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  • Danila is a master of a fool or an inept. What was the name of Danila the master from Bazhov's tale in childhood? Experienced artisan and his young apprentice

    Danila is a master of a fool or an inept.  What was the name of Danila the master from Bazhov's tale in childhood?  Experienced artisan and his young apprentice

    Katya - Danilov's bride - remained unmarried. Two or three years have passed since Danilo got lost - she even left the bride's time. For twenty years, in our opinion, in the factory, overdone is considered. Guys like that rarely woo, there are more widowers. Well, this Katya, apparently, was pretty, all the suitors climb to her, and she only has words:

    - Danil was promised.

    They persuade her:

    - What can you do! She promised, but did not come out. Now there is nothing to remember about this. It has long been a man bending.

    Katya stands her ground:

    - Danil was promised. Maybe he will come again.

    They interpret it:

    - He is not alive. The right thing to do.

    And she rested on her own:

    - Nobody saw him dead, and for me he is even more alive.

    They see - the girl is not in herself, - they have fallen behind. Others began to laugh at them: they called her a ghoul bride. It clung to her. Katya Mertvyakova and Katya Mertvyakova, there was no other nickname.

    Then some kind of pestilence happened on people, and Katya's old people both died. She has a great relationship. Three married brothers and somewhat married sisters. The split between them came out - who should stay in his father's place. Katya sees - the confusion has gone, and says:

    - I'm going to live in Danilushkov's hut. At all Prokopich became old. At least I look like him.

    Brothers-sisters persuade, of course:

    “It doesn't fit, sister. Prokopich is an old man, but you never know what they can say about you.

    - To me, - he answers, - what? I'm not going to be a gossip. Prokopich, come on, I'm not a stranger to me. My adoptive father Danilo. I will call him Tetya.

    And so she left. It would be even better to say: the family did not knit tightly. They thought to themselves: the extra from the family - less noise. And what about Prokopich? He liked it.

    - Thank you, - he says, - Katya, that they remembered about me.

    So they began to live. Prokopich sits at the machine, and Katya runs around the house - in the garden there, cooking, cooking and cooking. The farm is small, of course, for two ... Katya is an agile girl, how long will she take! At first they rolled smoothly, only Prokopyich was getting worse and worse. One day sits, two lies. Has broken through, became old. Katya wondered how they would continue to live.

    "You can't feed yourself with women's needlework, and I don't know any other craft."

    So he says to Prokopich:

    - Tyatya! You should at least teach me something easier.

    Prokopich even found it funny.

    - What are you doing! Is it a girl's business to sit behind malachite! Never heard of such a thing.

    Well, she still began to look closely at Prokopychev's craft. I helped him wherever possible. Saw up there, grind. Prokopich and began to show her something or another. Not really. Grind the plaque, make the handles for the forks-knives and protch what was in use. It’s trivial, of course, the case, a penny, and all the delivery on occasion.

    Prokopich did not heal for long. Then the brothers-sisters began to compel Katya:

    - Now you will have to get married. How will you live alone?

    Katya cut them off:

    - Not your sadness. I don’t need your fiancé. Danilushko will come. He will learn in grief and come.

    Brothers-sisters wave their hands at her:

    - Are you in your mind, Katerina? It’s a sin to say something! A man died long ago, and she is waiting for him! Look, it will still seduce.

    - I'm not afraid, - he answers, - of this.

    Then the relatives ask:

    - What are you going to live for?

    - About this, - answers, - also do not worry. I can hold out alone.

    Brothers-sisters understood so much that little money remained from Prokopich, and again for their own:

    - So the fool came out! If you have money, you definitely need a peasant in the house. The hour is not even - someone will hunt for money. Roll your head off like a chicken. I only saw the light.

    - How much, - replies, - my lot is supposed to, and I will see so much.

    Brothers-sisters continued to make noise for a long time. Some are shouting, some are persuading, some are crying, and Katya starved her own:

    - I can hold out alone. You don't need any of your fiancés. I have it for a long time.

    The relatives got angry, of course:

    - In case, don't show your eyes to us!

    - Thank you, - answers, - dear brothers, kind sisters! I will remember. Do not forget yourself - walk by!

