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  • Lebanese in Angola. Country with tragic fate. War in Angola. Illegal fighters of the Angolan army

    Lebanese in Angola. Country with tragic fate. War in Angola. Illegal fighters of the Angolan army

    This is not talking about it, but during the Cold War of the USSR defended its interests not only in the countries of the Soclock, but also in distant Africa. Our military participated in many African conflicts, the largest of whom was civil war in Angola.

    Unknown War

    The fact that the Soviet military fought in Africa, it was not customary to speak for a long time. Moreover, 99% of the USSR citizens did not know that in distant Angola, Mozambique, Libya, Ethiopia, North and South Yemen, Syria and Egypt was the Soviet military contingent. Of course, rumors came, but they were not confirmed by official information from the pages of the Pravda newspaper, they were restrained as to the bikes and speculation.
    Meanwhile, only on the line of the 10th Main Department of the GS Sun USSR from 1975 to 1991 through Angola took place 10,985 generals, officers, ensigns and ordinary. In Ethiopia, 11,143 Soviet soldiers were commissioned during the same time. If we take into account the Soviet military presence in Mozambique, then you can talk more than 30 thousand Soviet military specialists and an ordinary composition on African Earth.

    However, despite such scales, soldiers and officers who performed their "international duty" were as if non-existent, they were not given orders and medals, the Soviet press did not write about their exploits. They were not like official statistics. In the military tickets of participants of African wars, as a rule, there were no entries on business trips to the African continent, and simply stood an inconspicuous stamp with the part number, followed by the 10th management of the USSR General Staff. Such a state of affairs reflected in his poem Military translator Alexander Polyvin, who wrote during the battles for the city of Kita-Kuanaval

    "Where are us, buddy, with you listed,
    Probably big and necessary?
    And we are told: "You could not be there,
    And the blood of the Russian Angola Earth is not ala

    First soldiers

    Immediately after overthrowing in Portugal dictatorship, November 11, 1975, when Angola received long-awaited independence, the first military specialists appeared in this African country, forty people of special forces and military translators. Fifteen years of boring with colonial troops, the rebels were finally able to come to power, but for this power still needed to fight. The steering wheel of Angola turned out to be a coalition of three national liberation movements: the national movement for the liberation of Angola (MPLA), the National Union for the complete independence of Angola (UNITA) and the National Front of the Liberation of Angola (FNL). The Soviet Union decided to support MPLA. With the departure of the Portuguese of Angola, it became a real stage of the fight for geopolitical interests. Against the MPLA, who supported Cuba and the USSR, performed UNITA, FNLA and South Africa, who, in turn, supported Zaire and the United States.

    What did you fight for?

    What did the USSR have sought when he sent his "African special forces" for thirty lands, in distant Africa? The goals were, first of all, geopolitical. Angola saw the Soviet leadership of the Court of Socialism in Africa, she could be the first to our Anclava in South Africa and could resist the economically powerful South Africa, which, as you know, provided the US support.

    In the years of the Cold War, our country could not afford to lose Angola, it was necessary to help the new leadership of the country, to make the country with a reference African socialist state, oriented in its political tasks to the Soviet Union. In the plan of trade relations, Angola represented little interest to the USSR, the exports of countries were similar: forest, oil and diamonds. It was a war for political influence.

    Fidel Castro said concisely on the importance of Soviet assistance: "Angola would have no prospects without political and logistical assistance to the USSR."

    What and what did you fight?

    From the very beginning of the military participation of the USSR in the African conflict, they were provided with a blank-blanche card for combat operations. This was reported to the telegram obtained from the General Staff, which indicated that military specialists had the right to participate in hostilities on the side of the MPLA and Cuban troops.

    In addition to the "live strength", which consisted of military advisers, officers, ensigns, ordinary, sailors and combat swimmers (the USSR was submitted to the shores of Angola and several of their military vessels), weapons and special needs were also supplied to Angola.

    However, as the participant of that war, Sergei Kolomnin, recalls, the weapon still was not enough. However, it lacked him and in the opposing side. Most of all, it was, of course, Kalashnikov's automata, both the Soviet and foreign (Romanian, Chinese and Yugoslav) assembly. Also were the Portuguese rifles of the F-3, which remained from colonial times. The principle "than we can help" was manifested in the supply of reliable, but somewhat outdated by the time of the PPT, PPS, and machine guns of Degtyarev to Angola.

    The form of the Soviet military military in Angola was without the signs of distinction, the first time was made to wear a Cuban uniform, the so-called "Verde olivo". It was not too convenient in the conditions of a hot African climate, but the military, as a rule, do not choose their wardrobe. Soviet soldiers had to resort to the army smelter, order themselves easier in the tailors. Make changes to the ammunition at the official level, add the signs of the differences and change the material once a lieutenant-General Petrovsky once, but his proposals were met by the command in the bayonets. In the Angolan fronts, people were sitting on such conditions in such conditions, the form was considered frivolous.

