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  • Melentheva YU P Library service. Library service. Library service in the school library: specifics of forms and methods

    Melentheva YU P Library service. Library service. Library service in the school library: specifics of forms and methods

    Julia Melentiev

    Library service in the school library: specifics of forms and methods

    The purpose of this course is to provide an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main theoretical grounds, as well as the objectives and objectives of library services, disclose the methods of studying readers and needs, show educational possibilities of library communication, forms of individual and mass informing of various reader groups, disclose modern library service technology.

    No. Newspaper

    Title lecture

    Lecture 1.Modern legislative basis for the implementation of socially-reasonable prortal directions of library services

    Lecture 2.Sociological and psychological aspects of reading reading

    Lecture 3. Library communication in the process of library service. Kontarm 1.(execution period - until November 15, 2004)

    Lecture 4.Individual library service as the most important area of \u200b\u200bthe library

    Lecture 5.Library service technology of individual information interests and requests. Kontarm work 2.(execution period - until December 15, 2004)

    Lecture 6.. Mass library service

    Lecture 7.Technology of library service of mass information interests and requests

    Lecture 8.Virtual (electronic) library service.
    Final work(execution period - until February 28, 2005)

    Lecture 1. Modern legislative framework for the implementation of socially informed priority areas of library service

    The library is, as you know, part of society. Its activities are regulated by those laws that are adopted in the country.

    Obviously, political, economic, ideological changes, which occurred in Russia in recent decades could not not touch Russian libraries. In the face of the emerging civil law society, one of the fundamental values \u200b\u200bof which is freedom of speech and informationThe libraries cease to be ideological agencies, as it was before, and receive a new mission: they become one of the most important channels providing free reader access (user) to information.

    All the priorities of the library are changing: now it is oriented primarily on the information and cultural needs of their users. Since the information space is rapidly becoming a single world space due to the development technical means (Internet, etc.), the laws of its use are becoming increasingly common, i.e. National legislation in the use of information is largely focused on international norms.

    This can be attributed to the library sphere with a complete basis, where the construction of the legislative base is in full swing. There are already two federal laws ("On Library Business", "On Mandatory Copy"), "Manifesto about the Public Library in Russia", "Model Standard of the Public Library in Russia" and other documents are adopted. A significant role in this process is played by the Russian Library Association (RBA) - a professional public organization, which is doing a lot to ensure that Russia's library work becomes part of the general cultural and educational concerns of the "European House".

    Of course, it is necessary to make aware that not all the development of international documents are subject to copying in national developments, however, the materials of the international community make it possible to see the general vector of movement and this is what makes acquaintance with them mandatory for each specialist.

    The most significant developments, both the international and Russian level, defining our development, primarily of the public library, are presented by the following groups of documents:

    1. Documents of international organizations (UN, UNESCO, Council of Europe, etc.), in which the general foundations of the development of the global community are laid, including world library;

    2. Documents of international organizations on the development of directly information and library sphere;

    3. National Documents (projects), defining both the development of the information sphere, as well as the main priorities of the library service of Russian libraries.

    Among documents first group Of particular importance for librarians have the following:

    - Universal Declaration of Human Rights (adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948);

    - Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (adopted by the Council of Europe in 1950, the last revision of 1994);

    - European Cultural Convention (adopted by the Council of Europe in 1954);

    - Declaration of the principles of international cultural cooperation (the UN, the Commission on Education, Science and Culture, 1966);

    - Information Society: Challenge Europe. Political Declaration (adopted at the conference organized by the Council of Europe in Thessaloniki, 1997);

    - UNESCO program "Information for all" (2000).

    All these documents are based on the main position on human rights, the virtue of the personality as a task, to whom all nations and all states should strive. The fundamental human rights are freedom of thought, conscience, religion, as well as information. Moreover, freedom of information suggests both obtaining and its distribution "by any means and regardless of state borders."

    "Universal Declaration of Human Rights" and developing it ideas "Convention on the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms" Seen in these postulates the basis of justice in the world. The most important personality is relied on the right to education and participation in cultural life. The same position approves such an important document as "European Cultural Convention".

    "Declaration of the principles of international cultural cooperation", recalling that "the world should be based on the intellectual and moral solidarity of humanity," argues that the objectives of international cultural cooperation are: the dissemination of knowledge, the development of peaceful relations and friendship between nations, promoting the best understanding of the lifestyle of every people ; Ensuring each person access to knowledge and the ability to enjoy the art and literature of all nations, etc. "Cultural cooperation is the right and duty of all peoples and countries, so they must share each other knowledge and experience ... Cultural cooperation should identify ideas and values \u200b\u200bthat contribute to the creation of peace and peace situation."

    For a modern specialist, the documents adopted in our day are especially important: "Information Society: Challenge Europe. Political Declaration "(1997) and UNESCO program" Information for all "(2000).

    "Information Society: Calling Europe. Political Declaration "is a voluminous document adopted by ministers of the participating countries in the 5th European Conference on Media Policy, is, in essence, a plan of measures for the development of freedom of expression and access to information in a pan-European level in the conditions of the Information Society.

    - effectively fix and analyze the development of new technologies, new communication and information services;

    - strengthen the work aimed at developing a pan-European approach to an understanding of the "universal availability of services", taking into account various national and regional conditions;

    - to develop the necessary measures to train knowledge and skills to use new communication and information services;

    - to promote the exchange of information and experience in the European and global level;

    - to study cases of use of new technologies to spread violence, intolerance, ideological views, contrary to human rights, respect for personality, etc., develop legal and other ways to deal with this;

    - constantly monitor the influence of the evolution of electronic technologies on international legislation in the field of copyright protection and related rights.

    UNESCO program "Information for All" represents, essentially, a new concept of world information policy and contains as one of the components , the concept of education in the information society and for its purposes. This document is largely as if correcting the previous ones, re-exposing accents when analyzing the situation, given the changing conditions for the development of society and the new degree of understanding the situation.

    The program "Information for All" offers, in essence, a new ideology: UNESCO is designed to promote the adoption of a non-global information society, but knowledge societybecause "The expansion of only information flows is not sufficient to ensure that development opportunities can be used, which becomes available thanks to knowledge."

    The Society of Knowledge, the Program says, should be resting on a strong foundation of commitment to human rights and basic freedoms, including the freedom of expression. The knowledge society should provide all-possible implementation of the right to education and all other cultural rights. Access to knowledge, which is a public domain, should be the widest. Information - as the basis of knowledge - should be distinguished by high quality, variety and reliability. It is extremely important to preserve the diversity of cultures and languages, the formation of tolerant thinking.

    The humanitarian component of the program is completely obvious: the development of information technologies must be accompanied by a change in behavioral installations.

    Thus, the formation of a knowledge society involves the decision of the three main problems:

    1. The need to preserve the traditional and creating digital cultural heritage; reduction in digital discontinuity, inequality in development;

    2. Warranty of free information flow and equitable access to information;

    3. Achieving international consensus for new standards and principles.

    Obviously, all listed documents serve as a powerful basis for the development of the legislative base directly in the library sphere.

    In second group Documents can be included as follows:

    - "UNESCO Manifesto about public libraries" (1994);

    - "Resolution on the role of libraries in modern society" (1998);

    - "Guidelines of Library Legislation and Library Policy in Europe" (1998).

    - "Copenhagen Declaration on Public Libraries" (1999);

    - "Application for libraries and intellectual freedom" (1999);

    - "Professional priorities of IFLA" (2000).

    This document also needs such a document, more "private" character as "IFLA / UNESCO Manifesto on School Libraries" (1996).

    In addition, there are greater information to reports prepared by famous experts in the art by the IFLA.

