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  • Battlefield 4 first mission. Walkthrough Mission in the South China Sea

    Battlefield 4 first mission. Walkthrough Mission in the South China Sea

      Take the gun and shoot the glass ..
      Follow the corridors until you meet friends.
      Take the ammunition on the right, go to the window and cover the Irish.

    When you reach the open space, order your comrades to attack everyone. Make your way further ..
      Upon reaching the exit, take the explosives from the cache of gadgets, attach a charge to the wall and make a passage.
      Explore the area ahead, then break through to the factory using air support.

      Climb to the roof of the building.
      When the building collapses, help your friend, and then get behind the wheel and drive along the road.
      Destroy the helicopter when the Irishman throws you a weapon.
      Follow the alleys of your comrades. Go through the gate, then climb the stairs to the roof.
      Get down from the roof and run to the hotel.
      Call the elevator, go into it and take the weapon that they will give you.

      Move around the hotel for mates. When your friend fiddles with the door open, provide cover.
      Then go through the door and climb the stairs.
      Go to the room in which the explosion will occur.
      Upon meeting the goal, follow the stairs and climb the roof.

      Grab an enemy helicopter, and when VIP clients land on it, provide cover for the helipad.
      After killing all the enemies, go back to the building and take the elevator.
      Make your way through the square, and then go along the alleys, avoiding the shots of an enemy tank. Having reached the civilians, go into the house.
      Follow the comrades. Find anti-tank mines and destroy enemy tanks. Then get into the boat.
      Find an Irish using a compass.
      When you meet, follow Harrison.
      With the new commander, follow the boat. Get behind the wheel and head to the Titan aircraft carrier.

      On the other side of the aircraft carrier, find the entrance.
      Once on the Titan, find the G-46 hatch. Open it, then jump into the water.
      Swim for the group, and then get to the post and take the data logger.

    Now you should get out of the aircraft carrier. Enemies await you at the next door, so get ready.
      When you are on the deck, break through to the end of the deck, and then jump into the water.
      Climb onto a boat and follow the Valkyrie, destroying enemy boats and a helicopter.

      There will be enemy fighters on the Valkyrie, destroy them, and then make your way to the bridge.
      When you are on deck, destroy the enemy helicopter and all the enemies that will be there. After, climb the stairs and find Captain Harrison.
      Driving the boat, get to the shore. After breaking forward, hiding behind an allied tank.
      When the tank crew is wounded, get into the tank and follow along, destroying enemy armored vehicles.

      Upon reaching the parking lot with obstacles, get out of the tank and remove the obstacles using the switch on the wall in front. Climb back into the tank and move forward.
      When you reach the building, get out of the tank and go through the building. Follow the bridge.
      Kill all enemies on the bridge. You will be pressed by a machine. After falling into the water, swim to the shore.

      Go into the tunnel, and then climb the stairs.
      When you find yourself in a room with airplanes, kill everyone and climb the stairs.
      Break through the huge aircraft hangar and go outside. Get in the car and shoot the enemies with a machine gun.
      Take sharpening from a cellmate and climb into the wall opening.
      Scramble through the pipes. When Dima neutralizes the guard, go ahead and enter the camera control post. Open all cameras using the lever.
      Destroy all the guards who try to kill you. Then go into the tunnel and save the Irish.

      Together break through to the elevator and go upstairs.
      Follow to the control panel, and then hold the position from the enemies that will descend from the helicopters.
      When the gates open, go ahead.
      Having got out into the air, break through to the carriage, and then get into it.
      Having met with the scouts, go right and go out into the street. Refill ammunition and equipment.
      Break forward to the Old Town.
      When you are in the city, meet with Major Greenland. Next, go and get in the car.

      You just have to blow up the dam. Take a sniper rifle, find a good position and kill all the enemies you see. After breaking through to the dam.
      When you reach the gate, climb the stairs to the left, and then jump onto the containers behind the gate.
      Go forward and take the elevator down.

    Follow along the dam setting explosives. When you reach the edge, explode charges.
      Once on the ground, run to the helicopter. Take your gear and wait for the plane to arrive.
      Having landed on the "Valkyrie", replenish ammunition and take a sniper rifle. Get on deck and destroy all opponents.
      When you get to the end of the deck, there will be an enemy helicopter. Destroy it by taking the weapon on the left.

