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  • Vimanas are the flying machines of the gods. Ancient aircraft and technologies of the past, silent in the official history of Vimana aircraft of ancient india drawings

    Vimanas are the flying machines of the gods.  Ancient aircraft and technologies of the past, silent in the official history of Vimana aircraft of ancient india drawings

    Ancient engineers and their aircraft and technology

    Erich von Daniken was born on April 14, 1935 in Solingen (Switzerland). He studied at the College of St. Michael in Freiburg, where already in his student years he became interested in studying old manuscripts. Von Daniken became famous for his first book, Return to the Stars (Chariots of the Gods), published in 1968 and becoming a bestseller in the USA, Germany and 38 other countries. In 1970, it was supplied documentary"Recollection of the future", which attracted wide interest of the audience to the topic of paleocontact raised by the researcher. Erich von Daniken is a member of various writers' organizations and has received a number of awards. In 1998 he founded the Association for Archeology, Astronautics and SETI Research. In 2003 you Switzerland opened the theme park "Mysteries of the World", at the origins of which was Daniken.

    Erich Von Daniken is absolutely convinced: millennia ago, alien beings landed on Earth, which ancient people considered gods. He is also convinced that man owes his appearance on Earth to astronauts - humanoids from distant planets, who flew to Earth in prehistoric times and left many traces of their stay here.

    Before disappearing into the Universe, the Almighty left to primitive mankind the technical, mathematical and astronomical knowledge that our ancestors used to build the most mysterious structures on the ground. The author examines engraved stones, clay figurines of South American Indians and mysterious images on the plateau, analyzes, juxtaposes and draws stunning conclusions

    Artifacts testifying to the presence of high technologies among the Egyptians in the era of the New Kingdom, which in particular are this fresco

    This artifact was discovered yet in 1848 in the temple of Abydos in the vicinity of Cairo when, at the time of the collapse of the facing tile, at the junction of the wall and ceiling of the room, it was possible to see the ancient layer of masonry. Scientists of that time, despite numerous disputes, could not understand what exactly is depicted in the fresco and what information the ancient Egyptians tried to convey to us. But at the end of the 20th century, the forgotten sensation surfaced again, because no doubt everyone already understood what was depicted in the fresco, and the scientific world preferred to remain silent.

    Also found in South America in the 19th century golden airplanes, none of those archaeologists could then throw up because of their ignorance of the existence of such devices.

    For comparison

    According to various sources, about 30 figurines resembling airplanes have been found in museums around the world. They were found mainly in the graves of the Indian leaders of the South American province of Tolima.

    One of these golden airplanes found in Costa Rica, kept in the Ethnographic Museum of Berlin. There have been many reports of similar finds in Peru and Venezuela... But with all this excitement, the figures were never recognized by scientists as copies of aircraft. They could not even give a clear explanation of their purpose, only suggesting that the figures could be amulets or just breast ornaments. Although they, even judging by the tail unit (vertical keel and horizontal stabilizers), which none there are no flying animals that exist on Earth, undoubtedly reflect the aircraft.

    Engineer Jack A. Allrich, a former US Air Force technician, concluded in the figurine provided him with the resemblance to the F-102 Delta Dagger, a jet aircraft with a top speed of 1,185 km / h manufactured by the American company Convair from 1955 to 1964. At the same time, he noted the great similarity of the wings of the copy provided to him with the wings of a seaplane.

    In 1996, German aviation enthusiasts with a passion for aeromodelling Konrad Lubbers, Peter Belting and Algund Enboom, Having decided to check the flight characteristics of the golden airplanes, we created two copies with 16-fold magnification, while maintaining the proportions with their counterparts. A figurine described by Sanderson, from the museum of Bogota and similar figurine from the Institute. Smithsonian(USA, District of Columbia).

    One of these models was equipped with a propeller engine and the other with a jet engine. As the subsequent experiment showed, both copies, painted in golden color by aircraft designers for persuasiveness, showed excellent aerodynamic properties. Models could not only fly, but also, using radio control, perform figures related to aerobatics, such as kick drum, loop and the like. Moreover, they could plan freely with the engines off and make maneuvers even with gusts of wind.

    The success of the model aircraft builders did not go unnoticed. At the invitation of the German Aviation and Astronautics Society, they held demonstration performances in 1998, after which experts unanimously admitted that the golden figurines are copies of vehicles. man-made for flying.

    An interesting figurine in the shape of a bird was discovered during the hectic search for golden figurines by an Egyptian professor of anatomy. Khalil Messiha... He, being a member of the Aeronautics Club and the Royal Club of Aircraft Modelers of Egypt, noticed that the figurine of a bird made of wood kept in the showcase of the Cairo Archaeological Museum is very similar to an airplane or a glider. All that was in it a bird was a nose in the form of a beak and a bird's eye drawn on one side.

    As reported in the information plate, this "bird" with inventory number "6347" was discovered in the north of Sakkara in 1898 during the excavation of the burial Pa-di-Imen, dating back to the two hundredth year BC. This product weighing 39.120 grams, 14.2 cm in length, and a wingspan of 18.3 cm was made from hardwoods (sycamore or sycamore).

    Most of all, the professor was struck by the similarity of the tail of the ancient product, which has a vertical keel, with the tail of the Colombian "airplanes", as well as the fact that the contours of the body and wings clearly had aerodynamic properties. For some observers, this creation was somewhat reminiscent of the C-130 Hercules military transport aircraft produced by the Lockheed aircraft concern.

    Khalil Messiha, deciding to test his assumption, made an exact copy of this museum piece, adding small additions to it on the advice of aircraft designers: stabilizers, without which stable gliding is impossible, and a motor with a propeller. After all these changes, his model was able to safely rise into the air and even transport small loads, while developing a speed of up to 105 km / h.

    Demonstration of the flying capabilities of the wooden ancient Egyptian "bird" prompted the workers of the Egyptian Museum to turn over their storehouses in search of such airplane birds. In early January 1972, an exhibition of aircraft models of Ancient Egypt was held in the main hall of the museum, which showed 14 discovered figurines. Nevertheless, despite the recognition of these products as copies of ancient aircraft, most Egyptologists continue to insist that this is a bird and only a bird.

    Considering that few people remember the period of research of the "golden airplanes", it should be recalled that these figures played a significant role in the development of aircraft construction... The Lockheed Aircraft Design Bureau, taking from it a deltoid wing and tail unit, created the world's first supersonic aircraft, thereby making a real breakthrough.

    Recently, scientists have increasingly become inclined to believe that we are not alone in the Universe. It is possible that all the artifacts found, testifying to the possession of a high level of knowledge by humans in the prehistoric period, may also be irrefutable evidence of alien civilizations visiting the Earth.

    The use of high technology and electricity BC

    Winged Log God

    And in this image, God has a wristwatch? compass? fashionable handbag?

    And here is an interesting image on the frescoes of a church built in the 17th century

    And here is a Baghdad battery found during excavations of an ancient city in Iraq

    for comparison, a galvanic cell was first invented in the 19th century

    And this design of the ancient very modern power lines resembles

    Is there an electrical switch on the fresco?

    And here on the bas-relief depicts a man with a modern earpiece and microphone?

    Delhi Pillar:

    The column is made of pure iron, but practically does not corrode. Researchers believe that the matter is in the specific climatic conditions of Delhi, due to which a special film was formed on the surface of the monument, protecting it from destruction. The Sanskrit inscription surrounding the column says that it was erected in honor of the victory of King Chandragupta over the peoples of Central Asia.

    The Delhi Pillar is a pillar with a height of just over 7 meters and a weight of 6.5 tons.

    Scientists are not interested in the mystical properties of the monument, but material from which it is made. The pillar is made of pure iron 600 years ago and has not suffered from corrosion in the least.

    "Scientists" - Paleoufologists claim that the Delhi Pillar is a special sign left by aliens who once visited Earth. "Earthlings" - Chemists are inclined towards the earthly origin of the phenomenon. They believe that the absence of corrosion is not at all alien's handiwork, but a consequence of the special climatic conditions in the Delhi region, when a thin film forms on the metal, preventing rust from appearing. But then a new question arises, why the rest of the iron in the Indian capital rusts quickly?

    P.S. All of the above material raises a lot of doubts about the correctness of many existing theories and, it is quite possible that sooner or later scientists will still have to revise and change the entire history of human development written earlier.

    Incredible finds. The secret of the golden airplane. Forbidden history

    Nikolay Levashov. The Tale of the Clear Falcon. Past and present.

    Erich von Daniken film 1 Chariot of the Gods Memories of the future

    More detailed and a variety of information about the events taking place in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of our beautiful planet, can be obtained at Internet Conferences, constantly held on the website "Keys of Knowledge". All Conferences are open and completely free... We invite all those waking up and interested ...

    Sanskrit texts are full of references to how the gods fought in the sky using vimanas equipped with weapons as deadly as those used in our more enlightened times. For example, here is a passage from the Ramayana in which we read:

    "Puspak's car, which resembles the sun and belongs to my brother, was brought by the mighty Ravana; this beautiful air machine goes anywhere at will, ... this machine resembles a bright cloud in the sky ... and King Rama entered it and this beautiful ship under the command of Raghira ascended to the upper atmosphere. "

    Vimana is a flying machine, descriptions of which are found in ancient scriptures, for example, in the Vimanika Shastra. These devices could move both in the ground atmosphere and in space and the atmosphere of other planets. Vimanas were activated both with the help of mantras (spells) and with the help of mechanical devices. Whitemara sank to the mainland, which was called by the star travelers Daariya - the Gift of the Gods. aitmana is a small flying chariot.

    On Vaitmar there were representatives of four peoples of the allied Lands of the Great Race: Clans of Aryans - Kharyans, that is, yes Aryans; The clans of the Slavs - Russen and Svyatorus. Yes, the Aryans acted as pilots with the exception of piccolo. Whitemara sank to the mainland, who was called Daariya by the star travelers - for free from the Gods, brush-like. The Kharyans carried out space navigation work. The Vytmars are large Heavenly vehicles capable of laying up to 144 Vaitman in their womb. The whole vimana is a reconnaissance ship. All Slavic-Aryan Gods and Goddesses have their own white-mans and white-stars,
    appropriate to their spiritual capabilities. In modern terms, the Sky ships of our Ancestors are biological robots that have a certain degree of awareness and the ability to transfer them both within the worlds of Navi, Reveal and Slavi, and from one world to another. V different worlds they take different forms and have different properties necessary to fulfill their purpose. For example, God Vyshen repeatedly flew to the people of the Earth on a whiteman, which has the form
    a huge eagle, and God Svarog (whom the Hindu Brahmins call Brahma) - on a whiteman in the form of a beautiful swan.

