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  • Is it possible to girls in the Suvorov school. Military schools for girls: list, rating, specialty. What to do and what is necessary for this

    Is it possible to girls in the Suvorov school. Military schools for girls: list, rating, specialty. What to do and what is necessary for this

    By implementing the goals and objectives of the cadet education, we are trying not to lose the basic female qualities of pupils. To this end, the concept of upbringing in the Cadet School - boarding school for girls, the implementation of which passes through three programs.

    1. Civil and military-patriotic education program.

    The main attention in the upbringing of cadets is given to a military-patriotic direction. The adoption of the ceremonial cadet oath takes place in the central museum of the Second World War on Poklonnaya Mount.

    Pupils are found in the lessons of courage with veterans of the Second World War, the heroes of Russia, the warriors - internationalists, visited the sacred places of our homeland of the city of Heroes St. Petersburg, Volgograd, Kursk, Belgorod.

    The pupils showed an excellent racing system with a tier-breeding passage of Red Square on November 7, 2006, dedicated to the anniversary parade of November 7, 1941.

    Traditional steel such shares were:

    • concerts and address assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War,
    • warriors - veterans and disabled wounds in the zones of military conflict;
    • "Memory Watch";
    • invitation of veterans of all wars for the holiday "Victory Day".

    Pupils of the Cadet boarding school "MPGV" Active participants in patriotic activities conducted by state authorities, public and veteran organizations, laureates of the festivals of the military-patriotic song of 2004-2007, the winners of sports competitions dedicated to the Day of Defender of the Fatherland.

    To ensure high-quality practical field classes on the basics of military service, the pupils are traveled annually to the Cadet healthy - the educational camp "Patriot, where in practice I know building and fire training.

    To deepen the submission of pupils about the basics of military service, the course "Building preparation" was introduced about military discipline and the organization.

    2. The program of formation is intellectually, morally, cultural and spiritually developed personality.

    For the expression of musical and creative abilities, in order to enormize interest in musical art, for further development The following circle classes are introduced as the quality of the personality:

    "Vocals" and "Choral singing" Form the primary skills of the execution of vocal works, as well as the felt sense of the county and responsibility, are teaching to cooperate in owl creativity.

    "Piano" Developing a musical taste, the ability to listen and perceive the mother classic piano and symphonic music, raise the love of folk music, the work of Russian composers-classics, Soviet components, the best representatives of foreign music.

    For development in children, coordination of movements, plasticity of the body, endurance, dexterity, musicality, rhythm, feelings of self-confidence, admission to world culture, formation of aesthetic ideals based on mastering the art of choreography introduced mugs:

    • "Folk dance";
    • "Pop dance";
    • "Historical ballroom dancing".

    Classes B. theatrical circle Develop individual creative skills Pupils, develop the skills of dialogic and monologic speech, expand their knowledge in the field of literature.

    Dance art teaches man beauty. Moreover, it is not only the beauty of movements, but also the beauty of the appearance, an important element of which (especially for a woman) is a hairstyle. The objective of mastering the primary skills of the art of creation is hairstyle serves a circle "Lucky Lokon".

    Decorative and applied art is a special world of artistic creativity, an infinitely diverse region of art objects created throughout the centuries-old history of human development. Acquaintance of children with three forms of artistic activities: visual, decorative and constructive - the main purpose of the application of the applied direction additional education, in whose area there are mugs:

    • "Art";
    • "Young Gardener";
    • "Press Center".

    To strengthen the health, development of motor and intellectual potential, increasing the level of physical and psychological qualities in accordance with their age capabilities, the following sports direction mugs were introduced:

    • "Martial Arts";
    • "Fencing";
    • "Volleyball";
    • "Tennis";
    • "Athletics";
    • "Skiing",
    • "Swimming".

    The following tasks included in the additional formation plan make it possible to implement the following tasks:

    Compensate the absence in a basic plan of certain other training courses. With a minimum number of hours on the subject in the baseline, strengthen this item for hours of additional education.

