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  • 12.04 1961 Event. Space flight Gagarin: What should be aware of one of the main events of the 20th century. Documentary "Star named Gagarin"

    12.04 1961 Event. Space flight Gagarin: What should be aware of one of the main events of the 20th century. Documentary

    April 12, 1961 - Yuri Gagarin performed the world's first flight into space. Before tearing away from the Earth, he uttered the historical word: "Let's go! .." Gagarin spent on an near-earth orbit for 1 hour and 48 minutes, once vacated around the planet on the ship "East-1". He landed on the banks of the Volga River.

    • As it was ... for the beginning I want to remind a little to remind the life path of Yuri Alekseevich.

    Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934, in the city of Gzhatsk, Smolensk region. His mother, Anna Timofeevna, and Father, Alexey Ivanovich, were ordinary rural workers from the village of Klushino Gzhatsky district.

    Having survived the difficult time of the German occupation, the Gagarini family in 1945 moved from Klushino to Gzhatsk. After graduating from school, Yuri on September 30, 1949 entered the Lyubertsy Craft School 10, which graduated in June with a specialty molding worker. In August, he entered the Saratov industrial technician. Since 1954 (October 25) began to study in Saratov Aeroclub. In 1955, he graduated with honors from the Saratov industrial technician, and on October 10 of the same year - Saratov Aeroclub. On October 27, 1957, Yuri Gagarin married Valentina Ivanovna Goryachev, who became his faithful companion for many years. Two daughters rose in their family - Lena and Galya.

    December 26. He was called to the places of new destination: the fighter aviation regiment of the Northern Fleet. Having learned about the set of candidates for testing new flight equipment, Gagarin writes a report on December 9, 1959, with a request to enroll it into such a group and after the call on December 18 leaves to Moscow, to the central research Aviation Hospital for Health Survey.

    March 3, 1960 Lieutenant-General Aviation Kamanin presented to the Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force Main Marshal Aviation Vershinin A group of selected pilots - candidates for astronauts. On March 11, Gagarin, together with his family, left for a new place of work. From March 25, regular classes were launched under the Cosmonaut Preparation Program. On April 12, Gagarin, the first of the earthlings made a space flight on the ship "Vostok-1". For this feat, he was awarded the title Hero Soviet Union, and the day of the Gagarin's flight to space was declared a holiday - Happy Cosmonautics, starting from April 12, 1962.

    In 1966 Gagarin was elected by an honorary member of the International Academy of Astronautics, and in 1964 he was appointed commander of the squad of Soviet cosmonauts. In June 1966, Gagarin has already begun training under the program "Union". He was appointed Dubler Komarova, who made the first flight on a new ship. Not far from the mountains and their own flight ... Gagarin protects the diploma project in the Air Engineering Academy. Zhukovsky. February 17, 1968. Yuri Alekseevich defended in Vvi them. Professor Zhukovsky thesis project. The State Examination Commission assigned to Colonel Yu.A. Gagarina Qualifications Pilot Engineer-Cosmonaut. Until recent days, Gagarin performed the duties of the deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. In honor of Gagarin, Gzhatsk was renamed Gagarin. His name is forever remained in space, which he re-opened for humanity: one of the largest (diameter 250 km) of craters on back side The moon wears the name Gagarin. And what is symbolic - it is located between the Crater of Tsiolkovsky and the Sea of \u200b\u200bDreams. In 1968. The international aviation federation established the medal named after Gagarin, which are awarded by persons who have made a special contribution to aviation and astronautics. The name of Gagarin has long been nominable for pioneers in any area of \u200b\u200bactivity on a par with the name of Columbus. The life motto of Gagarin became the phrase recorded by him in the diary shortly before the death, March 12: I do not have stronger attraction than the desire to fly. The pilot must fly. Always fly. March 27, 1968. He died in unclear circumstances near the village of Novoselovo Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region during one of the training flights. He was buried at the Kremlin Wall on Red Square.

    And now, about the flight itself words of eyewitnesses ...

