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  • Saying famous people about the Cossacks. We will shift the word about the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. Van Qiang and Huhhanye

    Saying famous people about the Cossacks. We will shift the word about the Trans-Baikal Cossacks. Van Qiang and Huhhanye

    Essays on the history of the Cossacks of Don and the Lower Volga. "The border spawned the Cossacks, and the Cossacks created Russia." L.N. Tolstoy Volgograd region is the cradle of three Cossack troops: Donskoy, Astrakhan and Volzhsky. Each Cossack troops has its own way, their own story, but a lot and in common. The Russian Cossacks played an outstanding role in the formation, territorial expansion, protection and strengthening of the Russian state. For a centuries-old history, the Cossacks did a huge creative work, filled with numerous exploits and victories, as well as adversities and losses that dropped into heroic and tragic fate Russian Cossacks. As a special ethnocultural community, the Cossacks managed to create a unique system of organization and management, which was based on democratic principles of democratic principles. The experience of the Cossack Public Being is great value and worthy of deep and long study. In the chronological sequence, this publication includes the most important historical periods and events of formation, development, decline and the new revival of the ethnocultural generality of the Cossacks within the country and the Volgograd region. Therefore, the presentation of local material is given in close linking with the history of the Russian state. On specific historical events and examples showing an outstanding role of Cossack societies and individual personalities In the ministry of the Fatherland, the military-patriotic traditions of the Cossacks of Don and the Lower Volga, the richest reservoir of the spiritual culture, life and the way of life of the Cossacks from the origin to this day are illuminated. The study of the history of the Cossacks of the native Territory in the time frame of the I part of the essays is designed to ensure the formation of young people, including the Cossack, feelings of patriotism, love for the Fatherland, tolerance, respect for the history and culture of all ethnic groups of Russia, to strengthen friendship and cooperation between the peoples of our country. The publication includes the introduction and eight chapters, as well as a list of references used in the preparation of the benefit and recommended for further study of the history of the Cossacks. After each chapter formulated questions and tasks aimed at securing the material passed, strengthening cognitive activity Pupils by attracting additional sources to study, including archival documentary, Cossack folklore, artwork and live certificates. In all chapters of the publication, the authors sought to pay special attention to personalities, bring them a brief biographical certificate, give an explanation of incomprehensible words and terms, illustrate the presentation of the material with the corresponding cards. The publication is intended primarily for students of young people, as well as for all interested history of the Cossacks. These essays represent the I part covering historic period The origin of the Cossacks of Don and the Lower Volga is notacuated by the events of the I World War. I. Tolstopyatov, K.I.N, Doc., Fall. Worker RSFSR

    Sayings about the Cossacks of prominent Russian emigrants.

    According to the role of the Cossacks in the life of the Russian state, commander of the royal army, historians, writers, political figures who lived in emigration. The statements are taken from the book "Cossacks. The thoughts of contemporaries about the past, present and the future of the Cossacks ", published by the" Cossack Union "in Paris in 1928.

    A. P. Bogaevsky, Don Ataman, Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army.

    ... Personally, I, Natural Don Cossack, with pride I remember the glorious past of the Cossacks relative to me and cheerfully, with a bright hope I think about his future.The phenomenon of exclusively Russian historical life, which was not in any state of the world, - Cossacks from the rivest Wolitsa, boldly fantastic with the militant neighbors, gradually turns into an inseparable part of the Russian state, but with a special, way of life and its customs, and becomes faithful knight Russia.Of course, not all in his past was good. There were times when the Donctions, Urals and other Cossacks are a lot of trouble and trouble delivered to the Russian government ...However, all this did not prevent the Cossacks in the grave days of Russia's life to give it not to protect all their strength.Bright examples of this - the polls (from 17 years) participation in Patriotic War 1812 of the Don Troops, exposing over 50,000 fighters, of which died to 20,000; in Crimean war - 82,000; in Great War - Up to 300,000 people, and the voltage of the Cossack troops in this war was so great that, for example, Kuban, in 1916, was no longer able to expose the Cossacks ...Whatever future power in Russia, Cossack troops will exist. Common sense suggests that the state needs such a healthy, cheerful population accustomed to the order. Cossacks will obey all the new power, which will give order and the opportunity to easily work. It is not going to separate from Russia at all and form its fantastic Cossack republics, as some of our "self-like" dream about it. Cossacks well understand that, in addition to moral grounds, such a department will cause an infinite number of all complications not only in intercourse with Russia, which Cossacks cannot consider someone else's power, but also inside the troops when they have to count on their strength.But at the same time, the ready to serve Russia, as the inseparable part of it, the Cossacks have the right to the internal self-government and the liberation of it from the exceptional guardianship, which manifested itself before the revolution in such, sometimes strange forms, such as the closure of Cossack educational institutions In the 1980s.With his elected circle and elected from their Cossacks Ataman, each army will quickly reach full order and well-being ...

    A. I. Denikin, Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army

    1) In the old days, the Cossacks were a reliable stronghold of Russian state borders on a wild field, in Caucasian tesns, in Siberian expanses and conductor there are Russian power there. Cossack Volnitsa delivered a lot of hassle "Moscow" (central governments) and even entered with her in armed clashes. But this inner inter part, caused, in addition to the causes of socio-economic, non-harmony centralization, from above and unlimited sometimes freedom, does not diminish, however, that important historical grew, which the Cossacks played in the addition of the Russian state.2) In the later history of Russia, the Cossacks are incorporated, established. It lives on the lands of the prisoners, away from the theaters of wars, in conditions of the life of everywhere of the life of the life, firmly established economic defendant and famous welfare. These circumstances did Cossacks less susceptible to revolutionary ideas. After all, and in the old days they risen more puzzled, and not the domain Cossacks. And the Cossacks were honest, not knowing desertion, pollest military serviceBy participating in all wars led by Russia. And in the inner life, it was not the "blind gun in the hands of the government," as the radical public believed, and the conscious state-guardian beginning.3) With the beginning of the revolution, the Cossacks were confused. "To go against the people" it did not want, and the people "Monday". Hence - oscillations, transitions, falls ...4) In these troubled years, the Cossack Massa never also showed the desire for separation from Russia. Cossack Starin did not get along with the communal elements - it's true. Both sides are one in defending state interests, the other - Cossack Valivity, - crossed the boundaries of the required. But only a part of the Cossack Rights was sickly sickly - some delusions, others - selflessly. Such ideas like "Kubans are an independent branch of the Slavic tribe" ... or about the "independent Cossack nation", they were born in the people of mourn head or with a sales conscience and did not have, they cannot have a response in the Cossack mass, conscious of the blood and to the bones of Russian .5) The future of the Cossacks seems to be in this form.The state will release the Cossacks from the carrying of excessive burden, but also does not give them to special privileges against the other sons. This last circumstance is not scary to the Cossacks, since the future of the Russian state is thinking as regional, on the basis of the abstractness of power and wide local autonomy. If on cultural and economic conditions the limits of autonomy will be different, then the Cossacks that inhabit solid territories are entitled to the most favorable conditions of self-government. Within it, no doubt, the Cossacks will freely maintain those forms of power, management, households and life, which are consecrated by the historical tradition and Him with Luba.

