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  • Why when crying appear. Why do you want to cry for no reason? Such different tears

    Why when crying appear. Why do you want to cry for no reason? Such different tears

    When we are told that someone depressionwe present a person with a bad mood to the world Came in black paints. Indeed, when depressed, a person loses interest in life and work. He feels that the longing and sadness squeeze his chest and he constantly want to cry. Today, depression is one of the most common female diseases.

    Unfortunately, to sick depression woman The surrounding do not always belong with understanding. Often they take this disease as the manifestation of laziness, egoism, improper education and natural pessimism. Meanwhile, depression is a disease that requires psychotherapist interventions and good treatment. The earlier start the treatment of depression, the greater the chances that the disease will not take heavy forms, accompanied by alcohol abuse, drugs and even desire to end.

    Remember depression - this is a serious illness, and not just bad mood. If you do not recognize it in time and do not slow down, it can develop and bring suffering not only to the sick, but also his loved ones. To distinguish depression from a bad mood, answer the test questions of the American psychotherapist Williams Zanga.

    1. How often do you want to cry?
    a) without a serious reason I never cry - 1 point; b) I cry only after the quarrel - 2 points; c) I pay every time yourself or someone sorry - 3 points; D) I pay constantly, my tears are very close - 4 points.

    2. How do you sleep at night?
    a) never waking up - 1 point; b) if it is very upset, I can't fall asleep - 2 points;
    c) fall asleep and sleep badly - 3 points; d) constantly tormenting insomnia - 4 points.

    3. What is your mood in the morning?
    a) always wake up with excellent mood - 1 point; b) bad, only if there are problems - 2 points; c) in the morning I rarely go good and cheerful - 3 points; d) I can not even imagine what can be rejected in the morning - 4 points.

    4. Do you feel fatigue?
    a) No, I even feel cheerful after work - 1 point; b) I get tired only after work - 2 points; c) often feel fatigue even during the day - 3 points; d) I have no strength from the morning - 4 points.

    5. Do you like to do homemade?
    a) they deliver joy to me - 1 point; b) I just like to cook, and wash and cleaning me annoy - 2 points; c) I cook and remove only in mood - 3 points; c) All household matters annoy me - 4 points.

    6. How easy do you make decisions?
    a) I almost always accept solutions - 1 point; b) Sometimes I need someone's advice - 2 points; c) the decision to take me rarely - 3 points; d) Why should I make decisions and take responsibility - 4 points.

    7. How often do you feel longing and depressed?
    a) occasionally - 1 point; b) only when I stay alone (one) - 2 points; c) often - 3 points; d) almost always - 4 points.

    8. Do you think yourself with a happy person?
    a) yes - 1 point; b) sometimes I'm unhappy - 2 points; c) I often feel unhappy (unhappy) - 3 points; d) I do not know what happiness is 4 points.

    9. Do you love to communicate with loved ones, as before?
    a) for me there is no better pleasure than communication with loved ones - 1 point; b) only when I have a mood - 2 points; c) often I do not want to hear anyone - 3 points; D) They all annoy me - 4 points.

    I recently learned, and it surprised me that the number of earthquakes directly depends on volcanic eruptions. The more often volcanic eruptions occur, the less often the earthquakes occur. Power I. destructive consequences One and second depends on very many factors.

    Any cycle of energy consists of three links. On the first (initial) link, the energy accumulates. On the second (intermediate) - the accumulated is released. On the third (final) - the liberated is removed so that accumulation began again. Let both metaphorically, but how does this observation refer to this article about the cause of tears?

    If you feel a sense of hunger, what could be the reason for this? The question seems not quite appropriate, as the answer is obvious? Well, then do you really believe in what a person can cry for no reason? Perhaps you admit the idea that the reason for tears is there, but do not know about it, because you think that there are no reasons? But ignorance of the cause is not its absence. To clarify this topic, I started this article.

    The mechanical cause of tears is an irritant that acts on the mucous membrane of the eye. You know that it can even be an ordinary Sorink, which promotes the eyes and will bring garbage. Psychological reason The appearance of tears, is also an irritant, but already emotional, and "Sorinka" there is a completely different kind, but the function of tears in this case is similar - to derive the "garbage" from the body. What is "trash" and how it is formed, I will also write.

