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  • The commander was replaced in the southern military district. Alexander Dvornikov: The power of the Southern Military District was forged on the experience of real wars and military conflicts But there were also losses

    The commander was replaced in the southern military district.  Alexander Dvornikov: The power of the Southern Military District was forged on the experience of real wars and military conflicts But there were also losses

    The Southern Military District (formerly called the North Caucasian District) celebrates its centenary in these May days: the most important military formation, which in the past three decades has always been at the forefront of events - these are hot spots in the Caucasus, and one after the other two wars in Chechnya, and constant anti-terrorist operations on the territory of all republics, and the August military conflict with Georgia, and now - the neighborhood with restless Ukraine, whose leaders too often throw threats against Russia, glancing at NATO approaching our borders.

    And the people in uniform serving today in the Southern Military District, awarded in February 2018 by the President of Russia with the Order of Suvorov, are those from combat readiness and the ability to wield weapons and modern technology which depends on the defense of the entire country.

    We decided to talk about all this on the eve of the holiday. with the Commander of the Southern Military District, Hero of Russia, Colonel-General Alexander Dvornikov.

    Alexander Vladimirovich, for a start - since such an event, the district should mark it with something memorable, impressive - both on friends, as they say, and on enemies, right?

    I think it will be so; the celebration of our anniversary will definitely make an impression. For everyone. This is the May 5 parade in Rostov, and the demonstration - for the first time in modern history- near the embankment in the Don River of the ships of the Caspian Flotilla (including anti-sabotage and artillery boats, harbor tug and minesweeper) and Black Sea Fleet(anti-sabotage boat "Raptor" and landing boat DK -199 from Novorossiysk). Plus big landing ship"Caesar Kunikov" in Azov ...

    Since we are talking about military equipment, I think it is today, when the media and here in Russia, and even more so abroad, are discussing the topic of missile defense - I'm talking about the use of these systems during missile attacks in Syria: they were able to repulse NATO attack or failed, successful or not. So, against the background of all this, given geographic location Southern Military District, the question is often asked, how is our country in the south protected in this regard?

    Reliable. I can assure you that it is reliable. Today, the troops of our district, of course, are very actively introducing the experience of conducting hostilities, obtained in the course of modern armed conflicts, including Syria ...

    - ... Which is not surprising, considering that you led the Russian military group there for almost a year ...

    Yes, and that, of course, also plays a role. So, in the process of combat training, tasks are being worked out as part of reconnaissance fire and shock contours, using different types combat maneuvering. Tactical exercises of motorized rifle and tank units are carried out in cooperation with army aviation and with the involvement of crews of unmanned aerial vehicles aircraft... And, already directly answering your question, the scale of combat training of the air force and air defense formation of the district is growing every year. A striking example This was an unprecedented joint exercise with live firing with the formations of the 4th Army of the Air Force and Air Defense, which was held in the spring of 2017 in the Eastern theater of operations. There were also eight-hour non-stop flights of operational-tactical aviation with refueling in the air, and strikes with aviation weapons, and even the landing of a heavy fighter on a narrow highway.

    - Meanwhile, let me still specify: how secure is the Southern Military District today in terms of armaments?

    Today, all the most modern aviation equipment and the latest air defense means are in the skillful hands of the servicemen of the Air Force and Air Defense Association. For example, the flight units and air defense units deployed in the Crimea are generally 100% equipped with the latest weapons. At military airfields, modern Su-30SM fighters, Ka-52 Alligator helicopters, Mi-28N Night Hunter helicopters are in readiness to carry out a combat mission. The world's best anti-aircraft guns are on alert missile systems S-400 "Triumph" and anti-aircraft missile-gun systems "Pantsir-S". Plus, the arrival of new submarines and ships in the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla allowed us to significantly increase the intensity of combat training of personnel.

    - Yes, lately we really often find out about your combat training ...

    Because a lot depends on this. It is important to know not only in theory how and what is being done, but also to have practical skills in the use of new generation weapons - including, for example, I am talking now about the launches of long-range cruise missiles "Caliber" both from the latest frigates and from boards of modern submarines for land and sea targets.

    And yet, it is clear that the best test, be that as it may, is the participation in real operations. You, comrades Colonel-General, know this very well - by the example of the actions in the Syrian Arab Republic already mentioned in our conversation.

