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    Iranian naval forces. Iran's Navy - real power or skillful propaganda? Iranian navy

    The situation in the area of \u200b\u200bPersian and Ormuz Straits is slowly, but it is right away. Threats, more than once expressed by various politicians and military of the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) on the overlap of the Ormuz Strait in response to the Embargo of the supply of Iranian oil to the UES countries and the termination of the transportation of oil of other countries suppliers to the West forced the United States and their allies to take real actions. US Navy strengthens its grouping in the waters of Iran seams. At the same time, both sides provoke each other, and there is a real possibility that the conflict can become hot. The US Navy is preparing to counter Iran's plans to overlap oil supplies. The rates in the game are very high, as even a short failure in the supply of oil resources will lead to a catastrophe in the global market and will raise the issue of US competence as a "world policeman".

    The combat capabilities of the US Navy are widely known. It is clear that in the long run in case of fracturing of a full-fledged war against the Western Coalition, Iran will have a little chance, but under certain conditions, Iranian naval forces may well be seriously paralyzed by oil supplies, in any case, at the initial stage.

    The importance of the Ormuz Strait for the global economy is difficult to overestimate - according to the Lloyd's Maritime Statistics Division, in 2006, up to 33% of world oil exports took place through the Ormuz Strait. If we take into account all types of petroleum products, then the share of the strait accounts for about 40% of the global marine exports of this mineral raw material.

    Ormuz Strait.

    Ormuz Strait is a narrow, which is strategically important both in a military and economic strait, connecting the Omansky bay in the south-east with the Persian bay in the south-west, in a natural way being an essential transport artery. The northern coast of the Strait belongs to Iran, and the South-United Arab Emirates and Sultanat Oman.

    Strait has a length of 195 kilometers, the width of the narrow scene of the Strait is about 54 kilometers. Maximum depth - 230 meters. The strait is divided into two transport channels with a width of about 2.5 kilometers each separated by a 5-kilometer buffer zone. At the moment, the Strait is the only sea, allowing to export Arab gas and oil to third countries, in particular in the United States.

    What power will be able to oppose the Military fleet of Iran and the Corps of the Guardians of the Iranian Revolution (KSIR)? What are their possibilities?

    The main tasks facing Iran's Navy, which are declared by the country's leadership:

    • maintaining hostilities against ship groups and aviation of the enemy in order to conquer domination in the waters of the Persian and Omansky bays;
    • implementation of the protection of territorial waters and sea coast of Iran, including important administrative and political centers in the south of the country, economic districts, oil fields, naval databases, ports and islands;
    • ensuring the protection of coastal maritime communications and violation of the enemy's marine communications in the Caspian, in the Persian and Omansky bays;
    • permanent control over the Ormuz Strait (highlighted red.);
    • the provision of direct support for the land forces and the Air Force during operations in the offshore directions, the conduct of marine landing operations, the fight against the anti-tales of opponents, maintaining continuous intelligence on the sea.
    The organizational Navy Ire consists of the headquarters of the fleet, four commanders, four naval regions (BMP) and include surface and underwater forces, fleet aircraft, marine infrontation, coastal parts of anti-workers, sea protection, coastal services and rear organs. In addition to the Navy, submitting to the Ministry of Defense of the country, the protection of Iran from the sea carry out parts of the core of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution.

    In recent years, Iranian leadership draws special attention to the increase in the maritime component of its armed forces. New surface ships, small submarines are being built, various types and range missiles are tested, Iranian ships performed a number of long-range trips, the operational tactical levels are regularly held.

    The forces of the Fleet Iran in the Persian Gulf and Omansky Strait are based on several VBMS on the coast (main - Bender Abbas, where the ISS headquarters is located) and on the islands, there are many more content points.

    Esminet type MOUDGE Iranian Navy

    The same area focuses the main forces of the fleet ship-boat composition. The basis of underwater forces - three diesel-electric submarines of the project 877EKM of the Russian construction of the 90s of the last century. These boats are considered low noise and the possibilities of their weapons are a serious threat. They can effectively act both against warships, and used to apply shocks on tankers.