    Change change

    Angola, as well as Lebanon, and other African countries we missed. Now you can talk about it. When the USSR broke out and a political course was changed in the country, then our military contingent was withdrawn from Africa. Holy place, as you know, is not empty. The president of the same Angola soul Santosh (who, by the way, ended the Baku University and married to Russian) had to look for new allies. And that is not surprising, they were the United States.

    Americans immediately stopped supporting UNITA and switched to the help of the MPLA. Today, American oil companies work in Angola, Angolan oil comes to China, has its own interests in Angola and Brazil. At the same time, Angola itself remains one of the poorest countries of the world with a level of poverty in 60 percent, the outbreaks of the Vicha epidemic and total unemployment.

    Soviet Africa was a unfulfilled dream, and several hundred Soviet military who had to fulfill their "international duty" there, they will never return back.

    Civil War in Angola is an armed conflict between three rival groups: MPLA, FNLA and UNITA. Continued during 1975 - March 30, 2002 Participants: MPLA, FNLA and UNITA. Ended the victory of the MPLA.

    After the MPLA armed forces on the eve of the proclamation of independence established control over Luranda, the breakdown of Alveral agreements on the coalition government became obvious. Three Angolan movements - MPLA, FNL, UNITA - asked for help to their external allies.

    As a result, already on September 25, 1975, Zaire's troops were added from the north on the territory of Angola: President Mobuta Seis Seko assisted FNLA and his relative - Holden Roberto.

    Since Marxist MPLA collaborated with SWAPO, on October 14, 1975, the Army of South Africa invaded the territory of Angola from the south, providing support to UNITA, pursuing the goal to protect their occupation regime in Namibia.

    At the same time, from the territory of Namibia, the Angolan border crossed the few, but the active detachments of the Portuguese Army of Liberation (ELP), speaking on the side of forces, hostile MPLA. The purpose of their promotion was Luanda.

    In this situation, the Chairman of the MPLA Agostyno did noteo asked for help from the USSR and Cuba. Cuban leader Fidel Castro responded immediately by sending voluntary Cuban squads to Angola to Angola. Arrival in Angola Cuban military specialists made the possibility of MPLA as soon as possible to form 16 infantry battalions and 25 anti-aircraft and mortar batteries of the Armed Forces of the People's Republic of Angola (NRA). By the end of 1975, the USSR, by the end of 1975, sent to the rescue of the MPLA about 200 military specialists, the fighting ships of the USSR Navy arrived to the Angolan shores. The USSR and its allies put a large number of various weapons.

    Cuban and Soviet support provided the MPLA significant military advantage over the unconventional FDLA formations. Holden's troops Roberto were equipped with poorly trained Bagongo soldiers and equipped mainly outdated Chinese weapons. The most efficient division of FNL was a detachment of mercenaries, recruited in Western Europe, but he was a few and did not have heavy weapons.

    On the night of November 10-11, 1975, the troops of Fnla and Zaire suffered a decisive defeat in the battle of Kifanongo. On November 11, 1975, the independence of Angola was proclaimed under the authority of the MPLA.

    On November 12, 1975, the column of the South African troops "Zulu" passed on the offensive. For 20 days, South African troops advanced to more than 700 km deep into the Angolan territory. However, already on November 17, 1975, the MPLA troops, with the support of Cubans, managed to stop the South African armored column at the bridge across the Kevye River, the north of the city of Ganguly. After a few days, the MPL troops began the offensive in the port of Porto Ambain. By December 5, 1975, the combined forces of Fapla and Cuban volunteers discarded opponents to the north and south of the capital by 100 km.

    On January 6, 1976, Karmon (Wija) - the main base of Fnla in the north of Angola - passed into the hands of the MPLA. A week later, FNL troops, contacting panic escort, left the territory of Angola. MPLA got the opportunity to transfer their forces to the south. Strong battles unfolded in the areas of Vila Luzo and Teicheir de Sauza. Savimbi was forced to announce the transition of UNITA to the partisan struggle.

    In early February 1976, the fighting on the northern front was already in the border with Zaire zone. On February 8, 1976, MPLA fighters occupied an important strategic city of Santo Antono-Du-Zayni, and the next day - already in the southern direction - joined the city of Umbo (Nova Lyhboa). Developing success, MPLU detachments over the subsequent days took the port cities of Benghel, Lobitu and Sa Da Bandeira. With the seizure of February 18, 1976, the city of Pedro-da Feitis MPLA strength established control over the northern border of the country.

