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  • Highly educated and successful people: what do they read in the morning? Books that inspire the world's most successful people What successful people read

    Highly educated and successful people: what do they read in the morning?  Books that inspire the world's most successful people What successful people read

    A successful person knows very well how important it is to read. For example, famous investor Warren Buffett reads eighty percent of his working time. So why famous people start the day? Let's take a look at morning reading options from some of the planet's top entrepreneurs.

    Warren Buffett reads national and local news in the morning

    The largest investor reports that he reads several of the most significant newspapers with news from both the financial world and the planet as a whole. There are six editions on his list at once - this is an impressive amount of information for one day, not to mention one morning! Nevertheless, it is precisely this attention to what is happening in the world that allows Warren to remain one of the most influential people in the world, so his example is worth paying attention to.

    President of the United States of America Donald Trump reads the news in a New York newspaper

    The President admits that he has never been a bibliophile. Nevertheless, he constantly monitors the news: he gets up at six in the morning and immediately turns on the issue, and then looks through the most important newspapers. According to journalists, they are advised to include his last name in the text more often - then he is guaranteed to read everything to the end, because he follows the mention of his name very carefully. He also enjoys reading conservative magazines.

    Mark Zuckerberg, unsurprisingly, starts the day on Facebook

    Founder of the most famous social network admits that he checks his phone before he gets out of bed and goes to the bathroom. He checks the social network to find out what's going on in the world, and then reads the messages. On a nice and calm day, it only takes him a few minutes. One way or another, he never changes his habit - his own social network allows him to always be aware of the news.

    Jeffrey Immelt reads newspapers in a certain way

    He usually reads newspapers from the middle, paying attention only to the sections he needs, usually related to financial news and stock exchange statistics. However, he also reads the sports section, and also sometimes looks through the news from the world of celebrities. This approach to reading the press allows him to save time and get only the information he needs.

    Bill Gates reads national newspapers and receives a daily digest

    The Microsoft founder starts his day with a daily digest of news on a variety of topics and receives regular notifications throughout the day. After the digest, he regularly reads several newspapers from the first to the last page, which he talks about in an interview. This allows him to always keep his finger on the pulse of what is happening.

    Jonah Peretti reads the business and sports sections on the way to work

    The founder of the entertainment portal Buzzfeed wakes up at eight-thirty and goes to work, reading magazines or newspapers along the way, he pays special attention to the sports and business sections. Like many other young business leaders, he also reads his feeds on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. A hands-on approach allows him to spend a minimum of time reading the news during the rest of the day.

    Kara Goldin wakes up early to check mail

    A successful entrepreneur believes that the morning is an extremely important part of the day, so she devotes that time to checking email and scheduling. She wakes up at five-thirty and immediately opens her mail, because it gives her a clear understanding of what the next twelve hours will look like and what priorities she should have for the day ahead. It should be noted that many leading entrepreneurs have a special attitude to the first hours of the working day.

    Howard Schultz has not changed his reading habits for twenty-five years.

    In 2006, the founder of the Starbucks network shared information about his habits in an interview. He usually gets up at five in the morning, drinks coffee and reads three newspapers. He has had this habit for more than twenty years, and he has absolutely no plans to change anything in the future.

    The entrepreneur says that a quiet morning moment when everyday life still on hiatus, very valuable: he can safely read the news and reply to e-mail. By starting the day so early, he gives himself the opportunity to keep himself organized and have an idea of ​​all the important news before he even starts work.

    Kat Cole kicks off the day with social media

    The famous businesswoman also gets up at five in the morning and starts the day by checking the calendar. After that, she visits all her social networks, pages with news and blogs of interest to her, reads e-mail and all other messages that came overnight. She is interested in latest news, urgent business issues, updates to information on innovative areas of her activities and anything that deserves attention and allows her to know about what is happening on the planet.

    Kevin O'Leary checks business news during morning workout

    The investor admits that he gets up before six in the morning, checks the state of the stock markets and watches the business TV channel for forty-five minutes while exercising. After that, he reads all the important business news for an hour. He is convinced that knowledge is power, so he tries to provide himself as detailed as possible about everything that happens in the world of finance, this takes most of his every morning.

    Gary Vaynerchuk pays attention to Twitter

    He starts his day by getting as much information as possible using a dedicated news and link aggregator. After that, he opens Twitter, which takes most of the morning: he replies to messages and starts conversations himself. After that, he opens Instagram to find out what is happening in the lives of friends.

    The Disney CEO gets up at four-thirty to read newspapers, surf the Internet, and check his email. This guarantees him all the information he needs. In addition to reading, he tries to find time for training.

