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  • The history of the profession of a teacher is brief. What is a teacher? Definition, description of the profession, pros and cons. Among the positive aspects of the profession can be noted

    The history of the profession of a teacher is brief.  What is a teacher?  Definition, description of the profession, pros and cons.  Among the positive aspects of the profession can be noted

    The teaching profession is the most difficult of all. My mother works as a school teacher and teaches children biology - an interesting science about nature.

    Each school employs many different teachers - some teach the youngest students to read and write, others help to learn a lot of interesting and useful things about the history of countries and cities, nature, animals, space and much more.

    Mom reads a lot, constantly learns herself, learns something new and tells it in the classroom, so that the children are interested and that they grow up educated.

    Mom gets up early in the morning because school starts early and needs to be prepared for. Sometimes my mother works at home in the evenings - she checks notebooks or prepares for lessons, like me.

    To become a teacher, you need to study well, finish school with good grades, and then college or university. At the institute or university, future teachers receive more knowledge on the right subject, and also learn to share this knowledge with children, because being able to explain something to another is also very difficult.

    The profession of a teacher is a difficult but interesting job. And my mother loves her very much, and every day she conducts interesting and useful lessons at school.

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    A teacher is a specialist whose activities are aimed at teaching and educating future generations. He knows how not only to tell the information, but to convey it to the listener in such a way that he remembers it, understands it and learns to apply it in life.

    Average salary: 25,000 rubles per month




    Entry barrier



    The history of the teaching profession goes back far into antiquity. With the advent of the first skills, teachers arose. They did not stand out as a separate profession, but having mastered the skills, they passed them on to the next generations. Thanks to the teachers, we not only retained old skills, but were also able to master new ones.

    For the first time, the mention of teachers sounds in Confucius. He said that the main task of this specialist is the ability to open new knowledge to the student. The profession has evolved over time. Already in Ancient Greece the first schools appeared, places where lectures for adults were read. The development of pedagogy continued in the Middle Ages. Despite prohibitions and persecutions, the transfer of knowledge and experience flourished in the churches. The monks taught religious teachings.

    During the Renaissance, schools were closed. Girls and boys were educated separately. The first studied in the schools of noble maidens, where there was no way commoners. Basically, they received knowledge of languages, writing and good manners... The guys studied in military schools, where they were turned into real men. Many nobles were educated at home, inviting private teachers. Knowledge was not passed on to mere mortals. They couldn't afford to hire a teacher. In the 18-19 centuries, public schools known to everyone appeared. Now and simple people can learn to read and write and gain knowledge. This raises humanity to a new level.

    Nowadays, the teaching profession is not very highly paid, but it is popular and highly demanded. Teachers are respected and appreciated for their work. After all, it is they who give us and our children the opportunity to gain knowledge that will help a career in the future.


    The profession of a teacher is a very difficult job. After all, it is associated with high concentration and constant nervous tension... For the successful organization of labor, it is important to complete all stages:

    • Planning the educational process. Each evening, the teacher plans lessons for the next day. He carefully prepares the material for its successful presentation.
    • Psychological approach. Every teacher is a great psychoanalyst. He knows how to navigate the situation and make quick decisions.
    • Every teacher should be fluent in public speaking. If you do not know how to sonorously convey the idea to the audience, then your subject will simply not be known. If no one has mastered the topic, then it is the teacher's fault.
    • The teacher should be fluent in their area of ​​expertise. He is also a historian, a biologist, an economist, etc. It all depends on what subject he is leading.
    • For a primary school teacher, special attention is paid to the ability to get along with children. This is taught in universities and colleges. You should not choose this specialization if you are not ready for the fact that children do not obey and talk in class. It is important for a teacher of elementary grades to win the trust of students and prove their authority.
    • Scientific activity. Preparation for lessons is also a constant search for information. It is needed in order to interest children and give them something new.
    • Fairness characterizes a good teacher. You should be able to assess students' knowledge based on the results of their activities, and not on behavior in and outside the classroom.

    All this and even more is included in the idea of ​​the teaching profession. This is hard psychological, mental and physical labor that is necessary for humanity.