    3 hours 00 minutes (hereinafter time is Moscow). On the starting area began the final checks of the spacecraft. Sergey Pavlovich Korolev attended. 5 hours 30 minutes. Evgeny Anatolyevich Karpov entered the bedroom and shocked Gagarin by the shoulder: -Hur, it's time to get up ... he jumped. Hermann Titov rose, singing a joking song. The doctor shook his head satisfiedly - the cosmonauts were cheerful. After freezing - breakfast. Cosmonauts gladly dismissed meat mashed potatoes, then black-cormoranodine jam and coffee. Having squeezed out the next tube, Yuri could not resist the joke: -the food is good only for weightlessness - on Earth you can stretch your legs ... 6 hours 00 minutes. The meeting began a meeting of the State Commission. It was very short: "Everything is ready." After the meeting, the flight task of the astronaut-1 was finally signed. The first German Titov began to have the first German Titov. Gagarin is the second to bathe less (the ventilation device can be connected to the power source only on the bus). When Yuri was dressed, the employees of the cosmodrome asked him autographs. Yuri was surprised - the first time in his life they were treated with such a request. Cosmonauts came out of the house - they met Sergei Pavlovich. He was tired and concerned - apparently, a sleepless night affected. Later, Gagarin will say about this meeting: - He gave me several recommendations and advice, which I have never heard and who could come in handy in flight. It seemed to me that, seeing us and talking to us, he became somewhat cheerful ... In a few minutes, a special bus of the blue color was already rushing to the starting area. 6 hours 50 minutes. Gagarin came out of the bus. Many defendants knew him personally. All covered excitement. Everyone wanted to hug Yura for a farewell. Andriyan Nikolaev, forgetting you, that Gagarin is already in the helmet, he wanted to kiss him and hit his forehead about the visor, and so that the bump appeared on his forehead. After the report on readiness, the Chairman of the State Commission, Yuri made a statement for printing and radio. This statement was fitted with several dozen meters of tape recorder. Five hours later, it became a sensation ... Being on the railway in front of the entrance to the cabin, Gagarin welcomed both hands - farewell to those who remained on Earth. Then disappeared into the cockpit. Downstairs, the head designer was thrown up, and the chief designer stood, and Yurina friends are all those who accompanied him in the flight. 7 hours 10 minutes. Gagarin's voice appeared on the air. 8 hours 10 minutes. Announced 50-minute readiness. A single malfunction was eliminated. She was found at the closure of the hatch number 1. It was quickly discovered and everything was corrected. 8 hours 30 minutes. 30-minute readiness. Titov announced that he could remove the skaand and go to the point of observation, where all experts were already gathered. The surname of a man who will first leave the planet, is now known finally - Gagarin. 8 hours 50 minutes. N.P. Kamanin says: declared ten-minute readiness. How do you have a Hermoshm closed? Report Gagarin: You understood - declared a ten-minute readiness. Hermoshl is closed. Everything is fine, well-being good, ready to start. 9 hours 6 minutes. Queens: minute readiness, how do you hear? Gagarin: You understood - minute readiness. Ranked starting position. 9 hours 7 minutes. Korolev (excitedly): The ignition is given "Cedar". Gagarin ("Cedar"): You understood - ignition is given. Korolev: Preliminary Stage ... Intermediate ... Home ... Lifting! Gagarin (shouts): Let's go! .. 9 hours 9 minutes. Department of the first stage. Gagarin must hear how this step was separated, and feel that the vibration decreased sharply. Acceleration increases, as well as overload. At the point of observation, the report of Gagarin is waiting ... Silence in the speakers. - "Cedar", how do you feel? The buzz of the speakers, a familiar voice. - "Cedar", answer! All attention on speakers. -"Cedar"! In touch! I'm "twentieth". - And in another microphone: - Communication! Fast! "Twenty" - Korolev. Still - silence. Thoughts come unsolicited. Sudden depressurization? Faint from growing overloads? Suddenly, Gagarin's voice: -sbros of the head fairing ... I see the land ... Kraso-Something! .. Only at that moment many of those present realized: a person in space! All covered joy, fun. Rated excitements due to unforeseen silence. As it turned out, just a few seconds there was a failure in line. But these seconds cost gray hair Queen. 