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  • Summaries of lessons on teaching storytelling at school. Synopsis of organized educational activities for the development of speech. Topic: “Teaching storytelling. Drawing up a descriptive story about a toy. " Summary of the lesson on the development of speech

    Summaries of lessons on teaching storytelling at school.  Synopsis of organized educational activities for the development of speech.  Topic: “Teaching storytelling.  Drawing up a descriptive story about a toy.

    Natalia Kolupaeva
    Summary of a lesson on teaching creative storytelling "Visiting a fairy tale"

    Lesson summary

    on teaching creative storytelling

    on the topic: "V visiting a fairy tale»

    Prepared by the teacher

    Kolupaeva N.V.


    Teach children creative storytelling.


    Cultivate interest in fairy tales;

    Develop skill tell on the proposed topic;

    Develop the ability to complete storytelling;

    Use figurative words and expressions;

    Learn to use a mnemonic diagram;

    Develop creation, imagination, thinking, ability to listen to each other;

    Integration of educational areas: "Artistic and aesthetic development", "Social and communicative development".

    Methods: conversation, finger gymnastics, exercise minute, composition fairy tales, analysis.

    Material to occupation:

    Showcase with fairy tales;

    Fragments from animation: "Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "By magic", "Princess Frog";

    Mnemonic diagram;

    Magic wand;

    Fabulous attributes(beautiful cape, crown, cap);

    Material for making sticks: Roll-up paper, stickers, Star, felt-tip pens.

    Preliminary work.

    Reading and listening fairy tales("Cinderella", "Puss in Boots", "By magic", "Princess Frog" and etc.);

    Examining illustrations;

    Book exhibition preparation "Magic fairy tales» ;

    Conversations "If I were a wizard".

    The course of the lesson.

    Organizing time.

    Guys, let's smile at each other, our guests! Let it go good mood does not leave us all day!

    Invented by someone

    Simple and wise.

    When you meet, say hello!

    Good morning!

    Good morning

    The sun and the birds!

    Good morning!

    To friendly faces!

    And everyone becomes

    Kind, trusting!

    And good morning lasts until evening!

    Guys, they came to us today guests, let's say hello to them.

    Children say hello.

    The teacher invites the children to come to the projector.

    Guys you love fairy tales?

    Children: Yes


    I suggest you visit a magical land fairy tales.

    Do you agree?



    To get us into fairy tale you need to say the magic words.

    How many knows them?

    Children give options for answers. One of the options is spoken aloud.

    Let's sit down with you on the chairs and take a close look at the screen.

    The music is playing "V visiting a fairy tale» , then the first fragment of the cartoon appears "Cinderella"

    Questions after reviewing a fragment:

    What is the name of this fairy tale?

    What is the name of the main character?

    Can you call this fairy tale? And why?

    Who worked wonders in this tale?

    Fragment of the following cartoon: "Puss in Boots", "Princess Frog", "By the pike's command".

    The teacher listens to the children's answers, notes the most interesting ones.

    Gymnastics for the eyes

    "Eyes need to rest" (Guys close their eyes)

    "Just take a deep breath" (Deep breath, eyes still closed)

    "Left - right turn" (Turns right, left)

    "They will blink many, many times" (Frequent blinking of eyes)

    “Eyes feel good

    "Everyone will see my eyes!" (Eyes open, a wide smile on his face)

    The teacher invites all children to approach him.

    The teacher asks:

    “Guys, do you believe in miracles?

    A knock on the door.


    Someone knocks on us, the postman Pechkin enters the hall and brings a parcel.

    Guys, the package came to us from the magic kingdom.

    The teacher takes and reads the addresses on the parcel recipient:

    "Kindergarten "Sun".

    For children senior group "Snow White"

    From Fairy from "Magic Kingdom".

    The teacher, together with the children, opens the parcel, which contains a beautiful wand, a letter, a mnemonic diagram.

    The teacher opens the package, takes out a magic wand and asks:

    “Who guessed what this beautiful wand was?


    This is a magic wand.


    That's right, magical.

    Now listen to the letter that she sent you fairy:

    “Hello, lovely girls and boys! Know what you love fairy tales, different miracles, so I am sending you a magic wand as a gift. The one who takes it in his hands, utters the magic words and waves three times, will become a wizard. I hope that by turning into wizards you are very interested tell about your magic kingdom. And your magical deeds will only be good. To do this, I will help you a little, in the parcels you will find hint».


