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  • Theatrical circle in kindergarten abstracts. Summary of classes theater group "In the world of fairy tales

    Theatrical circle in kindergarten abstracts. Summary of classes theater group

    Synopsis is one of the introductory classes of circle work on theatrical activities. This material is interesting to music leaders, educators DOW.

    1. Develop the ability to understand the mood of the participant.
    2. Develop your imagination.
    3. To introduce the concepts of “facial expression”, “gesture”, “pantomime”.
    4. Exercise children with the help of theater games in the image of images using facial expressions, gestures, pantomime.
    5.   friendly atmosphere.

    Dictionary work: character, gesture, facial expressions, pantomime.

    Musical repertoire:

    1. The song “Alabama jam” music. and cl. R. Emchin.
    2. Song “Smile” muses. V. Shainsky, sl. M. Plyatskovskogo.
    3. The song "Do not tease the dogs" muses. E. Ptichkina, sl. M. Plyatskovskogo.
    4. Song “Chung-Chung” muses. V. Shainsky, sl. Y. Entin.


    Entrance. The soundtrack of the song “Alabama jam” music. R. Emchin. Children enter the lead child. The entrance is complicated by rebuilding with a change of movement: a snake, in a circle, walking diagonally. At the end of the music sit on the chairs.

    The game “Hello!”

    Objective: To customize the participants in a friendly way.

    Move: The leading child sings affectionately on the addressee’s name and throws the ball to him. And so on in a circle, in a chain.

    Host: We were on stage with you? What are the names of the people who perform on stage?

    Children: People who perform on stage are called artists.

    Host: Do you think it's easy to become an artist? What is needed for this?

    Answers of children: list the skills and abilities required by the artist (the ability to transform, transform into heroes with the help of movements, intonations).

    Host: In order for an artist to express his character, he needs a gesture, facial expression, pantomime. We will talk about this today.


    Host: The gesture is a characteristic movement made by the hands, the body. What do you think the gesture “extended hand with index finger” means?

    What gestures do you know? (Conversation with children about gestures.)

    Kids: This gesture means pointing directions.

    I suggest you perform exercise “What would it mean?”.

    Objective: to consolidate the definition of gesture.

    Move: the teacher offers the children a gesture, the children explain its meaning.

    Host: A gesture is a separate movement of the head, either with your hands or with your body. We practice and we will express the words from the songs with gestures.

    Exercise “Understand Me”

    Turn: Children get up in pairs, facing each other. Depict the key word of the characters of the song with gestures.

  • The heroine is Cinderella. The song “Good Beetle” (the children depict the key phrase “Stand up the children, stand in a circle”, the gesture is an invitation).
  • The hero is a wolf. Song of the hare and the wolf from the cartoon “Well, wait!”. (Children depict the key phrase “Well, Santa Claus, wait a minute!”, Gesture - threaten with a hand.)
  • Host: Mimicry - expression of feelings through the movements of parts of the face. I suggest you only the movement of parts of the face: forehead, eyebrows, eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, etc. Perform the following exercise.

    Exercises “Imagine”

    Objective: to fix the definition of facial expressions.

    1. “You have an apple in your hands, a big-big one. You open your mouth wide and bite an apple. Phew It is bitter. You take the second apple, take a bite. Oh! It is sour. You take the third apple, bite off - sweet. ”
    2. Here is a vase of flowers. You inhale the scent of flowers. Oh, how lovely!

    The children and the teacher conduct a comparative analysis of the exercises and give each other a qualitative assessment.

    Host: You have done this task. And now I propose to perform the task in which facial expressions need to convey the content of the song.

    The game "Peredavalki"

    Move: The head plays a small excerpt of the song, and the children mimic the contents of it and convey the corresponding facial expression in a circle. Song “Smile” by V. Shainsky (fun, joy, pleasure).

  • The song "Do not tease the dogs" M. Plyatskovskogo (sadness).
  • Chorus of the song “Chung-Chang” by V. Shainsky (delight, joy).
  • Host: Here are how many feelings can be conveyed by facial expressions, we list them again.

    Children spread mimic pictograms of feelings on the blackboard, fix the names of the states.

    Host: How interesting it is! There are options for performance. But most often the actor uses both gesture and facial expressions at the same time, then a single image is obtained - pantomime (without words, an image action occurs). Let's try?

    The game “Pantomime”
    (children are divided into two groups: one - the audience, the second - the actors).

    Move: The presenter reads a passage from Whisper and rustle from V.Suslov’s poem. Child actors mimic the movements of the text:

    Host: Prick up, listen to silence! Do you hear?

    Somewhere mice,
       Rustle under the roots
       Together the cone is shelled.

    Children imitate the movements of mice: they crawl, rustle, “sheal” an imaginary cone.

    Hush, rustle, do not breathe!
       Hear, subsided reeds? Do you hear?

    I hear ...
       In the swamp came the herons to hunt.
       Herons are in a hurry for dinner
       Scouring, looking for a frog.

    Children walk importantly in a group, raising their legs high, imitating the search for frogs.

    Host: Do you hear?

    I hear ...
       Two sleeping bugs settled in a daisy.
       They want to get under the bed sheets
       Petals rustle.

    Children are looking for an imaginary daisy and “go to sleep.”

    Host: “Zvin-zvin-zvin” - and this bumblebee flew from spruce to fir.

    Children imitate the flight of a bumblebee with a buzz and sit on an imaginary spruce.

    The pantomime game “Turtle” K.I. Chukovsky

    Move: Children are divided into groups (3-4 people each) - 2 frogs and a turtle. Try for all the children to play.

    To the swamp to go far
       It's not easy to go to the swamp
       “Here is a stone by the road,
       Let's sit down and stretch our legs. ”
       On the frog stones put a bundle
       "It would be nice here to lie down for an hour."
       Suddenly a stone jumped to its feet
       And grabbed their feet,
       And they cried out in fear:
       “But this is a turtle!”

    Lead-leader and children express their opinions about the games held.


    Host: Our meeting has come to an end. Guys, tell me now, with which we met today, which game you liked the most.

    Children's answers:

    Host: I now suggest that you unusually say goodbye: first with facial expressions, then with a gesture, after pantomime. Farewell to the soundtrack of the song “Alabama jam” music. R. Emchin.

    Children leave the room.


    1. Antipin E.P. Theatrical games and exercises for children of senior preschool age. - M .: Creative Center “Sphere”, 2006.
    2. Makhaneva M.D. Drama classes in kindergarten. - M .: Creative Center “Sphere”, 2001.
    3. Petrova, T.I., Sergeeva, E.L. Preparation and holding of theatrical games in kindergarten. - M .: Izd. “School Press”, 2003.

    More notes kindergarten:

    Fun with parents for Mother's Day "While mom is not home"

    Warm hearts for lovely moms
    Touch upbringing in kindergarten
    "It comes from the Don region"
    | occupation | lessons notes | theatrical | playbill | cup | circle | for | children | child | older | older porn | preschool | preschool age | age | child's age | facial expressions | facial expressions and gestures | gestures | sign language | want to | i want a former | games | free games | play is free | play for free | children | kindergarten | Music Director Page | Occupation of a theater group for children of senior preschool age 1 2 3 4 5 - using facial expressions and gestures, you want to play games in Kindergarten

    MOU "Novopetropavlovskaya Secondary School"

    Abstract open classes theater circle

    Statement of the matinee

    "In the Pushkin kingdom in a fairytale state"


    Boyarkina V.V. - teacher of 1 category

    April 2009


      Maintain a steady interest in theatrical and gaming activities.

      To improve the performance skills of children in creating an artistic image, to develop the intonational expressiveness of speech.

    3. Develop memory, thinking, imagination and educate their humane feelings.

    Material:  The image of a tree, green leaves by the number of participants, silhouettes of clouds, pencils.

    Musical material:audio recording of the song “From Smile”, musical fragments for the production of dances.

    Course of the lesson

      Organizing time.

    Children enter the theater room to the song "From the smile"


    1. Hello!

    2. Good afternoon and good hour!

    3. Good morning for you!

    4. Welcome!

    5. Your kind eyes are a good sign!

    6. Good friends - the heart rejoices!

    7. We welcome you - good people!

    Director: You have greeted the guests remarkably well, because the rewards and the rest of the heart are dearer than a heartfelt kind word!

    So, we start the lesson of our theater group.

