. The love story between high school student Bella and vampire Edward could not be spoiled by either the film adaptation or the subsequent adult fanfiction "50 Shades of Gray". If you dream of love and adventure and are not too demanding on the text, the saga may seem quite fun to you. By the way, recently the author of a new story, turning a vampire into a girl, and Bella into a young man.

    It is now Abgaryan who writes serious about the war and losses, and she began with collections of short stories about one mischievous girl who strongly resembled her herself. The author's magic lies in his fantastic observation and ability to grasp and convey the details familiar to everyone. The main charm of the book lies not even in the funny adventures of its heroines and their relatives, but in the sunny atmosphere of childhood spent in an Armenian village. Best friend, formidable, but kind grandmother and bright smells of the southern bazaar - what else is needed for happiness?

    I want more? Books Simon Brett a series "Confession of a Little Rascal"- this is a frank and incredibly funny diary of a baby in the first year of life. It turned out funny and quite informative for future parents, although it is probably not worth taking most of what has been written seriously.

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    Every parent knows about the necessity of raising a baby "from the cradle". While the child is lying "across the bench", mom and dad have every opportunity - to instill in the child the necessary skills, love of art, rules of behavior in society. But not everyone thinks about raising a child in the womb. Although scientists have long proven that prenatal education is an important and necessary stage in the development of a baby.

    Does it make sense and how to raise a baby during pregnancy ?

    3rd month of pregnancy: education to the music of Vivaldi

    At this stage, the future baby is already acquiring a human appearance, the spinal cord and brain, sensory organs, heart, taste buds and genitals are actively developing. The umbilical cord with the placenta has already formed. Future baby able to feel the touch of parents on the stomach , with loud sounds, his heart beats more strongly, his eyes react to light, ears - to sounds.

    What can parents do?

    • Now it is important to "establish contact" with the baby, and it is easiest to do this through music. According to research, classic is the best option - babies in the womb like it more than others, and Vivaldi and Mozart are "useful" for the active development of the brain and the formation of the nervous system.
    • As for rock music and heavier genres, they excite the child and even cause fear. Classical music and folk lullabies are soothing, lulling ... Having been born, the baby will easily fall asleep (both during the day and at night) to the already familiar melody. "Relax" music - the sounds of the sea, forest, etc. will also be useful.
    • Personal relationships between spouses are no less important during this period. All conflicts and misunderstandings will affect after the birth of the baby on his character. Therefore, a caring, warm relationship and caring for each other is now the most important thing.
    • No negative thoughts! The child begins to accumulate information, and the mother's task is to protect the baby from any negativity. All mother's fears can pass "by inheritance" to the child, all negative emotions experienced by the mother will be deposited in his subconscious. Not to mention the fact that any mother's stress affects the baby with hypoxia (lack of oxygen).
    • Sing to your little one. Mom's voice is the best in the world. Calms, lulls, gives a feeling of security. And read fairy tales - kind and beautiful. And if they are in other languages ​​- even better (learning languages ​​with such "preparation" will not be a problem for the kid).

    Sports and an active lifestyle at 4 months of pregnancy

    Your baby is already making the first movements, ears and fingers are forming. The head grows, all organs and systems are actively developing, the rudiments of teeth appear. 4th month - time to "lay the foundation". The future character of the child, the ability of intelligence and even laziness are being formed, according to experts, right now.

    What can parents do?

    • Mom should not lock herself in the apartment and tremble at every step. (unless recommended by your doctor) - Lead an active life, meet friends, take regular walks.
    • Do not be lazy to get up in the morning, do not knock down the daily routine. Getting used to watching romantic comedies (for example) at night and cracking sweets, you run the risk of providing your baby with this habit.
    • Do not exclude sports from your life. Of course, you should not jump with a parachute, fly in a bungee and conquer the peaks, but light sports are not only not contraindicated, but also recommended. As a last resort, there are always options such as special physical education, yoga for pregnant women.
    • Remember to eat healthy. Adhering to the correct attitude to food, you shape the tastes of the future crumbs. See also:.

    Fathers and children at the 5th month of the intrauterine life of the baby

    The baby is already moving very intensively, his height is more than 20 cm, hairs on the crown of the head begin to grow, eyelashes and eyebrows appear. This period is important for forming a close bond between the baby and his father.

    What can dad do?