    The teacher takes a stick out of the parcel, explains to the children that when storytelling you need to use a sequence.

    Story consists of three parts: beginning, middle, ending.

    Guys at your the story must have a fabulous start.

    As you understand fabulous start?

    Children's answers

    You must introduce yourself, who are you?

    From what fabulous country you have arrived?

    How or on what did you get there?

    What time did this happen?

    (The middle is the largest part, it lists the events that happen to the characters.)

    V a fairy tale must, be always what kind of magic? What happens to the heroes or to you?

    What is the ending? (In it talks about how it ended.)

    Educator: "Who Wants to Be a Wizard?"... Gives the wand to the volunteered child and is talking: "Get up, take the magic wand, close your eyes with the guys, say the magic words you know and wave your wand three times." On word three, everyone opens their eyes. The moment the child waves his wand for the last time, the teacher throws a beautiful cape over his shoulders, and decorates his head with a beautiful crown. Children open their eyes and the child turns into a wizard.


    Tell us, O most esteemed, - the teacher turns to him, - from which kingdom did you come? Tell us about it».

    Child: I came from a fairy land…. (gives her names) etc.

    Child tells, in case of difficulty, the teacher helps with leading questions. Then he thanks the wizard and offers to take the wand to the next child.

    Having listened to two or three answers, the teacher, with the consent of the children, also turns into a wizard, tells his fairy tale ... Only you can help me.

    Fairy tale physical minute(under fabulous music)

    "Baba Yaga"

    There is a hut in one forest (we connect our hands above the head - the roof)

    Stands backwards (turns left and right)

    And in the hut that old woman

    Grandma Yaga lives (as if we are tying a scarf)

    Crochet nose (we put our hand to the nose and put our finger like a hook)

    Eyes like bowls (fold the fingers of both hands into rings and apply to the eyes)

    Like coals burning (without removing your hands, turns right and left)

    And angry and wicked (show anger, wave your fist)

    The hair is standing still (spread spread fingers on the head)

    And just one leg (we stand on one leg)

    Not simple, bone.

    That's Grandma Yaga! (We clap on the knees. To the words of Grandma Yaga, we spread our arms to the sides)

    Educator: Guys, you and I used a magic wand, but we had one, and let's each make our own wand. Then you can with your wand to create good magic deeds. Agree.

    Children: Yes

    Educator: Okay, then let's prepare our fingers for a start.

    Finger gymnastics « Fairy-tale heroes»

    We will call fairy tales:

    Mitten, Teremok,

    Gingerbread man - ruddy side,

    There is a Snow Maiden - a beauty,

    Three bears, a wolf, a fox.

    Let's not forget Sivka-Burka,

    Our prophetic cow.

    About the firebird we know the tale,

    We do not forget the turnip.

    We know the Wolf and the kids.

    This everyone is happy with fairy tales.

    Educator: And now I invite you to the tables to make a magic wand.

    To calm music, children make a magic wand from various materials.

    Educator: what beautiful sticks you have turned out, and they will be useful to us now. Come all to me.

    Fabulous the fairy has prepared another surprise for you. Want to know which one? Then take your magic wands, point them at the package and utter:

    Miracle miracle appear

    Show yourself to our children.

    The teacher opens the package. And there are treats.


    Asks: “Do you think the fairy hopes were justified? Everything the stories were interesting, and magic deeds are good? Which story did you like the most? Why? What are you going to do with your chopsticks? "

    Well done boys.

    Now let's say goodbye to guests.

    Retelling of the story "How the Hare Winters" I. Sokolov-Mikitov in the preparatory group for school.

    Purpose: Teaching children to tell stories.

    Tasks: Continue teaching children to retell the story using symbolic pictures. Enrich the children's dictionary with related words, signs and actions of objects, antonyms. Learn to conduct a dialogue. To cultivate the ability to listen to the answers of other children to the end.

    Preparation: toy hare, pictures- symbols, the game "Whose House?", pictures with the image of a hare; physical minutes "Hedgehog", "Birds" (see the card index).



    Cross-eyed, small,

    In a white fur coat, felt boots? (Hare)

    1. Education related words to the word-answer "hare".

    2. Name the hare affectionately:

    Hare cubs:

    Hare's mom:

    Hare's tail:

    The hare's hut:

    Bunny cabbage:










    little hare.





