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  • How to help your child love school - Tips for a psychologist. Psychology is just

    How to help your child love school - Tips for a psychologist. Psychology is just

    The basis for the successful acquisition of school knowledge is laid in the pre-school period. But sometimes, even if the baby is explicitly pleasure in kindergarten and well adapted to a long stay outside the house, being in educational institutionHe flatly refuses to learn. Unfortunately, the situation when the child does not want to go to school, are much more common than the opposite. But parents can help the child to love their studies as soon as possible, prevent the training to become for a schoolboy to the most real in Kator.

    Why do not want children to learn at school, how to increase the performance of their child and how not to turn the check of lessons into a subyqual punitive work?

    The main reasons why the child does not want to go to school

    As a rule, children will be happy to go to school with pleasure. It is understandable: School for them is a symbol of adult life, they are now big. Goodbye, kindergarten in short pants! But novelty ends very soon. Someone for the third month, and someone before. And now your child does not break for a writing table and longing over textbooks. You cannot make it perform the simplest exercise in Russian. Why does he not want to learn? What happened? After all, the process of cognition is always so fascinating. And here is not!

    One of the main reasons why the child does not want to go to school, loses interest in study, is very simple: it becomes boring.

    The new game, which began on September 1, lost his fascination. The child wants to play other games, and it is forced to play these. Of course, a seven-year-old child does not admit to you. It is already large enough to understand that there is a socially approved behavior, but there is - disrupted. This five-year-old child easily admits that he does not want to learn at school, because he is bored. Such a baby easily declares you that he is bored to visit the grandmother, boring a book, boring to play with a neighbor boy, because he is tupit. And the seven-year-old already knows that in all this admitted, it is not entirely ethical, he has already lost the children's immediacy, which children die from two to five - at the age, gelling the magnificent root of Chukovsky. Fearing to confess in boredom, the child comes up with a thousand reasons why he does not want to learn at school and do lessons: tired, sore throat, you need to drink, you need to run into the toilet, you need to feed the cat. Or just will sit and dreamily look into the window. Or stealing to play in
    Computer game.

    Especially quickly becomes boringly able to children, that is, not so much capable of how to grab everything on the fly. They quickly assimilate material and also quickly lose interest. And moms are outraged: capable, attack Lazy! He is not a lazy, he is just uninteresting. He understands that this example he can solve very quickly and easily, so he does not decide it.

    How to be to help your child love to learn? Overcome children's boredom! Apply all possible techniques: play, sick, force, negotiate. Come up with how to overcome the child's cooling to study, how to help him at school, and the advice of psychologists listed in the following sections of the article will help.

    Methods and approaches should be different, then the child does not get fat from your one and the same tricks and it will not be boring. Try, experiment, fantasize! And be sure to consider the personality structure of your child!

    Another reason why the child does not want to go to school, why is not in a hurry to sit down for textbooks at home: it's just difficult for him to learn. And this reason is one of the most important and common.

    This adult seems that in the first grade everything is very simple, and the child is not easy at all. No matter how paradoxically, it is difficult for those children who study easily and quickly assimilate information.

    The main difficulty why the child does not want to go to school, not in the material itself - the difficulty is that the baby has to adapt to new living conditions. He used to play all the time, that is, I did what he liked, and now he has to adapt to new living conditions. He needs to strain, remember what I don't want to memorize. He needs to constantly exercise his willpower. And this is the hardest thing!

    How to help the child love to learn at school and achieve good success in school?

    How to help the child love school, if he does not want to learn: Psychologist tips

    If your child does not want to attend school, listen to the advice of psychologists and try to apply them in practice.

    If you believe that the school is a temple of knowledge, then you are mistaken. School is a prison. Often, the child does not want to go to school, because it is here that he loses his freedom, it is in the walls of the educational institution he learns to obey the harsh laws of deprivation. The kid can no longer jump and jump as much as he wants. He is forced to sit forty five minutes in the lesson, regardless of whether he likes it here or not. The schoolboy is forced to sit at the desk, and not under the desk, even if he wants to hide from how terrible his classmates read. He cannot get up and leave the lesson, even if the teacher acts on his nerves.