    The fact that a person has emotions and feelings - everyone knows. It is also known that there is an overacting of feelings and emotions, or its disadvantage, which is accompanied by boredom and apatine. In order not to feel boredom, which is perceived as something negative, a person often strives to saturate himself with emotions. But why does he do it? That's right - to align the emotional balance.

    The emotional balance is when a person feels calm and good, can even smile. And he is simply smiling from the fact that the muscles of the face relaxed. (In the crying person, 43 muscles of the face are involved, and laughing - 17). A relaxed face is perceived by other people as a light and joyful. It should be noted that the emotional balance is when a person does not jump from joy to the ceiling, but also does not die from boredom and despondent a long time.

    There is nothing wrong with rejoice and sad, the question is only how much it continues, and how these feelings are expressed. With the joy of things, things are much better, as they are perceived in society as something good, what you need to strive for. In the social and individual approval of joy, a person calmly expresses, lives these feelings, which does not allow them to accumulate. On the other hand, for various reasons (for example, with love), it happens that some people have a feeling of joy experienced, but are not expressed.

    But what happens when a person is emotionally bad? What does a person do when he experiences feelings, the expression of which in society and the person himself are not taken, are forbidden?

    In this case, many people simply prohibit themselves to experience feelings. Yes, some kind of magically overlap inside the flap of feelings, and they have an illusory impression that there are no feelings. But where are they? What happened to them?

    By the nature of your activity, I often deal with crying people. Now I remember one woman who has succeeded in the ability to suppress tears, which has lost the ability to cry. Her organism has lost the ability to self-regulation. It is comparable to the fact that a person has lost the ability to sweat, raise or lower the temperature of his body, laugh ...

    Other people begin to induce tears when they begin to live a traumatic past. Tears for them is a condition that should not be a reality. One girl straightly told me on a session, which does not want to cry, while listening to her story about the past, I was sure that the only decision of the situation for her in the present is plentyful. I was not surprised that she stopped therapy before recovery, since her stories were full of bitter tears, but she forbidden she forbid himself, and this two phenomena simultaneously combine simultaneously. It was possible to return to the former lifestyle: without memories, without tears, without change.

    There are other examples. For example, at the beginning of his practice, a girl came to me at the reception, who, by impressions, held tears to the first of their words. Then, when she spoke, "Dam" broke and she buried. She cried so much from the beginning and until the end of the session, which lacked the packs of napkins. Only after five or six meetings, when the flow of tears somewhat dot, she began to talk about their history. Her body defeated mental settings and stereotypes.

    In children, the system of self-regulation of tears is set perfect. Literally any emotion, which is stronger above the norm, can cause crying in a child. Crying for a child also performs the role of regulation of relations between parents, but about it a little later. So, until then, until the child's self-regulation in the child's self-regulation system, with its mental views on the crying process, everything is fine. But, as can be seen from the beliefs that are laid in many of us, things are literally deplorable.

    A visual example is the fact that in some hunting tribe, whose name I forgot, parents closes the child's mouth when he cries. This is done in order to cry the child did not move the animal to which the tribe hunts. So the child learns to stumble, and parents in every way contribute to this. Such an example may seem terrible, but in our society such a plugging of the healing process of crying occurs in other forms and species (I will write about psychotropic substances). The child, having learned to excellently use such forms and types of plugging, in the future, teaches other people and their children to the same, and, unconsciously.

    Having a big tear experience, I do not stand up to cry, as adults did in my childhood. When my child, for example, hits, I do not hurry to console him with the words that he immediately stopped crying. I do not take it away from him to be flushed, express my tears pain that he lives. I support it: I embrace, I stroke, I am near. - You will regret (Synonym the words take care, not pity), - I often ask. - Yes, - I hear in response. I can say that it will turn around and then pass; I do not deceive the child, and I'm not misleading that everything is fine. Such behavior, I show him that in his pain he is not alone.