    2. Didactic game "Name the signs".

    The teacher gives the task: girls, remember and name the most affectionate, kind and beautiful words about a hare, tell me about what kind of hare? And the boys will listen, if they need help (small, careful, white, fluffy, snow-white, fearful, fearful, dexterous, fast, inconspicuous, eared, cunning, fast), the hare has long ears - long-eared, short tail - short-tailed, slanting eyes - cross-eyed, fast-footed.

    3. Didactic game "Name the action".

    And boys, name the action that the hare performs. Answer the question: "What is the hare doing?" (jumps, runs, jumps, gnaws, rakes, hides, gets scared, escapes, runs, stands, listens, gnaws, etc.).

    4. Didactic game "Say the opposite".

    OThe hare has short ears - no, the hare has long ears.

    OThe hare has a big long tail -

    OThe hare has short, weak hind legs -

    OThe hare has poor eyesight -

    OThe hare walks slowly -

    OThe hare is a mighty, strong beast -

    OThe hare coat is cold and hard -

    5. Game exercise "Cheydomik":

    Othe dog has a kennel

    Oat the fish -

    Oat the ant -

    Othe bird -

    Oin a cat -

    Oat the fox-

    Oat the mouse -

    Othe bee -

    Oat the snail -

    Othe bear -

    Each animal, insect has its own name for the house. What is the name of the hare house? It turns out that the hare does not have a house. And today we will read a story called "How a Hare Winters". You will listen carefully, because then you will tell yourself.

    6. Reading the story "How the Hare Winters" I. Sokolov-Mikitov.

    7. Conversation on questions:

    if a hare is not preparing for winter, how does it winter?

    What kind of fur coat did Mother Nature give to the hare?

    How does such a fur coat help a hare?

    why does the hare sleep with open eyes?

    why does he sensitively and attentively listen in a dream?

    Why do they say about the hare: "Gray in summer and white in winter?"

    What time of day does the hare walk, feed?

    what does he like to feast on?

    name the hare's enemies

    how is he saved from them?

    8. Re-reading the story:

    “I will now read the story again, andexhibit symbolic pictures at the same time, and you not only listen carefully, but also follow the sequence in which I display the pictures, so that it would be easier for you to compose your story. "

    9. Children's stories.

    10. Outcome:

    “Guys, what have you learned about the hare (children's answers). Well done !!! I am very pleased with you! Your stories were full and interesting. When you get home, do not forget to tell them to your mums and dads, brothers and sisters. "

    Summary of a lesson on teaching storytelling for a series of paintings in the senior preparatory group

    Theme: Learning storytelling based on a series of pictures.
    Target: Teach children to compose a coherent story based on a series of pictures.
    Software content:
    1. To develop the skills of coherent speech, the ability to work with visual material, the ability to work independently and in a subgroup. Strengthen the ability to work with mnemonic tables.
    2. To form the skills of drawing up a coherent, coherent, colorfully decorated story based on a series of pictures. Continue to teach children to do correct informed self-analysis of their activities.
    3. To cultivate a respectful attitude towards peers, respect for visual materials.
    Materials: mnemonic tables for compiling a descriptive story; cards-schemes for the game “What happened first and what then?”; two sets of pictures with a common plot; "Traffic lights" for introspection, Dunno doll, gift pictures.

    Activity progress:

    Children, Dunno came to us today. Let them greet him. (children greet the character)
    Dunno is upset that he does not know how to compose a beautiful, coherent story and thus cannot boast to his friends. Do you guys know how to make up stories? And the stories about the picture? And what about a series of paintings?
    Today I suggest you learn how to compose a story based on a series of paintings. And Dunno together with us will learn this.
    But first, in order for our tongue to work well, I suggest you do articulatory gymnastics(children, together with the teacher, perform several exercises, sit on the chairs in a semicircle).
    Now let's spend a little mental warm-up "Guess the animal by description"... (children, at will, compose a descriptive story about any animal without naming it, while relying on mnemonic tables)
    Dunno: Well done, what good riddle stories you have come up with.
    Now let's play the game "What happened first and what then?" (children take the flashcards, establish a sequence and talk about what they have done, Dunno praises the children)
    Physical education "Teremok"(the teacher briefly tells the tale, the children, standing in a circle, depict her heroes)
    Children, now I suggest that you divide into two subgroups, go to the tables on which there are series of paintings and put them together in the desired sequence, then together come up with a story based on them and tell Dunno and me. To keep your story consistent, arrange which of you will start, who will continue, and who will end the story. To make the story colorful, fascinating, use full sentences, extended phrases, beautiful words. Remember that you have one plot in your pictures and therefore you must talk about the development of this plot, about what happened there (children work in subgroups, then subgroups tell their stories, the teacher praises the children, if necessary, makes corrections, Dunno marks the one they liked the most story).
    Guys, go to your chairs, take "Traffic Lights" and evaluate your activity: if you liked composing a story and you coped with everything - show it green, if something seemed not interesting or difficult - yellow, if you didn't like anything at all - red (the teacher corrects the work of children, notes the most active, Dunno thanks the children for their help and gives them pictures).