    The most important, the main document necessary for understanding the role of the library in modern society is "UNESCO Manifesto about public libraries." It formulated "Belief UNESCO to a public library as active in education, culture and information". UNESCO calls on the central and local authorities to provide support to public libraries, promote their activities. "UNESCO Manifest ..." defines the functions of the Public Library, among which the main things can be called the following: attracting to read, promote education and self-education, personal development, attachment to cultural heritage, the provision of municipal information and providing information services for local enterprises, etc. "UNESCO Manifesto on Public Libraries" approves the principal free of public libraries. This document requires that the public library considers as a mandatory component of any long-term strategic plan in the field of culture, information support, literacy and education. It is emphasized that public library services should be accessible to the entire population that the network of public libraries should be based on national, regional, scientific and special libraries, as well as libraries of schools, colleges and universities; It is also necessary to take into account differences in the needs of the library service of residents of the countryside and cities.

    In the same year (1994) were accepted "Recommendations for the reform of library legislation in Central Europe."Oniybyli was prepared as part of a conference organized by the Council of Europe. This document, relying, like all the next, on the "UNESCO Manifesto on public libraries," as the main, contains recommendations on legislation for national, university and public libraries, formulated clearly and briefly. Considering public libraries as part of the National Library System, the authors of the recommendations see the most important local information center in the Public Library, providing free access to all types of knowledge and information contributing to the development of personality and society.

    The legislation facing public libraries should, on the thought of the authors of the document, to concern the following aspects: Free access materials; Issues of public library services; Principles of providing library services; Questions of cooperation within the library network; rights and duties of the user; administrative and legal status library; Professional staff level; Library financing system. In conclusion, a list of problems that must be considered in connection with the legislative base for public libraries is given:

    - National Information Policy;

    - National Bibliographic System;

    - Status of the National Library;

    - storage of a compulsory instance;

    - training qualified librarians;

    - Right public (unhappy) issuance of materials.

    Emphasizes the need to develop rules in the following areas: cataloging and classification; library services; Automation and transmission of information.

    The provisions of this document received further development: In 1998, the Council of Europe was accepted "Library Guidelines legislation and library policy in Europe.

    Real "Guidelines ...", based on the documents adopted earlier, emphasize the need for the coherence of legislation in the library sphere and in other areas; harmonization of library legislation in different countries; Expanding library legislation in connection with the expansion of the library's activities, etc.

    The main "fields" of library legislation is determined by:

    - freedom of expression and free access to information;

    - the role of libraries in the National Book and Information Policy;

    - libraries and intellectual property;

    - Protection of library heritage.

    This document defines the principles of approach to solving complex professional problems, such as the development of library funds (it is assumed that it should be based on independent of any political, sectarian, commercial, etc.. Influences by the vocational opinion of the librarian); library services of cultural minorities and specific reader groups; relationship of libraries and state power; preparation of professionals; Legal status of libraries in the field of copyright and the like.

    For the first time in this document, the task of preserving library heritage is raised, and recommendations are also given on complex issues related to the problem of restitution (ie, the movement of cultural values \u200b\u200bduring military operations, etc.).

    "Copenhagen Declaration on Public Libraries" It was adopted in 1999 in support of the "UNESCO Manifesto on Public Libraries" and other documents dedicated to the development of libraries, prominent politicians from 31 European countries. This document, fixing the role of the library in improving democracy, in economic and social development, formal and informal learning, maintaining cultural and linguistic diversity, forming tolerance, sees considerable public strength. One of the most important tasks The authors of the document consider his lobbying in the European Parliament to ensure the high social status of public libraries, both at the present time and in the future. It is also necessary to help citizens to realize and get the opportunity to fully use all the resources of public libraries.

    In more detail, these provisions were deployed in "Resolutions on the role of libraries in modern society",document adopted by the European Parliament.

    "The application for libraries and intellectual freedom" was adopted by IFLA in 1999.In this document, the inherent human right to access all the manifestations of knowledge, creative thoughts and relevant activity is postponed. IFLA confirms the role of libraries as "the gate that opens access to knowledge, thoughts and culture", their huge contribution to the development and maintenance of intellectual freedom and democratic values.

    These provisions were developed in the document "Professional priorities of IFLA",prepared by the professional Bureau of IFLA and adopted in 2000, which outlines the range of issues of IFLA's professional responsibility. Such priorities are eleven.

    Among them:

    library support support - IFLA is an international defender of library affairs in the face of states, facilitating the understanding and implementation of the vital role of libraries in an electronic era;

    protection of the principles of freedom of information - IFLA believes that the library plays a key role in ensuring the personal rights of the knowledge and freedom of expression. IFLA supports this role, protecting the possibility of libraries to acquire, organize, maintain and provide a wide variety of materials, reflecting pluralism and diversity in society, protecting the possibility of libraries to guarantee the selection and provision of materials and services based on professional principles, and not political, moral or religious views of individuals Persons or governments. IFLA believes that the free library is the key to a free, democratic society;

    promoting literacy development, reading and continuing education many iFLA programs help world libraries develop national projects aimed at solving problems of universal literacy, bringing to reading, formation of information culture and continuous education;

    ensuring free and open access to information - IFLA supports information access programs that contribute to mitigating the gap between the information and informationally poor;

    protection of intellectual property rights Libraries and authors - IFLA performs a double duty before manufacturers of intellectual property and libraries as representatives of users of information. IFLA is working to coordinate intellectual property rights and the right to universal access to information, attracting publishers, standardization bodies, etc.

    In the context of the topic of our course lectures, special attention should be paid to "IFLA / UNESCO manifesto about school libraries,"which was adopted in 1996, shortly after the adoption of the "Public Library Manifest" (1994). Both of these documents are closely connected. In accordance with the principles set out in the "Public Library Manifest", the School Library is part of the wider library information system and should develop, relying on common professional values: free access to information, intellectual freedom first. The school library is defined as an important partner in the local, regional and national library information system. Also, like a public library, the school library must be free.

    "IFLA / UNESCO Manifesto on School Libraries" defines the unique tasks of the school library, which should be recognized and respected regardless of whether the school library uses its resources (room, equipment) independently or together with another type library, for example, public.

    The main tasks of the school library may be called the following: develop and maintain the habit and joy of reading and teaching in children; encourage the use of information regardless of the type, format and carrier; organize events raising cultural and social self-consciousness, as well as contributing to the emotional development of schoolchildren; Promotion reading both inside the school and beyond.

    The complexity and variety of tasks set in front of the school library are forced to make high demands on the school library, he must have many knowledge both in the field of library affairs and information resources and in the field of education methodology, age psychology etc.

    The IFLA / UNESCO Manifesto on School Libraries calls on government governments to promote ideas formulated in it through the system of both the vocational education of teachers and librarians and through the advanced training system. (The full text of the IFLA / UNESCO Manifesto on School Libraries was published in the newspaper "Library at School" No. 6-2001).

    The study of all named documents shows that one of the most significant libraries in modern society is the question freedom of expression and free access to information. It is this question that is most often discussed, questioned, requirements for the revision of positions, especially under pressure from circumstances, such as "Eleventh September" in the United States, terrorist attacks in Russia, Iraq, etc.

    The report of one of the leading experts in this area of \u200b\u200bPaul Starges (United Kingdom) presented at the meeting of the Committee on Culture of the Council of Europe (1998), all aspects of this problem are considered in detail.

    The author explores the history of the issue, analyzes public concerns associated with the dissemination of inflammation information, offensive information, such dangerous as drugs, weapons, etc. P.Sterjes disassembles the reasons why "Act about the decentity of US communications", issued by President B.Klinton, was not supported and failed. Interestingly, the struggle against the "act of decentity of communications" united such organizations with both commercial and non-commercial character, as:

    - American Library Association;

    - American Association of Booksellers;

    - American society of editors of newspapers;

    - Association of publishers, editors and writers;

    - coalition of citizens for rights on the Internet;

    - families against the censorship of the Internet;

    - Foundation "Freedom of reading";

    - Microsoft, etc. Corporation.