    Another reason why the child does not want to go to school is that here he has to teach all the disciplines in a row, even if the baby has decided from six years since he will be a lyrics and neither physics, nor biology they need. At school it is impossible to sing in the lesson of mathematics and tumbling in the lesson of singing. The child does not want to go to school, because it is necessary to obey the laws, and they are harsh. And in this great, albeit ungrateful, the mission of the educational institution, his task, its essence: to teach little man To the fact that life is not a greenhouse. The school can not be another, whatever reforms have occurred there, no matter how many computers are installed. The school should be discipline and strict order. Almost prison. Without this school can not exist. If at the same time the child will grow some kind of knowledge - well, the honor of this school and praise. Respect and respect, as they say now.

    It is addiction to the harsh laws of the school that leads to the fact that first-graders are difficult to learn.

    What if the child does not want to go to school that a parent should take in such conditions? Fight a school? Run away from her? Not. The school is life, and we can not escape from it. Home schooling? On the home learning The child can only be a short time and B. certain conditions. The school makes it possible to socialize the child, develop communicative skills. In school, the child will learn how to give and defend himself. And how will all this get a child on domestic training?

    The task of the parent is to help the baby to love school as soon as possible, if possible, minimize the stress that he will inevitably receive there.

    The figure of the first teacher is very important for the child. This is a person from whom the fate and career of your child depends in many ways. The first teacher can cross all your achievements that you beat the previous six years, and may inspire your child to new feats. If you can choose a school, choose a teacher. And if it is not possible to choose and change teachers, you must adapt to the circumstances.

    If parents want to help the child adapt to school as painless, they should not scold teachers - this is not the best technique! It leads to a confrontation of the teacher and the child, and this will not make your child successful and happy. It is better to enter the position of teachers and reconcile the child with a teacher. In addition, the child is not always objective in the skirmis with the teacher. The teacher makes the requirements for the child not in their whim - the merciless laws of school do over the teacher. Dura Lex, Sed Lex, which in the free translation from Latin may mean as "the law is always harsh." If a child for some reason is angry with a teacher, help him understand the situation and give the way out of its aggressiveness. Help the child to express anger to school and teacher.

    Tips for psychologists how to help well learn to children with different psychotypes

    If your baby has a psychotype of Pinocchio, he shouter and rapidly, do not force him to do all the lessons for one sitting. Sell \u200b\u200btasks for small fragments. I wrote one exercise - let it run to the window and look at the cars in the yard. I wrote another exercise - let him slide his typewriter, if it is a boy, or disintegrate Barbie's doll to the ball, if it is a girl. If the child does not switch so quickly from one task to another and the execution of lessons can delay until the morning, try to pick up such actions for it that are close in essence or do not require strong inclusion. For example, it is not necessary to include cartoons between tasks, because the electronic action is too emotionally and the baby can go out long. It is better between the execution of lessons to give a child short games and tasks.

    Another advice of psychologists regarding how to help well learn to a child with a psychotype Pinocchio - develop a small motorcy from the kid: for example, fold the puzzles. Pinocchio will do it in fifteen minutes, so gradually complicate the task. Or give him to play flavored. There is such a game, the meaning of which is to catch the crochet and move very small details. Pinocchio will not be able to play with a long time to play, it is quickly tired, but between arithmetic tags, a couple of turquisite, he will move with pleasure.

    How to help to learn at school to a child with a psychotype of Malvina? Of Malvin, excellent students and excellence are most often obtained, because they are in the measure of abyss, they know how to adapt to social rules and love to receive praise. But even it becomes boring. With Malvinas, it is best to negotiate and explain why they need to fulfill all these boring tasks: for example, you need to strive to get a good education to become the president of a large company and get a good salary. Modern children are very well understood what money is. Moreover, you explained to your child, where money comes from and what they need, when they were inquired at their child to work, and he was sent to kindergarten. If the kindergarten agreements have been debugged, in school Life They will still work.

    If you do not know how to help your child learn, you can include a personal factor and confess to the baby that you are also not always, and I want to go to work every day. And at this work everything is in a row and all eight hours you also don't really want. But after all you can not get anywhere! I want to buy a beautiful fur coat, and on vacation in a prestigious place to go, and dear toys For your beloved child. Such a motivation in relation to seven-year-old children acts much better than in relation to six-graders, so lead to an explanatory work, do not skimp on words.