    Lesson summary

    (preparatory group)

    Theme. Drawing up a creative story based on the painting "We are drawing". Teamwork over the still life "Flowers and Fruits".

    Educational tasks: Providing a holistic perception of the picture. Expansion, refinement and activation of the dictionary (sunflower, aster, pear, apple, flowers, fruits, still life, easel, palette, brushes, paints; consider, draw; red, yellow, green, ruddy, ripe, oak, maple, mountain ash). Learning to draw up a story plan and a creative story based on a picture. Learning to draw from life, improving the ability to portray objects.

    Developing tasks: Development of verbal communication skills, coherent speech, thinking, creative imagination, fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, visual attention and perception. Formation of interest in art.

    Educational tasks: Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, the desire to act in concert.

    Equipment. Painting by OR Hoffman "We are painting", an easel, a sheet of paper, a palette, brushes, a bouquet of flowers in a vase, fruits in a basket, a round table, a white tablecloth, a container, a hairdryer, a tape recorder, a cassette with a recording of calm instrumental music.

    Preliminary work. Drawing fruits and flowers, practicing finger gymnastics "Autumn".

    Course of the lesson

    1. Organizational moment. Creation of a positive emotional background for the perception of the picture.

    The teacher informs the children about the beginning of the lesson, invites them to go to the chairs, standing in a semicircle in front of the easel.

    Make yourself comfortable. Listen to the poem.

    I have painted

    Apple orchard.

    There are so ripe

    The apples are hanging.

    There the grass turns yellow

    Willow by the stream

    There is a booth by the fence,

    Do you know whose it is?

    There is a huge


    Though he is drawn,

    But completely alive.

    If an angry boy

    A garden will climb into mine,

    Immediately the dog will see

    Chills - and back.

    Who is this poem about? (About the girl who drew the picture.) What did the girl draw in the picture? (An apple orchard, ripe apples in the orchard, yellow grass, willow by the stream, a booth by the fence, and a dog.)

    Probably, the girl got a very beautiful picture. Today we will also draw a picture, a still life; but first consider the painting "We are painting." 2. Examining the painting and talking about it. A story about individual fragments of the picture according to the plan proposed by the teacher. Development of visual attention and perception, coherent speech.

    The teacher places the picture on the easel, gives the children one minute to freely examine it, and then organizes the conversation according to its content.

    Who is depicted in the picture? (The artist drew children in the picture.) Where are they and what are they doing? (They came to the art studio and paint a still life.) What would you call this still life? ("Autumn still life." "Flowers and fruits." "Autumn gifts.")

    You have come up with very good names. Let's call the still life Flowers and Fruits. Describe the flowers and fruits the children draw. Where are the flowers, where are the fruits? Which flowers? What can you say about the bouquet? What fruit? Try to find words for a story about flowers and fruits that answer the question which one? (what? what?).

    • (- There is a vase of flowers on a round table covered with a white tablecloth.
    • - These are yellow sunflowers and red dahlias.
    • - The bouquet is lush, bright, festive.
    • - Next to the vase are a ruddy pear and three red ripe apples.)

    Well done! You described flowers and fruits very well. Now let's talk about children. In which part of the picture is each of them depicted: left, right, center? How are they dressed? What poses are they in? What are they doing? What are their faces?

    • (- On the left on a stool in front of the easel sits a boy in a blue shirt and brown shorts. He is finishing work and smiles thoughtfully. He thinks what else to add.
    • - A boy in a multicolored shirt is standing next to his easel. He had already finished painting the still life and came up to look at the work of a friend.
    • - In the center, by the window, a girl in a red sundress and white blouse is sitting in front of an easel. She draws and smiles. She really likes to draw.
    • - To the right in front of the easel sits a girl in a plaid shirt and a green sundress. She has a palette in one hand and a brush in the other. She has already drawn flowers in a vase, and now she is going to draw fruits.)

