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  • Crazy is normal. How to prove to people that you are normal if they want to put you in a psychiatric hospital against your will? How to bring a person to a psychiatric hospital by illegal methods

    Crazy is normal.  How to prove to people that you are normal if they want to put you in a psychiatric hospital against your will?  How to bring a person to a psychiatric hospital by illegal methods

    In fact, there are two criteria for mental illness - the lack of social adaptation (that is, a person cannot arrange his life in society at an average level) and the presence of productive symptoms (delusions, hallucinations, other obviously "abnormal" symptoms). But even if both criteria are met, this is not yet a reason for involuntary hospitalization. The only reason provided by law is if a person poses a danger to himself and others. Signs of such a state are, in particular, suicide attempts, aggression and auditory hallucinations of an imperative nature ("voices command to do something"). Minors are in a very disadvantageous position: if desired, parents, guardians or employees of the orphanage can always present the situation as if hospitalization is necessary. At the same time, it is the parents, guardians and educators, and not the child himself, who consent to hospitalization. And the most unpleasant thing is that you almost never have to expect adequate treatment in domestic hospitals. No one will listen to your complaints and ask wisely about dreams and childhood traumas. You will simply be shoved with antipsychotics according to the general order, so as not to be disturbed medical staff... Therefore, it doesn't make sense to lie there, even if you really have problems. Although, as an option, you can by all means avoid taking medications (with wheels it is easy, with injections it is more difficult) and spend time on all sorts of useful things like reading smart books. In a few weeks, maybe months of exemplary behavior, you will probably be discharged, the hospital is not rubber. And if you are tired of waiting, you can run away. To do this, ask a friend to bring you "magic slippers", in the soles of which money and a universal key will be hidden, as in trains (in psychiatric hospitals there are the same doors). You don't have to go to the nearest metro station, they will probably be waiting for you there. Leave as far as possible on foot, then get on the transport and leave - in no case home and not to people known to your parents or who hid you there. You need a safe place where they won't look for you. There you have to sit out for two weeks - and then you can safely leave the underground. After this period, they stop looking for the fugitive, and we can no longer talk about "returning to the hospital", but only about "re-hospitalization" (which will not be so easy to achieve). Of course, this does not apply to closed prison-type institutions, where they are sent by a court decision after a crime has been committed. Escape from there is roughly equal in complexity and consequences to escape from the colony.

    But what about negative symptoms? Please don’t come up with it. There are no two criteria for a mental disorder: there is ICD-10 (or DSM-4, if you like), where the symptoms of each disease and the duration of the presence of each of the symptoms are clearly spelled out. And only if the symptoms and the time of their observation coincide, then the diagnosis is made

    Olga Lukinskaya

    We began to talk more about diseases and mental characteristics, not least thanks to social networks - after all, it is often easier to talk about depression or anxiety in virtual audiences. True, the idea of ​​being in a psychiatric hospital is still associated with many fears and prejudices - all the more important it is to raise this topic and talk about the experience of such treatment. The AST publishing house publishes the book "Mental Disorders and the Heads that Live in" by Ksenia Ivanenko, the author of a telegram channel about mental illness and her own experience of treatment. We publish an excerpt from it.

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    Nowhere have I met such tolerance and mutual assistance as in a psychiatric hospital. How often do you see a tattooed 16-year-old atheist and a 40-year-old ex-novice discussing the painting hanging on the wall with interest? And how does an elderly woman from Tatarstan help a young girl to shove a blanket into a duvet cover? A common way of life brings people closer together, erasing differences and equalizing everyone. In the morning Madina does namaz, calls Christina for breakfast, they both pray to their gods before eating and share the meal. Next to them, the vegetarian Liza gives her cutlet to Masha. 14-year-old Anya sits at a table by the window and shares a chocolate bar that her mother brought her yesterday. Vera Mikhailovna, 55, accepts the sweet with gratitude - no one has stopped by for a long time.

    No one really cares about whether you believe in God or not. Your musical tastes can lead to lively conversation, but not censure. No one distinguishes each other by skin color and does not judge if you are a former drug addict or current transgender. Everyone wants to get rid of the pain. Therefore, here everyone is trying to support each other and not lose their sense of humor.

    When you find yourself in a mental hospital, your age ceases to play any role.

    Twenty and forty years old immediately switch to "you". They listen not to the elders, but to the more adequate ones. If a 45-year-old woman, forgetting herself, tries to smoke in the wrong place, then she is calmly pulled by a gloomy-looking teenager, and she obeys. Here adults again become small, under the yoke of the disease, losing their influence, which has been accumulating over the years. And on the shoulders of young people, a new, adult responsibility often falls.

    In no other place have I seen such mutual assistance as in psychiatric hospitals. Never met with such compassion and tact

    It sounds strange, but I would advise almost every person to go to a psychiatric clinic for at least ten days. Without drugs and procedures, just plunge into this atmosphere. Not to see enough horror, but to learn patience and understanding.

