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  • The qualities of a man are good and bad character traits that you can cultivate in yourself. Main positive and negative male qualities List of negative

    The qualities of a man are good and bad character traits that you can cultivate in yourself.  Main positive and negative male qualities List of negative

    You can often hear the statement that character is given from birth. What if a person was born that way? This is actually a myth. Character traits are formed throughout life from early childhood. The content and combination of these traits is influenced by the social environment, life circumstances, culture and traditions of society.

    Congenital features of the psyche either also affect the character warehouse, but this influence is not absolute, but mediated by the interaction of a person and society. Human nature is, as it were, polished by society. Therefore, with age, the character can change - some features become brighter, more distinct, while others seem to be muffled, go into the shadows.

    About a person whose character traits are manifested clearly and leave an imprint on all his behavior, they say that he has a strong character... Weakness is manifested in the inconstancy, instability of personal qualities that make up the character warehouse. For example, when at home a person manifests himself as a narcissistic tyrant, and at work - as a coward and sycophant.

    Thus, the character is a multi-colored mosaic, from the individual elements of which a unique image of the personality is formed. Speaking about the formation and development of character, they mean some of its features, important, significant for the existence of a person in society. And in each society in different historical epochs, these can be completely different personality traits.

    Character traits and their classification

    Any person has many qualities and properties, features nervous system, physiology, emotional and motor spheres. We are all very different, but not all manifestations of our nature are related to character.

    What is a character trait

    A character trait is not just one of the many qualities of a person, it is characterized by a number of features:

    • stability, constancy;
    • manifestation in different types activities and spheres of life;
    • connection with the motives and values ​​of the individual;
    • influence on the formation of stereotypes of behavior and habits;
    • social conditioning, that is, the connection with the norms of behavior in society.

    The presence of such stable traits makes it possible to predict human behavior. Having learned the nature of your partner, you can say with confidence how he will act in one case or another. This greatly facilitates communication between people.

    Trait classification

    There are a huge number of personality qualities that make up the warehouse of her character, and a simple listing of them would take too much time and space. Therefore, since the time of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato, they have been trying to classify these qualities, highlighting the main ones.

    For example, the Austrian physician and naturalist of the early 19th century F. Gall, developing phrenology (the science that makes it possible to describe a person's character by the structure of his skull), identified 27 basic properties that make up the personality warehouse. These included the reproductive instinct, the need for self-defense, love for offspring, etc. At present, neither innate instincts nor the physiological characteristics of a person have anything to do with character, although to a certain extent they can influence his makeup.

    After Gall, attempts to compile a classification of character traits were made repeatedly, but all the time it turned out that some traits did not fit into this classification.

    Currently, it is customary to divide into types not character traits, but the spheres of their manifestation. Traditionally, there are 4 groups of such personality traits:

    • Manifesting in relation to other people: individualism and collectivism, indifference and sensitivity, politeness and rudeness, benevolence and, deceit and truthfulness, etc.
    • Manifesting in relation to oneself: exactingness, self-criticism, self-respect, etc.
    • Manifesting in relation to business: initiative and passivity, laziness and hard work, organization and disorganization, perfectionism, etc.
    • : perseverance, perseverance, determination, independence, willingness to overcome obstacles and their own weakness.

    But this classification is also not complete, since it did not include such individual characteristics person, which characterize his attitude to things: neatness and slovenliness, thrift, stinginess, etc.

    Excessive emphasis on certain character traits

    Various character traits, mixing, form that unique alloy, which is called a unique personality. If some traits or a group of similar qualities are overly dominant, as if they stick out in the foreground, violating the harmony of the image, then they talk about. For example, a pronounced need to be always in sight, love for "show off", obsessive sociability and the desire to openly violate generally accepted norms of behavior speak of a demonstrative type of accentuation. And excessive aggressiveness, incontinence, a tendency to scandals and tantrums are signs of an excitable type of accentuation.

    Psychologists assess accentuation as a kind of "deformity" of character. Even if positive traits are highlighted, a person's behavior often becomes unacceptable, uncomfortable for others. So, it is difficult to coexist with an excessively, to the point of fanaticism, a neat person, and exaggerated cheerfulness and sociability can be very tiring.

