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    Admission to military schools for girls. Military schools opened their doors for boys and girls

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    The recruitment of girls is carried out in the following military schools

    1. Military Academy  military air defense of the armed forces of the Russian Federation (Smolensk) in the specialties of "automated information processing and control systems", "radio engineering;
    2. Military Aviation Engineering University (Voronezh), specialty "meteorology";
    3. Yeisk Higher Military Aviation School, specializing in the operation of aircraft and the organization of air traffic;
    4. The Military Academy of Strategic Missile Forces (Moscow) in the field of "ballistics", "testing of aircraft", "software for computers and automated systems", "chemical technology of polymer compositions, powders and solid rocket fuels";
    5. Rostov Military Institute of the Rocket Forces with a degree in metrology and metrological support;

    When he graduated high school, he moved to a boarding school with a university degree in Argentina, where he studied as a teacher physical education. But at that time it was a serious matter. Walter was a man and paid for his studies, and he worked with four hours of garden work. Although the moments of learning are clearly defined in the schedule, the simple fact of life at school encourages learning. The teachers were always there to help you, you were suddenly on the playground, playing a football game, and if you ask what you didn’t understand in class, they will start explaining to you right now, the school really changed my life.

    6. Stavropol Military Institute of Communication of Rocket Forces in the specialties “automated information processing and control systems”, “communication networks and switching systems”;
    7. Naval Institute of Radio Electronics (St. Petersburg, Petrodvorets) with a degree in psychology;

    8. Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School in the specialty "personnel management";
    9. The Military Space Academy (St. Petersburg) with a degree in computer software and automated systems;
    10. Novocherkassk Higher Military Command School of Communications in the specialty "Communication networks and switching systems";
    11. Military University (Moscow) in the field of "psychology", "linguistic support of military activities";
    12. Penza Artillery Engineering Institute, specializing in chemical technology of polymer compositions, powders and solid rocket fuels;
    13. Volya Higher Military School of Logistics in the specialty "management of the organization";
    14. Ulyanovsk Higher Military Technical School in the specialty "Pedagogy and Psychology";
    15. Military Medical Academy (St. Petersburg), specialty "medical business";
    16. Military Academy of Finance and Economics (Yaroslavl), specialty "Finance and Credit";
    17. Military Academy of radiation, chemical and biological protection (Kostroma) in the specialty "radiation, chemical and biological protection".

    During the internship friends become the main link. Social life at the Institute does not entail major upheavals. Students who achieve good grades have a part of the day for free to go to the gym, watch a movie or stay in their room. Those who do not come back to study after dinner. On weekends, common events usually occur, but they never dance. Sports events are also organized - his volleyball team is in the league - although it is never a championship. “We do not encourage competition, but there are no problems in making a match with another school,” says Pasini.