9 hours 22 minutes. Radio signals of the Soviet spacecraft taped observers from the American Radar Station Shamia located on the Aleutian Islands. Five minutes later, the encryption was gone in the Pentagon. Night attendant, accepted her, immediately called Dr. Jerome Weiznera home - the chief scientific adviser to President Kennedy. Washed Dr. Weizner looked at the clock. It was 1 hour 30 minutes on Washington time. From the moment the start of the "East" passed 23 minutes. He had the report to the President - Russian ahead of Americans. 9 hours 57 minutes. Yuri Gagarin conveyed that flies over America. At these minutes, the TASS message sounds on the start of the spacecraft. It is a little late - the order for the assignment of the senior lieutenant Gagarin of the title of Major was on the signature. 10 hours 13 minutes. Telets completed the transfer of the first TASS message. Hundreds of minor correspondents and large countries The storm took the building of the telegraph agency. In the editors of all the newspapers of the world began the runway - it was necessary to have time to flip them. The "news of the century" was supposed to become a nail of the entire press. "Soviet Union, who first launched in 1957 artificial satellite The lands, the first to reach the moon in 1959, finally, the first year last year, who returned animals from space to the land, just gave the world of his Christopher Columbus of outer space. " So the French passed. From them, the Americans, Italians, Germans, the British were not lagging behind. Yuri Gagarin became close to all nations of the globe. But most worried and worried about him, of course, the Motherland. 10 hours 25 minutes. The brake propulsion unit turned on, and the ship went to the descent. Landing - the most responsible stage of the space flight: a meter error per second at a speed of 8000 meters per second deflects the landing point for as many as 50 kilometers ... 10 hours 55 minutes. The burned iron bowl was broken about the plowed soil - the field of the collective farm "Leninaya path", the south-west of Engels, not far from the village of Breelovka. Nearby on the parachute, Yuri Gagarin sank. The first who saw Yuri Gagarin was Anna Akimovna Takhtarov. She became known to the whole world as a man who was the first to meet the astronaut. She spoke like this: "I raised my head, I see - a man goes to my side. A sword took me - very strange that man was dressed, not in our place. And he appeared unexpectedly - with a clear sky, like snow on his head. Then I look: a man smiles. And before his soulful, he had a smile that his whole fear was removed by his hand ... "In a few minutes, the Sports Commissioner Ivan Borisenko, who was in a special search group, asked Gagarin to make a certificate (the Sports Code was required). Then, writing all the necessary information and checking identifying signs The spacecraft, which was the inscription "East - USSR", registered three absolute cosmic records: -Ardroford of the flight duration - 108 minutes. -Relord on the height of the flight - 327 kilometers. -Relord is the maximum cargo raised to this height - 4725 kilograms. After a few more hours, the plane, on board, was Yuri Gagarin, took the course to Kuibyshev. At that time, the tailor was called and ordered a new suit in a day. After the airfield Gagarin went to the hotel. She was on the high bank of the Volga. Doctors decided to allow the cosmonaut to relax a bit. Then Gagarin, along with Titov, walked over the banks of the Volga. Nature was surprisingly harmonized with their mood. Herman, noticing that Yuri thought, asked: - Do you ever think that ever together we will be, wandering along the shore of the Martian river, admire the setting sun and an asterisk of land? - What would be great! - laughed Gagarin. The day is so long - Yuri considered every second, and so short - everything happened so quickly that it was difficult to believe if it was not dreamed of. 22 hours 00 minutes. The earthly dinner was organized. Testes were uttered. Talked about the future of humanity. But fatigue fell, closed the eyelids, gave birth to the weight on the shoulders so that everyone who was entrusted to this day was near Yuri, the last time hugged him, wished him good dreams and diverged. The light in the way out. The clock was shown 23.00.

