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  • Physical education lesson of the 21st century project. Physical culture lesson of the XXI century. Mikhail Andreev, dance instructor

    Physical education lesson of the 21st century project.  Physical culture lesson of the XXI century.  Mikhail Andreev, dance instructor

    58 - Inner news page

    The results of the All-Russian competition of professional skills of educators-innovators "Physical education lesson of the XXI century" have been summed up. This project was launched in March 2010 at the initiative of the United Russia WFP and the Federation of Fitness-Aerobics of Russia with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation ...

    14:11 15.03.2011

    Summed up All-Russian competition professional skills of educators-innovators "Physical education lesson of the XXI century."

    This project was launched in March 2010 at the initiative of the United Russia WFP and the Federation of Fitness Aerobics of Russia with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation, Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation, Russian state university physical culture, sports and tourism, the newspaper "Sport at school", Federal Center children and youth tourism and local history.

    72 subjects of our country took part in the competition. The organizing committee received 1,756 works from more than 700 cities and settlements Russia. The largest number of works was sent from the Central, Volga and Siberian federal districts. Each of them put up more than 300 works for the competition. Among the most active regions are the Moscow Region (156 jobs), the Sverdlovsk Region (125), the Krasnoyarsk Territory (89) and the Nizhny Novgorod Region (87).

    According to the results of the experts' assessment of the federal organizing committee, 279 works went to the final round. Of these, 30 were recognized as the best, the authors of which became winners in five competitive nominations.

    "I play and grow":

    1st place - Svetlana Gracheva (Zarechny, MDOU DS No. 2);
    2nd place - Svetlana Tursina (Murmansk, MDOU DSKV № 125), Elena Elagina (Severodvinsk, MDOU DS № 19 "Snowflake");

    3rd place - Lyudmila Veselova (Snezhinsk, MDOU DS No. 8), Galina Kolmykova (Orlovsky Rostov region, MDOU DS "Berezka"), Larisa Timofeeva (Cheboksary, MDOU DS No. 156).

    "School of Champions":

    1st place - Vladimir Zvyagintsev (Moscow, school № 399);
    2nd place - Sergey Rogushin (Arkhangelsk, Vaskovskaya secondary school), Lyubov Novichenko (Penza, secondary school № 32);
    3rd place - Nadezhda Grazhdankina (Murmansk, MDOU DS No. 122), Sergey Bogatov (cat. Samara region, MOU Koshkinskaya secondary school), Vladimir Spasov (Privolzhsk, MOU secondary school № 6).

    "We are together - we are a team":

    1st place - Svetlana Kravchenko (St. Petersburg, GOU Secondary School No. 585);
    2nd place - Galina Gorbacheva (Bryansk, MOU Gymnasium No. 1), Elena Shishkova (Moscow, GOU SOSH No. 664);

    3rd place - Elena Abashkina (Samara, MOU School No. 9), Anatoly Kambalin (Novokuznetsk, MOU Orphanage - School No. 95), Elena Alekhina (Bratsk, MOU School No. 15).

    "Lesson after lessons":

    1st place - Darina Yarkovaya (Bryansk, Bryansk Engineering and Technology Academy);
    2nd place - Alexey Zhadko (Yekaterinburg, MOU DOD DDT "Raduga"), Viktor Chepelevich (Irkutsk, boarding school № 1);
    3rd place - Svetlana Toskina (Vologda, MDOU DS No. 119), Roza Belova (Chelyabinsk, MOU No. 46), Elena Ponomareva (Yelets, YSU named after I. A. Bunin).


    1st place - Olga Rutkovskaya (Sayanogorsk, MOU Special boarding school № 8);
    2nd place - Konstantin Kazatsky (Severodvinsk, Municipal Educational Institution Severodvinskaya School No. 30), Marina Berdyugina (settlement Linevo, Novosibirsk Region, MDOU DS "Rodnichok");
    3rd place - Natalia Muravyova (Ivanovo, MOU Gymnasium No. 3), Olga Butorina (Polevskoy, Polevskoy Orphanage), Olga Pupysheva (Perm, secondary school for children with disabilities health No. 9 of VIII type).

