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  • Stalin Iosif Vissarionovich Political activity briefly. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Biographical reference. Scary Law "On Three Spikelets"

    Stalin Iosif Vissarionovich Political activity briefly. Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin. Biographical reference. Scary Law

    Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin Brief biography for children

    • Brief accession
    • Rise to power
    • Cult of personality
    • Stalinist cleaning in the party
    • Deportation
    • Collectivization
    • Industrialization
    • Death Stalin
    • Personal life
    • Also shorter about Stalin

    Supplement to the article:

    • Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Real Last Name - Jugashvili)
    • Growth S.talina Joseph Vissarionovich - there are no accurate data, but some sources indicate that its growth was 172-174 cm
    • Son Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich
    • First Secretary General of the Central Committee of Communist Party - Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich
    • Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich and collectivization
    • Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich and Industrialization
    • Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich and Deportation
    • The cult of the personality of Stalin Joseph Vissarionovich

    Brief accession

    Joseph Vissarionovich to the military events of the state

    . Stage of the First World WarFor Joseph began the entry of the empire in hostilities. The future leader of the people was called in the ranks of the Russian army. However, his left hand was damaged and Joseph was removed from the service. He had to go to Achinsk, just 100 km from the Trans-Siberian Mainside for a medical examination, and he was allowed to stay there after an exception from the army.

    . 1917, as the beginning of the era of Soviet power. On the eve of the political coup, Stalin became an important figure in the displacement of the imperial rule. He then ranked a position in favor of supporting Alexander Kerensky and Temporary Government. Stalin was elected to the Central Committee of Bolsheviks. In the autumn of 1917, the Central Committee of Bolsheviks voted for the uprising. On November 7, an uprising called the Great October Revolution was organized. November 8 Bolshevik movement organized sturm of the Winter Palace.
    . Civil War 1917-1919. After political transformation, society began a civil war. Stalin challenged Trotsky. It is believed that the future head of state was the initiator of the liquidation of part of the counter-revolutionaries and officers of the Soviet troops, which passed from the service of imperial Russia. In May 1919, in order to stop mass desertions on the Western Front, the violators were publicly executed by Stalin.
    . 1919-1921, in the context of a military dispute with Poland. The victory in the revolution, caused the cessation of its existence of the Russian Empire. The Soviet Union appeared (USSR). At this time, the conflict began, which was called the Soviet-Polish war. Stalin was calm in determination to take control of the city in Poland - Lviv (now Lviv Zooky). This is contrary to the overall strategy established by Lenin and Trotsky, which focuses on the seizure of Warsaw and on to the north. Poles defeated the USSR army. Stalin was charged and returned to the capital. At the ninth party conference in 1920, Trotsky openly criticized Stalin's behavior.

    The arrival of Stalin to power

    Stalin's personality cult

    Stalinist cleaning in the party


    • They deeply influenced the ethnic map of the USSR.
    • It is assumed that in the interval of 1941 and 1949, almost 3.3 million people were deported to Siberia and the Republics of Central Asia.
    • According to some estimates, up to 43% of the population of which "expelled" died of diseases and malnutrition.



    Stalin's policy in World War II

    In August 1939, an unsuccessful attempt was undertaken to agree to conclude anti-Hitler pacts with other major European powers. After that, Joseph Vissarionovich decided to conclude an aggression agreement with German leadership.

    From September 1, 1939, the German invasion of Poland became the beginning Second World War. Stalin took measures to strengthen the Soviet military, modified and increased the effectiveness of propaganda in the Soviet Army. On June 22, 1941, Adolf Hitler violated a non-attack agreement.
    While the Germans poured, Stalin was confident in the possibility of the victory of the allies over Germany. The councils reflected an important German strategic southern campaign and, although there were 2.5 million Soviet victims in these efforts, this allowed the advice to switch to the offensive at a significant part of the remaining East Front.
    On April 30, the leader of the Nazi Germany and his newly minted spouse deprived himself of life, after which the Soviet troops found their remains that were burned in the Hitler directive. German troops surrendered after a few weeks. Stalin was nominated for the Nobel Prize of the World in 1945 and 1948.

    Death Stalin

    Personal life

    • Marriages and families. First wife I. V. Stalin became Ekaterina Svanidze In 1906. From this union the son, Yakov, was born. Yakov served in the Red Army during the war years. The Germans captured him. They put forward the demand to exchange it at Field Marshal Paulus, who surrendered after Stalingrad, but Stalin refused this proposal, saying that they had in their hands not only his son, and millions of sons of the Soviet Union.
    • And he said that, or the Germans let go of everyone, or his son will remain with them.
    • Subsequently, Jacob, as they say, wanted to commit suicide, but survived. Yakaku had the son of Eugene, who recently defended his grandfather's heritage in the Russian courts. Eugene is married to a Georgian woman, has two sons and seven grandchildren.
    • With his second wife, which was named by Nadezhda Allilueva, Stalin had children of Vasily and Svetlana. Nadezhda died in 1932, officially from the disease.
    • But rumors went that she completed the life of suicide after a quarrel with her husband. Also said that Stalin himself killed hope. Vasily climbed into the ranks of the USSR Air Force. Officially dies from alcoholism in 1962.
    • Despite anything, it is still questionable.
    • He distinguished himself during World War II as a capable pilot. Svetlana fled in the United States in 1967, and there later married William Wesley Peters. Her daughter Olga lives in Portland, Oregon.