    In no other place have I seen such mutual assistance as in psychiatric hospitals. I have never met with such compassion and tact. There are no happy people here, everyone has wagons of pain and anxiety behind them. With each person, you need to start a conversation very carefully and kindly, so as not to inadvertently pick out a wound the size of a hippopotamus. One was raped, another was beaten, the third cannot stop cutting herself, the fourth was deprived of her virginity at preschool age.

    Everyone here treats each other with delicate condescension. Many patients cannot speak adequately, their speech is slurred and, at first glance, devoid of meaning. Everyone here with their own army of cockroaches in their heads and a legion of skeletons in the closet. Nobody here mocks or reproaches such people, but on the contrary, everyone tries to talk and help - because everyone here is a “such” person himself.

    Each of us needs support here, everyone enters into the position of another, shares cigarettes and treats them to sweets. If a person wants to talk, they will not refuse him, if he suddenly became anxious, they will not get it, but they will understand and leave him alone if this is what he lacks.

    But a psychiatric hospital is not a magical place where all people suddenly become polite and good-natured.

    Better to be in a psychiatric hospital sooner rather than later. You should not take it to extremes and get into situations when the psychiatric hospital itself leaves for you.

    During the first days, patients walk around the hospital completely lost, and how pleasant it is to observe when even adults, after some time, find themselves company. I have become close friends with several girls from the department, and we keep in touch even after discharge.

    Most of the conversations were carried out in the smoking room, where we squatted around a bucket for butts and spent many hours a day. When we got to know each other better, the two girls asked to be transferred to one suite, designed for two people. There was a separate TV in their room, we often gathered there with the whole company, watched the 2x2 channel, shared stories, played board games or charades.

    . . .

    Almost all the girls with whom I managed to communicate in the hospital, like me, had the experience of repeated stay in various psychiatric clinics. We unanimously agreed that the hospitals you come to on your own are strikingly different from the places where you are forcibly brought after attempted suicide or self-harm. This sad experience allowed us to learn one very important lesson: it is better to be in a psychiatric hospital sooner rather than later. You should not take it to extremes and find yourself in a situation when the psychiatric hospital itself leaves for you. Deciding to commit suicide and realizing that you have nothing to lose<...>you can try to go to the hospital. It is unlikely to be worse? Moreover, you can choose a medical institution on your own, having read the recommendations and reviews, but if you were already brought to the hospital by force, then there is no need to choose. Most likely, you will be locked up in the psychosomatic department of an ordinary hospital, where doctors, unfortunately, usually do not have the goal of saving you from a mental disorder or somehow normalizing your mental state. Most of all, being in such places resembles overexposure, and after such an experience, a misconception about psychiatry may develop.

    Russian psychiatry is still only moving away from the Soviet era, and there is still a high probability of encountering the unprofessionalism of doctors and the unsuitability of medical institutions. That is why you should be especially careful when choosing a hospital. Every year the number of conscientious qualified specialists is growing and the situation with receiving timely high-quality psychiatric care is improving. Faced with an inadequate doctor, one should not judge by him the state of all science in the country. If you do not like the specialist or the conditions of the hospital, change them, there is an alternative. Do not be afraid of treatment, psychiatrists and mental hospitals. There are places where you can be helped.

    . . .

    In general, leisure time in a psychiatric hospital looks like passing an exciting quest. First, you need to obey absurd rules (such as a forced hang-up, pulling out laces and surrendering all means of communication), then you remember who is the villain and who needs to smile. You even have a goal: to move from an acute ward to a regular one, and then a suite. This is done in stages: from the acute ward # 1 you, after a week, may (or may not) be transferred to # 2, from there - to # 3. But only if you behave yourself, eat all the porridge and do not scream at night from hallucinations. Otherwise, you have to go through this level again. When you move to the next level, new opportunities open up for you: round-the-clock telephone, walks, art therapy, physical therapy classes, etc. There are six levels in total, and the final boss is in the suite ward.
    I'm in the first one so far.

    You live in a strict ward from the end of a quiet hour to lights out. It was at this time that they were released from the cell (or the cabin, as we jokingly called the chambers) and allowed to use the telephone. There was Wi-Fi, there was no password for it. The asylum was full of its own absurd rules, which mainly came from nurses. I was once told that most of the nurses are former patients who stayed too long in the hospital. Apparently, so as not to be kicked out, they mimicked, well, or evolved into personnel. But it was they, and not the doctors, who completely controlled the patients, it was they who checked our bedside tables while we were away, they stole our hidden sweets and expensive personal hygiene products, they were with us day and night and made sure that we did not go beyond the invisible framework. They also rule over time.