    At the same time, the report showed that this discussion is far from completed. It involves governments, law enforcement and law enforcement bodies, political organizations, church, media, software producers corporations and organizations providing, library community, etc. First of all, the arrows are directed against the Internet.

    The report materials describes in detail the discussion on filtering information on the Internet, which is presented for one of the parties to the desired output. The author of the report, on the basis of the study of the results of many studies, concludes that neither filtering in order to recommendations, nor filtering in order to block information does not solve the problem. Moreover, all filters to some extent went beyond the framework of the role of a barrier, preventing random or intentional access to materials wearing offensive or obscene, and in fact prevented the search for absolutely legal and useful information.

    Paul Sturges leads the well-known rules of "network etiquette", which is based on ten principles:

    1. Remember the person.

    2. During communication in online mode, adhere to the same rules of behaviorAs in real life.

    3. Know, in which location of the network computer space you are.

    4. Respect someone else's time and bandwidth.

    5. Be polite when communicating online.

    6. Share special knowledge.

    7. Do not splash emotions.

    8. Respect the private life of other people.

    9. Do not use your own opportunities for bad purposes.

    10. Forgive other people's mistakes.

    Thus, we are talking about the need for self-regulation on the Internet, as the only real possibility of reducing its negative impact.

    It should be said that the American Library Association (ALA) severely expresses commitment to freedoms declared in the US Constitution, which should apply to all people (for children there is control from parents). The Internet is interpreted as an analogue of the library, and therefore the principles applied in libraries are naturally transferred to Internet access, organized in libraries.

    General conclusions that the speaker does are very significant:

    1. Of course, public concerns the nature of some materials available on the Internet has real reasons. However, the same concern is expressed by printed materials, television and radio programs, etc.

    2. There are three approaches to solving this problem:

    - legislative,

    - Application of Fullification,

    - self-regulation.

    Since the legislative approach is difficult to implement, if only because the network environment changes too quickly, and the filtering is not a fully acceptable approach both in terms of compliance with the principles of freedom of information and from the technical side, the self-regulation of networks and their contents on the basis of ethical principles is The best way to ensure trust in the communications environment.

    Thus, at the international level, there was practically a "package of documents", which determines the activities of the modern library (public, school and, to a certain extent, electronic). The main professional values \u200b\u200brecognize respect for the user, freedom of access to information resources, professional ethics.

    These documents served as the base that Russian specialists focused on.

    Third - "National" - Group Documents include documents (projects), defining both the development of the information sphere as a whole and the main priorities of the library service of Russian libraries. It:

    - Law "On Library Business" (1994)

    - "Code of Ethics of the Russian Librarian" (1999)

    - "Model Standard of Public Library Activities" (2001);

    - "RBA Manifesto about the Public Library in Russia" (2003);

    - "The concept of children's library services in Russia" (project).

    "Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian Librarian" He was the first document adopted by a new professional organization under the influence of democratic transformations in our country - the Russian Library Association. (The full text of the Code of Ethics of the Russian librarian was published in the newspaper "Library at School" No. 4-2000)

    Following the federal law "On librarian business" (1994) who laid new legal basislibrary affairs in Russia, " Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian Librarian "laid new moral moral basics library activities.

    The Codex ... "includes eleven provisions in which professional ethical librarian activities are given.

    Codex ... "(for the first time) approves the interests and needs of the user as a professional librarian priority. This document considers free access to information as an integral personality right, sees the most important taskb librarian Providing full and operational information, urges to build relationships with a user based on respect for personality and its information needs. Codex ... "speaks for the first time about the inadmissibility of the censorship of library materials, the need to comply with confidentiality regarding user information requests (if it does not contradict the law). For the first time in this document, it is mentioned about the need to recognize copyright libraries for intellectual property and the impossibility of using counterfeit products in their funds.

    For the first time in the Russian tradition, the "Codex ..." regulates the professional relationship of the librarian and the user; librarian and society; as well as relationships in the library team. Although this document does not have the nature of the mandatory, legal, together with the fact that the Russian Library Association strongly recommends it to execution.

    It is worth saying that the development of the "Code of Ethics of the Russian Librarian" was carried out over several years with a research team under the leadership of the doctor pedagogical Sciences, Professor Yu.P. Maleteva. In the preparation of this document, Yu.A. Shreder played a major role, a wonderful Russian philosopher. Codex ... "was repeatedly discussed in a wide professional audience, on the pages of professional press. Not all accepted the provisions of the "Code ...". There was a number of specialists (primarily the theorists of the old hardening), which very aggressively protested against the main provisions of the Codex ... ": On the right of access to information, on the abolition of censorship of library materials, etc. In general, the professional environment appreciated the Codex ... "is very high, which is reflected in the materials of the RBA sessions.

    The value of the "Code ..." consists also in the fact that it began to create a completely new type of regulatory documents - professional standards, Developed and taken by the library community in the person of the Russian Library Association.

    Following the "Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian Librarian" appeared "Model Standard of Public Library Activities" (2001) and "RBA Manifest about the Public Library" (2003).

    In all three named documents, there was a reflection of the deep changes that occurred in the activities of the public libraries of Russia over the past 10-15 years. They are built on common ideological positions, reflecting the submission of the library community about the modern public library and its development paths.

    In the context of our lecture, such a document is of particular interest as "The concept of children's library services in Russia" (project).

    This document with completely new, modern positions is considering the tasks of libraries in relation to the child. Children are treated as the greatest viability, as a group of library users with their age, psychological and other features. The document encourages to provide specialized service for children, providing their cultural, intellectual and social development. Special concern should be taken to children with special needs (disabled, socially disadvantaged, etc.).

    As a mission of a library serving a child (children's, school, etc.), the creation of a developing environment is recognized, ensuring equal access to information, assistance in the socialization of the individual.

    "The concept of children's library services in Russia" analyzes various models Children's library services, paths and methods for the development of these libraries.

    Obviously, this document is on the same professional positions as listed above.

    Thus, the analysis shows that the documents of the recent years adopted by the Russian library community are postponing the same professional values \u200b\u200bas their foreign colleagues.

    A new understanding of the Mission of the Public Library in society forced to rethink the main directions of library services.

    For school libraries, they can be formulated as:

    - library service to help education;

    - library service as a means of socializing personality;

    - Library service as a means of rehabilitation of children with "special needs" (disabled, socially disadvantaged, gifted, etc.).


    Theoretical understanding and methodological disclosure of these problems is widely reflected in modern professional literature, including in the works included in this recommendatory list:

    1. Information library Scope: International Acts and Recommendations: Sat. reference and regulatory materials. - M.: Liberey, 2001.

    2. Library and law: Directory: Documents, Comments ... Vol. 1-10. - M.: Liberey, 1996-2001.

    3. GuideIFLA / UNESCO for the development of public library services. - M.: Liberey, 2001.

    4. Codexethics of the Russian librarian. Library ethics in the countries of the world: Collection of Codes. - St. Petersburg. : RNB, 2002.

    5. Firsov V. R. State legislative regulation of library activities. - St. Petersburg. : 2000.

    6. Kuzmin E. I. Libraries and state library policy: new tasks and new frontiers integration // Library science. - 1999. - № 4-6.

    7. Melentheva Yu. P.Library and Youth: Searches for mutual understanding. - M.: Institute of Psychology RAS, 1999.

    8. Melentheva Yu. P.Library as an institution of socialization of youth. - M.: ASOPIR, 2001.

    9. Melentheva Yu. P.Rural Library: Problems of Development and Prospects. - M.: Liberey, 2003.

    10. Yastrebtseva E. N. School library media center: from idea to embodiment. - M.: 2001.

    11. Chudinova V. P. Children, libraries and new information Technology // Library science. - 2002. - № 5. - P. 40-50.

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    Questions for self-test

    1. What documents are IFLA and UNESCO, you will rely on the development of the concept of servicing readers in your library and why?

