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  • Festival of Interdistrict Board Directors

    Festival of Interdistrict Board Directors

    On November 18, 2017, the Interdistrict Board of Directors No. 30 of the Ragon, Chertanovo North, Chertanovo Central, Chertanovo South took the relay in the festival. This year the theme of the festival is "Oh, Sport, you are the world!".

    Specialists of the territorial branch of "Chertanovo" of the city psychological and pedagogical center accepted active participation In the festival.

    There were several interactive sites at once, at which experts were demonstrated by unique technologies using sports equipment when working with children with ABS, as well as developing and cognitive classes. The smallest guests of the territorial office was interesting to visit the "Smart Montessori environment" platform, the purpose of which was to demonstrate to teachers and parents a unique environment that promotes the formation of a healthy personality of a child. Pedagogue additional education Osipova N.K. Showed the guys how to explore this world alone. It was fun and interesting in the interactive lesson "Logritic". Teacher-logoped Masanova A.N. Demonstrated that mobile music games contribute to the development of auditory attention and preschoolers.

    For students elementary school A separate platform was opened, the purpose of which is to strengthen mental health Through motor activity using neurocorrection methods. Teachers of the territorial separation "Chertanovo" Shevchenko D.M. and Makashova L.A. set up guys real tests aimed at development cognitive activity, dexterity, skill work in a team.

    As part of the project "Golden Key" project, Silchenko's specialists, MG, Petrosyan S.V. And Shevchenko V.A. Invited guests to travel to the amazing and exciting world of space. Children learned to set a goal, find ways to achieve it, as well as manage their body, overcome various obstacles.

    On the unique interactive platform of the "territory of interaction" by teachers of Bobkov L.N., Budnevich G.N., Vasilyeva N.A., Ryzhikova E.I., Glapa, M.A. The ideas of tolerance towards children were demonstrated. limited features Health. Guests - students primary classes and teachers of various generals educational organizationsThey were able to get acquainted with how they perceive and feel this world of their peers with various peculiarities of health.

    And at this time, the "Wise Parent" platform was organized for all parents, where the teachers Borisenko M.P. and Moiseeva V.A. They answered all current issues related to the development, education and training of children.

    Socialized guests Social teacher Kurakina MA

    Everyone who visited our sites was able to obtain an individual consultation on the organization of the activities of the City Psychological and Pedagogical Center in the senior methodist Abramova O.V. and Methodist Pisareva M.V.

    A friendly team that Chertanovo received a lot of positive feedback from parents and from representatives of educational organizations.

    On the territory of the Interdistrict Board of Directors of Schools of Vykhino, Zhulebino, Ryazan, Nekrasovka, December 16, 2017, the festival "Our General Opportunities - Our General Results" took place.

    The purpose of the festival: Demonstration of opportunities and results of all educational organizations in IDGC over the past 5 years.


    • creation of a single sociocultural environment;
    • coordination of the content of work in education management;
    • consolidation of the parent community;
    • Development modern forms presentation of the results of educational organizations Muscovites.

    Our 18th Interdistrict Board of Directors of Educational Organizations on all platforms has demonstrated multifaceted opportunities: educational and extracurricular achievements, educational opportunities, introduced everyone to those who are provided with additional services that are provided in educational institutions Interdistrict.

    Our school is just like others educational institutions Interdrade, took an active part in the festival. We have prepared an extensive program that employees and students of our school were represented in each school building, on three sites.

    To participate in the festival, which was held in our school number 1793, we invited all the inhabitants of the neighborhood Zhulebino: students, parents, grandparents, as well as everyone, wondering what's new happening in our school.The plan of events, time and venue were posted on the School website in advance so that every wishes could choose and visit the events that are most interesting to him.

    At the opening of the festival, a sum of students and participants of the theater studio "Four Quarters" were performed at the festival, as part of the festival, creative exhibitions of our teachers and students worked, a presentation of design and research works, sports sections and creative teams were held. Festival "Our General Opportunities - Our Great Results" is not only master classes, interactive exhibitions, open lessons, performances of students and teachers, it starts new educational projects, Demonstration of the results of the school.

    All those present at the festival were able to make sure that modern Moscow schools are a reliable education system in which the most modern educational and educational technologies. We thank the teachers of the school corps number 1 and No. 2, pre-school corps No. 3 and No. 4 for the high level of preparation and holding of the festival "Our General Opportunities are our general results."

    The festival becomes a good tradition. High attendance of our school buildings by guests, confirms that the inhabitants of our city support and approve this undertaking.

    More photos of the festival on the basis of the school corps number 1 can be seen

    More photos of the festival on the basis of the school corps number 2 can be seen

    On the basis of the school corps No. 5 festival platforms represented: preschool building No. 6, preschool corps number 7 and school corps No. 5.Parents who came to the festival with children of different ages were invited to take part in the work of more than 40 sites. And parents responded with great interest and participated in all the activities that demonstrated the possibilities and performance of the educational organization.