    The competition committee noted a few more participants who did not become winners, but sent very interesting works. They will be awarded special prizes. It - Natalia Pylaeva(Kemerovo, DS No. 178 RZD), Maria Safonova(Nizhny Novgorod, secondary school No. 24), Viacheslav Lugansky(the village of Tyulgan, Orenburg region, MOU TSOSH No. 1), Vladimir Lushchik(Gusev, MOU secondary school No. 3), Vadim Zelichenok(Moscow, Moscow Regional Development Center of the International Association of Athletics Federations).

    The sixth competitive nomination - "A Merry Break" - was left without winners by the decision of the commission.

    More detailed information about the competition, as well as the most interesting, according to experts, works posted on the website of the Federation of Fitness-Aerobics of Russia

      Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 3

      Theoretical part …………………………………………………………………… ..5

      Practical part …………………………………………………………………… ... 7

      1. Physical education lesson with break-dance elements ……………………………… ..9

      Conclusions ……………………………………………………………………………… .15

      References …………………………………………………………………… .16


    Physical education is one of the foundations of our health. And where, if not in school, to build this foundation. It is during the lessons that you need to help the children get rid of stooped shoulders and sunken chest, develop their strength, speed, flexibility, dexterity. Schoolchildren need a full-fledged physical education lesson - extremely active, well-equipped with modern technical means... Physical education is not only the ability to accurately kick the ball or run quickly, it is the strength and energy, the mood of children, in which learning is easy and works with a twinkle; it is the health of the child, which consists of a lot - the correct daily regimen and nutrition, rational leisure.

    We are teachers of a new generation, innovative teachers strive to keep up with life, to be on the level modern challenges, we understand that it is impossible to teach physical education using the old, old-fashioned methods, however, as the proverb says: "Everything new is a well-forgotten old", therefore, in our new approaches we need to take all the best that we had, and correctly, rationally use them in teaching children in accordance with the requirements modern world... Life moves forward, new sports and hobbies appear. And this cannot be ignored. Therefore, it became necessary to look for new technologies in addition to the traditional four-five support sports provided by the program. This is what relevance our methodological development.

    Unfortunately, the number of students freed from physical education is increasing. And the majority do not see interest in this subject. Many of these students lose interest in lessons and shirk them in every possible way, or do exercises carelessly. Hence, the problem of insufficient activity of children manifests itself, the consequence of which is the beginning of many diseases. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for teachers to introduce new methods of teaching, assessments in their lessons, in order to interest students. New programs must be attractive for health and, which is very important, for life. Will the child be able to play sports on his own, will physical education take root in his family life. This is a new approach to this academic subject.

    Hypothesis: In order for the physical activity of children to become at a higher level, as a result of which this will lead to an overall strengthening of the child's health and a decrease in diseases in general, it is necessary to apply new technologies, also for the interest of students, and so that the child is aware of the need for sports, as one of the fundamental foundations of its development, which will have a positive effect on its further life.

    The purpose of our development: To interest students in physical education classes, and fully involve them in this subject, using new approaches to the learning process.


    Rational and step-by-step use of new approaches in the learning process;

    Increase the level of physical performance of children;

    Teach children to consciously relate to the performance of certain physical exercises;

    Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    Carrying out sports events, competitions of both classroom and general school nature;

    Support for the positive emotional background of children

    Show new approaches, by example open lesson in the MAOU "Lyceum No. 58", described in the practical part

    Research methods: Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;

    Method pedagogical experiment;

    Theoretical part

    In our research, we used the following methods: Blended learning technology, group technologies and methods that contribute to the development of motor qualities. Let's find out what each of them is.

    Blended learning technology. The federal state educational standard of the second generation involves a change in the principles of organization educational process, in the center of which is now the student. At the same time, the teacher finds himself in the role of an organizer, a partner of an assistant. Thus, our school creates the conditions for dynamic, flexible, personalized learning. The key components of blended learning are - it is self-education, mediated and personal interaction between teacher and student.

    Of the many blended learning models, we settled on the main ones: models of the "Rotation" group, common to which is that blended learning is implemented within the framework of one subject and class and implies the alternation of face-to-face and distance interaction between the teacher and the students. We also used model "Autonomous group". Here we divide children into 2 groups, each of which is given a specific task. Each of them has one responsible child, and for each lesson the responsible ones change, who conducts this process... Working in this model, the teacher must have the skill of distributing his attention between two groups, be able to organize the activities of students through a system of individual or group tasks, performing the function of an assistant in completing tasks. Of course, so far this technique is difficult to use in physical culture lessons, but it can and should be gradually introduced. In the near future, you can also use and elements of e-learning. For example, using an online broadcast to conduct a lesson with children who are on homeschooling.