    Laughs, then. Well, relatives and doors slammed.

    Katya was left alone. She cried, of course, at first, then she said:

    - You're lying! I will not give in!

    She wiped away her tears and busied herself with the housework. Wash and scrape - bring cleanliness. I managed - and immediately sat down to the machine. Here, too, I began to establish my own order. What she doesn’t need is far away, and what is constantly required is close at hand. I put things in order and wanted to sit down to work.

    "I'll try to grind at least one plaque myself."

    Grabbed, but there is no suitable stone. The fragments of Danilushkova's dope-bowl remained, but Katya took care of them. They were tied in a special knot. Prokopich, of course, had a lot of stones. Only Prokopich sat on big jobs to death. Well, and the stone is all large. Little bits and pieces all got together - they were spent on small crafts. So Katya thinks:

    “We must, apparently, go to the mine dumps to look. Will not a suitable pebble hit. "

    From Danila, and even from Prokopich, she heard that they were taking it from the Snake Hill. That's where I went.

    Of course, there are always people on Gumeshki: some sort of ore, some carry it. They looked at Katya - where she went with the basket. Katya is uncomfortable that eyes are stared at her in vain. She didn’t start looking on the dumps from this side, she walked around the hill. And there was still a forest. Here Katya climbed through this forest and climbed the most Serpentine Hill and then sat down. She felt bitter - she remembered Danilushka. Sits on a stone, and the tears run. There are no people, the forest is all around - she is not guarded. So tears fall to the ground. She cried, she looked - at the very foot of the malachite-stone appeared, only it sits all in the ground. How can you take it, if there is no pick, no scrap? Katya still moved his hand. It seemed that the stone was not firmly seated. Here it is, and let's scoop up the earth from the stone with a twig. I shook off as much as possible, began to stitch. The stone moved. How brittle from below, - exactly the twig broke off. The pebble is small, like a tile. A finger three in thickness, palm-wide, and no more than two-quarters long. Katya even wondered:

    - Just according to my thoughts. I will cut it, so how many plaques will come out. And the loss is the smallest thing.

    I brought the stone home and immediately started sawing. The work is not fast, and Katya still needs to be managed at home. You see, all day at work, and there is no time to get bored. Only how to sit down at the machine, he will remember everything about Danilushka:

    - He would have looked, what a new master has appeared here. In his and Prokopyevo's place he is sitting!

    There were, of course, oogalniks. As without it ... At night, on some holiday, Katya sat at work, and three guys climbed into the fence to her. Ali wanted to scare and something else - their business, only after drinking everything. Katya shuffles with a saw and does not hear that there are people in her senki. I heard when they began to burst into the hut:

    - Open up, ghoul bride! Receive live guests!

    Katya first persuaded them:

    - Go away, guys!

    Well, that's nothing to them. They break at the door, and they'll rip it off. Then Katya threw off the hook, loosened the doors and shouts:

    - Come in, no. Who is the first to lobby?

    The guys are looking, and she is with an ax.

    - You, - they say, - no kidding!

    - What, - answers, - jokes! Whoever is beyond the threshold, that and on the forehead.

    Guys, though drunk, but see - it's not a joke. The girl is of age, her mantle is steep, her eye is determined, and she seems to have had an ax in her hands. You didn't dare to come in. They made a noise, made a noise, got out and even told about it themselves. The guys began to tease that the three of them ran away from the same girl. They did not like it, of course, they wove it, as if Katya was not alone, but behind her was a ghoul.

    - Yes, so scary that you will run away.

    The first hero we want to introduce you to in this room is Danila is the master.

    Walk through this hall to the end and you will understand why this particular image is important and dear

    Pavel Petrovich Bazhov!

    Danila the Master, aka Danila Nedokormysh is a skilled craftsman

    carvings on malachite, the hero of the tales "Stone Flower",

    "Mining Master" and "Fragile Twig".

    The Mistress of the Copper Mountain took him into a mining master, where she taught "the natural power of the stone to understand."

