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  • Belief in yourself is a mandatory attribute of a successful person. Be compassionate to yourself

    Belief in yourself is a mandatory attribute of a successful person. Be compassionate to yourself

    The daily metro car is filled with half. The monotonous movement from the station to the station does not bring any voltage if you do not remember the events of what happened the day before. On a long six-bed seat, two middle-aged women are quietly, but lively talking among themselves, at times laughing. Next to them, an elderly man of sixty reads a newspaper, periodically raising his eyes and somehow sternly, and sometimes suspiciously looking at someone. I sit on the contrary in the usual headphones, sleepily opening my eyes when the train arrives at a new station. Next to me sleeping a student, hugging a backpack and squeezing in his hand a mobile phone. In the metro wagons of the new series, increased noise reduction, so in pauses between the songs it is clearly audible, everything that happens around.

    Suddenly, an elderly man on the contrary rises and loudly, clearly, but without aggression requires that the girl who sits through two free places from me came out of the carriage. I open my eyes, removing the headphones. He does not shout, it does not hysteriate, but just persistently demands. Women shook. Wake up a student. Passengers located through the span are wary perplexed. I turn my head.

    Girl in twenty years old, perhaps twenty-three raises the men confused eyes. Dark hair is carelessly covered with a warm knitted scarf, which is cluttered around the neck. Dark coat of medium length of casual, jeans and boots. On the knees the bag, the size of a slightly more familiar ladies, but not sports. The girl itself is not Slavic appearance.

    Everyone in the carriage is freezing, by raising views on her. A man insists loudly to leave the carriage at the nearest station. Neither accusations. No insults. Just wants her to come out. For a few more seconds, she looks blankly at him, and then everything understands.

    She rises a little sharply, putting a bag nearby. A man retreats a step. Women on the contrary, it seems, clapped in a seat and look with fright. Such silence, as if the train stopped in the tunnel. But no, he moves and makes noise, and we all seek no longer hear it.

    No, no, - quickly utters a girl. - All right. You thought so in vain.

    But now everyone is looking at her. Who with fear. Who with misunderstanding. Who is convicted viciously.

    You are mistaken, "she says, as if justified. Tears appear in front of the eyes. - I have nothing. "She cleans the scarf, dropping it to the seat, and begins to unbutton the coat buttons nervously. Swim him, and the tears are already flowing down the cheeks. She turns to everyone so that we can all be sure that under the coat only a thin sweater under which you do not hide anything. "Look, nothing," she continues. Many have already turned away. Someone else continues to watch. Elderly man ambiguously lowers eyes. The girl catches his look, deciding that he looks at the bag and quickly sits down, attracting her to himself. - And here is also nothing. Look, I do not have anything. - Her voice sounds weaker. It is chipped by tears and, open, turns over the bag. Things fall on the seat. And nothing of them carries threats. Ordinary things, the same as each of us. "After all, there is nothing," she repeats once again, raising her eyes on a man. " He presses his lips and no longer looks at her.

    She, dropping his face in the palm of his face, crying. The train approaches and stops at the next station. A man, shudding his eyebrows, squeezes the newspaper to his hand and comes out of the carriage. He does not go far, about the second column stops and, without turning around the face to the car, only crushes his head. Several entered passengers do not understand what happened and seard to free spaces. The doors are closed, and the train rows again, rushing forward. The girl, often sobbing, collects his belongings from the seat, removing them back. I raise the lips gambled on the floor. One of the women, which sits on the contrary, suits and stretches her paper handkerchiefs. She takes and gratefully nods, without raising his eyes.

    In this part of the article, I will share with you practitioners who will help you learn to trust yourself.

    And you will very soon notice that it is not only useful activity, but also very fascinating.

    You will stop torn in doubt, Ensure to regret the mistakes perfect or be afraid to make new ones.

    Because it comes to understand that any of your decisions will bring you to the right path.

    That the error is just pointer: "You are not moving in the direction, change the course."

    And the faster the vision of the fallacy of the decision taken by you will appear, the sooner you will unfold in the direction you need.

    It is important to understand that the error is do not lose, error is tip in the direction of movement.