    Show me the mood with which you begin this activity. (In the hands of children there are signal cards)

    (The teacher shows not a tree drawn on the blackboard)

    This tree was born at the moment when one person smiled at another. This smile took its roots deep into the ground, and three shoots appeared on the surface: kindness, mutual assistance and sincerity. These sprouts grew together, and the Tree of Friendship appeared. The tree grew and developed, new buds swelled on it, burst, turning into emerald leaves. Some leaves turned yellow and fell off - this meant that friends had a falling out. But if a new kidney appeared at this place - the friends put up! Our tree of friendship lives, and will live forever. And every time a tree smiles if people are friends. And our today's occupation will be held under the motto of friendship and mutual assistance: "One for all and all for one."

    For active work, you will receive leaves, and at the end of the lesson we will see if our tree can smile at us and rejoice at our knowledge.

    Exercise "Hedgehog"

    Let's show how the hedgehog breathes. We inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, uttering "puff". (Children perform the breathing exercise “Hedgehog”). Good!

    Exercise« Aroma "

    Remember your favorite smell. Imagine that you inhale this scent through your nose, and you will exhale in a thin stream on your palm. (Children do breathing exercises. " Aroma ").  Feel how warm pours on the palm?

    Blow out the candle.

    Take a deep breath and exhale all the air at once. Blow one big candle. Now imagine that there are 5 candles on your hand. Take a deep breath and exhale in 5 portions. Blowing out every candle. Imagine that before you birthday cake. On it are many small candles. Take a deep breath and try to blow out as many small candles as possible, making the maximum number of short breaths.

    In the elevator.

    Imagine that we are going to the elevator and announce the floors. The higher the floor, the higher the voice, and vice versa. We go first from first to ninth, and then down to first.

    Exhale with a bill.

    Take a deep breath, while exhaling, count loudly until the air runs out.

    Using patter (in chorus):

    Like a hill on a hill

    Stand 33 Egorki (deep breath)

    Once Egorka, two Egorka, (until full expiration).

    Reading blocks using mood masks.

    Goal setting lesson.

    Today, we continue to work on the performance of the matinee "In the Pushkin Kingdom in a Fabulous State." We did a great job, got acquainted with the tales of A.S. Pushkin. They collected an exhibition of books by this wonderful poet. Let's remember, heroes, from what tales of Pushkin will meet on our matinee.

    (Children respond)

    Today we will work on the expressiveness of the speech of the characters. Each of you can take part in this work.

    There is a rehearsal matinee. The teacher, together with the children, discusses the character of the characters, their demeanor, mood.
      Before you on the paper, painted the mood of the flowers, paint them in accordance with the mood of the hero. For the work of the children get the leaves.

    Exercise on the development of facial expressions.

    Head:  Sit on the mat in a circle and listen to the poem about the clouds. Please draw on the face the mood of each cloud. Exercise will be performed with eyes closed.

    Clouds floated across the sky
    And I looked at them.
    And two similar clouds,
    I wanted to find.

    Here is a fun cloud
    Laughing at me.
    Why are you screwing up your eyes like that?
    What are you funny!

    And here's another cloud
    Frustrated seriously:
    His mom breeze
    Suddenly carried away.

    And suddenly the terrible sky
    The monster is flying
    And a huge fist
    Angry to me.

    A little cloud
    Floating above the lake.
    And surprised little cloud
    Opens the mouth.



    Head: - Draw on the mood of the clouds of paper. (Children draw). Perfectly coped with the task. It is time to continue working on our performance.

    (Rehearsal scenes matinee.)


    What is our motto today?

    I believe you worked well. And what helped you in your work?

    D: Friendship, mutual assistance, support.

    Who earned the leaves, attach them to our Tree of Friendship, so that it pleased us.

    (Children attach leaves to the tree to the music)

    Let's smile at each other and thank each other for the good work.

    Mus. head:  Now we knead our fingers (finger game):

    One, two, three, four, five,
    Fingers out to dance.
    Big started a dance
    Index in priplas,
    The average bowed,
    Unnamed crouched
    And the little finger is a fugitive
    The chain closed. Well done!
    How to continue to dance?
    It is necessary to break the chain! (repeat several times with acceleration)
    (model T. Borovik)

    Mus. head:  (exercises for the development of speech apparatus).

    Put your tongue on your lip
    Fia, fia, fia - say.
    Muscles relax,
    The paddle turns out.
    You hold it to five:
    1, 2, 3, 4, 5 –
    And remove the spatula.

    And now we have to hunt for a lion (ritmodeclamation "We Hunt a Lion"):

    (Movements are performed by text)
    We hunt the lion (3 times)

    - No arrows, no gun? Yes?

    If you knew how beautiful he is,
    But if he is hungry - he is nightmare,
    More precisely - nightmarishly terrible!

    We hunt the lion (3 times)
    He has a fireball head,
    He has a huge mouth and fangs.
    Do not try to play with him in distillation!
    He roars like thunder in the rain,
    Not afraid of a spear, no arrows, no gun!
    - No arrows, no gun? Yes?

    Mus. head:  - What kind, gentle kittens turned out. Well done! And now let's see what kind of bunny and fox our guys will be. (The children who are interested show a fragment from the fairy tale “Zayushkina izba” - a puppet theater).

    Host: - Spring has come. Fox hut and melted. A fox stands and cries bitterly.

    Fox:  - Oh, what is it ?! Where do I now live sta-anu ?!

    Hare (from the window):  - I told you: the ice will melt.

    Fox:  - You leave me alone! Oh-oh-oh! .. It will be dark soon ... I'm afraid of the robbers! My coat will be taken away!

    Hare:  - Tears of sorrow will not help!

    Fox:  - Oh oh oh! It will rain soon. My coat will wet!

    Hare:  - One to one.

    Fox:  - Apchy! Khe-khe-khe! Oh, a cold! Temperature 40!

    Hare:  - Can not be!

    Fox:  - Khe-khe-khe! Even 42, and maybe 43! I'm completely lost! I will die of pneumonia! Zainka, let me spend the night!

    Hare:  - Well, what to do, overnight, of course. I will flood the stove, I will give you a hot tea. Sick of something and lag behind.

    Mus. head: - Thank! Guys, what kind of Fox did Oli have? (Children's answers). And the bunny? (Children's answers). Sit on the mat in a circle and listen to the poem about the clouds. Please draw on the face the mood of each cloud. Exercise will be performed with eyes closed. (Exercise on the development of facial expressions)

    Clouds floated across the sky
    And I looked at them.
    And two similar clouds
    I wanted to find.

    Here is a fun cloud
    Laughing at me.
    Why are you screwing up your eyes like that?
    What are you funny!

    And here's another cloud
    Frustrated seriously:
    His mom breeze
    Suddenly carried away.

    And suddenly the terrible sky
    The monster is flying
    And a huge fist
    Angry to me.

    A little cloud
    Floating above the lake.
    And surprised little cloud
    Opens the mouth.

    Mus. head:  - Open your eyes, you did well. What were the mood of the clouds?

    Children:- Cheerful, angry, sad, surprised.

    Mus. head:  - Draw on the mood of the clouds of paper. (Children draw). Excellent coped with the task. It is time to continue work on our performance “The Tale of the Hare with Wonderful Ears” (Appendix 1). Scene "Fighting": Wolf, Fox, Hare. “Final” scene: Hare, Squirrel, Hedgehog, Birdie, Fly Agaric (Appendix 2)

    Children take their places. Work on the performance.

    Mus. head:  - Well done! Today you did well! On this our lesson is over. Lie down on the mat, rest. (Relaxation). To whom I quietly come and stroked the back, he can get up and go to the group.

    Speech training

    Warming massage



    Masked sound and promise

    Speech logic

    Acting Exercises .



    Etudes (or rehearsal of the play)

    Exercise Requirements

    Belief in the proposed circumstances

    Being serious in the performance of tasks

    Be attentive and sympathetic to what others are doing.

    Each teacher chooses the exercises presented in this manual (Appendix 1), at its discretion. Game exercises need to be changed more often, so that children do not lose interest in them. When choosing exercises, you must also take into account the task for a specific lesson. If you warm up before a rehearsal, it should not exceed 20-40 minutes (depending on the age of the children). All studies on the 1st year of study are preferably carried out without words. So that children learn to act, and not hide behind the text. Introduce the children with the basic principles of behavior on the stage: I SEE, I HEAR, I DO NOT interfere with anyone.

    And yet, children should know that the play is being played:for the deaf   (it means our actions, movements, plastic should be very expressive, so that a person understands the essence of the performance from them) andfor the blind   (our speech should be clear, loud, rich intonation.