    Illustration by Oleg Korovin for the tale

    "Stone Flower"

    In the tales of Pavel Bazhov, Danila the master is one of the most important images. It was he who met the Mistress of the Copper Mountain, and he created the Stone Flower. He is affectionately called Danilko, Danilushko. He is a representative of those people who know how to work, treat their work creatively and joyfully. The "secret power" itself respects them, and on occasion it will "help" them.

    Danila the master had a real prototype - stone cutter Danila Zverev. A street in Yekaterinburg is named in his honor.

    Though realUral maid Danila Kondratyevich Zverev did not go to the Copper Mountain to the Hostess and did not work with malachite, but he opened the fantastic world of gemstones to Pavel Bazhov. Therefore, the hero of Bazhov's tale was named Danil.

    A master in the Urals is a cultural hero, like a hero for middle Russia.

    The master professes the cult of knowledge. The Ural craftsmen inherited this trait from foreign engineers who worked at the factories of the Urals. And Danila from the tale also wanted to know the secret of the beauty of the stone.

    The master is a hard worker. The worship of labor in the Urals originated from fugitive schismatics. In the wild, they could only be saved by frantic labor and deified him. And Danila works tirelessly.

    Thirdly, the master does not invent anything new, but brings to perfection what is already there. This feature is from the provinciality of the Urals. And Danila is trying to create a perfect creation.

    Illustration by Vitaly Volovich to the tale

    "Mining Master"

    Finally, the masters are associated with paganism. They inherited this connection from the local inhabitants, the Finno-Ugric peoples. And Danila does not pray for a revelation from heaven, but for his secret goes to a pagan deity - the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

    The sculpture of this hero was conceived and created by a young sculptor-stone cutter Ilya Mekhryakov. "Danila the Master" is a large and laborious sculpture. To help in its creation, the author attracted a volunteer, stone cutter Mikhail Rukosuev. This sculpture is located in the sanatorium "Demidkovo",

    40 km from the city of Perm, in a pine forest on the shore of the Kama Sea.

    The image of Danila turned out to be significant not only in its size, but also in meaning, it is distinguished by power, positive energy. "The master of stone" is depicted at work. Before him is a monolith of stone, from which he creates his flower. He is depicted in a pose that speaks of the severity of his labor, dressed in simple clothes, covered with an apron (the stone gives a lot of dust when processed). He has big hands, his hair is cropped "like a pot", simple-minded features, nevertheless, expressing concentration and perseverance.

    Love for your work, skill and self-respect - important quality"Mining masters" at Bazhov. So Danila never bent his back, working in the manor house, he did not come out of a "good servant", but an excellent master came out. The author of the skazov believes that human dignity is inherent in the indigenous Ural profession, which is acquired as it reaches the heights of skill.

    These paramount qualities are quite guessed in the image of Danila the master, created by Ilya Mekhryakov. He himself stubbornly overcame the difficult task he had taken on to create a monumental sculpture of a character so important for the project. The author, working with limestone, just like Danila, tried to reveal not only a recognizable shape, but also a kind of quiet beauty of the Ural stone.

    The Middle Urals are beautiful, low mountains covered with dense coniferous forest go down to the very horizon, in some places the windows of lakes turn blue, brightvalleys of small rivers sparkle with greenery. The Polevskoy plant is located in one of these valleys. Here Pavel Bazhov spent his childhood. Passionately in love with motherland, P.P. Bazhov walked the Urals up and down. With a hunting rifle on his shoulder, he climbed into the most remote corners, visited forgotten mines and everywhere, wherever he was, tirelessly wrote down folk proverbs, fables, legends ... The meeting with the old worker Vasily Alekseevich Khmelinin was especially memorable for the writer. This eighty-year old man knew a great many fairy tales and visits.

    Vasily Alekseevich Khmelinin became the prototype of the hero of Bazhov's tales - grandfather Slyshko, on whose behalf the writer invariably leads the story. His grandfather Slyshko received his name for his love of the word “hear”, “hear-to”.

    Pavel Petrovich Bazhov devoted almost twenty years of his life to collecting Ural tales, each of which is a true pearl of folk poetry ... The merit of the writer is that he cut, polished the "stones" he found, put them in a wonderful verbal frame ... "... I am only a performer," Bazhov liked to repeat, "and the main creator is a worker."