    In addition to the design of the project 877EKM, there is some quantity (possibly several dozen) ultra-shallow pl, including as part of the KSIR - for the actions of special purposes.

    The surface fleet is represented by several large ships of both their own buildings and those who went from the Shahsky regime. It is worth mentioning two destroyers (actually - frigate) such as Jamaran, about 10 frigates and corvettes. The main surface shock force both the fleet, and the KSIR - numerous (quantitative assessment: from 50 to 70 units) Runny missile boats of various displacements. All ships are armed with anti-worker missiles of several types of both their own production, and purchased abroad, in the case of massive use, there are no tangible damage to the forces of the United States and NATO and, undoubtedly, disrupt the tanker transport.

    The landing fleet is represented by an essential number of ships and boats. About 15 of them are relatively large (displacement from 1,400 to 2500 tons) capable of landing tactical landings with lightweight technique. A significant part of the landing forces is a boat, including an air cushion. For direct actions against the US Navy, Iranian DCA are unsuitable, but will be very useful for the production of mine barrage.

    In addition to the PCR of the sea base, the fleet and the KSIR are placed on dozens of banking Mobile Mobile PCR complexes with a shock potential in volley to 200-250 missiles (according to different data, up to fifty starting plants, organizationally in 4 brigades) representing a significant potential threat to the US Navy ships, Their allies and in general shipping in the region.

    Another one, perhaps, the only effective way to completely overlap the movement in the Ormuz Strait - the formulation of mine-workers. The Iranian fleet accumulated large reserves of mine weapons (although obsolete), and almost all fleet ships are adapted to the production of mines. Moreover, it is possible to carry out the production in a very short time, and literally the first or second undermining of the supertankers can paralyze all shipping. In addition, mine harnesses will seriously work out the actions of the American fleet ship groups.

    In general, the quality of the Iranian Navy technique is significantly lagging behind the level of potential enemy, the weak point of the fleet is almost a complete lack of experience in conducting modern hostilities at sea, anti-submarine capabilities, problems with aviation cover.

    US Naval Forces It is necessary to develop two options for the fight against Iranian Navy. The reason for this is largely lies in the fact that Iran has two fleets that are significantly different from each other. The "classical" NMS coexist with less modern, but more fanatical forces, representing the "branch" of KSIR (the corps of the Guards of the Islamic Revolution - the personal army of clergymen holding the highest power in Iran). The two of these fleets are very different in different ways, study and managed.

    In the past thirty years, the Iranian Navy mainly consisted of their ships and courts of foreign buildings and only recently became able to independently build ships. These ships are not familiar, but they float, and their weapons, as a rule, operates. Superwater ships are small (1400-ton cartwesters and 2200-ton frigates), and miniature submarines are very diverse. There are only a few samples of each type, and their construction goes slowly, thus, apparently, the errors made in previous ships can be detected and corrected. Currently, the only large superwater ships are at the disposal of Iran are three new corvette and frigate, three old frigates of the English building (1540 tons each) and two Corweta American buildings (1100 tons each). There are also about fifty small patrol boats, ten of which are armed with Chinese anti-religious missiles. In addition, there are some more dozen trashrs, landing ships and vessels to ensure. The most powerful power of the fleet is the three Russian submarines of the Kilo class. There are about fifty mini-submarines, most of them Iranian buildings. The fleet has several thousand marines and about 20 aircraft and helicopters.

    The composition of the "Navy KSIR" includes about as many people as in the Navy (23,000, including maritime infantry and sea aircraft) and about 40 large rocket-torpedo boats (displacement of 100-200 tons each), as well as almost a thousand Small ships, many of which are just a boat with two suspended motors and machine-gun mounts. The crews of these vessels make up about a dozen armed machines, machine guns and RPGs "Guards Revolution". Some boats are equipped with both Kamikaze and carry only the crew of two or three suicide bumps, plus half-thin or slightly more explosives. On some of these boats, anti-tank missile systems were noticed. The Guards Fleet also has several helicopters and several thousand marines.