    Also shorter about Stalin

    Stalin's personality briefly

    Stalin, briefly - this is a person, along the scale and assessment of the activity comparable only with another ruler of Russia - Peter I. They are very similar to the rigid methods of action to achieve goals, on difficult tasks that they have had to decide and participate in the hardest wars . And the assessment of these politicians has always been extremely contradictory: from worship to hatred.

    Joseph Vissarionovich Zhugashvili, later, in the years of his participation in revolutionary activities, who chose the alias "Stalin", was born in 1879 in the small Georgian village of Gori.

    Speaking of Stalin, briefly need to mention his father. Supozhnik by profession, he drank a lot and often beat his wife and son. These beatings led to the fact that the Little Joseph Father Nevzlyubil and Hardened. Heavyly moved in childhood OPU (hardly died of it), Stalin had forever marked on her face. For them, he got a nickname "Ryabb." Another injury is associated with children's years - left hand is damaged, which has not recovered over time. Stalin, being a vain person, hardly tolerated his physical imperfection, never undressed in humans and did not tolerate doctors.

    The main features of the character also formed in childhood in Georgia: secrecy and vitality. Himself low growth and physically weak, Stalin, briefly, could not tolerate high, state and strong people. They caused him a rejection and suspicion.

    He began training in the spiritual school, but the study was given with great difficulty because of the bad knowledge of Stalin Russian. Subsequent training in the seminary even worse on Joseph. Here he learned to be intolerable to someone else's opinion, became a cunning, very rude and dodgy. Another distinctive feature of Stalin is the absolute absence of humor. Becoming older, he could joke over someone, but in relation to himself no fun tolerant since his studies.
    The seminary began the revolutionary activity of the future father of the nation. It was excluded from the graduation class. After that, Stalin fully devotes to Marxism. Since 1902, he repeatedly defeated arrests and ran several times from the links.

    In 1903, adjoins the Bolshevik party. Stalin becomes the most jealous follower of Lenin, thanks to which he is noticed in the party leadership. Since 1912, it becomes a prominent figure among the Bolsheviks.

    During the period of the revolution, is one of the members of the uprising steering center. In the years of intervention and civil war, Stalin, as a skillful organizer, are sent to the most restless points. He reflects the commencement of Kolchak in Siberia, the protection of St. Petersburg from Yudenich's troops. His active activity, charisma, and the ability to lead Stalin is one of the closest assistants of Lenin.
    With Lenin's disease in 1922, the struggle for power in the highest leadership of the Bolsheviks was aggravated. Vladimir Ilich himself was categorically against the fact that Stalin could be his successor. In the last years of joint work, Lenin began to understand his character well - intolerance, rudeness, vitality.

    After Lenin's death, Joseph Stalin headed the leadership of the country and immediately began an attack on his former allies. No opposition next to him was not going to tolerate.
    Stalin began in the country collectivization and industrialization. During his reign, a total totalitarian regime was established. Mass repressions were carried out. Especially terrible was 1937. Conducting a course in foreign policy for rapprochement with Germany, Stalin, briefly speaking not believed that her leadership would decide in the near future to war from the USSR. Repeatedly notified of the exact date of invasion of the German army, he considered this information to disinformation.

    At the same time, managing the giant country of almost 30 years, he was able to turn her into one of the strongest world powers.

    He died on March 5, 1953 at the government dacha. According to the official version - from the brain hemorrhage. There are still the versions that the death of Stalin is the result of a conspiracy in his immediate surroundings.

    Stalin's biography is one of the most interesting and commonly studied. After all, being an outcomes from a simple family, he managed to become the leader to whom the rules for 29 years.

    Stalin conducted many reforms, raised the economy and transformed the country in record deadlines after total destroying during the Second World War.

    With his rule, the Soviet Union turned into a superpower with nuclear weapons.

    So, you are offered to the biography of Joseph Stalin.

    Biography Stalin

    In Soviet times, Tons of books were written about Stalin. Today, interest in him was still not cooled, as he plays one of the most important roles for the global 20th century.

    In this article we will tell you about key events in the Biographies of Stalin, who made it one of the most famous politicians in the history of mankind.


    Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (real surname - Jugashvili) was born on December 9 in 1879 in the Georgian city of Gor. He grew up in a poor family belonging to the lower class.

    15-year-old Joseph Jugashvili, 1894

    His father, Vissarion, worked as a shoemaker, and was a very despotic person.

    Drinking to unconsciousness, he brutally beat his spouse, and sometimes Iosif himself.

    In the biography of Stalin, there was an episode when he had to quit a knife in his father to defend himself and mother from beatings.

    According to the testimony of local residents, one day the Father beat a little Joseph so much that he almost broke his head.

    Stalin's mother, Ekaterina Georgievna, took place from the family of a serf peasant, and was poorly educated.

    Already from the young age she had to make a living hard.

    Despite the fact that she also often pounded her son, she, at the same time, loved him before Nezdenhood, and defended him from every everyday excitement.