      Next, you need to find Captain Harrison. Get down the stairs and go to the aircraft carrier.
      Having met with Pak, follow the captain.

      Go to the boat and get behind the wheel. Sail to the enemy ship. When they give you a hook, shoot up.
      Now, pass the explosives to either Hannah or the Irish. If you do nothing, then the Valkyrie will be sunk. So, the choice is yours ..

    Episode 10 may be a little difficult to navigate. As in episode 3, you immediately get access to a large area, but there is no compass to tell north from the south or east from the west. Fortunately, there are several road signs here and there that will help you find your way.

    When the episode begins, run forward along the road and the hut will have two men. Either sneak up on them, or arrest them, or just knock them down. If you already have the maximum expert level, you do not need to worry about extra points. Inside a small hut nearby is the tactical gearbox housing. You can switch your weapons here if you want. If you're a great shot, you might want to grab a sniper rifle with a suppressor. This area is really wide, so you can silently take out many criminals from a distance.

    At the beginning walkthrough Battlefield 4 we find ourselves in a car going to the bottom, there is only one thing to do here, having received a gun to shoot from it into the windshield. The following are the events that took place 13 minutes 40 seconds before the diving episode, having looked around moving forward along the corridor, jumping and crawling under obstacles (it’s not difficult to understand how to do this, the control is standard for shooters. Having climbed the stairs to the second floor we continue along the corridor to the door on the left you need to open by pressing the button E. Having met two more members of your squad, we’ll take a position at the window, after replenishing the ammunition from the drawer near the wall, where you can also change weapons at the beginning of the passage of the game, the choice will not be great, and so our task is to cover the black man running to our position with the call sign Irishman, after you destroy all the enemies and your team will be assembled, we will pass from the premises behind the teammates and run down the hall to the hole in the wall after the appearance of enemy soldiers, press Q to indicate to your soldiers the targets for the “Command in battle” attack (a bit like the function in passing games ghost  Recon: Future Soldier), though there it was necessary to act synchronously, but this is so by the way). Having killed all the enemies in the courtyard of the building, we go inside through the doors from which the opponents ran out, running down the corridor through a hole in the floor, we go down to the floor. Once at a dead end, we select from the container (a cache with gadgets) explosives C4 and M320 HE, then we blow up the wall and get out of the building. In order to climb through a hole in the wall I had to jump a little, but I couldn’t get through it otherwise.

    Of course, there are several more criminals with warrants that you will need to arrest. Continue on the road until you reach the watchtower on the right side. Use the viewpoint to mark enemies in this area and analyze a person with a warrant on him.

    Go through the fence to the right of the area, carefully knocking down three guards on your way. Lure White into an office building or into another isolated area, and then remove it. After the whites are arrested and the area is cleared, your next goal is to turn off the alarm systems so that reinforcements do not mess around. Clear the area before looking for evidence.

    Having run up the path behind the partners, we scan the sector while holding the Q button and then we begin to break through to the specified building (with two chimneys in front), pushing our fighters by pressing the Q button, as well as a helicopter to the enemies who have sat on our way. Having reached the factory building, we pass to the elevator on which we rise to the roof, which, however, cannot be reached right away due to the attack of an enemy helicopter. Once on the floor we run after our partners to a little shelter, after sitting a little on command we start to run again, preferably on acceleration (left Shift), to the stairs along which we go up to the next floor, and already through it through the gap in the ceiling we go up to the roof and run to our to the helicopter. As a result, I shoot down an American helicopter, and the building collapses with us. After watching a short video, getting out of the wreckage and cutting off Sergeant Dunn’s leg (pressing E), we approach the arrived car and get behind the wheel again by pressing E. Next, we go by car along the road to the second evacuation point, dodging the shelling from the helicopter and trying not to that does not crash (to accelerate, pressing the same left Shift. In the end, after receiving a grenade launcher, shoot from it with a helicopter, after which our car will move off the road to the sea.

    This is the only evidence in the area. With the area cleared, continue up the hills to the next heavily fortified site. You may encounter several small areas around the island with some criminals if you leave the way.

    A large watchtower is located on the cliffs near the boars. This may be the best place to use the scanner and flag all criminals in the area, including the person with the warrant. Lyle Feldman is on the central path above the pool, so go around the area to get other guards before arresting Feldman and his companion.

