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  • George the first grader: all the fun about the school of the young prince. Prince George is going to school this week Prince George is going to school

    George the first grader: all the fun about the school of the young prince.  Prince George is going to school this week Prince George is going to school

    Prince george Returns to Thomas Battersea School this week. Let's see what the future king is about to learn in this upcoming school year.

    The private school, with a tuition fee of £ 6,110, is for both boys and girls between the ages of 4 and 13. Aside from teaching, the focus is on arts, sports and outdoor activities, so it should come as no surprise that George will be more busy at school compared to his last year.

    On the first day, he will be a little scared to meet a new teacher and get a job in a new class, but some things will remain the same as his school uniform, his classmates and his friends.

    In his first year, George studied French, computer, art, music, drama and ballet, but the new academic year will introduce him to new subjects such as history and geography. Children will also be taught mathematics and English. Jord will even get homework — ten minutes of reading every night.

    Also, George and his classmates will study the days of the week, months of the year, numbers up to twenty, colors, names and addresses, and the name and address of the school.

    Still young George will be engaged in Religious Studies, in which he will develop awareness of "spiritual and moral problems in life experience." He will be taught key features Christianity, as well as other major world religions. The curriculum here will focus on introduction to the Bible and the New Testament throughout the year.

    Surprisingly, George already knows a little French, having learned to say hello and count from one to ten. He will now study days of the week, classroom subjects and traditional French songs. There will also be an emphasis on simple fairy tales and storytelling that will help children “develop accurate pronunciation and fluency”.

    George and his friends will also have a 40-minute computer science lesson. They will learn how to turn their computers on and off, open and close programs, recognize and use tools in Word, save and load their work in different folders, and use a mouse with "increased precision and confidence." These lessons will not be taught in their classroom, but in a room that has 22 networked computers.

    Prince George will also have Drama - one 40-minute lesson per week. In the classroom, children will be taught the skills of communication, confidence, teamwork, physical awareness and observation. In addition to the Drama, there will be a music lesson, which is described as “an integral part of the curriculum”. The school called singing “a very important feature musical development and the child's experience ”. Year 1 students can also join the choir. It works on a “come and sing” basis without listening, with the hope that the child will nurture the love and pleasure of singing from within. Meanwhile, if the child wants, he can have individual or group instrumental lessons at school.

    The new school year Prince George started on September 6. What awaits a student of a prestigious private school and with what other celebrities is the firstborn Kate Middleton attending lessons?

    Knowledge is priceless!

    The young prince began school at the age of four. The first-born Kate Middleton is a student at Thomas' s Battersea private school in south-west London. Note that in the UK, children attend Kindergarten up to 4-5 years old, then go to primary school... The cost of training the prince is 18 thousand pounds per year (1,500 million rubles).

    Everyone dances!


    According to the British media, the school where Prince George is studying will have an active extracurricular activities... And there is special, increased attention to choreography lessons at school. For two years, children master the skill of dance, and then take exams at the Royal Academy of Dance. Program training course consists of three dance disciplines:

    • ballet is the foundation and the most important part of the curriculum;
    • free dance - a mix course that incorporates movements from many popular dance directions including jazz and contemporary;
    • character dance - a theatrical presentation of a national dance using original ethnic music. In three styles: Hungarian, Russian and Polish, chosen for their historical significance in the development of 19th century classical ballet.

    Schedule changes

    Instagram @kensingtonroyal

    Becoming one class older, Prince George will study history, geography, master calligraphy and learn to draw. V curriculum there is a place for Bible study. Note that Thomas's Battersea school pays special attention to information technology... Therefore, Prince George will begin to master the basics of computer literacy: working with text and applications.

    In a healthy body healthy mind!

    Particular attention is paid to the school physical education... Students will participate in team and individual competitions.

    Instagram @theprincegeorgeofcambridge

    Lessons on a delicate topic

    In the school schedule of Prince George, PSHE (sanitary and educational work) classes are planned, which touch on the topic of a half-meal and are obligatory - in the educational program.

    Now at home: one study

    Not only has changed this year school program boy, but homework was added.

    Instagram @theprincegeorgeofcambridge

    Bon Appetit!

    Food for students: Turkey and ham pie, broccoli and cauliflower, steamed, potatoes. For fans of fish dishes, chefs prepare mackerel with lentils. There is also a vegetarian menu: chickpeas, spinach and sweet potato curry.

    Kids love sweets, so desserts include Portuguese pie, fresh fruit, oatmeal cookies and raisins served with a banana milkshake or tropical fruit shake.

    Parlais wu france?

    Kate Middleton and Prince William were chosen for their son Thomas' s Battersea Private School for the reason that its syllabus foresees the study French and art.

