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  • Scientists have recorded strange changes in the earth's magnetic fields. Dangerous weakening of the earth's magnetic field monitored by scientists Destruction of the earth's magnetic field

    Scientists have recorded strange changes in the earth's magnetic fields.  Dangerous weakening of the earth's magnetic field monitored by scientists Destruction of the earth's magnetic field

    This article is not a revelation of various "masters" and "masters", and the information presented was not obtained through various tricky practices and communication with spirits.

    This material is the thoughts of the author. It's just that at a certain moment a rather interesting logical chain of facts and events took shape. I apologize in advance for any inaccuracies and possibly gross errors. I would be grateful for criticism, as well as possible additions. I would like to hear the opinion of people who know.

    It's about the Earth's magnetic field. There is plenty of information about it and it all comes down to one thing - the Earth's magnetic field protects our planet from the destructive effects of solar and cosmic destructive energies delivered to us by the solar wind.

    Destruction magnetic field threatens the death of all life on Earth, etc. etc. Nothing less, the death of everything, period.
    Is it really? Let's try to figure it out. What can be so destructive and destructive in the solar wind?

    Let's not torment ourselves with searches and turn to Wikipedia:
    The solar wind is a stream of ionized particles (mainly helium-hydrogen plasma) flowing from the solar corona at a speed of 300-1200 km / s into the surrounding space. It is one of the main components of the interplanetary medium.
    Many natural phenomena are associated with the solar wind, including space weather such as magnetic storms and polar lights.
    In relation to other stars, the term stellar wind is used, so in relation to the solar wind one can say "the stellar wind of the Sun".
    The concepts of "solar wind" (a stream of ionized particles) and "sunlight" (a stream of photons) should not be confused. In particular, it is the effect of the pressure of sunlight (not wind) that is used in the projects of the so-called solar sails.
    Due to the high conductivity of the solar wind plasma, the magnetic field of the Sun is frozen into the outflowing wind flows and is observed in the interplanetary medium in the form of an interplanetary magnetic field.
    The solar wind forms the boundary of the heliosphere, thereby preventing the penetration of interstellar gas into the solar system. The magnetic field of the solar wind significantly attenuates galactic cosmic rays coming from outside.
    The solar wind generates on the planets Solar system with a magnetic field, such phenomena as the magnetosphere, auroras and the radiation belts of the planets.

    And from this stream of ionized particles you and I are saved by the magnetic field.

    It is known about the magnetic field that it is not constant and its strength changes. It seems to be even established a cycle of its maximum and minimum strength of 4000 years. You can also find information that the magnetic field is closely related to the Earth's ionosphere. It is also known that magnetic and electromagnetic fields are similar in nature.

    This is where doubts arose. Does the solar wind really bring deadly particles with it? Or maybe the other way around? Maybe the particles that the Sun shares with us are not at all destructive, and it is in them that the energy we need is contained. Is the Earth's magnetic field an artificial shield, created (or strengthened - more on that below) in order to block this energy.

    Our ancestors called the sun Dazhdbog. Is it really just because the Sun gave them warmth and light, people worshiped and idolized him? Maybe the Sun was giving something else? Maybe it was something that was the energy that was delivered to us by the solar wind?

    Today there is a lot of talk about climate weapons. We are all well aware of the American HAARP installations installed in several locations. Allegedly, with their help, through the impact on the Earth's ionosphere, the Americans manage to influence the weather.
    The ionosphere is directly related to the Earth's magnetic field. I think talking about climate weapons is dust in the eyes. The real challenge for HAAPR installations is to strengthen the Earth's magnetic field!

    For the same purpose, another monster has been built - the Hadron Collider, which is essentially a giant electromagnet. The whole world is crammed with electrical appliances, surrounded by high-voltage wires and riddled with waves of various natures. What are the subways alone in the megalopolises of the entire planet - these are huge emitters of electromagnetic waves. By the way, the announced unprecedented construction of a subway in Moscow is possibly connected with this.

    As we know, during the moments of so-called magnetic storms, electronics fail, as well as weather-dependent people experience health problems. We are told that this is the fault of the indignation on the Sun. But is it? As is well known, both the USSR and the USA investigated the energy of the solar wind, launching spacecraft into space, and successfully investigated it. These devices were directed directly into the flow of solar and wind and nothing, did not break, successfully completed the task and sent data to Earth. But the electromagnetic field, here I think physicists will agree with me, can easily disrupt the operation of electrical appliances. Do not the comrades who control the world use the above amplifiers in order to increase the protective force of the Earth's magnetic field at the right time at the moment the solar energy is emitted? It is quite possible that the disruption of satellites, deterioration of health and failure of transformers, computers and other devices are the result of precisely these manipulations. Perhaps these manipulators are able to control the magnetic field, but they do it only in "one direction" - in the direction of increasing its strength. It does not fit into the head that having the opportunity to reduce this field, they would not use it with the aim of admitting "destructive" solar energy to any of the "inconvenient countries". This is what gives reason to believe that the energy coming from the solar wind is not destructive, but divine in nature and its penetration to the Earth poses a direct threat to world rulers and does not fit into their plans. For them, this is fraught not only with the loss of power, but with the loss of life, a complete escape of the situation from control.

