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  • The heroic deeds of officers and soldiers in Syria. Heroes of War: Losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the Syrian operation. Last business trip Oleg Peshkova

    The heroic deeds of officers and soldiers in Syria. Heroes of War: Losses of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation during the Syrian operation. Last business trip Oleg Peshkova

    Murmansk, 30 sen - RIA Novosti. The war in Syria seems very far away - on the screens of televisions and pages, she looks not so bloody and almost not terrible. But the shells of this war, although they are far from the Russian borders, respond to our houses echo burning and losses.

    "If Russia could not intervene." VKS has been operating in Syria for a yearRussia managed to perform a number of operational military tasks in Syria, apply a tangible damage to the infrastructure of terrorists, to create a good ground for the transition of the Syrian army into counter-limit on a number of key areas.

    Nevertheless, the year that has passed since Russia decided to take part in military operation In Syria, she brought us not only loss. He became a lesson of courage for all Russians and entered the history of our country the names of new heroes, which we will not only grieve, but which we can be proud of. The faithfulness of the word and the case, honor and courage, the understanding of debt and responsibility - these qualities were inherent in not only the heroes of the Great Patriotic. Today, their grandchildren and great-grandchildren give their lives, fulfilling military debt and fighting terrorism. Now they become an example for new generations - an example of loyalty to this word, the selected path given to the oath and military debt.

    Last business trip Oleg Peshkova

    The native of the village of Kosich Altai Territory Oleg Peshkov was behind the steering wheel of the SU-24 aircraft, which was shot down by the air-air rocket from Turkish F-16 over the Syrian territory and fell in Syria 4 kilometers from the border with Turkey. The pilot of the pawns during the catapult was shot from the Earth by the militants in the territory, which is controlled by Syrian Turkmen. His navigator Konstantin Mushita doctors managed to save. In operation to save the crew, the Marine Marine was participating Alexander Pozynich, but he was in the list of dead. A posthumously pilot was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

    The Russian bombarder Su-24m is shot down in Syria, the Peshkov's family learned from the news. Oleg Peshkova remembered in different parts of the country - relatives and colleagues, friends and those who, with a pilot, at least once reduced fate. "He loved the sky very much, his profession, a Russian man ... The concept of" officer honor "was not an empty sound for him," he remembers Sergey Vepov's colleague. Oleg Peshkova's family has never been the military - his father worked in the collective farm "May 1" locksmore, and the mother is a bill in Rysobes. But, according to the younger brother, Paul, Oleg since childhood he dreamed of being a military pilot and dedicated to this profession all his life.

    The memory of the pilot was perpetuated in Yekaterinburg - in this city he studied. Now there is a bas-relief here. Another bust is located in the military unit of the Belogorsk district of the Amur region, where the hero of Russia served seven years. The author of the sketch admitted that the work was responsible - it was necessary to transfer not only the features of the face, but also in nature. "From the younger, he was capable of act. On all the photos he has a clear look, he is so hard on his feet, confident," - notes the author of sketch Nikolai Nevykoy.

    Local Lore Museum in Barnaul decided to devote a part of the exposition to the heroic of the dead countryside. For this, Peshkov's family handed over to museum users with a flying tablet, photos and other personal belongings Oleg Anatolevich. In the capital of the Altai Territory, a commemorative board was solemnly opened, dedicated to the heroes of Russia, Altai's natives who fell in the fulfillment of military debt in local conflicts.

    The pilots Oleg Peshkov (posthumously) and Konstantin Mushin were also solemnly awarded orders and medals of the Syrian Arab Republic.

    The memorial plaque appeared in the village of Kosikh under Barnaul, where the pawns were born and grew. School in the Lipetsk region, where the children of the hero are learn today, and where he himself once again performed in the lessons of courage, was assigned the name of the pilot. Pupils of the Altai-based boarding school with initial flight training will receive a scholarship name of Peshkov.

