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  • Every child has its own character - why shouldn't be confused with temperament? Full list of negative moral qualities of a person with a description

    Every child has its own character - why shouldn't be confused with temperament? Full list of negative moral qualities of a person with a description

    The school has the opportunity to influence the development of strengths and positive qualities Child. Obviously, students receive many knowledge and training skills. There is no doubt that the scope of school load has an impact on intellectual development.
    In addition to cognitive (related knowledge and psychological processes) and educational tasks that the school puts, it provides informal children syllabus: Schoolchildren are expected to comply with the rules, cooperation with other students, respect for power and preparations for becoming good citizens

    Pedagogue-psychologist It is necessary to note the qualities that best reflect natural abilities, positive character traits and special talents of the child. It is necessary to record a phased change in the problem of the problem of the child's problem behavior to include in its calendar-thematic plan.

    Visual abilities

    the photo
    Memorizing details
    Live imagination
    Spectatic view
    Reading card
    Creativity to creativity

    Logic and thinking

    Computer ability
    Ability to solve problems
    abstract thinking
    Mathematics and numbers
    logic games
    Deciphering codes
    Ability to science
    fast learner
    Acute memory

    Body sphere

    Performing inclinations
    Harmonicity movements
    Scenic skill
    any sport
    Physical power graceiness
    Body harmony
    Coordination of movements

    Musical abilities

    Musical instruments game
    Memory melodies
    Writing music
    Reading notes
    Music perception

    Personality and character traits

    Creativity to creativity
    Easy adaptability
    Good nature
    a responsibility
    Insight tenderness
    Maturity Openness
    Power of character
    Good luck

    Social skills

    The desire to help
    Good nature
    ability to be in the team
    ability to perform anything in the team
    The ability to share
    Ability to empathy
    Capacity for reconciliation
    Greaterness charming
    Support ability
    the ability to listen

    Linguistic abilities

    rich vocabulary
    ability to speak well to memorize facts
    The ability to write creatively
    Ability to joke, mix
    Ability to talk


    Stativity posture
    Special features

    Attitude towards nature

    The tendency to observe
    love to the animals
    Love for tourism
    Developing collectibles
    1. 1. M. Bluba. "No bad behavior: 38 models of the problem of the child's behavior and how to deal with it. M.: Williams, 2005
    School good manners
    School of good manner is one of the methods of raising children and adolescents.
    The optimal age of children is from 12 to 15 years. It is possible to use both in schools, and in boarding schools, although initially the method was invented for family upbringing.
    Children in the morning declared: "You start a school of good manners. Your task is to invent one simple point about my behavior every day, first of all expressing a friendly relation to each other or to parents, and in the evening, on this item you put an assessment. Points can be different: greedy in the morning of all "Good morning!" With a smile, help your mother to cover on the table, contact each other politely (not ICQ, and Asya) ... Every day you add yourself a new point, but for all put the evaluation. All items themselves write on the computer. While in the morning the results of the past day were not summed up and the new item was not invented, no entertainment is the first thing of the day. "
    If children are difficult in coming up with new items, parents sometimes help them, making their own, recommendatory list from which children can choose something.
    It is hardly advisable to include in the list of cases from home assistance, which and so used to be on children (for example, go to the store).
    I didn't put an assessment for "I did", but "I did", and to evaluate objectively, from the position of a third-party observer. Not "I told everyone a good night," and "I heard everything I wished good night!"

    How to put yourself in order is first of all to distract from negative or other unnecessary thoughts (experiences), remove the tension and calm down. Typically, the following techniques are helped here:
    Keep a diary
    Working with beliefs
    Emotional diary
    What happened, the volume of losses
    Notebook positive experience
    Write forgiveness
    Physical activity
    Sports, Dancing, Yoga,
    Walk, sex
    Emission negative
    speak out
    Throw off charges
    Sleep out, autotraining
    Surprised "Oh?"
    smooth, elongated exhalation
    turn out
    Change of scenery. New:
    situation. office street,
    Surroundings: Favorite, other company
    Role, role.
    point of view. Discuss!
    Food, colors and smell,
    "Purge carcass": manicure, massage, spa
    Signs of attention
    Shopping, Restaurant, Rooms
    Gifts Favorite

    Education is the main task of the parents after the appearance of the baby. The characteristics of the nature of the child will have a decisive effect on his fate and life path. The purpose of the parents is to bring up a harmonious, successful personality.