    From the Mahabharata, an ancient Indian poem of unusual volume, we learn that someone named Asura Maya possessed a vimana of about 6 m in circumference, equipped with four strong wings. This poem is a treasure trove of information pertaining to conflicts between gods who resolved their differences using weapons that are obviously as deadly as those that we can use. In addition to "bright missiles", the poem describes the use of other deadly weapons. "Indra's dart" is operated with the help of a round "reflector". When turned on, it gives off a beam of light, which, being focused on any target, immediately "devours it with its power." In one particular case, when the hero, Krishna, pursues his enemy, Salva, in the sky, Saubha made Shalva's vimana invisible. Undaunted, Krishna immediately uses a special weapon:

    "I quickly put in an arrow that killed, seeking out the sound."

    And many other types of terrible weapons are described quite authentically in the Mahabharata, but the most terrible of them was used against Vrish. The narration says:

    "Gurkha, flying in his fast and powerful vimana, threw a single projectile at the three cities of Vrishi and Andhak, charged with all the power of the universe. A red-hot column of smoke and fire, bright as 10,000 suns, rose in all its glory. It was an unknown weapon, Iron Thunderbolt, the gigantic messenger of death, who turned to ashes the entire race of Vrishis and Andhaks. "

    It is important to note that these types of records are not isolated. They correlate with similar information from other ancient civilizations. The effects of this iron lightning contain an ominously recognizable ring. Obviously, those who were killed by her were burned so that their bodies were not recognizable. The survivors lasted a little longer and their hair and nails fell out.

    The Vimanika Sutra describes the different types of Vimanas, their characteristics and their motor systems. Vimanas are capable of flying in the atmosphere, under water, underground, in outer space and even outside our universe. They can be purely mechanical or use various cosmic energy for flight, as well as life force. For example, Vimanas ("celestial chariots") are described, made of flowers or a young tree uprooted. Descriptions of various flying ships are found in the Ramayana, in the Rig Veda (II millennium BC) and in other works that have come down to us from ancient times. Five types of aircraft are named: Rukma Vimana, Sundra Vimana, Tripura Vimana, Shakuna Vimana and Agnihorta. Thus, Rukma Vimana and Sundra Vimana have a conical shape. Rukma Vimana is described as a three-tiered flying ship with a propeller at the base. On the second "floor" there is a room for passengers. Sundra Vimana is in many ways similar to Rukma Vimana, but unlike the latter, it has a more streamlined shape. Tripura Vimana is a larger ship. Agnihorts, unlike other ships, fly on the basis of jet thrust. Ancient sources claim that there are flying ships for wandering not only within the Universe, but also in other worlds and spaces inhabited by perfect beings.

    Perhaps the most impressive and challenging piece of information is that some of the ancient records of these supposedly mythical vimanas tell how to build them. The instructions, in their own way, are quite detailed. The Sanskrit Samarangana Sutradhara says:

    "The body of the vimana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of light material. Inside it is necessary to place a mercury engine with its iron heating apparatus under it. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which sets the leading tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel long distances in the sky. The movements of the vimaana are such that he can vertically ascend, vertically descend and move obliquely forward and backward. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial entities can descend to earth. "

    The Hakafa (Babylonian Laws) states in no uncertain terms:

    "The privilege of flying a flying machine is great. The knowledge of flying is among the most ancient in our heritage. A gift from" those above. "We received it from them as a means of saving many lives."

    Even more fantastic is the information given in the ancient Chaldean work, Sifral, which contains over a hundred pages of technical details about the construction of a flying machine. It contains words that translate as graphite rod, copper coils, crystal indicator, vibrating spheres, stable corner structures.

    Many researchers of UFO mysteries may overlook a very important fact. Aside from speculation that most of the flying saucers are of extraterrestrial origin or may be government military projects, another possible source could be ancient India and Atlantis. What we know about ancient Indian aircraft comes from ancient Indian written sources that have come down to us through the centuries. There can be no doubt that most of these texts are authentic; there are literally hundreds of them, many of them well-known Indian epics, but most of them have not yet been translated into English from ancient Sanskrit.

    The Indian king Ashoka established a "secret society of nine unknown people" - the great Indian scientists who were supposed to catalog many sciences. Ashoka kept their work secret, because he feared that the information of advanced science collected by these people from ancient Indian sources could be used for the evil purposes of the war, against which Ashoka was determined decisively, having been converted to Buddhism after defeating the enemy army in a bloody battle. Nine Unknowns wrote a total of nine books, presumably one each. One of the books was called "The Secrets of Gravity". This book, known to historians but never seen by them, dealt mainly with the control of gravity. Presumably this book is still somewhere, in the secret library of India, Tibet or elsewhere (possibly even in North America). Of course, assuming this knowledge exists, it is easy to understand why Ashoka kept it secret.

    Ashoka was also aware of the devastating wars using these machines and other "futuristic weapons" that destroyed the ancient Indian "Ram Raj" (kingdom of Rama) several thousand years before him. Just a few years ago, the Chinese discovered some Sanskrit documents in Lhasa (Tibet) and sent them for translation to Chandrigarh University. Dr. Ruf Reyna of this university recently stated that these documents contain instructions for the construction of interstellar spaceships! Their mode of locomotion, she said, was "anti-gravity" and was based on a system similar to that used in "laghim", the unknown force of "I" existing in the human mental structure, "centrifugal force sufficient to overcome all gravitational attraction." According to Indian yogis, this is the "laghima" that allows a person to levitate.

    Dr. Reyna said that aboard these machines, called "asters" in the text, the ancient Indians could send a detachment of people to any planet. The manuscripts also speak of the discovery of the secret of the "antima" or cap of invisibility, and the "garima", which allows one to become as heavy as a mountain or lead. Naturally, Indian scientists did not take the texts very seriously, but they began to view their value more positively when the Chinese announced that they were using some of them for study in the space program! This is one of the first examples of a government decision to allow antigravity research. (Chinese science differs from European science in this, for example, in Xinjiang province there is state institute engaged in UFO research. - K.Z.)

    The manuscripts do not specifically say whether an interplanetary flight was ever undertaken, but mentions, among other things, a planned flight to the moon, although it is unclear whether this flight was actually made. One way or another, one of the great Indian epics, the Ramayana, contains a very detailed account of the journey to the moon in the "vimana" (or "astra"), and describes in detail the battle on the moon with the "ashvin" (or Atlanta) ship. This is just a small part of the evidence for Indian use of anti-gravity and aerospace technology.

    To really understand this technology, we must go back to more ancient times. The so-called kingdom of Rama in northern India and Pakistan was created at least 15 thousand years ago and was a nation of large and sophisticated cities, many of which can still be found in the deserts of Pakistan, northern and western India. The kingdom of Rama existed, apparently, parallel to the Atlantic civilization in the center of the Atlantic Ocean and was ruled by "enlightened priest-kings" who stood at the head of the cities.

    The seven greatest metropolitan cities of Rama are known in classical Indian texts as the "seven cities of Rishi". According to ancient Indian texts, people had flying machines called "vimanas". The epic describes the vimana as a double-deck, circular aircraft with holes and a dome, which is quite similar to how we imagine a flying saucer. He flew "with the speed of the wind" and made a "melodic sound". There were at least four different types of vimanas; some are like saucers, others are like long cylinders - cigar-shaped flying machines. The ancient Indian texts about the vimanas are so numerous that retelling them would take whole volumes. The ancient Indians who created these ships wrote entire flight manuals for the management of various types of vimana, many of which still exist, and some of them have even been translated into English.

    The Samara Sutradhara is a scientific treatise that considers air travel in vimanas from all possible angles. It contains 230 chapters covering their construction, takeoff, travel thousands of kilometers, normal and emergency landings, and even possible bird strikes. In 1875, in one of the temples of India, the Vaimanika shastra, a text of the 4th century BC, was discovered. BC, written by Bharadwaja the Wise, using even more ancient texts as sources. He talked about the exploitation of vimanas and included information on how to drive them, warnings about long flights, information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning, and guidance on how to switch the engine to "solar power" from a free energy source known as "antigravity". The Vaimanika Shastra contains eight chapters, provided with diagrams, and describes three types of aircraft, including those that could not catch fire or crash. She also mentions 31 main parts of these devices and 16 materials used in their manufacture, absorbing light and heat, for which reason they are considered suitable for the construction of vimaanas.

    This document was translated into English by J.R. Josier and published in Mysore, India in 1979. Mr. Josier is the director of the International Academy for Sanskrit Studies based in Mysore. It seems that the vimanas were undoubtedly set in motion by some kind of anti-gravity. They took off vertically and could hover in the air like modern helicopters or airships. Bharadwaji refers to no less than 70 authorities and 10 experts in the field of aeronautics of antiquity.

    These sources are now lost. The vimanas were contained in "vimana grha", a kind of hangar, and it is sometimes said that they were propelled by a yellowish-white liquid and sometimes some kind of mercury mixture, although the authors seem to be unsure on this point. Most likely, the later authors were only observers and used the earlier texts, and it is clear that they were confused about the principle of their movement. The "yellowish-white liquid" looks suspiciously like gasoline, and the vimaanas may have had a variety of sources of propulsion, including internal combustion engines and even jet engines.

    According to Dronaparva, parts of the Mahabharata, as well as the Ramayana, one of the vimanas is described as having the form of a sphere and rushing at great speed by the mighty wind created by mercury. It moved like a UFO, going up, down, moving back and forth as the pilot desired. In another Indian source, Samara, the vimanas are described as "iron machines, well assembled and smooth, with a charge of mercury that burst out of the back in the form of a roaring flame." Another work, called Samaranganasutradhara, describes how the apparatuses were arranged. It is possible that the mercury had something to do with the movement, or, more possibly, the control system. It is curious that Soviet scientists discovered what they called "ancient instruments used in navigation spacecraft"in the caves of Turkestan and the Gobi desert. These" devices "are hemispherical objects made of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside.

    Obviously, the ancient Indians flew these devices throughout Asia and probably to Atlantis; and even, apparently, to South America. The letter found in Mohenjo-daro in Pakistan (supposedly one of the "seven cities of the Rishis of the Rama Empire"), and still undeciphered, is also found elsewhere in the world - Easter Island! The writing of Easter Island, called the rongo-rongo script, is also undeciphered and very much resembles the script of Mohenjo-daro. ...

    In Mahavir Bhavabhuti, an 8th century Jain text compiled from older texts and traditions, we read:

    "The air chariot, Pushpaka, brings many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge flying machines, black as night, but covered with yellowish lights."

    The Vedas, ancient Hindu poems considered to be the oldest of all Indian texts, describe the Vimanas of various kinds and sizes: "agnihotravimana" with two engines, "elephant-viman" with even more engines and others called "kingfisher", "ibis" and after other animals.

    Unfortunately, vimanas, like most scientific discoveries, were ultimately used for military purposes. The Atlanteans used their flying machines, Wileixies, a similar type of craft, in an attempt to conquer the world, according to Indian texts. The Atlanteans, known in Indian scriptures as the "Aswins", were apparently even more technologically advanced than the Indians, and certainly had a more warlike temperament. While no ancient texts on the Atlantean Wylixie are known to exist, some information comes from esoteric, occult sources describing their craft.

