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  • IQ test decryption. Levels of IQ values \u200b\u200band their decoding. The level of a normal man - which is considered good

    IQ test decryption. Levels of IQ values \u200b\u200band their decoding. The level of a normal man - which is considered good

    Recently, a variety of tests are increasingly popular for determining the intelligence coefficient or IQ tests (IQ - Intelligence QUotient read). They are carried out not only for the sake of entertainment. Some employers I. educational establishments Included such tests in the receiving programs. What does it give and how to check your IQ (Ikey)?

    What is intelligence

    Abbreviation IQ denotes a quantitative assessment intellectual abilities Checked with respect to the level of mental development of the average person of this age.

    For the first time, this abbreviation was used at the beginning of the last century in the Stenford Bin scale.

    What is intelligence? Translated from Latin Intellectus means understanding, perception, feeling. This is the quality of our psyche that helps adapt to new circumstances. Thanks to mental abilities, we can adapt faster, to know the new and apply knowledge in practice. Mental abilities are divided into congenital and acquired.

    Congenital abilities play a big role in our lives. They are formed under the influence of genetics and begin to manifest themselves in childhood. Primary intuition is not related to mental functions and does not depend on our skills. It is believed that it is formed on the basis of architectonics of the cerebral cortex. Acquired abilities are what we will achieve throughout your life.

    On Ikey affect:

    • individual genes;
    • heredity;
    • external factors.

    If everything is clear with the first two points, the last item, causes many questions.

    Scientists found out that mental abilities can affect: environment, food, race and even a country of residence. The highest indicator of the Jews, then the Asians are followed, and then only the people of the White race. Therefore, some are considered smarter simply by nature, because they were born "where necessary."

    Nutrition is also a very important component of the full and comprehensive development of the individual. It has been proven, a lack of iodine in the body of a teenager reduces the intellect by almost 10 points, but breastfeeding helps to increase the figure at 7 positions. True, the disputes on this occasion do not subside until now, since each scientist has its own opinion.

    But you should not despair, each rule has exceptions.

    Check Iker is easy, the main thing is to know how.

    How to find out your aik

    You can check your mental abilities independently or under the supervision of a psychologist. For this, various tests have long been developed that allow you to identify the hidden resources of your mind, and show everything that you are capable of. In any of them there are different tasks.

    Usually they are located on increasing, from the lungs to more complex. For each answer, there are points. Maximum number 180. Tests are divided by the ages for each category of their results scale.

    The most common questionnaire is a test of Aizenka. In addition, methods R. Amthauer, D. Wexler, R. Kettella and J. R. R. Kettella and J. R. They are more accurate. Optionally choose one option. To test your mental abilities, you can go through all the suggested tests. The average result most objectively will show your Iike.

    Tests can be found on the Internet and go online. True, before the start of the check it is better to read the conditions carefully. Some resources are offered to undergo a test for free, but to get the result will have to pay money. There are options and without payment, you just need to search on the net.

    Unfortunately, all these developments will not show a 100% reliable result. A lot of when passing depends on the readiness and horizons of the verifiable. A negative impact on the quality of the test can have poor health or fatigue, so passing the test twice, you can get completely different results.

    Many of us have heard of IQ test, which shows the level of human intelligence. However, most practically nothing about him know. Before being taken for passing a test, you must know what should be IQ normal man.

    general information

    The IQ abbreviation is decrypted as which can be translated as "the number of intelligence". The Russian-speaking language environment is often used by the established expression "intelligence coefficient". However, it is believed that in order for the results to be as truth as possible, and they could really trust, it is worth considering not only the results of the test itself. You need to take into account more factors such as age and gender.

    Many also believe that the results of this test rather show the tendency of a person to a specific type of tasks, and not valid intellectual abilities. Therefore, it can be prepared by solving the challenges that resemble presented in the tasks.


    Attempts to study the IQ of a normal person began in the 30s of the last century. Researchers took a number of attempts to determine the intelligence coefficient through various experiments. Scientists tried to find a regularity that would associate the processes of Central nervous systemThe characteristics of the reaction and mental abilities, even the size and weight of the brain took into account. In addition, they studied the relationship of the intelligence of parents and children, his attitude to social origin, age, and so on.

    IQ test today

    Currently, it is believed that the mental intelligence ratio depends on the set of factors, for the most part of heredity. However, the level of IQ of a normal person can be increased, solving various tasks and tests. Besides, in modern world Not so much intelligence is a source of success, how much motivation and perseverance. Individuality, determination and ambition play an important role. However, it is a high level of intelligence able to help with solving complex life circumstances and contribute to more advantageous conditions.