    The start was carried out from the first starting complex of the Baikonur cosmodrome. Rocket carrier "East 8K72K" brought to near-earth orbit spaceship "East", piloted by the first Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

    The ship "Vostok" was launched into orbit with parameters: an inclination - 64.95 degrees, a period of circulation - 89.34 minutes, the minimum distance from the ground surface - 181 kilometers, maximum - 327 kilometers.

    The flight of the first cosmonaut lasted 1 hour and 48 minutes. After one turn around the Earth, the descent apparatus of the ship made landing in the Saratov region. At the height of several kilometers, Gagarin catapulted and made a soft landing on a parachute near the descent apparatus. The first astronaut of the planet was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union, and his flight was a national holiday - the Day of Cosmonautics, starting from April 12, 1962.

    Yuri Gagarin was born on March 9, 1934 in the peasant family. His mother, Anna Timofeevna, and Father, Alexey Ivanovich, were from the village of Klushino Gzhatsky District. Having survived the difficult time of the German occupation, the Gagarini family in 1945 moved from Klushino to Gzhatsk. After graduating from school, Yuriy on September 30, 1949 entered the Lyubertsy craft school, which graduated in June in June with a specialty molding worker.

    In August, he entered the Saratov industrial technician, and since 1954 he began to study in Saratov Aeroclub. In 1955, Gagarin graduated with honors from the Saratov industrial technician, and on October 10 of the same year, the Saratov Aeroslub. On October 27, 1957, he married Valentina Goryachev, who became his faithful companion for many years. Two daughters have grown in their family - Elena and Galina.

    The selection of the first cosmonauts squad began two years before the legendary start. The chief designer Sergey Korolev outlined the requirements - age about 30 years, weight up to 72 kilograms, growth is not higher than 170 centimeters.

    The program for the preparation of the cosmonauts of the first set was distinguished by the ultimate rigidity. All pilots had to go through the strictest medical selection, the tests on the centrifuge, in the barocamera, on the vibrite, rotating armchair, as well as to undergo complete insulation in the so-called "silence chamber" of about three steps in length and one and a half - width. Yuri Gagarin Along with all successfully passed the test from July 26 to August 5, 1960.

    The start was carried out from the first starting complex of the Baikonur cosmodrome. The carrier rocket "East 8K72K" brought the East spacecraft to the near-earth orbit, piloted by the first Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin. Double, who had the opportunity at any time to replace Gagarin, became Hermann Titov. For the suspension was also appointed spare cosmonaut - Gregory Nelyubov.

    The first cosmonaut of the planet was killed on March 27, 1968, when performing a training flight in difficult meteo conditions. According to the official version, the MiG-15 plane, piloted by Gagarin and the commander of the educational regiment of the center of training cosmonauts by Colonel Seregin, entered the corkscrew, and for his output it was not enough of the height. The plane fell into the forest and crashed near the village of Novoselovo Kirzhach district of the Vladimir region.

    In order to perpetuate the memory of Gagarin, the city of Gzhatsk Smolensk region was renamed Gagarin. The name of Gagarin was assigned to the Military Academy of the Moscow Region City of Monino. The Gagarin scholarship was established for cadets of military aviation schools. The name of Gagarina is worn by the center of training of astronauts, the research vessel of the Academy of Sciences, streets and squares of many cities in the world.

    In the village of Velovka, a memorial was installed near the landing site of the first cosmonaut. The city of Gagarin has a joint memorial house-museum, a part of the exposition of which is currently you can see on the website. One of the largest craters on the reverse side of the moon (diameter 250 kilometers), located between the Crater of Tsiolkovsky and the Sea of \u200b\u200bDreams, also carries the name of the pioneer of the universe.

    April 1961

    What was famous for the twentieth century?
    A person was launched into space!
    And no one knew what would happen to him
    Launched! Safe and sound!
    Young, Rusolay Guy!
    Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin!
    He literally fascinated all!
    Do not forget that magic - smiles
    And he is the whole world of applaud,
    Slissed cottage podlips!
    Cosmos on the cold
    Snow in the sun stars glowed!
    That spring he can like me
    In Yuri Gagarin fell in love?

    Galina Gorlova

    How was he, Yuri Gagarin, the first cosmonaut of the planet? How and where was his childhood? How and where did he study? How became astronaut? Yuri Nagibin wrote about this in his book about Gagarine. For mid-school age.

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    Rovno 55 years ago, April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the first person who was flying into space. Time for Rest restores the chronology of this day and tells how Gagarin spent 108 minutes in space.

    "Hello, my lovely, hotly beloved ... Today, the government commission decided to send me to the cosmos first ... Is it possible to dream of bigger? After all, it is a story, it is a new era! In a day, I have to start ... "- Yuri Gagarin wrote so much in a letter to his wife on the eve of the flight.