    What specialties to study

    You can choose both a specialized field of knowledge, in the program of which there is a course in pedagogy, and a specific specialty:

    All these specialties give the right to work as a teacher or teacher. Also, graduates of other specialties have such an opportunity if pedagogy was included in the course of study.

    Where to study

    In order to become a teacher, you can graduate from any higher education institution or teacher training college Russia. The most popular are:

    • RSPU A.I. Herzen;
    • YAGPU K.D. Ushinsky;
    • Moscow State Pedagogical University.

    What you have to do at work and specialization

    The work of a teacher involves constant contact with a fairly large number of people. The list of daily duties includes:

    • Educational process. The teacher, before starting a lesson, prepares for it, reading information and replenishing his knowledge base.
    • Leading lessons and lectures. A teacher is an actor who speaks to an audience, conveying information to his students. The more openly and clearly he does this, the more will be deposited in the heads of the charges.
    • Statement of assignments for independent work.
    • Assessment of student work. This is one of the hardest moments from a psychological point of view, especially if you are working with children. Toddlers are often bullied bad marks... They take them as a personal insult.
    • Routine checking of notebooks and tests. This is an assessment of the level of knowledge, which is mandatory and quickly identifies the weak points of each student. In the future, it is on them that the teacher focuses.
    • Psychological work aimed at conducting conversations with students and their parents. There are many reasons: bad behavior, lack of knowledge, or praise.
    • Organization and conduct of parenting meetings.
    • Organization and support of children on tourist trips.

    The range of duties of a teacher can increase. It depends on the place of his work and the specifics of his activity.

    Who is this profession suitable for?

    The main quality of every teacher is patience. It is the ability to restrain oneself that brings this specialist success. Also, the teacher should be kind and loyal to the students. Everyone loves praise. Children are no exception. When they get what they want, they will reward you with good behavior and a desire for knowledge.

    High level of attention. The teacher should simultaneously focus on the task and how the children are doing it.

    The teacher must have an excellent memory. A good teacher knows his students by their first and last names. He also always freely and easily presents educational material.

    Any teacher is a born speaker. Competent, clear diction is a guarantee that students will remember what you said.

    Fairness and impartiality. These qualities must be present. Children are sensitive to attitudes and reflect your emotions, redirecting them to you.


    The teaching profession has always been and will be in demand. Each new generation needs to acquire basic and highly specialized knowledge. It is the teacher who helps to achieve the desired.

    Teachers are needed both in government agencies and in private commercial schools.

    How much do people working in this profession get

    The earnings of teachers directly depend on their place of work. Average for the territory Russian Federation teachers receive 12-45 thousand rubles a month. Private school teachers can earn more. It all depends on the load and the number of additional paid lessons.

    Is it easy to get a job

    Getting a job is easy. Quite often, young specialists are taken by the educational institutions in which they had their internship.

    How a career is usually built

    A teacher's career follows a simple pattern. Having proved yourself in the position of a teacher, you get the opportunity to grow up to the head of the educational department or the head teacher. Having received this position, in the future, you can take the post of director.

    The teacher at the university develops in the same way, only with different names. First, he can apply for the post of dean, and then for the post of rector.

    In private educational institutions everything is a little more complicated. For the most part, teachers open individual entrepreneurship and engage in private lessons.

    Profession prospects

    Career growth in the teaching profession is very promising. There are many possibilities before you. The problem is that they rarely appear. After all, few people want to leave the post of rector or director voluntarily.

    Teacher - profession and position in the system of primary and secondary general education, which arose as a result of the separation of the latter into a special social function, consisting in teaching students.

    A teacher is one of the most honorable and at the same time very responsible professions on Earth. The teacher has a large circle of responsibility for improving the young generation, shaping the future of the country. The teaching profession is very important and valuable for each of us. After all, it was the teacher who taught us to write the first word, read books.

