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  • Institute of Market Economics, Social Policy and Law. Institute of Market Economics, Social Policy and Law (IRESPIP) Institute of Social Policy Market Economics

    Institute of Market Economics, Social Policy and Law. Institute of Market Economics, Social Policy and Law (IRESPIP) Institute of Social Policy Market Economics

    The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law (IRESPIP) was formed in 1995. IrESPIC is a non-commercial non-state educational institution. Has state accreditation. Education in Irespiep is conducted in areas: Economic, Management, Finance and Credit, Financial Management, Management, Logistics. The institute is equipped with modern equipment, classes are held using the latest technologies. Classes are conducted in full-time, correspondence, remote forms. The state diploma is issued. Qualification - undergraduate. Second higher, additional courses. Delay from the army.

    general information

    Non-state educational private institution of higher vocational education "Institute of Market Economics, Social Policy and Law"

    111033, Moscow, ul. Nizhny Novgorod, house 29-33, p. 3 (Central JSC)


    № 01045 acts indefinitely from 04.07.2014


    There is no data

    Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for Irespiep

    Result of 2015: The monitoring results are not shown for universities that, according to the monitoring results of 2014, scored less than 4 points out of 7 (report)


    About university

    History Irespiep

    The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law is founded in 1995 and until today is one of the leaders among humanitarian universities that teach students in correspondence and remote form.

    The Institute is a non-commercial and non-state institution, has all the necessary documentation for the implementation of the learning process, license and accreditation. The procedure for checking the institute was carried out 3 times, and IRESPIP with honor stood all the tests, confirming the high quality of students' training. Initially, the university was organized to improve the qualifications of military personnel and ensure the possibility of obtaining the second higher education for them, today Irespiep has opened its doors for all categories of citizens.

    The popularity of the Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Right is quite high. This trend is explained by many advantages that guarantees studies in this university. Here is some of them:

    • considerable experience in education;
    • formation of training groups during the year;
    • flexible lecture schedule;
    • learning in demand directions;
    • availability in financial and temporary plan.

    University infrastructure

    The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law is a university, going up with time. For the needs of students and the teaching staff, a separate building was allocated not far from the center of the capital. Modern, spacious audiences are equipped with the latest technology. The institute teachers seek not only to convey the fundamental knowledge to students through classical lectures and seminars, but also use interactive training systems, conduct business games, special trainings. For classes foreign languages A special Lingufonic Cabinet is organized.

    The library is also provided for students. Students can take advantage of both an ordinary bookmail and its electronic version. Via the Internet is also held operational consultations of students on studies.

    Also, non-resident students are offered a hostel on a fee.

    Information for applicants

    To get acquainted with the inner life of the university, it is enough to visit the day open doors. In just a couple of hours, applicants will be able to find answers to all of their questions, see the presentations of professions, chat with dean and teachers, pass the trial introductory test, to inspect the premises and clarify any question.

    The university takes the reception of applicants yearly, as the training group is established, the date of the start of classes is determined. The reception of those who want to start training at the institute is carried out on the basis of the results of the commission of a single state exam on the subjects necessary for the specialty.

    If necessary, students can get two higher education at the same time. This solution is optimal for confident in their forces, energetic listeners.

    Learning process

    The Institute offers applicants two faculties to choose from: management and economy. Training in both areas implies to obtain a bachelor's degree. If desired, the IRESPIP graduates can continue the process of comprehending knowledge in partner educational institutions, and after 2 years to get a master's degree. A similar scheme is offered and wishing to try their forces in writing scientific papers, for students of the university, training in graduateurs and doctoral studies in friendly Moscow educational institutions.

    The faculty of management implies the following directions:

    • financial management;
    • information management;
    • innovative management;
    • personnel Management;
    • state and municipal management;
    • social management.

    The faculty of the economy includes such directions as:

    • accounting;
    • taxes;
    • finance;
    • lending;
    • marketing.

    Training on by correspondence form Subdivided into groups: evening and weekends. Studying material is carried out by students as independently, on special methodical literatureand lectures at the institute. All forms of learning implies paid base. For certain categories of citizens, preferential terms of payment are provided, it is possible to clarify their list on the website of the university or by telephone receiving commission.

    Additional education

    You can get a bachelor's degree and by posting a course of distance learning. This form is suitable for non-resident students and people leading an extremely active lifestyle. Thanks to the development curriculum Through the Internet, the listeners not only save financial resources and time, but also provide themselves with a flexible schedule for mastering material without separation from production.

    In addition to higher education, additional courses are organized in IRESPIC. They can attend students who want to enter the institute, as well as everyone who wants to get quality knowledge. The main topics include: Informatics, english, mathematics.

    On the basis of the university, specialists with higher education are retracted. It is produced in two main techniques:

    • deepening knowledge available in the specialties of economics and management;
    • getting new knowledge.

    Why this university?

    Among the applicants, the situation is enough when they do not know what kind of higher educational institution It is best for them to choose and, moreover, by what criteria you need to choose this institution in which he will give a profession for life.