    An universal way to suppress emotions is the use of psychoactive substances of changing consciousness. These also include tobacco and alcohol. If you do not believe, and you use psychoactive substances, did you notice what you want to smoke or drink after stress or anxiety? And what happens to you, if there is no opportunity to smoke, drink when you want it? Perhaps anxiety increases and nervous excitement? What do you feel when you still manage to take a psychoactive substance? Soothing, or some relief? If so, you managed to suppress various sorts of feelings, emotions, about the presence of which you can and not guess.

    Somewhere I read that the cigarettes would have to write on packs: instead of "smoking harms your health" - "Happy people do not smoke." It was so impressed me that I looked at my life with a loaf and on my experience of using psychoactive substances. And I noticed that the need for psychoactive substances the more disappeared, the more I solved my vital problems. I did not stop, did not throw these "habits", they simply disappeared from the fact that I became happier. At the same time, I learned myself to cry, but about it later ...

    What do you think will happen to people and their feelings, if you just take, and take away their opportunity to use psychoactive substances? What happens to aggression, discontent, the despondency of people, if these feelings stop blocked by substances? I am sure that aggression will start splashing on other people, on itself with a lavito-like force. And who is profitable? Yes, the fight against tobacco and alcohol use is carried out, but these substances can be calm in the store. And who is profitable, and for what? Even the state structure of drugs is referred to as: federal Service Russian Federation For control over drug trafficking. It turns out that follows from the name that this federation controls drug trafficking, but does not fight it. And who is profitable? Or am I too biased to this whole topic with psychoactive substances?

    People to some extent - emotional capsules. It turns out that society is easier to bury a person with a huge set of unspeakable feelings than to interact with these feelings. Even tears are often perceived in society as something terrible, which is necessary in itself or another person is simply suppressed, as it reminds about suffering, about sadness that I do not want to notice. And since the feelings are not visible, then they are no matter! As if both in the game of hide and seeing the child, closing his eyes, thinks he is not visible. But where are these feelings, I wonder for the second time this matter?

    Maybe they, these feelings, lost? Maybe hid? Maybe dissolved in the stomach when swallowed? Or simply accumulated somewhere in the deposits of the human body or soul? I think that I have accumulated, and, expressing a slang language, so as not to break the roof, the protective mechanism is included - crying with tears. It is the tears that help a person get rid of emotional "garbage", from the overaffect of feelings.

    Emotional "garbage," is all the things that much, which is not taken out (does not live), but simply accumulates in a person. Even the "garbage" may be a sense of love if it is not expressed in any way. Express is to do something when emotions are tested. Express - it means to cry and say when it hurts on the soul and in the body. Express - It means laughing, crying, talking from joy. Express is to run, attack, defend, when scary and dangerous. Express is shouting loudly and moan when I want to shout loudly and moan. Express - It means singing sad and funny songs when sadness or joy. (In folklore, mostly sad songs prevail, I think that the songs helped worry, express feelings about the difficult time).

    If you do not express emotions, feelings, and hold the "roof" (forbid yourself to express, show emotions) - "Foundation" will undermine. And the foundation is health. I will not stop on it, but it is emphasized that the depressed feelings cause pathology. (Pathology (from Greek. Παθος - suffering, pain, illness and λογος - study) - painful deviation from a normal state or development process. The pathologies include processes of deviation from the norm, processes that violate homeostasis, disease, dysfunction (pathogenesis)). (From Wikipedia).

    The reason to cry is the need to express the overabundance of feelings to preserve the emotional and physical balance. The expression of feelings with tears or other manifestations does not have a limitation period. This suggests that a person can experience mental pain, and only a few decades later, at a psychologist, he can hurt bitterly, remembering the past. From the time of people and think that since they cry, and there is no more clear reason now, then these are tears without reasons. These are tears with the cause that was so far that a person either forgot the event, or resists it to remember it.

    Resistance to remember (one of the forms of forgetting) is a conscious or unconscious failure to remember experience. For example, a person can resist remember death close man In the past, in order to re-worry the grief, which was too strong. It is the rejection of the residence of feelings that is banned for the manifestation of emotions, to express them through tears. A person begins to play with himself to play the game, in which he creates the rules that if there is feelings, but there is no tears (I skillfully suppressed them), then there are no feelings, and everything is fine.