    Yuri Gagarin really learned that it was he who flies into space, just a couple of days before the flight - the candidacy of the world in the world of cosmonaut was approved at a meeting of the State Commission on April 8. Boris Dottok, a designer scientist, one of the nearest associates of Sergei Queen, wrote in his book "Rockets and People": "After the open part of the meeting, the Commission remained in a narrow composition and approved the Offer of Kamanin to admit to the flight of Gagarin, and Titova to have in stock. Now it seems ridiculous, but then, in 1961, the State Commission decided with all seriousness that, when publishing the results of flight and registering it as a world record, "not to disclose secret data on the polygon and carrier". In 1961, the world did not know where Gagarin started and which rocket brought him into space. "

    On April 10, an informal meeting was held on the shore of Syrdarya, during which Sergey Korolev said: "There are six astronauts here, each of them is ready to fly. It was decided that Gagarin will fly first, and others will fly ... Success to you, Yuri Alekseevich! "

    "Before this meeting, we had housing disputes: Gagarin or Titov? - remembers Boris Dog. - I remember that Ryazansky (Mikhail Ryazan, a designer scientist) liked Titov more. Resurrection (Leonid Voskresensky, Test School rocket technology) He said that a certain delete was hidden in Gagarin, which we do not notice. Raushenbha (Boris Raushenbach, one of the founders of Soviet cosmonautics), who examined astronauts, like both. Feoktists (Konstantin Feoktististov, a member of the first in the history of the crew of the crew of three, together with Vladimir Komarov and Boris Egorov, who made a flight in space on October 12-13, 1964.) I tried very hard, but I could not hide my desire to be in their place. Before the meeting, it seemed to me that both candidates were too young for the upcoming world glory. "

    "The last preduction preparation was made in the morning. According to doctors, the well-being was good. I myself felt good. Before it rested. I slept. After that, the jade was taken. In the technological chair, they tried how the suspended system was lying on the scaffold, the ventilation of the square. Checked the connection through the jade. Everything acted well, "said Yuri Gagarin.

    "Then he took off to the starting position on the bus. We, together with the comrades, my deputy was Titov Herman Stepanovich - And all my friends-astronauts, our bosses went to the start. They came out of the bus, but then I was a little confused. He reported not to the Chairman of the State Commission, but reported Sergey Pavlovich and Marshal of the Soviet Union. Just at some point was confused.

    Then lifting on the elevator, landing in the chair by the regular calculation, which included Tov. East, Oleg Henrikhovich Ivanovsky. Landing in the cockpit occurred normally ... The equipment check was good. When checking a connection, I did not hear me first, then began to hear well ... The connection was bilateral, stable. Good connection, "" Juriy Gagarin was described in preparation for flight.

    It was not without a small lining. "The mood at this time was good, well-being good. He reported on checking equipment, about readiness for the start, about his well-being. Then the hatch number 1 was closed. I heard it closed, as knocking the keys. Then begin to turn away. Look: removed the hatch. I understood something wrong. Sergey Pavlovich says me: "You do not worry, one contact is not pressed something. Everything will be OK". Rearranged the plates on which the limit switches are put. Boiled, closed the hatch cover. Everything is fine, "recalled Gagarin.

    Despite the convictions that the flight will be good, Yuri Gagarin has tried to prepare his family and to the most unfavorable outcome of the events.

    "I believe in the technique completely. She should not bring. But it happens that the person falls in the exact place and breaks her neck. Here, too, can happen anything. But I myself do not believe it. Well, if what happens, I ask you and first of all you, vanya (Valentina - Wife Yuri Gagarin.), Do not kill with grief ... I hope that this letter you will never see ... Valechka, please do not forget my Parents, if there is an opportunity, help in something. Give them a big hello from me, and let them catch me for the fact that they didn't know anything about it, and they were not supposed to know "- such a letter wrote to his native Gagarin in case of his death.

    "Go!" - Yuri Gagarin shouted (Cedar) at the time of the start of the ship "Vostok" from the Baikonur cosmodrome.
    Head of the starting command during the launch was a lieutenant colonel engineer rocket forces Anatoly Kirillov - he gave teams in the stages of the launch of the rocket and controlled their execution, watching the rocket in the periscope from the command bunker. His dubler at the second periscope was a tester-tester for rocket technology Leonid Resurrection

    There was a separation of the first stage of the carrier rocket, the second stage earned. "I was literally crushed into a chair," Gagarin wrote. - As soon as the "East" broke through the dense layers of the atmosphere, I saw the land. The ship flew over the wide Siberian river. A clearly visible islets on it and the forest covered shores littered with the sun. I looked into the sky, then to the ground. Mountain ridges, large lakes distinguished clearly. Even the fields were visible. The most beautiful spectacle was the horizon - the rainbow string painted by all the colors of the earth in the light of sun rays from the black sky. The bulge, the roundness of the Earth was noticeable. It seemed that her whole washing a halo of a gentle blue color, which through turquoise, blue and purple moves to iscin-black. "

    Resetting the head fairing of the carrier rocket. The voice of Gagarin was on the air: "I see the land ... what a beauty!"