    Often, mom and dad are trying to change the toddler's temper, so that he will answer their demands, desires. I want children to not hooligani, were obedient, brought up, did not give much trouble.

    The characteristics of the child who want to fix is \u200b\u200ba tendency to lie, greed, closure, laziness. Positive featuresThat is worth developing is the initiative, generosity, kindness, the ability to achieve the goal.

    Temperament is the features of the human nervous system given to him at birth. The properties of temperament are visible in actions, emotional behavior. Temperament, as well as acquired life experiences are the foundation that serves as the basis for the formation of character.

    Character is the totality of all mental features Personality, especially their manifestation noticeably in the actions and emotional behavior of the baby. The formation of character in children has a significant impact of the following circumstances:

    • heredity;
    • education in the family (personal example of parents);
    • communication outside the family ( kindergarten, school).

    From the moment of birth, the formation of characteristic devils of the baby begins, whose further behavior will depend on the people around him. Initial observation of parents, as significant adults in his life, is moving later in copying their behavior model.

    If all issues are solved in the family with a cry, you should not be surprised that the kid demonstrates aggressive behavior. Apple from the apple tree does not fall far - this folk wisdom It confirms that everything is good or bad in the character of a person originates in the family.

    To form the necessary features of behavior, it is necessary to bring a strong harmonious personality from early childhood, straighten the shortcomings of the nature that appeared due to influence ambient. Children 4-5 years old tremendously relate to the advice of parents. With kids preschool age To form a positive characteristics of the character, acts should be discussed, actions that should have done in various situations.

    Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of temperament, you can develop, strengthen the useful properties of character and adjust the disadvantages. It is known 4 main types of temperament:

    • Sanguine - kind, active, cheerful, easily leaving new knowledge. Practically does not capricious. Sanguines are leaders in companies. With excessive custody, they can grow by misinterpreting performers.
    • Phlegmatic - calm, thorough, never hurry. Pretty inert: such a child need time to get used to new changes. To upbringing phlegmatic - one of the most "convenient objects". It is enough for him to put the task that the baby began to focus on working on her decision. The main problem is slowness and negativeness in actions.
    • Choleric is very emotional, excessively excitable. Sanguinika resembles its activity. Disadvantages: quickly lights up, and then it easily throws the work started without bringing it to completion. Very conflicting, does not like calm classes. Such children are prone to adventurous actions.
    • Melancholic - wounded, shy, hard finds mutual language In the new team. Creative person With a rich fantasy. Positive features: punctuality, non-conflict. This kid is difficult to find friends, the task of parents is to help him establish relationships with others.

    It should be understood that temperament is a congenital human property that cannot be changed. Temperament is not the reason for the appearance of bad inclinations. How to raise the character of the child - this question is worried not only by parents. Proper education will help direct the deficiencies in the constructive channel. Negative moments can compensate for the development of strengths of character.

    Types of character

    If all scientists and teachers agree with the separation of temperament in 4 species, the gradation by type of character is controversial.

    • Sensitive type. Superxistence, increased emotionality. The overestimated requirements for themselves together with low self-esteem lead to uncertainty, fear do something wrong. The slightest error is experienced as a catastrophe. Very shy, afraid to start any relationship. Any criticism to your address is carried very hard.

    Communication with a baby with high sensitivity requires special tact and attention: it is not worth scolding or talking to it on elevated colors. The kid intuitively understands the mood of the parent to express the face. It is still in early childhood to raise the feeling own dignity, improve self-esteem. It is necessary to explain that the failures are from everyone, the main thing is not to give up and look for a way out of the situation.

    • Active type. Curious, restless, sociable kid. The main thing is the action. He will not sit and dream, his element is a movement. It is almost impossible to keep it. Worth on a short time Leave the baby unattended, he will definitely come up with a new game that can be dangerous for life.

    Punishment can cause not only angling, but also the answer in the form of hysteria and threats. To captivate from new leprosy can be a useful case, for success in which the baby must be praised. From an early age, it should be brought up in it responsibility for their actions and affairs, to direct irrepressive energy into a useful direction. And the result of this approach to parenting will delight in the future of parents. Able to control themselves, active, purposeful people achieve a lot in life.

    • Communicative type. Nice close to active type. Emotions are secondary, the main thing is actions and actions. Communicative child never seeks to command, it is not interesting for him. It is important for him - to find, explore something new. He loves to receive new toys and get acquainted with new people. Such children are constantly grabbed for different things, but nonend to the end. They do not recognize the order and schedule of the day.

