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  • London Eye Description in English. What "sees" the London eye? Essay "London's attractions in English with translation"

    London Eye Description in English. What

    Imagine if any city in the world could be "all-seeing eye", from which nothing will hide! London has its own "eyes": this is one of the largest Ferris Wheels in the world. The review of it is 360⁰ and from there you can see all 32 London District. That is why it is called London eye.

    When you will be in the capital of Great Britain, be sure to visit the London District of Lambets on the southern bank of Thames. London eye will help you see the city from a bird's eye view and even a little above! You will feel that we have a giant 135 meters high on your shoulders (approximately 45 floors!), And right in front of yourself, or rather under it, you will see the famous Big Ben and Westminster Palace.

    A bit of history

    London's eye solemnly "opened" on December 31, 1999, for which it is sometimes called "Millennium Wheel" or "Millennium wheel". As it should be "damn wheels," as sometimes they call all the ferris wheels, the London eye also presents its surprises. Spectacular launched on the eve of the Millennium occurred without passengers, as one of the capsules-cabin turned out to be faulty. The Prime Minister of Tonny Blair Nevertheless, solemnly pressed the start button, and the passengers were waiting until March before ride on the attraction.

    London eye accompanied bad luck even earlier. The fact is that the newspaper Sunday Times in 1993 The year held a contest for the development of monumental structures for meeting the new millennium. The contest was attended by spouse-architects David Marx and Julia Barfield with the Ferris Wheel Project. As a result, the project was not interested in anyone and lost the competition. Fortunately for residents of London, David and Julia are not accustomed to surrender and therefore they themselves decided to realize the dream. How many thresholds were crossed to get all sorts of permits from residents of the district, organizations, marine and river departments, historical societies and officials! Moreover, the grand project was developed without the support of state bodies and construction companies. And finances were found thanks to a random meeting with the neighbor Bob Elling, the head of British Airways, during a trifling conversation about the parcel of the Christmas card.

    The spouses introduced their project for 6 years, and how many obstacles were overcome: and technical problems, and corporate turmoil, and the debate with Yarn opponents of the development. The topic of the wheel did not go from the pages of English newspapers for several years. Many believed that it was enough to spoil the historic center of the city that aesthetics loses commerce. Moreover, the theme of the wheel rose in parliament, because the construction site was located just opposite the Westminster Palace!

    Construction itself was not so long - just 16 months. Parts of the wheel were delivered on the barges over the Thames and collected in the "lying" position on special platforms on the river. Then this Mahine was raised using a special system.

    The most amazing thing is that the London eye conceived, as a temporary construction and permission, he had a deadline for 5 years. The term of his "fitness" ended in 2005, but the public was so loved by this attraction that she could not part with him. So, the "eye" knocked already 15 years And there are great chances that he will just longer. In general, a similar story happened with Eiffel Towerwhich was temporarily as an entrance arch of the Paris World Exhibition of 1889. However, she became a visiting card of Paris!

    Interesting Facts

    But a selection of exciting facts about the London eye:

    • This architectural miracle was spent on 1700 tons of steel, and the total weight of the wheel was 2100 tons. The ferris wheel on the bank of the river is three times higher than the Tower Bridge, and four times wider than the dome of the Cathedral of St. Paul.
    • From afar, the London eye resembles a phantasmagoric giant bicycle wheel. Ride on the amusemental at one of the 32 transparent capsules of the cosmic view (personifying 32 district of London), ordering strawberries, truffles and champagne.
    • Each capsule weighs 10 tons, but they are fixed thoroughly, as the practice confirmed. Capsules are equipped with air conditioners, heaters, multimedia screen and wireless Internet, so that their own self-capsule can be placed straight to instagram.
    • Each cabin is designed for 25 people. However, for those who want to retire with the chosen one or the chosen, there is a "Cupid's Cupsule" (Cupid's Capsule). True, pleasure it costs 360 pounds sterling, but the romance is provided to you! Since the opening of the attraction on the wheel, 5,000 hands and heart offers (which are known to the organizers), 512 weddings occurred; More than 1.5 million champagne glasses are discarded.
    • Cabin # 2 has a special name - Coronation Capsule, which she received in June 2013 in honor of the 60th anniversary of the coronation of Elizabeth II.
    • It is not necessary to stand in the capsule, there are comfortable sites for seating. Capsules move almost silently, completely without swinging, so the feeling of reliability and comfort will not leave you. Inside the cabin on the installed tablets, you can choose the desired language and get the details of London's story by clicking on the object on the screen.
    • London eye can accommodate up to 800 passengers in one turn, which equals the capacity of 11 two-storey buses for tourists.
    • London eye can be cloned! A number of cities want to acquire such a profitable miracle and on their land. Such a desire expressed representatives of Boston, Toronto, Sydney and several more megacities than the tourist council of London was upset.
    • The wheel works without stopping, and the full turn makes in 30 minutes. The speed of rotation is 26 cm per second or approximately 15 meters per minute, or 0.9 km per hour, which allows visitors to enter and go calmly and without panic. For the year "London eye" rotates 7668 times, winding 2300 miles - like the distance from London to Cairo.
    • Regarding the type: London gave leaves from the wheel for 40 miles. For a complete turn, you can see the Queen's Windsor Residence, St. Paul's Cathedral, Buckingham Palace, Covent Garden and another 55 attractions provided good weather.
    • Until 2008, London "Eye" In the Guinness Book of Records, Ginnes was called "the biggest ferris wheel in the world." But later I lost the championship of the Singapore wheel - Singapore Flyer (165 meters).
    • London eye from the moment of discovery received 75 awards of national and international tourism for outstanding engineering achievements and architectural value.
    • Lighting is implemented by LED backlit from Color Kinetics to make a possible digital fire management. This property was used for illumination in honor new Year holidays, Opening of the 2012 Olympics, the anniversary of the Board of Elizabeth II and the birth of Prince George.
    • London eye wore various names: Initially, he was called Millennium Wheel, then British Airways London Eye, and later Merlin Entertainments London Eye. And from January 2011, the attraction for three years was called Ele Energy London Eye as a result of a sponsor transaction. And now it is called Coca Cola London Eye.
    • The wheel has become a cult destination for corporate parties, birthdays and weddings. On the New Year And on the day of memory here are arranged fireworks, and also take films of movies and commercials.
    • The wheel of the review in London turned out to be a profitable. It was invested in its construction 35 million English pounds ($ 55 million). But only in 2009, according to the owner of Merlin Entertainment, it "wound up" £ 25 million profit, so long ago paid himself.
    • Every year about 4 million people "fly" on it. In terms of the number of guests "Eye" is ahead of the famous Indian Taj Mahal (2.4 million), Egyptian pyramids (3 million) and St. Paul's Cathedral (2 million).

    The London Eye Ferris Wheel can be called London's business card. And at least it is in the British capital only 16 years old, it is no longer possible to present the city without it. Why "London Eye" should have been demolished a few years ago, which of celebrities most often rode it and what colors the wheel is highlighted - we collected 10 for you interesting facts On the main attraction of the capital!

    London Eye was built as a temporary construction in honor of the new millennium and was to stand until 2005. However, because of the crazy popularity, the attraction decided not to clean.

    Every year London Eye visits more than three million people - more than the Taj Mahal and Pyramids Giza.

    Photo: Shutterstock 3

    For the year, the ferris wheel rotates about 8 thousand times, winding the distance of 2300 miles, which is comparable from London to Cairo.

    Supermodel Kate Moss was at an attraction 25 times - more than all British celebrities. And the American actress Jessica Alba rode on London Eye record 31 times.

    Photo: shutterstock 5

    "London eye" rotates at a speed of 0.9 kilometers per hour, without stopping. Passengers come in and out of it on the go.

    On the wedding day of Prince William and Kate Middleton, the wheel highlighted the colors of the British flag, and in 2005 - pink color in honor of the first civil partnership concluded on London Eye.

    Photo: Shutterstock 7

    The wheel has 32 cabins - in accordance with the number of London Borough. However, due to the superstition, 13 capsule on the attraction is missing.

    For one circle of London Eye can carry up to 800 people, which is comparable to the number of passengers of 11 London dubddecers.

    Photo: Shutterstock 9

    The spacious cockpits of the ferris wheel are equipped with air conditioning and provide a panoramic view of the city within 40 kilometers. On a sunny day, you can see even Windsor Castle.