    Perhaps so. I'll tell you today, something that, it seems, has not been said so frankly before. It was the troops of the Southern Military District that played a key role in the events of the “Crimean Spring”: in March 2014, the soldiers of the district's special forces acted as guarantors of the security of the expression of the will of the population of Crimea and the Hero City of Sevastopol. And since September 2015, the servicemen of the Southern Military District, as part of the group of forces, have been taking part in the fight against international terrorism in the territory of the SAR. In 2016, the armed forces of Syria, supported by Russian aviation, managed to turn the tide in the protracted war and regain control over the territories occupied by the militants.

    - There, and the fleet worked, as far as I remember, very cool, right?

    Yes, that's right: the crews of ships and submarines of both the Black Sea Fleet and the Caspian Flotilla played an important role in defeating foreign mercenaries. Accurate strikes with "Caliber" naval forces our district on the bases of terrorist groups ISIS * did their job. And the maintenance of law and order in the de-escalation zones in Syria and the security of the port of Tartus was organized by the forces of our military police.

    Combat "turntables". Photo: press service of the Southern Military District.

    - But there were also losses ...

    Alas, this is so. Sometimes our servicemen fulfill their military duty at the cost of their own lives. As, for example, sailor Alexander Pozynich from Novocherkassk, who, saving the crew of the downed plane, died in battle. As an honored pilot and a brave officer, Hero of Russia, Colonel Ryafagat Khabibullin, who was shot down by terrorists and died.

    One more question, Alexander Vladimirovich. Since our western, as they say, “partners” are moving their bases so hard, without hesitation, to the east, we are here in this region, how can we answer?

    Indeed, we also have our presence outside Russian Federation, to which we assign a very important role in stability in the South-West strategic direction - I mean the military bases located in Armenia, Abkhazia and South Ossetia. They, of course, are also in constant combat readiness, capable of fulfilling their mission at any time.

    Born on August 22, 1961 in Ussuriysk, Primorsky Territory. Graduate of the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, the Military Academy named after V.I. Frunze, Military Academy General Staff.

    After college, he began his service in the Far Eastern Military District - as a platoon commander, then became a company commander, chief of staff of a battalion.

    From 1991 to 1995, he was deputy and then commander of a motorized rifle battalion in the Western Group of Forces. Then five years in the Moscow military district. In 2000-2003 - in the North Caucasian Military District.

    After the academy of the General Staff, he was appointed deputy commander of the army, and later chief of staff of the army in the Siberian military district. Next - the army commander in the Far Eastern Military District.

    In April 2012, he was appointed First Deputy Commander of the Central Military District.

    From September 2015 to June 2016 - the commander of the Russian group of forces in Syria.

    Since September 2016 - Commander of the Southern Military District.

    Hero of Russia, awarded with orders"For Services to the Fatherland" III and IV degrees with swords, "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, "For Military Merit", the Order of Courage and many medals.


    In general, the Caucasian Military District, which became the prototype of the modern Southern Military District, began to emerge as early as 1816, when General Ermolov created a separate Georgian, later Caucasian corps on the basis of the 19th and 20th infantry divisions.

    After October revolution 1917, to protect the new state in the fight against the interventionists and internal opposition, on May 4, 1918, by the Decree of the Council of People's Commissars, the North Caucasian Military District was established, the first leader of which was Lieutenant General tsarist army, military theorist, full member of the Russian Geographical Society Andrei Evgenievich Snesarev. The troops of the district defeated Krasnov's Don White Cossack army, defended Tsaritsyn, liberated Donbass and Rostov, and on a wide front reached the coast of the Sea of ​​Azov, practically destroying the troops of Denikin's Volunteer Army.

    In 1920, formations of the North Caucasus Military District conducted a number of successful operations in the Transcaucasus, assisting Azerbaijan, Armenia and Georgia in liberation from foreign interventionists and nationalists. In 1921, when the future Marshal was in charge of the district Soviet Union Kliment Voroshilov, numerous gangs operating in the North Caucasus were eliminated.

    The soldiers of the North Caucasus Military District took part in the hostilities on Lake Khasan and the Khalkhin-Gol River (22nd Krasnodar and 32nd rifle divisions).

