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  • Where can I pass the exam after college. Survey the exam after college. Choice of education form

    Where can I pass the exam after college. Survey the exam after college. Choice of education form

    1. Enroll in the Institute.

    What will have to pass

    1. Chemistry.
    2. Physics.
    3. History.
    4. Social science.
    5. Geography.
    6. Biology.
    7. Literature.
    8. Informatics (ICT).
    • Social science - 42;
    • Informatics - (ICT) 40;
    • Geography and literature - 38;
    • History - 32;
    • Mathematics - 27;
    • Foreign language - 22.

    • Moscow State University (at all faculties);
    • SPbSU;

    Bonuses for personal successes

    For the rules of the GTO add:

    • in Moscow State University - 4;
    • St. Petersburg State University - 3;
    • MGIMO, HSE and MGU - 1.
    • in Moscow State University - 6;
    • St. Petersburg State University - 1;
    • MGIMO - 3;
    • HSE - 2;
    • MGU - 5.
    • in St. Petersburg State University;
    • HSE, MGU, Moscow State University - 10.
    • for successes in sports - 3;
    • certificate with honors - 2;
    • essay - 5.

    Since new educational standards have obliged schoolchildren to take exams in the form of a single state test, the entire last year of study Russian eleventh graders and their parents are dedicated to preparing for the delivery of the USE. Do they pass through this test of their peers who went to professional schools after the 9th grade?

    Lee exam in technical school or college

    In a number of colleges and technical schools of our country, the state exam will not be able to avoid: students of the first or second course, developing parallel learning programs at the end school year Communicably passed the USE. After that, they receive a full-fledged certificate about the end of 11 classes.

    This makes it possible to choose from:

    1. Continue training in an average special educational institution.
    2. Enroll in the Institute.

    There are such zeys in which the exams are optional.

    It should not be afraid that the study of special and profiling disciplines will translate preparation for general education subjects. At the beginning of training, special disciplines are given much less than the time than later, and the emphasis is placed on school Program.

    To pass the exam, learning in college. Where?

    The main mandatory subjects remain Russian and mathematics, regardless of the college profile and the specifics of the chosen profession. In the event of a lack of preparation, it makes sense to refer to tutoring or sign up for preparatory courses.

    Do I need to take an exam after college

    This necessity arises from a graduate only in one case: if he decided to change the profession and is going to enter the university completely different direction. For example, after receiving a diploma in economics or accounting, yesterday's student changes dramatically priorities and is going to enter the historical or chemical biological faculty.

    If a graduate intends to continue the study of accounting and economy at the university, then the surrender of a single state exam is optional for it - enough specialized entrance tests, if such are provided for by the rules recent years. Many colleges provide their student a number of privileges, one of which is enrollment immediately to the third course of a certain institution.

    But each educational norm has specific loopholes:

    • Russians who graduated from the technical school or college of neighboring countries have the right to enter the institute without passing the exam, simply passing the entrance exams.
    • The USE and CIS citizens do not pass, who received a secondary special education corresponding to the university's profile. Residents of Uzbekistan and Georgia need to confirm their diplomas.

    What will have to pass

    Mathematics and Russian language - mandatory items. The choice of other disciplines depends on the specialty. At the request of the applicant, surrender:

    1. Chemistry.
    2. Physics.
    3. History.
    4. Social science.
    5. Geography.
    6. Biology.
    7. Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral and written).
    8. Literature.
    9. Informatics (ICT).

    For each subject, the minimum number of points has been identified and the time frame of the exam is established.

    Thresholds for admission to universities:

    • Social science - 42;
    • Informatics - (ICT) 40;
    • Geography and literature - 38;
    • Russian, physics, chemistry and biology - 36;
    • History - 32;
    • Mathematics - 27;
    • Foreign language - 22.

    For the surrender of mathematics, literature, informatics, physics and social studies is given almost 4 hours. Russian language and history of Russia require 3 hours 30 minutes, and exactly 3 hours released to those who choose foreign language, biology, geography and chemistry.