    Children with psychotic harlequin is quite difficult to perform school tasks Due to objective reasons: it is difficult for them to accommodate themselves in the framework that the school asks. They generally feel pretty awkward. They begin to be angry and from this too quickly lose interest in their studies. Some even begin to bite. They really need help! Do not overload them to be prohibited.

    Do not tell them: "Do not bite! Do not touch! Do not get mad!" And even more so do not beat on the lips, do not slap. Good advice, how to help learn to a child with a psychotic harlequin - Do not respond to aggression on aggression, you will only annoy your baby and encourage him to unlawful actions. It is more correct to say: "Sunny, biting - bad, not good." And you can ask him: "Are you angry?" The child himself may not be very understood that he is happening to him, he captures the chemical processes that occur in his body. Help him release His anger, tell me: "Go, punching a sadness" ("Play in Darts", "Leave the pillows" and so on).

    You must have different devices to ensure that the child can spill out of its energy excess, and this applies to all types of personality, as the excess energy in children can be almost all. They need balls, suspended pears, stairs, crossbars. Energy is a sign of health. A quiet child who obediently sits in one place should alert, and not please the parents.

    Baby Piero, making everything for a very long time and slowly, heavily switches from one activity to another, and he can also bother the lessons. He needs to help, but probably switching from one activity to another - not his method. It can so long, then return to the fulfillment of tasks that you do not have enough of the week. If you know how to help well learn at school to a child with a psychotic Piero, do not forget that such kids like no other need positive reinforcement and in prubing. After all, and in school he gets for the fact that he is constantly slow. In the lessons, he lags behind, because the seven one is not waiting, and may not have time to finish something. It may not add dictation or control and therefore gets less on the ball. He probably will not have time to add a task to the house. It is good that now everywhere there are electronic capabilities and it will not be necessary to annoy classmates to ask them their homework.

    Piero must give more time for homework. If you notice that he looks dreamily in the ceiling, and not a single digit written in the notebook, do not hurry with punishments. Piero just noticed! Remind him about time, patiently encourage, praise it, even if you still praise nothing. Piereo's parents need special patience to not break away! Patience, patience and patience again. Piero can be motivated by sweets, but do not overdo it in order not to overflow the child. He will get tea with the marshmallow only after all the lessons do, and not one exercise.

    Even knowing how to help the child to learn well, each parent needs to decide for himself, whether he wants to make a gold medalist from his baby or agree to the top three in the certificate.

    Any excellent - This is primarily the tremendous work of parents. Mozart is unlikely to become a great musician if it were not for the efforts of his father, who forced the child to do, organized concerts for him, killed him to work and devoted his children all his life. Do you want your child to become Mozart? Well, this is your right, but reflect what duties you load yourself. Are you ready for this? Then forward. All eleven years of the lessons will be made first of all, and only then - your child.

    How parents can help the child to prepare for school

    It is very important how the child is prepared for school. Many parents preparing to school are misinterpreted. Moms and grandmothers tend to fit the child's head as much knowledge as possible, he is taught everything and all, and children's centers go on the desire of parents. And now the courses begin chinese Language For two years. The baby can not talk on his own native, and the Chinese is served by him. Classes foreign language - This is not at all the same as the bilingualistic environment, when the child has parents - representatives of different nationalities and in the house speak two languages. This is a natural environment, and the child in it works perfectly and does not even confuse languages. But foreign language classes are built on completely different principles.

    How to help the child to prepare for school and at the same time not harm? Dear Parents! Do not overdo it in tashing your baby to different nonsense knowledge! This is sometimes abused in educated families, where parents have several higher education. They are ready to give a five-year-old child to university, but they will not take, unfortunately.

    Why does the teenager want to learn in high school?

    To high school, the child becomes accustomed to the fact that the school has iron orders and laws. He has already humbled with the fact that the lesson lasts a certain amount of time and that even on a change it is impossible to scorn from the soul. It would seem, you have to start learning well. Yes, it was not here! A person comes in the most difficult period of his life - in the period of Pubertat, during the period of hormonal storms. And again a person is not up to study! Why do not want teenagers to learn in school so, ki kids, and sometimes even stronger?

    Twelve-fourteen years - this is perhaps the most difficult period for parents. It is for them, because during this period they are difficult to understand their children. Parents, as always, in the head, an exemplary model of a student, a medal on a pad. They understand that the final exams on the nose. But the child seems completely different. He has a completely different perception of time, and until it seems to him that three years is so not soon. This is a whole eternity! He will still have time to catch and get all the cherished fives!

