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  • Lydia Lydia Litvak. The secrets and legends of Lili Litvak. Evil joke of fate

    Lydia Lydia Litvak. The secrets and legends of Lili Litvak. Evil joke of fate

    Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak It was born on August 18 - to the All-Union Day of Aviation. Employed with aircraft from childhood, the girl was incredibly proud of this fact. She was propheted an acting future, but she chose the sky.

    White Lilia-44

    With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War The 19-year-old bold and in love with the sky Lydia was recorded in volunteer pilots. But initially the Soviet command did not intend to take a significant role in aviation. And only a year later, in September 1942, the girl made his first combat departure consisting of 586 IAP (Fighter Aviation Regiment) - one of the three women's aviation regiments under the direction of The flyers of Marina Raskovawhich were formed by order of Stalin because of large losses of personnel pilots.

    Lydia Litvakia. Photo:

    Already less than a year later, on February 23, 1943, Lydia Litvak received one of the first of his combat awards - the Order of the Red Star. For these months, she, as one of the best shutters, was translated into divisions who participated in the most important battles of the Second World War, and also became known as the "White Lily".

    By the time the fuselage of her faithful Yak-1 was decorated not only eight bright red stars, a symbol of eight air victories, but also a snow-white lily - a special sign of the pilot, which is allowed "free hunting" - a special kind of combat operations, within which the fighter does not fulfill A specific task for covering bombers, or vice versa, protection from them, and flies, delaying single enemy airplanes and "hunting" on them.

    Otherwise, called and call sign Litvak - "White Lilia-44", on the on-board number of her aircraft. Yes, and she often began to be called not a lida, but a lily. By the way, there is a suggestion that the name of Lily comes from the word "Lill", which translated from one of the ancient Eurasian languages \u200b\u200bmeans "air, wind".

    Two Lias.

    The sky was transformed by Litvak, according to her colleagues: the feeling of the helm in his hands changed it to be unrecognizable and as if it would have shared in two completely different people.

    The "earthly" Lydia was silent, modest beauty with blonde hair and blue eyes - it was even compared with the popular in those years. actress Valentina Serovoy. She loved to read the books and gracefully dress: always looked neat, feminine, wore unusual things - a white handlemaker, twisted down to the outside of the skin, chrome boots, a flying collar made of fur cut from the Unte (which she then ordered the fracture and attach back to shoes ) - and went a special gait, causing those surrounding a quiet delight.

    "Heavenly" Lydia was characterized by decisiveness, crewing, endurance and skill: she literally "knew how to see the air," as her commander said. It was no coincidence that it was called "Diana - the goddess of a free hunting", and her special handwriting in the pilotation was compared with Chkalovsky. Her skill was admired, her victories were glad, her desperate courage was defeated. For example, once Lydia returned to the airfield on the aircraft extensioned by German shells and with a wound in his leg and, who reported on the successful performance of the task and two shot down enemy aircraft, lost consciousness. After this fight, the pilot men recognized it with a real ASA.

    Probably, the totality of the features laid down in the nature of Lydia Litvak, in childhood, contributed to her hobby of aviation and aspiration to this dream. At the age of 14, she at home with adults attended the Central Aeroclub named after Chkalov, after a year he made the first independent flight and participated in the geological expedition to the extreme north, and after some time she graduated from the Kherson flight school, became the pilot-instructor and before the beginning of the war managed to put on The wing of 45 cadets.

    Soviet pilot Lydia Litvaka from his fighter. 1943. Photo: RIA Novosti

    AC in Skirt

    "We were all shocked and admired by her act, which was told to each other. In Engels, the blizzard was raised for several days, the wind shallowed people from the legs. But it was necessary to carry from the anise aircraft anovka screw for an accident victim. Flights in this weather are prohibited, but Lily Litvaka flew without permission and brought the screw. Head of the Engel school Colonel Bagaevi declared a reprimand for failure to comply with the order of the Aviakol, and Major M. Stakova called her and said: "I am proud of such my brave and bold flying!" "- I remembered the white lily of her best girlfriend, ekaterina Budanova Fighter.

    And in one of the first combat departures over the White Lily Stalingrad, he managed to knock down two enemy aircraft. The pilot of the second German fighter was an experienced pilot and beat until the latter. But in the end, his car broke out from the lidius of the projectile, and rapidly headed towards the Earth, and the pilot, whipped with parachute, was captured. At the interrogation, he asked to show him who he knocked him down, and having seen a twenty-year-old girl, came into rage: "Why do you laugh at me? I am a pilot who shot more than thirty aircraft. I am the Kavitar Knight's Cross! It can not be that this girl is shot down! That pilot fought masterfully. " But after Lydia gestures showed known only to them in two ways of battle, he changed in his face, he took off his golden clock with his hands (according to another version, threw numerous awards from his breast) and handed it, the winner.

    Crucial moment

    In early 1943, Lydia Litvak was translated into 296 JaP and was appointed led by Commander Squadron Alexey Solomatina: That was the special tactics of aviation action, according to which the leading pilot should go to the attack, and the slave - "cover" it. After a few months of joint flights, in April of the same year, literally in the break between the battles of the couple signed.

    Lydia also supported friendly relationships with the pilot Catherine Budanova, with which their fate was brought again at the beginning battle way - In the female soldier of the Obokova - and no longer separated. Since then, they have always served together and were the best friends.

    A month later, the life of White Lily began to change. On May 21, 1943, her husband died in a plane crash, which occurred right in front of her friends and Lydia. Less than a month later received many injuries and died, not coming into consciousness, Budanova's best friend.

    Lydia Lidia Lydia, Ekaterina Budanova, Maria Kuznetsova (from left to right) from the Yak-1 aircraft. 1943. Photo: RIA Novosti

    Last flight

    This fateful year became the last and for the White Lily. On August 1, 1943, Litvaka made his last flight. There were terrible battles for the breakthrough of the German defense at the turn of the Mius River, which closed the road to the Donbass. For the fighters, the regiment was already the fourth departure per day. Whether physical fatigue and emotional tension affected, whether the weapon was refused - the Lydia plane was shot down by a German fighter, but did not fall at once, but he entered the clouds and disappeared.

    According to pillar Borisenkowho sent his fighter after Litvak in the clouds, an airplane with a white lily on the fuselage was not visible in the air, but on Earth did not observe fire flashes. Other eyewitnesses claimed that they saw how the fighter landed, his blonde pilot girl allegedly sat down into the approached the car with the German officers and disappeared in an unknown direction. But this version looks completely fantastic.

    In two weeks, Lydia Litvak should have been made 22 years old. Natives believed that she premeditated her death: in one of his letters she mentioned a dream, in which her husband called her husband on the opposite bank of the stormy river.

    Fight and find out

    According to official data, on August 1, 1943, Lydia Litvak not returned from the combat task and disappeared. Formal searches did not last and several years: the pilot, an approximately known area of \u200b\u200bthe fall of the aircraft, died, and the detected fighter of the White Lily, as it turned out later, was commissioned by local inhabitants in scrap metal. That's just the remains then could not find.

    But its relatives, close and not indifferent fans organized their own investigations. In 1967 in the city of Red Light Lugansk region school teacher Valentina Ivanovna Vashchenko He founded the RVS detachment (military glory scouts), which also conducted searches in its region. The detachment included student seventh grade, in which Vashchenko was a cool leader: she believed that such an experience would smoothly smoothly and would pass into their native history. On July 23, 1979, the members of the detachment became aware that an unknown flyer was buried in one of the fraternal graves. The study of the remains made it possible to find out that the dead was mortally injured in the frontal part of the head. Further investigation found that it could only be Lydia Litvak.

    So, in 1988, after 41, after death, a record "died when performing a combat task" appeared in her personal case. In 1990, the pilot was posthumously awarded the title Hero Soviet Union, and in 1993 - the title of Hero of Russia.

    In total, for those ten months, which White Lilia devoted to the protection of the Motherland, she made 186 combat departures, received 3 injuries, hit 11 aircraft personally and 3 aircraft in a group, as well as one balloon. According to the combat raid, it still keeps on the upper lines of fighter pilots rank, along with other legendary Soviet pilots, despite the fact that he fought for less than a year.