    If the result is unsatisfactory

    If you have received an insufficient number of points, do not hurry to lower your hands: there are opportunities to improve the result when you retake at an additional time or appeal. If you did not score minimum points on all selected subjects, then the re-passing is allowed only next year.

    Is it possible to do without additional exams

    It turns out that in most cases it is possible. Previously, the right of its own entrance examinations used 24 Institutes and Universities. Now their amount has decreased dramatically. In 2015, only five higher educational institutions were endowed with the authority to the authority to arrange an additional knowledge test.

    • Moscow State University (at all faculties);
    • SPbSU;
    • MGU them. Kutafina (specialty "Jurisprudence");
    • MGLU ("Translation and Translation");
    • Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University (8 directions, including political science).

    The rest of the universities are prescribed to accept new students on the basis of the outcome of the USE. Choosing a direction higher educationThe graduate of the college or technical school must decide: without additional difficulties to go to the usual expensive, without turning anywhere, or test your knowledge and enroll in any other university.

    Innovations in the order of school students and custody

    Innovations with whom will have to face:

    Bonuses for personal successes

    The innovations of 2015 are not limited to the correction of the procedure of the State Extent.

    The universities were able to "attribute" an appropriate amount of points to its estimates received for the personal merits of the applicant to "attribute".

    For the rules of the GTO add:

    • in Moscow State University - 4;
    • St. Petersburg State University - 3;
    • MGIMO, HSE and MGU - 1.

    Diploma or certificate with honors will give:

    • in Moscow State University - 6;
    • St. Petersburg State University - 1;
    • MGIMO - 3;
    • HSE - 2;
    • MGU - 5.

    And finally, the essay will fall into the odds:

    • in St. Petersburg State University;
    • HSE, MGU, Moscow State University - 10.

    In each university its system "additives" to the results of state certification. The MGPU leadership stated that their university would be added for individual achievements up to 15 points total:

    • for successes in sports - 3;
    • certificate with honors - 2;
    • participation in competitions and Olympiads - 5;
    • essay - 5.

    More detailed information On the number of bonus points can be found on the websites of higher educational institutions.

    The exam is considered an indicator of the success of learning and measure of the level of knowledge, the student in school, college or technical school. For some, this exam seems to be a punishment that cannot be avoided. For others, the opportunity to get a university. For third - a way to choose the best way, for which you will need to go all my life. Will you take to the college of the exam, you decide. Choose.

    Since new educational standards have obliged schoolchildren to take exams in the form of a single state test, the entire last year of study Russian eleventh graders and their parents are dedicated to preparing for the delivery of the USE. Do they pass through this test of their peers who went to professional schools after the 9th grade?

    Lee exam in technical school or college

    In a number of colleges and technical schools of our country, the state exam will not be avoided: the students of the first or second course, developing programs of parallel learning, at the end of the school year will be submitted to the USE. After that, they receive a full-fledged certificate about the end of 11 classes.

    This makes it possible to choose from:

    1. Continue training in an average special educational institution.
    2. Enroll in the Institute.

    There are such zeys in which the exams are optional.

    It should not be afraid that the study of special and profiling disciplines will translate preparation for general education subjects. At the beginning of training, special disciplines are given much less time than later, and the emphasis is placed on the school curriculum.

    Registration on the exam in college

    The main mandatory subjects remain Russian and mathematics, regardless of the college profile and the specifics of the chosen profession. In the event of a lack of preparation, it makes sense to refer to tutoring or sign up for preparatory courses.

    Do I need to take an exam after college

    This necessity arises from a graduate only in one case: if he decided to change the profession and is going to enter the university completely different direction. For example, after receiving a diploma in economics or accounting, yesterday's student changes dramatically priorities and is going to enter the historical or chemical biological faculty.