    On the eve of school year the site will tell you which books are most often on the tables billionaires... So, welcome - Top 10 favorite volumes of the richest people.

    Bill Gates

    ... just loves the Catcher in the Rye novel by Jerome D. Salinger. This is a story about a 16-year-old teenager named Holden, who is acutely aware of the American reality, refusing to accept the rules by which society lives, and also criticizing public morality.

    Oprah Winfrey

    ... does not part with the book "To Kill a Mockingbird" by writer Harper Lee, who won the Pulitzer Prize for it in 1961. , written in the genre of an educational novel, tells the story of life in the provincial town of Alabama during the "Great Depression." Interestingly, the protagonist of this adult book is a 6-year-old girl.

    Mark Zuckerberg

    ... enjoys re-reading Ender's Game by writer Orson Scott Card. Science fiction novel is dedicated to the "eternal" struggle of earthlings with invaders-aliens.

    Warren Buffett

    ... more pragmatic. Favorite book billionaire- "Bull! A History of Boom and Bust "by Maggie Mahar. This is boring research of the stock market over a period of time. The book includes comments from well-known fund managers.

    Tim Cook

    … Reads Competing Against Time by George Stock. This edition has taught the current chapter the basics of a successful business.

    Donald Trump

    ... learns, from time to time, "The Power of Positive Thinking" by Norman Vincent Peel. This is a billionaire's handbook that reveals the secrets of various spiritual practices that help to overcome problems, gain self-confidence, and find the path to success.

    Larry Ellison

    ... is interested in politics and history, which is why he likes the book Napoleon by Vincent Cronin. The author presents Bonaparte in a favorable light, as an innovator, reformer and, in general, a cultured person.

    Richard Branson

    ... fascinated by an epic story Battle of Stalingrad... A book about World War II called Stalingrad by writer Anthony Beevor is his favorite.

    Jack Dorsey,

    creator of the popular Twitter resource, read out by Atul Gawande's Checklist Manifesto. Making checklists, apparently, billionaire and achieved success in life.

    Steve Jobs

    ... was a real philosopher. The billionaire kept in his library "King Lear" by Shakespeare, the works of Plato, "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville, "The Innovator's Dilemma" by Clayton.

    Not a single rich person will say that there is nothing useful in books and that it is better to watch TV.

    Books like nothing else develop a worldview, enriching a person spiritually, and smoothly flowing into the material. What books do millionaires and billionaires read, what inspires them and pushes them to success?

    The richest man on the planet is fascinated by the story of an obstinate teenager in Jerome Salinger's cult book “ Over Abyss in the Rye". Gates is not original - the novel, vividly and realistically conveying the teenager's attitude, is very popular and has been translated into almost all languages ​​of the world. From nonfiction, Microsoft founder likes “ Business Adventure"- a collection of stories about the business and financial life of America, prepared by journalist John Brooks. By the way, another millionaire recommended this book to Gates.

    The founder of the company prioritizes useful books. One of my favorites - " Bull! History of boom and bust"Maggie Mahara. In a bleak stock market study, what a successful investor Buffett has of particular value is the comments of large fund managers. In 2003, Buffett made an original act - in the annual report of his company he included a list of books recommended for reading. Besides “ Bull ..."In the list of memoirs of the US Treasury Secretary" In this uncertain world: difficult decisions from Wall Street to Washington"Recorded by Jacob Weisberg and Robert Rubin, and an investigation into a major Enron scandal," The smartest guys in this room By Bethany McLean and Peter Elkind. Of course, one cannot fail to mention the first book by Warren Buffett, which made him who he is - "" by Bendjim Graham. It was this book that turned the life of a young investor and made him think differently. According to the principles described in this book, Buffett lives on to this day.

    The millionaire elected president of America chooses to read books on spiritual practices. Darling - " The power of positive thinking"Norman Vincent Peel. Who knows, maybe it was these secret methods of the author, recommendations and parting words set forth in the book that helped Trump to withstand and not lose optimism, and brilliantly win the presidential race.

    The richest woman in show business rereads " To Kill a Mockingbird"Harper Lee. The story of a six-year-old girl living in a provincial town during the "Great Depression" won the TV presenter's heart from the first reading. Winfrey once said that she had read the novel for the first time in school. The book impressed the young Oprah so much that for several days she could not talk about anything other than the little heroine and the ordeal that befell her. The Pulitzer Prize-winning book has remained a lifelong favorite.