    As already mentioned, each era leaves an imprint on socially significant character traits. So, in a society focused on individual success, the most important positive qualities will be considered purposefulness, initiative, hard work, independence, self-sufficiency up to individualism. And in a society where collectivism and the ability to subordinate one's desires to the requirements of the collective are considered the main values, individualism is rejected and condemned. But still, undoubtedly, there are general positive features associated with universal human values. These include the following:

    For example, in certain situations each person can experience, but this does not mean his cowardice, if he is able to overcome this fear and indecision. Everyone has a tendency to laziness from time to time, the question is how much laziness prevents a person from living and developing normally. The same can be said about misanthropy. You cannot love all people in a crowd and indiscriminately, but if this trait is strongly expressed, a person can turn into a real monster. Generosity - good quality, but this does not mean that a person should distribute all his property.

    There are qualities that can be assessed both as positive and negative, depending on the degree of severity. And it is not always noticeable when, for example, stubbornness turns into stubbornness, and the desire to protect oneself and loved ones turns into aggressiveness.

    The main criterion for finding out the ratio of negative and positive traits in your character is the attitude of the people around you. Society is a mirror that reflects your true appearance, and you should take a closer look at it.

    Each of us has both positive and negative qualities. Which ones are the worst?

    So, the main bad qualities in a person

    • Envy is one of the worst qualities that harms both the one who is envied and the envious person himself. An envious person can throw out more negative emotions, and since they will arise often, they can poison the life of the envious person (it has been proven that they not only often lead to depression, but also provoke the development of certain diseases). And envy also interferes with development, striving for more and living a normal life.
    • Arrogance. It is extremely difficult not only to interact with arrogant people, but also to simply communicate. They always consider themselves better than others and because of this they themselves suffer, since at some point even friends and relatives turn away from them.
    • Hot temper. Hot-tempered people often interfere not only with others, but also with themselves, since the inability to restrain their emotions interferes with performing simple duties and achieving goals.
    • Arrogance. Arrogant people are extremely unpleasant, so it is logical that no one likes them.
    • Selfishness. All egoists are doomed to loneliness. It is very difficult to live with them, they are not intended for a normal family life, since they are not ready for sacrifices and think only of themselves.
    • Hypocrisy. For the hypocrites themselves, such a quality can help, but everyone around, when they find out the essence of a person, will certainly turn away from him.
    • Pessimism. Pessimists are often real whiners and are very annoying to others. In addition, this quality also interferes with those to whom it is inherent, because if a person initially tunes in to failures, then he literally attracts them and does not consider it necessary to make efforts to achieve goals.
    • Laziness. Lazy people cannot work normally in a team, colleagues do not like them. And laziness is also a big obstacle on the way to the implementation of the plan. A lazy person can find a lot of excuses just to do nothing. Such people rarely become successful if they do not learn to fight their laziness.
    • Aggression. It interferes with communicating, building a family, and working. Often aggression is combined with another similar quality - rudeness. People with this trait are not respected in the team, and relatives and friends try to limit communication with them.
    • Impudence. Yes, the impudent person himself can achieve a lot thanks to this quality (it is not for nothing that they say that “impudence is the second happiness”). But all the rest have an extremely negative attitude to the impudent.
    • Infantilism is immaturity and lag in the development of personality. Infantile people behave like capricious and spoiled children, which greatly annoys others. They cannot make decisions, take responsibility and be responsible for their actions.
    • Cruelty. Abusive people are capable of anything, even the worst. In childhood, they torture animals, then move on to their peers. If such a person has a family, he will be cruel towards his spouse and children. And these children, who will often see manifestations of such a negative quality, can adopt it and also become cruel.
    • Cowardice. Cowardly people evoke sympathy and sometimes contempt. This quality interferes with making decisions, deciding on many actions, trying something new.
    • Stupidity. She ranks first in the ratings of the worst human qualities. It is not interesting to communicate with stupid people, it is difficult to interact. At first, stupidity may seem innocent and even cute, but gradually it becomes annoying. Many people consider stupidity to be an innate trait, but in fact it can be eradicated if you develop, improve and constantly learn something new.
    • Deceit. Lying for the good can sometimes be useful, but if a person lies constantly, then he will eventually get entangled in his own lies and will certainly be exposed. And few are ready to forgive a lie. As a result, the liar will simply cease to believe that at some point they can turn against him.
    • Greed. It belongs to deadly sins and has always been punished. Nobody likes the greedy. This quality can interfere with working, living and enjoying life, because a greedy person always wants more, he is rarely content with what he has.
    • Frivolity. Frivolous people often get involved in adventures, rush from one extreme to another and never think about the consequences, and this can at some point interfere not only with them, but also those around them. The frivolous often let others down.
    • Indifference sometimes hurts much more than rudeness or cruelty. And if a person is indifferent to family and friends, then they may feel unnecessary and, in the end, turn away.
    • Being resentful is not the worst quality, but it can get in the way. First, touchy people often do not have friends, as they take offense at trifles. Secondly, it is very difficult to communicate with touchy ones, because they can be offended by anything.
    • Irresponsibility. If a person is not ready to take responsibility for his actions, then this means that he cannot be relied on in a difficult situation. Irresponsible people are not taken seriously, they are not asked for help.
    • Egocentrism. The egocentric person considers himself to be the center of the world and does not accept any opinions other than his own. And this interferes with development, interacting with people and building normal relationships.