    Danila the master

    Danila the master from the tale "The Stone Flower" had a real prototype - a stone cutter Danila Zverev ... A street in Yekaterinburg is named in his honor. Although the real Danila Zverev did not go to the Copper Mountain to the Mistress and did not work with malachite, he opened the fantastic world of gemstones to Pavel Bazhov. Therefore, the hero of Bazhov's tale was named Danil.

    A master in the Urals is a cultural hero, like a hero for middle Russia. The image of the master has absorbed four components. First, the master professes the cult of knowledge. The Ural craftsmen inherited this trait from foreign engineers who worked at the factories of the Urals. And Danila from the tale also wanted to know the secret of the beauty of the stone. Secondly, the master is a hard worker. The worship of labor in the Urals originated from fugitive schismatics. In the wild, they could only be saved by frantic labor and deified him. And Danila works tirelessly. Thirdly, the master does not invent anything new, but brings to perfection what is already there.This feature is from the provinciality of the Urals. And Danila is trying to create a perfect creation.

    Finally, the masters are associated with paganism. They inherited this connection from the local inhabitants, the Finno-Ugric peoples. And Danila does not pray for a revelation from heaven, but for his secret goes to a pagan deity - the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

    Stepan was such a wonderful craftsman - a skilled malachite carver, the hero of the story "Stone Flower", Stepan worked for several years in the underground palace of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain - the mistress of all the hidden treasures of the Urals. From her he learned the art of comprehending the "soul" of a stone

    Pavel Bazhov's tales are dedicated to the working people of the old Urals. In simple words he tells about the hard, forced life of miners who extract iron and copper, malachite and precious stones, about the inspired work of serfs who managed to breathe life into a dead stone. Almost everything that Bazhov writes about was in fact. The heroes are not invented by him either. So, a wonderful stone carver Ivanko Krylatko- none other than a famous master Ivan Vushuev , whose wonderful works can be seen today in the Kremlin, in the Armory.

    Mistress of Copper Mountain - the keeper of precious rocks and stones, sometimes appears before people in the form of a beautiful woman, and sometimes - in the form of a lizard in a crown.

    The hostess who lived in the Copper Mountain comes from the image of the Mother Goddess. The goddess, according to the legends of the Finno-Ugric peoples, lived in a mountain, and there she had a tree on which the souls of unborn people, animals and birds hung. The goddess in Russian beliefs turned into the Mistress, and the tree into the Stone Flower. There is also a hypothesis that this is the image of the goddess Venus, refracted by the popular consciousness, with whom Polev's copper was branded for several decades in the 18th century. The image of the Mistress of the Mountain has become the personification of the power, wealth and beauty of the depths of the Ural Mountains, which are fully revealed only to the best workers and craftsmen. The mistress of the Copper Mountain is not only the keeper of treasures, but also the patroness of brave, courageous, creatively gifted people. The relationship of the Mistress's Copper Mountain with people is determined by special conditions, the so-called prohibitions. One of them was the prohibition of a woman to go down into the mine, in the possession of the Mistress. Others should not marry a fellow who wants to gain her protection. It was no coincidence that the workers were afraid of the Mistress and avoided meeting her.

    Great Snake- the serpent is the guardian of gold. His figure was created by Bazhov on the basis of the superstitions of the ancient Khanty and Mansi, the Ural legends and signs of miners and miners. All gold was in his sovereignty. He tried in every possible way to prevent a person from developing gold-bearing places: he “scared”, showing himself “in his full form,” “he produced any disturbance to the prospector,” dragging an instrument into the ground or taking the gold away. The mythological serpent also has numerous daughters - Serpents. With their help, Poloz "lowered the gold along the rivers" and "led through the stone." The father of a golden-haired daughter named Golden Hair.