    Preferabity, patience - the character of the character that should be developed from the communicative child. More often to take breaks in classes, invent new interesting things.

    • Receive type. They love teachers and educators. Their behavior is the pride of parents. They are easily waking up, with pleasure go to school. Never forget to wash and clean your teeth. They do everything on schedule, love to perform instructions of adults. The toddler of the recipe type has a property to worry and sympathize, sensiblely catches the emotions of others.

    Completely unable to manifest initiative. If a situation occurs, which requires an immediate solution, is lost and stops any actions. As soon as possible you should bring up independence. Learning to make a choice: What movie to see what to choose a gift to trust the baby yourself to pay minor purchases in the store.

    Character formation

    Watching the behavior of children, everyone can see not only positive, but also negative features.

    Honesty, attentiveness, respect for others - these moral qualities are transmitted from parents who form the moral basis of behavior by their own example. The ability to fight will resist, stand up for your friends - all of this children learn, communicating with peers.

    Pedagogical science systematized and formulated the basic principles of character formation in children. Only with application individual approach You can achieve the best result. It is necessary to take into account the age of children. The child 5-6 years old requires another relationship than kid 2-3 years.

    The main determining role is parents. No one can make more for the baby than a significant adult. This imposes a certain responsibility on the parents themselves. Little just love your child. It is necessary to be demanding about yourself, to submit a good example not in words, but in fact, because the baby is watching the behavior of the parents. And if the words of parents teach respect to older people, and the bus is not inferior to Grandma, "the child will take such a model of behavior as a basis. In the nature of the kid will appear such features as a lie and rudeness.

    The nature of the child is formed in the collaboration of parents and teachers. Negative characteristics of the lave can be changed, but it takes time. No need to hurry and put pressure on the baby. Restlessness, delicacy and patience are required. The most important thing is that the child needs is to know what they love him.

    The combination of formed features will become the base for the formation of a successful personality.

    School age of younger children consider the top of the children's period. The development of the stages of mental features covers the period from 6-7 years to 9-11. This age carries changes in vital styles. New needs appear, the socialization of students occurs, new types of activities are becoming important, especially studying. In school, children get beyond new knowledge and skills necessary to each social statuses. Relationships are noticeable changes to the perception of the individual place of each schoolchild.

    The psychological features of children of younger school age are summarized to a new stage of development. From the point of view of an anatomy-physiological industry, if children grow with a rapid pace, you can observe a disharmonic state of physical development. Ahead of the growth of neuropsychic processes, it affects the short-term weakening of the nervous system. Sometimes there is fatigue, anxiety, the need for more movements.

    Features of socialization

    Main changes in the situation in the society of children of younger school age:

    • The reference group changes.
    • Changes in the routine of the day.
    • Leading life is now a learning process.
    • Vite-shaped thinking is replaced by verbal-logical.
    • There is a strengthening of a new internal position.
    • The system of relationships to the surrounding people is changing.
    • Achievements motivate.
    • It is clearly noticeable to the social sense of training, expressed in relation to the marks.

    Physiological development

    The physiological features of children of younger school age 7-11 years of age imply initially improving memory, coordination of movements is being established. Thanks to this, the ability arises to count, write and read.

    Attention! When the child appears in educational process Proceeds appear. It happens little in air, there is a change and disorders of the physical routine of the day, the power mode. Because of this, the likelihood of infections, allergies, diseases of the heart and intestines increases.

    Features anatomy-physiological nature:

    • The occurrence of small clusters of fat cells. Recommend the control of this physical process To avoid obesity. The processes of supercooling and overheating cause less danger, because sweat glands have already been formed.
    • The chest increases the respiratory rate, becomes more in the amount. At 11 years old, the differences of the construction of a skeleton are visible: Girls are wider, there is a tendency of physical change - the hips are expanding.
    • Stabilization of growth rates: a schoolboy at 8 years old becomes an increase of 125-135 cm, at 11 about 140-145 cm.
    • The digestive organs are already fully working. Changes in this anatomy-physical process occur at the level with adults.
    • Fabrics of the lungs are formed, the airways increase. Large dimensions of the mucous membrane than before, the level of risk of respiratory diseases is reduced.
    • The amount of urine per day gradually increases. The kidneys and the whole system of urinary reaches the physical development of the level of adults.
    • An increase in anatomical physical muscular development. The level of efficiency and endurance increases. The fingers seize with thin processes, such as a letter and modeling.
    • The process of physical growth and bone strengthening continues. Development does not stop, so everything is also worth controlling posture to avoid the spinal curvature.
    • Practically full-fledged immunity development.
    • Completion of the process of forming an endocrine system. Sexual organs develop. Buttocks in girls 9-10 years old acquire rounded forms. Breasts swell to 10-11 years. The genitals of boys at the same age begin their height.
    • The nervous system is fully developed. This is manifested in the emergence of analytical capabilities. Children reflect on the actions of both their and the surrounding people. They are not able to focus on a long period, as there are a large number of game elements in behavior.