    During this period, the child is especially needed by parent support. Five? Excellent study? Is it the most important thing?

    The following sections of the article describe how to teach a child to perform homework.

    How to convince or make a child start doing homework

    It is difficult for a child to accelerate and proceed to the lessons. In everyday life, we call it lazy. The person can not get together, take himself in hand, mobilize his willpower. The child lacks motivation and understanding, why all this should be done. Mom, instead of convincing the child to do his homework, help him mobilize, the wrong words "freezes" the child. Invalid words in the quoted fragment: "You will make it quickly." The word "quickly" is an incorrect team. Quickly! And the subconscious tells the child: you will do it later, at any time. Quickly! And you can have time to drink a driver, bring grandmother's plaid, feed the cat and make another million business. It is no coincidence that the lazy people are the most busy. They have a lot of important things - and they do not have time to start the main thing.

    But before making a child to do homework as soon as possible, remember the most important thing: It is imperative to help the baby find himself, his calling. It is for this that you are looking for ways to love school and study.

    Often adult people come to psychologists to psychologists who have given the wrong direction. And more often - they did not give directions at all, the man did not find himself, did not realize his dreams. Mom made a daughter to learn at the accountant, because with this profession will never be without a piece of bread, and the girl tolerate can not stand the numbers and go to work, sick-winning fate. And what is the sense of what she studied well at school? What is the fact that she brought fives and sat down for her lessons without sound? Was it happier? Think about it!

    How to teach a child to perform homework and teach it to do it yourself

    Below are several techniques, how to teach the child to perform homework and at the same time not to repel the desire to learn.

    First reception just from the region of reversible psychology. Tell your child: You are just sitting at the table. You can not do lessons.

    This trick is built on the fact that the child is difficult to make two actions at the same time: and sit down at the table, and start doing lessons. After all, he had just been busy with something very fascinating, and we sear it to engage in "nasty" affairs. Thanks to this trick, we divide the task into two parts: first, just at the table. No need to do lessons! You just need to sit at the table. And at the table, let the notebooks and textbooks. The little man will sit a little, considers the check box on the ceiling, herself into the nose and - there is nothing to do, you will have to take for lessons!

    Second reception Use an indication of the time that has already worked well in the previous, preschool, period.

    To accustom a child to perform homework as quickly as possible, you can say: "Here, the sun, you are still fifteen minutes to complete important affairs: Felling a dog, getting a river, flower fields - and for lessons."

    Do not frighten the child that he needs to do everything immediately and quickly. It seems to you that he is all easy. And he is actually not easy for him. It would be easy, the little man would have done everything long ago!

    Third reception. Scroll to part lessons.

    No need to scare a child in that he needs to do everything: both mathematics, and Russian, and oral objects to learn. Let all this block be broken into parts, and in the gap, the child can do what he himself wants.

    Fourth reception. In no case do not use a positive reinforcement for the child to do lessons.

    What does it mean? Suppose Mom says: - You will do lessons, and then walk, how much do you want.

    This looks upwardly turns the lessons in the cautious. Like, you will be dying, then you get a gingerbread. Try to submit lessons as an exciting process. Use gaming techniques, excitement. Tell your child: - I really liked to solve such tasks. After all, it is so interesting to know how many hours the pool will be filled.

    Fifth reception. To motivate your child to study, encourage his ambitiousness.

    Parents more often intimidate children: "Here you will learn badly, you will go to the wipers."

    The child does not frighten the child, she scares his mom. And a teenager who makes all the parents to make all the parents, will say: - Well, I will go to the wipers.

    It is better to motivate the child with dreams about the beautiful future.

    "Now you will learn well, finish the university, you will get on good workBuy a beautiful house, you will travel. " Well, so on. Your task is not only as soon as possible to teach a child to do homework, but also to teach the baby to dream.

    The article read 1 330 times (a).

    For many children, the school is one of the most unloved places. Parents are often called on their children, believing that those simply learn to learn or do not like to get up early, but the root of the problem lies much deeper. We will tell you why children are so hard to adapt to school , And how to deal with it.

    Fear of separation

    Most often, the unwillingness of the child go to school is due to his fear before parting with his parents.