    Information obtained from refugees and radio equipment shows that the naval forces of the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution are mainly suitable for intimidation (their boats are often approaching foreign ships and commercial vessels) and suicide attacks. It concerns Western Flotovodians, since fanatics can be unpredictable and exposed to extreme courage. This is not just just about boats with suicide bumps, but also by sea mines and combat swimmers (scubaers who manage small mines that are fastened to ships and driving a hole in the building). On the other hand, the chances of winning fanatics in a decisive sea battle are very low, but these maniacs are very decisive, and they can sometimes be lucky.

    The command of the Iranian Navy consists of officers with a more traditional worldview. Western ship commanders tend to have a good professional relationship with their Iranian colleagues, even when Iranian Navy receive orders to "spoil the life" Western ships. When the Iranian commander "receives an order," he will fulfill him, no matter how strange this order is either, but it will be an apologetic (feeling his guilt) in front of his foreign colleagues.

    Iran's Navy has less opportunities than the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution simply because it has fewer ships, and the existing ships have large sizes (they are easier to detect and sink). In the last decade, the Navy is mainly operating in the Indian Ocean and the Caspian Sea, and on the enjoyment of the Islamic revolution, it was liable for the Persian bay and the protection of all Iranian oil objects along the coast. In fact, the Guardians of the Islamic Revolution represent a greater threat to the Arab oil fields and tankers, because the Arabs and their Western allies have superiority in the air and, thus, can destroy Iranian oil fields and tankers.

    Iranians hope to create such a significant threat to the sea as much as possible, even if this threat (in the form of Kamikadze boats and rocket boats, covered by coastal anti-workers) is short-term. In a long war, any Iranian naval forces will quickly be defeated.

    Iran's naval forces practically began to develop from the second half of the 60s, when the Government of Great Britain decided to bring his troops from the Persian Gulf zone and the question arose to strengthen Iran's military-political positions in the area.

    The strengthening of the Iranian Navy at this stage contributed to the ruling circles of which were considered as a conductor of their expansionist policies in the Middle East and thus sought to ensure their access to the oil resources of the Persian Gulf. According to Iran's military assistance program, more than 20 ships of various displacements were transferred to 1970 for preferential conditions. Thanks to the subsequent purchases of ships abroad, the Iranian Navy became the strongest in the Persian Gulf zone, which, according to the military leadership of Iran, allows them to solve problems not only in the Persian, Omansky bays and the northern part of the Arabian Sea, but also beyond.

    As reported in overseas printing, the Iranian Navy are designed to perform the following tasks:

    • defense of naval databases and ports;
    • protection of marine communications for which oil exports is carried out;
    • participation in the suppression of national liberation movement in the region;
    • support for the action of land forces in the event of a conflict situation.
    Consist of fleet and marine infantry. In organizational terms, they are divided into Navy North Naval Area (the South Coast of the Caspian Sea) and the Navy Zone of the Persian Gulf. Leads the Naval Forces Commander through the headquarters located in Tehran.

    According to a foreign press, at present Iran's Navy, there are over 50 warships and auxiliary ships, including: three squadrous police officers, eight guard ships (four vehicles of URO), six travelers, seven anti-submarine boats, 12 guard boats on Aerial half. In addition, the Navy has a marine battalion and anti-submarine helicopters (15 units). The number of personnel of the Navy about 13 thousand people.

    The main naval databases in the Persian Gulf are Bender Abbas (GVMB), Gorreshehr and Hark, in the Caspian Sea - Pekhlevia.

    According to foreign press reports, the Iranian Navy, along with obsolete ships, have contemporary, equipped with new types of weapons with electronic means. The base of the fleet - ships and boats of the English and American buildings.

    Escaded Mission Iran

    Squaded Museum of Uro are the largest ships of the Iranian Navy. They were upgraded at the beginning of the 70s.