    The separation of the second rocket carrier, earned the third stage.

    Outlet of the spacecraft in the near-earth orbit.

    Gagarin announced that the state of weightlessness came. "The weightlessness, to which I was quickly used to, played with me serious joke- recalled astronaut. - After one of the entries in the logbook, I let go of a pencil, and he freely floated around the cockpit along with the tablet. But suddenly unleashed the nodule of the lace, on which a pencil was enshrined, and he dived somewhere under the seat. From now on, I have not seen him anymore. Further observations had to transfer on the radio and write to the tape recorder. "

    "Heard is excellent. Bulls shines. His dawn for the first time speaks from the cosmos by the voice of a living person, "remembers Boris Cholet.

    "Before entering the shadow of the Earth, all the tape ran out in the tape recorder," Iri Gagarin recalled. - I decided to rewind the ribbon to make further records. Switched it to manual control and rewound. In my opinion, not fully rewound. And then, when I made reports, the record on the tape recorder was manually made, since with the automatic operation of the tape recorder, it works almost all the time and, of course, a lot of ribbons consumes. This is caused by a high level of noise in the cabin. "

    The spacecraft entered the shadow of the Earth. "The entrance to the shadow of the Earth is very sharp. Prior to that, we had to observe strong lighting through an emergency porthole. We had to turn away or hide behind so that the light does not get into the eyes. And here I look at one porthole - nothing can be seen on the horizon. Dark. In another, "gaze", I also look - dark. Enable solar system Orientation "- so described Gagarin Impressions from the dark side of the Earth.

    "The air began to consume. By the time of exiting the shadows, approximately 150-152 atm. I felt that when the orientation system was turned on, the corner movement of the ship changed and became very slow, almost imperceptible. According to the horizon itself, he observed a rainbow orange strip, reminded on its color the color of the spacecraft. Next, the coloring slightly darkens and the rainbow colors goes into a blue color, and the blue goes into black ... Soon the ship has acquired a steady starting position for descent. At this time there was a very good orientation on the "gaze". In the outer ring, the entire horizon was inscribed completely evenly. Items we visible, I moved strictly by the shooters of the "gaze" ... prepared for a descent. Closed the right porthole. I pulled the belts, closed the Hermoshlem and switched the lighting on the working ".

    Gagarin said that she flies over America.

    The message of the TASS is published about the launch of the spacecraft. "On April 12, 1961 in the Soviet Union, the world's first Spacecut-satellite satellite with man on board was brought to the orbit of the East. Cosmonaut Space Satellite Space Space Pilot is a citizen of the Soviet Union Socialist Republics Pilot Major Gagarin Yuri Alekseevich. The start of the space multistage rocket was successful, and after a set of the first space speed and separation from the last stage of the carrier missile, the satellite ship began a free flight in orbit around the Earth ... The removal of the East satellite ship in orbit Cosmonaut Comrade Gagarin suffered satisfactorily and now Time feels good. Systems providing the necessary life conditions in the cabin cabin are functioning normally. The flight of the East Satellite Satellite with a cosmonaut pilot comrade Gagarin continues in orbit. "

    The spacecraft came out of the shadow of the earth.

    Telets (electromechanical printing machines used to transmit between two subscribers of text messaging on the simplest electrical channel) completed the transfer of the first TASS message. Hundreds of correspondents different countries Peace storm took the building of the telegraph agency

    Gagarin said that she flies over Africa. "I'm flying, I look - the north bank of Africa, the Mediterranean Sea, everything is clearly visible. All the wheel is spinning - head, legs, "- remembered Gagarin.