    Create a "Success Success" in self-realization and self-determination of each pupil based on the traditions of the Cadet Women's Movement, taking into account the current requirements of time.

    3. The program of additional education, including the development of the creative individual abilities of the pupils and the Cadet component: building preparations and foundations of medical knowledge.

    In the same program included circles in which girls acquire the skills of the "skillful mistress" and know the foundations of family relations.
    Secondary program Middle full general Education Provides additional in-depth training of pupils on subjects of general education and cadet profile.

    To strengthen the basic knowledge of students included the following circle classes:
    "Computer science" Expands the representations of students about the possibilities of using a modern computer.

    "My Moscow" Immersed the child into the world of the history of his native land, increasing his knowledge about the capital of our Motherland for many-time history of the city.

    "Psychotechnics of communication" He teaches the skills of mutual understanding and communication with the peers surrounding their people, social adaptation in society.

    Circles "Literary living room" and "Linguistics" Enhance the subject area "Philology» , allowing you to develop the creative abilities of pupils.

    Our achievements

    Pupils of the cadet boarding school number 9 take active participation In the district, urban and federal events, competitions, festivals, exhibitions, where high results are shown:
    • Laureates of the XX city festival of children's creativity "Nadezhda", 2009;
    • Laureates of the XII City Festival of Children's Creativity "Young Talents of Muscovy", 2005-2009;
    • Laureates of the All-Russian Festival "Young Talents of Sharing" 2009,
    • Laureates of the XI city festival "Ecology", 2008;
    • Laureates of the festival "Gifted children". 2005-2009;
    • Winners of the solemn passage in Red Square dedicated to the 1941 historical parade of 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008;
    • Conductors of artistic creativity competition among the pupils of Cadet schools and cadet boarding schools of the city of Moscow (painting) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009;
    • Conductors of district and city sports competitions.

    Conditions of admission

    In the Cadet School - boarding school №9 "MPGI", the girls who live in this territory are accepted in priority ( administrative District and the city of Moscow) for training in 5th gradesHardened primary school On "4" and "5", suitable for health (1-2th of a group of health) and expressing the desire to study at the Cadet School-boarding school.

    Documents are accepted only from legal representatives (parents and guardians) upon presentation of a passport.

    Parents (legal representatives) who want to teach their children in the Cadet Corps provide documents:

    1. Statement of the established sample;

    2. 3 photos (3x4cm);

    3. 3 copies of birth certificate;

    4. A copy of the personal case from school (certified by the Director);

    5. Evaluation Sheet for last year learning certified by the Director;

    6. Characteristic, certified by the school principal;

    7. Copies of passports of both parents (guardians) 2pcs;

    8. Help from the site of both parents - 1 copy;

    9. Extract from the housebook or an extract from the financial account;

    10. Document confirming the social status of children and parents (legal representatives).

    Medical Documents:

    11. Medical map (Form No. 026 -2000, in which it is indicated for training in the Cadet School with a signature, round seal of the chief physician with decoding FULL NAME and triangular polician printing)

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    A graduate of a unique educational institution has joined the Flashmobus "One Like - One Fact" - the women's cadet boarding school for Russia.

    Who does and how do you get there? How are things with discipline? And what have the rallies? We tell in order.

    Maja Wolf's cadet graduate offered his subscribers on Twitter to learn a lot of interesting details about her personal experience Training in a unique school.

    More than 3,000 people responded to the proposal, Maya began to transfer truthful and slocker facts.

    1. Girls are sleeping in barracks, rooms 2, 4, 6 and 8 people. It is steeper to live in a two-room with a girlfriend, the most ad - eight.

    2. On Monday, before the lessons, you will hand over the phone and get it from 20 to 21 pm, provided that you have crammed, went to the shower, behaved well and did all the lessons.

