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  • Declassified documents on the first days of the Great Patriotic War. Declassified documents on the first days of the Great Patriotic War Border of the USSR on June 22, 1941

    Declassified documents on the first days of the Great Patriotic War. Declassified documents on the first days of the Great Patriotic War Border of the USSR on June 22, 1941

    Article 1. The border of the Soviet Union
    Article 2. As the Minister of the Third Reich declared the War of the USSR

    Article 4. Russian Spirit

    Article 6. Opinion of the Russian citizen. Memo on June 22
    Article 7. Opinion of the American Citizen. Russians are best able to be friends and fight.
    Article 8. Verogenic West

    Article 1. The border of the Soviet Union


    In this early morning, 1941, the enemy struck a terrible, unexpected blow to the USSR. From the first minutes, the border guards warriors first entered the fatal fight with fascist invaders and courageously defended our homeland, defending every Soviet land.

    At 4.00 on June 22, 1941, after a powerful artillery training, advanced fascist troops attacked border posts from the Baltic to the Black Sea. Despite the huge superiority of the enemy in a living force and technology, the border guards were steadfastly fought, heroically died, but they did not leave defendants without an order.
    For many hours (and in certain areas and a few days), the outposts in the stubborn battles constrained the fascist parts on the border line, without giving them to capture bridges and crossing through border rivers. Unprecedented persistence and courage, the price of his lives border guards sought to hold the promotion of the advanced parts of the German-fascist troops. Each outpost was a little fortress, the enemy could not master her, while he was alive at least one border guard.
    Thirty minutes left the Hitler's General Headquarters for the destruction of Soviet border making. But this calculation turned out to be insolvent.

    None of almost 2000 swells that accepted an unexpected blow to the superior enemy forces did not flop, did not surrender, none!

    The border fighters were the first to reflect the head of the fascist conquerors. They were the first to be under the firing of tank and motorized hordes of the enemy. Previously, they have entered the honor, freedom and independence of their homeland. The first victims of war and its first heroes were Soviet border guards.
    Border foreheads in the direction of the main strikes of the German fascist troops were subjected to the most powerful attacks. In the manpower of the Army Group on the site of the August border, two divisions of the fascists moved the border. The enemy was calculated to destroy the border outposts in 20 minutes.
    1st Border Judgment Senior Lieutenant A.N. Sivacheva defended 12 hours, completely died.

    3rd Outlook Lieutenant V.M. Usova fought for 10 hours, 36 border guards beat seven attacks of fascists, and when the cartridges ended in the bayonet attack.

    The courage and heroism showed border guards of the Luginian border guard.

    4th Zadava Lieutenant V.G. Malieva led a fight until 12 o'clock on June 23, 13 people were left alive.

    The 17th border outpost led the fight with the infantary battalion of the enemy to 7 hours on June 23, and 2 and 13 the outposts kept defense to 12 hours on June 22 and only by order remaining border guards, moved away from their frontiers.

    Bravely fought with the enemy border guards 2nd and 8th chilling of the Chizhevsky border guard.
    The border guards of the Brest border guards covered themselves. The 2nd and 3rd outposts were kept until 18 hours on June 22. 4th Zadava Senior Lieutenant I.G. Tikhonov, located near the river, several hours did not allow the enemy to cross the east coast. At the same time, more than 100 invaders, 5 tanks, 4 guns and two attacks of the enemy were destroyed.

    In his memoirs, the German officers and generals noted that only wounded border guards got into captivity, none of them raised his hands, did not fold the weapon.

    Having passed the solemn marching throughout Europe, the fascists from the first minutes face the unprecedented persistence and the heroism of the fighters in green caps, although the superiority of the Germans lived 10 - 30 more paints, artillery, tanks, airplanes were attracted, but the border guards stood to death.
    The former commander of the German 3rd tank band General-Colonel G. Got was subsequently forced to admit: "Both divisions of the 5th Army Corps immediately came across the enemy's overshades, which, despite the absence of artillery support, held its position to last. "
    This is largely due to the selection and recruitment of the border making.

    The acquisition of the personnel was carried out from all Republics of the USSR. The junior primary composition and redarmeys were called up at the age of 20 for 3 years (in marine parts served 4 years). Frames of the border composition for border troops prepared ten border schools (schools), Leningrad Naval School, Higher School of the NKVD, as well as the Frunze Military Academy and the National Political Academy of Name
    V. I. Lenin.

    The junior primary composition was prepared in the district and detachment schools of MNS, the Red Armenians - in temporary training points with each border recorder or a separate border part, and the maritime specialists were trained in two training border marine detachments.

    In 1939 - 1941, when commissioning border units and units in the Western part of the border, the leadership of the border troops sought to appoint command positions in border detachments and commandatures of persons of the Middle and Senior Chief of Having Experience, especially participants in hostilities on Halchin - Goole and on the border with Finland. It was more difficult to descend border and backup outposts.

    By the beginning of 1941, the number of border posts doubled, and the border schools could not immediately provide a sharply increased need for the middle boss, so in the fall of 1939 courses of accelerated training of the command of the head of the junior majority and redarmeys of the third year of service were organized, and the advantage was provided to persons having Combat experience. All this allowed for January 1, 1941 to fully complete all border and reserve posts on staff.

    In order to prepare for the reflection of the aggression of fascist Germany, the USSR government raised the protection density of the Western state border of the country: from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea. This site was guarded by 8 border districts, including 49 border detachments, 7 detachments of border courts, 10 separate border commanders and three separate aircadryli.

    The total number of 87459 people, of which 80% of personnel were directly at the state border, including the Soviet-German border - 40963 Soviet border guards. Of the 1747 border making, guarding the USSR state border, 715 - is on the western border of the country.

    Organizational border detachments consisted of 4 border commandants (each 4 linear outposts and one backup outpost), a maneuverable group (a detachment reserve of four stamped, a total number of 200 - 250 people), a junior school school - 100 people, headquarters, reconnaissance, politrigan and rear. In total, the detachment was up to 2000 border guards. The border detachment guarded the land area with a length of up to 180 kilometers, on the sea coast - up to 450 kilometers.
    Border posts in June 1941 were a regular number of 42 and 64 people depending on the specific conditions of the terrain and other conditions of the situation. At the outstanding number of 42 people, the head of the forma-you and his deputy, foreman, and 4 commander of the departments.

    His guide consisted of a single machine gun Maxim, three hand-guns of Degtyarev and 37 five-chain sample rifles of 1891/30, the wizard composite was: 9.62 mm caliber cartridges - 200 pieces per rifle and 1600 pieces per hand machine gun, 2400 Pieces on the machine machine gun, manual grenades of the RGD - 4 pieces per border guard and 10 anti-tan grenades for the entire stamping.
    Effective rifle shooting range - up to 400 meters, machine guns - up to 600 meters.

    On the borderproof, the number of 64 people was the head of the head and two of his deputy, the foreman and 7 commanders of the offices. Its weapons: Two Machine Machine Machine Machine, four hand-gun machine guns and 56 rifles. Accordingly, the amount of ammunition was more. By decision of the head of the border detachment on the outpost, where the most threatened atmosphere was developed, the number of cartridges were increased by one and a half times, but the subsequent development of events showed that this stock was enough for only 1 to 2 days of defensive actions. The only technical means of Communication was the Field Phone. Two parkon wagons were vehicles.

    Since the border troops during the service were constantly met on the border of various violators, including armed and as part of the groups, with which they often had to fight, the degree of preparedness of all categories of border guards was good, and the combat readiness of such divisions as a border search and border post , Ship, was actually completely complete.

    At 4 o'clock Moscow time on June 22, 1941, German aviation and artillery simultaneously all over the state border of the USSR from the Baltic to the Black Seas caused massive fire strikes on military and industrial facilities, railway sites, airfields and sea ports on the territory of the USSR to depth 250 - 300 kilometers from the state border. Armada of fascist aircraft discharged bombs on the peaceful cities of the Baltic republics, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova and the Crimea. Border ships and boats, together with other ships of the Baltic and Black Sea Fleets, entered into the fight against the nec-gesting aircraft.

    Among the objects for which the enemy struck fire strikes was the position of the troops of the cover and location of the red army dislocation, as well as the military towns of border detachments and commanders. As a result of the artillery under-cooking of the enemy, which lasted in various sections from one to one and a half hours, the division and part of the troops of the cover and the units of the border crossings suffered losses in the lively strength and technique.

    Short-term, but the powerful artillery strike enemy inflicted on the towns of border retrieval, as a result of which all wooden buildings were destroyed or covered by fire, the first wounded and killed border guards were destroyed in a large part.

    On the night of June 22, German saboteurs damaged almost all wired communication lines, which violated the management of border units and the troops of the Red Army.

    Following the blows of aviation and artillery, the German Supreme Command moved its invasion troops at the front of 1,500 kilometers from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathian Mountains, having 14 tank in the first echelon, 10 mechanical and 75 infantry divisions with a total number of 1 million 900 thousand servicemen equipped with 2500 tanks , 33 thousand guns and mortars, with the support of 1200 bombers and 700 fighters.
    By the time of the enemy attack on the state border, only border outposts were located and for them at 3 - 5 kilometers - separate rifle companies and rifle battalions of troops that performed the task of an operational cover, as well as defensive structures of reprimals.

    The divisions of the first echelons of the armies of the cover were in areas remote from the deployments appointed by him 8-20 kilometers, which did not allow them to turn into a battle order in a timely manner and forced them to enter into battle with the aggressor disparately, in parts, unorganized and with large losses in person. and military equipment.

    The course of combat operations of border making and their results were different. When analyzing the actions of border guards, it is necessary to take into account the specific conditions in which each outpost was found on June 22, 1941. They depended largely on the composition of the advanced enemy units that attacked the stamping, as well as on the nature of the terrain on which the border and the directions of the action of impact groups of the German army took place.

    For example, the state border area with Eastern Prussia passed on the plain with a large number of roads, without river barriers. It was on this site that the powerful German group of the North Army began to strike. And on the southern plot of the Soviet-German front, where the Carpathian mountains rose and rushed the San, Dniester river, Prut, Danube, the actions of large groupings of the enemy's troops were difficult, and the conditions for the defense of the border making are favorable.

    In addition, if the outpost was placed in a brick building, and not in a wooden, then its defensive capabilities increased significantly. It must be borne in mind that in densely populated areas, with well-masted agriculture with land plots, to build a pleasant supporting point for the outpost was large organizational difficulties, and therefore had to adapt to the defense of the room and build near the outpost covered firepoints near the outposts.

    Last night, before the war, the border units of Western border districts carried out enhanced state border guard. A part of the personnel of the border post was located on the border area in the border outfits, the main composition in the platoon support points, several border guards remained in the premises of the preservation. The personnel of the reserve units of border commanders and detachments was located at the place of its permanent deployment.
    For commanders and redarmeys who saw the concentration of enemy troops, unexpectedly was not the attack itself, but the power and cruelty of aviation plaque and shocks of Artil-Leria, as well as the mass of moving and shooting armored vehicles. Among the border guards, panic, bustle and aimless shooting was not. It happened what was expected for a whole month. Of course, the losses were, but not from panic and cowardice.

    Ahead of the main forces of each German shelf moved shock groups by force before the platoon with sacks and interlocks on armored personnel carriers and motorcycles with the tasks of elimination of borderlocks, the capture of bridges, the establishment of the positions of the troops of the cover of the Red Army, the completion of the destruction of the border making.

    In order to ensure suddenness, these enemy units in some areas of the border began nomination during the period of artillery and aviation training. To complete the destruction of the personnel of the border, the tanks were used, which were on the removal of 500 - 600 meters, conducted fire on supporting points, remaining out of reach of weapons outposts.

    The first who discovered the transition through the state border of intelligence units of the German fascist troops were border outfits that were in service. Using pre-prepared trenches, as well as the folds of the terrain and vegetation, like shelter, they entered into battle with the enemy and thus gave a signal of danger. Many border guards died in battle, and the remaining alive moved to the supporting points of the removal and were involved in defensive actions.

    On river border areas, advanced opponent units sought to capture bridges. Border trials for the protection of bridges were expelled in 5 - 10 people with manual, and sometimes with a machine machine gun. In most cases, border guards prevented the capture of bridges in front of the opponent.

    The enemy attracted armored vehicles to capture the bridges, carried out his advanced divisions on boats and pontoons, surrounded and destroyed border guards. Unfortunately, the border guards did not have the opportunity to undermine the bridges through the border river and they got the enemy in good terms. In the battles for holding bridges on the border rivers, the rest of the person's observation, which caused serious losses by enemy infantry, but formerly powerless against tanks and opponent's armored vehicles.

    So, when protecting bridges across the river, the West Bug in full force, the staff 4, 6, 12 and 14 of the border choke of the Vladimir-Volyn border detachment was killed. 7 and 9 border outposts of the renoval border squad in unequal battles with an opponent, protecting bridges across the San River.

    In the strip, where the shock groups of the German fascist troops occurred, the advanced enemy units for the number and armament were stronger than the border appendix, and, moreover, they had tanks and armored personnel carriers in their composition. In these areas, the border outposts could restrain the enemy only to one to two hours. The border guards of fire from machine guns and rifles reflected the attack of the infant infantry, but enemy tanks, after the destruction of defensive structures with fire from guns, broke into the support point of the outpost and completed their destruction.

    In some cases, border guards managed to bother one tank, but in most cases they were powerless against armored vehicles. In an unequal struggle against the enemy, the staff of the outpost almost all perished. The border guards who were in the basements of the brick buildings were kept, and, continuing to fight, died, who were captured by German Fugas.

    But the personnel of many of the making continued the fight with the enemy from the supporting points to make up to the last person. These battles continued during June 22, and individual outposts led the fight surrounded several days.

    For example, 13 Zastema of the Vladimir-Volyn border detachment, based on strong defensive structures and favorable areas of terrain, the fight was surrounded within eleven days. The defenses of this outpost contributed to the heroic actions of the garrisons of foloding of the Red Army, which during the artillery and aviation preparation of the enemy prepared for defense and met it with powerful fire from guns and machine guns. In these villas, the commanders and the Red Army team were defended by many days, and somewhere and more than a month. The German troops were forced to bypass this area, and then using poisonous smokes, flames and explosives to destroy the heroic garrisons.
    Employed in the ranks of the Red Army, together with her, the border guards carried the gravity of the fight against the German invaders, he was struggle with the agent of his intelligence, reliably protected the rear of the fronts and armies from the attacks of the saboteurs, destroyed the broken groups and remnants of the opponent groups, universally showing heroism and cheeky , resistance, courage and selfless devotion to the Soviet Motherland.

    Summing up, it must be said that on June 22, 1941, the German fascist command moved a monstrous military machine against the USSR, which fell into the Soviet people with special cruelty, which neither measures, no name. But in this complex setting, the Soviet border guards did not flinch. In the first battles, they showed the boundless devotion to the dedication, unshakable will, the ability to maintain resistance and courage, even in minutes of mortal danger.

    Many details of the fighting of several dozen border making remain unknown as the fate of many border defenders. Among the irrevocable losses of border guards in battles in June 1941, more than 90% amounted to "missing".

    Not intended for the reflection of the armed invasion of the regular troops of the enemy, border outposts were constantly held under the onslaught of superior forces of the German army and its satellites. The death of border guards was justified by the fact that, dilding with whole units, they provided an exit to the defensive borders of the cover of the Red Army, which in turn provided the deployment of the fundamental forces of armies and fronts and ultimately created the conditions for the defeat of the German Armed Forces and the liberation of the peoples of the USSR and Europe from fascism.

    For courage and heroism, manifested in the first fights with the German-fascist invaders at the state border, 826 border guards were awarded the orders and medals of the USSR. 11 border guards were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, five of them are posthumously. The names of sixteen border guards are assigned to the findings on which they served on the day of the war.

    Here are just a few episodes of battle on that first day of war and the names of the heroes:

    Plato Mikhailovich Cubes

    The name of the Little Lithuanian village of Kibaretai became widely known to many Soviet people on the very first day of the Great Patriotic War - a border appendix was located nearby, who was selflessly entered into an unequal battle with a superior opponent.

    In that commemorative night, no one slept. Border outfits, this and case reported on the appearance, near the border of the Hitler's troops. The fighters took round defense with the first ruptures of enemy shells, and the head of the head Lieutenant cubes with a small group of border guards left to the place of the shootout. Three columns of the Hitlerians were sent to the cauldron. If he will take a fight with his group here, it will try as far as the enemy can be delayed, it will be time to prepare for the meeting with the invaders ...

    A handful of fighters under the command of the 27-year-old Lieutenant Platon Cuba, having masked thoroughly, repeatedly reflected the attacks of the enemy. One after another killed all the fighters, but the cubes continued to fire from the machine gun. Cartridges ended. Then the lieutenant jumped to the horse and rushed to the stamping.

    The little garrison became one of the numerous stamps, obstacles, albeit only on the clock, the path of the enemy. Border guards Fought up to the last cartridge, to the last grenade ...

    In the evening, local residents came to the smoking ruins of the border outpost. Among the piles of killed enemy soldiers, they found the disheveled border guards and buried them in a fraternal grave.

    Several years ago, the ashes of the Heroes-cubets moved to the territory of the newly rebuilt outpost, which, on August 17, 1963, was assigned the name P. M. Kubov, Communist, a native of the village of the Revolutionary Kursk region.

    Alexey Vasilyevich Lopatin

    Early in the morning of June 22, 1941 in the courtyard of the 13th Option of the Vladimir-Volyn border detachment thundered explosions of shells. And then planes with fascist swastika flew over the dressing. War! For 25-year-old Alexei Lopatina, a native of the village of Dyukov, Ivanovo region, it began literally from the first minute. Lieutenant, two years before that graduated from the military school, commanded the stamping.

    Nazis hoped with the go to minimize a small unit. But they calculated. Lopatin organized a strong defense. Messenger to the bridge through the Bug group for more than an hour did not give the enemy to force the river. Heroes died all to one. The defense of the head of the fascists attacked more than a day, and no sowing break the resistance of Soviet soldiers. Then the enemies surrounded the stamping, deciding that the border guards would give up. But the machine guns still prevented the promotion of Hitler's columns. On the second day she was scattered by the Rota of SSS, thrown onto a small garrison. On the third day, the fascists sent a fresh part with artillery. By this time, Lopatin was covered by his fighters and families of the Commostav in a reliable basement of the barracks and continued the battle.

    On June 26, the Hitler's guns hit the ground part of the barracks. However, the new attacks of the fascists were again repulsed. On June 27, thermal shells fell on the stamping. Siem counted by fire and smoke to force the Soviet fighters to get out of the basement. But again, the wave of the Nazis rolled back, gathered by the shots of Lopatiners. On June 29, women and children were sent from the ruins, and border guards, including the wounded, remained to the end.

    And three more days continued the battle, until the ruins of the barracks were struck under the squall fire of artillery ...

    The title of the Hero of the Soviet Union honored the birthplace of a brave warrior, a candidate for members of Alexei Vasilyevich Lopatina. Its name on February 20, 1954 was assigned to one of the removal on the western border of the country.

    Fedor Vasilyevich Morin

    Birch in the third blockhouse stood as a wounded soldier with a crutch, leaning on the boring bitch, interrupted by a fragment of the shell. The earth was trembling around, black smoke got over the ruins of the outpost. Howl lasted more than seven hours.