    Important! Children who have gained upbringing without peers surrounded, and they are hard to stay in the team. This affects the character of personality.

    Mental development

    Features mental Development Children of younger school age are implied by the appearance of sensations and perceptions. This is determined by the fact that the children notice instead of the main thing in the subject of those moments that rush immediately into the eyes, which is limited to the process of recognition and sounding the name of the subject in the future.

    Incultuous perception becomes gradually targeted with respect to the object. At the end of this anatomy-physiological stage of development, a synthesizing type of perception will appear. The guys of the first second classes are often confused in subjects even with minimal resemblance.

    Maintenance pedagogical directions Mental Development:

    • Attention. To study, you need a long-term concentration, the ability to switch from one subject to another. The involuntary type dominates. Due to the big motivation and effort of will it is possible to hold attention. Schoolchildren of junior classes focus in one case for 10-20 minutes. Individual differences are present at each child.
    • Memory. There is a development of arbitrary memory. The ability to memorize the material that caused interest. The whole process is characterized by meaningful, which is due to memory and thinking. The following types of memory are distinguished: long-term, short-term and operational.
    • Thinking. It is the transition of visual and figurative thinking to verbal and logical. There are properly constructed logical reflections based on concrete materials. The development of theoretical thinking is occurring. There are manifestations of individual differences by 10-11 years.
    • Imagination. There are two stages - recreation and productivity. In the first grade there is a support for a specific subject, after the word begins to dominate. The realism of the child's imagination is growing. Accordingly, the stock of knowledge and critical thinking increases.
    • Speech. It has great importance To solve training tasks. After all, the ability of the child to reason loud - the key to success. Vocabulary grows up to 7 thousand words.

    Gender features

    Specialists of various areas are interested in studying the differences between all-choice children, which are not dependent on the different sexual features of a biological nature, but from a social public organization. These are the so-called gender features.

    Gender differences of representatives of different floors are recorded in the scientific literature in the form of tempo descriptions. age Development Intellect, emotionality, behavior, motivation, assessing achievements. Gender studies reveal the nature of these differences. They reflect universal biological or biosocial laws.

    Psychophysiological features affect the development of a schoolboy and his behavior in society, sexuality depends on them. After all, each child is individual and develops a representative of a particular gender. Born in the appearance of a girl or a boy, a child in the course of socialization receives norms, rules, models of behavior. They direct to male or female image in life. The corresponding personal qualities are formed. So the gender signs are purchased.

    Pedagogical studies show the main gender differences between girls and boys not only physical nature:

    • Different strategies and ways of knowledge, the rate of assimilation of information.
    • Development.
    • Emotionality.
    • The origin of the motivation of processes and estimating achievements.
    • Gender features of behavior.

    The main difference is the timing, the pace and the sequence of brain development. The formation of the left hemisphere occurs earlier in girls is responsible for the rationality and logicality of thinking, speech. Due to the physical lag of the development of this section, the boys up to a particular moment prevails a sensual-shaped sphere.

    Try to achieve maximum honest answers. It may happen that your child will not be able to immediately answer any question. This means that he either did not understand what is required of him, or never thought about it. Parents may answer the question themselves, if they are exactly sure in the behavior of their baby.

    This test is based on the concept of "accentuated personalities" K. Leongard and interpreted taking into account child psychology.

    Questions require unambiguous answers "Yes" or "No".