    3. Salvation was the second phones - the girls handed over cheap nokia, and smartphones were hidden in bras. It was dangerous to get the phones at all in sight, so I read blogs in the locked toilet.

    In the Cadet School there is a strict safety technique, according to which girls should not hang in rooms more than one mirror, while the cabinets must be nailed to the walls - so as not to fall.

    There should be no personal things on the nightstands, and inside everything must be stored in cosmetic bags. And yes, no bright nails, cosmetics and hair without puritan braids.

    4. Teaching was very weak. The emphasis was made on "beautiful, obedient girls." The best classes on behavior all the time were removed from the lessons to "escort" (go to congratulate veterans, go through somewhere march, to satisfy the event).

    5. Often the splashing things (for me it was wildness). I was looking for phones, but were deducted for the found cigarettes, condoms.

    6. Fed a shift and time for meals for some reason was always a little, and the food itself was disgusting. I still can not learn quickly. Fly trembled flies, cockroaches.

    Maya admitted that a year later, the table food was so tired that in addition to phones, girls began to carry something delicious in the bra.

    7. We had two officers for the entire case. One suffered by Mania the greatness and nationalism, the other was contused after the war, without a finger, forever thump, but just.

    8. Local Major has grown up from my German surname, so he called me plisetskaya. It seemed to him as more than more. It was not without screaming "Vali in their America."

    "It is believed that in the cadet all good upbringing. There is really no, because there are difficult children to re-educate. As a result, no one is raised, and embittered girls go to the service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the FSB. Many children from disadvantaged families. "

    9. Most of the classmates chose the civil service. There is no one who would not regret. The rest are manicure masters, mothers and lawyers.

    10. Once a year, we organized balls with the men's cadet corps. Sometimes - with honorable guard. It was cool. Girls in lush dresses, beautiful music. Probably the only good memory.

    11. Ringings. During rallies, we were not allowed home. At all. Even on Saturday. Even if a family came for you, even if you have a valid reason. Especially terrible for the administration was Navalny.

    So sometimes we stayed at the weekend and solved the probes of the exam.

    "There were a lot of lesbians and bisexual in the corps, but it did not open it out."

    12. Teachers were so-so. Physics could not explain to me why the helicopter will not be able to start on Everest, and the teacher in Russian once again broke my essay in front of the whole class.

    13. In the corps did not smoke, but in high schools, they carried alcohol in thermos.

    14. Most popular jokes among cadets - about fascists.

    15. Those unhappy that came to the cadet at their own will, did it after watching the series "Cadet".

    "Once another girl sent to the re-education ran out of the corps. It is rumored that she left Moscow with truckers, infected with AIDS, gave birth to a child and died. We then interrogated the cops. "

    16. I remember how Mom promised that in the building I would definitely find myself a better girlfriend for life. No girlfriends remained me. They all went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and with them it became impossible to communicate. All girls have double standards: they suffer, but they protect their native, rotting shit.

    In general, there was a rather strange contingent in the cadet. Maya said that the year lived in one room with a 15-year-old girl, who had a "papik" 20 years older. And another her neighbor was a daughter of a man who shot his neighbors.

    As for the Mais itself, she was sent to the Cadet School, because she was engaged in photography and walked around the exhibitions. And the parents wanted to see her serious man - a lawyer, a fesbashnik or someone in this spirit.

    Cadet School - initial military educational institution With a medium school program with a full board for the preparation of young people to a military career. Exist K. adetic schools for boys, for girls and mixed type.

    ◑ List of Moscow Cadet Schools

    Cadet Case "Police College"

    Order of the Department of Education of the City of Moscow "Police College" Reorganized in the form of joining the state budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow cadet boarding school number 8 "Moscow Cadet Corps of Justice" and renamed B. state budget professional educational institution Cities of Moscow "Police College" (Abbreviated name - GBPOU College of Police).