    Exterior of Stalin

    Joseph Jugashvili had various bodily defects. He had a collapsed second and third fingers on his left leg, and the face covered Ospina.

    When he was 6 years old, he fell under the wheels of Phaeton (a car with an open body), as a result of which he seriously damaged his arms and legs.

    Throughout life, the left hand of Stalin was not fully inflamed. In the future, due to these injuries, it is recognized as unusable for martial service.


    It is interesting that up to 8 years old, Stalin did not know at all. Years of biographies 1886-1888, Joseph, at the request of the mother, taught Russian children of the local priest.

    After that, he studied at the Gorisy Spiritual School, which he graduated from 1894. Then the mother gave him to the Tiflis spiritual seminary, since she really wanted the Son to become a priest.

    However, this did not happen. Interestingly, it was in the seminary Joseph for the first time heard about Marxism.

    A new political movement is so fascinated by a 15-year-old teenager that he began seriously engage in revolutionary activities. On May 29, 1899, in the fifth year of study, Stalin was excluded from the seminary "For non-appearance for exams for an unknown reason."

    In 1931, in an interview with the German writer Emile Ludwig on the question "What was pushed to opposition? Perhaps the poor handling of parents? " Stalin replied:

    "Not. My parents appealed to me quite well. Another thing is the spiritual seminary, where I studied then. From protest against the mockery regime and Jesuit methods that were in the seminary, I was ready to become and really became a revolutionary, a supporter of Marxism ... "

    Literally immediately after exclusion from the seminary, the young man decides to join the Social Democratic Movement "Mesame Dasy".

    This led to the fact that in 1901 he became a professional revolutionary.

    Stalin's name

    In the same year, Jugashvili takes himself a pseudonym "Stalin", under which he will go down in history. Why he took himself such a pseudonym - it is not reliably known.

    Stalin Koba

    Stalin's party friends gave him a nickname "Koba", which was very stolen with a young revolutionary.

    Koba is a well-known character of the adventure story of the Georgian writer Alexander Kazbegi. Koba was an honest robber fighting for justice.

    Stalin at the age of 23, 1901

    Revolutionary activities

    The period of biography of Stalin 1902-1913, was saturated with different events. It was arrested 6 times and sent in links, of which he made successful shoots several times.

    After in 1903, a split on the "Mensheviks" and "Bolsheviks" took place in the party, Stalin supported the latter. Such a choice was made in many ways because on the side of the Bolsheviks, the Stalin admired.

    At the direction of Lenin, Koba managed to create quite a few underground Marxist circles in the Caucasus territory.

    Since 1906, Stalin was a participant and organizers of various expropriations (deprivation of property). All the stolen money was intended for the needs of the party and financing the underground activities of revolutionaries.

    In 1907, Stalin becomes one of the leaders of the Baku Committee of the RSDLP. Since he was a very competent and well-read man, he also participated in the creation of the newspapers "Star" and "True".

    Photo Stalin after arrest in March 1908

    In 1913, Jugashvili wrote an article "Marxism and the National Question", which received good reviews from comrades.

    In the same year, he was arrested and sent to the famous link to the Turukhan region.

    October Revolution of 1917

    In the spring of 1917, Stalin was a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the DSDR, and was also part of the Military Revolutionary Center for the leadership of an armed uprising.

    In this regard, he took an active part in the preparation of the state version.

    The party was pleased with his actions, because he coped with any tasks that he trusted, and was absolutely devoted to the ideas of the Bolsheviks.

    With the beginning of the Civil War and up to its completion, Stalin held many responsible posts.

    According to the memoirs of contemporaries, whatever he dealt, he managed to fulfill his work.

    Party work

    In 1922, in the biography of Stalin, there is a crucial event. He becomes the first Gensen CC. It should be noted that initially this position implied only the leadership of the party.

    However, over time, she was turned Stalin in a post with great powers. The uniqueness of the position was that it was the Secretary General who had the right to appoint lower party leaders.

    Thanks to this, the insightful and cautious Stalin picked up for itself the most devoted people. In the future, this will help him create and head the vertical of power.

    Fighting for power

    In 1924, after Lenin's death, many communists from the Central Committee wanted to take his place. Among them was Jugashvili. Wishing to become a new leader, he proclaimed a course on the "Building of Socialism".

    In order for one-party to support this idea, he often quoted Lenin, emphasizing his commitment to socialism.

    The main opponent of Stalin in the struggle for power was. However, he managed to replay it. For the candidacy of Stalin, most members of the party voted.

    As a result, Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin became the first person in the country, and practically solely rules from 1924 to 1953, right up to death.

    First of all, he focused his attention on the industrialization of the country and forced collectivization, which was canceled only in the spring of 1930.

    In addition, he did everything possible to get rid of his fist. During the years of the reign of Stalin, millions of people were sent or sent to the link.

    In the future, collectivization led to the wave of protests among the peasants. In one place, the riots broke out, many of which were suppressed by weapons.

    Father Peoples

    In the mid-30s, Joseph Stalin became the sole leader of the Soviet people. Former party figures, such as Trotsky (see), Bukharin, Zinoviev, Kamenev and others, were subjected to repression, because they occupied the anti-Stalin position.