    In the morning, the storage did not have a telephone connection with the headquarters. There was an order of the head of the squad to move on the rear binds, but the connected, sent from the commandanttia, did not reach the obstrion, the struck of the crazy bullet. And about to retreat without an order, Lieutenant Fedor Marin and thoughts did not allow.

    Rus, give up! - shouted fascists.

    Marin gathered in Blockhouse seven remaining fighters, hugged everyone and kissed.

    Better death than captivity, "said the commander to border guards.

    I will die, but you will not give up, he heard in response.

    Put the caps! Let's go full.

    They charged the rifles with the last cartridges, once again embraced and went to the enemy. Marin Roar "Internationale", the fighters picked up, and ranged over the fry: "This is our last and decisive battle ..."

    Two days later, a fascist Feldfelfel, captured by the fighters of the Red Army battalion, told how the nicknames were swipe off, hearing the revolutionary anthem.

    Lieutenant Fedor Vasilyevich Maureen, a posthumously awarded title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, and today in the ranks of time boundaries. His name on September 3, 1965 was assigned to the outpost he commanded.

    Ivan Ivanovich Parhomenko

    Awakened at dawn on June 22, 1941 by the crash of the artillery cannonade, the boss, the head of the senior lieutenant Maximov jumped at the horse and rushed to the stamping, but without reaching it, it was hardly wounded. The defense was headed by Politruk Kyan, but he soon died in a fight with the fascists. The command of Zastava received the foreman Ivan Parhomenko. By performing his instructions, machine gunners and arrows conducted a tagged fire on the nims through the Bug of the Nazis, they tried not to put them on our shore. But too large was the superiority of the enemy ...

    Fearless elders attached to border guards. Parkhomenko invariably appeared there, where the battle was played especially violently, where his courage and commander will needed. The fragment of the enemy shell did not pass Ivan. But, with the collapse of the collar, Parhomenko continued to lead the fight.

    The sun has already stood in Zenith, when the trench, in which the last defenders of the outpost focused, was surrounded. Almost three could shoot, including the foreman. Parkhomenko remained the last grenade. Nazis approached the towers. The foreman, collected the forces, threw a grenade to the approached the car, smilling three officers. After bleeding, Parkhomenko slipped to the bottom of the tag ...

    Before the company of the Nazis destroyed the fighters of the border post under the command of Ivan Parkhomenko, they detained his lives for eight hours to the promotion of the enemy.

    On October 21, 1967, the name Komsomol Center I. I. Parkhomenko was assigned to one IV of the Border Cut.
    Eternal Glory and Memory Heroes !!! We remember you !!!

    The tragedy of June 1941 was studied along and across. And the more it is being studied, the more questions remain.
    Today I want to give the word eyewittry of those events.
    His name is Valentin Berezhkov. He worked as a translator. Translated to Stalin. Left the book of magnificent memoirs.
    On June 22, 1941, Valentin Mikhailovich Berezhkov met ... in Berlin.
    His memories are truly invaluable.
    After all, they say - Stalin was afraid of Hitler. Everything was afraid and therefore did not do anything to prepare for war. And she is still lying that everything, including Stalin, was confused and frightened when the war began.
    But as it really was.
    As the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Third Reich, Ioachim von Ribbentrop declared the War of the USSR.
    "Suddenly at 3 o'clock in the morning, or at 5 am Moscow time (it was Sunday on June 22), a phone rang. Some unfamiliar voice said that Reikhs-Minister Ioachim von Ribbentrop is waiting for Soviet representatives in their office in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at Wilhelmstrasse. Already from this barking unfamiliar voice, from extremely official phraseology, he has repeated something sinister.
    Leaving at Wilhelmstraße, we published a crowd from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs building. Although already dawned, the entrance to the cast-iron canopy was brightly lit by spotlights. Photo reporters, cameramen, journalists were fusing around. The official jumped out of the car first and wide open the door. We came out, blinded by the light of jupiters and outbreaks of magnesium lamps. Anxious thought flashed in the head - is it war? Otherwise, it was impossible to explain such a collision on Wilhelmstrasse, and even at night. Photo reporters and cameramen were relentlessly accompanied us. They then came forward, clicked shutters. The length of the minister led a long corridor. Along him, stretching, stood some people in shape. With our appearance, they rod clicked with heels, raising her hand in a fascist greeting. Finally, we ended up in the office of the Minister.
    In the depths of the room stood a written table, followed by Ribbentrop on everyday gray-green ministerial form.
    When we came close to the desk, Ribbentrop got up, silently nodded his head, filed his hand and invited to go behind him in the opposite corner of the round table. The ribbentrop had a swollen face of a punch color and muddy, as if stopped, inflamed eyes. He walked ahead of us, lowering his head and piercing a little. "Is he drunk?" - flashed in my head. After we sat down and Ribbentrop began to speak, my assumption was confirmed. He, apparently, really thoroughly drank.
    The Soviet ambassador could not state our statement, the text of which we captured with them. Ribbentrop, an increase in the voice, said that now it will be discussed at all about the other. Straighant almost on every word, he began to explain quite confusing that the German government has data on the enhanced concentration of Soviet troops on the German border. I ignoring the fact that over the past weeks, the Soviet Embassy on behalf of Moscow has repeatedly addressed the attention of the German side for shining cases of violation of the border of the Soviet Union by German soldiers and aircraft, Ribbentrop said that the Soviet soldiers violated the German border and invaded the German territory, although such facts in There was no reality.
    Next, Ribbentrop explained that he briefly sets out the content of the memorandum of Hitler, whose text he immediately handed us. Then Ribbentrop said that the Educational Government was created as a threat to Germany at the moment when she was not on life, but to death a war with Anglo-Saxons. All this, Ribbentrop said, is regarded by the German government and personally by the Führer as the intention of the Soviet Union to strike into the back of the German people. The Führer could not tolerate such a threat and decided to take measures to fencing the life and security of the German nation. The decision of the Fuhrer is final. An hour ago, German troops switched to the border of the Soviet Union.
    Then Ribbentrop began to confine that these actions of Germany are not aggression, but only defensive events. After that, Ribbentrop got up and stretched out in full growth, trying to give himself a solemn appearance. But his voice clearly lacked hardness and confidence when he uttered the last phrase:
    - Fuhrer instructed me to officially announce these defensive events ...
    We also got up. The conversation was over. Now we knew that the shells were already torn on our land. After a challenged robbery attack, the war was officially announced ... there was no longer anything could be changed. Before you go, the Soviet ambassador said:
    - It is a baking, no provoked aggression. You will also regret what they have committed a robbery attack on the Soviet Union. You still cruelly pay ... ".
    And now the end of the scene. Scenes of the war announcement by the Soviet Union. Berlin. June 22, 1941. Cabinet Rybbentrop Foreign Minister.
    "We turned and headed for the exit. And then there was an unexpected. Ribbentrop, Semen, hurried after us. He became a patter, whisper to confine that he personally was against this decision of the Fuhrer. He even allegedly discouraged Hitler from attacking the Soviet Union. Personally, he, Ribbentrop, considers it madness. But he could not do anything. Hitler accepted this decision, he did not want to listen to anyone ...
    "Pass in Moscow that I was against the attack," we heard the last words of the ReichSministon, when they already went out into the corridor ... ".
    Source: Berezhkov V.M. "Pages of Diplomatic History", "International Relations"; Moscow; 1987;
    My comment: Drunk Ribbentrop and the Ambassador of the USSR Decanozov, who is not only "not afraid", but also speaks directly with completely non-diplomatic directness. It is also worth paying attention to that the German "official version" of the beginning of the war completely coincides with the version of the Tuba-Suvorov. More precisely, the London Sadon Writer, a traitor-a second-trembling Rezun rewrong the version of Nazi propaganda in his books.
    Like, a poor defenseless Hitler was defended in June 1941. And this in the West believe? Believe. And Russia's population wants to inspire this faith. At the same time believe Western historians and politicians Hitler only once: June 22, 1941. Neither before, nor after they do not believe him. After all, Hitler said that both Poland attacked on September 1, 1939, exclusively defending against Polish aggression. They believe the western historians of the Führer only when it is necessary to defame the USSR-Russia. Conclusion is simple: who believes the thunder, he believes Hitler.
    I hope you begin to understand a little better why Stalin considered German attack impossible nonsense.
    P.S. The fate of the heroes of this scene developed in different ways.
    Joachim von Ribbentrop was hanged by the sentence of the Nuremberg Tribunal. Because I knew too much about the backstage policy on the eve and during the World War.
    Vladimir Georgievich Deanozozov - Then the Ambassador of the USSR in Germany was shot by Khrushchev in December 1953. After the murder of Stalin, and then the murders of Beria traitors did the same thing that was happening in 1991: the security authorities have risen. We cleaned all who knew and who could make a policy at the "world level". And deanozov knew a lot (read his biography).
    Valentin Mikhailovich Berezhkov lived a difficult and interesting life. His book memories recommend to read each.

    Article 3. Why did the attack of Germany in the USSR be called "treacherous"?

    Today in the 71st anniversary of the attack of fascist Germany to the Soviet Union and the beginning of the Great Patriotic War I would like to write about the question that, in my memory, did not become the subject of discussions, although it lies right on the surface.
    On July 3, 1941, turning to the Soviet people, Stalin called the attack of the Hitler's "treacherous".
    Below is the full text of that speech, including audio recording. But to start with finding a response to the question why Stalin called the attack "treacherous"? Why on June 22 in the speech of Molotov, when the country learned about the beginning of the war, Vyacheslav Molotov said: "This unheard of attack on our country is unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples."
    What is "treachery"? This means "broken faith". In other words, Stalin and Molotov were characterized by Hitler's aggression as an act of "broken faith." But faith in what? So, Stalin believed Hitler, and Hitler broke this faith?
    And how else to perceive this word? At the head of the USSR, there was a global politician, and he knew how to call things with his names.
    I offer one of the options for answering this question. He found him in the article of our famous historian Yuri Rubtsova. He is a doctor of historical sciences, Professor of the Military University of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    Yuri Rubtsov writes:
    "During all 70 years who have passed since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, public consciousness is looking for an answer to the externally, a very simple question: how it happened that the Soviet leadership, having, seemingly irrefutable certificates for the preparation of Germany aggression against the USSR, so to the end in her The opportunity did not believe, and was captured by surprise?
    This appearance is a simple question - from the category of those for which people are looking for the answer infinitely. One of the options for an answer is the leader has become a victim of a large-scale disinformation operation carried out by German special services.
    The Hitler's command understood that the suddenness and maximum impact force in the troops of the Red Army can be provided only when the position of direct contact with them is offensed.
    Tactical suddenness when applying the first strike was achieved only under the condition that until the last time the attack date will be preserved until the last moment.
    From May 22, 1941, as part of the final stage of the operational deployment of the Wehrmacht, 47 divisions were transferred to the border from the USSR, including 28 tank and motorized.
    Generalized all versions of what kind of intelligence such a lot of troops concentrates from the Soviet border, the main two were reduced:
    - to prepare for the invasion of the British Islands, in order to remove them here, to protect them from the blows of English aviation;
    - For the powerful provision of a favorable move of negotiations with the Soviet Union, which is about the hints of Berlin, they should have started.
    As it should be, a special disinformation operation against the USSR began long before May 22, 1941, the first German military echelons moved to the east.
    It accepted personal and far from formal participation A. Hitler.
    Let's say about a personal letter, which Führer sent the leader of the Soviet people on May 14. In it, by that time, the borders of the Soviet Union about 80 German divisions of Hitler explained the need to "organize troops away from english eye And in connection with the recent operations in the Balkans. " "Perhaps it gives rise to rumors about the possibility of a military conflict between us, - moving to a trustee, he wrote. - I want to assure you - and give the word of honor, that it is not true ... "
    The Führer promised, starting from June 15-20, to start a massive troop of troops from the Soviet borders to the West, and before that, Stalin's trifle did not succumb to provocations, to which the German generals could allegedly go, who, from sympathy for England, "forgot about their debt" . "I expect a meeting in July. Sincerely yours, Adolf Hitler "- on such a" high "note

    He completed his letter.
    It was one of the peaks of a disinformation operation.
    Alas, the Soviet leadership adopted the Germans's explanations for a clean coin. In an effort to avoid war and not to attack the slightest reason, Stalin has forbidden to bring the troops of border districts in combat readiness until the last day. As if the reason for the attack was still somehow worried the Hitler's leadership ...
    In the last pre-war day, Goebbels recorded in the diary: "The question regarding Russia is sharpened with each hour. Molotov was asked to visit Berlin, but he received a decisive refusal. Naive assumption. This was necessary to do half a year ago ... "
    Yes, if Moscow could indeed rummaged at least for half a year, but for a half months to an hour "x"! However, the magic of confidence that collisions with Germany will be able to avoid, so owned Stalin so much that, even having received confirmation from the Molotov about the announcement of Germany, in the Directive, which was given on June 22 at 7 o'clock. 15 minutes. The Red Army on the reflection of the invading enemy, he forbade our troops, with the exception of aviation, cross the German border line. "
    This document leads Yuri Rubtsov.

    Of course, if Stalin believed the letter of Hitler, in which he wrote "Expecting a meeting in July. Your sincerely, Adolf Hitler, "then there is an opportunity to correctly understand why Stalin, and Molotov, the attack of fascist Germany on the Soviet Union appear correctly.

    Hitler "broke faith" Stalin ...

    Here, perhaps, it is necessary to stay on two episodes of the first days of war.
    In recent years, a lot of dirt is poured on Stalin. Khrushchev was blocked that Stalin, they say, hid at the cottage and was shocked. Documents do not lie.
    Here is the "Journal of visits by I. V. Stalin in his Kremlin Cabinet" in June 1941.
    Since this historical material was preparing for publications, employees who worked under the leadership of Alexander Yakovlev, who had a famous hatred in Stalin, could not be doubted the authenticity of the documents given. They are published in publications:
    - 1941: in 2 kN. KN.1 / Sost. L. E. Reshin et al. M.: International. Foundation "Democracy", 1998. - 832 p. - ("Russia. XX century. Documents" / Ed. Acad. A. N. Yakovlev) ISBN 5-89511-0009-6;
    - The State Defense Committee decides (1941-1945). Figures, documents. - M.: Olma-Press, 2002. - 575 p. ISBN 5-224-03313-6.

    Below you read the records "Journal of visits by I.V. Stalin in its Kremlin Cabinet" from June 22 to June 28, 1941. Publishers celebrate:
    "Dates of reception of visitors held outside the Stalin's office are marked with an asterisk. The following errors occur in the records of the magazine: the day of the visit is twice; There are no dates of entry and exit visitors; Violates the ordinal numbering of visitors; There is an incorrect writing of the surnames. "

    So, before you are real concerns of Stalin in the first days of the war. Notice, no cottage, no shock. From the first minutes of meetings and meetings for making decisions and distribution of instructions. In the first hours created a bid of the Supreme Commander.

    June 22, 1941
    1. Molotov NGO, deputy. Previous SNK 5.45-12.05
    2. Beria NKVD 5.45-9.20
    3. Tymoshenko NGO 5.45-8.30
    4. Mehlis Nach. Glavfurn ka 5.45-8.30
    5. Zhukov ngsh ka 5.45-8.30
    6. Malenkov Secre. CCP Central Committee (b) 7.30-9.20
    7. Mikoyan deputy. Previous SNK 7.55-9.30
    8. Kaganovich NKPS 8.00-9.35
    9. Voroshilov deputy. Previous SNK 8.00-10.15
    10. Vyshinsky Sot. Foreign Ministry 7.30-10.40
    11. Kuznetsov 8.15-8.30
    12. Dimitrov ChL. Comintern 8.40-10.40
    13. Manuilsky 8.40-10.40
    14. Kuznetsov 9.40-10.20
    15. Mikoyan 9.50-10.30
    16. Molotov 12.25-16.45
    17. Voroshilov 10.40-12.05
    18. Beria 11.30-12.00
    19. Malenkov 11.30-12.00
    20. Voroshilov 12.30-16.45
    21. Mikoyan 12.30-14.30
    22. Vyshinsky 13.05-15.25
    23. Shaposhnikov deputy. NKO Ur 13.15-16.00
    24. Tymoshenko 14.00-16.00
    25. Zhukov 14.00-16.00
    26. Vatutin 14.00-16.00
    27. Kuznetsov 15.20-15.45
    28. Kulik deputy. NKO 15.30-16.00
    29. Beria 16.25-16.45
    The latter came out 16.45

    June 23, 1941
    1. Molotov ChL. GK rates 3.20-6.25
    2. Voroshilov ChL. GK rates 3.20-6.25
    3. Beria ChL. Tax rates 3.25-6.25
    4. Tymoshenko CHL. GK rates 3.30-6.10
    5. Vatutin 1st deputy. NGSh 3.30-6.10
    6. Kuznetsov 3.45-5.25
    7. Kaganovich NKPS 4.30-5.20
    8. Zhigarev team. Air Force 4.35-6.10

    The latter came out 6.25

    June 23, 1941
    1. Molotov 18.45-01.25
    2. Zhigarev 18.25-20.45
    3. Tymoshenko NKO USSR 18.59-20.45
    4. Merkulov NKVD 19.10-19.25
    5. Voroshilov 20.00-01.25
    6. Voznesensky before. Mirs., Deputy Previous SNK 20.50-01.25
    7. Mehlis 20.55-22.40
    8. Kaganovich NKPS 23.15-01.10
    9. Vatutin 23.55-00.55
    10. Tymoshenko 23.55-00.55
    11. Kuznetsov 23.55-00.50
    12. Beria 24.00-01.25
    13. Vlasik Nach. personal Security
    The latter came 01.25 24 / VI 41

    June 24, 1941
    1. Malyshev 16.20-17.00
    2. Voznesensky 16.20-17.05
    3. Kuznetsov 16.20-17.05
    4. Kisakov (flax.) 16.20-17.05
    5. Salzman 16.20-17.05
    6. Popov 16.20-17.05
    7. Kuznetsov (kr. M. Fl.) 16.45-17.00
    8. Beria 16.50-20.25
    9. Molotov 17.05-21.30
    10. Voroshilov 17.30-21.10
    11. Tymoshenko 17.30-20.55
    12. Vatutin 17.30-20.55
    13. Shahurin 20.00-21.15
    14. Petrov 20.00-21.15
    15. Zhigarev 20.00-21.15
    16. Golikov 20.00-21.20
    17. Shcherbakov Secre 1st MGK 18.45-20.55
    18. Kaganovich 19.00-20.35
    19. Suprune flying. 20.15-20.35
    20. Zhdanov ChL. P / Bureau, Secre. 20.55-21.30
    The latter came out 21.30

    June 25, 1941
    1. Molotov 01.00-05.50
    2. Shcherbakov 01.05-04.30
    3. Peresykin NKS, deputy. NGO 01.07-01.40
    4. Kaganovich 01.10-02.30
    5. Beria 01.15-05.25
    6. Merkulov 01.35-01.40
    7. Tymoshenko 01.40-05.50
    8. Kuznetsov NK NMF 01.40-05.50
    9. Vatutin 01.40-05.50
    10. Mikoyan 02.20-05.30
    11. Mehlis 01.20-05.20
    The latter came out 05.50