    Mark Zuckerberg

    The founder leans towards classical works, and most of all he likes the work of Virgil “ Aeneid". At the same time, on his page on the social network, Mark calls his favorite book “ Ender's game»Orson Scott Card. Facebook users immediately drew an analogy between the hero of the book and Zuckerberg - both of them performed outstanding deeds at a young age. One - saved the world from an alien invasion, the other - created the most "populous" social network and received the title " the youngest millionaire in history».

    Founder of a large international conglomerate Virgin group immersed in history. Among Branson's favorite books is a description great battle World War II " Stalingrad"By Anthony Beevor and Yun Zhang's biographical novel about 20th century China" Wild swan". The latter is still banned in China.

    A lover of historical literature is also the head Oracle... And his passion for Vincent Cronen's book “ Napoleon”Can be explained by the fact that the author presents Bonaparte in an extremely favorable light - not only as a commander and a decisive statesman, but also as an intelligent politician and reformer.

    Resource originator Twitter devoted to the book of Atul Gawande " Checklist Manifesto". Torsi became so convinced in the power and effectiveness of the checklists recommended by the author that he even made a rule: every new employee of his company Square a starter pack with the millionaire's favorite book is handed over.

    Founder of the company Amazon- a versatile person. Loves like fiction and nonfiction works. Among business books, Bezos singles out the work of Jim Collins and Jerry Porras “ Built to Last: Success for Companies with a Vision". Probably, the analysis of the activities of large corporations, set out in the book, helps the millionaire to run his business successfully. From the classics, the book magnate adores " The rest of the day"Kazuo Ishiguro. This Booker Prize-winning novel is considered by Bezos to be the ideal book.

    Apple CEO the best book considers the work of George Stock " Competing against time". Moreover, Cook is sure that it was this work with its main postulate “time is the secret weapon of business” that taught the millionaire how to do business competently and, as a result, to prosper business.

    The handbook of the president and CEO of the company is Niall Ferguson's voluminous work “ Rise of money. Financial history of the world". In general, Kent is a fan of books that analyze economic and business processes, but he considers this work to be one of the best.

    President of the corporation ExxonMobil, the largest oil and gas company, chooses large-scale and ambitious books. The first among the favorites is Ayn Rand's dystopian work “ Atlas Shrugged". Probably, the fuel tycoon is impressed by the scope and uncompromising character of this colossal novel, both in concept and volume, and in terms of its effect on the reader. By the way, Ayn Rand is from Russia, from St. Petersburg, who emigrated to America in the 1920s.

    Because of his literary predilections, Jobs was called " philosopher". And he loved Shakespeare, especially the play “ King Lear", Repeatedly reread the complex, full of drama novel by Herman Melville" Moby dick". Of the business works in particular honor, Jobs had a book by Harvard Business School professor Clayton Christensen “ The innovator's dilemma". Curiously, this book is not about business success. It's about failure.

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    Reading develops imagination, memory and expands your vocabulary. This is also why many successful people are relentlessly encouraged to read more. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Richard Branson and other richest people on the planet talked about their favorite works, which definitely should be given time.

    We are in site decided to compile a selection of books that billionaires advise everyone to read.

    Bill Gates, former head of Microsoft

    Gates periodically publishes collections of books on his website that inspire him. He explains that reading is a favorite way to indulge the imagination despite the large number of meetings with interesting people... And here are 5 recent pieces that Gates recommends not to put on the back burner:

    Richard Branson, head of Virgin

    Branson compiled a selection of works for several years in a row on World Book Day which, in his opinion, should be read throughout life. These include children's books, fiction and nonfiction. Here are 5 books that the billionaire thinks everyone should read:

    • Mark Twain "The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn"
    • Douglas Adams "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy"
    • Matthew Syed "Black Core Thinking"
    • Carl Sagan "Cosmos"
    • Peter Diamandis "Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think"

    Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, chairman of the board of directors of Tesla

    When Elon Musk is asked how he learned to build rockets, he simply replies: "I read books." And it seems to us that this The best way prove the benefits of reading. Musk himself did not compile lists of his favorite books, but in various interviews and personal conversations, he gladly talks about them.

    • John R. R. Tolkien "The Lord of the Rings"
    • Walter Isaacson "Benjamin Franklin: American Life"
    • Nick Bostrom "Superintelligence: Ways, Dangers, Strategies"
    • Robert Heinlein "The Moon is a Harsh Mistress"
    • James Barratt "The Last Invention of Humanity"

    Jeff Bezos, head of Amazon

    At the end of Brad Stone's book Jeff Bezos and the Amazon Era is a list of books that Bezos has read and recommended to his employees. And here are 5 of them:

    • Kazuo Ishiguro "The Rest of the Day"
    • Sam Walton Made in America. How I Created Wal-Mart "
    • Jim Collins “Built to Last. Success for companies with a vision "
    • Mark Jeffrey "Data Driven Marketing"
    • Nassim Taleb “Black Swan. Under the sign of unpredictability "

    Anastasia Sergeeva

    Books that inspire the world's most successful people

    A successful person must be not only calculating, cunning and decisive, but also smart, competent and comprehensively developed, which cannot be achieved without reading literature. Therefore, we decided to collect in this article those books that motivate and inspire the most influential and successful people in the world to create and implement brilliant ideas.