    The next technique we use is - group technologies.

    According to V.K. Dyachenko, organizational structure group learning methods can be combined, that is, contain various forms: group, steam room and individual. In this case, it is group communication that is of dominant importance. Basic goals: Ensuring the activity of the educational process, achieving a high level of assimilation of the content. Peculiarities:

    1) the class is divided into groups for solving specific problems;

    2) each group receives a certain task (either the same or different);

    3) the composition of the group is inconsistent.

    During group work, the teacher performs a variety of functions: supervises the progress of work in groups, controls the order of work and, in case of emergency, provides assistance to students.

    Methods that contribute to the development of motor qualities, namely, methods of strictly regulated exercise.

    The methods of this group are characterized, first of all, by repeated performance of exercises in conditions of strict regulation, namely:

    The strict composition of the movements and their connection with each other;

    Strictly normalized load;

    In the strict regulation of the intervals of rest and the order of alternation of rest and load.

    A number of methods can be cited as examples:

    1.Standard exercise method (repetitive, continuous, interval)

    2. Variable exercise method (progressive, top-down, varying method)

    3.Combined methods - re-variable

    4. Circuit training method (continuous and interval)

    Partially Regulated Exercise Techniques

    These methods include play and competitive.

    For game method are characteristic:

    The plot of the actions

    A variety of ways to achieve goals (winnings), since there are different paths to the goal during the game.

    Possibility of complex application of various motional actions.

    An important feature of the game is emotionality and limited opportunity dosage load.

    Also, physical education of the 21st century requires non-traditional lessons, such as, for example, fitness lessons, Olympic lessons with a champion, theoretical lessons, as well as Master classes of professional athletes. It is necessary to forget about extracurricular sporting events: various sports sections, school-wide sports events and competitions.

    How these techniques are used, and in general, how, in our opinion, the lesson of the 21st century should take place, we tried to describe in the practical part of our development, using the example of an open lesson, as well as a small research we conducted during the 2013-2014 academic year.

    Practical part

    First, about the experiment. At the beginning of the school year, from the parallels of 5th grade, I chose one of them for the application of new technologies in educational process... This is a 5 "B" class. For the rest of the classes, I taught the lessons in the traditional way (5 "A", 5 "B",

    5 "D", 5 "D"). The purpose of this experiment was to compare the effectiveness of new technologies with traditional approaches. Specifically for comparison, the following indicators were selected: Academic performance of children and the number of absenteeism. Again, do not forget our main goal of development, and its hypothesis, where the keyword is interest.

    In the work with the 5 "B" class, I used various methods (technology of blended learning, group technologies and methods that contribute to the development of motor qualities), conducted unconventional lessons with champions, theoretical lessons, fitness lessons with elements of dance movements. V this class some of the lessons were done in a completely different scenario, different from the standard one. It was required to be creative and come up with more and more interesting tasks.

    And here is the result we came to in the third quarter:

    Academic performance of children

    Based on these results, we can conclude that the highest percentage of academic performance is in 5 "B" and 5 "A" grades.

    Number of missed classes

    5 "B" - 29 passes

    5 "A - 65 passes

    5 "B" - 51 passes

    5 "G" - 46 passes

    5 "D" - 76 passes

    We conclude that there are fewer absences from classes 5 "B" class. Hence, we can state the fact that new technologies really give high efficiency and positive results, which means that they are the future of teaching.

    And as another example of the use of new technologies - the development of one lesson of physical education for 5 "B" class.

    Physical education lesson with break dance elements

    The purpose of the lesson: Development of physical characteristics and physical activity of students.

    Lesson Objectives:

    1) Development of coordination and strength abilities, endurance, flexibility, jumping ability;

    2) Fostering self-exactingness, hard work, discipline;

    3) Promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

    4) Study and improvement of the set of elements of break dance.

    5) Support for the positive emotional background of children

    During the classes:

    1) Introductory part

    a) Construction. Here we recall the proverb that "the new is the well-forgotten old." In our school, thanks to the continuity of physical education teachers, a good tradition has remained: the student's sports uniform is a white top, a red (black) bottom!

