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  • What is the best way to do school assignments? Symptoms of school overload

    What is the best way to do school assignments?  Symptoms of school overload

    How often do we observe the situation: a girl with a portfolio a little less than she herself incubates 7 lessons, then runs to a music school, and from there to an English tutor. We also need to have time to learn the lessons, because our school curriculum is designed for future Einsteins and Newtons. And parents demand from kids also high marks, and obedience, and parenting meetings demand: give us a couple more languages ​​in the program, because the children will be admitted after school!

    And they don't even think that such overloads break the delicate and fragile nervous system child, up to 70% of whom suffer from explicit or latent neuroses. School overload is to blame.

    What are curriculum norms?

    Curriculum norms can be divided into the study itself and the conditions in which this study is carried out. Studying itself is how many lessons a student spends, how many hours he spends on homework, how many hours he spends on physical activity and rest. It is no secret that in the modern school curriculum there is absolutely no time left for schoolchildren for rest - this time is "eaten up" by homework.

    The learning environment is the kind of room and classroom the children are in. A spacious room with modern equipment and bright, joyful classrooms is the norm. An old school, in which even in winter heating does not reach 18 degrees, and children are forced to sit in warm jackets and blow on frozen fingers - this, unfortunately, is a real picture. Not ubiquitous, but very common.

    It is important for parents and teachers to take into account that even if the conditions for a child's study are excellent, the surroundings are pleasing to the eye, then the school load in these bright, spacious classrooms should not be excessive.

    What does excessive school workload lead to?

    According to research by physiologists, up to 40% of students primary grades(that is, children at the most fragile age from 6 to 10 years) suffer from explicit or latent neuroses due to school overload. The percentage of neurotics among middle-aged schoolchildren and adolescents is even higher - up to 70%. These studies, by the way, were carried out in exemplary schools, where parents and teachers were supporters of the most intensive program - with the study of special subjects and numerous electives. The same statistics show that after leaving school, the diseases of children acquired during excessive learning turn into a chronic form.

    So, after the end of grades 9-11, children register 3 times more chronic diseases than in school. Among these diseases, five times more children are visually impaired than at school, and those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are 3 times more. It's simple: the body cannot cope with the stress and the course of the disease is aggravated. After all, none of them appears in a week, but develops over months, or even years.

    As for psychological deviations as a result of overloading at school, these problems occur in every fourth boy and girl.

    The stress of running out of time

    "I do not have time for anything!" the child screams desperately. And if he doesn't scream, then he thinks - he gets tired of screaming. This stress is most common in schoolchildren. When a child is naughty in kindergarten, psychologists advise parents to leave 15-20 minutes for any of his fees. This is good advice for parents of schoolchildren too. But it is not so easy to follow it. The breaks between lessons are negligible. And the school load is such that an extra 15-20 minutes is a huge luxury for a busy child. Meanwhile, he is constantly urged on: come on, come on, learn, do well.

    As a result, throughout the entire considerable course of study - 9-11 years old - the child is forced to maximize his schedule, constantly run somewhere, do homework as soon as possible, because there are still tutors on the horizon and, finally, dancing or a musical instrument. In the pursuit of knowledge and prestigious admission, teachers and parents miss an important detail: with the same life expectancy, the school load has tripled over the past fifty years.

    If 30 years ago schoolchildren up to the third grade counted on sticks, today in the third grade they learn a lot of subjects that were previously introduced no earlier than grades 6-7. Meanwhile, the constant increase in the workload at school is a direct violation of the teaching norms, which both teachers and even more so parents turn a blind eye to. There is only one excuse: let him study, there will be no time to do stupid things ...

    What are the reasonable school workload norms?

    Let's consider how much time a child should exercise without harming their health. The Ministry of Health, of course, strictly calculates the educational standards for children of different ages. Parents will be surprised if they find out these numbers.

    Up to grade 5 - no six days and no more than 5-6 lessons a day. If, nevertheless, the school provides for a six-day period, fifth graders should incubate no more than 31 hours per week. It turns out no more than 5 lessons a day. Now, remember when your fifth grader received no more than 5 lessons a day?