    1. Do you often have a fun mood? Do you want to run, play, laugh?
    2. Is it easy to upset?
    3. Do you often cry?
    4. When do you independently do lessons, do you carefully check your mistakes?
    5. Do you think your friends are stronger than you?
    6. Does it happen that good mood Suddenly becomes bad?
    7. Are you striving to be the main game?
    8. Do you often offend your parents and friends?
    9. Do you always listen to you telling the elders?
    10. Do you always carefully do lessons?
    11. Do you like to invent something (games, poems, drawings, stories, etc.)?
    12. Is it easy for you to offend another?
    13. What do you think you are a kind person?
    14. Are you afraid of much?
    15. Do you want everyone to praise you?
    16. Do you remember yourself when you were quite small?
    17. Do your classmates consider you attentive and neat?
    18. When do you have trouble at school, are you all upset?
    19. Do you have a good relationship with others?
    20. Do you often worry?
    21. Does it happen sad? If so, is it often?
    22. If something bad happens, can you calmly do our usual things, or is it very much knocking you out of the rut?
    23. Can you stay in one place for a long time?
    24. Are you striving to defend justice to parents or teachers?
    25. Was it so that you tormented animals?
    26. Do you feel calm down in the room?
    27. Do you love to stay alone?
    28. Do you have fun or, on the contrary, sad mood without a reason?
    29. Are you one of the best disciples in the classroom?
    30. Do you like to play mobile games?
    31. Is it easy to annoy you?
    32. Do you think you are happy?
    33. When is your friends sad, do you easily manage to cheer?
    34. Do you always speak frankly what you think?
    35. Will the blood type scares you?
    36. If you are entrusted to you at school, do you fully fulfill it?
    37. Are you set for others?
    38. Are you afraid of being in a dark room?
    39. What do you like more: slow and accurate work, such as solving problems and examples in mathematics, or fast and not requiring accuracy, such as reading books?
    40. Is it easy for you to communicate with unfamiliar people?
    41. Do you like to play on the stage when a lot of people look at you?
    42. Did you happen to you, offended by your parents, escape from the house?
    43. If the school occurs in trouble, do not you feel wishes not to go there?
    44. Do you think you are not lucky?
    45. Are you trying to translate a joke in a difficult situation?
    46. If you quarreled with someone, will you try to make it?
    47. Do you like to play and care for animals?
    48. Do you often come back home, because you forget to take the necessary?
    49. Do you have anxious premonitions? That is, do you not begin to worry that something bad happens to you or with relatives and friends?
    50. Does the weather affect your mood?
    51. Do you like to answer at the board?
    52. Do you have to fight?
    53. Do you love communication with a lot of people?
    54. If you can't do something, is it all frustrating?
    55. Can you count your time?
    56. Are you not afraid of difficulties?
    57. If you read a sad book or watch a sad movie, can you cry?
    58. Do you have any insomnia because of trouble?
    59. Are you striving to tell your classmates and do you give?
    60. Are you afraid to be late in the evening on the street?
    61. Are you trying to restore order among your things?
    62. Is it so that you have in the morning bad mood?
    63. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar company, will you feel awkward?
    64. Does this happen to your headache?
    65. Do you like to laugh?
    66. Are you trying to avoid communicating with those people who are unpleasant to you (with neighbors, relatives, classmates, etc.)?
    67. Are you trying to make every day as much as possible?
    68. Do you often offend you?
    69. Do you like to be in nature?
    70. Do you always turn off the light behind you, leaving the house, or did you happen to forget about it more than once?
    71. Do you consider yourself a huge person?
    72. When are you at the festive table, does your mood change from this?
    73. Would you like to be an artist, do you like to participate in dramatic productions?
    74. Is that with a bad mood you avoid communicating with friends and parents?
    75. Will the future scares you?
    76. Is it so that you suddenly get sad?
    77. If you come to you, do you easily entertain them?
    78. If you're offended by someone, would your resentment last?
    79. If someone from friends happens to something bad, are you worried about?
    80. If you accidentally allowed a mistake, will you start to rewrite the whole sheet?
    81. Do you easily believe everything you say?
    82. Do you have terrible dreams?
    83. Did you have any desire to jump out the window or do something like this if trouble happen?
    84. When everyone around is fun, do you have fun at the same time?
    85. If you have trouble, do you easily distract from reflections about them?
    86. Does it happen that you act completely unexpectedly even for yourself?
    87. Did you usually silent?
    88. Is that what are you trying to portray yourself a completely different person, and you yourself begin to believe in your "new" qualities?

    When your child responds to all questions, you can start deciphering the test and find out the characteristics of the child's nature

    First, carefully read the intuition. If the answer to the question coincides with the decoding, it is assigned one score.

    1. Demonstrative type of personality - if your child answered "Yes" to questions 7, 19, 22, 29, 41, 63, 66, 73, 85, 88 and no "to question 51.

    The sum of answers must be multiplied by 2.

    1. Stitching type of personality - if your child answered "yes" to questions 2, 15, 24, 34, 37, 56, 68, 78, 81 and no questions for questions 12, 46, 59.