    Bonus readers:

    6. Allow the highest forces to take care of you

    It is not always possible to cope with the situation on your own, because there are many options for solutions. And find true among this set, sometimes, interfere with restrictions.

    Therefore, when the question arises that you do not know how to solve, release the situation And convey the solution to the highest forces.

    Expand the intention that everything will happen to the most favorable way for you.

    We are embodied on earth not alone, each of us accompanies a huge team of support for non-physical creatures.

    But do not forget to refer to them asking for help and support.

    Your assistants are very interested in the positive outcome of the circumstances, but they do not have the right to interfere and help without your permission.

    After you have passed a solution to the issue of your support group, be careful and watch signs and prompts.

    Live the usual life, do everyday affairs and at the same time stay conscious And watch what events occur around you, how the situation unfolds.

    What thoughts come and what feelings is all what is happening.

    That is consonant with you, and what the soul is responded. Believe that the solution of your situation is already there, you only need understand and see his.

    All the best for us comes from above. And it is precisely the value of this method in solving complex situations.

    The universe itself makes adjustments and creates circumstances, and, in the best and safest side for you. Need only trust to her.

    7. Replace "Errors" to "Experience"

    Remember the situation when it seemed to you, you made a mistake.

    And after the expiration, you realized that without this mistake, you would not turn out to be where you are now.

    For example: you got a job, but the firm ruined and quickly closed. You, remaining without a means of existence, concluded that I mistakenly chose this company as successful.

    But on this company you met the person with whom they opened their new business with jointly, and now you are very successful.

    You have gained experience on the first company and implemented this experience on your own.

    I am sure that there were many such situations in your life. Remember them, analyze, find important critical moments leading to your desires.

    So you learn concentrate attention not on mistakes, but on experiencewho gave you that situation.

    If there are situations in which you have not yet managed to find the pearl, know that at that moment, the version of you could not do otherwise.

    By accepting decisions, be prepared any result to perceive as experience, but troubles as an opportunity for something more.

    Learn any circumstances to use yourself for good.

    Trust in life Allows you to risk where others are retreating.

    This is the advice to which Alena is divided with the participants of the accompanying webinar for the clients of the training center "Keys of Mastery".

    "At least listen to body signals. Pay attention to the signs around, it is elementary things.

    That's what I remember. I played in my time to the game, I was gone, but I'd rather have received answers to questions.

    When you doubt, more precisely, you do not own information, and I am from those people for whom ignorance is much worse than knowing something bad.

    I stood in line and guess.

    You know, there are such children's fortune talkers: you look out the window, a man will pass, it means that; Woman will pass, it means that it is. These things are. "

    Remember that your true adviser is inside you.

    Believe that the moment will come when you no longer ask for advice and do not need confirmation.

    When you stop distributing advice to other people, and you will not have the need to relieve anyone and in anything.

    You will learn to live your own life in trust and allow others to do the same.

    Examples of confidence in yourself

    I want to show you a couple of examples, as everything is successful in our girls, when they completely trust themselves and believe that everything will certainly happen in good.

    Perhaps with some practices you are already familiar, and perhaps you have our exercises or interesting cases related to intuition and confidence.

    And what helped you learn to trust yourself? And what else will have to do?

    Text composition:

    How to believe in the world
    Even if there is no world?
    How much can you wait
    Conducting a train?
    Why do you? Why forever?

    Again a train ticket
    Clamped in the palm incurred
    Your eyes do not hide
    Who cares?
    Four more steps
    It remains to separation
    Why didn't you say?
    Yes, just like that, from boredom

    Why day? Why the sun is light?
    How to believe in the world
    Even if there is no world?
    How much can you wait
    Conducting a train?
    Why do you? Why forever?

    Like lines from prayer
    Read the schedule
    Your dreams are broken
    Empty promsions
    Four four embers
    It remains until the moment
    And someone will stop
    Touch you

    Why day? Why the sun is light?
    How to believe in the world
    Even if there is no world?
    How much can you wait
    Conducting a train?
    Why do you? Why forever?

    Forever and ever...
    Forever and ever...