    The Russian folklore image of Baba Yaga was formed by the 15th century - just when the Russians came to the Urals and saw the life of the Finno-Ugrians. They had a special form of forest sanctuary. A small house on high posts, surrounded by a palisade. The skulls of the sacrificed animals were hung on the palisade. There was a carved wooden doll in the house - a container for the soul of the deceased. The doll was dressed in national dress - a yaga fur coat. And the Russian newcomers learned that somewhere in the sanctuaries the Finno-Ugrians are hiding their main idol - the Golden Woman. To prevent the Russians from ravaging the sanctuaries in search of the Golden Woman, the locals killed anyone who got to the secret place. In Russian retellings, the Golden Baba and the house on the pillars merged together, and a terrible Baba-in-Yaga appeared, Baba Yaga, who lives in a hut on chicken legs, kills uninvited guests and snorts: “Fu-fu-fu, it smells of the Russian spirit! "

    Grandma Sinyushka- a character related to Baba Yaga, the personification of the swamp gas, which in the Urals was called "cyanosis". An old woman from Bazhov's tale sits on a well full of gems and strangles those who come for her treasures. Sinyushka is the sister of Baba Yaga, she appeared in the same way. And her well is a mine flooded with groundwater, a small ancient mine of the Finno-Ugrians. There were a huge number of such mines in the vicinity of Mednaya Gora. On the site of this well, there is now the village of Zyuzelka, Sverdlovsk region.

    Silver Hoof

    This fabulous deer came down from the sky, and his hooves are Persian. The Finno-Ugrians believed that the Great Elk carried the sun across the sky on its horns. The shaman could summon the Elk to descend to the ground, but the ground was filthy for the sacred beast. Therefore, silver dishes were placed under the elk's hooves. Gifts were poured on them - for example, gems.

    And silver dishes appeared in the Urals from merchants from Asia and the Middle East. Islam reigned there, prohibiting images of people and animals, and all the dishes with engravings were exchanged by Persian merchants for the inhabitants of the Urals for furs. The shamans also adapted the dishes for the Great Elk. Such dishes are in the museum of the city of Cherdyn. On the dishes there are drawings scribbled by shaman knives over the engravings. The Russians again reinterpreted these local beliefs in their own way, and the Great Elk turned into a deer, which knocks out gems with a blow of a silver hoof.

    Firefly Jump

    In the Russian beliefs of the Urals, it was believed that if a fire was made over a gold deposit, a little dancing girl, Ognevushka-Poskakushka, could appear in the fire. She descended from the famous idol - the Golden Woman. The locals called the Golden Baba Sorni-Nai, in translation - "gold-fire". So a chain of meanings is being built: gold - fire - a woman, and the Fireworm-Poskakushka is born.

    Earth Cat

    This giant mythical Cat roams underground in the gold fields of the Chusovaya River. Near the deposits is the village of Kungurka, founded by people from the city of Kungura. And in Kungur there is a famous cave, in which, according to legend, the Underground Beast Mammoth lives. So the settlers "dragged" the Mammoth along with them to Chusovaya.

    In Russian beliefs, it is argued that a ghost - a ginger cat - can be seen over the gold deposit. V folk tales the local Mammoth crossed with the Russian Golden Cat, and the Earth Cat appeared: it lives in the rocks of gold and is huge, like the Mammoth Beast.

    Good evening, dear readers of the Sprint-Answer website. In this article you can find out the correct answer to the tenth question in the TV game "Who want to be a millionaire?" for January 6, 2018... This was a rerun of the November 19, 2016 issue. The game was attended by Marat Basharov and Anastasia Volochkova. On the site you can find all the answers to the questions in this game.

    What was the name of Danila the master from Bazhov's tale in childhood?

    Pavel Petrovich Bazhov (January 15 (27), 1879, Sysert - December 3, 1950, Moscow) - Russian and Soviet revolutionary, writer, folklorist, publicist, journalist. He gained fame as the author of the Ural tales.

    "Malachite Box" ("Ural Tales") is a collection of tales by Pavel Bazhov, an example of literary processed "working folklore" of the Urals.

    "Stone Flower"
    Danila, who was called Nedokormysh in the village, was apprenticed to master Prokofich. Once he received an order from a clerk: to make a chiseled bowl on legs for the master according to a special drawing. The bowl turned out to be even, smooth, but Danila was dissatisfied: “Here is the most inferior flower, and you look at it - your heart rejoices. Well, and who will the cup please? " Then he heard that Malakhitnitsa had a stone flower in his possession, and lost his peace.