    At all times, the war was considered a lot of men. And as concerns hostilities in the sky - especially. And nowadays at military fighters can be found exclusively representatives of the strong half of humanity. Overload here for a person are literally processed. And the reaction from these professionals should be practically lightning, because the time allotted to make a decision is sometimes measured by shares of seconds. In addition, the pilot must thoroughly explore all the technical characteristics of his car to know what it is capable of critical situations.

    That is why it is pretty, a fragile blond girl, a fragile blond girl sitting behind the steering wheel of the high-speed fighter. But nevertheless, given the experience of fighting fighting in the Great Patriotic War, this is possible. During the period of the harsh pores, any exceptions were not surprising. One of them is the fighter pilot Lydia Litvak. About her and will be discussed in this article.

    Heroic girl

    Considering the Black and White Snapshots of War years with Lydia Litvak, we see on them a miniature blonde beauty. A girl with such appearance would be easy to become a popular actress. And then her fate would have formed a completely different way. It would be waiting for secular rounds, glasses with cold champagne, crispy baskets with caviar and photographers, which she would have posed in fur boa and hung by diamonds. And it would be quite possible, because Lydia Litvakov appeared on Valentina Serov, who was considered the "third great blonde" of the Soviet state after the love of Orlova and Marina Ladynina.

    However, the fate of our heroine has developed quite differently. She had his own list of victories, but not only on theatrical stage or on the movie screen. Lydia Vladimirovna Litvaka for 8 months of his heroic service in Soviet aviation performed 168 combat departures. At the same time, she fought 89 times with enemy fighters, hit 11 German aircraft and one aerostat correctioner. This impressive is the list of victories of the most charming and feminine pilot of the USSR, which defended the country in the period of the Great Patriotic War. And then, when many men, being behind the steering wheel of their fighters, for all the time of combat tests could not bring down a single enemy aircraft or at best only one or two.

    The pilot-ass from the USSR Lida Litvak has achieved several group and dozen personal victories. Young girl who seemed to seemed fragile student, had a spectacular and aggressive style of air combat. This allowed her to enter the lists of the elite of combat aviation, located as part of the antihytler coalition.


    Lydia Vladimirovna Litvyak was born in Moscow on August 18, 1921. Subsequently, she was incredibly proud that her birthday coincides with the All-Union Aviation Day. For some reason, her name girl did not like. That is why all the homework, as well as close friends called her lily or Lily. Under this name, she subsequently entered the story.

    Lydia (Lily) Litvak was insanely in love with planes and in the sky. However, in those years it did not have any surprise. On the contrary, that simple Soviet girl dreamed of not about the career of the movie star, but about Osoaviahim, it was quite natural. After all, the party and the Government of the USSR sought to attract young people to aviation.

    Lydia Litvak passed with his epoch. She is easily and completely deliberately exchanged the game in the dolls onto a flight circle, and the dresses and shoes on heels - on a flying helmet and a jumpsuit. The girl not only was fond of heaven. She sought to master that that is why in her 14 years she became a member of the Central Aeroslub. Chkalov. At first, the parents knew nothing about it. But it was impossible to hide the rapid interest of the professional interest in a long time for a woman. A year later, in his 15 years, the girl for the first time rose independently into the sky.

    After graduating from school, Lydia Litvak entered the courses of geologists, after which she was sent to the extreme north, and then south. Here she returned to flights.

    Lydia (Lily) Litvak began the cadet of the Kherson flight school. it educational institution She graduated successfully. After that, he became an instructor pilot and in the period before the start of the war with the fascists managed to prepare 45 cadets. Collectants said that she had the ability to see the air.

    A family

    Where does the parents of Lydia Litvak, and unknown, come from. After civil War They moved from the village to Moscow. The girl's mother was called Anna Vasilyevna, but about who and where she worked, the story is also silent. It is known only that the woman was either a dressmaker, or who worked in the store. On the father of the Lydia Lydia Father, Litvak speaks in all sources, as well as about the mother. There is only data that he was called by Vladimir Leontievich, and the place of his work was railway. In 1937, Lydia Lydia Litvak on a false denunciation was arrested, and after shot. Of course, the girl did not tell anyone about this. In those years, the status of the daughter of the enemy of the people could radically change her fate. And this did not want a 15-year-old girl, literally devoured aviation.

    Fuzzy Solution

    Lydia Lydia's Biography Litvak found it so that she had to take part in hostilities. After all, the enemy attacked her homeland. However, it did not hit the front. Soviet authorities did not want to allow young girls-Komsomolok in the ranks of regular troops. There they could only be as nurses. However, life made its own adjustments.

    Many girls dreamed of getting to the front. For this, it was necessary to solve the commander-in-chief. His and achieved this pilot was one of the first three women awarded the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. The breakdown made flights in extreme conditions and put records in the sky. Qualifications, experience and energy brought her authority in air force. Thanks to this, the famous pilot was able to personally ask Stalin permission to form women's combat parts. To resist brave girls was useless. In addition, the Soviet army carried huge losses not only on earth, but also in the air. That is why in October 1941 began the formation of three women's airlocks at once. Already from the first days of the war, Lidia Litvak (her photo is placed below) tried to get to the front.

    After it became known that Marina Svalo began to form female airlows, she immediately achieved his own. However, the girl had to be schit. To its summer time, she attributed 100 hours, thanks to which he was credited to a fighter regiment at number 586, which was headed by Marina Svalo.


    In Soviet aviation, an initiative and energetic pilot appeared. Lydia Litvak at the same time differed a somewhat opposed character. For the first time, her tendency to go to the risk was noticed during training when the female air strike was based near the city of Engels. Here, one of the aircraft suffered an accident. In order to climb into the air, he was needed by a spare screw. However, it was impossible to deliver this item. At this time, the flights were banned because of the slaughtered blizzards. But Lydia did not stop it. She is selflessly, without receiving permits, flew to the crash site. For that, he received a reprimand from the head of the Aviation School. But the breakdown said that he was proud that she had such a brave student. Most likely, an experienced pilot saw in Litvak the features of his own character.

    But the problems with the discipline of the Lida were sometimes manifested and completely in another sphere. So, one day she made a fashionable collar to his jumpsuit. To do this, she had to cut the fur with the unite. In this case, it did not wait for the binding. Lydia had to alter the fur back.

    Nevertheless, the love of various accessories, the girl did not lose even on the front. She cried scarfs using parachute silk, and transferred the credits, which in her skillful hands became more elegant and comfortable. Even under fire, Lida was not only an excellent fighter, but also could stay an attractive girl.

    But as for the level of pilotage, there were no complaints about Litvak. Together with the rest of the girls, she perfectly withstood an accelerated pace of training, which included daily twelve-hour training. The hardness of the preparation was quite simple. The flyers soon had to enter into battle with the enemy, which was a smart and did not forgive mistakes. At the end of the training, Lydia Litvaka performed perfectly handed over the pilotation of the "hawk" (the Yak aircraft), which allowed her to get to the war.

    Start of battle biography

    While in the 586th air strike, Lydia Litvak (photo is presented below) for the first time climbed into the sky in the spring of 1942. At this time, Soviet troops were fighting in Saratov. The task of our aviation included the protection of the Volga from German bombers.

    In 1942, Lydia Lydia in the period from April 15 to September 10 made 35 departures, during which he made patrol and accompanied transport aircraft carrying important goods.

    Stalingrad battle

    The aviation regiment, as part of which was the fighter pilot Lydia Litvak, on September 10, 1942 was transferred under Stalingrad. In a short period of time, the brave girl rose 10 times into the sky. During his second combat flight, which took place on September 13, she was able to open a personal battle account. At first, it was shot down by a JU-88 bomber. After that, the girl rushed to the revenue to his girlfriend, paradise Belyaeva, who ended the ammunition. Lydia Litvakov took her place in battle and as a result of a stubborn fight destroyed ME-109. The pilot in this plane was German Baron. By that time, he had already won 30 victories in the sky and was the cavalier of the Knight's Cross. Being captives and being in question, he wished to see who defeated him in the sky. At the meeting came blue-eyed, fragile, tender blonde girl. The German considered that the Russians mock it. But after the Lydia with gestures showed the battle details, known only to them by two, Baron took the golden clock from his hand and handed them to the girl who overthrew him from heaven.

    On September 27, the brave flyer, being just thirty meters from Yu-88, was able to hit the enemy car.