    Squaded Mission "Artemis" (former English, like "Battle") was built in 1945, transferred to Iran in 1967. Its complete displacement is -3400 tons; Length 115.5 m, width 12.3 m, precipitate 5.3 m; the highest speed of 30 nodes; Armament: Zuro system, two paired 114-mm universal artists, eight 40mm automata and bombmeter "Squid". Crew 270 people.

    Squaded Mission "Baber" and "Palang" Former American, type "Allen M. Somner") Building 1945 purchased from the United States in 1971.

    Full displacement 3320 tons; Length 115 m, width 12.4 m, precipitate 5.8 m; The highest speed of 34 knots, weapons: System of Zuro, three paired 127-mm universal artists, two three-pipe torpedoes for firing anti-submarine torpedoes, two hedgehog bombings. There is a platform for helicopters. Crew 274 people.

    Iranian guard ships

    The most modern ones are four SAAM vehicles built in the UK in 1972-1974. Full displacement 1290 tons; length 94.4 m, width 10.4 m, precipitate 3.4 m; Armament: URO system, SI CAT system system, 114-mm artist and a paired 35mm machine. Crew 125 people. The remaining four Bayandor Watchman (Fig. 1) was built in the United States in 1964-1969 and transferred to the Iranian fleet under military aid program. Complete displacement of 1135 tons; Length 83.8 m, width 10 m, precipitate 3 m; Armament: two 76 mm artistine, two 40-mm automaton and bombmeter "Hedgehog". Crew 140 people.

    Fig. 1. Bayandor watchdog

    Minno-trawling ships Iran

    Minno-traly ships are represented by four basic and two raid trails of the American buildings of 1959-1962. Basic trashrs such as MSC (displacement of 378 tons) were obtained in 1962, and MSI raid-type (245 tons) - in 1965. Each ship is armed with a 40 mm machine and equipped with modern trawls.

    Anti-submarine boats Iran

    The anti-submarine boat of the American building of 1955 - 1960 was transferred to Iran in the late 60s. Three of them have a displacement of 146 tons, four others - 107 tons. The boats are armed with a 40 mm machine and anti-herineal weapon.

    Watching boats Iran

    The guard boats on the air cushion are built in the UK in 1969 - 1970 (Fig. 2). Of these, eight types of SRN6 (weight of the boat 11 t.) And four types of VN7 (boat weight 50 t.). On calm water, they develop speed speeds up to 50 knots. The boats are designed for combat operations in shallow coastal areas and are mainly used to protect numerous islands in the Persian Gulf and Ormuz Strait, as well as to protect marine communications in the coastal areas of Iran. Boats are used for the transport of goods and military units. The SRN6 type boat takes up to 30 soldiers with full weapons, and the VN7 boat is about 150 soldiers or 16 tons of cargo. It is believed that the boat on the air cushion can be armed with rocket systems of the middle range of shooting (class "ship-ship" or "ship-air").

    Fig. 2. Watchdog on SRN6 air cushion

    In addition, Iran's Navy has several landing ships and boats of the American buildings transferred under the Military Assistance Program in the late 60s. Some ships are outdated and will gradually be output from the fleet.

    In recent years, Iranian leadership allocates large funds for the purchase of weapons and military equipment, as well as to build modern ships abroad. Thus, in February 1974 an agreement was signed with France about the construction for Iran's Navy, six rocket boats like "La Combatant" armed with rockets. At the end of 1971, six squadrous databases of the type in the United States were ordered. According to the Iranian Fleet Development Program, also build guard ships and boats on an air cushion in the UK.

    According to foreign press, the command of Iran's Navy intends to have in the fleet and large ships. So, currently considers the issue of construction in the UK universal cruiser with a solid deck with a displacement of about 20 thousand tons. It is assumed that about ten aircraft with a vertical or shortened take-off and planting type and up to ten helicopters of type will be able to be based on it. This ship is planned to arm a "exospate" class "ship - ship" class and class "ship-air". It was also reported that Iran may buy a cruiser of this type in 1973. According to foreign naval professionals, such a ship in the Iranian Navy could be used to solve air defense problems in the area removed from the database of fighter air force aircraft, as well as to attach strikes on surface ships and enemy underwater boats in the sea and maintenance Intelligence.