    Fizorg hands over a report to the teacher about the readiness of the group for the lesson. You can choose it both for each month and for the whole academic year... In this class, physical education workers change every month.

    b) Oral questioning. Children are asked to answer the question: What is a Healthy Lifestyle? How do they understand this term?

    c) Walking(on toes, on heels, on the outside and inside of the foot, half-squat, full squat)

    d) More stride, even running(on the whistle, the trader becomes the first, the children run to reverse side... Number and frequency of whistles at discretion). Running with side steps with the right, left side, back forward.

    e) A set of special running exercises(Running with a high hip lift, running with "overlap", jumping up for each step, exercise "wheel" with legs, 2-3 accelerations in a straight line)

    f) Warm up. For a warm-up, we divide the guys into two groups (You can divide into the first-second, or into boys-girls). In this case, we have divided into the first or second. In each group, we appoint a person responsible for the warm-up for the assessment. The teacher, in this case, observes the process and, if necessary, helps the children.

    So, we have done a warm-up and now you can proceed to the main part of the lesson.

    2) The main part.

    Our today's lesson will be devoted to the elementary movements of break dance. First of all, you need to introduce children to this concept, what it means. Break-dance or b-boying (English breakdance)- street dance, one of the trends of hip-hop culture.

    For the lesson, we need incendiary music.

    To get started, we’ll learn a few basic break dance moves.

    a) Horizontal wave with arms, vertical wave with torso.

    b) Turtle- in the Russian version: turtle - Horizontal rotation of the body on bent arms, which rest their elbows on the press. Rotation consists in dragging the body from one elbow, which rests on a certain part of the press (right or left), to the other supporting elbow while simultaneously directing the body in the direction of movement

    c) Sixsteps (FootWork) - translated into Russian as "Six Steps". It is called so because it consists of six leg movements. The arms in this element are the support. The legs move in different positions, moreover, when rearranging the legs, they must be crossed twice. As a result, you will get circular jogging with your feet on the floor.

    d) We also considered a simple "turntable", "arrow"... This may also include elements of acrobatics. (Standing on the head, on hands, "Wave", "Wheel", etc.).

    3) The final part. At the end of our lesson, we will consolidate the material covered with a dance battle. We divide the students into two teams and place them in a circle. It turns out an impromptu scene.

    After that, each in turn, first with one team, then with another, goes to the center of the circle and performs dance movements to the music. The next one should repeat these movements even better. It turns out the competition "Who will dance whom". The duration of the battle is 5-7 minutes.

    After which we identify the winner. FRIENDSHIP won today!

    Then the final construction of the children. Summarizing.

    4) Results of the open lesson.

    We have successfully completed the purpose and objectives of our lesson. The guys worked actively physically, their physical activity was at a high level today. A healthy microclimate was created in the team, a benevolent understanding to each other. Throughout the lesson, a positive emotional background was maintained. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle was not ignored either. First, the children told how they understand this term, and then we consolidated this knowledge in practice. Finally, we got acquainted with the concept of "break dance" and studied the basic elements of this dance.


      New technologies really give high efficiency and positive results. This was revealed in the results of our experiment described above.

      The level of physical performance of children increases due to the rational and step-by-step use of new approaches in the learning process.

      Children deliberately tried to relate to the performance of certain physical exercises, i.e. learned to understand what they are for and how they will be useful later in life.

      The promotion of a healthy lifestyle in our school has become at a higher level.

      Thanks to new technologies, the general emotional background of the lessons has increased, the children have begun to miss lessons less and have become more interested in the process of teaching physical culture.

    Thus, we can say that all the goals and objectives of our development have been fulfilled, the hypothesis has been proven.


      Physical culture: grades 5-7: textbook. General education for students. Institutions / under the editorship of M. Ya Vilensky. - 4th ed., Revised - M: Education, 2008.

      Blended learning: educational technology of our time - M: Enlightenment, 2013.

      Physical culture: program: grades 5-9 / T.V. Petrova, Yu.A. Kopylov, N.V. Polyanka, S.S. Petrov. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2012 .-- 64 p.

      Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Tutorial... - M .: Public education, 1998 .-- 256 p.

      Manzheley I.V. Pedagogical models physical education: Tutorial. - M .: Scientific publishing center "Theory and practice of physical culture and sport", 2005. - 185 p.