    In the history of London Eye had cases when passengers traveled not in the cabins, but on them. In 2003, Illusionist David Blaine made a full turn on the wheel, standing on one of the Cabin, and in 2004 a man dressed in a man-spider suit climbed to the attraction to attract attention to the rights of fathers in the UK.

    London has a lot of wonderful attractions that have great importance On culture and art not only the Great Britain, but also the whole world. Most of them are associated with history. These are monuments, squares, majestic buildings. Everyone who studies language should be able to describe London's sights in English.

    Sights of London in English

    Big Ben (The Big Ben)

    - One of London's attractions, which is considered a symbol of this city. This is not only what many are associated with, but also the world's largest hours.

    To describe this sight of London, you can use these words:

    Delight The Eye. Pleasing to the eye
    Be Named after. Named in honor
    The Most Famous. The most famous
    Amazing. Astonishing
    Masterpiece. Masterpiece
    Impressive Clock. Impressive hours
    Clock Tower Clock tower

    How to describe the landmark of London Big Ben in English:

    Trafalgar Square (Trafalgar Square)

    - A popular place for meetings and demonstrations. The attraction is located in the center of London, at the intersection of the three main London streets - Westminster, Whiteholl and Mella.

    London Madame Tussaud's London Museum (Madame Tussaud's London)

    Known by its wax figures that are performed very accurately and efficiently. The attraction is listed for visiting all tourists in London.

    An example of a story about the sights of London Madame Tussao Madame in English:

    London Tower (Tower Of London)

    - Attraction, which is closely related to English history. Here you can listen to interesting excursions and learn a lot about the long-time events that took place in the city.

    Description of London's attractions in English:

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    Buckingham Palace (Buckingham Palace)

    - This is the residence of the royal family in the capital. Inside the building is a very beautiful interior that attracts many tourists. The palace occupies 20 hectares of land, of which 17 are gardens that in the past were forest used for hunting members of the royal family.

    Story about London's attractions in English:

    Buckingham Palace Is One The Most Exciting Place in London. Tourists Like Visiting IT very Much.. The Palace Is Very Old. IT WAS Built In 1705. Now IT Is The Official Residence of British Monarchy. There Are More Than 600 Rooms in this Building. Every Year Near 50 Hundreds People Are Invited to This Residence for Parties and Banquets. Many Tourists Come Here Because The Want To See Queen Victoria Memorial. IT IS Very Beautiful.

    Buckingham Palace is one of the most interesting places in London. Tourists love to visit it. The building is very old. It was built in 1705. Now this is the official Residence of the Royal Family. There are more than 700 rooms. Every year about 50 thousand people invite to parties and banquets that spend in this house. Many tourists come there, because they want to see the Victoria Memorial. This is a very beautiful statue.

    British Museum (The British Museum)

    This is one of the world's largest museums. It stores expensive collections of artists from around the world. Sightseeing includes 94 galleries. They can enjoy a thematic excursion and listen about the history of art.

    Tower Bridge (Tower Bridge)

    This is an adjustable bridge in the center of London, which is often confused with the London Bridge. It was opened in 1894. This bridge is a symbol of the capital. On the bridge there is a gallery, which overlooks the city. Its length is 244 meters.

    How to describe the landmark of London in English:

    Near the bridge there are two towers in which viewing platforms and galleries are organized, open to tourists visits. This attraction is considered mandatory for visiting all guests of the city.

    London National Gallery (The National Gallery)

    This is one of the biggest Gallery of Great Britain. More than 2,000 painting exhibits are represented in it. Western Europe. Pictures are located in the chronological sequence, so visitors can listen to a lecture on the history of art and at the same time view examples of paintings.

    How to describe the landmark of London in English:

    In the gallery you can also buy souvenir products and books about painting or audio set.

    Read also

    Westminster Abbey (Westminster Abbey)

    The full name of this attraction - "Saint Peter's Collegian Church in Westminster." From the 11th century this place is used to coronate monarchs. This is one of the most important religious places in the country.

    How to describe the landmark of London in English:

    This place for many centuries was the center of education and training. In the walls, the attractions were transferred to the Bible into English. Royal wedding are also held in this church.

    Hyde Park and Kensington Gardens (Hyde Parkand Kensington Gardens)

    This park created in the 18th century English Monarch Heinrich Eighth. He used forest residues in order to organize a landscaped place near the palace. At that time, animals and members of the royal family often were hunted there. Each next monarch improved this place and ennobled it.