    If you have one of these qualities, start working on yourself to eradicate it and make yourself better.

    As Victor Hugo used to say, a person has as many as three characters: one ascribes to him the environment, the other he ascribes to himself, and the third is real, objective.

    There are more than five hundred character traits of a person, and not all of them are uniquely positive or negative, much depends on the context.

    Therefore, any person who has collected certain qualities in individual proportions is unique.

    The character of a person is a specific, inherent only to him combination of personal, ordered psychological traits, features, nuances. It is formed, meanwhile, a lifetime and manifests itself during labor and social interaction.

    Soberly assessing and describing the character of the chosen person is not an easy task. After all, not all of its properties are demonstrated to the environment: some features (good and bad) remain in the shadows. Yes, and to ourselves we seem somewhat different than seen in the mirror.

    Is it possible? Yes, there is a version that this is possible. Through long effort and practice, you are able to adopt the qualities you love, becoming a little better.

    The character of a person is manifested in actions, in social behavior. It is visible in the attitude of the individual to work, to things, to other people and in his self-esteem.

    In addition, character traits are subdivided into groups - "strong-willed", "emotional", "intellectual" and "social".

    We are not born with specific traits, but acquire them in the process of upbringing, education, exploring the environment, and so on. Of course, the genotype also influences the formation of character: the apple often falls extremely close to the apple tree.

    In essence, the character is close to temperament, but they are not the same thing.

    In order to assess yourself and your role in society relatively soberly, psychologists advise you to write down your positive, neutral and negative traits on a piece of paper and analyze.

    Try to do this and you, you will find examples of character traits below.

    Positive personality traits (list)

    Negative character traits (list)

    At the same time, some qualities can hardly be attributed to good or bad, and you cannot call them neutral either. So, any mother wants her daughter to be shy, silent and shy, but is this good for the girl?

    Again, a dreamy person can be cute, but completely unlucky due to the fact that he always hovers in the clouds. An assertive individual for someone looks stubborn, for someone - intolerable and stubborn.

    Is it bad to be gambling and carefree? Has cunning gone far from wisdom and resourcefulness? Does ambition, ambition, and determination lead to success or loneliness? This will likely depend on the situation and context.

    And what you will be like, you decide for yourself!

    07.10.2018 01:00

    Hello! Almost all people have unseemly character traits. Many people try to hide them, but they do not always succeed. Let's get to know what are the negative qualities of a person. The list will help you find them in your home to try to fix them.

    Parenting mistakes or psychological trauma

    Character traits are formed from childhood, therefore, upbringing, family relationships play an important role. Often a bad character makes it difficult to live, find real friends, Good work, a loved one. If you look at the list of negative traits, you can see yourself and the people around you differently.

    Bad character traits from A to Z

    It all starts with authoritarianism ...

    Aggressiveness. The desire to always run into conflict. For children, this trait is mandatory, because the child does not yet know other methods of protection. And in an adult, this is expressed in an increased tone, insults, and often in physical impact.

    Gambling. Striving to achieve a goal at any cost, regardless of the sound arguments of other people and huge expenses. This trait often leads to death or serious loss of health.