    N. D. Avksentyev, former Minister of Temporary Government.

    ... attachment to the forms of their public household, its self-government - the result of the habit of self-government and the ability to appreciate and use it. Attraction to self-organization. Ability, perseverance, resourcefulness and ability to adapt to new conditions, without refusing, however, from its individual or national. Finally, the large, interior love for his small homeland is the Cossack regions, combined with love for the Motherland big - to Russia.I know, of course, about the movement of self-sufficiency among the Cossacks, I know about the disagreements between some groups, and about certain failures in the landing on land. But despite this, for most Cossacks, I consider it true to my characteristic ...

    MA Aldanov, Russian Writer.

    ... the concept of the Cossack and in itself is not quite definitely. If I'm not mistaken, in Russia existed (and exist?) 11 of the Cossack troops - nor in anthropological terms, nor in a service-than-noar, nor even in everyday life they constitute a homogeneous whole.The future of the Cossacks, of course, is closely related to the future of Russia. It does not have to prove it: very rarely strike out from history - century.The excellent feature of the Cossacks, about which you mention and, due to which the Cossacks were called free, is together and the strongest, and weak side ...

    N. I. Astrov, public figure.

    Cossacks are a peculiar phenomenon of Russian history. This is a kind of effective force who participated in the construction of the Russian state ...But together with the Russian people, as an inseparable part of him, it created his borders, being a border stronghold of the Russian Earth, not only colonimalized his distant outskirts, and, together with the Russian people, created the economic welfare and power of Russia.Whatever cunning conjectures and deserted intricacies in our gloomy days in large and small foreign and, to the shame of our Russian political cuisines, no matter how eager demagogues and traitors to tear the Cossacks from Russia, proclaiming him by the special Cossack people, the creative participation of the Cossacks in The history of Russia is imprinted by blood. And this stamp is forever. Its "fire will not melt, no water" ...The fate of the Cossacks is the fate of the Russian people. And the more closely there will be interaction between them, the stronger the organic and spiritual connection, the sooner this fate will change and will clarify. Moreover, freecarriage will arise in free Russia.Throughout a long history, Cossacks not only served as a state. It fought for his favorite ideals of equality and self-government, which did not exercise in general state orders ...The path to deliverance is not in separatism, not in the dismemberment of Russia and in the implementation began to be true democracy. Under these conditions, the exercise of old covenants will find themselves in the expensive dreams of free Cossacks.

    A.F. Kerensky, former chairman of the Provisional Government.

    ... In the future, internal free and federal Russia will not have any reasons to psychological alienation between the individual household groups of the Russian people.Including Cossacks in the concept of the Russian people, I do not attend the peculiar identity of the Cossack regions. The variety of local political and social entities only enriches the All-Russian culture, multiplies the creative opportunities of the people and the state is fastened.It is quite natural that in the new conditions of free domestic state construction, the Cossacks within its regions will erase the line between themselves and the so-called nonresident. After all, some local estate-military pre-revolutionary "privileges" only covered the exclusive military burrs that carried the Cossacks and who actually cut the economic power of him in the root ...

    A. A. Kismetter, a former member of the State Duma, Historian, Professor.

    Two conditions seem necessary to ensure that Russian Cossacks amounted to the fruitful element in the process of the internal dispensation of future Russia:

    1. Future Russian state power will have to build political unity. Russia is not a suppression of local characteristics of individual regions of the state, but on the development of their internal amateur activities. Therefore, the Cossack region will have to preserve the historically established peculiarity of their lifefall.

    2. The Cossacks itself should not be reversed in its environment with two fraught hazardous consequences:

    a) the idealization of the whole historical past, in which there were far from the "beginning of equality and fraternity", but also a pronounced social struggle between the upper and lower layers of the Cossacks with all the inevitable consequences of such social dismissal and inequality also affected.

    b) the desire to break the historical tradition, which consisted in the fact that the Cossacks always thought of themselves with an integral element of community statehood and its self-propelled self-defense against external enemies; This genuine historical tradition is now distorted by those representatives of the Cossacks, which, in favor of self-sufficient trends and a contrary to the historical truth, nominated the theories that the Cossacks have a special nation, separate from the Russian people.Respect for genuine historical traditions that are not distorted in the coating of biased trends, in conjunction with sober political realism - this is what can serve as the only reliable key to further succeed in the Cossacks, as one of the independent cells of the Russian state body.

    General P. P. Scoropadsky, former Hetman of Ukraine.

    ... Unfortunately, in the spontaneous times, flows are replete with flows pushing to straighten and to destroy the present in the name of the past or the future. These currents, negative inherently give us a victory to the third ... But the formula "independence and the union", which laid in 1918 by the cornerstone of the agreement of independent Ukrainians with the Vereviki Donskoy Donskoy, did not lose its importance. On the contrary. The last and present indicate that all those who want to avoid new shocks, bloodshed and fratricide in the future should be bowed to this formula, for it gives breadth and flexibility for the organic resolution of national, economic, social and political antagonisms on the basics of friendly allocations and thereby Promotes the voltage of energies towards creativity, not destruction.Only this path, directed beyond extremes, can lead to community and elaboration between neighbors ...

    P. B. Struve, Academician, public and politician.

    For someone in meaningfully peering in the history of Russia - Russia, there is no question of whether the Cossacks have justified their being as special and peculiar strength.Cossack Volnitsa played a twofold role in Russia's history.First, as the only freestyle force in the rest of Russia, as the only free "world" in the Great Russian Sea of \u200b\u200b"worlds".So it was before the liberation of Russia, which began in 1762 and completed on its basis in 1861.Secondly, as the world or worlds are freely organized, their liberty assembled into certain military fraternities among the rest of the free sprayed romance of the Russian people - Cossacks, or, more precisely, the Cossacks were and remain the only phenomenon in Russian political reality. Cossacks are not the essence of the state and at the same time they are not just free community chance and temporarily descended by the historical wind of the dustpieces of the people.In the future, the state construction of the Great Russia of the Cossacks (I deliberately use the multiple number) is stronger than before, I will define, it is necessary to think my state character and at the same time, becoming more self-defined ("autonomous"), it is also brighter to discover its original nature. Wolitsa.How it will happen, no one can say, but all Russian Cossacks and non-zakas, it is necessary to understand and think over the great historical value at the same time the living value of the Cossacks. Cossacks have a great past, but he has the future, and is a great calling in this future.

    MM Fedorov, former minister (before the revolution).

    ... The Cossacks were one of the main towers and conductors of Russian culture, the Russian language, Russian statehood, and in this sense, the historical role is indisputable. Both free, and serve the Cossacks have always carried Russia. The Great Trials of the Great Test Cossacks in their most remained the faithful Russian state idea and defended Russian state unity ...

    A. I. Kookin, Russian writer.

    Let my eyes do not see the happiness of Russia, but just like it is unshakable I believe in the coming health and renewal of the Great Russia, I believe in the future inseparable connection of the Cossacks with her. For this, the century of general history, common wars, a common religion, common interests, common language. I confess: the boundary, private interests and the question of the shape of the fraternal union are for me in the second plan. I only know that the Cossack will never come to rave about self-peculiarity, prompted by artificial chauvinism and a naught spoon. An old beautiful formula is valuable for me: "We caulate, Belokamena Moscow, and we are the Cossacks, in the quiet Don."For our descendants, the Cossack liberty will be covered. Justice requires to say that the government of pre-revolutionary times was not particularly careful with them, even remembered the former troubles and disturbing years. But the union with a free man is stronger than the union with a man of ancient one ...