    Department of Theory and Methods of Physical Education, Life Safety and Technology


    On this topic:"Physical education lesson XXI century "

    Completed by: Shekunov S.A.

    physical education teacher


    Ufa - 2015

      Introduction ………………………………………………………………… 3

      Theoretical part ………………………………………………… 5

      Practical part …………………………………………………… .7

      Conclusions ……………………………………………………………… 17

      References …………………………………………………… 18


    Physical education is one of the foundations of our health. And where, if not in school, to build this foundation. It is during the lessons that you need to help the children get rid of stooped shoulders and sunken chest, develop their strength, speed, flexibility, dexterity. Schoolchildren need a full-fledged physical education lesson - extremely active, well equipped with modern technical means. Physical education is not only the ability to accurately kick the ball or run quickly, it is the strength and energy, the mood of children, in which study is easy and works with a twinkle; it is the health of the child, which consists of a lot - the correct daily regimen and nutrition, rational leisure.

    We are teachers of a new generation, teachers-innovators strive to keep up with life, to be at the level of modern problems, we understand that it is impossible to teach physical education using the old, old-fashioned methods, however, as the proverb says: "Everything new is well forgotten old", therefore, in our new approaches, we need to take all the best that we had, and correctly, rationally use them in teaching children in accordance with the requirements of the modern world. Life moves forward, new sports and hobbies appear. And this cannot be ignored. Therefore, it became necessary to look for new technologies in addition to the traditional four-five support sports provided by the program. This is whatrelevance our methodological development.

    Unfortunately, the number of students freed from physical education is increasing. And the majority do not see interest in this subject. Many of these students lose interest in lessons and shirk them in every possible way, or do exercises carelessly. Hence, the problem of insufficient activity of children manifests itself, the consequence of which is the beginning of many diseases. Therefore, it is becoming increasingly important for teachers to introduce new methods of teaching, assessments in their lessons, in order to interest students. New programs must be attractive for health and, which is very important, for life. Will the child be able to play sports on his own, will physical education take root in his family life. This is a new approach to this academic subject.

    Hypothesis: In order for the physical activity of children to become at a higher level, as a result of which this will lead to an overall strengthening of the child's health and a decrease in diseases in general, it is necessary to apply new technologies, also for the interest of students, and so that the child is aware of the need for sports, as one of the fundamental foundations of its development, which will have a positive effect on its further life.

    The purpose of our development: To interest students in physical education classes, and fully involve them in this subject, using new approaches to the learning process.


    Rational and step-by-step use of new approaches in the learning process;

    Increase the level of physical performance of children;

    Teach children to consciously relate to the performance of certain physical exercises;

    Promotion of healthy lifestyles;

    Carrying out sports events, competitions of both classroom and general school nature;

    Support for the positive emotional background of children

    Show new approaches, using the example of an open lesson at the MAOU "Lyceum No. 58", described in the practical part

    Research methods: Analysis of scientific and methodological literature;

    Pedagogical experiment method;

    Theoretical part

    In our research, we used the following techniques:Blended learning technology, group technologies and methods that contribute to the development of motor qualities.Let's find out what each of them is.

    Blended learning technology. The federal state educational standard of the second generation involves a change in the principles of organizing the educational process, in the center of which is now the student. At the same time, the teacher finds himself in the role of an organizer, a partner of an assistant. Thus, our school creates the conditions for dynamic, flexible, personalized learning.The key components of blended learning are - it is self-education, mediated and personal interaction between teacher and student.

    Of the many blended learning models, we settled on the main ones:models of the "Rotation" group, common to which is that blended learning is implemented within the framework of one subject and class and implies the alternation of face-to-face and distance interaction between the teacher and the students. We also usedmodel "Autonomous group". Here we divide children into 2 groups, each of which is given a specific task. In each of them there is one responsible child, and for each lesson the responsible ones change, who conducts this process. Working in this model, the teacher must have the skill of distributing his attention between two groups, be able to organize the activities of students through a system of individual or group tasks, performing the function of an assistant in completing tasks. Of course, so far this technique is difficult to use in physical culture lessons, but it can and should be gradually introduced. In the near future, you can also use andelements of e-learning. For example, using online broadcasting to conduct a lesson with children who are homeschooled.

    The next technique we use is -group technologies.

    According to V.K. Dyachenko, the organizational structure of group teaching methods can be combined, that is, contain various forms: group, pair and individual. In this case, it is group communication that is of dominant importance.Basic goals: Ensuring the activity of the educational process, achieving a high level of assimilation of the content.Peculiarities:

    1) the class is divided into groups for solving specific problems;

    2) each group receives a certain task (either the same or different);

    3) the composition of the group is inconsistent.