    Researchers argue that the biography of 1937-1938, was the very bloody in the entire history of Stalin's rule.

    In a short period of time, millions of Soviet citizens of the most different social status were repressed. Even more people found themselves in labor camps.

    At the same time, the cult of the leader's personality was actively developed. Stalin was not otherwise called as the "father of peoples".

    The Great Patriotic War

    Joseph Stalin represented his country at negotiations with allies in Tehran (1943), Yalta (1945) and Potsdam (1945).

    As a result of the bloody war in history, the loss of military personnel and civilians amounted to more than 26 million Soviet people.

    The Soviet Army made the greatest contribution to the victory over the fascists, becoming the main country-winner. It was the soldiers of the USSR that was released most of the European countries.

    It is important to note that immediately after the war, this fact was impossible to deny or challenge, therefore the allies, at least orally, expressed gratitude to the USSR.

    However, today, unfortunately, the history of the Second World War is actively rewritten.

    Post-war years

    In the postwar years in the biography of Stalin changed a lot. After all, he was the main country that defeated the world evil.

    In this regard, the "father of peoples" wanted to create a global socialist system, which was contrary to the interests of Western countries.

    As a result of this and other factors, a cold war began, which affected politics, economy, military power, etc. The main confrontation took place between the USSR and the United States.

    On June 27, 1945, Joseph Stalin was awarded the title of Generalissimus of the Soviet Union. A year later, he was approved by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR and the Minister of Armed Forces of the USSR.

    After the completion of the war in the Soviet Union, totalitarianism resumed again. The autocratic regime did not allow people to have their own point of view, and freedom of speech was under the strict control of official censorship.

    On the orders of the leadership, constant cleaning were carried out concerning both the state apparatus and ordinary people. At the same time, anti-Semitic sentiments began to appear in society.


    At the same time, despite the fact that in the biography of Stalin there are many dark spots, it is fair to note and its achievements.

    During the reign of the "Father of Peoples", by the end of the 40s, developed so quickly that by 1950 it exceeded its figures by 100%, in relation to 1940.

    Interested in the fact that in 2009 it was expressed that under the leadership of Stalin, the country "from agrarian turned into", with which it is simply impossible to argue.

    In addition, the leader paid great importance to an increase in the military power of the USSR. He was also the initiator of the "Atomic Project", thanks to which Soviet became a superpower.

    Personal life

    Stalin's first spouse was Catherine Svanidze, on which he married in 1906. In this marriage they had a son of Yakov.

    However, next year, Catherine died of typhus. For Stalin, it was a real tragedy, from which he could not recover for a long time.

    Stalin's second wife is Nadezhda Allilueva. She gave birth to a leader of two children: Vasily and Svetlana.

    Stalin and his wife Nadezhda Sergeevna Allilueva
    Stalin with his children

    Death Stalin

    Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin died on March 5, 1953 at the age of 74. So far, hot discussions are being conducted regarding the causes of his death.

    According to the official version, he died as a result of hemorrhage into the brain. After death, the leader's body was exhibited in the Moscow House of Unions so that people could say goodbye to him.

    After that, his body was balsaming, and was placed in Mausoleum next to Lenin.

    However, in 1961, at the 22nd CPSU Congress, the party members decided that the coffin with Stalin could not be in the mausoleum, since he "seriously violated Leninsky covenants."

    Stalin's biography causes many disputes over the years. Some consider it the "devil in the flesh", and others say that he was one of the best rulers of Russia, and even the world.

    Today, many documents are declassified, allowing to better understand the nature and actions of the Soviet leader.

    Based on this, each in the power to independently draw conclusions about who Iosif Vissarionovich Jugashvili-Stalin actually was.

    If you like the biography of Stalin - share it in social networks. If you generally like the biographies of great people - subscribe to the site website. We are always interested with us!

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    Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin (Nasturn Last Name: Jugashvili) is an active revolutionary, the leader of the Soviet state from 1920 to 1953, Marshal and Generalissimus of the USSR.

    The period of his rule, called the "Epoch of Stalinism", was marked by the victory in the Second World War, the striking successes of the USSR in the economy, in the elimination of the illiteracy of the population, in creating the world's image of the country as a superpower. At the same time, his name is associated with the terrifying facts of the mass destruction of millions of Soviet people through the organization of artificial hunger, violent deportations, repression directed against opponents of the regime, intrapartarers "cleaning".

    Regardless of the crimes committed, it remains popular among Russians: the 1997 Levada Center survey showed that most citizens consider it an outstanding state leader. In addition, he unexpectedly occupied the leading positions on the results of a spectator vote during the 2008 TV project for the choice of the greatest Hero of the Russian History "Name".

    Childhood and youth

    The future "Father of Peoples" was born on December 18, 1878 (according to another version - December 21, 1879) in the east of Georgia. His ancestors belonged to the lower layers of the population. Father Vissarion Ivanovich was a shoemaker, earned a little, saw a lot and often beat his wife. It was getting from him and a small Soso, as called the son of Mom Ekaterina Georgievna Geladze.

    Two senior children in their family died shortly after birth. And the surviving Soso had physical disassembles: threw two fingers on the leg, damage to the skin of the face, which did not infiltrately until the end of the hand because of the injury received in 6 years when the car was knocked down.