    2. What is the attitude of the IFLA to the problem of free access to information? What do you think is possible to provide absolutely free access to the information of your children readers, teacher readers and other adults, should there be a difference and why?

    3. What documents developed by the Russian Library Association may apply to the activities of school libraries and what, in your opinion, lack?

    The list of documents is given on the existing tradition: from international to national.


    Melentheva Yu.P.
    Object of modern librarian

    [Library science. - 2004. - № 6. - C.26-31]

    The definition of the object of library science, as is known, is one of the most important and still discussion problems of our science.
    The ascent of the cognition from the empirical level to the theoretical has already allowed at the beginning of the 20th century, in the Dooktyrab period, to propose the main ideas about the essence of library science as independent science and the object of library science. This was done by S.D. Maslovsky, k.I. Rubinsky, V.A. Stein, L.B. Havkane et al. 1
    The history of the question shows that, in fact, for almost a century, there is a confrontation between the two positions: an understanding of library science as a library science (interpreted more or less wide-co) and the concept of library science as a science of library activities (library activities).
    The idea of \u200b\u200bthe library as an object of sectoral science has advanced L.B. Havkin 2. She considered the library "as a certain organism, which is composed of three elements: books, librarian and reader." This approach for the first time gave an understanding of the system of library science. Later, L.B. Havkane have been developed by other researchers, such as A.V. Klenova, who considered it necessary to actively study the causal relations between the structural elements (book, librarian, reader) of the library object.
    In the same period, it was very nominated, in our opinion, promising, modernly sounding and today the concept of librarians "as a science, the purpose of which is to study the library case in the conditions of the historical development of society in connection with economic, social and cultural processes" (K.I . Rubinsky). He saw the body in the library, obeying the general laws of life.
    After the revolution in Russia, as you know, a fierce ideological struggle began, which could not not affect the determination of the status of many social and humanitarian sciences, including librarians.
    During the 1930-1950s. She passed, then fidgeting, then athighted, the discussion, during which the "Soviet" library science was opposed to "bourgeois" and was defined as class, ideological science.
    In fact, during this period the possibility of the possibility of learning the essence of library activities at the theoretical level was rejected, "because there is a system of views of the classics of Marxism on the book and the library."
    And although in the 1960s. The situation softened, it was the famous discussion of 1976-1979 who opened by Article A.Ya. Chernyak. Relying on the experience of predecessor, A.Ya. Chernyak determined the object of library science as the system "Book - Library - reader", emphasizing her open character and demonstrating a wide humanistic and cultural approach to understanding the essence of libraries.
    The main opponent A.Ya. Chernyak became Yu.N. Stolyarov, completed the design of L.B. Having the fourth structural element and identifying libraries as an object of libraries as a four-element structure: "The book - the librarian is the reader - the material and technical base."
    The main provisions of this concept are widely known.
    The inclusion in the concept of the fourth element - the "material and technical base" - was apparently determined by the fact that during the creation of the concept (1970-1980), the technical capabilities of libraries undergo significant changes: technical progress came to the library, and this phenomenon should It was meaningful.
    It should be said that the library community of that time was mainly recognized by the concept of Yu.N. Stolyarova, since the term "library" as a generalizing, as a fundamental concept was more substantially rich, compared to other terms, which were also offered by the participants of the discussion to denote the object of library science: "Library Case" (K.I. Abramov, N.S. Kartashov, G.K. Kuzmin); "Library System" (G.A. Lodine). These concepts can only be considered as private with respect to the term "library".
    Did not receive significant support and ascending to the views of K.I. Rubin's idea M.A. Konovalova and A.I. Launchell about "library activities" as a library object.
    However, already at that time it was obvious that the concept of Yu.N. Stolyarova is not flawless.
    The weak point of this concept was, in view of her critics, the fact that, firstly, in this concept, the object and subject of the study merge together: according to the author of the concept of science, there is nothing but the abstract reproduction of its object 3, which is very controversial And according to other researchers, the meaningful field of our science 4 significantly narrows.
    Secondly, the "Management" element is missing. "Its absence means that the library cannot be attributed to the class of managed objects. Meanwhile, the library, and the library work - managed objects, otherwise they could not function "5.
    Third, the "material and technical base", named as the fourth structural element, is not specific for the library, as it is obvious that it is available at any institution, whether it is a school, shop, bath, etc. 6
    In addition, we note and the inaccuracy of the definition of the "logistical base": after all, strictly speaking, the library fund can also be assigned to the library's material and technical base.
    Fourth, over time it became obvious that further clarification by the author of this "quadrigi": instead of "Book - Librarian - reader - material and technical base" - "Document - Personnel - User - Maturity Base" - made all definition of an object Not specific to library science in general, as the document, user, MTB and staff are characteristic of both the archive, and for a bookstore, a museum, etc. The author, however, did not see his own mistake in this substitution, but concluded that the library It is part of the documentary system, and consequently, the library science is part of the "Documentation" 7.
    Today, it is even more obvious that between the library, the archive, the museum and the bookstore there are much more differences than similarities. Often united in the historical past, the library and the museum are currently still diverge.
    You can add the following fifth - the argument against the definition of the object of library science, given Yu.N. Stolyarov, namely: the definition as the object library library as a four-element structure displays such a type of libraries as personal libraries, which are a very noticeable part of the culture of any country 8. Meanwhile, the same as personal artistic collections cannot be excluded from the context of museum studies and personal libraries cannot be disabled beyond library science 9. Moreover, all librarianship began, mainly from personal libraries, and the fate of personal libraries are very bunciful and often have a very significant impact on the development of the entire library case: the most famous example of this is the library of Count N.P. Rumyantsev, who became the basis of the Russian State Library.
    The same reproach can be attributed to a new type of libraries - electronic. They also do not "fit" into the design proposed by Yu.N. Stolyarov.
    Thus, recently it becomes increasingly clear that the definition of the object of library science needs to be rethought.
    Obviously, modern library science should not be more satisfied with the concept, which, in fact, refuses to library science in independence, considering it as part of the unknown Document 9, refuses even in the independence of the profession "Librarian" 11, and leaves beyond the most important areas of library affairs, such As library management and library networks, the formation of a professional press and professional consciousness, social, affiliate and international cooperation of libraries and much more. All the lively essence of the modern, actively developing library remains beyond the framework of this concept.
    This concept does not withstand the concept and verification of changes that occurred in connection with informatization, the emerging electronic environment in all its complexity is not "clenching" in the proposed rigid scheme.
    The documentation paradigm of libraries, in the positions of which insists the author of the existing concept, is included in a sharp contradiction with internationally accepted ideas about the library as an information institution.
    Therefore, by the way, the real strengthening of the information concept of the library 12, including through the active use of the term "informational", seems to be dangerous for the development of library science 13, although it is quite obvious that the new terminology arises not by chance, it has its own logic of development, reflects reality And weakly gives back to regulation from the outside.
    The reproach of modern researchers in excessive "informatics", the author of the concept (and this is very significant!) He considers the fact that in the 1960s librarians "resist" in discussions with the infinite informatics and did not go to the convergence of positions 14. Meanwhile, there is another understanding of the one that is now a distant situation - "it is enough to recall the damage that suffered the library system of the USSR as a result of the subjective 15 confrontation between library science and informatics, which lasted since the 1960s. Approximately the 1990s, the echoes give him about herself to know and today "16.
    It is strange that, speaking about the danger of the dominance of the term "information" for the development of library studies, Yu.N. Stolyarov does not see the danger for our science in spreading with its active "filing" of the terms "Documentation", "document", "Documentological", as well as reasoning that library science is only part of the documentology that the librarian is not a profession, but a specialty Professions "Documentator".
    Thus, it is obvious that "in danger" is not library studies, but the concept of librarians, proposed by Yu.N. Stolyarov, which objectively inhibits the development of science.
    The fact that some theories die, yielding the place to others, there is nothing surprising: this is how scientific knowledge is moving.
    Today, when the library is not only a "book, reader, a librarian and logistics", but also information technology, and management technology, and social relations of library, and professional communications and much more, when the library is a complex, self-organizing, An unlinearly developing organism, relatively independent part of which is also part of a more complex whole, it is already understood by many: "In order for libraries to be considered quite a" equal "science, it is necessary to bring it to the level of modern scientific requirements, rethink its components, scientific tools in the new, changed Situations. It is necessary to explore and show how the object of library studies has changed, its subject, as the laws of this science, methods, the methodology "17 have changed.
    It should be noted that such studies have already appear. Increasingly, work arise in which the library is considered as a complex, living organism 18, changing the status and meaning of its existence 19 in our eyes. Significant interest is the concepts of V.P. Leonova, M.S. Slobodian, A.M. Stachevich, A.S. Chachko et al. 20
    So, V.P. Leonov proposed to be considered as an object of libraries not a library, not a library case, but a library process 21, close to this understanding of other St. Petersburg scientists offering to return to understanding as an object of library science of library activities. These approaches are very productive for the development of library theory, although it is fairly seen that neither the library process nor librarian activity can be the object of library science, as they proceed within another object - the library 22.
    Very interesting observation V.P. Leonova about the "double life" of the library, about its deep connection with the culture and history of the country and Peace 23, about the library as "symphonies", about Russian library culture.
    With all its differences, all these concepts emphasize the need and the need to determine the object of library science reflecting the integrity and dynamics of objective reality.
    The problem of studying the library as a whole is extremely important. Breaking the problem structural elements, Fragments, one can achieve the fact that complex tasks and items become as if more cognized, but for it you have to pay the fact that our sense of communication is lost in relation to the whole, understanding of the behavior of complex systems in time and space.
    Interestingly, the problem of studying the "whole" is sharply in other close library sciences, for example in a booking: more M.N. Kufarev spoke of the need to study the "whole book" 24. How today, taking into account the rapid development of library practice, can the object of library science be determined?
    It is known that the object of knowledge is a combination of qualitatively defined phenomena and reality processes that are significantly different in their inner nature, the main features and the laws of functioning and development from other objects of this reality.
    Thus, as an object of cognition, it is necessary to consider a certain objective reality, and as its subject - those aspects and features of the object, which are covered by study 25.
    For example, the object of historical science is the entire combination of public life phenomena throughout the history of society. The subject of knowledge is a certain holistic set of the most significant properties and signs of the object of cognition, which is exposed to study.
    If the object of knowledge is an independent reality from the knowing entity, the subject of knowledge is a part of this reality dedicated or attracting his attention.
    Based on these general methodological provisions, it can be argued that the object of knowledge in the library science is - "Evolution 26 of the library in space and time", and the subject of knowledge is part (temporary segment, activity, process, etc.) of this reality.
    As a result of evolution, a new quality state of the object occurs. The object is considered, firstly, from the point of view of its internal structure: not as a mechanical set of individual elements, connections, dependencies, but as an organic population, as an internally connected and functioning integer. Secondly, from the point of view of the process, i.e., following each other in the time of the aggregates and historical connections and the dependences of its internal components. Thirdly, from the point of view of identifying and fixing qualitative changes in its structure as a whole. Fourthly, in terms of the disclosure of the patterns of its development, the laws of transition from one historical state of an object characterized by a certain structure, to another historical state characterized by another structure 27.
    Thus, the evolutionary approach maintains the meaningful wealth of the term "library" and, at the same time, due to the introduction of the concept of "subject matter", it allows you to significantly expand the field of research, remove static with the current definition of the object of library science.
    The definition of the science object as "the evolution of the library in time and space" allows you to enter into the process of study and see in dynamics of all new, emerging in the reality of phenomena, technology, trends, etc., as well as temporary and spatial transformation of the library as a social institution as parts of Russian and world culture, etc.
    The library is understood as a complex multifunctional social Institute, nonlinearly developing both intensively (under the influence of a wide social environment, results of neighboring sciences and knowledge of knowledge) and extensively (under the influence of the internal forces).
    Today, a serious scientist-librarian is interesting to study not so much separate structural elements of the library and the relationship between them, how much to understand the library as a "whole", the world metatext, as part of the total cultural space, to determine its place in society, in Russian and world culture, history, department Knowledge, in philosophical concepts, finally, in life special personality; Determine the concepts of "Russian library culture", "Patriotic and World Library Thoughts", "Library Philosophy", etc. It is clear that these concepts are poorly correlated with the existing definition of the object of library science, which has, by the way, not only theoretical, but also purely practical consequences, for example, the themes of dissertation work, as a rule, the most vivid, not fitted in the concept of the library as 4-element Structures, easily deviate with some scientists by advice under the pretext of the inconsistency of the science object.
    The definition of the library object as "the evolution of the library in time and space" is noticeably expanding and deepens the field of the library researcher, reveals new horizons before scientist and more than It is responsible for the modern level of scientific knowledge in general, as well as the needs of library practice, which is in dire need of understanding.