    Greed. Only money obtained at any cost becomes the cause of pleasant emotions. But emotions quickly pass, pushing the individual to even greater profit.

    Carelessness. Unwillingness to act according to the rules, to choose an equally costly path to achieve the goal.

    Irresponsibility. Unwillingness to take responsibility in order to improve the life of another.

    Ruthlessness. Inability to sympathize with someone else's grief, indifference. Often this trait leads to the suffering or death of others.

    Impudence. Intentional violation of norms in order to create conflict situation or get attention. Unconscious impudence is the result of wrong upbringing.

    Loquacity. Painful desire to tell everything to one or several people at once, spreading even secret information.

    Windiness. Not taking into account the interests of other people, not keeping promises, not being able to move towards one goal for a long time. Constant change of interests or partners.

    Lust for power. Desire for unquestioning obedience. Delight in your power when others are forced to ask for something.

    Vulgarity. Inability to find a balance between vulgarity and originality, inability to make a harmonious wardrobe. When talking to be pretentious, make greasy jokes.

    One of the main troubles of humanity is the presence of stupidity

    Stupidity. Inability to draw correct conclusions from simple life situations. Do not analyze information, giving your conclusions the status of correct.

    Pride. Confidence in the insignificance of others, unwillingness to forgive others for mistakes, inability to see the dignity of other people. Pride develops with distortions in upbringing, the immaturity of the individual, when he reaches a high status.

    Coarseness. Inability to treat others politely, which is expressed in rudeness, insults. Sometimes it is a defense against an encroachment on a person or his territory.

    Greed. Pathological desire to minimize costs, even to the detriment of health or good relationship with a loved one. Unwillingness to get rid of trash.

    Cruelty. Causing discomfort, pain to living beings or people in order to obtain personal moral satisfaction.

    Addiction. The desire at any cost to get pleasure from actions or the use of forbidden substances.

    Envy. Not seeing one's own achievements, pathologically envious of other people's values, comparing oneself with others not in one's favor.

    Complexity. Diminishing your merits and talents, inability to declare your merits. The man received a too strict upbringing.

    Boring. A person loves to teach everyone, to repeat the same thing many times.

    Anger. Showing dissatisfaction through strong emotions or physical actions that often lead to delinquency.

    Hypocrisy. Pretense in dealing with other people, currying favor to achieve their goals.

    Pettiness. The protrusion of their imaginary qualities, not noticing the talents of others. At home, the requirement to report even on trifles.

    Impudence. Impudence in any situations, always climb over your heads in order to get yours at any cost.

    Arrogance. The perception of people around them is lower than themselves in status or material position.

    Narcissism. Self-praise, narcissism, but indifference to others.

    How many bad things happened because of negligence?

    Negligence. Unwillingness to properly fulfill the assigned duties. Inattention to trusted values.

    Limitation. The confidence that only he knows the structure of the universe, and the rest are dull-witted people.

    Vulgarity. Demonstration material goods, pretentious outfits, luxury goods. Saying greasy jokes, telling obscene anecdotes, causing a feeling of awkwardness among others.

    Irritability. Excessive emotions to stimuli, unwillingness to hold back.

    Self-criticism."Eat" yourself for any, even the right actions, incriminate non-existent sins due to low self-esteem.

    Weakness. Inability to resist someone else's will, even when there is a sense of great danger.

    Cowardice. Failure to fight back, leaving the participants in trouble.

    Vanity. The expectation of praise is not even for existing merit.

    Selfishness. Narcissism, the desire to live only as you want, regardless of the desire of others.

    Your actions when applying for a job

    When you decide to change your job, write a resume, then forward it to a new employer. For a resume, it is important not only to describe positive character traits, but also negative ones. Sometimes the employer misses your merits, and focuses on the "weaknesses" column.

    He understands that you properly describe your moral and business qualities, but never negative ones.

    How to proceed? It is necessary to write a resume taking into account the future place of work. Sometimes negative characteristics are more appropriate for a given job than good qualities.

    1. Therefore, study the requirements for a new job well.
    2. Write only high-quality resumes. When writing a low-quality resume, you may not be answered.
    3. If not answered, ask why there is no answer, but do not bother with calls.
    4. Be sure to answer the questionnaire.
    5. The employer welcomes the description of the weaknesses of the future employee, realizing that there are no perfect people. If a person notes weaknesses, then he is ready to correct them.
    6. If it is required to indicate negative qualities, then it must be done very competently.

