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  • Religious policy of Catherine II. Peoples of Russia. National and Religious Policy of Catherine II Catherine 2 Politics in relation to the church

    Religious policy of Catherine II. Peoples of Russia. National and Religious Policy of Catherine II Catherine 2 Politics in relation to the church

    In general, in Russia, with Catherine II (1762-1796), religious tolerance policy was carried out. Representatives of all traditional religions have not experienced pressure and oppression. Thus, in 1773 the law on the tolerance of all religions, prohibiting the Orthodox clergy to interfere in the affairs of other denominations; Secular power reserves the right to solve the issue of establishing temples of any faith.

    Having entered the throne, Catherine abolished Decree Peter III on the secularization of land in the church. But in February 1764 again issued a decree on the deprivation of the Church of Land Property. Monastery peasants with a number of about 2 million people. Of course, the clergy was seized and transferred to the Office of the Board of Savings. The states of the state included churches, monasteries and bishops. In Ukraine, the secularization of monastic possessions was held in 1786.

    Thus, the clergy fell into dependence on secular power, as it could not carry out independent economic activity. Catherine has achieved from the government of the Commonwealth of the equation in the rights of religious minorities - Orthodox and Protestants.

    In Catherine II, the persecution of old-handers stopped. Continuing the policy of the spouse of Peter III overthrown by her, the Empress supported his initiative of return from the border of the Old Believers, the economically active population. They were specifically assigned a place on Irgiz (modern Saratov and Samara region). They were allowed to have priests.

    The free resettlement of the Germans to Russia led to a significant increase in the number of Protestants (mainly Lutheran) in Russia. They were also allowed to build chicks, schools, free to commit worship. At the end of the XVIII century, only in one Petersburg had more than 20 thousand Lutheran.

    For the Jewish religion, the right to the public administration of faith was maintained. Religious affairs and disputes were left under the jurisian courts. Jews, depending on their existing capital, were ranked at the appropriate class and could be elected to local governments, becoming judges and other civil servants.

    By decree Catherine II in 1787, in the printing house of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg, for the first time in Russia, the full Arabic text of the Islamic Holy Book of the Quran was printed for free distribution of Kirgizam. The publication was significantly different from European primarily by what Muslim character was worn: the text to the press was prepared by Mullah Usman Ibrahim. In St. Petersburg from 1789 to 1798, 5 editions of the Quran appeared. In 1788, a manifest was released, in which the Empress commanded "to establish a spiritual assembly of the Moometansky law in Ufa, which has a department of all the spiritual officials of the law, ... excluding the Tauride region." Thus, Catherine began to embed the Muslim community into the system of the government of the Empire. Muslims received the right to build and restore mosques.

    Buddhism also received state support in the regions where it traditionally confessed. In 1764, Catherine established the post of Hambo Lama - the heads of Buddhists in Eastern Siberia and Transbaikalia. In 1766, Buryat Lama recognized Catherine to the embodiment of Bodhisattva White Tara for the benevolence to Buddhism and the humane board.

    The fragment of the article from that 18 "Orthodox Encyclopedia". Moscow, 2008

    E. A. was raised by his father in strict Lutherancy and for a long time Ko-flashed before switching to Orthodoxy. But when in 1744, E. A. Gray-Lo got sick and suggested to call Lu-Teran. Pastor, she demanded to send for Archim. Simon (Todorsky), which added her popularity at the court. In contrast to Peter III E. A. tried to demonstrate his religiosity. Attaching the posts and church rites, but allowed himself during the liturgy, sitting on the choir, lay her father-jans or discuss with the officials of the state. business At the same time, over the years, she realized the mystical significance of his choice of faith over the years. In the note "On the foresown", she wrote: "In 1744 a year on June 28 ... I adopted the Grekorossiysky Orthodox law. In 1762, on June 28 ... I adopted the All-Russian throne ... To this day ... It begins the apostle with the words: "I give you sister my damp, a landing minister". "

    In the XVIII century In Russia, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe secularization of church lands was popular, the Kuyu perceived E. A. after coming to power, creating an image of the defender of the Church, the Empress 12 Aug. 1762 was canceled by Peter III attempts to secularization, which caused the clergy discontent. However, the idea itself was not thrown away, it was decided to create a special commission to study the problem of the Bud. secularization reform and development of regulatory documents. In nov 1762 by decree E. A. The Commission on church estates led by the Novgorod Mitre was established. Dimitri (Sechenov), Fit actually led the State Secretary of the city of N. Heat. The most important event in the preparation of reform was the descriptions of monastic and bishops, which were conducted by army officers. On May 12, 1763, the savings board was recreated, the duty of the preparation and reform of church possessions and peasants was entrusted to Ku.

    26 Feb. 1764 A decree "On the division of spiritual estates" with the manifesto "On the suggestion of all the bishops and monastic peasants of the Board of Saving" (PSZ. T. 16. № 12060). T. about. The secularization of church lands was legally framed. All the estates of the Synod, the bishops and Mont-Rey were transferred to the property of the state and were subject to reference to the savings collegium, formerly. The monastery peasants began to be called "economic" and began to pay in the treasury of marks in the amount of 1 p. 50 k. From the soul, Mont-Rya was left only small gardens, gardens and pastures. 8.5 million decans were switched to the treasury. Earth, OK. 2 million peasants (men and women) and more than 1.5 million rubles. Annual income. At the same time, the treasury was entrusted with the material content of the bishops, Mon-Rey and spiritual schools (188 thousand rubles were allocated in total). The dioceses were divided into 3 classes: 3 dioceses were attributed to the 1st dioceses, the 2nd - 8, to the 3rd - 15. Also on 3 classes were also shared by the abode. In accordance with the class, the amounts for the content were determined, and in the mon-rhyme - and the number of monotums. Husband. Mont-ry 1 class had the right to receive annually from the treasury 2017,5 r. and contain up to 33 monastishes, MON-PI of the 2nd class - 1311.9 p. and contain up to 17 people, 3rd grade - 806.3 p. and contain up to 12 people. Outside discharges were delivered Trinity Sergiev Lavra, Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, as well as the Cathedral Mont-Ri: Alexander Nevsky (afterwards Lava), vladimirsky in honor of the Nativity of the PRAC. Virgin, Ipatievsky in the name of St. Trinity, Novgorod-Seversky in honor of the Transfiguration of the Lord, Chernigov Borisoglebsky I. Miracles in honor of the edge of the arch. Mikhail in Honhekh. Laurers were prescribed content in the amount of 10070 p. per year (this amount was replenished by donations from imp. yard). The rest of the monastery either became worn (they were also divided in 1764 on grades, depending on the number of monastishes and existed on donations and funds from the sale of various products), or abolished, attributed to the larger, turned into parish churches. 10 Apr. 1786 The secularization reform was carried out on the territory of Kiev, Chernihiv and Novgorod-Seversky pricing, 26 Apr. 1788- in Kharkov, Ekaterinoslav, Kursk and Voronezh priests, and in 1793-1795- in the affiliates of Lithuania, Zap. Belarus and Zap. Ukraine. In total, as a result of secularization, the state content received 272 mon-RAMs, more than 500 were abolished, the number of monastishes decreased by more than 2 times.

    The reform hit the church, but the protest of the clergy was weak. When choosing candidates for the Bishops' Chairs, E. A., unlike its predecessors, made a bet on the immigrants not from Little Russia, and from the Great, which were more loyal to the policies of the Empress. Secularization criticized the Rostov Miter. schishmch. Arseny (Matsievich), In 1763, a convicted, devoid of Sana, and in 1767 the monastic title and the deceased in conclusion; Tobolsky Miter. SVT. Paul (Konushevich), dismissed on peace in 1768

    E. A. paid attention to the problem of the reform of spiritual and educational institutions. In 1762, a commission was established to develop a plan for transformation of spiritual schools. According to the reform project (1766), it was supposed to divide spiritual and educational institutions for higher, middle and lower, introduce new items, more than SCU. teaching methods. The project was not implemented. To prepare teachers E. A. intended to open theological facts with Moscow Un-Those, however, this idea was also not implemented.

