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  • The rational and efficient use of natural resources is due. Natural resources and ways of their rational use. Environmental principles of resource use

    The rational and efficient use of natural resources is due. Natural resources and ways of their rational use. Environmental principles of resource use

    Federal Agency for Education

    State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education

    "Perm State Technical University"

    Essay by ecology

    "Natural resources and ways of their rational use"

    Performed student: Group SDMZ - 05, Vasilyev A.V.

    Checked the Lecturer: Ilyina G.V.

    Perm 2009

    Natural resources and ways of their rational use

    Natural resources are natural resources, the body and the forces of nature, which at a given level of development of productive forces and learning can be used to meet the needs of human society.

    Natural resources are an important part of the national wealth of the country and the source of the creation of material goods and services.

    Society cannot develop without consumption natural resources. To meet your needs, people organize economic activities. The basis of economic activity is the production. Production goals may be different. But whatever the objectives and principles of social development the emergence of contradictions between man and nature, between production and natural ecological systems inevitably.

    It is worth bringing some important facts:

      With the development of society, people's needs are growing. The development of production is unthinkable without the use of nature and its diverse resources.

      At the same time, only 10% of the resource is used to produce the final product.

      In front of humanity, the task of reasonable, rational nature management was inappropriate, allowing to satisfy the life needs of people in combination with the protection and reproduction of the medium.

    Any natural resource has some other potential that can be involved in the production process. The size of this potential is determined by the possibility of integrated use of the natural resource, as well as its renewability or non-renewability.

    In general, all resources can be divided into exhausted and inexhaustible. For an abstract, it is more important to consider exhausted resources.

    Exhausted natural resources - resources reduced as they are used. Most of the types of natural resources refers to exhausted natural resources that are divided into renewable and non-renewable natural resources.

    Renewable resources are natural resources whose reserves are or are restored faster than those used, or not depend on whether they are used or not.

    Non-renewable resources - resources that are not restored independently and not restored artificially. Unfigured resources include main minerals.

    For those and other resources there are ways for rational use.

    The essence of the rational use of renewable natural resources is that it is necessary to consume as much as the year as a year of this resource is formed. Excessive resource consumption is accompanied by its reduction, and with long-term unnecessary intensive operations can cause its degradation.

    The essence of the rational use of non-renewable natural resources is that they can be repeatedly included in the resource cycle. This will lead to an increase in the share of the resource used useful.

    Resource cycle - exchange of substance, energy and information between natural systems, as well as natural systems and society.

    Of course, I agree with the general opinion: you need to do something. Undoubtedly, our country, thanks to its huge area, is rich in natural resources. But how we use them, causes bewilderment and indignation. How so? Not only are we using with benefit only 10% of what we are so expensive, so also the remaining 90% do not just disappear, but form waste. There are two very serious problems. And these problems can be solved using the already invented methods referred to below.

    In modern industrial ecology and, accordingly, there are important concepts of "low-waste" and "waste-free technologies".

    Low room technology - Intermediate stage before creating waste-free technology, implying the approximation of the technological process to a closed cycle. With low-waste technology, harmful effects on environment does not exceed the level allowed by sanitary bodies. Some of the raw materials still turn into waste and exposed to long-term storage or disposal.

    Received technology - Technology implying the most rational use of natural resources and energy in production, providing environmental protection.

    In order to protect the environment, the work of industrial enterprises should be organized in such a way that the formed waste turns into new products. It is worth noting that now in Russia mostly the enterprise work under the formula: products - waste. The process of approaching production to waste-free technology should be characterized by the ratio of the amount of useful raw materials and energy, to the total expenditures of raw materials and energy.

    The processes of introducing low-waste and waste-free industries are aimed at creating the following schemes and modes of production:

      comprehensive schemes allowing to maximize all the ingredients of raw materials and ensuring compliance with the MPC of harmful substances in the outgoing streams.

      circuits with full water circulation, allowing you to drastically reduce the need of enterprises in fresh water.

      energy technological schemes with recycling reaction utilization, as a result of which some production turns from power consumption in power producing;

      technological modes providing high quality production that can be used more efficiently and longer periods.

      the type of product and the corresponding production process must be selected to raw materials, with the aim of its integrated use.

      it is necessary to develop successive chains of production processes in which waste of one production would serve as raw materials for another. This principle ensures the transition from an open system of production and environmental relations to the recycling system.