    By the end of March 1976, the armed forces of the NRA with the direct support of the 15-thousand contingent of Cuban volunteers and the help of Soviet military specialists were able to oust the troops of South Africa and Zaire from the territory of Angola. War continued to move the movement of UNITA in chapter with Joras Savimby, who managed to quickly convert to the partisan army.

    Angola authorities recorded from January to June 1980. 529 cases of violation of the Angolan border by the Armed Forces of South Africa.

    In August 1981, the motorized columns of South Africa with a number of 11 thousand people with the support of heavy artillery, aircraft and helicopters invaded the Angolan Kunen province, advanced in certain sections 150-200 km. But in the area of \u200b\u200bthe city of Kahama, they blocked the path of Fapla (folk armed forces of the liberation of Angola). At the end of the summer of 1982, there were additionally transferred to 4 brigades of motorcycles, 50 aircraft and 30 helicopters. During this period, an attempt was made to capture settlements of the Kuvelai, flew. At the end of 1982, the Angolan and South African governments began negotiations on the cease-fire, but on January 31, 1983, the South Africa army penetrated into the province of Benghel and blew up a hydroelectric station, which led to a new round of escalation of conflict. Only in March 1984 the parties signed an agreement on the cease-fire in Lusaka. But war with UNITA continued.

    In the summer - in the autumn of 1987, the next large-scale offensive of the Fapla failed, the purpose of which was finally committed to the partisans to UNITA. In November 1987, Unit's troops attacked the government garrison in Quito-Quanaval. Cuban parts came to the help of government troops, and then the army of South Africa intervened in the battle. The battles lasted until August 5, 1988, when an agreement was concluded in Geneva with the South African government on the cease-fire. To knock out government troops South Africans and UNITA could not. Savimby did not recognize the solutions of the peace agreement and continued the war.

    On June 31, 1991, Lisbon peace agreements were concluded between MPLA and UNITA on the conduct of free elections. The elections took place in the fall of 1992, was announced the victory of the MPLA. Savimby refused to recognize his defeat and demanded a re-vote. As a result of organized MPLA, Halloween massacre killed tens of thousands of people, mostly members of UNITA, as well as FNLA. After that, the fighting resumed with a new force.

    The strongest battles took place in the province of Beambo. Stressful battles continued until mid-1994 in Lusaka, a new peace agreement was concluded, soon torn by both parties. The massive offensive of government troops turned into 1998-1999. By the beginning of 2000, the government troops were taken by the main Opto UNIT, including the cities of Bilundo (political capital of the opposition) and Jamba (main military base).

    In February 2002, Georges Savimby died in a shootout with government troops near the town of Lucissa, in the eastern province of Moshiko. His successor Anthony Debo announced the continuation of the armed struggle, but soon died from injuries received in the same battle where Savimby died. The leadership of UNITA passed to Paulo Lukumbe, who was a supporter of a compromise with the government. On March 30, 2002, an agreement on the cease-fire was concluded in Luene. UNITA was legalized and became the party of the parliamentary opposition led by Isayash Samakuva.

    One of the conditions of the world grouping UNITA presented a request for a reburial from the Mausoleum of the Agoshtin's Discharged Body. The ending of hostilities in Angola coincides with the cessation of the second Congolese War, which was previously the forces of the DRC and Angola mutually supported each other, as opposed to the alliance of the former authorities of Zaire and UNITA (previously supported by the United States and South Africa).

    One of the serious consequences of the war, complicating the peaceful development of Angola, represent anti-personnel mines that were uncontrolled by all parties to the conflict.

    One of the "hot spots" in the 1980s was the People's Republic of Angola. There was a real war, where there were thousands of killed and wounded. An Angola and South Africa were officially fought. But, as always, in such cases, it did not cost without the interference of the opposing world military units - NATO and the Warsaw contract. Taking this opportunity, they tested their new weapons and equipment. About how it happened, says former military adviser in Angola, the colonel of the stock Victor Krzheminsky.

    - Viktor Vladimirovich, how did you find yourself in Africa?
    - You know, the USSR provided worldwide assistance to developing countries. Then the whole world was divided into two parts: Pro-American and Provika. Accordingly, there were our civil and military missions in almost all African countries. From 1982 to 1984, I was a military adviser in Angola.
    - As far as I remember, at that time there were some internal contradictions, something like a civil war.