    Notes and List of References: 1 See: Lukashov I.V. Russian library science at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The formation of views on its structure / I.V. Lukashov // Russian library science: XX century: directions of development, problems and results. Experience Monogr. Research / Sost and preface. Yu.P. Melenet. - M.: Grant Fair; Publishing house "Pashkov House", 2003. - P. 9-25. 2 Havkin L.B. Scientific development of library issues / L.B. Havkina // Proceedings of the first conference of scientific libraries. - M., 1926.- P. 29-33. 3 Stolyarov Yu.N. Encyclopedic definition of library studies / Yu.N. Stolyarov // Library science. - 1998. - № 1. - P. 57. 4 Khropcha.n. Differentiation processes in modern library science / A.N. Khropach // Soviet library science. - 1983. - № 3. - P. 34-41. 5 Skvortsov V.V. The concept of the library in the modern Russian library study / V.V. Skvortsov // Russian Library Studies: XX Century: Development Directions, Problems and Results. Experience Monogr. Research / Sost and preface. Yu.P. Melenet. - M.: Grant Fair; Publishing House "Pashkov House", 2003. - P. 160. 6 ibid. 7 But even if you recognize this position faithful, it is obvious that the object (or subject) of libraries still remained not formulated! 8 cm., For example: Brovin Al. Personal libraries Arkhangelsk and Vologda province at the end of the XVIII - early XX centuries: author. Diss / A.A. Brovina. - M., 1987. 9 Although, of course, they can also be viewed from a bid position, as well as funds (rare books, manuscripts, etc.) of public libraries. 10 Dobrovolsky V.V. Documenting or Documentology: End of the Discussion Discussion / V.V. Dobrovolsky // Library Case - 2004. Materials Scientific conf. - M.: Publishing House of Mguy, 2004. - P. 205-206. Dobrovolsky V.V. Bookstrap, Documentation, Documentology: Failed Atlanta / V.V. Dobrovolsky // ibid. - P. 206-207. 11 Stolyarov Yu.N. Repeatedly (for example, in his speech at an international seminar for teachers of library disciplines in Mguyk in 2002) argued that the "librarian" is not a profession, but only a specialty profession "Documentator". 12 Library Information Paradigm Designed by V.V. Skvortsov. He sees a library as a "holistic system that includes three main elements: 1) information in the form of publications, 2) reader, 3) librarian." See: Skvortsov V.V. The concept of the library in the modern Russian library study / V.V. Skvortsov // Russian library science: XX century. Development directions, problems and results. Experience Monogr. Research / Sost and preface. Yu.P. Melenet. - M.: Grand Fair; Publishing house "Pashkov House", 2003. - P. 161. 13 Stolyarov Yu.N. Library science in danger / Yu.N. Stolyarov // Library Case - 2003: Confirm materials. - M.: Publishing House of Mguyk, 2003. - P. 27 - 29. Repeated in the publication "Bulletin of Mguy" (2004. - No. 1) 14. - P. 27. 15 allocated aut. - Yu.M. 16 Skvortsov V.V. The concept of the library in the modern Russian library study / V.V. Skvortsov // Russian library science: XX century. Development directions, problems and results. Experience Monogr. Research / Sost and preface. Yu.P. Melenet. - M.: Grand Fair; Publishment of RGB "Pashkov House", 2003. - P. 161. 17 Nikonorova E.V. Vector for the development of modern library science / E.V. Nikonorov // Library science. - 2003. - № 6. - P. 22-28. 18 Afanasyev MD The library is a living organism and nothing disappears in it without a trace / M. D. Afanasyev // Library science. - 1999. - № 3. - P. 98-107. 19 Morchitsky ate. Hani status is changing. Which direction? /E.A. Morchitskaya // Library. - 2004. - № 2. - P. 56-58. 20 cm., For example: Leonov V.P. Library space. - St. Petersburg., 2003; Stachevich A.M. Library of the university as a living system ... / A.M. Stahevich // Libraries and associations in a changing world: new technologies and new forms of cooperation. Tr. conf. - T. 2. - M.: Publishing House of GPTB of Russia, 2003. - P. 756-758.; Slobodynik M.S. System-functional model library / M.S. Slobodynik // ibid. - P. 759. Chachko A.S. Library science in human dimension. Monograph / A.S. Chachko. - Kiev, 2002. 21 On the new paradigm of library science // Library science. - 1994. - № 4. - P. 31-46. 22 Vaneev A.N. About the object of library science and methodical work / A.N. Vaneyev // Scientific and Technical Libraries. - 1992. - № 1. - P. 28-30. 23 Leonov V.P. On the originality of Russian library culture / V.P. Leonov // Materials of the International Book Conference. - M., 2004. 24 Kufarev M.N. History of the Russian book in the XIX century / M.N. Cufaev. - M.: Publishing House of RGB "Pashkov House", 2003. - P. 31. 25 Kovalchenko I.D. Historical research methods / I.D. Kovalchenko. - M.: Science, 2003. - P. 53-56. 26 The term "Evolution" (from the Latin Evolutio - Deployment) in a broad sense denotes an idea of \u200b\u200bchanges in society and nature, their direction, order, laws; In a narrower - determines the state of any system, which is considered as a result of more or less long changes in its preceding state. 27 See Read more: Development as a regulatory principle. - Rostov N / Don: Publishing House, ON-TA, 1991.