    The implementation of these measures will reduce the total consumption of raw materials and energy in industry. The use of low-waste and waste-free technologies will allow not only to solve the problem of the environment, but also at the same time will ensure the economic efficiency of production.


    Since the society is developing, the needs of natural resources are growing, and, accordingly, the consumption of natural resources is growing. At this time, the society of our country does not lack natural resources. It is logical, since there are a lot of resources and grabs them at all. But will it always be so? Of course, not always. And this becomes clear at least from the fact that we use only 10% of the resource, and the rest are throwing out and we get waste. We ourselves causing exhaustion of natural resources. But us until it cares, because, I repeat, we do not have a lack of natural resources.

    But what will be our children, grandchildren and grandpands? After all, they should also think about them. After all, we follow the strategy of sustainable development. If we are fine, then our descendants should have exactly too. But judging by the way we casually seek that it gives us nature, can not be any sustainable development and speech.

    It is worth thinking. Environmentalists around the world are truded that we are irrational use natural resources, and this will not lead to anything good, and information on how to fix the current situation, plenty of books, magazines and the Internet. So why then nothing happens?

    I do not understand. No minuses, solid pluses. But nothing is done. After all, it would be better to use resources several times, not to receive waste, but new products or for your own, or for someone else's production. Look, less waste, discharges, emissions, which means that the enterprise pays less pollution formed, there are no more fines, since the contamination does not exceed permissible concentrations, there are no problems with places of waste disposal, the population is pretty that they are no longer etal. The image of the enterprise is growing on the world arena, the price of products in the global market is increasing. Everyone is happy and thought about the descendants. And with all this uses exactly so many resources as you can use. That is, here it is the rational use of natural resources.

    Perhaps this is just utopia, that is, what I really want, but not to achieve, but why do you write so much about it? If they write, it means that it is already somewhere somewhere.

    So then what does it interfere with?


      Ecology and environmental management. Tutorial / Ed. Alesskina A.A. - M.: Infra-M, 2003.

      Abstract of lectures on ecology, Department of OOS,

      http. :// ru. wikipedia.. org./ wiki./ Capital_Straist,

      http. :// www.. iN.4 rex. ru/ dictionary,

    The main environmental principles of rational environmental management

    All of the above makes it take an unambiguous conclusion: both non-renewable and renewable resources of the planet are not infinite, and the more intensive it is used, the less these resources remain the following generations. Therefore, the adoption of decisive measures on the rational use of natural wealth is universally required. The era of the coalded exploitation of nature by man ended, biosphere

    In dire need of protection, and natural resources should be preserved and spent economically.

    The basic principles of such an attitude towards natural resources are set out in the international document "The Concept of Sustainable Economic Development"

    Adopted at the Second World UN Conference on OOS in Rio de Janeiro in 1992 (see also topic 7).

    Regarding inexhateable resources

    The "Concept of Sustainable Economic Development" of development strongly requires return to their universal use and where it is possible that the replacement of non-renewable resources to inexhaustible. First of all, this concerns the energy industry.

    Previously mentioned solar panels. While their efficiency

    Not very high, but it is a purely technical task, and in the future it will undoubtedly be successfully solved.

    A promising source of energy, as already mentioned, is the wind, and on the plain open seaside territories, the use of modern "windmills" turns out to be very appropriate.

    With the help of hot natural sources, you can not only treat many diseases, but also to pull at home. As a rule, all difficulties of applying inexhaustible resources are not included in the principal possibilities of their use, but in technological problems that you have to decide.

    In relation to non-renewable resources in the "Concept of Sustainable Economic Development", it is said that their prey should be made regulatory, i.e. Reduce the rates of extracting minerals from the subsoil. The world community will have to abandon the race for leadership for the extraction of one or another natural resource, the main thing is not the amount of the extracted resource, but the effectiveness of its use. This means a completely new approach to the problem of mining of minerals: it is necessary to extract not as much as every country can, and as much as it is necessary for the sustainable development of the global economy. Of course, the world community will not come to this approach, for decades will be required to implement it.