    A. S. Lukomsky, Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army.

    Cossacks have blood from the blood, flesh from the flesh of the Russian people. In it, often in exacerbated form is reflected both positive and negative features of the nature of the people who highlighted the Cossacks from their environment.Cossack history There is a history of expanding the Russian state, its strengthening and its construction. Having played an exceptional role in its importance in the expansion of Russia, Cossacks at the same time, in all periods of life of Russia, both with external complications and during the periods of internal resources, almost always a selfless devotion to the general homeland helped overcome the impending disasters and contributed to the strengthening of the central state power.

    P. N. Milyukov, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government, Historian, Professor.

    ... the strength of the "wide beginnings of the absenteeism, fraternity, equality" specified in the "questionnaire". Obviously, these features will have to strengthen and develop in Democratic-Republican Russia. And it is only possible to rejoice that these principles who separate them from the old Russia live in the minds of the Cossacks and make it easier for them to transition to Russia. The "weak" parties of the Cossacks, I think, generally with such parties to communional life. The nature of the class privilege separating the Cossacks from other groups of the population, the insufficient culture of the agricultural mass, which is peculiar to this level of vice enlightenment, which has not passed from the instinct into consciousness, a sense of solidarity, both local and all-Russian, is not threatened by the further existence of the Cossacks, but is subject to Mitigating and eliminating in the situation of the national development, which will be given new Russia.... It is also impossible to subordinate the life interests of the Cossacks party, political trends, whose supporters argue approximately as:- Cossacks have a class, it became, for its existence, a class unit is needed, and therefore the monarchy needs.We will not argue, whether the Cossacks are estimated. But their history is not at all easy. There were Cossacks without monarchs. And there are monarchies without Cossacks. And if the monarchist is able to think state, he must come to the same conclusions that are mandatory for the state-thinking Republican ...

    According to the role of the Cossacks in the life of the Russian state, commander of the royal army, historians, writers, political figures who lived in emigration. The statements are taken from the book "Cossacks. The thoughts of contemporaries about the past, present and the future of the Cossacks ", published by the" Cossack Union "in Paris in 1928.

    A. P. Bogaevsky, Don Ataman, Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army.

    ... Personally, I, Natural Don Cossack, with pride I remember the glorious past of the Cossacks relative to me and cheerfully, with a bright hope I think about his future.
    The phenomenon of exclusively Russian historical life, which was not in any state of the world, - Cossacks from the rivest Wolitsa, boldly fantastic with the militant neighbors, gradually turns into an inseparable part of the Russian state, but with a special, way of life and its customs, and becomes faithful knight Russia.
    Of course, not all in his past was good. There were times when the Donctions, Urals and other Cossacks are a lot of trouble and trouble delivered to the Russian government ...
    However, all this did not prevent the Cossacks in the grave days of Russia's life to give it not to protect all their strength.
    The bright examples of this - the midstock (from 17 years) participation in the Patriotic War of 1812 of the Don Troops, exposing over 50,000 fighters, of which until 20,000 died; In the Crimean War - 82,000; In the Great War - up to 300,000 people, and the tension of the Cossack troops in this war was so great that, for example, Kuban, in 1916, was no longer able to expose Cossacks ...
    Whatever future power in Russia, Cossack troops will exist. Common sense suggests that the state needs such a healthy, cheerful population accustomed to the order. Cossacks will obey all the new power, which will give order and the opportunity to easily work. It is not going to separate from Russia at all and form its fantastic Cossack republics, as some of our "self-like" dream about it. Cossacks well understand that, in addition to moral grounds, such a department will cause an infinite number of all complications not only in intercourse with Russia, which Cossacks cannot consider someone else's power, but also inside the troops when they have to count on their strength.
    But at the same time, the ready to serve Russia, as the inseparable part of it, the Cossacks have the right to the internal self-government and the release of it from the exceptional guardianship, which manifested itself before the revolution in such, sometimes strange forms, such as the closure of Cossack educational institutions in the 80- x year.
    With his elected circle and elected from their Cossacks Ataman, each army will quickly reach full order and well-being ...

    A. I. Denikin, Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army

    1) In the old days, the Cossacks were a reliable stronghold of Russian state borders on a wild field, in Caucasian tesns, in Siberian expanses and conductor there are Russian power there. Cossack Volnitsa delivered a lot of hassle "Moscow" (central governments) and even entered with her in armed clashes. But this inner inter part, caused, in addition to the causes of socio-economic, non-harmony centralization, from above and unlimited sometimes freedom, does not diminish, however, that important historical grew, which the Cossacks played in the addition of the Russian state.
    2) In the later history of Russia, the Cossacks are incorporated, established. It lives on the lands of the prisoners, away from the theaters of wars, in conditions of the life of everywhere of the life of the life, firmly established economic defendant and famous welfare. These circumstances did Cossacks less susceptible to revolutionary ideas. After all, and in the old days they risen more puzzled, and not the domain Cossacks. And the Cossacks were honest, not knowing desertion, the livestock military service, participating in all wars under Russia. And in the inner life, it was not the "blind gun in the hands of the government," as the radical public believed, and the conscious state-guardian beginning.
    3) With the beginning of the revolution, the Cossacks were confused. "To go against the people" it did not want, and the people "Monday". Hence - oscillations, transitions, falls ...
    4) In these troubled years, the Cossack Massa never also showed the desire for separation from Russia. Cossack Starin did not get along with the communal elements - it's true. Both sides are one in defending state interests, the other - Cossack Valivity, - crossed the boundaries of the required. But only a part of the Cossack Rights was sickly sickly - some delusions, others - selflessly. Such ideas like "Kubans are an independent branch of the Slavic tribe" ... or about the "independent Cossack nation", they were born in the people of mourn head or with a sales conscience and did not have, they cannot have a response in the Cossack mass, conscious of the blood and to the bones of Russian .
    5) The future of the Cossacks seems to be in this form.
    The state will release the Cossacks from the carrying of excessive burden, but also does not give them to special privileges against the other sons. This last circumstance is not scary to the Cossacks, since the future of the Russian state is thought of as regional, on the basis of the dispersal of power and wide local autonomy. If on cultural and economic conditions the limits of autonomy will be different, then the Cossacks that inhabit solid territories are entitled to the most favorable conditions of self-government. Within it, no doubt, the Cossacks will freely maintain those forms of power, management, households and life, which are consecrated by the historical tradition and Him with Luba.

    N. D. Avksentyev, former Minister of Temporary Government.

    ... attachment to the forms of their public household, its self-government - the result of the habit of self-government and the ability to appreciate and use it. Attraction to self-organization. Ability, perseverance, resourcefulness and ability to adapt to new conditions, without refusing, however, from its individual or national. Finally, the large, interior love for his small homeland is the Cossack regions, combined with love for the Motherland big - to Russia.
    I know, of course, about the movement of self-sufficiency among the Cossacks, I know about the disagreements between some groups, and about certain failures in the landing on land. But despite this, for most Cossacks, I consider it true to my characteristic ...