    The sum of answers multiply by 2.

    1. Pedantic type of personality - if your child answered "yes" for questions 4, 14, 17, 26, 39, 48, 58, 61, 70, 80, 83 and no "to question 36.

    The sum of answers multiply by 2.

    1. An excitable type of personality - if your child answered "yes" to questions 8, 20, 30, 42, 52, 64, 74, 86.

    The sum of answers multiply by 3.

    1. Hypertime type of personality - when answering "Yes" to questions 1, 11, 23, 33, 45, 55, 67, 77.

    The sum of answers multiply by 3.

    1. Distimical type of personality - with answers "Yes" for questions 9, 21, 43, 75, 87.

    The sum of answers multiply by 3.

    1. Anxious type of personality - with answers "Yes" to questions 16, 27, 38, 49, 60, 71, 82 and the answer "No" to question 5.
    2. Exalted type of personality - with answers "Yes" for questions 10, 32, 54, 76.

    The sum of answers multiply by 6.

    1. Emotional type of personality - with the answers "Yes" to questions 3, 13, 35, 47, 57, 69, 79 and the answer "No" to question 25.

    The sum of answers multiply by 3.

    1. Cyclotem type of personality - with answers "Yes" to questions 6, 18, 28, 40, 50, 62, 72, 84.

    The sum of answers multiply by 3.

    When you multipliate the sum of the answers to the specified digit, remember the result. The maximum amount of points after multiplication will be 24. If you get the result more than 19, then you have a certain type in your child. Do not be surprised if you find that your child refers to several types. This means that in one way or another there are qualities characteristic of these types.

    Now familiarize yourself with the decoding of the results.

    • Demonstrative type

    If your child belongs to this type, then he has a living, easy to install contacts. Your child is very moving, loves and knows how to fantasize. Sometimes he appears a tendency to false and pretense. He willingly embellishes his own person, as well as reality around him. Your child is inclined to adventure actions, he is very artistic. It clearly strives for leadership, feels a tremendous need for others to recognize his dignity. Loves to be the center of attention. Often in such children a desire for power is manifested. Children belonging to the demonstrative type of personality do not like to remain unnoticed.

    Your child easily adapts to circumstances around him. He easily changes the mood. Externally, it is very soft, but - skillfully manipulates others. Very egocentric, wants to always be an object of admiration, sympathy, worship. Does not like when others praise in his presence. In such situations, he feels disadvantaged. Loves to be among people, so extremely negatively refers to loneliness.

    The child is very a high self-evaluationthat does not really correspond to reality. It is inclined to provoke conflicts. At the same time easily knows how to protect yourself.

    He tries to avoid unpleasant memories and pondays. The surrounding is very difficult to recognize the lie in what he says, because his artistry and a tendency to intrigue help him draw up an optimal behavior model. He has clearly extraordinary thinking, so he is able to surprise others.

    • Stuck type

    Your child is definitely sociable. But this feature is not dominant in its character. He loves to analyze reality around him. Sometimes it may be undone, closed in yourself. In his character there is alertness, infractiveness to others. The child often suffers from imaginary injustice and resentment into their address, and all these feelings are worried for a long time. He is very suspicious. Located to enter the plans of the mystery. He is arrogant, is able to become the initiator of conflicts.

    He has a strongly developed ambition, so it is able to exercise stiffness towards others. Cruelty is associated with the fact that the child has its own opinion on this or that account. Energetically defends its position, with irreconceptibility refers to any morals. He loves to give advice to others, because he considers himself smarter. Any price seeks to achieve high indicators, and if he has to face failures, they are painfully survived.

    • Pedantic Type

    Your child is inert, long experiences any events like joyful and sad. He hardly decides on some active actions. Rarely enters conflicts, is more often a passive side. Any violation of the order of it is very strong. The child gets used to certain rules and does not seek to break them at all. The surrounding places many requirements. For example, it believes that friends are obliged to be smart, neat, etc. If there is some inconsistency, it is painfully going through.

    Your child is accurate and pays a lot of attention. He is responsible, seeks to achieve high success in any activity. Not torn to leadership, willingly remain in secondary roles.

    • Excitable type

    Your child does not love and does not know how to control himself. He is very impulsive, never hides his desires and aspirations. It is often rude, even cruel. It often becomes the initiator of conflicts, in the team its relationship with peers is far from the best.