    Describe the art studio. Is it dark or light? What do you see outside the window? What do you see on the wall?

    (The art studio is large and light. It has a large window. Outside the window you can see the park. There are children's drawings on the wall.)

    Very good. You are a wonderful storyteller today! Well done! Now let's get some rest.

    3. Finger gymnastics "Autumn". Development of fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Expansion, refinement and activation of the dictionary (oak, maple, mountain ash).

    The teacher invites the children to come out onto the carpet and invites them to line up in a circle.

    In the park outside the window, autumn has already begun in the picture. Let's imagine we are walking in an autumn park.

    The wind flew through the forest,

    The wind counted the leaves:

    Smooth undulating movements with crossed palms.

    Here is oak,

    Here is the maple

    Here is a mountain ash carved.

    Here is a golden birch tree,

    Here is the last leaf from the aspen

    Children fold one finger on both hands for each adjective.

    The wind threw on the path.

    Calmly lower their hands.

    Now imagine that you have turned into multi-colored leaves and the wind whirls you and carries you along the path of the park.

    Children whirl on the carpet, making gentle waves of their hands.

    • - Stop. Stretch. Take a deep breath. Relax. Drop your hands. Exhale. Go to the easel.
    • 4. Collective drawing of still life "Flowers and Fruits". Learning to draw from life, improving the ability to portray objects. Formation of interest in visual activity Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, the desire to act in concert.

    Children go to the easel, on which a sheet of paper is already fixed. The teacher puts on the table next to the easel a container in which everything necessary for drawing is prepared, a vase of flowers, a fruit basket, a folded white tablecloth. There is also a small round table next to the easel.

    Let us all together draw the same still life as the children drew in the picture. I have prepared everything you need for drawing, but you need to prepare what you will draw. Where do you start? (It is necessary to set the table so that the light from the window does not fall on.)

    Children set the table. The teacher makes sure that the children act together, helps them with advice.

    Let the boys set the table. What will you do now? (Let's cover the table with a tablecloth.) But this work can be done by girls.

    The girls cover the table with a tablecloth.

    What do you think should be placed in the center of the table? (A vase of flowers.)

    One of the children places the vase in the center of the table.

    Now place the fruit on the table. Where will you put the pear? Where should you put the apples? (We'll put the pear on the left and the apples on the right.)

    Children lay out fruits on the table.

    All is ready. Well done! You have done this work together. I hope you will draw just as well. Where do you propose to start? (You can start by filling the background.) How do you want the background to be? (You can make the background light yellow to make the picture appear sunny.)

    Two children fill the background. The teacher quickly dries the background with a hairdryer.

    One of the children paints the surface of the table, applying gouache with wide horizontal strokes. The teacher uses a hairdryer to dry the work.

    What will you paint now? (We will draw a vase.) What is it? Pay attention to the height of the vase, its shape, color. (She is short, ball-like, blue.)

    One of the children draws a vase.

    Now for the most interesting and difficult part of the job. We are going to draw a bouquet. You said that it is lush, festive, bright. Please note: the bouquet contains six large yellow sunflowers and seven small red dahlias, many green leaves. What is the middle of sunflowers? What petals? What do dahlias look like? (Sunflowers have a brown center and large yellow petals, while dahlias look like red balls with dense petals.)

    The teacher helps children to determine who will draw sunflowers, who will draw dahlias, who will draw leaves. It is important to help children arrange the flowers in the vase correctly. Children are doing work.

    It remains for us to draw the fruit. Tell us where you will draw a pear, what a pear; where do you draw the apples, what they are, how many there are. (The pear is on the left. It is oval, green, with a ruddy side. The apples are on the right. They are round, red. There are three of them.)

    Children draw fruits. The teacher helps them agree on who will paint what.

    So the still life "Flowers and Fruits" is ready. I really liked that you worked together. You have made a big and beautiful painting. We'll frame it and hang it in the dressing room for your mums and dads to see.