    June 25, 1941
    1. Molotov 19.40-01.15
    2. Voroshilov 19.40-01.15
    3. Malyshev NK Tankoprom 20.05-21.10
    4. Beria 20.05-21.10
    5. Sokolov 20.10-20.55
    6. Tymoshenko before. GK rates 20.20-24.00
    7. Vatutin 20.20-21.10
    8. Voznesensky 20.25-21.10
    9. Kuznetsov 20.30-21.40
    10. Fedorenko teams. ABTV 21.15-24.00
    11. Kaganovich 21.45-24.00
    12. Kuznetsov 21.05.-24.00
    13. Vatutin 22.10-24.00
    14. Scherbakov 23.00-23.50
    15. Mehlis 20.10-24.00
    16. Beria 00.25-01.15
    17. Voznesensky 00.25-01.00
    18. Vyshinsky Sot. Foreign Ministry 00.35-01.00
    The latter came out 01.00

    June 26, 1941
    1. Kaganovich 12.10-16.45
    2. Malenkov 12.40-16.10
    3. Weekly 12.40-16.10
    4. Zhigarev 12.40-16.10
    5. Voroshilov 12.40-16.30
    6. Molotov 12.50-16.50
    7. Vatutin 13.00-16.10
    8. Petrov 13.15-16.10
    9. Kovalev 14.00-14.10
    10. Fedorenko 14.10-15.30
    11. Kuznetsov 14.50-16.10
    12. Zhukov ngsh 15.00-16.10
    13. Beria 15.10-16.20
    14. Yakovlev Nach. GAU 15.15-16.00
    15. Tymoshenko 13.00-16.10
    16. Voroshilov 17.45-18.25
    17. Beria 17.45-19.20
    18. Mikoyan deputy. Previous SNK 17.50-18.20
    19. Vyshinsky 18.00-18.10
    20. Molotov 19.00-23.20
    21. Zhukov 21.00-22.00
    22. Vatutin 1st deputy. NGS 21.00-22.00
    23. Tymoshenko 21.00-22.00
    24. Voroshilov 21.00-22.10
    25. Beria 21.00-22.30
    26. Kaganovich 21.05-22.45
    27. Shcherbakov 1st ser. MHK 22.00-22.10
    28. Kuznetsov 22.00-22.20
    The latter came out 23.20

    June 27, 1941
    1. Voznesensky 16.30-16.40
    2. Molotov 17.30-18.00
    3. Mikoyan 17.45-18.00
    4. Molotov 19.35-19.45
    5. Mikoyan 19.35-19.45
    6. Molotov 21.25-24.00
    7. Mikoyan 21.25-02.35
    8. Beria 21.25-23.10
    9. Malenkov 21.30-00.47
    10. Tymoshenko 21.30-23.00
    11. Zhukov 21.30-23.00
    12. Vatutin 21.30-22.50
    13. Kuznetsov 21.30-23.30
    14. Zhigarev 22.05-00.45
    15. Petrov 22.05-00.45
    16. Socials 22.05-00.45
    17. Heads 22.05-00.45
    18. Nikitin Air Force 22.05-00.45
    19. Titov 22.05-00.45
    20. Voznesensky 22.15-23.40
    21. Shahurin NKAP 22.30-23.10
    22. Dementiev deputy. NKAP 22.30-23.10
    23. Shcherbakov 23.25-24.00
    24. Shahurin 00.40-00.50
    25. Merkulov deputy. NKVD 01.00-01.30
    26. Kaganovich 01.10-01.35
    27. Tymoshenko 01.30-02.35
    28. Golikov 01.30-02.35
    29. Beria 01.30-02.35
    30. Kuznetsov 01.30-02.35
    The latter came out 02.40

    June 28, 1941
    1. Molotov 19.35-00.50
    2. Malenkov 19.35-23.10
    3. Budded deputy. NGO 19.35-19.50
    4. Merkulov 19.45-20.05
    5. Bulganin deputy. Previous SNK 20.15-20.20
    6. Zhigarev 20.20-22.10
    7. Petrov Ch. Const. art. 20.20-22.10
    8. Bulganin 20.40-20.45
    9. Tymoshenko 21.30-23.10
    10. Zhukov 21.30-23.10
    11. Golikov 21.30-22.55
    12. Kuznetsov 21.50-23.10
    13. Kabanov 22.00-22.10
    14. Stefanovskiy flyer. 22.00-22.10
    15. Suprun flying. 22.00-22.10
    16. Beria 22.40-00.50
    17. Ustinov NK Warrior. 22.55-23.10
    18. Yakovlev Gounko 22.55-23.10
    19. Shcherbakov 22.10-23.30
    20. Mikoyan 23.30-00.50
    21. Merkulov 24.00-00.15
    The latter came out 00.50

    And about one thing. It says a lot about the fact that on June 22 spoke on the radio, declaring the attack of the fascists and the beginning of the war of Molotov. Where was Stalin? Why not spoke himself?
    The answer to the first question is in the lines of the "visiting magazine".
    The answer to the second question, apparently, lies in the fact that Stalin, as the political leader of the country, had to understand - in his speech, all the people were waiting to hear the answer to the question "What to do?"
    Therefore, Stalin took a pause for ten days, received information about what was happening, thought about how to organize the resistance to the aggressor, and only after that he made up on July 3, not just with the appeal to people, but with a deployed warman's program!
    Here is the text of that speech. Read and listen to the audio recording of this Speech Stalin. You will find in the text of a detailed program developed, up to the organization of partisan actions in the occupied territories, steam locomotive treatments and many other things. And it is just 10 days after the invasion.
    This is strategic thinking!
    The strength of the falsifiers of the story is that they juggle the same inventive stamps that have a given ideological orientation.
    Read better documents. In them - true truth and power ...

    July 3 marks 71 years from the day the legendary speeches I.V. Stalin on radio. Marshal of the Soviet Union G. Khukov in his last interview called this speech one of the three "symbols" of the Great Patriotic War.
    We give the text of this speech:
    "Comrades! Citizens! Brothers and sisters!
    Fighters of our army and fleet!
    I appeal to you, my friends!
    The treacherous military attack of Hitler's Germany on our homeland, started on June 22, continues, despite the heroic resistance of the Red Army, despite the fact that the best divisions of the enemy and the best parts of his aviation are already broken and found their grave on the battlefields, the enemy continues to climb forward, Throwing new forces to the front. Hitler's troops managed to capture Lithuania, a significant part of Latvia, the western part of Belarus, part of Western Ukraine. Fascist aviation expands the districts of its bombers, exposing bombardments Murmansk, Orsha, Mogilev, Smolensk, Kiev, Odessa, Sevastopol. Over our homeland hung a serious danger.
    How could this happen that our glorious Red Army passed the fascist troops a number of our cities and districts? Is the German-fascist troops really are invincible troops, how are they tirelessly fascist brandy propagandists about it?
    Of course not! History shows that there is no invincible armies and did not happen. Napoleon's army was considered invincible, but it was divided alternately by Russians, English, German troops. The German Army of Wilhelm during the first imperialist war was also considered an invincible army, but she has several times tolerated defeats from Russian and English troops and, finally, was divided by the Anglo-French troops. The same must be said about the current German fascist army of Hitler. This army did not meet even serious resistance on the continent of Europe. Only in our territory she met serious resistance. And if as a result of this resistance, the best divisions of the German-fascist army were broken by our Red Army, it means that the Hitler's fascist army can also be divided and will be divided, as Napoleon and Wilhelm's army were broken.
    As for the fact that part of our territory was still captured by the German-fascist troops, then this is due mainly to the fact that the war of fascist Germany against the USSR began under favorable terms for the German troops and unprofitable - for Soviet troops. The fact is that German's troops as the country leading the war were already entirely mobilized and 170 divisions abandoned by Germany against the USSR and moved to the USSR borders were in a state of complete readiness, expecting only a signal to perform, while the Soviet troops needed Muskilize and move to the borders. There was a considerable importance here and the fact that fascist Germany unexpectedly and treacherously violated the non-aggression pact, concluded in 1939 between her and the USSR, not believable with the fact that it will be recognized by the whole world of the attacker. It is clear that our peace-loving country, not wanting to take the initiative of the violation of the Covenant, could not become a path of treachery.
    May ask: how could it happen that the Soviet government went to conclude the Covenant on nonsense with such treacherous people and monsters like Hitler and Ribbentrop? Wasn't it allowed here from the Soviet government a mistake? Of course not! The nonsense pact is a pact of the world between the two states. It was such a pact that suggested us Germany in 1939. Could the Soviet government abandon such a sentence? I think that no peace-loving state can refuse a peace agreement with a neighboring power, if even such monsters and cannibals, like Hitler and Ribbentrop, are standing at the head of this power. And this, of course, under one indispensable condition - if the peace agreement does not hurt either directly nor indirectly territorial integrity, independence and honor of a peace-loving state. As is known, the nonsense pact between Germany and the USSR is precisely such a package. What did we win by concluding a nonsense pact with Germany? We have provided our country world for one and a half years and the possibility of preparing their forces to unscrew if the fascist Germany would risk attack our country against the Covenant. This is a certain win for us and loss for fascist Germany.
    What did the fascist Germany won and lost, trusting the pact and attack the USSR? She achieved this some winning position for his troops for a short term, but she lost politically by exposing himself in the eyes of the whole world as a bloody aggressor. There can be no doubt that this short military gain for Germany is only an episode, and the huge political gain for the USSR is a serious and long-term factor, on the basis of which the decisive military successes of the Red Army in the war with fascist Germany should be deployed.
    That is why our entire valiant army, all our valiant navy, all our falcon pilots, all the peoples of our country, all the best people in Europe, America and Asia, finally, all the best people in Germany brand the treacherous actions of the German fascists and sympathetically belong to The Soviet government approves the behavior of the Soviet government and see that our business is right that the enemy will be divided that we must win.
    By virtue of the war imposed to us, our country entered into a mortal fight with his worst and cunning enemy - German fascism. Our troops are heroically fought with the enemy, armed with teeth with tanks and aviation. The Red Army and the Red Fleet, overcoming numerous difficulties, are selflessly fighting for each Soviet land's span. The major forces of the Red Army, armed with thousands of tanks and aircraft, the bravery of the Red Army unparallever are entering the battle. Our opposite enemy is growing and grows. Together with the Red Army, the entire Soviet people rises to the defense of the Motherland. What is required in order to eliminate the danger that hurt over our homeland, and what measures do you need to take to defeat the enemy?
    First of all, it is necessary that our people, Soviet people understand the whole depth of danger, which threatens our country, and renounced the complaunt, from carelessness, on the sentiment of peaceful construction, quite understandable in pre-war time, but the harmful currently, when the war is fundamentally Changed the position. The enemy is cruel and inexorable. He aims to capture our lands, polished our later, the seizure of our bread and our oil mined by our work. He aims to restore the authorities of the landowners, restoring tsarism, the destruction of national culture and the national statehood of Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Lithuanians, Latvians, Estonians, Uzbeks, Tatars, Moldava, Georgians, Armenians, Azerbaijanis and other free peoples of the Soviet Union, their numbness, Their transformation into slaves of German princes and barons. The case is thus about the life and death of the Soviet state, the life and death of the peoples of the USSR, about being to be the peoples of the Soviet Union free or fall into enslavement. It is necessary that Soviet people understand this and stop being carefree so that they mobilize themselves and rebuilt all their work on a new, military manner who does not know the merger of the enemy.
    It is necessary, further, so that in our ranks there was no place for nods and shorts, panicers and deserters so that our people do not know fear in the fight and selflessly went to our domestic liberation war against fascist enslavers. The Great Lenin, who created our state, said that the main quality of Soviet people should be courage, courage, ignorance of fear in the struggle, willingness to beat along with the people against the enemies of our Motherland. It is necessary that this magnificent quality of the Bolshevik becomes the property of millions and millions of the Red Army, our Red Fleet and all the peoples of the Soviet Union. We must immediately rebuild our whole work on a military way, all subordinate to the interests of the front and the tasks of organizing the defeat of the enemy. The peoples of the Soviet Union are now seeing that the German fascism will be unproduced in his mad malice and hatred towards our homeland, which provided all workers free work and well-being. The peoples of the Soviet Union should rise to protect their rights, their land against the enemy.
    The Red Army, the Red Fleet and all citizens of the Soviet Union should defend each Soviet Land of Soviet Earth, fighting the last drop of blood for our cities and villages, to show courage, initiative and a surge characteristic of our people.
    We must organize the comprehensive assistance to the Red Army, to ensure the reinforced replenishment of its ranks, to ensure its supply to everything necessary, to organize rapid promotion of transports with troops and military loads, widespread help.
    We must strengthen the rear of the Red Army, subordinating the interests of this case all their work, to ensure the reinforced work of all enterprises, produce more rifles, machine guns, tools, cartridges, shells, aircraft, organize the protection of factories, power plants, telephone and telegraph communications, to establish local air defense .
    We must organize a merciless struggle with all sorts of rear disorganizers, deserters, panickers, rumors spreaders, destroy spies, saboteurs, enemy parachutists, providing quickly promoting our fighter battalions. It should be borne in mind that the enemy of Couples, the Chiter, is experienced in the deception and spread of false rumors. You need to take into account all this and do not succumb to provocations. It is necessary to immediately betray the court of the military tribunal of all those who prevent their panicity and cowardice to the cause of defense, without looking at the face.
    With a forced waste of parts of the Red Army, you need to carry the entire mobile railway composition, not to leave the enemy not a single steam locomotive, not a single car, do not leave the enemy not a single kilogram of bread, nor a liter of fuel. The collective farmers must treat all cattle, to pass under the preservation of government agencies to remove it into the rear districts. All valuable property, including non-ferrous metals, bread and fuel, which can not be exported, must be unconditionally destroyed.
    In busy, the enemy areas need to create partisan detachments, horse and hiking, create sabotage groups to combat parts of the enemy army, to incite the partisan war everywhere and everywhere, for explosion of bridges, roads, spoons of telephone and telegraph communications, lobes of forests, warehouses, warehouses. In the captured areas, create unbearable conditions for the enemy and all of his accomplices, pursue and destroy them at every step, disrupt all their events.
    The war with fascist Germany cannot be considered the usual war. She is not only a war between the two armies. It is at the same time with the great war of the entire Soviet people against the German fascist troops. The purpose of this National Patriotic War against the fascist oppressors is not only the elimination of the danger, which hung over our country, but also assistance to all the peoples of Europe, moaning under the IGAR of the German fascism. In this liberation war, we will not be alone. In this great war, we will have faithful allies represented by the peoples of Europe and America, including in the face of the German people, enslaved by Hitler's refrains. Our war for freedom of our Fatherland merges with the struggle of the peoples of Europe and America for their independence, for democratic freedoms. It will be a single front of the peoples standing for freedom, against the enslavement and threat of enslavement by the Nazi Army Hitler. In this regard, the historical performance of the Prime Minister of Great Britain Mr. Churchill about the help of the Soviet Union and the US Government Declaration on readiness to assist our country, which can only cause a sense of gratitude in the hearts of the peoples of the Soviet Union, are completely understandable and indicative.
    Comrades! Our forces are innumerable. The coming enemy will have to make sure of this soon. Together with the Red Army, many thousands of workers, collective farmers rose, the intelligentsia to the war with the attacked enemy. Million masses of our people will rise. Workers of Moscow and Leningrad have already begun to create a crowded folk militia to support the Red Army. In each city, which is threatened by the danger of the invasion of the enemy, we must create such a national militia, raise all the workers to the struggle, in order to protect their freedom to their chest, their honor, their homeland in our Patriotic War with German fascism.
    In order to quickly mobilize all the forces of the Peoples of the USSR, to repel the enemy, treacherously attacked our homeland, the State Defense Committee was created, in whose hands all the fullness of power in the state is now concentrated. The State Committee of Defense has begun to work and calls on all the people to rally around Lenin-Stalin's party, around the Soviet government for selfless support for the Red Army and Red Fleet, to defeat the enemy, for victory.
    All our forces are to support our heroic red army, our glorious Red Fleet!
    All the forces of the people - in the defeat of the enemy!
    Forward, for our victory! "

    Speech I.V. Stalina July 3, 1941\u003dTr3LDVAW4E8.\u003d5pd5gf2osza&feature\u003drelated
    Another Speech Stalin at the beginning of the war

    Stalin speech at the end of the war\u003dwripg3trbno&feature\u003drelated
    Sergey Filatov

    Article 4. Russian Spirit

    Nikolai Biyat.

    Russian resistance rage reflects the new Russian spirit, followed by newly acquired industrial and agricultural power.

    Last year, most of the Democrats were agreed with Adolf Hitler - after three months, the Nazi armies will enter into Moscow and the Russian case will be similar to Norwegian, French and Greek. Even the American communists trembled in their Russian boots, believing in Marshal Tymoshenko, Voroshilov and Budennye less than in the generals of Frost, dirt and slush. When the Germans were stripped, the faced travelers returned to their former convictions, a monument to Lenin was opened in London, and almost everyone sighed with relief: impossible happened.

    The purpose of the book of Maurice Hindus is to show that the impossible was inevitable. According to him, the rage of resistance of the Russians reflects the new Russian spirit, followed by the newly acquired industrial and agricultural power.

    Few of those who watch the post-revolutionary Russia can talk more competent about it. Among American journalists Maurice Gershon Hindus is the only professional Russian peasant (he arrived in the United States by the child).

    After four years at the University of Colgate and graduate school at Harvard, he managed to preserve a light Russian accent and close relationship with good Russian land. "I," he sometimes says, spreading his hands in Slavyansky, "the peasant".

    Fu-fu, the Russian spirit smells

    When the Bolsheviks began to "eliminate Kulakov [overweight farmers] as a class," Journalist Hindus went to Russia to see what was happening with his fellow peasants. The fruit of his observations was the book "Eradication of Humanity" (Humanity Uproted), Bestseller, the main thesis of which is that violent collectivization is hard, expulsion to the extreme north for subanenya labor is even harder, but collectivization is the greatest economic restructuring in human history ; She changes the face of the Russian earth. For her future. The Soviet planners were adhered to the same opinion, as a result of which the journalist Hindus received unusual opportunities to observe how a new Russian spirit originates.

    In Russia and Japan, he, relying on his immediate knowledge, is responsible for a question that may well solve the fate of World War II. What is this new Russian spirit? He is not so new. "Fu-fu, the Russian spirit smells! Before the Russian spirit, the layer is not dying, the view is not seen. Today, the Russian is rolling around the world, the eyes rushes, on the face beats. " These words are not taken from Stalin's speech. Their old witch named Baba Yaga all the time pronounces in the oldest Russian tales.

    Grandmothers whispered them with their grandchildren when Mongols in 1410 burned the surrounding villages.

    They repeated them when the Russian spirit expelled from Muscovy the last Mongol for twenty years before Columbus opened a new light. They probably repeat them today.

    Three power

    Under the "power of ideas", Hindus implies that in Russia Private property has become a social crime. "Deep into the consciousness of people - especially, of course, young, that is, those who are twenty-nine and less than the years, and those in Russia one hundred and seven million - the concept of deeply vicious entrepreneurship has penetrated."

    Under the "Establishment" author, Hindus understands the total control of the state over industry and agriculture, so each function of peacetime actually becomes a military function. "Of course, the Russians have never hinted at military aspects of collectivization, and therefore foreign observers remained in complete ignorance of this element of a large-scale and a cruel agricultural revolution. They emphasized only its consequences that concerned agriculture and society ... However, without collectivization, they would not be able to wage war so effectively as they behave. "

    "The power of the car" is an idea, in the name of which the whole generation of Russians denied themselves in food, clothing, cleanliness and even the most important amenities. "Like the strength of a new idea and a new organization, it saves the Soviet Union on the dismemberment and destruction of Germany." "In the same way," Hindus believes, "she will save him from Japan's encroachments."