    And even participating in combat operations, the pilot allowed himself to a hooligan. Making a successful combat departure , in the presence of fuel in the tank, it, before landing on the native airfield, twisted the shapes of the highest pilot. Similar jokes were one of its business cards. For such entertainment, the commander of the regiment did not punish her, because the girl successfully performed combat problems, showing a good pressure, the chain of the mind and excellent tactical thinking. After Stalingrad fights, she became an experienced fighter pilot, having received hardening with fire. In addition, on December 22, 1942, the girl was awarded a government award. She became the medal "For Defense of Stalingrad".

    White Lily

    Lydia Litvak's biography is described in many books. In the same sources you can find interesting stories about the brave flyer. So, according to some statements, after she defeated the German ACA, a big white lily was drawn on her hood. They say that some enemy pilots, envy this flower, shied away from the fight. Also they also say that Lydia Litvak after each fight, in which she managed to knock down the enemy car, drawn on the fuselage of his "yak" on one white lily. The name of his favorite flower became the call sign. In addition, many called Lydia Vladimirovna Litvak White Lilia Stalingrad.

    Wonderful salvation

    For the first time, Lydia plane Litvak Germans managed to bother shortly after graduation Stalingrad battle. The girl almost died, making a forced landing. Enemy soldiers immediately rushed to her. Lydia jumped out of the cockpit and began to shoot from the Germans. However, the distance between it and the enemies was steadily reduced. Litvyak in the trunk remained the last cartridge, when Soviet attack aircraft worn over her, with whom she was on the task. "Ils" pressed the Germans with their fire, and one of them planned not far from the girl and, having released the chassis, landed. Lydia quickly climbed into the cockpit to the pilot, and they were safely gone from the chase.

    New appointment

    Lydia Lydia Pilot Lydia Litvak - White Lilia Stalingrad - at the end of September 1942 was translated into the 437th Aviation Fighter Regiment. However, the women's link, which is part of its composition, existed quite short. His commander, senior lieutenant R. Belyaev, soon shot down the Germans, and she had to be treated for a long time after a parachute jump. After that, in connection with the disease, M. Kuznetsova was departed. Only two pilots remained in the shelf. This is L. Litvak, as well as E. Budanova. They were able to achieve higher results in the battles conducted. And soon the White Lilia Stalingrad Lydia Litvak hit the next enemy aircraft. It turned out to be "Junkers".

    Starting from October 10, the pilots went into operational subordination of the 9th Guards Regiment of Fighter Aviation. On the account of Lydia Litvak, there were already three destroyed opponent aircraft. One of them was shot down in person by her from that period when she entered the regiment of Soviet pilots-Asov.

    During this period, girls needed to cover a strategically important front-line center - the city of Zhtore, as well as accompany transport aircraft. When performing this task, Lydia made 58 combat departures. For courage and excellent execution of command orders, the girl was enrolled in the group of "free hunters", which watched the aircraft of the enemy. Being at an advanced airfield, Litvak raised five times to heaven and spent the same air fighting. In the 9th Guards IAP, the girls significantly improved their skills.

    New victories

    On January 8, 1943, the girl was translated into the 296th Aviation Fighter Regiment. Already in the same month, Lydia 16 times accompanied by our attack aircraft and covered terrestrial troops Soviet army. On February 5, 1943, Sergeant L. V. Litvakov presented to the Order of the Red Star.

    The new victory was waiting for Lydia on February 11th. On this day, Lieutenant Colonel N. Baranov led the fighter fighter into battle. Litvyak distinguished himself that he personally hit the JU-88 bombarder, and then as part of the group she managed to leave the winner in the battle with the FW-190 fighter.


    Spring in 1943 was noted in almost the entire front line. However, the pilots continued to make combat units, intercepting German aircraft and covering Soviet bombers and attack aircraft.

    In April 1943, Lydia was seriously injured. It happened during the maintenance of a rather difficult battle. On April 22, the brave flyer, being in the group of Soviet aircraft, was intercepted by 12 enemy JU-88, one of whom she managed to knock down. Here, in the sky above Rostov, she was attacked by the Germans. The enemies managed to damage the plane of the girl and hurt her in his leg. After the fight, Lydia with difficulty flew to the native airfield, where he reported on a successfully completed task. After that, the girl lost consciousness by falling from blood loss and pain.

    However, in the Lydia Hospital was not long. After recovering a little after the injury, she wrote to a receipt that he would go home to Moscow, where he would continue to be treated. However, the relatives did not wait for the girl. Already later, Lydia arrived again in his regiment.

    On May 5, until the end did not have time to recover after injury, Litvaka made another combat departure. Its task was the maintenance of bombers sent to Stalino. Our aircraft were spotted by enemy fighters and attacked them. The battle was started, in which Lidia was able to knock down the fighter Me-109.

    The only love

    In the spring of 1943, a new page was written in the biography of Lydia Lydia Lydia. During this period, the fate of the girl with Alexey Solomatin. He was also a great fighter pilot. In war, novels were often tied. Dating were quick, and feelings are stormy. However, most of these novels for obvious reasons were short and had an unlucky end.

    In the spring of 1943, a short break occurs in hostilities. It was calm before the fight under Kursk. And in these few weeks of rest to Lydia and the usual human happiness came. Solomatin and Litvyak agreed perfectly with characters. Odno pilots noted that they were a beautiful pair. Senior Lieutenant Solomatin first was a girl mentor, and after became her spouse. However, the happiness of the young was short-lived. May 21, 1943 Alexey died. He, being deadly wounded in battle, failed to plant his plane and died in front of his beloved and everyone who was at the airfield. At the funeral of her husband, Lydia gave an oath to revenge for his death.

    Soon the best friend Litvakoy - Ekaterina Budanova died. The girl who lost only two weeks of his closest people, was only the skills of fighting, the plane and the desire to take revenge.

    Continuation of hostilities

    After some calm battle were resumed. And the girl-speaker, which was only 21 years old, continued to actively participate in them.

    At the end of May, on that section of the front, where her regiment acted, the German Aerostate-correctioner was very effectively used. This "sausage" was covered with fighters and anti-aircraft fires, which reflected all attempts to destroy it. Lydia managed to solve this task. The girl rose in the air on May 31 and, having passed along the front line, deepened on the territory, occupied by the opponent. Aerostat, she attacked the enemy from the rear, going on him from the sun. Attack Litvak lasted less than a minute. The brilliant victory of the flyer was marked with a thanks to the commander of the 44th Army.

    Summer battles

    On July 16, 1943, Lydia Litvak was at the next combat task. In the sky there was a six Soviet "Yakov". They got involved in battle with 30 "junkers" and 6 "Messerschmitts" who tried to strike at the location of our troops. But the Soviet fighter pilots rushed the idea of \u200b\u200bthe enemy. In this battle Lydia Litvakon hit the JU-88. She also fell a fighter Me-109. However, the Germans knocked Lydia "Yak". Fearless girl pursued by the enemy, managed to plant a plane on the ground. Soviet infantry observed for the battle helped to tear away from German pilots. Lydia was easily wounded in the shoulder and in the leg, but the hospitalization refused to be categorically.

    On July 20, 1943, the command introduced the younger lieutenant L. V. Litvak to another award. The heroic girl received the Order of the Red Banner. By this time, in its service list, it was stated on 140 combat departures and 9 shot down aircraft, 5 of which it destroyed personally, and 4 as part of the group. The aerostat of observation was immediately mentioned.

    The last fight

    In the summer of 1943, Soviet troops tried to break through the defense of the enemy, which secured on the banks of the Mius River. It was necessary for the liberation of Donbass. Especially heavy battles were carried out from the end of July at the beginning of August. They were involved both terrestrial and air troops.

    On August 1, Lydia Litvak lifted 4 times into the sky. During these combat departures, she shot down 3 opponent aircraft, and two personally, and one - being in the group. Three times she returned to his native airfield. From the fourth of his combat departure, the girl did not return.

    It is possible that emotional tension has made its contribution to what has happened. heavy day or physical fatigue. Or maybe just refused weapons? But be that as it may, the pilots have already returned to their native airfield when the eight of German fighters attacked them. The battle was set, during which our pilots lost each other from sight, being in the clouds. As one of them recalled, everything happened suddenly. From White Pellets, the clouds snapped "Messer" and gave turn on our "Yaka" with the onboard number 22. The plane immediately as if failed. Apparently, the Lydia itself tried to align him.