    Continuing the policies of Elizabeth Petrovna and Peter III, E. A. It sought to include the Old Believers in the emerging civil society. To start. 60s. XVIII century Stakeholder centers have developed: Pomorie, Starodubye, Kergenets, Irgiz. The main center during this period was Moscow, where there were large communities of Beglopopovtsev, as well as the freeness: Fedoseevtsev, Pomorstsev and Filippovtsev. In addition, many Old Believers remained on the branch in the Commonwealth. From 1762, E. A. offered them to return to Russia and settle any place, but those who wanted almost no found. In 1764, troops were sent to the branch, more than 20 thousand. Plees were forcibly sent to the settlement to Siberia. The ruins were subjected and other centers of old-believe, for example. Stokey. In relation to bragopopovtsy, power adhered to a moderate course. Beltopopovtsy 7 times made attempts to find a bishop, even turned to the Holy Synod, but did not achieve anything. In 1788, some freedoms were provided to the Old Believers, the name "Raskolniki" officially abolished, the double layer was abolished. Old Believers were allowed to elect public positions. In the 80-90s. XVIII century In Starodube, on Irgiz, the Ingul got spread uNISHRANIE As a form of reconciliation with ultra. Church while maintaining old rituals.

    E. A. initiated a massive resettlement of foreign colonists (primarily Germans) to various regions of the country (Volga region, Ukraine, Crimea, Baltic States). This significantly increased the number of Protestants (mainly Lutheran), as well as Catholics in Russia. They were allowed to build schools, churches, free to commit worship. Dec. 1772 Catholic was created. The diocese in Mogilev, all Catholic came to the jurisdiction. Parishes and Mont-Ri Lat. Rite in the territory of the Empire. The union remained. Diocese in Polotsk. The supervision of Catholics was carried out by the Justice College of Liflyand, Estland and Finnish affairs. Papal Bully could not be made public in Russia without the approval of the empress. Since 1794, a massive process of joining uniats to Orthodox has begun. Churches.

    By decree of June 17, 1773 (PSI. T. 19. No. 13996) E. A. Proclaimed the principle of violence, the case of "Inoverts" was transferred from the management of diocesan bishops to the jurisdiction of the secular administration. Of particular importance it was for Muslim. population. Forbidden for the construction of mosques forbidden before the construction of mosques was already created. Since 1783, a reception for military service Tatars was allowed. Murz and "Chinovnaya People" and the assignment of officer ranks that gave the opportunity to get a nobility. However, to obtain the title above the premier major, the resolution of the Empress was required. When E. A. was preparing a decree that all Muslims who showed themselves to the devotees of the empire and had noble origin were equated in privileges to the nobility. This decree was already signed by Paul I in 1797. The active participation of Bashkir in the Pugachev uprising caused an increase in control over their communities. In 1782, from the maintenance of Bashkir. Starshin was seized by the Court of Small Criminal and Civil Affairs, transmitted by the Lower Spravel, which existed in parallel with the same sprauls engaged in the affairs of Rus. peasants. Decree from 22 Saint. 1788 in Ufa was established by Musulm. The spiritual assembly led by a mufti, headed by Mullah (except for the Mull of the Tavrician region and Zap. Province) and the subordinate to Ufa governorship, and later the Office of the Orenburg Governor. Decree of January 23 1794 Muslims were opened in Simferopol. Spiritual Board for the Tauricual Region. and zap. Gubniy led by muftius. As a result, the Mullam was determined by the state. The content, the secular administration began to solve questions about the appointment of Mulle, as well as disputes and cases subject to, according to Sharia, the disaster in the Councils of Mullee and Starin. She also followed the execution of military service Bashkirs (border service and participation in wars). Back in 1769, Tatars began to teach the Kazan gymnasium. Islam language and basics. With incentive policies in relation to Musulm. The culture of Tatars is associated with the educational activities of S. Kh. Halphine and his son I. S. Halphine, who made up the 1st printed Tatars. ABC (1778), Russian-Tatar. Dictionary (more than 20 thousand words) and other benefits. In 1787, Arab was printed in St. Petersburg. Text of the Quran with notes.

    The principle of violence was distributed on the Jews, the number of reasons in Russia increased significantly after the sections of the Commonwealth. Decons 1791 and 1794. In places of compact residence of the Jews, the trait of settling was established, outside the limits they could not live. The transition of Jews in Christianity removed all the limitations.

    Siberia's development contributed to the spread of Orthodoxy among the local population. There were whole villages fixed on Earth baptized Buryat. Buryat and Evenkov was charged with the duty to bear the border service, protecting the territory from Mong raids. Khan and Thai. At the same time, it contributed to the spread among Buryat, especially Zabaykali, Buddhism in the form of Lamaism. In 1771, a significant part of Kalmyks living in the Merrar Dream (Urals), Volga and Don, on Terek and confessed by Lamaism, moved to China, in the Astrakhan lips. It remains OK. 13 thousand families. Some of them (ch. Arr. From in Doulia) were attributed to the Cossack class of the land of Don Troops and gradually moved to Orthodoxy.

    A. I. Commissarenko



    Section 1. Young Years of Catherine.

    Childhood and youth Catherine 2.

    The adoption of the throne and the beginning of the reign.

    Section II. Domestic policy.

    2.1. Located commission

    2.2. Church policy

    2.3. Administrative activities

    2.4. Peasant War And its consequences

    Section III: Foreign Policy

    3.1. Russian-Turkish Wars

    3.2 Russia and the revolution in France. Sections of speech plugged



    Different historians evaluate the Board of Catherine II in different ways. And it is not by chance. The contribution of Catherine to Russian history is quite controversial, for her time was noted by the strongest tightening of the serfdom, the impoverishment of the people, the monstrous, runtime for the country the ruling top, which was given to the empress who traveled fantastic sums on their lovers. This is the time of falling the morals, depreciation of moral values, the time of ugly political zigzags, buried many promising beginnings and caused by the influence of Favorites in Catherine. But on the other hand, this is the era of the country's military power, strengthening the authority and security of the Russian state, significant internal political transformations and the unprecedented flourishing of cultural life. There are many contradictory judgments and the Empress itself. Some consider her a feigned, slutty, easily affected by someone else's influence, others see in it solid nature, a man of highly educated, business, energetic, unusually workable, self-critical, who knows their weak and strengths. And although more than two centuries have passed since the Board of Catherine II, and during this period many works were written about the epoch, the relevance of this topic is not reduced. Because, the more we manage to learn about this unusual and mysterious woman, the more it appears incomprehensible and inexplicable.

    She was so fascinated me that I gave her the honor to become the heroine of my story. I can not not say that the identity of Catherine II was interested in me for a long time. I read some good books, including artistic works dedicated to her, and every time I found something new, previously unknown, which simultaneously struck and admired me.

    Based on his knowledge and guided by the literature used, I think I can say about Catherine Great as a man of his era. The goal I was pursuing in writing this work is not easy to state the facts of the biography of this woman, ascended by the fate of the most top of power, and try to draw her historic portrait with possible accuracy, reflecting on the fate of the Great Empress and, at the same time, once again think On the fate of the country

    I consider the topic "The Board of Catherine Second" is quite relevant, because in our politically and economically unstable time it is very difficult to choose the right path of the country's development, and it seems to me that the answer to the question of the right road in our story, which, as is known, is repeated, Namely, in the activities of Catherine II, a guide to the action of future rulers was hidden.

    The Board of Catherine II imposed a print on all subsequent cultural development of Russia. The age of its rule is called an age of enlightened absolutism. Catherine managed to enlighten his subjects and bring the Russian culture to Western. It also made significant changes in the mechanisms of government management.

    The Board of Catherine II continued more than three and a half decades (1762-1796). It is filled with many events in the internal and external affairs, the implementation of the ideas that continued what was done in Peter Great.

    According to V. O. Klyuchevsky, Ekaterina II: was the last accident in the Russian throne and conducted a long and extraordinary reign, created a whole era in our history "and, you can add in historiography. This "last chance" XVIII century. I could not leave indifferent either my contemporaries or descendants. For more than 200 years, the attitude towards Catherine II was ambiguous, but few people challenged the importance of her reign for the good of Russia.