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    After seeing a couple of rollers we get out of the stuck car and run down the street for our partners, when we get to the stairs we go up to a small terrace from which the hotel we need to be clearly visible. Having examined the terrain, we go down the stairs to the right and again run after our partners. Having penetrated the hotel building, we pass to the elevator that you need to call by going to the button and pressing E, going into the elevator we take weapons and go up, and after the elevator stops on the wrong floor we shoot an enemy soldier. Having reached the desired floor, we go up to the stairs leading up, we climb on it after having previously shot all the enemies. After destroying the enemies at the top, we take up defenses and repel the attacks of the enemies while one of our fighters opens the protective door, in order to facilitate the task, you can install several anti-personnel mines that are taken in the box with gadgets nearby. After the door is open, we pass to the stairs along which we go up to the next floor. Having run along the corridor we see how two Chinese soldiers explode and then we go into the next room where our VIPs are located. After a short conversation, we leave the room and return to the stairs by which we climb to the roof and open the door by pressing E. Having burst into battle, we put the VIPs on board and cover their departure.

    If you want to play safely, you can turn off the alarm systems in a small house close to the ocean. Do whatever you want with the remaining criminals before moving on to another optional area. A large radio tower overlooks the communal complex. Climb the stairs and use your scanner to mark all the enemies below. One of the criminals has a warrant for his arrest.

    Craig Foster is next to large explosive tanks. With a warrant to the side, you can turn off the alarm systems on the wall opposite the red explosive tanks. Eliminate the remaining criminals in the area using stealth or total crime.

    After destroying all the enemies on the roof on the elevator, we go downstairs, and leaving the hotel building we again break through to the port, where we must be evacuated. Moving along the street after the appearance of the tank, turn into the lane on the left, where we continue to move along the gateway in the indicated direction, destroying enemy soldiers along the road. Having reached the alley with red lights, we run along the fallen fence, and further along the gateways until we meet a man and a woman who will lead us into the building. Once you get out of the building you will need to destroy a nearby tank, and for this you need to find explosives or mines that will be located in boxes with gadgets that can be found using the radar. By setting mines near the tank or on the tank we undermine it. Next, you will need to destroy another tank, for this we also use mines. Having destroyed both tanks, we run to the pier and get on the approached boat by pressing E and safely sail out of the city.

    When the area is cleared, go to the brown office building. Collect a surveillance report from a table near the back door to investigate preferred results. Now, to head to the main goal, the Dawes mansion. There are three ways to get to the mansion.

    • This is not a good option.
    • Ride through the mud to the front gate and go to the cannons, blazing.
    • Find hidden access to the mansion.
    The dirt bike is located next to the helipad to the right of the communal complex. The long road extends from the helipad to the mansion, so just follow the road to find a bike. However, this is a bad way to get into the mansion. There will be a great chance that you will be instantly killed.

    South China Sea

    Having woken up on the ship, we pass through the corridors in search of the Irish, in the end, having met Pak, we follow him until we meet the Irish. Then we all go together to meet with Harrison on the way after seeing the burning aircraft carrier Titan. After talking with the captain, we arm ourselves and set off for agent Kovik, when we get to the boat we get up to the helm by pressing the E button. Next, we sail to the aircraft carrier, swim around it in search of a hole through which you can get inside. Having found a hole in the board, we call there on a boat and then move along the corridors of the ship for the soldiers of our squad in search of the G-46 hatch. Having found the room with the G-46 hatch, look into the corridor opposite, there you can find the P90 submachine gun on the box. As a result, having opened the G-46 hatch, we jump into the water and swim along the flooded corridors in the wake of the Irishman, to get out of the water, press the spacebar. Then, opening the door, we run along the corridors and through the engine room we get to the survivors who will have to be abandoned. Moving on, we take the data logger, after which it will be necessary to get out of the Titan and return to the Valkyrie.

    Hidden access to the mansions is located on the left side of the mansion. There will be two guards above the concrete platform. Take them out and use the tactical gearbox to get the Grapple hook. Use this hook to climb to the top of two platforms. This is the best way to access the mansions.

    Like great wine or Matthew McConaughey filmography, some games have only improved over time. Each of the following games has been fully expanded, improved and decorated since the release, and is supported by developers who processed support after launch with the same amount of energy and care as the creation of the base game itself. Naturally, most of them are multiplayer, but even several games of the same name are also presented here, proving that aging is elegantly not exclusive to online online.