    Its arguments are less interesting than its analysis of Russia's strength in the Far East.

    Wild East of Russia, stretching for three thousand miles from Vladivostok, quickly turns into one of the largest industrial belts of the world. Among the most exciting sections about Russia and Japan are those in which the legend is destroyed that Siberia is an Asian glacier or exclusively the location of the cortica. In fact, Siberia produces both polar bears and cotton, has large modern cities, such as Novosibirsk (Siberian Chicago) and Magnitogorsk (Steel), and is also the center of the giant weapon industry in Russia. Hindus believes that even if the Nazis reach the Ural Mountains, and the Japanese to Lake Baikal, Russia will still remain a powerful industrial state.

    There is no separated world

    In addition, he believes that the Russians will not go to the separable world under any circumstances. After all, they do not just be a war for liberation. In the form of a war of liberation, they continue to revolution. "Too alive in order to forget them, memories of the victims that people walked for each machine, each locomotive, each brick for the construction of new plants ... oil, cheese, eggs, white bread, caviar, fish that were supposed to there are them and their children; Textiles and leather, of which clothes and shoes should be made for them and their children, went abroad ... to obtain the currency that were paid for foreign cars and foreign services... indeed, Russia leads a nationalist war; The peasant, as always, fights for his home and his land. But today's Russian nationalism is holding on at the idea and practice of Soviet or collectivized control over "means of production and distribution" while Japanese nationalism holds on the idea of \u200b\u200breverending the emperor. "


    Several emotional judgments of the author Hindus amazingly confirms the author of the author of the Yugov "Russian Economic Front in Peaceful and War Time." Not such a friend of the Russian Revolution as the author Hindus, the economist of the southes is a former employee of the USSR, who preferred to live in the United States. His book about Russia is read much more difficult than the book of the author of Hindus, and contains more facts. He does not justify those suffering, death and oppression of people who have had to pay for their new economic and military power.

    He hopes that one of the results of the war for Russia will be a turn towards democracy - the only system in which, in his opinion, economic planning can really work. But the author of the southes agreed with the author Hindus in his assessments of why Russians beat so violently, and the matter is not in the "geographical, daily variety" of patriotism.

    "Workers of Russia," he says, "fight against returning to a private economy, against returning to the bottom of the social pyramid ... Peasants are stubbornly and actively fighting with Hitler, because Hitler would have returned old landlords or created new on the Prussian model. The numerous nationalities of the Soviet Union are fighting because they know that Hitler destroys all the possibilities for their development ... "

    "And finally, all citizens of the Soviet Union go to the front to decisively fight until the victory, because they want to protect those undoubtedly majestic - although implemented inadequately and in a lack of degree - revolutionary achievements in the field of labor, culture, science and art. . Many claims and requirements for workers, peasants, various nationalities and all citizens of the Soviet Union to the dictatorial regime of Stalin, and the struggle for these requirements will not stop for a day. But at present, for the people above all, the task of protecting your country from the enemy personifies the social, political and national reaction.

    "TIME", USA

    Article 5. Russians come for their own. Sevastopol - Victory Victory

    Author - Oleg Bibikov
    Waterly, the day of the liberation of Sevastopol coincides with the Day of the Great Victory. In the May waters of Sevastopol Bay and today we can see the reflection of the fiery Berlin sky and a victory banner in it.

    Undoubtedly, in the sunny ripples of those waters, the reflection of other victories coming down.

    "No name in Russia is pronounced with great reverence than Sevastopol" - these words belong not to the Patriot of Russia, but with a lodge enemy, and they are not uttered with that intonation, what is our heart.

    Colonel-General Carl Almenndinger, scheduled on May 1, 1944 by the Commander of the 17th German Army, who reflects the offensive operation of the Soviet troops, turning to the army, said: "I received an order to defend each SEVASTODARM SEVER. You understand its value. No name in Russia is pronounced with great reverence than Sevastopol ... I demand that everyone will defend themselves in the full sense of the word so that no one moved away, would hold every trench, every funnel, every turn ... The bridgehead for the whole depth is very equipped in engineering The attitude, and the enemy, wherever he appear, is entitled to the network of our defensive structures. But any of us should even even mind to come about the depth of these positions located in the depth. The 17th Army in Sevastopol maintain powerful air and sea forces. The Führer gives us enough ammunition, airplanes, weapons and reinforcements. The honor of the army depends on each meter of the entrusted area. Germany expects that we will do our duty. "

    Hitler ordered to hold Sevastopol at any cost. In fact, this is the order - neither step back.

    In a sense, the story was repeated in the mirror reflection.

    In two and a half years before, November 10, 1941, the order of the commander of the Black Sea Fleet Flot was issued. Oktyabrsky, addressed to the troops of the Sevastopol defensive area: the defense of the famous historic Sevastopol is entrusted to the glorious Black Sea Fleet and the combat seaside army ... We are obliged to turn Sevastopol into an impregnable fortress and on the approaches to the city to destroy not one division of rooted fascist flashes ... We have thousands of wonderful fighters, powerful Black Sea Fleet, Sevastopol Coastal Defense, Nice Aviation. Together with us tempered in the battles, the seaside army ... All this instills in us the complete confidence that the enemy will not pass, breaks his skull about our strength, our power ... "

    Our army returned.

    Then, in May 44th, a long-standing observation of Bismarck was reaffirmed: do not hope that once taking advantage of the weakness of Russia, you will receive dividends forever.

    Russians always return their ...

    In November 1943, Soviet troops successfully conducted the Nizhnedneprovsk operation and blocked the Crimea. The 17th army then commanded Colonel-General Erwin Gustav Yenek. The liberation of the Crimea became possible in the spring of 1944. The beginning of the operation was scheduled for April 8.

    It was the eve of a passionate week ...

    For most contemporaries of fronts, armies, parts of parts, the names of generals, and the Marshals are already nothing or almost nothing.

    Food - as in the song. Victory is one at all. But remember.

    The liberation of the Crimea was assigned to the 4th Ukrainian front under the command of General of the Army F.I. Tolbukhina, a separate seaside army under the command of General Army A.I. Yeremenko, on the Black Sea Fleet under the command of Admiral F.S. Oktyabrsky and Azov military flotilla under the command Council Admiral S.G. Gorshkova.

    Recall, the composition of the 4th Ukrainian Front was part of: 51st Army (Commander Lieutenant General Ya.G. Crazer), 2nd Guards Army (Commander Lieutenant General G.F. Zakharov), 19th Tank Corps ( The Commander-General Lieutenant I.D. Vasilyev; He will receive a hard wound and on April 11, he will replace Colonel I.A. Kisses), 8th Air Army (Commander Colonel-General Malusted AU T.T. Khryukin).

    Each name is a significant name. Everyone behind the shoulders are wars. Others began their battle with the Germans back in 1914-1918. Others fought in Spain, in China, Hryukina has a surrounding Japanese linker ...

    From the Soviet side, 470 thousand people were involved in the Crimean operation, about 6 thousand guns and mortars, 559 tanks and self-propelled lines, 1250 aircraft.

    The 17th Army included 5 German and 7 Romanian divisions - only about 200 thousand people, 3,600 guns and mortars, 215 tanks and assault guns, 148 aircraft.

    On the side of the Germans there were a powerful network of defensive structures, which was to be broken into the shreds.

    A big victory consists of tiny victories.

    In the chronicles of war, the names of ordinary, officers and generals are imprisoned. The chronicles of war allow you to see the Crimea of \u200b\u200bthe spring with cinematic clarity. There was a poor spring, everything that could - bloomed, so on - I sparkled with greens, everything dreamed of living forever. The Russian tanks of the 19 tank corps were to withdraw the infantry on operational space, hack defense. Someone had to go first, lead the first tank in the attack, the first tank battalion and almost certainly perish.

    The chronicles tell about the day on April 11, 1944: "Input to the breakthrough the main forces of the 19th Corps provided the head tank battalion of Major I.N. Mashkarina from the 101st tank brigade. Leading attacking, I.N. Mashkarin not only ruled the fight of his units. He personally destroyed six guns, four machine guns, two mortars, dozens of Hitler soldiers and officers ... "

    Brave Combat died that day.

    He was 22 years old, he already participated in 140 battles, defended Ukraine, fought under Rzhev and Eagle ... After the victory, he will be awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously). Kombat buried, hacked the defense of the Crimea in the Dzhankoi destination, in Simferopol in the Victory Square, in the fraternal grave ...

    Armada Soviet tanks broke out on operational space. On the same day he was released and Dzhanka.

    Simultaneously with the actions of the 4th Ukrainian Front, the offensive passed on the Kerch direction and a separate seaside army. Her actions supported aviation of the 4th air army and the Black Sea Fleet.

    On the same day, the partisans captured the city of the Old Crimea. In response, the Germans, retreating from Kerch, held an army punitive operation, killing 584 people, shooting everyone who came across them.

    Simferopol cleared from the enemy on Thursday April 13th. Moscow Saluteoval troops who liberated the capital of Crimea.

    On the same day, our fathers and grandfathers liberated the famous resort towns - in the east Feodosius, in the West - Evpatoria. On April 14, Bakhchisaray was liberated, and therefore the Assumption Monastery, where many defenders of Sevastopol were buried, who died in the Crimean war of 1854-1856. On the same day, Sudak and Alushta were liberated.

    Our troops hurricane swept through Yalta and Alupka. On April 15, Soviet tankers came out to the external defensive border of Sevastopol. On the same day, a seaside army approached Sevastopol from Yalta ...

    And this situation was as if used by the mirror reflection of the autumn of 1941. Our troops, preparing for the assault of Sevastopol, stood on the same positions that were Germans and Romanians at the end of October 1941. The Germans could not take Sevastopol for 8 months and, as the Admiral Oktyabrsky foreshadowed, smashed his skull about Sevastopol.

    Russian troops liberated their holy city in less than a month. The whole Crimean operation ranked 35 days. Directly by the assault of Sevastopol Studyonon - 8 days, and the city itself was taken in 58 hours.

    For the capture of Sevastopol, which could not be released, all our armies were united under one beginning. On April 16, the Primorsk Army entered the 4th Ukrainian Front. The new commander of the seaside army was appointed General K.S. Miller. (Yeromenko translated by the commander of the 2nd Baltic Front.)

    In the feet of the enemy also had change.

    General Yenek, on the eve of the decisive assault, was shifted. He was preferable to leave Sevastopol without a fight. Yenek has already survived the Stalingrad boiler. Recall that in the Army F. Paulus he commanded the Army Corps. In the Stalingrad boiler, Jenek survived only due to agility: imitated a serious injury to the shrapnel and was evacuated. Yenek managed to evade the Sevastopol boiler. He did not see the meaning in the defense of the Crimea in the conditions of the blockade. Hitler considered otherwise. The next uniform of Europe believed that after the loss of the Crimea Romania and Bulgaria wished to leave the Nazi block. May 1 Hitler dismissed Yenek. General K. Almenndinger was appointed commander-in-chief of the 17th army.

    From Sunday April 16 to April 30, Soviet troops have repeatedly made attempts to hack defense; Sucked only private success.

    General assault on Sevastopol began on May 5 at noon. After the most powerful two-hour artillery and aviation training, the 2nd Guards Army under the command of Lieutenant General G.F. Zakharova collapsed with Mekenziev Mountains to the North Party area. Zakharov's army had to enter Sevastopol, forcing the Northern Bay.

    The troops of the Primorskaya and the 51st armies after one and a half hours of artillery and aviation training moved to the offensive on May 7 at 10 am 30 minutes. In the main direction of Sapun-Mountain - Karant (s. Fleet) operated the seaside army. Eastern Inkerman and Fedyukhin Heights An Offensive on Sapun-Mountain (this is the key to the city) 51st Army led ... Soviet soldiers had to break through the multi-tiered system of fortifications ...

    Hundreds of bombers Hero of the Soviet Union General Timofey Timofeevich Khryukina were indispensable.

    To the end of May 7, Sapun-Mountain became ours. The assault red flags at the top raised ordinary G.I. Evglevsky, I.K. Yatsunhenko, Efreitor V.I. Drobyzko, Sergeant A.A. Kurbatov ... Sapun-Mountain - Forehouse of Reichstag.

    The remains of the 17th Army, these are several tens of thousands of Germans, Romanians and traitors of the Motherland, accumulated at Cape Chersonese, hoping for evacuation.

    In a sense, the situation of 1941 was repeated, mirroring repeated.

    On May 12, the entire Chersonese peninsula was released. Crimean operation is completed. The peninsula was a monstrous picture: skeletons of hundreds of houses, ruins, fires, mountains of human corpses, eliminated equipment - tanks, airplanes, guns ...

    Specifies the red-planned German officer: "... Replenishment continuously came to us. However, the Russians broke through the defense and took Sevastopol. Then the command gave explicitly late Order - to hold powerful positions on Chersonese, and in the meantime to try to evacuate the remnants of the broken troops from the Crimea. Up to 30,000 soldiers accumulated on our site. Of these, it was hardly possible to take out more than one thousand. The tenth of May I saw the caffeys entered four vessels in the bay, but only two came out from there. Two other transports were saved by Russian aviation. Since then, I have not seen any more ships. Meanwhile, the situation was becoming more critical ... The soldiers were already demoralized. All fled to the sea in the hope that there may be any ships at the last minute ... everything was mixed up, and chaos reigned around ... It was a complete catastrophe of German troops in Crimea. "

    May 10 at night (at night of the night!) Moscow 24 volley from 342 guns salutewood liberators of the city.

    It was a victory.

    It was the foresight of the Great Victory.

    The newspaper "Pravda" wrote: "Hello, native Sevastopol! Favorite city of the Soviet people, a city-hero, the city-Bogatyr! Havoice greets you the whole country!". "Hello, native Sevastopol!" - Repeated then really the whole country.

    "Strategic Culture Foundation"

    With a m and r n k a
    Posted by: Boris Yulin
    I think everyone knows that on June 22, 1941, the Great Patriotic War began.
    But when reminding this event, you usually hear about the "preventive blow", "Stalin is not less than Hitler to blame for war," "Why we got involved in this unnecessary war", "Stalin was an ally of Hitler" and other vitrous detention.
    Therefore, I consider it necessary to briefly recall the facts once again, because the flow of artistic truth, that is, nasty nonsense does not stop.
    On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked us without declaring war. Attacked consciously, after a long and thorough preparation. Attacked superior forces.
    That is, it was a baking, nothing covered and unmotivated aggression. Hitler did not prevent any requirements or claims. He did not try to expansely from where the troops came to "preventive strike" - he just attacked. That is, I made an act of explicit aggression.
    We attack, on the contrary, were not going. We did not have and did not even begin mobilization, orders were not given an offensive or preparation for it. We fulfilled the conditions under the nonsense agreement.
    That is, we are a victim of aggression, without any options.
    A non-aggression agreement is not an union contract. So the USSR never (!) Was not an ally of Nazi Germany.
    The nonsense agreement is precisely a non-aggression agreement, no less, but not more. He did not give Germany with the opportunity to use our territory for hostilities, did not lead to use in hostilities with the opponents of Germany of our armed forces.
    So all the conversations about the Union of Stalin and Hitler - either lie, or nonsense.
    Stalin fulfilled the terms of the contract and did not attack - Hitler violated the terms of the contract and attacked.
    Hitler attacked, not putting forward claims or conditions, without giving the opportunity to solve everything peacefully, so that the USSR did not have a choice, to enter the war or not. The war of the USSR was imposed, without asking consent. And the choice but to fight, Stalin was not.
    And it was impossible to solve the "contradictions" between the USSR and Germany. After all, the Germans did not strive to seize the controversial territory or change the conditions of peaceful agreements in their favor.
    The goal of the Nazis was the destruction of the USSR and the genocide of the Soviet people. It so happened that the communist ideology in principle was not satisfied with the Nazis. And so it turned out that on the spot submitted by the "necessary living space" and intended for the harmonious settlement of the German nation, some Slavs were brazulible. And all this was unambiguously announced Hitler.
    That is, the war was not for the reprovement of contracts and border lands, but on the destruction of the Soviet people. And the choice was simple - to die, disappear from the map of the Earth, or fight and stand out.
    Did Stalin tried to avoid this day and this choice? Yes! Had tried.
    The USSR made every effort to prevent war. Tried to stop the section Czechoslovakia, tried to create a system of collective security. But the contractual process of topics is complicated, which requires the consent of all Contracting Parties, and not one of them. And when it turned out to be impossible to stop the aggressor at the beginning of the road and save all Europe from the war - Stalin began to try his country from the war. To keep from war at least before achieving readiness for defense. But only two years managed to win.
    So on June 22, 1941, the power of the strongest army and one of the strongest economies of the world collapsed on us without declaring war. And this power was aimed to destroy our country and our people. No one was going to negotiate with us - just destroy.
    On June 22, our country and our people accepted the battle that did not want, although they were preparing for him. And this terrible, the hardest battle was withstanding, broke the ridge of the Nazi creature. And they got the right to live and the right to remain themselves.

    Everyone remembers how the result of the negotiations of Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama looked like. The leaders of the two countries could not look into each other's eyes. The moment of truth has come. The details of the meeting of the leaders of the two countries are beginning to be seamless and many still obscure things are becoming clear. Why did not have a person on both presidents. Today it is safe to say that today two powers are not close to fatal actions.
    Everything turned out to be very simple. Understanding the inability to break through Syria's resolution necessary for the War, Washington makes a bet on providing pressure or blow to Iran. In the end, not Syria is interested in Washington, namely Iran. The United States is throwing troops to Kuwait, hence the border with Iran is only 80 kilometers. The very troops that Obama promised to withdraw from Afghanistan will now be redeployed in Kuwait. The first 15 thousand soldiers have already received an orders for redocation.
    The editors of the Western media reign travel sentiments. Everything moves towards a serious deterioration.
    President Vladimir Putin said quite a lot in his own words, saying that he would not go to intelligence with anyone, laughing that he had no longer served.

    The world did not understand his jokes, but was alerted.

    In this joke, as well as in all others, there is some truth, sometimes a very large proportion. In general, it was necessary to carefully listen to what the Russian president says.
    It seems that the US marines are quite serious about Russian paratroopers.
    With one thought that it can happen, a cold sweat appears on the body. It is too dangerous for its proximity to the location of the ground forces almost guaranteed to complete the collision.

    This first step is to redeploy 15 thousand marines in Kuwait, maybe not the most clear intention, because in the end with such forces of war you will not start, but if the next servicemen follows the next party, it will be possible to talk with confidence about the impending threat.

    In the meantime, in fact, this redistribution is more playing in Russia's hand than America. Of course, now oil crashes up, risks become higher. Russia will be the main beneficiation in this show, because it is always good to be a seller when the price is high on your product, and, of course, it is unprofitable to buy oil when the price for it you yourself and "took away".
    In this case, the US budget will take additional loads.
    Another truth in this story is that none of the presidents can retreat in this confrontation. If Obama is retreating, he will bury his elections, because the Americans do not like weaknikov (and who loves them?).
    Therefore, Obama will have to come up with something to stay with a "beautiful face."
    Putin also can not retreat. In addition to geopolitical interests, there is expectation among citizens of Russia that their president will not surrender this time, as never surrendered before. No wonder they voted for him and entrusted him to build a strong Russia.
    Putin cannot deceive the expectations of his citizens, he really never cheated voted for him, and it seems that this time he is also going to demonstrate his very advanced qualities of the head, perhaps even crisis manager.
    The case may have been able to be resolved in a peaceful way if the presidents of the two countries were announced a new idea, a program, a joint project of two states. In this case, no one would like to reproach his president, because two countries would have won, and the whole world would become more secure.
    Here both presidents were in winning. But such a project must still come up with. Judging by Obama and Putin's persons, there is no such project.
    But there are increasing disagreements.
    In this case, Obama's career is under a big question, Putin's career does not threaten anything. Putin has already passed the election, and Obama is still ahead.
    However, as always in such cases, you need to look at the details. They are sometimes very eloquent.