    MA Aldanov, Russian Writer.

    ... the concept of the Cossack and in itself is not quite definitely. If I'm not mistaken, in Russia existed (and exist?) 11 of the Cossack troops - nor in anthropological terms, nor in a service-than-noar, nor even in everyday life they constitute a homogeneous whole.
    The future of the Cossacks, of course, is closely related to the future of Russia. It does not have to prove it: very rarely strike out from history - century.
    The excellent feature of the Cossacks, about which you mention and, due to which the Cossacks were called free, is together and the strongest, and weak side ...

    N. I. Astrov, public figure.

    Cossacks are a peculiar phenomenon of Russian history. This is a kind of effective force who participated in the construction of the Russian state ...
    But together with the Russian people, as an inseparable part of him, it created his borders, being a border stronghold of the Russian Earth, not only colonimalized his distant outskirts, and, together with the Russian people, created the economic welfare and power of Russia.
    Whatever cunning conjectures and deserted intricacies in our gloomy days in large and small foreign and, to the shame of our Russian political cuisines, no matter how eager demagogues and traitors to tear the Cossacks from Russia, proclaiming him by the special Cossack people, the creative participation of the Cossacks in The history of Russia is imprinted by blood. And this stamp is forever. Its "fire will not melt, no water" ...
    The fate of the Cossacks is the fate of the Russian people. And the more closely there will be interaction between them, the stronger the organic and spiritual connection, the sooner this fate will change and will clarify. Moreover, freecarriage will arise in free Russia.
    Throughout a long history, Cossacks not only served as a state. It fought for his favorite ideals of equality and self-government, which did not exercise in general state orders ...
    The path to deliverance is not in separatism, not in the dismemberment of Russia and in the implementation began to be true democracy. Under these conditions, the exercise of old covenants will find themselves in the expensive dreams of free Cossacks.

    A.F. Kerensky, former chairman of the Provisional Government.

    ... In the future, internal free and federal Russia will not have any reasons to psychological alienation between the individual household groups of the Russian people.
    Including Cossacks in the concept of the Russian people, I do not attend the peculiar identity of the Cossack regions. The variety of local political and social entities only enriches the All-Russian culture, multiplies the creative opportunities of the people and the state is fastened.
    It is quite natural that in the new conditions of free domestic state construction, the Cossacks within its regions will erase the line between themselves and the so-called nonresident. After all, some local estate-military pre-revolutionary "privileges" only covered the exclusive military burrs that carried the Cossacks and who actually cut the economic power of him in the root ...

    A. A. Kismetter, a former member of the State Duma, Historian, Professor.

    Two conditions seem necessary to ensure that Russian Cossacks amounted to the fruitful element in the process of the internal dispensation of future Russia:
    Future Russian state power will have to build political unity. Russia is not a suppression of local characteristics of individual regions of the state, but on the development of their internal amateur activities. Therefore, the Cossack region will have to preserve the historically established peculiarity of their lifefall.
    The Cossacks itself should not be reversed in its environment with two fraught hazardous consequences:
    a) the idealization of the whole historical past, in which there were far from the "beginning of equality and fraternity", but also a pronounced social struggle between the upper and lower layers of the Cossacks with all the inevitable consequences of such social dismissal and inequality also affected.
    b) the desire to break the historical tradition, which consisted in the fact that the Cossacks always thought of themselves with an integral element of community statehood and its self-propelled self-defense against external enemies; This genuine historical tradition is now distorted by those representatives of the Cossacks, which, in favor of self-sufficient trends and a contrary to the historical truth, nominated the theories that the Cossacks have a special nation, separate from the Russian people.
    Respect for genuine historical traditions that are not distorted in the coating of biased trends, in conjunction with sober political realism - this is what can serve as the only reliable key to further succeed in the Cossacks, as one of the independent cells of the Russian state body.

    General P. P. Scoropadsky, former Hetman of Ukraine.

    ... Unfortunately, in the spontaneous times, flows are replete with flows pushing to straighten and to destroy the present in the name of the past or the future. These currents, negative inherently give us a victory to the third ... But the formula "independence and the union", which laid in 1918 by the cornerstone of the agreement of independent Ukrainians with the Vereviki Donskoy Donskoy, did not lose its importance. On the contrary. The last and present indicate that all those who want to avoid new shocks, bloodshed and fratricide in the future should be bowed to this formula, for it gives breadth and flexibility for the organic resolution of national, economic, social and political antagonisms on the basics of friendly allocations and thereby Promotes the voltage of energies towards creativity, not destruction.
    Only this path, directed beyond extremes, can lead to community and elaboration between neighbors ...

    P. B. Struve, Academician, public and politician.

    For someone in meaningfully peering in the history of Russia - Russia, there is no question of whether the Cossacks have justified their being as special and peculiar strength.
    Cossack Volnitsa played a twofold role in Russia's history.
    First, as the only freestyle force in the rest of Russia, as the only free "world" in the Great Russian Sea of \u200b\u200b"worlds".
    So it was before the liberation of Russia, which began in 1762 and completed on its basis in 1861.
    Secondly, as the world or worlds are freely organized, their liberty assembled into certain military fraternities among the rest of the free sprayed romance of the Russian people - Cossacks, or, more precisely, the Cossacks were and remain the only phenomenon in Russian political reality. Cossacks are not the essence of the state and at the same time they are not just free community chance and temporarily descended by the historical wind of the dustpieces of the people.
    In the future, the state construction of the Great Russia of the Cossacks (I deliberately use the multiple number) is stronger than before, I will define, it is necessary to think my state character and at the same time, becoming more self-defined ("autonomous"), it is also brighter to discover its original nature. Wolitsa.
    How it will happen, no one can say, but all Russian Cossacks and non-zakas, it is necessary to understand and think over the great historical value at the same time the living value of the Cossacks. Cossacks have a great past, but he has the future, and is a great calling in this future.

    MM Fedorov, former minister (before the revolution).

    ... The Cossacks were one of the main towers and conductors of Russian culture, the Russian language, Russian statehood, and in this sense, the historical role is indisputable. Both free, and serve the Cossacks have always carried Russia. The Great Trials of the Great Test Cossacks in their most remained the faithful Russian state idea and defended Russian state unity ...

    A. I. Kookin, Russian writer.

    Let my eyes do not see the happiness of Russia, but just like it is unshakable I believe in the coming health and renewal of the Great Russia, I believe in the future inseparable connection of the Cossacks with her. For this, a century of general history, common wars, a common religion, common interests, common language. I confess: the boundary, private interests and the question of the shape of the fraternal union are for me in the second plan. I only know that the Cossack will never come to rave about self-peculiarity, prompted by artificial chauvinism and a naught spoon. An old beautiful formula is valuable for me: "We caulate, Belokamena Moscow, and we are the Cossacks, in the quiet Don."
    For our descendants, the Cossack liberty will be covered. Justice requires to say that the government of pre-revolutionary times was not particularly careful with them, even remembered the former troubles and disturbing years. But the union with a free man is stronger than the union with a man of ancient one ...