    The child does not like to learn, any work for him is painful. Does not seek to successes in a particular activity, lives in real, the future does not care. Above all appreciates entertainment, seeks to ensure that the atmosphere of the holiday is always surrounded. It is often striving to assert themselves due to the one who is weaker.

    • Hypertension type

    Your child is sociable and moving. From an early age he has a high independence, he loves fun, the range of his interests is very wide. Loves large companies, seeks to lead. Usually, such people always have a good mood and wonderful well-being. Your child's self-esteem is very high. All the joys of life have great importance for him: games, delicious food, fun, etc.

    The child is frivolous, but at the same time very talented. It is initiative, energetic, active. Often conflicts occur in his life. The fact is that his independence can not not annoy others. If the child sees that others do not intend to obey him, it is very upsetting him. In anger, he becomes unmanage.

    The conditions of tough discipline are unbearable for him, so situations should be avoided when it is imposed on certain requirements. The child is not capable of monotonous, tedious activities. It takes loneliness very badly.

    • Distimical type

    The child is slow, serious, responsible. As a rule, the future scares it. He is not sure of himself, with difficulty finding a common language with others, the company is silent, prefers to remain unnoticed. It reflects a lot about sad things, it is extremely difficult to cheer it.

    He is very responsible, trying to fulfill everything he is entrusted. Inclined to submission. The child is painfully experiencing any injustice, so you need to contact him as careful.

    • Alarm type

    The child has a bad mood more often than good. It is distinguished by elevated fears, life scares him. He is not confident in himself, the animals are afraid, darkness, often suffers from nightmares, uncomfortably feels among the peers. Any failures and problems deeply upset it. He is hard and unpleasant to be in the spotlight.

    The child performs all the demands of the elders, but it should not be especially zealous in reading the notations. He is painfully experiencing discontent with senior person, he gradually forms a sense of guilt.

    He has very high responsibility, he makes an increased demand for himself. Often suffers from a sense of own inferiority and tries to assert themselves in some specific activities. This, for example, manifests itself in excellent studies or in any extraordinary hobby, helps to reveal his talents and abilities.

    Your child touching. Very suffers from it. If others allow themselves to mock him, he deeply suffers. Conflicts almost never enter, usually remains on the second roles. Parents should be carefully observed for him, in conflict situations should not be scolded and punished.

    It is very self-critical. He more often underestimates his advantages than overwhelming them. It does not know how to defend themselves from the misfortune of others.

    • Exalted type

    Your child has enviable talent. He knows how to see in life beautiful, almost never leaves the feeling of happiness, joy. Moreover, such sensations arise from him almost without any connection with the surrounding phenomena. The child comes delight from joyful events, well, and the events sad so deeply upset it. He willingly go to contact with others. He loves to be the center of attention. The range of his interests is very wide.

    The child is tied to friends, is able to sincerely sympathize and empathize. Simultaneous desires. The mood is unstable, often raises and decals.

    • Emotional type

    Your child is very emotional, it is characterized by such qualities as anxiety, sensitivity. He loves to talk with the surrounding, his lot is interested. He is very kind, always compets others. He tries, if possible, help others, responsive, impressionable. Any life situations Perceives very seriously, and troubles and shock remembers for a long time. Conflicts practically does not enter, wears all the insults.

    He has an increased sense of responsibility. It is capable of avoiding communication in those situations when the surrounding people seem to be brutal, rude.

    • Cyclotem type

    The child often changes the mood depending on one or another situation. When in his life there are predominantly joyful events, he has a thirst for activity, he becomes cheerful and joyful. Conversely, sad events cause his depressed mood, apathy, despondency.

    It sometimes produces a strange impression on others. That he is cheerful and joyful, then suddenly, unexpectedly, he manifested lethargy, the decline of the forces. For persistent adult notations, the child reacts ambiguously: sometimes quite benevolently, but sometimes - with anger and aggression. Created to fall into deep depression. It should be especially gently to treat it, because suicidal inclinations are not excluded. He learns unevenly.

    The mood is very much affected by its self-esteem. During the periods of joy, it is valued very high. And on the contrary, during periods of sadness and despondency - extremely low.

    Parents are very important to find out who their child is phlegmatic, Sanguin, Choleric or Melancholic. Based on the knowledge of the characteristics of his character, you will find a common language with him much faster.

    Speaking about the nature of his child, parents most often mean something given to him from birth, what is hard to change, and often confuse it with the concept of "temperament". We often want to change something in the nature of your own child, respectively, our ideas and desires.