    Atomants make the first moves

    According to some reports, the atoms of two two most powerful fleets - North and Pacific, in the coming days they can get a combat challenge to take a shock position in neutral waters from the mainland of the United States. It was so earlier, when in 2009 two atomic rocket mines surfaced in different places in the east coast of the United States. It was done completely intentionally, in order to designate its presence.
    The report of the American journalist, a specialist in military topics looks strange. Then he stated that these boats are not terrible, because they do not have intercontinental missiles. It remains only to understand why the boat, which is located in the 200-sea miles from the coast of intercontinental ballistic missiles, if its regular R-39 covers a distance of 1500 nautical miles.
    R-39 rockets solid fuel with three-stage march engines used by the D-19 complex are the largest underwater base missiles with 10 divided nuclear head units per 100 kilograms each. Even one such rocket can lead to a global catastrophe for a whole country, on board the 541 shark projects that emerged in 2009, 20 units are regularly located. If we consider that the boats were two, then the optimistic mood of the American commentator of this event is simply incomprehensible.

    Where - Georgia, and where - Georgia

    A question may arise, why now talk about what was in 2009. It seems here there are parallels. August 5, 2009, when the military events of war were still fresh in memory, a serious pressure was provided to Russia. Almost in ordinary order dictated the orders of the Russian authorities to get out of Abkhazia and South Ossetia. Then all events spisled around Georgia. July 14, 2009 in Georgian territorial waters entered the US Navy Stout. Of course, this is the provision of pressure on the Russians. Then then, after a half months and two boats have surfaced off the coast of North America.
    If one of them was in Greenland, then the second surfaced under the very nose at the largest naval base. Norfolk naval base is only 250 miles to the north-west of the flood place, but there may be an indicative thing here that the boat surfaced still closer to the shore line of Georgia (the former Georgian SSR, now Georgia, into English manner.) That is, some special way these two events may intersect. You sent to us in Georgia (Georgia) sent a ship, well, so get our submarine from your Georgia.
    It looks like some hellish joy, which will not come to mind to anyone. By this comparison of the event, the author wants to show that it is not necessary to think that Putin has no exit and he must give in Syria, where the US Navy group is ten times more representative than the Navy of Russia in Tartus, even after the arrival of Russian paratroopers there.
    Today, war may be such that having defeated Russia in Syria, you can again be surprised at the shores of Georgia. This is well understood in the Pentagon. Americans are able to understand the meaning of the said, and even better they understand the meaning of the shown.
    Thus, we should not expect that Putin will retreat from its plans in Syria. The only thing that Putin can make a step back is truly normal human relationships.
    Naive Russians still believe in friendship. The author of these lines is already tired of repeating its American colleagues and write in their articles: Russians are generally best able to be friends and fight. That of this did not prefer to choose the American president in Russian execution, it will always be done "from the soul and with a scope."

    Democratic America survived fascist Germany ...
    Olga Olgin, with which I constantly in contact in Gaidpark, published Article Sergey Chernyakhovsky, which I know for honest, relevant publications.
    I read it and wondered ...
    June 22, 1941. I just published in my blogs my friend Sergei Filatov "Why was the" treacherous "attack on the USSR?" And in one commentary, the blogger is anonymous, no data, I looked into his personal - he writes to me (I keep it writing):
    "On June 22, 1941 at 4:00, the Imperial Foreign Minister Ribbentrop presented to the Soviet Ambassador in Berlin Deanozov Note about the announcement of the war. Officially formalities were observed. "
    This anonymous is dissatisfied that we, Russians, call German attack on our homeland treacherous.
    And then I caught myself that ...
    June 22, 1941 survived my parents. Colonel's father, former cavalider, was then in Monino. In the aviation school. As then they spoke, with the "horse - on the motor!" Preparing shots for aviation .... Dad and Mom experienced the first bombing ... and then .... Four terrible years of war!
    I survived another - March 19, 2011. When the NATO Alliance began bombing Libyan Jamahiria.
    What am I so?
    "The Minister of Foreign Affairs Ribbentrop presented to the Soviet ambassador in Berlin Deanozov Note about the announcement of the war. Officially formalities were observed. "
    And the ambassador of Libyan Jamahiriya in someone's capital of the Democratic country of the NATO Alliance was presented?
    Officially formalities were observed?
    The answer is one - no!
    There was no notes, memorandums, letters, there was no formalities.
    It turns out that it was a new, humane, democratic war of the humane, democratic West against the sovereign, Arab, African state.
    To the one who starts to hint at the UN Security Council resolution 1973, which allegedly gave the NATO Alliance the right to this war, I will say - and all international lawyers will support me, who still have a conscience: make a tube from paper and paste yourself in one place . This resolution did not give any rights to any of his letter. Everything is invented, opted, distributed, which means, cast in bronze! Unsparably as a statue of freedom!
    I really like one image of her image, which I found on the Internet: a statue, without preparing the bully of America and its partners over the freedom and human rights, closes his face with his hands. She is ashamed!
    And why is a shame?
    Because there was no declaration of war. And no one can say about the treachery of the West towards Jamahiriya and personally to his leader, with whom every Western Politician - and thousands of photos confirm this - it sought to personally become unrelated.
    Kiss Judah!
    Now each of us knows what it is!
    Kissed - and now you can all!
    No notes and formalities!

    And so I went to the most important thing: if the West chats on every corner that he is ready to hit Syria, then forgive me, the formalities will be observed? Notes about the announcement of war will be awarded in advance Syrian ambassadors in the Western capitals?
    Oh, already there are no ambassadors?
    And have no one?
    What an annoyance!
    It turns out, smart, cunning westover surpassed Hitler. Now you can attack, bomb, kill, create any atrocities without a declaration of war!
    And no treachery!
    And now read the Chernyakhovsky article, which Olgin printed.
    Democratic America surpassed fascist Germany ...
    Olga Olgin:

    Sergey Chernyakhovsky:
    Sergey Filatov:
    Anonymous blogger:
    The situation in the world is now worse than in 1938-1939. Only Russia can stop the war
    June 22 We remember the tragedy. We grieve about the dead. We are proud of those who took the blow and answered him, - as well as, having received this terrible blow, the people gathered with the forces and crushed the one who struck him. But all this is drawn to the past. And the society does not remember the thesis for a long time, who held the world from the war for 50 years, - "Forty-first year should not repeat", and retained without repetition, but practical implementation.
    It is sometimes quite a protector oriented people and political figures, (not to mention those who think of themselves by other countries) are skeptical about the overload of the USSR economy by military expenditures, it is raised about the "Ustinov Doctrine" - "The USSR should be ready to maintain simultaneous war With any two other powers "(there were in mind the United States and China) and assure that it is following that this doctrine torn the economy of the USSR.
    Torn or not - a big question, because until 1991 in the overwhelming majority industries, the production of products grew. But why are the shelves of stores turned out to be empty, but simultaneously filled with products for some two weeks after it was allowed to arbitrarily raise prices for them, this is another question to other people.
    Ustinov really defended this approach. But he did not formulate it: in world politics, the status of a great country has long been determined through the ability to lead a simultaneous war with two any other countries. And Ustinov knew why he defends him: because on June 9, 1941, he accepted the post of arms addict of the USSR and knew what to arrange the army when she was already forced to lead the war unfavorable. And with all changes in the title of office, he remained on it until he became Minister of Defense, - until 1976.
    Then, in the late 80s, it was announced that the weapons of the USSR no longer needed that the Cold War was over, and that no one threatens us. Cold War has very important dignity: it is not "hot." But as soon as she ended, in the world, and now it began in Europe that the "hot" wars began.
    To Russia, however, no one has attacked - from among independent countries and really. But, first, "Small Military Subjects" was repeatedly attacked for her - on instruction and with the support of large countries. Secondly, the major did not attacked mostly because Russia had the weapon that was created in the USSR, and, with all the decomposition of the army, the state and the economy, this weapon was enough to repeatedly destroy any of them separately and all together. But after the creation of American about such a position will not be.
    Moreover, the current situation in the world is not much better, or rather, nothing is better than the situation that has established both in 1914 and before 1939-41. The conversation that if the USSR (Russia) stops withstanding the West, dismiring and refuses its socio-economic system, the threat of world war will disappear and everyone will heal in peace and friendship, can not even be considered inappropriate. This is a frank lie, directed to the moral surrender of the USSR, in particular, because most of the wars in history were wars not between countries with various socio-political build, but between countries with a homogeneous system. In 1914, England and France did not differ much from Germany and Austria-Hungary, and monarchical Russia fought on the side of not the last monarchies, but the British and French democracies.
    In the 1930s, one of the first to create a system of European collective security to reflect the possible Hitler's aggression leader of the fascist Italy Benito Mussolini, and he went to the Union with Reich only when he saw that England and France refuse to create such a system. And the Second World War began with the war of capitalist countries with the Socialist USSR, but with conflicts and war between capitalist countries. A direct reason was the war between two not just capitalist, but the fascist countries - Germany and Poland.
    It is not possible to believe that war between the United States and Russia cannot be because both of them today, say cautiously, "incomocialist", is to be in captivity of the aberration of consciousness. By 1939, Hitler had conflicts not so much from the USSR, but with socially homogeneous countries to him, and these conflicts were less than those in which the United States was already involved.
    Hitler then introduced troops to the demilitarized Rhine zone, and however, in the territory of Germany itself. I carried out anchlus Austria, formally - peacefully on the basis of the will of the Austria itself. Retribution with the consent of the Western powers of the Sudeten region in Czechoslovakia, and then captured the Czechoslovak itself. And participated on the side of Franco in the Civil War in Spain. There are only four conflicts, of which are actually an armed - one. And everyone recognized him with the aggressor and said that the war on the threshold.
    USA and NATO today:
    1. Double aggression against Yugoslavia, dismembered it into parts, refused part of its territory and destroyed as a single state.
    2. We invaded Iraq, the national authorities overthrew and occupied the country, setting the puppet regime there.
    3. The same did in Afghanistan.
    4. prepared, organized and untied the war of Saakashvili regime against Russia and took it under the open protection after military defeat.
    5. Agression against Libya was carried out, subjected to its barbaric bombardments, overthrew the national authorities, killed the country's leader, led to power in general the barbaric regime.
    6. Unleashed civil war in Syria, practically participate in it on the side of their satellites, prepare military aggression against the country.
    7. Threatens the war sovereign Iran.
    8. Survived national governments in Tunisia and Egypt.
    9. The national government in Georgia overthrew and installed the puppet dictatorial regime there, and in fact occupied the country. Up to deprivation of her right to speak in his native language: now the main requirement in Georgia when admission to the civil service and upon receipt of a diploma higher education - Free ownership of the US language.
    10. Partially carried out the same or tried to implement in Serbia and Ukraine.
    Total 13 acts of aggression, and 6 of them are direct military interventions. Against four, including one armed, Hitler by 1941. Words are pronounced different - actions are similar. Yes, the United States may say that in Afghanistan they acted in self-defense order, but Hitler could say that in the Rhine Region he acted, protecting the sovereignty of Germany.
    As if ridiculous to compare democratic US with fascist Germany, but after all, the Libyans, Iraqians, Serbs and Syrians were not easier than this. On the scale and number of acts of aggression of the United States has long and far surpassed Hitlerian Germany of the preimary pore. Only Hitler, no matter how paradoxically, was much more honest: he sent his soldiers who sacrificed his lives for him. The United States basically send their mercenaries, and they themselves strike almost because of the corner, killing the enemy from the aircraft from a safe position.
    The United States as a result of his geopolitical offensive committed three times more acts of aggression and unleashed six times more military acts of aggression than Hitler in the pre-war period. And the point in this case is not the one of them worse (although Hitler looks almost a moderate politician against the background of the US non-stop wars in recent years), but that the situation in the world is worse than it was in 1938-39 . The country leading and striving for hegemony carried out more aggression than a similar country by 1939. The acts of Hitler's aggression were relatively local and concerned mostly adjacent territories. Acts of US aggression are common worldwide.
    In the 30s in the world and Europe there were several relatively isometric centers of force, which, with a successful circumstance, could prevent aggression and stop Hitler. Today there is one center forces striving for hegemony and multiply superior to its military potential of almost all other participants in world political life.
    The danger of the new World War today is more than in the second half of the 1930s. The only factor that still makes it unrealistic is the restraining opportunities of Russia. Not other nuclear powers (their potential is not sufficient for this), and Russia. And this factor will disappear in a few years when American pro is created.
    Maybe the war is inevitable. Maybe it will not be. But it will not be only if Russia is ready for it. The whole situation is too similar to the beginning of the twentieth century and the 1930s. The number of military conflicts with the participation of leading countries of the world is growing. The world goes to war.
    Russia has no other exit: she must prepare for it. Translate the economy to military rails. Search allies. Reoperate the army. Destroy the agent and fifth column of the enemy.
    June 22, 1941 really should not repeat.
    Here is such an article Sergey Chernyakhovsky. Add: Of course, it should not repeat. But if it repeats, the first blows, gravy, treacherous, and you can't call them, they will fall into peaceful Syrian cities and villages ...
    How it happened to the cities and villages of the Soviet Union.
    June 22, 1941 ...

    22 June 1941 Year - the beginning of the Great Patriotic War

    On June 22, 1941 at 4 am, without declaring war, fascist Germany and its allies attacked the Soviet Union. The beginning of the Great Patriotic War fell not just on Sunday. It was the church holiday of all saints, in the land of the Russian she who.

    Parts of the Red Army were attacked by German troops throughout the border. Bombarders were subjected to Riga, Window, Libava, Schauliai, Kaunas, Vilnius, Grodno, Lida, Volkovysk, Brest, Kobrin, Slonim, Baranovichi, Bobruisk, Zhytomyr, Kiev, Sevastopol and many other cities, railway junctions, airfields, USSR naval databases The artillery shelling of border fortifications and distlocation areas of Soviet troops near the border from the Baltic Sea to the Carpathians were carried out. The Great Patriotic War began.

    Then no one knew that in the history of mankind she would be included as the most bloody. No one guessed that the Soviet people would go through inhuman tests, pass and defeat. Raise the world from fascism, showing everyone that the spirit of the Red Army soldier is not given to break the invaders. Nobody could assume that the names of the city-heroes will be known to the world that Stalingrad will become a symbol of the persistence of our people, Leningrad - a symbol of courage, Brest - a symbol of courage. What, on a par with warriors, the land from the fascist plague of the heroic will protect the old men, women and children.

    1418 days and nights of the war.

    Over 26 million human lives ...

    These photos unites one thing: they are made in the first hours and the days of the beginning of the Great Patriotic.

    On the eve of the war

    Soviet border guards in the dosor. The photo is interested in the fact that it was made for the newspaper on one of the removal on the Western border of the USSR on June 20, 1941, that is, two days before the war.

    Next German aviation

    The first hit the border guards and fighters of cover parts. They not only defended, but also passed into counterattacks. A whole month in the rear of the Germans fought garrison Brest Fortress. Even after the enemy managed to master the fortress, its separate defenders continued to resist. The last one was captured by the Germans in the summer of 1942.

    The picture was made on 06/24/1941.

    For the first 8 hours of war, the Soviet aviation lost 1200 aircraft, of which about 900 were lost on earth (66 airfields were bombarded). The greatest losses of the Western Special Military District - 738 aircraft (528 on Earth). Having learned about such losses, the head of the District Air Force General Major Copets I.I. Shot.

    On the morning of June 22, the Moscow radio passed the usual Sundays and peaceful music. Soviet citizens learned about the beginning of the war only at noon, when Vyacheslav Molotov spoke on the radio. He said: "Today, at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring the war, German troops attacked our country."

    Poster 1941.

    On the same day, the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR on the mobilization of the military-rich 1905-1918 births on the territory of all military districts was published. Hundreds of thousands of men and women received the agenda, were in the military registration and enlistment office, and then they went to the front at the front.

    The mobilization capabilities of the Soviet system, multiplied during the Great Patriotic War for Patriotism and the sacrifice of the people, played an important role in organizing energous evidence, especially initial stage wars. Call "Everything for the front, everything for victory!" Was perceived by all the people. Hundreds of thousands of Soviet citizens voluntarily went to the existing army. Over the week since the beginning of the war, over 5 million people were mobilized.

    The line between the world and the war was invisible, and the change of reality people perceived not immediately. It seemed to many that this is just some kind of masquerade, misunderstanding and soon everything will be resolved.

    Stubborn resistance Fascist troops met in battles near Minsk, Smolensk, Vladimir-Volynsky, Mamolemb, Lutsk, Dubno, Rivne, Mogilev, etc.And yet, in the first three weeks of the war, the troops of the Red Army left Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, a significant part of Ukraine and Moldova. Six days after the start of the war, Pal Minsk. The German army has advanced in various directions from 350 to 600 km. The Red Army lost almost 800 thousand people.

    The turning point in the perception of the residents of the Soviet Union of the War, of course, became August 14 . It was then that the whole country suddenly learned that the Germans occupied Smolensk . It really was thunder among the clear sky. While the battles went "somewhere there, in the West," and the city flashed in the reports, the location of which many could imagine with great difficulty, it seemed that all the same, the war was still far away. Smolensk is not just the name of the city, this word meant a lot. First, it is already more than 400 km from the border, secondly, only 360 km to Moscow. And thirdly, in contrast to all sorts of wine, Grodno and Molodechno, Smolensk is an ancient purely Russian city.

    The resistance of the Red Army in the summer of 1941 disrupted Hitler's plans. The fascists failed to quickly take any Moscow nor Leningrad, and since September the long defense of Leningrad begins. In Polar, the Soviet troops in cooperation with the Northern Fleet defended Murmansk and the main database of the fleet - polar. Although in Ukraine in October - November, the opponent seized Donbass, she mastered Rostov, broke into the Crimea, nevertheless, and here his troops were sought by the defense of Sevastopol. The connections of the Army Group "South" could not through the Kerch Strait to reach the rear of the Soviet troops remaining in the lower reaches of Don.

    Minsk 1941. Execution of Soviet prisoners of war

    September 30th within operations "Typhoon" Germans began general attack on Moscow . Its beginning was unfavorable for Soviet troops. Pali Bryansk and Vyazma. October 10, the commander of the Western Front was appointed G.K. Zhukov. October 19, Moscow was declared in siege. In bloody fights, the Red Army still managed to stop the enemy. Strengthening the "Center" armies group, the German command in mid-November resumed an offensive to Moscow. Overcoming the resistance of the Western, Kalinin and right wing of the South-Western fronts, the strike groups of the enemy went around the city from the north and south and by the end of the month they went to the Moscow-Volga channel (25-30 km from the capital), approached Kashira. On this, German offensive choked. The explosion group of the Army Center "Center" was forced to go to defense, which also contributed to the successful offensive operations of the Soviet troops near Tikhvin (November 10 - December 30) and Rostov (November 17 - December 2). December 6 began counteroffensive red army As a result of which the enemy was discarded from Moscow at 100 - 250 km. Kaluga, Kalinin (Tver), Maloyaroslavets, etc. were liberated.