    For modern Russia

    Mineral resources form the basis of its economy. Of course, first of all, it is oil and natural gas. More than 17% of world oil is mined in Russia, up to 25% of natural gas, 15% coal. The main problem with their extraction is incomplete extraction from the subsoil: oil from the well is reset at best by 70%, coal - no more than 80%. These are losses in mining, then there are no less large losses in recycling.

    It is necessary to create and introduce new technologies to increase the share of extracted oil, coal, metal ores. Naturally, it needs considerable funds. In our country multiplies the number of "non-prospective" flooded mines, which, with a skillful operation, could still have to give products abandoned in the oil wells and drilling tundra (cheaper than driving new, to quickly dip the costs and swing, download, then throw, leaving Subsons of more than 30% of fossil).

    The task of more complete extraction from the bowels is adjacent to the other - the integrated use of mineral raw materials. As a rule, no metal is found in nature alone. Analysis of some Ural RUD

    It has shown that besides the main mined metal (for example, copper), they contain a large number of rare and scattered elements, and their cost often exceeds the value of the main material. Nevertheless, this valuable raw material remains very often in dumps due to the lack of technology to extract.

    The next ecological problem of the mining complex is that it has become one of the largest sources of pollution and disorders. In places of mineral mining, as a rule, forests, herbal cover, soil suffer. If production is carried out in the tundra (and most of our underground riches are in high-incidents), then nature is forced to heal the wounds received from people. So, the principles of the EOS require from nature user when carrying out mining:

    maximum extraction from the depths of minerals and their rational use;

    integrated extraction not one, and all components contained in ores;

    ensuring the safety of the natural environment in the areas of mining;

    safe for people's work;

    preventing contamination of the subsoil with underground storage of oil, gas and other materials.

    For renewable resources

    The "Concept of Sustainable Economic Development" requires that their operation be made at least within the framework of simple reproduction, and their total amount has not been reduced over time. In the language of ecologists, it means: how much did the nature of the renewable resource (for example, forests), so much and return (in the form of forest s). In Russia, over the past 15 years, the volume of the noise has increased repeatedly (wood is one of the budget revenues), and the forest strokes during this period were not carried out at all. At the same time, two- or three-time forests are required to restore forests after the wheel: forests grow slowly, for full reproduction of the reprimand, i.e. Forest suitable for industrial use is required 35-40 years.

    Relationship and protection require land resources

    . More than half of the land fund of Russia is in the zone of permafrost; The land of agricultural purposes in the Russian Federation occupy only about 13% of the area, and these areas are reduced annually as a result of erosion (destruction of the fertile layer), inappropriate use (for example, for the construction of cottages), forgoing, holding mining (on the site of agricultural land. Industrial deserts arise ). To protect against erosion use:

    forest protection strips;

    plowing without turning the reservoir;

    in hilly areas - plowing across the slopes and land for lands;

    control grazing.

    Violated, contaminated land can be restored, this process is called reclamation

    . Such recovered lands can be used in four directions: for agricultural use, under the forest, under artificial water bodies and under housing or capital construction. Recultivation consists of two stages: mining (preparation of territories) and biological (planting trees and disposal cultures, such as perennial herbs, technical cereals of legumes).

    Among the most important environmental problems Modernity refers to the protection of water resources

    . It has been previously said that in terms of freshwater sources (including glaciers) constitute only 3% of the hydrosphere, and 97% fall on the world ocean. It is difficult to overestimate the role of the ocean in the life of the biosphere, which carries out the process of self-purification of water in nature with the help of the plankton living in it; the stabilizing climate of the planet, being in constant dynamic equilibrium with the atmosphere; producing huge biomass. But for life and economic activity, a person needs fresh water. The rapid growth of the population of the planet and the rapid development of the global economy led to a shortage of fresh water not only in traditionally arid countries, but also in those that were recently considered quite secured water. Almost all sectors of the economy, except for sea transport and fisheries, fresh water is required. Why is it lacking? When creating reservoirs, the stock of rivers has greatly decreased and evaporation and exhaustion of water bodies increased. Large water volumes requires agriculture to irrigation, and evaporation is also increasing; huge amounts spent in industry; Six-billion humanity for life support also uses fresh water. Finally, one of the most important problems of modernity is pollution - both the world's ocean, and freshwater sources. Currently spent wastewater Contaminate more than a third of the entire world river flow. The conclusion from the total one said: hard savings are needed and preventing its pollution.