    Tears for no reason, as can be seen from the above, does not exist. Even tears in a dream have their own reason, despite the fact that a person sleeps and does not think about anything. A person may not think, but the soul does not cease to worry even in a dream, and the dream is evidence. Simply, in a dream, conscious controls weakens, and experiences that are held by control, live (expressed) through dreams and tears. Such a person can even dreamed of dreams, in which he or another man cries.

    As can be seen, the human body is trying to protect itself from the imbalance with all sorts of ways, but many people confident that they are better to "know" what is right, and what they are not, they are trying to influence the processes of the body, debugged by millions of years. They are trying to influence and affect, but nothing is offered in return. This is something similar to the fact that the river was blocked, but did not break through the river bypass path; Just blocked the river, and that's it.

    The greatest difficulty in this business is that the society does not have the right culture of treatment with its feelings. It seems that if a person experiences feelings that are not accepted to express, they must be suppressed. It looks like the fact that if the child cannot immediately learn to write, then he needs to cut off his hand, because why does he need his hand, since he cannot write? Maybe there are other options?

    In our school we introduced such discipline as valeology. (Valeology (from one of the values \u200b\u200bof Lat. Valeo - "Being Healthy") - "General Health Theory, claiming an integral approach to the physical, moral and spiritual health of a person). Unfortunately, all classes have come down to the fact that you need to wash your hands, and everything in such a spirit. About moral and spiritual, and even more so psycho-emotional health, and speeches could not be, and it could be possible.

    With regard to crying and influencing it on human health, I want to write from myself that the manifestation of feelings through tears is a universal way to align the emotional balance. Cry - that's good way to keep healthy. For example, I have times when I can cry from a sentimental episode in the film, or when I just go down the street and feel that feelings with tears rolling to the eyes. Then, I just relax and let him cry.

    For me, such a sign is crying is evidence that there were feelings that I didn't quite realize, I lived. Cashing, and this may be the sum of feelings from different events (just a little bit), they, experiences, strive to put it out, go out. After such a phenomenon, I can analyze my condition and find the cause of such crying to understand and be able to change something, to trust. If it is not possible to find an explicit reason, then I do not upset at all about this.

    Some inquisitive mind can decide that such a manifestation of tear is a sign of my weakness. Well, I'm not at all the reader will persuade this. However, I will say that people who consider themselves strong for any reason, or those who want to be, block the manifestations of crying, based on the opinion that strong people do not cry. This is especially true of men who have a blocked opportunity to express feelings through tears is one of the causes of premature death. It turns out that strong people do not cry, but they die early.

    Literally yesterday I walked down the street and saw a man of an incredible physical strength. His muscles on the body were so great that he did not go straight, but turned out of side to side. Schwarzenegger - nervously smokes on the sidelines. So, I stopped, looked back, and stood so fixed for a few seconds. I thought that he was probably hard to be sincere (if possible), to exercise and express feelings, since he had to protect himself from something like huge muscles.

    Some financial successful peopleYou often consider yourself from this strong, also block the manifestation of feelings through tears. Moreover, they succeed even in not laughing, as they are confident that strong people restrain any of their emotions, which you need to control everything, otherwise ... otherwise, what goes beyond the scope of public and personal opinion, their own security .

    It is public opinion regarding crying forms a personal attitude. For instance: "Strong people do not cry", "Look at yourself, as you are not ashamed," "All children look at you, as you cry," "You are strong / strong, and strong people do not cry," "Men do not cry Men are upset, "Plaks, Vaks, Gutalin, on the nose hot pancake. Crying is not suitable, you can talk "(humiliating-diminutive insult), "Reva-cow, give milk. How much is? - three patch ", - etc. I am sure that every person has its message regarding tears, although some messages have fallen as deeply in the shower that it is almost impossible to identify their memories, despite the fact that they affect the behavior.

    I want to repeat a little, completing this article. The fact is that in itself cry is in some cases with a healing process. For example, if a person having hit, will pay from pain, he lines an emotional balance. Crying, maybe a therapeutic, but not healing when, for example, someone lives the loss of a loved one. It can cry from this for a very long time than weakened sincere pain, but complete cure is possible only when revising life views and values, attitudes towards himself and to people.