    Now it is the most green area of \u200b\u200bLondon, where people come to breathe fresh air, organize a picnic or admire the attractions.

    How to describe the attraction of London in English:

    The most important attraction of the park - Kensington Palace. This is an elegant and beautifully designed building that attracts many tourists.

    Piccadilly Circus Square

    - Central city square. There is a rich architecture, many attractions. She was built in 1819 to establish transport links between neighboring streets.

    How to describe the landmark of London in English:

    Piccadilly Square is considered the exemplary area of \u200b\u200bthe European capital. There are many modern shops and ancient buildings. The Royal Academy of Arts, the Museum of Amura London, the Eros Statue, the Ritz Hotel, are also located there.

    Parliament Building (The Houses of Parliament)

    This attraction symbolizes the country. Parliament was built in the 11th century, at that time it accommodated the residence of the kings.

    How to describe this sight of London in English:

    You can get on the excursion to parliament summer during parliamentary holidays and on weekends, throughout the year. The rest of the time the building is not available for tourists.

    The Thames River

    Thames - The river on which London is located. It is a natural symbol of the city. The river flows into the North Sea, its maximum width in the city is 200 meters.

    Example description of the sights in English:

    On the banks of the river in the city there is a large port, which is one of the largest in the world.

    Nelson Column (Nelson's Column)

    Sightseeing is located in the center of Trafalgar Square. This is a high monument, which was built and called in honor of the memory of Admiral Nelson. The column was built over three years - from 1840 to 1843. Monument is very high: its height is only 51 meters.

    How to describe the attraction of London in English:

    Attraction has an interesting history of creation. Some of its details are made of original materials, for example, bronze leaves on the top were cast from English guns, and the panels on the pedestal are from the French.

    Oxford Street (Oxford Street)

    Oxford Street - Attraction that attracts tourists. There are famous red buses, residents of the capital and guests are walking. This is the most famous shopping street all over the world. Its length is 2.5 kilometers and about 300 stores are posted on it, which offer various good goods.

    How to describe the landmark of London in English:

    On this famous street in stores are constantly undergoing sales, discounts sometimes reach 75%, so there are always so many tourists here.

    Essay "London's attractions in English with translation"

    An example of essays on the topic "London's sights" in English:

    London Is a Big and Beautiful City. Before You Go There You Need to Find Information About Its Sights. BECAUSE THERE ARE LOTS OF INTERESTING AND HISTORICAL PLACES WHICH EVERY TURIST MUST SEE. At First, You Can Visit The London Eye. THE MAGNIFICENT VIEW OF LONDON WILL OPEN from the Highest Point Of This Place. IT IS VERY INSPIRING AND UNFORGETTABLE. Aftert That Tourists Usually Walk to Trafalgar Square. The Most Important Place of this Part of London Is Nelson's Column. People Like Meeting Here and Walking with Friends. There Also a beautiful Park in London. IT IS CALLED HYDE PARK. There Are Many Flowers and Trees. IT IS VERY GREEN AND NICE. Aftert That, IT Is Possible to Visit Buckingham Palace. IT IS A Wonderful Building! There Are More Than 600 Rooms. IT IS A Great Possibility for Tourists Because The Royal Family Live. Tourists Also Can Order The Excursion with a Guide. There Is Also An Interesting Place for Shopping. IT IS IN OXFORD STREET. There Are Many Shops with Sales. Another Interesting Place Which You Need to Visit Is The River, Thames. Tourist Can Rent A Boat And Walk Through The River Watching A Delightful View. London Is a Very Interesting and Cultural City! After Visiting All These Places You Will Never Forget This Trip! London is a beautiful and big city. Before you go there, you need to find information about its attractions. Because there are many interesting and historical places that everyone should see. First you need to see the ferris wheel. An incredible view of London opens with his highest point of this place. It is very inspiring and unforgettable. After that, tourists usually go to Trafalgar Square. The most important part of this sight is London - Nelson Column. People love to walk there and meet friends. There is a very beautiful park in London. He is called Hyde Park. There are many colors and trees, it is very beautiful and green. After that, you can visit the Buckingham Castle. This is an amazing building! There are more than 600 rooms. This is a great opportunity for tourists, because they can see where and how the royal family lives. There you can also book an excursion with a guide. In London there is a place for shopping. This is Oxford Street. There are many shops in which sales are often held. Another interesting placeTo see, this is the River Thames. Tourists can rent a boat and stroll along the river, watching a beautiful view. London is a very interesting and cultural city. After visiting all these places it is impossible to forget about this trip!