    Having opened the next door, we shoot at the enemies as well, not forgetting to indicate the targets to other members of the squad, having cleaned the room from the enemies, we open the next door after entering the corridor with the next enemy fighters. Do not have time to really take aim as the ship breaks in half, standing on our feet we jump onto the deck on which we will attack the next enemy forces, and in the end having killed all the enemies we jump from the deck into the water after the others. Then, capturing a Chinese boat, we return to the Valkyrie destroying enemy boats along the road, as well as a helicopter. After the destruction of the helicopter, we drove inside the ship through the well deck, having got out of the boat, we immediately engage in battle with enemy fighters and begin to break through to the bridge. Moving forward, we will see enemy helicopters attacking the captain’s bridge, picking up a stinger from a box with gadgets, we shoot down the helicopters and then go to the next room, where we again engage in a shootout with the Chinese.

    Both of the two extensions of the game “Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine” make some of the most memorable moments in all of Geralt’s adventures, allowing a professional monster killer with new abilities to transfer him to untold lands and bring his face to face all sorts of interesting characters and villains.

    Now available on almost all platforms known to mankind. A Dark Shadow lies above the Middle Earth: The Dark Prince Sauron unites an army of orcs, trolls and other monsters to make free peoples captured. Only the hero is brave enough to meet him. But this is not Aragorn, Frodo or Gandalf, but Talion, the savage who, sixty years before the events of the Kola Trilogy, takes a desperate plan: he wants to start civil war  in the heart of Mordor, to delay the plans for the conquest of Sauron, until the free peoples of the Middle Ages gather their own quarrels.

    After destroying the enemies, we move to the honey compartment and while Pak breaks the door, we see how a Chinese woman who was saved in previous missions hand-to-hand fights with enemy soldiers). From the honey compartment we go up to the deck where we destroy the enemies again, after which we help Kovik to free the stairs by pressing E and climb up on it behind Kovik. Having fallen after the explosion onto the deck, we take the stinger and shoot down the enemy transport helicopters until they drop the fighters, you can also give the target designation of the Valkyrie air defense. Having destroyed the turntables, we return to the wounded Kovik, and after receiving from him a data logger, we climb the stairs up. Having reached the bridge and destroying the enemy soldiers, we release the captain, thus completing the passage of this chapter.

    Final Mission - Suez

    The premise of the earth may be more fascinating: the shadow of war, which is even larger, even more impressive, even more epic and complex than its predecessor, will be the shadow of Mordor. What really stands behind these promises, we were able to find out for the first time about ourselves in the context of an event in Berlin and had much more to do than just a few orcs to lighten their heads.

    Developers choose a specific passage of their game to show us how many of the Earth’s new features are: Shadow of War: Conquest of an enemy fortress, as we already know from the game’s trailers. While the main story line  the game is limited, it is these dramatic clashes between Talion and respected orcs that give the game world of the shadows of Mordor such a great atmosphere.


    At the beginning of the passage of this chapter, we again control the boat disembarking in Singapore. When we get ashore, we destroy the enemies who have sat nearby, and after the appearance of the allied tank, we move after it, indicating new goals for it and for our fighters. Thus, having reached the highway, we pass along it under the cover of a tank to the support of the bridge, here we ourselves get into the tank and, having passed forward, we meet two other tanks and after that we continue to move in the indicated direction destroying the armored vehicles and manpower of the enemy. When we get to the underground parking, we drive inside and then, having got out of the tank, we turn off the road barriers that prevent us from moving on, the barricade control panel will be on the wall near the garage exit, there will also be a box with weapons and gadgets, namely, various anti-tank installations that you may need if our tank is beaten up. Having climbed into the tank again, we continue to move forward attacking all new enemy equipment, the last Chinese tank will be on the square on the left side, destroying it, dismounting as we will have to go further on foot.

    We worked on our Nemesis system and made it even larger and more extensive than in the first part. Logically, they want to put it right in the center of their new game. “Each individual orc leads into its own life, which is formed and depends on meetings with Talion,” Allen continues. Thus, we can not only lighten our victims, or, as in the first part, let's fight, like useless zombies, for a short time. Instead, we now have an additional opportunity to recruit defeated enemies and fight them with our troops for us.