    All guests of the festival on the porch of the school welcomed the group of students, who performed the song - an invitation for a holiday.In the premises of the school corps No. 5, active activity was boiling. On the first floor began its work charitable fair of crafts and baking, the action "Center of kindness," the exhibitions were settled fine art, Decorative and applied creativity, Hobby Show - photos and collections. In the actual hall, the guests saw a creative representation of the teams of additional education "Cheerful notes" and "rhythmoplasty". In class cabinets held interesting open training classes and extracurricular activities, master classes, laboratories, educational and leisure activities for future first-graders and school students.

    The festival acquires a special value from the fact that many master classes and classes themselves conduct schoolchildren themselves, and as "students" are students of junior classes and parents!All those wishing were able to visit the excursion to the School Museum of Combat Glory 108-Chap, to participate in creative workshops on dancing, theatrical art, visit the exhibition-living room "Family Library Long-List".

    An introductory demonstration of the possibilities of the "Moscow Electronic School" was held in the computer science office. Site listeners learned about MASS and now the introduction of the project in school Program It will be much faster!For young activists of classes and all interested council of the student self-government SK No. 5, together with the Coordinator of the Center for Interaction with the Us Yuvao authorities, conducted a school of the Asset School - the business game "Solution" on the basics of the command formation.

    Sign in the skills and skills of survival were the disciples and parents at the School of Safety in the Small Gym. Then an open occupation of the UNARMEY DVY Detachment was held, which gathered a very large number of interested, both parents and students.Sports work presented on the sites "Funny starts", "Volleyball" - parents and children were actively competed on them. "Snow Trail" on the street gathered lovers of sports orientation.

    Pedaggers of the Preschool Corps number 7 invited everyone to the Russian folklore's cheerful street program with games, songs and dances.For those who love calm, mind games The platform "in the world of board games" was organized.Also at the festival could be advised by the psychologist, to visit open class For children with ABS, in the classroom of the speech therapy group.

    During the festival, the team of teachers, parents, students and guests committed a big good business - they took part in a large charitable fair and gathered donations to the Charitable Foundation "Give Life" in the amount of 89135 rubles. In addition, during the action "Center of kindness", gifts were collected for children undergoing treatment - "courses of courage", the necessary things and money, our wards of children from Lyubertsy home and the elderly were forgotten - the wards of the royal home boarding school and BF "Old age in joy."

    And numerous confectionery with the fair were glad to be eaten under fragrant hot tea from samovar!

    The festival gathered a very large number of participants - our big team of parent, children's and pedagogical community. It's really unique opportunity for parents and students themselves get acquainted with the spectrum of educational and educational directions The activities that the school provides them. Together move in one direction - the main goal and the result of this event.

    Thanks to the teachers. SK №5, DK №6 and DC No. 7 for the excellent organization of the work of festival sites, for active participation - parents and children!

    Just forward and just together!

    More photos of the festival on the basis of the school corps number 5 can be seen


    Already, no first year, the Department of Education of the city of Moscow holds the relay of the festivals of the Directors of Interdistrict Councils. The main objective of the project is to establish effective cooperation between pedagogical teams and the parent community to create a comfortable sociocultural environment in the field of education.

    All educational organizations MRSD №35 held this Saturday "Day open doors": Demonstrated educational opportunities and additional services of their institutions!

    GBOU "School № 2098"

    The festival began with the meeting director of the school perfilova N.R. With residents of the district, parents, grandparents and grandparents. Maurushina O.A. - Chairman of the PPO of the School, teacher of biology held a master class "First Medical Assistance". Guests were able to take part in such events as: "For the exam in the whole family" (OGE, Russian), Robothoterra Robototechnical platform, a virtual reality laboratory (master class on the PC assembly) and much more!

    GBOU "School" 1794 "

    There was a lot of interesting things in school No. 1794 "Territory of Success". The "Culinary Show" site was visited, where Aivazov A.R. - Chairman of the PPO MRSD No. 35, Chairman of the School PPO, Teacher Technology held a master - Class "Culinary Studio - Finger Light". Parents and students acquainted with national dishes of various nations.

    GBOU "SCHOOL № 222

    Director of School No. 222 Baskakova N.A. I made an assembly hall with information about the events held and invited the audience to take part in them. Zolotoeva E.Yu. - Chairman of the PPO of the School, the teacher held a master - class "Learn and learn from the new one" (the possibilities of Masse Muscovites, instructions for the use of training to work with the library of electronic materials).

    GBOU "School No. 1678

    On the basis of school No. 1678, the district stage of the International Competition - the Easter Egg festival was held. Director of the School of Vostrikova M.V. He said that the purpose of the competition is the acquisition of children and adolescents to Orthodox culture, to the traditions of folk art. In this competition, the chairman of PPO Yarosh E.V. And the Deputy Chairman of the PPO Yeremenko L.N., who held a master - a class of painting "Easter eggs". The plot of this was held on TV channel "Moscow 24"!