    The brake propulsion unit turned on, and the ship went to the descent. "At 10:5th 25 minutes the braking device was automatically included," Gagarin wrote. - The ship entered the tight layers of the atmosphere. Through the curtains covered with the portholes, I saw a crimson tweeter of a flame that is raging around the ship. The weightlessness disappeared, the growing overloads again pressed me to the chair. They increased and were stronger than when taken. "

    Separation occurs. "At 10 o'clock 25 minutes 57 seconds there must be separation, and happened at 10 35 minutes, - wrote Gagarin. - I felt the division sharply. Such cotton, then push, the rotation continued. All indexes on the PCRS went out, only one inscription "get ready for catapults" was included. Then it is felt, braking begins, some weak itching in the design goes, it remarked, putting his legs on the chair. Then this itch is passed. Here I have already taken a pose for a catapultation, I sit, waiting. "

    "Begins slowing the rotation of the ship, and for all three axes. The ship began to scatter about 90 degrees to the right and left. Full turn did not commit. On another axis also vibrational movements with a slowdown. At this time, the "gaze" the porthole was closed with a curtain, but at the edges of this curtain there appears such brightly crimson lights. The same crimson light was observed in a small hole in the right porthole. Hear crackling. I do not know, or the design, or maybe the heat membrane is expanding when heated, or something else, but crashes infrequently. So, in one or, maybe, two or three minutes sometimes crawl. In general, it is felt, the temperature is high. "

    At the 108th minute, the ship completed the flight by performing one turn around the Earth. "Vostok" fell safely on the field of the collective farm path at the village of Breelovka. Yuri Gagarin catapulted on parachute 8 km from the ship.

    "After successfully carrying out the planned research and implementation of the flight program on April 12, 1961 at 10 o'clock 55 minutes in Moscow time, the Soviet Spaceship" Vostok "made a safe landing in a given area of \u200b\u200bthe Soviet Union," TASS message sounded.
    - The pilot-cosmonaut Major Gagarin said: "I ask to report to the parties and the government that landing passed normally, I feel good, I have no injury and bruises."

    The implementation of a person's flight into outer space opens the grand prospects for the conquest of cosmos by humanity. "

    "In the bright orange scaffle, I probably looked strangely," Gagarin shared. - The first "earthlings", a woman and a girl, were afraid to approach me closer. These were Anna Akimovna Takhtarov and her granddaughter of Rita. Then the mechanisters ran from the wild mill, we embraced, they kissed. For those incomplete two hours that I spent in space, Radio reported and here, and in all the ends of the Earth there are news of launch. My surname has already been known for those who met me. "Vostok" descended several dozen meters from deep ravine, in which spring water was noisy. The ship has blackened, burned, but that is why it seemed to me even more beautiful and relatives than before the flight. The granddaughter of the forester Rita Tahtarov is now going to school. I will never forget that she and her grandmother were the first people who met me after returning from space. "

    It is important that the USSR government flight prepared three TASS messages about the launch of a person into space - including the news of the tragic death of the cosmonaut and the news of the unpretentious satellite ship in orbit and its emergency landing (it contained an appeal to foreign countries With a request to assist in finding and saving astronaut).

    A group of specialists who had to meet Yuri Gagarin arrived at the landing site.

    "The National Licacy of April 12, 1961 is compared by the scale of the victory that happened on May 9, 1945. Such a comparison with external similarity seems to me unlawful. The Victory Day was the inevitable, long-awaited, programmed holiday of the holiday "with tears in the eyes" for the whole people. Official announcement of the final victory - about signing the act of unconditional surrender Germany - served as a signal for an open expression of delight and grief. The mass celebration was historically natural, - Boris Chill told. The preparation of a person's flight into space was classified as all of our space programs. A message about flight into space to anyone who is not a famous Major Gagarin for the residents of the Earth was a complete surprise and caused their education around the world. Muscovites went to the streets, filled the Red Square, smiled, carried homemade posters: "Everything in space!"