    Contents of the section "Speech Training"


    Massaging   (1 - 1.5 minutes)A warming massage begins with massaging the forehead from the nose to the temples. Before starting, rub your palms together so that they become warm, and then with a little effort, run your fingertips from the nose to the temples. Do it quickly and energetically. An indicator of what you are doing right - your forehead has become warm. After that, proceed to massaging the mandibular muscles from nose to ear. The time and method of massaging are the same. Do not let your forehead cool down, from time to time returning to the beginning. In the same way, the maxillary muscles are massaged from nose to ear and the sinuses are massaged from the beginning of the eyebrows to the upper lip.

    Tapping (1 - 1.5 minutes).Tapping is performed in the same places as the massaging, with the same intensity and vigor. Tap at the same time with both hands. Three fingers alternately work on each hand: index, middle and ring fingers. Tap to warm up more and lips. This tapping is carried out with one hand, the same three fingers and with the sound "z - z - z".

    Vibrating massage.

    Massaging the muscles involved in the vocation, we warm them up, thereby preventing muscle clamps, contributing to the free free flow of sound.

    Vibration massage is done with an open relaxed palm, starting from the legs and all over the body to the shoulders. Particular attention is paid to the massage of the chest and ribs.

    The massage is done with the open palm, which establishes an open, positive, soft contact with the body. Massage is performed in a playful way - we imagine that our hands are like brooms in a bath, and we are steaming them, feeling great pleasure.


    Before performing articulation exercises, the teacher explains to the children that the lips should not move horizontally, i.e. in the stretched position (in this case, labial and maxillary clamps arise), and vertically, together with the movement of the jaw. Gymnastics is more convenient to dolooking in the mirror.

    "Annoying Mosquito" (preparatory exercise - warms the muscles of the face)

    Imagine that we do not have arms or legs, but there is only a face on which a restless mosquito constantly sits. We can drive it away only by the movement of the muscles of the face. Attention to breathing is not emphasized. The main thing is to make faces as actively as possible.

    "Hamster". Chew an imaginary gum so that the whole face moves. Starting from the second time add bragging. Participants are divided into pairs and boast face to face with each other who has a better chewing gum.

    "Rozhitsy". Raise the right eyebrow. Lower. Raise the left eyebrow. Lower. Raise and lower both eyebrows. Without opening your lips, move your lower jaw up, down, right, left. Rejoice the nostrils. Move your ears. Only a person to make a study "I am a tiger, who is waiting for prey", "I am a monkey who is listening." Pull out the face. Smudge in a smile. Without unclenching the teeth, raise the upper lip and lower it. Do the same with the lower lip. Make a face "who is funnier," "who is worse."


    Smile - proboscis

    Maximum stretch the lips forward, folding their proboscis, then as much as possible stretch into a smile. Only 8 pairs of movements.


    Lips, extended forward proboscis, describe a circle in a clockwise direction and back. You can offer the children to take a pencil extended in front of their lips and write their name in the air.

    « Jolly Piglet ":

    a / at the expense of times closed lips are pulled forward, like a piglet's piglet; at the expense of "two" lips stretch into a smile, without exposing teeth;

    b / closed lips (piglet) move first up and down, then left and right;

    in / the penny makes circular motions first in one direction, then in another.

    Finishing the exercises, children are invited to completely release the muscles of the lips, snorting like a horse.


    First, we lift up only the upper lip, then lower down only the lower lip, and then combine these movements with the sounds:

    "In" - the upper lip rises;

    "M" - returns to the place;

    "H" - the lower lip goes down.

    Then alternately stretch the upper lip on the upper teeth, lower - on the lower.

    In order for the lips to move vertically, you can put your index fingers to the cheeks, as if limiting with your fingers the possibility of stretching the lips.



    We make “shots” in a tense tongue alternately in the right and left cheeks. The lips are closed and the jaws are open.


    We protrude our tongue forward and, like a snake, make quick injections.

    "The longest tongue." Stick your tongue as far as possible and try to get them to the nose, and then to the chin.


    Opening the mouth wide open, push the tongue forward, lifting its tip so that the tongue takes the form of a bowl, and in this form we remove it in the mouth.


    Imagine that our language is a tube through which we drink a delicious cocktail. Exercise is performed while inhaling.

    Lion and Jam

    We represent ourselves as a lion cub, which is all over, from the tips of the whiskers to the tip of the tail, smeared with jam, and we need to lick this jam with a huge long tongue. We lick, starting with the pads of the fingers and ending with the toes of the feet.

    "The sting of the snake" . The mouth is open, the tongue is extended as far forward as possible, it moves slowly to the right-to the left.

    "Sweetie". The lips are closed, with the language behind them we put the "candy" to the right-left, up and down, in a circle.

    "Bell" . The mouth is ajar, the lips are rounded, the tongue is beating on the edges of the lips, like the tongue of a bell.

    "Language on the edge." Put the tongue on the edge between the jaws, mouth open. Then turn the tongue to another edge. To achieve the speed of the exercise.

    Charging for the neck and jaw

    Tilt your head to the right, then to the left shoulder, then roll it on the back and chest

    "Surprised Hippo": to drop sharply down the lower jaw, while the mouth opens wide and freely.

    « Yawning panther » : press with both hands on both cheeks in the middle part and say "wow, wow, wow ...", imitating the voice of the panther, sharply lowering the lower jaw opening his mouth wide, then yawn and stretch.

    "Hot potato »: put in the mouth an imaginary hot potato and make a closed yawn (the lips are closed, the soft palate is raised, the larynx is lowered).

    Exercises with sounds

    "Triangle" . With extremely precise articulation and even deliberately pedaling each position of the lips, the vowels are pronounced in the following order: “a-oo-oo-oo-i”. From the second time to ensure that the sound flew as far as possible.

    "I" ( from exercises E. Laskavoy).   The participant becomes a semicircle, and each, going out to the hall, puts his hand to his chest, and then throws it forward with a turn of the palm to the top, says “I”. The task is to send the sound along with the hand as far as possible. I think that there will be no big difference if instead of “I” there are pronounced letters from a triangle.

    "The combination of vowel and consonant." In this exercise, it is important to clearly and simultaneously pronounce the same type syllables. First, all vowels of a “triangle” join one consonant, then another, etc. The chain of letter combinations is as follows: “ba-ba-ba-ba-bo — bo — bo — bo — bu — bu — bu — bu — ba — ba — ba — ba — be — be — would — be — would”; The combination of letters with “and” is pronounced once and long.

    "Paired" consonants. . The guys in a semicircle in pairs chant consonants in pairs. These pairs are: d - t, d - k, b - n, v - f, w - w, s - n.

    "Sophisticated sound combinations . Children stand sideways to the teacher. One hand on the chest, and the second on the belt. A hand that is on the chest is thrown forward, and along with the move of the hand one of the following sound combinations is pronounced: “Cstvo”, “Ptrcha”, “Psci”, “Remklo”.

    "Echo". Pupils are divided into two teams, are in different ends of the room. The first one shouts “ayyyyy”, the second one echoes “ayyyyyy” by it, the first one echoes ayyyyyyhing echo and so on until the sound quiets down.










    In the scenic speech used CLEANING. These are the same texts as tongue twisters, but their attention is drawn not to the speed of pronunciation, but to the purity of pronunciation.

    Here are some exercises with chatter.

    Participants stand in a circle and take turns remembering chatter sayings. Each one by one. This exercise helps to focus with attention to the participant a large number of people (room).

    "Gossip". With the help of various chistovolokovok participants transmit each other news. Exercise can be used in the section "Speech Logic". Only there the main focus will be on the news, and here on the clarity of the utterance.

    "Transfer". (from exercises E. Laskavoy). Participants stand in a circle, one of them holds a ball. The one who has the ball in his hands, utters a shorthand and sends the last word and the ball to the partner through the circle.

    "Chin in the image." ( from exercises E. Laskavoy). Participants go out one by one in a circle and say the same shorthand, but in different, pre-set by the teacher images. For example, to say: “From the clatter of hoofs, dust flies across the field” - like a Russian language teacher reading dictation. The same chic - as the speech teacher will say, etc.


    Sheila Sasha Sasha hat.

    Sasha walked along the highway and sucked the dryer.

    Lucky Senka Sanka with Sonya on a sled.

    Six mice in the reeds rustle.

    Serum from under yogurt.

    The wasp sat down on the nose, I will carry the wasp on the bitch.