    Similar to but not identical to vimanas, the vailixi were usually cigar-shaped and were capable of maneuvering underwater as well as in the atmosphere and even in outer space. Other devices, like the vimanas, were in the form of saucers and, apparently, could also be immersed. According to Eklal Kueshan, author of The Ultimate Frontier, the Wylixie, as he writes in a 1966 article, was first developed in Atlantis 20,000 years ago, and the most common were "saucer-shaped and usually trapezoidal in cross-section with three hemispherical engine housings underneath. They used a mechanical anti-gravity system powered by motors producing approximately 80,000 horsepower.

    The Ramayana, Mahabharata and other texts speak of the hideous war that took place about 10 or 12 thousand years ago between Atlantis and Rama and was fought with the use of weapons of destruction, which readers could not imagine until the second half of the 20th century.

    The ancient Mahabharata, one of the sources of information about the Vimanas, goes on to describe the terrible destructiveness of this war:

    "... The only projectile charged with all the power of the universe. An incandescent column of smoke and flame, bright as a thousand suns, rose in all its splendor. ... An iron thunderbolt, a giant messenger of death, which reduced to ashes the whole race of Vrishni and Andhaks." ... the bodies were so burned that they became unrecognizable. Hair and nails fell out; dishes broke for no apparent reason, and the birds turned white ... after a few hours all the food was contaminated ... to escape this fire, soldiers threw themselves into streams, to wash yourself and your weapons ... "

    It might seem that the Mahabharata is describing an atomic war! Mentions like this are not sporadic; battles using a fantastic array of weapons and aircraft are common in epic Indian books. One even describes a battle between Vimanas and Vailix on the Moon! And the above quoted passage very accurately describes what an atomic explosion looks like and what is the effect of radioactivity on the population. Jumping into the water gives the only respite.

    When the city of Mohenjo-daro was excavated by archaeologists in the 19th century, they discovered skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding their hands as if they were taken by surprise by some disaster. These skeletons are the most radioactive ever found, on par with those found in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities, whose brick and stone walls have literally glazed, fused together, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical explanation for the glazing of stone fortresses and cities other than an atomic explosion.

    Moreover, in Mohenjo-daro, a beautifully gridded city with a plumbing system larger than that used in Pakistan and India today, the streets were strewn with "black pieces of glass." It turned out that these round pieces were earthen pots that had melted from extreme heat! With the cataclysmic sinking of Atlantis and the destruction of the kingdom of Rama by atomic weapons, the world slipped to the "Stone Age" ...

    Ancient flying machines of America

    When recreating individual elements of prehistoric aviation aircraft in order to combine them in the future into a single device, the author proceeds from the assumption that the centers of the first developed civilizations, remote from each other, including those that originated on different continents, in ancient times had the opportunity to communicate with each other. The researcher of ancient cultures E. Taylor wrote: "We discover the connection of the ancient Aryan deities of the Vedas with the deities of the Homeric poems." VI Gulyaev in the book "Forgotten Cities of the Maya" notes that "the close relationship of the classical Mayan monuments with the monuments erected to commemorate the victories of the rulers of the Ancient East, stands out quite clearly." T. Heyerdahl identifies a whole complex of common features of the cultures of Asia Minor, Egypt, Crete, Cyprus, Mexico and Peru. There are similar examples of generality and technicality. Ground lenses have been found in Iraq that could only be made using electrochemically produced cesium oxide. About the use of electricity in Ancient egypt, Mesopotamia and South America speaks as a number of finds and indirect evidence. The conquistadors annually exported 170 tons of gold and 567 tons of silver from America to Europe. If in the first 25 years 400 million ducats of gold and silver were exported, then a few decades later its exports dropped to 6-7 thousand pounds a year. Consequently, there was a gold mining in America. industry / 23 /. All this allows us to make an assumption about the acquaintance of the Indians with iron for the manufacture of mine kyle and other hand mining tools. For the creation of aircraft, iron was extremely necessary. Boiler equipment on aerofuges was used to generate high-temperature mercury vapors, which were then directed inside the torus-stupa to create a "carrying vortex". Mercury vapors dissolve all metals, but are powerless against iron. The working body of the "mercury engine" was mercury. As a fossil - mercury, a companion of gold.

    On the outskirts of the town of Villarmosa (Mexico, the center of the province of Tabasco), there is the famous La Venta Park. In 1950, with the assistance of the poet and anthropologist Carlos Pelliser, a kind of historical exhibition of sculptures of the Olmec culture in the amount of 31 pieces was placed on the territory of the park. On the island of La Venta, where they were found, from 1200 to 600 BC. NS. was the capital of the Olmecs, an extinct people who inhabited Tabasco. The place where art objects were exhibited in the park is called the "Lagoon of Illusions". While excavating on La Venta, the American archaeologist Matthew Stirling found a stele 4 m high and 2 m wide, which had lain in the ground for 3000 years. It had an image of two mrkchins of the Caucasian type. The face of one was destroyed, the other, with a high nose and long beard, was undamaged. Where did these two Europeans come from and how? The constant attention of visitors is attracted by the highly artistic symbolic bas-relief (Fig. 13), carved on a granite slab 1.5 m high and 1.2 m wide.

    Rice. 13. Stele from La Venta "The Man in the Serpent"

    Archaeologists who found in La Venta named it "The Man in the Serpent". On the head of a person there is a headdress, which one would like to call "a helmet of a spacesuit." Stretching his legs forward, resting his back on the bend of the snake body, with his right hand he holds out a small bucket to us. The left hand rests on some kind of lever. A solid canopy with a square box hangs over his head. Some kind of complex device, articulated with this box, goes behind the person's back. The combination of a reptile, a person and some incomprehensible technique into one whole produces an indelible "functionally programmed impression." On the head of the snake there is a strict plume, similar to feathers.

    The man is not afraid of the snake. With his legs, he tightly gripped the snake's tail and comfortably fit his back into the curve of the snake's body. There is no doubt the remark of G. G. Ershova that the stele depicts "Heavenly reptile, or the Feathered Serpent, identified with the Milky Way and considered in Mesoamerica the creator of all things" / 24 /. G. Hancock, who once visited La Venta Park, sums up his impressions as follows: “… there is something more than religious symbolism. It had something of a rigid structure, as if it were a structural element of machinery ”/ 25 /. Erich von Daniken outlines his perception of the bas-relief with the following words: “A human figure in a helmet sits in a confined space, a“ dragon ”. The right hand holds a stick, and a rectangular box hangs over his head. Didn't people want to portray an aircraft as a monster spitting fire? ”/ 26 /. Mayan culture researcher X. Fay published in National Geographic an article “Maya - Children of Time” with two pictures of the “Indian leader” from Palenque (Fig. 14), carried away to heaven or from heaven to earth by the “Feathered Serpent” / 27 /.

    Rice. 14. "Leader of the Indians" carried away by the "Feathered Serpent" (drawing). Objects depicting people with beards from the Sacred Cenote (well) in Chichen Itza, Yucatan Peninsula

    In addition to the "Celestial Reptile", these three images have one common detail, which is very important for our case. To the nose of the "Man in the Snake" and to the noses of the "Chiefs of the Indians" (Fig. 14) are attached "nose clips". A useful device is attached to the above noses during the period of air flights.It has nothing to do with the barbaric decoration with which savages pierce the nasal septum. Nose clips of this design are not the only ones of their kind. There are, for example, on the noses of aerofuge pilots from the Nuttal code. In the two pilots (Fig. 15), in the upper right row, the nose clips have a design identical to the device attached to the nose of the "Man in the Snake". In other characters, the clips resemble our clothespin, with some kind of additional suspension, the purpose of which is not clear.

    Rice. 15. Fragment of the "Nuttal" codex, created around 1400.

    If you had to fly on small airplanes with a leaky cockpit, and if at the same time you caught a cold or your nasal mucosa became inflamed, then the functional purpose of this device will be understood. Due to the high turbulence of air flows, both involuntary rapid descent of the aircraft and its ascent often occur. With a rapid decrease, especially with a runny nose, "lays in the ears" and local pain occurs. To relieve pain, flight attendants usually advise you to "blow".

    To carry out such a procedure, you should inhale, pinch your nostrils with your fingers and make an attempt to exhale with your mouth closed. To prevent the ears from clogging, they also make swallowing movements. In 1941, the doctor S. I. Shavtsov outlined the specifics of such manipulations in a memo book "What a pilot needs to know about the effect of high-altitude flights on the body."

    Together with SI Shevtsov, we will make a short excursion into aviation medicine. “When performing high-altitude flights, pain occurs in the paranasal sinuses and in the ears. The human ear (Figure 16) consists of three sections: the outer ear, the middle and the inner ear. The external ear includes the auricle and the external auditory canal. The middle ear is separated from the outer ear by the eardrum. The middle ear includes the tympanic cavity, the Eustachian tube and the mastoid process. The tympanic cavity communicates with the outside air through the Eustachian tube. The place where the pipe walls pass into the cartilaginous part is very narrow - 1.0–1.5 mm in diameter. It opens during yawning and swallowing.

    Rice. 16. Diagram of the structure of the ear:

    b - auricle; div - external auditory canal; d - tympanic membrane; d - labyrinth; m, n, s - auditory ossicles; hammer, incus and stapes; e - eustachian tube; g - semicircular canals

    Thanks to these movements, the pressure in the middle ear cavity is kept equal to the pressure of the surrounding air. As you climb, atmospheric pressure decreases. The air that is in the middle ear cavity begins to expand and through the millimeter narrowness easily enters the oral cavity. With a decrease, the pressure begins to rise. At the point of transition of soft tissue into the cartilaginous walls of the Eustachian tube, the walls fold like a petal valve. With a rapid loss of height, the closure of the walls occurs before the air from the oral cavity has time to penetrate into the air cavity of the middle ear. Due to the increase in pressure difference, the eardrum sags into the middle ear cavity. This is accompanied by a number of subjective sensations: a feeling of ear congestion and hearing loss, noise, pressure and ear pain. The appearance of these unpleasant sensations can be prevented. For this, such techniques as swallowing, movements of the lower jaw and exhalation with a closed mouth and nostrils clamped with fingers are used. The aerofuge pilot's nose clip replaces the fingers and permanently seals the nostrils. "Blowing" in this way is called the "Valsolva method". As a result of imitation of exhalation through a closed mouth, the soft tissues of the Eustachian tube break apart. The pressure in front of and behind the eardrum is leveled, and the discomfort disappears. The flight of the aerofuge resembled suspended particles floating in the air. She suddenly soared up, then swiftly approached the ground. Before her pilot, fleeting situations arose that required quickly assessing the distance to the ground, and during a night flight to distinguish the terrain by light and shadow, without letting go of the control levers. The mildest rhinitis causes swelling of the mucous membrane of the Eustachian tube, which leads to its partial or complete blockage. An aerofuge pilot without a nose clip would have a need for frequent repetition of the Valsolvi method, which would distract him from his direct duties.