    IN suvorov school Yekaterinburg's name Oleg Peshkova, graduate 1987, are planning forever in the list of personnel. This means that it will have a separate bed here, it is a suvorya cap and a sign describing the feat. And on each evening calibration will sound the name of Oleg Peshkova.

    The dead was 45 years old.

    Senior Lieutenant Prokhorenko: I caught fire on yourself

    The message about the death of a 25-year-old Russian officer of the special forces of senior lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko came in March of this year. He died during the guidance of air strikes on terrorists near Palmyra. Prokhorenko caused fire on himself when he was discovered and surrounded by militants. For the courage and heroism, Prokhorenko was awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

    In school, the hero of the deceased in Syria is constantly remembered by his featThe name of the native of the Orenburg region Alexander Prokhorenko for all Russians is the name of the Russian special forces officer, which heroic died in Syria in the fulfillment of a combat task.

    Hero and his feat remember and not only countrymen are proud of them. The name of Alexander Prokhorenko is named a school in which he studied in his native village. The bust of the deceased officer is installed before the school building, and on the wall - a memorable board. "Your school is named not a book character, and the person who grew up with you, you knew him and could rightfully be proud of them. Be worthy of his memory," the actor Sergey Bezrukov said at the solemn ceremony.

    School Director Sergey Danshov admitted that the residents of the village are proud that the school is named after Prokhorenko. "We live without him, but with my memory about him ... We talk about him ... Literally at every lesson, about what his feat means Orenburg residents, in Russian residents in general," said RIA Novosti Danshov.

    In honor of Alexander Prokhorenko, one of the streets in Orenburg is named. The memorial plaque in honor of the hero was established on the building a barracks where he lived.

    The memory of the deceased officer was decided to perpetuate in Chechnya - in early September, the street was renamed in his honor, located in the Leninsky district of Grozny.

    But the main memory of the deceased will remain in the family of the Skorenko itself - 4 months after his death, Alexander's widow gave birth to Daughter Violetta.

    Thanks from France

    The highest state reward - the star of the hero of Russia - became the main thing, but not the only one for the Family Prokhorenko. An unexpected and symbolic gift from France came to the hero's address. Several French families as a sign of gratitude and support decided to convey to relatives of the deceased pilot awards stored in their families as a relic. Mishlin and Jean-Claude Mage passed to the parents of the officer Alexander and Natalia Prokhorenko, as well as his brother Ivan the Order of the Honorary Legion and the Military Cross with the Palm Branch, which was kept in their family.

    At school, where Anton Eregin who died in Syria was learned, remember him reliableVoroneger Anton Eregin died in May from heavy wounds obtained from the shelling by the militants during the maintenance of cars of the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in the Syrian province of Homs.

    Jean-Claude Mage said that the feat of the Russian serviceman who caused fire on himself, found out from the Internet, did not report this in the French media. "This man died by a hero, and we are very proud of them. We want to give you our family awards. Of course, it can be said, it does not have a big official significance, this is a personal gesture," the Frenchman said during the transfer ceremony.

    In addition, the Mage family passed the parents of the deceased officer's memorable medals in Flamersan, which says: "parents of the soldier of the Armed Forces, who killed a hero," as well as another Order of the Honorary Legion - from another citizen of France Daniel Kutur.

    Another family is Flock - also transferred the family of a Russian officer to the family stored in the family. "I give the awards of my father - this is the Order of the Honorary Legion, and other orders and medals - the family of Hero Alexander Prokhorenko. When I found out about his feat, I immediately thought about my father - he also fought, was also very young, but he was lucky to Stay alive. I do it to honor the memory of the Hero, who made a feat in the fight against terrorism, not even, and world-class, "said Jean-Paul Flock.

    He admitted that his decision was also influenced by the idea that "Russians paid a very large price in the fight against Nazism." Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked the French for an unexpected and touching gesture and called them the "best ambassadors of the French people."

