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  • The development of creative activity and the identity of preschoolers in the game as a psychological and pedagogical problem. Formation of creative schoolchild activity purpose Formation of creative activity

    The development of creative activity and the identity of preschoolers in the game as a psychological and pedagogical problem. Formation of creative schoolchild activity purpose Formation of creative activity

    480 rub. | 150 UAH. | $ 7.5 ", Mouseoff, Fgcolor," #FFFFCC ", BGColor," # 393939 ");" Onmouseout \u003d "Return nd ();"\u003e Dissertation period - 480 rub., Delivery 10 minutes , around the clock, seven days a week and holidays

    240 rubles. | 75 UAH. | $ 3.75, Mouseoff, Fgcolor, "#FFFFCC", BGColor, "# 393939"); " onmouseout \u003d "Return nd ();"\u003e Author's abstract - 240 rubles, delivery 1-3 hours, from 10-19 (Moscow time), except Sunday

    Schulpina love Nikolaevna. Development of creative activity of children in the process of additional education: the dissertation ... Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.01. - B. m., B. G. - 142 p. RGB od


    Chapter 1. Creative activity of children in educational process as a pedagogical problem 14

    1.1. Essence of the creative activity of children 14

    1.2. Opportunities for additional education in the development of creative personality activity 38

    Chapter 2. Pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education 55

    2.1. The state of the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education 55

    2.2. Characteristics and implementation of pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in experimental work 72

    2.3. The results of experimental work on the development of the creative activity of children in the system of additional education 109

    Conclusion 115.

    Bibliography 119.

    Appendices 137.

    Introduction to work

    The development of a creative personality in the learning and education process is one of the socially significant tasks of modern Russian society. As the highest goal of education, the formation of self-developing and self-determined personality capable of open creative interaction with the environment and society is determined.

    Pedagogical science considers the effect of education on creative personality development as one of the central problems. Another K.D. Shushinsky, S.T.Shacksky, P.P. Blonde and other teachers noted the importance of the unity of training and education in the educational process, taking into account the interests, abilities, opportunities and needs of the child.

    One of the priority tasks of pedagogical science is currently the study of qualitatively new relations between the individual and society, the search for the most optimal ways of education, training, creative development of children. one

    In the system of continuous education recently, a special place is owned by additional education, which acts as a means of motivating the development of the personality to knowledge and creativity through a wide variety of activities. The development of the child is supported by the possibilities of creating a situation of success and freedom of changing the type of activity. It is an additional education that is intended to satisfy the permanent requests of children, help reduce the negative consequences of the unemployment of children in extracurricular time, the increase in crime, vagrancy, strengthen attention to socially disadvantaged children.

    Of particular importance for the development of the person is pre-school and younger school age, when the foundation is laid, intensively

    socially important qualities, the foundations of the worldview, habits, are developing cognitive abilities, develop diverse relations with the surrounding world. The study of these problems was engaged: Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalotzi, K.D. Shushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, S.T.Shatsky, Sh.A.Monashvili, B.G. Ananyev, A.E. .Dmitriyev, S.P.Baranov, L.I. Borovich, L.S.Vugotsky, V.V. Dvalov, L.V. Zankov, E.V. Zvoragin, L.F.Obukhova, A.I. Savenkov , L.Slavina, V.A.Somhomlinsky, S.L. Novoselova.

    The task of creative personality development can not be performed by the efforts of alone school systemIn its implementation, it is intended to participate with a rich experience in our country an additional (extracurricular) education, designed to satisfy the constantly changing individual socio-cultural and educational needs of the child. Naturally, the history of the development and formation of this formation gives a lot of material for its improvement. In the works of modern researchers (E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.K. Krudnov, B.Z.Vulfov, O.S. Gazman, M.B. Koval, S.Valtseva, A.I.Shtishinskaya et al.) A deep analysis of various aspects of (out-of-school) additional education of children was carried out. At the same time, a number of unresolved questions remained: the place of out-of-school additional education of children in the overall system of continuing education; The main directions of additional education of children and their development in educational institutions of all types and species; The impact of additional education on the creative development of the identity of the child and its self-determination.

    As practice shows, the real possibilities of most modern schools are insufficient to solve problems of development of the creative activity of the identity of the child,his self-determination.There are a number of contradictions between:

    increasing the requirements of life to the formation of a creative, initiative personality and the absence of a special system

    pedagogical work providing this process; mass education system and the individual nature of the process of developing the creative activity of the child; objective necessity of innovative and integration processes in educational sphere and the lack of pedagogical personnel prepared for this activity;

    existing experience of many years of work in this direction and

    the lack of scientifically based mechanisms for using it in

    massive practical activity.

    Permissions of these contradictions can contribute to additional

    education of children. Having the main goal of creating pedagogical conditions for

    self-education, self-education and personality self-realization, additional

    education is a specific environment that is important as for his

    creative development, socialization, formation of life experience and for

    self-determination (E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.G. Bocharova, B.Z.Vulfov, L.S.Vugotsky,

    O.S. Gazman, V.V. Dvalov, V.A. Karakovsky, M.B. Koval, D.I. Voshina.

    A.V. Mudrick, L.I. Novikova, A.V.Petrovsky, S.D. Polyakov and others). Together with

    moreover, the current state of education gives rise to another contradiction:

    between the need to integrate the main and additional education in

    the interests of the child's personality and the underestimation of the role of the teacher.

    Of course, significant transformations occur in modern education, not only individual parties, but also general conceptual approaches are changed. One of the effective ways to solve the problem of creative development of the identity of the child is the integration of the main and additional education, the implementation of personality-oriented, personal activity capable of playing a significant role in the life of a child in achieving the peaks of their creative development, the definition of life path (S.A. Amonashvili, V.V. Dvalov, L.V. Zankov,

    I.Zimnya, V.A. Karakovsky, V.M. Korotov, A.V. Mudrick, L.I. Novikova, A.V.Petrovsky, V.A. Petrovsky, I.S. Yakimanskaya, E.A. Lamburg and others).

    It must be emphasized that this relationship is able to solve the strategic objectives of modern education:

    ensure the continuity of education;

    to develop fully technologies and ideas of personal-oriented education;

    exercise social and psychological adaptation programs;

    carry out career guidance;

    develop the creative abilities of the personality and create conditions for the formation of the experience of creative amateur and the creative activity of the child.

    The study of philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature shows that the development of the creative potential of the personality has paid and pays close attention. However, the problem of forming the creative activity of children in additional education institutions has not yet been a subject of special scientific research. Meanwhile, additional education is designed to solve this problem.

    First, as statistical data provided by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation show, in the agencies of the additional education of Russia, a significant number of children and adolescents are engaged in (up to 60% of the total number of schoolchildren).

    Secondly, the research materials suggest that the needs of children in the implementation of their interests are not fully satisfied with the family and school. Additional education institutions, providing a child with the opportunity to actively participate in various activities, opening him a space for the fulfillment of various social roles, including it in diverse relations with the outside world, can and should be full factors for the implementation of children's interests.

    Thirdly, the institutions of additional education, having qualified personnel and material base, are capable not only to satisfy, but also to develop the needs and interests of the child.

    At the same time, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that so far has not been conducted special research on the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education. The problems of special pedagogical conditions and the peculiarities of the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education remain unmountable.

    Based on the above, it can be argued that on the one hand, there is an objective need to develop the creative activity of children in the conditions of additional education, and on the other - the insufficient development of the problem in the pedagogical theory. This circumstance led to a choice topicsresearch: "Development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education."

    The problem of this study:What are the pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education?

    The solution to the extended problem is targetresearch.

    Object of study- Development of creative activity of younger schoolchildren.

    Subject of study- The process of developing the creative activity of children in additional education institutions.

    Hypothesisresearch is based on the assumption that additional education, as a certain system, can have a significant impact on the process of developing the creative activity of the child in the presence of appropriate pedagogical conditions:

    creation of variable programs of additional education, providing creative development of children with a free choice of them

    directions of their activities;

    orientation of the teacher for the development of the creative potential of each
    child in favorite areas of the activities carried out
    Thanks to the special selection of forms and working methods;
    Selection of teachers possessing creative abilities and skill
    Direct the efforts of children to non-standard solutions in your favorites
    ^ - ensuring a positive family relationship towards the work of the child,

    the type of activity expresses in support of voluntary choice, providing the necessary materials for it, emotional support for its success. In accordance with the problem, the goal, the object, the subject and advanced hypothesis of the study were determined research tasks:

    1. Remove the essence, content and structure of creative activity

      Disclose the possibility of developing the creative activity of children in the process of additional education.

      To identify pedagogical conditions that contribute to the development of creative activity in the process of additional education.

    4. Experimentally check the effectiveness of the proposed
    Pedagogical conditions for the development of children's activity in the process
    additional education.

    Methodologicalfoundation researchmake up: psychological and pedagogical ideas and concepts about the essence and nature of man as a subject: ne activity and relationships(Yu.K. Babansky, L.I. Borovich, I.F. Gerbart, A.Distersveg, Ya.K. Komensky, I.G. Pestalotski, S.L. Rubinshtein, K.D. Shushinsky,

    V.D.Shadrikov, etc.), on the leading role of activities as a source of personality formation(P.P.Blovsky, L.S.Vigotsky, V.V. Dvalov, N.K. Krupskaya, A.N. Lyontiev, A.S. Makarenko et al.); personality theory(A.G.asmolov, A.V. Petrovsky, I.I. Rosvitsky, V.I. Sobodchikov, D.I.Feldstein, etc.); Psychological and pedagogical studies in the field formation of the personality and processes of the self-determination of the child(A.A. Bodalev, Yu.P.V. Verov, U. Hessser, V.S. Ilin, E.A. Klimim, I.S.Kon, E.I. Malikina, A.V. Mudrick, G.P. .Nik, V.F.Safin, V.Frank, G.I. Bhukina, etc.).

    The consequences of the theory of educational systems were the commonabloyal foundation(Yu.K. Babansky, I.F. Herbart, V.A. Karakovsky, L.I.Novikova, K.D. Shushinsky, etc.); methodological principles of pedagogical research(F.D.Batvinnikov, V.I. Zagyvsky, V.V. Krayevsky, V.M. POLONSKY, M.N.Catkin, etc.), modern concepts of the development of additional education of children(E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.K.brudnov, M.B. Koval, D.I. Voloshina, A.I.Shtishinskaya et al.).

    To solve the tasks and verification of the initial assumptions, the following were used research methods:theoretical -theoretical analysis, generalization and interpretation of scientific data, retrospective analysis; empirical -observation, questionnaire, conversation, analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature and pedagogical practice, studying and synthesis of pedagogical experience in the field of additional education of children; experiment,as well as methods of mathematical statistics.

    Experimental research base:studying the experience of creating the creative activity of children in the system of additional education, the definition of the formation of creative activity, the implementation of pedagogical conditions was carried out on the basis of children's creativity houses No. 1 and 2, Palace of Children's Art Penza, secondary schools No. 57, 63, 68, 74.

    The main stages of the study:The study was conducted in several stages.

    First stage(1996 - 1998) - search. The study of philosophical, methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research. Analysis and evaluation of the current state of the problem in theory and practice. Conducting a statement experiment to identify formation levels in children of creative activity. Development of the scientific apparatus of the study.

    Second phase(1998 - 2000) - experimental experimental. Clarification of hypothesis. Conducting an emerging experiment, the use of pedagogical conditions in the process of developing the creative activity of children,

    Third stage(2000 - 2001) - generalizing. Completion of the forming experiment. Correction, systematization and generalization of its results. Approbation of the main ideas and research provisions.

    Scientific noveltyand the theoretical significance of the study is as follows: the essence is first disclosed, the content and structure of the creative activity of younger students in the process of additional education are determined; The components of creative activity are revealed and the levels of its development are identified. The pedagogical conditions necessary for the development of the creative activity of younger students in the process of additional education are determined and experimentally confirmed, and the components of creative activity are identified and the levels of its development are identified. The pedagogical conditions necessary for the development of the creative activity of younger students in the process of additional education are substantiated and experimentally confirmed in the process of additional education (variability of education, adequate to the selection of forms and work techniques, the creativity of the teacher of additional education, the positive attitude of the family to the work of the child).

    Practical significance Researchit is that, in accordance with the reasonable theoretical provisions, the pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children were experimentally proven and confirmed in the practice of additional education.

    Developed in connection with these conditions, scientific and methodological recommendations for additional education teachers are introduced into practice. A testing of the special course "The role of the teacher of additional education in the development of the creative activity of children" for students of the Pedagogical University, a pedagogical college, which was reflected by the theoretical conclusions and recommendations of the author, was created.

    The results of the study can be used in higher and secondary special educational institutions when studying the course of pedagogy.

    Reliabilitystudies are provided with a methodological approach,
    resting on the position of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy about the essence and
    the role of creativity, the concept of personality development; using the technique
    adequate subject and objectives of the study; a combination of high quality I.
    quantitative analysis, representativeness of experimental data,
    a variety of research procedures and techniques, their

    complementability, numerous data verification, as well as statistical methods of processing and data analysis.

    Testing and implementation of research results.

    The main provisions and research results were discussed at meetings of the Department of Pedagogy Initial Training of the Moscow Pedagogical state University; At the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference " Additional education Children are a factor in the development of a creative person "(St. Petersburg, 1998); at the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference" Additional education of children in Russia: the state and prospects of development in the XXI century "(Moscow, 2000).

    The following provisions are made on the defense:

      The development of the creative activity of children in additional education is aimed at solving the tasks of their preparation for creativity in conscious life and implies the voluntary inclusion of junior schoolchildren in extracurricular times in the artistic and aesthetic, physical education, environmental and educational, tourist or technical classes and obtaining productive results. .

      The structure of the creative activity of the younger schoolboy consists of motivational, substantive operational and emotional-volitional components; The pedagogical leadership of children in the process of additional education is directed to their development, and the availability of them ensures the success of the activities of younger students.

      Pedagogical management of the development of creative activity in the process of additional education is carried out differentially for each child, depending on the formation level of this personality quality.

      The development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education is ensured by the presence of the following conditions: the creation of variable programs of additional education, ensuring the creative development of children with the free choice of their activities; The orientation of the teacher to develop the creative potential of each child in their chosen areas of activity, carried out due to the special selection of forms and working methods; Selection of teachers who have creative abilities and the ability to send children's efforts to non-standard solutions in favorite activity; Ensuring a positive family attitude towards the work of a child expressing in support

    voluntary choice of activity, providing the necessary materials for it, emotional support for its success.