    The reader may notice that mental pain lives stronger than physical, and all because mental pain belongs to the worldview, attitude towards himself and people, values. And any revaluation, rethinking, changes lead to what does not coincide with the same rules, attitude to life. Independent pain almost always affects a bodily symptom. At another time, physical pain is only applied to the body, and it is not enough when it is related to a philosophical understanding of life, although ...

    Normal crying from the point of view of psychologists and doctors is a normal, natural phenomenon. However, everything should be in moderation. If it occurs without a reason, it is strange. When this is repeated more than once, it is worth seeking qualified help to a specialist. Sometimes tears sign about serious problems or failures in the body, which will not pass independently without proper drug treatment.

    The first thing to pay attention to when uncontrolled crying is an emotional state. Problems with the nervous system lead to unexpected emotions, for example, when congratulating the bride, a person can start crying. Tears can be so strong that the crying will remind the hysterical.

    The main cause of such a state is excessive fatigue. Braincases get used to work without a break, which is why there are failures in the work of the brain. The body is depleted to this and indicate a constant crying. Additional symptoms of fatigue are:

    • irritability
    • inattention
    • flashing anger
    • uncontrolled aggression

    It is important to go to bed on time and periodically take a vacation, especially for young people. It seems that youth allows you to withstand any loads, but this opinion is wrong. We need to take care at any age.

    The following reason is the temperament of a person. Biologists divided temperament into four classifications:

    • sanguinik
    • melancholic
    • choleric
    • phlegmatic person

    The temperament affects the perception of a person and its reaction to various life situations.

    Melancholics are depressive people, prone to a faint of more than others. This further influences the predisposition, heredity and education.

    The third reason is a hormonal state, it concerns the female population. And the climax of women are located to poor well-being, irritability, mood and excessive planetness. During the climax, those hormones cease to be produced, for which a healthy eggs answered. Now the body is preparing for aging, they begin to actively enter the blood of other hormones, which serve as provocateurs of deep euphoria and depression.

    What are tears?

    Everyone knows that people know how to cry. Just such tears? Someone considers them a protective mechanism: Sorinka hit the eye - so tears flowed. For other tears, it is, first of all, the manifestation of strong emotions. Joy or sadness, experiences or flour of love - all these states can cause tears in humans.

    We can say that there are tears of reflex, necessary for moisturizing and cleansing the eyes. And there are emotional tears, satellites of human feelings. About these tears and talk.

    I love shy ...

    The topic of tears is interesting not all. However, it is very worried about those people who have forever "eyes on a wet place." That's what they themselves talk about tears.

    - And I sometimes happened when I was very tired or worried for a very long time. Enough, so that at least one word was told when it was completely liming, and the tears are poured by a stream by themselves, and they are not easy to stop them. We just need to pay off.

    - When I found out that my favorite actor died, I could not believe it and cried, cried ... But why? I even personally did not know my idol, and I pay on it ...

    - If a person cries, it means he has a soul!

    - I cry just so, for no reason. Why so, it is not clear. At any time I can cry, just think about anything - for example, about the death of Snape from Harry Potter. I probably crazy?

    - Yes, tears really soothe. Here I will pay, and as if the stone fell away from the soul, you forget about problems for a while, or problems are no longer ceased to be problems.

    Who is crying all the time? What does all of this mean?

    Someone is crying openly, and someone shy their tears and hides them. After all, sometimes tears in humans are not understanding from the outside. Many consider emotional manifestations in the form of tears a sign of weakness ... Therefore, the question is on the agenda: "Why I cry and can do nothing with it, and others do not cry at all?"

    System-vector psychology Yuri Burlana makes clarity in this question. Emotional manifestations in the form of tears are most characteristic of winners of the visual vector. The vector is a set of desires and properties of a man's psyche, total eight vectors.