    It rarely note the fact that even in the Soviet period, Catherine II monument, on a par with the worshiped Bolsheviks, Peter I, did not leave his pedestal, remaining the only monument to the monarch-woman in the state, where the reigning dynasty was suspended by a violent way.

    XVIII century - The era of "enlightened absolutism", "Union of philosophers and monarchs." At that time, the theory and practice was widely walking, according to which the taught institutions of feudal society could be overcome not revolutionary, but an evolutionary path, the monarchs themselves and their nobles, with the help of wise advisers, philosophers, other enlightened people. The autocrats, as expected, were or should be enlightened by the students of the ideologues of the Enlightenment. Such was Catherine the second Russian. The new coup was performed, as the former, Guards noble regiments; He was directed against the emperor who declared his national sympathy and personal wonders of a nascering character. Coup 1762g. I put a woman on the throne not only intelligent and with a clock, but also extremely talented, extremely educated, developed and active. The empress wanted legitimacy and order in management; Acquaintance with cases showed her that the confusion prevails not only in the field of management, but also in the laws; Her predecessors continuously cared for bringing the entire romance to the systematic code of the entire romance of individuals accumulated from the time of deposit from 1649, and could not speak with this case.

    I see the relevance of this topic that in our politically and economically unstable time it is very difficult to choose the right path of the country's development, and not in our history, the answer is about the right road, which will lead us to universal prosperity and prosperity, is Ekaterina II Guide guide to the action of future rulers. The purpose of this work is to properly state the highlights relating to the Board of Catherine the second, and relating to the period of its reign. The main task of my course work is an overview of the political views and political thinking of Catherine, as well as the study of its board. In my work, I used the method of historical reconstruction of events during the years of the reign of Catherine.

    For better perception of events set forth in this work, I structured work into three sections. In the first section, I will be set forth the first stage of the life of Catherine - childhood and youth of the young Empress, as well as the adoption of the throne and the beginning of her reign. Consideration of this section gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe foundations of the right-mention psychology of the Great Woman. In the second section, the internal policy of the Empress will be considered. A detailed description of its reform activity gives us a more accurate picture of its great politics. It will be shown here. political importance Its laid commission and administrative activities. I will be found out how the Ekaterininsky church reform influenced the Orthodox Russia. Of course, there will be no attention to Rus and the peasant question, namely, the peasant war and its consequences. So we smoothly and got to the third section, where the foreign policy of Catherine will be set forth. I will describe in detail the attitude of the queen to the revolution in France, as well as the prerequisites, events and consequences of the Russian-Turkish war. The relationship with the Russian neighbor is not paid and the relationship with the Russian neighbor. After all, the reign of this powerful, intelligent woman, which became one of the greatest monarchs of Russia's history.

    Section 1.

    Young years of Catherine.

    1.1. Childhood and youth of the future empress.

    Ekaterina II, before the marriage of Princess Sofia Augustus Frederick Anhalt-Crebst, was born on April 21, 1729 in the German city of Shatttin. Her father of Prince Christian August Angultie Czyrbstsky consisted of Prussian service and was a commandant, and then the governor of Shttitin; Mother - Princess Johanna Elizabeth - originated from the ancient Golstein-Gottorpian Ducal House.

    Parents of the girls were not happy in marriage and often spent the time to apart. Father, together with the army, leaving to fight against Sweden and France on the lands of the Netherlands, Northern Germany and Italy. Mother went to visit numerous influential relatives, sometimes together with her daughter. In early childhood, Princess Sofia visited the cities of Braunschweig, Cerbst, Hamburg, Kiel and Berlin. From the events of those years, a meeting with the old priest was remembered, who, looking at Sofia, her mother said: "Your daughter is waiting for a great future. I see her three crowns on the forehead. "

    The princess of Johann looked incredulously on his interlocutor and, for some reason, angry at her daughter, sent her to her needlework.

    Another important meeting occurred when Sofia was already ten years: they introduced her to the boy named Peter Ulrich. Over her year older, he was so thin and long-legged, which was like a grasshopper. Dressed as an adult in a wig and military uniform, the boy was constantly shuddering and looked at his tutor with caution.

    Mother told her that Peter Ulrich, the applicant for the thrones of Russia and Sweden, the owner of the hereditary rights to Schleswig-Holstein, and she has a secondary brother. Prince is an orphan, and the care of it is entrusted to random people who are rude and severely cost him. Sofia, who herself was not spoiled by the attention and care of the parents, sincerely regretted him.

    Several years have passed, and Sofia's mother spoke again with her about a strange boy named Peter Ulrich. During this time, his aunt Elizabeth became the Russian Empress. She caused a nephew to Russia and declared his heir under the name of Peter Fedorovich. Now the young man was looking for a bride among daughters and sisters of European dukes and princes. The choice was great, but the invitation to arrive in Russia to the views was received by one Sofia August Frederic Anhalt Cerebst. Partly - thanks to the romantic memories of Elizabeth Petrovna about their dead groom Carle Augustus Holstein (Princess Sofia accounted for him with his native niece), in part - due to the intrigue princess Johann.

    Before the Russian border, Sofia and her mother drove accompanied by several servants, while maintaining strict incognito. In Russia, they met a magnificent and numerous retinue, which delivered expensive gifts from the Empress.

    In St. Petersburg, Sofia appeared before the Empress. Elizabeth saw a very young girl - high and slim, with long dark brown hair, snow-white, slightly touched gentle blush skin and large brown eyes. In childish, the immediate, alive and fun, she knew how to lead a secular conversation in German and French, drawing and gracefully danced, the word, was quite a decent bride for the heir to the throne.

    Elizabeth Petrovna liked Princess Sofia, but did not like her mother, Princess Johann. Therefore, she ordered the first to "instruct in the Orthodox faith" and teach Russian, and the second sent from Russia for participating in political intrigues.

    The princess initially upset his mother's departure, but she was always very stronger with Sofia, often interfered with her personal life and sought to subjugate the whole image of the girl's thoughts. Getting rid of so grave guardianship quickly reconciled the princess with the departure of a loved one. Coming out from under the influence of the mother, Sofia looked at the world in one, in which he now lived.

    The imagination of the immense expanse of Russia was surprised, the humility and the infinite humility of the people, the luxury and the magnificence of the court society were surprised.

    The girl was dreaming happiness, it seemed that the prediction of the old man heard in his childhood was coming true - the priest.

    With extraordinary perseverance, she teaches the words and rules of grammar of the Russian language. Not pleased with the hours of classes with the teacher, she gets up at night and repeats the past. Yes, with such enthusiasm, that forgets to put on shoes and walks barefoot on the cold floor of the room. The efforts of the efforts and success of Sofia were reported by Empress. Elizabeth, stating that the princess and so "too smart," ordered to stop her training.

    Very soon, young Sophia experienced a variable temper of the empress, the impassivity of the groom, disregard and cunning surrounding. In 1745 Her wedding with Peter Fedorovich took place, on the eve of which she accepted Orthodoxy and received a new name. From now on, Sophia was the great princess Catherine Alekseyevna. But she was not happiness and confidence in the future. Many chagrins and suffering caused Catherine relations with her husband. Petr Fedorovich since the infancy was considered in Europe as an heir to several crowns. He was early lost his father, and his upbring was engaged in court, belonging to opposing political parties. As a result, the character of Peter Fedorovich was distorted by claims and intrigues around. Catherine called in his notes the spouse "stubborn and quick-tempered". Both - both her husband and wife - were dominant; The collisions between them were frequent and often led to quarrels.

    The Empress looked at Catherine with suspicion. Great Princess, day and night surrounded by basements and beastned, had to carefully monitor all his words and actions. Having learned about the death of the Father, she could not even mess around. Her sadness, tears annoyed Elizabeth Petrovna, who was superstitiously afraid of everything that could remind her about the coming end. Catherine was announced that her father was not so impressed to cry about him for a long time.

    The position of the Great Princess has not changed and after she was born a long-awaited son-heir Pavel, and then daughter. The children immediately took the empress under their custody, believing that only she could raise them wisely and worthy. Parents rarely managed to recognize how their children grow, and even less often - to see them.