    - At that time, there was a UNITA grouping. Her leader Savimby began to build, as he called, "Black Communism" - communism for black. His ideological beliefs diverged in this sense with the leadership of the country. There was a constant struggle between them. You can say, a civil war went.
    - Soviet troops participated in the war Angola from South Africa?
    - No, there were only military advisers who were strictly prescribed not to interfere in the military actions of the parties. Armament, of course, was our. Cuban troops fought on the side of Angola. With Cuba in Angola, a whole army was transferred, more than 20 thousand people. Naturally, with appliances and weapons. And our mission of advisers carried out the military leadership of these troops. For example, I was an adviser with a separate division of 122-millimeter Gaubitz.
    - Who commanded the division?
    - Black, Angoles. He studied in the USSR, ended in Leningrad courses, spoke well in Russian. He commanded the division for half a year, then went to the raise. Instead, it came another. The latter did not know Russian. However, in three months, we could already be explained with him in Russian, and in Portuguese.
    - You did not fought, but were in the conditions of war. How practically looked?
    - Conditions, of course, were combat. Because we were within the defense of the Brigade. They lived in the dugouts, regularly observed the raids of South African aviation, there were no interrog groups of the enemy. Of course, I had to fight back.
    - South African technique was American?
    - American and French. Pilots are mostly mercenaries from France and Holland. Americans were little. We could also be called mercenaries. Because we, although it was prescribed not to join the conflict, but when we were surrounded, we participated in the fighting.
    - The big forces were involved against your brigade?
    - Four South African Motor Summer Brigades. And these were the brigades of another composition. Basically - mercenaries who fought for money. They were supported by an artillery brigade plus aviation.
    - You did not have aviation support?
    - Was, of course. But the fact is that the airfield from which our planes was departed from us for 200 kilometers. Soviet Miga flight radius is 550 kilometers. It came out so that 200 kilometers he flew to us, 200 - back. 150 kilometers remained for the fight - this is just three minutes. And the Mirage-3 aircraft, which appeared over us, the flight radius is more than a thousand kilometers. They could hang over us half an hour. Our flew for three minutes, unfolded - and back.
    - Wash your brigade in those battles?
    - They moved away from us because they did not cope with the task, having lost more infantry battalion, not counting armored vehicles, artillery, etc.
    - It turns out, the war went with varying success. Whose weapon was more efficient - American or Soviet?
    - Something was better from them, something - we have. I then pleased with domestic anti-aircraft weapons. I mean missile complexes "OSA". She has six guide rockets. She took the goal, she determined her itself and destroyed. All in automatic mode. The probability of lesion was 0.9. Before we have a division of such installations, the opponent aircraft flew over us at an altitude of 200 meters.
    - With the appearance of "wasps" the situation has changed?
    - radically changed. They tried to destroy this division, because they understood what a powerful anti-hearth means. About the fact that we have such installations, they knew, their intelligence worked well. And here they decided to crush this division, 28 aircraft simultaneously were thrown into the air. Three aircraft were then chopped by these settings. The rest immediately left. Since then, they have flown over us below than at an altitude of 5 thousand meters - the limiting range of the rocket.
    - Let's talk about the customs that you watched there.
    - The first thing that rushed into the eyes is all black dance. Each resident of Africa is obliged to be able to dance. Woman should work and give birth to children. And a man - use the benefits that a woman creates. They have 12-14 children in families. A woman begins to give birth from 12 years and so up to 35-37 years. Almost until the death itself - they die too early. All go naked. I was in the village, and in the city. In the city, of course, more civilization. Drink Masangu is something like beer from corn. Drink and then dance. They treated us almost like the gods. They looked at us as something incomprehensible. And here are representatives of a civilized society, including the military, they looked at us differently, with some arrogance.

    - In Negritan weddings, had to be?
    - No weddings, and there were on holidays. Here they have such a custom. If a man is ripe (and ripen there early) and wants to marry, he must prove that he is a man.
    - How?
    - He must build a house overnight. True, friends help him. And the house - sticks in the ground stuck, cassed with clay and from above something like a roof. And that's it. I managed to build - it means I proved that you were a man, built a house for my wife. I did not have time - wait for new tests, but next year.
    - In such a house it is quite possible to live?
    - When climates are possible. Many people live in such dwellings. We were on the plateau, 1700 meters above sea level. In Luanda, near the Atlantic Ocean, in the dry period, the temperature in the shade was plus 50 degrees. And at night - to zero sneaked. At the same time zero humidity.
    - What did you eat there?
    - The Angolan side provided us with everyone, except meat. His we got on the hunt. To admit half of the animals and birds, which are listed in the Red Book, remain on my conscience.
    - You did not spare them?
    - On the hunt we killed everything that lay, flew, jumped, crawled - everything is in a row. We bring trophies, showing local, they say that you can eat, and what is impossible.
    - And who are you hunted?
    - There were some lasies like our saigas. Then Alongs are big animals. The male weighs kilograms 600, and the female is smaller - kilograms 400. I came on vacation, went with my son in the zoo. Showed him: That's what I ate, this, too, etc. We have it - exotic, and they have food. I even tried the dickery. They call it in their own way, translated from their language - a pig with needles. Harked boars and female. The female meat is tasty, there is no boar.
    - They say, in Africa, at the time there were still tribes in which cannibal flourished.
    - I did not have to hear such a thing. They talked about the tough custom of oaths on the blood, which, allegedly, took place among the members of the Unit. As if killed a pregnant woman and her fruit was swept away by young warriors during their oath.
    - With the president of Angola met?
    - I personally did not meet, but I saw him when he came to the brigade. It was Santos soul. Young man. By the way, he studied in Baku, in the oil institute. The avid footballer, played in the second composition of the "oilman" when he was a student. His wife is Russian, Odessa. It was just when Brezhnev died. Then the generals were Andropov, Chernenko. They also quickly left. So, the Alarms asked us the question: why do you appoint the old leaders of the country? We have, for example, young. They could not understand Soviet logic.
    - Cubans communicate with Angola?