    “The facial bones have cavities called the paranasal sinuses: the frontal sinuses and the maxillary sinuses. The frontal sinuses are connected to the nasal cavity by the frontal-nasal canal. It is curved, long and small in diameter. For this reason, pressure inside the frontal sinuses cannot be quickly equalized. With a sharp decrease, pain also occurs there, and with swelling of the nasopharyngeal mucosa, unpleasant sensations are possible during takeoff. Here Valsolve's reverse maneuver helps - the Mueller method: drawing in air with closed mouth and nose ”/ 28 /.

    Thus, the nose clip was an integral part of the flight equipment of ancient pilots. Judging by the drawings of the Mixtec Codex Nuttal, created around 1400 AD. e., the pilots of the aerofuge, even when they were already on Earth, were in no hurry to remove the nose clips. Apparently, the possession of this simple device was a matter of special pride and prestige. The nose clip did not look like a horse, as a distant symbol of an aircraft engine, nor a bird, a symbol of wings and flight itself. It is not an aviation symbol or an aviation emblem as such. This is a simple, but at the same time a very necessary working accessory for a pilot in flight. If once upon a time an Indian, for example, walked towards a man with a curly clip on his nose, exciting his imagination with his unusualness, then it was immediately clear to him how to behave with him. He knew that the person in question with the nose harness belonged to a privileged society. This is a pilot, a hero and a demigod. Let us remember who the ancient aviators could be equal to: the first pilots on Earth were the sons of Heaven.

    The artistic symbiosis of man and snake, reproduced with a technical emphasis on a granite stele in America's La Venta Park, is not one of a kind. On the pages of the Hamburg codex of the Aztecs there is a similar plot (Fig. 17). A woman is kneeling in a beautiful oval-medallion of two reptiles. She concentrates on pumping her breasts into the amphora. Behind her right shoulder is the crosshairs of jet nozzles attached to the torus. Following the writer and researcher G. Hancock on the phenomenon of symbiosis between man and the snake, I would like to repeat word for word his resume about the stele, which depicts "The Man in the Snake": "... there is something more than religious symbolism. It has something of a rigid structure, as if it were a building block of machinery. "

    Rice. 17. A female figure in an oval of two reptiles.

    a - the goddess drains mercury;

    c - high-altitude spacesuit and its creator;

    c - cockpit and its creator

    We have already dealt with the fact that the symbiosis of the goddess with dragons, made in the form of a beautiful medallion, personified. The goddess drained mercury to refuel the boilers of the aerofuge. Mercury is a working fluid necessary to create a "carrying vortex". The Man in the Snake is another symbolic depiction of a similar vertical take-off and landing aircraft with a vortex-carrying engine. With a slight squint of the eye, the aerofuge pilot assesses the next visitor to La Venta Park. He holds out a bucket of mercury to everyone from the stele: "Take this and take off like me." Perhaps the stele once stood in front of the building of the "pilots' club" for a long time. The ages have died down, and the ancient sign continues to fulfill its purpose to this day: to symbolize the enduring power of human thought.

    In the design of the aerofuge, as before, the dimensions of the stupa-torus, where the "carrying vortex" was created, remain unknown. Thor is the organizing centerpiece. He determined the overall dimensions of the device as a whole, because the elements of the fuselage, wing stacks and supports were attached to it. Thanks to the works of K. K. Bystrushkin, it became possible to solve the problem of the size of the stupa-torus in a first approximation, at least from the "cult-magic" positions. In historical science, there is a theory of "cult-magical origin of the wheel: the wheel was invented not for driving, but for other purposes" / 29 /. The image of the wheel was known before the wheel itself acquired spokes. America can serve as an example, where, before Columbus discovered it, there were no wheels for traveling and moving goods over long distances, although the fact of their existence was known. To date, in the south of the Chelyabinsk region, apparently the oldest spoked wheel has been found. This happened somewhere in the early 70s of the XX century. In the Bredinsky district of the Chelyabinsk region, archaeologists of the Ural University of Sverdlovsk discovered the Sintashta complex, followed by the Arkaim settlement. The content of the Sintashta graves made it possible to reconstruct five of the nine chariots found there. Their age is 2800 BC. These are the oldest spoked wheels. The right wheel of the chariot (Fig. 18) was in a special position: it shows a special rack, which the left wheel does not have, and a drawbar is attached to it. Such a chariot. very convenient when driving in a circle to the right (in the sun). Ancient Indian tradition remembers the flying chariots of the gods. They had a special name that sounds like vimana. This term is based on the root vim - “to measure”. Commentators cannot yet explain what the gods' flying chariots were measuring. The known descriptions of vimanas do not contain such possibilities. Sintashta chariots, apparently, were the basis of these possibilities. The Sintashta vimana still retains the features of a measuring instrument. Wheels for measurement purposes could be interchangeable and of different radii. Only such chariots could give the name "hill of the chariot builders". At its foot, in the burial ground, the craftsmen rested with their instruments (measuring chariots).

    Rice. 18. Reconstruction of the Sintashta chariot. General form and position in the grave pit (in the burial chamber)

    Archaeologists made an educated guess that Sintashta's chariots imitated a measuring instrument. If you drive two spikes into the rim (there are no metal tires on light wheel rims, there are spikes in the burial ground) from diametrically opposite sides (wheel diameter 88 cm), and then mentally put the right wheel on the shaft of the settlement (Fig. 18) and roll it around its circumference , then the wheel will turn exactly 180 revolutions. That is, we will get an accurate marking of the shaft circumference in 360 parts - degrees. Wheel carriages provide an accurate way to measure the circumference on the ground.

    Archaeoastronomic research carried out by KK Bystrushkin on the ruins of Arkaim allowed him to formulate the concept of "cosmological architecture: a flat display of the celestial hemisphere in the ecliptic coordinate system." The ancient architects of Arkaim depicted: the ecliptic, the lunar paths, the procession of the Pole of the World, the trajectory of the center of the lunar orbit (the precession of its center), etc. The composition of Arkaim has something that allows it to be compared with the relief (Fig. 19) on the sarcophagus of the Egyptian priest from Sakkara (about 350 BC). The sarcophagus is located in New York at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The central part of the relief depicts the inner circle of Arkaim, or the Circle of the Earth. There is a central square and a transitional inner zone. The drawing is oriented so that in the upper part it is west, in the lower part it is east. In ancient China, there is a philosophical formula: "There are three main things in the Universe: Heaven, Earth and Man." "Objects of cosmological architecture at all times and in different places of the Earth were arranged on the same basis using the same metrology and the same principles of construction" / 30 /.

    Rice. 19. Sky Goddess Nut and Earth God Geb

    If you connect your imagination and travel mentally to Ancient India, to the workshops where flying machines with the name of Vimaana were born under the supervision of the priests, then we will find ourselves in a creative group, where the priests-astronomers set the tone. Their prestige was based on what our contemporary K. K. Bystrushkin defined today as "cosmological architecture." At the suggestion of the priests for the inventors and creators of aircraft, the rotation inside the torus-stupa of the vimaana of the "carrying vortex", apparently, did not present much difficulty in likening the rotation of the wheel rim of a measuring chariot. As we remember, the measuring vimaana with a horse-driven drive could have interchangeable wheels and have different diameters. That is, the outer radius of the shell of the "carrying vortex" on the vimaana became, as it were, identical to the radius of the replaceable wheel of the Sintashta chariot. If such continuity existed, then the wheel of the chariot of the astro-measuring device and the wheel of the vimaana “carrying the vortex”, with different sizes in everything, had to be strictly proportional and similar to each other. So far, only the scale of the increase is unknown. KK Bystrushkin believes that "the Sintashta wheels are a model of the inner circle of Arkaim, the Great Sintashta mound or, in general, the Earth's circle on a scale of 1: 100 ... The celestial chariot of the Vimana gods is a measuring instrument of the gods" / 31 /. Let us recall one detail in the flight of the brothers Sampati and Eatayusya: "... Pursuing the Sun, we quickly penetrated space." The impeller of the Sintashta chariot is right-hand, that is, the chariot follows the sun. The Sun moves clockwise along the ecliptic of Arkaim and Sintashta. Chasing the Sun, the brothers also moved clockwise. The sun was a reference point for them, it is possible that they also made some measurements in flight between objects on Earth.

    In order to obtain, as a first approximation, the desired inner diameter of the stupa-torus, average in height, where the "carrying vortex" rotates, we will increase the outer diameter of the Sintashta chariot by 10 times. Is there a reason to increase the size by this amount? According to K. K. Bystrushkin, Sintashta wheels are a model (Fig. 20) of the inner circle of Arkaim on a scale of 1: 100. But this, in his opinion, is not all. In Ancient India, there was a mysterious chronological structure of the Ancient World - Manvantaru. This is how the time of existence of one World (century) is called in Sanskrit.

    1. Crete-yuga (golden age) - corresponds to the modern Paleolithic.

    2. Treta-yuga ( silver Age) - corresponds to the Mesolithic ..

    3. Dvapara-yuga (Copper Age) - corresponds to the Neolithic + Bronze Age.

    4. Kali-yuga (iron age) - corresponds to the age of iron

    Kali-yuga x 10 = Minvantara. The last current Kali Yuga is our time, which astronomically ended in 2000 AD. NS. After her came Satya Yuga - the brightest of all the golden ages. “Comparison of such a structure with a ten-part wheel (10 spokes), apparently, is legitimate ... Without going into the“ magic of numbers ”, we can assume that instead of the number 10, the numbers 7, 9 and 12,13 could be found with the same probability. That is, the inner diameter of the stupa-torus may actually be slightly larger or smaller. "

    The vimaana wheel (Fig. 21) of the gauge has an outer diameter of 88 cm, a hub with a diameter of 30 cm and a hole in the hub for an axle with a diameter of 8.4 cm. Increasing their dimensions 10 times, we obtain an inner diameter of a stupa-torus of 8.8 m. Stupa - the torus has the form of a cone expanding in the upper part. That is, 8.8 m is the diameter of its middle part along the height of its internal cavity. The opening angle of the cone is still unknown. The wheel hub on the aircraft has an analogue in the form of a pilot's cabin. Its diameter, multiplied by 10, is 3 m. The axle hole pretends to be a hatch in the bottom of the cockpit for the pilot to go from the fuselage of the aircraft to watch into the pilot's cabin in the center of the torus.Its diameter is 84 cm.The pilot is wearing a spacesuit in flight. A hatch with a diameter of 840 mm is able to provide the transition of a pilot's figure in a spacesuit to the cockpit and back, after a shift for rest, without any problems.