    Especially this problem is acutely worth the first graders and students of the younger school. Parting with relatives perceived by children is quite serious, because they are scary in an unfamiliar atmosphere, and there is no one familiar and native, who would come to the rescue. Even if it was at first everything went smoothly, and the child ran to lessons with pleasure, everything could change, it's worth a child to spend the day at home, skip the lessons or go on vacation.

    Even students of the middle and older school are subject to this problem - the strength of attraction of the home hearth and parental care is also on them.

    What to do: Do not scold your child and do not begin to blame him - explain to him that after the lessons he will be at home again and everything will be fine. Try to instill the thought of the school that the school is also partly his home and his new friends will also be a road. At first, it will be difficult for a child to understand this, but it will not be noticeable to the school atmosphere, he will not be noticed himself, as the school will cease to consider school.

    Adult children are better serious and calmly explain that, alas, we have to do what we do not like, but if these actions have a goal (education, for example), then they are worth it.

    What can I do: In no case do not leave the child at home. It can delay, And in the end you will have an infantile baby, absolutely not ready for real life, a two-way table and hopeless failures in knowledge.

    Duplication of behavior of parents

    Very often you can observe such a picture - my mother leads a child to school and crying, saying goodbye to him. It is not surprising that after a while the baby begins to repeat it and also to get dramatic scenes, only with much big sweep.

    The case is often at all in the personal experiences of the child - he just repeats behind his parents, because he thinks that this is what is expected of him.

    What to do: Pay attention to how you behave when goodbye to your child. If you are fun to wave him after the hand and all over your own kind of tranquility and confidence, then your child duplicates these actions and will go to the lessons with a calm soul.

    What can I do: Shame the child for your mistakes. If you did not hold down tears and the child began to cry, after you, in no case do not get the baby in front of others for his behavior. The model "I can, and you can not" should not be postponed in the mind of the child. He must have clear benchmarks, as needed to behave, but as not. Be an example for him.

    Lack of personal freedom and independence

    You can not cherish the child and not let go away from yourself, and then sharply push him into school and wait for it that he will not notice changes.

    To prepare for the first campaign to school you need in advance. We hope you knew about it and prepared your child to what he was waiting. But the measures must be taken after September 1.

    What to do: Baby (and older child) need discipline and independence. Teach the child to sit down for the lessons, do something without your help, learn to deal with your deeds yourself.

    Not afraid to be alone with problems, The child will be happy to go to school and easily cope with all the difficulties that may arise during study.

    Give your child personal freedom and space. Older children just need time for themselves, its secrets, communication and just rest. Students senior high School As a rule, there are already enough adults to solve themselves, sit for half an hour at the TV, and then do lessons, or vice versa.

    Do not impose your opinion. It is difficult for a child to constantly stick to the rules - show him that he has the right to choose.

    This does not mean that you give complete freedom from classes - just your child can already bestanding dispose of your time.

    The lack of pressure of the house will make your child feel more confident and will make it calmer to demolish school bans and rules.

    What can I do: Doing the child lessons and everywhere to be with him. So he definitely does not want to leave the cozy parental nest. And why go to school, if the lessons in the evenings do mom for you? ..

    Lack of contact with teacher

    Teacher - very important person In the life of a child, especially if we are talking about first grader. The teacher's choice is very important, so we hope that you have chosen your baby teacher who likes first of all to you.

    It happens, of course, that there is no choice, And you have to put up with what is, but remember that you need to comply with a number of rules:

    do not speak with the child about the teacher in a dismissive tone and in no way demonstrate your antipathy;

    if the child does not like the teacher, and you like it - do not press him, let the kid himself will make conclusions. Better ask him why he doesn't like the teacher, perhaps, dislike your chad is not no other;

    speak with the teacher about my child not only to learn something new about eg. about successes, but in order to understand how a teacher belongs to your chad, whether he has found a approach to him. If not - do not despair, everything is ahead, most importantly, so that the teacher did not give to the child and behaved with him invariably friendly and correctly.

    What to do: Ask a child about the lessons, emphasize his attention on what he liked, help the baby to understand that a good lesson became such thanks to the teacher. Try to talk to the teacher, tell us about your child, then it will be easier for him to find an approach to him.

    For kids older teacher - also a painful question. Than older child , thus, he has a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwho he likes or not.