    Cadet boarding school number 9 "Moscow Pension State Pupils"

    Address: Volzhsky Boulevard, house 52/29 (Volzhskaya metro station)

    The ultimate goal training in our cadet school for girls is the provision of intellectual, spiritual, moral and creative development Personality focused on the formation of a citizen of his fatherland, a modern business lady, a spiritually rich and cultural woman, a loving mother, a loyal wife and a faithful friend, the skillful mistress, regardless of its social and individual development.

    Additional Information: Boarding school (boarding school) only for girls.

    Pension pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    Address: 25284, Moscow, ul. Polycarpova, 21. Metro "Running"

    Pension pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was established by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation as part of the implementation of "Strategy social Development Armed Forces Russian Federation For the period up to 2020, "Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated July 21, 2008 No. 1043 R and order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation of July 29, 2008 No. 3415.

    Additional information: Girls only

    Moscow Military Music School MO RF

    Address: 142704, Moscow region, Leninsky district, pos. Mosrentgen, ul. Hero of Russia Solomatina

    The Moscow Military Music School is the only educational institution of secondary professional (musical) education in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Additional information: Admission of Cadets up to 16 years.

    Moscow Suvorov Military School Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    Address: 129345, Moscow, winding passage, 11

    Actual location: ul. Yenisei, d. 41 (m. "Babushkinskaya")

    Moscow Suvorovskoye military school It implements the program of the main general (from 5 to 9 grades), the average (complete) total (10-1 classes) and the additional (5-11 classes) of education.

    Cadet School - boarding school number 10 (Moscow Cadet Case of Police)

    Address: 4th Novomikhalkovsky Travel, House 14, Buildings 1,2,3,4

    The main task of the "Moscow Cadet Corps of Police" is the preparation of the cadence of broad erudition, high spiritual and moral culture, with developed feeling civil debt for serving the Fatherland on the field of state civil, military, law enforcement and municipal service.

    Additional information: Cadet School of Mixed Type.

    State state institutional educational institution of the city of Moscow "Cadet School-boarding school" Navalskaya School "

    Navitakaya School leads its pedigree from the school of mathematical and navalist sciences, founded by Peter I in 1701. In the educational building there are 22 cabinet. The Cabinet "Basics of Safety of Life" is combined with the "Basis of Military Service" and "Fundamentals of Medical Training", the Cabinet of "Primary Maritime Training" (carries out the preparation of yacht steering), the Cabinet of the Marine Training Complex "Navigation Bridge", the Cabinet of Physics, the Biology Cabinet, the Cabinet of History , Chemistry Cabinet, Other Cabinets and Library with reading room (The school is completed with textbooks by 100%). Training mixed type - boys and girls. Training from the 5th grade. Address: Kastanayevskaya Street, House 59 (Metro Station Kuntsevskaya)

    If a military affair closely to you in spirit or you simply do not want the service in the army to be in general reasons, it is worth thinking about admission to a military school after grade (for boys and girls).

    On our telegram channel there is a lot of information about admission to the technical and humanitarian universities of Russia. It is time to tell about military schools and other relevant information.

    Military School is the base stage of receiving military education

    Where to do

    In a military school, a general secondary education with a military professional profile is obtained. The purpose of such an educational institution is to prepare students for subsequent entry into the highest military institution of education.

    You can act in the following types of educational institutions:

    • cadet Corps or Cadet School,
    • suvorov or Nakhimov School,
    • military music school.

    Typically, you start wishing to the classes with a military orientation begin after the 4th grade. At the end of the ninth grade (if there are free spaces), they can also enroll, but there is less chances.

    In the Suvorov School at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, there is an opportunity to go after grade 8 on the first or after grade 9 immediately to the second course.

    Each year, educational institutions change their plans in the number of set. For information on each educational institution, find out on the site.