    However, after the flight of Major Gagarin, it was impossible to be called to anyone. "Now it is already difficult for me as before, by anyone who is not noticed and not recognized, to resemble in the evening Moscow, come to the Red Square, - recalled the world's first astronaut. - Popularity - the thing is irreparable. You only have to think: what and to whom you must. One foreign correspondent asked me: "Are you not tired, Gagarin, from the fame that your name received after April 12, 1961? Now, probably, you are secured to rest until the end of life ... "-" Resting? I objected him. - We all work and most - the most famous people. Heroes of the Soviet Union and the heroes of socialist labor, and there are thousands of them in the country, try to work as much as possible, fasciating others by their personal example. "

    Successful flight of Gagarin to Cosmos really became the beginning of a new stage of work. "The day after the launch of Gagarin, we, which remained at the landfill in the" angry will of the Queen, "as the Kalashnikov expressed, were involved in the decomposition of the whole country, occasionally including receivers. I consoled friends by the fact that we also "first in the world" got the opportunity to study films of telemetric behavior entries in flight of the systems of historical carrier and the ship, - writes in his book Boris Cholet. - Details on demonstrations in Moscow, reception in the Kremlin and enthusiastic responses of the world we learned from the reports of Levitan and BBC! Hurting to the queen intensified even more after a conversation on the RF, we learned from the duty officer in Podlipki that Mishina and me a government service from the Kremlin delivered invitations "to come to the evening reception along with the spouses."

    And the house? Family? .. No, he did not live in vain his thirty-four spring. And words do not give all the wealth and beauty of the soul of this person. "

    But all this is only part of his affairs. Preparation for flights, crew training, meeting in the design bureau, visiting factories, studies. Yes, don't you list everything with what he was connected with!

    But here I can not say about one thing. I can not explain how he managed to remake the lifestyle, who constantly fell on his shoulders. Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, a member of the Central Committee of the VLKSM, the President of the USSR-Cuba society, a representative of many commissions ... He found time and meeting with writers and scientists, visited Pioneers and Warriors: he traveled a lot in the country and often went for Light ...

    After the flight, Gagarin, after the flight, recalled Alexey Leonov, the pilot-cosmonaut, for the first time in the world who made an exit to open space. "You can tell about him a lot. Yura is an open soul, without tricks, without trick. He is all in sight ...

    We are completing the chronology of events on April 12, 1961 with the words of Major Yuri Gagarin: "Flowers the land in a satellite ship, I saw our planet. People, we will store and multiply this beauty, and not destroy it! "

    Thank you for being with us!

    On April 12, 1961, an event occurred, which will remain in the memory of all subsequent generations of people. It was on April 12, 1961, a person made the first in the history of flight into space. This flight was performed by Yuri Gagarin. It became possible only due to the selfless work of Soviet scientists and engineers. The flight into the space of Yuri Gagarin was performed on the ship "East", whose weight was 4730 kg. East was launched into space with the help of a carrier rocket with three steps. The maximum removal of the ship's orbit from the surface of the Earth was 327 km.

    The question is often asked how much the Gagarin flight lasted. He lasted at all not long - only 108 minutes. However, air and food reserves on board the "East" would allow 10 days in space. During this flight, some of the most important tasks were allowed:

    • testing of all ship systems;
    • study of the impact of weightlessness to the human body;
    • studying the impact of a flight to the psychological and physiological state of a person.

    During the flight there was a lot sophisticated situations. There was a failure on the communication line, the tightness sensor did not work, the aggregate compartment was not separated for a long time, the scaffold was jammed. The only stage of the flight, which passed as it was planned is the cosmonaut catapulting and its subsequent successful landing at a short distance from the ship.

    Gagarin landed in the village of Valovka village, search services found it only after 1 hour. Upon completion of the flight, the first to visit the title of Major was awarded to the first person.

    In Moscow, Gagarin waited a solemn meeting, however, it was originally planned. Initiated her personally. Gagarina was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and the Cosmonaut pilot of the USSR. After a solemn meeting, the first cosmonaut visited a press conference with foreign journalists. Gagarin made a lot of foreign trips. He visited Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Finland, England, Poland, Egypt, France.

    Yuri Gagarin went away early, at the age of 34. The last flight of Gagarin, perfect with Sereginine on March 27, 1968, ended tragically. The cause of the death of Gagarin and Sergey, according to the official version, became a sharp maneuver of evasion from a chickel. But there are many alternative versions, such as bad weather conditions, constructive flaws of the aircraft and conscious imitation of the catastrophe pilot.

    The first flight of Gagarin into space was performed in the conditions of a tight confrontation of the USSR and the USA, socialism and capitalism. He confirmed the superiority of Soviet science and technology, thereby demonstrating the power of the Soviet Union. Flying "East" is a impetus to the development of many scientific and technical industries. He was perceived by the world community as the greatest accomplishment in human history.