    A: Undergrowth
    B: Naughty
    C: Sad sack
    D: Undernourishment

    Correct answer to the tenth question: Under-feeding, it should be noted that the players took two clues when answering this question.

    They conceal a national flavor, descriptions of ordinary Russian people and combine reality with a fantastic beginning. In the essay "Stone Flower" the main character is a master craftsman named Danila. The author is talking about the adventures of a man in the work.

    Character creation history

    The character of Danila the Master had a prototype. It turned out to be Danila Zverev, masterly working with stone. Of course, the man did not work with malachite, which is considered a gem, and did not take his acquaintance with him. But this man introduced the writer to the mysterious world of natural stones.

    Describing the hero-craftsman, Bazhov combines several characteristics in his image at once. A master is a person who has a great store of knowledge and skills. The specialists working at the Ural factories adopted their skills from foreign colleagues.

    As hard workers, they were deeply respected. Danila, who worked without interruption, demonstrated the quality typical for workers in this field. A perfectionist, he tried to create a memorable creation. The connection with paganism in Russia is another nuance that the author of the tale draws attention to. To find out great secret, Danila goes to the mythical Mistress of the Copper Mountain, and not to divine providence.

    The book of works by Pavel Bazhov unites the stories of ordinary workers of the Urals, who learned to feel the "soul" of the stone and cleanse it from the shackles of rough material, creating unique things. The author mentions the severity of such labor, about how difficult life is for ordinary iron miners and those who sculpt unique works of art from soulless stone.

    It is curious that along with fictional characters and heroes, whose images are composed in the likeness of the masters familiar to the writer, in the plot there are also personalities whose names were known to the readers. A separate role is assigned to Ivanko Krylatko, under whose name Ivan Vushuev, the famous stone cutter, is described.

    Image in fairy tales

    The fairy tale "Stone Flower", published in 1938, was created with an eye to the Ural folklore. The tales of local residents supplemented Bazhov's compositions with traditional flavor. Along with fantastic details, the author also focuses on the dramatic background of the plot. Dream and reality, art and everyday life collide in the work.

    The biography of the protagonist is described in detail and becomes the basis storyline... From childhood, Danila was called "undernourished". The thin boy differed from his peers in dreaminess and thoughtfulness. He was observant. The adults, realizing that the hard work was too much for him, sent Danilushka to look after the cows. This task turned out to be difficult, because the boy often gazed at the objects around him, was fond of insects, plants and everything that caught his eye.

    The habit of looking closely to the details turned out to be useful when Danila was sent to study with the master Prokopich. The teenager had an amazing sense of beauty, which came in handy in the profession. He knew how best to work with stone and saw the disadvantages of the product and the advantages of the material. When Danila grew up, his taste, style of work and talent became the talk of the town. The patience and dedication with which the master sculpted was greatly appreciated by those around him and became the reason for the appearance of his outstanding products.

    Despite the praise, Danila strove for more. He dreamed of showing people the true power of the stone. The young man remembered the tales he had heard from the witch. They spoke of a stone flower that reveals the essence of beauty and brings misfortune. To get an unprecedented miracle, Danila went to bow to the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. She went to meet the master and presented a wonderful flower. Danila's consciousness clouded over, he lost his head. The master left his bride Katya and disappeared without a trace. It was rumored that he went into the service of the Mistress of the Copper Mountain.

    Danila's subsequent life is described by the author in the works "Mining Master" and "Fragile Twig". These tales were published in a collection called "Malachite Box". The main task of Bazhov was the idea to show the torment of the search for truth and harmony in creative work, the thirst to comprehend the beautiful.

    • The adaptation of the fairy tale took place for the first time in 1946. The director Alexander Ptushko decided to shoot the film. The film became a symbiosis of tales of a stone flower and a mining master. appeared in the picture in the image of Danila the master. The script was written by Bazhov himself. In 1947, the project was awarded a prize at the Cannes Film Festival and received the Stalin Prize.
    • In 1977, Oleg Nikolaevsky created a cartoon based on Bazhov's fairy tale. The puppet show also included the work of actors.
    • In 1978, Inessa Kovalevskaya shot a cartoon based on the work "Mining Master". The hand-drawn fairy tale is broadcast on television today.