    It seemed that fate laughed at Catherine: I adorished her brilliance of the Russian crown, but presented more and disturbances than pleasures and power. But the nature of the character ("Hardery", as the future empress said, allowed her not to be lost in the most difficult periods of life. Catherine read a lot in those years. At first she was fond of fashionable novels, but her tortured mind demanded more, and she discovered the books of a completely different content. These were the writings of French enlighteners - Voltaire, Montesquieu, D "Alambert, the works of historians, naturalists, economists, lawyers, philosophers and philologists. Catherine pondered, compared read with the Russian reality, made statements, led the diary in which his thoughts lied.

    In the diary of the Grand Princess, now such phrases appeared: "Freedom - the soul of all things; Without you, everything is dead. " No wonder the Empress suspected Catherine in Kramol. The Great Princess was recorded in the diary of the ideas that were perceived from the writings of French enlightener philosophers and coincided by random ambition: "I want obedience to laws, not slaves; The power without folk confidence does not mean anyone who wants to be loved and glorious; Slision, the conciliatory spirit of the sovereign will make more than millions of laws, and political freedom will give the soul to everything. It is often better to impose transformations than to prescribe them; It is better to prompt than indicate. "

    Catherine said that she had a Republican's soul that she could live in Athens and Sparta. But Russia was around, where, according to one of the contemporaries of the future empress, even in the capital of the streets paved by ignorance "Arshri in three thickness".

    And yet Ekaterina managed to get used to this country and sought to love her. Having mastered the Russian language, she read the chronicles, ancient vaults of laws, the lives of the great princes, the kings and fathers of the church. Not satisfied with reading, she asked others who even remembered the rebellious Volinets of the Archerters of the Government of Sofia, the reign of Peter I, who dywood, whipped and an ax, reworked Russia. She was told about the harsh Tsarice Anne John and, finally, about the weighing on the throne and the Board of Elizabeth Petrovna. Under the impression of everything read and heard, Catherine thought that the country could become a mighty and rich only in the hands of the wise and enlightened sovereign. And she dreamed of taking this role. She wrote about his desire for power: "I wish only a good country, where God led me; The country's glory is my own. "

    While it was just dreams, but Catherine with persistence inherent in her and hardworking began for their implementation.

    In comparison with the capricious, aging empress, weakly and unpredictable in the actions, Podr Fedorovich Catherine has won a lot in the opinion of most of the courtiers. Yes, and foreign diplomats gave tribute to the Great Princess. For the years spent at the courtyard, she learned to cope with his feelings and fermented temperament, always looked calm and friendly, simple and conscious.

    Slowly, but she stubbornly won and forever tied the hearts of others to themselves, often turned the Yarya Nefulremen in their hot adherents. One of the contemporaries of Catherine wrote that "from the very arrival of his Petersburg great Princess He tried to buy universal love with all their funds, and now it is not only loved, but also fear. Many who stand in the best relationship to the Empress do not miss the case to please under the arm of the Great Princess. "

    1.2. The adoption of the throne and the beginning of the reign.

    According to the Law on the Preconsession of Catherine, only a rollegentshi was intended for a small heir to Pavle. But after Peter I, who did not leaving after himself the heirs of the male, Russia managed mainly women, and the Russians were accustomed to the thought that the country can lead the sovereign.

    Catherine with It strong character The role of Regenti did not suit, besides she understood that on the throne, her son would only have a toy of parties like Peter II. And when Panin - Teacher Paul made a note that it would be a government to Empress, and what she agreed, the Guards regiments were opposed to this and proclaimed Catherine the autocratic empress.

    Thus, a palace coup on June 28, 1762 for Russian thronewas erected not a random woman, as it happened more than once in the history of Russia, and a person, long and purposefully preparing for the adoption of this role.

    Now she had to manage the country in which the treasury was empty, the monopoly prested the trade and industry, the factory peasants and serfs worried about their rumors about freedom, then the case was renewed.

    Empress herself seven years after the coup, when her position on the throne became strong enough, so outlined the position of the country a year when she took the throne: finances were in the launched state, there were even estimates of income and expenses, the army did not receive salary, the fleet, the fortress They were destroyed, everywhere the people suffered from the arbitrariness and the liberations of the ministers, the wrong court reigned everywhere, the prisons were filled with fluidities, there were 49,000 peasants' assigned to the Urals plants, and landlord and monastic peasants in European Russia, 150000.

    The sovereign immediately took up the decision of the current affairs. In the fifth or sixth day of his kingdom, Catherine was present at the Senate, who ordered to gather in the summer palace to speed up the current.

    The Senate began with the idea of \u200b\u200bthe extreme lack of money. From this day until September 1, when Catherine went to Moscow to Coronation, she was present in the Senate 15 times, which hit all the advisers, because Peter was not actually never once.

    Its direct participation in the Office gave a significant impetus to the development of the country's economy.

    Section 2.

    Domestic policy.

    2.1. Located commission

    Shortly after the entry into the throne, Catherine found that one of the essential drawbacks of Russian life is the obsisal of legislation: the collection of laws was published under Alexei Mikhailovic, and life has since changed since unrecognizable. The Empress saw the need great work By meeting and revision of laws. Catherine II decided to make a new Code. She read many writings of foreign scientists about the state device and court. Of course, she understood that not everything applies to Russian life.

    The Empress believed that the laws should be agreed with the needs of the country, with the concepts and customs of the people. To this end, it was decided to convene elected (deputies) from various state estates to develop a new deposit. This collection of elected was named by the Commission for the preparation of the project of new deposits. The Commission was supposed to inform the government about the needs and wishes of the population, and then develop projects of new, best laws.

    The Commission was opened solemnly in 1767 by Catherine II in Moscow, in the Granovic Chamber. 567 deputies were collected: from the nobility (from each county), merchants, state peasants, as well as sedentary foreigners. The widely borrowing ideas of advanced Western thinkers, Catherine for this commission amounted to the "commission of the Commission on the preparation of the project of a new deposition". These were the rules on the basis of which a new Code must be drawn up and the deputies were to be guided. "Okaz" was distributed to all deputies. But since the introduction of laws is in the jurisdiction of the king, the Commission was supposed to be proposals. Over the "melting" Catherine II worked for more than two years. In "Aactions", Catherine speaks of the state, laws, punishments, the production of the court, upbringing and other matters. "Okaz" showed both knowledge and love for people. The Empress wanted to make more soft and respect for the legislation. "Okaz" was met everywhere with delight. In particular, Catherine demanded mitigating punishments: "Love for the Fatherland, shame and fear of the incidence of the essence of the fracturing agents and may refrain many crimes." She also demanded to cancel the punishment that could emit the human body. Catherine opposed to the use of torture. She considered torture harmful, since the weak may not withstand torture and confess the fact that he did not commit, and strong, even committing a crime, will be able to transfer torture and avoid punishment. Especially great caution, she demanded from judges. "It is better to justify 10 guilty than blaming one innocent." Another wise saying: "It is much better to warn the crime, rather than punish them." But how to do that? It is necessary that people honor the laws and sought to virtue. "The most reliable, but the most difficult means to make people better eat bringing into improving education." Want to warn crimes - make the enlightenment spread between people.

    Ekaterina also seemed necessary to provide the nobility and urban class self-government. Catherine II thought about the release of peasants from serfdom. But the abolition of serfdom did not take place. The "Aparase" states how landowners should handle the peasants: not burdened with taxes, charge such taxes that do not force peasants to leave home and so on. At the same time, she spread the thoughts that for the benefit of the state, peasants need to give freedom.

    The Commission was divided into 19 committees, which were to be engaged in various branches of legislation. Soon, it was found that many deputies do not understand what they are called for, and although the deputies treated the case seriously, the work was very slow. There have been cases that the general meeting, without killing the consideration of one question, moved to another. The case, entrusted to the Commission, was large and difficult, and to acquire the appropriate skills was not so easy. Catherine translated the commission to St. Petersburg, however, in St. Petersburg for the year, the Commission not only did not begin to compile new deposits, but did not even develop a single department. Catherine was dissatisfied with this. Many deputies from the nobles in 1768 were to go on the war with the Turks. Catherine announced the closure of general meetings of the Commission. But individual committees continued to work for several more years.