    In turn, information came across about the change of poles and the possible disappearance of the Earth's magnetic field for several days. It was said that people can go crazy from this. It is possible that the energy of the sun will bring people the truth, which not everyone can perceive. Is this not a deliberate throw-in, so that anyone who receives a dose of this energy is declared crazy and dangerous for society and subject to liquidation, it is not for nothing that the United States has stocked up with coffins))))

    Nikola Tesla's works are very popular now. Various coils, generators, transformers. Here I can be wrong and once again I apologize. If electricity is capable of creating an electromagnetic field, then electricity can be obtained from the electromagnetic field. Tesla found a way to draw energy from the earth's magnetic field. This scared the manipulators, they brainwashed him and Tesla destroyed his developments, because he was sure that if the Earth's magnetic field disappeared or weakened, it would lead to the death of all life on the planet. Then the psychiatric hospital, then we all know how it ended.

    And humanity is becoming more and more dependent on electrical energy. Mobile communications, computers, televisions, microwave ovens and other items of our Everyday life... This makes a person a cell in a huge network for the production of electromagnetic fields, aimed at maintaining the "protective shield".

    There are suggestions that Egyptian pyramids, as well as structures in China, Bosnia and other places were a kind of power plants. Perhaps they ate just the energy of the sun, the access of which to the Earth is now blocked. And they did not generate electricity, but another kind of energy?

    One good thing is that the magnetic field is decreasing, solar activity is increasing, so everything goes on as usual. The shield will be broken! The sun will not leave its children.

    A team of European researchers compared the current state of the Earth's magnetic field with its turbulent geological past and found that the current signs of magnetic disturbance are not similar to those that preceded previous pole shifts.

    The current situation is reminiscent of events 49,000 years ago and 46,000 years ago - when there was some significant weakening in the strength of the magnetic field, but without a sharp shift of the poles. Nevertheless, scientists still have many questions about what will happen next with the magnetic field.

    The magnetic field inherently provides a comfortable environment for life on our planet. It protects the Earth from cosmic radiation and solar storms. In other words, if we did not have a magnetic field, the Earth would probably look like a red wasteland, and it is unlikely that life would have developed so much on our planet.

    Moreover, this shielding effect deflects charged particles of the solar wind and prevents malfunctions on orbiting satellites important for GPS navigation, communications, and meteorology.

    Current magnetic north and magnetic south are close to the geographic poles. Since direct observations began in the 19th century, scientists have noticed that the field strength has been weakening by about 5 percent every 100 years for at least the past two millennia.

    Of particular interest is the South Atlantic Anomaly, an inexplicably weak portion of the field where charged particles deflect strongly and can cause serious damage to satellites.

    The team decided to study several different periods of the magnetic field. Although the current anomaly in the South Atlantic is strange, the magnetic field for 49,000 and 46,000 years was similar without any extreme events. In all cases, the field after the anomalies was stabilized by strong poles for several thousand years.

    So, we are unlikely to see a polar reversal. “The overall finding is consistent with other recent studies that show that the current decrease in field strength is not due to accelerated field displacement,” says Mound. "Field strength fluctuates quite a bit over time, and it is not unusual for the current strength or rate of change to be related."

    Phil Livermore, a geophysicist at the University of Leeds, is a little optimistic. He points out that there is no new evidence that the current weakening will end, especially since we still do not know what is causing it.

    While the history of the magnetic field provides useful insights into how it works and behaves, none of these studies actually help us predict the future. They only indicate a large number of options.

    Should we be worried? Kurgan doesn't think, "The rate of change is slow enough for us to soften the blows." But he cautions that we don't know enough about exactly what these impacts will be.

    Despite the fact that the next “end of the world”, which was “appointed” for December 21 of last year, remained at the level of predictions and horror stories, according to many scientists, processes are currently taking place on our planet that can carry in themselves a significant danger to all life on Earth, as well as lead to its complete disappearance. One of these processes may be the loss of the Earth's magnetic field, and today's data indicate that the likelihood of such a development of events increases over the years.

    The pole reversal is in full swing. Where it leads?

    As you know, our planet has magnetic poles due to the peculiarities of the interaction of the solid and liquid cores of the Earth. Their interaction takes place according to the principle of a core, around which a copper wire laid with turns is located. The impact of objects on each other, as you know, causes magnetic excitation and the presence of a certain magnetic field. On a planetary scale, this interaction ensures the presence of the Earth's magnetic field, which protects us from solar radiation, and is the key to the existence of life on it. At the same time, scientists argue that the disruption of the interaction of these two components, which occurs periodically and has, in general, an objective nature, leads to a significant weakening of the magnetic field, or even to its complete disappearance.