    - Sure. They guys are good, we were respectful to us. I remember the statement of one Cuban officer on this subject: " Twenty years ago, we were the same as Angoles now. Thank you for taught us life. We really were a public home of America».

    Commander Forces side Audio, photo, video on wikisklad
    History of Angola

    Preolonional story (up to 1575)

    Colonization (1575-1641)

    Dutch occupation (1641-1648)

    Colonial History (1648-1951)

    Portuguese West Africa (1951-1961)

    War for Independence (1961-1974)

    Civil War (1975-2002)

    Mount of "Fractions" (1977)

    Biseesse agreements (1991)

    Lusak Protocol (1994)

    Angola after the end of the Civil War (since 2002)

    Portal "Angola"

    (1975-2002) - a major armed conflict on the territory of Angola between three rival groups: MPLA, FNLA and UNITA. The war began in 1975 after the completion of the War for the independence of Angola and lasted until 2002.

    • 1 early war
      • 1.1 Beginning of the War: 1975-1976
      • 1.2 1980s
    • 2 final war period
      • 2.1 1990s
      • 2.2 2000
    • 3 culture
    • 4 cm also
    • 5 Notes
    • 6 Links

    Early period of war

    Beginning of War: 1975-1976

    After the MPLA armed forces on the eve of the proclamation of independence established control over Luranda, the breakdown of Alveral agreements on the coalition government became obvious. Three Angolan movements - MPLA, FNL, UNITA - asked for help to their external allies.

    On September 25, 1975, Zaire's troops were dragged from the north to the territory of Angola. President Mobutu Seis Seko provided military assistance to Flano and his relative Holden Roberto.

    Since Marxist MPLA collaborated with SWAPO, October 14, the Army of South Africa invaded the territory of Angola from the south, providing support to UNITA - in order to protect their occupation regime in Namibia.

    At the same time, from the territory of Namibia, the Angolan border crossed the few, but the active detachments of the Portuguese Army of Liberation (ELP), speaking on the side of forces, hostile MPLA. The purpose of their promotion was Luanda.

    In this situation, the Chairman of the MPLA Agostyno did noteo asked for help from the USSR and Cuba. Cuban leader Fidel Castro responded immediately by sending voluntary Cuban squads to Angola to Angola. Arrival in Angola Cuban military specialists made the possibility of MPLA as soon as possible to form 16 infantry battalions and 25 anti-aircraft and mortar batteries of the Armed Forces of the People's Republic of Angola (NRA). By the end of 1975, the USSR, by the end of 1975, sent to the rescue of the MPLA about 200 military specialists, the fighting ships of the USSR Navy arrived to the Angolan shores. The USSR and its allies put MPL many different weapons.

    Cuban and Soviet support provided MPLA significant military advantage over FLLA formations. Holden's troops Roberto were equipped with poorly trained Bagongo soldiers and equipped mainly outdated Chinese weapons. The most efficient division of FNL was a detachment of mercenaries, recruited in Western Europe, but he was a few and did not have heavy weapons.

    On the night of 10 for November 11, the troops of Fng and Zaire suffered a decisive defeat in the battle at Kifanongo. On November 11, 1975, the independence of Angola was proclaimed under the authority of the MPLA.

    On November 12, the column of the South African troops "Zulu" passed on the offensive. For 20 days, South African troops advanced to more than 700 km deep into the Angolan territory. However, on November 17, the troops of the MPLA, with the support of Cubans, managed to stop the South African armored column at the bridge across the Kevye River, the north of the city of Ganguly. After a few days, the MPL troops began the offensive in the port of Porto Ambain. By December 5, the combined forces of Fapla and Cuban volunteers discarded opponents to the north and south of the capital by 100 km.