    DOE " Kindergarten compensating type No. 67 "Hope"

    Summary of GCD in the senior group

    "teaching storytelling"

    Made up

    Rizvanova Yulia Alexandrovna

    Goals: - teach children to retell the text, observing the sequence events;

    Develop auditory and visual memory, attention, logical thinking;

    Expand and activate vocabulary;

    Develop the ability to select antonyms for given words;

    Develop the ability to listen to other children without interrupting.

    Material: flannelegraph, 5 pictures for text, toy.

    Preliminary work:a similar lesson in a different text, retelling of familiar fairy tales, playing in the theater on a flannelegraph, reading poetry about spring, solving riddles about spring.

    Methodical techniques:didactic game "", riddle, teacher's story, questions, demonstration, sample retelling, joint retelling, independent retelling by children, encouragement.


    Play: Guys, I suggest you the game "Say the opposite". I name a word, and you come up with another word with the opposite meaning. For example, evil is kind, stupid is smart. Whoever answers correctly will be able to sit on the chair he likes.

    Fast - slow, calm;

    light - heavy, overweight;

    old - young, new;

    to lose - to find, to gain;

    sadness - fun, joy;

    fall - get up, rise;

    day - night, evening, twilight;

    cold - heat, warmth, scorching heat;

    sun - moon, month;

    a coward is a daredevil, a brave man;

    the enemy is a comrade, friend, friend.

    Play: What time of year is it now? A month? Give me the spring months.(Answers of children.) How do you determine that spring has come?

    Children : The snow is melting, the sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing, they are flying migratory birds, it became warm ...

    Vnp .: That's right, and even in the spring the birds build nests and hatch chicks. But not all birds live in nests; some live in houses made for them by people. Who knows what kind of birds they are and what is the name of their house?

    Children: These are starlings, and they live in a birdhouse.

    Rep. : Well done. Guys, I wanted to tell you interesting story pr starlings, birdhouse and children, but dropped the pictures and mixed them up. Please help me build the story in the right order.

    Children look at the pictures on the table and, together with the teacher, try to determine their correct order. The teacher asks the children why they structured the story this way. Then the teacher offers to take their places.

    Play: We listened to different opinions, and I remembered how the pictures were laid out from the very beginning, but I don’t remember how the story sounded. Let's describe the pictures together and restore the story.

    The teacher attaches the pictures to the flannelgraph in one line and for each children tell what they see, and then the teacher summarizes all the statements and literally processes the text, reads it out completely.

    1 picture. Snow is melting. The streams murmur merrily along which the paper boat is sailing. The earth and the tree are still bare, but soon young greenery will appear on them.

    2 picture. A boy and a girl were returning from school and saw a broken birdhouse on the birch. They felt sorry for the starling left without a house, and the children decided to make a new birdhouse.

    Picture 3. The children brought the boards home. The girl handed the boards, and the boy worked them and hammered them together.

    4 picture. The birdhouse is ready. The boy substituted a ladder to the birch and attached a new house for starlings.

    5 picture. The guys hid behind a tree to see the new tenants of the birdhouse. We didn't have to wait long, two starlings soon flew in and sang merrily a song in gratitude to the guys. The children were happy.

    Rep. : How do you feel about the actions of children? What can you call this story?

    Children's answers.

    Play: - Well done boys! Now stand by your chairs and rest a little.

    Physical education

    We collect the kids

    Play one game.

    Show me guys

    How animals live in the forest.

    As a fox cub wakes up

    As a squirrel washes,

    How the bunny galloped

    As a wolf cub ran

    Like a hedgehog and a hedgehog

    Collect the blackberries.

    Only the bear is sleeping

    In no hurry to wake up.

    Play: - Now let's go back to our places.

    Children sit on high chairs.

    Play: - Guys, I really want to know who is the most attentive of you. I will attach pictures, but not all, and you will try to tell about what is shown on each of them.

    Children restoring the order of the story, the teacher encourages the children to reproduce the full sentence in speech according to the corresponding picture.

    Play: - Guys, you are very attentive, that's how well you remember the story. Can any of you be able to tell the whole text on your own?

    The teacher invites those who wish to the flannelegraph one by one.

    Play: - Try it, you can look at the pictures, they will help you.

    Children reproduce the text one by one, the teacher makes sure that other children do not shout out from their seats, listen carefully.

    Vnp .: Thank you guys, you are all very attentive. Or maybe someone will come up with their own ending for this story?

    Children come up with a different version of the story, the teacher helps to correctly draw up sentences.

    Rep. : - And on this our lesson is over, all the guys are great. Thanks.