    For owners of the visual vector, and there are only five percent of such people, the highest degree of emotionality, which can manifest itself in a wide range. Their need for change in emotional states is very strong, but unconscious - it is in the range of these changes that the visitor and feels life. Emotions can replace each other instantly. It happens, a man is sad and lonely, and the next moment he already experiences enthusiastic feelings and surging love to everything around. At the peak of the feelings of tears, they themselves pour out of big beautiful eye. Accompany a visitor in sorrow and in joy.

    Since we see the world through ourselves, people without the same mental properties seem to be a visitor with darling, thick-sided, heartless. Emotional visitor Even an animal attributes to the manifestations of emotions: " I saw in my childhood, how the cow crotted, which was immersed in a truck to be taken to slaughter ... not only a man crying from pain ... " They also attribute the ability to feel plants, and small spectators - toys.

    According to the system-vector psychology, Yuri Burlan, such properties as emotionality and frequent tears are not our choice, but natural. All our desires, needs and properties are due to the presence of a vector. The need to cry is the innate mental property of the winner of the visual vector. Therefore, tears, as an opportunity to remove the inner emotional stress, viewers are necessary - children and adults, men and women.

    However, if the child is crying, a girl or a woman, it is perceived normally. What happens if a man pays? In our society, men's tears cause bewilderment, sometimes rejection (especially from men with an anal vector: "Are you a man or who?"). But if there is such a need for a man with a visual vector, then you can do it, just not in humans, but in a private atmosphere.

    Such different tears

    Typically, tears accompany strong emotional experiences, however, and here the reason for tears may vary. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Bourna explains what this difference is. We have already mentioned that the amplitude of emotional experiences in a person with an auditorium fluctuates in very wide limits: from fear for himself to love for all people.

    What depends on, what kind of emotions does the visitor feel and what feelings live? It depends on the degree of development of its innate properties in childhood and from their realization in adulthood. If the properties of the visual vectors are not developed and implemented, then the person does not know how to create emotional relations with others. Usually tears of such a person are associated with pity. And the feelings and suffering of other people do not find a response in his soul.

    If the potential of visual properties, namely the ability to empathize and compassion other people, is developed and implemented, the person turns out to be able to worry more than the other than for himself, feel his feelings as his own. Consider unlike.

    What kind of crying? What kind of Ryv?

    Harmful physicica set you, excellent, instead of the five fourth - and you can not hold back loud sobs. Here they pushed you in the bus - and the eyes were immediately filled with tears, standing, barely restrain, so as not to sob loudly and bitterly. The boss at work arranged a check and made a reprimand - again sit crying. With relationships it is not laid, and so I want to fly from love - and again into tears. And how sweet shine before bedtime in the pillow! How I feel bad ... I'm so unfortunate ...

    Many remember from childhood poem of Agnya Barto "Girl-Ryuvushka", which "crying, poured, sacks a dress ..." Which of us did not meet such girls in life - and small, and quite adults?

    Here they are, "tears in ourselves" when we pay from pity for yourself: "No one loves me." "I don't need anyone." "Why did so much suffering fell on my share?" "I'm so tired of solitude" ... Such tears are bitter, burning ... they only temporarily remove the tension.

    In this case, we do not think that someone else can be a thousand times worse at the same time, because I hurts "my finger" - it hurts me. And the fact that another soul burst out of pain, does not concern me. Even the people's saying is about it: "A stranger tear is water" ... I feel sorry for me, I want to love me and I regret me.

    And sometimes tears in such a visitor generally turn into an instrument of manipulation by other people, a way to attract attention. This usually happens unconsciously.

    Tears of compassion

    There are other tears. You are in the cinema - you watch the tragic history of the main character of the film: she loses his eyesight, it is about to go blind, she has to work hard for the sake of his son, but her plans themselves rushed in front of her eyes. And here you are sitting in the dark hall and squish your nose, and as the tragedy of the plot is completely restrained by sobbing. Only darkness hides your abundant tears. Looking around: everything is calm, people sit, just watch the movie ...

    Caught on the TV plot about orphans. Stories of baby, abandoned by parents, also do not leave indifferent. You sincerely perplex how you can do this with the child, as a mother can live peacefully, not interested in his blood. How does the baby survive, worries and love? And again the eyes are full of tears ...