    The dissertation structure.The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, a list of references, which includes 226 names of the works of domestic and foreign authors, and applications containing test tasks for the diagnosis of creative activity in younger students and special courses "The role of the teacher of additional education in the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education Education. " The main text of the thesis is set forth on 118 pages, contains 11 tables. The total scope of the dissertation study is 142 pages of typewritten text.

    Essence of the creative activity of children

    The development of a creative person, ready to implement significant social functions, to socio-converter activities, becomes one of the essential tasks of modern society. We consider the problem of developing a creative personality in the context of the development of the real abilities of the growing person, which are formed and embodied in various types of cognitive and creative activities. The result of this activity does not always have an obvious social value, but participation in its process is of paramount importance for children. In the course of this process, an initiative appears, independence, the creative potential of the person is revealed.

    The focus of modern education on the development of the child's personality requires identifying, the definition of its properties, the impact on which contributes to the development of the person in general. As one of them, creative activity is considered, which is a system-forming property of the individual, determining the characteristics of its movement to self-improvement, the condition for the realization of itself as a person at all stages of ontogenesis (V.A. Petrovsky, I.S. Yakimanskaya et al.).

    To effectively develop the creative activity of children in the process of additional education, it is important to determine the essential aspects of the concept of "creative activity", reveal the ways of development of the person in question in additional education.

    Activity - multidimensional concept. It is not by chance, therefore, the problems associated with its study are considered by philosophy, pedagogy, psychology.

    Much attention to the study of the problem is paid in philosophical literature. Already in Plato and Aristotle's studies there are attempts to find personality activity mechanisms leading to creativity. The concept of "personality activity" is defined as the ability to change the surrounding reality in accordance with their own needs, views, objectives (152).

    Activity, according to N.A. Bardyaeva, as the philosophical category reflects the "ability of non-life facilities and wildlife and subjects of social life to a natural, intensively aimed or conscious interaction with a medium, change and transformation of it and itself, as well as the intensity of this process, its Mere "(21, p. 21).

    According to M.V. Bodunova, psychological activity, considered as an integral identity parameter, has two sides - high-quality and quantitative. The qualitative, meaningful side of activity is determined by the complex of existing motives, installations, interests and motives caused by the commission of certain actions. The quantitative side is characterized by tempo, intensity, time distribution (31).

    V.D. Nebylitsyn believes that the concept of "general activity" is united by a group of personal qualities that cause the inner need, the tendency of the individual to the effective development of the external reality, in general, for self-expiration relative to the outside world (132, p. 14).

    In the study of the activity problem for us, the main conclusions of L.S.Vigotsky are of interest about the "human activity system" and labor activity. "In the process of social life, a person has created and developed the most complex psychological communication systems, without which labor activity and all social life would have been impossible. These funds of psychological communication on nature itself and the function of the essence of the signs, i.e. artificially created incentives, the purpose of which consists in Impact on behavior, in the formation of new conditional bonds in the human brain "(46, p. 27). Vygotsky, referring to the specifics of activity, revealed its social nature.

    The philosophical approaches designated above are based on the consideration of the problem of developing activity in pedagogy. More Ya.a. Komensky considered the activity of a prerequisite for training and wrote about this: "In his students, I always develop independence in observation, in speech, in practice and in application" (90, p. 22). Moreover, the leading factor in the activity of the child, they considered the content of training, although the results of his personal interaction with the surrounding world were also taken into account.

    J.-Zh.RUsso's approach is also based on the development of amateurness, inquisitiveness, student's activity, but accents are shifted to the individual experience of a child as a source of its activity. The educator, in his opinion, should not impose his views, beliefs, ready-made rules. It is necessary to encourage the student to manifest activity and independence, indirectly affecting the pupil through the environment, Wednesday - all the surrounding influences. It is important for our research and its idea about the need to take into account the age characteristics of children when creating a surroundings, as well as the maximum support in teaching the child's individual experience, the use of the results of its personal interaction with the environment.

    Domestic teachers - K.D. Shushinsky, N.I.Pirogov, L.N. Tolstoy and others - considered various aspects of activity.

    K.D. Shushinsky understood training as an active, volitional process. The child needs to learn to overcome and uninteresting, and difficult. He considered activity as a certain mental phenomenon, the study of the laws of which is the main to build a system of pedagogical impacts.

    Direct manifestation of activity he saw in the attention and will of the child. K.D. Shushinsky warned against the suppression of activity, as a personal property, and noted that the educator "should vaguely distinguish stubbornness, whim and the need of free activity, ... so as not to suppress the latter, without which the man's soul cannot develop any human Advantages "(195, p. 237). In addition to the domestic, teacher indicated the external factors of activity development - activities corresponding to age characteristics. For children, this is a game - as an independent, free activity, the impressions of which will find their continuation in the future of public human behavior.

    A necessary condition for learning was considered to be activity and N.I.Pirogov, who spoke of the need to stimulate activity through the use of productive learning methods, "intended games". It is important for us to "adapt" games to children, organizing a gaming environment based on the tasks of learning and the interests of children.

    L.N. Tolstoy Special place in the training took the development of the creative activity of students by providing the expanse of their amateurness, the non-reforms of their natural development.

    Opportunities for additional education in the development of creative activity of personality

    The system of additional education develops on the basis of extracurricular institutions. In the past, these institutions had a rich experience outside learning activities. The transition of additional education institutions to a qualitatively new model of activity, where educational components prevail, make the historical roots of additional education in Russia open. For the first time, the term "out-of-school education" was used in 1890 in the book A.S. Prugavin "Requests of the people and the obligations of intelligentsia in the field of education and education" in the sense of the set of all types of educational activities of adults. The first teacher, who began to specially develop the theory of out-of-school education was V.P.Vakhterov, who in 1896 wrote the book "Out-of-school education of the people." As an extracurricular education system was considered by Charnol. Unlike its predecessors, it focuses not on certain types of out-of-school education, but on its holistic system, convening the classification of institutions in this system.

    The pre-revolutionary theoretical idea in the field of extracurricular education received the most complete generalization and completion in the works of E.N.medynsky. E.N.Medynsky argued that "out-of-school education and school studies - the phenomena are completely dissimilar that out-of-school education is not replaced by any school: the higher the school training, the greater the need for out-of-school education." All forms of extracurricular education in E.N.Medynsky are not a random association, but have general patterns, and its main task is not an education, but development. It sounds relevant today. In the development of the methodological foundations of extracurricular education, S.T.Shatsky belongs a special role, since it was he who was one of the first to put forward the problem of extracurricular education and raising children. Theoretical provisions on extracurricular educational work expressed and substantiated S.Stsky, its intensive and informative experience in organizing the lives and activity of children require a thorough scientific understanding. The concept of "out-of-school educational work" is interpreted by Shatsky as the purposeful activities of the teacher, aimed at raising children and adolescents of the best human qualities, organized outside the school, taking into account desires, interests, age and individual characteristics of pupils. S.T.Satsky created a clear and argued system of extracurricular education of children, allowing to seek serious success in the formation of a harmoniously developed personality. The most interesting finding of S.T.Shacksky in the field of out-of-school educational work, realized in the cultural and educational society "netlenthent" and the colony "Bodyful Life", should be considered children's and teenage clubs. The work in them was extremely diverse. It was one of the leading principles of the approach to club work with children, who tried to implement Shatsky. Other principles of club work were independence and amateurness, initiative and creativity, confidence in children, a combination of mental and physical labor, self-service. The modern sphere of additional education is characterized by a complex of complex and varied problems. To navigate in their social and pedagogical nature and correctly outline the main directions of the practical decision, it is necessary, in our opinion, first of all, to dwell on the essence of the concept of additional education. Analysis of pedagogical literature and official documents devoted to the problems of additional education shows that its concept is just beginning to develop. The few definitions of the concepts that are available, disclose individual properties, the quality of additional education. Thus, in the document of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "Information on the state and prospects for the development of additional education in the Russian Federation in 1993-1996 (and until 2000)" Attention addresses additional education to the system of continuous education ("an integral part of continuous Education ") and its main functions (providing additional opportunities for the spiritual, intellectual and physical development of a child, satisfying its creative and educational needs) (79, 3). In another document - "Provisional Regulations on the licensing of children's educational institutions in the Russian Federation" (1995), such specific characteristics of additional education are defined as some forms of its implementation (educational programs and services), their meaningful orientation (self-determination and creative children's self-realization) (44, 1). Determination of the concept resulting in a certificate of the concept of additional education (Budanova G.P., Stepanov S.Yu., Falchikova TP), characterizes additional education as a special type of education - a special process and the result of the child's identity development (71, 11) What seems valuable to understand the essence of this phenomenon in the new quality. This definition detects a close relationship with an extracurricular education methodology, based on a modern strategy for the development of additional education. In this regard, the concept of "extracurricular education" is great value for understanding the essence of additional education, given in the "Encyclopedia of Extracting Education" (1923) (122). Her creator Medynsky E.N. Considers extracurricular education as "comprehensive and harmonious development of the person or human team in a mental, moral and social, aesthetic and physical relationship." Introducing extracurricular education as a development, "... which is defined as a permanent internal work of the individual over all elements of the human I", Medynsky E.N. gives him such characteristics: this is a process lasting a whole life that has no completed nature; Creativity and activity of the personality itself, an individual act, which is different from each individual. An extracurricular education, in his opinion, should be directed not only to the mental development of the personality, but also to ensure its comprehensive development, it cannot be reduced to self-education, because "His tasks are wider than the last ..., self-education refers to extracurricular education as part of a whole". To ensure the full development of the person, he noted, it is necessary to create a complete system for promoting extracurricular education. To understand the concept of "additional education", other definitions of out-of-school education in modern pedagogical literature are essential. In one of them, published in the Russian pedagogical encyclopedia (1993), extracurricular education is characterized as educational activities of public organizations and individuals aimed at meeting educational needs of the population (166). This understanding is important for identifying the socio-pedagogical conditions for the development of additional education. It indicates a real possibility of active attraction to the development of additional education of the public and individuals, including on the basis of their charity, sponsorship. In another definition of out-of-school education, presented in the program of stabilization and development of Russian education during the transitional period (1991), a more modern view of an extracurricular education is proposed: it is considered as an integral part of the continuing education system (147). In terms of our study, it is important that such an understanding of the out-of-school work marked the beginning of the formation of it as a type of education capable of implementing the idea of \u200b\u200bpermanent human development and to provide every right to the development of intellectual, spiritual, emotional, physical qualities of the personality, the possibility of free choice of the path of education, meeting developing needs Personality in education. (134, 3).

    The state of development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education

    The study of the current state of the real level of the formation of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education was carried out in the houses of children's art of Penza. In the stating experiment, junior schoolchildren involved in art and decorative and applied creativity were participating. This is due, firstly, in the way that 78% of children preferred for 78% of the children. Secondly, in decorative and applied art art, the individual abilities of the child with a sufficient degree of certainty are expressed in a particular product of activity, which facilitates the tasks of tracking the development and adjustment of this quality. Thirdly, in decorative and applied and artistic art, the cognitive, personal-oriented and converter nature of creative activity is clearly visible. Fourthly, it is in the field of decorative and applied and artistic art with the greatest brightness manifests the individuality of creativity, his subjective uniqueness. In order to obtain objective data on the real level of formation of the creative activity of younger students in the process of additional education, the following methods were used: the survey of students, test tasks, analysis of creative activities, monitoring the process of creativity. So, in the course of a statement experiment to measure the degree of formation of indicators of the components of the creative activity of younger students, a questionnaire was proposed with the following issues: what kind of activity do you have interest?

    What attracts you in this union? What was your very first creative job? Would you like to invent anything unusual? - Do you strive to complete the creative task, if it does not work? - Do you like to participate in various contests, competitions? Do you always seek help to adults when something does not work? The results of the answers to the questionnaires were rated using the following criteria: a creative approach to the answer, the number of positive responses, full of response. As a result, the attitude of students to creative activity was considered by us at four levels: high (5), not high (4), average (3), low (2). To measure the level of development of the title quality, we also use the following test tasks. To determine the level of curiosity, a test game "Ambolism" was used. Children were offered two plot pictures. Each of the pupils had to ask at least 1 question to the picture. Pupils recorded questions, and the experimenter recorded the answers. Evaluation Criteria: Number of questions asked, their originality. To determine the level of development of intellectual logical abilities, we used the technique for the ability to display the effect. So, the pupils were offered a picture. Children had to describe the situation and come up with how the event ended. Evaluation criteria: originality and fullness of the response, the number of indicated conclusions. The basis of all creative activities is imagination. Therefore, in our study, the main criterion of creative works was the development of creative imagination. To determine the development of creative imagination of students, various techniques were used (158). The pupils were proposed by the test "non-existent animal". Ways to image a non-existent animal characterize the type of imagination, the general approach of the younger schoolboy to the task. Three main ways of an image of such an animal were highlighted (not counting the zero level when the real animal is drawn): a) a new creature is collected from different parts of real animals (the body of the bear, hare ears, a bird tail). This method is characteristic of a rationalistic approach to the creative task; b) in the image and similarity of existing animals, a holistic image of a fantastic animal is created (although it can resemble other animals). The method is characteristic of the artistic and emotional approach to the creative task; c) With the actual and creative warehouse of imagination, an absolutely original creature is created. This method of image is found at any approach to the creative problem - both rational, and artistic, if a person has real creative opportunities.

    Evaluation criteria - originality, completeness of execution. For greater objectivity, the task for the definition of creative abilities, we decided to supplement the figured test task "unfinished figures". The pupils were offered a sheet depicting ten unfinished figures. It was necessary to come up with and draw the finished original drawing from each unfinished figure. Evaluation criterion: originality, number of interesting decisions, degree of variety of solutions for each number. Another factor in encouraging children to creative activity is an atmosphere of useful and cultural competition. The participation of the child in this form of artistic creativity, as an applied art, opens up opportunity, competitiveness. Subject to this factor, children try their crafts to make better, attractive from the point of view of the artistic and aesthetic taste. The teacher is the head of the studio of applied art, manifesting creative abilities, enthusiastic beloved, also has a positive effect on the formation of the creative activity of pupils.