    Forty mice walked, forty pennies carried; two mice meanly carried two pennies.

    The drying mice were dried, the mice were invited, the drying mice began to eat, the mice broke the teeth!

    Cuckoo cuckoo bought a hood.

    Seta - in pigs, scales - in pike.

    Too many legs for centipedes.

    Frightened bear hedgehog with a hedgehog and ezhonkom.

    The beetle, over a puddle of buzzing, waited for supper.

    A beetle buzzes over a honeysuckle, a casing green on a beetle.

    A sluggard cat was lying down on his stomach.

    Our Polkan fell into the trap.

    From the tramp of hoofs dust flies across the field.

    Weave cloth weaver on Tana's handkerchief.

    The bull is a stupid bull, a stupid bull, the bull has a white lip that is stupid.

    Quail quail and quail in the woods hid from the guys.

    The cap is sewn not in kolpakovski, the bell is poured not in a bell. It is necessary to perekolpakovat cap, perevykolpakovat; it is necessary to perekolokolovat bell, perevokolokolovat.

    Klala Klara bow on the shelf, Nikolk called herself.

    Carl stole corals from Clara, and Clara stole a clarinet from Carl.

    Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

    Three magpies - taratorili taratorili on a hill.

    Three magpies, three ratchets, lost three brushes.

    At the gate - daisies, three snails crawled up to them.

    In the mornings, my brother Cyril fed the three rabbits with grass.

    Wet weather razmopropodilas.

    Half turnips of turnip, half-cap of peas.

    The cat caught mice and rats, rabbit leaf gnawed a rabbit.

    Catch Polycarp - three crucian, three carp.

    Kondrat has a short jacket.

    Valerik ate a dumpling, and Valyushka a cheesecake.

    Prokop came - dill boiled, Prokop left - dill boils, as in Prokop dill boiled, and dill boils without Prokop.

    The king is the eagle, the eagle is the king.

    Turk smokes a pipe, cock pecks krupki.

    Collected Margarita daisies on the mountain. Margarita lost daisies in the yard.

    Beaver is kind to beaver.

    Engraver Gavrila engraved engraving.

    Eagle on the mountain, feather on the eagle. An eagle under the feather, a mountain under the eagle.

    Cook Pavel, cook Peter. Paul hovered, Peter bake.

    In the aquarium Khariton has four cancers and three newts.

    Barely Lena ate, she did not want to eat out of laziness.

    Sweet Mila was washing with soap.

    We ate, we ate molts with ate ... They barely ate with ate!

    Four turtles have four turtles.

    Thirty-three ships were tacking, tacking, and not vylavali.

    I was carrying a caramel ship

    He ran the ship aground.

    And sailors two weeks

    Caramel grounded ate.

    Crested laughter laughing out loud.

    From under a hillock, from under a sub-sub-turn, the hare has turned upside down.


    Tell us about the purchase.

    What pro purchases?

    About purchases, about purchases, about their purchases.

    Mouse whispers a mouse:

    "You rustle everything, you do not sleep!"

    Mouse whispers mouse:

    "I will be quieter rustling."

    Crab crab made a rake

    Filed rake crab crab:

    Rob rake gravel, crab! "

    Games with patters :

    “Spoiled phone” - two teams play. Each captain gets his tongue twister. The winner is the team that, at a signal from the lead, will quickly transmit the patter along the circuit and the last representative of which will speak it better and more accurately;

    “Hand ball” - the leader throws up the ball and names the name of any child. He must quickly run up, catch the ball and say the tongue twister, etc .;

    “hand ball” option - children stand in a circle, in the center - the leader with the ball. He throws the ball to any child, he must catch it and quickly say the tongue twister. If the child failed to catch the ball or could not clearly pronounce the tongue twister, he gets a penalty point or leaves the game;

    “Snake with collars” - the children move chain after the lead and pass through collars formed by the last two children. That child, in front of which the door slammed, must say any patter. If he does it well, the door opens, and the game continues, otherwise the child repeats the patter;

    “Phrase in a circle” - children sitting in a circle utter one and the same phrase or patter with different intonation; purpose - working out intonation;

    “Main word” - children pronounce the patter in turn, each time highlighting a new word, making it the main meaning.

    Speakers can be learned in motion, in various poses, with a ball or with a skipping rope.


    "Candle". Participants put a finger in front of the mouth. Proper breathing is collected and installed, after which the air is exhausted in a thin stream, so that the “candle flame” does not flap.

    “Let's warm our hands” (from exercises E. Laskavoy). Participants place their hands in front of their mouths and their wide-open mouths slowly release air into their palms.

    "Scatter" (from the exercises of M. Gansovskaya). At the entrance with a jump, the legs are widely spread and arms are spread in different directions. At 4, 8 or 12 counts, the air is exhaled and the whole body is gathered together.

    "Sniper". The same as the “candle”, but the air is exhaled all at once and in the shortest possible time.

    "Stubborn Candle". The same as the "sniper", but the air is exhaled in several stages without additional breathing.

    "Mosquito". * Participants become staggered. Hands to the side. In front of the nose, everyone winds up with the sound “s - s - s - s” “mosquito”. The sound is pronounced on the exhale, in one breath. On the exhale, the arms slowly come down, and at the end of the breath, the “mosquito” slams.

    "Pump". Participants are divided into pairs, one of the pair - the ball, the second - the pump. Initially, the "ball" is blown away, that is, the child squats on the floor in the most relaxed position. The “pump” with the sound “ps” and bends in the waist to the right angle “pumps” the “ball”. Each straightening is a breath, each tilt is a breath. "Ball" is gradually "inflated." At the same time air is typed discretely, in portions. When the “ball” is inflated, the “pump” pulls out the “plug” and the “ball” with the sound “w - w - w“ blows off. Exhalation occurs for a long time. Then the participants switch roles. This exercise is good because each child is trained for clocked and long inhale and exhale.

    "Score". Distribute the output to a predetermined number of accounts: four, eight, twelve, sixteen. The number of accounts is usually given as a multiple of four, but E. Laskavaya makes the score a multiple of three. I do not see a great value in multiplicity of three or four. This exercise, I usually accompany the movement of the hand. While the hand moves in one direction, one digit is pronounced (once with a continuous sound), the hand went in the other direction — the next (and also once with a continuous sound).

    "Egorka". : “Like thirty-three Egorki lived on a hill on the hill: once Egorka, two Egorka, three Egorka ...”, etc. Before the start of the account of Egork, breathing is selected. This exercise is good because it clearly shows how much the students have been able to make progress compared to the last time.

    It is very important to remember that the time for each student to perform each breathing exercise is individual and is determined by how much breath a particular child has. Cannot be encouraged in childrenaspiration   to be the first in these exercises, as it is bad for ligaments.

    Jump rope

    The text of a rhythmic poem is pronounced, the children jump with a rope, accurately tracking the air holes.

    Boat, boat, white boat

    White, white cutter

    Rolls, rolls, as if stroking

    Tablecloth white flat iron.

    "Exercise with the ball." Knocking the ball on the floor to read poems:

    Drum drumming

    Drummer andrian

    Drumming drums

    Threw drum

    The ram came,

    The ram came running

    Prodal drum

    And the drum is gone

    "Before bedtime"

    Lie on the floor on your back, put your hand on your stomach. Completely relax all the muscles and, remembering how peacefully breathe before bed, try to track the technology of this breath. Then you should pay attention to the position of the abdomen, diaphragm, chest in the process of breathing and try to mentally fix this position.

    It is necessary to repeat the breath, deliberately exaggerating the movement of the abdominal muscles; pay special attention to the relaxed shoulders. When the student understood the principle of breathing and mastered it, we proceed to the variants of the exercise with the score (lying down).

    Breath - breath holding - exhale on the bill. At first exhalation lasts 3 counts, then 6, 9, etc.

    Inhale 5 sec. - breath holding 5 s. - exhalation 5 s. Repeat 6 times.

    "Sun Worship"

    All stand in a circle. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel, the arms are freely lowered along the body. On the exhale, fold the palms of the house at chest level. Further:

    breath - hands and head lift up;

    exhale - tilt, hands palms rest against the floor;

    inhale - put your left hand back, head up;

    exhale - the leg returns to its original position, the head is down;

    inhale - exhale - repeat the same with the right foot;

    breath - straighten the spine, head straight;

    exhale - palms folded house at chest level.

    Exercise is performed simultaneously by all at first at a very slow pace. Gradually, the pace accelerates to the fastest possible, then you should calm your breathing. To do this, perform a special exercise.

