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  • Call center ifns. Federal Tax Service Hotline: toll free, information desk

    Call center ifns. Federal Tax Service Hotline: toll free, information desk

    The tax authorities of Russia exercise, first of all, control over the strict observance of tax legislation and obligatory payments, the correctness and timely transfer of payments to the budget of the Russian Federation. In addition, every citizen of Russia can contact the tax authorities on a toll-free telephone. What are the most common hotline questions Tax service? In order to answer this question, it is necessary to analyze what the Federal Tax Service of Russia does.

    Main functions and tasks

    Hot line  Federal Tax Service is available to everyone. In the form in which it exists today, it was transformed from the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Taxes and Levies in 2004.

    The main tasks and functions performed by tax authorities are:

    Tax authorities registration, establishing legal and individual enterprises. All their further activities (reporting, timely tax calculation and tax deduction, change of taxation type, closure of an enterprise, filing bankruptcy proceedings) are carefully monitored by the controlling tax authorities.

    The Federal Tax Service conducts its activities on its own, as well as through its bodies in the territories, directly cooperating with other executive bodies.

    Contacts with the Federal Tax Service of Russia

    In order to ask your questions, a free tax service hotline has been created. Telephone hotline of the tax service 8 800 2222-222.

    The Russian tax service hotline is open on business days from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. On Mondays and Wednesdays until 18:00, on Tuesdays and Thursdays - until 20 hours, on Fridays - until 16:45.

    If you want to know the reference information you are interested in, call the toll-free number 8 800 2222-222.

    What is a free tax service hotline? This means that any taxpayer can call the hotline for free either from a cell phone or from a landline.

    An approximate list of questions for which you will receive an answer by phone:

    • addresses and routines of the central and territorial tax authorities;
    • hours of reception of citizens and its order;
    • how, and within what time frame, applications or complaints of citizens are considered;
    • if you sent a request to any unit of the Federal Tax Service of Russia, you can get the registration number of your letter to which you applied, or of the territorial authority to which it was redirected for consideration;
    • addresses or telephone numbers of services that directly examine applications;
    • information that does not need to be collected, analyzed or summarized.

    If you have questions about corruption in the tax authorities, a telephone (trust) number is provided for such a case: +7 495 913-0070.

    Web site

    If you have any questions in the field of taxation, visit the website of the Federal Tax Service at

    Here you can find the telephone numbers of help desks.

    The necessary and useful service is available on the Internet site, namely: “Personal account of the taxpayer”. Such a service is provided in three sections:

    1. to individuals, this makes it possible:
    1. individual entrepreneurs;
    2. legal entities, this makes it possible:
    • take operational information about existing debts to the budget, overpayments, outstanding payments, fines;
    • take your extract from the register;
    • take your extract from the USRN;
    • send requests for reconciliation acts on taxes or fees, certificates of tax calculations;
    • send requests for details of settlements, whether outstanding or erroneous payments;
    • initiate reconciliations of their calculations with the budget and send inquiries about this;
    • take data on the results of the consideration of their applications or requests.

    In order to be able to use the Internet service "Personal Account of the Taxpayer" you need to get a registration card, in which the username and password will be indicated. You can get a card at any regional inspection. Getting another way of access - with the help of ESIA operators, being present in person (post offices, MFCs and others).

    If you have any questions about taxation, the work of tax inspectorates, the procedure for receiving citizens at your service, the Russian tax service hotline is free of charge - 8 800 2222-222.