    Characteristics and implementation of pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in experimental work

    The effectiveness of the process of development of creative activity in the system of additional education is possible in the presence of the following conditions: the creation of variable programs of additional education, ensuring the creative development of children with the free choice of their activities; The orientation of the teacher to develop the creative potential of each child in their chosen areas of activity, carried out due to the special selection of forms and working methods; - ensuring the positive relationship of the family to the work of a child expressed in support of a voluntary choice of a child of the type of activity, providing the necessary materials for it, emotional support for its success; Selection of teachers possessing creative abilities, and the ability to send children's efforts to non-standard solutions in your favorite activity. Consider the first condition: the creation of variable programs of additional education, ensuring the creative development of children with the free choice of their activities. The ability of additional education to comply with the needs and capabilities of various groups of students and the individual characteristics of individual students are the variability of education. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe variability of education is fundamental to the Russian education of the 90s. The content of education is based on the humanitarization of the programs of additional education of children, complementarity with mandatory basic school education, expanding educational areas studied at school. It is based on the unity of two components -orienting in culture and creative-activity. A distinctive feature is the culturalization (support for geocultural features of the environment of residence, region, Russia) and moral and creative dominant. The source of the formation of education is the main spheres of self-determination of the individual - man, society, nature, noosphere. In the House of Children's Creativity No. 1, programs of additional education of children of different profiles are being implemented: economic, artistic, socio-pedagogical, physical, technical. The authors of the programs adhere to a personality-oriented and communicative and activity approach to the implementation of the educational process. Programs are built in accordance with the objectives of assimilation of the content of education, samples and techniques of thinking and activities, the development of cognitive, axiological, creative, communicative and artistic potential of pupils. Thus, the purpose of educational programs is to stimulate and develop the creative potential of the identity of the child, the inclusion of it in the system of social communications, socially useful practices and leisure. Undoubtedly, the development of the creative activity of younger students in the process of additional education is influenced by the second condition: the orientation of the teacher for the development of the creative potential of each child JB elected areas of activity carried out through a special selection of forms and working methods. The child needs such a quality of knowledge so that he can go through the way from his own original idea before creating a complete thing or artistic work. Creativity is also a person's desire to change, convert the world, to improve the surrounding life. The person becomes a person when his needs are aimed at creating, creativity. Creating a selection situation - Effective development creative thinking. In class training teams, children should have the ability to choose from two or several objects, examples, options. Teacher must systematically replenish its arsenal of techniques to tasks and exercises for the development of fantasy and the imagination of children. In the choreographic children's studio (head of N. Gerasimov) younger students at each lesson within 7 - 10 minutes get the task to come up with choreographic scenes and choreographic miniatures following the results of observation of animal behavior or depict any subject or any character character of a person, and In the senior groups, members of the studio participate in the creation and formulation of children's ballets: "Chipollino", "Nutcracker" P.I. Tchaikovsky. In the club "Troops" the guys like the game "What does it seem like?", Which contributes to the development of imagination, associative thinking: the leading comes out of the room, the guys think of any item located in the room, and invent its comparisons with other objects, for example, The light bulb can be compared with a pear, a sun, a drop of water, etc. ... Invited by the leading, to whom the guys say that the conceived item is similar to a pear, if it does not guess, it is called the second comparison, etc. It is determined at the end of the game Whose comparison was the most successful, then the other participant of the game becomes leading, the new item is thinking, the game is repeated first. In order to develop creative activity, it is necessary to apply active methods and teaching techniques, the essence of which is that knowledge comes from the student, and not from the teacher. The first group of active learning methods in additional education institutions are problematic methods that include the formulation of the problem and its independent study by students. With a problematic presentation of the material, the teacher calls the problem and sets out the material, disclosing all the contradictions of this problem. The main form of communication in classes should be a dialogue: the dialogue of the teacher and students, the dialogue of the students with each other. Chatting with the students of the teacher must be determined by the main goal and the idea of \u200b\u200bconversation, take away and formulate questions for discussion (so that the discussion is not delayed is recommended to take away no more than three-four questions).

    • Specialty of the WAK RF13.00.01
    • Number of pages 142.

    Chapter 1. Creative activity of children in educational process as a pedagogical problem

    1.1. Essence of the creative activity of children

    1.2. Opportunities for additional education in the development of creative activity of personality

    Chapter 2. Pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education

    2.1. The state of development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education

    2.2. Characteristics and implementation of pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in experimental work

    2.3. The results of experimental work on the development of the creative activity of children in the system of additional education

    Recommended list of dissertations

    • Additional education of children as a means of their creative development 1998, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Berezina, Valentina Aleksandrovna

    • Development of the identity of the younger schoolboy in the system of additional education of children 2007, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Ganina, Svetlana Aleksandrovna

    • Program and methodological conditions for the integration of basic and additional education in elementary school: On the example of artistic and creative classes with younger students 2004, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Sanina, Elena Vladimirovna

    • Development of creative activity of younger students at musical classes in additional education 2004, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Konovalova, Svetlana Aleksandrovna

    • Pedagogical conditions for the formation of creative activity of schoolchildren in musical and aesthetic additional education 2002, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Overev, Oksana Borisovna

    The dissertation (part of the author's abstract) on the topic "Development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education"

    The development of a creative personality in the learning and education process is one of the socially significant tasks of modern Russian society. As the highest goal of education, the formation of self-developing and self-determined personality capable of open creative interaction with the environment and society is determined.

    Pedagogical science considers the effect of education on creative personality development as one of the central problems. Another K.D. Shushinsky, S.T.Shacksky, P.P. Blonde and other teachers noted the importance of the unity of training and education in the educational process, taking into account the interests, abilities, opportunities and needs of the child.

    One of the priority tasks of pedagogical science is currently the study of qualitatively new relations between personality and society, find the most optimal ways of education, training, creative development of children 1

    In the system of continuous education recently, a special place is owned by additional education, which acts as a means of motivating the development of the personality to knowledge and creativity through a wide variety of activities. The development of the child is supported by the possibilities of creating a situation of success and freedom of changing the type of activity. It is an additional education that is intended to satisfy the permanent requests of children, help reduce the negative consequences of the unemployment of children in extracurricular time, the increase in crime, vagrancy, strengthen attention to socially disadvantaged children.

    Of particular importance for the development of the person is pre-school and younger school age, when the foundation is laid, intensively

    1 Here and then under the concept of "children" mean children of younger school age. Socially important qualities, the foundations of the worldview, habits, are developing cognitive abilities, develop diverse relations with the surrounding world. The study of these problems was engaged: Ya.A. Komensky, I.G. Pestalotzi, K.D. Shushinsky, L.N. Tolstoy, S.T.Shatsky, Sh.A.Monashvili, B.G. Ananyev, A.E. .Dmitriyev, S.P.Baranov, L.I. Borovich, L.S.Vugotsky, V.V. Dvalov, L.V. Zankov, E.V. Zvoragin, L.F.Obukhova, A.I. Savenkov , L.Slavina, V.A.Somhomlinsky, S.L. Novoselova.

    The task of creative personality development cannot be performed by the efforts of the school system alone, in its implementation it is intended to participate with rich work experience in our country (extracurricular) education, designed to satisfy constantly changing individual socio-cultural and educational needs of the child. Naturally, the history of the development and formation of this formation gives a lot of material for its improvement. In the works of modern researchers (E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.K. Krudnov, B.Z.Vulfov, O.S. Gazman, M, B. Koval, S.Valtseva, A.I.Shtishinskaya et al.) A deep analysis of various aspects of (out-of-school) additional education of children was carried out. At the same time, a number of unresolved questions remained: the place of out-of-school additional education of children in the overall system of continuing education; The main directions of additional education of children and their development in educational institutions of all types and species; The impact of additional education on the creative development of the identity of the child and its self-determination.

    As practice shows, the real possibilities of most modern schools are insufficient to solve the problem of developing the creative activity of the child's personality, his self-determination. There are a number of contradictions between: the growing demands of life to the formation of a creative, initiative personality and the lack of a system of special pedagogical work, providing this process; mass education system and the individual nature of the process of developing the creative activity of the child; the objective necessity of innovative and integration processes in the educational sphere and the absence of pedagogical personnel prepared for this activity; The existing experience of many years of work in this direction and the absence of scientifically based mechanisms for using it in mass practical activity.

    The permitting of these contradictions can contribute to additional education of children. Having the main goal of creating pedagogical conditions for self-education, self-education and personality self-realization, additional education is a specific environment for a child, important both for its creative development, socialization, development of life experience and self-determination (E.V. Bondarevskaya, V.G. Bocharov, B.Z.Vulfov, L.S.Vugotsky, O.S. Gazman, V.V. Dvalov, V.A. Karakovsky, M.B. Kall, D.I. Voshushina. A.V. Mudrick, L.I.Novikova, A.V.Petrovsky, S.D. Polyakov and others). At the same time, the current state of education generates another contradiction: between the need to integrate the main and additional education in the interests of the development of the child's personality and the underestimation of the role of the teacher.

    Of course, significant transformations occur in modern education, not only individual parties, but also general conceptual approaches are changed. One of the effective ways to solve the problem of creative development of the identity of the child is the integration of the main and additional education, the implementation of personality-oriented, personal activity capable of playing a significant role in the life of a child in achieving the peaks of their creative development, the definition of life path (S.A. Amonashvili, V.V. Dvalov, L.V. Zankov,

    I.Zimnya, V.A. Karakovsky, V.M. Korotov, A.V. Mudrick, L.I. Novikova, A.V.Petrovsky, V.A. Petrovsky, I.S. Yakimanskaya, E.A. Lamburg and others).

    It must be emphasized that this relationship is able to solve the strategic objectives of modern education:

    Ensure the continuity of education;

    Develop a full technology and ideas of personality-oriented education;

    Exercise social and psychological adaptation programs;

    Carry out career guidance;

    Develop the creative abilities of the personality and create conditions for the formation of the experience of creative amateur and the creative activity of the child.

    The study of philosophical and psychological and pedagogical literature shows that the development of the creative potential of the personality has paid and pays close attention. However, the problem of forming the creative activity of children in additional education institutions has not yet been a subject of special scientific research. Meanwhile, additional education is designed to solve this problem.

    First, as statistical data provided by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation show, in the agencies of the additional education of Russia, a significant number of children and adolescents are engaged in (up to 60% of the total number of schoolchildren).

    Secondly, the research materials suggest that the needs of children in the implementation of their interests are not fully satisfied with the family and school. Additional education institutions, providing a child with the opportunity to actively participate in various activities, opening him a space for the fulfillment of various social roles, including it in diverse relations with the outside world, can and should be full factors for the implementation of children's interests.

    Thirdly, the institutions of additional education, having qualified personnel and material base, are capable not only to satisfy, but also to develop the needs and interests of the child.

    At the same time, the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature shows that so far has not been conducted special research on the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education. The problems of special pedagogical conditions and the peculiarities of the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education remain unmountable.

    Based on the above, it can be argued that on the one hand, there is an objective need to develop the creative activity of children in the conditions of additional education, and on the other - the insufficient development of the problem in the pedagogical theory. This circumstance led to the choice of research topics: "Development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education."

    The problem of this study: What are the pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education?

    The solution to the extended problem is the purpose of the study.

    The object of the study is the development of the creative activity of younger students.

    The subject of the research is the process of developing the creative activity of children in additional education institutions.

    The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that additional education, as a certain system, can have a significant impact on the process of developing the creative activity of the child in the presence of relevant pedagogical conditions: the creation of variable programs for additional education, ensuring the creative development of children with the free choice of areas of their activities; The orientation of the teacher to develop the creative potential of each child in their chosen areas of activity, carried out due to the special selection of forms and working methods; Selection of teachers with creative abilities and the ability to send children's efforts to non-standard solutions in a favorite activity;

    Providing a positive attitude of the family to the work of a child expressed in support of a voluntary choice to a child of the activity, providing the necessary materials for her, emotional support for its success.

    In accordance with the problem, the objective of the object, the subject and advanced hypothesis of the study identified the objectives of the study:

    1. Reveal the essence, content and structure of the creative activity of children.

    2. Refuse the possibility of developing the creative activity of children in the process of additional education.

    3. To identify the pedagogical conditions contributing to the development of creative activity in the process of additional education.

    4. Experimentally check the effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical conditions for the development of the activity of children in the process of additional education.

    The methodological basis of the study is: psychological and pedagogical ideas and concepts about the essence and nature of a person as a subject: ne activity and relation (Yu.K. Babansky, L.I. Bogovich, I.F. Gerbart, A.Disterveg, Ya.A. Komensesky, I.G. Pestalotski, S.L. Rubinshtein, K.D. Shushinsky,

    V.D.Shadrikov et al.), On the leading role of activities as a source of personality formation (P.P. Blovy, L.S.Vugotsky, V.V. Dvalov, N.K. Krupskaya, A.N.leontiev, and . With.makarenko et al.); Personality theory (A.G.Asmolov,

    A.V.Petrovsky, I.I. Rresvitsky, V.I. Sobodchikov, D.I.Feldstein, etc.); Psychological and pedagogical studies in the field of the formation of the personality and processes of self-determination of the child (A.A. Bodalev, Yu.P. Verov, U. Hessser,

    B.S. Ilin, E.A. Klimyov, I.S.Kon, E.I. Malikina, A.V. Mudrick, G.P.nikov, V.F. Safin, V.Frank, G.I. Shchukina et al.)

    The propositional of the theory of educational systems (Yu.K. Kabansky, I.F. Hermany, V. Karakovsky, L.I. Novikov, K.D. Shushinsky, etc. Methodological principles of pedagogical research (F.D.Batvinnikov, V.I. Zagyvsky, V.V. Krayevsky, V.M. POLONSKY, M.N. Skatkin, etc.), modern concepts of the development of additional education of children (E.V. Bondarevskaya, A.K. Krudnov, M.B. Koval, D.I. Voshshina, A.I.Shtishinskaya et al.).

    To solve the tasks and verification of the initial assumptions, the following research methods were used: theoretical -toretical analysis, generalization and interpretation of scientific data, retrospective analysis; Empirical - observation, surveillance, conversation, analysis of scientific psychological and pedagogical literature and pedagogical practice, study and synthesis of pedagogical experience in the field of additional education of children; Experiment, as well as methods of mathematical statistics.

    Experimental research base: studying the experience of forming the creative activity of children in the system of additional education, determination of the formation of creative activity, the implementation of pedagogical conditions was carried out on the basis of children's creativity houses No. 1 and 2, Palace of children's creativity of Penza, secondary schools No. 57, 63, 68, 74.

    The main stages of the study: the study was conducted in several stages.

    First stage (1996 - 1998) - search. The study of philosophical, methodological, psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of research. Analysis and evaluation of the current state of the problem in theory and practice. Conducting a statement experiment to identify formation levels in children of creative activity. Development of the scientific apparatus of the study.

    The second stage (1998 - 2000) is experimental. Clarification of hypothesis. Conducting an emerging experiment, the use of pedagogical conditions in the process of developing the creative activity of children,

    The third stage (2000 - 2001) is generalizing. Completion of the forming experiment. Correction, systematization and generalization of its results. Approbation of the main ideas and research provisions.