    A. S. Lukomsky, Lieutenant-General of the Tsarist Army.

    Cossacks have blood from the blood, flesh from the flesh of the Russian people. In it, often in exacerbated form is reflected both positive and negative features of the nature of the people who highlighted the Cossacks from their environment.
    Cossack history There is a history of expanding the Russian state, its strengthening and its construction. Having played an exceptional role in its importance in the expansion of Russia, Cossacks at the same time, in all periods of life of Russia, both with external complications and during the periods of internal resources, almost always a selfless devotion to the general homeland helped overcome the impending disasters and contributed to the strengthening of the central state power.

    P. N. Milyukov, former Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Provisional Government, Historian, Professor.

    ... the strength of the "wide beginnings of the absenteeism, fraternity, equality" specified in the "questionnaire". Obviously, these features will have to strengthen and develop in Democratic-Republican Russia. And it is only possible to rejoice that these principles who separate them from the old Russia live in the minds of the Cossacks and make it easier for them to transition to Russia. The "weak" parties of the Cossacks, I think, generally with such parties to communional life. The nature of the class privilege separating the Cossacks from other groups of the population, the insufficient culture of the agricultural mass, which is peculiar to this level of vice enlightenment, which has not passed from the instinct into consciousness, a sense of solidarity, both local and all-Russian, is not threatened by the further existence of the Cossacks, but is subject to Mitigating and eliminating in the situation of the national development, which will be given new Russia.
    ... It is also impossible to subordinate the life interests of the Cossacks party, political trends, whose supporters argue approximately as:
    - Cossacks have a class, it became, for its existence, a class unit is needed, and therefore the monarchy needs.
    We will not argue, whether the Cossacks are estimated. But their history is not at all easy. There were Cossacks without monarchs. And there are monarchies without Cossacks. And if the monarchist is able to think state, he must come to the same conclusions that are mandatory for the state-thinking Republican ...

    The whole history of Russia is made by the Cossacks.
    Lev Tolstoy

    Don steppe

    Alexander Vinokurov

    Cossack family - no translation

    The steppe by the smell of Donskoy breathed,
    Nice spicy and dense;
    His ruthless sting
    He drove the sun from the height ...

    Perekati rope field,
    Somewhere trembled Mirage;
    The wind looked solo,
    Steppe eagle above circled ...

    Among Dali Nonzil
    Non-vulnerable heat
    Stanniki, with an article of ancient Romans,
    Sucked up, in Razinsky, cunning ...


    Alexander Lays.

    He was a rider, warrior, plower.
    He fought for Russia.
    He cut the enemy, not knowing fear.
    In three wars, life risked.

    About the church remembered about God,
    And Verne was his wife.
    And here it is, as so many,
    Enemies set to the wall.

    When him, order for the sake of
    To record what how,
    They asked: - Who are you, uncle?
    He only said: "Cossack."

    Cossack Field

    Alexander Lays.

    I go out in the Cossack field.
    Sharite wind on the grass.
    How many in the heart of long-standing pain,
    The dum is heavy in the head.

    Whistle pulling, ringing yes
    So far in the ears are standing.
    Again mane, checkers, peaks
    In the battle of eternal fly.

    And deployed lava
    Choose blood like then.
    The smell of that grass bloody
    I remembered forever.

    And rider and shirt,
    Battle I live.
    Ever fly to the attack,
    Always fall into the grass.

    Where are you, Morda Voronaya,
    Plent and strong saddle?
    Only God alone and knows -
    How many of us here.

    Like anyone and cry I -
    Do not rose friends.
    Oh, you, the joy of the foal,
    The share of God's il dog
    Field, Polyshko Cossack,
    My perpetual thought.

    Field, Polyshko Cossack,
    My perpetual thought.


    Alexander Chenin

    Horse and shat, whip, cap,
    Yes lampas on the pants.
    In the pure field, - in the mortal fight
    There was a Cossack as fear of enemies.

    Peak to battle, saber in hand
    And the avalanche went!
    Screams, snacks, moan from flour; -
    Horses, people, - where are their own?!

    Rage, courage, dexterity, power, -
    Everything was preparing for nothing!
    Be calm Mother - Russia; -
    Life for faith, for the king!

    The battle is finished, the horse is all in the wounds,
    Hooked himself.
    There is a medicine in the herbs of different,
    Scars will be, - so what.

    Cossacks! Legends, tales.
    Ilya Muromets, hero; -
    He is the beginning of your glory,
    In the embezzlement sometimes.

    For the king, and even against
    That freedom, then robbery.
    But protecting and supporting
    There was always a Cossack dashing.
    Beat and red, beat and white,
    Even wanted to be ourselves.
    Songs were gone about proud and bold,
    Will, freedom, like a rod in the shower.

    The storms subsided, the ranks were kept, -
    Everyone was recalled in the Soviet country,
    Only watched with photos
    Licks of grandfathers, which died in the war.

    New time and new songs.
    Now the Cossack is not with a spear on horse
    But preserved by the genus and honor
    The image of the defender in our country.

    The grain of tradition in everyday life lived,
    As a gene pool of our ancient Russia.
    Free from the gloss and dust
    Become an example; - You really need!


    Alexander Chenin

    Where does all the Cossacks come from
    Where in them is such blood?
    Life left their own signs
    Mustache, Chubi and proudly eyebrow!

    Mother sons blessed
    Then I waited with the alarm.
    Keep the farm tired
    As her assistant need

    Cossack returned from the campaign,
    Walked to distant edges.
    Maiden Prince Roda
    Drive from there for yourself.

    Not long to burn,
    Cossack Love has given his own.
    And gradually understood
    That he became dear to her and Mil.

    Family, kids, respect,
    Custom, talking all relatives.
    And updated the generation
    And more beautiful, and stronger.

    The Cossack has their own concerns -
    Hiking, fees, many days.
    And all homework works
    And honor to take care of her.

    From generation to genera
    Cossack proudly nearby.
    Break, smart, in full patience,
    I prayed to God and waited.

    The farm led, did not roll,
    Children taught; - All itself.
    Soul and heart tried
    How to live, if the widow.

    Husbands of the war oblique kosila,
    Sons were not returned.
    And together with her mother - Russia
    Scarf throwing further went down.

    Calmly peacefully our time
    And the genus Cossack became stronger.
    Cossacks seed
    And she, right, pedestal!


    Valery Starz

    We would take some Paris.
    We would be a saber to the attack.
    Hey, Musya, not in vain you all tremble
    And it was not for nothing that fell on fear.

    We would take some Berlin.
    It turned out once, however.
    Peaks replacing the carabiner,
    The cavalry was consisted after the tank.

    We would take some Istanbul.
    Stun to Lychim Cossack.
    Basurman says: "Well, beat!
    We only fought under the azov. "

    Somewhere behind the seas Washington.
    Our horses will be sworn there.
    But when we capture them point,
    Nobody drives us from there.

    We would take something else.
    Horses tear the bridle is brazy.
    If on fate we are destined to
    Cossacks for faith will be worn.


    Vladimir Kryakin 2.

