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  • The patterns of the location of geographic belts on the planet. Planet belt. What is due to the different ratio of heat and moisture

    The patterns of the location of geographic belts on the planet. Planet belt. What is due to the different ratio of heat and moisture

    Geographic belts of continigs and oceans.These are the largest zonal complexes of the geographic shell. For each geographical belt on the continent, its set of natural zones is characterized, its natural processes and rhythms. Geographic belts are inhomogeneous inside. They are distinguished by different moisture regimens and the continentality of the climate, which contributes to the division of belts to the sectors. The coastal and internal sectors of geographic belts are distinguished between themselves the precipitation mode, seasonal rhythms, set and stretching natural zones. Geographic belts are allocated in the oceans, but here they are more homogeneous, and their features are determined by the properties of oceanic water masses.

    Natural zonesto a lesser extent than the belt, have a latitudent orientation. This is due to the fact that the formation of natural zones, in addition to temperature conditions, the wiring conditions are affected.

    On the map "Geographical belts and natural zones of the world" one can see that the same or similar natural zones are repeated in different geographical belts. For example, forest zones exist in equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, subtropical and moderate belts. In several belts there are also semi-desert zones and deserts. Scientists explain this reparation the same heat and moisture ratios on different continents. This phenomenon was called the law of natural zonality. Natural zonality on the plains is called Gori-umbrella (latitudinal), and in the mountains - vertical (high-rise belt). The number of high-rise belt depends on the geographical position of the mining system and its height.

    Each natural zone has its own zonal features Compo-Nent. Any natural zone is easy to learn in the plant and live world. For example, equatorial wet forests differ in the largest variety of plants and animals. And, in the wok, all living things grows here to gigantic sizes.

    Giant equatorial forest. In the equatorial forest, the liana is achieved in length more than 200 m; Rafflese flower diameter is 1 m, and its mass can reach 15 kg. Is-Poline moths with a wings of the wings of up to 30 cm live here, and the bats with the wings are up to 1.7 m, and the cobra up to 5 m long, and the largest serpent among the existing serpent - anaconda - reaches the length of 11m!

    In Savannaps and gentlemen, herbal vegetation alternates with individual groups of trees - acacia, eucalyptus, baobabs. With and forest natural zones are found in a moderate belt, such as the steppe. They cover huge spaces on two continents - in Eurasia and North America.

    Extremely poor floral world is a feature of the desert zone almost all continents and in most geographic belts. Special conditions are distinguished by the arctic and antarctic-kie deserts, which are almost completely covered with ice (Fig. 16). At first glance, such a desert seems to be in general lifeless. Material from site.

    Fig. 16. Area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic Desert

    Forest zones of moderate belt are widespread on Mothers-kaks of northern latitudes. The floral world is rich here, although compared with the equatorial forest there are fewer types. It is represented by coniferous and deciduous trees. Natural zones of moderate belt are significantly changed due to human economic activities.

    • Geographical belts exist on the mainland and in the oceans. Geographical belts are divided into sectors, which is caused by climatic features.
    • Natural zones are repeated in different geographic belts, which is explained by the similarity of thermal conditions and moisture conditions.
    • Natural zones can be easily recognized in their plant and live world.

    On this page, material on the themes:

    • Summary of the sewn of geographer beliefs and Natural Zones SVITU

    • The patterns of propagation of the forms of the earth's surface 12

    • Natural zones of the world The pattern of geographic shell

    • Name any natural zone

    • 1. Integrity - It is manifested in the fact that the change in one component of the natural complex inevitably causes a change in all other and the entire system as a whole. Changes that occurred in one place of the shell are reflected on the entire shell.

      2. Rhythm - This is the repeatability of similar phenomena in time. Rhythms are periodic (have the same duration) and cyclic (have an unequal duration). In addition, the daily daily rhythms, annual, age-old, super-free ones distinguish. Change of day and night, changing seasons, solar activity cycles (11 years, 22 years old, 98 years old) - these are examples of rhythms. Most rhythms are associated with a change in the position of the Earth in relation to the Sun and the Moon. Specific rhythm is also traced in population cycles (period of 190-200 million years), glaciation and other phenomena.