    Despite the fact that the first tests were created exclusively with lexical exercises, today they use many a variety of tasks. Among which exercises to the account, logical series, the ability to find the missing geometric shape, the ability to recognize a fragment, remember Facts, techniques and determine the missing letter.

    How many IQ is a normal person

    The average human intelligence level ranges from 100 to 120 units, which is about half of the above solved tasks. A person who will cope with all the tasks receives 200 points. In addition to the level of intelligence, the test identifies other indicators, it helps to identify the way of thinking of a person who passes. Identifying a category in which the subject has the smallest level of abilities, you can help him identify gaps in his abilities, practice with different species Tasks and raise the intelligence coefficient.

    First tests

    For the first time, V. Stern spoke about the intellect ratio, which considered the level of skills on the Bina scale is incorrect, since he had a serious drawback relating to age. The scientist suggested determining the making mental age in chronological. The IQ test of a normal person demonstrates a quantitative assessment of the abilities of the individual with respect to the average representative of the same age.

    Average indicators

    It is believed that the IQ test shows not the level of human erudition, but only an assessment of general indicators. They are designed specifically in order to get the distribution of the results with the average. The IQ of a normal person may vary, however, there are ordinary indicators. Thus, about half of the people who have passed the test show the result equal to 90 to 100 points, a quarter is below 90, and another quarter - above 110 units. The average graduate of American universities is 115 points, excellent students - from 135 to 140. The level of IQ, which is less than 70 points, is usually considered a sign of mental backwardness.


    The IQ-test show a person, but do not assume that they do in any way show the level of erudition. They only help to understand in which area and in what direction a person needs to be developed.

    It is believed that the level IQ of a normal person varies from 90 to 120 conventional units. Most often, the Aizenka test is used to determine the intelligence coefficient. However, do not forget that the most faithful results will be the results obtained in the very first passage of the test, and all subsequent attempts will only distort them.

    Last updated: 06/03/2017

    Now a lot is said about IQ tests, but many people do not know that they actually mean these points. What exactly is the high level of IQ? And medium? How many points need to dial to count the genius?

    IQ, or the intelligence coefficient is an estimate obtained in a standardized test designed to measure intelligence. It is formally considered that in the early 1900s with the introduction of the Bina-Simon test, but later he was revised, and the universality has already acquired the test of the stewford-beine.
    IQ tests were very popular not only among psychologists, but also among other specialists, but there are still a lot of disputes about what IQ tests are measured and how accurate they are.
    In order to adequately evaluate and interpret test results, psychometricists use standardization. This process includes testing tests with a representative sample among the population. Each participant passes the test in the same conditions as all other participants in the group under study. This process allows psychometry professionals to establish rules or standards for which you can compare individual results.
    When determining the results of the test on determining the level of development of intelligence, as a rule, a function is used normal distribution - The bell-shaped curve, on which most results are located near or around the middle score. For example, most results (about 68%) of the WAIS III test lies, as a rule, between 85 and 115 points (with an average value of 100). The remaining results are less common, therefore, the area of \u200b\u200bthe curve on which they are located is directed down. Very few people (approximately 0.2%) during the passage of the test receive more than 145 points (which indicates a very high level of development of intelligence) or less than 55 (which means a very low intelligence coefficient).
    Since the average score is 100, specialists can quickly estimate individual results by comparing with an average value and determining where these indicators are on the scale of normal distribution.

    Read more about IQ points

    In most modern IQ tests, the average result is set at 100 points with a standard deviation of 15 points - so that the points correspond to the normal distribution curve. This means that 68% of the results fall into one standard deviation from the average value (that is, between 85 and 115 points), and 95% in two standard deviations (between 70 and 130 points).
    The result equal to 70 points or below is considered low. In the past, this mark was considered an indicator of mental retardation and intellectual disability, characterized by significant cognitive disorders. Today, however, for the diagnosis of intellectual disability, only the results of the IQ test are not used. The result below 70 points is obtained by approximately 2.2% of people.
    The result exceeding 140 points is considered high IQ. Many believe that the result of more than 160 points can talk about human genius.
    The high coefficient of intelligence is definitely closely related to performance, but is it connected with success in life at all? Are people really more successful than their colleagues with a lower IQ coefficient? Many experts believe that other factors can also have a great influence, including.
    That is, points are interpreted as follows.

    The highest level of IQ in Australian mathematics, author of the Green Tao Theorem, his name is Terens Tao. Obtaining results over 200 points is a very rare phenomenon, because most of the inhabitants of our planet are barely gaining 100 points. People with extremely high IQ (more than 150) can be found among the Nobel laureates. It is these people who move the science forward, make discoveries in various professional industries. Among them, American writer Marilyn Rosca Savant, astrophysicist Christopher Hirata, the phenomenal reader Kim Peak, able to read the text page for a few seconds, British Daniel Tammem, who remembers thousands of numbers, Kim Ung-Yong, who has already studied at the university and other famous personalities for 3 years with striking abilities.