    GBOU "School No. 1125"

    At School No. 1125, everyone could choose and visit interests. The organizers told about drawing techniques on water, sand therapy and much more. Savenkova A.N. - Chairman of the School's PPO took an active part in this. Real passions were boiled in the school canteen, where she was "culinary duel" and in the gym Holiday "Dad, Mom, I am a sports family" among family teams.

    GBOU "School No. 1383"

    As part of the festival, School No. 1383 took all the wishing to familiarize themselves with the master classes in various directions created by the educators of the institution: the competition "Battle of Robots", master class "Oratory", "Fitness brain", a tour of the Museum of History and the Development of Marine Aviation . An active part in the events adopted the Chairman of the School PPO, the teacher of English language Pevneva L.A.

    GBOU "School" Beskudnikovo "

    On the "Day of the Open Doors" at the School "Beskudnikovo" "Choosing a school - choose the future" Interactive classes, creative workshops, bold innovative forms educational activities. Mitykin B.V. Chairman of the PPO of the School, the teacher held a master - a class of swimming "Generation Tournament".

    TPO SAO thanks all the chairmen of the PPO for an active part in the festival interdistrict.

    October 29, on Saturday, at six district sites - the Cultural Center "Zelenograd", NEU "Moscow Institute of Electronic Engineering", MGPU, KP "Development of Zelenograd", the Zelenograd Palace of Creativity of Children and Youth, Gymnasium No. 1528 - The Festival of the Interdistrict Board of Directors will be held Educational organizations Zelo "Our common opportunities are our general results."

    Ceremony solemn discovery held in the Cultural Center "Zelenograd" (Central Square, House 1) in 10.00 .

    Representatives of the Federation and State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Department of Education of the City of Moscow, Zelo Prefectures, the Russian Movement of Schoolchildren, Educational Organizations of the Capital and the Moscow Region, are invited to participate in the solemn ceremony.

    During the day, the organizers invite Zelenograds and guests of the city to take part in the work of the festival.

    "Immersion ..." into the atmosphere of creativity and creativity

    Location:Cultural Center "Zelenograd", Central Square, D.1.

    Working hours:from 10.00 to 16.00.

    First Zelenograd Festival of Books and Creativity "Batiskof": Presentations book novelties, competitive events, autograph sessions, lectures and discussion platforms, performances, master classes and creative workshops, interactive events and submissions, poetic readings and performances of musicians.

    "Be ready!"

    Location: Zelenograd Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, Columbus Square, D.1

    Working hours: from 11.30 to 13.30

    A variety of master classes from Polytechnic College No. 50. Military-patriotic clubs, volunteer and local history movement, school museums and school press. GTO. Chess and checkers. Concert of creative teams. The game "Stopwatch" for the leaders of student self-government, representatives of school public associations and organizations - familiarity with the key areas of activity of the Russian movement of schoolchildren.

    "Only forward!"

    Location:Moscow State pedagogical University (MGPU), Corp. 425A.

    Working hours:from 12.00 to 15.00

    Playground for the most young participants educational process - Children aged 5-7 years and their parents: a scientific and educational game program (Quest) "Wonderful", or adventures in the houses on the trees ", as well as the lecturer" how to grow a healthy child "and" how knowledge is born ", which will hold Doctor of Medical Sciences, Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation L. Denisov and Doctor pedagogical Sciences, Professor, Honored Teacher of the Russian Federation, Director of School No. 1151 I.Agapov.

    "Work in the rhythm!"

    Location:NiU Maeth, Squaine Square, D.1

    Working hours:from 10.30 to 17.30

    VII Fair of scientific and technical ideas and projects of Youth "Rhythm Zelenograd" and an exhibition of achievements of the Science and Industry of Zelenograd. Presentation of the activities of the Center for Technological Support for Education (CTPO) and Centers of Youth Innovative Creativity (TSMIT), school opportunities as part of the sale of urban innovative projects "Engineering class", "Medical class", "School of new technologies", "Kurchatov project". Extensive scientific and educational program in the framework of the University Saturday project. And this is not all: you are waiting for interactive scientific shows, master classes and scientific rides!

    "Hold the pace!"

    Location:gymnasium № 1528, building 864

    Working hours:from 12.00 to 15.00

    Zelenograd is the territory of equal opportunities. Sports and intellectual competitions with the participation of children with disabilities "Parafest - 2016", including "Tank biathlon", as well as dance flash mob, interactive and board games. Before the beginning of the competition, Zelenograd athletes and schoolchildren who are studying for inclusive education programs will demonstrate their achievements.

    "Time does not wait!"

    Location:KP "Development Corporation Zelenograd", ul. Youth, D.8.

    Working hours: from 11.00 to 14.00

    Acquaintance of high school students of the Zelenograd schools with trends in the development of modern technical professions, professional orientation in engineering education involving small innovative enterprises of the district, the development and presentation of mini-projects is "the profession of the future. What is she? ", Quest" Profession-2031 ".

    Also in the festival program: from 12.00 to 14.00 - Days of open doors in Zelenograd schools.

    Thus, the festival will come to every Zelenograd microdistrict, "the organizers say.