      3. Zonality - a regular change in all components of the geographic shell and the shell itself from the equator to the poles. The zonality is due to the rotation of the shag-like land around the inclined axis and the flow of sunlight going onto the earth's surface. Due to the zonal distribution of solar radiation on the earth's surface, there is a natural change of climates, soils, vegetation and other components of the geographic shell. On Earth, most exogenous phenomena zonal.

      So the processes of frosty physical weathered are most actively proceeding in the amateur and polar latitudes. Temperature weathered and eolic processes are characteristic of arid areas of the world (deserts and semi-desert). Glacial processes proceed in the polar and high-mountainous regions of the Earth. Cryogenic are timed to the polar, subogenous, moderate latitudes of the northern hemisphere. The formation of the weathering of the weathering is also subject to zonality: the latice type of weathering crust is characteristic of wet and hot climates; Montmorillonite - for dry continental; hydroelluded - for wet cool, etc.

      Zonality is manifested primarily in existence on the Earth of geographic zones, the boundaries of which are rarely coincided with parallels, and sometimes their direction is generally close to the meridian (as, for example, in North America). Many zones are broken and expressed not on all the mainland. Zonality is characteristic only for the plain territories. In the mountains is observed high-rise explanancy . In the change of horizontal zones and in the change of high-rise belts you can find similarities (but not identity). For the mountains of each natural zone, its spectrum of high-pressure explanation is characteristic (set of belts). The higher the mountains and closer to the equator, the more power there is a spectrum of altitude belts. Some scientists (for example, S.V. Kullebrik) believe that the high-rise explanancy is a manifestation abonality . Azonality on Earth is subordinate to the phenomena due to endogenous forces. Azonal phenomena include a sectoral phenomenon (Western, central and eastern parts of the continents). The variety of avison is considered intrasonality (intzurality).

      Differentiation of the geographic shell is the separation of a single planetary natural complex on objectively existing natural complexes of various orders (rank).

      The geographic shell was never the same everywhere. As a result of unequal development, it turned out to be consisting of a variety of natural complexes. A.G.ischenko determines natural complex As a natural, historically determined and geographically limited combination of a number of components: rocks with a terrain-inherent terrain, surface layer with its climatic features, surface and groundwater, soils, planting plants and animals.

      By definition of N.A. Fullshev, natural complex - This is a portion of the earth's surface (territory), which is a historically determined combination of natural components.

      Physico-geographical zoning is used to identify existing natural complexes.

      With a huge variety of natural complexes that make up the geographic shell, a system of taxonomic (ordinal) units is necessary. There is no such unified system yet. During the release of taxonomic units, zonal, and nonlineal (abonal) differentiation of the geographic shell are taken into account.

      Differentiation of the geographic shell on abonal signs is expressed in the division of the geographic shell on the mainland, oceans, physico-geographical countries, physico-geographic areas, provinces, landscapes. However, such an approach in no case denies the zonality as universal geographical law. In other words, all these natural complexes are necessarily zonal.

      geographic shell

      geographical belt material

      zone Country

      podzone region.



      Differentiation of the geographic shell on zonal signs is expressed in dividing it on geographic belts, zones, subzones, landscapes.

      The main unit of physico-geographical zoning is the landscape. By definition S.V. Carriage landscape - This is a specific territory, homogeneous by origin and history of development, which has a single geological foundation, a similar relief, common climate, uniform hydrothermal conditions and soils, the same biocenosis.

      The smallest unit of physico-geographical zoning, the simplest, elementary natural complex is a fagree.

      Consider the main zonal-regional patterns of the Earth.

      1. Geographic belt,conditioned by a spherical figure of the planet and the distribution of solar radiation. The zonal heterogeneity of the geographic shell is the result primarily tailored on the ball land of the distribution of geographical and biological processes - solar radiation caused by the circulation of the atmosphere and caused by these processes of moisture proof. The formation of geographic belts is not associated with endogenous factors, as ocean and mainland rays, and with exogenous. Exogenous factors are superimposed on endogenous.