    Today you can find many scientific articles, abstracts and other literature on the topic of natural resources and their use. It is worth trying to disclose this topic as simple as possible and specifically. What is meant by this concept? Why are you needed, how are natural resources, ecology and people are connected? Let's try to figure out these questions.

    basic information

    Part of natural resources is used by man directly - air, drinking water. Another part serves as raw materials for industry or enters the agricultural cycle or animal husbandry. For example, oil is not only an energy and source of fuel and lubricants, but also the most valuable raw materials for the chemical industry. From the components of this resource make plastic, varnishes, rubber. Oil refining products are widely used not only in industry, but also in medicine, and even in cosmetology.

    Natural resources are chemical substances, as well as their combinations, such as gas, oil, coal, ore. Also this is fresh and sea water, atmospheric air, animal and vegetable world (forests, animals, fish, cultivated and suitable for cultivation of the Earth (soils)). And also under this concept, physical phenomena are implied - wind energy, solar radiation, geothermal energy, tides, lowers. Everything that is somehow used by humanity for life and progress.

    An assessment and analysis of the state of the elements described above are carried out on the basis of geography and geology data through economic calculation. Control over the rationality and security of the use of federal resources is carried out by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

    Classification by origin

    Biological resources are living organisms of oceans and sushi, animals, plants, microorganisms (including the microflora of the seas and oceans). Closed ecosystems of individual regions, reserves, recreational zones.
    . Resources of mineral origin - mining ore, granites, quartz deposits, clays. All that contains a lithosphere and what is available for use by man as a raw material or energy source.
    . Energy Natural Resources is physical processes, such as tide energy, sunlight, wind energy, thermal energy of terrestrial subsoil, as well as atomic and mineral energy sources.

    Classification by method of using man

    Land fund - cultivated or suitable for cultivation in the future. Earth is not agricultural purposes, namely, the territories of cities, transport connections, industrial purposes (career, etc.).
    . Forest Fund - Forest or Territory planned under the landing of forests. Forestry is at the same time wood source for human needs and the method of maintaining the biosphere ecological equilibrium. It is on control of such a service as the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.
    . Water resources - water in surface water bodies and groundwater. This refers to fresh water, suitable for human biological needs and the water of the seas and oceans. World water resources are inextricably linked with federal.
    . The resources of the animal world are fish and land inhabitants whose rational fishery should not disturb the ecological balance of the biosphere.
    . Minerals - here include ore and other resources earth crustAvailable for raw material or energy use. The Department of Natural Resources is monitored by the rational use of natural resources of this class.

    Classification for reassembly

    Inexhaustible - solar radiation energy, geothermal energy, tidal energy and river energy as a driving force of hydroelectric power plants. This also includes wind energy.
    . Exhausted, but renewable and conditionally renewable. These natural resources are animal and vegetable world, soil fertility, fresh water and clean air.
    . Exhausted and non-renewable resources. All useful fossils - oil, gas, mineral ores, etc. The most important for the survival of humanity, the deficit or disappearance of certain resources may threaten the existence of civilization in the form in which we know it and lead to the death of most of humanity. Therefore, the protection of natural resources and environmental safety is controlled at such a high level as the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources.

    Does human activity affect the state of natural resources?

    The use of natural resources by man leads to the depletion of reserves not only minerals, but also the biosphere of the Earth, and the loss of biological diversity. Biosphere natural resources relate to renewable and can be restored both naturally and with human participation (forest landing, restoration of the fertile soil layer, water and air). Is it possible to avoid irreparable nature damage? This should take into account the features that natural resources have, and the conditions for preserving environmental equilibrium. Create and maintain national parks, reserves, reserves, support the biological diversity of species and the preservation of the gene pool in research centers, botanical gardens, etc.