    During group work, the teacher performs a variety of functions: supervises the progress of work in groups, controls the order of work and, in case of emergency, provides assistance to students.

    Methods that contribute to the development of motor qualities, namely, methods of strictly regulated exercise.

    The methods of this group are characterized, first of all, by repeated performance of exercises in conditions of strict regulation, namely:

    The strict composition of the movements and their connection with each other;

    Strictly normalized load;

    In the strict regulation of the intervals of rest and the order of alternation of rest and load.

    A number of methods can be cited as examples:

    1.Standard exercise method (repetitive, continuous, interval)

    2. Variable exercise method (progressive, top-down, varying method)

    3.Combined methods - re-variable

    4. Circuit training method (continuous and interval)

    Partially Regulated Exercise Techniques

    These methods include play and competitive.

    The game method is characterized by:

    The plot of the actions

    A variety of ways to achieve goals (winnings), since there are different paths to the goal during the game.

    Possibility of complex application of various motional actions.

    An important feature of the game is emotionality and the limited ability to dose the load.

    Also, physical education of the 21st century requires non-traditional lessons, such as, for example, fitness lessons, Olympic lessons with a champion, theoretical lessons, as well as Master classes of professional athletes. It is necessary to forget about extracurricular sports events: various sports sections, school-wide sports events and competitions.

    How these techniques are used, and in general, how, in our opinion, the lesson of the 21st century should take place, we tried to describe in the practical part of our development, using the example of an open lesson, as well as a small research we conducted during the 2013-2014 academic year.

    Practical part

    First, about the experiment. At the beginning of the academic year, from the parallels of 5th grade, I chose one of them for the application of new technologies in the educational process. This is a 5 "B" class. For the rest of the classes, I taught the lessons in the traditional way (5 "A", 5 "B",

    5 "D", 5 "D"). The purpose of this experiment was to compare the effectiveness of new technologies with traditional approaches. Specifically for comparison, the following indicators were selected: Academic performance of children and the number of absenteeism. Again, do not forget our main goal of development, and its hypothesis, where the keyword is interest.

    In the work with the 5 "B" class, I used various methods (technology of blended learning, group technologies and methods that contribute to the development of motor qualities), conducted unconventional lessons with champions, theoretical lessons, fitness lessons with elements of dance movements. In this class, some lessons were conducted in a completely different scenario, different from the standard one. It was required to be creative and come up with more and more interesting tasks.

    And here is the result we came to onIII quarter:

    Academic performance of children

    Based on these results, we can conclude that the highest percentage of academic performance is in 5 "B" and 5 "A" grades.

    Number of missed classes

    5 "B" - 29 passes

    5 "A - 65 passes

    5 "B" - 51 passes

    5 "G" - 46 passes

    5 "D" - 76 passes

    We conclude that there are fewer absences from classes 5 "B" class. Hence, we can state the fact that new technologies really give high efficiency and positive results, which means that they are the future of teaching.

    And as another example of the use of new technologies - the development of one lesson of physical education for 5 "B" class.

    Physical education lesson with break dance elements

    The purpose of the lesson: Development of physical characteristics and physical activity of students.

    Lesson Objectives:

    1) Development of coordination and strength abilities, endurance, flexibility, jumping ability;

    2) Fostering self-exactingness, hard work, discipline;

    3) Promotion of a healthy lifestyle;

    4) Study and improvement of the set of elements of break dance.

    5) Support for the positive emotional background of children

    During the classes:

    1) Introductory part

    a) Construction. Here we recall the proverb that "the new is the well-forgotten old." In our school, thanks to the continuity of physical education teachers, a good tradition has remained: the student's sports uniform is a white top, a red (black) bottom!

    Fizorg hands over a report to the teacher about the readiness of the group for the lesson. You can choose it both for each month and for the entire academic year. In this class, physical education workers change every month.

    b) Oral questioning. Children are asked to answer the question: What is a Healthy Lifestyle? How do they understand this term?

    c) Walking (on toes, on heels, on the outside and inside of the foot, half-squat, full squat)

    d) More stride, even running (on the whistle, the trader becomes the first, the children run in the opposite direction. The number and frequency of whistles is at the discretion). Runside steps with the right, left side, back forward.

    e) A set of special running exercises (Running with a high hip lift, running with "overlap", jumping up for each step, exercise "wheel" with legs, 2-3 accelerations in a straight line)

    f) Warm up. For a warm-up, we divide the guys into two groups (You can divide into the first-second, or into boys-girls). In this case, we have divided into the first or second. In each group, we appoint a person responsible for the warm-up for the assessment. The teacher, in this case, observes the process and, if necessary, helps the children.