    Scientific novelty and theoretical significance of the study is as follows: the situation is first disclosed, the content and structure of the creative activity of younger students in the process of additional education are determined; The components of creative activity are revealed and the levels of its development are identified. The pedagogical conditions necessary for the development of the creative activity of younger students in the process of additional education are determined and experimentally confirmed, and the components of creative activity are identified and the levels of its development are identified. The pedagogical conditions necessary for the development of the creative activity of younger students in the process of additional education are substantiated and experimentally confirmed in the process of additional education (variability of education, adequate to the selection of forms and work techniques, the creativity of the teacher of additional education, the positive attitude of the family to the work of the child). and

    The practical significance of the study is that, in accordance with the substantiated theoretical provisions, the pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children were experimentally proven and confirmed in the practice of additional education.

    Developed in connection with these conditions, scientific and methodological recommendations for additional education teachers are introduced into practice. A testing of the special course "The role of the teacher of additional education in the development of the creative activity of children" for students of the Pedagogical University, a pedagogical college, which was reflected by the theoretical conclusions and recommendations of the author, was created.

    The results of the study can be used in higher and secondary special educational institutions when studying the course of pedagogy.

    The reliability of the study is provided by a methodological approach based on the provisions of philosophy, psychology and pedagogy on the essence and role of creativity, the concept of personality development; using the technique adequate to the subject and objectives of the study; A combination of high-quality and quantitative analysis, the representativeness of experimental data, a variety of research procedures and receptions, their complementarity, numerous data verification, as well as statistical methods of processing and data analysis.

    Testing and implementation of research results.

    The main provisions and results of the study were discussed at the meetings of the Department of Pedagogy of Primary Training of the Moscow Pedagogical State University; At the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Additional education of children - a factor in the development of a creative personality" (St. Petersburg, 1998); At the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Additional education of children in Russia: the state and development prospects in the XXI century" (Moscow, 2000).

    The following provisions are made on the defense:

    1. The development of the creative activity of children in additional education is aimed at solving the tasks of their preparation for creativity in conscious vital activity and implies the voluntary inclusion of younger students in extracurricular time in the artistic and aesthetic, physical education, environmental-biological, tourist or technical classes and receiving productive results.

    2. The structure of the creative activity of the younger schoolboy consists of a motivational, substantive operational and emotional-volitional components; The pedagogical leadership of children in the process of additional education is directed to their development, and the availability of them ensures the success of the activities of younger students.

    3. Pedagogical management of the development of creative activity in the process of additional education is carried out differentiated for each child, depending on the level of formation of this personality quality.

    4. The development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education is ensured by the presence of the following conditions: the creation of variable programs of additional education, ensuring the creative development of children with the free choice of areas of their activities; The orientation of the teacher to develop the creative potential of each child in their chosen areas of activity, carried out due to the special selection of forms and working methods; Selection of teachers who have creative abilities and the ability to send children's efforts to non-standard solutions in favorite activity; Ensuring the positive attitude of the family to the work of a child expressing in support of a voluntary choice of activity, providing the necessary materials for it, emotional support for its success.

    The dissertation structure. The work consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion, a list of references, which includes 226 names of the works of domestic and foreign authors, and applications containing test tasks for the diagnosis of creative activity in younger students and special courses "The role of the teacher of additional education in the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education Education. " The main text of the thesis is set forth on 118 pages, contains 11 tables. The total scope of the dissertation study is 142 pages of typewritten text.

    Similar dissertation work in the specialty "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education", 13.00.01 CIFR WAK

    • Pedagogical foundations of the formation of an additional education system in modern educational institutions 1998, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Mushroomov, Dmitry Nikolaevich

    • Pedagogical conditions of adolescent orientation on personal achievements in the establishment of additional education of children 2002, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Bictiteeva, Aniya Damirovna

    • Organizational and pedagogical conditions for improving the qualifications of the teacher of additional education 2000, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Kalish, Irina Viktorovna

    • Pedagogical support for the process of self-development of lyceums in the conditions of additional education of children 2004, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Gorokhova, Svetlana Alexandrovna

    • Preparation of primary school teacher to creative pedagogical activities in institutions of additional education of children 2006, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences Seidniazov, Natalia Vladimirovna

    Conclusion of dissertation on the topic "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education", Schulpina, Love Nikolaevna

    Conclusions on the second chapter

    Conducted experimental work confirmed the hypothesis nominated at the beginning of the study that additional education as a certain system has a significant impact on the development of the creative activity of the child's personality in the presence of appropriate pedagogical conditions: the possibility of variability of the maintenance of additional education for the free choice of children's activities involving the presence of creative activities diverse programs and the corresponding material and technical support; adequate content of the selection of forms and methods of work that meets the needs of each child, and focused on the individual development of its creative potential in their chosen areas of activity; The presence of creative abilities at the teacher of additional education, providing opportunities for the use of children's efforts to * non-standard original solutions in favorites; A positive attitude of the family to the work of a child, expressing in support of a voluntary choice of a child of the activity, providing the necessary materials for her, emotional support for its success.

    The tasks set in front of the experimental work were completely solved. Experimental work was carried out for 5 years. At the stage of the formative experiment, a system of pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children was introduced. During the entire formative experiment, the pedagogical conditions described above were implemented using pedagogical technologies. Among them: Technologies based on didactic improvement and reconstruction of material; collaboration technology parents, teachers and children; Game and group technology; Management technologies. The success of the process of developing the creative activity of children in the process of additional education was judged by the changes (in the direction of increasing) levels of manifestation of the creative activity of the participants of the experiment.

    The control cut was carried out according to the same methods as during the stating experiment. Translation from one level on the other was carried out on the basis of the qualitative characteristics of the levels in accordance with the indicators of the manifestation of the creative activity of the children described above (Chapter 1, § 1).

    The dynamics of the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education is reflected in Table 11 (Chapter 2, § 3).

    The results of the processing of the control cut, made at the end of the formative experiment, indicate the differences between the children of experimental and control groups on the levels of creative activity. More significant changes in the levels of creative activity occurred in experimental groups. The use of the T-criterion of Student confirmed the effectiveness of the methodology developed by us the development of the creative activity of children at the level of confidence of 95%.

    On the results of the experimental work, we were judged not only on quantitative indicators of formation of levels of creative activity, but also by qualitative changes in its components.

    Thus, the data obtained suggest that the experimental work has made positive results and contributed to the change (in the direction of increasing) levels of creative activity of children of experimental groups. These changes are considerable to those that occurred in the control groups.

    Sufficient effectiveness of experimental work on the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education is confirmed by the effective implementation of its results in the practice of the work of the Additional Education of the city of Penza and the region.


    Democratization and humanization of the education system in the Russian Federation allowed us to consider additional education as a sphere, objectively unifying education, training and development in a single process. Additional education deepens and expands knowledge, skills and skills provided for by basic general education and professional programs; forms a positive motivation of schoolchildren to creativity, knowledge; introduces students to personally significant socio-cultural values, the need for which is not satisfied with general education; introduces students to national cultural customs, traditions of their people; summarizes the experience of social activities of schoolchildren; organizes the useful and interesting leisure of children and adolescents; prepares schoolchildren to professional and other types of life self-determination; contributes to the filing of psychophysical forces of children, correction and rehabilitation of their health; expands the scope of communication and relationships of children and adolescents; supports the individuality and identity of the child; Creates situations of success, including socially dedicated children.

    The system of additional education of children at the turn of the centuries provides ample opportunities for the development of the child's creative abilities in various types of activity and field areas.

    The development of a creative person, ready to implement significant social functions, to socio-converter activities, is one of the essential tasks of modern society.

    The focus of additional education for the development of the child's personality requires identifying, the definition of its properties, the impact on which contributes to the development of the person in general. As one of them, creative activity is considered, which is a system-forming property of the individual, which determines the characteristics of its movement to self-improvement, the condition for implementing itself as a person at all stages of ontogenesis.

    The study, as well as the study of special literature on this issue, give rise to conclude that the development of the creative activity of children has theoretical and practical significance.

    The formulation and preliminary study of the problem of the development of the creative activity of children in the system of additional education discovered its versatility, complexity and insufficient development in the theory and practice of education.

    Despite the fact that a significant number of scientific works are devoted to the study of the problem of the development of the creative potential of the personality, issues such as the formation of the creative activity of children in the system of additional education in the presence of appropriate pedagogical conditions, have not been developed sufficiently and demanded further study.

    This study is devoted to identifying and justifying the system of pedagogical conditions that ensure the effectiveness of the process of developing the creative activity of children in the system of additional education, in order to eliminate the corresponding space in the pedagogical theory and practice.

    The study of psychological and pedagogical literature, conducted studies have shown that the concept of creativity is a fruitful theoretical basis for the development of the creative activity of children in the system of additional education by implementing the system of pedagogical conditions.

    Analysis of the formation of the creative activity of children in the system of additional education allows you to state that all children in one or another level show this quality. At the same time, the results of the stateing experiment show that the creative activity of most children in the system of additional education is characterized by the low and medium levels of its formation, which involves huge reserves for the more intensive development of this quality from the subjects.

    The study made the opportunity:

    1. It is characterized by the creative activity of children as a sustainable integral quality of the person, expressed in a targeted unity of needs, motives, interests and actions, manifested in a conscious search for creative situations.

    2. Describe the structure of the creative activity of children through the system of motifs, creative abilities, the abilities of creative activity, combine them into three components: motivational, meaningful operational and emotional-volitional.

    3. Allocate the indicators of the creative activity of children for the focused development of this quality, give qualitative characteristics of four different levels of its formation: low, medium, not high and high.

    4. Determine pedagogical conditions ensuring the effectiveness of the methodology for the development of the creative activity of children based on the study of the features of the system of additional education and the results of the stateing experiment.

    In determining these conditions, we proceeded from the main psychological and pedagogical ideas and concepts, the essence and nature of a person as a subject of activity, on the leading role of activities as a source of personality formation, on the development of the system of additional education of children and others.

    5. Implement in practice the system of pedagogical conditions with a number of pedagogical technologies.

    The results of a study on the study of the influence of pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education made it possible to solve the tasks and prove the hypothesis nominated.

    The study confirmed the hypothesis nominated and made it possible to draw the following conclusions:

    Creative activity is an integral personality quality, expressed in a targeted unity of needs, motives, interest and actions characterized by informed search for creative situations. The structure of creative activity includes the unity of motivational, substantive operational and emotional-volitional components.

    The development of the creative activity of children in the process of additional education is effective when implementing the following pedagogical conditions: the variability of the content of education, adequate content of the selection of forms and methods of working with children, creativity of the teacher of additional education, a positive attitude of the family to the work of the child.

    The study was not only experimental. It has a number of practical recommendations for teachers of additional education for the development of the creative activity of children.

    Further search for effective methods, methods and means of developing the creative activity of children are required. In particular, the further deeper development of a system of pedagogical conditions for the development of the creative activity of children of adolescent and youthful age is worthy. In need of a special development system for the preparation of future teachers of additional education, which owns the methodology for the development of the creative activity of children.

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    1. Creative student activity as a pedagogical phenomenon

    1.1cels as a subject and object of development

    1.2 Care as activity

    1.3 Theology as a self-identification of a schoolboy

    1.4Tee the student's student activity

    1.5 Features of the creative activity of school age

    2.1 Imagination on the development of creative activity

    2.2 Development of emotions as a means of creativity formation

    2.3IR as the main type of younger schoolchildren

    2.4 Special and experimental work on the development of the creative activity of younger students




    Currently, the development of creative activities of children is the urgent task of the educational system. Our time is a time of change. Now we need people who can take non-standard solutions that can creatively think. Unfortunately, the modern school still retains a non-arrangement approach to learning knowledge.

    Monotonous, the template repetition of the same actions kills interest in learning, children lose the joy of discovery. Modern schooling mainly continues to focus on the development of a student's logical thinking. This approach to learning can slow down the development of the creative side of the personality. Therefore, the search for solving the problem of creating creative activity is relevant and requires comprehensive consideration.

    The urgency of this problem led to the choice of the topic of our graduation work.

    The purpose of the study is to identify the conditions for the formation of creative activity in junior classes.

    Object of research: creative activity of younger students. The subject is the process of developing the creative activity of students.

    Hypothesis research. If in the process of studying the development situations for the development of imagination, emotional sphere and game situations, the process of forming the creative activity of younger schoolchildren will be more efficient.

    The goal, the object, the subject and hypothesis determined the objectives of the study:

    to identify the role of imagination in creative activities of children in the lessons of the Russian language and reading in elementary school.

    analyze the importance of the development of the emotional sphere in the creative activity of younger students;

    trace the influence of the game on the creative activity of students; - In experimental work, check and substantiate the identified pedagogical conditions to increase the creative activity of elementary school students.

    In the study, we relied on the fundamental works on the problems of the psychology of creativity: C. Rubinstein, B.M. Kedrov, A.V. Brouslinsky, Ya.A. Ponomarev, O.K. Tikhomirov. Also in our work we considered the works of B.M. Teplova, I.S. Lepites, V.A. Kruttsky, E.I. Ignatiev, K.V. Tarasova and other authors.

    Special purpose for us had developed psychological principles of creative development of children in primary classes: A.V. Zaporozhets, D.B. Elkonin, M.I. Lisin, L.A. Wenger, V.V. Davydov, N. Poddyakov.

    The study was carried out throughout the three years (2010-2013). The primary classes of the Kiev school began to study the base.

    1. Creative student activity as a pedagogical phenomenon

    1.1Man as a subject and object of development

    In our dictionaries and encyclopedias, the concept of "man" comes down to the concept of "personality". And only the philosophical dictionary of these concepts breed, but the philosophical encyclopedia (M., 1970) - these concepts finally confuse.

    There is proposed for the concept of "man" to explore the articles "Person" (T.Z) and "Philosophical Anthropology" (T.5). In the first of them, the concept of "man", in fact, comes down to the concept of "personality": a holistic person is considered in the unity of his individual characteristics and social roles performed by him. The second discusses philosophical teachings about a person, but this category is not disclosed in its multidimensional determination, taking into account natural science representations. Biological and other components of a person are ignored.

    The characteristics of a person are multidimensional, the personality is only as if turning to society his official part. It is not by chance that in the history of the knowledge of a person called a part of the space, the connection of the soul and body, public animals, and the similarity of God.

    Appeal to the concept of "man" became fundamentally important in order to identify the nature of its subjective practical activity and essential forces. At the moment, in his understanding, the emphasis is placed on the creative component of its characteristics.