    During the Great Patriotic War, the North Caucasians crushed the enemy near Moscow and Stalingrad, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea and near Kursk, liberated Ukraine and Belarus, and reached Berlin. The success of the counteroffensive near Moscow is to a large extent connected with the events that unfolded on the territory of the North Caucasus Military District. BUT Stalingrad battle was the decisive battle of the entire Second World War.

    A special page in the history of the district is the 90s. This is the Ossetian-Ingush conflict, when the soldiers of the North Caucasus Military District actually extinguished the hotbed of extremism, and both the Chechen campaigns, and Dagestan, and South Ossetia and Abkhazia.

    In February 2018, the Red Banner Southern Military District was awarded the Order of Suvorov by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    * ISIS is a terrorist organization banned in the Russian Federation.

    Alexander Vladimirovich Dvornikov was born on August 22, 1961 in the city of Ussuriysk (Primorsky Territory).

    He studied at the Ussuriysk school number 29, then entered the Ussuriysk Suvorovskoe military school... Teachers from whom the Suvorovite Sasha Dvornikov studied are still working here.

    From the memoirs of the teacher of history M. L. Kirienko:

    It was a wonderful course. Thanks to the company commander and the platoon leader, the boys studied well. There were no problems with discipline either. Alexander was the deputy platoon leader. He studied without triples, was a member of the shooting school national team, swam and ran well on skis and always stood up for his friends.

    By the way, once Maria Lavrentievna Kiriyenko told Suvorov's soldier Dvornikov: "You, Sasha, should be a general!" Her words were prophetic. But that was later. And then, in 1978, a graduate of the second company, Alexander Dvornikov, entered the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School, after which in 1982, he served in the Far Eastern Military District as a platoon, company commander, and battalion chief of staff.

    Graduated in 1991 Military academy them. MV Frunze, after which he served in the Western Group of Forces as a deputy, and from 1992 to 1994. commander of the 154th Omsb Berlin Brigade.

    From 01/30/1995 - chief of staff, deputy commander of the 248th infantry regiment of the 10th Guards. TD MVO, and from 20.09.1996 - the commander of this regiment.

    In April 1997 he was appointed commander of the 1st Guards. MSR 2 Guards. Msd MVO. A.V. Dvornikov held this position until March 2000.

    2000 to 2003 served in the North Caucasian (now Southern) Military District as chief of staff of a division, and later as a division commander.

    In 2005 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and was appointed deputy army commander, later chief of army staff in the Siberian military district.

    June 2008 to January 2011 - Commander of the 5th Combined Arms Army of the Far Eastern Military District, then until April 2012 he served as Deputy Commander of the Eastern Military District.

    In May 2012, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation, he was appointed Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Central Military District.

    Since September 2015, Colonel-General A.V. Dvornikov has been the commander of the Russian group of forces in Syria.

    Successful actions Russian army in the Syrian Arab Republic as part of Operation Retaliation were highly appreciated by the Russian leadership. On March 17, 2016, the President of the Russian Federation V.V.Putin presented A.V. Dvornikov with the Gold Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation.

    In July 2016, Colonel-General A.V. Dvornikov was appointed commander of the Southern Military District.

    Hero of the Russian Federation, awarded the orders "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" III degree, "For military services", "For services to the Fatherland" IV degree with swords, the Order of Courage, as well as many medals. He is an honorary citizen of the city of Ussuriisk.

    Suvorovets of the Ussuriysk Suvorov Military School

    Dvornikov Alexander Vladimirovich

    2nd company
    Issue 31 - 1978

    The name of the commander who commanded the group of Russian troops in Syria became known only after the end of the operation. The news that it turned out to be Alexander Dvornikov, a graduate of the second company of the Ussuriysk Suvorov military school, instantly spread among the teachers and Suvorovites. The juniors of USVU, the current pupils of the second company, considered it their duty to collect information about their predecessor. Suvorov correspondents from the Young Journalist circle Ivan Ilchenko, Daniil Savenok, Anton Volkov, Nikita Syrko, Danil Ageev and Vitaly Grusha found out about some facts from the biography ...