    Instagram @kensingtonroyal

    Privacy is important

    The Cambridges decided not to share Prince George's school photos this year. We will remind, last year there were official photos on this topic. The reluctance to demonstrate the school routine of the first-born Kate Middleton is due to the fact that the spouses consider this to be a private history of their family. After all, as you know, the eminent parents of the boy try to protect him from the increased attention of the press.

    Two royal persons in one class

    In the same class with Prince George, his relative, Maud Windsor, is studying. The girl's father is a second cousin Prince Charles.

    0 September 7, 2017 11:50 am

    The academic year began not only for millions of schoolchildren and students around the world, but also for a four-year-old: the heir to the British crown today, September 7, went to London. The boy was escorted by his father, Prince William, who led George by the hand to Thomas's Battersea school and introduced him to its principal, Helen Haslem. official page Kensington Palace on Instagram:

    The Duke of Cambridge took Prince George to Thomas's Battersea School in London this morning. The Headmaster met Their Royal Highnesses at the entrance and escorted the Duke of Cambridge and Prince George to class. This is Prince George's first day at the new school.

    - said representatives of the palace.

    The footage shows that little George is a little worried, getting to know the headmaster. Perhaps the prince was missing his mother on this day: she missed the first line of her son in the new school, as she suffers from morning sickness due to.

    But Kate had time with her son's teachers: shortly before the start school year the dukes of Cambridge went to parent-teacher meeting where we met teaching staff school, George's classmates and their parents. Thomas' s Battersea is a new educational institution for the prince. Since January 2016, the son of Kate and William attended the Westacre Montessori School Nursery in Norfolk, where the family lived for three years. new school for George. Parents of the boy Thomas "s School, a year of study in which costs 23 thousand dollars.

    Contrary to popular expectations, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge decided to continue the tradition of ignoring all the typical "royal" educational institutions(as was the case with kindergarten) and send their eldest son to study not at Wetherby Prep School, where his father and uncle went, but in the hitherto little-known family private school Thomas' s Battersea (more about where else he could study heir, read: Schools for future kings: where Prince George will be and where he could study.) Now the road from Kensington Palace to the Prince's school will take not three minutes by car, as in the case of Wetherby Prep School, but all twenty. William and Catherine have already stated that they will try to drive their son on their own and do not in any way contribute to George's presence in any way "contrary to the values ​​of Thomas' s Battersea."

    What are these values ​​and how little George's life will change with the advent of lessons and homework, we tried to find out.

    Honor of the school

    Facade of Thomas' s Battersea School, where the Prince of Cambridge is enrolled

    So, in September, Prince George of Cambridge will have the first day of school at Thomas' s Battersea, one year in which his parents will cost $ 23,000. the popularity of the school is only growing. Thus, the authoritative portal Good Schools Guide, which provides detailed reviews of British educational institutions, has already stated: educational institution is growing with such a progression that some parents reserve places in it for their children even before their birth.

    Meanwhile, not everyone can get into the same school with the heir to the British Crown - Thomas' s Battersea has a competition of 3 people per place, and the selection is carried out according to criteria such as "self-confidence, responsiveness, sociability and light in the eyes."

    The school's motto - "Be Kind" - capaciously reflects the main value of the educational institution: tolerance. Thomas' s Battersea is home to at least 19 nationalities and has earned the reputation of “a large, active and slightly chaotic school for cosmopolitan parents to give their children better education that can only be obtained for money. " The school deliberately develops in children the need to communicate and be friends with all classmates - so much so that the very concept of “ best friend»Is considered taboo in this institution.

    And although, according to the guide, some particularly "reserved" persons may find Thomas's Battersea's teaching style too "oppressive", the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge obviously liked the values ​​of the school. George will go to the youngest grade (the institution accepts children with 4 to 13 years old), after which he will go to high school- most likely, to the elite Eaton or Westminster (unless, of course, Kate's democracy prevails here too). In the meantime, the next nine years of his life will be something like this.

    What will be taught

    “At every school, we strive to provide students with a program that meets the highest academic standards, as well as a rich and diverse timetable, aimed at quality learning, enjoyment and achievement of goals,” - as Thomas "s Battersea, which has several branches throughout London, describes herself yourself. What is behind this beautiful phrase, you can understand by looking at the list of disciplines that Prince George and his classmates will study.

    In the first year, students mostly study the world in game form... Their schedule will include physical education, the world, as well as a subject called "personal, social and emotional development". There will be disciplines and more serious (for example, the basics of mathematics, spelling, native language and even French), and “for the soul” (ballroom dancing, art, music and ICT).

    Students will be transported to sports competitions (including rowing) by their own buses, and schoolchildren will spend winter holidays at the branch of the institution in Austria, skiing.