    For the study of the didactics, the most important thing about a person consider the subject-object and subject-subject relationship. "The subject of knowledge is the person endowed with consciousness and possessing knowledge. The subject is a source of targeted activity, a carrier of objective and practical activities, evaluating knowledge. "

    "The object is also what opposes the subject, which is aiming its activity (ibid.). The object and the subject are combined and shared by activity: an object of activity, changed and transformed, becomes a part of the subject, it takes place. A person engaged in working, changing and transforming the world, changes himself. Learning new, a person forms his mind, and the consciousness is "a targeted reflection of the outside world, a preliminary mental construction of actions and the foresight of their results, proper regulation and controlling by the person of its relationship with reality." Pedagogical science of recent years has advanced at least two tasks in respect of a person as a goal of upbringing:

    1)education in the man of creativity;

    2)education in it is a designer of his own life, a subject of special historical creativity.

    The creative start in man is the ability to see the creative situation and it is problematic to resolve it: to put forward and reject the steps of permission, to be able to prove and embody the idea. Life makes a high demand for man-Creator:

    but) live under the model of paradoxes (feeling new);

    b) tie the unseasonable, synthesize new (intuition);

    in) check if the base is firmly (self-critical).

    If the former pedagogy mainly took care of the role of the role of the personality, while not paying the attention of the personality on himself, then the new pedagogy will decide along with this problem the problem of the inner world of man. The philosopher E. From [176-177] called the following qualities in a person of the future:

    ) readiness to abandon all forms of possessing in order to fully be;

    2)the sense of security, a sense of identity and self-confidence, based on the belief that it exists, that it is, on the internal needs of a person in attachment, interest, love, union with the world who came to replace the desire to have, possess, rule over the world and thus become a slave of his property;

    3)awareness of the fact that no one and nothing outside of ourselves can give the meaning of our life, and only independence and the refusal of a thing can be a condition for the most fruitful activities aimed at serving their neighbor;

    4)love and respect for life in all its manifestations, comprehensive development of a person and his neighbor as the highest goal of life.

    E. Froh believes that the "radical change of the human heart" is now required to physically survived the human race, and this is possible only when changing society's functions against a person, reorienting production for healthy consumption, ensuring each right to life.

    But a person cannot be granted only to the fact that he will be represented by the society a beautiful aura. It is important for him to know how individuality as a unique unity and the originality of individual qualities. This process can only be committed in communication with other people and social groups and humanity as a whole. At first, this is based on the general characteristics of other people, social behavior. In the future, a person does, relying on social norms and values. The main path of self-knowledge is an active part in various forms of activity and communication, followed by analysis and self-analysis, disclosure of current motives, knowledge, abilities, skills. Only a few directions of self-analysis can be distinguished:

    but) awareness of the subject of their motivational and intensive relationships to oneself and other people;

    b) understanding the moral criteria for assessing others and self;

    in) awareness of the criteria of their aesthetic judgments;

    d) reflection of their intellectual opportunities, knowledge and abilities;

    e) understanding of their practical relationships;

    e) awareness of intellectual, moral, aesthetic, practical relations as a manifestation of their virtues;

    g) awareness of the relationship of its being and its qualities with the conditions of development and requirements of society;

    h) awareness of its activity, personal start in the development of essential qualities, assessing the boundaries of the possibilities of its "I";

    and) evaluation of their qualities in terms of their social significance;

    k) understanding of its position and role in the system of public relations.

    It seems that knowledge of the student is best carried out in a dialogue with others and above all with the teacher. This allows the process of learning the subject-subject relationship itself. The teacher in such respects accepts a student as equal to himself, but living in his law in his world.

    1.2Doctrine as activity

    The concept of "activity" came to pedagogy and psychology from philosophy. The widest philosophical definition of activity is a way of existence of a person and society, in general, in active human rights to the world, aimed at its appropriate change and transformation. At the same time, the change in the outside world is only a prerequisite and a condition for self-implanting a person.

    The actual world is a set of activities. Education is also an activity. The activity approach is considering education as artificial training activities, i.e., on the development of various activities.

    Synthetic learning activities unites not only cognitive functions of activity - perception, attention, memory, thinking, but also needs, emotions, motifs, will. Training can be made from the point of view of the relevance and neighboring zone (Terms of L.S. Vygotsky).

    This means that any activity, being essential, settles in some knowledge and norms that need to be addressed and fixed in consciousness as an instruction. Without assimilation of images, it is impossible to talk about development conditions. A combination of such images is a culture fund. But there is no development here and no responsible position is required of the person. He just repeats what is done before him. This is training from the point of view of actual development. The student is relevant here, that is, exists in the present current time. The student itself acts as a carrier, a translator of past experience, a functioner, from which only the correct execution of already known operations and functions is required.

    If you need to build your activities from the point of view of the future and organize training as an activity aimed at the future, then education is understood as training in the point of view of the nearest development.

    Now trained not only the functioner and translator of past experience, but also a subject that is able to build its own development perspective capable of designing itself in the risk zone. The subject becomes in the position of responsible free choice. Then, in the framework of training, from the point of view of the zone of the nearest development, the natural process of educating the subject of oneself is carried out.

    The main content of educational activities is a study, programming, design of future activities: learn to set goals, choose the source material, produce funds to achieve goals, assume the results of activities, break the process of activity on a number of consecutive operations. To implement such activities, the individual must get into a reflective position.

    In the process of developing training activities, a person reproduces not only knowledge and skills, but also the ability to learn.

    Change of thinking and there is a learning result: empirical teaching is inferior to the theoretical site. In this case, resenting the formal actions without an understanding of the meaningful side of the activity will be resentary, meaningful, painted by the personal meaning of action.

    Educational activities as a whole includes a number of specific actions and operations of different levels. The executive training actions of the first level include:

    Ø actions to clarify the content of the material;

    Ø the actions of the educational material.

    At the second level, the teacher no longer reports knowledge explicitly. Then the student, except for executive actions, are included. This is the learning to teach. The most important condition for this is a joint learning activity, leading to the formation of a single semantic field of training participants, ensuring further self-regulation of their individual activity. With all the information at this level, the student is "enveloping" with his personal meaning, comprehensiles, staining with its shades and only after that an interiorizes. The idea of \u200b\u200binteriorization suggests such a learning technique when a student is working to translate knowledge into the inner plan, that is, in a mental plan, under the management of the teacher.

    School of scientists under the leadership of I.Ya. Galperin created the theory of the systematic phased formation of mental actions, concepts, images. What is the greatness of this theory? The application of this theory to the practice of real training has shown the ability to form knowledge, skills, skills with predetermined properties, as if designing future characteristics of mental activity.

    Any action is a complex system consisting of several parts: approximate (managing), executive (working) and control and correetting. The estimated part of the action ensures the reflection of the set of objective conditions necessary to successfully perform these actions. The control part tracks the progress of the action, compares the results obtained with specified samples and, if necessary, ensures correction of both indicative and actuating parts of the action.

    In various actions, the parts listed above have different complexity and different specific weight. But in one degree or another, all these parts are in each action, otherwise the process decays.

    In each action there are the following parameters:

    a) action form of action - materialized, perceptual, stern, mental;

    b) measure of the generalization of action - the degree of allocation of significant from insignificant, and hence the ability to perform actions in new conditions;

    in) measure of validity of action - completeness of operations presented in it with the trend on their abbreviation, coarseness;

    d) measure of independence - the amount of assistance that teacher's student has in joint activities;

    e) measure actions - the degree of automated and fast execution.

    e) human factor and activity approach in pedagogy experience. The activity approach, human development is all this only auxiliary factors of creativity. So, about creativity in training.

    1.3 Creativity as a self-identification of a schoolboy

    Scientists, mostly philosophers, are very skeptical about the problem of creating creative activities. Creativity is usually not referred to as the characteristics of cognitive processes, but consider the creativeness of one of the deepest characteristics of the person. Creativity is the prerogative of a free, capable of self-education of a person. The separation of thinking to productive (creative) and reproductive (reproducing) is quite conditional. In any mental act, there is a creative, generating part associated with the generation of hypotheses, and the executive part associated with their implementation and verification.

    These two specified components can be allocated not only in thinking, but also in any cognitive process, starting with perception. Only sensations are truly a truly reflex nature, arising in response to the external impact and providing a test of generated peppercant hypotheses for their respective reality.

    But if at the level of perception, the generating and executive part of the informative act can be allocated only with the help of special analysis, since they take place very quickly, almost automatically and unavailable by self-observation, in thinking the process of birth of hypothesis is often twisted in time, has relative independence and is available for self-observation. From the point of view of the participants and organizers of the process, the training, creative, productive thinking is preferable compared to the reproductive, reproducing.

    This is unlawful from a rational point of view, because productivity without reproductiveness is impossible. In favor of reproductiveness, the fact that the reproduction includes the execution and control, namely the latter is the most important for creativity. For analysis, the division of mental activity on creative reproductive is quite justified. Then it is necessary to define the criteria by which the separation and subsequent comparison of the types of activity and thinking will go.

    S.D. Smirnov allocates such criteria for this:

    1)creative is called such activities that leads to a new result, a new product;

    2)since the new product can be obtained by randomly or by a continuous non-escurastic interaction, the novelty criterion is usually added to the novelty criterion of the process, with which this product was obtained (new method, reception, method of operation);

    3)the process or result of thinking is called creative only if they could not be obtained as a result of a simple logical output or an action according to the algorithm. In the case of a genuine creative act, a logical break on the way on the terms of the problem of its solution is overcome. Overcoming this gap is possible due to the irrational principle, intuition;

    4)creative thinking is usually connected not so much with the solution of the task already set by someone, as with the ability to independently see and formulate the problem;

    5)an important psychological criterion of creative thinking is the presence of a pronounced emotional experience preceding the moment of finding a decision, the presence of such an experience and its preceding the creative act (instant, instender) is noted by many researchers (A. Poancare, O.K. Tikhomirov et al.);

    6)a creative thought act usually requires stable and long-term or more short-term, but very strong motivation.

    Based on the use of these criteria, when analyzing a creative act, four phases of any creative solution can usually be distinguished;

    1.the phase of the collection of material, the accumulation of knowledge, which can form the basis for solving or reformulate the problem;

    2.phase of ripening or incubation, when mainly subconscious, and at the level of conscious regulations, a person can deal with completely different activities;

    3.phase of illusion, or insight, when solutions are often completely unexpected and fully appears in consciousness;

    4.the phase of control or verification that requires the complete inclusion of consciousness.

    Several methods use several methods to study creative thinking.

    1.analysis of the process of solving the so-called small creative tasks for a mixture (for a consideration), requiring, as a rule, reformulate the task or out of the limits of those constraints that the subject itself imposes. These tasks are very convenient for experimentation, since the moment of finding the decision practically coincides with its implementation, which is not always the case in solving real life problems;

    2.use of leading tasks. In this case, the sensitivity of the person is studied to the prompt contained in the leading task, which is solved easier than the main, but built on the same principle and therefore can help solve the main one;

    3.use of multilayer tasks. The subject is given a whole series of similar tasks that have enough simple decisions, not a very creative person will simply solve such tasks, each time anewly. A creative person will manifest an intellectual initiative and will try to open a more general pattern underlying each individual decision;

    4.methods of expert assessments to determine creatively working people in a particular field of science, art or practical activity;

    5.analysis of activities to determine the degree of novelty and originality;

    6.some projective test scales can give information about the severity of the creative principle in human thinking;

    .special tests of creativity (creativeness) based on solving the tasks of the so-called open type, i.e., such that do not have any one correct solution and allow unlimited, as a rule, the number of solutions (in contrast to the intelligence tests using the tasks of the closed Type having only one or more pre-known correct solutions), for example, Torrens test.

    Speaking of the last method, it is necessary to emphasize that on the impact of the level of development of intelligence on the possibility of achieving socially significant results in creative activity, the point of view is dominated by the "threshold theory". Its essence is that the optimal level of development of intellectuality (IQ) is approximately 120.

    A higher level of development of intelligence does not contribute to the creative achievements of a person, and then maybe impede them. Intelligent coefficient below 120 may serve as an obstacle to high achievements in creative activity.

    1.4 Creative student activity in class

    The nature of creativity usually allocate a subjective and objective start, creativity for themselves and creativity for others. Changing the world, the student makes the opening of the world and the opening of the word. The comprehension of peace and language is its first creative act. Its activity at the same time increases immeasurably, because it feels the need for action, the embodiment of the idea as a result.

    A child will see much more beauty when perceiving an object if he tries to devote a poem, draw it, relieve a movie or fix the camera than when he just sees, perceives without the need to carry out any action [109].

    Feature of children's creativity in his small awareness, more than adults, risk. The creativity of children is equally fruitful and at the level of the process, and at the level of the completed work: in the other case, it is an impact on yourself. Psychologists argue that "the so-called creative act and the usual solution of problems have the same psychological structure." But in artistic creativity and especially in art perception there are such subtleties, such features that exalted creativity over logic, and therefore creative thinking over logical.

    N.E. drew attention to this. Verasca: which distinguishes the usual thinking as template and creative as non-sabroval. It characterizes such processes as visualization, shifting attention towards the unusual, unusual.

    How to develop creative thinking, we have yet pronounced the first words. But the teacher cannot wait for full discoveries. He wants to make a hand to the fruitful quality of a person's creativeness, and therefore "the upbringing of creativeness is revered in the United States by the cornerstone of modern education." The basis of creativeness is considered sensual sphere, including perceptual feelings, emotional responsiveness and susceptibility.

    Actively include the perception of the student's creature - here is the main creative direction of the lesson.

    The criterion of such success of the teacher is the emotional and intellectual response of students, expressed in the Word and Action, when the impressions of being and artistic perception are intertwined, re-create and appear as their own sight, interpretations, achievements, when the feeling "freely pour".

    Positive emotional tone, interest and anticipation of joy - these are the features of this atmosphere. And the path of its creation can be outlined through the following steps:

    ü impulse to creative effort, search, illusion, as if a game without rules;

    ü the formulation of a creative task may be more effective if students take part in its formulation;

    ü choosing your option in achieving results, acquaintance and masters;

    ü analysis and result as an act of setting new tasks.

    And for the teacher and for students, a set of techniques of creative cognitive activity for lessons is important. Receptions in work can be used comprehensively.

    Creativity should not be repeated, but it is possible to continue creativity. The latter circumstance is interpreted by different teachers in different ways:

    v. some teachers are all tasks where students must show independence, consider creative;

    v. others are called creative only those based on the vital impressions of students;

    v. third - creative referring works that attach students to any activity.