    History from a history teacher

    In the Ussuriysk SVU, teachers still work with whom the Suvorovite Sasha Dvornikov studied. Maria Kirienko taught history and has been in touch with him ever since. By the way, one day she said to 15-year-old Suvorovite Dvornikov: "You, Sasha, should be a general!" And this is exactly what happened. Here, however, no one predicted the "Hero of Russia" star.

    It was a wonderful course. Thanks to the company commander and the platoon leader, the boys studied well. There were no problems with discipline either. Alexander was the deputy platoon leader. He studied without "triples", was a member of the shooting school team, excellent swam and run on skis and always stood up for his friends.

    When I learned this news, I burst into tears with joy, - said Maria Kirienko. - His classmate Viktor Piksaev called me and shouted into the phone: "Turn on the TV soon!" She turned it on, and there our Sasha and the president.

    Why did you decide that he would become a general?

    He had all the qualities for this. Obligatory, disciplined, executive. What else does it take to be a general? He is a very reliable person. He could be entrusted with any business and not worry about the result. Alexander kept in touch with the school after graduation. Organized alumni meetings. Once he came to my history lesson, inquired about the topic, asked the guys questions. And then, at their request, I was photographed with the Suvorovites. By the way, being the commander of the 5th Army, he helped build a shooting gallery for the school, restore the arch. He always responded to requests for help. This is how he was from childhood.

    "The battles are won not by generals, but by school teachers"

    The juniors found the school teacher Sasha Dvornikov. Now honored teacher of the Russian Federation, honorary citizen of Ussuriysk Valentina Detsik taught Russian language and literature at school number 29, where Sasha studied. According to her, the boy was distinguished by extraordinary diligence and purposefulness, he was very inquisitive.

    Alexander Dvornikov's wife, Irina Erikhovna, told me how her daughters once asked her why dad with such knowledge went to a re-examination in literature? I explained that there was no question of any retake. He studied very well. For some reason, he skipped a few topics, and therefore came and handed them in individually.

    Did Sasha say that he wants to become a military man?

    Yes, Sasha dreamed of being a military man, and it was no surprise to me that he entered the SVU. Before my eyes is the example of my father - a colonel of the engineering troops. Sasha was a regular at the school shooting gallery. Then it was generally very developed patriotic education... Near the school shooting range we had something like a military town with trenches, a place for a sentry. The boys often played there. Sasha was generally an active child. I often saw him out the window, kicking a soccer ball. And he has always been among the organizers of class events. After school, he more than once gathered classmates and teachers, arranged picnics. I remember City Day (35 years have passed since graduation). A solemn event was held in the youth center "Horizon", at which I was present as an honorary citizen of the city. Among the guests was the new commander of the 5th Army. Nobody knew him yet. And I knew - it was my dear Sasha, my student Alexander Dvornikov. Going up to the stage, in the first rows, he saw me, came up and hugged me. How nice it is when children meet the expectations of their teacher. Otto Bismarck said: "The battles are won not by the generals, but by the school teachers." Indeed, only the person whom you raise to a certain moral height can become a real patriot. I am proud of my students who have gone through Afghanistan and Chechnya. They are real patriots of their country.

    Already four times he served in the Far East

    About how Alexander Dvornikov was a comrade, his fellow student and friend, an officer told the juniors Navy Victor Piksaev.

    In 2008, Alexander Vladimirovich called me. He was then already appointed commander of the 5th Red Banner Combined Arms Army.



    Why are you quiet?

    I don’t know how to contact you.

    And what did you call it in "kadetka"?

    Call it that.

    He is such a man, without any pomp and arrogance, to this day devoted to the cadet brotherhood. We had a wonderful company, we were friends in platoons and lived according to the principle: "One for all and all for one." Sasha was already at school very serious and responsible. The guys respected him. Somehow the question arose about the expulsion of two Suvorovites (they absent themselves AWOL). In fact, there were more guilty people then, but two were caught. The company commander in front of the line asked: "Who was with them, step forward." Everyone understood that they would be expelled for this. Sasha Dvornikov took the first step forward. The whole company followed him.