    On guard of Moscow sky. Autumn 1941

    The victory near Moscow had a huge strategic and moral and political importance, since she was the first since the beginning of the war.The immediate threat to Moscow was liquidated.

    Although as a result of the summer-autumn campaign, our army moved to 850 - 1200 km deep into the country, and in the hands of the aggressor, the most important economic areas were the plans of Blitzkrieg. The Nazi leadership was before the inevitable prospect of a protracted war. The victory near Moscow has also changed the placement of forces in the international arena. The Soviet Union began to look at how the decisive factor of the Second World War. Japan was forced to refrain from the attack on the USSR.

    In the winter of the Red Army, there was an offensive on other fronts. However, consolidated success failed primarily due to spraying forces and means at the front of a huge length.

    During the offensive of German troops in May 1942, in 10 days, the Crimean Front was defeated on the Kerch Peninsula. May 15 I had to leave Kerch, and July 4, 1942 After stubborn defense fell Sevastopol. The enemy completely mastered the Crimea. In July - August, Rostov, Stavropol and Novorossiysk were captured. Stubborn battles were conducted in the central part of the Caucasian ridge.

    Hundreds of thousands of our compatriots turned out to be more than 14 thousand concentration camps, prisons, ghetto scattered throughout Europe. Infectious figures testify about the scale of tragedy: only in the territory of Russia, the fascist invaders shot, stroke in gas chambers, burned, hung 1,7 million. Man (including 600 thousand children). In total, about 5 million Soviet citizens died in concentration camps.

    But, despite the stubborn battles, the fascists failed to solve their main task - to break through in the Transcaucasus to master the oil reserves Baku. At the end of September, the offensive of the fascist troops in the Caucasus was stopped.

    To deterrence the enemy Natius in the Eastern direction, the Stalingrad Front was created under the command of Marshal S.K. Tymoshenko. On July 17, 1942, an opponent under the command of General Background Paulus inflicted a powerful blow to the Stalingrad Front. In August, the fascists in stubborn battles broke through the Volga. Since the beginning of September 1942, the heroic defense of Stalingrad began. The battles were literally for each place of the Earth, for each house. Both sides carried colossal losses. By mid-November, the fascists were forced to stop the offensive. The heroic resistance of the Soviet troops made it possible to create favorable conditions for the transition of them into a counteroffensive under Stalingrad and thereby putting the start of the indigenous transference during the war.

    By November 1942, almost 40% of the population was in German occupation. The regions captured by the Germans submitted to the military and civil administration. In Germany, a special ministry was established in the case of occupied regions headed by A. Rosenberg. Political supervision was provided by the SS and Police services. In places, the invaders have formed the so-called self-government - urban and district councils, the posts were introduced in the villages. Persons dissatisfied with the Soviet authorities were involved in cooperation. All residents of the occupied territories, not looking at age, were obliged to work. In addition, they participated in the construction of roads and defensive structures, they were forced to neutralize the mine fields. The civilian population, mainly youth, was also sent for forced work to Germany, where they were called "Ostarabeiter" and used as cheap labor. In total during the war years, 6 million people were hijacked. More than 6.5 million people were destroyed from hunger and epidemics in the occupied territory, more than 11 million Soviet citizens were shot in camps and at the place of residence.

    November 19, 1942 Soviet troops switched to counteroffensive under Stalingrad (Operation "Uranus"). The structures of the Red Army were surrounded by 22 divisions and 160 separate parts of the Wehrmacht (about 330 thousand people). The Hitler's command has formed a group of the Don Army as part of 30 divisions and tried to break through the environment. However, this attempt was not crowned with success. In December, our troops, defeating this grouping, began an offensive on Rostov (Saturn Operation). By the beginning of February 1943, our troops eliminated the grouping of the fascist troops that were in the ring. 91 thousand people led by the commander of the 6th German army of General - Field Marshal von Paulus, headed by the commander of the 6th German army. Per 6.5 months of the Battle of Stalingrad (July 17, 1942 - February 2, 1943) Germany and its allies lost up to 1.5 million people, as well as a huge amount of technology. The military power of fascist Germany was significantly undermined.

    The defeat near Stalingrad caused a deep political crisis in Germany. Three-day mourning was announced in it. Fell the fighting spirit of German soldiers, the affected moods covered the broad layers of the population, which less believed to the Führer.

    The victory of the Soviet troops near Stalingrad marked the beginning of a native fired during World War II. The strategic initiative finally passed into the hands of the Soviet Armed Forces.

    In January-February 1943, the Red Army is offensive on all fronts. In the Caucasian direction, Soviet troops advanced by the summer of 1943 by 500 - 600 km. In January 1943, Leningrad blocade was broken.

    The command of the Wehrmacht planned in the summer of 1943 Conduct a large strategic offensive operation in the Kursk Region (Operation "Citadel") , defeat the Soviet troops here, and then strike into the rear of the South-Western Front (Operation "Panther") and subsequently, developing success, to re-establish a threat to Moscow. To this end, up to 50 divisions, including 19 tank and motorized, and other parts are only over 900 thousand people, were concentrated in the Kursk Arc area. This group was opposed by the troops of the Central and Voronezh fronts, who had 1.3 million people. During the battle on Kursk Dug. The largest tank battle of World War II took place.

    From July 5, 1943, a massive offensive of Soviet troops began. Within 5 - 7 days, our troops, stubbornly defending it, stopped the enemy, stunned by 10 - 35 km behind the front line, and moved to counteroffensive. It started July 12 in the area of \u200b\u200bProkhorovka where the oncoming tank battle in the history of wars occurred (with the participation of up to 1,200 tanks on both sides). In August 1943, our troops mastered the eagle and Belgorod. In honor of this victory in Moscow for the first time, the salute of the 12th artillery volley was produced. Continuing the offensive, our troops caused a crushing defeat.

    In September, left-bank Ukraine and Donbass were liberated. On November 6, the compounds of the 1st Ukrainian Front entered Kiev.

    Throwing the enemy by 200 - 300 km from Moscow, the Soviet troops began to liberate Belarus. From that moment on, our command kept the strategic initiative until the end of the war. From November 1942 to December 1943, the Soviet Army has advanced to the West by 500 - 1300 km, freeing about 50% of the territory occupied by the opponent. 218 divisions of the enemy were defeated. During this period, the Enemy's big damage was caused by partisan compounds, in the ranks of which up to 250 thousand people fought.

    Significant success of the Soviet troops in 1943, the diplomatic and military-political cooperation of the USSR, the United States and the UK was activated. On November 28 - December 1, 1943, the Tehran Conference "Big Three" with the participation of I. Stalin (USSR), W. Churchill (United Kingdom) and F. Roosevelt (USA) took place.The leaders of the leading powers of the antihytler coalition identified the deadlines for the opening of the second front in Europe (an arrangement Overlord was scheduled for May 1944).

    Tehran Conference "Big Troika" with the participation of I. Stalin (USSR), W. Churchill (United Kingdom) and F. Roosevelt (USA).

    In the spring of 1944, he was cleared of the enemy of the Crimea.

    At these favorable conditions, Western allies, after two-year training, opened the second front in Europe in the north of France. June 6, 1944 United Anglo-American Force (General D.Aizenhuer), who had over 2.8 million people, up to 11 thousand combat aircraft, over 12 thousand combat and 41 thousand transport ships, crossing the strait of La Mans and Pa-De- Kale, began the largest over the war years asphant Norman surgery (Overlord) and in August joined Paris.

    Continuing to develop a strategic initiative, Soviet troops in the summer of 1944 launched a powerful offensive in Karelia (June 10 - August 9), Belarus (June 23 - August 29), in Western Ukraine (July 13 - 29) and Moldova (20 - 29 August).

    In the course Belarusian operation (code name "Bagration") the group of army "Center" was defeated, the Soviet troops liberated Belarus, Latvia, part of Lithuania, the eastern part of Poland and went to the border with East Prussia.

    The victories of the Soviet troops in the southern direction in the autumn of 1944 helped Bulgarian, Hungarian, Yugoslav and Czechoslovak nations in their liberation from fascism.

    As a result of the hostilities of 1944, the State Border of the USSR, treacherously disturbed by Germany in June 1941, was restored throughout Barentshev to the Black Sea. The fascists were expelled from Romania, Bulgaria, from most areas of Poland and Hungary. In these countries, the proper regimes were overthrown, patriotic forces came to power. The Soviet army entered the territory of Czechoslovakia.

    While the block of fascist states was collapsed, the antihytler coalition was streaked, as evidenced by the success of the Crimean (Yalta) conference of the heads of the USSR, the United States and the United Kingdom (from 4 to 11 February 1945).

    But still a decisive role in the defeat of the enemy on final stage Played the Soviet Union. Thanks to the titanic efforts of the entire people, the technical equipment and armament of the army and the USSR fleet by the beginning of 1945 reached the highest level. In January - early April 1945, as a result of a powerful strategic offensive on the entire Soviet-German front forces of ten fronts, the Soviet army resolutely defeated the main forces of the enemy. During the East Prussian, Visol-Oder, West Carpathian and Completion of Budapest operations, Soviet troops created conditions for further strikes in Pomerania and Silesia, and then for the attack on Berlin. Almost all Poland and Czechoslovakia were liberated, the whole territory of Hungary.

    Taking the capital of the Third Reich and the final defeat of fascism was carried out during Berlin Operations (April 16 - May 8, 1945).

    April 30 in the Reichskancellery bunker Hitler committed suicide .

    On the morning of May 1, over Reichstag Sergeants M.A. Egorov and M.V. Cantarium was driving a red banner as a symbol of victory to the Soviet people. On May 2, Soviet troops fully mastered the city. Attempts by the New German Government, which on May 1, 1945 after suicide A. Hitler was headed by Gross - Admiral K. Denitz, to achieve a separate world with the United States and the UK failed.

    May 9, 1945 at 0 h. 43 min. In the suburb of Berlin, Karlshorst was signed an act on the unconditional surrender of the Armed Forces of Fascist Germany. From the Soviet side, this historical document signed a hero of war, Marshal G.K. Zhukov, from Germany - Feldmarshal Kaitel. On the same day, the remnants of the last major grouping of the enemy were defeated in Czechoslovakia in the Prague area. City Liberation Day - May 9 - became the day of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War. The news of the victory with lightning speed was separated worldwide. The Soviet people, who suffered the greatest losses, met her in nationwide. Truly, there was a great holiday "with tears in the eyes."

    In Moscow on Victory Day, a festive salute from a thousand guns was produced.

    Great Patriotic War 1941-1945

    Material prepared Sergey Shalyak

    June 21, 1941, 13:00. German troops receive the Dortmund code signal confirming that the invasion starts the next day.

    Commander of the 2nd Tank Group of the Center for Army Center Geinz Guderian He writes in his diary: "Careful observation of the Russians convinced me that they are not suspected of our intentions. In the courtyard of the Brest fortress, which was viewed from our observation points, they spent the sounds of Karaulov under the sounds of the orchestra. Coastal fortifications along the Western Bug were not busy with Russian troops. "

    21:00. The fighters of the 90th border detachment of the Social Comferdence detained the German soldier, crossed the border river Bug climb. The rank is aimed at the headquarters of the town of Vladimir-Volynsky.

    23:00. German mine chargers who were in Finnish ports began to minimize the exit from the Gulf of Finland. At the same time, Finnish submarines began to produce mines off the coast of Estonia.

    June 22, 1941, 0:30. The rank is delivered to Vladimir-Volynsky. At the interrogation of soldiers called Alfred Liskov, Military personnel of the 221st regiment of the 15th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht. He said that at dawn on June 22, the German army will go to the offensive throughout the Soviet-German border. Information is transferred to the upstream command.

    At the same time, the transfer of Directive No. 1 of the Defense People's Commissariat for parts of Western military districts begins. "During June 22 - 23, 1941, there is a sudden attack of the Germans on the fronts of the LVA, Pribovovo, Zavodovo, Coo, ODO. The attack may begin with provocative actions, "said the directive. - "The task of our troops is not to succumb to any provocative actions that can cause major complications."

    Parts were prescribed to lead to combat readiness, secretly take firepoints of fortified areas at the state border, aviation dispersed on field airfields.

    To bring the Directive to military units before starting hostilities, as a result, the measures specified in it are not implemented.

    Mobilization. Columns of fighters move to the front. Photo: RIA Novosti

    "I realized that this Germans opened fire on our territory"

    1:00. The commandants of the 90th frontier sections report the head of the detachment by Major Bychkovsky: "Nothing suspicious on the adjacent side is not selected, everything is calm."

    3:05 . A group of 14 German bombers JU-88 resets 28 magnetic mines from the Kronstadt raid.

    3:07. The Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Vice-Admiral Oktyabrsky reports the Chief of General Staff General Zhukov: "The system of [air surveillance, alert and communications] of the fleet reports about the approach from the sea of \u200b\u200ba large number of unknown aircraft; The fleet is in full combat readiness. "

    3:10. UNKB in the Lviv region has a telephone message in the NKGB of the Ukrainian SSR, information obtained during the interrogation of the Alfred Liskov's deferment.

    From the memories of the chief of the 90th border of the Major Bychkovsky: "Without ending the interrogation of a soldier, heard a strong artillery fire in the direction of Ustilug (the first commandanttry). I realized that these Germans opened fire in our territory, which was confirmed by the interrogated soldier. Immediately began to call the commandant, but the connection was broken ... "

    3:30. Head of the headquarters of the Western District General Klimovskyshe reports on the tax of enemy aviation on the city of Belarus: Brest, Grodno, Lida, Kobrin, Slonim, Baranavichy and others.

    3:33. The chief of staff of the Kiev District, General Perkarev reports to the airborne tax on the city of Ukraine, including Kiev.

    3:40. Commander of the Baltic Military District General Kuznetsov Reports on raids by enemy aviation in Riga, Schauliai, Vilnius, Kaunas and other cities.

    "The enemy flaw is repulsed. Attempt to strike on our ships

    3:42. Head of the General Staff Zhukov calls Stalin I. Reports the beginning of Germany fighting. Stalin orders Tymoshenko And Zhukov arrive in the Kremlin, where the emergency meeting of the Politburo convenes.

    3:45. The 1st frontier of the 86th of the August border detachment is attacked by a reconnaissance-sabotage group of the enemy. Personal formation under command Alexandra Sivacheva, enhancing the battle, destroys the attackers.

    4:00. The Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Vice-Admiral Oktyabrsky reports Zhukov: "The enemy falling off. Attempting to strike on our ships is Torn. But in Sevastopol there is a destruction. "

    4:05. The heads of the 86th of the August Border Council, including the 1st border guard of Senior Lieutenant Sivachev, are subjected to a powerful artillery shelling, after which a German offensive begins. Border guards, devoid of communication with the command, come into battle with superior enemy forces.

    4:10. Western and Baltic special military districts report on the start of the hostilities of the German troops in the land plots.

    4:15. Nazis open massive artillery fire on the Brest Fortress. As a result, warehouses were destroyed, the connection was broken, there is a large number of killed and wounded.

    4:25. The 45th Infantry Division of the Wehrmacht begins an offensive to the Brest Fortress.

    The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Residents of the capital June 22, 1941 during the announcement on the Radio Government Report on the perfidious attack of fascist Germany to the Soviet Union. Photo: RIA Novosti

    "Protection of non-individual countries, but to ensure the safety of Europe"

    4:30. The Kremlin begins a meeting of the Politburo Members. Stalin expresses doubt that what happened is the beginning of the war and does not exclude the version of the German provocation. The drug defense of Tymoshenko and Zhukov insist: this is a war.

    4:55. In the Brest Fortress, the Hitlerians manage to capture almost half of the territory. Further progress is stopped by a sudden counterattack of redarmeys.

    5:00. German Ambassador to the USSR Graph von Schulenburg presents the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Molotov "Note of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the Soviet government", which says: "The German government cannot indispensively relates to a serious threat on the eastern border, so the Führer gave orders to the German armed forces to take this threat to all means." An hour after the actual start of hostilities, Germany de Jura declares the war to the Soviet Union.

    5:30. In German Radio ReichSmin Propaganda Goebbels Reads appeal Adolf Hitler To the German people in connection with the beginning of the war against the Soviet Union: "Now the hour has come when the Jewish-Anglo-Saxon warstores of war and also the Jewish lords of the Bolshevik Center in Moscow are needed to oppose this conspiracy and the Jewish lords of the Bolshevik Center in Moscow ... At the moment, the greatest advantage of troops is carried out Which I saw the world ... The task of this front is no longer the protection of individual countries, but ensuring the safety of Europe and thereby salvation of all. "

    7:00. Foreign Reichs Minister Ribbentropstarting a press conference, which announces the start of hostilities against the USSR: "The German army invaded the territory of the Bolshevik Russia!"

    "The city burns, why don't you pass anything on the radio?"

    7:15. Stalin approves the Directive on the reflection of the attack of Hitler's Germany: "The troops with all their forces and means to fall into the enemy forces and destroy them in areas where they violated the Soviet border." The transfer of "Directive No. 2" due to violation by the saboteurs of operation of communication lines in Western districts. In Moscow, there is no clear picture of what is happening in the combat zone.

    9:30. It was decided that at noon, with the appeal to the Soviet people in connection with the beginning of the war, the People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of Molotov will speak.

    10:00. From the memories of the speaker Yuri Levitana: "Call from Minsk:" enemy aircraft over the city, "call from Kaunas:" The city is burning, why don't you pass anything on the radio? "," Over Kiev enemy aircraft. " Female crying, excitement: "War really? .." Nevertheless, no official posts before 12:00 Moscow time is not transmitted.

    10:30. From the report of the headquarters of the 45th German division about the battles on the territory of the Brest Fortress: "Russians are fiercely resisting, especially behind our attackers. In the Citadel, the enemy organized defense by infantry parts with the support of 35-40 tanks and armored cars. The fire of enemy snipers led to great losses among officers and non-Officers. "

    11:00. Baltic, Western and Kiev special military districts are transformed into northwest, Western and South-West fronts.

    "The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours"

    12:00. The People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs Vyacheslav Molotov reads the appeal to citizens of the Soviet Union: "Today at 4 o'clock in the morning, without presenting any claims to the Soviet Union, without declaring the war, German troops attacked our country, attacked our borders in many places and subjected to bombing Our cities - Zhytomyr, Kiev, Sevastopol, Kaunas and some others, more than two hundred people were killed and injured. The raids of enemy aircraft and the artillery shelling were also committed from the Romanian and Finland territory ... Now that the attack on the Soviet Union has already been made, the Soviet government provides orders to our troops - to beat off the robbery attack and expel the German troops from our homeland ... The government calls you, citizens and Citizens of the Soviet Union, even closer to rally their ranks around our glorious Bolshevik party, around our Soviet government, around our great leader, Comrade Stalin.

    Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours" .

    12:30. Advanced German parts break into the Belarusian city of Grodno.

    13:00. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR issues a decree "On Mobilization of Military Racheled ..."
    "On the basis of Article 49 of the Point" O "of the Constitution of the USSR, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Council of the USSR announces mobilization on the territory of military districts - the Leningrad, Baltic special, Western special, Kiev special, Odessa, Kharkov, Oryvsky, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Ural, Siberian, Volga, North -Cava and Transcaucasian.

    Militibilities are subject to military-bred, born from 1905 to 1918 inclusive. The first day of mobilization is considered June 23, 1941. " Despite the fact that the first day of mobilization is named on June 23, calling points under the military commissocarters are beginning to work by the middle of the day on June 22.