    Mom Joseph hardly worked. She wanted her favorite son to achieve in the life of the "best", namely, became a priest. At an early age, he spent a lot of time among street deboshirs, but in 1889 he was admitted to the local Orthodox School, where she demonstrated emergency gifts: he wrote poems, received high marks in theology, mathematics, Russian and Greek.

    In 1890, the head of the family died from a knife injury in a drunken fight. True, some historians claim that the boy's father actually was not the official husband of his mother, and its far relative, Prince Maminoshvili, a trustee and friend of Nicholas Przhevalsky. Others also attribute paternity to this famous traveler, outwardly very similar to Stalin. The confirmation of these assumptions is considered the fact of accepting a boy in a very solid spiritual educational institution, where the path from the poor families was ordered, as well as the periodic transfer of the Maminoshvili Mother's Mother of Soso to the upbringing of the Son.

    After graduating from the school at 15, the young man continued to education in the spiritual seminary of Tiflis (now Tbilisi), where he had friends among Marxists. In parallel with the main study, he began to engage in self-education, studying underground literature. In 1898, he became a member of the Social Democratic Organization first in Georgia, showed himself as a brilliant speaker and took up the propaganda of the ideas of Marxism among the workers.

    Participation in revolutionary motion

    At the last year of training, Joseph was expelled from the seminary with the issuance of a document on the right of work as a teacher in institutions that gave primary education.

    Since 1899, he began to professionally engage in revolutionary work, in particular, became part of the Committees of the Tiflis party and Batumi, participated in attacks on banking institutions for funds for the needs of the RSDLP.

    In the period 1902-1913 He was arrested eight times and sent a link in the link seven times. But between the arrests, being free, he continued active activity. For example, in 1904 he organized a grand Baku strike, which ended with the conclusion of the contract between the workers and the oil industry.

    If necessary, the young revolutionary then had a lot of party pseudonyms - below, sugar, Chizhikov, Ivanovich, Koba. Their total exceeded 30 names.

    In 1905, on the first part conference in Finland, he first met Vladimir Ulyanova-Lenin. Then he was a delegate on IV and V party congresses in Sweden and in the UK. In 1912, in the plenum of the party in Baku, it was incorporated into the Central Committee. In the same year, he decided to finally change his surname to the Party Name "Stalin", consonant with the affirmative chief of the leader of the world proletariat.

    In 1913, the "Fire Colchidez", as Lenin was sometimes called him, once again he was referring. Freed in 1917, together with Lvom Kamenev (Nazi. Surname Rosenfeld) He headed the newspaper Bolsheviks "True", led to the preparation of an armed uprising.

    How did Stalin come to power?

    After the October Revolution, Stalin became part of the Council of People's Commissars, at the Bureau of the Central Committee of the Party. During the period of the Civil War, he also held a number of responsible posts and received the colossal experience of political and military leadership. In 1922, he took the position of the Secretary General, but the Secretary General in those years has not yet been the head of the party.

    When Lenin died in 1924, Stalin headed the country, defeating the opposition, and began to industrialization, collectivization and cultural revolution. The success of Stalin's policies was competent personnel policy. "Frames decide everything," is the quotation of Joseph Vissarionovich on a speech before graduates of the Military Academy in 1935. In the first years, he has appointed more than 4,000 party functionaries for responsible posts, thereby forming the backbone of the Soviet nomenclature.

    Joseph Stalin. How to become a leader

    But first of all, he eliminated competitors for political struggle, not forgetting to take advantage of their developments. Nikolai Bukharin became the author of the concept of a national question, which the Secretary General took the course of his course. Grigory Lero Kamenev belonged to the slogan "Stalin is Lenin today," and Stalin actively promoted the idea that he is the successor to Vladimir Ilyich and literally antended the cult of Lenin's personality, strengthened the leaders in society. Well, Leo Trotsky, with the support of ideologically close to him, developed a plan of forced industrialization.

    It was the last one who became the main opponent of Stalin. Disagreements between them began long before - back in 1918, Joseph was outraged that Trotsky, a newcomer in the party, trying to teach him the right course. Immediately after Lenin's death, Lev Davidovich fell into opal. In 1925, the Plenum of the Central Committee summed up the "harm", which was defended by Trotsky's speeches. The leaders were removed from the post of the head of the Revvinovsovet, Mikhail Frunze was appointed in his place. Trotsky was expelled from the USSR, the fight against the manifestations of Trotskyism began in the country. Fugitive donkey in Mexico, but was killed in 1940 by the NKVD agent.

    After Trotsky, Zinoviev and Kamenev got under the sight of Stalin, eventually eliminated during the hardware war.

    Stalinist repressions

    Stalinist methods to achieve impressive success on the transformation of an agrarian country in a superpower - violence, terror, repression with the use of torture - cost millions of human lives.

    The victims of the declinealization (eviction, confiscation of property, executions), together with the fists, became the innocent rural population of average wealth, which led to the actual destruction of the village. When the situation has reached a critical scale, the father of peoples made a statement about "field beggars".