    Echergin and Zhuravlev: Died when performing combat missions

    Anton Yezhgin in the spring of this year, together with other colleagues, came under the shelling of militants during the maintenance of cars of the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in the Syrian province of Homs. Anton was quickly delivered to the hospital, where Russian military doctors fought for his life for two days, but they could not save. He was buried with the Military Humans on May 12 in the cemetery of the village of Damovitsy under Voronezh. For the courage and courage shown when performing a combat mission, Anton Echergin awarded the Order Courages posthumously.

    Captain Fyodor Zhuravlev: School leader and lovers of girls became an officerRussian officer Fedor Zhuravlev died on November 9, 2015, when performing a combat mission to coordinate aeronautical strategic aviation VKS by terrorist compounds in Syria.

    Residents of the village, where Anton was born, made a proposal to perpetuate the memory of the heroic countryman, and the authorities have already decided to name one of the streets in honor of Anton Erasgin.

    In addition, the Urban Commission on Cultural Heritage decided to establish in the lobby of Lyceum No. 8 in Voronezh, where Yerygin studied, memorial board. The name of the hero will also appear in the list at the monument to the dead Voronezh warriors-internationalists.

    The Russian officer Fedor Zhuravlev died on November 9, 2015, when performing a combat on coordination of air strikes of long-term strategic aviation, CSF of the Russian Federation on terrorist compounds in Syria. Decree of the President Russian Federation Vladimir Putin dated December 8, 2015, Captain Zhuravlev was awarded the Order of Kutuzov, posthumously. The officer who died in the performance of military debt at the age of 27 was buried in the Bryansk region on November 25 last year.

    © Photo: Granted by the press service of the Bryansk Government

    © Photo: Granted by the press service of the Bryansk Government

    The memorial board in honor of the deceased Hero is already open on the school building, where he studied, in the village of the Bryansk region finger, and the school itself now carries his name.

    Dolgin and Khabibullin: the last attack of the flyers of Asov

    Another memorable board appeared on the School wall in the village of Falcon in memory of her student Evgenia Dolgin. Pilots - Evgeny Dolgin and Rutahan Khabibullin died in Syria on July 8, reflecting the attack of terrorists under Palmyra.

    As told later in the Ministry of Defense, on this day a large detachment of militants "Islamic state" attacked the position of the Syrian troops east of Palmyra. Bringing the defense, terrorists were able to capture the dominant heights. "At that time, Habibullin and Dolgin made the flight of the Syrian helicopter Mi-25. The crew of Khabibullin's crew made a decision to attack terrorists. The competent actions of the Russian crew the onset of terrorists was torn," so in a few words describes the feat of Russian pilots.

    Son of Colonel Khabibullina: "My father taught me never give up"About what was the Russian military pilot-instructor-instructor Ranahan Habibullin, about his love for the sky, which was passed and children, RIA Novosti told the eldest son of Colonel Ruslan Khabibullin.

    In the village of Vitazy Guy Ulyanovsk region of his native, the pilot-Asa Ryabhagatia Khabibullina, remember as a man of kind and modest, who did not like to talk about his exploits and the military operations in which he participated. But today, they know and are proud of him not only countrymen and colleagues.

    The measures of memory of the heroisk of the deceased pilot, dedicated to the anniversary of the beginning of the operation of the CTC of the Russian Federation in Syria, will be held throughout the Ulyanovsk region. And on October 3, the opening of a memorable bas-relief in the village of Viatya Guy is planned.

    A memorable sign with the name Ruina Khabibullina was previously installed in the district center - the village of Old Fist, next to the monument to the soldiers who died in Chechnya and Afghanistan.

    In the local historical and local history museum. HA. Ablyazov organized an exhibition dedicated to the pilot-ACS. Among its exhibits are Khabibullin's personal stuff, which handed over to the exposition of his widow.