    How is the IQ person formed?

    The level of IQ affects several factors, including heredity, the environment (family, school, social status of a person). Also significantly affects the result of the test age of the test. In 26 years, as a rule, the person's intellect reaches his peak, and then only decreases.

    It is worth noting that some people with exclusively high kew everyday life turned out to be completely helpless. For example, Kim Peak could not fasten the buttons on clothes. In addition, not everyone has such a talent appeared from birth. Daniel Tammem received his ability to memorize huge number of numbers after a terrible seven epilepsy in childhood.

    IQ level above 140

    People with IQ indicators Over 140 are the owners of excellent creative abilitieswho have achieved success in different scientific sectors. Among the famous personalities with the result of the test of intellectual abilities from 140 - Bill Gates and Stephen Hawking. Such geniuses of their epoch are known for their outstanding abilities, they contribute incredibly high contribution to the development of knowledge and science, create new inventions and theories. There are only 0.2% of such people from the total population.

    IQ level from 131 to 140

    High IQ indicators are only three percent of the population. Among famous peopleWith such a result of passing test - Nicole Kidman and Arnold Schwarzenegger. it successful people With high mental abilities, they can reach heights in different areas of activity, science and creativity. Want to check who is smarter - you or Schwarzenegger?

    IQ level from 121 to 130

    Intelligent level above average shows only 6% of the population. Such people can be seen in universities, as they are usually excellent in all disciplines, successfully finish universities, implement themselves in various professions and achieve high results.

    IQ level from 111 to 120

    If you think that the average IQ level is approximately 110 points, then you are mistaken. This indicator refers to the intelligence above average. People with test results from 111 to 120 are usually hardworking and stretching all their lives to the knowledge. There are about 12% of such people among the population.

    IQ level from 101 to 110

    IQ level from 91 to 100

    If you have passed the test, and the result was less than 100 points, should not be upset, because this average is the quarter of the population. People with such intelligence indicators are well studying at school and universities, they are arranged to work in the field of mid-link management and other specialties that do not require significant mental efforts.

    IQ level from 81 to 90

    The tenth of the population has the level of intelligence below average. Their results of the passage of the test on IQ are from 81 to 90. These people are usually learning normally at school, but most often they do not get higher education. They can work in the field of physical work, in industries that do not require intellectual abilities.

    IQ level from 71 to 80

    Another tenth of the population has the level of IQ from 71 to 80, this is already a sign of mental retardation of a lesser extent. People with such a result are mostly visited special Schoolsbut can finish and ordinary primary school with medium marks.

    IQ level from 51 to 70

    About 7% of people have a slight form of mental retardation and IQ levels from 51 to 70. They are trained in special establishments, but they can take care of themselves, and are relatively full-fledged members of society.

    IQ level from 21 to 50

    About 2% of people on Earth have a level intellectual Development From 21 to 50 points, they suffer from dementia, the average degree of mental retardation. Such people cannot learn, but they can take care of themselves, but most often have guardians.

    IQ level up to 20

    People with a severe form of mental retardation are not leaving training and education, have the level of intellectual development of up to 20 points. They are under the care of other people, as they cannot take care of themselves, and live in their own world. There are 0.2% of such people in the world.

    The concept of "intelligence coefficient" and the IQ abbreviation today are familiar to almost everyone. And everything is aware that this very coefficient can be assessed using special tests. But on this knowledge of many people, distant from psychology and related sciences, ends.

    So what is IQ, how is it measured and do you need to do at all?

    Let's start with a small historical excursion. At the beginning of the XX, in France, the state commissioned a psychologist Alfred Bina Tests to determine the mental abilities of children. To this end, Bina has developed a test that is known today called " Ai-Que Test»

    The test very quickly became popular, but not in France, but in the USA. Already in 1917, US Armed Forces began to use IQ tests for soldier classifications. Such an exam passed more than 2 million people. Then the IQ tests began to use universities and private companies that used them to verify applicants and potential employees.

    The results of numerous studies allowed foreign specialists to make the following generalizations:

    Exactly 30 minutes is given to the test. The most reliable and reliable results indicating human abilities are obtained in the range from 100 to 130 points, out of these limits, the results of the results are not reliable enough.

    In conclusion, it should be said that, according to a number of psychologists, developed in the West tests to determine the intellect ratio are not quite suitable for Russia. Main Cause: Difference in the structure of intelligence different countries. The Russians prevailing the so-called "figurative" style of thinking, that is, Russian often "thinks" with a heart, and not head. It only remains to wait, when our will offer their own intelligence assessment techniques. While there are no ...