    No outbreaks in the sky, nor on Earth, our fighters have seen. It was this and gave birth to hoping that the girl remained alive.

    On the same day, the German Fighter-fighter Hans-Jorg Merkle was missing. At the same time there were no information about who hit this ash. There is a possibility that his death was a farewell strike Lydia Litvak.

    Both aircraft were disappeared under Shakhtarsky, near the village of Dmitrovka. There is a version that Lydia went to the attack purposefully, grief desire to take revenge for the death of her husband and girlfriend. As everything was really unknown, it is unknown. However, such an act was quite in the spirit of this girl.

    Two weeks later, Lydia Litvak would be 22 years old. After their relatives, they said that in one of his letters she told them about a dream, in which her called her husband, who was standing on the opposite shore of a fast river. It said that the girl foresaw his death.

    But one-sex, who did not lose hope of seeing the pilot alive, immediately organized her search. However, they could not find Lidia. And after Sergeant Evdokimov was killed in one of the battles, the only one who knew the fall sector of her "Yaka", the official search was discontinued. At that time, the command of the regiment posthumously presented to the title of the hero of the Soviet Union of the fighter pilot Lidia Litvak. However, posthumous award did not happen. The fact is that soon with the territory engaged in enemy troops, a previously shot down pilot returned. According to him, the locals told him that they saw the Soviet fighter near the village of Marinovka. A small growth of a blond girl came out of him and sat in the car rising to the plane with German officers. However, aviators did not believe such a story, continuing to find out the fate of Lydia. Nevertheless, rumors about the treason of the girl reached a higher headquarters. And here the command showed caution. It did not assert the representation of Litvak to the highest rank of the country, but was limited to the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

    However, Lydia continued to look. In the summer of 1946, Ivan Zagryakayev, being a commander of the 73rd JEAP, sent several people to the village of Marinovka. However, the girl's fellow soldiers did not manage to learn anything about her fate.

    In 1971, the search for brave pilots resumed young trackers from the city of Red Ray. And only in 1979, they finally found traces of Lydia Litvak. Residents of farm Kozhevny told the guys that in the summer of 1943 our fighter fell not far from him. The pilot, which was a woman was killed by a shot. She was buried in a fraternal grave. This pilot was Lydia Litvak. This was confirmed during further investigation. Lydia Lydia's grave is located in the Shakhtar district, in the village of Dmitrovka. Here the brave flyer is buried along with other unknown fighters.

    In 1988, a monument to Lydia Litvak was established in this place. The veterans of the regiment in which the brave flyer served as a request to resume the petition about the posthumous title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. After years, justice enthusiasm. In May 1990, the USSR President signed a decree, according to which Lydia Litvak began the hero of the Soviet Union.


    Lydia Lydia Lydia can be found in the Guinness Book of Records. Here she was listed as a pilot woman who won the largest victory in the air battles. In addition, a monument to the brave flyer was installed in the central city square of the city. It is located opposite the gymnasium number 1, which bears her name.

    You can find the name Lydia Litvak in the "Storm wets". This is anime telling the viewer to combat robots cars who are trying to capture our planet. This enemy is quite difficult to destroy. After all, any mortal weapons, quick rockets and even innovative technologies. This allows insensitive and insidious machines to win the victory. Only girls endowed with magic abilities can fight with them and using a vehicle, which is a kind of hybrid of a combat aircraft and witchcraft. One of these girls is Sani Litvak.

    To the one who wishes to get acquainted with the biography of the heroic pilot, it is recommended to view about her documentary. It is called "Memory Roads" and removed by the director E. Androtanis. In addition, the brave flyer is dedicated to the film "Lily". He was the first in the documentary series "Beautiful Regiment". He took off him in 2014. Director A. Kapkov.

    In 2013, the audience was represented by the TV series "Fighters". This is the work of the director A. Muradov. One of the heroines of the film is Lydia Lithovchenko. The image that is represented by the actress E. Vilkova is collective. An example for him was Lydia Litvak. The film turned out simply wonderful.

    War is the prerogative of men. Military aviation - especially. But, as the experience of World War II shows, and there were their exceptions to the rules. This story about one of the most prominent female pilots - Lydia Litvak.

    The name of this brave flyer, the Hero of the Soviet Union, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Lydia Litvak - the most efficient Soviet female pilot of World War II. She shot down 14 aircraft and a ball correctioner. At the same time, Lydia Litvak fought for only eight months. During this time, she made 168 combat departures and conducted 89 air fighting. In incomplete 22 years she died in battle

    Girl and sky

    Lydia Litvaka was born in 1921 in Moscow, on August 18 - to the All-Union Day of Aviation. Punched by childhood by airplanes, the girl was incredibly proud of this fact. At the age of 14, she was discovered in the Central Aero Club named after Chkalov, and after a year he made the first independent flight. She then graduated from the Kherson flight school, became an instructor pilot and before the beginning of the war managed to put 45 cadets on the wing.

    And in 1937, Lydia's father was arrested as the "enemy of the people" and was shot.

    Fighter pilot

    With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 19-year-old, in love with the sky Lydia was discovered in volunteer pilots. But only a year later, in September 1942, the girl made his first combat departure as part of the 586th Fighter Aviation Regiment. It was one of the three female aviation regiments under the leadership of the flyer of Marina Raskoy, who were formed by order of Stalin because of the large loss of personnel pilots.

    The flyers of the 586th Fighter Aviamar.

    Already less than a year later, on February 23, 1943, Lydia Litvak received one of the first of his combat awards - the Order of the Red Star. By the time the fuselage of her faithful Yak-1 was decorated with eight bright red stars (symbol of eight air victories) and a snow-white lily - a special sign of the pilot, which is allowed "free hunting" - a special kind of combat operation, within which the fighter does not fulfill a specific task Covering bombers, and flies, delaying enemy aircraft and "hunting" on them.

    Aerial AC

    In one of the first combat departures over Stalingrad, Lydia managed to bring down two enemy aircraft - the JU-88 bomber and the BF-109 fighter. The BF-109 pilot was the German Baron, the Kavitar of the Knight's Cross, won 30 air victories. German was an experienced pilot and beat until the last. But in the end, his car broke out from the bounded Lydia of the projectile and began to fall rapidly. The pilot jumped up with a parachute and was captured. At the interrogation, he asked to show him who he shot down. Seeing a twenty-year-old girl, the German speaker came into rage: "Are you laughing at me? I am a pilot who shot more than thirty aircraft. I am the Kavitar Knight's Cross! It can not be that this girl is shot down! That pilot fought masterfully. " Then Lydia gestures showed well-known battle items to them, he changed in his face, removed the golden clock from his hands and handed them to her, the pilot that won him ...

    It was there that Lydia Litvak received the nickname "White Lilia Stalingrad", and "Lilia" became her radio wave.

    "Different people"

    The colleagues said that the sky literally transformed Litvak: the steering wheel in his hands changed it to be unrecognizable and as if it was divided into two completely different people.

    The "earthly" Lydia was silent, modest beauty with blond hair, pigtails and blue eyes. She loved reading books and elegantly dressing: I wore unusual things - a white prehemmer, twisted down to the outside of the skin, chrome boots, a flying collar made of fur cut off from the Unte, and went with a special gait, causing those surrounding a quiet delight. At the same time, a blonde girl very restrainedly treated with enthusiastic views and words of fellow soldiers, and, which was especially impressed by pilots, she did not prefer anyone.

    "Heavenly" Lydia was characterized by decisiveness, crewing and endurance: she "knew how to see the air," as her commander said. Her special handwriting in the pilotation was compared with Chkalovsky, admired the skill and were defeated by her desperate courage.

    Pilot of the 73rd Guards Fighter Aviamal Junior Lieutenant Lydia Litvak (1921-1943) After a combat departure on the wing of his Yak-1B fighter.

    On March 22, in the Rostov-on-Don area, Lydia participated in the interception of a group of German bombers. During the battle, she managed to knock down one aircraft. And then Lydia noticed flying messerschmitts in the sky. Seeing the six BF-109, the girl joined them in an unequal battle, giving his fighting comrades to fulfill the task set before them. During the battle, Lydia was seriously injured, but managed to bring a damaged aircraft on the airfield. Deciding on the successful performance of the task and two shot down enemy aircraft, the girl lost consciousness. According to colleagues, her plane resembled a colander.