    Forced collectivization (the association of peasants in collective farms), the concept of which was adopted in November 1929, destroyed traditional agriculture and led to terrible consequences. In 1932, mass hunger struck Ukraine, Belarus, Kuban, Volga region, South Urals, Kazakhstan, Western Siberia.

    Researchers agree that the political repression of the dictator - "architect communism" has also caused great harm in relation to the command composition of the Red Army, the injury of science, culture, doctors, engineers, the mass closures of churches, the deportation of many peoples, including the Crimean Tatars, Germans, Chechens, Balkarians, Finnov-Ingermanlanders.

    In 1941, after the Hitler's attack on the USSR, the Supreme Commander allowed many erroneous solutions in the art of warfare. In particular, his refusal to bring military formations in a timely manner to the unjustified death of a significant mass of the Armed Forces - five armies. But later, when organizing various combat operations, he has already shown himself as a very competent strategist.

    The essential contribution of the USSR in the defeat of Nazi Germany in 1945 contributed to the formation of the global socialist system, as well as an increase in the authority of the country and its leader. The "great feed" facilitated the creation of a powerful domestic military-industrial complex, turning the Soviet Union to a nuclear superpower, one of the founders of the UN and a permanent member of its Security Council with a veto.

    Personal life of Joseph Stalin

    "Uncle Joe", as Stalin called Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill, was married twice. Ekaterina Svanidze, his friend's sister in his studies in the Tiflis spiritual seminary became its first of his chief. Their wedding passed in the temple of St. David in July 1906.

    A year later, Kato gave her husband to the firstborn of Yakov. When the boy turned only 8 months old, she died (according to some sources from tuberculosis, others from abdominal title). She was 22 years old. As the English historian, Simon Montefiore, noted, during the funeral, 28-year-old Stalin did not want to say goodbye to his beloved wife and jumped into her grave, from where he was getting with great difficulty.

    After the death of Mother Yakov met with his father only in 14 years. After school, without his permission, he married, then because of the conflict with his father tried to commit suicide. During the years, he died in German captivity. According to one of the legends, the Nazis offered to exchange Yakov on Friedrich Paulus, but Stalin did not take advantage of the opportunity to save the Son, saying that Field Marshal would not change on a soldier.

    The second time "Locomotive of the Revolution" associated himself with the Uzami Gimenta in 39 years, in 1918. His novel with a 16-year-old hope, a daughter of one of Sergei Allilueva revolutionaries, began a year earlier. Then he returned from the Siberian reference and lived in their apartment. In the 1920s, the Son of Vasily appeared at the pair, the future lieutenant general, in 1926, Svetlana's daughter, emigrated in 1966 in the United States. She married the American and took the name Peters.

    In the family of Joseph Vissarionovich also brought up Artem, son of a friend Stalin Fyodor Sergeyev, who died in an accident on the railway.

    In 1932, "Father of Peoples" again widowed - after their next quarrel, the wife committed suicide, leaving him, according to his daughter, "terrible", full charges of a letter. He was shocked and angry with her act, did not go for the funeral.

    The main entry of the leader was reading. He loved Moopassana, Dostoevsky, Wilde, Gogol, Chekhov, Zol, Goethe, without a knocking quoted Bible and Bismarck.

    Death Stalin

    At the end of his life, the Soviet dictator was praised as a professional in all areas of knowledge. One of his word could solve the fate of any scientific discipline. The struggle with the "low-stabble in front of the West", with "cosmopolitanism", exposing the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee.

    Last Speech by I. V. Stalin (speech at the XIX Congress of the CPSU, 1952)

    In his personal life, he was alone, rarely communicated with the children - did not approve of the endless novels of the daughter and the son of the Son. At the cottage in Kuntsevo, he stayed at night alone with the protection, which could usually log in only after the call.

    Svetlana, who came on December 21 to congratulate his father from the 73rd birthday, noted later that he had no matter what he looked and, apparently, felt badly, since he suddenly quit smoking.

    On Sunday, on Sunday, on Sunday, on March 1, 1953, the Komentantant's assistant entered the leader with the mail received at 22 o'clock, and saw him lying on the floor. He moved along with the guards who came to the aid to the rescue on the sofa, he informed about the highest leadership of the party. At 9 am on March 2, the group of doctors diagnosed in patients with paralysis of the right side of the body. Time for its possible salvation was missed, and on March 5, he died from hemorrhage into the brain.

    After autopsy, it was found that earlier Stalin suffered several ischemic strokes to the legs provoked disorders of the cardiovascular system and psyche disorder.

    The death of Joseph Stalin. End of era

    The news of the death of the Soviet leader shocked the country. The coffin with his body was placed in Mausoleum next to Lenin. During the farewell, the crusher arose in the crowd, who was worthy of the lives of many. In 1961, he was reburied at the Kremlin Wall (after convicted at the CPSU congresses of the revealed violations of the Lenin Covenants).

    On December 6, 1878, Joseph Stalin was born in Gori. The real name of Stalin - Jugashvili. In 1888, he entered the Gorisy Spiritual School, and later, in 1894, - to the Tiflis Orthodox spiritual seminary. This time was a period of distribution in Russia by Marxism's ideas.