    Local authorities are preparing documents for renaming the street in the village of Viadea Guy in honor of the deceased pilot. It is assumed that it will be the street in front of the house where Habibullin lived. Now she is called Komsomolskaya. Also, the pilot name will be assigned to a local school. According to RIA Novosti, in the Administration of the Old Russian Federation, it is planned that the issue of renaming the street and school will be resolved in November of this year.

    The Government of the Ulyanovsk Region reported that Rujfagati Khabibullin wants to assign the title of an honorary citizen of the region. And in memory of Hibibulline, a football tournament will be held in the village. The villagers hope that military pilots, friends and colleagues of Ryakhagatia will come here, to honor the hero's memory.

    Private Shevchenko, who died in Aleppo, "knew how to be friends and loved football"The class teacher Nikita Valentina Denisenko says that he remembered his smiling boy, but with strong characterAlways ready to come to the rescue.

    Habibullin's rock was posthumously awarded the Order "For merit to the Fatherland" IV degree (with swords), two orders of courage, the Order "For Military Merit" and the Order "For Manifested Courage" (Ulyanovsk region).

    Evgeny Dolgin was a native of the Saratov region, and recently lived in the Pskov region. The deceased pilot was buried in the cemetery in his native village of Falcon in the Saratov region. On the walls of his native school in the village of Sokolovaya on September 3, a memorial plaque was opened. Idea Install a memorable plate with the name of the deceased pilot on July 14 at a meeting with I.O. Minister of the region - Chairman of the Committee of Public Relations and national Policy Arthur Zakbarov was offered to the fellow villagers Dolgin, representatives of public organizations, as well as the leadership of the Syzran Supreme Military Aviation School of pilots, which graduated from the soldier.

    In addition, on August 12, a permanent exhibition was opened in the Saratov Museum Historical and Ethnographic Complex "Sokolovaya Mountain" in the Park of Victory.

    Widespid, Shevchenko, Shelov. Remember all names

    The younger sergeant widely wounded in the first half of May in the province of Aleppo. Military doctors promptly provided medical care, he was taken to the military clinical hospital to Moscow with a special plane of the Ministry of Defense of Russia.

    In the report of the Russian military, it is reported that Mikhail's life fought the best doctors of the main military clinical hospital to them. N.N. Burdenko, but the wound turned out to be incompatible with life. The serviceman posthumously presented to the Order of Courage.

    35-year-old Mikhail buried in Seryshevo of the Amur region on June 11 with the Military Humans. The younger sergeant remained a wife, a 13-year-old daughter, parents and sister.

    In the square near the district local history museum on the Alley of Memory, where photos of Amurzhan - Heroes appeared at different times Soviet UnionThose who died in Chechnya and Afghanistan, at the request of the command of the 35 armies, installed a memorial plaque with a portrait of a broad room.

    About the death of ordinary Nikita Shevchenko in the Syrian province of Aleppo became known on July 22. According to the official report of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Shevchenko was driving a column accompaniment with food and water for local residents. At the entrance B. locality Next to the car worked the homemade explosive device laid by militants. Doctors fought for the life of heavier Shevchenko, but they failed to save him.

    Mikhail's deceased in Syria proved that worthy of the memory of the grandfatherThe fulfillment of military debt was a family trait for Mikhail Western, who received a fatal injury in the Syrian province of Aleppo. He proved that the dignity of the memory of the grandfather who fought on Kursk Dug., considers the widow of the deceased Oksana.

    Nikita Shevchenko buried at home - in Birobijan. As the local school teacher told, many people came to the funeral of Nikita - not only relatives and those who knew him personally, but also residents of the city. Nikita Shevchenko is presented to the state award posthumously.

    According to the press service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, on August 1, the Russian military transport helicopter Mi-8 was shot down in the province of Idlib as a result of the shelling from the Earth. He returned to the airbase of Hmeimim after delivering humanitarian aid to Aleppo. On board the helicopter there were three crew members and two officers of the Russian Center for the reconciliation of the warring parties in Syria. According to preliminary data, they all died. Among the dead was a 29-year-old graduate of the Syzran Senior Military Aviation School of pilots Senior Lieutenant Oleg Shelyamov, who was born in the city of Tver Tskar region and finished there high School №5.