    It can be confident that, performing creative tasks, students intensively develop creative thinking.

    It should be noted that the receptions and types of tasks are not universal. Disputes about them are subside, they are renewed with a new force. The reason for such a state of uncertainty in a methodological attitude to the diversity of work techniques is due to the fact that these techniques make the risk of care from specifics in the area of \u200b\u200barbitrary fantasy, and this in turn leads to a decrease in the perception of students of the assignment. In these forms of work there should be a filigree work of the teacher in the formulation of the task, preparation for work, discussing its results.

    However, the techniques and tasks should be used, because it is not important that children create, but it is important that they create, create, exercise in creative imagination and its incarnation. "

    The creative tasks of the teacher help the teachers to express their personal attitude towards the surrounding subjects and actions, contribute to the formation of imagination, emotional sphere, creative activity. Understand and develop the creative potential of the student is a grateful task of the teacher, and it is closely connected with the organization of creative and cognitive activity of students.

    1.5 Features of the creative activity of school age

    At the heart of the study of the process of activating the creative activity of younger schoolchildren, we refer to the works of GS Altshuller, H. Aristova, D.B. Bogoyavlenskaya, G. Weinzweig, L.S. Vygotsky, G.M. Komsky, E.V. Krylova, V.A. Musako, B.C. Mukhina, A.N. Luk, R.A. Nizamova, V.V. Belich, G.I. Schukina, L.I. Bozovic, A.V. Zaporozhets, etc. The value orientations are formed throughout the life, however, the most important for the development of moral and value orientations is the age of 6-12 years, in which the intellectual mechanisms of knowledge of the surrounding world and themselves are developing.

    With admission to school comes a fracture in the context of the development of children. The whole way of life and values \u200b\u200bbecomes different. The youngest student has an intensive formation of identity qualities that cause the possibility of new aspirations and the necessary level of relationship to reality. Junior school age is a period of absorption, accumulation of knowledge, the period of assimilation is advantage. Successful implementation of this important life function will be affected by the characteristic abilities of children of this age: the credulous submission of authority, increased susceptibility, impressionability, the naive-gaming attitude to a lot of what they encounter.

    Personal and semantic attitude of the student to the studied learning material and the process of their own training activities. Indicators allowing to analyze and evaluate a personality-semantic relationship, consist in the following:

    · direct interest in the subject in general;

    · assessment of the student of the social significance of the subject of the subject;

    · the need for use and positive transformation of their experience in cognitive activity: ways of academic work, accumulated knowledge.

    The formation of independently developed methods of educational methods (intellectual, information, research, etc.), in which the techniques of work with the material and the results of the accumulation of their own experience are presented in the educational process of work and the results of their own experience as follows:

    · the prevailing orientation of children into separate signs of studied phenomena or to a system of signs of one or another subject;

    · prevailing orientation on a specific method of fixing information (schematic, graphic, iconic-symbolic).

    The test criteria for students' metabasics, which are manifested in the following indicators:

    · the need for mastering metabasics (knowledge of knowledge);

    · the presence of metabasics - knowledge of applications and means of learning a learning material (knowledge of the essence of techniques of mental activity);

    · ability to analyze the content and structure of texts of any kind, learning tasks;

    · the ability to allocate the main thing in the definitions, tasks and theorems, etc.

    · ability to compare, classify cognitive objects.

    The following indicator is the criterion of possession of the student of the logic of scientific knowledge. Within this criterion, the quality of subject knowledge of students is considered. Thus, in our opinion, the "learning quality" can be given the following definition. The quality of education is the relationship between the objectives and results of training, as the measures of achieving the diagnostically set goals, describing the holistic set of training indicators characterizing the result of the interaction of the teacher and the student in the process of assimilating the last graduate material provided. Today, the control in intraschool management is increasingly inferior to the place of diagnosis. What caused the revision of traditional control methods? This is due to both the humanization of the educational process, with the humanization of the educational process, with attitudes towards the student as an active, conscious, equal participant, and with closer attention to the possibilities and abilities of children.

    If, in the conditions of an authoritarian school, the work of the student was the object of management analysis, control and evaluation, then in the new conditions, the joint work of the teacher and the student is being analyzed, their overall result. It is clear that it is impossible to act with old methods of control: it is in vain to expect that the teacher will be with the same ease to exhibit "twins" to itself, as well as its disciples.

    Interested in general success, the teacher and the student need much more information about the very result, but on why planned indicators are not fully achieved or completely achieved, the planned level of training. Simple state statement - the rating "good" or "bad" - nothing does not say. "Bad" is bad. And what and how to do to be good, the diagnosis will answer this question. Neither control nor a fixed mark on these questions is not answered.

    What do we understand under the diagnosis of schoolchildren's subject matter? Is it possible to name the student's performance of the student's criterion diagnostics?

    In the raising of children, two opinions are most often configured. Should the youth hold in hero mittens or should you indulge? To lead it from the height of the authority of the teacher, the parent Leil to give the opportunity to solve his affairs? Does it relate to it as a partner or how to subordinate? Most often caregivers all sources of numerous difficulties with young people are inclined to see in unnecessary liberalism of modern education. Young - on the contrary complain about the excessive categorical of education and it sees the main reasons for their conflicts and misunderstandings in relations with adults.

    Since on the same topic - the topic of education - two directed opinions are expressed, one thing is clear - both opinions cannot be simultaneously fair. What is the truth? This dispute is not new. It is rooted deep in the sphere of education philosophy, where there are two directional approaches too: authoritarian and democratic. Democratic education is based on the philosophical thesis. This is an optimistic faith in the fact that the young man has a natural tendency to good, and unless he hurts him in this, he will grow not the joy of parents and society.

    Obviously, this concept is invested broader and deep meaning than in the traditional test of knowledge, skills. The mark in the class journal and in notebooks predominantly states the results, without explaining their achievements, without revealing difficulties on the path to them. Diagnosing helps to consider results due to the ways to achieve them, identify trends, dynamics of the educational process and its results. The diagnosis is not limited to the mark alone, but includes the test, evaluation, accumulation of statistical data, their analysis, predicting the further methods of teacher's pedagogical interaction and student. The study of the problem in schools help them methodical support new means of assessing the achievement of educational purposes, constant informing of teachers, reflection and a wide dialogue with the out-of-school community. We came to the conclusions that the psychological training of students for the diagnosis of academic achievements is as follows:

    2.the teacher must have information about the attention deficit syndrome, which is symptoms:

    fast fatigue and distractions;

    motor concern;

    difficulties in the concentration of attention;

    difficulties in perception and understanding of instructions;

    difficulties in the awareness of errors and their corrections in the course of action.

    3.the comfort of a child in the family is the main indicator of the normal family in which it grows and develops is also a psychological condition for the participation of a schoolboy in assessment and evaluation activities;

    4.accounting for individual characteristics of students;

    5.participation of children in various forms of organization of cognitive activity;

    6.diagnostic study of exercise motivations.

    Organizational conditions allow us to successfully engage in diagnostic activities:

    · ensuring the control and measuring material of all students (according to modern requirements);

    · familiarity with test materials (or diagnostic work) and the instruction on the rules of work;

    · familiarization of students with rules of behavior during testing or testing.

    Methodical conditions for measuring activities of training achievements:

    1.conducting training communicative communication (teacher - student, student - student);

    2.preparation of short-term control cuts in mathematics (according to modern requirements);

    .conducting a series of thematic lessons in order to meet various types of control and measuring material;

    .maintaining a list of success of the implementation of diagnostic work in order to monitor the monitoring of knowledge, skills and skills of students;

    .collection of information for the "Decience Diary" ("Student Portfolio").

    B.C. Mukhina believes that perception at the age of 7-8 years loses its effective initial nature: perceptual and emotional processes are differentiated. Perception becomes meaningful, targeted, analyzing.

    Arbitrary actions are allocated in it - observation, viewing, search. It should be noted that the psychological processes of younger schoolchildren are characterized by dynamicity: "Memorization and capturing turns into the activities of memorization, perception - to targeted and organized observation, thinking acquires the forms of connected logical reasoning."

    A significant impact on the development of perception has a speech at this time, so that the child begins to actively use the names of the qualities, signs, states of various objects and relations between them. Specially organized perception contributes to a better understanding of manifestations.

    The turning point in the development of attention researchers are associated with the fact that children begin to consciously manage their attention, directing and holding it on certain subjects. Thus, the possibility of developing random attention by 7-8 years is already great. Psychologists note weakness, instability attention. It is better developed involuntary attention aimed at all new, unexpected, bright, visual, attention to secondary details [45-47].

    Visual, shaped memory is also predominant. Children of younger school age do not know how to recycle material quite well enough. Without knowing how to highlight a significant, dismembering the text, make a general scheme of the material, children memorize the text literally. The beginning of the school period psychologists characterize the predominance of visual-shaped thinking or visual-schematic thinking. Psychologists note that visual-shaped thinking is the basis for the formation of logical thinking associated with the use and conversion of concepts.

    Reflection of the achievement by the child of this level of mental development is the schematics of children's drawing, the ability to use when solving tasks schematic images. According to E.E. Kravtsova, curiousness of the child is constantly aimed at knowledge of the surrounding world and building his painting of this world. The child, playing, experiments, is trying to establish causal relationships and dependencies. He is forced to operate with knowledge, and when some problems occur, the child is trying to solve them, really trying to try and trying, but he can solve the tasks and in the mind. The child represents a real situation and seems to be acting with her in his imagination.

    According to A.V. Zaporozhets, Ya.Z. Neverovich, an important role belongs to a role-playing game that is a school of social standards, with the assimilation of which the child's behavior is based on a certain emotional attitude towards others or depending on the nature of the expected reaction. The carrier of the norms and rules of the child considers an adult, however, under certain conditions, he himself can act in this role. At the same time, its activity on compliance with the adopted norms increases.

    Generalizing the peculiarities of the child's development of 7-8 years, it can be concluded that at this age stage, children differ:

    1.a sufficiently high level of mental development, including dissected perception, generalized norms of thinking, semantic memorization;

    2.the child is formed by a certain amount of knowledge and skills, an arbitrary form of memory is intensively developing, thinking, relying on which, fashionably encourage the child to listen, view, memorize, analyze;

    .its behavior is characterized by the presence of the formed sphere of motives and interests, the internal action plan, the ability to sufficiently adequate evaluation of the results of its own activities and its capabilities, the features of the development of speech.

    The symbutive psychological features of young children are:

    .the ability of children to consciously subordinate their actions to the rules, generalized the determining method of action,

    2.the ability to focus on the specified system of requirements,

    3.the ability to listen carefully to the speaker and accurately perform the tasks proposed orally.

    Younger schoolchildren learn to understand and take goals emanating from the teacher, hold these goals for a long time, perform actions according to the instructions. The ability to correlate the correlation of the goal with their capabilities is beginning to [13].

    The main psychological neoplasm of younger schoolchildren is the developing foundations of a creative attitude to reality, the ability to navigate in various forms of human activity, the ability to operate with abstract concepts, personal reflexes are formed.

    The younger school childhood is a period of creativity, the child is creatively mastering speech, he appears creative imagination. He has its own, special logic of thinking, obeys the dynamics of shaped presentations.

    This is the initial formation period. The emergence of emotional anticipation of the consequences of their behavior, self-assessment, complication and awareness of experiences, enrichment with new feelings and motifs of the emotional-integrality sphere is an incomplete list of features characteristic of the personal development of the preschooler. The central neoplasms of this age can be considered the coexlation of motives and self-awareness.

    Thus, the study of theoretical work allowed us to associate the development of creative activity with the development of imagination, the emotional sphere of the child, who finds their expression in the creative activity of students, and the field of activity to elect game situations that are suitable for younger school age.

    creativity imagination creativity game

    2. Pedagogical conditions for the activation of the creative activity of elementary school students

    1 Effect of imagination on the development of creative activity

    Creative activity involves the ability to free themselves from under the power of everyday ideas, and on the other hand, the ability to discipline themselves.

    "At this age, adolescents at a more conscious level choose their hobbies (classes by dancing, music, sports), thereby showing more impulsiveness than adults with the prevailing familiar interests, so there is an eccentricity and surprise on the reaction from an adult ... " The art of the teacher consists in particular to recognize the scope of the creative orientation of the child and develop it in the desired direction.

    Recognize this scope helps appeal to the imagination of the child. The initial forms of imagination for the first time appear at the end of early childhood in connection with the emergence of the plot-role-playing game and the development of the sign-symbolic function of consciousness, the child learns to replace real objects and situations imagined, to build new images from available representations, the further development of imagination goes in several directions.

    Along the expansion of the circle of replaceable objects and improving the replacement operation itself, closing with the development of logical thinking;

    According to the improvement of the operations of the recreation of imagination. The child gradually begins to create on the basis of the available descriptions, texts, fairy tales are increasingly complex images and their systems. The content of these images is developing and enriched. The image is made personal attitude, they are characterized by brightness, saturation, emotionality;

    Creative imagination develops when the child not only understands some of the expressive techniques, but also apply them on their own.

    The imagination becomes indirect and deliberate. The child begins to create images in accordance with the goal and certain requirements, according to a predetermined plan, control the degree of compliance of the result of the task. The problem of development of imagination was engaged in M.B. Berkinblit, A.V. Petrovsky, C. Vygotsky, C. Kushnov, N.Yu. Wenger, Weinzweig, etc.

    Under the imagination, scientists understand the mental cognitive process for creating new images by processing the materials of perception and submission obtained in the past experience. Imagination is inherent only by a person. It allows you to present the result of labor, drawing, designing and any other activity before it starts. Imagination processes have an analytic synthetic character.

    Images are created by combining, combinations of various elements, sides of items and phenomena, and combined the features of non-random, and the corresponding plans, substantial and generalized.

    The transformation may proceed as focusing, the accuracy of any parties in the form of their accuracy or exaggeration, as well as typification, is significant in a group of homogeneous phenomena and the embodiment of them in a specific image.

    Depending on the degree of activity, the passive and active imagination distinguish when the first products are not implemented. Given the independence of images, talking about creative and recreation imagination.

    Depending on the presence of a consciously set goal, create an image is distinguished by deliberate and unintentional imagination.

    Considering the independence and originality of images, they talk about creative and recreate imagination, the recreation is aimed at creating images corresponding to the description.

    Creative imagination differs from recreating the fact that it assumes an independent creation of new images that are implemented in original activities. The value of the human personality depends largely on which ways of imagination prevail in its structure.

    If creative imagination implemented in specific activities prevails over passive dreaminess, this indicates a high level of personality development. Imagination must be developed.