    Stalin has organized during the period of study and headed "Marxist circles" in the seminary, and in 1898 he joined the Tiflis organization of the RSDLP. In 1899, he was excluded from the seminary for the propaganda of the ideas of Marxism, after which it was more arrested and in references.

    Stalin first familiarized himself with the ideas of Lenin after the release of the newspaper Iskra. Lenin and Stalin's personal acquaintance occurred in December 1905 in Finland at the conference. After I.V. Stalin is a short time, before the return of Lenin, held the position of one of the heads of the Central Committee. After the Oktyabrsky coup, Joseph received the post of addict on the affairs of nationalities.

    He showed himself as an excellent military organizer, but at the same time demonstrated his commitment to terror. In 1922 he was elected Secretary General of the Central Committee, as well as in the Politburo and the Organizing Bureau of the Central Committee of the RCP. In that period, Lenin has already moved away from active work, real power belonged to the Politburo.

    Already then the disagreements of Stalin with Trotsky were obvious. During the 13th Congress of the RCP (b), which took place in May 1924, Stalin declared his resignation, but most of the votes received during the voting allowed him to save the post. The strengthening of his power led to the beginning of the cult of the personality of Stalin. Simultaneously with the industrialization and development of the heavy industry, degradation and collectivization in the villages are carried out. The result was the death of millions of Russian citizens. Stalin's repression, started in 1921, took over 5 million lives for 32 years.

    Stalin's policy led to the creation and subsequent strengthening of a rigid authoritarian regime. By this period (20th) refers to the beginning of the career of Lavrentia Beria. Stalin and Beria were regularly met during the trips of the Secretary General in the Caucasus. Later, thanks to his personal devotion to Stalin, Beria entered the nearest circle of the head of the leader and during the period of the reign of Stalin, held key posts, was awarded a variety of state awards.

    In the brief biography of Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin, it is necessary to mention the hardest period for the country. It should be noted that Stalin is already in the 30s. He was convinced that military conflict with Germany was inevitable, and sought to prepare the country as much as possible. But for this, given the economic destruction and undeveloped industry, they needed years, if not decades.

    Confirmation of preparation for war also serves the construction of large-scale underground fortifications that called the "Stalin Line". At the Western borders, 13 fortified areas were built, each of which, if necessary, was able to conduct military actions in complete isolation.

    In 1939, the Molotov-Ribbentrop Covenant was concluded, which was supposed to act until 1949. The strengthening completed in 1938 were almost completely destroyed - blown up or bombarded.

    Stalin understood that the probability of violation of this Covenant Germany was very high, but it believed that Germany would attack only after the defeat of England, and ignored persistent warnings about the attack in June 1941. This largely became the cause of the catastrophic situation that has developed at the front on the first day of war.

    June 23, Stalin headed the bet of the Main Command. On the 30th, he was appointed Chairman of the State Defense Committee, and from August 8 declared the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union. In this difficult period, Stalin managed to prevent the full defeat of the army and disrupt Hitler's plans for the lightning seizure of the USSR. Possessing strong will, Stalin was able to organize millions of people. But the price of this victory was high. The second world has become the bloody and cruel war for Russia in history.

    During 1941-1942 The situation on the front continued to remain critical. Although the attempt to capture Moscow was prevented, the threat of the seizure of the territory of the North Caucasus, which was an important energy center. The fascists were partially taken by Voronezh. During the spring onset of the Red Army, huge losses were incurred under Kharkov.

    The USSR actually turned out to be on the verge of defeat. To tighten the discipline in the army and prevent the possibility of retreat of troops, the order of Stalin 227 "Nor step back!", Introduced into operation. The same order introduced penalty battalions and companies in the composition of fronts and armies, respectively. Stalin managed to rally (at least at the time of the Second World War) of the outstanding Russian commander, the brightest of which was beetles. For the contribution to the victory, Generalissimus The USSR was awarded in 1945 the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union.

    The post-war years of Stalin's reign was marked by the resumption of terror. But at the same time, the restoration of the economy and the destroyed farm of the country went unprecedented pace, despite the refusal of Western countries in the provision of loans. In the post-war years, Stalin was held many party cleansing, the pretext for which was the struggle against cosmopolitanism.

    In the last years of his reign, Stalin was distinguished by incredible suspicion, which partially provoked attempts on his life. The first attempt on Stalin took place in 1931 (November 16). It was committed by the Ogarev, the "white" officer and an employee of English intelligence.

    1937 (May 1) - a possible coup attempt; 1938 (March 11) - an attempt on the leader during a walk through the Kremlin, committed by Lieutenant Danilov; 1939 - two attempts to eliminate Stalin by the special services of Japan; 1942 (November 6) - an attempt on the frontal place, was committed by Deserter S. Dmitriev. The Operation "Big Jump", prepared by the Nazis in 1947, was aimed at eliminating not only Stalin, but also Roosevelt and Churchill during the Tehran Conference. Some historians believe that the death of Stalin on March 5, 1953 was not natural. But, according to medical conclusion, it came as a result of hemorrhage into the brain. So the hardest contradiction of the Epoch of Stalin ended.