    6th grade - if a five-day school week is provided, there should be a maximum of 6 lessons per day, and then not every day, because in total, the Ministry of Health allows no more than 29 lessons per week for schoolchildren of this age. If the school week for sixth graders is six days, they are allowed no more than 5 lessons per day and once a week - 6 lessons. Because the school week for schoolchildren of this age should contain no more than 32 lessons.

    The load on the lessons is also regulated by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health. The most difficult should be the 2nd and third lessons - mathematics, physics, chemistry, language learning. Tuesday and Wednesday should be the days when the most difficult lessons are planned, Thursday and Friday are more unloading days. Have you seen a school that fulfills these requirements?

    How much time to devote to homework?

    As for homework, for fifth graders, they can be no more than 3 hours. That is, the child must have time to do all the homework during this time, given that every hour he needs to rest for 10-15 minutes. It is not allowed to ask a child more than he can do in 3 hours! What do we see in reality? The little sufferer does not break away from the textbooks for the rest of the day, and his parents also punish him for every mistake. How can neurosis not develop here?

    The homework norms for 6th grade children are the same as for 5th graders, and not for a minute more. Parents and teachers need to draw conclusions.

    The time for starting and ending homework, too, turns out to be regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards. Perhaps the parents will be amazed, but this time is not one or two nights, as it often happens. Homework should start at 15.00, and finish no later than 17.00. How does it feel? But you can often see a picture when a child sits over textbooks until 22.00 and later, and even in poor lighting.

    Meanwhile, doctors strictly forbid sitting on homework after 19.00, especially for primary school students. This causes many chronic diseases in them, including visual impairment, posture disorders and chronic fatigue syndrome.

    How much is a student supposed to sleep and walk?

    Sleep and physical activity for schoolchildren are also regulated. To save a child from school overload, he needs to be given at least 8-10 hours of sleep. To give a school-age child a normal physical activity, he needs to be given the opportunity to walk, run and jump up to 7 km a day, and half of them at school. Moreover, a school-age child should be in the fresh air for at least three hours. How long does your child go for a walk?

    Symptoms of school overload

    Yes, there are. And they are not connected at all with the fact that your child is naturally capricious and disobedient. Parents need to pay attention in time to the signals that the child's body, exhausted by school overload, is intensively giving. Otherwise, it may be late - constant hospital visits may not reveal the true reason why your little one is getting sick more and more often. And the reason for this is banally simple - the teaching load is extremely high.

    1. So, the first indicator of school overload is the weight of the child. If a schoolchild began to rapidly lose weight, the body needs more rest and properly organized nutrition. To control the weight of the child, it must be put on the scales at least once a month.
    2. The second indicator of student overwork is his stable Bad mood and signs of depression: increased fatigue, weakness, loss of interest in activities that previously caused the child's active participation.
    3. The third important indicator is a deterioration in appetite. If a child ignores his mother's favorite cakes before and is indifferent to the cakes that were previously adored, it is a bad thing. It is worth paying attention to how many hours a day the student devotes to lessons and whether he walks in the fresh air enough.
    4. The fourth indicator of a child's health is his movement. The bad habit of constantly biting your nails is not a whim of a child, but the first bell of a stressful state. Grinding teeth in sleep, nightmares, bruises under the eyes, twitching of the eyelid, slight stuttering belong to the same category. First you need to reduce the child's school load, scold him less and let him get enough sleep. It does not help - take your student to a psychologist - such visits are not in vain.
    5. The fifth important indicator of the deteriorating health of a son or daughter is his behavior in the classroom. If a child does not listen to the teacher well, bully classmates, answers questions inappropriately, or, conversely, does not show any interest in classes, is sluggish and lack of initiative - sound the alarm. This may be a banal overwork, and not at all a desire to annoy oneself by ruining the report card indicators.
    6. Finally, pay attention to the baby's blood pressure. This is an important symptom of whether the body is okay. Normal pressure for an adult is 120x80. For a child, these figures are too high. The child's upper pressure is normal - 100-80. If the upper blood pressure indicator of a student under 14 years of age is more "only" by 5 units and is 115 mm Hg. Art., this can be a serious signal of school overload.

