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  • Who says to understand and forgive. Quotes on the topic “Understand and Forgive. That is, the Bearded Man is a fictional character

    Who says to understand and forgive.  Quotes on the topic “Understand and Forgive.  That is, the Bearded Man is a fictional character

    We all sin against each other, but few are able to repent before others. And in order for the relationship to resurrect, you need to come up and say: "I'm sorry." And if it is from the heart and from the heart they answer you, the evil will go away.

    Priest Alexy Potokin

    Forgiving and accepting forgiveness is an art. The art of forgiveness is that foolish forgiveness multiplies sin. Late forgiveness kills, while wise and timely forgiveness inspires.

    Priest Konstantin Kamyshanov

    You don't forgive others to heal them.
    You forgive others in order to heal yourself.

    Forgiveness does not change the past, but it liberates the future.

    If you suffer from the injustice of a bad person, forgive him, otherwise there will be two bad people.

    Augustine Aurelius

    Forgiving is a great gift.

    Moreover, it costs nothing.

    The best reaction to enemy criticism is to smile and forget.

    Vladimir Nabokov


    You need to be able to forgive. Many people think that forgiveness is a sign of weakness. But the words "I forgive you" do not mean at all - "I am too soft a person, therefore I cannot be offended and you can continue to spoil my life, I will not tell you a single word", they mean -" I will not allow the past to spoil my future and present, so I forgive you and let go of all insults.

    There is magic in forgiveness ... Magic of healing. As in the forgiveness that you give, so in the forgiveness that you yourself receive.

    It all starts with forgiveness. If we harbor resentment, it is a manifestation of pride. I don't take it as mine, I blame someone else for it. I do not understand that I am a Soul that has committed some wrong actions, and now these lessons are returning to me.

    If a person hurt you, do not answer him in kind, do good. You are a different person. You are better. Remember.

    One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: not to get hung up on troubles, not to live with resentment, not to revel in irritation, not to harbor anger ... You should not drag various rubbish into your soul.

    If people are judging or criticizing you, remember that more often than not, the very moment they criticize you, they think exclusively of themselves. Do not be angry or offended by them, just understand that it hurts people when they cannot oppose anything to what you are superior to.

    Being able to forgive and asking for forgiveness is the foundation for a lasting relationship. It is important to learn to sincerely and wholeheartedly say "Sorry" to each other instead of hurting each other with needles of reproaches and claims.

    Resentment and resentment are like poison that you drink in the hope that others will be poisoned. Happiness begins with forgiveness.

    Cassie Combden

    As soon as a person gets sick, he needs to look for someone in his Heart who needs to be forgiven.

    Forgiveness is the strongest of all victories.

    One little boy, when asked what forgiveness is, gave a wonderful answer: "It is the scent that a flower gives when trampled."

    The most essential science is the science of forgetting the unnecessary. Antisthenes.

    Your ability to love others ... and yourself ... is directly proportional to your willingness to forgive others and yourself.
    For example, instead of loving the parents you would like, try to learn to love the parents you have.
    To heal from past trauma, you will first have to get angry, mourn the loss, and finally forgive them all.
    You will not be able to completely forgive anyone until you are willing to voluntarily surrender the right to revenge and redress ... - forever.
    You don't forgive others to heal them.
    You forgive others in order to heal yourself.

    Chuck Hillig

    "You cannot defeat the enemy until you heal what you think is low in yourself."I Ching (Book of Changes)

    Very often in other people we painfully perceive precisely those actions, reactions, feelings with which we sin ourselves. And the real, true forgiveness of another person begins with the ability to see your own weaknesses and shortcomings.

    Perhaps we need to learn to forgive ourselves before we can allow others to forgive us for the wrong we have done to them, or before we ourselves can (in our souls or face to face) forgive them for the wrong they have done us.

    And you forget - and it will become easier.

    And you forgive - and there will be a Holiday.

    And you strive - and you will succeed ...

    Do not be stingy - and you will be rewarded!

    And it will come back to you - it will be rewarded ...

    And you believe - and they will!

    Start yourself - it will start all around!

    And you LOVE! And you will be credited!

    The ability to ignore is even more valuable than the ability to forgive. For we are forced to forgive what we have already attached importance to.

    Today is Forgiveness Sunday.

    Do not forget to ask forgiveness from everyone who has been offended in the past year.

    And also - do good deeds!

    Forgiveness Protects Our Heart
    Sometimes we forgive the offender, sometimes we keep the bitter feeling to ourselves, grieving or coming up with a way to take revenge. How does this affect our cardiovascular system? First, the participants in the experiment had to recall the case when they were severely offended. They were asked to imagine that they are taking revenge on the offender, and in order to warm up the resentment, remember how they suffered, what pain they experienced. Then they were asked to forgive their offender, try to find an explanation for his act, admit that all people have their own weaknesses ... Cardiograms and tomography readings left no doubt: negative emotions and resentment increase the heartbeat and increase blood pressure, and the manifestation of empathy immediately relieves stress. So now it is scientifically proven: to be offended is harmful.

    Are you already familiar with Ho "oponopono? This is a very simple spiritual practice that gives incredible results. The essence of the practice is that you open your heart and create a reality full of love and harmony with the words:
    1. "I love you."
    2. "Forgive me."
    3. "I'm sorry."
    4. "Thank you."
    The principal point of Ho "oponopono" is to assume 100% responsibility for everything that happens in the world, ie, not only for our actions, but in general for everything that we know or do not even suspect.