    And so, after clearing the area, we pass to the building, destroy the enemies inside and climb inside through the window, after a short conversation we help the Irishman to unlock the door. Then we continue to move on the highway destroying the enemy soldiers until our character is crushed by a machine, until we get hit by an enemy soldier, and when we are in the water we emerge to the surface and crawl out onto the shore. Having got on our feet, we pass to the entrance to the sewer, we liquidate the soldiers guarding it and climb inside. Through the sewer, we get into the hangar with airplanes, having cleaned the first room, we move after the partners, thus ending up in the second hangar. After destroying all the enemies, here we open the door to the street and sit down at the jeep machine gun and shoot at the enemies until we are captured.

    Often a wise decision, because in the event of a battle for siege loss, you need every ally who can hold weapons. Siege battles in the Middle Ages: the shadows of war begin with an intensive planning phase. Before we set foot on the battlefield, we study the overview screen of neatly positioned enemy defense systems and troop associations. The Nemesis system is especially noticeable here: each of our opponents presses a suitable, individual and characteristic weapon against the walls or hands of his soldiers. For example, in our battle, we must tear out the fort from the orc, who has a great passion for fire, and therefore provided the shooter with shooting arrows.

    Kunlun Mountains

    Having escaped with a Russian named Dima, we move after him climbing the pipes, pressing the space bar when you need to jump from one to the other. We continue to follow Dimon until we get to the main room of the prison, in the center of which there will be a room with a control panel with which you can open all the cameras. We try not to attract the attention of the guards until we get firearms. In the end, having reached the place, we find the main switch and open the cameras, after which we fight with a break to the elevator when we meet the Irishman on the road. Climbing into the elevator we pull the lever and go up to the upper floor on it, here before moving on to choose a weapon. Then with a fight we break through to the exit that will be closed in front of us, while Dima will open the gate and hold the defense, mining approaches to our position (mines can be taken in the box with gadgets). After the gates are open, we pass through them and we were almost taken prisoner. After a short video, we help Dima open the gate to the street by going up to him and pressing the E button. Having got out onto the street, we break through to the funicular on top of a nearby mountain destroying enemy soldiers along the way. To destroy an armored car with a machine gun standing on the bridge, we take a grenade launcher from our side of the bridge from the box with gadgets in the guardroom. Having destroyed the armored personnel carrier, we cross the bridge, after which they will begin to fire at us from grenade launchers. Trying to hide behind shelters, we move up the slope destroying primarily grenade launchers and snipers standing on the lift. Having reached the funicular and cleared the area around it, we board a car on which we begin to descend from the mountain until an enemy helicopter knocks us down.

    His rangers positioned the stones, throwing trolls at the towers and spreading poisonous traps on the city streets. Thanks to this knowledge, we can now equip our own troops with some improvements, such as explosive explosive drums, other ladders or Nazgul firearms. We buy these revaluations with points that we collected as a result of won siege battles and completed quests in the story campaign. Upon request, the developer informs us that individual updates are very expensive, so the purchase should be considered good.


    After a scenic trip in some kind of rattletrain and meeting with enemy armored vehicles, we stumble upon an Allied observation post. After talking with the soldiers, we set off for the “old city” to meet there with Major Greenland (a woman with eggs). Leaving the room and replenishing the ammunition from the box to the left of the exit, we leave for the gate in the wall. On the way, the first thing you need to do is destroy the enemy BMP. This can be done with the help of an anti-tank mine, having mined the road along which the enemy is driving or pick up a grenade launcher on the roof of a blue building. One way or another, destroying the armored vehicles and all the enemy’s manpower we get to the gate in the fortress wall, there you can grab the enemy’s armored car and drive on it (although I couldn’t get far, there are too many enemies with RPGs). In general, having passed through the first gate with a fight, we break through to the next. On the roofs of the building there will be snipers who have SV-98 rifles that are not available to you by default, so if it’s interesting to climb one of the roofs. As a result, reaching the second gate and going forward, we destroy several more enemy soldiers at one of which you can find the Pecheneg PKP machine gun. And so, having cleared the territory, we pass into the tunnel on the right side, and after passing through it we find ourselves in the rear of the troops of our allies attacking. After destroying all the enemies, including a tank that arrived (a grenade launcher can be found on the roof of the building next to the weapon boxes), we pass to a bridge behind which allied forces have entrenched. Having crossed the bridge, we are going to meet with Major Greenland. After a nice chat with a good-natured aunt, we get into the car and set off to blow up the dam.