    Creative, scene-role-playing games of a cognitive nature do not just copy the surrounding life, they are a manifestation of the free activities of schoolchildren, their free fantasy.

    The student's imagination differs from the imagination of an adult, poverty, embarrass, schematicity and stereotype of images are hidden for seemingly wealth.

    After all, the basis of the images of imagination lies recoming the material stored in memory. And the younger schoolchildren of knowledge and ideas are not enough. The visible wealth of imagination is connected with the low criticality of children's thinking.

    This is the lack and dignity of children's imagination. The schoolboy easily combines different ideas and is uncritically refers to the obtained combinations, which is especially noticeable in the younger age. The younger schoolboy does not create anything fundamentally new from the point of view of public culture, the description of the novelty of images is important for the child himself: whether it was similar in his own experience.

    The child attracts the process of combining, creating new situations, characters, events with bright emotional pain.

    At first, the imagination is inextricably linked with the subject that performs the function of the external support. Gradually, the need for external supports disappears, the interiorization of the action of imagination in two plans occurs.

    First, the transition to gaming action with the subject, which is in fact not.

    Secondly, the transition to the gaming use of the subject, giving it a new meaning and the presentation of actions with him in the mind, without real action. In this case, the game takes place completely in terms of representation.

    From 7 years in children, creative manifestations in activities increase. At the age of five, dreams of the future appear. They are situational, often unstable, due to events that caused an emotional response in children.

    Thus, the imagination turns into special intellectual activities directed not to the transformation of the surrounding world. The support for creating an image is now not only the real object, but also the views expressed in the Word.

    The growth of the arbitrariness of the imagination is manifested by the schoolchild in the development of the ability to create intention and plan its achievement. On an increase in the focus of imagination throughout school childhood, it can be concluded to increase the duration of the game of children on the same topic, as well as on the sustainability of roles.

    With the ability to plan directly, the ability to create holistic works.

    Senior schoolchildren are able to fantasize arbitrarily, in advance before the start of the activity, planning the process of incarnation of the plan. They start a plan to achieve the goal, pre-select and prepare the necessary equipment.

    The purposeful development of imagination in children first occurs under the influence of adults who encourage them to arbitrarily create images. And then children independently represent plans and plan for their implementation. Moreover, this process is observed in collective games, productive activities, that is, where activities proceed with the use of real objects and situations and requires consistency of the actions of its participants.

    Later, the arbitrariness of the image is manifested in individual activity that does not necessarily imply a support for real objects and external actions. Imagination allows the baby to know the world, performing a gnostic function. It fills the gaps in his knowledge, serves to combine disparate impressions, creating a holistic picture of the world.

    Children's storyteller IB Sphan Olsen wrote: "When we, adults, it seems that the child is a big fantasy, it is quite possible that the child just tries to find a reasonable explanation ...".

    The imagination arises in situations of uncertainty when the schoolboy makes it difficult to find an explanation of any fact in his experience. This situation relates imagination and thinking. How cadded ji.c. Vygotsky, "these two processes are developing interrelated."

    Thinking provides selectivity in transformation of the impression, and the imagination complements, specifies the process of mental solving problems, allows you to overcome stereotypes. And the solution of intelligent problems becomes a creative process.

    In addition, the imagination significantly expands the boundaries of knowledge, it allows the schoolboy to "participate" in the events who did not meet in everyday life. It "participation" enriches its intellectual, emotional, moral experience, allows you to more deeply know the surrounding, natural, subject and social reality.

    Fantasy, children allocate objective patterns of the surrounding. Creating new images is not a speculative, and closely related to the reality process. It is in the real world that the source of imaging images is. Imagination helps a schoolboy to find a non-standard creative solution to a cognitive problem. Therefore, the most important characteristic of the imagination of the child is its realism, an understanding of what could be and what cannot. A realistic approach to fiction, in a fairy tale arises at school age. The development of imagination leads to the fact that at the age of 5-7 years, children create imaginary worlds, inhabit their characters who have certain characteristics and acting in the appropriate situations.

    The creation of fantasies can participate the developing protective function of imagination. Imagination helps the baby solve emotional and personal problems, unconsciously get rid of disturbing memories, restore psychological comfort, overcome the sense of loneliness. Thus, the formation of psychological protection occurs. Creative character depends on the extent to which the children own ways to transform the impressions used in the game and artistic activities. The means and techniques of imagination are intensively mastered at school age. Children do not create new fantastic images, but simply transform already known. An effective way of transformation of reality is complemented by operating images that do not rely on a rapidly perceived situation. The differences of the imagination at the child become filled with an increasingly emotional, permeantable aesthetic, cognitive, personal meaning.

    "The richer is the human experience, the greater the material that his imagination has." The pedagogical conclusion is to expand the experience of the child ... The more child I saw, heard and survived, the more he knows and learned ... the more important and more productive, under other equal terms there will be the activities of his imagination.

    For the development of imagination, it is important "... the acquisition of the child to the aesthetic experience of mankind ... Include the psyche of the child in the general world work that mankind offered for thousands of years ...".

    Based on Labor Ji.C. Vygotsky, Ya.A. Ponomareva, V.V. Belich, A.N. Bow, A.M. Matyushkina, Yu.Z. Gilbuch, Weinzweig and others. Authors, it can be concluded that creative activity is possible only with a developed imagination. A large role in the development of imagination plays decorative and applied creativity and drawing.

    We can not disagree with the so-called. Shamova, E.S. Rubansky, Ya.A. Ponomarev, G.I. Shchukina, which allocate different types of creative activity and argue that the formation of creative thinking and the development of creative activity is possible only with the purposeful inclusion of students in the creative transformation of the surrounding world and the knowledge of oneself.

    There are various types of creative activities. Creative activity

    Artistic and aesthetic

    Decorative and applied







    Drum, Theater

    Among decorative and applied creativity, children love to engage in the most pictorial art, a particular drawing.

    By the nature of what and how the child depicts, one can judge his perception of the surrounding reality, about the features of memory, imagination, thinking. A large role in the development of creative abilities of children is occupied by sewing, knitting. After examining the foundations of knitting, the children themselves combine patterns, creatively approaching the product. Relaxed the product, the children pick up the design for the product on the basis of the color scheme. Important place In the artistic and creative activities of children occupies music. Children gives the pleasure of listening to musical works, repetition of musical rows and sounds on various tools.

    At school age, for the first time, interest in serious music practices, which can later grow into real passion and contribute to the development of musical dating. Children learn to sing, perform a variety of rhythmic movements to the music, in particular dance.

    Vocal classes are also creative activities. Singing is developing musical hearing and vocal abilities.

    For disclosure of creative abilities, collectively played etudes, musical and dance improvisation are used.

    For the development of creative imagination, the empathy of children of younger school age, scientists recommend:

    ) Use in working with children games and exercises, stimulating imagination, associativity through sensually emotional comprehension of the surrounding.

    In addition to games and game exercises, which are built, on the one hand, on the development of the synesthesia mechanism, on the other hand, on the development of the Empathy mechanism, it is recommended to use aesthetic game that contributes to the expansion and awareness of the emotional and sensual experience of children.

    The conditions for the development of abilities creates through pleasure, it helps to overcome the difficulties arising in the process of self-expression in the exercise of creative work.

    This allows the child to know the world around the world, science, art by all the senses, have a personal perception, judgment of the studied phenomenon, subject and on the basis of this, the most fully absorbing information about it.

    2)When playing games and game exercises, as well as in the process of aesthetic game, use works of art (taking into account the emotional and sensual experience of each child and the group as a whole); Use in the work along with the traditional ways to create an image - non-traditional. The tendency of children to memorize specific images, notify the details and in particular, firmly absorb events and dates that the foundation of actual knowledge is created, which is the necessary basis for further, deeper assimilation of the historical knowledge system.

    The child of younger school age is interested in the history of his family, cities, streets. The consciousness of itself as a social being, its place in the system of social relations, in the social roles of the "student", "classmate" in Game. Refreservation, fantasy, bright emotions arising from a child in gaming activities help him to perform any role, and therefore, to penetrate the world of artistic images created by the writer.

    The tendency of children to memorize specific images, notify the details and in particular, firmly absorb events and dates that the foundation of actual knowledge is created, which is the necessary basis for further, deeper assimilation of the historical knowledge system.

    The imagination is alive, bright, with the characteristic features of the unbridled fantasy, so develops a recreation imagination (which is especially important for studying history), it becomes more realistic.

    A creative imagination is developing, based on the recycling of the past experience of the child can create the necessary images.

    It is necessary to note a new nature of interest: historical persons and events of public life appear in the games of younger students.

    The basis of this interest is the question "How was it before?". Vintage things, adult stories, film and video films about the past cause interest, will be imagination.

    In order for the process of educational education to the art to be aesthetic attitude to reality and himself, it is necessary to "rely on the self-knowledge: to know itself thanks to the ability to personify himself in images and join a dialogue with the creator of images.

    The child is informally working with color and line. He is looking for means for the most adequate transfer of his feelings.

    Little baby comprehends the world around the action, and, drawing on a sheet, it acts.

    The child has perception channels open. He only needs to be able to find and "remove" from the chest of memory, then precious and eternal, that it stores, and then surprised and remember it. Do you need to train children drawing technique? Not. A. Bakushinsky and his associates, who believed that the work of children was completely and they have nothing to study in adults. The opposite point of view was adhered to K. Lepikov, E. Rajigarev, V. Beyer, as well as foreign researchers K. Ricci (Italy) and L . TEDD (USA), who emphasized the special importance of learning, without which children's creativity does not develop, remaining at the same level.

    The discussion on this topic is particularly acute in the 20s. Later, the second point of view was supported by Russian teachers E. Fleirina and N. Sakulina. Nowadays, this problem pays attention to K. Komarov, which not only emphasizes the need to form in children drawing skills, but also indicates the feasibility of the admission of preschoolers for non-traditional drawing techniques.

    Classes of non-traditional drawing contribute to the development of imagination, creative activity, visual memory, flexibility and speed of thinking, originality and individuality of each child.

    When creating images, children use the reception of anthropomorphization - an animation of objects, because they are often found with it when you listen to fairy tales. A more complex admission that schoolchildren is used is agglutination. The child, creating a new image, connects in it, it would seem that the unseapped side of different objects. The displacement of the value leading to the progress or exaggeration of the characters is also leading to the creation of original images. In the visual creativity, children create fantastic images first using elementary techniques - changing the color or depicting an unusual interconnection of objects, such images are poor in content and, as a rule, are inexplicitable. Gradually, the drawings acquire a specific meaningfulness. At schoolchildren, images in drawings are becoming more and more original.

    The development of techniques and means of creating images leads to the fact that the images themselves become diverse, richer. Keeping a specific, visual nature, they acquire generalization, reflecting the typical in the object. The child comprehends the world around the action and, drawing on a sheet, it acts.

    But a very important role as established scientists, playing the mood, which he is trying to express. At the same time, the mood is associated with a fantasy that prompts him images.

    Noticed that:

    1.the cleaner and brighter color, the more definite, more intense and stable reaction;

    2.complex, amissized, medium-sized colors cause very different (unstable) and relatively weak reactions;

    .the most unambiguous associations include temperature, weight and acoustic;

    .the most ambiguous associations include taste, tactile, olfactory, emotional, i.e. those that are associated with more intimate experiences and with the activities of the biological organs of feelings;

    .purple colors, even in pure and bright form, cause bright reactions (due to the duality of their nature);

    .yellow and green colors cause the greatest variety of associations.

    (This is because in this area of \u200b\u200bthe spectrum of the eye distinguishes the largest number of shades. In nature, these colors are richer.

    Each of the shades of yellow or green binds to consciousness with a certain subject or phenomenon, hence the richness of associations).

    Thus, on the basis of the studied, we came to the conclusion that the development of imagination is associated with the development of emotions, which also affect the creative activity of students.

    Our approval is based on studies of scientists (so-called Shamova, E.S. Rubansky, Ya.A. Ponomareva, G.I. Shchukina, Ji.C. Vygotsky), who proved that the nature of the description of the child is really changing, moving From the simple listing of items to interpret the whole picture.

    However, in each individual case, the nature of the story of the child in the content of the picture is determined not by its age, but by the content, construction, the nature of the picture itself, for example, the degree of acquaintance of its content, the clarity of the design, dynamism, or static the people depicted on the picture.

    A huge role Playing the level of preparedness of the child to such a difficult work, i.e. His ability to consider the picture. As well as the nature and form of the question, with whom the adult turns to the child. Thus, it turned out that the same child can immediately be at the carved stages of the perception of the picture. Laters of A.S. Zolovenakova and E.Sh. The CCDCO showed that the main figure in the scene picture perceived by the children is usually a person in action.

    With this approach, the child does not illustrate someone else's experience, and draws and speaks of his experiences, joys, fears, dreams. Thus, the life experience of the child is enriched, his inner world, which affects his creative activity.

    2.2 Development of emotions as a means of creativity formation

    Turning to the question of the meaning of emotions, we found that scientists B.I. Dodonov, I.Yu. Kulagin, E. Fom, E.S. Ravunsky, I. CNT, etc. argue that the emotional relationship of reality and imagination is manifested by a double way. Any feeling seeks to embody into certain images, i.e. Emotions, as if selecting themselves appropriate impressions, thoughts and images. Impressions that really have no connection may be united based on the general emotional similarity introduced by our mood. "However, there is also the feedback of imagination with emotion," when the images of imagination give rise to feelings.

    This is especially important in the younger school age when:

    1)the imagination acquires an arbitrary nature, assuming the creation of the plan, its planning and implementation;

    2)becomes special activities, turning into fantasy;

    3)the child is developing receptions and means of creating images;

    4)the imagination goes into the inner plan and disappears the need for a visual support to create images.

    The main psychological acquisition of the younger teenager is the discovery of its inner world. For a child, the only conscious reality is the outside world, where it projects his fantasy. Conscious of his mistakes, actions, he is not fully aware of his mental states.

    If he is angry, then explains this by the fact that someone offended him, if it rejoices, for this, too, there are some reasons. He acquires the ability to dive into himself, his experiences and begins to comprehend his emotions not as derivatives from some external events, but as the state of his own "I".

    The opening of its inner world is a joyful and exciting event. Together with the awareness of its uniqueness, uniqueness, this "I" is often like a vague anxiety, the state of the inner void, which is necessary to fill something.

    Hence the need for communicating and at the same time increases its selectivity. So many teenagers find the medium of peers or adults, where they would feel necessary and where it would be interesting.