    UDC 378 (075.8): 02 BBK 78.38

    Made by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    as a textbook for students of higher educational institutions studying in the specialty

    071201 - Library Information



    Shaposhnikov A. E., Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Mguy; Afanasyev M. D., Candidate

    pedagogical Sciences, Director of GPIB

    Melentheva Yu. P.

    Library service: textbook / Yu. P. Melentyev. - M.: "Publishing House Fair", 2006. -

    256 p. - (Special Publishing Project for Libraries).

    ISBN 5-8183-1208-9

    The textbook discusses historical, theoretical, methodological, technological and organizational

    aspects of library service; It reveals its current state. For the first time attempts

    submit library service not only in the context of Russian reality, but also as

    a global professional process occurring in the formation of the "Unified World Library".

    The main task of this textbook is enclosed in the formation of a new generation of wide professional

    views, modern professional thinking along with knowledge and respect for achievements


    378 (075.8): 02 BBK 78.38

    ISBN 5-8183-1208-9

    Melentheva Yu. P., 2006 series, design. "Publishing House Fair", 2006


    one of the most important disciplines underway in the process of obtaining the highest bib-lot

    informational education.

    It addresses historical, theoretical, methodological, technological and

    organizational aspects of library service as an individual reader

    (user) and various reader groups and contingents.

    The textbook discloses the state of library services, taking into account transformations,

    comething in our country, and related professional changes: new

    the conditions for the functioning of libraries, a new attitude to personality and her

    information needs and interests recognizing free access to information

    the basic value of a democratic society, etc. In the field of students' attention also

    for the first time introduced information related to the life of the personal, private library as

    the necessary component of the process of formation of the reader's culture of the user

    publicly affordable library.


    However, a fundamental novelty and the difference of this textbook from all previous ones

    this course is that for the first time an attempt is made to submit library

    service not only in the context of Russian reality, but also as a global

    professional process carried out in the formation of "Unified World


    This is significantly more detailed with it than it was done earlier.

    international legislative acts that determine the principal provisions

    organization of library services in the modern world, as well as wide

    This approach is particularly important in connection with the increasing trend.

    globalization in librarian case, as well as in other areas; with formation

    international, primarily pan-European, standards defining activities

    libraries in general and library services of users in particular


    Russia to enter the "Common European House" means recognition of standards and understanding

    the need for their introduction into practice.

    The main task of this textbook is the formation of a new generation of students

    wide professional views, modern professional thinking along

    with knowledge and respect for the achievements of predecessors, understanding their

    professional Mission, Deep Respect for Information Needs

    user, responsibility to him.

    The tutorial relies on all positive knowledge gained by domestic and foreign

    experts since the formation of the training course "Library service" as

    independent learning discipline.

    "See, for example, public libraries in the age of digital information. Project recommendations Pulman

    European Commission / Ed. L. A. Kazachenkova. - M.: Fair-Press, 2004. - 416 p.


    Library service problems are considered mainly on the example of public

    libraries, since today their role is noticeably increasing in all countries of the world: Public

    the library has become available to the general public without any restrictions; It is she

    playing a completely special role in the life of the local community, promptly reacting and

    the possibility of affecting changes in social, and therefore in the reader's sector; but

    also has a polyfunctional and flexible user service system,

    being both the information center, the club, the venue and


    This textbook is responsible for the adopted state of the second generation in the specialty



    Evolution of problematics

    "Library service"

    The library education system in Russia began to develop in the 1920-30s. First

    higher educational establishments were opened in St. Petersburg (Petrograd Leningrad)

    Kharkov, Moscow.

    The Moscow Library Institute, determined by the head, was created by the Resolution

    teachers, included a training course, which was called "work with readers." It

    should have given students an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to build library

    service in Soviet libraries. Later, already in 1940, a study was developed

    the program "Methods of working with readers" (Avt. Z.E. Luss)

    In 1918, the Institute of Excreation with the Book-Library Faculty was opened in Petrograd


    Although the problem of creating stable textbooks on leading library disciplines, in

    institute's work for 1940-1941.

    However, the first textbook was published only in 1961.

    Leningrad library institutes

    that the peaceful life interrupted the Great Patriotic War, but also by the fact that the development of science

    in general, I. humanitarian Scienceswhere library studies belongs, in particular,

    the strongest influence provided ideology. Ideological discussions of the 1930s, where he was given

    "Determining Bourgeois Library Scientific Concepts", as well as cruel

    criticism, which in 1947, was subjected to the Moscow Library Institute for

    "Weakening of the ideological struggle" and "worship before the West"

    etc., did

    writing stable textbooks affair not only very difficult, but also unsafe for

    It is no coincidence that the first textbook was able to write only when ideological

    the climate in the country has somewhat softened.

    However, of course, the content of the first textbook, but also the content of all subsequent


    brightly reflect

    "See ibid., P. 13.

    Work with readers: Tutorial for library institutes - M.: OV. Russia, 1961. -239 p.