    On January 6, 1976, Carmona (Wihi) - the main base of Fnla in the north of Angola - passed into the hands of the MPLA. A week later, FNL troops, contacting panic escort, left the territory of Angola. MPLA got the opportunity to transfer their forces to the south. Strong battles unfolded in the areas of Vila Luzo and Teicheir de Sauza. Savimbi was forced to announce the transition of UNITA to the partisan struggle.

    In early February 1976, the fighting on the northern front was already in the border with Zone Zone. On February 8, MPLA fighters took an important strategic city of Santo Antonia-do-Zayni, and the next day - already in the southern direction - joined the city of Umbo (Nova Lyhboa). Developing success, MPLU detachments over the subsequent days took the port cities of Benghel, Lobitu and Sa Da Bandeira. With the seizure of February 18, the city of Pedro-da Feitis MPLA forces established control over the northern border of the country.

    By the end of March 1976, the armed forces of the NRA with the direct support of the 15-thousandth contingent of Cuban volunteers and the help of Soviet military specialists managed to oust the troops of South Africa and Zaire from the territory of Angola. War continued to move the movement of UNITA in chapter with Joras Savimby, who managed to quickly convert to the partisan army.


    Angola authorities recorded 529 cases of violation of the Angolan border with the Armed Forces of South Africa from January to June 1980.

    In August 1981, motorized South African columns with a number of up to 5 thousand people with the support of heavy artillery, aircraft and helicopters invaded the Angolan Kunen province, advanced in certain sections 150-200 km. The course of this operation, which received the name of the "Proteus", was destroyed by 831 soldiers of the Fapla (Armed Forces Angola) and Personal Svapo. In addition, in the course of clashes, 9 Soviet soldiers and 4 civilian specialists were killed, and one soldier, the ensign of Nikolai Pestremen, was captured. The end of the summer of 1982 was additionally deployed by 4 motorcycle brigades, 50 aircraft and 30 helicopters. This period was attempted to capture the settlements of Kuvelai, flew. The end of 1982, the Angolan and South African governments began negotiations on the cease-fire, but on January 31, 1983, parts of the South Africa armor entered the province of Benghel and blew up a hydroelectric power station, which led to a new round of escalation of the conflict. Only in March 1984, the parties signed an agreement on the cease-fire in Lusaka. But war with UNITA continued.

    In the summer, in the summer of 1987, the next large-scale offensive of Fapla failed, the purpose of which was finally committed to the partisans to UNITA. November 1987, UNITA's troops attacked the government garrison in Quito-Kuanaval. Cuban parts came to the help of government troops, and then the army of South Africa intervened in the battle. The battles continued until August 5, 1988, when an agreement was concluded in Geneva with the South African government on the cease-fire. To knock out government troops South Africans and UNITA could not. Savimby did not recognize the solutions of the peace agreement and continued the war.

    The final period of war


    On June 31, 1991, Lisbon peace agreements were concluded between MPLA and UNITA on the conduct of free elections. Elections took place in the fall of 1992, was announced the victory of the MPLA. Savimby refused to recognize his defeat and demanded a re-vote. Halloween tens of thousands of thousands of people died organized by MPLA Halloween MPLA, mainly members of UNITA, as well as FNL. After that, the fighting resumed with a new force.

    The strongest battles took place in the province of Beambo. Stress battles continued until mid-1994. Lusaka was concluded a new peace agreement, soon torn by both parties. The massive offensive of government troops turned into 1998-1999. By the beginning of 2000, the government troops were taken by UNITA, including the cities of Bilundo (political capital of the opposition) and Jamba (main military base).


    In February 2002, Savimby died in a shootout with government troops near the town of Lucissa, in the eastern province of Moshiko. His successor Anthony Debo announced the continuation of the armed struggle, but soon died from injuries received in the same battle where Savimby died. The leadership of UNITA passed to Paulo Lukumbe, who was a supporter of a compromise with the government. March 30 in Luene concluded an agreement on the cease-fire. UNITA was legalized and became the party of the parliamentary opposition led by Isayash Samakuva.

    One of the conditions of the world grouping UNITA presented a request for a reburial from the Mausoleum of the Agoshtin's Discharged Body. The ending of hostilities in Angola coincides with the cessation of the second Congolese War, which was previously the forces of the DRC and Angola mutually supported each other, as opposed to the alliance of the former authorities of Zaire and UNITA (previously supported by the United States and South Africa).

    One of the serious consequences of the war, complicating the peaceful development of Angola, represent anti-personnel mines that were uncontrolled by all parties to the conflict.