      At the current stage of development of earthly nature, the following main planetary belts singled out: 1) equatorialhot and wet, 2) tropicalhot and dry, 3) moderate;in the northern hemisphere, warm with a large amplitude of humidity in the regions, in South - with the ocean climate; four) borealcool and raw; five) polarfrosty and raw.

      2. Geographic belt,the features of the nature of which are obliged to the axis of the axis of rotation of the Earth to the plane of the ecliptic. For this reason, transition belts are created - subequatorial, subtropicaland subogenouswith a sharply pronounced seasonal rhythm of moisture in the subequatorial, heat and moisture in subtropical, heat in subolarm.

      In each hemisphere, thus stands out for eight belts. In the southern hemisphere, the boundary between moderate and subepolar belts fuzzy.

      The names of geographic belts are associated with their geographical position in certain latitudes of the globe.

      The belt, thus, cover the land with continuous rings, includes continents, and oceans.

      3. Sectivity.Explanation is necessarily combined with sectorics. Depending on the intensity and absolute value of the exchange of air masses in the ocean system - the atmosphere - the mainland different parts of the sushi receive more or less heat and moisture and differ in the character of seasonal rhythm. Therefore, each belt disintegrates into parts, and the same type of different belts on the ball surface of the Earth form sectors stretched from north to south.

      Sector- This is a taxonomic unit, less than a beam. On continent - western Prochanskaya, Central Metaland eastern Procheanskysectors. On the oceans, respectively, warm and cold trends - westernand easternsectors.

      In the distribution of atmospheric moisturizing, two regularities are equal: a) latitiousexpressed in alternating zones of minima and maxima of precipitation (Fig. 83), and b) long-termor intrazonal sector.

      In low latitudes, excessively secured heat, differentiation on the belt, and then we will see that the zones are due to water balance. In high latitudes, it belongs to heat, the amount of which is progressively falling, respectively, the latitude cosine.

      Strictly speaking, the belt and sectors, zones and regions are not quite equal. They express more general and concrete: the geographical belt and zones are manifested in each sector and the region in their specific forms, the similarities of which are the basis of combining them.

      The universal hydrothermal indicator, which would correspond to the boundaries of the belts, is unknown. The multifaceted interactions in nature and the plurality of landscape components are forced to skeptically look into search of such numerical expressions, especially if taking into account feedbacks: vegetation cover not only responds to the humidity of the soil and climate, and it changes it itself.

      Save the value of moisture indicators - the ratio of precipitation and evaporation.

      The leading role of water in the landscape shell system is based not only on the nutrition of plants and the formation of sushi water. The moisture turn is determined by the migration of chemical elements and geochemical features of landscapes, such as the soil salinity desert and washing mode of podzolic soils in the coniferous forest area.

      4. Zonality.The combination of heat and moisture, or atmospheric moistening in each belt, except equatorial, very different. On this basis, inside the belts are formed zones.They are called natural historically, natural, geographical or landscape; These names can be accepted as synonyms.

      The zone or ball belt in geometry is called, as is known, part of the surface of the ball, concluded between two parallel planes crossing the ball. In accordance with this, the aggregate of homogeneous natural entities, elongated from the West to the East perpendicular to the axis of the rotation of the Earth, have long become in science to call zones - climatic, soil, vegetable.

      If the zonality of individual components of nature, and primarily climate, vegetation and soils are known from the experience of people long before geographical generalizations, £ O.the doctrine of geographic zonality arose only at the turn of the XIX and XX century

      Belts and zones are parts and integers. The totality of zones forms the belt. In the ocean, such a narrow bands like the sushi zones are not.

      In the northern hemisphere, the following zones are distinguished: ice, tundra, coniferous forests or taiga, deciduous forests, forest-steppe, steppe, deserted moderate, subtropical forests, desert tropical, savanna, equatorial forests.

      There are transitional: Forestands between the tundra and forest, semi-depletion between the steppe and desert, and others. The concept of "transition zone" is conditional - some researchers consider them the main, especially forest-steppe.

      Each zone disintegrates on subzones.For example, in the steppe zone allocate nordic swollen stepson chernozem I. southern Ticker-Pickleon dark chestnut soils.