    Rice. 20. Outer and inner circles of Arkaim - spatial structure (according to K. K. Bystrushkin)

    Rice. 21. Sintashta wheel with ten spokes

    KK Bystrushkin's concept of "cosmological architecture" formulates a position that in some way echoes our narrowly utilitarian aviation theme. She believes that “... objects of cosmological architecture at all times and in different places of the Earth were arranged on the same basis, using a single metrology and the same principles of construction. There is nothing surprising in the fact that it is also possible to study this single structure by its various manifestations: according to the monuments of the Urals, Tuva, Khorezm, China, India, Tibet, Iran, Mesopotamia, Palestine, Anatolia, Egypt, Greece, England, Peru, Mexico "/ 32 /. Gathering in our case, bit by bit, fragments of stele reliefs, drawings with aviation themes, scattered all over the world, and laying out from them, as it were, a kind of mosaic panel, in this way we also try to build the configuration of ancient aircraft. Then, using technical logic, mentally draw the missing piece. That is, we "investigate a single structure in its various manifestations."

    To find out the overall dimensions of the torus-stupa in the drawings of the aerofuge, knowing its average inner diameter, their dimensionless miniature artistic images are sufficient. We have at our disposal two of them. In the book by GG Grinevich "Proto-Slavic Writing" there is an image of the so-called chess piece "horse" (Fig. 22, item a) from the Temirov settlement of the 10th century. On the figurine of the conical type there is an inscription, which Grinevich interprets as the word “horse”, with signs of the Proto-Slavic writing “devil and cut”. Between the writing signs there is a “carrying vortex” symbol. The same sign is on the chest of an allegorical image of an aerofuga in the form of a dragon-like creature from Mexico, which clutched at the handrails on mechanical wings with its paws (Fig. 22, p. C). The sign of "carrying vortex", together with the text "horse", allows interpreting the chess piece as a stupu-tor, in which the "horse-engine" of the aircraft was artificially created. In the Hamburg Codex of the Aztecs, among two dozen images on a multi-figured composition under the conditional name "iconostasis" there is also an image of a stupa-torus (Fig. 22, item b). The stupa is given in section. It fragmentarily, almost in hints, but quite recognizably, depicts: side support hangers for connecting the torus to the fuselage, landing gear (two elements of the support tripod) and two out of four nozzles for vertical take-off and landing. Above the upper edge of the stupa-torus, for clarity, the artist depicted the tongues of a "carrying vortex" scattering in all directions - a tornado, plastered over with balls of mercury to indicate the nature of its birth. Above the stupa is a portrait of its creator in full-dress dress, perhaps because of the celebration on the occasion of the construction of another aircraft by women.

    Rice. 22. a - chess. figurine from the Temirov settlement of the 10th century. Russia; b - a fragment of the Hamburg codex of the Aztecs: "Tor-stupa" and its creator; c - an allegorical image of an aerofuge from Mexico with a "carrying vortex" sign and a symbolic image of gas jets from vertical take-off and landing nozzles

    The scales of the images of both miniatures of tor-stupas, shown in Fig. 22, unknown to us. The hope remains that the customers of these mini-projects, fundamental in importance, at one time insisted that the craftsmen observe the most accurate proportions inherent in the originals. When the aerofuge was launched, a tornado began to rotate inside the torus. The height-variable diameter of the conical "bearing vortex" during rotation fit into the inner cavity of the container, in which it was artificially formed and which its root part filled. The creators of the central node of the aerofuge torus were forced to focus on the natural geometry inherent in an artificial "carrying vortex". According to the descriptions of the viman-yantras, their bodies and wings were made of shiny and light metal, possibly aluminum. However, the inner cavity of the torus, when the boilers were put into operation, had to be in contact with streams of incandescent mercury vapors. No light metal could withstand such contact for a long time. Mercury would inevitably subject it to thermochemical destruction. The metal allowed for work with mercury was iron. Wrought iron also made it possible to impart ideal geometry and surface finish to the container. The lightness and necessary strength of the large-sized construction of the torus-mortar apparently made it possible to provide stiffening ribs. The wall thickness without stiffeners could be close to 5 mm. For more than a thousand years in India, there has been a column of chemically pure iron in the open air, which was necessary to create the stupa-torus of the vimana-yantra. With a relatively short-term exposure to almost 500-degree temperatures of mercury vapors, some kind of wood could apparently be quite fire-resistant, as well as a light and durable substitute material. To create a sufficiently strong torus made of wood, the thickness of its walls could be close to 30 cm. A similar wooden torus in ancient times, naturally, brought to mind the image of an everyday kitchen device, a wooden mortar, in which women-housewives, when preparing a well-known food or drink with pestle, grinded hard but fragile food items. To obtain by calculation the overall dimensions of the torus-stupa, it is easier to assume that its body was made of iron. In this case, the wall thickness of 5 mm can be neglected without much damage. When compiling arithmetic proportional design ratios, they are based on the value of the height-average diameter of the "bearing vortex" of a conical shape. The value of this diameter is, of course, purely arbitrary. Presumably, it should correspond to the diameter of the Sintashta measuring wheel, increased 10 times, that is, 8.8 m. We will measure the heights, diameters and average diameters of the stupas in the figures (Fig. 21, items "a" and "c") and, assuming that the actual value of the average height of the diameter of the conical stupas is 8.8 m, we will compose the proportions and solve these ratios. The results are summarized in Table 1.

    Table 1

    The height of the stupa "a", apparently, could be close to 5.6 m, and the stupa "b" - 3.52 m. The stupa-torus on the aircraft was a dimension-forming structure. From below and from the sides, a fuselage with a boiler room and cabins was attached to it, then landing gear went to the ground, which provided four takeoff and landing nozzles with the necessary clearance with the surface of the "airfield". Above the upper edge of the stupa, the cockpit rose one and a half to two meters, providing him with the visibility necessary for flight control, both in front and under the aircraft. In total, the additional increase in the heights of these structures to the height of the stupa could be up to 8 m. Indian legends claim that the height of the flying carts could reach the height of a two- or even three-story building. Apparently, our ancient informants did not set themselves the task of surprising the descendants.

    In Bolivia, 135 km from the city of Santa Cruz, there is the village of Samaipata, known for, that 30 km from it among the jungle rises Mount El Fuerte (Spanish - fortress). Its top, according to Eric von Daniken, has a pyramidal shape. On one of its slopes, two parallel paths go down in the form of shallow gutters. Fill them with grease, put the sled runners inside and slide down the mountain. The top of the mountain is flat. It has an annular oval depression, in the center of which a round islet rises. Rectangular and triangular recesses are carved along the edges of the stone island. The summit is open to all winds. Reservoirs, circles, triangles and spirals made of wild stone are additionally hollowed out behind a circular depression with an island on the flat part of the summit. Grooves and tunnels stretch to them, as if uniting these reservoirs with channels into a single system.

    Historians interpret this intricate stone pattern as a "sanctuary of the Incas", as a place for ceremonies associated with the "cult of the ancestors." Indians don't come here. Too many snakes. Erik von Daniken made the assumption that in front of us, in the form of channels and sedimentation tanks, is an ancient device for cleaning molten metal from a charge. According to him, “the straightened metal flowed from one basin to another. Heavy particles settled at the bottom of the narrow grooves, and the slags were filtered out and settled at the bottom of the round platforms. " The Indians have indistinct, but still glimmering in their memory is either a legend or an opinion: "... from here the gods returned to Heaven." Let's try to afford to combine both versions together. Before us is an ancient flight test complex (VCI). In the Museum of Gold in Bogota, a large selection of gold objects, including winged ones, is presented on stands. Archaeologists attribute these winged miniatures to images of insects. Initially, these figures of gold were, according to Erich von Daniken, among many exhibits in the collection of the Colombian collector Vicente Restrepo from Medellino. Later, he ceded the collection to the Bremen merchant Karl Schütte. In turn, K. Schütte presented this magnificent collection weighing 4 kg as a gift to the Bremen Museum of Natural History, Folklore and Crafts. One day, three members of the Society for the Study of Ancient Astronautics met at his exhibition. They were of the opinion that these winged exhibits looked less like insects than miniature copies of airplanes. They took a figurine, similar to the emblem of their society, as a standard and built a copy of it, enlarged to the model of a glider. During the tests, she steadily kept the altitude and described the turns according to all the laws of aerodynamics / 33 /.

    Now is the time to return to the "LIK" on the El Fuerte mountain. In our opinion, two parallel grooves in the stone 38 cm wide, about 10-15 cm deep and 27 m long served to launch manned gliders with low-power engines. Gold jewelry in the form of gliders suggests that gliding as a sport apparently existed in ancient times. It is possible that on such gliders, future pilots received their first flying skills, as pilots of aerofuges.

    When the vehicle descends along the rails down the hill, a screen effect will inevitably arise. The lifting capabilities of the wings increase sharply, and the device, with a short take-off run, gets the opportunity to break away from the runway. The low-power engine prevented the pilot from taking the aircraft off the horizontal runway. But when the device was actually in the air due to the ground effect, then even the low speed that the engine was able to provide made it possible to smoothly gain altitude at small angles to the horizon. Miniature aircraft from America are not the only ones of their kind. According to V. Yu. Konelis, during the excavations of ancient Tuspa (now it is the territory of Turkey), a clay figurine was discovered (Fig. 23), which can easily be attributed to a model of an aircraft. Jet nozzles in its tail section help to draw a similar conclusion.

    Rice. 23. Aircraft model from Tuspa

    The wings are missing, and, unfortunately, the pilot's head inside the cockpit is broken off / 34 /. It remains to be seen whether or not there was a helmet on his head. LIK, similar to the structure on Mount El Fuerte, is not the only one in America. About 500 km from the capital of Colombia, Bogota, in the San Agustino Valley is the village of San Agustino. There, on a flat rock surface with an area of ​​about 300 m 2, according to Eric von Daniken, there is an unusual network of canals and basins similar to El Fuerte, connected into a single system by hollows and grooves. This labyrinth is usually interpreted as a "source for washing the feet" or "altar", whose channels could serve to overflow the blood of victims into larger pools. Erich von Daniken attributes all this chaos of streams to a structure for purifying molten metal / 35 /.

    In our opinion, the site near San Agustino and the flat top of Mount El Fuerte served for the same purposes: testing the takeoff and landing characteristics of aircraft under construction and launching commissioned aircraft with mercury engines. In fig. 24 shows a photomontage of a vertical takeoff of an OKA-type aircraft from El Fuerte Mountain. On the OKA and aerofuge, during vertical take-off and landing, jets of incandescent mercury vapors, mixed with the ejected air, hit the walls of the labyrinth from containers and drain grooves. Mercury condensate in the form of balls rolled down in a depression and collected in stone sedimentation tanks. After the end of the flights, the mercury that had settled to the bottom was scooped out, cleaned and put back into operation.