    Later his second edition was published: work with readers: a textbook for a bibl. factors of In-Tov Culture.- 2nd ed.,

    pererab. and add. - M.: Book, 1970. - 352 p.

    * The oldest department ... - S. 17.

    Work with readers / under. ed. V.F. Sakharov. - 3rd ed., Pererab and add. - M.: Book. 1981. - 296 p.

    Library service: theory and technique / under. ed. AND I. Aisenberg. - M.: Publishing House Mguk, 1996 - 200


    processes occurring not only in library science, but also in society.

    A comparative analysis of the content of different textbook editions allows you to trace

    the main trends in the development of issues related to library services


    First of all, all three editions of the textbook "work with the reader" brightly reflect the nature of its

    epochs. Tasks of working with readers, the principles of their service are determined based on

    dominant during this period the theory of communist education set forth in the works

    K. Marx, F. Engels, V.I. Lenin and party documents, on the basis of which "any

    library, even the smallest, is an ideological institution that helps

    the case of the construction of communism "

    It is characteristic that in all three editions of the textbook "Work with readers" terms "Work with

    readers "," Guide to reading "," Propaganda of literature "are considered as

    synonyms or very close concepts involving the active impact of the librarian on

    readership activities of both children and adult readers, in order to give them to reading

    "The right focus."

    In all three editions of the textbook, the experience of Soviet and foreign experience is rigidly opposed

    libraries whose activities are considered mainly in the critical key.

    However, it is obvious that in the third edition of the textbook (1981), the remaining, in general on

    the same theoretical positions, still expanded the framework of the subject. So, noticeable

    increased section dedicated to the history of the study of the Russian reader, deeper and

    the methods of studying readers are considered in detail; Significant place is given the theory

    reader psychology; Included section dedicated to professional qualities

    librarian; For the first time talk about information services.

    All this reflects what happened during the first edition (1961) to the third (1981)

    significant changes in society and in a professional environment, namely:

    - "Thaw" in the political life of the country. Return of names L.B. Havkina, A.A.

    Pokrovsky; ON THE. Rubakina and other library scientists who have recently recently

    called "bourgeois"; Some softening in evaluations of foreign library affairs

    and libraries; revival of international contacts;

    - the development of sociology, which was long on the situation of Lia-Science. Formation

    such its area as a sociology of reading. Spent in this period of state

    library them. IN AND. Lenin (now RGB) and other organizations are sociological

    research ("Book and Reading in the Life of Small Cities"; "Book and reading in life

    soviet village "and others) gave an idea of \u200b\u200bthe modern reader, put it

    studies on new

    - the emergence of the first signs of the formation of the information society, awareness

    significance, the value of information forced for the first time to designate the purpose of working with readers

    "How to maximize reader demand"

    As is known, in the late 1980s - early 1990s. There were big changes in life

    countries. These years have enacted the restructuring, the rejection of monoideology, and as a result -

    revision of views on the role of the library in the life of the personality and society, goals and objectives

    library service, etc. It was necessary to comprehend this new reality and

    reflect her B. educational materials for students.

    the curriculum for this discipline.


    But none of the programs presented

    However, these developments did not disappear.

    the name of the new textbook "Library service: theory and technique", which

    once out only in 1996 15 years after the previous edition

    new understanding of the role of the reader as an active participant in the library process

    maintenance liberated from ideological pressure and received the right to

    free selection of information.

    The question of the status of the library in society was revised, and during numerous

    discussions that have passed during this period on the pages of professional publications, from

    definitions of goals, tasks, the functions of the library were removed by the ideological component,

    what is reflected in the "Library Law"

    The most important task of the library

    the task of ensuring freedom of access to information was recognized.

    The principles of the relationship between the reader and the librarian were understood in a new way, was

    emphasize the dialogic nature of their communication, etc.

    In the new textbook for the first time, the role of the library in the development was considered in detail

    personality. Library service

    Shaposhnikov A.E. Library service readers- program ... project. - M.: MGIK, 1991.

    Library service: Theory and Methodology: Tutorial / Ed. AND I. Aisenberg. - M.: Publishing

    Mguk. 1996. - 200 p.

    "Federal Law" On Library Business "// inf. Russian Bulletin

    library Association. - St. Petersburg., 1995. - № 2. - P. 9-28.

    Evolution of the issues and terminology of the training course "Library service"

    residence was considered in the context of socialization theory as a personality assistance in solving

    vital problems, as a process, "reinforcing" personality due to admission to

    information and reduced social tension in society by

    providing equal opportunities to obtain the necessary information.

    A significant place in the new textbook was given to library service technology and

    Thus, the textbook "Library service" decided the "Moment's task" - reflected

    new ideas about the role of the library in the life of society and personality.

    Of course, not all problems could be reflected in the tutorial equivalent. This

    the disadvantage of a certain extent fills a significant range of teaching aids and printed

    specialists - teachers of sectoral universities Countries:

    - Aleshin L.I., Dvorkina M.Ya. Library service using

    computer funds. - M.-MGUK, 1995.

    - Azarov V.A. Reader service: professional behavior technique:

    Monograph. - Samara, 1998.

    - Bespalov V.M. Library activities to help creative identity development. -

    M.: Mguk, 1997.

    - Borodina V.A. Psychology reading: Tutorial. - SPb.: SPBGAK, 1997.

    - Dvorkin M.Ya. Library service as a system: Tutorial. - M.:

    - Zinoviev N.B. Informational culture of personality: Tutorial. - Krasnodar,

    - Creudenko B.c. Library service: curriculum. Educational-methodical

    materials - St. Petersburg: SPBGAK, 1997.

    - Maizhis I.A. Socio-psychological foundations of library services:

    Tutorial. - Nikolaev, 1994.


    - Melentheva Yu.P. Library as a personality socialization institution: Tutorial. -

    M.: MGUK, 1995.

    - Shaposhnikov A.E. Disabled library services: Tutorial. - M.:

    works significantly

    enriched the problems of library service. I was noticeably expanded

    the term system: Along with the concept of "reader", the concept began to be used

    "User", "Library Subscriber", "Consumer of Information", which reflected processes,

    what is happening in librarian business.

    The concept of "library service" appeared; Formed such areas of library

    maintenance, as "library conflictology" and "library ethics"; New impetus

    development received the concept of library service as a kind of therapy

    ("Library therapy"); Formed an idea of \u200b\u200bthe main trends

    reader's activities of the Russian and world reader ("Business reading";

    "Compensatory reading", etc.); further development of the information society and how

    corollary, the gain of the information function of the library contributed to the appearance

    such a concept as "an informational culture of personality"; Along with the same

    readiest groups of significant attention required new migrants, marginal,

    elderly, as well as businessmen, entrepreneurs, etc. Library task

    maintenance becomes legal and environmental informing, socialization and

    social adaptation of the reader.

    Considerable contribution to the understanding of the problems of the modern reader was made by the work of sociologists

    get acquainted and unbiased

    the work of foreign libraries, the intensification of international professional

    contacts, as well as thanks to publications of foreign colleagues that started actively

    translate into Russian

    Today, Russian libraries enrich the process of library service of their

    readers the best experience of foreign libraries use the most efficient

    technologies, techniques that have become quite accessible.

    The active application of computer equipment in libraries contributes to changes in

    traditional library service process: new opportunities appear

    providing documents and information, new services, new forms of service

    ("virtual reading room"," Electronic Delivery of Documents ", etc.); Changes itself

    reader. Specialists talk about "new", "electronic" reader, etc.

    Permanent impulse to developing library service issues and from

    nonprofessional sphere, directly from society: organizations such as the UN,

    UNESCO et al., By the World Community, certain tasks are actively

    attracts to their decision and librarians

    Contributing to the expansion of their sphere

    activities and formation of new areas of library services, as well as

    the emergence of unified user service standards.