    It can be said that the activities of the commissioning commission ended with failure. The Commission presented to Catherine II subject lesson about the impossibility of implementing theoretical constructions of European philosophers in Russian soil. The chance that history gave Russia was not and could not be implemented. The dissolution of the commissioned commission became for Catherine by a farewell with illusions in the field of domestic policy.

    Nevertheless, although the Commission was not going, but she acquainted to the Empress with the needs of the country. Using the works of the Commission, Catherine II issued many important laws. Catherine herself wrote that she "got light and information about the whole empire, who had to have, and about whom should". Now she could act quite consciously and definitely.

    The legal system of the "legitimate monarchy" was to create a system of class courts and a conscancy court, in improving the investigative procedures, change in police department. Ekaterina II tried to achieve public peace through police regulation based on "coercion to virtue" by executing fair laws.

    Catherine II well understood the place of Russia in the then world. She did not blindly copy European samples, but was at the level of the then global political knowledge. She sought to use European experience to reform the country, where there was no private property, no bourgeois civil society, but, on the contrary, there was a traditionally developed state farm, serfdom was dominant.

    In 1765, a free economic society (VEO) was established the interests of the nobility. One of the oldest in the world and the first economic society in Russia (free - formally independent of government agencies) was established in St. Petersburg with large landowners, striving in the face of market growth and trade farming rationalize agriculture, increase the performance of serfdom. The foundation of WEO was one of the manifestations of the policies of the enlightened absolutism. WEO began operations by declaring competitive tasks, publishing "Labor WEO" (1766-1915, more than 280 volumes) and applications for them. The first competition was announced on the initiative of the Empress itself in 1766: "What is the property of the agriculture (peasant) in the land of whether it processes, or in movableness and what is the right to have it to have the right to have the right to have them?". Of the 160 responses of Russian and foreign authors, the most progressive composition was an essay of the law of A.Ya. Polenova who criticized serfdom. The answer caused discontent Competition Committee WEO and was not printed. Until 1861, 243 competitive tasks of a socio-economic and scientific and economic nature were announced. Socio-economic issues related to the three problems: 1) land ownership and serfdom, 2) comparative profitability of the Barchchain and Lake, 3) the use of hired labor in agriculture.

    WEO's activities contributed to the introduction of new crops, new types of agriculture, the development of economic relations.

    In the field of industry and trade, Ekaterina II (Decree of 1767 and the Manifesto 1775) proclaimed the principle of freedom business activitieswhat was beneficial primarily to the nobility: it possessed serf labor resourcesthere was cheap raw materials, received subsidies from state and estate credit institutions. The nobility, including the average, rose to the path of serfdom began to grow the number of victims of manufactory. The growth of peasant manufactories also turned out to be on the hand of nobility, since many peasants entrepreneurs were serfs.

    Finally, the departure of manproof peasants to the city on earnings was also convenient for the landowner, who was trying to get more cash. Capitalist, that is, based on hired labor, enterprises were a bit, and the hired workers were often not personally free, and serf peasants on earnings. Absolutely predominant were the forms of industry based on different types Podnevatar labor. At the beginning of the reign of Catherine in Russia there were 655 industrial enterprises, by the end of 2294.

    2.2. Church policy.

    In the history of the Church, in Catherine II, there were two banners of the events: the secularization of the clergy possessions, as well as the proclamation of violence, the termination of the policy of violent Christianizadium and the persecution of Inackers.

    The above was the promise of Catherine, given when he joined the throne, not to atocle the ownership of the church. It was the tactical step of the Empress, designed for the peace of the clergy, if not clearly, then a secretly received by the manifesto of Peter III on secularization, and the conviction of Voltaire's student contradictory. As soon as Catherine felt the inability of the clergy to seriously resist secularization plans, she created a commission from secular and spiritual persons who were assigned to resolve the issue of the fate of church land tenure. The Empress even prepared an emotionally rich accurate speech before the members of the Synod, ending with the words: "Do not defile the same to return my crown what you kidnapped by her imperceptibly, gradually." The need for a pathetic speech disappeared, the synodals showed humility and obedience. The only hierarch, daring to openly raise a voice against secularization, was the Rostov Metropolitan Arseny Matseevich.

    Is it fair to be a protest of arsion a serious threat to secular power, and should Catherine have to take decisive measures to stop the hurt? Forging the secularization plans of the Empress of Arseny could not, and it understood it perfectly well. And if Catherine voted the Buntar with a harsh punishment, then this action was most likely a personal attack - undisguised hostility: unexpected to the language of Arsenius allowed himself sharply and unflatter to the Empress and this review was known to her.

    Implementation of Manifesta February 26, 1764 The secularization of church possessions had two important consequences. Manifesty finally solved a century-old dispute about the fate of church victuchin in favor of secular power, the treasury passed from the church institution 910 866 souls M.P. The installed semi-ears of the former monastery peasants who were called economic, provided an admission to the treasury of 1366 thousand annual exchanges (1764--1768), of which only a third was released on the maintenance of monasteries and churches, 250 thousand. Spent on hospitals and alder, and the rest Money (over 644 thousand rubles) replenished the budget of the state. In the 1780s, the urgent amount reached 3 million, and together with other economic incomes --4 million rubles.) Of which only half a million was spent on the content of the clergy, and the seven eighth income came to the state.

    From now on, each monastery had the states approved by the Government of monastic and primary persons, for the maintenance of which a strictly established amount was released. The clergy, thus, turned out to be in full dependence on the state, both in economic and administratively. The clergy was elevated to the rank of officials in the regions.

    Another consequence of secularization was an improvement in the position of former monastic peasants. The work on the monastery barbecine was replaced by a monetary interference, which at least regulated the economic activity of the peasants. Economic peasants, in addition to previously cultivated areas, received part of the monastery lands to use. Finally, the economic peasants were freed from the military jurisdiction: the vessels of the monastery authorities, tortures, etc.

    In accordance with the ideas of Enlightenment, Catherine adhered to in relation to the initiative politicians of violence. With the pious Elizabeth, Petrovna from the Old Believers continued to charge the pillow in the double size, attempts were made to bring them back in Lono of True Orthodoxy, they were excited from the church. Old Believers responded to the persecution of self-immolation with gars, as well as the flight either in the deaf place, or beyond the country. Peter III allowed the Old Believers free worship. Catherine II Valopeability extended further to the spouse's violence. In 1763 She abolished the split office established in 1725. For collecting double pillow, and a beard tax. From the double pillow was released from 1764. Old Believers who did not abstract church sacraments from Orthodox priests. "

    The tolerant attitude of the government to the Old Believers contributed to the economic prosperity of the Old Believers in Starodube, Kergents, etc., where rich merchants appeared. Moscow merchants-Old Believers in the early 70s of the XVIII century. Created Rogozhsky and Preobrazhenskaya communities - organizations that owned major capital and gradually subordinate to their influence of old-belt communities on the outskirts of Russia.

    Valopeability manifested itself in the termination of the infringement of the rights of Muslims. Thus, who accepted Orthodoxy, no longer provided advantages in the inheritance of property, Tatars Catherine allowed to build a mosque and discover the madrasas who were preparing the cadres of the Muslim clergy.

    In general, the secularization of church lands in the second half of the XVIII century. allowed the state to increase the land foundation, designed for the nobility, finally put the clergy dependence on the autocratic power.

    2.3. Administrative activities.

    2.3.1. General interactions.

    In 1765, the state survey began its continuation began in 1754 by Elizabeth Petrovna. To streamline landowners, it was necessary to accurately determine the boundaries of land possessions of individuals, peasant communities, cities, churches and other land owners. The general survey was caused by frequent land disputes.

    Checking the vintage ownership of rights caused persistent resistance from the nobility, since the ownership of the landlords by the middle of the XVIII century were numerous unauthorizedly captured government lands.