    So, we have done a warm-up and now you can proceed to the main part of the lesson.

    2) The main part.

    Our today's lesson will be devoted to the elementary movements of break dance. First of all, you need to introduce children to this concept, what it means.Break-dance or b-boying (English breakdance) - street dance, one of the trends of hip-hop culture.

    For the lesson, we need incendiary music.

    To get started, we’ll learn a few basic break dance moves.

    a) Horizontal wave with arms, vertical wave with torso.

    b) Turtle - in the Russian version: turtle - Horizontal rotation of the body on bent arms, which rest their elbows on the press. Rotation consists in dragging the body from one elbow, which rests on a certain part of the press (right or left), to the other supporting elbow while simultaneously directing the body in the direction of movement

    c) Sixsteps (FootWork ) - translated into Russian as "Six Steps". It is called so because it consists of six leg movements. The arms in this element are the support. The legs move in different positions, moreover, when rearranging the legs, they must be crossed twice. As a result, you will get circular jogging with your feet on the floor.

    d) We also considered a simple "turntable", "arrow" ... This may also include elements of acrobatics. (Standing on the head, on hands, "Wave", "Wheel", etc.).

    3) The final part. At the end of our lesson, we will consolidate the material covered with a dance battle. We divide the students into two teams and place them in a circle. It turns out an impromptu scene.

    After that, each in turn, first with one team, then with another, goes to the center of the circle and performs dance movements to the music. The next one should repeat these movements even better. It turns out the competition "Who will dance whom". The duration of the battle is 5-7 minutes.

    After which we identify the winner. FRIENDSHIP won today!

    Then the final construction of the children. Summarizing.

    4) Results of the open lesson.

    We have successfully completed the purpose and objectives of our lesson. The guys worked actively physically, their physical activity was at a high level today. Was created healthy microclimate in the team, friendly understanding to each other. Throughout the lesson, a positive emotional background was maintained. The promotion of a healthy lifestyle was not ignored either. First, the children told how they understand this term, and then we consolidated this knowledge in practice. Finally, we got acquainted with the concept of "break dance" and studied the basic elements of this dance.


      New technologies really give high efficiency and positive results. This was revealed in the results of our experiment described above.

      The level of physical performance of children increases due to the rational and step-by-step use of new approaches in the learning process.

      Children deliberately tried to relate to the performance of certain physical exercises, i.e. learned to understand what they are for and how they will be useful later in life.

      The promotion of a healthy lifestyle in our school has become at a higher level.

      Thanks to new technologies, the general emotional background of the lessons has increased, the children have begun to miss lessons less and have become more interested in the process of teaching physical culture.

    Thus, we can say that all the goals and objectives of our development have been fulfilled, the hypothesis has been proven.


      Physical culture: grades 5-7: textbook. General education for students. Institutions / under the editorship of M. Ya Vilensky. - 4th ed., Revised - M: Education, 2008.

      Blended learning: educational technology of our time - M: Enlightenment, 2013.

      Physical culture: program: grades 5-9 / T.V. Petrova, Yu.A. Kopylov, N.V. Polyanka, S.S. Petrov. - M .: Ventana-Graf, 2012 .-- 64 p.

      Selevko G.K. Modern educational technologies: Textbook. - M .: Public education, 1998 .-- 256 p.

      Manzheley I.V. Pedagogical models of physical education: textbook. - M .: Scientific publishing center "Theory and practice of physical culture and sport", 2005. - 185 p.

    More than a thousand schoolchildren of Kazan moved in the same rhythm. Modern elements well-known fitness professionals showed them sports exercises. A massive 21st century physical education lesson took place in the martial arts palace. How it differed from the standard occupation - Ekaterina Kudinova recognized.

    Ekaterina Kudinova, Ilya Shorin

    All schoolchildren liked this physical education lesson. Here is not only a physical warm-up, but also a positive charge of emotions. Children learn new movements and do it with their favorite music.

    Children are not forced to play sports here. They themselves move with pleasure and complete all the tasks of the teachers. After all, they do not need to jump over a goat, climb a rope, and run a hundred meters. An element of fitness and dancing was added to the 21st century physical education lesson. Famous instructors from Moscow came to show their work. This sports program for schoolchildren is physically challenging, but dance-like beautiful.