    The leader's body was placed in Lenin's Mausoleum. The first funeral of Stalin was marked by a bloody represented on the tubular area, as a result of which many people died. During the 22nd Congress of the CPSU, many cases of Joseph Stalin were convicted, in particular its deviation from the Leninsky course and the cult of personality. His body in 1961 was buried at the Kremlin Wall.

    For six months after Stalin, Malenkov rules, and in September 1953 the power went to Khrushchev.

    Speaking about the biography of Stalin, it is necessary to mention his personal life. Joseph Stalin was married twice. The first his wife, who gave him the son of Yakov (the only one who wore the surname of the Father), died of abdominal typhus in 1907. Yakov died in 1943 in the German concentration camp.

    The second wife of Stalin in 1918 became Nadezhda Allilueva. She shot himself in 1932. The children of Stalin from this marriage: Vasily and Svetlana. Son Stalin Vasily, a military pilot, died in 1962 Svetlana, the daughter of Stalin, emigrated to the United States. She died in Wisconsin on November 22, 2011

    Joseph Stalin is an outstanding personality of the 20th century. Some call him a great politician who won in the Great Patriotic War. Others consider the criminal.

    Jugashvili Joseph Vissarionovich (Stalin) was born on December 21, 1879 in the Tiflis province in the city of Gori. At birth, Joseph had defects of the limbs. In addition, he was shot down by Phaeton at 7 years, because of what the left hand began to function. The mother loved the boy very much, but the father often beat him, which was affected by the child's psyche.

    In 1988, in his hometown, Stalin enters the Orthodox School, where he jumped to revolutionary. Where was subsequently chosen by the head of the underground mug of Marxists. Later, he was expelled from the school.

    Since the 1900s, Stalin began active propaganda. And in 1912, Jugashvili decishes the last name for Stalin. At the same time meets Vladimir Lenin. Then he becomes the editor popular at the time of the newspaper "Pravda", which the Bolsheviks published. Lenin highly appreciated the merits of Stalin and eventually made him his assistant.

    Then Stalin enters the Council of People's Commissars. And in the Civil War, he could brilliantly show his leadership qualities and skills. When Lenin, due to the disease, retreated from the country's management, but Stalin stood up his place, removing all competitors on his way.

    In 1930, Stalin is full of passionally leading the country. Mass repressions and collectivization began. People in the collective farms died from hunger, while in the cities intensively developed industry. In the Great Patriotic War, Stalin takes the cardinal decisions, sometimes even thinking about the lives of soldiers, but it was thanks to his leadership the enemy was defeated.

    Personal life Stalin hid carefully. It is known that in 1906 he was married for the first time. His wife Ekaterina Svanidze gave birth to a son. But a year later, the woman fell ill and died of typhus. Stalin could not come to himself for a long time. And only after 14 years he again married. His wife was Nadezhda Allilueva. She gave birth to a son and daughter's leader. But in 1932, Nadezhda committed suicide because of a quarrel with her husband.

    On March 5, 1953, Joseph Stalin dies. According to the official version, this happened as a result of hemorrhage into the brain. Initially, Stalin's body was placed in the mausoleum next to Lenin, but in 1961 he was reburied near the Kremlin Wall.

    Biography 2.

    December 1878. Georgia. The son of Jugashvili is born. Then no one could imagine that the boy from the poor family would be a revolutionary, whose identity is to this day arouses the disputes of historians. Some consider it an outstanding politician, the merits of which the USSR managed to win during the years, the rest attribute to Stalin Terror, violence, and accused of the Holodomor. Anyway, he is our story. And everyone is obliged to know the biography of the Soviet policy.

    Soso - so Stalin gently called Mom, was the third child in the family. From birth, Stalin had health problems. Several fingers on the left leg agrees, and skin covers were damaged on her head and back. After an accident, the life of the left hand was disturbed. In addition, the father of the future revolutionary constantly beat the boy, which was naturally affected by health. Mother, in turn, fell in every way. She dreamed to become a priest. Stalin entered the spiritual seminary, where, in fact, became a member of the underground organization of revolutionaries. Later, he became the head of the illegal mug of Marxists and was actively engaged in propaganda. Shortly before the exams, Stalin were expelled from the seminary. Earbing a life accounted for a tutoring.

    Through thorn to power. Even despite the systematic references and imprisonment in prison, the revolutionary always miraculously avoided punishment. By the way, he refused from his last name only in 1912, when he became famite under the pseudonym Stalin. In the early 1900s - he was actively promoted. It helped deserve respect in society. After, acquaintance with Vladimir Lenin, as a result of which Stalin became the right hand of the leader. In 1917, the Narcar on the Affairs of Nationalities in the Council of People's Commissars. When Stalin was already in death, the revolutionary entrusted the management responsibilities, in parallel by eliminating all potential applicants for the "throne".

    In 1930, when Stalin was officially already in power, a period of mass repression began, hunger and restructuring. He made the USSR second country in the world in terms of industrial production.

    Stalin loved control and at the same time is a very rigid man. Thanks to him, the USSR defeated fascist Germany. There is little about family life of the revolutionary, he always hid a personal one from society. In March 1953, Stalin dies. The official version is hemorrhage into the brain. Now his body is buried at the walls of the Kremlin.

    Date biography and interesting facts. The most important thing.