    The general survey was preceded by the creation of March 05, 1765. Commissions on general intertarization and then publishing Manifesto on September 19, 1765. With the "General Regulations" attached to it. According to the manifest, the government presented the landlords a huge land foundation, numbering about 70 million tents (about 70 million hectares). The actual ownership of the landowners for 1765, the manifesty declared prison in the absence of a dispute over them. (The number of disputes about the general survey is negligible - about 10% of all "cottages"). In 1766, on the basis of the "General Rules", instructions were published for the landlords and the Mezhdi provincial office and the provincial office. In the process of the general survey of the Earth, they were not attributed to the owners, but to cities and villages.

    The instructions regulated in detail the conditions for the removal of land to various categories of the population and institutions. The plans of individual land "cottages" on the scale of 100 inches in inches (1: 8400), which were then reduced to general county plans on 1 verst in inches (1: 42000). The specificity of the general survey was the fact that the basis of the configuration of one or another ownership was the boundaries of ancient tuber "cottages". Because of this, in the framework of the "cottages", there were often possessions of several people or joint ownership of the landowner and state peasants. The general survey was accompanied by the sale for cheap prices of unoccupied government lands.

    Especially great scope was taken in the southern black earth and steppe areas to the detriment of the nomadic and semi-human population. The typical feudal nature of the general intestine manifested itself in relation to urban land possessions and seizures. For each built-up soot of the disturbed land, fixed by the latest script descriptions, the city paid fines. The general survey was accompanied by the Grand Casting of the Land of Monodvords, State Peasants, Yasual Peoples, etc. The general intestine was all imperial and mandatory for landowners. It was accompanied by the study of the country's economic condition. All plans contained "economic notes" (on the number of souls, on the lifting and the barbecia, the quality of land and forests, about fishery and industrial enterprises, about commemorative places, etc.). A unique collection of plans and initial interactions includes about 200 thousand storage units. Special plans attached the field note of the landmark, field magazine and the intereth book. The results of the general survey to October revolution remained the basis of civil-law relations in the field of land law in Russia.

    The strengthening of serfs and long wars lay down a heavy burden on the masses, and the growing peasant movement turned into a peasant war under the leadership of E.I. Pugacheva 1773-75 Suppression of the uprising determined the transition of Catherine II to an open reaction policy. If in the first years of the reign of Catherine II conducted a liberal policy, then after the peasant war, a course was taken to strengthen the dictatorship of the nobility. A period of political realism came to replace the period of political romance. The Russian-Turkish war (1768-76) became a convenient reason for the suspension of the internal transformations, and Pugachevshchina affected the cuttingly, which made it possible to develop a new tactics. It begins the golden age of the Russian nobility. The satisfaction of the noble interests is coming out for Catherine II to the fore.

    2.3.2. Gubernskaya reform 1775g.

    In 1775, it was easier to manage the state of Catherine II issued an institution to manage the provinces, which strengthened the bureaucratic authority in the field and increasing the number of provinces to 50. The province is not more than 400 thousand inhabitants. Several provinces were governance.

    Governors and governors were elected by Catherine II from Russian nobles. They acted on its decions. The governor's assistants were the vice-governor, two provincial advisers and the provincial prosecutor. This is the provincial board and leads all the affairs. State revenues were provided to the State Chamber (income and expenses of the treasury, government property, sputter, monopoly, etc.).

    He headed the state chamber Vice-Governor. The provincial prosecutor conducted all court institutions. The cities introduced the position of Government as appointed by the government. The province shared on the counties. Many large villages were addressed to county cities. In the county, the power belonged to the elevated by the noble assembly of Captain-Corps. The court established in each county town. In the provincial city - the highest court. Charging could bring a complaint and in the Senate. For more convenient, the treasury was opened in each county town.

    Created was a system of a class court: for each class (nobles, citizens, state peasants) their special judicial institutions. Some of them introduced the principle of elected court gases.

    The center of gravity in the control was moved to the place. There was a need for a number of colleges - they were abolished; Military, maritime, foreign and commerce college remained.

    The system of local government was created by the provincial reform of 1775 preserved until 1864, and the administrative-territorial division Introduced by it - until the October Revolution.

    2.3.3. Praised diplomas.

    In order to design the estate privileges of the nobility in 1785, a pledged diploma was published. "The grades for the rights of the liberty and the advantages of the noble Russian nobility" was a set of noble privileges, decorated by the legislative act of Catherine II dated April 21, 1785. With Peter I, the nobility carried a lifelong military and other service to the state, but already under Anna Ioannovn it was possible to limit this service 25 years. The nobles were able to start service not from an ordinary or simple sailor, but from the officer who passes the noble military school. Peter III issued a decree on the liberty liberation, which gives the right to serve or not to serve, but this declaration was suspended. Now, the freedom of the nobles from the mandatory service was confirmed. The full liberation of the nobility made sense for several reasons: 1) there was a sufficient number of people prepared, knowledgeable in various matters of military and civilian administration; 2) the noblemen themselves were aware of the need for service to the state and counted for the honor of shedding blood for the fatherland; 3) When the nobles were overwhelmed from the farm lands came to decline, which fell into the country's economy. Now many of them could manage their peasants themselves. And the attitude towards the peasants from the owner was much better than by the Random Manager. The landowner was interested in his peasants were not ruined. The humbleness was complained by the priesthood of the state in the state and was released from payment of filters, they could not be subjected to corporal punishment, only the nobility court could judge. Only noblemen had the right to own land and fortress peasants, they also owned their subsoils in their estates, could engage in trade and arrange the plants, their houses were free from damage, the estates were not subject to confiscation. The nobility received the right to self-government, accounted for the "noble society", whose body was the noble assembly, convened every three years in the province and the county, who energized the provincial and county leaders of the nobility, court assessions and captain-corrections who headed the county administration. This humbled diploma nobility was called to widely participate in local government. In Catherine II, the nobles occupied the posts of local executive and judicial power. The pledged diplomacy was to strengthen the position of the nobility and consolidate his privileges.

    Promoted greater consolidation of the dominant class. Its action was also common on the nobility of the Baltic States, Ukraine, Belarus and Don. The pledged diploma testified to the crown of Russian absolutism to strengthen its social support in the setting of aggravation of class contradictions. The nobility turned into a politically dominant estate in the state.

    Along with the humble diploma, the nobility on April 21, 1785. I saw the light of a complained gradder of cities. This legislative act of Catherine II established new elected urban institutions, slightly expanding the circle of voters.

    Citizens were divided into six discharges on property and social signs: "Real City Oils" - owners of real estate from nobles, officials, clergy; merchants of three guilds; Craftsmen recorded in Come; foreigners and nonresident; "Eminent citizens"; Posadsky, i.e. All other citizens, feeding in the city of fishing or needlework. These discharges on a humble diploma of the city received the foundations of self-government, in a certain sense, similar fundamentals of the humble diplomas. Once every three years, the meeting of the "Grand Society" was convened, which included only the most wealthy citizens. The permanent city institution was the "General Hard Duma", consisting of the urban head and six vowels. Judicial elected institutions in cities were magistrates. However, the privileges of citizens on the backdrop of noble permissiveness turned out to be irrelevant, the urban self-government bodies were tightly controlled by the Tsarist administration - an attempt to lay the foundations of the bourgeois class failed.

    In addition to the humble diplomas, the nobility and the humble diplomas of Catherine II developed and a humble diploma of the peasantry (it was addressed only to state peasants). "Agriculture" was a full-finished project. He did not contradict the "punishment". However, this project was not embodied.

    At the time of the reign of Catherine II, there is a discussion of how to alleviate the fate of serfs. The Empress itself was an opponent of serfdom. She, at the beginning of the reign, dreamed of freeing the peasants from serfdom. She could not do this, firstly, because he did not meet sympathy among many close, and secondly, because the views of Catherine II changed after Pugachevsky Bunth.