    Correct resume writing

    • Be business-like. State information briefly, clearly, understandably. In the interview, clarify each point if asked.
    • Don't ignore the “flaws” clause to avoid giving the impression of a smug person. Otherwise, the employer will think that you have an overestimated self-esteem and only therefore can refuse without inviting you for an interview.
    • If the employee is self-critical, then the employer will treat him better than a person without flaws.
    • It is worth saying at the meeting that you are struggling with your shortcomings and there are already successes.
    • Do not write that you are a workaholic, self-critical and everything like that.
    • Always write that if you set a goal, then you achieve it. Give an example. If obstacles stand in the way, then you overcome them, also give an example.
    • Point out that you have a responsibility, that you are trainable.

    Example of character flaws and their applicability

    Overconfidence. Perfect for a leader.

    Hyperactivity. Needed in a job that requires constant action.

    Straightness. Well received because you shouldn't expect a dirty trick from you. Also useful in negotiations.

    Restlessness. Useful where concentration is not required.

    Pedantry. A person can do a job at a high level. Much appreciated when working on a contract in a large firm.

    Distrustfulness. An indispensable trait when making deals with clients that do not inspire confidence.

    Slowness. Good for meticulous work where you need to notice details.

    Anxiety. An employee can double-check what he has done.

    Modesty. This quality can be indicated when communication skills and activity are required from the employee.

    Dear friends, ask your friends or family to name your negative qualities and think about how to fix them. Then feel free to write a resume and get a better job!

    This list of negative character traits is necessary for the analysis of a person. It will allow you to identify unique features in yourself, determine the consequences of their manifestation, as well as ways to correct unwanted behavior that is not perceived by society.

    Classification of personality characteristics

    The individual is cognized and studied according to his innate properties. This concept is understood as stable phenomena that characterize it not only psychologically, but also emotionally.

    This list includes:

    • Temperament is an individual characteristic associated with varieties of nervous functioning. It is he who is the "foundation" of human development.
    • Character - acquired, permanent qualities that determine a person's behavior with others and reality.
    • Abilities are skills and abilities that are the main points for achieving success in a particular activity.
    • Direction - a set of motivations, impulses and aspirations to get what you want.

    All characteristics are divided into positive and negative. You need to know them in order to correctly analyze your essence, as well as those around you, to start working on your shortcomings. However, it should be remembered that such a division is conditional and is determined by the prevailing foundations in society, a personal sense of morality and morality.

    List of negative qualities and bad traits of a person's character

    Daria Milay will gladly help everyone to know their own "I" and develop further actions to work on themselves, for this you should sign up for. In the meantime, here is a short list of undesirable properties found in humans.


    Leadership, the desire to remain in charge of everything, while ignoring the needs of others. Such an individual covertly or explicitly requires obedience and discipline, not taking into account other people's opinions. Any refusal is perceived hot-tempered, and compromises are not considered.


    Conflict, the desire to evoke emotions in the interlocutor with the help of a raised tone, provocations and insults. In childhood, such a trait is considered mandatory, since it develops the child's ability to defend his own interests. However, in adults, it is attributed to negative ones, interferes with beneficial interaction in society.


    Unlike a purposeful person, a gambler tries to achieve a goal, regardless of the level of risk, ignoring other people's views and arguments. On his way, he spends much more effort and money than he will gain by getting what he wants. This trait often leads to unpleasant situations, including loss of health or finances.


    Painful attraction to profit in various situations. Only the acquisition of goods at any cost gives positive feelings to such a person. At the same time, the duration of the joy is rather short-lived.


    Emotional indifference to all manifestations of life, irritants. The reason for this is character traits or a protective function in relation to stressful situations. However, this quality becomes an obstacle to the implementation of even the simplest plans.


    Carelessness in performing duties due to unwillingness to comply with the established algorithm or lack of understanding how to do it at the lowest cost. V to a greater extent inherent in girls who recently escaped from under the wing of their parents.


    A state of disinterest in what is happening, people, or events. This can be a reaction to stressful situations or the result of poor parenting.


    Refusal to perceive the consequences, lack of desire to take serious steps and make decisions. Such an individual will not solve the problem, hoping that it will disappear on its own.