    Why is the security necessary?

    The change of geological era and evolutionary processes have always affected the species diversity both flora and fauna on the planet (for example, dynosaur extinction). But due to the active activities of a person over the past 400 years, more than 300 species of animals and plants disappeared from the face of the Earth. To date, more than a thousand species are under threat of extinction. It is obvious that the protection of natural resources is not just the protection of rare species of animals and plants, but also the most important task for the life of humanity itself. After all, as a result of the environmental disaster, not only the number of types of living beings may change, and the climate will suffer. Therefore, it is necessary to maximize the habitat of wild species during the construction of cities and the development of farmland, limit fishing fish and hunting to the restoration of populations. Environmental protection and elements inherent in it - one of essential taskswhich is performed by the Ministry of Natural Resources.

    State of land and forest fund, world and federal

    Over 85% of food, people are obtained as a result of agriculture. Earth used as meadows and pastures provide about 10% of food. The rest comes from the world's ocean. In our country, about 90% of food products are obtained on the cultivated lands, and this is considering that the land (fields, gardens, plantations) accounts for a little more than 11% of the land foundation.

    The forests play an important role in the cycles of evaporation and falling out of precipitation, carbon dioxide cycle, retain the soil from erosion, regulate groundwater levels and much more. Therefore, the wasteful use of natural resources, namely forest, will lead to a reduction in forestry fund. Despite this, forest arrays are lost with greater speed than they are restored by landing of young trees. The forest is cut down under the development of agricultural land, for construction, obtain wood as raw materials and as fuel. In addition, fires are inflicted significant forestry losses.

    Obviously, modern soil cultivation methods lead to almost constant degradation and depletion of the fertile layer. Not to mention the contamination of soils and groundwater with pesticides and pesticides. Although the fertile soil layers are considered as "renewable" natural resources, it is still a long process. In fact, the natural restoration of one inch of the soil (2.54 cm) in a warm and temperate climate is required from 200 to 800 years. Protection of fertile lands from degradation and restoration of the fertile layer is the most important areas in the development of modern agrotechnologies.

    The condition of the water component of the planet

    The basis of the country's water resources are rivers. They are used as a source of drinking and agricultural water. They are also actively used to build hydroelectric power plants for shipping transport. Despite the huge stocks of water in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and in the form of groundwater, there is a gradual deterioration in its quality, destruction of the shores of reservoirs and hydraulic structures. This question is supervised by the Department of Natural Resources.

    The state of exhausted resources

    Modern minerals available to us, such as oil, gas, ore, accumulated in the lithosphere of the planet for millions of years. Given the continuous and all accelerating growth in consumption of fossil resources over the past 200 years, the question of the protection of the subsoil and reuse of products made on the basis of raw materials from fossil resources is sufficiently sharp.

    In addition, the development of subsoil itself is extremely negatively affects the ecology of the region. This is a change in the relief (soil drawdown, dips), and soil pollution, groundwater, drying off swamps and small rivers.

    Ways to solve the problems of destroying the natural environment and prospects for innovation

    Natural environment and natural resources should be prudently used to save lives. Therefore, it is necessary to allocate that it is necessary not to complicate the situation with the environment.
    1. Protection of the fertile layer from wind and water erosion. These are forests, the right crop rotations, etc.
    2. Protection of soils and groundwater from pollution by chemicals. This is the use of environmental technology protection technologies: breeding useful insects (ladybugs, separate species ants).
    3. Use as sources of raw materials from oceans. One of the methods is the extraction of dissolved elements, the second - mining of minerals on the sea shelf (there is no pollution and malfunction of land suitable for farmland). Today, the development of methods of intensive use of ocean resources is underway, while the number of components that are commercially expedient from water is strongly limited.
    4. A comprehensive approach to the extraction of fossil resources with emphasis on environmental safety. Starting with a complete study of the subsoil and ending with the maximum possible use of passing substances and components.
    5. Development of low-waste technologies and relevant use of natural resources. This is the continuity of technological processes, which will make it possible to maximize energy efficiency, and the maximum automation of technological processes, and the optimal use of by-products of production (for example, heat outdoor).