      Zones and subzones were called on the plant cover of sushi, as vegetation is the most striking indicator or indicator of the natural complex. However, it is impossible to mix vegetation zones with geographic. So. When the steppe zone of vegetation says, they mean the prevalence in this area of \u200b\u200bmesoxerophilic herbaceous plants. The concept of "steppe zone" includes a plain relief, a semi-derigid climate, black earth or brown soils, steppe vegetation, as well as forests and fuel meadows in the valleys and only this zone of the animal world. In a word, steppes, like forests and swamps, although they are called the nature of vegetation cover, are a natural complex. And now, when the steppes are rapping, the steppe zone still exists, because, although herbal vegetation is replaced by cultural, other features of nature are preserved.

      5. Regional.Ocean-continental heat transfer and moisture differentiates zones to regions or zone province. West Eastern Differentiation is not equally manifested indifferent latitudes. In a temperate belt, thanks to Western transfer, the region of the greatest continentality is shifted from the center toeast (West Eastern Dissymmetry).

      Division into sectors and regions does not mean the differentiation limit; Any subzone and regions can be dissected for smaller taxonomic units. Regional differences are due to a large history of the nature development of the region. For example, in northwestern Europe, which experienced glaciation, conifers are represented only by ELIA European (Picea. excelsa.) and pine (Pinus. silvestris); spruce Siberian (Picea. abouata.) occupies a small area in the north; Siberian or cedar pine (Pinus. sibiri.-As)it was settled only to the Pechora basin.

      In general, the geographical shell of zonal-regional.

      6. Various shape of the zones.The configuration of the mainland and their macro-relief determines the size and stretch of zones. In North America, the width of the steppe zones turned out to be greater than their length, and they have gained a "meridional strike". In Central Asia, the Lupust zone has an arc shape. The essence of zonality does not change.

      7. Zones-analogs.Each of the continental zones has its own analogue in the prokean sectors. With excessive and sufficient moisture, there are two options for the same zone, for example, taiga ingredients in Norway and Taiga Continental in Siberia. With insufficient moistening, different zones affect the analogues, for example, the intramametric steppes correspond to the broad-sized forests near the ocean.

      8. Vertical explanancyin mountainous countries.

      9. Dissymmetry of geographic zonality.The geographical zonality of dissimmetric relative to the plane of the equator. Solar radiation is distributed proportional to COSOP and, therefore, symmetrically in both hemispheres. Therefore, the germination geographic belts are generally the same - two polar, two moderate, etc. But the antisymmetrical lithogenic base of zonality, and the geographical zones of the northern hemisphere are very different from those corresponding to it in South. For example, the large forest zone of the northern hemisphere in southern corresponds to the ocean and only a small region of forests in Chile; In the northern moderate belt, intramicious deserts occupy large areas, and they are not at all in southern. Dissymmetry increases towards the equator in average latitudes. The north and southern moderate belts are so different that they require each independent description. K. K. Markov (1963) The polar dissimmetry of the geographic shell considers the first order structure, above the zonality. This statement is completely fair. V. B. Sochova (1963) believes that it is the tropical and two veneropic belts act as the first-order structures, against which dissimmetry is manifested. This author is also right. The fact is that K. K. Markov and V. B. Sochova write about the geographical formations of different structural levels: the first
      About zones, second about belts. It is definitely that the geographical belts are tropical and vneopic - first-order structures, characteristic and oceans, and continents. Geographical zones on the continent of the northern hemisphere are fundamentally different from the zones in the ocean of the southern hemisphere and in the formation of their mainland dissimmetry of the Earth is essential of zonality.

      10. Various pace of nature variability.Separate areas of the biosphere are characterized by various rates of nature variability in the process of its development. It is known that the ocean fauna varies relatively slower than the ground. Consequently, the ocean is a more conservative area than the continent.

      And on land, nature variability is not the same in different zones. Moreover, this applies not only to the organic world, but to all geographical conditions. The nature of low latitudes is more conservative. In the vital optimum of the equatorial belt fluctuations in geographical conditions, they never go down to the minimum level on which the organisms should adapt to new conditions and change. In moderate latitudes, even minor fluctuations in temperature or humidity of climate, geomorphological or hydrological conditions create a new medium for organisms and cause them to restructure; Here, some types of plants and animals fall relatively quickly and others are formed.