    "Two breaths and two breaths"

    Pupils randomly move around the room. Breathing is free. According to the teacher's cotton, they stop and make two inhalations and exhalations. Then move on, changing the pace. Cotton, again a change of pace, etc., until the children learn to inhale (into the stomach) and exhale perfectly synchronously.


    Pull the neck forward - inhale into the stomach, move it back - “cold exhale” through the long utterance of the sound “n”.


    Breathing in the stomach - arms from shoulder to elbow joint are fixed parallel to the floor, forearms and hands hang freely. “Cold expiration” through “p” is one quick circular movement of the forearms and hands with a fixed shoulder girdle. Next, for each exhalation, the speed of the movement of the hands increases, and so on up to 6 circular movements on one exhalation. Then we repeat the movements in the reverse order, reducing them again to one on the exhale. The speed of movement is determined by the teacher. The amplitude is the maximum possible.


    Breathe in the stomach - hands raise up. Breath hold. Exhale - tilt, hands down. And so 6 times. Complicate the exercises. Breath - body, head, hands down. Exhale - straighten the body, arms upwards. 6 times.

    "Coffee grinder"

    Sit on the "ball." Breathe in the stomach. Breath hold. Exhalation - a circular movement of the hips: 3 in one direction and 3 in another.

    "Skating on the ball"

    From the “sit on the ball” position, we roll from heel to toe - exhale, from toe to heel - inhale. Then, on the contrary: from heel to toe - inhale, from toe to heel - exhale.

    "Rag doll-1"

    Inhale - hands are lifted upwards “in lock”, exhalation is a throw of a relaxed body to the right, left, forward.


    A sharp breath in the lower abdomen. On the "cold breath" through the "p" - a sharp pressing of the buttocks.

    "The lion is warming"

    A soft, long exhalation (as if silently pronounced the syllable “ha”), which we call “warm breathing,” is heated consistently: palms, elbows, shoulders, chest, abdomen, knees, feet, “tail”. The exercise “Lionheats is heated” is always the last in this block, we warm up the vocal cords and proceed to the next block.

    "Flower shop"

    Imagine that you have entered a flower shop and are breathing in the scent of flowers through your nose with pleasure. If the student performs the task accurately, then he automatically passes air into the diaphragm. Exhale through the mouth, as if silently uttering "ha" (warm exhalation).


    This exercise includes 3 steps. The movement of each repeat 6 - 8 times.

    Stage 1: take a breath in the stomach, then imagine that we are blowing on the flame of a candle very slowly and evenly, so as to keep this flame in a horizontal position.

    2nd step: stubborn candle. We want to put out the candle, but the flame does not go out. The exhalation becomes more intense.

    3rd step: put out the candle. Now we make a strong sharp exhalation, and the candle goes out.


    Children are distributed in pairs, agree on which of them is the ball and who is the pump. The one who depicts the ball is “blown away”, i.e. Squatting, relaxed body. The second one slowly, with effort, lowers the casing downwards, utters the sound “c”, - represents the pump.

    (This exercise and the subsequent ones from this complex are borrowed from the program of Z. Savkova.)

    The first rises on the inhale, portraying the inflated ball. Then he blows away, uttering "psh." The whole group works simultaneously at the expense of the teacher. The exercise is repeated 6 - 8 times, after which the guys change roles.


    Breath - hands raised up, as if holding an ax. Exhale with the words "and - once", hands go down - split the log. Thus, inhale - swing, exhale - blow.

    All these exercises are aimed at developing diaphragmatic breathing. In the game space, by means of physical movements helping to “open” the diaphragm, we gradually increase the volume of air and learn to distribute the length and force of exhalation, on which the longitude and strength of sound directly depend.

    The birth of sound.

    Attention should be paid to the fact that the more specifically a student represents a sound extraction technology, the more stable he achieves results. We appeal to the imagination of the children, seeking from them a complete concentration on the sound, offering to speculatively move it in our body and space and, finally, consciously master it. It is necessary to continue all efforts so that the studio students learn to hear themselves and their comrades. To do this, every time you need to pay their attention to the correct sound, as well as errors in the sound and try to help identify the causes of these errors.

    All subsequent exercises begin with the right breath in the stomach.


    Feet shoulder width apart. The relaxed body is thrown down, breathing is free. Very slowly we build the spine, starting with the tailbone, imagining that each vertebra is a link of young bamboo. In each link, we speculatively send a sound. The most convenient way to do this is in a quiet moan - intermittently uttering the sound "m." But at that moment, when breathing is taken, no hard points should arise. When the spine is built, the bamboo pierces the sky with a sharp arrow.

    "Rag doll-2"

    This exercise is similar to the breathing “Rag doll - 1”, although on the exhale we groan at the sound “m”.


    After the half-bow we imagine that our legs turn into tree roots and go deep into the ground, with the sound “a” going into the ground with them.

    "Rubber Kreg"

    Imagine that our thighs are bound by an elastic rubber wheel, and with the sound “o” on the exhale we push it away from us with our hands and belly.


    Imagine that in our chest there is a pillar of light, which we, with the sounds of “I”, exhale, let out outside, illuminating all the space around them.


    We imagine that an antenna with the sound “and” goes from our crown to the sky.

    "Multicolored Fountain"

    We pronounce the whole block of vowel sounds - A, O, I, E, and I, presented in previous exercises (from “Roots” to “Antenna”). Achieving a sound similar to that achieved: we imagine that a multi-colored fountain of water breaks through and out of our body.


    All the same sounds scroll in a spiral from the bottom up around our spine.


    Children lie on their backs, “pouring” any vowel sound or sonorous “m” in the body from head to toe.

    Speech breathing games and exercises.

    / for younger children /


    Purpose. Develop proper speech breathing.

    The course of the game. Children are offered to make a silent breath through the nose, then blow on a burning candle, which is at a distance. The task is not to extinguish the candle, but only to make the flame “dance” smoothly. The exit is made by a thin elastic and smooth stream of air through tightly compressed lips. The first time the exercise is done with a real candle. And then you can play with an imaginary flame.


    Purpose. Is the same.

    The course of the game. Children are divided into two teams. The first team with the help of imaginary straws on an even exhalation blows "soap bubbles". We must try. So that they burst not immediately, but become as large as possible and, breaking away from the straw, fly away. Children of the second group follow their actions and at the same time chorus or roles read E. Fargen's poem “Soap Bubbles”:

    Caution - Bubbles!

    Oh, what!

    Oh look!

    Swell up!


    Come off!

    Are flying!

    My - from the sink!

    My - with a nut!

    My - not burst the longest.


    Purpose. Heat up the muscles of the breathing apparatus.

    1st view serves quiet, smooth speech.

    The wind is whistling - SCSSSS ...

    Noise trees - ShhShShShSh ...

    Bee Flies - ZhZHZHZHZHZH ...

    Komar is ringing - ZZZZZZZZZZ ...

    2nd view serves strong-willed, but discreet speech.

    Works pump - SSSSS! SSSSS! SSSSS!

    A snowstorm sweeps - SHShShSh! Shhhh! Shhhh!

    Drills drill - ZZZZZ! ZZZZZ! ZZZZZ!

    3rd view serves emotional speech at a fast pace.

    The cat is angry - F! F! F! F!

    Saws saw - C! WITH! WITH! WITH!

    Start the engine - P! R! R! R!

    Children can invent such exercises themselves and combine all three types of exhalation in one exercise. For example:


    Start the engine: P! R! R! ... РРРРР! PPPPP! PPPPP! Let's go faster and faster: PPPPP! PPPPP! PPPPP!

    Games and exercises to support breathing.


    Move The child is chosen - a trainer who offers the rest of the children - circus dogs to solve the simplest tasks that they themselves have invented. Instead of the answer “doggie” they pronounce “av - av - av!” The appropriate number of times.


    Move   Children imagine that they have fallen into a large village courtyard, they must call and feed all its inhabitants. Children collectively or one by one call ducks (ut-ut-ut-ut-ut), rooster (sing-sing-sing-sing), chickens (chick-chick-chick), geese (tag-tag-tag-tag), pigeons ( gul - gul - gul), suddenly a cat appeared (puss - puss - puss - puss), she tried to catch a chicken (scamp, scamp!). Chicken calls for scattering chickens:

    ECHO   (according to N. Pikuleva)

    V e d u y y d e t

    Get ready, kids! Ra! Ra!

    The game begins! Ra! Ra!

    Yes, do not regret the horses! Lei! Lei!