    London is a dream of many tourists, the city in which films are removed and where Harry Potter lived. The article was held a brief inspection of London's sights, which will help to make a presentation or report for the lesson of the English language.

    Also neighborhood and unusual sights of London can also be found online on the computer, it is absolutely free. If you go to the tourist in London, do not forget to take the map to know the main routes, how to get to the point you need.

    London Eye. El London Eye (Ojo de Londres), También Conocido Como Millennium Wheel (Rueda del Milenio), Terminado EN 1999 Y Abeerto Al Público en Marzo de 2000, Fue La Mayor Noria Mirador Del Mundo Hasta La Apertura De La Estrella de Nanchang en ... Wikipedia Español

    London Eye. - The London Eye A Ferris Wheel in London That Is 450 Feet Tall and Which Gives People WH Ride In It Very Good Views of the City ... Dictionary of Contemporary English

    London Eye. - London Eye, SE Alza 139 Metros, Este Ojo es La Noria Panorámica Más Alta Del Mundo, Con Vistas de Hasta 41 Kilómetros Si No Hay Niebla. Fue Construido En El Año 2000 Para Celebr La Llegada Del Tercer Milenio, Ocupa Un Lugar En El Centro de la ... Enciclopedia Universal

    London Eye. - General Information Status Complete Type Ferris Wheel Location Western End ... Wikipedia

    London Eye. - Millennium Wheel La Nuit ... Wikipédia EN Français

    London Eye. - A 135 Metre High Wheel Next to the cham in London Built In 2000. The Wheel Has Glass Containers Which People Can Go Inside and Travel Slowly Around The Wheel to Get A View Across The Whole City. * * * ... Universalium

    EDF ENERGY LONDON EYE - Présentation Type Grande Roue ArchiteteTe David Marks, Josvoll Oslo, Malcolm Cook, Mark Sparrowhawk, Steven Chilton, Frank Anatole and Nic Bailey Date De ... Wikipédia EN Français

    THE LONDON EYE IN POPULAR CULTURE - AS A Highly Visual London Landmark, The London Eye (Previously Known As The Millennium Wheel) Is Often Used in Popular Culture. The London Eye S EXACT HEIGHT IS 135 Metres.Miscellaneous * Used As The Location Of A 2003 Flash Mob [... Wikipedia

    (The) London Eye - The London Eye UK [ˌlʌndən Aɪ] US A LARGE MOVING WHEEL NEXT TO THE THE RIVER THAMES IN LONDON WHEEL IN THE CITY FOR PEOPLE TO SIT IN AND LOOK AT THE CITY Eye The.htm * * * The London Eye ... USEful English Dictionary

    Apartment London Eye. - (Split, Croatia) Hotel category: Address: žnjanska Ulica 4, 21000 Split, Croat ... Hotel catalog


    • The Rough Guide to London, Rough Guides. The Rough Guide to London Is the Ultimate Travel Guide to One of the World "S MOST Exciting Cities. With Full Color Throughout and Dozens of Photos to Illustrate London" S Great Buildings, ... to buy for 1566 rubles
    • My First London Sticker Book, Billet Marion. Complete with a Carry handle and Postcards to Send, My First London Sticker Book Is The Ideal Companion On a Trip to Enjoy The Excitement of the Big City. Packed ...

    As one of the symbols of the city, he is removed in the cinema at no less often than the famous Piccadille Sisk. For example, in one of the series of the cult British series "Doctor Who", the London eye does not simply perform the role of scenery, but also serves as a telepathic energy transmitter for a cunning alien monster, - Nestin consciousness:

    • "Big and round, is somewhere in the center of London. Large metal object Round shape: wheel or plate. And he is close from here. Probably, he is invisible ...
      ABOUT! Fiction!"

    Indeed fiction! Do not notice the 135 meter "bike wheel" opposite the English Parliament building is quite difficult. It is even more difficult to refuse yourself the pleasure to admire the capital of Great Britain from the height of 64 red telephone booths put on each other.