    Since 1975 to 1991, 10,985 Soviet military were visited in Angola.

    In culture

    • The war is indirectly shown in the American film "Red Scorpio", where the main character, the Soviet special forces, departs to Africa to kill the leader of the resistance, which opposes the countries of the socialist camp: USSR, Cuba and Czechoslovakia.
    • In the film "Probably, the gods went crazy 2" Affect the black fighter of the UNITA grouping and the Cuban soldiers participating in the Angolan conflict.
    • The episode of the Civil War is present in the Call of Duty computer game: Black Ops II: In one of the missions, the player participates in the battle between UNITA's troops under the leadership of Jonas Savimby and MPLA.
    • In the book of the Russian writer, A. Bushkov "Black Sun" describes the confrontation of the Soviet government of Angola and Cuban volunteers, as well as the Soviet advisers aggression of the Racist regime of South Africa and local separatists. The main character is the combat swimmer Kirill Mazur - participates in the breakdown of the explosion by the South Africans of the nuclear bomb, who wanted to blame the blame at Angolants. End he participates in the reflection of the invasion of the army of South Africa in Angola. The book is completed by the defeat of the South African avant-garde emerged from the USSR of the Airborne Division: this episode is based on the legend that has existed among the Soviet military specialists in Angola and other military army soldiers.
    • In the novel of the famous South African writer Andre Brinka "Rumors about the rain" (1978, Rus. 1981) The son of the main character returns from Angola with the "Lost Generation" syndrome, disappointed in the ideology of apartheid.

    Georges Amada leads to the memoir book "Cabota Floating the next dialogue" about the situation in Angola for 1979: "Well, and Cubans? - asked me in Lisbon Writer Fernando Narora. - Are they relate to them with sympathy?

    Yes, I would not say.

    So-called liberators do not like, - with deep conviction, Narora says. - From the liberator to the conqueror - one step, one step of soldiers' boots "

    see also

    • List of Wars XX Century


    1. 1 2 War in Angola. Kommersant.Ru (May 4, 2001). Archived from the original source February 17, 2012.
    2. 1 2 3 Flank in anti-colonial struggle and civil war in Angola. Regional public organization of participants in the provision of international assistance to the Republic of Angola. Archived from the original source February 17, 2012.
    3. Khazanov A. M. Agostino Netoo: Biographical essay. - M.: Science, 1985. - P. 150.
    4. Khazanov A. M. Agostino Netoo: Biographical essay. - M.: Science, 1985. - P. 152.
    5. Khazanov A. M. Agostino Netoo: Biographical essay. - M.: Nauka, 1985. - P. 154.
    6. Khazanov A. M. Agostino Netoo: Biographical essay. - M.: Nauka, 1985. - P. 155.
    7. Kalley Jacqueline Audrey. Southern African Political History: A CHRONOLOGICAL OF KEY POLITICAL EVENTS FROM INDEPENDENCE TO MID-1997. - 1999. - P. PP. 13-14.
    8. Zotov N. M. Angola: The struggle continues (from the national front to the avant-garde party). - M.: Science, 1985. - P. 99.
    9. Zotov N. M. Angola: The struggle continues (from the National Front to the Avant-garde Party). - M.: Science, 1985. - P. 100.


    • Lavrene S. I, Popov I. M. Soviet Union in local wars and conflicts. Hot days in Angola
    • Russia (USSR) in wars of the second half of the 20th century. Angola in the struggle for national independence (1975-1979)
    • Union of Angola Veterans - Regional Public Organization of Participants in the Provision of International Aid Republic of Angola
    • Gabriel Garcia Marquez. "People who performed their duty"
    • V. Vesnetnikov. "Unique. Angola. "

    civil War in Angolanko

    Civil War in Angola Information about

    This is not talking about it, but during the Cold War of the USSR defended its interests not only in the countries of the Soclock, but also in distant Africa. Our military participated in many African conflicts, the largest of whom was civil war in Angola.

    Unknown War

    The fact that the Soviet military fought in Africa, it was not customary to speak for a long time. Moreover, 99% of the USSR citizens did not know that in distant Angola, Mozambique, Libya, Ethiopia, North and South Yemen, Syria and Egypt was the Soviet military contingent. Of course, rumors came, but they were not confirmed by official information from the pages of the Pravda newspaper, they were restrained as to the bikes and speculation.
    Meanwhile, only on the line of the 10th Main Department of the GS Sun USSR from 1975 to 1991 through Angola took place 10,985 generals, officers, ensigns and ordinary. In Ethiopia, 11,143 Soviet soldiers were commissioned during the same time. If we take into account the Soviet military presence in Mozambique, then you can talk more than 30 thousand Soviet military specialists and an ordinary composition on African Earth.