    Cases of the death of Russian servicemen during the operation of VKS in SyriaFrom September 30, 2015, at the request of the Syrian President Bashar Assad, Russia began to apply air strikes on terrorist facilities in Syria. In March 2016, Russian President Vladimir Putin decided to bring the most part of the Russian grouping, VKS due to the successful performance of tasks.

    But, probably, the most important for the orphaned family of Alexander a memorable gift made entrepreneurs from Yalta. Having learned that Alexander wanted to ever transport the family to the Crimea, they helped their native hero to fulfill his dream: gave him a widow and child an apartment in the village of Gurzuf.

    "This is a modest contribution of Crimeans and Yaltians in particular to reward the hero. The apartment is located in the new house under construction in Gurzuf," explained to the Yalta administration.

    Development of the situation - in the special project RIA Novosti "" \u003e\u003e

    The feat that will go down in history. An example of incredible courage. 16 fighters of the Russian forces of special operations against several hundred terrorists in Syria. Not just not retreated - they turned the militants to escape, defeating a strategically important height without a single loss.

    Everything happened some time ago, but it was known about it only now. For the valor, the professionalism of the highest class Heroes are presented to high awards. But they themselves say: it's just our work.

    Only names and titles. Neither call signs or surnames - no details on which one could establish the individuals of officers are the main condition for interviewing journalists. All four - from the forces of special operations - the elite division of the Russian army. And, judging by the order, everything is with a rich track record. This officer has, for example, the Order of courage, two medals "for combat differences", award "For Military Valor".

    Special operations are a unique division - a combination combat experience, newest weapons and equipment, subtle calculation and dedication. Their Konk - sabotage-learning operations. They are where the enemy is least waiting for the strike.

    In Syria, this unit is involved for intelligence and guidance on the purpose of aviation. On that day, the officers tell, everything was, as usual: secretly reached the forefront of the province of Aleppo, they were entrenched, began to transfer the coordinates of the goals as they suddenly attacked the militants.

    "The massive artillery shelling of our positions began, the settings" Hrad ", artillery, mortars, tank shelling were used," the officer says.

    It was a real fiery squall, remember the military. Because of the internal inconsistency of actions, the Syrian units moved away. To make a decision, the commander of our group remained a few seconds.

    "Due to the fact that terrain relief, shelter allowed to fight, and this area of \u200b\u200bterrain had strategic importance, we took defense and accepted the battle. We reflected the first attack, there were 3-4 attacks during the day. The density of the fire was high, but as they say, scary only in the first minutes, and then the banal routine begins, "says the military.

    16 of our fighters almost two days restrained the onslaught about 300 militants. The tank of the opponent was destroyed with an accurate fire, two infantry combat vehicles and a so-called "Shahid-Mobile" with a suicide-born terrorist inside.

    "Ahead goes a bulldozer armored, followed by the BMP explosive. The operator of the first rocket fell into BMP, the explosion was very strong. As a result, the Bulldozer went out of order, "says Military.

    The losses among the militants were so serious that after a dozen unsuccessful attacks they retreated. Losses among our military no. After inspecting the battlefield, it turned out that these were terrorists from Jabhat An-Nusra forbidden in our country. Most likely, professional mercenaries.

    "They were very carefully equipped. Property, medicine, clothing - all foreign production. Up to the dark-skinned servicemen. How they behaved on the battlefield, said that they were well prepared. Go-pro at helmets. Apparently, reports are submitted to the work done somewhere, "says the military.

    "We have a good advantage in armament and well-prepared guys who were not frightened, beat and clearly performed by my tasks. Only thanks to these factors it turned out that we went out without losses, "the officer said.