    Often we pronounce the word "character", in advance, meaning some not quite convenient for us the quality of the baby or quality, from which, in our opinion, the child suffers.

    What is character?

    Translated from the Greek word "character" means: scratch, label, stigma or trait, feature.

    The character of the child - This is a set of mental characteristics of a person who manifest themselves in his actions, actions, behavior, are displayed on the success of existence in society.

    Character includes both temperament and acquired life experience (even if it is still very small), and the level of intelligence, and the features of identifying emotions, and much more, which we mean, characterizing one or another person. Over time, under the influence of different circumstances, the character of a person can change.

    Under temperament Understand individual properties of human psycheinherent in each of us from birth. The properties of the temperament impose a print and on the nature of the child, and on the manifestation of its nebid abilities, and on behavioral characteristics in different situations. This is a foundation on which its character is built.

    There is a depends on the temperament, for example, the rate of perception of new information, the abilities of the mind, the duration of the concentration of attention, the ability to not be distracted from the main activity, the speed of memorization, the ability to quickly turn on the new kind Work and more. But the temperament cannot predetermine such qualities as frankness or human deceit, morality or immorality of a person's deeds, interest in some particular type of activity.

    A child with a strong balanced nervous system can grow and man who persistently achieves the goal, and a slacker. At the same time, the phlegmatic child has almost the same chances, grow as passive, misintermetative, lazy and active, diligent, persistent person. Everything will depend on what the norms of behavior will rise from early childhood and how parents will be able to compare them with the characteristics of temperament.

    Types of temperament

    Types of temperament described in the V century to our era, and still have the right to exist. Probably, they are known to you.

    • sanguinik - energetic, movable (Sangvos - blood);
    • phlegmatic person - Low-moving (phlegm - mucus);
    • choleric - Easily excitable (chole - bile);
    • melancholic - Annudinal, uncommunicative (melanna hive ~ black bile).

    The famous physiologist Pavlov equated temperament to the top type nervous activity.

    On this basis, he allocated four types of higher nervous activity.

    I type - strong, balanced, movable (Sanguine)

    Such a child most of the time is active, moving, cheerful. His speech, as usual, is loud, fast, emotional, accompanied by facial expressions and gestures. Such children, as a rule, are not inclined to long-term capricious, quickly assimilate new information, are tired not as fast as others. Parents are easier with them, they are foreseen in most cases, they are easier to educate, but at the same time, they can be based on an external guardianship, they can grow misinterdient.

    II type - strong, balanced, inert (phlegmatic)

    Children who belong to such a type of higher nervous activity are noted not only by the rest, but also by slowness; They are pretty hardy and patient, even when they feel pain; Spoken slowly, smoothly, prudent, holding back emotions. Even at an early age, they are capable of playing for a long time. If the mother has a choler's temperament, then, grown, such a child can clarify her with his slowness.

    III type - strong, unbalanced (choleric), with the predominance of excitation processes

    Children - choleric advocates troubled, irritable, impatient in all their manifestations, they do not like quiet classes, they often come into conflicts with other children; From an early age, they claim to the championship during the game with other children and are inadequately react if it fails. They are harder to upbringing and often bring parents from equilibrium state. If a choleric child played very actively played or rearmed through a conflict that arose, he could not fall asleep for a long time, and sleep could be restless and interrupted.

    IV Type - Weak (Aergietic) (Melancholic)

    Such children are most often indecisive, fearless, notices are quickly tired. They are hardly adapted to the new setting.

    In the usual environment of familiar people, they are felt pretty confident, easily cope with the task and showing interest in everything new. During games with the peers almost never try to lead and avoid conflict situations. These children need to help build contacts with other children.

    Do not worry and do not come to irritation when your child in an unfamiliar atmosphere does not move away from you, while the kid of your friends is easily and freely adapts to it. Do not rush to put it in the pan. Help him overcome fear and gain confidence. In order not to come overwork, the baby with a weak nervous system needs a clear mode of the day.

    Help your baby show your top Qualities. Try not to catch the desires of the child, and do not indulge it over.

    Think. Pick up ... How would you like to see your child in the future? What traits of character would you like to fall on? Perhaps something that is missing and to you for a happier and successful existence? Write it down. And try to be a model for your baby, because it copies your actions, your actions, how do you show your feelings (joy, indignation, anger, incontinence, love ...), he considers it knowingly correctly, and he will continue to come in the same way like you. Try to be such a person for your child from which he would like to take an example and in the conscious age.

    Dr. Komarovsky: The regimen raises the character