    Endowed a horse beautiful mane,
    Lush tail and two pairs of hoofs.
    Who did not see how powerfully, beautiful
    Horse on the field Razhatnaya rolling.

    The neck will deposit in a rapid jump,
    The trembling will pass in overheated land.
    From hand, after the Cossacks watched,
    How the Cossack raced, sitting in the saddle.

    Without horses live in the steppe is impossible,
    From the small years, the guy with a saddle.
    If suddenly became alarming,
    Gun taking, he left his home.

    So put the great-grandfather, grandfathers,
    Our bow to them until the earth.
    Begg with a lover enemy to victory,
    The world, the rest of the native brought.

    Kuban Cossack

    Elena Zhukova-Dzhelenina

    He is still a child
    Malets, height is not high.
    At the horse sits with a pellery.
    Accumulate a little slot
    It will be a "noble" Cossack.
    And dressed in Cossack:
    There is Kubank and Bashlyk *,
    "Give the guy a checker in hand, -
    Following the barn shouting ...
    By the fire in the Kuban chore
    Heard rocked funny.
    Cossacks skillfully the second,
    The song in the beat leads small.
    Everyone laughs: Cossacks,
    And Gutarite, as big.
    On fishing, sly deck.
    Oh! Battle boy!
    Look, Cossack,
    Cossacks detachment what!
    Namig rushed, post-rail,
    Pitch is equal
    with them your own.

    Soul Cossack

    Elena Pankratova 3.

    Eh, Cossack soul, free bird,
    Above the village, over the steppe spins.
    The land is always guarded by the region,
    Evil hordes away drive away.
    Although his soul is harder than a stone,
    Only the word is thin will poured.
    In her, the same honor and love settled
    Not to betray that she would not succeed.
    After all, his soul is marked by God
    After all, the soul of the Cossack for the Fatherland!


    Elena Sergeevna Safronova

    Cossacks - a special tribe,
    Where hands hardened by difficulty.
    Honor high and valuable time
    When the earth is calling and the father's house.
    Blood is hot, militant-undoubtedly.
    Solves the checker life disease
    Blame before God is not shameful
    And boldly go to the Cossack circle.
    Same memory with pride is kept,
    Their roots of age-old deep.
    Still stand Russian stitches
    Blessed our Cossacks!


    Elena Sergeevna Safronova

    Some say that I am a proud.
    Others - Girl at least where.
    In my blood is alive Cossack,
    My and joy and trouble.
    Trouble that the steppe did not see
    Did not cut his back on Bakhche.
    Trouble - braids did not turn
    On the chaste shoulder.
    Did not stoke the gold of wheat
    Breads fragrant did not bake.
    I do not know, in what village
    My great-grandmother lived.
    Doesn't the view of it,
    To the ground stored love.
    And knit hot and stubborn
    Delivered native blood.
    She will show more
    When I'm tighter song.
    And no one will say about me,
    What is not relative, I'm a father to Don.

    Dashing Cossacks

    Elena Zhukova-Dzhelenina

    Lich Cossack has everything from a raid and jerk.
    What is the burning passion of such a Cossack!

    I go on babe, the vest is full of ...
    I see, there are worthwhile, two with a checker in the side.

    I will smithfully smile and seem to stumbur.
    Both are rapidly pumped up with them.

    Ah, eagles you, the Cossacks, on the rise is always easy,
    On words are always Lukava, but on the actions of the deck.

    How to Garzyut on horseback! I will see them in a dream!
    They promised to visit me at once ...

    It is not easy to choose the heart of two cute one.
    On the daisies they pay ... Let them tell me who?

    Kazakhat Cossacks

    Igor Scherban

    Above the village evening, scarlet sunset color
    Dissolved braids willow at the river,
    And sing here guys and girls

    Ripe gardens here the land is rich,
    And the wind pegs are widespread.
    Guys and girls and girls grow here and stronger,
    Kazakhat, well, which means - the Cossacks!

    Fuel lights - windows of each hut
    And dancing in the sky stars-moths
    Love the edge, the birthplace guys and girls,
    Kazakhat, well, which means - the Cossacks!


    Ilchenko Nikolay 2.

    Spilled the sky
    Clouds surf.
    Where I was where was not
    Long path home.
    Delera's service -
    Do not worry longing,
    Native side
    Painfully far away.

    Eh, Cossack Share -
    Saber, yes riding.
    Pickles in the field
    Sit family bow.
    Not sad, momka,
    Do not be sad, father,
    Chub from under Kubanka -
    Life is not the end.

    You, enemy devils,
    Likha will not forgive.
    I'm not afraid of death,
    But not looking.
    Where baked sash
    Horse my battle.
    So crushing the evil -
    And then peace.

    In the fights demon -
    Angel by shoulder.
    I am a conspiracy -
    I do not all.
    Sabllu I'll be up
    And in the gallop horse.
    Friend will cover the back -
    Protect me.

    Spilled the sky
    Clouds surf.
    All sadness in Fur,
    Bird home ...
    What's so coil
    Painfully sting in the chest? ..
    Eh, bad bullet
    Cumshot my way ...

    Don Cossack!

    Irina Krupinsky

    He is earthly, he is real
    Not empty and not air
    And in the actions, there is no false
    For me, he is the best

    Not romantic, very hard
    And in words, not balabol
    But clearly understands
    What girls are "weak floor"

    Not an athlete and not an artist he ...
    Does not fly in the clouds
    Everything can, not scary with him
    He is a simple, Don Cossack!

    How to hug, kisses ...
    In the head - the dome
    Everything, no words extremely clear
    He is earthly, he is real !!!

    Cossacks and Rus

    Nadezhda Veddenyapina

    With the Cossacks in Russia everywhere
    That in honor and honor, then the circle of opal.
    Let's say right, the Cossack of life is not without will.
    It would be rush to them in the field with the wind, arguing.

    With a checker earlier than with the wife of the Cossacks was crowned
    And sometimes in the dawn years with life parted.
    Blood hot boils in their Cossack veins,
    The Cossack is all over the shoulder, the work of any forces.

    True Word to your, honor and oath
    And the lands native enemy did not give any inches.
    Honor of Russia, as his wife, was protected.
    And for their homeland stood their own!

    In Russia, the Cossack lives, the debt is performed
    And the traditions of fathers honors and observes.
    I will reveal the truth, and there is no secret
    To be the Cossacks of Russia a lot of long, long years!

    Cossacks of Russia

    Nadezhda Veddenyapina

    Cossacks of Russia is a valor,
    Her stronghold, striving for the best share,
    Her, forever in the neurotic pride,
    Success and inflexible will.

    Slanged the path of the Cossacks of Kuban.
    From the past times to this day
    Count the lands of babies,
    How sons take care of her.

    In Liphethet, during the thunderstorm
    Only calls the depreciation - mother,
    Through the Cossacks of Russia
    For banners - to save the homeland.

    Our great-grandfather saved her more than once,
    Grandfathers defended how could
    And the fathers of their feat continued
    So that we are happy grew.

    Nice Cossacks of Kuban,
    Motherland decent sons
    Colders and warriors of power,
    The strength and greatness of the country.