    Another significant case occurred much later after graduating from college. Dvornikov was already a major general, commander of the 5th army. Once he punished an officer, but he was not to blame. I knew this and told the Major General about it. Having learned the details, Alexander immediately called this officer and apologized to him. He always treats people with respect and understanding. Once a group of mothers came from the west to visit their sons who were serving in the 5th Army. Dvornikov ordered that they be allocated a bus and provided with hot meals for several days. He has always been an excellent organizer, able to assemble and mobilize a team that, like him, will work 24 hours a day.

    By the way, Alexander introduced me to my future wife. It was in my last year. There were dances in the school, and I was the orderly in the company. Sashka came running with Andrey Pozdnyakov and said: "Come on, we'll introduce you to a cool girl!" I asked a classmate to replace me and went to the dance floor to meet Natasha. Since then we have been together.

    And we don't lose touch with Sasha. More precisely, he always finds an opportunity to call, to meet. Once I told him: "You will serve in the Far East five times." I don’t know why this thought occurred to me. But he has already served here four times. I really believe that there will be a fifth. By the way, the Council of Honorary Citizens of Ussuriysk appealed to the administration of the Ussuriysk urban district with a petition to award Alexander Dvornikov the title of "Honorary Citizen of the UGO".

    Alexander Vladimirovich Dvornikov(born August 22, 1961, Ussuriisk, Primorsky Territory, RSFSR) - Russian military leader, commander of the Southern Military District since September 20, 2016, Colonel General (2014). Hero of the Russian Federation (2016).

    Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Central Military District (April 2012 - June 2016), Commander of the grouping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Syrian Arab Republic (September 2015 - December 2016).


    Alexander Vladimirovich Dvornikov was born on August 22, 1961 in the city of Ussuriysk, Primorsky Territory. In 1978 he graduated from the Ussuriysk Suvorov Military School and entered the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR. After graduating in 1982, he served in the Far Eastern Military District as a platoon, company commander, battalion chief of staff.

    In 1991 he graduated from the Frunze Military Academy, after which he served as deputy battalion commander in the Western Group of Forces (GSVG).

    From 1992 to 1994 he was the commander of the 154th separate motorized rifle battalion of the 6th guards separate motorized rifle Berlin Order of Bogdan Khmelnitsky brigade.

    From 1995 to 2000 - chief of staff of a regiment, then commander of a motorized rifle regiment in the Moscow Military District (MVO).

    From 2000 to 2003 - served in the North Caucasian Military District (SKVO) as chief of staff and later as commander motorized rifle division.

    In 2005 he graduated from the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and was appointed Deputy Army Commander, later Chief of Staff of the 36th Army in the Siberian Military District (Siberian Military District).

    From 2008 to 2010 - Commander of the 5th Army in the Far Eastern Military District.

    From January 2011 to April 2012 - Deputy Commander of the Eastern Military District (VVO).

    Since April 2012 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Central Military District (CVD). From November 9 to December 24, 2012 - interim commander of the Central Military District ex officio. Since December 24, 2012 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Central Military District.

    Since early fall 2015 military operation Russia in Syria until July 2016 was the commander of the group of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in Syria.

    On March 17, 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin presented Colonel General Alexander Dvornikov with the Gold Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation.

    Since June 2016 - Acting Commander of the Southern Military District. On September 20, 2016, he was appointed Commander of the Forces of the Southern Military District.


    • Hero of the Russian Federation (2016)
    • Order of Merit for the Fatherland, 4th degree with swords;
    • Order of Courage;
    • Order of Military Merit;
    • Order for Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR "3rd degree;
    • Medals of the Russian Federation and the USSR (state and departmental).

    The officer is not the same for the officer. Some put on shoulder straps to serve the interests of Russia and proudly carry the rank of officer, while others have other interests: petty, selfish. Two Russian officers- Colonel-General Alexander Vladimirovich Dvornikov and General Andrey Viktorovich Gurulev, as two poles of patriotism. The first put the Fatherland and the honor of the officer at the forefront, the second sits out behind the back of the hero of the Russian Federation, hiding his dark affairs.

    Andrei Gurulev, not knowing alarms and worries, made a dizzying military career thanks to the patronage of relatives and friends, at the age of forty, wearing general's shoulder straps. True, he was not destined to proudly wear the rank of officer: the story of the "conscript slaves" sent to work for a friend-general, pretty much spoiled his biography.