    I was once told that most of the nurses are former patients who stayed too long in the hospital. Looks like they didn't get kicked out, they mimicked

    In fact, the quiet hour lasted from 13:30 to 16:10 daily. During this time, the entire ward is locked with a key without a single opportunity to go out. To guess that the quiet hour is drawing to a close is possible only by the deepening twilight outside the window and by the biological clock, for all the others have been taken away, and the phones have not yet been given out.
    The real signal for wakefulness is the turning on of the light in the corridor, but this can happen at 16:15 instead of 16:00 - just as the nurse wants. The coveted switch shines with polished plastic over their table. It always seemed to us that the nurses were experiencing a kind of high from the time stolen from us. After the lights are turned on, we are still waiting. We are waiting for when they will finally open us, and we look through the glass of the door. Shuffling psychos come with the light, they measure the corridor with their steps and look into our closed room. It's so interesting how we are here, the most acute, the most severe patients. Suddenly we gnaw our veins and write beautiful poems in blood on the walls.

    Once they did not open us for a long time: the patients outside the door managed to comb the corridor a dozen times, and we stuck to the door, ready to break off at any second.
    and jump out into conditional freedom. After all, you can't leave the floor anyway. Where to get out of your ward is also unclear. Nowhere to go. But we still fall out of the room, take a couple of steps along the corridor, and occasionally even reach the recreation area with a TV. And inevitably we go back and lie down. But still this watch open doors very important - you need to know that you have your rights. Even when they, in fact, do not exist. As well as passports, which were prudently taken away, apparently to make it harder for the patient to escape.

    Many people, especially modern teenagers, are interested in how to become psychotic. In fact, this question cannot be called correct. The point is that you cannot deliberately become a psycho only if you deliberately expose nervous system some special influences. It is better to understand for what reasons people can become crazy, for personal safety and prevention. Some, for some unknown reason, want to get into It is hard to believe, but for this it is not at all necessary to become mentally unhealthy people. It is enough just to contact these institutions for help in certain cases. More about them later. First, you need to understand how to become crazy and why people go crazy at all.


    The human psyche is a huge mystery, which doctors still cannot fully understand. The point is that the nerve endings in the brain are influenced by everything that happens around people. And the answer to the question of how to become (or present your persona as a psycho) is purely individual.

    Many doctors point out that the studied process depends on heredity. If someone in the family had psychos or people with diseases of the nervous system, it is possible that the disease will be transmitted. Sometimes it goes from generation to generation, in some cases - every other time. Therefore, you should carefully study heredity. Maybe you don't have to think about how to become a psycho. A disease of the nervous system will itself take over the mind when the time comes.

    Strong shock

    The nervous system is the main component of human behavior. The more stable it is, the less likely it is to go crazy. This fact is confirmed by doctors. How do people get crazy? Fears, panic attacks and even a strong emotional shock can be to blame. Usually it should have a negative connotation.

    Third, you need to come up with a true story about what happened. This technique works especially well with playing a split personality. If a person decided to pretend to be a psycho-fool, then you can simply speak in incoherent sentences.

    It's all. Once an action plan has been developed, decisive action can be taken. For example, to pounce on someone close to you with cries of "Go away, Satan!", After 2 minutes walk and wonder why everyone is looking sideways, as if nothing happened. Any inappropriate behavior that will be repeated several times will sooner or later lead to a psychiatric hospital.


    How to become a psycho at home? You don't always have to play or expose yourself to real head injuries. Modern psychologists point out that depression can make even a healthy person a psycho.

    Therefore, it is advisable to "drive" yourself into depression. Being in such a state for a long time will negatively affect the nervous system. And in this situation, you can go to a psychiatric hospital.

    Adolescents are most often sent to such institutions for suicidal tendencies. By the way, this is one of the options for exposing your personality as mentally unhealthy. Many advise writing to declare a desire to die, as well as cutting your hands with a razor (even shallow cuts will work). And very soon the people around will begin to consider the person a psycho.


    It is hard to imagine, but childbirth is also capable of inflicting its own blow on the human psyche. There is such a concept as it is found in both men and women. Without treatment for this ailment, in some cases, you can go crazy, and then end up in a psychiatric hospital.

    Therefore, one should take into account: childbirth and hormonal imbalance contribute to the development of neurological problems that lead to inappropriate behavior. This process is a strong emotional stress and stress for the body. No one knows how childbirth will affect a woman's behavior.

    It is now clear how people become mentally ill. More often than not, you can't deliberately go insane. Just act crazy. All changes in the brain occur uncontrollably. In case of any emotional upheaval, it is better to consult a doctor - they will help you not to bring yourself to depression and madness.

    Hospitalization in a psychiatric clinic and its conditions differ depending on whether it is an acute or chronic stage of the disease.