    The pilot attributed an extraordinary luck. Once during the battle, Litvak was hit, and she was forced to land on the territory busy opponent. When German soldiers tried to take a girl in captivity, one of the pilots-attack aircraft came to her to help: he forced the Germans from the machine guns, and he himself landed and took Litvak on board.

    Love and friendship

    In early 1943, Lydia Litvak was translated into the 296th Fighter Aviation Regiment and was appointed led by the commander of the squadron Alexey Solomatin (the leading pilot should go to the attack, and the slave is to cover it). After a few months of joint flights, in April of the same year, literally in the break between the battles of the couple signed.

    All this time, the girl was friends and fought with the pilot of Katte Budanova, with which the fate brought her back at the beginning of a battle way - in the women's soldering place - and no longer separated. Since then, they have always served together and were the best friends.

    Fat year

    On May 21, 1943, her husband died in the plane crash, which took place right in front of his comrades and Lydia, Her husband, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Solomatin.

    And less than a month later, many wounds received and died, not coming into consciousness, the best friend of Lydia Katya Budanova. On July 18, in a battle with German fighters, Litvak and Budanov were shot down. Litvak managed to jumped with a parachute, and Budanov died.

    This fateful year became the last and for the White Lily. On August 1, 1943, Litvaka made his last flight. At the end of July, scary battles were walking on the breakthrough of the German defense at the turn of the Mius River, which closed the road to Donbass. Fights on Earth were accompanied by a stubborn struggle for superiority in the air. Lydia Litvaka made four combat departures, during which two opponent aircraft personally hit and another in the group. From the fourth departure, she did not return. Six "Yakov" entered into battle with a group of 30 bombers JU-88 and 12 BF-109 fighters, a deadly cheer was started. Plane Lydia was shot down by a German fighter ... In two weeks, Lydia Litvak was to be filled 22 years.

    Her searches were urgently organized. However, neither the pilots, nor her plane favored. Lydia Litvaka posthumously was represented by the command of the regiment by the Hero of the Soviet Union. The front-line newspaper "Red Banner" dated March 7, 1944 wrote about her as a fearless falcon, the pilot, which all the soldiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front knew.

    Evil joke of fate

    However, one of the later pilots returned soon with the enemy territory. He reported that he heard the locals said that once on the road near the village of Marinovka, our fighter sat down. The pilot was a blond girl. A car with German soldiers drove up to the plane, and the girl went with them.

    Most aviators have no hearing, but the shadow of suspicion has already been out of the regiment and reached her own headquarters. Command, showing "caution", did not approve the representation of Litvak to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, limiting the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

    Somehow, at the time of Revelation, Lydia said his girlfriend: "Most of all I am afraid of the abyss. All anything, but not that. " There were weighty grounds for such anxiety. Father Lida was arrested and shot as an "enemy of the people" in 1937. The girl perfectly understood what it means to her, the daughter of the repressed, the abyss. No one and nothing will save her honest name. The fate played a joke with her, having prepared just such a fate.

    Fight, search, find and not surrender

    But Lidia was looking for, looking for a long time and stubbornly. Carrying fans organized their own investigations. In 1967, in the city of Red Light Lugansk region, Valentina Vashchenko, Vashchenko, founded the search detachment RVS (military glory scouts). Being in the area of \u200b\u200bKhozhevny farm, the guys found out that the Soviet fighter fell on his outskirts in the summer of 1943. The pilot, wounded in the head, was a girl. She was buried in the village of Dmitrievka of the Shakhtarsky district in a fraternal grave. The study of the remains made it possible to find out that the dead was mortally injured in the frontal part of the head. Further investigation found that it could only be Lydia Litvak. The girl was identified by two white pigtails.

    So in 45 years after the death of the flyer, in 1988, a record appeared in the personal case of Lydia Lydia: "Died when performing a combat task." And in 1990, Lydia was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

    Lydia Litvak - Soviet fighter pilot

    Lydia Litvak - Soviet fighter pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.
    96 years since the birth.
    The famous pilot, the hero of the Soviet Union, the commander of the aviation link, Guard Junior Lieutenant - Lydia Litvak, possessing the special talent of the fighter and knowing the "see air", was one of the most effective women pilots of the Second World War, and in the memories of colleagues, moreover - sample femininity and charm. Lydia (Lilya) Vladimirovna Litvyak was born on August 18, 1921 in Moscow, in the family of the railway service. But in 1937, her father was arrested for a false denunciation, as an "enemy of the people." This fact of Lily was carefully hidden in subsequent years. She "fell ill" sooner and at the age of 14 came to the Aeroklub, and in a year he made his first independent flight. But after the end of the seven, he studied in a machine-building technical school, and then on courses of geologists and even participated in the expedition to the extreme north. But about aviation did not forget ...
    In 1940, Litvyak graduated from the Kherson Aviation School of Osoaviahim's Instructors pilot and settled in the Aeroclub of the city of Kalinin, where she soon became one of the best instructors and a qualified pilot. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, she managed to prepare 45 cadets - future pilots. And from the first days of war and herself rushed to the front.

    After completing the courses of the expression of pilots, Lydia in the fall of 1941 fell into the current army, because in the conditions of losing a large number of personnel pilots, it was decided to state level, To form three women's airlock under the direction of the legendary flyer M.Rasova. By the way, in order to get into these parts, Litvyak attributed 100 missing hours to his falling hours and was immediately credited to the 586th Fighter Airlux (IAP), which participated in the defense of Saratov. Having mastered the Yak-1 fighter, precisely as part of this shelf in the Saratov sky in the spring of 1942, Lydia fulfilled its first combat units, and soon he had one of his account and one group victory - a knocked German bomber JU-88. In September of the same year, she was translated into the 437th IAP under Stalingrad and literally immediately, during his second departure as part of this regiment, two German aircraft were shot down (JU-88 bomber and fighter Me-109), and it was only Beginning ... It was then that on the hood of the plane Litvyak was drawn by a white lily, and the pilot received the nickname "White Lilia Stalingrad", and Lily became her call sign in the radio.

    After Stalingrad, Litvyak served in a separate female link at the headquarters of the division, then was transferred to the 9th Guards Odessa JaP - a kind of regiment of Asov, the so-called. The national team of the best pilots created to conquer superiority in the air, and at the end of 1942 - in the 296th IAP. And everywhere she did not cease to surprise the men-colleagues with their skill, successfully leading air battles and knocking down German airplanes. And it is "in the sky" Lydia met his love - the fighter pilot Alexei Salomatina, with whom they, in the break between the battles, were signed in April 1943. However, happiness was short-lived - soon her husband died in battle, and then the best friend of Ekaterina Budanov. By the way, Litvak himself, during the participation in hostilities, was injured three times, twice made a forced landing on the territory of the enemy, but he always returned to his regiment and commissioned. But the war was still continued ... At the end of July 1943, on the South Front - at the turn of the River Mius, which closed the road to the Donbass, was heavy fighting for the breakthrough of the German defense. The terrestrial actions of the portions of the Red Army supported the Soviet aviation, stubbornly struggling for superiority in the air. Among the pilots participating in these battles was Litvak.

    On August 1, 1943, she, having completed three combat departures in the Donetsk district, personally hit 2 opponent aircraft and 1 in the group, and from the fourth departure of the commander of the 3rd squadron of the 73rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment Junior Lieutenant Lydia Vladimirovna Litvaka not returned ... Her plane was attacked by an opponent, fell, and no one seen him again. The command urgently organized her searches. But neither a plane, nor the pilot itself failed. As later it was established - Lydia Litvak died when performing a combat task in battle over the Mius front. She was only 21 years old, but for his short combat path during the war years she managed to become a real legend, showing the courage and skill in the air, while having shot down all the aircraft among women pilots. In total, she made 186 combat departures, in which she held 69 air fighting and won 16 victories (4 - in the group), and also hit the German aerostat correctioner.

    Immediately after her death, the division command prepared the pilot representation by the Hero of the Soviet Union. However, since the remains never found, then the view was postponed. IN post-war years One-sex and enthusiasts continued to search, but only in 1979 it was found and in the course of further investigation confirmed documented that the remains of Lydia Litvak were buried in a fraternal grave in the village of Dmitrievka of the Shakhtar district of the Donetsk region.