    How to protect a student from learning overload? The solution to this issue directly depends on the sensitivity and attentiveness of the parents. A timely response to changes in the baby's health can save him from many dangers in the future.

    These and other questions are answered by the honorary worker general education, teacher the highest category, laureate of the Moscow Grant award in the field of science and technology in the field of education.

    "AiF": - How should a child have a rest? Can I watch TV or play computer games after school?

    Olga Kholodova: - The correct rest of a child, whether he is a third grader or a fifth grader, must necessarily begin with a walk (at least 1.5 hours). Then from 15.00 to 17.00 the child performs homework, every half hour, be sure to do exercises for the eyes. From 18 to 19 hours it is advisable to walk again, and then no more than 30-40 minutes or a computer or TV. And be sure to read before bed.

    "AiF": - What if the teacher is not objective in relation to the child? Change school?

    OH.: - What do you mean, the teacher does not give marks objectively? Not objectively, is it from the parental point of view, or from the point of view of the standards for assessing the quality of the student's knowledge?

    Changing schools does not always lead to a child's interest in learning. It seems to me that it is best in such a situation to talk with the class teacher of the child and ask her to help understand the situation.

    "AiF": - If a child really likes a subject - is it worth transferring him to a specialized school or class?

    OH.: - It's wonderful that the child is fascinated by something. If in primary school the child likes math, it is not yet known whether he will like theorems and trigonometric formulas. It seems to me that you should not rush, it is advisable to decide for the 6th grade, but for now, so that interest does not disappear, you can solve additional problems with your child from various collections designed to prepare for olympiads and marathons.

    "AiF": - Is it possible to somehow develop a child's imagination? After all, it plays an important role in the writing of essays.

    OH.: - Imagination and the ability to write essays are not the same thing. Yes, there are various techniques for developing imagination in children. And for the development of the ability to write essays, it is necessary, first of all, to read a lot of classical works and not only from school curriculum, often express their own judgments on various issues, not be afraid to have their own opinion, but be sure to be able to defend it in evidence and know the basic rules of writing a school essay.

    "AiF": - If a child constantly complains about the teacher - what to do in such a situation?

    OH.: - Talk to the parents of other children who study with this teacher and if they also talk about similar behavior of the teacher in the classroom, then first go to the teacher and talk to him, and if nothing changes, then to the head teacher.

    "AiF": - What motivation can you give a child to study well?

    OH.: - Motivation is a way to do what you don't want to do. This thing is completely unnecessary if we like something. Motivation is the motor that turns the flywheel of human behavior.

    Motivation is the force that a person applies to "himself" in order to climb (jump, fly) over an obstacle. And an obstacle is a feeling of unwillingness to do something. As soon as motivation becomes stronger than reluctance, the person is ready for action. And the greater this difference, the more enthusiasm he shows. Each person has their own most successful ways of motivation, and what is acceptable for one person may not be acceptable for another. It can be very difficult to get a person to do something, but you can motivate him to do it. Try not to force your child to study well, but to define what it means to study well. Is “5” the only indicator of “good academic performance”?

    "AiF": - How to find a balance between the main and additional education child?

    OH.: - Try to start talking with your child about what he likes the most from additional activities and, most importantly, why he wants to do it. Try to decide together what in later life can be most useful to him?

    It can be explained that “all at once” is not always good. For example, you can learn dancing at an older age, and it is better to study a foreign language in depth in high school; in elementary school, spoken English is enough. Prohibitions will not solve anything. The child must learn to understand why something needs to be done, what efforts to make for this and be able to make the right informed choice.

    Studies, additional classes take a lot of time and energy from the student, and you also need to manage to make sure that he can restore his strength and feel refreshed and vigorous in the morning. How to organize a good rest for a student?