    However, despite such scales, soldiers and officers who performed their "international duty" were as if non-existent, they were not given orders and medals, the Soviet press did not write about their exploits. They were not like official statistics. In the military tickets of participants of African wars, as a rule, there were no entries on business trips to the African continent, and simply stood an inconspicuous stamp with the part number, followed by the 10th management of the USSR General Staff. Such a state of affairs reflected in his poem Military translator Alexander Polyvin, who wrote during the battles for the city of Kita-Kuanaval

    "Where are us, buddy, with you listed,
    Probably big and necessary?
    And we are told: "You could not be there,
    And the blood of the Russian Angola Earth is not ala

    First soldiers

    Immediately after overthrowing in Portugal dictatorship, November 11, 1975, when Angola received long-awaited independence, the first military specialists appeared in this African country, forty people of special forces and military translators. Fifteen years of boring with colonial troops, the rebels were finally able to come to power, but for this power still needed to fight. The steering wheel of Angola turned out to be a coalition of three national liberation movements: the national movement for the liberation of Angola (MPLA), the National Union for the complete independence of Angola (UNITA) and the National Front of the Liberation of Angola (FNL). The Soviet Union decided to support MPLA. With the departure of the Portuguese of Angola, it became a real stage of the fight for geopolitical interests. Against the MPLA, who supported Cuba and the USSR, performed UNITA, FNLA and South Africa, who, in turn, supported Zaire and the United States.

    What did you fight for?

    What did the USSR have sought when he sent his "African special forces" for thirty lands, in distant Africa? The goals were, first of all, geopolitical. Angola saw the Soviet leadership of the Court of Socialism in Africa, she could be the first to our Anclava in South Africa and could resist the economically powerful South Africa, which, as you know, provided the US support.

    In the years of the Cold War, our country could not afford to lose Angola, it was necessary to help the new leadership of the country, to make the country with a reference African socialist state, oriented in its political tasks to the Soviet Union. In the plan of trade relations, Angola represented little interest to the USSR, the exports of countries were similar: forest, oil and diamonds. It was a war for political influence.

    Fidel Castro said concisely on the importance of Soviet assistance: "Angola would have no prospects without political and logistical assistance to the USSR."

    What and what did you fight?

    From the very beginning of the military participation of the USSR in the African conflict, they were provided with a blank-blanche card for combat operations. This was reported to the telegram obtained from the General Staff, which indicated that military specialists had the right to participate in hostilities on the side of the MPLA and Cuban troops.

    In addition to the "live strength", which consisted of military advisers, officers, ensigns, ordinary, sailors and combat swimmers (the USSR was submitted to the shores of Angola and several of their military vessels), weapons and special needs were also supplied to Angola.

    However, as the participant of that war, Sergei Kolomnin, recalls, the weapon still was not enough. However, it lacked him and in the opposing side. Most of all, it was, of course, Kalashnikov's automata, both the Soviet and foreign (Romanian, Chinese and Yugoslav) assembly. Also were the Portuguese rifles of the F-3, which remained from colonial times. The principle "than we can help" was manifested in the supply of reliable, but somewhat outdated by the time of the PPT, PPS, and machine guns of Degtyarev to Angola.

    The form of the Soviet military military in Angola was without the signs of distinction, the first time was made to wear a Cuban uniform, the so-called "Verde olivo". It was not too convenient in the conditions of a hot African climate, but the military, as a rule, do not choose their wardrobe. Soviet soldiers had to resort to the army smelter, order themselves easier in the tailors. Make changes to the ammunition at the official level, add the signs of the differences and change the material once a lieutenant-General Petrovsky once, but his proposals were met by the command in the bayonets. In the Angolan fronts, people were sitting on such conditions in such conditions, the form was considered frivolous.

    Change change

    Angola, as well as Lebanon, and other African countries we missed. Now you can talk about it. When the USSR broke out and a political course was changed in the country, then our military contingent was withdrawn from Africa. Holy place, as you know, is not empty. The president of the same Angola soul Santosh (who, by the way, ended the Baku University and married to Russian) had to look for new allies. And that is not surprising, they were the United States.

    Americans immediately stopped supporting UNITA and switched to the help of the MPLA. Today, American oil companies work in Angola, Angolan oil comes to China, has its own interests in Angola and Brazil. At the same time, Angola itself remains one of the poorest countries of the world with a level of poverty in 60 percent, the outbreaks of the Vicha epidemic and total unemployment.

    Soviet Africa was a unfulfilled dream, and several hundred Soviet military who had to fulfill their "international duty" there, they will never return back.