    If a graduate intends to continue the study of accounting and economy at the university, then the surrender of a single state exam is optional for him - enough specialized entrance tests, if such are provided for by the rules of recent years. Many colleges provide their student a number of privileges, one of which is enrollment immediately to the third course of a certain institution.

    But each educational norm has specific loopholes:

    • Russians who graduated from the technical school or college of neighboring countries have the right to enter the institute without passing the exam, simply passing the entrance exams.
    • The USE and CIS citizens do not pass, who received a secondary special education corresponding to the university's profile. Residents of Uzbekistan and Georgia need to confirm their diplomas.

    What will have to pass

    Mathematics and Russian language - mandatory items. The choice of other disciplines depends on the specialty. At the request of the applicant, surrender:

    1. Chemistry.
    2. Physics.
    3. History.
    4. Social science.
    5. Geography.
    6. Biology.
    7. Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral and written).
    8. Literature.
    9. Informatics (ICT).

    For each subject, the minimum number of points has been identified and the time frame of the exam is established.

    Thresholds for admission to universities:

    • Social science - 42;
    • Informatics - (ICT) 40;
    • Geography and literature - 38;
    • Russian, physics, chemistry and biology - 36;
    • History - 32;
    • Mathematics - 27;
    • Foreign language - 22.

    For the surrender of mathematics, literature, informatics, physics and social studies is given almost 4 hours. Russian language and history of Russia require 3 hours 30 minutes, and exactly 3 hours released to those who choose a foreign language, biology, geography and chemistry.

    If the result is unsatisfactory

    If you have received an insufficient number of points, do not hurry to lower your hands: there are opportunities to improve the result when you retake at an additional time or appeal. If you did not score minimum points on all selected subjects, then the re-passing is allowed only next year.

    Is it possible to do without additional exams

    It turns out that in most cases it is possible. Previously, the right of its own entrance examinations used 24 Institutes and Universities. Now their amount has decreased dramatically. In 2015, only five higher educational institutions were endowed with the authority to the authority to arrange an additional knowledge test.

    • Moscow State University (at all faculties);
    • SPbSU;
    • MGU them. Kutafina (specialty "Jurisprudence");
    • MGLU ("Translation and Translation");
    • Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University (8 directions, including political science).

    The rest of the universities are prescribed to accept new students on the basis of the outcome of the USE. Choosing the direction of higher education, a graduate of a college or technical school must decide: without additional difficulties to go to the usual expensive, without turning anywhere, or test your knowledge and enroll in any other university.

    Innovations in the order of school students and custody

    Innovations with whom will have to face:

    Bonuses for personal successes

    The innovations of 2015 are not limited to the correction of the procedure of the State Extent.

    The universities were able to "attribute" an appropriate amount of points to its estimates received for the personal merits of the applicant to "attribute".

    For the rules of the GTO add:

    • in Moscow State University - 4;
    • St. Petersburg State University - 3;
    • MGIMO, HSE and MGU - 1.

    Diploma or certificate with honors will give:

    • in Moscow State University - 6;
    • St. Petersburg State University - 1;
    • MGIMO - 3;
    • HSE - 2;
    • MGU - 5.

    And finally, the essay will fall into the odds:

    • in St. Petersburg State University;
    • HSE, MGU, Moscow State University - 10.

    In each university its system "additives" to the results of state certification. The MGPU leadership stated that their university would be added for individual achievements up to 15 points total:

    • for successes in sports - 3;
    • certificate with honors - 2;
    • participation in competitions and Olympiads - 5;
    • essay - 5.

    More information on the number of bonus points can be found on the websites of higher educational institutions.

    The exam is considered an indicator of the success of learning and measure of the level of knowledge, the student in school, college or technical school. For some, this exam seems to be a punishment that cannot be avoided. For others, the opportunity to get a university. For third - a way to choose the best way, for which you will need to go all my life. Will you take to the college of the exam, you decide. Choose.