    Bay in the palm of fun! Lei! Lei!

    What time is it? Hour! Hour!

    How much will it be in an hour? Hour! Hour!

    And it is not true: there will be two! Two! Two!

    Dozing your head! Wah! Wah!

    How sings cock in the village? Wow! Wow!

    Yes, not the eagle owl, and the cock? Wow! Wow!

    Are you sure about that? So! So!

    And really how? How! How!

    If someone zakukarekal, gives fantasy, and the game begins again.


    "Sick tooth". Participants are invited to submit that they have a very sore tooth, and they begin to moan at the sound of "m." The lips are slightly closed, all the muscles are free. Sound should be sent to the back of the head. When performing, each participant must ensure that his nostrils are trembling and his lips are tickled.

    "Caprice". Participants depict a naughty child who whines, requires you to take it in her arms. To whimper on the “n” sound, without overstating or understating the sound, looking for a tone in which the voice sounds evenly and freely. Then tap your finger first on one nostril without interrupting the sound, then on the other.

    "Idiotics." Participants stand in a semicircle. The lower jaw flips down sharply. We must try, without tilting his head, put his jaw on his chest. The language is wide, falls out. Exercise is performed 7-8 times.

    "Cow" and"Cow butts." On proper breathing and on a comfortable middle note, the sound “m” is taken with the mouth closed. When each voice is heard and they are all approximately equal in strength of sound, the head goes to the other end of the hall and asks to “butt him,” that is, send the whole sound to him. When this is done, the manager gives the command: “In my hand -“ idiotics ”. The hand quickly goes down - up and the lower jaw also works. The result should be a sound like "m - m - mom - m - m". Be sure to remind the children that, while performing this exercise, they ensure that their nostrils are trembling and their lips are tickled.

    "Bath". (from exercise E. Laskavoy). This exercise is performed in two positions. The first position. The children sit on the floor and pat themselves on the feet, then on the calves, then on the knees, then on the shins, then on the thighs. Clapping is performed alternately, first on one side, then on the other. Simultaneously with the clapping, a non-sulfur sound “m” is pronounced on a comfortable note. The second position is standing, and at the same time the body is bent at the back. Gradually, the body straightens to a vertical state, and in a standing position, the clapping goes to the stomach, back, chest. Exercise well that automatically includes resonators.

    "Dark night". The phrase "dark night" is almost sung on a comfortable note. Especially pedal sounds "mn" and "n." During the exercise, it is necessary to ensure that at least the sounds of “mn” and “n” are pronounced in accordance with the rules for pronouncing the masked sound.

    "Mila's mom soap soap, Mila did not love soap." This exercise is identical to the previous one. The only thing that is changed is the phrase. In the process of doing the exercise, it is necessary to make sure that it begins and ends with the sound “m”. That is, it is pronounced “not loved - mm”, and not “not loved”.

    Growing flowers

    Saying tongue twisters and sayings based on the sonorous sounds “n”, “m”, “l”, the guys imagine that they grow a flower, which in this case serves as an opening hand. For example: “On the ground we lazily caught the burbot, and we changed the burbot to you for a tench, whether you were praying for love in love, and in the mists of the estuary beckoned me.”


    The teacher chooses a boy who sets the lowest sound. All the rest should be arranged to him. Then the presenter raises the sound one step up, pronouncing the words: “Second floor”. Everyone repeats these words in the new “tonality”. The third floor is another step up. And flowed to the fifth floor. Then the children “go down” to the “basement” with the help of their voice. This exercise can be brought up to 15 “floors”, but gradually, as the child’s range of voice expands.


    The guys paint the fence, and in a place with a hand their voice moves: “Up and down, up and down ...”


    According to the “floors” principle, children lower and raise the sound into syllables: “bom”, “bim”, “dili”, “don”, etc. When the maximum sound range is reached, the teacher offers a new task. Studiosy distributed into groups. Each one is assigned one of the syllables, which is pronounced in a certain rhythm. When each group has mastered its own “party”, they unite in a joint sound. There is a kind of polyrhythmia - a harmonious "bell ringing."

    This exercise helps to expand the range of the voice, to develop the ability to withstand your rhythmic pattern in speech polyphony.


    This exercise is built on the same principle as the "Bells". Each student chooses a tool. Then all the “sounding instruments” in turn begin to play in the orchestra, clearly maintaining the tempo of the “piece”, which is improvised right during the lesson.

    "Airplane" . All participants are divided into four groups. Each group is one “engine” “airplane”. The head in turn turns on each "motor". “Motor” “works” at the sound “a” and is very quiet. When all the “motors” are “turned on,” the head begins to slowly raise his arms, increasing the “power” of the “motors” to the highest point of the sound, then the sound is suddenly removed.

    "Wonder-ladder." Each subsequent phrase participants utter, raising the tone of voice.




    Shag-on-tu-chi ...

    A-pod-em-all-yours, kru-che ...

    No-ro-be-yu, sing ho-cho,

    Right to sunshine-me-le-chu!

    "Bells". Participants are divided into two groups, and each in turn depicts the ringing of bells: blow - bom! And the echo - mmm ...


    Dynn - Donnn! Dynn - Donnn! Dynn - Donnn!

    Speech Logic

    "Put the right stress and hear it correctly." Three questions are asked with different logical stress, and it is necessary to give answers to precisely these questions.

    « I got bobs beans? ”

    « I got beans

    “Got ita baby beans? ”

    “Got ita baby beans.


    “Bobailbeans ».

    "Color the text, your attitude." The phrase is colored by the attitude to the stressed word: what kind of boby is a clever girl; and why does he need these beans; but did not get, and stole, etc. etc.

    "The game of frankness." A tongue twister is chosen and its text expresses an attitude towards something or someone. This exercise is done in three versions. Firstly, to explain with the head (he is animated and sufficiently neutral) on a pre-set topic (I love you, you are tired of me, let's talk, etc.), secondly, each participant chooses a partner and are explained on one topic with chatter. Thirdly, an explanation with an inanimate object.

    "Talked." It is proposed to make a sketch on the topic of the phrases: “Would you like tea?” - “Thank you, I already drank.” The first phrase is:

    Invite to tea.

    Get out of the house.

    Serve in the restaurant.

    The partner must respond accordingly:


    Purpose. To train the precise pronunciation of consonants at the end of a word, to teach children to select a rhyme for words.

    Summer day

    Ut-ut-ut-ut - flowers bloom in the meadow,

    Yut-yut-yut-yut - the birds are fun to sing,

    Yat-yat-yat-yat - evilly mosquitoes are ringing,

    It-it-it-it - a hare sits under a bush.

    In the woods

    Yot-yot-yot-yot - the nightingale in the forest sings,

    Ut-ut-ut-u - mushrooms grow on hemp,

    At-at-at-at - hedgehogs rustle under a bush,

    It-it-it-it - a woodpecker knocks on a pine.

    In zoo

    It-it-it-it - the striped tiger roars,

    Yot-yot-yot-slowly snake crawling,

    From-from-from-from - mouth gaped hippo,

    Ut-Ut-Ut - swans swim fast,

    Yat-yat-yat-yat - monkeys there are naughty.

    Creative games with words.


    Purpose. Developed imagination, vocabulary, activate associative thinking.

    The course of the game.   Children sit in a circle; the teacher holds a basket in his hands, offers to put in the basket what one can meet in the forest, or in the garden, or in the air, or in the sea, or on a garden bed; what flies, or what creeps, etc. Children can independently think up where to look for a word for a magic basket. In the preparatory group, tasks are complicated: for example, to put words related to music (note, treble clef, register, rhythm, song, etc.) or to the theater (curtain, playbill, stage, actor, rehearsal, intermission, etc.) p.) After this games easy to go to theatrical games on the "transformation".


    Purpose. Expand vocabulary, cultivate the ability to communicate politely, actions with imaginary objects.

    The course of the game.   The children sit in a circle, the teacher extends the palm of the first child with an imaginary, for example, candy and, calling him by name, offers treats. The child thanks and “eats”. Then she puts it on her palm and gives her neighbor something tasty. He thanks, "eats" and treats the third child, etc.


    Purpose. Teaches children to make a proposal, develop imagination, skills of joint activities.

    The course of the game. Children are divided into several teams, receive 2-3 cards with the image of various items, specially selected from board games like "lotto". After some time, each team pronounces a sentence.


    Purpose. Develop imagination, imagination, imaginative thinking.