    What can you offer a teenager to do in his free time in order to have a good rest? It seems that there are many options, but in reality the situation is different. To understand this, imagine that adults come home after work, do some homework, and how can they rest in the time remaining before bedtime? What will they have in time? The same is the case with schoolchildren.

    Walking before bed is great advice from doctors. Fresh air, evening calmness on the street has a beneficial effect. But if you let him go for a walk in the evening, there may be very little time left for sleep, since it is difficult to return home at the appointed hour. Of course, you can walk the whole family before going to bed, but in real life it is hard to imagine that a teenager will walk with his parents.

    TV and a computer are not considered as an option for recreation, as they draw the child's attention and then persuade him to go to bed at the right time is almost impossible. And he gets from such a pastime a lot of aggression, negativity, instead of rest, recuperation.

    Reading books that are interesting to him is an acceptable rest after studying compulsory subjects, playing sports.

    Doing your favorite hobby is very inspiring, calming and joyful. Drawing, modeling, decoupage, quilling, modeling, numismatics, collecting stamps, etc. - all these hobbies allow you to quickly recover, get a boost of vivacity and positive energy.

    What else can you advise your child in weekdays? The choice is not that great.

    You can ride a bicycle, roller skates for your pleasure - a great opportunity to relieve the burden of daytime worries.

    An evening spent with your family over a cup of tea and leisurely conversation is a great end to your working day. Only if the family has a happy, comfortable, benevolent atmosphere of mutual respect, love and patience.

    And on weekends and holidays, you can offer to go to a concert, exhibition, competition, visit museums, watch performances, go on a visit, on excursions. But this is on weekends, when there is more free time and in the morning you can sleep longer, since such events are long and very emotional, which means they require more effort and time.

    Great vacation - hiking trips with friends or strangers. Romance, clean air, nature, new acquaintances, performing unusual assignments: lighting a fire, cooking on it, setting up a tent, as well as night conversations around smoldering logs, songs with a guitar ...

    In order for the child to be able to independently efficiently and easily organize his vacation, whether he has an hour or a day or a week for this, the parent needs to expand his horizons in every possible way, educate him so that he feels self-sufficient, independent of the will and attention of others. Then, in his free time, he will never get bored or waste it mediocre.

    Many schoolchildren complain about the large volume of homework assignments. But most of the problems arise from the wrong approach to completing school assignments. Children always postpone everything for later, as a result of which a huge number of unfinished lessons accumulates, which must be submitted for verification tomorrow. In this article, we will give some tips for completing your homework, and you will choose the ones that you will follow.

    Is it worth resting after getting home from school?

    Children complain to their parents that they tired at school, and they need to go for a walk and rest. Usually such a walk ends late in the evening and children get tired on it even more. Back home, they have little time and energy to complete their homework. But what is to forbid children to rest after school? Of course not. But it is worth imposing some rules on their vacation. At home, children have lunch after which you can give the child thirty minutes or an hour to rest. But you shouldn't let it go outside or let your computer turn on. Doing homework should be a prerequisite before taking a walk or playing computer games. The street and the Internet can drag out a student for a long time, moreover, they completely deprive him of the concentration gained at school. Absence concentration while completing school assignments, greatly increases the time for completing lessons. But it should be clear to the child that hastily done tasks will not allow him to escape to play. Check back periodically to see what your son is doing. There is absolutely no need to check every lesson and stand above his soul. School is not a concentration camp; the child must develop a sense of independence and personal responsibility for their actions. A parent should only occasionally control the responsibility of his child.

    Should parents help the student with their homework?

    The kids seem to be getting enough knowledge to do their homework on their own, so don't help them diligently. The child stops thinking for himself when the parents do the homework for him. But this does not mean that it is worth yelling at a son or daughter if they cannot cope with the task. IN modern textbooks, some tasks are structured in such a way that it is difficult to understand them even for an adult. Therefore, be sympathetic to learning difficulties. But even in difficult situations, do not do the work for the child. Just tell him the right way to solve it, or remind him of the rule that regulates this issue.