    If your child has real conflict With the teacher, talk about his reasons, do not blame in the whole child, talk also with the teacher and independently draw conclusions.

    If your child's dislike is bothering to the teacher, then you will have to explain to him that communication with people, which we do not like, Also, part of life, and the teacher is not to blame that he did not please something.

    If the reason is that the teacher puts bad assessments and they are justified - tighten your child on this subject. Teachers love honors. This may well exhaust the conflict of this kind.

    Alas, a lot in the "student teacher" depends on the teachers themselves. You can only try to establish their connection from your child, but if at the other end this undertaking will not find a response, then you can do anything about it.

    What can I do: Do not understand, blame in the conflict of a child or teacher. Be prudent, and even if the teacher's relationship with the child failed, do not allow yourself negative behavior and words to the teacher - this will only deepen the hostility of your child and can provoke it to an open conflict and aggression.

    Conflicts with other students

    Unwillingness to go to school can be caused by conflicts in the classroom or beyond. Insist that the child himself figured out with his friends, do not rush to solve everything yourself. And, of course, explain to the baby the difference between the conversation and the fight, and their performanceb

    If your child does not conflict with anyone, but not friendly, do not sweep it. It is impossible to say that he has long been time to have friends and so on. The child will begin to communicate when he wants himself and when he is comfortable. Your task is to encourage this communication in every way. But make sure that the child is not against the holiday with classmates or a joint picnic, otherwise you will scare it even more.

    What to do: Encourage the frankness of the child. Do not scold him and do not judge. Do not get up unconditionally on someone's side - reasonably, and then your child will also enjoy common sense in solving conflicts.

    Confidence in your support and objectivity will help the child to realize their mistakes and not be afraid to go to school to fix them.

    What can I do: Call the parents of the second culprit of the conflict and deal through them. Also do not interfere in these teachers and other relatives - the child should be able to independently solve problems with communication.

    Briefly at the notes of parents

    Finally, we will formulate our basic tips in short abstracts. I hope they will help you and your child change attitudes towards school.

    It is impossible:

    keep the baby's excitement;

    insist on the fact that the child must make friends;

    negatively talk about toddler teachers;

    dismissively responding about school issues;

    put on a child and install too many rules for him;

    overly patronizing and leave a child at home without a reason;

    ignore child conflicts with other children.


    smile and boot the child, accomplishing him to school;

    encourage games with classmates;

    give the opportunity to be independent;

    encourage communication with teachers and classmates.

    Can you congratulate you? Your baby will soon become a schoolboy? Serious and responsible event in his and your life. The event that "checks on the strength" is all nervous cells in your body. But you need to find in this period and pluses. They are clearly more than the minuses, to which the familiar lack of sleep, the clock spent on persuasion is that it is time to make a homework and still get out of the apartment in the side of the gray building. Parents comes the stage "and again hello, school", and the baby "Oh horror, I don't sleep anymore."

    On the shoulders of moms and dads there is a difficulty mission "Make the impossible". The fact is that parents themselves often found dislike school processAnd you need to somehow explain to the young first-grader that the school and all the "joy" flowing out of it are a bright time of his life.

    How can I help you? Probably you just need to look at school on the other hand. Find a few opportunities, how to make a bright memory and a cheerful adventure from school years. Well, these tips can be useful for you:

    1. Preparatory process with tempting prospects

    We start talking young Princes and princesses about new friends who will meet at school, about a new beautiful school uniform And the most fashionable portfolio with superhero. Only at school, the first-grader will be able to take advantage of the magic handles, which will help him answer all the questions in snow-white notebooks. The teacher's image should initially be light and kind. Only smart princesses Will be able to become wise queens. Only intelligent princes will be able to become strong kings. Only in school, the child will receive the first tips to their great victories. You need to instill love for school long before September 1. Your baby should be explained that every adult man must pass his way, and the beginning of this road is precisely in the school walls.

    2. System of rewards

    Bribery is a bad tendency. But a clear explanation of the rules of the game is a great start. You need to decompose in detail the child on the shelves all the advantages of the creative approach to the performance of homework. Baby tired at school. Too much new and difficult to concentrate. Large loads always cause negative. And the school should not be associated with severe work. School is a source of new knowledge, a whole discoveries library. The baby needs to be correctly explained why the performance of homework - mandatory part consolidation process. After school, you need to relax, but the late evening is not the most optimal time to perform homework with a young researcher.