    The course of the game. The teacher will make the first sentence, for example, “Once there was a little grasshopper ...”, the children in turn continue the tale, add their own sentence.


    Purpose. It teaches to build a dialogue, independently choosing a partner, to develop a quick reaction.

    The course of the game. The leader (first an adult, then a child) utters a cue and throws the ball to the selected partner, who must, after catching the ball, answer his question. After completing the task, the child, in turn, throws the ball after his cue to another partner, etc.


    Purpose. To build a dialogue between two heroes of famous fairy tales, taking into account the characters and inventing a situation in which they had to meet.

    The course of the game. Children are divided into pairs, they are invited to come up with and play a dialogue between Kolobok and Repka, Hen pockmarked and Puss in Boots, Pinocchio and Baby, Little Red Riding Hood and Dunno. Children themselves can offer famous heroes.


    or "MY TALE"

    Purpose. To develop imagination and imagination, to replenish vocabulary, to develop figurative thinking.

    The course of the game. A group of children are invited to draw out a card with the image of different characters, some famous fairy tale. Every child should tell a fairy tale on behalf of his hero.


    Purpose. To teach children to choose a rhyme for words, to plastically depict the chosen word.

    The course of the game. Children are divided into groups (2–3), each of them is offered a word, to which it is necessary to pick up a rhyme (a word with similar “tails”) and depict these words with the help of pantomime. For example, the word “cheesecake” is given, rhymes are selected: frog, pillow, old woman, cuckoo. Petruka, feeding trough ... All these words can be depicted with the help of body plastics.

    The word "bump" - a book, mouse, cover ...


    Purpose. To develop imagination, fantasy, coherent figurative speech, to develop the ability to present oneself as another being or object.

    The course of the game.   The child, turning into something or someone, says that the thing feels that surrounds it, that excites, where and how it lives, etc.

    Variants: “I am an iron”, “I am a cup”, “I am a doll”, “I am a cat, a bee, a ball” - etc.


    Purpose. To replenish vocabulary, develop speed of reaction.

    The course of the game. The leader in turn throws a ball to each child, naming the word. Caught must come up with his word:

    a) opposite in meaning (day - night, hot - cold);

    b) the definition of the word (tree - prickly, ox - toothed);

    c) action (the tree grows, the boy runs).

    The content of the section "Acting"

    Exercises on:


    "The way to school and home."   The participants sit in a semicircle or in a circle, the head offers to recall in detail the way from home to school. It is necessary to recall everything that occurs along the road: houses, shops, trees. Alley, etc. One person remembers, and the rest complements it. For excitement you can conduct an exercise in the form of an auction. The one who calls something last gets a prize, for example a candy-lollipop. You can use another form, but always bright and theatrically justified. In this case, you can use the exercise and as training on the actor's imagination: who is sitting at the auction? Is he rich or not? Who came to the auction? Etc.

    "Alignment of items ».   The head collects from the participants on one subject (watches, key chains, hairpins, etc., etc.) Then the participants are divided into two teams, one lays out the items on the table, then another team comes up and tries to remember the location of the items and departs, after what the first team again changes the location of objects and sits in its place, and the second is trying to restore the initial distribution of objects. Then the first team checks the correct location of objects. Then the teams switch roles.

    "Adding machine". Participants sit in one line. Each participant receives a certain numerical level (units. Tens, hundreds, thousands, etc.). Each category works in a certain way: units stand up, sit down, tens squat, hundreds bow, etc. It is necessary to dial the number determined by the head. This exercise can be used to practice some difficult elements, such as fencing steps or defenses.

    "Typewriter". For this exercise, it is desirable that the number of participants was more than twenty. Participants sit in a semicircle. Each is assigned one or two letters of the Russian alphabet. The head consistently sets the word, phrase, text. Participants clap "print" text. The end of a word is indicated by a common clap; the end of a phrase is indicated by a clap at the same time as a kick of the legs. Punctuation marks are usually not highlighted.

    "Who is dressed like that." One of the participants stands on a chair, and everyone else is invited to carefully examine it. After that, the inspected person comes out, and the manager asks to describe something on it. For example, how many buttons on clothes. What is dressed. Etc.

    "We interfere with reading." One of the participants sits in front of the circle of participants and begins to read something. The rest ask him different questions. Of course, questions should be quite tactful. The driver must quickly and fairly accurately answer these questions. After one or two minutes of such "interrogation" the book is closed and the driver is asked to retell what they read.

    "Read the letter." A sheet of printed text is taken, torn to shreds. The participant is asked to fold the page so that he can read the contents of the torn

    "Ships SOS ». Participants are divided into two teams. Teams stand against each other with their eyes closed. One team - ships in distress, the second - warm ships. Hurrying to the rescue. Each of those in distress, gives his own unique signal, each of those in a hurry to help, also responds with his own unique signal. Signals participants come up with themselves, and the signal must be a sound or a set of sounds, but in no case a word. Having chosen a couple, the “Rescuer” and the “salvaged” try to find each other by the sound. When faced - sit on the seats. It is necessary to check whether those who were looking for each other have found each other.

    "A spoiled telegraph." All participants are built in a column one after another looking into the back of the head, except for one, the first. The first one stands with the back of the entire column, but facing the leader or the leader. The leader shows the action (insert a thread into a needle and sew a button, hammer a nail with a hammer, accidentally striking a finger, etc.) first. First, after watching the action, he turns his face to his neighbor and shows what he remembered. The second repeats the actions taken by the third and so on until the end of the column. Then the latter shows all the participants that he has come by telegraph. The presenter shows the real version of the action.

    "Claps ». This series consists of seven exercises, built on the principle of increasing complexity. At the beginning of each exercise, the manager sets the pace at which the exercise will take place..

    Exercise 1. Participants stand in a circle and send each other claps clockwise. After the first round of any of the participants may change the direction of the claps on the opposite. When transmitting the clap, the participant turns to face whom the clap is passing to.

    Exercise 2. Participants break into even and odd numbers and begin to send claps through one, that is, even even, odd odd numbers. Transmission is clockwise.

    Exercise 3. Same as control 2, but only even numbers give claps clockwise, and odd ones counter.

    Exercise 4. The same as control 2, 3, but now the direction of movement of the pops is arbitrary in both even and odd.

    Exercise 5. Cotton is passed to anyone from the circle. The sender must clap as accurately as possible to whom he is transmitting the clap. The receiver must catch the clap and pass it on. That is, the receiver makes two cotton: caught-cotton, handed - cotton.

    Exercise 6. Same as Ex.5, but participants move freely within a circle.

    Exercise 7. In any of the previous options, cotton is transmitted without cotton, and with one look only.

    "Lagging movement." Participants stand in two rows against each other. The first is doing several gymnastic movements. The second, watching the first, repeats his movements with a lag of one. The third observer of the second repeats the movements of the second with a lag of one and the whole group. Exercise can go to music, starting with a slow rhythm, accelerating to the end.

    "Mirror". Two participants are facing each other. One looks as if in a mirror, the other is a “reflection” and repeats all the movements of the first. This exercise has the peculiarity that the “mirror” makes movements with its left hand in response to the movements of the partner. In this exercise, simultaneity is important, so the first one should start moving slowly so that the “mirror” has time to catch its movements. Movement must match. Then participants can swap roles.

    "Shadow". The participant walks around the room, followed by another, repeating his movements and trying to catch their rhythm. Then participants change roles.

    "Conductor". Create obstacles in the room or on stage from chairs, tables, etc. The "conductor" leads the group through obstacles, the rest follow the "conductor" in a single file and repeat his movements.

    "Director and actor." "Director" is doing some action. For example, cautiously approaches the door and listens. The "actor" is watching him from the audience, trying to accurately remember his movements. Then repeats his movements on stage.

    "Knots and figures." A participant ties up complicated knots on a rope, tie, scarf, or folds various figures from a newspaper: a rooster, a hat, a boat, etc. The rest are watching and repeating the same thing.

    "My favorite." Participants are invited to remember their pet and show it in the most characteristic form of this animal. Immediately stipulate that you are not interested in external similarity, but in the internal character of the pet.

    "Zoo". The same as the exercise "My favorite", but now the beast is wild and sits in a cage. It is very important not only to convey his external behavior, but also to understand the “human” motives of his behavior.

    "Circus". Participants are given the task to come up with a circus number. You can go it alone, you can team up with friends. The number should be interesting and comic.

    The concept of small, medium and large circle of attention .

