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  • Passing point EGE to Medical University. Novosibirsk State Medical University. Number of places for target reception for each set of receipt conditions

    Passing point EGE to Medical University. Novosibirsk State Medical University. Number of places for target reception for each set of receipt conditions

    Medical higher educational institutions of Russia called passing points for budget admission. In almost all universities, these numbers are different, as some educational institutions are prestigious others, therefore they have a passing point above. There are also options for admission to universities during failure in some exams.

    Higher educational institutions of Russia, specialized in medicine called passing points for budget admission. The lowest passing point is 123 in the Kazan State Academy of Veterinary Medicine. AD Bauman. The highest and consequently the most prestigious medical higher education institution is the St. Petersburg North-West State medical University them. I. I. Mechnikova to enter it it is necessary to gain at least 242 points.

    Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology. K.i Scriabin

    The largest passing score among medical higher educational institutions in this academy. In 2017, 276 budget places were allocated for receipt, the passing score - 189. If you failed to score the required number of points for free training and you want to do this here, you will have to pay 40,000 rubles annually.

    Moscow State Medical and Dental University

    In this university allocated as many as 614 budget places, more than 2 times compared with the previous one. The passage score is 167. But in the event of non-fear of the budget, the minimum cost of training is equal to 80,000 rubles per year.

    Russian National Research Medical University named after N. I. Pirogov

    The most expensive medical university In Moscow - annual payment is 97,000 rubles. But for the appearance of the budget, which was allocated 1212 seats, you need to dial 155 points.

    First Moscow State Medical University. I.M. Suchenova

    To hit the budget in this university, you must score 142 points. For free learning allocated 1270 budget places. And the annual minimum payment is 67,500 rubles (not for state employees)

    Below is the rating of medical universities in Russia on the middle score for the exam. Also in the table shows the number of applicants adopted on the budget. And how exactly they were adopted: according to the competition, in the Olympics, on benefits or on the target set.

    The first line was occupied by the Bashkir State Medical University in the city of Ufa, the average score on the exam was 85.3. Second place occupied Voronezh State medical Academy them. N.N.Burdenko with a middle score on the exam - 85.2.

    Naisted score in Ural State Academy veterinary medicine In the city of Troitsk. The average score on the exam was only 52.6.

    Of course, the simplest option is to study under the contract, but not many can afford to pay about one hundred thousand rubles annually.

    If you could not pass with mathematics or Russian language and want to enter a full-time learning form, then you can only wait another year. But it is better to pass basic mathematicsSince it is rarely needed on a medical profile.

    But if you could not pass society, physics or other additional items, you can enroll in a higher educational institution specializing in medicine, specialty, where this additional subject is not required.

    In the section "" posted detailed information At the 2018 Remote Campaign. Here you can learn about the passing points, competition, the conditions for providing a hostel, the number of vacant seats, as well as minimal ballatsThat needed to gain to receive it. The base of universities is constantly increasing!

    - New service from the site. Now pass the exam will be easier. The project was created with the participation of specialists of a number state universities and experts in the field of exam.

    In the "Reception of 2019" using the service "", you can learn about the most important dates related to admission to the university.

    "". Now, you have the opportunity to directly communicate with the adoptive commissions of universities and ask them questions you are interested in. Answers will be posted not only on the site, but also will come to you personally in the mail that you indicated during registration. Moreover, fast enough.

    Olympiad in detail - a new version section "" indicating the list of the Olympiad to the current academic year, their levels, references to the sites of the organizers.

    The section has earned a new service "Remind about the event" with which applicants have the ability to automatically receive reminders of the most important dates for them.

    Earned a new service - "

    Summer is an important, determining time for many young people who have decided to enter educational institutions for different profiles, including medical. Educational institutions for future doctors provide plenty - you can master the specialty in your city or risk and go to a prestigious institution that is located in a large settlement.

    The choice of an applicant is high, but each institution is distinguished by the rules of dialing and passing points. The number of scored points determines ultimately the fate of the applicant, gives him the right to study at the university or deprivables.

    How can the passing point be calculated in Medical University? Presumably, 100 applications were submitted to the conditional medical university, but there are only 25 places in the specialty. The amount of the scam points and the average for the certificate will be strictly individual, its own. Thus, in the number of twenty-five enrolled, those who have the highest rates will fall.

    Passing score to budget in medical

    To sort out how to approximately there may be a passing score in honey to the budget, you need to produce a simple calculation. For example, out of 25 people received only five claim to budget places. All received lines are ranked in the number of scored points. For example, the highest indicator is 300, the second - 290, and the fifth - 190. Thus, the next fifth line in the Asbiturian rating, the latter takes place on a budget place, and the amount of his points becomes for the university through the passage. There is also a separate calculation passing point On budget places for the target group of beneficiaries. A separate contest is possible for this category.

    Passing points 2017 Medical

    The passing score in the medical university in 2017 is the minimum indicator that will be required from the applicant in order to get a place. Such a score is formed during the introductory campaign and becomes known after the results are already obtained. The applicant who received with a high passing point can qualify for a more prestigious specialty in Medvower, if it is in the ranking of competitors.

    The strongest medical universities set their own rules. For example, in Sechenov Medical University, passing points are slightly higher than the average. This is done in order to increase the level of incoming and not spend time on the processing of applications from people who are reputation of the institution. If you enroll in prestigious university Failed, one should not be desirable, you can submit documents to the establishment of the level of simpler. There is another option, you can continue to prepare another year and try to come again.

    Of course, for a medical university great importance have eME results According to the profile subject. Depending on the educational institution, such a subject can be physics, chemistry or biology. The results on the profile subject are very important for admission and prepare for the delivery of this test it is necessary to be especially carefully. The highest coefficient is assigned to the object.

    Passing points in honey 2017 are formed by the following criteria:

    • how many wishes decided to establish this specialty;
    • what is the amount of scam points on the subjects included in the Examination Program;
    • what is the number of applicants who brought original documents;
    • what is the number of beneficiaries who submitted applications.

    Passing points on the budget in medical universities is exactly 2017 now can be found only on the day of enrollment. Under this indicator means the total number of earned points, which is located on the lower border of the list of enrolled on this direction. For the special, the target group is always a separate competition, and individual beneficiaries are credited out.

    Admission commissions in 2017 in medical universities are recommended to install passage points in honey for a profile subject at the level of 45-50. Thus, the results of the exam selection committee Not counts if they do not meet these requirements.

    Medical passage score 2016

    In 2016, in some educational institutions, the following passing points were formed in medical institutions:

    • Sechenova passing points - from 220 to 270;
    • medical administration of the passage - from 230 to 260;
    • medical Moscow passage point - from 220 to 270;
    • Ryazan Medical Pass - 185 to 230.

    From the results last year It can be seen that in prestigious educational institution The name of Sechenov is the total score of the total average. In Ryazan Medical, this indicator is below average. But it is necessary to navigate on average.

    It is not recommended when entering a medical school, fully trust the indicators of passing points last year. Information about previous entrance companies is useful as a reference point, but conditions are constantly changing. For example, the number of applicants or the number of places paid from the budget. Refer, first of all, you need to qualitative for delivery of the ege And to prepare in advance, much earlier than a month. Preparation should be carried out at each lesson, and preferably, and at additional courses.