    Such a person does not have personal qualities, so he does not stand out from the crowd. She is not interested in the company, talks on boring topics and strongly resists any changes.


    Another negative characteristic of a person, meaning indifference to the troubles of others. Such an interlocutor will not support a loved one, sympathize or condole. This applies not only to other people, but to all living things.


    Deviation from the established norms, swagger and tactlessness in specific situations. Consciousness indicates attempts to attract attention to oneself, and unconscious manifestation indicates poor upbringing or immaturity.


    Being sociable is good, but you need to know when to stop. The pathological desire to insert your word in any conversation without thinking about the relevance, the content of the discussion is bad. The main purpose of the chatterbox is to make contact, not to get new information.


    A manifestation of irresponsibility. Such a person does not keep his promises, does not take into account the interests of others and does not know how to achieve goals. He constantly replaces the company, is not limited to the rules of conduct established in society, quickly fades away to new occupations.

    Lust for power

    Love for control over everything, the requirement of unquestioning obedience and the desire to have unlimited power in your hands. The power-hungry individual enjoys his elevated position over others, especially when he is asked for help.


    Lack of your own point of view. This is a craving for imposed principles and behavior on a subconscious level. But here the rule of "golden mean" applies. Since a reduced level leads to poor learning.


    Lack of a sense of balance between eccentricity and vulgarity in interactions and actions. This can relate to aspects such as clothing choices or life guidelines.


    Inability to draw logical conclusions from phenomena. Such a negative personality trait manifests itself in a tendency to accept populist statements and pseudoscientific phrases as the truth of the last resort, without subjecting them to critical analysis.


    The proud individual is confident in his exclusivity and convinced of the insignificance of others. He does not forgive other people's mistakes, denies the worthy qualities of others. The reason is degradation due to diseases, immaturity in combination with a high position.


    Deviation of politeness and delicacy in conversation and actions. This reluctance to adhere to an acceptable format of communication, manifested in obscene language, insults and a raised voice.

    Greed, stinginess

    The desire to keep costs as low as possible in any situation, even if it threatens the loss of health or is contrary to common sense. A greedy person can refuse to take out the trash, get rid of trash, ignore the requests of loved ones, if they relate to material expenses.


    This is one of the biggest personality flaws on this list. It means the desire to cause discomfort and unhappiness to others for the sake of satisfaction. Such impact can be physical or intangible.


    Inability to remember basic things. It is a consequence of age-related changes, excessive information load, or an unpleasant situation that you want to get out of your head.


    Pathological tendencies to get satisfaction from the effects of substances or specific actions. This can harm health or relationships with people, is very expensive, or becomes the result of a crime.


    Inability to be satisfied with their benefits and abilities. Such a person constantly looks at others, compares his values ​​with theirs, lives according to the principle “others have better and tastier things”.


    Low self-esteem and obsession with their own shortcomings. A notorious person puts himself on a step lower, is ashamed of his appearance and actions, and because of this he cannot fully reveal his potential.


    It is a bad habit to bother with moralizing, touch on the same topic in a conversation, regardless of the lack of interest of the interlocutors. This inclination originates in the love of endless discussions on any subject.


    One more negative quality character of the person on our list, indicating dissatisfaction and living in uncomfortable conditions. The appearance of this feeling must be closely monitored, since it often pushes to violate the law.


    A habit caused by a lack of upbringing. Such a person requires the immediate fulfillment of his desires, not taking into account the possibilities and making claims.


    The desire to find comfort at the expense of someone else's labor, refusal to make efforts to satisfy needs. A lazy person loves to waste his personal time and not do anything for days on end.


    Providing deliberately false information for the purpose of defamation. It is inherent in people with low self-esteem who try to exalt themselves by humiliating others through deception.


    Pretense, false statements about love, sincerity and goodwill towards the interlocutor. This is done with the aim of gaining profit by ingratiating themselves, even when experiencing completely opposite feelings.


    The desire to regularly praise the real and imaginary merits of others for the sake of self-interest and profit. Usually manifests itself in people with high status. A typical act of a flatterer may be “whitewashing” negative qualities and actions.


    Not to be confused with curiosity. A curious individual seeks to learn everything about someone else's life, throwing aside all decency. It's an unhealthy tendency to be aware of what's going on.