    Institute of Market Economics, Social Policy and Law - One of best universities city \u200b\u200bof Moscow in absentia and remote learning Among more sought-after specialties. The university was founded in 1995, and since then has individual approach To all students and continues to follow the traditions of the highest quality of education. High Education Standards are constantly confirmed by accreditation and government licenses. Graduates receive diplomas of a state sample about higher education.

    The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law Releases Management Specialists, following graduate and undergraduate programs. Reception of documents This educational institution produces year-round. The cost of study is from 12,000 rubles in the semester, which is quite affordable for many students.

    Institute of Market Economics, Social Policy and Law

    Getting higher vocational education is the main purpose of graduates of schools, technical schools and colleges. However, to deep despondency, not everyone can afford a 5-year program of study at the full-time department. Combining work with a visit to the university is simply impossible. For combining training and building a career there is a correspondence department. This opportunity is given to the Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law. The student can pass a full course of study without deviating from state standards, and with everything at the same time, without being distracted by the main work. Correspondence form that exists in our educational institutionIt helps to get a popular and decent profession, and the necessary diploma of higher education is not only Muscovites, but also to students who are working in other cities.

    Applicants are recruited yearly, both in the economic direction and in the direction of management. This correspondence form is popular among our students who live in other cities, but have a desire to receive good quality education and diploma. prestigious university Moscow city.

    Faculties of the Institute of Market Economy

    Economy - produces a wide profile specialists, both in the economic field and in the field of commerce.

    With a combination of professional and fundamental training, graduates of this faculty become sufficiently popular specialists in the labor market.

    At the end of learning, the diploma indicates the degree of "bachelor".

    Management - Releases specialists from the management environment. The main emphasis is made on qualitative training and modern management theory.

    The demand for the specialists of this sphere is very high: it is due to the needs of all manufacturing areas.

    At the end of learning, the diploma indicates the degree of "bachelor management".

    Master - The Institute of Market Economy, Social Policy and Law cooperates in terms of education and science with a large number of universities, on the basis of what the training of masters on the "economic" specialty is. Training for a period of 2 years on correspondence form.

    Institute of Market Economy: New features for overcoming distances.

    At the Faculty management students receive a bachelor of management degree in information, innovative or financial management programs, personnel management, state and municipal management, social management, etc.

    Economic the faculty conducts training on programs




    Lending, etc.

    Receiving a bachelor's degree - not all that the correspondence department can give. Institutes with which IRESPHIP cooperates in conducting their own educational processprovide the ability to get a master's degree in direction 080100 "Economy" (specialty "Economics of the company").
    Training in the magistracy takes 2 years and is absentia.

    In Irespiep, as in modern correspondence institute In Moscow, all students needed for high-quality learning. The institute occupies a separate building, the audience of which is equipped with the use of the most modern technologies. There are online classes, computer audiences equipped with interactive learning systems, a library in which both paper and electronic publications are stored, a lingaphonic office, etc.

    Priority direction for the development of the correspondence faculty is the introduction of modern information technologies learning. Test technologies are successfully implemented to organize the knowledge of students learning at the Institute. The combination of work and study, the application of the knowledge gained in practice is already in the process of learning - here are the advantages correspondence education!
    Reception of applicants passes throughout the year.

    The duration of secondary education training is 5 years.
    After graduating from college or technical school (profile) correspondence higher education You can get for 3-3.5 years.

    Second Higher Education Students IrESPIC is received for 3 years.

    At the end of the training is given a diploma diploma.

    Attention! We continue the set of applicants in the weekend group.

    Learning on weekends is an opportunity to combine work, study and rest. And also to purchase a fundamental applied education.

    Classes with correspondence formation of the weekend take place on Saturdays. You are trained in comfortable audiences equipped with multimedia techniques and modern computers.

    In the process of learning, much attention is paid to practical classes and trainings. You advise with highly qualified teachers, most of which are candidates and doctors of science, you exchange experience and knowledge with each other, participate in student life. Each group has a personal curator who provides comprehensive support to students.
    Want and exams you rent, without breaking away from your affairs on weekdays.

    At the end of the training you pass state exam And protect the final qualifying work.

    About programs additional vocational education, Retraining IRESPIP

    a) professional retraining
    The required level of education for admission to training for additional professional education programs:
    secondary vocational or higher professional education.
    Perhaps enrollment of students of the last course of the institute.

    Programs, additional retraining with obtaining a new specialty:

    "Management B. social sphere"- 502 hours.
    "Economy in the social sphere" - 502 hours ..
    "Information management" - 502 hours.

    Document issued at the end: Diploma O. professional retraining State samplegiving the right to keep a new type of professional activity.

    b) advanced training programs

    Short educational programs (As a rule, a duration of 72 hours), aimed at managers and specialists of organizations and institutions, in order to deepen their knowledge in a certain field of activity, increase their professional level by mastering a certain topic, a section, acquaintance with modern developments and trends in a particular professional area.

    Document issued at the end of training - with vistochetia on improving the qualifications of the state sample By programs:

    "Financial management";
    "Risk analysis and business planning errors: anti-crisis technology";
    "Municipal Management";
    "Accounting and Audit";
    "Personnel Management".