    According to foreign press reports, the combat training of Iranian Navy is mainly aimed at the development of the tasks listed above both by national plans and the line. Iranian ships are constantly involved in the exercises conducted jointly with the Navy of other countries participating in this block. American military specialists and advisors take part in organizing combat training of the Iranian fleet.

    The recruitment of the Navy is carried out on the basis of the Law on Universal Military Meament, the valid service is two years. Unter-Officer Composition is preparing from the Volunteers who have passed the actual service. The training of officer personnel is carried out in the country's training centers, as well as abroad, mainly in the United States and the United Kingdom. The entire personal composition of the fleet is brought up in the spirit of the dogmas of Muslim religion and blind faith Shah.

    Reports of foreign press, the statements are representative of the military command and practical measures for the construction of the Iranian Navy indicate that this type of armed forces of the country plays an indecent role in the plans of the military-political leadership of Iran to expand its influence in the Persian Gulf Area.

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    The military-political goals of the Islamic Republic of Iran at sea have not been officially announced anywhere. Therefore, any analysis of the concept of development of the Iranian Navy is very conditional. Most experts believe that the aspirations of the leadership of IRE in this area lies the idea of \u200b\u200bproviding absolute independence in both internal and foreign policy.

    Political background

    The basis of the declared independence, according to Iranian leaders, will provide rocket and nuclear weapons. Therefore, in the direction of the possession of the Yao and the means of its delivery - long-range missiles - the main efforts are focused. Experts believe that the development of traditional species of military equipment in Iran is minor. Also, most specialists have doubts about the reality of efforts to destroy the state of Israel with rocket and nuclear weapons, although there are many political statements about this from Tehran.

    The Tehran Center of Nuclear Research, Center for Nuclear Technology in Isfahan, Nuclear Research Center for Agriculture and Medicine in Cerentia, Nuclear Research Center for Agriculture and Medicine in Zejda, Branch of Nuclear Research Center for Agriculture and Medicine, is working on the issue of Yao Nuclear Technology Center. Equivalent of uranium oxide, the content of U-235 is 0.08-1.00 percent) and the object of the Model Calaje.

    It is quite difficult to estimate the possible time of receipt of IRI nuclear weapons, but most experts believe that this will happen in the coming years. The former Minatom Chapter of Russia Evgeny Adamov at one time noted that Iran could create nuclear weapons. "They have enough qualified people. Experts in the nuclear field have been trained in the West in Shahsky times, "he emphasized.

    The concept of the development of the Navy

    According to reports, the main efforts in the development of the Iranian fleet are aimed at deploying a combat-ready marine group in the Indian Ocean. In the Caspian Sea, Iran's Navy is represented only by patrol boats (PKA) acting in the interests of the border guard and the Ministry of the Interior. At the same time, the very development of the Navy is minor in comparison with the land forces and the Air Force and this type of the country's armed forces, there are very limited tasks.

    These tasks include hostilities against shipping groups and aviation of the enemy to conquer domination in the water area of \u200b\u200bthe Persian and Omansky bays, the implementation of the protection of territorial waters and the sea coast of Iran, including important administrative and political centers in the south of the country, economic areas, oil fields, military -morial bases, ports and islands, ensuring the protection of coastal marine communications and violation of the enemy's marine communications in the Persian and Omansky bays, control over the ORMUZ STRIP, the provision of direct support for the land forces and the Air Force during operations in the seabed, Anti-theft enemy, continuous intelligence at sea.

    Given the experience of war with Iraq and periodic combat clashes with NATO Navy, the Iranian naval command is still preferred by the development of non-national submarines (navel), ultra-low submarines (SML) and combat boats (BKA) of small displacement. That is, those combat forces that can preserve combat capability in the situation of total domination in the air of the likely enemy, which is considered primarily in the United States.

    It should be noted that with neighbors, except Russia, Iran also have difficult relationships. For some time, Iri had claims to Azerbaijan, but in recent years they no longer speak out: obviously, in Tehran, close multilateral relations between Moscow and Baku are taken into account.