    After a trip to Syria, the officers received a short-term vacation, and their dream came true - visited the parade in honor of the Victory Day on Red Square. Vladimir Putin said about the feat of the Russian military nowadays.

    V. Putin: "We feel blood, piercing relationship with the generation of heroes and the winners, and, referring to them, I will tell you, you will never be ashamed of us. Russian, Russian soldiers and today, as at all times, showing courage and heroism, ready for any feat, for any sacrifice for his homeland, for the sake of his people. "

    All servicemen of special operations forces, distinguished in battle in the province of Aleppo, are presented to high state awards, the commander of the Group - by the title of Hero of Russia. At the representation of the Ministry of Defense with the hand of the president, it is written: "I agree. Hand in person. "

    Superior enemy forces

    "The offensive was carried out with the support of infantry tanks and combat vehicles, he was preceded by a powerful fire training. During the day, militants managed to embry on the defense of government troops to a depth of 12 kilometers, at the front up to 20 kilometers, "reports the Ministry of Defense, specifying that the clashes occurred in the Deeschalation Zone" Idlib ".

    Russian servicemen made a feud in Syria

    According to the head of the main operational department of the General Staff of the Russian Federation, Colonel-General Sergey Rudsky, the offensive of terrorists was initiated by American special services to stop stopping successfully developing promotion of government troops to the east of Deir-Ez Zora, whose garrison broke through the Syrian army in early September.

    For several hours, Russian policemen, together with a detachment of a tribe, who had previously joined the truce, reflected attacks of superior enemy forces. The ChP was reported to the commander of the Russian grouping of troops in SAR, Colonel-General Sergey Surovikina.

    The warlord decided to form a grouping on the DeBlocade of the Military Police platoon. It includes divisions of the forces of special operations (CSO), military police, equipped with the North Caucasus, and Syrian special forces. He headed the grouping of the Deputy Head of the Russian Center for the Reconciliation of the Wiering Parties, Russia's hero, General Major, Viktor Shulyak.

    The firing support for the servicemen was rendered by two SU-25 attack aircraft, which were struck by alive strength and armored vehicles of the enemy from extremely small heights. As a result of the attack russian troops The ring of the environment was broken. Employed terrorists did not succeed in the territory, however, the platoon of the military police and the rest of the servicemen without losses reached the location of government troops.

    During the operation on Deblocade, three special forces were injured (severity is not specified). All battle participants are presented to state awards. Outskirt "Jebhat An-Nusra" managed to stop. "During the day, 187 objects were defeated by air strikes and fire, about 850 terrorists were destroyed, 11 tanks, 4 BMP, 46 pickups, 5 mortars, 20 trucks of 38 weapons warehouses," Ruda's reported.

    The successful work of VKS and artillery calculations allowed the 5th temperial assault corpus of Syria to counter project and almost completely restore the lost position.

    Not an easy choice

    The information provided by the Ministry of Defense provides greater food for analyzing the peculiarities of the military presence of the Russian Federation in Syria. According to the current agreements, the four battalions of the Russian military police are followed by compliance with the truce in four declaration zones, performing basic functions. From open data it follows that in armament of red tarts there are small arms, grenade launchers and some amount of armored vehicles (in particular, "Typhoon" and "Tiger").

    In the absence of heavy weapons, reflect the massive attacks of militants is extremely difficult. Nevertheless, the police were able to hold out without losses. This testifies either about the high combat readiness of Russians and the skillful organization of defense, or that the onset of militants at the location of the platoon was not accompanied by the support of tanks and artillery guns.

    The impact group, which conducted an operation on Deblocade, consisted of officers of the CSO, colleagues who came to the environment of the police, Syrian special forces and the crew of two Su-25 (although at low heights much more logical to use helicopters).