    Rice. 24. Flight test complex El Fuerte at the time of launching a vertical take-off and landing apparatus of the OKA type

    For researchers and archaeologists, perhaps, there are no more interesting and promising places on Earth today than the covered selva valleys of Mexico. Discussions are still going on about applicants who can rightfully be categorized as "the first true Americans." The theory of a pedestrian ice bridge between Asia and Alaska is still not losing ground. It is believed that in prehistoric times people were simply not able to overcome the stormy endless oceans on their fragile boats and primitive rafts - "oceans of darkness" that imperiously divided the Old and New Worlds. The peoples of Central America have three calendars: two cyclical, and the third chronological. The latter includes a "zero point" - the origin. Until 1972, 16 hypotheses were put forward about what time was chosen by ancient astronomers and what this "zero date" meant. According to Erich von Däniken, most Mayan researchers agreed with the date for the "zero point" proposed by John E. S. Thompson. He believes that the beginning of the chronological calendar corresponds to August 11, 3114 BC. NS.

    Oral traditions and surviving Indian manuscripts tell of "wise gods who came straight from heaven." Abbot Brassard, who at one time spoke the Mayan language, had the confidence of the locals, and he was shown the most ancient version of the Maya-Quiche Popol Vuh manuscript. There is a place where it is said about the appearance of gods on their land. “Many saw their appearance, but could not understand where they came from. They, one might say, appeared mystically from the sea or ... descended directly from heaven. " Here is another similar legend from the book of priests "Book of the Jaguar Priest". “They came down from the star trek. They spoke the magic language of the heavenly stars…. Yes, the sign they left is a symbol of our confidence that they came down from the sky…. And when these thirteen gods and nine gods descend to Earth again, they will rebuild everything that they once created ”/ 36 /. No less serious claims can be made by the history of the peoples of Peru in the Andes. There, before the Inca civilization, Chimu and Mochica, between the coast and the valley of the Amazon River, there was a Chavin culture with a religious center of Chavin de Huantar, fantastic in its archaeological material. It is called "the basis of the civilization of the Andes" - 1500 BC. NS. There is a version that "it all started at Lake Titicaca." Researcher Maria Schulten de Dabnett, in her book "La Rutta de Wirakocha", after carrying out a series of archaeoastronomical measurements and surveys south of Lake Titicaca, came to the familiar date of 3172 BC. NS. From the point of view of the laws of astronomy, she calculated the inclination of the Earth's axis during the founding period of all the main ancient cities in the Andes between Tiahuanacu, Cuzco and the capital of Ecuador, Quito (24 ° 08?). It turns out that the system of cities was designed 5125 years before the date of the calculations, and it belongs to the era of Taurus, that is, to the period between 4000 and 2000 BC. BC / 37 /. Based on the coincidence of both calculated dates - calendar and astronomical - we will try to carry out calculations on the aviation mathematics we are interested in.

    Rice. 25. Allegorical image of a flying vehicle from Tiahuanaku (from the book 3. Sitchin's "Lost Kingdoms")

    The "jet-powered glider" depicted on the lid of the sarcophagus in the Temple of the Inscriptions in ancient Palenque can be attributed to the completely man-made aircraft of America. The lifetime of the Ruler of Palenque is known - this period is deciphered as “from 603 AD. NS. to 683 AD NS.". Small disagreements related to the clarification of these dates fit into an unimportant period of 50 years. The work of the inhabitants of the New World is also the previously disassembled "aerofuga", whose allegorical image can be seen on the relief from Chavin de Huantar, the main center of Chavin culture. Director of the Center for Inter-American Studies. Yu. V. Knorozov Russian State University for the Humanities GG Ershova believes that the time of foundation and abandonment of the religious Center by the inhabitants lies in the range from 850 BC. NS. to 200 BC BC / 38 /. That is, from the time when on Lake Titicaca some highly civilized creatures showed the Indians fantastic flying machines, to the time when people themselves were able to do something similar with their own hands, an average of 2,700 years have passed.

    From the book Pugachev and Suvorov. The Secret of Siberian-American History the author

    Chapter 2 The division of Siberia and North America between the winners and the emergence of the United States of America in 1776 1. Introduction

    From the book Mathematical Chronology of Biblical Events the author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

    2.2. Many "ancient astronomical observations" could have been calculated by late medieval astronomers, and then entered by them as "observations" in the ancient chronicles.

    From the book On the Footsteps of the Almighty. Where Science Is Powerless the author von Deniken Erich

    CHAPTER 3 THE AIRCRAFT OF THE GODS Land of the Gods - Unknown Technologies - Indra's Cosmic Journey - Mahabatpturam and the Chariots of the Gods - Checklists of the Tyuts of Ancient India - Star Warriors Millennia Ago - Oxygen Masks and Elephant Trunks - Borobudur

    From the book Battle for the Stars-1. Pre-space missile systems the author Pervushin Anton Ivanovich

    Aircraft of Nezhdanovsky Almost simultaneously with Kibalchich, but completely independently of him and, in all likelihood, not even knowing about his project, another Russian scientist-inventor, Sergei Sergeevich, began to work on the problem of jet flight.

    the author Nikitin Yuri Fedorovich

    Aircraft of antiquity: stellar and terrestrial Ancient people to resist climate change and the destructive cataclysms inherent in the nature of the Earth had to be pragmatists. The skills and professions necessary for life were dictated by values

    From the book Flights of Gods and Men the author Nikitin Yuri Fedorovich

    Aircraft of Ancient China In order to reliably present the picture of the evolution of technological progress on Earth, it will probably have to wait until the Time Machine (MB) is created. The already complex scientific problem is supplemented with additional uncertainty associated with

    From the book Flights of Gods and Men the author Nikitin Yuri Fedorovich

    Aircraft of Ancient India As you know, from Europe to Asia in ancient times there were two trade routes. One by land, the other by sea: across the eastern Mediterranean from Egypt to India and further to China, but apparently there were also air routes. In the list of trade and

    From the book of Myths the ancient world the author Becker Karl Friedrich

    3. Ancient Babylonians and ancient Assyrians Around the time when the priest Manetha was "painting the Egyptian kings" (280 ... 270 BC), in Babylon one of the priests of Baal - Berosus wrote the history of his people in Greek. Unfortunately, only fragments of this have come down to us.

    From the book Riddles of Antiquity. White spots in the history of civilization the author Burgansky Gary Eremeevich

    HAND-MAKING APPARATUS But back to the "Ocean of Legends" by Somadevi. In one of the sections, the author tells about two brothers-carpenters, great craftsmen and craftsmen - Pranadhara and Rajyadhara. The eldest, Pranadhara, loved to take a walk, squandered all his property and, when completely

    the author Kozyrev Mikhail Egorovich

    10. Aircraft with electric rocket engines An electric rocket engine (ERE) is an engine in which the power source for generating thrust is the electrical energy of the on-board power plant of the aircraft (usually in this

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    11. Aircraft with nuclear power plants The idea of ​​using the energy of the atom to propel aircrafts arose almost immediately after the appearance of the first airplanes and long before the discovery of a chain reaction of uranium and the first

    From the book "Miracle Weapon" of the Third Reich the author Nenakhov Yuri Yurievich

    Chapter 22. Aircraft vertical takeoff and landing The indefatigable Germans were able to make a number of fundamental steps in the design of vertical takeoff aircraft. One of these projects, developed during the war, was created according to the tiltrotor scheme, then

    From the book Ethnocultural Regions of the World the author Lobzhanidze Alexander Alexandrovich

    From the book Aviation of the Red Army the author Kozyrev Mikhail Egorovich

    "Vimanika Shastra" - an ancient Indian treatise on flying

    Detailed information about the vimanas is contained in the book " Vimanika Shastra", or" Vimanik prakaranam "(translated from Sanskrit -" Science of Vimanas "or" Treatise on Flight ").
    According to some sources, "Vimanika Shastra" was discovered in 1875 in one of the temples in India. It was compiled in the 4th century BC. sage Maharsha Bharadwaja, who used even more ancient texts as sources. According to other sources, its text was recorded in 1918-1923. Venkatachaka Sharma in the retelling of the sage-medium, pandit Subbraya Shastri, who dictated 23 books of "Vimaniki Shastra" in a state of hypnotic trance. Subbraya Shastri himself claimed that the text of the book was written on palm leaves for several millennia and passed orally from generation to generation. According to his testimony, "Vimanika Shastra" is part of an extensive treatise by the sage Bharadwaja, entitled "Yantra-sarvasva" (translated from Sanskrit "Encyclopedia of Mechanisms" or "All About Machines"). According to other specialists, it is about 1/40 of the work of "Vimana Vidyana" ("Science of Aeronautics").
    The Vimanika Shastra was first published in Sanskrit in 1943. Three decades later, it was translated into English by the director of the International Academy for Sanskrit Studies in Mysore, India, J.R. Josier, and was published in 1979 in India.
    The Vimanika Shastra contains numerous references to the works of 97 ancient scientists and experts on the construction and operation of aircraft, materials science, meteorology.
    The book describes four types of aircraft (including aircraft that could not catch fire or crash) - " Rukma Vimana", "Sundara Vimana", "Tripura Vimana" and " Shakuna Vimana". The first of them had a conical shape, the configuration of the second was rocket-like: " Tripura Vimana "was three-tiered (three-story), and on the second floor there were cabins for passengers, this multi-purpose apparatus could be used for both air and underwater travel;" Shakuna Vimana "looked like a big bird.
    All aircraft were made of metals. Three types of them are mentioned in the text: "somaka",
    "soundalika", "maurthvika", as well as alloys capable of withstanding very high temperatures... In addition, Vimanika Shastra provides information on 32 main parts of aircraft and 16 materials used in their manufacture, absorbing light and heat. The various instruments and mechanisms on board the vimaana are most often called yantra (machine) or darpana (mirror). Some of them resemble modern television screens, others are radars, and still others are cameras; generators are also mentioned electric current, solar energy absorbers, etc.
    An entire chapter of "Vimaniki Shastra" is devoted to the description of the device " guhagarbhadarsh ​​yantra a".
    With its help, from a flying vimaana, it was possible to determine the location of objects hidden under the ground!
    The book also speaks in detail about the seven mirrors and lenses that were installed on board the vimaanas for visual observations. So, one of them, called " Pinjula's mirror", intended to protect the pilots' eyes from the blinding" devil's rays "of the enemy.
    Vimanika Shastra names seven sources of energy that set aircraft in motion: fire, earth, air, the energy of the sun, moon, water and space. Using them, the vimanas acquired abilities that are currently inaccessible to earthlings. So,
    the guda force allowed the vimanas to be invisible to the enemy, the paroksha force could disable other aircraft, and the pralaya force could emit electrical charges and destroy obstacles. Using the energy of space, vimanas could bend it and create visual or real effects: starry sky, clouds, etc.
    The book also tells about the rules for controlling aircraft and their maintenance, describes methods of training pilots, diet, methods of making special protective clothing for them. It also contains information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning and guidance on how to switch the engine to "solar power" from a free energy source called "anti-gravity".
    The Vimanika Shastra reveals 32 secrets that an aeronaut should learn from knowledgeable mentors. Among them there are quite understandable requirements and flight rules, for example, accounting for meteorological conditions. However, most of the secrets concerned knowledge that is inaccessible to us today, for example, the ability to make the vimana invisible to opponents in battle, increase or decrease its size, etc. Here are some of them:
    "... by bringing together the energies of yasa, viyasa, prayasa in the eighth layer of the atmosphere covering the Earth, attract the dark component of the sunbeam and use it to hide the vimaana from the enemy ..."
    "... by means of vyanarathya vikarana and other energies in the heart center of the solar mass, attract the energy of the etheric stream in the sky, and mix it with balaha vikarana shakti into a balloon, thereby forming a white shell that will make the vimana invisible ...";
    "... if you enter the second layer of summer clouds, collect the energy of shaktyakarshana with darpana, and apply it to parivesa (" halo-vimana "), you can generate a paralyzing force, and the enemy's vimaana will be paralyzed and incapacitated ...";
    "... by the projection of the ray of Rohini's light one can make objects in front of the vimaana visible ...";
    "... the vimaana will move in a zigzag manner like a snake, if you collect the dandavaktra and seven other energies of the air, connect with the sun's rays, pass through the winding center of the vimaana and turn the switch ...";
    "... by means of the photographic yantra in the vimana to receive a television image of objects inside the enemy's ship ...";
    "... if you electrify three types of acid in the northeastern part of the vimaana, expose them to 7 types of sunlight and send the resulting force into the tube of the trishirsh mirror, everything that happens on Earth will be projected onto the screen ..."
    According to Dr. R. L. Thompson from the Bhaktivedanta Institute in Florida, USA, the author of the books "Aliens: A View from the Depths of Ages", "The Unknown History of Humanity", these instructions have many parallels with eyewitness accounts of the peculiarities of UFO behavior.
    According to various researchers of Sanskrit texts (D.K. Kandjilal, K. Nathan, D. Childress, R.L. Thompson, etc.), despite the fact that the illustrations of "Vimanika Shastra" terms and ideas that may be genuine. And no one doubts the authenticity of the Vedas, Mahabharata, Ramayana and other ancient Sanskrit texts, which describe flying vehicles.