    The tendency of globalization of library work is quite obvious, the creation of one

    world Library,

    See, for example, critical thinking and library: Materials of the Russian-American seminar

    Billington J. American public libraries in the age of informatization: unchanged goal in

    periods of change. // Library and reading in the situation of cultural changes. - Vologda, 1998 -

    Asherwood B. Alphabet of Communication, or Public Ryleshit in the library / lane. from English - M.: "Liber",

    Cm .. for example. UNESCO program "Information for all".


    putting a range of services, i.e. library service, any user, wherever he

    neither was.

    foreign library and library and informational schools of foreign countries,

    one of the leading. For example, American colleagues are constantly improving it, studying

    library practice, evaluating the effectiveness of innovations and improvements.

    Library service training programs are primarily practical

    character. The focus of developers is, as a rule, some kind of relevant

    problem - for example, information literacy or library service

    disabled, or library services for the elderly - and which students should

    learn to decide

    Thus, it is obvious that the problems of library service constantly

    complete and deepened. It is clear that no textbook is not able to "sobble" as amended

    reality, but he must give the fundamental basis that will help the young

    specialist to solve professional tasks in front of him

    Theoretical and legislative frameworks of library


    1.1. The concept of "library service".

    Basic Library Services Concepts

    - Ideological.

    - Pedagogical (educational).

    - Education.

    - Socializing.

    - Information.

    Library service is the most important generic function of the library. It is the appearance

    figures of the reader, satisfying his needs - that is, the service - and does

    library library, otherwise you can only talk about the book storage facility,

    books warehouse, etc.

    the idea of \u200b\u200bthe role of the library was changed at various stages of society. IN

    different periods focused on "propaganda

    de ... Print works »

    as the most important task this process; then (in the 1990s) on

    "Satisfying user needs"

    ; Recently most

    specialists are considering library service as an activity aimed

    to provide information requests for users (readers, subscribers, customers)

    both directly in the library and outside its walls.

    The library service process may be comprehended in two planes.

    Firstly, it can be considered as a social process, i.e. having some

    Superbate, based on the conviction that library service leads

    to some social consequences and changes for both a specific personality and for

    various social groups of the population and for society as a whole, and secondly, - as

    technological process involving a "sequence of actions (operations,

    procedures) librarian .. aimed at providing the user a certain

    The task, however, is to synthesize all the knowledge and see

    library service as a single holistic phenomenon.

    It is known that the main indicators (goals, tasks, directions) of library

    service, and especially set in front of him "Superfloor" are determined

    the historical situation, sociocultural processes occurring in society, and,

    first of all, the attitude of society to personality and, therefore, reader that

    dominates during this period of time in the public consciousness.

    Thus, at the heart of this or that library service concepts, adopted by

    society in determined

    Theoretical and Legislative Funds of Library Services

    its period of development lies attitude to the readerthat is - one or another concept


    Research conducted by V.Ya. Askarova shows that throughout the time

    russia's development as a reading state (X-XX centuries) "existed and difficult, often

    conflict interacted four reader concepts: conservative

    changing, liberal, revolutionary-radical and commercial "

    Each of these concepts was a certain way of development.

    At different times dominantthe one of them became the most fully

    answered the social and sociocultural situation in the country: so, during the period of liberal

    reforms (for example, during the liberal policies of Alexander the first) actively

    the liberal concept of the reader was formed and dominated; in periods of reaction,

    "Compressions" strengthened its positions to onser tivy-guard to oNPERTATION AND T. . by

    Each of these to onopecy determined the goals chi I. "Superzada chu »Bib. lote sHOD

    service ani. i k but to OT selo reader eahl, T. aK and the entire population of the country.

    Each of the name k. is he chains based on philo sophie Development Theories Personally ,

    theories of itania and pro avenue will raise and those flax valuable knowledge and t . d.

    Pains ani. i show ayut , what the cats B. from eX Four K. oNTS. epschi arose e essentially

    together with the emergence of Russian og about reader. Bo more fully they issued smiling in the XVII - XIX centuries.

    and OK. oncha s. forms in the XIX-XX centuries.

    TO onservative-o store flax oNTS. exction reader takes his own chalo since the ancient times

    Rus, received "Energy Christian og about Enlightenment ", including book oh, OT.

    Byzantium. T. conductable layer Priob to book ku l tour (before all oh, Spirit symptoms

    princes) Defined

    regular liage reader oh actor sTI and S. elegation of books about Flow but.

    G. luban essence oh to onoperty chit but tel: attitude to the reader to but to k. the thaw will raise annia;

    dividing books on "True, Useful" and "Lo purchase, harmful "; pro tivopo stiling knowledge I.

    faith, morality; attitude to reading as to dK oNT right activity.

    TO he is with yerva tivy-guard to outpiece Esg. yes present in Russian oh.

    common governmental m is created annia by ray ila new T. leak to development in with eEDE XIX century. In this from Perio d.

    she was powerful reserved a K. he is with yerva tillers. With the names K.N. Leontiev,

    K.P. Pun dono sCR and other sv yazany Ideas about Iso l. irova russia of Russia lens "B. lyania

    West, about h. about dimo sTI "MORPORLY" ISST venetian soils r. about sSIA, counter about action t.

    naro done images ayia as "promoting times rotation. " Education reading up lousy

    fore was serve being B. lagonamenennia tee, predicted nNU monarchy, in spitonia

    pA t. riotiz ma and religious moral sTI. Christian about e V. spicement valued smiling higher than

    knowledge. TO onserva torah Active B. they interfered with the reading content. In Ramm ah scientist

    to oomitics People's about pro available was formed special about tel, k about thorn practiced

    official hand oncewood reading through to statov cNN tough K. ontrol Passage telsk oh,

    books oras. prost ranitary about th, bib lie about those chnea, Shk olna activity sTI.

    T. but kim education m, ko n. serv aT. ivny-ocher nIT e. flax oNTS. eagration Chit. and those la was directed a.

    sO temple naro consciousness in the Spirit e law nice valuable stey at pre betzing

    naro done disobedience.

    Modern explorer atellers, seeing some point at night oh the theory in desire

    stabilization is general in strengthening morality, marked in general

    expectative both due to the inconsistency of social dynamics and in virtue of TOG oh what

    the principle of K. oternvations opposition lodge eN Continuously change fast mouth cross

    Theorem tunic and laws flax e Basics of Biblio those some service

    Head of the Division of Problems of Reading Scientific Center for Study History of Book Culture Russian Academy science Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor. Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.

    Deputy Chairman of the Scientific Council on the Problems of the Russian Academy of Education. Vice-President of the Russian Association of Reading. Member of the editorial board journal. "Library science" (2000-2005); Member of the editorial office journal. "Bibliosphere" (Novosibirsk); Member of the editorial office journal. "Bibliography"; Member of the editorial board journal. "University Book"; Member of the editorial board journal. "Modern Library"; Member of the Academic Council for the Protection of the Dissertations of Mguki; Member of the Academic Council for the Protection of Dissertations of the Moscow State Academy of Printing; Member of the Academic Council of the Russian Book Chamber.

    One of the leading domestic libraries. Its theoretical works in many ways contribute to the formation of the professional worldview of the modern thinking librarian. Her contribution to the study of the history of the readers 'traditions of Russia and the identity of the features of modern readers' culture is particularly great.

    As a teacher of Mguya formed not one generation of librarians and researchers now working in libraries of different regions of the country.

    Member of the Council of the Russian Library Association (1999-2005), Head of the Round Table "Communication and Professional Ethics Librar" (1999-2007)

    I made an invaluable contribution to the creation of the first edition of the "Code of Professional Ethics of the Russian Librarian" (1999), organizing a round table "Communication and professional ethics of the librarian" with the Russian Library Association.