    On the scale of the Earth, such changes can be determined by fixing the change in magnetic poles. Comparison of the available facts may indicate the beginning of the process of changing the planet's magnetic poles. In particular, according to Conall McNiokyle, professor of geology and geophysics at Oxford University, over the past hundred years, the north magnetic pole has moved by more than one and a half thousand kilometers, and only in the last twenty years it has "run" 220 kilometers. At the same time, the main direction of the drift is the southern one. Everything suggests that the dynamics of the drift of the Earth's magnetic poles is increasing, and the prospect of our planet losing its own magnetic "shield" is growing.

    Consequences of loss of magnetic field

    What can the loss of the Earth's magnetic field lead to? The consequences of this, as mentioned above, can be catastrophic. The fact is that even a weakening of the field in individual anomalous parts of the planet has already led to various troubles. As an example, the situation in 1989 in Canada is given, when, due to the weakening of the field to the surface of the Earth, the rays of solar radiation were "interrupted". This led to the failure of electrical networks, communication intermittently worked. Globally, the loss of the magnetic field and exposure to solar radiation will lead, first of all, to technological collapse. Power supply systems will stop working, communication will disappear, communication systems will fail. The impact on all life on Earth will be no less destructive. Radiation will lead to radiation exposure, which will cause disease, mutation, and, ultimately, the extinction of humanity.

    Scientists emphasize that the change of the Earth's magnetic poles occurred with an average frequency of 500 thousand poles. It is quite possible that the processes of extinction of species that existed on Earth, which we know about when 50 to 90 percent of the earth's flora and fauna died out, were provoked by just such processes. At the same time, according to one of the hypotheses, which is supported by the analysis of the polarization of ancient volcanic crystalline rocks, the last change of poles on our planet took place approximately 780 thousand years ago. Therefore, it is quite possible that the begun drift of the poles, which has already led to a weakening of the Earth's magnetic field by 10 percent over the past 150 years, is a harbinger of more global processes, the duration of which scientists have not yet predicted, however, the period of weakening or complete loss of the Earth's magnetic poles. may be several thousand years. Experts continue to observe the magnetic field, and it is quite possible that soon we will receive new data that can either calm, or, on the contrary, cause great alarm.

    Rostislav Bely

    Anyone who observes the phenomena occurring today associated with global climate change on the planet, one way or another, but thinks, firstly, about the reasons for the increase in the number and strength of natural disasters, and secondly, about the possibility of long-term forecasting of natural disasters in order to helping society. Indeed, today more and more information is heard about the entry of mankind into the era of global natural disasters. Is there a possibility, if not complete prevention, then at least minimization of the consequences of global climate change on the planet? The search led to very impressive and positively encouraging information - the report of the ALLATRA SCIENCE community of scientists: "". The report contains unique information for each person, as it is the key to solving climate problems of any complexity. It also shows the real way out of this situation through the unification of the world community on creative, spiritual and moral foundations.

    The Earth's magnetic field is a natural "shield" of the planet from cosmic and solar radiation harmful to all living things. In fact, if the Earth did not have its own magnetic field, then life, in the form we are accustomed to, would be impossible on it. The intensity of the Earth's magnetic field is distributed inhomogeneously and averages about 50,000 nT (0.5 Oe) on the surface and varies from 20,000 nT to 60,000 nT.

    Rice. 1. "Snapshot" of the main magnetic field on the Earth's surface in June 2014 based on data from Swarm satellites ... Areas of a strong magnetic field are indicated in red, and areas of a weakened one are indicated in blue.

    However, observations show that the earth's magnetic field is gradually weakening, while the geomagnetic poles are shifted. As stated in the aforementioned report, these processes are influenced, first of all, by certain cosmic factors, although traditional science does not yet know about them and does not take into account, trying in vain to find answers in the bowels of the Earth.

    Data transmitted by Swarm satellites launched by the European Space Agency (ESA ), confirm the general tendency towards weakening of the magnetic field, and the greatest decline is observed in the western hemisphere of our planet .

    Rice. 2. Change in the strength of the Earth's magnetic field over the periodfrom January 2014 to June 2014 according to Swarm. In the figure, the lilac color corresponds to an increase, and dark blue - to a decrease in the intensity in the range of ± 100 nT.