    • Of course, dad will not be able to communicate with the child as closely as the expectant mother. But time to communicate with the baby must be found. Stroke your wife's tummy, read the little fairy tale, talk to him, do not forget to say good night and kiss in the morning before leaving for work. Your participation in the life of the baby before childbirth is the key to future close and intimate relationships with the child.
    • If your spouse is nervous, crying, or angry, reassure the baby. - thereby you smooth out the impact of negative emotions on the psyche of the future baby. And at the same time, teach your mother to control your emotions.
    • Do not hesitate to spouse and relatives - sing lullabies to the child. The low-frequency voice of the dad, according to research, has a beneficial effect not only on the development of the child's psyche, but also on the development of his reproductive system.
    • Children with whom both mom and dad talked before giving birth, tolerate childbirth easier, and their intellect develops faster. than their peers.
    • Remembering in the womb the tender voice and timbre of the Pope, the newborn will just as easily fall asleep with the father like in mom's arms.

    We develop a craving for beauty in the future baby at 6 months of age in the womb

    The baby's height is already 33 cm, it weighs about 800 g, fingers are already distinguishable on the arms and legs. The eyes open and are sensitive to light. In a situation of premature birth, the baby (with appropriate intensive medical care) able to survive .

    According to experts, at this stage, an influence is exerted on gaining bad / good taste and even external data ... As for the appearance, this is not a proven fact, but the mother can very much even instill in the baby the right taste.

    What to do, how to raise a child in the womb?

    • All focus on art ! We are enlightened, we have a good rest, we enjoy the beauty of nature and art.
    • Watch kind positive films and read classic literature (better out loud).
    • Go to an interesting exhibition, gallery, museum or theater ... Preferably together with your spouse.
    • Get creative and art therapy ... Draw as you can, do not hesitate, putting all your love for the baby into the pictures.
    • Learn to dance, crochet, or make jewelry ... Creativity that brings pleasure to the mother is beneficial for the psyche and development of the baby.

    Teaching your baby to relax at the 7th month of pregnancy

    Your baby no longer only reacts to sounds and light, but also sleeps, is awake, distinguishes sour from sweet, remembers the voices of dad and mom and sucks his thumb... During this period, it is important for the mother to establish close contact with the baby.

    • Learn one of the relaxation techniques - yoga, meditation, etc.
    • Take a break from the hustle and bustle regularly and, turning on pleasant music, relax and tune in to "the same wavelength" with your child.
    • Stroke your tummy , compose fairy tales aloud, read children's poems from memory.
    • Remember that your "relaxation" during pregnancy is this is a stable psyche of the baby in the future , high immunity, easy stress tolerance and restful sleep.
    • Use light and tactile "games". Touch the belly, play with the baby's heels, wait for him to respond to the touch. With the help of dad and a flashlight, you can play with the baby in "light / dark", directing the beam to the stomach.

    We communicate with the baby and teach to enjoy life at 8 months inside the womb

    Baby already sees and hears perfectly... With the exception of the lungs, all systems are well developed. The brain is developing intensively. The more there is now a positive in the life of a mother, the more actively the baby develops, the stronger his health and psyche.

    • Use every opportunity to get positive emotions. Go to a massage or beauty salon, use aroma and color therapy, surround yourself only with good people and beautiful things.
    • Your little one already knows your reaction to stressors and positives. ... If you learn to quickly cope with stress, and your heart palpitations at this moment will be short-lived, the baby will remember your reaction and, after birth, will delight you with emotional stability.
    • The kid is now absorbing information at the cellular level. Explaining to him everything that is happening, calming, suppressing negative emotions in yourself, you are programming the character of a strong and strong-willed person.

    Preparing your baby to meet the world at 9 months pregnant

    Your little one is about to be born. All organs are already fully formed, there is practically no place for the baby to move, he is gaining strength to go out, and your task is to fully help him in this.

    Therefore, now is not the time for an active life and noisy parties, resentment, anxiety and despondency. Rest, recharge with joy, knit booties, buy toys and caps, do not overload the body with heavy food... Ideally, if the spouse takes a vacation for this period and devotes it to you and the future baby.

    Of course, there is no need to bring the process of prenatal education to the point of absurdity. There is no point in reading physics textbooks to the kid and quoting the statements of famous philosophers. Information is a necessary and useful thing, but the main thing in the prenatal upbringing of a baby is the attention and love of the parents.