    For them, this "now" is the most important of all time measurements. And for a teenager, it is important how his personality is estimated at present.

    In his hobbies, he chooses that activity where you can achieve certain results where you can be marked among the leaders. Boys usually choose sports where they seem to be able to show masculinity, strength, dexterity.

    Girls choose more attractive in their beautifulness, with many attributes such species such as ballroom dancing, passionate about theater, where they could assert themselves.

    In connection with targeted classes, they experience deep aesthetic emotions. Some are fond of drawing, music, try to write poems. Thus, they look for the most exceptional deposit. Scientists I.Yu. Kulagin, E. Fom, E.S. Rabunsky stressed that there are many methods aimed at stimulating the emotions of the child.

    1)providing a favorable atmosphere in the lessons, goodwill from the teacher, his refusal to say estimates and criticism to the child, which should contribute to the free manifestation of divergent thinking;

    2)the enrichment of the "environment" of the child is the most diverse, new objects and incentives for him in order to develop its curiosity;

    )encouraging the statement of original ideas;

    4)ensuring opportunities for practice. Wide use of divergent type issues in a wide variety of knowledge areas

    5)using a personal example of a creative approach to solving various kinds of problems;

    6)providing children opportunities to freely ask questions.

    Given the age characteristics (pedagogical and psychological) younger students, the teacher should pay attention to the awareness, effectiveness and systematicity, as well as the strength of knowledge. Knowledge must be learned at the reproductive level, the subsequent achievement of constructive and, as far as the ability of children, creative level of knowledge.

    In the process of finding the researchers drew attention to the connection of emotions with creativity. Of particular interest in this regard is the concept of "emotional creativity"; In this approach, the emotion itself is considered as a creative act.

    Generally accepted criteria for creativeness are novelty, efficiency and authenticity. Emotional creativity is defined as the development of emotional syndromes that are new, efficient and authentic. The authenticity of the emotional reaction is understood as compliance with its needs, values \u200b\u200band interests of the subject.

    As the child manifests itself with his individuality and awareness of themselves, the ability to empathize, in the subject (living, inanimate), phenomenon, i.e. Empathy.

    Empathy (from Greek. Cmpathtia - empathy) - comprehension of emotional state, penetration, entertainment in the experiences of another person.


    1)emotional empathy based on the mechanisms of projection and imitation of motor and affective reactions of another person;

    2)cognitive empathy based on intellectual processes (comparison, analogy, etc.);

    3)predicative empathy manifested as human ability

    pretty affective reactions of another in specific situations. As special forms of empathy allocate:

    Ø empathy - the experience of the subject of the same emotional states that other people are experiencing through identifying with him;

    Ø sympathy - the experience of its own emotional states about the feelings of the other.

    An important characteristic of empathy processes that distinguish it from other types of understanding (identification, making roles, decentralization, etc.) is the weak development of the reflexive side, a closure within the framework of direct emotional experience. (Reflection (from Lat. Retlexio - appeal) - the ability of a person's consciousness to focus on itself).

    The empathic ability of individuals increases, as a rule, with an increase in life experience. Successful education of empathy and emphasis behavior of children is possible on the basis of the development of creative imagination.

    Recently, psychologists, teachers, parents pay great attention to the development of the child's personality. At the same time, the attention of adults focuses on the creative nature of the activities of children, on the role of creativity for the development of thinking, perception, imagination.

    The formation of the creative individuality of the child is based on the characteristics of the emotional sphere, the specifics of sensory (vision, hearing, touch, smell, taste), shaped vision of each.

    So, determining the differences and similarity between objects or depicting (in theatrical, visual activity) the image of the subject, phenomena, some children will be repelled from light, others from the external form, and the third - from the functional features.

    Therefore, games and exercises that stimulate the development of associativity, the imagination of schoolchildren should rely on the sensual emotional comprehension of the surrounding; Building on the use of the synesthesia mechanism. The perception of himself and another person, the perception of him and his mood, desires, impulses is first not conscious. In the future, with the help of speech, the child is aware of his senses and emotions, the management of them. But first it is necessary to teach peering, listen, be attentive to your feelings, to finely perceive by all receptors the world of objects and nature, and then this is a sensitive already trained perception, naturally appeals to people.

    For school age children, the following sequence of use of empathy objects is proposed:

    but) familiar children animals and birds;

    b) interesting items and, first of all, moving toys;

    in) plants and phenomena of nature;

    d) adults whose professions have characteristic external attributes.

    The literature describes how and techniques for the development of the creative abilities of the child's imagination, its emotional world, which are built from the actual "emotional material".

    On the basis of the development of creative imagination of children, the successful education of empathy and empathy behavior is possible - empathy and assistance to others with a combination of children's activities (perception fiction, games, drawing, etc.), mediating communication and interaction of an adult and child: empathy of artistic work characteristics, especially fairy tales, is a complex of senses, which includes such emotions as compassion, condemnation of anger, surprise.

    These socially valuable emotions should still be entrenched, update, find output and lead to a result (helping behavior, assistance) in the appropriate context, which may have to create an adult.

    However, the educational task of an adult in this field of education will be performed if an adult is able to create such conditions under which empathy experiences and helping behavior can be transferred to the child from the connection "I am a character" in the sphere "I am another person." For this you need:

    v. teach children to see the emotional state of another, to which creative story games contribute; Consider illustrations with the image of various emotional situations with the appropriate discussion: playing short scenes aimed at penetration "inside" emotional situations;

    v. create certain conditions For the development of a child, the ability to detect in life, in relationship with adults and children of situations similar to the literary in their moral essence: to educate an active attitude towards real situations;

    The achievement of school age is rightly considered to open the child of its own inner world and sketching with their emotions feelings ("emotional arbitrariness") (27, pp.

    In the process of working with scientific works, we were convinced that scientists consider not only the concept of "emotional creativity", but also the emotion itself as a creative act. With generally accepted criteria, they nominate novelty, efficiency and authenticity.

    Acquaintance with the literature on the importance of the development of the emotional sphere of the child gives us the opportunity to put forward that its development contributes to the intensification of creative activity.

    2.3 game as the main type of creativity of junior schoolchildren

    Currently, the school needs such an organization of its activities that would ensure the development of individual abilities and creative attitudes towards the life of each student, the introduction of various innovative curricula, the implementation of the principle of a humane approach to children, etc. In other words, the school is extremely interested in knowledge of the peculiarities mental Development Each specific child. And it is not by chance that everything is increasingly increasing the role of practical knowledge in the professional training of pedagogical personnel.

    The level of training and education at school is largely determined by how much the pedagogical process is focused on the psychology of the age and individual development of the child. This implies a psychological and pedagogical study of schoolchildren throughout the entire period of training in order to identify individual variants of development, creative abilities of each child, strengthening its own positive activity, disclosure of the uniqueness of his personality, timely assistance with lagging in study or unsatisfactory behavior.

    It is especially important in the younger school classes, when the purposeful training of a person begins, when the study becomes leading activities, in the Lona which the mental properties and quality of the child are formed, primarily educational processes and attitudes towards themselves as a subject of knowledge (cognitive motifs, self-esteem, the ability to cooperation, etc.).

    The game as a phenomenal human phenomenon is considered in detail in such areas of knowledge as psychology and philosophy. In pedagogy and teaching methodology, more attention is paid to the games of preschoolers (N.A. Korotkov, N.Ya. Mikhailenko, A.I. Sorokina, N.R. EiGes, etc.) and younger students (F.K. Bleker, A. S. Ibrahimova, N.M. Konysheva, M.T. Salikhova, etc.).

    This is due to the fact that teachers consider the game as an important method of learning for children of pre-school and younger school age. A number of special research on the game activity of preschoolers carried out outstanding teachers of our time (P.P. Blonsky, L.S. Vygotsky, S.L. Rubinstein, D. B. Elkonin, etc.). Aspects of gaming activities in a secondary school considered S.V. Harutyunyan, O.S. Gazman, V.M. Grigoriev, O.A. Dyachkova, F.I. Frakdina, G.P. Schedrovitsky and others.

    In the rearrangement period, there was a sharp jump in the training game (V.V. Petrusinsky, P.I. I. I. Khadarov, S.A. Shmakov, M.V. Clarin, A.S. Prutchenkov, etc.) . In modern school, an urgent need for the expansion of the methodological potential in general, and in active forms of training in particular. Such active learning forms are not sufficiently illuminated in the methodology of teaching elementary school, there are game technologies. Gaming technologies are one of the unique forms of learning, which allows you to make interesting and fascinating not only the work of students on the creative-search level, but also the everyday steps to study the Russian language. The enormality of the conditional world of the game makes positively emotionally painted monotonous activities to memorize, repetition, consolidate or assimilate information, and the emotionality of the game action activates all the mental processes and functions of the child. Other positive side The game is that it contributes to the use of knowledge in the new situation, so The material digested by students passes through a kind of practice, makes a variety and interest in the educational process. The value of the imagination and emotions in the development of creative activity attracted our attention to the game, to game situations. This is due to the fact that childhood is a large segment of the child's life.

    The living conditions at this time are rapidly expanding: the family framework is moved to the streets, cities, countries. The child discovers the world of human relations, different activities and public functions of people.

    He is experiencing a strong desire to engage in this adult life, actively participate in it, which, of course, is not yet available to him. In addition, it is not less strongly striving for independence. This contradiction is born game.

    Long before the game became the subject of scientific research, it was widely used as one of the important means of education and teaching children.

    In a wide variety of training systems, the game is given a special place. And it is determined by the fact that the game is very consonant with the nature of the child. A child from birth and before the onset of maturity pays great attention to games.

    The game for a child is not just an interesting pastime, but also a way to simulate an external, adult world, a method for modeling its relationship, in the course of which the child produces a scheme of relationships with peers.

    Children are happy for themselves to come up with games with which the most banal, household goods are transferred to a special interesting world of adventures.

    The game is the need of a growing children's body. The game develops the physical strength of the child, the hand, flexible body, or rather an eye, is developing the intentity, resourcefulness, initiative. The game is produced by the guys organizational skills, extract develops, the ability to weigh the circumstances, etc.

    The game only externally seems carefree and easy. And in fact, it is powerfully demanding that the playing gives her the maximum of its energy, mind, excerpt, independence.

    Gaming forms of learning make it possible to use all levels of learning: from reproducing activities through the conversion to the main goal-search activity.

    Creative-search activities are more efficient if it is preceded by reproducing and transforming activities, during which students assimilate the techniques of teachings.

    The game is the most affordable activity for children, a method of processing impressions from the surrounding world. The game brightly manifests the features of thinking and imagination of the child, its emotionality, activity, the developing need for communication.

    An interesting book increases the mental activity of the child, and it can solve a more difficult task than in class. But this does not mean that classes should be carried out only in the form of the game. The game is only one of the methods, and it gives good results only in conjunction with other: observations, conversations, reading and others.

    Playing, children learn to apply their knowledge and skills in practice, use them in different conditions. The game is an independent activity in which children come into communicate with peers. They are united by a common goal, joint efforts to its achievement, common experiences.

    Gaming experiences leave a deep mark in the mind of the child and contribute to the formation of good feelings, noble aspirations, collective life skills.

    All this makes the game an important means of creating the direction of the child, which begins to develop another school childhood.

    Six well-known organizational forms of game activity can be distinguished: individual, single, pair, group, collective, mass form of the game.

    An individual forms of games can be attributed to the game of one person with himself in a dream and in reality, as well as with various objects and signs. Single form is the activity of one player in the system of imitation models with direct and feedback from the results of achieving the goal.

    A pair form is a game of one person with another person, as a rule, in the situation of competition and rivalry.

    A group form is a game of three or more rivals, pursuing in the situation of the competition one and the target.

    The collective form is a group game in which the competition between individual players replace the commands to rivals. The mass form of the game is a replicated single game with direct and feedback from a common goal, which millions of people simultaneously pursue.

    The game is multifunctional. We will dwell only on the role of didactic, cognitive, educational, educational functions of the game related to the development of creative activity.

    All games are cognitive. "Didactic Games" - this term is legitimate to the games targetly included in the Didactic section.

    There are several groups of games that develop intelligence, cognitive activity of the child: - Site games like manipulations with toys and objects. Through toys, items, children know the form, color, volume, material, the world of animals, the world of people, etc. - Creative games, plot-role, in which the plot form of intellectual activity.

    Intelligent Games like a "happy case", "What? Where? When?" etc. These games are an important part of the educational, but, above all, outside the educational work of a cognitive nature.

    ü The target learning is the development and formation of a person's creative personality. And the most primary link - awareness of the uniqueness of their intelligence, himself.

    ü The reorientation of the consciousness of a schoolboy with an impersonal, public on purely personal, socially important development.

    ü Freedom of choice, freedom of participation, the creation of equal opportunities in the development and self-development.

    ü The priority organization of the educational process and its content for the general development of students, the identification and "cultivation of" open talents, the formation of entrepreneurial business.

    Relying on these conceptual provisions, the goals and objectives of the application of the technology of game forms of training were determined - the development of sustainable cognitive interest among students through a variety of game forms of training.


    1. Educational:

    1)Promoting the durable learning learning learning.

    2)Promote the expansion of the horizons of students through the use of additional historical sources.

    2. Developing:

    1)Develop students creative thinking.

    2)Promote the practical application of skills and skills obtained in the lesson.

    3. Educational:

    1)Relieve moral views and beliefs.

    2)Empty a historical self-consciousness - aware of the robust events.

    3)Contribute to the education of self-developing and self-realizable personality.

    One of the basic principles of training is the principle of simple to complex. This principle is in the gradual development of creative abilities.

    In the process of organizing training development of creative abilities great importance Enjoy the general principles:

    1) Scientific



    4) Availability

    5) Visuality

    6) Activity

    7) Strength

    8)individual approach

    All classes on the development of creative abilities are held in the game. This requires a new type game: creative, educational games, which are unanimous with their diversity under the general name, they do not emanate from the general idea and have characteristic creative abilities:

    Each game is a set of tasks.

    The tasks give a child in different form and, thus, introduce it with different ways to transfer information.

    Tasks are located approximately in ascending order of complexity.

    The tasks have a very wide range of difficulties. Therefore, games can excite interest for many years.

    Gradually, increasing the difficulty of tasks - contributes to the development of creative abilities.

    For the effectiveness of the development of creative abilities in children, it is necessary to comply with the conditions:

    The development of abilities should be started from early age;

    Tasks-steps create conditions that are converting the development of abilities;

    Creative games should be diverse in its content, because Create an atmosphere of free and joyful creativity (62, p.29). Along with the principles use methods:

    1) practical

    2) visual

    3) verbal

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