    Acute and chronic stages

    The chronic stage lasts for weeks and months. It can be dementia, chronic delusional disorder, depression. If the patient does not take any actions that would be dangerous for himself or for others, the question of hospitalization is raised only for social reasons: the person is helpless, he has no relatives who could take care of him.

    The main thing that is necessary for hospitalization in this case is a referral from a doctor. No other doctor can give such a direction.

    In the presence of an acute stage, you can be hospitalized and. The patient's relatives can call an ambulance or bring the person to the clinic on their own. This should be a clinic to which the person belongs at the place indicated in the passport, and the patient's passport must be presented.

    Voluntary and compulsory hospitalization

    Contrary to popular misconception, mentally ill people do not always resist hospitalization. Even if a person does not adequately perceive reality, he can admit that to him. True, such a patient does not admit that he feels bad because of the illness - the whole point is in the special services pursuing him, cosmic rays, etc. - but he can agree to hospitalization. “I'm tired of all this,” patients usually say. Psychiatrists are aware of cases when patients with exacerbations themselves asked to be hospitalized. These people remembered that during the previous exacerbation they felt better after the course of treatment in the hospital.

    In any case, even if the patient was brought to the clinic by an ambulance team, doctors are obliged to find out whether he agrees to hospitalization or not. If the patient does not give consent, under certain circumstances he can be hospitalized forcibly.

    Hospitalization without the patient's consent is possible if his behavior directly poses a danger to himself or to others. Symptoms of an acute disorder should be identified by an admission doctor on examination. If at the time of examination no such symptoms have been identified, then for the forcible placement of a person in a clinic, his psychiatric examination and a court decision will be required.

    The reason for refusal of hospitalization is the presence of a somatic disease or injury in the patient: pneumonia, indigestion, fracture, etc.

    Children's rest can be brightened up with various activities, reading books, walking, handicrafts

    To bring before madness

    A terrible and stupid word - "psychiatric hospital". Admitting that I ended up in a psychiatric hospital is as embarrassing as it is in a venereal dispensary. But is a disease of the nervous system something shameful? Yes, because a great many stupid myths and anecdotes are associated with psychiatric diseases. The inhabitant of the psychiatric hospital behaves strangely, inadequately. He is "crazy", "fool", "crazy". But this disease is a tragedy, often caused by parents.

    I happened to be a patient in a psychiatric hospital, but I'm not ashamed of that at all. Because I got there with a diagnosis of fatigue neurosis, that is, I overextended the nervous system so that it was necessary to treat it. But also because this is one of the most poignant impressions in my life, because being in a ward with barred windows has become one of my strongest life lessons. I have learned as much about the "other" life as I could not find anywhere else. For example, I realized that the "psychiatric hospital" is not only a refuge for alcoholics, perverts and drug addicts.

    The mental hospital is called the house of sorrow - a surprisingly accurate definition. I still remember many of my unfortunate neighbors. I'll tell you just one thing.

    Kostya was a child prodigy, and the only child in the family. Both the mother and the father doted on him, especially since the boy had perfect pitch and, in general, excellent abilities. He grasped everything on the fly, read a lot and varied, and it was not necessary to force him to study. His father was a teacher at a music school, so the future of five-year-old Kostya, one might say, had no options. In addition to the usual school, the kid studied at the music school in two specialties - violin and piano. At the age of seven, the baby's working day lasted 12 hours, and he did not even have time for a night's sleep.

    In the second grade, he became lethargic, indifferent, began to study worse, but the father saw his son as the future Paganini and believed that his son was corroded by "just laziness." Once, as punishment, the father locked the boy in the bathroom, and he lost consciousness. The doctors prescribed complete rest for the child.

    For almost two months, an eight-year-old boy could only lie on the couch and play. He played like this: he barked, imitating a puppy. When the baby recovered, the mother convinced the father to free his son at least from the violin: at the sight of the instrument, Kostya began to cry. The father agreed, but forbade his son to do anything other than music. The father used to force the boy to sit at the piano. The matter ended with the fact that, in spite of everything, Kostya flatly refused to continue studying music.

    However, it did not end. At the age of 17, Kostya was sent for examination to psychiatrists: he had been registered with the police for a long time, getting into various unpleasant stories in the company of guys who were much younger than him. Experts concluded: the boy was deprived of childhood, the father suppressed the initiative and independence of the boy so much that he, catching up on lost time, became completely weak-willed. And that is why he obeyed even his younger comrades, easily fell under the bad influence of those with whom he played. The young man's reactions were slow, no will. Typical, according to the expression of peers, "brake". With the help of a complex set of exercises, Kostya was "restored" for a long time, then he was sent to a sanatorium. I don't know anything else about him.

    This case is extreme, one might say, clinical. But in him, as in any extreme, many will be able to find familiar features of their own behavior. The cases are probably not so acute, but therefore no less painful for the child.

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