    On January 15, the cult and beloved character, the guard Beardach, returned to TNT in the series of the same name.

    The producer of the series and resident of the Comedy Club Semyon Slepakov told Ekaba about who Sashka Borodach fell in love with, where the phrase “Understand and forgive” came from, and why he reads a lot.

    - Semyon, how did you decide to create a separate project for such a popular character?

    We always liked the bearded man very much, everyone wanted to come up with some kind of project with him. We, in fact, took a long time to decide with Garik Martirosyan, because we understood the great responsibility of the implementation of this task - to take the people's favorite. Always wondering what if it doesn't work out? It is better to leave it as it is then. I am still worried because in such a long story it is necessary to show a person from all sides. Somewhere it turns out to be too harsh - in some moments I try to make it as touching as possible. But this is not very easy.

    Semyon, a love line appears in the series, is this an artistic decision or a natural development of the Bearded Man character?

    You are right, this is an artistic decision, therefore, initially, the episodes with Borodach in the project "Our Russia" were small, five minutes each. Since the timing of the episode in "The Bearded Man" is twenty-three minutes, then, of course, it was necessary to come up with such a plot, which would be followed by everyone. So the Bearded Man must fall in love! He, of course, takes care of him in a peculiar way, he does not succeed in many things, but he just says: "Love works miracles."

    - Why exactly this existing speech defect was chosen as such for Borodach?

    This is a very mysterious moment. Garik Martirosyan called me and said: "There is such Alexander Rodionovich Borodach, who is a security guard." And that's it, but where he came from is not clear. Misha Galustyan sometimes creates such peculiar images, we suggest something to him, he picks up, starts trying on himself. And then we think together who it could be and in what form.

    - That is, the Bearded fictional character?

    Yes, when we realized that he was a security guard, I started watching various videos on the Internet, in which a person talks to the camera about what he was doing. And such was the collective image: one said deplorable (we took this into the series), the other said: "Well, guys, do what you want!".

    - How did you select the actress for the role of Irishka? Why did you choose Anna Ukolova?

    Anya Ukolova is a very cool actresses! When we thought about whom Borodach might fall in love with, we thought that it could be a Russian, strong, beautiful, powerful woman, contradictory as Russia, at the same time, very attractive. We voiced this task to the director Zaur Bolotaev, he said that it should be Ukolova.

    - Anna immediately agreed to this role?

    She agreed. She has a very good sense of humor, she comes from Samara and has seen people like Sashka Borodach. She doesn't need to be told twice how to play everything. According to the script, she is a stripper and this will be attractive to the Bearded Man. It rotates in some spheres, but at the same time it is inaccessible to him.
    And who is the author of the phrase "Understand and Forgive"?
    Once we sat with Garik Martirosyan and thought what kind of catchy phrases Borodach could have. For example: "I don't know, guys!" "Fuck yourself!" (originally thought "Nichrome itself", but minimized the expression). In my opinion, "To understand and forgive" the phrase was invented by Garik.

    - Why is the Bearded Man so popular among the people? What is the secret of this great love for him?

    It seems to me that he has such a symbiosis: he absolute moron, but on the other hand - very touching. People like him very much, this is a classic Russian type. Such an Ivanushka the fool who wants everything to be for free, simpler, and somehow God protects him, carries him past troubles. Well, he gets stuck, but then he gets out. Such a Russian character. Wherever you go, such a guard sits everywhere.

    - Semyon, didn't you fantasize about who the Bearded Man could have been before he became a security guard?

    We did not think in detail, but it seemed to me that he did not serve in the army, did not study well at school and, probably, did not finish his studies. I got in touch with the bad guys. He works everywhere where nothing needs to be done, therefore, in fact, he works as a security guard. But it seems to me that he once worked where the TV broke down and read a lot. Maybe it was a library and he had to read, not of his own free will. Therefore, there was nothing to do, and until he was kicked out, he managed to read a couple of books. By the way, this explains the fact that sometimes Sasha Borodach speaks in such phrases.

    - How do you see the Bearded Man?

    He is kind, stupid. A person who is walking on a bad path, but has not yet reached the end. He is not lost to society, but he risks great. I, as an author, do not yet know how to save him. In general, the whole team that created the series "Beardach", "Our Russia" - we are very kind guys. We still want to sow what is rational, good and eternal. Even through such stupid examples that are on the verge.

    To understand everything - to forgive everything

    To understand everything - to forgive everything
    From Latin: Cognoscere ignoscere (cognoscere ignoscere).
    The original source of expression is the comedy "The Self-torturer" (Art. 218) by the Roman playwright Terentius (Publius Terentius Afr, c. 195 - 159 BC).
    This idea was popularized in the novel Corinna, or Italy (1807) by the French writer Germaine de Stael (1766-1817), which contains the phrase: Tout comprendre rend tres indulgent - To understand everything means to become very indulgent.
    The phrase is also known in the form: To understand is to forgive.
    The meaning of the expression: the one who understood the motives or circumstances in which the act was committed cannot but forgive the person who committed it.
    All is lost but honor cm. Everything is lost except honor.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M .: "Lokid-Press"... Vadim Serov. 2003.

    See what "Understand everything - forgive everything" in other dictionaries:

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