    Giving tremendous importance to your smallest statements and actions. The protrusion of their insignificant traits against the heroic and important actions of others. In men, it often manifests itself in the form of requirements for reports on expenses down to a penny.


    The conscious memorization of all minor conflicts, offensive words or invented humiliations in order to subsequently compensate the offender in full. In this case, the time factor is not taken into account here.


    Tactful behavior in society. The impudent one tries to get what he wants, "jumping over the heads" of the others. The characteristic develops due to defects in upbringing, spoiledness.


    Treating others as subjects of a lower category because of invented personal advantages or real material security and high status.


    Lack of desire or ability to deal with their own difficulties on their own, to relax or have fun. The reason for this may be immaturity or fear of loneliness.


    Self-admiration, praising your personality in any situation, even if this behavior is inappropriate. Such people tend to exaggerate the results of their activities, selfishness and indifference to others.


    Poor performance of assigned tasks, neglect in all manifestations, be it personal or work relationships. It originates from ignorance or characteristic deformation.


    A hyperbolic negative reaction to everyday trifles and troubles, arising from an increased sense of selfishness. Because of him, the person wants to be in the center of attention, so that others, forgetting about themselves, turn around at her feet and show care and generosity.

    Ask a question


    Closely intersects with arrogance. Such a person considers his worldview to be the only correct one and rejects other opinions, thinking that their carriers are narrow-minded. Usually arises from insufficient education or inability to adequately perceive information.


    Fear of contrived catastrophic consequences of even the smallest incidents. This is a bad influence in the upbringing of a "reinsurer" or a consequence of a violent imagination.


    Choosing too open outfits, demonstrating financial security by buying unnecessary expensive items. Another definition is "greasy" jokes and anecdotes, told with the aim of causing embarrassment in the company.


    Excessive emotional reaction to any stimulus. The intensity of emotions often does not correspond to the strength of the influence of the irritating factor. This property is caused by fatigue or stress.


    The inability to spend finances rationally, the desire to make purchases only for the sake of activity, and not the acquisition of the necessary things. The reason is the pursuit of the mask of material security.


    Distrust based on imaginary suspicions of infidelity or affection for another. This applies not only to the partner, but also to relatives, friends, and so on.


    A negative habit, expressed in the periodic identification of their own mistakes and "sinfulness." So, the individual reproaches himself for an irresponsible attitude to responsibilities, although he gives all the best. This comes from low self-esteem or excessive perfectionism.


    Unreasonable exaltation of their skills and abilities. This becomes the reason for risky actions by rejecting the requirements of security and logic. It is justified by inexperience or a painful desire to walk along the "edge of the blade".


    Lack of willpower, as a result of which a person cannot make serious decisions or fight back, stand up for himself and his beliefs. The other side is the inability to resist temptations and illegal actions.


    Closely related to the previous point. It is expressed in fleeing from the scene because of fear for their own lives, avoiding important conversations and actions. Such an individual does not know how to resist an opponent in an argument.


    A love of praise for real or imagined merit. Striving to make a positive impression, create a positive image, and not work on yourself in order to receive compliments deservedly.


    Taking action only because of their beliefs, abandoning authority and social rules because of the habit of doing as it was decided. It is also the exclusion of compromises in the clash of interests, the inability to take into account the opinions of others.


    The need to live in prosperity and comfort, not counting the possible inconveniences of others. Egoists put themselves, their interests, needs first and act according to their benefit.

    The main criterion for this is the person's awareness of their negative properties. You can identify them thanks to psychological tests or under personal supervision.

    Self-control plays an important role in working on oneself. Simple Tips, what to do:

    • Learn to control yourself. If you feel a surge of rage, take a deep breath and consider the consequences.
    • Critical tendencies can be overcome by forcing yourself to look at things or others differently. After all, everyone has dignity.
    • Shyness and low self-esteem are unlikely to evaporate on their own. You can only become more sociable by practice: overpower yourself and enter into a dialogue. It will become easier to do this later.

    Thus, I told you what negative character traits are. Remember that this is also part of the personality. No individual can be perfect, so it makes no sense to strive for perfection and demand it from others. The main thing is to get rid of the shortcomings that interfere with favorable interaction in society.

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