    But tears overtake you not only in the tragic stories of human lives, but also in joy. Whenever you hear the story of the greatness of human genius, about people and teams that have made breakthroughs for the benefit of all mankind when you see fundamental results Human labor and creativity are excellent buildings, temples, objects of art, you are filled with an extraordinary sense of awareness of the greatness of man and involvement to all mankind. And again, tears flow out of the eyes, and such inspiration inside, so I want to do something big, important for all people!

    The article is written using the materials of online trainings on system-vector psychology Yuri Burlan

    Crying and tears are not only a physiological process, but also a way of manifestation of emotions, experiences and feelings. The life of any person begins with crying. Subsequently, the child uses tears to communicate with adults. Thus, he reports his needs, requires care and simply attracts attention.

    Adults also use tears to facilitate mental suffering or per minute of physical pain. But what to do if you constantly want to cry without a visible reason? Life hits the key, all relatives are alive and healthy, and tears come to the eyes. Is it normal or should you consult a doctor? Is it possible to cope with constant weighing yourself? Consider these questions more detail.

    Why do you want to cry without visible reasons

    If there are often tears from the eyes, and it seems to you that there are no reason for this, you are mistaken. Everything that happens with the body has its cause. The desire to cry all the time without external negative circumstances can talk about the following:

    Overview of the nervous system

    Stress in modern life has become so ordinary that we do not even notice him. Small unpleasant moments accompany us everywhere: transport, work, TV, life, store. If you add a bad ecology, avitaminosis, mad rhythm of life, then it turns out that a person exists in chronic stress constantly. Psychological protection simply does not have time to cope with it.

    Crying becomes the only active means that helps the nervous system at least somehow maintain the body in an active condition.

    Psychological disorders

    Depression is able to mask for fatigue or bad mood. No wonder it is called the "silent killer." If the complaint is "crying for no reason" lasts more than two weeks, and there are disorders of appetite, sleep, it is necessary to turn to a neurologist or psychiatrist. Tears is also peculiar to neurosis, panic attacks, mood disorders.

    Hormonal failures

    Emotional response can be intensified under the influence of certain physiological processes. This is pregnancy, premenstrual syndrome, climax. At such periods, hormonal changes make adjustments to an emotional state. A woman becomes more vulnerable, sensitive, plastic. This is a temporary phenomenon, but if it brings strong discomfort, then the campaign to the gynecologist will help correct emotional reactions.

    Physiological pathology

    Claims may accompany some diseases. For example, a vegalous dystonia, lack of vitamins, eye disease, tract pathology.

    Bitter memories from the past

    All the events with which strong emotions were associated are not erased from the memory without a trace. You think that you have long experienced and forgotten, but it is not. Memories, especially negative, are transferred to the subconscious of a person and with certain circumstances can be felt about themselves. If in recent times you have a whole day attack tears, then try to remember what I don't really want to remember. Consultation of the psychotherapist will help to deal with the past.

    Important! During a tense, extreme situation, a person is in such a "compressed" state that it is just once. Tears appear much later when all the troubles remained in the past. In psychology, this phenomenon is called "emotional rollback."

    In adult people, the crying is not a signal about the problem, like a child, but a way to restore the nervous system.

    Self-help: how to cope with excessive loyalty

    If the sudden cry attacks arise in not very convenient situations for this, then the following recommendations will help them to cope:

    • Strengthen control over your emotional state. Coverage with the stream of thoughts and memories, from which eyes on a wet place will help with meaningful deep breath. Focus on the air. When you breathe it, it is a bit cool, and on exhale it becomes warmer. If you can drink sweet water.
    • Distracting maneuver. Try to switch attention to what is happening around. How many people surround you what they do, describe what they are dressed. It helps to distract the brain from suffering from the solution of mathematical problems.
    • With high anxiety, excessive tear can be tried to calm down nervous system With the help of herbal sedatives. Review meals. Add more fresh greenery, bright juicy fruits and vegetables.
    • Information hunger. One day a week practice a complete refusal of the TV, gadgets, telephone. It is better to spend this time in nature, take a walk in the park or come up with yourself a hobby.