    Individual teachers (with a few exceptions in primary school and in selected cases) teach various subjects... Such as: Russian (as a state language throughout the Russian Federation) and literature, native language, mathematics (in middle and high schools, including algebra and geometry), a foreign language (there may be several of them), computer science, information Technology, history, social studies (civics), economics, the world, geography, biology, ecology, chemistry, physics, material technologies, drawing, art, music, world artistic culture (MHC), basics of life safety (OBZH), physical education, local history (in Moscow, for example: Moscow studies) and other various subjects (rhetoric, history of religions, philosophy, choreography, etc.). It is also the responsibility of the teacher to maintain discipline and organization of students.

    It is not enough for a teacher to know his subject well, he must be well versed in pedagogy and child psychology. There are many specialists in different fields, but not all can become good teachers.

    Speech is very important in the teaching profession, which should be distinguished by expressiveness, emotionality, and persuasiveness. The teacher should be able to express his thoughts competently, clearly, simply, understandably for the children.

    Personal qualities

    Tendency to work with children;

    The ability to interest in your idea, to lead;

    A high degree of personal responsibility;

    Self-control and poise;

    Tolerance, non-judgmental attitude towards people;

    Interest and respect for another person;

    Striving for self-knowledge, self-development;

    Originality, resourcefulness, versatility;




    Demanding to yourself and others;

    Observation (the ability to see trends in the development of the child, in the formation of his skills, abilities, the emergence of needs and interests).

    Responsibilities of the teacher

    Teaching various sciences;

    An explanation of the new material available for a given age and individual characteristics means;

    Control over the assimilation of the material;

    Carrying out educational work with kids;

    Help in unlocking the creativity, abilities and capabilities of students;

    Revealing the interests and inclinations of students for an adequate selection of programs and teaching methods;

    Study of the individual characteristics of children and the provision of effective psychological and pedagogical influence on them;

    Building a training program based on knowledge of general age-specific patterns of children's development;

    Assisting in the formation of the student's personality;

    Promoting the development of students' desire to master new knowledge;

    Organization of extracurricular group events, conducting discussions, disputes, meetings;

    Explanation of current social events and phenomena;

    Participation in the development and implementation of educational and training programs;

    Drawing up thematic and lesson plans;

    Registration of documentation (magazines, reports).

    The teaching profession requires, as a rule, teacher education... The teacher must be able to express his thoughts competently, convincingly, expressively, in a simple and understandable language for his pupils. To the main professional qualities teachers include objectivity, observation, resistance to stress, perseverance, attentiveness. Each teacher should be engaged in self-improvement: read specialized literature, take part in various competitions, be ready for professional development and professional development.

    Professional success of a teacher in to a greater extent depends on the personal qualities of the teacher, as well as on his knowledge, skills and abilities. The most important professional trait of a teacher, without which his effective activity is impossible, is love for children.

    Places of work: general educational institutions primary and secondary education, cultural institutions and additional education. Teacher labor is also used in boarding schools, schools for working youth, vocational schools, technical schools, and preschool institutions.

    The level of a teacher's salary, as a rule, is not very high and depends on the place of work, professional experience, and the scope of responsibility. The teaching profession has the ability career growth to the position of the teacher more high category, senior teacher, learner, headmaster.

    Dear friends! Listen to my story about the teaching profession.

    A cheerful warm summer will pass imperceptibly, and the school will open its doors to the students.

    Special worries and worries for future first graders: you need to thoroughly prepare for school, buy a satchel, pencil case, paints, pencils, an album, counting sticks, notebooks and much, much more.

    How interesting it is to go shopping with my mother, choosing brand new school supplies!

    New satchel

    Mom bought me a satchel -

    Zippers, pockets.

    How beautiful they shine

    Brand new buckles.

    I put it on my shoulders

    I walked with him in the garden all day,

    I told my friends when we met:

    - I'll go to school soon!

    Finally, an exciting and solemn day comes - the First of September.

    How many new things await the first grader at school! And the first teacher, and new friends, and breaks, and fun school holidays!

    On September 1, bright streams seem to run through the streets - smart children with satchels behind their backs, with bouquets of lush autumn flowers - chrysanthemums, gladioli, asters and dahlias - flock to the school from all sides.

    To school soon

    When the leaves will fly

    Golden rain

    And they will fill up the old garden,

    We will go to school.