    Distribution of lessons by day of the week

    If written assignments can be completed on the day they were received, or the day before the lesson itself, then with oral assignments everything is much more complicated. It is worth paying attention to the size of the given text. If it does not exceed a few pages, then it can be read in the general stream. But if the text is large, then you should divide it into several parts and read on days when there are few other tasks. You can do the same with large writing assignments. and reading large works on literature should be postponed for the weekend, when you can devote several hours in a row to completing a large task, so as not to sit with him until late at night on weekdays.

    The order of performance of school lessons

    First of all, it is worth doing lessons that require maximum mental concentration, for example: chemistry, physics, mathematics. Then you can move on to more routine work in the form of the Russian language. And lastly, leave small oral assignments.

    When I was a third or fourth year university student, I learned that school graduates in Europe and the United States take a gap year before entering college.

    It was a shame that after the 11th grade no one offered me to take a break. Then I missed her so much. Exhausted by exams, tutors, courses, I, like a somnambulist, went with my parents to universities and applied USE results to different faculties.

    This was the first year (2009) when all schools in the country officially switched to a single exam format. Confusion was everywhere. I remember that before winter we did not know exactly what form of certification awaits us. So I was preparing at the same time for the Unified State Exam, for oral exams in Russian and history, as well as for composition.

    Somewhere in January, the Ministry of Education announced that everyone would take only the Unified State Exam. The teachers had 5 months to train us for tests.

    To be honest, I don't remember how I got through it all.

    I only remember that I didn’t expect prom or summer holidays... The exams took place in a bustle. The nerves were fueled by "unforeseen" situations: I did not have enough forms for the Unified State Exam in literature - because of this, I had to cut my essay almost in half in half an hour; in English, in terms of listening, we came across a crackling and rustling player, so it was very difficult to make out the dialogues.

    By mid-July, I was exhausted. I no longer worried whether I would go somewhere or not ... If I had been offered a year of freedom then, I would have agreed without hesitation.

    In early August, it became known that I was admitted to the journalism faculty. After all the dancing, I had a month to rest. It flew by like one second, after which I again harnessed to the crazy learning rhythm of lectures and seminars.

    I harnessed myself, not thinking at all whether I needed it, I made the right choice or it was made for me.

    My relatives did not understand my broken state, they attributed it to a large academic load. Then I had the idea to leave school, as my head demanded a break. But I was afraid of my parents' condemnation. Imagined how they would look at me if I said that I wanted to take academic leave... I would have heard only one thing: "Everyone from your class is studying, but you?" normal people after school they go to university and study there for 5 years. You will lose a whole year. "

    Dear parents of graduates, if you are afraid that by allowing your child a year (or maybe two) not to go to university, you will make him a loser, that he will remain an ignoramus for the rest of his life and end his life as a tramp in the backyard, try to abstract yourself from these thoughts ... Don't fantasize about something that doesn't exist.

    Just accept that the "free" year is now like air necessary for almost every schoolchild. And that's why:

    1. This is the time when he will be able to understand who he wants to become.

    Most graduates have no idea what profession they would like to study. They enter "just where", and then all four years howl from boring lectures and seminars.

    A free year can be spent on work. It doesn't matter what it will be. A cashier in a supermarket, a storekeeper, a courier, a promoter ... She will give the young man an invaluable experience.

    Even working as a courier, you can see the “inside out” of the case, understand what you really want or don’t want.

    2. This is the time when he learns to be responsible.

    Now it is not the parents who determine the life of a person, but he himself. A free year will teach a person to manage his time and value it, make decisions on his own and be responsible for them.

    4. This is the time when he can help others.

    If the graduate does not feel like studying or working, you can consider becoming a volunteer. Museums, exhibitions, animal shelters and many other organizations will open before him, which will gladly accept helpers.

    If a graduate is fluent in some foreign language then you may consider volunteering abroad.