    More articles on the topic

    How to pass the exam in college

    Since new educational standards have obliged schoolchildren to take exams in the form of a single state test, the entire last year of study Russian eleventh graders and their parents are dedicated to preparing for the delivery of the USE. Do they pass through this test of their peers who went to professional schools after the 9th grade?

    Lee exam in technical school or college

    In a number of colleges and technical schools of our country, the state exam will not be avoided: the students of the first or second course, developing programs of parallel learning, at the end of the school year will be submitted to the USE. After that, they receive a full-fledged certificate about the end of 11 classes.

    This makes it possible to choose from:

    1. Continue training in an average special educational institution.
    2. Enroll in the Institute.

    There are such zeys in which the exams are optional.

    It should not be afraid that the study of special and profiling disciplines will translate preparation for general education subjects. At the beginning of training, special disciplines are given much less time than later, and the emphasis is placed on the school curriculum. The main mandatory subjects remain Russian and mathematics, regardless of the college profile and the specifics of the chosen profession. In the event of a lack of preparation, it makes sense to refer to tutoring or sign up for preparatory courses.

    Do I need to take an exam after college

    This necessity arises from a graduate only in one case: if he decided to change the profession and is going to enter the university completely different direction. For example, after receiving a diploma in economics or accounting, yesterday's student changes dramatically priorities and is going to enter the historical or chemical biological faculty.

    If a graduate intends to continue the study of accounting and economy at the university, then the surrender of a single state exam is optional for him - enough specialized entrance tests, if such are provided for by the rules of recent years. Many colleges provide their student a number of privileges, one of which is enrollment immediately to the third course of a certain institution.

    But each educational norm has specific loopholes:

    • Russians who graduated from the technical school or college of neighboring countries have the right to enter the institute without passing the exam, simply passing the entrance exams.
    • The USE and CIS citizens do not pass, who received a secondary special education corresponding to the university's profile. Residents of Uzbekistan and Georgia need to confirm their diplomas.

    What will have to pass

    Mathematics and Russian language - mandatory items. The choice of other disciplines depends on the specialty. At the request of the applicant, surrender:

    1. Chemistry.
    2. Physics.
    3. History.
    4. Social science.
    5. Geography.
    6. Biology.
    7. Foreign languages \u200b\u200b(oral and written).
    8. Literature.
    9. Informatics (ICT).

    For each subject, the minimum number of points has been identified and the time frame of the exam is established.

    Thresholds for admission to universities:

    • Social science - 42;
    • Informatics - (ICT) 40;
    • Geography and literature - 38;
    • Russian, physics, chemistry and biology - 36;
    • History - 32;
    • Mathematics - 27;
    • Foreign language - 22.

    For the surrender of mathematics, literature, informatics, physics and social studies is given almost 4 hours. Russian language and history of Russia require 3 hours 30 minutes, and exactly 3 hours released to those who choose a foreign language, biology, geography and chemistry.

    If the result is unsatisfactory

    If you have received an insufficient number of points, do not hurry to lower your hands: there are opportunities to improve the result when you retake at an additional time or appeal. If you did not score minimum points on all selected subjects, then the re-passing is allowed only next year.

    Is it possible to do without additional exams

    It turns out that in most cases it is possible. Previously, the right of its own entrance examinations used 24 Institutes and Universities. Now their amount has decreased dramatically. In 2015, only five higher educational institutions were endowed with the authority to the authority to arrange an additional knowledge test.

    • Moscow State University (at all faculties);
    • SPbSU;
    • MGU them. Kutafina (specialty "Jurisprudence");
    • MGLU ("Translation and Translation");
    • Nizhny Novgorod State Linguistic University (8 directions, including political science).

    The rest of the universities are prescribed to accept new students on the basis of the outcome of the USE. Choosing the direction of higher education, a graduate of a college or technical school must decide: without additional difficulties to go to the usual expensive, without turning anywhere, or test your knowledge and enroll in any other university.