    We will say goodbye to the warm summer

    Long and cheerful

    And elegant bouquets

    We will bring to school

    Here is the first meeting with your first teacher!

    He greets you and leads you to class.

    Now the teacher is a very important person for you. He will help you take the very first, most difficult steps up the ladder of knowledge.

    Together with him, you will learn to write sticks and hooks, read the ABC book by syllables, write the first words in the notebook.

    First teacher- this is a friend, an advisor, he not only teaches, but also brings up a child.

    He takes children on excursions to the park, to the forest, to the museum, holds merry holidays, celebrates children's birthdays - with poems, gifts, good wishes.

    The most important quality of a teacher is the ability to give! Once upon a time the great Georgian poet Shota Rustaveli said: "What you hid is gone, what you gave is yours!"

    A real teacher has a generous and kind soul, the ability to give children their knowledge, strength, time, talent.

    The most wonderful teachers are those who are interested with children, who managed to keep a particle of childhood in themselves!

    Schoolchildren in the first and third grades have one teacher. He teaches kids to read, write, math, drawing.

    Together with the teacher, the child learns the ABC book - his first school book. And in the spring, when the children have read the ABC book from cover to cover, they say to him: "Goodbye, ABC Book."

    Goodbye, Primer!

    Goodbye, dear Primer!

    It's sad for us to part with you.

    You are dearer and dearer to the books of others,

    We've been reading you for days.

    We did not waste time in vain

    We know the letters from "A" to "Z"

    And now we part with you.

    Goodbye, dear Primer!

    But now it's over Primary School and it's time to part with the first teacher.

    From primary grades children move to middle classes, then to senior. Now every subject is taught by a subject teacher, and there are more subjects.

    Russian language and literature teacher introduces the child to reading, first fairy tales, and then studies the works of writers and poets with children.

    Teacher foreign language teaches the child the basics of any foreign language - English, German, French.

    The total number of languages ​​in the world is more than three thousand, and behind each are countries and peoples, customs and traditions, science and culture.

    The philosopher Voltaire wrote: "To know many languages ​​means to have many keys to one lock."

    Math teacher develops logical thinking child, explains how to solve problems and equations.

    The teacher of this subject must have a logical mindset, high intelligence, attentiveness and concentration.

    Biology teacher teaches biology - the science of plants, zoology - the science of animals, anatomy - the science of the human body. It is he who instills love for native nature.

    Geography teacher introduces children to the seas and oceans, rivers, mountains and plains, with minerals, with the globe as a whole.

    Physical education teacher makes efforts to ensure that children grow up strong and healthy. He teaches how to run fast, swim well, jump high, ski skillfully, skate, play football, volleyball, hockey.

    Each teacher enriches the child with something, teaches him to work, tries to teach him to learn! Any teacher's greatest luck is when a child enjoys learning!

    In October, all schools celebrate Teacher's Day, thank teachers for their hard, but noble and creative work.

    We give our beloved teachers

    Festive bright flowers -

    Chrysanthemums, asters, dahlias -

    Sparks of autumn beauty!

    Answer the questions

    Why is the first teacher remembered forever?

    Teacher is one of the most demanded professions. It is necessary regardless of geographic location, such as political structure, fashion trends. Once upon a time, when labor was not divided into certain professions, only the oldest and most experienced members of the tribes became teachers. As society developed, representatives of this profession began to practice special skills. Thus, the work of the teacher turned into a craft.

    The relevance of the teacher's work

    The concept of who a teacher is, arose in Europe already at the end of the 18th century. V modern world this profession is becoming increasingly important due to scientific and technological progress. Teachers accompany each child almost from infancy... And the rhythm of life of a modern person is so high and tense that you have to study throughout your life - not excluding the retirement age.

    How did the profession come about?

    About who a teacher is has been known since the time of Confucius. The philosopher wrote in his writings that teachers should pass on knowledge from generation to generation. A significant breakthrough in the development of this profession was made during the time of Ancient Greece. For the first time, the first educational institutions appeared here. These were boarding schools, schools, lyceums. Often the ancient Greek philosophers themselves acted as teachers in their own schools. Since the Middle Ages, education has become compulsory for every clergyman and ruler. Then education gradually began to acquire a mass character. Practically all representatives of the upper strata of the population began to study. Education has also become available to women. For them, special closed institutions were created.