    Mikhail Andreev, dance instructor

    - We try to increase their endurance, we try to develop musicality in children, we try to increase their purely physical dancing abilities, many simple elements to popular music give a feeling of complete drive.

    Indeed, we managed to create a drive on the site. More than a thousand schoolchildren repeated the movements after the coaches. Nobody shied away from this lesson.

    Oksana Isaeva

    - I liked everything, especially how we danced, music, fun, dancing, a lot of people, the teachers are very good, a lot of cheerfulness, music, fun, smiles.

    Maxim Shevyakov

    - In physical education lessons, we are more engaged in strength qualities, but here there is more such plasticity, athletics. The dances are new, the movements are remembered well, I will even apply them at a disco somewhere.

    At the end of the physical warm-up, a surprise awaited the guys. The action was supported by Vlad Topalov.

    Vlad Topalov, Russian singer

    - I don't exercise, but I go to the gym, do boxing, swimming. I believe that especially young people need to take care of their health, this is interesting, this is right and good.

    Experts from the Federation of Fitness-Aerobics of Russia have already developed a program for grades 8-11 and tested it in 200 schools. They are confident that the new format of lessons will raise interest in physical education.

    Tatyana Polukhina, Vice President of the Federation of Fitness-Aerobics of the Russian Federation for Development educational programs

    - Most importantly, there is not enough information about what is happening now in the world of fitness, and school program- it has not changed for many years, and we are ready to present the tools that are used all over the world.

    Rafis Burganov, Minister of Youth Affairs, Sports and Tourism of the Republic of Tatarstan

    - Fitness aerobics does not pretend to completely fill the third physical education lesson, but very organically suggests to enter these elements either in cycles or elements in one lesson.

    This weekend Kazan is hosting the Cup of the country and all-Russian competitions in fitness aerobics for the first time. More than a hundred teams participate in them. These are fifteen hundred athletes from different cities. The winners will be awarded on Sunday.

    The 17th physical culture and sports festival, which was held in the Olimpiyskiy sports complex, has ended in Moscow. The international fitness convention has been held for many years already under the motto "Our choice is a healthy lifestyle!" it the largest event in the fitness industry in Russia and of Eastern Europe annually brings together about 16,000 supporters of a healthy lifestyle, teachers and schoolchildren, fitness instructors, members of fitness clubs, professional athletes, trainers, leaders and professionals in the fitness industry. The event was held with the support of the Moscow Government, the Moscow Department of Physical Culture and Sports, the Russian Fitness-Aerobics Federation, as well as the World Class and FizKult fitness club chains and the Adidas company.

    On March 31, a solemn opening ceremony was held at the main arena of the festival, which was attended by Alexey Nemov (president of the festival), Olga Slutsker (Chairman of the MFS Organizing Committee), Svetlana Zhurova (Deputy Chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation). At the opening ceremony, the participants of a large-scale project, the All-Russian competition, entitled "Physical Education Lesson of the XXI Century" were awarded.

    The project started in March 2010 with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Sports, Tourism and Youth Policy of the Russian Federation and other organizations. It covered 72 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. According to the results of the experts' review, 279 works went to the final round, receiving very high marks.

    Nomination "I Play and Grow"

    The winner is Svetlana Vladimirovna Gracheva (Zarechny MDOU DS No. 2)

    Nomination "School of Champions"

    Zvyagintsev Vladimir Arkadevich won (Moscow, school № 399)

    Nomination "We are together - we are a team"

    The winner is Kravchenko Svetlana Alexandrovna (St. Petersburg, GOU SOSH № 585)

    Nomination "Lesson after lessons"

    The winner is Yarkovaya Darina Dmitrievna (Bryansk, Bryansk Engineering and Technology Academy)

    Nomination "On equal terms"

    The winner was Olga Rutkovskaya (Severodvinsk, Municipal Educational Institution “Severodvinskaya School No. 30).

    More than 700 cities Russia and more than 1756 people took part in this competition. These are physical education teachers of secondary general educational institutions, physical education teachers of preschool educational institutions, teachers of higher vocational education, fitness trainers. The purpose of the competition was to identify and disseminate innovative pedagogical experience in the field of teaching physical culture and the formation of healthy lifestyle skills.

    Natalia Mukhortova