    Translation of the lyrics of the songs from the future - why the day why the sun is light how to believe in the world, even if there is no world how much you can wait, accomplishing

    The Text of the COMPOSITION:

    How to Believe in a world
    Even if there is no peace?
    Seeing the Train?
    Why? Why?

    Again Train Ticket.
    Squeezed in the Hand Timidly
    Who Cares?
    There Are Four Steps
    Left Before Separation
    Why Didn "T YOU SAY?

    Why day? Why Does the Sun Shine?
    How to Believe in a world
    Even if there is no peace?
    Seeing the Train?
    Why? Why?

    Your Dreams Are Broken
    Empty Promises.
    Four More Sigh.
    And Someone Will Stop
    You Touch

    Why day? Why Does the Sun Shine?
    How to Believe in a world
    Even if there is no peace?
    Seeing the Train?
    Why? Why?

    Why your weakness is the soil in which your power grows

    In these difficult and strange time, I meet many people who have problems with faith in themselves. How to believe in yourself if it seems that the world is trying to remove you at every step? Is it possible?

    Most of us are approaching the issue of believing from the outside. There is a goal that we say, we must achieve - get the perfect work, go to the perfect date, develop perfect relationships, build an ideal career, live perfect life and so on - and then we, chanting your teeth, start moving towards its implementation .

    How should you be to live a perfect life? Ideal. What "I" do you believe in this case? Not a true "I", but idealized, imposed by other people. In their opinion, if we do not do as they say, we will suffer. But the problem is that we are already suffering - due to attempts to become an ideal, flawless and perfect version. This is what can be called "infantile omnipotence" - immature faith in what we must be all-in-friendly and almighty to deserve love, respect and security.

    Thus, the external approach to faith in itself (dependence on goals and achievements, as well as the desire for external approval) does not work. Its by-products are despair, sadness, alienation and immaturity. When we strive to seem perfect, omnipotent, we suggest the show, right? Belief in itself, based on an external approach, is always false. To strive to be an ideal person and live such a lie - hurt. We never be perfect for us, however, because of our desire for this, relations are suffering, we become unhappy, lose meaning and purpose in life.

    What happened? We stopped believing in true and, instead, began to believe in a fictional idea. Belief in its true "I" is the key to a full life. So, what do we need to do?

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    Let's start with weaknesses. Realize and admit them. Do you know yourself well? For example, I have been incredibly weak for a long time - I wanted me hardly every word. You may have been afraid of intimacy. You may be upset when people disappoint you. Perhaps afraid to be rejected, you repel from yourself people. Perhaps you consider yourself stupid, soft and boring - and for this very reason you never show yourself.

    This age despises weakness. But that is why it is so unfortunate and evil. Weakness is the soil of life, because our weaknesses are the only soil in which everything is growing good, beautiful, strong and real, which is in us. A person who is afraid of the proximity, probably can grow passion, connection and empathy. The one who is upset when people disappoint him wants the best for people. The one who is afraid to be rejected is able to let people close and be soft and gentle. A person who considers himself stupid, soft and boring, is the one who most appreciates the wealth of life and the opportunity to develop. Weakness: Fear, Severeness, Anger, Despite. Strengths: empathy, compassion, courage, proximity, nobility.

    Therefore, when we really believe in ourselves, we begin with our weaknesses. We analyze them. "Who am I actually?" Answer: My weaknesses. I'm afraid. I am angry. I repulse people. But your weaknesses also contain your strengths. "Who am I actually?" Answer: What will grow from the "broken" soil within you (if, of course, you will let it happen). I somehow manage to feel deeply feeling that other people feel. It seems I want only the best for people. I need to inspire and keep people close. These are the wonderful things that I saw in the true light.

    Now you understand someone you are. Let go imposed - ideal, hero, villain, loser, winner, monster, Savior. It makes no sense to edit myself for your shortcomings. Perhaps your fragility that you despised so long is the soil for all the best, which is within you.

    A couple of stories and thoughts from the book "100 ways to change life. Part Two ", which will allow you to look at your talent on the other hand.

    Talent or illness?