    I invite everyone to further discuss this material on the pages

    Original Russian Text © A.V. Koltypin, 2010

    The history of Ancient India is fraught with many mysteries. Here in a bizarre way traces and echoes of very ancient knowledge are intertwined, which, according to the prevailing notions now, simply could not be known to people of previous eras.

    Special attention should be paid to information about aircraft and weapons, which are terrible in their destructive power. This is indicated by many ancient Indian written sources, the time of which is dated at least from the 3rd millennium BC. NS. until the XI century A.D. NS. Indologists have no doubt that most of these texts are originals or copies from the originals, and that among the impressive number of them, most still await translation from ancient Sanskrit.

    Ancient chroniclers recounted events that were subsequently modified and often distorted by many generations of storytellers. The grain of truth in the myths that have come down to us is so densely shrouded in late layers that it is sometimes difficult to isolate the original fact. However, in the opinion of many specialists in Indology, in the Sanskrit texts, under the millennial "fantastic" layers, information about the knowledge that people really possessed in time immemorial is hidden.

    Aircraft in the Vedas

    Flying machines are mentioned in more than 20 ancient Indian texts. The oldest of these texts are the Vedas, compiled, according to the majority of Indologists, no later than 2500 BC. NS. (The German orientalist G.G. Jacobi dates them to 4500 BC, and the Indian researcher V.G. Tilak even to 6000 BC).

    Aircrafts are described in 150 verses of the Rig Veda, Yajur Veda, Atharva Veda. One of these "air chariots that flew without a horse" was built by the divine master Ribhu. "… The chariot moved faster than thought, like a bird in the sky, rising to the Sun and Moonand descending to Earth with a loud roar ... " The chariot was driven by three pilots; she was able to take on board 7-8 passengers, could land both on land and on water.

    The ancient author also indicates the technical characteristics of the chariot: a three-storey triangular-shaped apparatus with two wings and three wheels that retract during flight, was made of several types of metal and worked on liquids called madhu, rasa and anna. Analyzing this and other Sanskrit texts, Professor D.K. Kanjilal, author of Vimanas of Ancient India (1985), concluded that rasa is mercury, madhu is alcohol made from honey or fruit juice, anna is alcohol from fermented rice or vegetable oil.

    Vedic texts describe celestial chariots different kind and size: "agnihotravimana" with two engines, "elephant-vimana" with even more engines and others called "kingfisher", "ibis", as well as by the name of other animals. Examples of chariot flights are also given (the gods and some of the mortals flew on them). For example, here is how the flight of a chariot belonging to the Maruts is described: "... Houses and trees trembled, and small plants were uprooted by a terrifying wind, caves in the mountains were filled with a roar, and the sky seemed to split into pieces or fall from the tremendous speed and mighty roar of the air crew ...".

    Aircraft in the "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana"

    Many mentions of air chariots (vimanas and agnihotras) are found in the great epic of the Indian people "Mahabharata" and "Ramayana". Both poems describe in detail appearance and the device of aircraft: "iron machines, smooth and shiny, with roaring flames erupting from them"; "double-decked round ships with holes and a dome"; " two-story celestial chariots with many windows sparkling with red flames " , which " rose up, to the place where both the Sun and the Stars are visible at the same time " . It also indicates that the flight of the vehicles was accompanied by a melodic ringing or loud sound, during the flight, fire was often seen. They could hover, hovering in the air, move up and down, back and forth, rush with the speed of the wind, or travel great distances. "v blink of an eye "," with the speed of thought " .

    From the analysis of ancient texts, it can be concluded that vimanas- the fastest and least noisy aircraft; flight is agnihotra accompanied by a roar, flashes of fire or outbursts of flame (apparently, their name comes from "agni" - fire).

    Ancient Indian texts claim that there were flying machines for wandering within the "Surya mandala" and "Nakshatra mandala". "Surya" in Sanskrit and modern Hindi means the sun, "mandala" - a sphere, region, "nakshatra" - a star. Perhaps this is an indication of how to fly inside Solar system, and beyond.

    There were large aircraft that could carry troops and weapons, as well as smaller vimanas, including pleasure craft for one passenger; flights in air chariots were performed not only by the gods, but also by mortals - kings and heroes. Thus, according to the Mahabharata, the commander-in-chief Bali Maharaja, the son of the demon king Virochana, boarded the Vaihayasu ship. “… This wonderfully decorated ship was created by the demon Maya and is equipped with weapons of all kinds. It is impossible to comprehend and describe it.
    He was either visible or not.Sitting in this ship under a wonderful protective umbrella ... Maharaja Bali, surrounded by his generals and commanders, seemed to illuminate all directions of the world by the Moon, rising in the evening ... ".

    Another hero of the "Mahabharata" - the son of Indra from a mortal woman Arjuna - received a magic vimana as a gift from his father, who also placed his charioteer Matali Gandharva at his disposal. "... The chariot was equipped with everything necessary. Neither gods nor demons could defeat it; she emitted light and trembled with a rumbling sound.With her beauty, she captivated the minds of all who contemplated her. It was created by the power of his austerities Vishvakarma - the architect and designer of the gods.Its shape, like the shape of the Sun, could not be accurately seen ... ". Arjuna flew not only in the atmosphere of the Earth, but also in Space, taking part in the war of the gods against demons ... “… And on this sun-like, miraculous divine chariot, the wise descendant of Kuru flew up. Becoming invisible to mortals walking on earth, he saw thousands of wonderful air chariots. There was no sun or moon light,no fire, but they shone with their own light, acquired through their merits.Because of the distance, the light of the stars is seen as a tiny lamp flame, but in reality they are very large. The Pandava saw them bright and beautiful, shining with the light of their own fire ...".

    Another hero of the "Mahabharata", King Uparichara Vasu , also flew in Indra's vimaana. From her, he could observe all events on Earth, the flights of the gods in the Universe, and also visit other worlds. The king was so carried away by his flying chariot that he abandoned all business and spent most of his time in the air with all his relatives.

    In the "Ramayana" one of the heroes, Hanuman, who flew to the palace of the demon Ravana for Lanka, was struck by his huge flying chariot, called Pushpaka (Puspaka). " ... She shone like pearls and hovered over the tall palace towers ... Decorated with gold and adorned with incomparable works of art created by Vishvakarma himself, Flying in the vastness of space, like a ray of the Sun, Pushpak's chariot sparkled dazzlingly.Every detail in it was made with the greatest skill, as well as the ornament laid out with the rarest precious stones ...Irresistible and fast as the wind ... rushing through the heavens, spacious, with numerous rooms,adorned with magnificent works of art, enchanting the heart, flawless as the autumn moon, it resembled a mountain with sparkling peaks ... ".

    And here is how this flying chariot is characterized in a poetic excerpt from the Ramayana:
    "... At Pushpaki, the magic chariot,
    Spokes were poured with hot sparkle.
    Magnificent palaces of the capital
    Didn't get to her hub!

    And the body was in knobby patterns -
    Coral, emerald, feathered,
    Zealous horses, reared on their hind legs,
    And the variegated rings of intricate snakes ... "

    "... Hanuman marveled at the flying chariot
    And Vishvakarman to the divine right hand.

    He made her flying smoothly
    Decorated with pearls and himself said: "Glorious!"

    Evidence of his diligence and success
    This milestone shone on the sunny path ... "

    Let us now give a description of the celestial chariot given to Rama by Indra: "... That celestial chariot was large and beautifully decorated, two-storey with many rooms and windows.She made a melodic sound before soaring into the sky-high ... ".

    And here is how Rama received this celestial chariot and fought with Ravana (translated by V. Potapova):
    "... My Matali! - Indra then calls the driver, -
    Take the chariot to Raghu for my descendant! "

    And Matali brought out the heavenly, with a wonderful body,
    He tied the emerald horses to the drawbars ...

    ... Then the Thunderman's chariot from left to right
    The brave man went around, as the worlds went around his glory.

    Tsarevich and Matali, holding the reins tightly,
    Rushing in a chariot. Ravana rushed to them too,
    And the battle began to boil, lifting hairs on the skin ... "

    The Indian Emperor Ashoka (III century BC) organized the "Secret Society of Nine Unknowns", which included the best scientists of India. They studied ancient sources that contained information about aircraft. Ashoka kept the work of the scientists secret, as he did not want the information they received to be used for military purposes. The work of the society resulted in nine books, one of which was called "The Secrets of Gravity". This book, known to historians only by hearsay, dealt mainly with the control of gravity. Where the book is today is unknown, perhaps it is still kept in some library in India or Tibet.