    13:30. The head of the General Staff General of Zhukov flies to Kiev as a representative of the newly created headset rate on the South-West Front.

    Photo: RIA Novosti

    14:00. The Brest Fortress is completely surrounded by German troops. Soviet parts blocked in the Citadel continue to provide fierce resistance.

    14:05. Foreign Minister Italy Galeazo Chiano Declares: "In view of the current situation, due to the fact that Germany declared War of the USSR, Italy, as the Ally of Germany and as a member of the Triple Covenant, also announces the war to the Soviet Union from the moment the German troops joined the Soviet territory."

    14:10. The 1st frontier of Alexander Sivacheva leads a fight for more than 10 hours. We had only small arms and grenades border guards destroyed up to 60 nazis and burned three tanks. The wounded head of the outpost continued to command the battle.

    15:00. From the notes of the Commander of the Army Group of Feldmarshal boc Background: "Question, whether the Russian systematic departures carry out, while remains open. Currently, there is plenty of evidence as "for" and "against" this.

    It is surprising that anywhere is not noticeable to any significant work of their artillery. Strong artillery fire is conducted only in the north-west of Grodno, where the VIII Army Corps comes. Apparently, our air force has an overwhelming superiority over Russian aviation. "

    Of the 485 attacked border crossing, no one moved without an order

    16:00. After a 12-hour battle, the Nazis occupy the positions of the 1st frontier. It became possible only after all the border guards were killed, defending it. The head of the head Alexander Sivachev was posthumously awarded the Order of the Patriotic War I degree.

    The feat of the head of the senior lieutenant Sivachev became one of the hundreds committed by border guards in the first hours and days of war. The state border of the USSR from Barentsheva to the Black Sea on June 22, 1941 was protected by 666 border stamps, 485 of them were attacked on the very first day of the war. None of the 485 making attacked on June 22 did not move without an order.

    The Hitler's command was set to break the resistance of border guards, 20 minutes. 257 Soviet border guard kept defense from several hours to one day. Over one day - 20, more than two days - 16, over three days - 20, more than four and five days - 43, from seven to nine days - 4, over eleven days - 51, over twelve days - 55, over 15 days - 51 Zastava. Up to two months, 45 stamped.

    The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Leningrad workers are listening to a message about the attack of fascist Germany to the Soviet Union. Photo: RIA Novosti

    Of the 19,600 border guards who met the Nazis on June 22 in the direction of the main strike of the Army Group "Center", in the first days of the war more than 16,000 were killed.

    17:00. Hitler's units manage to take the southwestern part of the Brest Fortress, the North-East remained under the control of the Soviet troops. Stubborn battles for the fortress will continue for another week.

    "Church of Christ blesses all Orthodox to protect the sacred borders of our Motherland"

    18:00. Patriarchal location, Metropolitan, Moscow and Kolomensky Sergius, drawn by a message to believers: "Favoring robbers attacked our homeland. Pouring any contracts and promises, they suddenly hit us, and here the blood of civilians is already irrigated by their native land ... Our Orthodox Church has always shared the fate of the people. Together with him, she was tried, and comforted his successes. She will not leave the people of their own and now ... Church of Christ blesses all Orthodox to defend the sacred borders of our Motherland. "

    19:00. From the notes of the Chief of the General Staff of the Land Forces of the Wehrmacht General Colonel Franz Galder: "All army, except for the 11th army of the Army Group" South "in Romania, transferred to the offensive according to plan. The offensive of our troops, apparently, appeared for the enemy on the entire front with complete tactical suddenness. Border bridges through the Bug and other rivers are captured by our troops without a fight and in complete safety. On the complete surprise of our offensive for the enemy shows the fact that the parts were captured by surprise in a barrack location, the aircraft stood on the airfields coated with tarpaulo, and the advanced parts suddenly attacked by our troops were requested by the command that they would do ... the command of the Air Force reported, With this day, 850 opponent aircraft, including entire squadrons of bomber, which, rising to the air without covering fighters, were attacked by our fighters and destroyed. "

    20:00. Directive No. 3 of the Defense People's Commissariat of Defense, prescribing the Soviet troops to proceed with the task of defeating Hitler's troops in the USSR with further advancement to the enemy's territory. The directive prescribed to outcome on June 24 to master the Polish city of Lublin.

    Great Patriotic War 1941-1945. June 22, 1941 Nurses provide assistance to the first wounded after the air raid of the fascists under Chisinau. Photo: RIA Novosti

    "We must provide Russia and the Russian people all the help, which we can only"

    21:00. Summary of the Chief Command of the Red Army for June 22: "With a dawn on June 22, 1941, regular troops of the German army attacked our border parts at the front from the Baltic to the Black Sea and drove away by them during the first half of the day. In the afternoon, German troops met with the advanced parts of the field troops of the Red Army. After the fierce fighting, the opponent was removed with big losses. Only in the Grodno and Christopolian directions, the enemy managed to achieve minor tactical success and take the place of Calvaria, standing and Ceghanovets (the first two 15 km and the last 10 km from the border).

    Aviation of the enemy attacked a number of our airfields and settlementsBut everywhere I met a decisive rebuff of our fighters and anti-aircraft artillery, who struck the big losses to the enemy. We are shot down 65 opponent aircraft. "

    23:00. Appeal of Prime Minister of Great Britain Winston Churchill To the British people in connection with the attack of Germany in the USSR: "At 4 o'clock, this morning, Hitler attacked Russia. All of its usual treachery formalities were observed with a scrupulous accuracy ... Suddenly, without the announcement of war, even without an ultimatum, the German bombs fell from the sky to Russian cities, the German troops broke the Russian borders, and the hour later the Ambassador of Germany, which was literally the on the eve of generously crushed his assurances In friendship and almost union, inflicted a visit to the Russian Foreign Minister and stated that Russia and Germany are in a state of war ...

    No one has been a more resistant opponent of communism over the past 25 years than me. I will not take back not a single word about him. But all this pale in front of the spectacle, unfolding now.

    Past, with his crimes, madness and tragedies, retreats. I see Russian soldiers as they stand on the border of their native land and protect the fields that their fathers plow from time immemorial. I see how they guard their homes; Their mother and wives pray, oh, yes, because at such a time everyone prayes to preserve their loved ones, about the return of the breadwinner, the patron, his defenders ...

    We have to provide Russia and the Russian people all the help, which only we can. We must call all our friends and allies in all parts of the world to adhere to a similar course and conduct it as fast and steadily, as we will do it, to the very end. "

    June 22 came to an end. Ahead were another 1417 days of the terrible war in the history of mankind.

    The original is taken by W. sovietdetstvo. June 22, 1941

    Here is the German troops pass the border of the USSR. Gadd. They will bring us an indispensable number of grief and misfortunes. But they themselves do not know what they will receive in full. It will not be France ... today grandfather

    These photos unites one thing: they are made in the first hours and the days of the beginning of the Great Patriotic. Source:

    Here it is the beginning of the war.
    Shooting time: 06/22/1941

    Soviet border guards in the dosor. The photo is interested in the fact that it was made for the newspaper on one of the removal on the Western border of the USSR on June 20, 1941, that is, two days before the war.

    Shooting time: 06/20/1941

    The first day of the war in Peremyshl (today is the Polish city of Przemysl) and the first dead invaders on the Soviet Earth (Soldiers of the 101th Lightweight Division). The city was engaged in the German troops on June 22, but the next morning was released by the units of the Red Army and the border guards and retained until June 27.

    Shooting time: 06/22/1941

    On June 22, 1941, near the bridge across the San River in the city of Yaroslav. At that time, on the river San, the border between the Poland occupied by Germany and the USSR was held.

    Shooting time: 06/22/1941

    The first Soviet prisoners of war under the supervision of German soldiers are heading to the West on the bridge across the San River at the city of Yaroslav.

    Shooting time: 06/22/1941

    After the failure of the sudden seizure of the Brest Fortress, the Germans had to be painful. The photo is done on the North or South Island.

    Shooting time: 06/22/1941

    Fight of German shock parts in the Brest area.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    The column of Soviet prisoners crossed over the San River on the Saper Bridge. Among the prisoners are not only the military, but also people in civilian clothes: the Germans detained and captured all men of the recruiting age so that they could not be involved in the enemy's army. District of the city of Yaroslav, June 1941.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    The sapper bridge over the San River near the city of Yaroslav, according to which the German troops are recreated.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    German soldiers are photographed on the brained in Lviv Soviet Tank T-34-76 sample 1940.

    Place of shooting: Lviv, Ukraine, USSR

    Shooting time: 30.06. 1941.

    German soldiers inspect bothering in the field and abandoned T-34-76 tank in 1940.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    Captive Soviet women soldiers in Nevers (now the Nevelsk region of the Pskov region).

    Shooting time: 07/26/1941

    The German infantry passes by the broken Soviet vehicles.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    The Germans inspect the Soviet tanks T-34-76 bandy on the bay meadow. The floodplain of the river is to friends, under the passion, Vitebsk region.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    The start of the German dive bombers "Junkers" Yu-87 from the field airfield in the USSR.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Red Army teams are given to the soldiers of the SS troops.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    The German light tank pz.kpfw destroyed by Soviet artillery. II AUSF. C.

    German soldiers next to the burning Soviet village.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    German soldier during the battle in the Brest Fortress.

    Shooting time: June-July 1941

    Rally at the Leningrad Kirov Plant about the beginning of the war.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    Place of shooting: Leningrad

    Residents of Leningrad at the Lentass Showcase Lentass "Latest News" (Socialist Street, House 14 - True True).

    Shooting time: July 1941

    Place of shooting: Leningrad

    Aerial view of the Smolensk-1 airfield, made by German airborne intelligence. The airfield with hangars and runways is marked in the left upper part of the picture. Another strategic objects are also noted in the picture: the barracks (left below, "B"), large bridges, anti-aircraft artillery batteries (vertical trait with a circle).

    Shooting time: 06/23/1941

    Shot Place: Smolensk

    Red Army launched ridden german tank PZ 35 (T) (LT Vz.35) Czech production from the 6th Tank Division of the Wehrmacht. The neighborhood of the city of Rasnyay (Lithuanian SSR).

    Shooting time: June 1941

    Soviet refugees go past the Abandoned Tank BT-7A.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    German soldiers consider the burning Soviet Tank T-34-76 of the 1940 sample.

    Shooting time: June-August 1941

    Germans on the march at the beginning of the invasion of the USSR.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    Soviet field airfield captured by the Germans. The fighter I-16 is shot or disassembled on Earth, in the background Biplane I-2 and another I-16. A snapshot with a passing German car. Smolensk region, summer of 1941.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    Artilleryrs of the 29th Motorized Vershschta Division from the ambush shot aboard the 50-mm Pak 38 Soviet tanks. Nearest, left - Tank T-34. Belarus, 1941.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    German soldiers go down the street along the destroyed houses on the outskirts of Smolensk.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    Shot Place: Smolensk

    At the captured airfield of Minsk, German soldiers consider the SB bomber (either his training version of the USB, as a little nasal part of the plane, differing from the glazed nose Sat). Beginning of July 1941.

    The fighters and 15 and and-153 "Seagull" are visible behind.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    Soviet 203-mm Gaubice B-4 (sample 1931), captured by the Germans. There is no trunk of the tool, which was transported separately. 1941, presumably Belarus. German snapshot.

    Shooting time: 1941

    The city of Demidov Smolensk region in the first days of occupation. July 1941.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    Dressed Soviet T-26 tank. On the tower, a burned tanker was visible under the hatch cover.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Renting Soviet soldiers go to the rear to the Germans. Summer in 1941. The snapshot is obviously made from the truck body in the German column running along the road.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Many broken Soviet aircraft: fighters and-153 "Seagull" (left). In the background - U-2 and two-solid bomber Sat. Airfield of Minsk, captured by German troops (in the foreground - German soldier). Beginning of July 1941.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    Many broken Soviet fighters "Seagull" and-153. Airfield Minsk. Beginning of July 1941.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    German national team of Soviet trophy technology and weapons. On the left, the Soviet 45-mm anti-tank guns, then a large number of machine guns "Maxim" and manual machine guns of DP-27, right - 82 mm mortar. Summer in 1941.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    The dead Soviet soldiers have captured trenches. Probably, this is the very beginning of the war, the summer of 1941: on a fighter in the foreground School of SSh-36 pre-war sample, later such helmets in the Red Army met extremely rarely and mainly in the Far East. It is also seen that the belt is removed from it - apparently, the work of the German soldiers who captured these positions.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    The German soldier knocks on the house of local residents. The city of Yartsevo Smolensk region, beginning of July 1941

    Shooting time: July 1941

    The Germans inspect the baked Soviet light tanks. In the foreground - BT-7, the extreme left - BT-5 (the characteristic cutting of the mechanic-driver of the tank), in the center of the road - T-26. Smolensk region, summer 1941

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Soviet artillery wagon with an instrument. The shell or airbomb broke right in front of the horses. The neighborhood of the city of Yartsevo Smolensk region. August 1941.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    The grave of the Soviet soldier. The inscription on a sign in German reads: "There is a unknown Russian soldier here." Perhaps the fallen fighter was buried his own, so at the bottom of the plate you can disassemble the word "here ...". Germans for some reason made an inscription in their own language. Photo German, place of shooting - Presumably Smolensk region, August 1941.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    German armored personnel carrier, German soldiers on it and local residents in Belarus.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    Ukrainians welcome the Germans in Western Ukraine.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Coming part of the Wehrmacht in Belarus. The picture is made from the car window. June 1941

    Shooting time: June 1941

    German soldiers at the captured Soviet positions. In the foreground, the Soviet 45-mm gun is visible, then the Soviet Tank T-34 sample of 1940.

    Shooting time: 1941

    German soldiers are suitable for only BT-2 Soviet tanks.

    Shooting time: June-July 1941

    Speakers of the tractor tractor "Stalintsy". Photo dated in summer 41th

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Soviet volunteer girls are sent to the front. Summer in 1941.

    Shooting time: 1941

    Soviet ordinary girl among prisoners of war.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    The machine-gun calculation of the German mergeries leads fire from the MG-34 machine gun. Summer 1941, Army Group North. In the background, the calculation covers Sau Stug III.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    The German column drives the village in the Smolensk region.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    Wehrmacht's soldiers are watching the burning village. The territory of the USSR, the date of the picture is approximately summer of 1941.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Red Armyman has a captured German lightweight tank of Czech production LT VZ.38 (in the Wehrmacht was designated PZ.KPFW.38 (T)). In military actions against the USSR, about 600 such tanks were participating, which were used in battles until mid-1942.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    SS soldiers at the destroyed Dota on the "Stalin Line." The defensive structures located on the "old" (as of 1939) the border of the USSR were conserved, but after the invasion of German troops, some reprodunds were used by the Red Army for Defense.

    Shooting time: 1941

    Soviet railway station after the German bombardment, on the ways there is a train with tanks BT.

    German columns pass by the supply with the Red Armyman who has previously fallen under the fire.

    The dead Soviet tankers and fighters of the tank landing at the gate of the border appendix. Tank - T-26.

    Shooting time: June 1941

    Refugees in the area of \u200b\u200bPskov.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    German soldiers finish the wounded Soviet sniper.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    The dead Soviet soldiers, as well as civilians - women and children. The bodies are welded into the roadside ditch, as if household garbage; By the road, dense columns of German troops are calmly moving.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Telego with the bodies of the dead redarmeys.

    Soviet characters in the captured city of Kobrin (Brest region, Belarus) - T-26 tank and monument V.I. Lenin.

    Shooting time: summer 1941

    Column of German troops. Ukraine, July 1941.

    Shooting time: July 1941

    The fighters of the Red Army examine the bought by anti-aircraft fire and the German fighter BF.109F2 (from the squadron 3 / jg3). West Kiev, July 1941

    Shooting time: July 1941

    The banner of the 132th battalion of the Konvoy troops of the NKVD captured by the Germans. Photo from a personal album of one of the soldiers of the Wehrmacht.

    "Brest Fortress. The defenses were held for two months and the border guards and the 132nd separate battalion of the convoy of the NKVD of the USSR. The city of Brest was hastily left by the units of the Red Army at 8.00 am 22.06.1941 after a fight with the infant infantry, crossed by boats across the Bug River. In Soviet times, everyone remembered the inscription of one of the defenders of the Brest Fortress: "I dying, but I do not give up! Goodbye homeland! 20.VII.41G. ", But few people knew that she was made on the wall of the barracks of the 132rd separate battalion of the convoy of the NKVD of the USSR."

    The dawn flows a slow river.

    Sleeping sleep, trying to try the eyelids.

    The mist washed the closest stack ...

    Stop this moment forever!

    Seconds in eternity bullets fly,

    While the bed is a launch light.

    Still will take a moment - and shell

    Throw the sixth part of the planet's war.

    I rose an explosion from the wicket.

    Fraction of heels for washed steps.

    Trace by dew. Coast cliff.

    Other people were affected by our water.

    Returns a chucks obedient hand,

    In the shoulder will hit the thrillery rage.

    ... he took a fight, and for him the river

    So forever the border and remained.

    IN victory May Hence the path is prole

    Unscrewed salute

    And first made in this distance jerk

    Soldier who had had three minutes.

    22nd of June. Conventional Sunday Day. More than 200 million citizens plan how to spend their weekend: go to visit, reduce children in the zoo, someone hurries on football, someone - on a date. Soon they will be the heroes and victims of war, killed and wounded, soldiers and refugees, blockades and prisoners of concentration camps, partisans, prisoners of war, orphans, disabled. Winners and veterans of the Great Patriotic War. But none of them yet knows about it.

    In 1941. The Soviet Union was quite firmly on his legs - industrialization and collectivization brought their fruits, the industry developed - out of ten tractors issued in the world were Soviet production. DneprogES and Magnitan were built, the army is being re-equipped - the famous T-34 tank, Yak-1 fighters, MiG-3, IL-2 attack aircraft, PE-2 bomber have already enacted the Red Army. The situation in the world is restricted, but the Soviet people are confident that "the armor is strong and tanks our fast." In addition, two years ago after three hours of negotiations in Moscow, Molotov's USSR Molotov and Foreign Minister, Ribbentrop signed a non-aggression pact for a period of 10 years.

    After an abnormally cold winter of 1940-1941. A pretty warm summer came to Moscow. In the park named after Gorky, attractions work, football matches are held at Dynamo Stadium. Film Studio "Mosfilm" is preparing the main premiere of the summer of 1941 - here just completed the installation of the lyrical comedy "Hearts of Four", which will be released only in 1945. In the main role of the favorite of Joseph Stalin and all Soviet cenkers actress Valentina Serov.