      11. Zones with great and small participation of the living matter.Despite the fact that the entire biosphere is developing with the continuous and active participation of the living agent, it has zones both with a quantitatively large and quantitatively small direct lifestical participation (Gozhev, 1956). The first includes hyilen, savanna, steppe, forest-steppe and forest zones of moderate latitudes; To the second - ice, deserted and semi-desert zones. About half of the world's ocean (in the waters removed from the shores) is also biologically productive. In the first group of sushi zones and ocean regions, life conditions are optimal, the second is observed pessimum.

      12. The role of the progress of a live matter in the development of a geographic shell.High-quality progress of inanimate matter has the upper limit - the transition from non-living to the living. The development of a modern geographic shell - the biosphere is due to the progress of a live matter.

      The current stage of development of the nature of the earth's surface - the geographical shell is the result of the evolution of organic life and its interaction with the oblique. The development was sent by the evolution of living matter for internal reasons and changes in geographic conditions. Therefore, the nature of the earth's surface is non-living and lively study only on the basis of their deepest interaction.

      The main role of the living substance in the geographic shell is an increase in its energy by accumulating solar energy. This is the energy basis for the development of the Earth.

      The formation of land as a space body is a geological history - the emergence of life - the evolution of the organic world - the development of the geographic shell - the emergence of a person - all these are the stages of the general progress of matter.

      13. Integrity - interaction - development.The most essential features of the geographic shell as a complex natural system, its essence is integrity, interaction of parts and development.

      Lesson number 22 7 grade 11/29/2017 Theme of the lesson: "Practical work number 5. « Analysis of thematic maps in order to identify the characteristics of the location of geographic belts and natural zones of the Earth. "

      The purpose of the lesson:learn to define on thematic cards the patterns of propagation of geographical belts and natural zones on individual continents and on the planet as a whole.

      Type of lesson: Lesson studying new material

      Equipment:tutorial, Atlas, map of geographic belts and natural zones of the world.

      Supporting conceptsLatitude zonality - a regular change of natural components and natural complexes towards the equator to the poles and the formation of geographic belts and natural zones.
      Geographic belts of land - The largest zonal units of the geographic shell extending in the latitudinal direction. Geographic belts are allocated on the basis of accounting for differences in radiation balance, temperature regime and atmospheric circulation. This determines the formation of sharply different types of soil and vegetation cover. Geographical belts practically coincide with climatic belts and carry the same names (equatorial, subequatorial, tropical, etc.).
      Natural zones - Physico-geographical zones, large parts of geographic belts, naturally replaced from the equator to the poles and from the oceans into the mainstream. The position of natural zones is determined mainly by differences in the ratio of heat and moisture. Natural zones have a significant generality of soil, vegetation and other components of nature.
      High-rise explanancy - natural change of natural complexes related to height change above sea level characteristic of mountainous areas

      During the classes:

      1. The organizational moment

      2. Actualization of reference knowledge 1. Indicate the patterns of the location of geographic belts on the planet.
      - stretched in the direction from the west to the east along the geographical latitude;
      - symmetrically repeated relative to the equator;
      - The boundaries of the belts are uneven due to the influence of the relief, flows, remoteness from the oceans.
      2. Why are few natural zones within one geographical belt?
      The natural zones affect the air temperature and moisturizing, which may differ within one belt.
      3. What natural zones are located in a temperate belt?
      Taiga, mixed and large forests, forest-steppes and steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, alternate-wet monsoon forests, high-rise region.
      4. Why is the change of natural zones in the mountains? What does their number depend on?
      Reducing the air temperature with a height and increase in precipitation - the main reason for changing natural zones in the mountains, the height of the mountains and their proximity to the equator affects their number.
      5. In which geographic belts is Russia? What natural zones are most characteristic of it?
      It is arranged in the Arctic belt (the area of \u200b\u200bthe Arctic desert), in the subarctic belt (zone of tundra and forest tundra), in a temperate belt (taiga, mixed and large forests, forest-steppes and steppes, deserts and semi-deserts, alternate-wet monsoon forests), subtropical belt ( Dry and wet harshide forests and shrubs of the Mediterranean type), the region of the altitude explanation.