    Evaluation of the Navy of Iran by 2015-2020, given in the table, is quite careful and shows the preservation of development trends so far only small and ultra-low combat (SML and BKA).

    Dynamics of changes in the combat composition of Iran Navy

    Subclass of shipsNumber for 1998Number for 2012Predicted number by 2020
    Naughty3 3 3
    Smm- 15 >20
    EM2 there is no datathere is no data
    Kv5 6 4-5
    RKA11 48 23
    PKA139 >150 130
    Mtk5 there is no datathere is no data
    DK9 9 12-15
    DCA8 12 22
    A nasomic submarine
    SMLL - ultra-low submarine
    Em - Esminets
    KV - Corvette
    RKA - rocket boat
    PKA - Patrol Boat
    MTK - Minno-Truly Ship
    DK - landing ship
    DCA - landing boat

    Underwater power

    Nap Currently, in the combat composition of the Navy, there are three nominations of the project 877EKM of the Russian construction. They are intended to solve combat problems mainly in the Indian Ocean, although in peacetime they actively demonstrate their fighting opportunities in the Persian Gulf. According to some data, these boats may soon be upgraded to use the CLUB-S winged missiles (CR). In the early 2000s, the Activity of the project 877EKM was reduced due to problems with batteries (require replacement) and the need for equipment repair. By 2011, these problems were overcome and boats began to perform long-range trips, including in the Red Sea.

    However, today the basis of the underwater forces of Iran become a sample, intended mainly for action in the Persian and Omansky bays. As of the end of 2011, according to the counter-admiral of the Garbama of Hadhem-Bigama, in combat composition there were 15 samples of two projects: 14 types of Ghadir (work is carried out from 2004, three more to four such samples are in different construction stages) And one type of Nahang. Ghadir type samples were created with technical help of the DPRK (the development of Yugo boats). The overall construction program of Iranian samples can reach 30 units.

    The management of Iran's Navy emphasizes that the country was able to master the construction of a sample from national components. However, most experts belong to this skeptical, believing that if it succeeded, the technical level of components corresponds to the world analogues of the 70s and 1980s.

    The weapons of all Iranian PL will probably receive a jet Torpeda type "Shkal" (Iyr Navy on April 4, 2009 successfully conducted its tests). According to the representative of the Iranian command, this is the fastest torpedo in the world. Some experts argue that several samples of Torpeda "Shkva" were acquired by China in the CIS through Kyrgyzstan and then put in Iran.

    Amphibian power

    The composition of the Navy has nine tank-modest ships (seven middle - STDK and two small - MTDK), 12 landing boats, of which six are on the air cushion. There are promising plans for three more STDK.

    Multipurpose forces

    CRV In the combat composition of the Navy, there are three CBV types of Alvand (VOSPER MK 5). They were ordered in the UK back in 1966 and had two modernization - in 1977 and 1988. In the 1997 on the ships, the launchers of anti-develop missiles (PCR) SEA Killer were replaced by PCR C-802 Chinese production. Iran independently built one CVV of this type of Jamaran on the existing technical documentation that some changes were made. In particular, a diesel installation (DB) was applied instead of a diesel gas turbine unit (DGTU), and the runway is placed in the stern (runway) for the helicopter. The construction of the second CBV of this type is underway with the delivery period in 2013.

    In addition, the Navy includes two Corwets of the American building, transferred to the USA Shakhsky regime under the 1964 Assistance Program. Despite the long service life, all CBV are actively used and are in good technical condition.

    Potrol power

    RKA. In the combat composition of the Navy as of the beginning of 2012, there are 23 relatively large rock with displacement of 200-275 tons. Ten boats of type Houdong with PCR C-802 are built in China, ten types of Combattante II mainly with PCR C-802 - in France and three more boats of this type - in Iran. In addition, there are 35 rocks of a small displacement of 10-14 tons with PCR or NUR small shooting range built with China, DPRK or independently.