    Svetlana Klinushkina-Kutepov

    And the Cossack is guessing immediately -
    After all, the free spirit is not hiding you in your pocket!
    Only two give him orders -
    In the sky, God, in the village Ataman!

    Let Never leave you faith!
    Through the storms, through the year and through the battles
    Carry Orthodox shrines
    And proud traditions of your own!

    After all, the valor is your true property!
    And anyone you fight, and live!
    Shoulder to the shoulder gets up the Cossack army,
    barely fill the frontiers!

    You are a salt of the earth, and you will not argue with it!
    For you, icons are homeland and honor!
    You are the Spirit of Russia, you are her support!
    You are the Cossacks! You, thank God, is!


    Sergey Melnikov 62.

    Chub Curly, Golden
    In the wind plays
    Horse Bulan under me
    Head winds.

    Clear I hear the order -
    Checkers won guys.
    Poured, trot march,
    Let's do it.

    And avalanche of wellms,
    Releaving the Blue
    Skapped on the steppe,
    Wind overtaking.

    Heard friendly - cheers,
    Horsepine horses.
    When we, friends,
    Then invincible.

    Well, rabids, bold,
    Wound guys.
    Behind the saint rus
    And native huts.

    The enemy has fear
    Creek and whistle Cossack.
    Nice Russian land
    God, went good luck.

    After the battle of the Cossacks
    The fire will be sneaked
    Get down bitter wine
    And friends will remember.

    Do not be sad, rolling Don.
    See, we laugh.
    Drill Russian enemies
    And come back to you.

    "... The whole essence is who all this self-definition needs, of course, disturbing the unity and power of Russia, which is pre-conducting it for long-term internal friction, and then both bloody clashes, in the outcome of which, with enormous inequality in the forces, do not have to doubt ?

    I will say directly: not to the Cossack, in its mass, exhausted and humiliated, however, with all Russian people, a handful of convicts and murderers, this self-likeness is needed, hostile to Russia. It is useful to those our neighbors who do not want to see our homeland by mighty and strong. Their dream is weak, powerless Rus, torn by inner gravestones, without the Caucasus, with cropped outbreaks. "

    "We do not need, the Cossacks, all this on others, the unkind money inflated" selflessness ". An evil case creates her preachers, inciting hostility to the whole Russian, trying to forget everything in common, which forever connects us with Russia, inventing some fantastic theories about the origin of the Cossacks as if someone else's hostile. "

    From the article by A.P. Bogaevsky

    = = =

    "Bolsheviks with the words of Trotsky declared cruel war Cossacks. From February 1918 to this day, the daily extermination of the Cossacks does not stop. In war, reference to hungry death in the northern province on heavy works, shootings for several hundred people deceived by the French Cossacks, returned to the Don, make the Bolsheviks with the Cossacks. There is no longer any law, the rights or truth - the Cossacks are simply beaten as Russian people who did not want to forget their Russian blood nor the Holy Orthodox faith. And, if the dominance of the Bolsheviks continues, there will be no reason for nothing Cossack in Russia. "

    = = =

    Don Cossack Nikolay Torovover:

    "There was no Russia without Russia and outside Russia, there is no road!"

    = = =

    Often you can hear from self-sufficiency about the grievous life of the Cossacks at the kings. As an example, they sometimes cause Nekrasovsky Cossacks. But it is better to read not the interpretation of the "Cossacks", and the version Self Nekrasovtsy:

    From the letter of the Cossack Nekrasovtsev Ataman Bogaevsky (1921)

    "You write that our grandfathers left their native Russia, leaving the persecution of cruel power. We pay a debt to declare that all power, legally set, we believe that we did not know from God and cruelty from it in Russia, and they left the offenses of their same Cossack brothers, who did not agree with us in church hybridies and in most people who did not sympathize with our views, the last And forced our fathers to go from evil to the creation of good. And now over two hundred years we have a shelter in Turkey and, living here, while maintaining our questions, customs and faith, continue to be the faithful sons of the Church of Christ, and take the prayer of the prayer about the Russian king, praying to the Most High about the early death of the summer of conventions.

    ........................................ ........................................ ..............................

    Yes, the Savior's Donskoy Christ's army keeps you and the army of Russia and yes, he is Russia's keen of Russia, mightily dear and introduce the truth and order of Saint Rus. "

    = = =

    Don Ataman, General Krasnov:

    « Somehow, at the beginning of August, went to me in the village. Tapenor commander regiments and said:

    Can you not. Your Excellency, tell the Cossacks about the Cossack troops, their geographical position, Rosy with Russia?


    Yes, among young people, a dream is stubbornly sitting on the creation of a separate generality state, independent of Russia, managed by its Atamans, with its senior Ataman OL advice at the Council of Atamans.

    Yes, you yourself, how do you think about it?

    We understand that it is impossible ... And only it would be good. Because if this read accourse will continue, Russia will die, and we will die. And so, maybe, the Republic of Cossack and Lesson.

    Well, I said.

    On August 9, in the agricultural school, in the extensive recreational hall, I appointed a message. Cossacks gathered, more than ever, a lot. I hung the map Russian Empire, I painted on a blackboard with small squares, triangles, lines and points of all eleven Cossack troops, told the story of their education, indicated that only three troops are more or less compact mass: Donskoye, Kuban and Teresk, and the rest are not only separated by each other. From a friend of thousands of versts, but the most Cossack stans are scattered with small plugs among the non-price population. In the Don Troy Cossacks constitute only 60%, in Kuban and less. Under such conditions, it is possible to live Cossacks only in full friendship with Russia, and I don't have to think about any "self-sufficiency". Cossacks dispersed. I walked over to the Umanage group, reasonable, solid Cossacks, Khokhlov.

    What should we do, Mr. General, "the same one said me. - Not otherwise, how to disappear to the whole of the Costaxia.

    No need to indulge in the old regime, "I said. - Under the sovereign, the emperor lived well. We cared about you and your rights were protected. "

    = = =

    Don Ataman, General Kalden:

    "Russia must be united. With all the separate aspirations should be put the limit in the very germ. "

    = = =

    Don Ataman, General Krasnov:

    « Upstairs were thoughts to rally. Commissioner of the Interim Government of the Caucasian Army, member of the State Duma V.A. Harlamov was worn with the creation of the South-Eastern Union from the Cossack troops and the Caucasus. Suspicious intellectuals stuck to this idea, Metrotels of Moscow restaurants, who felt power and progress, signed agreements to hold firmly and indispensively, argued about the federation and confederation, it is unclear to understand the most words, and in Novocherkassk, he was already sitting at one table with the honest Caledin, General From cavalry and St. George Cavalier, the Criminal Cossack of Podlekov from the officer's wizard L.-GV. The 6th Donal Majesty of the Battery, yesterday, who worked firewood to the kitchen to his "Panu", pounded his fist on the table and demanded from Ataman recognition of the "Council" authority formed in Stanitsa Kamenskaya.