    2.4. The peasant war and its consequences.

    In 1773 Don Cossack Emelyan Pugachev accepted the name of Peter III and raised the banner of Bunta. Catherine instructed the dilution of the rebellion of Bibikov, who immediately understood the essence of the case; It was not a frightened, he said, it is important for general displeasure. Bashkirs, Kalmyks, Kyrgyz joined the Yaitsky Cossacks and to the rebooting peasants. Bibikov, disposed of Kazan, moved more dangerous detachments from all sides; Prince Golitsyn liberated Orenburg, Michelson - Ufa, Mansurov - Yaitsky town. In early 1774 Riot began to subside, but Bibikov died of exhaustion, and the rebellion broke out again; Pugachev mastered Kazan and moved to the right bank of the Volga. Bibicova's place was taken by Count Panin, but did not replace it. Michelson smashed Pugacheva under Arzamas and talked his way to Moscow. Pugachev rushed to the south, took Penza, Petrovsk, Saratov and eared the nobles. From Saratov, he moved to Tsaritsyn, but was repulsed and under the Black Yarr was again broken by Micelson. When Suvorov arrived to the army, the impostor was barely held and was soon issued by his accomplices. In January 1775 Pugachev was executed in Moscow.

    The peasant war conducted a clear distinctive line in the alignment of social forces: in the fight against the rebellious peasantry, the main support was self-adjusting the nobility. But in the hostile peasantry camp was also merchants and industrialists. This fact is hardly more convincing characterizes low level development of capitalist relations and the same low level of class consciousness of the formated bourgeoisie. When receiving privileges from the feudal state, using the resources of the serf system, the merchants and industrialists did not speak against autocracy, nor against serfdom. Moreover, merchants and industrialists in the laid commission, as noted above, did not require the elimination of noble privileges and bourgeois equality, but to provide them with themselves.

    The fruits of the "True Celebration" tasted, first of all, the nobility. At the same time, the government appreciated the faithfulness of the old orders of industrialists and the tips of the merchants. The government policy of the coming decades was aimed at satisfying the aspirations of the nobility and merchants.

    The government organized special banks, issued loans to landowners and breeders to restore the economy on extremely favorable conditions - they received a loan for a period of 10 years under the mortgage and factories, and during the first three years of 1%, and the remaining seven years from 3% per annum .

    The peasant war discovered the weakness of local authorities, the inability to maintain silence in their own forces. That is why the concerns of the Empress were aimed at improving the regional administration, the reform of which was scheduled to hold before the peasant war. Catherine informed Voltaire in 1775. The fact that I published an "institution about the province", which contained 215 printed pages ... and, as they say, did not infuriate the "punishment". In the introduction of this document, there were deficiencies that caused the need for reform: the extensiveness of the provinces, an insufficient number of governing bodies, the displacement of various cases in them.

    Regional reform pursued security and fiscal targets. Instead of the previously existing division of the territory of Russia on the provinces, the provinces and the counties, two-membered division on the provinces and the counties was introduced, which was based on the principle of the population number: 300-400 thousand souls should live in the province, and in counties --20-- -30 thousand

    As a result of the reform instead of 23, the provinces was created 50. Another consequence of the regional reform was that it significantly increased the staff of officials. And since all the highest and medium posts in the provincial and county administration were filled with nobles, the latter received a new source of income: usually the officers served in the provincial and county institutions.

    Regional reform almost doubled the number of cities in the country: all points of deployment of the provincial and the county administration were announced by cities, and their population - Muscans and merchants. There are 216 new cities.

    The first to whom the tsarism struck, there were Zaporizhzhya Cossacks, which had long attracted active elements in their middle, ready to oppose the serfdom. In early June 1775 The troops of General Tekel, returned with the Russian-Turkish war, suddenly attacked the Zaporizhia and completely destroyed it. In Manifesto, the population of Russia, Catherine wrote about this event, that the Cossacks allegedly thought to draw up an area, completely independent, under its own control. After the yoke of the world 1791 The bulk of the Zaporizhzhya Cossacks was resettled to Kuban.

    The spread of the provincial reform on the left-bank owner led in the early 80s. To the abolition of administrative division on the shelves and hundreds and the introduction of governments, provinces and counties. All military regalia, resembling the previous autonomy of Ukraine (banners, press, etc.), were delivered to St. Petersburg. Thus, the remnants of the autonomy of Ukraine and the elements of its national statehood were completely eliminated.

    Reforming on Don was accompanied by the creation of a civilian civil government that copied the provincial administration of the central regions of Russia. In Estland and Liflandia, a special Baltic order was eliminated, which provided for more extensive than among Russian landowners, the rights of local nobles for the work and personality of the peasant. Baltic as a result of regional reform in 1782--1783. It was divided into two provinces - Riga and Revelskaya - with institutions that existed in other provisions of Russia.

    The unification of the people of the Middle Volga region, Siberia and other areas, and the government, holding the provincial reform there, often ignored the ethnic composition of the population. Thus, the territory of Mordovia was divided between the four provinces: Penza, Simbirskaya, Tambov and Nizhny Novgorod. Siberia was divided into three provinces: Tobolskaya, Kolyvan and Irkutsk. The provincial and county administration relied on the local tip: Princes, Thai and Zaisanov, who chosen the court and massacre.

    Simultaneously with the regional reform, the government carried out a number of measures in favor of merchants. Manifesto 1775g. Freedom of entrepreneurship was announced. It was a second step in this direction. The first Ekaterina made another 1762, abolishing monopolies in trade and industry.

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    Page 1

    In the history of the Church, in Catherine II, there were two banners of the events: the secularization of the clergy possessions, as well as the proclamation of violence, the termination of the policy of violent Christianizadium and the persecution of Inackers.

    The above was the promise of Catherine, given when he joined the throne, not to atocle the ownership of the church. It was the tactical step of the Empress, designed for the peace of the clergy, if not clearly, then a secretly received by the manifesto of Peter III on secularization, and the conviction of Voltaire's student contradictory. As soon as Catherine felt the inability of the clergy to seriously resist secularization plans, she created a commission from secular and spiritual persons who were assigned to resolve the issue of the fate of church land tenure. The Empress even prepared an emotionally rich accurate speech before the members of the Synod, ending with the words: "Do not defile the same to return my crown what you kidnapped by her imperceptibly, gradually." The need for a pathetic speech disappeared, the synodals showed humility and obedience. The only hierarch, daring to openly raise a voice against secularization, was the Rostov Metropolitan Arseny Matseevich.

    Is it fair to be a protest of arsion a serious threat to secular power, and should Catherine have to take decisive measures to stop the hurt? Forging the secularization plans of the Empress of Arseny could not, and it understood it perfectly well. And if Catherine voted the Buntar with a harsh punishment, then this share was most likely a personal opposition-undisguised hostility: an unemployed language allowed himself to respond sharply and unflatter to the Empress and this review was known to her.

    Implementation of Manifesta February 26, 1764 The secularization of church possessions had two important consequences. Manifesty finally solved a century-old dispute about the fate of church victuchin in favor of secular power, the treasury passed from the church institution 910 866 souls M.P. The installed semi-ears of the former monasteries of the peasants, which were called economic, provided an admission to the treasury 1366 thousand annual marks (1764-1768), of which only a third was released for the maintenance of monasteries and churches, 250 thousand. Spent at the hospitals and allections, and the remaining money (Over 644 thousand rubles) replenished the budget of the state. In the 1780s, the urgent amount reached 3 million, and together with other economic incomes -4 million rubles.) Of which only half a million was spent on the content of the clergy, and seven eighth income came the state.

    From now on, each monastery had the states approved by the Government of monastic and primary persons, for the maintenance of which a strictly established amount was released. The clergy, thus, turned out to be in full dependence on the state, both in economic and administratively. The clergy was elevated to the rank of officials in the regions.

    Another consequence of secularization was an improvement in the position of former monastic peasants. The work on the monastery barbecine was replaced by a monetary interference, which at least regulated the economic activity of the peasants. Economic peasants, in addition to previously cultivated areas, received part of the monastery lands to use. Finally, the economic peasants were freed from the military jurisdiction: the vessels of the monastery authorities, tortures, etc.