    Ashoka was also aware of the devastating wars with the use of aircraft and other superweapons that destroyed the ancient Indian "Ram Raj" ( Rama's kingdom) several thousand years before him. The kingdom of Rama on the territory of North India and Pakistan, according to some sources, was created 15 thousand years ago, according to others, it arose in the VI millennium BC. NS. and existed until the III millennium BC. NS. The kingdom of Rama had large and luxurious cities, the ruins of which can still be found in the deserts of Pakistan, North and West India.

    There is an opinion that the kingdom of Rama existed in parallel with the Atlantic (kingdom of the "Asvin") and Hyperborean (kingdom of the "Aryans") civilizations and was ruled by "enlightened priests-kings" who stood at the head of the cities.
    The seven greatest metropolitan cities of Rama are known as the "seven cities of the rishis." According to ancient Indian texts, the inhabitants of these cities had flying machines - vimanas.

    About aircraft - in other texts

    The Bhagavata Purana provides information about the air attack of the combat aircraft ("iron flying city") Saubha, built by Maya Danava and under the command of the demon Salva, on the residence of the god Krishna - the ancient city of Dvaraku, which, according to L. Gentes, was once located on the Kathyavar Peninsula. This is how this event is described in the book by L. Gentes "The Reality of the Gods: Space Flights in Ancient India" (1996) in translation unknown author close to the Sanskrit original:
    "... Salva laid siege to the city with his mighty army
    O illustrious Bharata. Gardens and parks in Dvaraka
    He destroyed it brutally, burned it out and razed it to the ground.
    He set up his headquarters over the city, soaring in the air.

    He destroyed the glorious city: its gates and towers,
    And palaces, and galleries, and terraces, and platforms.
    And the weapons of destruction poured down upon the city
    From his terrible, formidable celestial chariot ... "

    (About the same information about the air attack on the city of Dvaraka is given in the "Mahabharata")

    Saubha was such an extraordinary ship that sometimes it seemed that there were many ships in the sky, and sometimes not a single one could be seen. He was visible and invisible at the same time, and the warriors of the Yadu dynasty were at a loss, not knowing wherethis strange ship. He was seen now on Earth, now in the sky, now landing on the top of a mountain, now floating on the water. This amazing ship flew across the sky like a fiery whirlwind, not for a moment remaining motionless.

    And here is another episode from the Bhagavata Purana. Having married the daughter of King Svayambhuva Manu, Devahuti, the sage Kardama Muni decided one day to take her on a journey across the universe. For this he built a luxurious "air palace"(vimanu) who could fly, obedient to his will. Having received this " wonderful flying palace ", he and his wife went on a trip to various planetary systems: "... So he traveled from one planet to another, like the wind that blows everywhere, without encountering obstacles. Moving through the air in his magnificent, radiant castle in the air, which flew, obedient to his will, he surpassed even the demigods ...".

    Interesting descriptions of the three "flying cities" created by the engineering genius Maya Danava are given in the Shiva Purana: " ... Air chariots, shining like a solar disk,studded with precious stones, moving in all directions and like moons, illuminated the city ...".

    In the well-known Sanskrit source "Samarangana Sutradhara" vimanas are assigned as many as 230 stanzas! Moreover, the design and principle of action of vimanas, as well as various ways of taking off and landing, and even the possibility of colliding with birds, are described. Vimanas of various types are mentioned, for example, a light vimana, which resembled a large bird ("laghu-dara") and was "a large bird-like apparatus made of light wood, the parts of which are firmly connected." "The car was propelled by the air flow generated by the up-and-down flapping of the wings. The pilot powered them by the force generated by heating the mercury." It was thanks to mercury that the machine acquired "the power of thunder" and turned "to the pearl in the sky The text lists the 25 constituent parts of the vimaana and discusses the basic principles of making them. "The body of the vimaana should be made strong and durable, like a huge bird made of lightweight material. Inside should be placed a mercury engine [high-temperature chamber with mercury] with its iron heater [with fire] under it. With the help of the force hidden in the mercury, which drives the leader a tornado in motion, a person sitting inside can travel long distances across the sky The movements of the vimaana are such that it can rise vertically, vertically descend and move obliquely back and forth. With the help of these machines, human beings can rise into the air and celestial entities can descend to earth.".

    The Samarangana Sutradhara also describes heavier vimanas - alaghu, daru-vimanas, containing four layers of mercury over an iron furnace. "Furnaces with boiling mercury make a terrible noise, which during battle is used to scare away the elephants. The force of the mercury chambers can amplify the roar so much that the elephants become completely uncontrollable ...".

    In "Mahavir Bhavabhuti" , The 8th century Jain text, drawn from ancient texts and traditions, reads:"The air chariot, Pushpaka, brings many people to the capital of Ayodhya. The sky is full of huge flying machines, black as night, but strewn with yellowish lights ..." .

    The Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana narrate about the same congestion of vimanas in the scene in which the wife of the god Shiva, Sati, seeing relatives flying in vimanas to the sacrifice ceremony (which was arranged by her father Daksha), asks her husband to let her go there: "... Oh unborn, oh blue-necked, not only my relatives, but also other women, dressed in beautiful clothes and adorned with jewelry, go there with their husbands and friends. Look at the sky, which has become so beautiful, because the rows of white, like swans, air ships float on it ... ".

    "Vimanika Shastra" - an ancient Indian treatise on flying

    Detailed information about the vimanas is contained in the book "Vimanika Shastra", or "Vimanik prakaranam" (translated from Sanskrit - "Science of Vimanas" or "Treatise on flying").

    According to some sources, "Vimanika Shastra" was discovered in 1875 in one of the temples in India. It was compiled in the 4th century BC. sage Maharsha Bharadwaja, who used even more ancient texts as sources. According to other sources, its text was recorded in 1918-1923. Venkatachaka Sharma in the retelling of the sage-medium, pandit Subbraya Shastri, who dictated 23 books of "Vimaniki Shastra" in a state of hypnotic trance. Subbraya Shastri himself claimed that the text of the book was written on palm leaves for several millennia and passed orally from generation to generation. According to his testimony, "Vimanika Shastra" is part of an extensive treatise by the sage Bharadwaja, entitled "Yantra-sarvasva" (translated from Sanskrit "Encyclopedia of Mechanisms" or "All About Machines"). According to other specialists, it is about 1/40 of the work of "Vimana Vidyana" ("Science of Aeronautics").

    The Vimanika Shastra was first published in Sanskrit in 1943. Three decades later, it was translated into English by the director of the International Academy of Sanskrit Studies in Mysore, India, J.R. Jossaer, and was published in 1979 in India.

    The Vimanika Shastra contains numerous references to the works of 97 ancient scientists and experts on the construction and operation of aircraft, materials science, meteorology.

    The book describes four types of aircraft (including those that could not catch fire or crash) - Rukma Vimana, Sundara Vimana, Tripura Vimana and Shakuna Vimana. The first of them had a conical shape, the configuration of the second was rocket-like: " Tripura Vimana "was three-tiered (three-story), and on the second floor there were cabins for passengers, this multi-purpose apparatus could be used for both air and underwater travel;" Shakuna Vimana "looked like a big bird.

    All aircraft were made of metals. Three types of them are mentioned in the text: "somaka", "soundalika", "maurthvika" and alloys capable of withstanding very high temperatures. In addition, Vimanika Shastra provides information on 32 main parts of aircraft and 16 materials used in their manufacture, absorbing light and heat. The various instruments and mechanisms on board the vimaana are most often called yantra (machine) or darpana (mirror). Some of them resemble modern television screens, others are radars, and still others are cameras; Apparatus such as electric current generators, solar energy absorbers, etc. are also mentioned.

    An entire chapter of the Vimanika Shastra is devoted to the description of the Guhagarbhadarsh ​​Yantra device.With its help, from a flying vimaana, it was possible to determine the location of objects hidden under the ground!

    The book also speaks in detail about the seven mirrors and lenses that were installed on board the vimaanas for visual observations. So, one of them, called "Pindzhula's mirror", was intended to protect the pilots' eyes from the blinding "devil's rays" of the enemy.

    Vimanika Shastra names seven sources of energy that set aircraft in motion: fire, earth, air, energy of the sun, moon, water and space. Using them, the vimanas acquired abilities that are currently inaccessible to earthlings. So, the guda force allowed the vimanas to be invisible to the enemy, the paroksha force could disable other aircraft, and the pralaya force could emit electrical charges and destroy obstacles. Using the energy of space, vimanas could bend it and create visual or real effects: starry sky, clouds, etc.

    The book also tells about the rules for controlling aircraft and their maintenance, describes methods of training pilots, diet, methods of making special protective clothing for them. It also contains information on protecting aircraft from hurricanes and lightning and guidance on how to switch the engine to "solar power" from a free energy source called "anti-gravity".

    Vimanika Shastra reveals 32 secrets that an aeronaut should learn from knowledgeable mentors. Among them there are quite understandable requirements and flight rules, for example, accounting for meteorological conditions. However, most of the secrets concerned knowledge that is inaccessible to us today, for example, the ability to make the vimana invisible to opponents in battle, increase or decrease its size, etc. Here are some of them:
    "... by bringing together the energies of yasa, viyasa, prayasa in the eighth layer of the atmosphere covering the Earth, attract the dark component of the sunbeam and use it to hide the vimaana from the enemy ..."
    "... by means of vyanarathya vikarana and other energies in the heart center of the solar mass, attract the energy of the etheric stream in the sky, and mix it with balaha vikarana shakti into a balloon, thereby forming a white shell that will make the vimana invisible ...";
    "... if you enter the second layer of summer clouds, collect the energy of shaktyakarshana with darpana, and apply it to parivesa (" halo-vimana "), you can generate a paralyzing force, and the enemy's vimaana will be paralyzed and incapacitated ...";
    "... by the projection of the ray of Rohini's light one can make objects in front of the vimaana visible ...";
    "... the vimaana will move in a zigzag manner like a snake, if you collect the dandavaktra and seven other energies of the air, connect with the sun's rays, pass through the winding center of the vimaana and turn the switch ...";
    "... by means of the photographic yantra in the vimana to receive a television image of objects inside the enemy's ship ...";
    "... if you electrify three types of acid in the northeastern part of the vimaana, expose them to 7 types of sunlight and send the resulting force into the tube of the trishirsh mirror, everything that happens on Earth will be projected onto the screen ..."

    According to Dr. R. L. Thompson from the Bhaktivedanta Institute in Florida, USA, the author of the books "Aliens: A View from the Depths of Ages", "The Unknown History of Humanity", these instructions have many parallels with eyewitness accounts of the peculiarities of UFO behavior.

    According to various researchers of Sanskrit texts (D.K. Kandjilal, K. Nathan, D. Childress, R.L. Thompson, etc.), despite the fact that the illustrations of "Vimanika Shastra" terms and ideas that may be genuine. And no one doubts the authenticity of the Vedas, Mahabharata, Ramayana and other ancient Sanskrit texts, which describe flying vehicles.