    You can allocate other innovative technologies, It seems to transition to the maximum use of inexhaustible energy sources. They will allow to preserve the life and ecology of our planet. This article described how important it takes care of the environment and its gifts. Otherwise, quite serious problems may occur.

    Natural Management - This is the activity of human society aimed at using.

    Allocate rational and irrational nature management.

    Eranny environmental management

    Eranny environmental management - This is a system of environmental management in which easily accessible natural resources are not fully used, which leads to rapid depletion of resources. In this case, a large amount of waste is performed and the environment is strongly polluted.

    Intrational nature management is characteristic of the farm developing through new construction, the development of new lands, the use of natural resources, an increase in the number of employees. Such a farm brings first good results with a relatively low scientific and technical level of production, but quickly leads to a decrease in natural and labor resources.

    Rational environmental management

    - This is a system of environmental management, in which the extracted natural resources are fully used, the restoration of renewable natural resources is ensured, production is fully and repeatedly used (ie, waste-free production) is organized, which makes it possible to significantly reduce environmental pollution.

    Rational environmental management It is characteristic of the intensive economy, which develops on the basis of scientific and technological progress and good labor organization at high labor productivity. Example of rational environmental management There may be waste-free production, in which waste is fully used, resulting in reduced consumption of raw materials and minimizes environmental pollution.

    One species of waste-free production is multiple use in the process of water taken from rivers, lakes, drilling wells, etc. The water used is cleared and again participates in the production process.

    The system of measures aimed at maintaining the interaction between human activity and the environmental environment is called protection of nature. Environmental protection is a complex of various events aimed at ensuring the functioning of natural systems. Rational environmental management implies ensuring the economical exploitation of natural resources and the conditions for the existence of humanity.

    The system of specially protected natural territories includes reserves, national parks, reserves, nature monuments. The tool for monitoring the state of the biosphere is the environmental monitoring system - a system of continuous observations over the state of the natural environment due to human economic activity.

    Nature Protection and Rational Nature Management

    In the process of becoming science of ecology, there was a mixing of concepts that determines the essence of this science in general and the structure of the environmental cycle of sciences in particular. The ecology began to interpret both science on the protection and rational use of nature. Automatically, everything related to the natural environment began to call the environment, including the protection of nature and the protection of the environment of the environment.

    At the same time, the last two concepts were artificially mixed and are currently being considered in the complex. Based on the end targets for the protection of nature and environmental protection are close to each other, but still not identical.

    Protection of Nature It is aimed primarily on maintaining rational interaction between human activity and the environment in order to preserve and restore natural resources and prevent the harmful influence of the results of economic activity on nature and human health.

    Environmental protection Concentrates primarily on the needs of the person. This is a complex of various events (administrative and economic, technological, legal, public, etc.), aimed at ensuring the functioning of natural systems necessary to preserve the health and well-being of a person.

    Natural management is aimed at meeting human needs through rational use of natural resources and natural conditions.

    Natural Management - It is considered in the complex the set of impacts of humanity on the geographic shell of the Earth, the set of all forms of exploitation of natural resources. Environmental Tasks are reduced to the development general principles Implementation of any human activity related either with direct use of nature and its resources or with impacts on it.

    Principles of rational environmental management

    The practical application of environmental knowledge can be seen primarily in solving environmental issues. Only ecology as science can create scientific basis operation of natural resources. Ecology attention is primarily aimed at laws underlying natural natural processes.

    Rational environmental management It involves ensuring the economical exploitation of natural resources and conditions, taking into account the interests of future generations of people. It is aimed at ensuring the conditions for the existence of humanity and receipt material benefitsFor the maximum use of each natural territorial complex, to prevent or substantially reducing the possible harmful effects of production processes or other types of human activity, to maintain and increase the productivity of nature, maintaining its aesthetic function, ensuring and regulating the cost-effective development of its resources, taking into account the preservation of people's health.

    In counterweight rational Eranny environmental management It affects the reduction of quality, waste and exhausting natural resources, undermining the rehabilitation forces of nature, pollution of the environment, reducing its health and aesthetic advantages. It leads to a deterioration in the natural environment and does not ensure the preservation of natural resource potential.