    PKA. At the beginning of 2012, the presence of a large amount of BKA (more than 150) is mainly a patrol destination with a displacement of 1.5 to 170 tons. At the same time, three Kajami boats are so-called semi-loaded, that is, they can move at a small depth using a RDP type device (engine operation under water). Such projects are developed in the Soviet Union in the 60s, but have not been implemented.

    Iran to a certain extent repeats the path of development of the Soviet Navy of the early 60s, when the USSR tried to create a "huge and invincible mosquito fleet." In fairness it should be noted that during the war in the Persian Gulf, even the powerful deck aviation of the US Navy could effectively deal with the ultra-alone BKA Navy Iran. Shooting on them PCR was impossible, and the use of guns, ordinary bombs and Nar was also difficult because of small size and high maneuverability of boats.

    Mino-trawing forces

    Currently, in the combat composition of Iran's Navy, there are no trawls (TSH), but there are six trash helicopters (WTCH) type RH-53D. The absence of ships of this class and even plans for their construction indicates that the command of Iran's Navy during the war plans to use mainly boats and sly, for which mines represent a smaller threat than for large ships.

    Shipbuilding programs

    Iran is now aimed at the construction of a sample, the completion of one CVV and the construction of boats (RCA, PKA and DCA).

    The Minister of Defense Iri Mostafa Mohammad Nadzhar at the bookmark ceremony of the new supermala submarine in 2008 stated: "The Islamic Republic becomes self-sufficient in the production of all types of military vessels." He also emphasized the fact of equipping this sample with a new underwater rocket. According to him, the development of new weapons of the type of surface and underwater missiles will increase the defense capability of the fleet in the territorial waters of Iran and will prevent the country attack.

    Most experts note that the IRI military shipbuilding program in the main features is copied by a similar program of the North Korea military shipbuilding program. However, in the technological aspect, Iran lags behind the DPRK for 10-20 years, as its national shipbuilding industry is in its infancy.

    Assessment of the military-industrial base

    The creation of rocket and even nuclear weapons will not be able to provide Iran technological breakthrough in the field of military shipbuilding. And there are several reasons here.

    For example, with all the complexity of creating a rocket and the Yao, their production, according to most experts, can only be based on the limited number of specialized enterprises. That is, with a small seriality, it is possible to create them on experienced production. The creation of ships, maritime weapons and aviation equipment is in large numbers of production, and this requires a high technological level of the development of the whole country.

    A fundamentally new moment in reforming the Iranian military-industrial complex was the orientation on the priority development of the licensing production of technologically complex samples of armaments.

    Currently, the shipbuilding industry is represented by the enterprises of the Shahid Dgalai industrial group. It has three shipbuilding plants (CVD) located in the cities of Bender-Abbas, Bushehr and Enzeli, who have construction experience, including assemblies on foreign licenses and with the help of other countries of landing ships, patrol and landing boats (water-displacement to 90 tons), as well as vessels of auxiliary. In Bushehr, using Chinese specialists in the late 90s, work began on the licensing construction of two Hudong rocket boats, more precisely, their assemblies from blocks supplied from China. At the shipyard in Bender Abbas with the help of specialists from the DPRK, construction of a sample was established.

    However, with all these successes, the main difficulty remains - the general technological lag of Iran. Although oil in the country is also mined for more than a hundred years, Iranians are still unable to conduct rigs without the help of foreign firms. Without foreign help, IRI cannot build oil refineries, which is why the third consumed of the gasoline country is forced to import. And this is in the country - exporting oil appropriate for regional leadership.

    That's why most experts believe that Iran has not yet has a scientific and technological base for independent creation of modern military equipment and it is necessary to start with the preparation of its own scientific and technical personnel. In this regard, it is likely that in the coming years a significant influx of specialists and teachers in Iry will be celebrated. Experts are also afraid that considerable part of the arrivals will be imported into the country illegally.

    In the event of combat operations, it is possible that the Iranian shipbuilding industry and the United States and Israel may be caused by irreplaceable damage, the consequences of which are unlikely to be compensated in the near future.