    President of the USSR President of May 5, 1990 Lydia Vladimirovna Litvak, finally, was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously), the Order of Lenin and the "Golden Star" medal was transferred to the storage of her relatives, and on October 25, 1993 by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, as a sign of recognition Her military merit during the Great Patriotic War, she also awarded the title of Hero of Russia (posthumously). During the lifetime, the pilot was awarded the orders of the Red Star, the Red Banner and the Patriotic War of the 1st degree. In Moscow, on the house, where Lidia Litvak lived before the war, a memorial plaque was installed, at the site of burial, in the village of Dmitrievka Donetsk region, a memorial stone was installed, and a monument to the legendary flyer was installed in the central square.

    Ukrainian Ivan Brister died during the battle for liberation from the fascists of Latvia

    The second stage of the large-scale operation "Bagration" was aimed at liberating the Baltic States. The 1st Baltic Front stepped to the Gulf of Riga to break the compounds of the Riga and Kurglenadskaya groupings of the North German Army Group. The German command in the north-west direction tried to restore the front and sent all new reserves. The Red Army experienced powerful tank counterdads of the enemy.

    One of these battles of Soviet artilleryrs with German tank compounds rose in the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Bagachi (now Dobel Territory, Zemgale region, Latvia). In early August 1944, the Germans sent a large group of tanks to the village, to reflect the blow to the batteries of the 239th artillery regiment of the 77th rifle division of the 51st Army of the 1st Baltic Front.

    Ivan Vladimirovich Brister, Ukrainian, commanded the battery, in the Red Army he served since October 1939. During the war he graduated from the Tbilisi Artillery School named after the 26 Baku Commissioners. During the war years, it was distinguished in defensive operations on the protection of Odessa, Kuban, the Caucasus, in offensive operations: in the breakthrough of the enemy's defense on the dairy river, on the Sivansha, in the storming of the Sapun-Mountain.

    Award list marks his personal qualities and military merit: "Thanks to the manifested courage and determination, the battery under his command was destroyed by 5 artillery batteries, 8 machine guns, up to 2 battalions of the enemy infantry."

    Ivan Brister during battles was repeatedly injured, but he refused to treat, remained in the ranks and continued the command.

    On August 19, in the town of Bagachi, his battery reflected eight tank attacks, five German tanks were beaten. In a day, in the same place, the battle flashed with a new force again. When not a single gunner was left alive, the senior lieutenant himself became charged and anema, and set up two tanks.

    At this time, the wounded batteries with rifles and automata beat the infantry offensive. For the defensive positions of the Red Army, another "Tiger" crawled. The ammunition ended by that time, the battery commander taking two anti-tank grenades into his hands, went to the opponent's tank. Ranil the artilleryman broke out a sparrow nearby, but he, despite the pain, continued to move to the tank. Two grenades have reached the goal, the movement "Tiger" he stopped the price of life.

    Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Bagaman in his memoirs "So we went to victory" noted the heroic actions of the senior lieutenant: he "saved his comrades from death."

    For the perfect feat Ivan Vladimirovich Borshchka posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

    White lily sky. Fighter pilot Lydia Litvak

    The name of this brave flyer, the Hero of the Soviet Union, is listed in the Guinness Book of Records. Lydia Litvak - the most efficient Soviet female pilot of World War II. She shot down 14 aircraft and a ball correctioner. At the same time, Lydia Litvak fought for only eight months. During this time, she made 168 combat departures and conducted 89 air fighting. In incomplete 22 years she died in battle

    Girl and sky
    Lydia Litvaka was born in 1921 in Moscow, on August 18 - to the All-Union Day of Aviation. Punched by childhood by airplanes, the girl was incredibly proud of this fact. At the age of 14, she was discovered in the Central Aero Club named after Chkalov, and after a year he made the first independent flight. She then graduated from the Kherson flight school, became an instructor pilot and before the beginning of the war managed to put 45 cadets on the wing.
    And in 1937, Lydia's father was arrested as the "enemy of the people" and was shot.
    Fighter pilot
    With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 19-year-old, in love with the sky Lydia was discovered in volunteer pilots. But only a year later, in September 1942, the girl made his first combat departure as part of the 586th Fighter Aviation Regiment. It was one of the three female aviation regiments under the leadership of the flyer of Marina Raskoy, who were formed by order of Stalin because of the large loss of personnel pilots.

    Already less than a year later, on February 23, 1943, Lydia Litvak received one of the first of his combat awards - the Order of the Red Star. By the time the fuselage of her faithful Yak-1 was decorated with eight bright red stars (symbol of eight air victories) and a snow-white lily - a special sign of the pilot, which is allowed "free hunting" - a special kind of combat operation, within which the fighter does not fulfill a specific task Covering bombers, and flies, delaying enemy aircraft and "hunting" on them.

    Aerial AC

    In one of the first combat departures over Stalingrad, Lydia managed to bring down two enemy aircraft - the JU-88 bomber and the BF-109 fighter. The BF-109 pilot was the German Baron, the Kavitar of the Knight's Cross, won 30 air victories. German was an experienced pilot and beat until the last. But in the end, his car broke out from the bounded Lydia of the projectile and began to fall rapidly. The pilot jumped up with a parachute and was captured. At the interrogation, he asked to show him who he shot down. Seeing a twenty-year-old girl, the German speaker came into rage: "Are you laughing at me? I am a pilot who shot more than thirty aircraft. I am the Kavitar Knight's Cross! It can not be that this girl is shot down! That pilot fought masterfully. " Then Lydia gestures showed well-known battle items to them, he changed in his face, removed the golden clock from his hands and handed them to her, the pilot that won him ...

    It was there that Lydia Litvak received the nickname "White Lilia Stalingrad", and "Lilia" became her radio wave.

    Different people"

    The colleagues said that the sky literally transformed Litvak: the steering wheel in his hands changed it to be unrecognizable and as if it was divided into two completely different people.

    The "earthly" Lydia was silent, modest beauty with blond hair, pigtails and blue eyes. She loved reading books and elegantly dressing: I wore unusual things - a white prehemmer, twisted down to the outside of the skin, chrome boots, a flying collar made of fur cut off from the Unte, and went with a special gait, causing those surrounding a quiet delight. At the same time, a blonde girl very restrainedly treated with enthusiastic views and words of fellow soldiers, and, which was especially impressed by pilots, she did not prefer anyone.

    "Heavenly" Lydia was characterized by decisiveness, crewing and endurance: she "knew how to see the air," as her commander said. Her special handwriting in the pilotation was compared with Chkalovsky, admired the skill and were defeated by her desperate courage.

    On March 22, in the Rostov-on-Don area, Lydia participated in the interception of a group of German bombers. During the battle, she managed to knock down one aircraft. And then Lydia noticed flying messerschmitts in the sky. Seeing the six BF-109, the girl joined them in an unequal battle, giving his fighting comrades to fulfill the task set before them. During the battle, Lydia was seriously injured, but managed to bring a damaged aircraft on the airfield. Deciding on the successful performance of the task and two shot down enemy aircraft, the girl lost consciousness. According to colleagues, her plane resembled a colander.

    The pilot attributed an extraordinary luck. Once during the battle, Litvak was hit, and she was forced to land on the territory busy opponent. When German soldiers tried to take a girl in captivity, one of the pilots-attack aircraft came to her to help: he forced the Germans from the machine guns, and he himself landed and took Litvak on board.

    Love and friendship

    In early 1943, Lydia Litvak was translated into the 296th Fighter Aviation Regiment and was appointed led by the commander of the squadron Alexey Solomatin (the leading pilot should go to the attack, and the slave is to cover it). After a few months of joint flights, in April of the same year, literally in the break between the battles of the couple signed.

    All this time, the girl was friends and fought with the pilot of Katte Budanova, with which the fate brought her back at the beginning of a battle way - in the women's soldering place - and no longer separated. Since then, they have always served together and were the best friends.

    Fat year

    On May 21, 1943, her husband died in the plane crash, which took place right in front of his comrades and Lydia, Her husband, Hero of the Soviet Union Alexey Solomatin.

    And less than a month later, many wounds received and died, not coming into consciousness, the best friend of Lydia Katya Budanova. On July 18, in a battle with German fighters, Litvak and Budanov were shot down. Litvak managed to jumped with a parachute, and Budanov died.