    June, 1941 Astrakhan. Near the village of Linear

    1941 Astrakhan. In the Caspian Sea

    July 1, 1940 scene from the film directed by Vladimir Korsh-Sablin "My Love". In the center of the actress Lydia Smirnova as airlon

    April, 1941 The peasant welcomes the first Soviet tractor

    July 12, 1940 Residents of Uzbekistan work on the construction of a plot of a large Fergana Channel

    August 9, 1940 Belarusian SSR. The farmers of the village of Tensy Tourovsky district of the Polesc region on the walk after a working day

    05 May, 1941 Clement Voroshilov, Mikhail Kalinin, Anastas Mikoyan, Andrei Andreev, Alexander Shcherbakov, Georgy Malenkov, Semyon Tymoshenko, Georgy Zhukov, Andrei Eremenko, Semen Beanny, Nikolai Bulganin, Lazar Kaganovich and others in the Presidium of the ceremonial meeting dedicated to the issue Commanders who graduated from the Military Academies. Speakers Joseph Stalin

    June 1, 1940. Classes on civic defense In the village of Dikanka. Ukraine, Poltava region

    In the spring-summer of 1941, the exercises of the Soviet military were increasingly at the Western borders of the USSR. In Europe, the war is already in full swing. The Soviet leadership reach rumors that Germany can attack at any time. But such messages are often ignored, since quite recently a non-aggression agreement was signed.
    August 20, 1940 Residents of the village talk with tankers during military exercises

    "All above, above and above
    We strive we are the flight of our birds,
    And in each propeller breathes
    Calm to our borders. "

    Soviet song, more known as the "Marsh Aviator"

    June 1, 1941 under the wing of the TB-3 aircraft suspended fighter I-16, under the wing of which a fugasic bomb weighing 250 kg

    September 28, 1939 People's Commissar of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov and German Foreign Minister Joachim von Ribbentrop exchange hands after signing the joint Soviet-German Treaty "On Friendship and Border"

    General Feldmarshal V.Kaitel, Colonel-General V.The Burahich, A. Gitler, Colonel-General F. Golder (from left to right in the foreground) near the table with a map during the meeting general Staff. In 1940, Adolf Hitler signed the main directive No. 21 under the codenate name "Barbarossa"

    On June 17, 1941, V. N. Merkulov sent I. V. Stalin and V. M. Molotov Agency message received by the NKGB of the USSR from Berlin:

    "A source operating at the headquarters of German aviation reports:
    1. All German military events for the preparation of armed performances against the USSR are fully finished, and the blow can be expected at any time.

    2. In the circles of aviation headquarters, the TASS message from June 6 is perceived very ironically. Emphasize that this statement can not have any meaning ... "

    There is a resolution (regarding 2 points): "Comrade Merkulov. You can send your "source" from the headquarters of German aviation to the ebic mother. This is not a "source", and disinformer. I. Stalin "

    July 1, 1940 Marshal Semen Tymoshenko (right), Army General Georgy Zhukov (left) and army general Kirill Metskov (2 left) on the exercises in the 99 rifle division of the Kiev Special Military District

    June 21, 21:00

    A German soldier Efreitor Alfred Lieskof was detained on the site of the Sokalsk Comferient, the climbing the Bug river.

    From the testimony of the chief of the 90th frontier of Major Bychkovsky: "Due to the fact that translators in the detachment are weak, I called from the city of the German teacher ... and Lieskof again repeated the same thing, that is, the Germans are preparing to attack the USSR at dawn on June 22, 1941 ... without finishing the interrogation of the soldier, heard in the direction Ustilug (first compendension) strong artillery fire. I realized that these Germans opened fire in our territory, which was confirmed by the interrogated soldier. Immediately began to call the commandant, but the connection was broken. "


    In Moscow, a conversation of the People's Commissar of Molotov's Foreign Affairs with the German ambassador Schulenburg took place. Molotov said the protest due to numerous disorders of the border of the USSR by German aircraft. Schulenburg rested.

    From the memories of Efreitor Hansa Taychler: "On 22 hours we were built and read the order of the Fuhrer. Finally, we were directly told, why are we here. Not at all for throwing into Persia to shiver the British with the permission of Russians. And not in order to put the vigilance of the British, and then quickly transfer troops to La Mansu and land in England. Not. We are a soldier of the Great Reich - waiting for war with the Soviet Union himself. But there is no such force that could keep the movement of our armies. For Russians, this will be a real war, for us - just a victory. We will pray for it. "

    June 22, 00:30

    In the districts, Directive No. 1 was sent out, containing the order to secretly take firepoints at the border, not to succumb to provocations and lead troops in combat readiness.

    From the memories of the German General Geinz Guderian: "In the fatal day, on June 22 at 2 hours 10 minutes, I went to the team center of the group ...
    At 3 o'clock 15 minutes, our artillery preparation began.
    At 3 hours and 40 minutes - the first bloom of our dive bombers.
    At 4 hours and 15 minutes began to cross over the Bug. "


    The Commander of the Black Sea Fleet Admiral Oktyabrsky called the head of the General Staff of the Republic of Redek Georgy Zhukov and said that a large number of unknown aircraft comes from the sea; The fleet is in full combat readiness. Admiral proposed to meet them with fire fleet air defense. He was given an indication: "Act and report to your addict."


    Head of the Western District, Major General Vladimir Klimov, reported on German aviation on the city of Belarus. Three minutes later, the chief of staff of the Kiev district, General Purrian, reported on aviation raids on the cities of Ukraine. At 03:40, the Commander of the Baltic District, General Kuznetsov, announced a tax on Kaunas and other cities.

    From the memories of I. I. Gabib, the deputy commander of the regiment of the 46th JEP, wrap: "... I got cold in my chest. In front of me - four two-door bombers with black crosses on wings. I even bit my lip. Why is it "junkers"! German bombers Yu-88! What to do? .. Another thought arose: "Today, Sunday, and on Sundays, Germans do not have training flights." Outlook, war? Yes, war! "


    Timoshenko's drug defense is asking Zhukov to report Stalin about the start of hostilities. Stalin in response ordered to gather all members of the Politburo in the Kremlin. At this point, Brest, Grodno, Lida, Kobrin, Slonim, Baranovich, Bobruisk, Volkovysk, Kiev, Zhytomyr, Sevastopol, Riga, Window, Libava, Schauliai, Kaunas, Vilnius and many other cities are subjected to Brest.

    From the memories of Aleceptina Kitty, 1925 (Lithuania): "I woke up from the fact that I hit my head about the bed - the Earth shuddered from falling bombs. I ran to my parents. Dad said: "The war began. We must clean from here! " We did not know who began war, we did not think about it, it was just very scary. Dad was a military man, and therefore he was able to call for us a car that brought us the train station. They took only clothes. All furniture and homemade utensils remained. At first we went on a commodity train. I remember how my mother covered me and the brother with her body, then they moved to the passenger train. The fact that war with Germany, they learned somewhere in 12 days from the oncoming people. At the city of Shauliye, we saw a large number of wounded, stretchers, doctors. "

    At the same time, the Belostok-Minsk battle began, as a result of which the basic forces of the Soviet Western Front were surrounded and were crushed. German troops captured a significant part of Belarus and advanced to a depth of over 300 km. On the part of the Soviet Union in Belostoksky and the Minsk "Boilers", 11 rifle, 2 cavalry, 6 tank and 4 motorized divisions were killed, 3 compements and 2 kitsyva were killed, 2 compets and 6 divisions commanders were captured, another 1 case commander and 2 commander Divisions were missing.


    The beginning of the hostilities of the German troops in the land plots reported western and Baltic special districts.


    German bombers appeared above Sevastopol. The enemy bloom was repulsed, and the attempt of hitting ships was turned on, but residential buildings and warehouses were injured in the city.

    From the memories of Sevastopol Anatoly Marsanova: "It was then for me only five years ... the only thing that remains in the memory: at night, parachutes appeared in the sky. Lightly became, I remember, the whole city is lit, everyone runs, joyful such ... scream: "Parachutists! Parachutists! "... do not know that these are mines. And how they were as angry - alone in the bay, the other - below us down the street, so much people wentubilate! "


    The defense of the Brest Fortress began. The first attack by 04:55 the Germans took almost half of the fortress.

    From the memories of the defender of the Brest Fortress of Peter Kotelnikova, 1929..: "In the morning we woke up a strong blow. Thought the roof. I stunned. I saw the wounded and killed, I understood: it is no longer a teaching, but war. Most soldiers of our barracks died in the first seconds. I, after adults, rushed to weapons, but the rifles did not give me. Then I rushed with a worm warehouse with one of the Red Army. Then with the fighters switched to the basements of the barracks of the neighboring 333rd rifle regiment ... We helped the wounded, we wore them ammunition, food, water. Through the West Wing at night, they made their way to the river to gain water, and returned back. "


    Moscow time Reichs Minister of Foreign Affairs Ioachim von Ribbentrop caused Soviet diplomats to his office. When they arrived, he informed them about the beginning of the war. The last thing he said the ambassadors was: "Pass to Moscow that I was against the attack." After that, telephones did not work at the embassy, \u200b\u200band the building itself was surrounded by SS detachments.


    Schulenburg officially told Molotov about the beginning of the war of Germany and the USSR, reading the note: "Bolshevik Moscow is ready to strike into the back of the National Socialist Germany, leading the struggle for existence. The German government can not indispensively refer to a serious threat on the eastern border. Therefore, Führer gave orders to the German armed forces with all their forces and means to take this threat ... "

    From the memories of Molotov: "Advisor of the German ambassador Hilger, when he handed a note, was slandered."

    From Hilger's memories: "He gave free to his indignation, saying that Germany attacked the country with which there was a non-aggression pact. It does not have in the history of precedents. The reason called the German side is an empty pretext ... I concluded my angry speech of Molotov: "We did not give any reason for this."


    Directive No. 2 was published, prescribing the USSR troops to destroy enemy forces in the disturbances of the border, destroy the opponent's aviation, as well as to "bomb Königsberg and Memel" (modern Kaliningrad and Klaipeda). The USSR Air Force was allowed to go "to the depth of German territory to 100-150 km." At the same time, the first counterattack of Soviet troops at the Lithuanian town of Alitus occurs.


    At 7:00 on the Berlin Time, the Reichs Minister of Folk Enlightenment and Propaganda Joseph Goebbels on Radio read the appeal of Adolf Hitler to the German people in connection with the beginning of the war against the Soviet Union: "... Today I decided to invest fate again and the future of the German Reich and our people in our hands soldier. May the Lord will help us in this struggle! ".


    Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR Mikhail Kalinin signed a number of decrees, including a decree on the introduction of a military situation, on the formation of a headset rate, on military tribunals and universal mobilization, which was subject to all born from 1905 to 1918.


    German bombers made a raid on Kiev and his suburbs. Railway station, plant Bolshevik, aircraft facilities, power plants, military airfields, residential buildings have been subjected to the bomb attack. According to official data, as a result of the bombing, 25 people died, according to unofficial victims, it was much more. However, a few days in the capital of Ukraine continued peaceful life. The opening of the stadium scheduled for June 22 was canceled, on this day, Dynamo football match (Kiev) - CSKA was taken here.


    Molotov on the radio made a speech about the beginning of the war, where first called her domestic. Also in this performance, the phrase sounds for the first time, which has become the main slogan of war: "Our business is right. The enemy will be broken. Victory will be ours".

    From the conversion of Molotov: "This unheard of attack on our country is unparalleled in the history of civilized peoples of treachery ... This war is imposed on us not by the German people, not the German workers, peasants and intelligentsia, the suffering of which we understand well, but by clicking the bloodthirsty fascist rulers of Germany, enslaved French, Chekhov , Poles, Serbs, Norway, Belgium, Denmark, Holland, Greece and other nations ... Not the first time, our people have to deal with the attacking enemy. At one time, on the campaign of Napoleon to Russia, our people responded to the Patriotic War and Napoleon suffered a defeat, came to his collapse. The same will be with the accusatory Hitler, who announced a new campaign against our country. The Red Army and all of our people will again behave for a victorious Patriotic War for their homeland, for honor, for freedom. "

    Leningrad workers are listening to a message about the attack of fascist Germany to the Soviet Union

    From the memories of Dmitry Savelyev, Novokuznetsk: "We gathered in pillars with loudspeakers. Molotov's speech carefully listened. Many have a feeling of some outrage. After that, the streets began to be allowed, after some time products disappeared in stores. They were not bought - just delivery was reduced ... People were not frightened, but rather focused on, they did everything that the government said them. "

    After some time, the text of the Molotov's speech repeated the famous speaker Yuri Levitan. Thanks to his heartfelt voice and the fact that Levitan has read the front-line summaries of the Soviet Informbure throughout the war, there is an opinion that the first message about the beginning of the war he read on the radio. So even said Marshals of Zhukov and Rokossovsky, what they wrote about in their memoirs.

    Moscow. Speaker Yuri Levitan during filming in the studio

    From the memories of Speaker Yuri Levitan: "When in the early morning of us, speakers, called on the radio, have already begun calls to distribute. Call from Minsk: "enemy aircraft over the city", call from Kaunas: "The city is burning, why don't you pass anything on the radio?", "Over Kiev enemy aircraft." Female crying, excitement - "War really"? .. And now I remember - turned on the microphone. In all cases, I remember myself that I was worried only internally, only internally worried. But here, when I said the word "says Moscow", I feel that I can not speak, I'm stuck a lump in my throat. From the hardware already knocking - "Why are silent? Continue! " Slugged fists and continued: "Citizens and citizens of the Soviet Union ..."

    Stalin turned to the speech to the Soviet people only on July 3, 12 days after the start of the war. Historians are still arguing why he was silent for so long. This is how Vyacheslav Molotov explained to this fact: "Why am I, not Stalin? He did not want to perform first. It is necessary that there is a clearer picture, what tone and what approach ... He said that she would wait for a few days and will appear when the situation is cleared on the fronts. "

    But what he wrote about this Marshal Zhukov: "AND. V. Stalin was a volitional man and, as they say, "not from a cowardly dozen." I saw him only once. It was at dawn on June 22, 1941, when fascist Germany attacked our country. For the first day he could not truly take himself in his hands and firmly lead the events. The shock made on I. V. Stalin attack the enemy was so strong that he even dropped the sound of the voice, and his orders for the organization of the armed struggle did not always responded to the established setting. "

    From Stalin's speech on Radio July 3, 1941: "The war with fascist Germany cannot be considered an ordinary one ... Our war for freedom of our fatherland will merge with the struggle of the peoples of Europe and America for their independence, for democratic freedoms."


    At the same time, German troops entered Grodno. A few minutes later, the bombardment of Minsk, Kiev, Sevastopol and other cities began again.

    From the memories of Ninel Karpova, 1931. (Kharovsk Vologda region): "Message about the beginning of the war we listened to the reproductor on the home of defense. There are many people crowded. I was not upset, on the contrary I was infused: my father will defend his homeland ... In general, people were not afraid. Yes, women, of course, were upset, cried. But the panic was not. Everyone was sure that we would quickly defeat the Germans. Men said: "Yes, the Germans will dwell from us!" "

    Capital points in the military registration and enlistment offices opened. In Moscow, Leningrad and other cities, they lined up queues.

    From the memories of Dina Bely, 1936. (Kushva Sverdlovsk region): "All men immediately began to call, and my dad, including. Dad hugged her mother, they both cried, kissed ... I remember how Kizzy's boots grabbed him and screamed: "Folder, do not go! You will kill you, kill! " When he sat down in a train, Mom took me on his hands, we were both sobbed with her, she whispered her tears: "Mad dad ..." Which there, I so sobat, could not move my hand. We have not seen him anymore, our breadwinner. "

    Calculations and experience of the mobilization have shown that for the translation of the army and fleet at wartime, it was necessary to call for 4.9 million people. However, during the declaration of mobilization, military-ridden 14 ages were called, the total number of which amounted to about 10 million people, that is, almost 5.1 million people more than what was required.

    The first day of mobilization in the Red Army. Volunteers in the Oktyabrsk Commissioner

    The appeal of such a mass of people was not caused by military necessity and made disorganization to the national economy and anxiety into the masses. Not realizing this, the Marshal of the Soviet Union G. I. Kulik suggested that the government additionally call for older ages (1895-1904 of birth), whose total number was 6.8 million people.


    To take the Brest Fortress, the Germans introduced the new forces of 133 infantry shelf in the South and West Islands, but this "did not bring changes in the position." The Brest Fortress continued to hold defense. The 45th Infantry Division of Fritz Schlipers was thrown onto this section of the front. It was decided that the Brest Fortress would take only the infantry - without tanks. At the taking of the fortress was given no more than eight hours.

    From the report to the headquarters of the 45th Infantry Division, Fritz Schlipers: "Russians are fiercely resist, especially behind our attackers. In the Citadel, the enemy organized defense by infantry parts with the support of 35-40 tanks and armored cars. The fire of Russian snipers led to great losses among officers and nonsense officers. "


    Italian Foreign Minister Galeacezzo Chiano told the Soviet Ambassador in Rome Gorelkin that Italy declared the War of the USSR "from the moment the German troops joined the Soviet territory."

    From diaries Chiano: "My message he perceives with a rather large indifference, but it is in his character. The message is very short, without unnecessary words. The conversation lasted two minutes. "


    Pilots of German bombers reported that they had nothing more to bomb, all airfields, barracks and accumulations of armored vehicles were destroyed.

    From the memories of Marshal Aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union G.V. Zimina: "On June 22, 1941, large groups of fascist bomber subjected to impacts of 66 of our airfields, on which the basic forces of aviation of Western border districts were based. First of all, airfields were subjected to airfield strikes, on which aviation shelves armed with airplanes of new designs were based ... as a result of strikes on airfields and in fierce air battles, the enemy managed to destroy up to 1,200 aircraft, including 800 at airfields. "


    Stalin went from the Kremlin to the near Dacha. To the leader until the end of the day do not allow politburo members.

    From the memories of a member of the Politburo Nikita Khrushchev:
    "Beria told the following: when the war began, Stalin had members of the Politburo. I do not know, all or only a certain group, which is most often gathered at Stalin. Stalin was morally completely depressed and made such a statement: "War began, it develops catastrophically. Lenin left us the proletarian Soviet state, and we won it. " Literally so expressed.
    "I," says, "I refuse the leadership," and left. I left, got into the car and left for the near country. "

    Some historians, referring to the memories of other participants in the events, argue that this conversation occurred in the day later. But the fact that in the first days of the war, Stalin was confused and did not know how to act, confirmed by many witnesses.


    The commander of the 4th Army Ludwig Kyubler gives an order to "pull off their own forces" from the Brest Fortress. This is one of the first orders for the retreat of German troops.


    Commander of the Army Group "Center" General Fyodor von side gives an order to stop the shootings of Soviet prisoners of war. After that, they were kept on rush fenced barbed wires. So the first camps for prisoners of war appeared.

    From the notes of the brigadefuer of the SS, G. Keppler, the commander of the shelf "Tel Führer" from the Das Rayich division: "In the hands of our regiment, rich trophies and a large number of prisoners were, among which there were a lot of civilians, even women and girls, the Russians made them defend themselves with arms in their hands, and they were bravely fighting with Red Army."


    British Prime Minister Winston Churchill performs with the radio, in which he stated that England "will give Russia and the Russian people to all the help of what can".

    Winston Churchill's speech on BBC radio station air: "Over the past 25 years, no one has been a more consistent opponent of communism than me. I will not take back not a single word that I said about him. But all this pale before the spectacle deployed now. The past with his crimes, madness and tragedies disappears ... I see Russian soldiers standing on the threshold of your native land, guarding the fields that their fathers have been processed from time immemorial ... I see how the vile Nazi military car comes to all this.


    The head of the Red Army sent to the Directive No. 3, which orders on June 23 to apply the countermates of the enemy.

    Text: Information Center ID "Kommersant", Tatyana Mishanina, Artem Galustyan
    Video: Dmitry Shelkovnikov, Alexey Koshel
    Photo: TASS, RIA "News", "Spark", Dmitry Kuchv
    Design, programming and layout: Anton Zhukov, Alexey Shabra
    Kim Voronin
    Commissioning Editor: Artem Galustyan