    "Once I asked Gillian Lin, how did she start dancing? Gillian - choreographer. She put the "cats" musicals and the "Phantom of the Opera". She is gorgeous. Gillian said that she was considered hopeless at school. It was in the 1930s, her parents wrote from school that the girls had problems with learning. She could not focus, forever rushed. Now they would say that she has a deficit syndrome. But in the 1930s, this syndrome has not yet invented.

    Gillian came with his mother to the doctor. She was planted in a chair, where she spent twenty minutes as long as the doctor talked about her problems at school. In the end, Dr. sat next to Gillian and told her that, now he should talk with his mother alone.

    He asked to wait a little and came out with her mother from the room. Before you go out, he turned on the radio standing on the table. As soon as adults came out, the doctor asked Mama Gillian to look at what makes her daughter. She immediately jumped to his feet and moved to the tact of music. They looked at it a couple of minutes, then Dr. turned and said: "Mrs. Lin, Gillian is not sick. She is a dancer. Give it to choreographic school. "

    I asked what was next. She said: "Mom followed his advice and it was beautiful. We entered the room where people were similar to me - no one could easily sit. People who to think needed to move. " They studied ballet, steppa, jazz, modern and modern dance. Over time, she was taken to the Royal Ballet School, she became a soloist, made a brilliant career in the royal ballet.

    In the end, she finished the royal ballet school, founded the dance company Gillian Lin, met Andrew Lloyd Weber. Gillian made some of the most famous musical performances in history, brought the joy to millions of people and became a multimillioner. But another doctor could land her on pills and make calm down ", is an excerpt from the ingenious performance of Ken Robinson on TED.

    Yesterday I reviewed him for once and caught every word. One of the most popular performances on the TED in the history. Ken says that in modern system Education is hopelessly outdated and that it is focused on the left hemisphere - science like mathematics, geometry.

    And if the child is interested in music or poetry, he is told: "Do not waste at that time, in an adult world will not earn it." And when the child grows, he does not see his uniqueness, because at school his favorite items were considered "silent" and no one perceived these items seriously.

    Ken asks the question: "Why do we teach mathematics every day, and dancing - no? Why not teach them every day? After all, all children love to dance. " Good question. Not a fact that should be so, but why not?

    Exhausted system

    I recently wrote a 18-year-old girl. Already exhausted to their years. She writes poems, but understands that "it is not serious and do not earn it." At the end of the letter, she formulated her request like this: "I ask you to give me permission to engage in your loved one!".

    I often write such messages (because I wrote about the "domestic resolution" in the first part of my book). Imagine how much of us since childhood is limited in our uniqueness, that even growing, our inner child can not start having fun and do what he loves, without the consent of the "adult"?

    I think that many dancers, artists, writers, speakers, directors sometimes experience such a thing as ... shame. Shame for the fact that they produce something ... not very useful, at first glance. Well, "we do not produce bread, medicine or trains." We do not create anything that "you can touch."

    And such thinking is the investigation of our educational system, in which the dancer on the hierarchy of the coolness is below the scientist, in which the dancer or poet be "non-serious."

    If we allowed people not to feel "flawed" because of their real desires, it would be another world. If we allowed people to dance, write, talk, draw, and did not try to create from all the "scientists", it would be another world.

    All people are different. Someone loves to create bread, medicines and trains. Someone - technology. And others - dancers, artists, writers, philosophers, speakers, musicians - love to create emotions, feelings, new meanings or motivation. And each of these classes is important, honorable and necessary. And that's why.

    In the era of prosperous egoism, people were very disconnected. People have learned to hear each other within one family, not to mention colleagues at work or unfamiliar people. In our basic settings, the slings that are responsible for feeling, to love, compassion, understand others.

    And the meaning of my message is not that the world does not need material things that "you can touch." And the fact that now he is more than ever good books, Dancing, poems, paintings, films.

    So if you can create for people a little joy, love, meanings and motivation, so do it.

    Dance. Write. Draw. Combine. Create!

    And do not listen to anyone. Places under the sun will be enough for everyone.

    Based on the second part of the book 100 ways to change the life that is already on sale.