    The composition of the deblocade grouping may say that the Russian command turned out to be in front of a difficult choice. Forces for the salvation of red beretov, it was probably a bit and therefore had to be sharpened so differently formations. In particular, according to the similar scenario, an operation to save the crew beaten by Turkey front-line bomber SU-24M was organized on November 24, 2015. Then the support of the Russian military was provided by the special forces "Hezbollah".

    The fact of the environment in which the platoon of the military police hit, means at least weak intelligence in the de esshelation zone. The Ministry of Defense nods to the American intelligence agencies, but in the dry residue we receive the miscalculation of either the Syrian army or our military intelligence (if, of course, she acted in the Hama area).

    The onset of "Jebhat An-Nusra" was "large-scale", which means that his preparation could be trained. The imposition of responsibility to American intelligence services (probably refers to the CIA, which oversees several bandforms in SAR) more resembles an attempt to justify the error of government forces or Russian intelligence.

    If the position of the Military Police is by force of various reasons It turned out to be really deplorable, the incident in the Hama area can be called without exaggeration to be called the feat of Russian servicemen, and the operation to rescue is very good due to the lack of the necessary military equipment. Employees of the military police and military personnel of the CSO were covered by the unlawful military glory.

    For courage and heroism

    The manifestation of extraordinary courage and professionalism has always been a distinctive feature of our army. Operation in Syria did not exception. In the first half of May, Russian President Vladimir Putin assigned the title of Hero of Russia to four Russian officers of the CSO, which as part of a group of 16 people were discouraged by the Attack of 300 Jebhat An-Nusra militants. The surroundings became possible due to the chaotic retreat of the Syrian army.

    On May 24, in the presence of the Minister of Defense of Sergei Shoigu and the head of the General Staff, Valery Gerasimova Putin awarded the special forces personally. This is not the first case of awarding Russian servicemen who are fighting, both in the sky and on earth, although there are extremely scarce information about the land operations of the Russian army.

    So, in March in the George Hall of the Kremlin, state awards received 21 participants in Syria: four servicemen received the title of Hero of Russia, 17 people - the Order of St. George, courage, "For merits to the Fatherland", "For military merit". It is possible that Russians awarded the head of state, as well as their colleagues from the SSO, became victims of the non-professionalism of the Syrian army.

    Not always the story of the features is attached to publicity. The Russian state infrequently reports the first about the heroism and dedication of our servicemen who died in battle with terrorists. So it was a message about the death of the special forces of Alexander Prokhorenko, who caused the fire for himself when the palmistry was released on March 17, 2016. The Western media was reported first about the feat of Lieutenant, and only then he found a response in Russia.

    Little to knowing the feat of the 35-year-old chief of intelligence headquarters of the Gaubic Self-propelled-artillery division of Captain Marat Ahmetshina. The funeral and posthumous reward took place in secrecy time on June 6 and August 31, 2016. The native of Kazan died under Palmyra, the message of death his family received on June 3, 2016.

    On June 23, 2016, a decree of the President of the Russian Federation was published on the assignment of Akhmetchin the title of Hero of Russia "For courage and heroism when performing special tasks." The circumstances of the feat are classified, but the overall picture of the battle in January 2017 was described by the father of the deceased captain. It follows from his words that Ahmetshin and other military personnel opposed 200 militants.

    "When the submarine arrived and the attack beat off, he was still alive. He, all wounded, kept a grenade in his hand without checks, and earth burned around. Apparently, he wanted to undermine himself if the Igilovians approach. Ours took a grenade, threw her aside to explode. Only then, the son lost consciousness and fell face right into the fire, "the father of the hero of Russia told the father of the hero.

    Presumably, at the end of December 2016 or early January 2017, the CSO staff were awarded with a closed decree of the President of the Russian Federation, which eliminated the organizers of the shelling of the Russian field hospital in Aleppo. On December 5, 2016, doctors - Sergeants Nadezhda Duracchenko and Galina Mikhailov became victims of the militants of militants. In total, the Syrian campaign took the life of 34 Russians.