    School uniform

    And here is the form of the future first grader. If his father and uncle wore a gray wool uniform with red piping, then George will go to school in a navy jumper, matching trousers, a blue shirt, red socks, black boots, and a scarlet print tie (red piping, by the way, there is also here). A uniform with the institution's symbol - a unicorn with a book - has been sewn for Thomas' s Battersea by the British company John Lewis for many years at an average price of 30 pounds sterling.

    Prince William and Prince Harry in Wetherby Prep School uniform

    Student Thomas' s Battersea in uniform by John Lewis

    In addition, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will have to purchase sportswear for their son (including a pool cap and ballet shoes), as well as a special apron for painting.

    In total, for a winter and summer kit, as well as costumes for dancing and physical education, William and Kate will pay about 365 pounds. And this does not include a satchel, stationery and "their" additional items of outerwear (for example, a winter hat, gloves and a scarf).

    The diet

    The future luminaries of British science in the early years will study before lunch and eat twice a day. In the morning, students will be offered natural organic milk, a fresh raisin bun and Italian breadsticks - grissini as a snack.

    For lunch, schoolchildren will rest with freshly prepared (but without any special frills) dishes: natural meat, vegetables, and dairy products. It seems that Thomas's Battersea diet will especially suit the taste of George's grandfather Prince Charles - a fan of everything organic.

    What surname will Prince George wear?

    Finally, when almost all the cards regarding the future studies of the heir are revealed, the last intrigue remains: how will teachers and classmates turn to the famous student? The fact is that members royal family Those close to the queue for the throne are not entitled to a surname: according to the protocol, they must be addressed by their title - for example, "Prince of Wales", "Duchess of Cornwall", "Earl of Wessex" and so on. However, in Thomas' s Battersea, little George is given away, including in order to avoid as much as possible a special relationship to the heir, so the reference "Prince of Cambridge" is excluded here.

    The public is still wondering how the student will be named. According to one of the versions, the surname of the prince will become simply "Cambridge", by analogy with how his father and uncle were called "Welsh" at school. According to the other, George will be called by the surname of the dynasty - Mountbatten-Windsor. However, here, too, some ambiguities arise. The fact is that only Elizabeth's younger sons, Andrew and Edward, bear a double surname. This story dates back to the middle of the last century, when the family of Prince Philip and the Duke of Edinburgh himself demanded from the monarch that the surname and their dynasties - Mountbatten - be included in the glorious family of Windsor. And Elizabeth herself, madly in love with her husband, might have gone for it, if not for the categorical "no" from Parliament. Elizabeth's first children - the heir to Charles and the "spare" Princess Anne - were strictly forbidden to give their father's surname, but the third and fourth sons were still allowed to take a double surname. Since then, the descendants of Andrew and Edward, in exceptional cases, bear the surname Windsor-Mountbatten.

    The news that Prince George went to school was a real highlight of this week. The photographs in which William of Cambridge leads the first-born by the hand caused many a smile of affection: a child in a school uniform looks very touching. In order for George to receive a good education, William and Catherine chose the school for a long time and responsibly. As a result, the preference was given to Thomas’s Battersea Preparatory School in London, which costs about 18 thousand pounds a year, and, judging by the information about how the training is going, this price seems quite justified.

    Prince George is nervous on his way to school.

    George of Cambridge is the third in line of succession to the British throne. Parents - William and Catherine of Cambridge - do not hide their joy that their baby has become a student this year. Four-year-old George was sent to preparatory school... On the first day of school, William personally led his son to the school building, where he was met by the director, Helen Haslem. Father and son arrived at school in a private Range Rover ten minutes before the start of the lesson. George was wearing a school uniform: a jumper, blue shirt and shorts. In his hands, William carried a satchel with a George Cambridge patch.

    Prince George is accompanied by his father, William of Cambridge, and the headmaster, Helen Haslem.

    Unfortunately, Katherine was unable to be with her son at this crucial moment due to poor health. While expecting her third child, the Duchess suffers from toxicosis.

    Prince George on his first day of school.

    The photographs show that George was confused: after shaking hands with Helen, he immediately ran to his father. However, literally a few minutes later, the boy calmed down and began to get acquainted with his classmates. There will be 20 people in the prince's class. In addition to general education, children will be taught the basics of ballet, French, art, drama and music.

    The first acquaintance with the school.

    William and Catherine took a long time to choose a school. As children, they studied in traditional schools, but for their first son they wanted to find educational institution where training will be more interesting and effective. Thomas "Battersea is said to be" a large, busy and somewhat chaotic school for cosmopolitan parents who want their children to get the best education money can buy in England. "

    Locals await the arrival of the prince at the school.

    Prince George with his mother Catherine of Cambridge.

    William and Catherine are waiting for the addition to the family.

    Prince George became a preparatory student.