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  • City Health Department hotline phone. Hotline Phones

    City Health Department hotline phone. Hotline Phones

    Hot line  Ministry of Health  and social development  RF " Healthy Russia"together with the project" SO HEALTHY! It carries out educational activities among the Russian population on healthy lifestyles. Key health issues are the refusal of Russian citizens from tobacco, drugs, treatment of alcohol dependence. Together with the Moscow government, the health department, medical centers were opened where any Muscovite can apply for consultations, and the health department’s hot line also works, where you can consult with a specialist, sign up for an appointment m to the doctor, make an analysis of the change. In addition to removing the dependency issues even more urgent is the theme of healthy eating and healthy lifestyles.

    City polyclinics

    The main purpose of city clinics is to provide comprehensive medical, preventive and advisory assistance to the population of the district assigned to each of the clinics.

    The clinic consists of the following structural units, which provide efficient and well-coordinated work of the entire clinic. The registry records patients at the doctor’s office, through the healthcare hotline, and records the doctors ’calls to the house. In addition, the registry staff performs the timely selection and delivery of documentation to the offices of the receiving doctors, as well as informing the public about the time of the appointment of doctors and issuing "sick leave".

    The prevention department carries out pre-medical control. The treatment department consists of district therapists and doctors of "specialized" specialties. The diagnostic department is engaged in laboratory tests, ultrasound diagnostics, fluoroscopy. In the statistics departments of city polyclinics, processing and accounting of documentation is carried out, the performance indicators of all departments are analyzed. And lastly, the administrative unit has a leadership function in the clinic. It is worth noting that the administrative unit includes: the head physician and his deputy.

    Speaking about city polyclinics, one cannot but say about the importance of the local doctor in them, it is the local doctor who plays the main role in the general health system, which can always be called by the health department.

    Ministry of Health Telephone

    How to call the Ministry of Health?

    Everyone goes to the doctor. Often there are situations when doctors exceed their authority. Yes, and medical errors are found. Do not despair in order to find justice in these matters and there is ministry of Health hotline.

    Unfortunately, quite often there are situations in which doctors do not behave at all as they should. Forgetting the oath that was once given, doctors can afford to exceed their authority. Or make a mistake that could be fraught with consequences for the patient. If this happened, then do not despair and knock on closed doors.

       In order to resolve the conflict and achieve justice, there is a hotline of the Ministry of Health. Contacting her, you must introduce yourself and indicate the reason that contributed to the appeal. The application will be considered, and after that the necessary measures will be taken.

    Quite often, the victims do not know their rights and, moreover, do not know where to turn. Therefore, there are so many dissatisfied with medicine and more and more people are afraid to entrust their lives to doctors. Often, drugs that some categories of citizens should provide for free are not issued. If this happened, do not lock up and discuss the problem with your neighbors.

    In order to solve the problem, there is a hotline of the Ministry of Health. You need to know your rights and know where to turn in order to restore them. You can solve the problem by contacting the appropriate authorities, who will listen and help not only with advice, but also with deed.

    The most popular hotline phones!