    Innovations in the order of school students and custody

    Innovations with whom will have to face:

    Bonuses for personal successes

    The innovations of 2015 are not limited to the correction of the procedure of the State Extent.

    The universities were able to "attribute" an appropriate amount of points to its estimates received for the personal merits of the applicant to "attribute".

    For the rules of the GTO add:

    • in Moscow State University - 4;
    • St. Petersburg State University - 3;
    • MGIMO, HSE and MGU - 1.

    Diploma or certificate with honors will give:

    • in Moscow State University - 6;
    • St. Petersburg State University - 1;
    • MGIMO - 3;
    • HSE - 2;
    • MGU - 5.

    And finally, the essay will fall into the odds:

    • in St. Petersburg State University;
    • HSE, MGU, Moscow State University - 10.

    In each university its system "additives" to the results of state certification. The MGPU leadership stated that their university would be added for individual achievements up to 15 points total:

    • for successes in sports - 3;
    • certificate with honors - 2;
    • participation in competitions and Olympiads - 5;
    • essay - 5.

    More information on the number of bonus points can be found on the websites of higher educational institutions.

    The exam is considered an indicator of the success of learning and measure of the level of knowledge, the student in school, college or technical school. For some, this exam seems to be a punishment that cannot be avoided. For others, the opportunity to get a university. For third - a way to choose the best way, for which you will need to go all my life. Will you take to the college of the exam, you decide. Choose.

    Profdechils and technical schools today are renamed Russia to colleges that provide special education and receiving various professions. College specialization is the most varying, but often choose the most popular directions:

    • service sector;
    • travel business;
    • cooking;
    • specialties related to the sphere of high technology. They do not get them against eleventh graders.

    Not all vocationally retracted to colleges, many closed, among them a large number of construction. The big percentage of vocational school graduates earlier came to MACI (Moscow Engineering - Construction Institute). Working specialties, very necessary in fact, also get problematic (housing and communal services).

    Teachers believe that after colleges (technical schools), the guys come to universities more prepared for student life and independent. A huge plus that already has a specialty. Many have chosen profession forever.

    How objects are taught in college and affect the surrender of the USE in front of the university

    There is one significant amendment here: items are taught as at school, only hours on them are much smaller. Cause - Added objects in the specialty.

    The total number of hours in college is limited. As a result, the quality of knowledge leaves much to be desired, because the program 10 - 11 classes passes in a shortened version. If you want to go to the university, you will have to hire a tutor and get the necessary knowledge in this way.

    In many colleges, items are not taught at such a level so that after it was possible to enter the institute or university, but do not despair. The exam includes far from all the material that is taught in secondary school. The ege can be soldered quite successfully if you begin preparation in advance and gradually tighten the program to the desired level during additional classes.

    Does the US colleges surrender?

    1. In general, yes, graduates can pass this exam. But there are a number of institutions where students deal with their own. According to the new laws, all the disciples who wished to further receive higher education are obliged to pass the exam on the same general reasons that the graduate schoolchildren graduated. 2 main subjects are offered - mathematics and Russian.
    2. After exams in the specialty and delivery of the graduation work, a learner is issued a diploma to receive the average special Education. If the exam is given, then a certificate and certificate of secondary education is issued. Without the presence of a certificate, a document on secondary education (certificate) is issued to be.
    3. Upon arrival, the Commission looks at the level of knowledge primarily. No matter where the applicant studied - at school or has already come with a diploma of SPO.

    Basic information necessary upon admission to university after college

    What you need to know

    Earlier, the college students did not give up. Now the conditions changed and became the same for everyone. It is necessary to pass the USE or internal exams on subjects that the university offers, plus the basic. Rules are the same for basic forms of training: day, full-time, correspondence.