      II. Practical part. Africa.1. In which geographic belts is the mainland?
      In the center - the Equatorial belt, north and south of it is a subequatorial, along the tropics - tropical belts, the extreme north and south - subtropical belts.
      2. What natural zones are in these belts?
      At the equator - evergreen wet equatorial forests, in the subequatorial belt - savannah and gentlemen, in the tropical belt - deserts and semi-deserts, in subtropics - severe evergreen forests and shrubs. In the mountains - high-rise explanation.
      3. Why are equatorial forests located only in the western part of the mainland?
      The Congo River and Coastal Lowness River are well moistened to the air masses from the Atlantic Ocean (the warm current and trade winds). In the east, high plograms - lower temperatures, little precipitation is the cold Somali course.
      4. Why does the latitudinal location of the belts and natural zones prevail in Africa?
      In Africa, the plains are dominated in the relief, so the law of latitude zone here is well shown.
      Output.Africa is located on the equator, which passes almost in the middle of the mainland, so symmetry in the location of the belts and zones is well shown on the mainland, due to the plains there is a latitude zone, belt and natural zones are stretched along latitude, its natural zones correspond to each geographical belt. The high-rise law is manifested in the mountains.

      6.The teaching activity

      What's new I learned in class .........

      I was difficult ... ..

      It was interesting to me……

      7. Maximum task

      Paragraph 20, p. 76-79, tasks at the end of the paragraph

      Planet Earth is a unique source of life, within which everything develops naturally. Each mainland is a separate biocomplex on which the various types of plants and animals have adapted to live. In geography, individual territories having similar climate, soil, vegetable and animal world is customary called natural zones.

      Types of zonality

      Zonality is the separation of the territories of the continents and the oceans on the hotel parts, which are called zones. It is easiest to distinguish them from each other by the nature of vegetation, because it is precisely what animals can dwell in this region.

      Fig. 1. Nature on Earth

      There are three types of zonality in the pattern of placement of natural zones:

      • Change of natural zones by latitudes. Moving from the equator to the poles, you can see how the complexes are replaced in a horizontal position. This regularity on the Eurasian continent is particularly clearly traced.
      • Duality of meridians. Natural zones are also replaced by longitude. The closer to the ocean, the greater its impact on the land. And the further deep into the continent, the more moderate climate. Such zonality is traced in North and South America, Australia.
      • Vertical explanancy. As you know, the change of natural zones occurs in the mountains. The farther from the Earth's surface, the character of vegetation becomes colder and changes.

      Causes of zonality

      The pattern of the location of natural zones is due to different amounts of heat and moisture in different territories. Where many precipitation drops and a high level of evaporation - wet equatorial forests appear, where much evaporation, and there are little precipitation - savanna. Where there is no precipitation and the whole year is dry - desert and so on.

      The main cause of zonality is the difference in the amount of heat and moisture in different areas, moving from the equator to the poles.

      Fig. 2. Dawn in the steppe

      What is due to the different ratio of heat and moisture?

      The distribution of heat and moisture on Earth depends on the form of our planet. As you know, she is spherical. The axis of rotation is not directly, but has some slope. This leads to the fact that the sun heats up different parts of the planet in different ways. To better understand this process, consider the drawing.

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      Fig. 3. Distribution of solar energy on the planet

      The figure shows that there, where the sun is much, the surface is heated more, which means there are more evaporation near the oceans, accordingly it will be enough rain. Deeper into the continent - evaporation high, humidity is low, etc.

      So, we will highlight the main causes of zonality:

      • flood shape of the Earth;
      • rotation of the planet around its axis under the tilt.

      The cause of zonality in the mountains is distance from the surface of the Earth.

      What did we know?

      Natural zones replace each other not only by latitude, but also in longitude. This is associated with the remote or proximity to the ocean. In the mountains, the change of natural zones is traced because the higher the colder the climate. There are two main reasons affecting the pattern of the change of natural zones: a spherical shape of the Earth and the rotation of the planet on the inclined axis.

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