    The most accurate definition of this profession was given in the Ozhegov dictionary: "A teacher is a person who teaches something." D. N. Ushakov's dictionary defines the representatives of this craft as those who “are engaged in teaching a subject in the lower or high school". According to the small academic dictionary of the Russian language, a teacher is one who teaches a subject within the walls of a school, or one who instructs and teaches others.

    What should a teacher be like?

    Anyone who has thought about who a teacher is could find in practice one important pattern: in addition to a thorough knowledge of the subject being taught, a successful and effective representative of this profession must have excellent communication skills. If he does not know how to communicate with his audience - whether they are first-graders, or students preparing to enter graduate school - the value of his knowledge will tend to zero. After all, he will not be able to convey them - which means that students will not be able to assimilate and apply them in practice.

    In addition, a good teacher must have a lot of patience, the ability to respect the personality of the student. Who is a teacher if not the one who managed to find individual approach to the student, allowing him to master the required amount of knowledge as efficiently as possible? Therefore, a good teacher is not only an author scientific works with all the necessary diplomas. It is also a subtle psychologist who knows how to convey knowledge to a specific student.

    You can give different definitions of what a teacher means. However, we can say for sure - this profession is creative, and it has both positive and negative sides. In addition to the creative element, the work of a teacher is not devoid of routine. After all, it is he who has to constantly compose educational plans checking homework. To be a successful representative of his profession, he needs to carefully perform all this routine work. The teacher, in addition to the main element of his work - teaching - has many other responsibilities.

    Who does the teacher work with

    A professional teacher must also be a strong-willed, reserved person. After all, he has to work with one of the most difficult age groups- teenagers. For students in this category, not only attention is needed, but also the ability to maintain discipline. Studying proccess should not be violated due to the distraction of students to gadgets, communication, games. As for working with older students, as a rule, much less problems arise with them, because the period of puberty is behind them, and professional self-determination is coming to the fore. However, when working with young men, the teacher must also show attentiveness, perseverance, and the ability to organize the educational process in a quality manner.

    Who is a teacher: description

    What other things besides teaching is the teacher busy with? His responsibilities usually include the following:

    • Drawing up a training plan.
    • Preparing for lessons, drawing up lesson plans.
    • Selection of the most effective teaching methods.
    • Work on the preparation of various official documents: letters of recommendation, descriptions, characteristics, etc.
    • Monitoring student behavior.
    • Self-education. Every member of this profession must be trained throughout his life.

    Requirements for teachers

    The first thing that every good teacher should have is excellent knowledge of their subject area. The teacher is obliged to be able to and know a lot, and at the same time to constantly develop. He must also have flexibility and the ability to make quick decisions under stressful conditions. The teacher must also love children, find mutual language not only with students, but also with their parents. The inherent qualities of a good teacher are good memory, quick wits, attention to detail.

    The profession of "teacher": all the pros and cons

    The advantages of this profession, as a rule, include:

    • Flexible working hours. Usually the teacher's working day ends by three o'clock in the afternoon, while office workers are forced to endure the coveted 18:00.
    • Long vacations, vacations. The teacher usually goes on vacation with his students.
    • Interesting work, which involves various types of activity: today the teacher is preparing a seminar, tomorrow he will hold competitions among the students, the day after tomorrow - a holiday. Many of the teachers say that vocational work is the only thing that keeps them in the profession despite all the difficulties.
    • Respect in society, the importance of the profession. Despite the fact that all professions are important to society, it is customary to show special respect towards teachers.
    • The ability to earn extra money through tutoring.

    But despite the many advantages of the teaching profession, it also has disadvantages:

    • The need to meet educational standards and norms all the time, to master new programs.
    • Additional work in the form of work from home - checking homework, preparing for lessons.
    • As a rule, work in a female team.
    • Lack of career prospects.
    • Low salary.