    Performing a task without errors and without additional persuasion should be encouraged by bonuses in the form of stickers on a refrigerator, stars on a magnetic board in a prominent place or any other carriers. After the week, the family council is counting accumulated balls and it is planned a day off at the request of the baby. It is desirable that it was a family day. The place chooses a first grader, because he earned it for his efforts during the week. Places for family holidays can be different: Amusement parks, rink, karting, entertainment centers, circus, zoos, etc.

    3. Search Owls

    The child needs a well-chosen target. And parents should help the baby find his own goal, which will be a compass during his training. The main thing: explain to the crumb that everything else is that at first glance is not related to achieving its goal, it is still important and significantly. For example, you inspired the baby that in school it is to speak beautifully, to write well, "deduct and multiply, the books of good read", so the baby may seem that drawing lessons, labor learning or physical culture Not so important, although they will help the first grader to develop his creative potential, fantasy and the desire for victories.

    Lessons - a fun way to knowledge. And knowledge should not always be accurate, knowledge is an important tool in the knowledge of the world, and sometimes getting knowledge is already a goal without familiar restrictions, such as writing, counting and reading. It is impossible to kill the creativity of the child in his perception of the world. Listen, why your baby does not want to pay attention to some subject and together find the reasons for all the same change your attitude towards the fact that at first glance it seems useless and boring. The main thing: do everything together and without coercion.

    4. Planning - the key to success

    It is necessary for the child, on average, 8 hours for sleep. Therefore, you need to go to bed earlier than he wants. It should not be indicated and forcing the baby to do something, it is enough to explain why some things it is better to stop doing, and some time to start doing. If the young researcher does not agree with you, then listen to his point of view. And then come to the general decision together. It is important to take into account the opinion of each family member, it leads to a dialogue in the future, and in the future perspective the dialogue will become a peacemaker in your conflicts. The baby needs to know that he can feel free to say, his opinion will be listened and will take. He himself decides that it is good for him, and what is bad, just the advice of parents now help him take the right decision.

    It should be understood what your baby wants to engage in free time, make a joint schedule in which the time will be specified when you go to bed, and the time allocated to complete the homework. This is the mandatory conditions on your part, and the schedule of walks with friends, training in the gym, computer games will be built with his wishes. When making each item, it is necessary to discuss the start time and duration of the implementation so that all parties felt the involvement in drawing up a schedule for the near future.

    The world lives in its new modern rules. What was acceptable 10 years ago is now considered stupid and old-fashioned. Only awareness is not for nothing that lived years and a happy memories of school years will always be unchanged and important.

    The task of parents is to make every step of growing kid by saturated positive moments and bright. Your child must love what he is doing. In the world, so much wonderful, teach your baby to see around bright and joyful moments.

    Marina Poznyakov

    Text Psychology "How to love school":

    "11 years, for what?!" - crying first-grader, whom the School line leads to the school line on September 1. Indeed, school years are not wonderful for everyone, but they cannot be canceled. There are several techniques that will help you not feel unhappy only because life is still limited by the walls of the school.


    To begin with, find out what exactly you annoys in your native educational institution. Too dense lesson schedule? Misunderstanding teachers? Inability to establish relationships with classmates? Decide these questions consistently, not seeking by anything to become a popular person.

    Do not think that excellent students, handsome and merchant adore school. In fact, it is difficult for everyone. Just someone knows how to hide your bad mood, Learn from them. Do not fall in spirit, attend those who are near, then at least loneliness you definitely threaten.

    Do not conflict. Teenagers often seem to the best way To settle controversial issues - to show aggression. Believe me, it is not. Train an exposure, not be hot, trying to insist on your. But do not let you lead. Take a neutral position in disputes, it will help you out more than once.

    The school is not to blame for some sciences - not your horse. Try not to endure your negative attitude to teachers, better ask you to work out additionally. Or accept the fact that some items are simply not given. It is not necessary to be an excellent job. The certificate is not the only vital criterion.

    Participate in school concerts and other events, even if they seem boring you. Make so that it was fun. Learn poems, dance under the guitar, dance. You will have something to show. Down with the complexes! To the one who sits quietly in the corner, while others have fun, then it will be just nothing to remember.