    Kalled shot himself, without making the struggle with the empty chatter. The children, protecting the honor of their fathers, were painted in the protective color of non-partisanity fathers and already "walked down a pitch" in Novocherkassk, the sailors and the Red Guards lead Cossacks in the Soviet faith. "

    = = =

    The position of the glorious Kuban Schuro in relation to Russia and Samoshikov:

    After Pokrovsky, I was made by the cries of "Hurray" and the stormy ovations are pleased. Excited and excited hot welcome, I said, spending the same thought as Pokrovsky, but expressed it in a softer formulation. I ended my speech to the Glavkom, for the Kuban army, Cossacks and Russia.

    ........................................ ........................................ ........................................ .............................

    Ryabovol asked me to put my candidacy for Atamans.

    - You are a natural Cossack, and our whole hope for you. Support us, "he convinced me, but I strongly rejected this proposal, referring to the fact that it is still young for such a post, inexperienced in politics, and in addition The enemy of the separatist tendencies of the left elements of Rada and a supporter led to Russia.


    = = =

    IN the osmal of the skin about how the descendants of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks perceived:

    The separatist ideals of the petluras did not share and did not interest them at all, considering it with something like an eccentric, psychopath.

    What Ukrainians we are, we are Russian- they stated, - only we are the Cossacks.

    The fact is that the left-bank hello - straight descendants of the Cossacks - were proud of their nickname "Cossacks" and dreamed of the restoration of the Zaporozhye Cossacks.

    (A. G. Shkuro. Notes of the White Partisan)

    It is noteworthy that the descendants of the Cossacks have not seen any contradiction in the fact that they are the Cossacks, and Russians. Such dual identification was obviously not embarrassed and the skin. But for some reason modern Cossacks set a question in a context or, if the Cossacks are not Russian.

    = = =

    Don Ataman, General Krasnov:

    "With my care, the South-Eastern Union was carried out, the Supreme Circle with the chairman of V.A. Kharlamov, and the Cossacks passed the last positions near the Novorossiysk and the troops of Cossack, and self-sufficient, and not self-sufficient, were erased from the face of the earth.

    ........................................ ........................................ ...................

    Cossacks who dreamed of having their army serve in the Red Soviet Connection and instead of Cossack divisions are listed in the number of cavalry divisions.

    Bowl of humiliation of dops to the end.

    ........................................ ........................................ ....................

    The third international man was guaranteed his main job: destroys the Cossacks, without a small four hundred years of serving the support of Russia and its sovereigns. "

    = = =

    Don Ataman, General Krasnov:

    "Never a Cossacks were raised against their mother - Russia, they will not rise and now. Talk about the Cossack "self-sufficiency" is to do the case of Kondrai Bulavina, teach Cossacks Bunta, to lead their directly expensive to "... Among the fields of sorrows high, that two: whether the collaps with the crossbar."

    Out of Russia, the Cossacks are not to be. "

    = = =

    Poutland the words Ataman Don Cossacks, P.N.Krasnov, a kind of testament nephew Nicholas (who passed 10 years of camps after Liena ...). These words are in many ways helping to understand the comprehension of the Krasnov of all his life path, his struggle, his elections during and after the civil war:

    "... bitter truth is always more expensive than sweet lies. It was enough for self-abrasion and self-deception, self-defense that our emigration was sick all the time. See where everyone led us to look at the truth in the eyes and confess in their errors and mistakes? We always overestimated our strength and underestimated the enemy. If it were, on the contrary, it would not be that life now cum ...

    Whatever happens - do not dare hate Russia. Not she, not the Russian people - the perpetrators of universal suffering. Not in it, no people are the reason for all misfortunes. Treason was. Kramol was. He did not like their homeland to those who were the first to love her and defend her. All this began on top, Nikolay. From those who stood between the throne and the last folk ... Russia was and will be. Maybe not that, not in the boyars, but in Sermy and in the noodles, but it will not die. You can destroy millions of people, but they are replaced by new ones. The people will not get out. Everything changes when the timing will come. Stalin and Stalins will live at night. They will die, and many changes come ... The resurrection of Russia will be committed gradually. Not right away. Such a huge body can not recover immediately ... "

    = = =

    Clean Atamana Dutova

    The velary bell of the Cossacks is loud and powerfully buzzing. From a distant don rushing him.

    Older brother! Your Nabath was heard the sons of the Urals, they have long been waiting for him. They are fighting for the second year for the great mother Russia And the free Cossack Volushka.

    Grebentsy, Sunzhenians, Labins, Chernomorets, All Stormy Terek and Nice Kuban again took their watchdogs and zork win rus.

    Irtysh, remembering the past, sent the descendants of Ermak to strengthen russian statehood.

    And the Nabath is stronger and stronger and the sounds are wider wider in the air.
    So they got to Amur and Baikal, happily responded in the hearts of the Cossacks, and the formidable shelves grow and grow.

    And Nabat is buzzing.

    False Ussuri reached out and, having walked her native sounds, was fixed and merged in the overall course.

    A Nabat sounds ...

    A quiet semi-studio, hidden to China, pulls his hands to his native brothers and rejoices the ambulance, having walked around the call sounds.

    Astrakhan beats in convulsions, but the joyful ringing of the Cossack bell is painted by the sons of the Volga.

    A Nabat is louder and louder ...

    Bates and you, Native Stanniki in their elder bells, Bates and you are in Nabath in your villages.

    Ignole milestones signaling ...

    It fell all the Cossacks, firmly stood up, and there is no end to him.

    The shelves are moving to the Black Sea to the shores of the ocean. Steel peaks, like forests, pegs.

    The old Cossack is rejoiced, it is easy to die by him, seeing friendship I.The Cossack, seeing that the children did not disappear by the seeds of him, remember the former glory.

    Rejoices and young Cossack, which brought God to take part in protecting the Validity of Cossack and thank Kormilitsa Rus For her care.

    Become, the Cossack is denser.

    Let the red, raspberry, blue and yellow lamps show the whole world that the Cossack is still alive, alive his fiery heart, alive in spirit, and quickly flows his free blood, and there is no strength to dump this century community.

    On the blood and bones of their ancestors. Film hiking-comonous people, created Cossack nests

    Always loose, alien goats, Cossack communities are always worth the government. Yes, and can not be free forever Cossack to allow the disadvantage, betrayal and the sale of their homeland.

    The Cossack was and there is a faithful son of the Motherland and loves her more than his life.

    And Nabat all buzzes n bitch.

    And removes the old Cossack from the wall of his grandfather, leaves to protect Russia Orthodox.

    And bowed before the Cossack Youth Walls, and calms their cheerful laughter.

    Thank you. Quiet Don; Glory to buoy terk; Glory of beautiful Kuban; Glory to the free Urals; Glory to old Irtysh; Glory to student Baikal; Glory Amur and Ussuri.

    Film raids hear Nabat, and his sounds are joyful.

    Rus Great, Rus quiet, semiage, Rus Orthodox; Do you hear Nabat Cossack. Natural, and hit in our old Kremlin - Moscow in all the bells, and your Nabath will be heard everywhere .

    Reset, great people, the yarm alien, German.

    And the sounds of the evening Cossack bells with your Kremlin chime are saved, and Rus Great, Rus Orthodox will be inseparable.

    Bay in Nabat, the Russian people, Bay is stronger, call their sons, and we all are all friendly for Russia holy ...

    Newspaper "Russian East" (Chita),

    Printed by Almanacu "Cossack circle"