    Alexander Dvornikov has come a long way from platoon commander to commander of the Southern Military District, having been awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation this summer. Their paths crossed when Gurulev was appointed Dvornikov's deputy.

    The Southern Military District is not an easy place to serve, but this is not the first time Colonel-General Dvornikov has served in southern Russia. In 2000-2003. he served as chief of staff and commander of the 42nd motorized rifle division of the 58th Army, which was stationed in the combat area.

    And now the Hero of Russia was entrusted with putting things in order in the district, because he will cope. Proved. And there is enough work. So, this fall, military investigators opened several criminal cases against officials under articles for giving and receiving a bribe. A blow has been dealt to the reputation and prestige of military service.

    Dvornikov not in vain received the highest state award for leadership Syrian operation... The professional actions of the commander made it possible in a matter of months to turn the tide in the region. Now he has to clean up the ranks in his homeland.
    And what about his deputy? How did General Andrei Gurulev "distinguish himself" in the military field? Maybe he has the secret talents of a commander? Special services to the state? Perfect biography, at worst. Unfortunately no.

    And what do we know about the new deputy commander of the Southern Military District?

    Muscovite, a native of a military family. Father, Viktor Vasilievich, retired lieutenant general. Father's colleague, Nikolai Egorovich Makarov, promoted Gurulev up the career ladder, being the commander of the Siberian Military District. However, from the officer in him only shoulder straps. Makarov's military reforms to the defense and army systems caused the greatest damage.

    Everything seems to be as usual. Gurulev graduated from the Moscow Higher Combined Arms Command School in 1988, then the Combined Arms Academy of the RF Armed Forces, and in 2010 the Military Academy of the General Staff of the RF Armed Forces. Served in the Volga Military District, in the Western Group of Forces, in the Volga-Ural and Siberian Military Districts.

    In 2007 he was promoted to the rank of major general. By the way, in those days, an ordinary officer could only dream of entering the Academy of the General Staff. This pleasure is not for ordinary officers. For the elite.

    In early 2012, Gurulev was appointed commander of the 58th Army of the Southern Military District, and in 2013 a criminal case was brought against him on charges of abuse of office. And this is where the fun begins.

    Gurulev, when he was chief of staff and deputy commander of military unit 06705, was involved in a dirty story. He was illegally dispatched to the capital two conscripts with a warrant officer in "labor slavery" to Lieutenant General Nikolai Pereslegin, who at that time was a student of the Military Academy of the General Staff.

    They carried out personal assignments of Pereslegin, were engaged in the assembly of furniture in his apartment and were at the same time in the service, absent from the military unit for more than a year and a half. Gurulev concealed this information by forging orders for departure / arrival on holidays and business trips, assigning them regular military ranks.

    How could Gurulev refuse the benefactor? Moreover, Pereslegin was also a relative of Makarov through his wife. After Pereslegin was transferred to a new duty station in the Southern Military District, he pulled Gurulev along with him. There he is in as soon as possible climbed into the commander's place, but, as we see, not for long.
    This story made a lot of noise, however, the case was dropped due to the expiration of the statute of limitations. Knowledgeable people it is said that connections and money helped Gurulev avoid criminal punishment. I got off with a slight fright.

    By the way, to this day the company VentMontazhService-Tver, implicated in the scandal, operates under the leadership of Pereslegin's daughter Anna, albeit under a different name: LLC Engineering Company SPIGO. Here Gurulev's subordinates were illegally registered.

    The company actively participates in tenders and receives government contracts, despite the huge accounts payable.

    As you can see, Pereslegin decided not to give up money and connections. However, the desire for comfort and money is characteristic of this entire company. The Gurulev-Pereslegin-Makarov triad existed for a long time, and you shouldn't think that everything is over.

    Andrey Gurulev stayed on military service and was appointed to the post of deputy commander of the Southern Military District. Is there any doubt that intrigues will be woven behind the back of the hero of the Russian Federation, in attempts to "sit up" him? Dvornikov is an honest officer who will not make a deal with his conscience, which means that he poses a danger to corrupt officials in the ranks of the Armed Forces.

    Colonel General, look around! Take a closer look at those who are hiding behind your back. Until you eradicate the infection next to you, you cannot restore order in the troops. Surely even now Gurulev is bargaining for conscripts without fear of punishment.