    In large cities and small villages of Russia, there are monuments to the victims of warriors and internationalists. Having accepted heroic death on someone else's land, they returned home and forever became a symbol of loyalty to military duty. Children and grandchildren of the first military officers rose. Many are outlined military form, proving that the continuity of generations is not an empty sound. Some today in Syria - protect the world and the country from international terrorists who have sentenced to death all of humanity. Thirteen soldiers and officers returned from the Syrian business trip early, surfactant in a fight with ISIL (a terrorist organization prohibited in the territory of the Russian Federation). But they fell not missing and abandoned - Motherland remembers them and grieve.

    Here is a sorrowful list of the fallen heroes who died in Syria:

    19-year-old contractVadim Kostenko, died on October 24, 2015;
    - 27-year-old gunnerFedor Zhuravlev, died on November 19, 2015;
    - 45-year-old commander of the bombarderOleg Peshkov and 29-year-old marineAlexander Pozic , died on November 24, 2015;
    - 42-year-old military instructor
    Ivan Cheremisin, died on February 1, 2016;
    - 25-year-old gunner
    Alexander Prokhorenko, died on March 17, 2016;
    - 38-year-old helicopter commander
    Andrei Okladnikov and navigator helicopterVictor Punk Died on April 12, 2016;
    - 31-year-old communication
    Anton Echergin, died on May 7, 2016;
    - 35-year-old artillery
    Mikhail Shopovois, died on June 7, 2016;
    - 28-year-old Marine
    Andrei Timoshenkov, died on June 16, 2016;

    The freshest wound - Military Instructors Pilots Range Habibullin and Evgeny Dolgin. They died on July 8. The commander of the crew Colonel Khabibullina was 51 years old, and his partner Lieutenant Zhenya Dolgin managed only the 24th anniversary.

    Photo: Vladimir Anosov / RG

    Both Syzran "helicopter" finished, in different years, of course. But both understood the combat task correctly. They launched at the Mi-25 helicopter when they requested help from Earth. The terrorists went to the offensive, broke through the defense of government troops. The crew did not spend time on meditation. In the defense part of thisreported dry language essentially:

    The son of the crew commander, Ruslan Habibullin, went in the footsteps of the Father, also a military man. And he speaks the same brief:

    "The father died as a hero, making everything that could. He taught us to go only forward and always remain a person. I ask youth once again to look at the example of your father and try to be similar to it. "

    Dozens of young pilots who managed to raise the "pilot from God", this unit is performed worthy.

    "Once he spent a little son in the helicopter cockpit. Since then, Evgeny just fell in love with a rolling car and solid decided: I will fly! "

    One guy did not have time— celebrate the first anniversary of the wedding with his Katyusha, they only got married in August.When the operation began in Syria, Katya asked him:"Zhen, are you not afraid of?", And he answered: "What is afraid? This is my profession, I studied this. "

    I wonder if it is possible to learn how "professionally"? If there was such a special course, Sasha Prokhorenko would accurately get "excellent" for him.

    What did the senior lieutenant remember, surrounded by terrorists and caused fire for himself at the last minute of his life? Maybe the old Cossack motto who taught his father: "Soul - God, the heart - a woman, the debt - Fatherland, honor - to anyone."

    Or his native village of Town in the Orenburg region, which in childhood along and across the bare feet. Or Katya's wife, with which they were so similar that they were even considered brother and sister. Or maybe the younger brother Vanya, who, according to Alexander, entered the Smolensk Military Academy of the Air Defense and is studying in the second year. And mom must have managed, and the Father ... But how much the Gadov terrorists will take with them, probably did not count. What time is spent on them. He knew only - a lot of them.

    "For courage and heroism, manifested in the execution of military debt, to assign the title of Hero of the Russian Federation to the senior lieutenant of Prokharenko Alexander Alexandrovich (posthumously)." Appreciated the birthplace of the last feat of the officer russian forces Special operations.