    Environmental use includes:

    • extracting and processing natural resources, their protection, renewal or reproduction;
    • the use and protection of natural human life environment;
    • preservation, restoration and rational change in environmental equilibrium of natural systems;
    • regulation of reproduction of a person and the number of people.

    The protection of nature, the rational use and reproduction of natural resources is the universal task, to participate in the solution of which each living on the planet should.

    Environmental activity is focused mainly on the preservation of the diversity of life forms on earth. The combination of species of living organisms on our planet creates a special foundation of life, which is called Genofond. This concept is wider than just a totality of living beings. It includes not only manifested, but also potential hereditary deposits of each species. We still do not all know about the prospects for using one or another type. The existence of some body, seemingly unnecessary, in the future may not be only useful, but also, perhaps, saving for humanity.

    The main task of nature protection is not the protection of some kind of types of plants or animals from the threat of disappearance, and the combination of high level of productivity while maintaining a wide network of genetic diversity centers in the biosphere. The biological diversity of fauna and flora provides a normal cycle of substances, sustainable ecosystem functioning. If humanity can solve this important environmental task, in the future you can count on the production of new food, medicines, raw materials for industry.

    The problem of preserving the biological diversity of living organisms on the planet is currently the most acute and meaningful for humanity. From how this problem is solved, the possibility of saving life on Earth and humanity itself as part of the biosphere will depend.


    1. Environmental principles of rational use of natural resources

    2. Litosphere. Sources of pollution of lithosphere

    3. Factors affecting human health

    4. Anthropogenic sources of environmental pollution

    List of used literature

    1. Environmental principles of rational use of natural resources

    The rational use of natural resources and environmental protection is one of the most important problems of modern society in the era of the development of scientific and technological progress, accompanied by active impact on nature.

    Natural conditions are a set of objects, phenomena and natural environmental factors that are essential for human material and industrial activities, but not directly involved in it (for example, climate).

    Natural resources are natural objects and phenomena that are used or can be used in the future to meet the material and other needs of society and social production that contribute to the reproduction of labor resources, maintaining the conditions for the existence of humanity and raising the living standards.

    Natural resources are divided into practically inexhaustible (energy of the sun, tides and sings, inland heat, atmospheric air, water); renewable (soil, plant, animal resources of the world) and non-renewable (Minerals, habitat, river energy).

    Renewable natural resources are natural resources capable of self-reconnaissance in the process of cycle of substances for the time limits, commensurate with the pace of human economic activities. The rational use of renewable natural resources should be based on the principles of balanced spending and resuming them, as well as providing their expanded reproduction.

    Non-reserved natural resources are part of exhausted natural resources that do not have the ability to self-reconnaissance for the timing, commensurate with the pace of human economic activities. The rational use of non-renewable natural resources should be based on complex and economical mining and spending, waste disposal, etc.

    From the point of view of engaging in the economic activity of man, natural resources are divided into real and potential . The first type of resources is actively operated, the second - can be involved in the economic turnover.

    By belonging to certain components of the natural environment, individual types of natural resources are distinguished:







    Animal resources peace;

    Mineral and others.

    According to the leading features and nature of the use, industrial, agricultural, energy, fuel. In unproductive spheres, recreational, protected, landscape-resort, medical, etc. are used.

    Currently, the problem of exhausting natural resources is becoming increasingly. The depletion of natural resource potential is expressed in reducing the reserves of natural resources to a level that does not meet the needs of humanity, its technical capabilities and safety standards for natural systems.

    The exhaustion of natural resources makes their further development of economically and environmentally inexpedient.

    In case of wasteful, predatory use, some types of renewable resources may disappear, losing the ability to self-proc. For example, an arable landline of soil with a capacity of about 18 cm under favorable conditions is reduced 7000 years.

    Intensification of industrial intervention in the processes of nature, consumer, utilitarian, predatoryly fighter attitude towards nature, its resources and wealth destroys the unity between human society and nature.

    The growth in production cannot be carried out by exhausting natural resources and environmental pollution, since not only the development of production, but also the existence of life on Earth depends on their state.