    The participant is invited to sit on the stage at the table. An object (book) is placed on the table, this object is “an object-point2; the table is a small circle of attention; chairs - the average circle of attention; and the big circle of attention is the scene. The participant is preparing for the exam, reading a book, there are a few more books lying on the table, books on the chairs, too, on the edges of the stage you can put a table, a bookcase. The student is detached from reading. Looks for another book on the table that he needs for reference (small circle of attention); then, not rising from his seat, looks to see whether this book is on chairs (average attention circle) and, not seeing it there, again continues reading (“object-point”).


    "Walking ». Participants stand in a circle in the head to each other and go in a circle. The leader commands in which environment they walk: through the swamp, through the snow barefoot, through the water ankle-deep, knee-deep, waist-deep, chest-deep, neck-and then in reverse order: go along a bonfire, hot sand, towards the wind and etc. Compare how the step varies depending on the environment.

    "Justification of the pose." Participants stand in a circle and begin to move in the rhythm indicated by the leader. (The rhythm is indicated by claps. Clap is the step) The rhythm accelerates to the run. On a sharp pop and the team “Stop!” They stop in the position in which the team found them. It is necessary to finish the etude, considering its original position. Sport and ballet are prohibited.

    "Stash". Participants stand in a circle facing the center, head in the center of the circle. The participants pass the object to each other, and the manager dictates which object the next participant accepts: a box. Toad, precious necklace, snake, etc.

    "Extension". Participants sit in the hall. It turns out the first and takes some posture. The second one is attached to it in such a way that their joint posture could be read as the beginning of a story or the whole story. The first sits in place, and the third is attached to the second. Then the second one sits, and the fourth is attached to the third, and so on. Complicated version looks like this: the first takes some posture. The second one is attached to it, then the third one, and so on.

    "Repeat figure." All participants, except one, go out the door. The remaining person takes a pose in which an action is read (cutting firewood, holding a banner, picking mushrooms, etc.). The next participant enters, examines the pose, trying to understand what his comrade is doing. The “Free” team leader sounds. The first participant sits down and the second repeats the pose of the first one. The third one enters and does all that the second it did. At the end, the manager asks everyone to take their postures and, starting with the last one, asks what the person was doing.

    "Letter". Participants are divided into pairs. All couples receive the same task: you have received the news. One takes the message, the other brings it. The difference of tasks is what kind of news: expected, unexpected, joyful, sad, specific (agenda in the military registration and enlistment office. Wedding invitation, etc.) or abstract (it is terrible to open the envelope, it is not known what is there; I want to open it as soon as possible, it is curious that there, but nothing), a combination of these options.

    "Orchestra". Participants are divided into groups and then choose each one by instrument. The orchestra sit down and begin to "play." They represent the instrument with the gestures, and its sound with the sounds.

    "New to the classroom." (option "White Crow"). A “White Crow” is chosen, and each of the participants determines its own line of conduct with it. Then the “lesson” begins, and everyone tries to express his chosen line through communication with the “crow”. The leader in this exercise plays the role of a teacher.

    "Acquaintance in the subway". The participants are divided into pairs and come up with a study on the topic "Introduction". In this case, it is absolutely not necessary that it is a subway. The subway here is taken only because this place is a forced and rather long stay of strangers together and often in very uncomfortable and close contact. But it can be a school evening of rest, and a queue for kefir, and a library, etc. The most important thing here is the period before the first word. How did you see each other? How did you understand that both want this dating? How did you decide on the first step? Etc.

    "Turn". The queue in the school canteen behind the bun. Each of the participants chooses some kind of action in the queue: someone ties up the string, someone climbs out of turn, someone discusses with the neighbor the test-case, someone shouts to the saleswoman, etc. The peculiarity of this etude is that all once. In the second option, change the proposed conditions: turn for milk in the holidays. And compare how different the atmosphere of communication will be.

    Exercises to develop imagination to create the proposed circumstances.

    The proposed circumstances are “this is the plot of the play, its facts, events, epoch, time and place of action, living conditions, our acting and directorial understanding of the play, adding to it from ourselves, stage setting, staging, scenery and costumes of the artist, props, lighting, noises and the sounds, etc., etc., that the actors are invited to take into account in their work ”(K.S. Stanislavsky, Sobr.soch.-T.2, - С.62)

    The proposed circumstances surrounding the stage action arise when we ask the participants the questions: Who? When? Where? Why? How? - directing their imagination to such a creation of the surrounding life and the justification of their actions, which is actually possible, logical, consistent and believable.

    “If” always begins creativity, “the proposed circumstances” develop it ”(K.S. Stanislavsky, Sobr.soch.-T.2, - S.61).

    To cultivate in pupils a taste for the detailed and thorough, enthusiastic activity of the imagination in creating the proposed circumstances of an exercise, an etude, a role is one of the main tasks of a teacher at this stage of education. Formally composed proposed circumstances do not provide any food for imagination, for justification and desire to act. If they are composed only by the mind, then they should be revived with memories from their own lives, made important for themselves, interesting - find a way to get carried away by them.

    “If you said a word and did something on the stage mechanically, not knowing who you are, where you came from, why, what you need, where you will go from here and what you will do there - you acted without imagination, and this piece of your stay on the stage, whether it is small or great, was not true for you - you acted like a running machine, like a machine gun ”(K.S. Stanislavsky, Sobr.soch.-T.2, - P.95).

    In order to give impetus to the creation of the proposed circumstances, the following exercises are given:

    "Justification of the pose." By the sign of the leader, an arbitrary position is adopted. Then the excessive tension is removed and the posture is justified. The participant tells about the proposed circumstances that surround his action. For example, by the sign of the teacher, I took a pose - stretched my arm forward. Justified by the fact that I want to ring the bell of his apartment. Then, without changing my posture, I create circumstances with which this action can be connected: he returned from summer camp, I called, no one answered - it means that parents are in the country. How can I get home? I decide to go to a friend who lives in the same house.

    "Justification of the scene ». The manager asks the participant “Where are you now?” He calls some place of action (for example, in a park). “Tell me how you got here.” The participant justifies and tells in detail the reason and circumstances of his arrival at the park.

    "Compose a story." The participant is shown a postcard, drawings, photographs, illustrations, playing melodies, imitating animal cries, etc. The participant should write a small oral story on this topic. If the story does not go smoothly, you need to help with questions: who? when? why? as? for what? etc.

    We show the subject and offer to tell the story associated with it.

    "Group Story". One of the participants begins to tell a story. Then, following the sign of the leader, the second one continues the story from the place where the first one stopped, then the third one continues the second story, and until the last one in the group finishes the story. This exercise also trains attention.

    Etudes "I" in the proposed circumstances.

    Types of etudes

    A single etude as a somewhat extended exercise in mastering the simplest life situation (with the specific purpose of opening the door or rearranging furniture) when you need to master (understand and feel) the logic and sequence of small physical actions in their continuous chain;

    A single study that grows out of exercises for emotional memories and physical well-being;

    A single or a pair etude for action with imaginary objects - to foster a sense of continuity, a logically developing action;

    Etudes like "circus". "Menagerie", an imitation of the performing manner of famous pop singers, revealing a sharp specificity and bringing up the actor's courage;

    Group studies on the education of improvisational well-being or feelings of a mise-en-scene (“Visible, audible, do not interfere with the main thing.”)


    "Organic silence." Actors interact on stage without speaking. The impossibility to speak is ensured by the place of action: the reading room of the library, on opposite sides of the shop window, the initial period of acquaintance, the noise at the station or in the subway car, the auditorium of the theater, the cinema.

    « Objective action. Sew a button with imaginary objects, fry eggs, pack a suitcase, etc. Take particular care so that the actors always have a sense of form, volume, and weight of an imaginary object.

    "Tie etude." Three unrelated items are given, for example, a suitcase, a needle. Light bulb It is necessary to build a sketch on them. And the same three words are the only ones that can be uttered.

    "Expectation" . Each participant is invited to play waiting for several completely different things, such as a friend, train, bullet. The rest of the etude must understand when there was a wait. The participant himself with the help of the manager must follow how his internal state has changed depending on the object of waiting.

    “New finale ». Participants are divided into several groups. Each takes some very famous plot and tries to make another final. And play it so that it seemed that there is nothing new. This study is necessary in order to make it easier for actors to abandon stereotypes and more freely go to new nontrivial solutions where, it would seem, everything is already a hundred times known from the same lessons of literature.

    Etudes to communicate in a justified silence.

    "On the exam"

    "At the phone booth"

    "Moving to a new apartment"

    "In the reading room"