    In accordance with the ideas of Enlightenment, Catherine adhered to in relation to the initiative politicians of violence. With the pious Elizabeth, Petrovna from the Old Believers continued to charge the pillow in the double size, attempts were made to bring them back in Lono of True Orthodoxy, they were excited from the church. Old Believers responded to the persecution of self-immolation with gars, as well as the flight either in the deaf place, or beyond the country. Peter III allowed the Old Believers free worship. Catherine II Valopeability extended further to the spouse's violence. In 1763 She abolished the split office established in 1725. For collecting double pillow, and a beard tax. From the double pillow was released from 1764. Old Believers who did not abstract church sacraments from Orthodox priests. "

    Algebra in Al Horizmi
    Algebraic treatise by Al Khorezmi is known under the title: "Brief book of replenishment and opposition" (in Arabic: "Kitab Mukhtasar Al-Jabr Val-Mukabala"). The treatise consists of two parts - theoretical and practical. In the first of them, the theory of linear and square equations is settled, and some questions of the geom are addressed ...

    Novgorod Boyarskaya Republic
    Novgorod Land (North-Western Rus) occupied a huge territory from the Ice Ocean to the Rippiece of Volga, from the Baltic States to the Urals. Novgorod land was far from nomads and did not experience the horror of their raids. The richness of the Novgorod Land was available in the presence of a huge land foundation that fell into the hands of local boyars,

    Vladimir-Suzdal Principality
    Northeastal Rus - Vladimir-Suzdal or Rostov-Suzdal Earth (as it was called first) - located in the interflucery Oka and Volga. Here at the beginning of the XII century. There was a major boyars land tenure. In the Zalessky region there were fertile soils suitable for agriculture. Plots of fertile land were called opial (from ...

    What is the path of development of victorious suggests to choose Alexander III? What are the consequences of this choice predicted?

    The victorious advocates for the conservative way, he proposes to abandon Western influences, and especially from the Western education system.

    From the point of view of the Russian intelligentsia, what were the consequences of the course Alexander III for Russia? Compare the forecast and assessment of the consequences and formulate the problem (author - p. 368).

    From the point of view of the liberal intelligentsia, the board of this emperor turned his disaster.

    Question: Alexander III course is a tragic error or the only possible way out for Russia?

    Answer: As a rule, in reality, none of the outputs is the only possible. As for the path of Alexander III, he chose conservatism. The twentieth century showed the fallacy of this path. In Russia, it was he who led to revolutions. Because the board of this emperor really became a disaster. But in the 1880s, countries both with a liberal public building were equally successful (for example, United Kingdom) and conservative (for example, Germany). Therefore, the choice of Alexander III was indeed difficult, his path at that time was not all considered erroneous.

    Compare Alexander II management systems (p. 188) and Alexander III.

    Systems with these emperors are not very different. Under Alexander III, universities submitted to the Ministry of Enlightenment, the press, publishing house, scientific and creative societies were again obeyed by the Security Department. These measures reproduced the Nicholas I system, but the rest of the Alexander II system remained unchanged, the reforms were not canceled only, only adjusted.

    When conflicts and society could more often arise

    The discontent could more often cause the system of Alexander III, especially the intelligentsia, whose rights in press, societies and universities were drunk. But at the same time, to grow into conflicts, this discontent could less often, because the protests were suppressed in the embryos. Therefore, discontent was copied without the ability to "release steam".

    Why, in your opinion, has a political question formed in Russia?

    The conservative course of the government made almost impossible to the legal and open expression of discontent. Therefore, it was copied to the depths of society, the contradictions were intensified between the power and society, and not only the liberal and socialist intelligentsia. Society more and more stripped to political reforms. This desire was not manifested, while it was weak, and the ruler was located on the throne, but with his change everything changed.

    Is it possible to call the actions of Alexander III conservative counterformations? (Take out the problem of the lesson.)

    The new emperor most often did not cancel the reforms (except for the cancellation of the autonomy of universities), but introduced additions that completely changed the essence of the case. So the reform of education has not been canceled, but access in the gymnasium ceased to be all-known due to the circular "On the kitchen kids". Zemstvo reform persisted, but the Zemsky Chiefs now appointed the Minister of Internal Affairs. It was these measures that the liberal path was impossible for Russia, which the authorities and sought. But this is this way, as the story showed, would help to avoid many problems.

    Prove that the actions of the Ministry of Finance accelerated the modernization of the Russian economy.

    The number of industrial enterprises has increased significantly, foreign investments came to Russia. The country occupied one of the leading positions in the world among grain exporters. Thanks to this and other successes, the executions of the treasury annually by 60-70 million rubles exceeded costs. The economy as a whole strengthened significantly, the industrial coup made a significant step forward.

    Alexander III understood: the economy is out of politics. In this area, he was not such a conservative, as in politics, because Russia has achieved significant success. But all of them were reduced to no subsequent revolutions that occurred in many ways because of the conservatism of the political course of this emperor.

    Imagine that the university bench met two student of the 1890s - a Russian nationalist and a participant in the national movement of one of the outskirts of the empire (to choose from: Ukrainian, Jew, Georgian, Tatar, etc.). Describe their dispute about the national question in Russia.

    The Jew, at the beginning restraving, could only talk about the restrictions in the field of education introduced for the people of his faith, then it would have moved to the drawback a settlement, and then, having broken down, began to expose pogroms, lawless, even from the point of view of the legislation of the Russian Empire, but Unpunished, despite this.

    The nationalist could argue that the enemies of Russia can harm her, if they are dispersed throughout its territory, and when they are focused on a set of settling, the premium for them is facilitated. In his opinion, the formation of the enemies of the empire was also required only to harm her. And finally, when so harmful people overwhelm the bowl of patience, in principle, quite patient Russians, the reaction in the form of pogroms is quite natural.

    If you were on the site of one of these students, for what actions, the statements of the authorities and national movements to you - a man of the XXI century - would be a shame?

    The arguments of the nationalist are quite intelligent with the exception of their starting point: the Jews were not enemies of Russia at its very nature, such a single nation cannot be attributed, because such words are ashamed, just as for all the oppression of the non-Russian population (the line of settling, limited access to education , Education itself is only in Russian, prohibiting the print in native languages, a unwashed ban on promoting the same Poles and, of course, Jewish pogroms).

    Make your conclusion about the value of the course Alexander III for Russia.

    The conservative course of Alexander III led to the appearance except the political, as well as a national question.

    Judging by this data, what was the level of modernization of Russia and the development of capitalist relations?

    The level of development of capitalist relations was low, since 81% of the population continued to be peasants, and workers were only 8% (5.2% - urban, 2.8% - rural); At the same time, the peasants - the poor (33%) and middle peasants (21.6%) were almost nothing on the market. Modernization also remained low, since rural residents accounted for 74% of the population, and completely illiterate - 79%.

    Relying on the actions of Alexander III known to you, specify his personal qualities.

    Alexander III was a strong man, which is evident by what decisive measures he accepted against revolutionaries. He practically crossed public discussions, because it can be called not tolerating objections. But at the same time he possessed the mind whom the liberal course in the economy.

    Describe a dispute that could take place between the conservative, liberal and socialist on the following question: "What is the importance of the Board of Alexander III for Russia?".

    The conservative would have to admire these board. It began with the rampant of the revolution, the murder of the previous emperor, and ended with the aspiration of society, the defeat of the people. In the press and then the discussions ceased to be as sharp. Yes, it was largely achieved at the expense of censorship, but also at the expense of the general soothing of society.

    The socialist would have to argue the metaphor of Alexander III itself about the fact that Russia is similar to a huge boiler, inside which steam under high pressure. Periodic pairs breaks out. People walk around with large hammers that immediately swipe these bars. But someday such a big gap is formed that it is not possible to close it. True, the king said this in a private atmosphere, but in Russia, as you know, everything is secret, but nothing is a secret. According to the Socialist, even the king recognized that the revolution is inevitable. Indeed, someday the pressure of the steam will be so strong that it turns out a huge barrier, from which the boiler will ruin. And Alexander III just brought it around, ordered not to let couples outside.

    The liberal sighs hard on it, because the boiler will really ruin that in the metaphor means the end of Russia. With his interlocutors, Liberal could only tell about the delights of the constitutional monarchy with the Freedom of Personality and the Word, the Parliament from the representative of the Zemstvo, etc. He would probably be remembered by the liberalism of this emperor in the economy: replacing the patterned stage of a single unspecified tax, the final abolition of the temporary duty , Protecting, stabilization of the ruble, etc. He would only have to sometegone that the emperor did not show the same liberalism in politics, because it could bring no less brilliant results.