    "Benjamin Franklin. Biography ", Walter Isaacson

    One of the most famous entrepreneurs of our time, founder of SpaceX and general manager Tesla Inc., inventor, billionaire and simply versatile personality Elon Musk spends his leisure time appropriately, devoting most of his time to reading fiction, scientific and specialized literature. It is not surprising that the books that motivate this businessman include the biography of an equally versatile person and a real role model - the American politician Benjamin Franklin.

    “Built to last. Success for Companies with a Vision ", Jim Collins

    Jeff Bezos, founder of one of the largest online marketplaces Amazon, cites the creation of Jim Collins and Jerry Porras as the book that motivates him. The book examines the largest and most influential American corporations that have been able to achieve truly long-term success: these are Hewlett-Packard, Sony, Walt Disney and others. Feel free to read if you are interested in their experience and want to apply some proven techniques in your own business.

    "It Won't Be Easy" by Ben Horowitz

    Dennis Young, the founder of the large online self-education platform Udemy, also reads motivational books - and one of them is a book by respected business guru Ben Horowitz, which tells about how to properly lead and develop startups. In the book, the author examines a lot of problems faced by aspiring entrepreneurs and managers, and explains how to solve them. “It won't be easy” teaches you to take responsibility for your decisions, and also not to rely on luck and happy accidents.

    The Innovator's Dilemma by Clayton Christensen

    If you're interested in the top motivating books by the recently retired entrepreneur and engineer Steve Jobs, who led Apple to success, then check out business thinker Clayton Christensen's opus on the role of innovation in the fate of large companies. For those who have recently opened their own business and are successfully developing it, this book will be especially useful, because it tells why it is during this period of doing business that it can be easily destroyed.

    Competition Against Time by George Stoke Jr.

    Tim Cook, who succeeded Steve Jobs, also has his own inspiring books, and chief among them is "Competition Against Time" by George Stock Jr. and Thomas Hout. It was thanks to her that he discovered the importance of the correct organization of the processes of development, production and sales of goods, which will bring success to the company if they are connected in series into an integral chain that works like a clock.

    The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley

    The bestselling science journalist Matt Ridley, who urges everyone to read the founder of the world's largest social network, Mark Zuckerberg, will help you gain optimistic thoughts and feel pride in humanity, talking about books that motivate. At the same time, you will find out why there are so many myths about the latest developments around, and look at them from a completely new angle.

    The Rise of Money by Niall Fergusson

    The CEO of the Coca-Cola Company, Mukhtar Kent, in the books that motivate, without fail brings Fergusson's "The Ascent of Money". It was this opus that helped him to better understand the essence of the world financial system and the causes of the economic crisis. The book provides us with a solid analysis of the long journey that money has gone from ancient times to the present, and helps to sort out the main financial misconceptions.

    Business Adventure by John Brooks

    And here are the books that motivate Bill Gates himself, the creator and shareholder of the well-known Microsoft company! Warren Buffett himself, one of the richest people in the world, advised him to read Business Adventures, and Gates did not regret the time spent: the book became one of his favorites. It was she who prompted him that, despite the change of generations, the basic principles of business management remain unchanged, and it is simply necessary to rely on the knowledge of the past in business.

    The Design of Everyday Things by Donald Norman

    Among the books that motivate them, many successful entrepreneurs mostly cite the seo books of the last decade, but Yahoo President Marissa Mayer is inspired by the classic book for businessmen, which was written 30 years ago and has not lost its relevance. Once you have read it, you yourself will begin to think about why the objects of your everyday life were created exactly as they are now, what are their benefits for you as a consumer, and how to make a new product that meets these standards.

    "Checklist", Atul Gawande

    One of the most successful entrepreneurs on the Internet, the founder of the popular Twitter service Jack Dorsey, calls the bestseller Atul Gawande as a book that motivates and helps him in his work. It is noteworthy that the book can be applied with equal success to the optimization of activities in the entrepreneurial sphere, and in any other. If you feel that you are not able to complete all tasks on time or in the way you would like, then turn to this book for the skill of creating checklists.

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