    Rational environmental management implies a reasonable development of natural resources, preventing possible harmful effects of human activity, maintaining and improving the productivity and attractiveness of natural complexes and individual natural objects.

    Rational environmental management involves the choice of an optimal option to achieve an environmental, economic and social effect when using natural resources.

    The integrated use of natural resources involves the use of waste-free and low-waste technologies, reuse of secondary resources. From the point of view of the reproduction aspect, the integrated use of natural resources includes a wide range of problems.

    2. Litosphere. Sources of pollution of lithosphere

    A person exists in a certain space, and the main component of this space is the earth's surface - the surface of the lithosphere.

    The lithosphere is called the solid shell of the Earth, consisting of the earth's crust and a layer of the upper mantle, underlaying the earth's bark. The distance of the lower boundary of the earth's crust from the surface of the Earth varies in the range of 5-70 km, and the land mantle reaches a depth of 2900 km. After it, 6371 km from the surface is the kernel.

    Susha occupies 29.2% of the surface of the globe. The upper layers of the lithosphere is called soil. Soil cover is an essential natural education and component of the Earth's biosphere. It is the soil shell that defines many processes occurring in the biosphere.

    The soil is the main source of food, providing 95-97% of food resources for the population of the planet. The area of \u200b\u200bthe world's land resources is 129 million square meters, or 86.5% of Sushi Square. Pashnya and perennial plantings in agricultural land occupy about 10% sushi, meadows and pastures - 25% sushi. Soil fertility and climatic conditions are determined by the possibility of existence and development of environmental systems on Earth. Unfortunately, due to improper operation, some of the fertile lands are lost annually. So, over the last century, as a result of the acceleration of erosion, 2 billion hectares of fertile lands are lost, which is 27% of the total area of \u200b\u200bland used for agriculture.

    Lithosphere is polluted by liquid and solid polluting substances and waste. It has been established that one ton of waste is formed annually for one resident of the Earth, including more than 50 kg of polymer, difficult.

    Sources Soil pollution can be classified as follows.

    Residential buildings and utility household enterprises. The composition of the pollutants of this category of sources is dominated by household garbage, food waste, construction garbage, waste of heating systems that have come into disrepair of household items, etc. All this is going and exported to the landfill. For large cities, the collection and destruction of household garbage in landfills turned into a difficult problem. The simple burning of garbage in urban dumps is accompanied by the release of poisonous substances. When burning such objects, for example, chlorine-containing polymers, strong toxic substances are formed - dioxides. Despite this, in last years Methods for the destruction of household garbage burning are being developed. In a perspective method, the burning of such garbage over hot metal melts is considered.

    Industrial enterprises. In solid and liquid industrial waste, substances are constantly present, capable of rendering toxic effects on living organisms and plants. For example, in the waste of the metallurgical industry, color salts are usually present heavy metals. Machine-building industry throws in the environment of the cyanide, arsenic compounds, beryllium; In the production of plastics and artificial fibers, waste containing phenol, benzene, styrene are formed; In the production of synthetic rubbers in the soil, the waste of catalysts fall, substandard polymer clots; In the production of rubber products to the environment, dusty ingredients come into the environment, which settle on the soil and plants, waste of rubber-textile and rubber parts, and during the operation of tires - worn and failed tires, autocamers and rims. Storage and utilization of worn tires are currently even unresolved problems, since it often happens strong fires that are very difficult to stew. The degree of utilization of worn tires does not exceed 30% of their total volume.

    Transport. During the operation of internal combustion engines, nitrogen, lead oxides, hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, soot, and other substances deposited on the surface of the Earth or absorbed by plants are intensively separated. In the latter case, these substances also fall into the soil and are involved in the edible circuit circulation.

    Agriculture. Soil pollution in agriculture is due to the introduction of huge amounts of mineral fertilizers and pesticides. It is known that some of the keriformicates are made mercury.

    3. Factors affecting human health

    Factors affecting people's health are divided into biological, chemical, physical and voluntary risk factors.

    To the main group biological Factors are considered, as a rule, pathogenic microorganisms of natural and anthropogenic origin, causing various diseases. The result of the impact on people of pathogenic microorganisms is infectious diseases. Special attention deserves the problem of AIDS.