    This fateful year became the last and for the White Lily. On August 1, 1943, Litvaka made his last flight. At the end of July, scary battles were walking on the breakthrough of the German defense at the turn of the Mius River, which closed the road to Donbass. Fights on Earth were accompanied by a stubborn struggle for superiority in the air. Lydia Litvaka made four combat departures, during which two opponent aircraft personally hit and another in the group. From the fourth departure, she did not return. Six "Yakov" entered into battle with a group of 30 bombers JU-88 and 12 BF-109 fighters, a deadly cheer was started. Plane Lydia was shot down by a German fighter ... In two weeks, Lydia Litvak was to be filled 22 years.

    Her searches were urgently organized. However, neither the pilots, nor her plane favored. Lydia Litvaka posthumously was represented by the command of the regiment by the Hero of the Soviet Union. The front-line newspaper "Red Banner" dated March 7, 1944 wrote about her as a fearless falcon, the pilot, which all the soldiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front knew.

    Evil joke of fate
    However, one of the later pilots returned soon with the enemy territory. He reported that he heard the locals said that once on the road near the village of Marinovka, our fighter sat down. The pilot was a blond girl. A car with German soldiers drove up to the plane, and the girl went with them.
    Most aviators have no hearing, but the shadow of suspicion has already been out of the regiment and reached her own headquarters. Command, showing "caution", did not approve the representation of Litvak to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, limiting the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.
    Somehow, at the time of Revelation, Lydia said his girlfriend: "Most of all I am afraid of the abyss. All anything, but not that. " There were weighty grounds for such anxiety. Father Lida was arrested and shot as an "enemy of the people" in 1937. The girl perfectly understood what it means to her, the daughter of the repressed, the abyss. No one and nothing will save her honest name. The fate played a joke with her, having prepared just such a fate.

    Fight, search, find and not surrender

    But Lidia was looking for, looking for a long time and stubbornly. Carrying fans organized their own investigations. In 1967, in the city of Red Light Lugansk region, Valentina Vashchenko, Vashchenko, founded the search detachment RVS (military glory scouts). Being in the area of \u200b\u200bKhozhevny farm, the guys found out that the Soviet fighter fell on his outskirts in the summer of 1943. The pilot, wounded in the head, was a girl. She was buried in the village of Dmitrievka of the Shakhtarsky district in a fraternal grave. The study of the remains made it possible to find out that the dead was mortally injured in the frontal part of the head. Further investigation found that it could only be Lydia Litvak. The girl was identified by two white pigtails.

    So in 45 years after the death of the flyer, in 1988, a record appeared in the personal case of Lydia Lydia: "Died when performing a combat task." And in 1990, Lydia was posthumously awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.

    "White Lilia" Stalingrad: The best woman - AU in history Lidia Litvak is called the most effective pilot of the period of World War II. Being a pilot-fighter, she shot down a lot of enemy aircraft, but one day he did not return from the next flight ... She was incomplete 22 years.

    Lydia Litvak, the most effective fighter woman fighter of World War II, according to the memoirs of colleagues, was a model of femininity and charm. A low blonde girl was very restrained with enthusiastic views and words of fellow soldiers and, which was especially impressed by the pilots, did not give preference to anyone. The main thing for her was the struggle with fascism, and she gave all her strength.

    Lily Litvak was born on August 18, 1921 in Moscow. At the age of 14, he entered the Aeroklub, at 15 - performed the first independent flight. Then she studied at the courses of geologists, participated in the expedition to the extreme north.

    After the end of the Kherson school, pilots became one of the best instructors of the Kalinini aircraft. By the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, she managed to "put on the wing" 45 cadets - future air fighters.

    From the first days of the war, Litvak tried to get to the front. And when I learned that the famous pilot Hero of the Soviet Union Marina Svalova began the formation of female airlines, quickly achieved his own. Schitriv, she managed to attribute to the wave of 100 hours and get an appointment in the Marina Raskoy airgroup.

    Remembers Senior Sergeant Inna Pollovikov, who was in the years of the war by the technician of the aircraft Lydia Litvak:

    "In October 1941, when we trained at the training base under Engels, during the construction of Lile ordered to fail. She was in winter form, and we all saw that she cut off the top of her fur unites to make a fashionable collar for flight overalls. Our commander Marina Svalova asked when she did, and Lily replied: "At night ..."

    The breakdown said that the next night was Lily, instead of sleeping, the collar will repay and sew the fur back into the Unit. She was also arrested, putting in a separate room, and she really was engaged in the back of the fur.

    It was the first time when other women paid attention to the pole, since no one had not even noticed this low, miniature girl. In his 20 years, she was so thin, pretty and very similar to the actress of Serov popular in those years. A strange thing: War went, and this little girl with blond hair thought about some kind of fur collar ... "

    His first combat departments of the brave flyer made a 586th female fighter airmaker in the spring of 1942 in the sky of Saratov, covering the Volga from the bells of enemy aviation. From April 15 to September 10, 1942, 35 fighting departures for patrolling and maintenance of transport aircraft with important cargoes were fulfilled.

    September 10, 1942, as part of the same regiment, arrived at Stalingrad and for a short period of time made 10 combat departures.

    On September 13, in the second battlely for the cover of Stalingrad, opened his battle account. At first, the JU-88 bomber hit, then reserving his girlfriend to paradise Belyaev, who ended the ammunition, took her place and after a stubborn duel, hit me-109.

    At the end of September, she achieved a translation as part of a group of girls - Letchitsa in the 437th Fighter Airport, who defended the sky of Stalingrad.

    The female fighter link existed for long. His commander, Senior Lieutenant R. Belyaeva, was soon shot down and after the forced jump with a parachute was long treated. Following it, I saved the sickness of M. Kuznetsov. Only 2 flyers remained in the shelf: L. Litvak and E. Budanova. They reached the highest results in battles. Soon Lydia shot down another "Junkers".

    From October 10, the female couple was in operational submission of the 9th Guards Fighter Aviamol. Already 3 shot down German aircraft, one of them - she personally had when she came to the regiment of Soviet Asov. There is a short, but noticeable stay in the regiment Lily Litvakia, its technique Inna Passportor and Kati Budanova for a long time remained in the memory of the Guardsmen.

    In those days, the main task of the girls was covering a strategically important front-line center (city of Zhtur), support of transport aircraft. Litvyak performed 58 such combat departures.

    For excellent performance of the tasks of the command, Lydia was enrolled in the group of "free hunters" for opponent aircraft. Arriving on an advanced airfield, she completed 5 combat departures and spent 5 air battles. The school of the 9th Guards IAP harden brave flyers and raised their combat skills.

    New combat victories were crowned with their glory and after the translation of January 8, 1943 in the 296th Fighter Aviation Regiment. By February, Litvaka performed 16 combat departures to support attack aircraft, the intelligence of the enemy's troops and the cover of our ground troops.

    On February 5, 1943, the command of the 296th JEAP Sergeant L. V. Litvak was presented to the first award - the Order of the Red Star.

    On February 11, 1943, the commander of the regiment Lieutenant Colonel N. I. Baranov led the fighter fighter fighters. And again, as in September 1942, Lida won a double victory: he knocked the JU-88 bomber personally and the FW-190 fighter group.

    In one of the battles, her "Yak" was bent and Lydia made a forced landing on the enemy territory. Shooting out of the cabin, shooting, rushed to flee from the German soldiers approaching it.

    But the distance between them was quickly reduced. Now the last cartridge remained in the trunk ... And suddenly our attack aircraft swept over the heads of the enemy. Watering by German soldiers with fire, he forced them to rush to the ground. Then, having released the chassis, planned next to the Lida and stopped. Without getting out of the plane, the pilot desperately waved his hands. The girl rushed towards his knees squeezed, the plane went to takeoff and soon Lida was in the regiment ...

    February 23, 1943 Litvyak handed a new combat award - Order of the Red Star. Slightly before, on December 22, 1942, she was awarded the medal "For the defense of Stalingrad."