    • If there is a Diploma of the SPO, then the name of the items for which the exams need to be passed is determined by the leadership of the university. But usually the results of the USE or internal exams are required, although they can provide an appreciate items.
    • The Handbook of the university defines an alone for the delivery of a particular subject. For example, if you need to pass mathematics, chemistry and Russian, the order and conditions are: Russian - the results of the exam, mathematics - an internal exam, chemistry - to choose from: an internal exam or the results of the exam.
    • Initially graduated from college and high School Must give the same exams at the selected faculty. But sometimes a specific university at its discretion has the right to appoint another subject to pass a graduate of the college. This is informed by a young man or a girl in advance.
    • The number of objects is given the same for applicants of different groups (and schoolchildren, and graduates of technical schools). The latter can not get to pass more Exams or additional items.
    • The internal exam is invited to usually pass in writing, but a particular university itself makes the necessary tasks and their type. If there is a CPO diploma, then it is allowed to do to get a degree of a specialist or bachelor.

    Important: EG's results are valid for 4 years.

    Is it possible not to take the exam after college and enroll in the university?

    Often, higher educational institutions and colleges conclude treaties among themselves, adopt students only with internal exams. Before submitting documents to college, these questions can be asked and starting to prepare right from the first year.

    If the university does not suit, with whom the contract is concluded, it will have to be held to another Institute or University on the general basis - through the passage of the USE.

    Accelerated program

    A college graduate has advantages in this question before the schoolboy, because he received a specialty and can qualify for accelerated training. The decision, adopt or not some items that the college graduate passed, decides the head of the university and the faculty.

    There are universities that refuse accelerated training, for example, Moscow State University. Naturally, there is a level of knowledge incomparably higher than in college. And this means that all courses will have to be completely. In any case, the graduate must write a statement on the sample, in the deanate it will be taken.

    Why university needs

    If you got a good specialty, try and have achieved high results, as well as firmly confident in choosing future profession, Higher education will help you find the best job.

    1. Often for a good job with prospects career growth Do not take because there is no higher education.
    2. There are options when in the process of work it is necessary to get a higher degree than just a Diploma SPO. In this case, you need to go on correspondence form or evening compartment. Convenient, because you can work in parallel and getting a work experience.

    What to pay attention to when choosing a university

    Threaten well think about how to link your further career activities. When choosing a university and specialty, such factors need to be considered.

    1. What preparatory program In stock - directions.
    2. Level of teachers, titles, scientific degrees, regalia.
    3. Informational support of education, its level.
    4. Mandatory presence of modern material and technical base In the university.
    5. Ties with other countries in the world, the ability (depending on the specialty) to go to the internship abroad.
    6. What a scholarship and social security, the presence of a hostel.
    7. The level of cultural and sports life in the university.

    If you know exactly where they decided to do, and chose a specialty, you can sign up for the 3rd course of college on the preparatory courses, where to get acquainted closer with the teaching staff, future alignments, as well as go on a tour of the university.


    • In the Higher Educational Institution after a technical school, vocational school (college) is desirable, because good education is a necessary condition in many companies and enterprises.
    • Studying in college, you can pass the exam in the first courses and get a certificate of secondary education, and you can pass the exam at the end of the last course.
    • It is possible to start training at the university a year before admission to tighten the knowledge.

    After college or technical school have changed much. Applicants with secondary vocational education (SPO) no longer qualify for enrollment only by one testing or interview. But some special conditions still remained. In the article we will tell you more about them and everything you need to know the incoming.

    The university independently determines the form of entrance tests

    What should I take?

    Here you have the right to choose. You can provide the results of the USE or pass the introductory tests in the university. The amount of internal tests corresponds to the number of exams that school graduates are passed. Most often it is 3-4 secondary subjects exam.

    From the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 14.10.2015 No. 1147:

    "When receiving persons entering undergraduate programs and the programs of the specialist in the database vocational education, organization of higher education can replace general educational testsestablished by order N 1204 as entrance tests on the choice of educational organization of higher education, and (or) additional entrance tests other introductory testsconducted by the organization higher education alone.»