    Here is a list of current years of military schools after grade 9 for boys where you can go to schoolchildren from Russia (in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of the country):

    1. Moscow and Moscow Region: Moscow Military Music School. Lieutenant General V. M. Khalilova, Department of the Military Academy Serpukhov Technical School, Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps of the Academy of Civil Protection of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia.
    2. St. Petersburg: Cadet School of IT-Technologies of the Military Academy of Communications. Marshala Soviet Union S. M. Budenny, Cadet sport school Military Institute physical culture, St. Petersburg Suvorovsky School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, First Border Cadet Case of the FSB.
    3. Novocherkassk ( Rostov region): Novocherkasski Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
    4. Astrakhan: Astrakhan Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    5. Chita (Transbaikalsky region): Chita Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    6. Elabuga (Republic of Tatarstan): Elabuga Suvorovsky School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    7. Grozny (Chechen Republic): Grozny Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
    8. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Cadet Case. A.I. Swan.
    9. Republic of Bashkiria: Bashkir Cadet Corps.
    10. Krasnodar: Krasnodar Military School named after the Army Army General S.M. Shtemenko.
    11. Ivanovo: Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps of the Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of GPS EMERCOM of Russia.
    12. Voronezh: Cadet Engineering School at the Air Force Academy. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin.
    13. Carpenters: Gubernatorial Cadet School - boarding school.
    14. Kemerovo: Gubernatorial Cadet School-boarding school.
    15. Pushkin: First Border Cadet FSB Case.

    And here is a list of military schools after grade 9 for girls :

    1. St. Petersburg: Kronstadt Sea Cadet Corps, Nakhimov Naval School, St. Petersburg Cadet Corps (consists of once independent military-space cadet corps, rocket-artillery and railway cadet buildings), Suvorov School of the city of St. Petersburg;
    2. Yekaterinburg: Ekaterinburg Suvorov School;
    3. Kazan: Kazan Suvorov School;
    4. Kemerovo: The Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics.

    As for higher educational military institutions, it is possible to enter them only after graduation.

    Upon admission to military schools after grade 9, they look at the estimates, so high points on subjects - the key to successful military Career even at such an early stage

    Requirements for arrival

    Wishing to go to military schools a lot. Therefore, among the applicants, a competitive selection is carried out. Here are the main conditions of participation:

    • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
    • not older than 16 years, and for 1 course of the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - not older than 17, for 2 courses - not older than 18 years;
    • have 1 or 2 group of health in physical culture;
    • good performance in school;
    • do not have problems with the law.

    If the applicant enters the Military Music School, he must have certain musical skills (for example, singing, a game on a musical instrument, etc.).

    For admission to the Cadet School will have to pre-receive a sporty discharge on some compulsory sport.

    Rights and benefits upon admission to the military school

    As in other institutions of education, in military schools primarily take into account certain benefits.

    Advantage in admission have the following categories of students:

    • orphans and children without parental care;
    • children of military personnel (acting or dismissed by age or in health that served at least 20 years);
    • children of military and security forces who died during service;
    • children of the cavaliers of the Order of Fame and Heroes of the USSR.

    The advantage of admission will be given to those who have creative or sports achievements, impeccable study at school, victory at the Olympics and profile contests.

    What subjects pass

    After grade 9 do not pass OGE, so students are obliged to pass entrance tests. The receipt process consists of the following steps:

    1. Psychological testing.
    2. Communities for general education subjects (interview or testing). Most often it is Russian, mathematics, informatics, physics and foreign.
    3. Physical standards: pull-up, run (per 1 km and 100 m).
    4. Creative testing on the profile of the institution. For example, when entering the Military-Music school, they ask to play the solo party on a musical instrument, as well as perform a dictation in writing on solfeggio.

    How to do: Step-by-step instructions

    Unlike secondary special institutions, military schools start receiving documents much earlier. Do not forget that it is not necessary to do without the participation of parents. Therefore, start training in advance, at least with the third quarter, and do not postpone at the last moment.