    In the spring, the situation in the air is even more complicated. On April 22, in the sky, Rostov participated in the interception of a group of 12 JU-88 and hit one of them. Sixder Me-109 came to the rescue "Junkers" from the go to the attack. Lydia noticed their first and to disrupt a sudden blow, one rose on their way. 15 minutes a deadly carousel is driving. With great work, the pilot, who wounded in his leg, led the crippled "Yak" home. I reported that the task was completed, she lost consciousness ...

    After a short treatment in the hospital, she went to Moscow, giving a receipt that during the month would be worthwhile at home. But after a week, Lydia returned to the regiment.

    On May 5, not completely fixed, Litvyak flew to the support of the group of bombers of PE-2 to the Stalino district. In the area of \u200b\u200bthe goal, our group was attacked by the enemy fighters. In the fighting battle, Lydia attacked and hit the Fighter Me-109.

    In April 1943, a very popular magazine "Ogonosk" placed on the first page (cover) Photo of the combat girlfriend - Lydia Litvak and Catherine Budanova and a short explanation: "12 enemy aircraft shot down these brave girls."

    At the end of May, at the front of the front, where the regiment acted, the Germans effectively used a balloon - correctioner. Repeated attempts to knock this "sausage", covered by strong anti-aircraft fire and fighters, have not led to anything.

    Lydia decided this task. On May 31, rising to the air, she passed along the front line aside, then deepened in the opponent's rear and came to the balloon from the depths of the enemy territory, on the side of the Sun. The speedy attack lasted for less than one minute! .. For this brilliant victory, the junior lieutenant Litvaka received gratitude from the commander of the 44th Army.

    By that time, Lydia Litvak knew not only in the 8th air army well. The command made Lida to flights on the "free hunt". On the hood of his "yak" Litvak painted a bright, remarkable, white Lily.

    July 16, 1943, accompanying the IL-2 group to the front line, Sixer of our "Yakov" tied a fight with the opponent. 30 "Junkers" and 6 "Messers" tried to strike on our troops, but their intention was beyond. In this battle, Litvyak hit the personally one enemy bomber JU-88 and hit the me-109 fighter. But her plane was shot down. Pursued by the enemy to the earth itself, she managed to plant her "Yak" on the fuselage. The infantry observed the fights covered fire to the fire. They were hugged, learning that the girl was a fearless pilot. Despite the light fragmentation wounds in the leg and shoulder, the requirement to go to be treated with a categorical refusal.

    On July 20, 1943 by the command of the 73rd Guards Stalingrad Fighter Aviation Regiment, the guard commander of the Guard Junior Lieutenant L. V. Litvak was presented to the Order of the Red Banner. By the time, according to a premium document, it is performed more than 140 combat departures, hit personally 5 and as part of a group of 4 enemy aircraft, as well as 1 aerostat observation.

    On August 1, 1943, the commander of the 3rd squadron of the 73rd Guards Fighter Aviation Regiment Guard Junior Lieutenant L. V. Litvaka did not return from a combat task.

    According to the last premium document of August 8, 1943, Lydia Litvak makes 150 combat departures. In air battles, 6 enemy aircraft (1 JU-87, 3 JU-88, 2 Me-109) were shot down (1 JU-87, 3 JU-109) and 1 Aerostate correctioner, another 6 aircraft shot down in the group and 2 shot. [M. Yu. Bykov in their research indicates 4 personal and 3 group victories. ]

    The brave flyer was awarded orders: the Red Banner, the Patriotic War of the 1st degree, the Red Star.

    Describing it as a air fighter, the former commander of the 273rd JEAP, with whom Lida had to fight for some time, Boris Eremin recalled:

    "It was a born flyer. She possessed the special talent of the fighter, was bold and decisive, inventive and careful. She knew how to see the air."

    In that fateful day, she made 3 combat departures. In one of them, in a pair with the slave shot down Me-109. In the 4th departure, a group of 9 "yaks", enhancing a battle with 30 JU-88 bombers and 12 Me-109 fighters, tied a deadly cheer. And here is already burning by someone "Junkers", then falls apart on the slices "Messer". Leaving the next peak, Lydia saw that the enemy leaves. Our group gathered. Putting to the top edge of the clouds, the pilots flew home.

    Yak-1b L. V. Litvak - her last car. 73rd Guards JaP, summer of 1943.

    Suddenly, Messer jumped out of white pellets and, before diving back to the cloud, managed to give a turn on the leading 3rd pair with the on-board number "23". Lidin "Yak" as if failed, but the latchitsa land, apparently, tried to align him ... In any case, he told his comrades to the Lidia in this battle - Alexander Evdokimov. It gave birth to hope that Lida remained alive.

    It was urgently organized her searches. However, neither the pilots, nor her aircraft found. After the death in one of the battles, Sergeant Evdokimova, who only one knew in what kind of region Lidin "Yak" fell, the official search stopped.

    It was then, the Lydia Lidia Lithuanian Lithuanian was posthumously represented by the command of the regiment to the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union. Front newspaper "Red Banner" of March 7, 1944 wrote about her as a fearless falcon, the Letchitsa, who knew all the soldiers of the 1st Ukrainian Front.

    Soon with enemy territory, one of the later pilots returned. He reported that, according to locals, our fighter sat on the road near the village of Marinovka. The pilot turned out to be a girl - blonde, small growth. A car with German officers came to the plane, and the girl went with them ...

    This is what the pilot writes in his memoirs - the fighter Dmitry Panteleevich Panov:

    "Women aviators were real barbarism. Not only is on the airfields, as you know - open spaces, a woman is not so easy to go on a small or much need that men pilots are deciding relatively simple. Especially no facilities in airplanes . For the pilot, they even sewed the overalls of a special cut with the unfastened lower part. And there are no monthly cycles, during which the woman and close should not be attached to the aircraft, our fathers-commanders were not interested at all. Such was the real practice of women's participation in a flying craft in peaceful time.

    No better in the war. We bumbled grief, in particular, with Lily Litvak, who had to be done to make the heroine and God forbid not let the "messengers" sick her. It was not easy to achieve this if Lily, judging by her maneuvers in the air, often poorly represented where and why flies. It ended in that the Lil was shot down in the Donetsk area and she jumped up with parachute. Our pilots, who were captured, together with the lily, were told that they saw her traveling around the city in a car with German officers ... "

    Most aviators have no rumor believed and continued attempts to find out the fate of Lydia. But the shadow of suspicion has already been out of the regiment and reached the superior headquarters. Command, showing "caution", did not approve the representation of Litvak to the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, limiting himself to the Order of the Patriotic War of the 1st degree.

    Somehow, at the time of Revelation, Lydia said the mechanics of the aircraft, his girlfriend: "Most of all I am afraid of the abyss. Everything, anything, but not it is." There were weighty grounds for such anxiety. Father Lida was arrested and shot as an "enemy of the people" in 1937. The girl perfectly understood what it means to her, the daughter of the repressed, the abyss. No one and nothing will save her honest name.

    The fate played a joke with her, having prepared just such a fate. But Lidia was looking for, looking for a long time and stubbornly. In the summer of 1946, the commander of the 73rd Guards IAP Ivan Zagryakayev sent several people to the Marinovka area for the search for her trace. Unfortunately, the Litvyak fellow soldiers were late for several days. Chips of the Lidin "Yaka" were already destroyed ...

    In 1968, the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper took an attempt to restore the honest name of the pilot. In 1971, the search for young trains of School No. 1 of the city of Red Ray was included in the search. In the summer of 1979, their searches were crowned with success!

    Being in the area of \u200b\u200bKhutor Kozhevny, the guys found out that the Soviet fighter fell on his outskirts in the summer of 1943. The pilot, wounded in the head, was a woman. She was buried in the village of Dmitrievka of the Shakhtarsky district, in the fraternal grave. It was Lida, which was confirmed by the progress of further investigations.

    In July 1988, Lydia's name Vladimirovna Litvyak was immortalized at its burial, and the veterans of the regiment in which she fought, resumed a petition for the title of the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union posthumously. And justice enthusiasm - after almost half a century, by Decree of the President of the USSR of May 5, 1990, this title was assigned to her! Order of Lenin No. 460056 and the "Golden Star" medal № 11616 were transferred to the storage of relatives of the deceased heroine.

    In Moscow at the house number 14 on Novoslobodskaya Street, in which heroine lived and where she went to the front, a memorial plaque was installed. Memorial plate installed on the memorial at the burial site, in the village of Dmitrievka Snezhnyansky district Donetsk region