    How to buy a ticket for London Eye

    You can buy a ticket in place (cash registers are located on the opposite side of the embankment), and you can save about 10% and order it on the official website.

    Standard adult ticket costs £ 30.00 (on the site £ 27.00), children's £ 24.00 (£ 22.00). But there are nuances: a ticket is made to a specific date and time, and London weather is very volatile. No one guarantees a clean sky on a certain day and an hour, and you are unlikely to be interested in the tops of buildings in the fog. A ticket with a priority landing and flexible time visits during the specified day will cost £ 44.00.

    In addition to simple riding on the ferris wheel, London Eye offers various options. For example, private capsule, champagne and chocolate, corporate banquets and wedding ceremonies (from £ 2,890). In general, any whim for your money.

    You can also buy a combined ticket for a visit to one or more attractions included in the Merlin group (visits to these places is not covered by the value of the London Pass museum card): London Aquarium; Madame Tussauds museum; London dungeons and a forty-cruise cruise on the Thames from London Eye to the Tower Bridge and back.

    For the first time I visited London in February, so I did not buy tickets in advance, deciding to assess the situation on arrival. London met me with snow, and I was already humbled with the thought of entertainment, like London Eye, will pass by me. Fortunately, on the last day before leaving for several hours, the sun looked out than I did not fail to take advantage of the situation.

    The standard ticket for London Eye and the fortieth cruise in Thames in 2013 went to me at £ 28.55, now it costs £ 34.00 (£ 30.00 on-line).

    The second time we were with Lisa in London in November. Tickets did not buy in advance for the same reason, but used the action 2 at a price of 1 and prudently printed a discount voucher.

    London's eyes capsules are almost completely transparent and have a review of 360 degrees. The floor in the capsule is closed, which allows you to feel quite comfortable at high altitude. In the center there are seats, but usually passengers stand and ... click the camera shutters.

    The cabin holds 25 passengers. Light in appearance, it weighs about ten tons. A total of 32 capsules are located on the wheel - by the number of suburbs of London.

    In every capsule is Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1, with an interactive guide from which you can get key information about those places that see during the movement of the ferris wheel.

    A free London Eye Official application is available for the owners of smartphones, including circular panoramas, audio guides and a meeting of interesting facts about the ferris wheel.

    In addition, London Eye offers schoolchildren and students training programs on a whole spectrum of items: mathematics, English, geography, history, art and design, architecture, engineering, design and technology, IT. Not only booklets will be offered for teachers who will help organize occupation, but also free visits to the wheel when preparing for the lesson.

    The full turn of London Eye makes half an hour and moves very smoothly. Landing and disembarking passengers is carried out on the go. Behind the order and security are attentive employees. I was struck by how long the queue is properly organized. For example, employees monitor the queue, the tail of which is located near the box, did not overlap the pavement on the embankment, where passersby walk. Visitors of the Ferris Wheel are missing by parties, thereby adjusting the human stream. When buying a ticket, you can choose the priority landing option. Private entrance is organized for such visitors. The standard ticket with a quick entrance costs from £ 34.95 (£ 29.45 on-line), the most flexible - £ 39.95.

    Surprisingly the wheel construction actually weighs 2100 tons (this is the weight of 1272 London cabs). It was collected on the water in the lying position, and then at a speed of two degrees per hour (!) Raised to the working position at 65 °.

    London Eye refers to the new type of ferris wheels. His cabins, called capsules, are attached to the external rim. During rotation, the complex mechanism retains the cabin in a vertical position: the wheel moves, and the cabin slides in the holds of its hoops.

    When descending down, a large stylized camera makes automatic cab snapshots. To get into the field of her vision, you need to get up to photographs that are marked on the floor capsules. Photos can be viewed, pay and print in souvenir shop. You will fall into it, coming out from the ferris wheel.

    Address: London Eye, Riverside Building County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, London, SE1 7PB

    How to get:London Eye is located within walking distance of several subway stations: Waterlooo, Embankment, Charing Cross and Westminster.

    Waterloo is the nearest station. Follow the signs to South Bank.

    Embankment and Charing Cross are on the north side of the Thames. Both stations are located 10-15 minutes walk to London Eye. You need to cross the Hungerford Bridge.
    Westminster is the nearest station to Big Ben and the Parliament Building. You need a number one output.

    October 2014, Prices April 2019