    If our attack failed, all the updates that we made will be lost, and we will have to earn new ones for the next battle. We are talking about a gold symbol next to the gray update points indicating zero, and we ask if this is a reference to the currency of the update point, which can be bought for real money. We turn to the chief developer Bob Roberts, who does not want to clearly answer our question: We want to talk about all the opportunities in the team, but we do not want any content to be available exclusively for some players. As a clear rejection of microtransactions, this answer is probably not readable.

    One hour later, we get to the right place, running up the tunnel we will leave to the dam. Then we go down the path and when we get to the enemy’s fortifications, we begin to break through them with battle. Having reached the locked gate, we move through them, climbing the stairs to the platform above the gate, it will be possible to jump onto the container from the other side of the gate. We continue to break forward outside the gates, destroying the enemy’s manpower along the road, here the enemies will be armed with a PP-2000 submachine gun, you can pick it up if you are interested. As a result, having cleared the territory, we stumble upon an elevator on which we descend to the place of installation of explosives. After leaving the elevator, we cover Hannah while she sets up the explosives, after which we pass along the corridor to the next place where the charge is installed. On the way from the enemies you can pick up the Saiga-12K smoothbore rifle, clearing the entire corridor and reaching its end, we now set the second charge ourselves while the partners cover us. Then we get out into the woods and move to the third explosive installation site. Having reached the place, we cover the Irish while he sets the last charge, after which we climb the forests from which the enemies have just attacked us. Having climbed up the scaffolding, you will need to jump onto the stairs, for this it is worthwhile to thoroughly accelerate by pressing the left Shift to accelerate. Continuing to move through the woods at the teammates’s command, we explode the buried charges by selecting the detonator by pressing button 3, after which both the enemies and us, according to the Irishman, are “washed away like a toilet” from the dam. Having got out of the water, we pass to the Allies arriving helicopter, where we will meet again with the charming Greenland who, after a short conversation, will send us to the Valkyrie.

    Mission to Baku

    After we have completed the planning stage and equipped the troops, we enter the battlefield, where they are waiting for us directly from the flaming mockery of our enemy. Meanwhile, he considers the traps and defenses that await us before the generals of my army take the floor. These short speeches duly warm up the mood on the battlefield, giving characters who have left the Nemesis system a small stage for self-expression.

    And this is by no means always bittersweet and serious: more than in the middle of the earth: the shadows of Mordor found the orcs, trolls and all other creatures of Mordor a certain sense of humor and broke some surprisingly creatively despicable jokes about Talion. On our battlefields, for example, a small org orc is spinning with us, carrying a hat and collar, as if he were an angry minstrel. In battle, he uses the effectiveness of Orkish to turn an instrument into a wooden beating.


    After jumping out of the plane with a parachute, we land on the Valkyrie, immediately joining the battle with the enemies on the deck. We pass through the entire deck destroying both the enemy’s manpower and arriving helicopters, after which we go down the stairs (teammates will indicate the descent), and the Irishman will open the door inside the ship. Further moving along the corridors of the ship until we meet with Pak who leads us to the medical compartment, on the way we will have to engage in a shootout with the enemy in a room similar to the dining room. As a result, having reached the medical compartment, we will meet with Captain Harrison and Jin Jie, followed by a short cutscene in which we will need to open the door to the medical compartment for Chinese soldiers. The next task of this chapter of the passage will be to sink the ship of the vat, for this the first thing is to follow Pak to the boat waiting for us. Arriving at the helm, we are sailing to the enemy’s ship, our task is to come close to install C4 on it. After setting the charge with the help of special harpoons made in Sweden, we rise to the bridge, after which the last one will be to blow up the ship, but since the radio detonator will have to go down and set the second charge, it will be Irish or Hannah you choose. By clicking LMB we explode an enemy ship and on thispassing game Battlefield 4  will be over.

    At some point, the most impressive speech ended, and we can finally launch an attack on the fortress. The generals of our army contributed their troops independently through the entrance gates of the fortress and are now in a fierce battle against two dozen orcs in order to conquer the victory point - the bright glowing Kreismarkirungen on the ground. Three of these victory points distributed throughout the city must be accepted before the match with the general awaits us on his throne. The question is why the strongest warrior of the enemy army does not support his troops and instead is waiting for us well, the developer who looks at me throughout the season does not answer.

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