    If you enter the same direction that was in college, the university has the right to replace one general educational subject. For example, on economic specialties replaced the social science by comprehensive testing, which includes questions on accounting, taxation, financing and banking.

    Some specialties provide creative tests. This type of exams can expect you to expect in a number of areas, such as design, architecture, musical and theater art, television, etc.

    All exams are estimated on a 100-point system. According to the test results, you will participate in the overall competition on equal graduates. You also have the right to use the results of the EGE simultaneously with the delivery of internal exams.Decide need when applying. You have the right to choose only during the first year after graduating from college.

    For example, to enroll after college in state University MEI, you need to dial only the minimum passing score. To prepare K. entrance exams, College graduates and technical schools can hand over a test online exam for free. This will allow not only to evaluate your level of knowledge and familiarize yourself with the model examination tasks, but also obtain a recommendation certificate for admission after college to the university.

    On the university website you can find examples of tasks for internal exams

    Is it possible to study on an accelerated program?

    After college, you have the right to enter the shortened type of training in the university. At the same time, you will be enrolled in the 1st course, and not on the 2-3rd. The transition to an accelerated program in most universities is possible only in the learning process. To do this, write a statement about translation. The decision remains for educational institution. In case of a positive response, you will be drawn up individual plan learning, which is designed for 3-3.5 years instead of 4-5.

    The accelerated program is not provided in all universities. Specify this question before submitting documents. Some colleges collaborate with certain higher educational institutions. If there is such a contract, it is much easier to enter the university on the abbreviated form of learning. Find out in your college about such an opportunity.

    Choosing a specialized training program, graduates of colleges and technical schools can enroll on an accelerated training program at the State University. It does not matter whether your college cooperates with this university, or not. Reducing learning time is available for anyone who comes by profile.

    What form of learning to do?

    You have the right to enter any form of training available at the university. Since you already have a profession, you can combine study and work. To do this, choose absentee, evening or remote form.

    If you stopped at absentee form, look for the organization for work, which is ready to let you go several times a year at the session. Otherwise, you will have to spend your vacation.

    How to do: Step-by-step instructions

    We give for you a complete actions algorithm

    Step 1. Find a suitable university

    At this stage, you need to decide on the educational institution. Find out if your college has universities partners. Think well, if you want to continue learning for the selected specialty or want to change the direction. On the website of the institution, find out the dates of submission of documents and the exam list.

    Step 2. Prepare for exams

    In some universities, preparatory courses are organized. They will help to pass internal exams. If you decide to do the results of the USEDo not forget - the application for participation should be filed no later than February 1.

    Step 3. Submit documents

    You have the right to file documents in 5 universities, 3 directions in each. A special right to admission can be used only in one of them. You need to provide:

    • a document confirming personality;
    • copy or original college diploma;
    • 2 photos 3 x 4;
    • documents confirming special rights and individual achievements;
    • medical certificate (if required);
    • military ticket if you are military-net.

    Specify the full list on the site of a particular university. Please note if you pass internal exams, the reception of documents ends earlier (July 7-10).

    Step 4. Pass the introductory tests

    Exam Schedule Find out on the website of the university or in reception Commission. If the dates match in different universities, find out whether it is possible to pass in reserve days. Some institutions allow for delivery in reserve days only in the presence of a valid reason (diseases, for example). Find out these moments in advance.

    Step 5. Submit the originals

    If you filed documents into several universities, do not miss the end date of the originals. Follow the competitive lists (a single contest for all incoming), the scripts can be brought to the first or second wave of crediting. You will participate in the general competition with graduates of schools.

    Learn at the university after college is much easier

    Upon admission to the university you have the same rights as graduates of the school. If you are credited to the budget, you can count on a scholarship and hostel (although payments will be lower than that of school graduates). And after graduation, you will have 2 professions and 2 diplomas, which will increase your demand in the labor market.