    Here you have a detailed action plan on how to enroll in a military school after grade 9.

    Step 1: Passage of Medical

    Contact your clinic at the place of registration / residence and pass the inspection of narrow-profile specialists.

    Medical examination for receipt occurs in form 026.

    Make sure that in this document will definitely stand recording "recommended for health to admission" and then follows the full name of the educational institution where you are going to submit documents.

    Stage 2: Forming a personal case

    For a folder with a personal case, you need to prepare a list of documents:

    • Application from the applicant and its parents, the forms of which can be found on the site of the educational institution or directly on the department of interest.
    • Copies of a passport and birth certificate (pages 2.3 and 5).
    • Autobiography. It can be written in arbitrary form. The document indicates the data about yourself and its closest relatives. Immediately you can list special hobbies, merits and achievements in school, creativity and sports, if any.
    • Copies of a personal case from school, certified by the director, a challenge challenge with final stamps for 3 quarters and current marks for the last quarter.
    • Characteristics of the personality from the teacher and psychologist from school, recommendatory record for admission.
    • 4 photos 3 * 4 sizes with place for print print.
    • Copy of medstrashovka.
    • Copy of medical card.
    • Copy of certificate in form 026U with a doctor's signature and printing institutions (polyclinics).
    • A copy of the conclusion about the group of physical training.
    • A copy of the history of development and extract from history.
    • Copies of certificates from narcological and psychoneurological dispensaries.
    • Copy of passport vaccinations.
    • Help from the job of parents.
    • Help about the composition of the family.
    • Copies of certificates, certificates and other documents confirming special rights and achievements.

    All these documents need to flash and put in the folder.

    Stage 3: Submission of documents to an educational institution

    Submission of documents in the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out a little earlier. You need to attribute documents no later than April 1.

    You can submit documents to personally or send by mail with the description of attachments. In this case, if the letter submits the reasons independent of you, the date of the filing will be considered a day when you sent a letter, and not when it was received in an educational institution.

    As soon as selection committee It will receive documents, it will consider a personal matter, to determine whether the documents correspond to the specified requirements.

    If you are submitting documents to the Cadet School of IT-Technologies, keep in mind: From June 1 to 15, all applicants need to be remote testing.

    Stage 4: Introductory Tests

    From the moment of submission of documents and until June 25, you must come to the call indicating the date of examinations. If the educational institution refuses you, should come to a written refusal to explain the reasons.

    Do not forget to come to the selected place of the institution with the originals of all documents and the necessary copies.

    Remember : Even if you have passed all the introductory tests on "excellent", first of all will enroll those who have benefits or special rights. Only then take turns are those who passed the exams for the maximum score.

    Why do not go to the military school, if you can go to a military university after grade 11? Yes, because then the competition will be tougher. And you will always have a second chance if the attempt to go to the school will fail.

    Another plus is that, watched in a military college, you will already have a big advantage in the form of a stable psyche. Yesterday's schoolchildren will break in freedom and problems with discipline. And students from the school managed to survive and get used to the local life.

    However, our student service will help to adapt. While you will study local infrastructure and orders, our specialists will help with where you have problems.

    Suvorov School for girls in Moscow is no longer a dream, but reality. After all, Emancipation is walking quite widely and women have long proved that they can be not only military doctors, or in relation to themselves.

    Do girls take in Suvorov school?

    The main criteria for admission to the Suvorov school girls are their physical health. The selection is tasty and if the girl wants to become a military path, it should pass the necessary tests in physical training.
    There are schools where only girls and only guys learn.

    Suvorov school for girls after grade 9

    Military Music School in Moscow
    Pension pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

    Every year there is a set in certain classes and this information is constantly changing.
    To enroll in the Suvorov School, the girl needs not only a desire to prove something to someone. It is necessary to understand the fact that it is not toys and military training The case is serious. You need to be ready to perform orders through I can not forget "I do not want."