    Analyzing the consequences of many natural disasters, scientists have established that before the start seismic activity anomalies of the Earth's magnetic field appear. In particular, the earthquake that occurred on March 11, 2011 in Japan was preceded by the activation of the Pacific lithospheric plate in subduction zones. This event became a kind of indicator of a new phase of seismic activity associated with the acceleration of the movement of this lithospheric plate. The displacement of the geomagnetic poles located in Eastern Siberia and the Pacific Ocean, due to cosmic factors, led to wide-scale changes in secular magnetic variations in the territory of the Japanese archipelago. The result of these phenomena was a series of powerful earthquakes with a magnitude of 9.0.

    Officially, it is believed that over the past 100 years, the Earth's magnetic field has weakened by about 5%. In the area of ​​the so-called South Atlantic anomaly off the coast of Brazil, the weakening was even more significant. However, it is worth noting that earlier, however, as now, ground measurements are carried out pointwise, and on land, which can no longer reflect the full picture of secular changes in the magnetic field. Also, holes in the Earth's magnetic field are not taken into account - a kind of gaps in the magnetosphere, through which huge fluxes of solar radiation penetrate. For reasons unknown to traditional science, the number of these holes is constantly growing. But we will talk about them in the following publications.

    It is known that the weakening of the Earth's magnetic field leads to a polarity reversal, in which the north and south magnetic poles change places, their inversion occurs. Studies in the field of paleomagnetism have shown that earlier, during the polarity reversals, which occurred gradually, the Earth's magnetic field lost its dipole structure. The reversal of the magnetic field was preceded by its weakening, and after it the field strength again increased to its previous values. In the past, these inversions have occurred on average about every 250,000 years. But since the latter, according to scientists, about 780,000 years have passed. However, official science cannot yet provide any explanation for such a long period of stability. In addition, in scientific circles, the correctness of the interpretation of paleomagnetic data is periodically criticized. One way or another, but the rapid weakening of the magnetic field today is a sign of the beginning of global processes both in outer space and in the bowels of the Earth. That is why the cataclysms occurring on the planet are caused by to a greater extent natural factors rather than anthropogenic influence.

    Traditional science is still finding it difficult to find an answer to the question: what happens to the magnetic field at the time of the inversion? Does it disappear completely or does it weaken to certain critical values? On this score, there are many theories and assumptions, but none of them seems reliable. One of the attempts to simulate the magnetic field at the time of inversion is shown in Fig. 3:

    Rice. 3. Model representation of the main magnetic field of the Earth in its state of the art(left) and in the process of polarity reversal (right). Over time, the Earth's magnetic field from a dipole can turn into a multipole, and then a stable dipole structure will again form. However, the direction of the field will change to the opposite: the north geomagnetic pole will be in the place of the south, and the south will move to the northern hemisphere.

    The very fact of the presence of significant magnetic anomalies at the time of the polarity reversal can lead to global tectonic phenomena on Earth, and also pose a serious danger to all life on the planet due to the increasing level of solar radiation.

    The development of methods for observing the Earth's magnetic field, as well as septon field of the Earth is engaged. These data make it possible to promptly respond to their variations and take countermeasures aimed at eliminating or minimizing natural disasters. Early identification of the centers of the future elements (earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, hurricanes) makes it possible to launch adaptive mechanisms, due to which the intensity of seismic and volcanic activity is significantly reduced, there is time to warn the population living in a dangerous area. This area of ​​advanced scientific research is called climatic geoengineering and includes the development of its new direction and methods, completely safe for the integrity of the ecosystem and human life, based on a fundamentally new understanding of physics - PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS... To date, a number of successful steps have been taken in this direction, which have acquired a solid scientific basis and practical confirmation. The initial stage of practical development of this direction is already demonstrating stable results….

    In a period of increasing danger of global climatic events, it is vitally important for mankind to unite on creative spiritual and moral foundations, to constantly expand knowledge PRIMORDIAL ALLATRA PHYSICS develop promising scientific directions mentioned in the report. SPIRITUALITY and ALLATRA SCIENCE- this is exactly the solid foundation that will allow humanity to survive in the era of global climate change and create in new conditions a society of a new type, which humanity has long dreamed of. The initial knowledge is given in the reports of the ALLATRA SCIENCE community, and now a lot depends on each person, so that they are used exclusively for the good!

    Vitaly Afanasiev


    Report “On the Problems and Consequences of Global Climate Change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems ”by the international group of scientists of the ALLATRA International Public Movement, November 26, 2014;

    The situation in the South Atlantic anomaly forces scientists to rethink the situation and the ongoing processes.

    The earth is surrounded by a magnetic field. This is what makes compasses point north and protects our atmosphere from being constantly bombarded from space by charged particles such as protons.

    At a certain frequency, the magnetic field is reversed. North indicates south and vice versa. And when the poles are swapped, the magnetic field also tends to become very weak. Scientists are tracking this dangerous weakening of the Earth's magnetic field.

    Without a magnetic field, our atmosphere would be slowly destroyed by harmful radiation, and life would almost certainly cease to exist as we know it today.

    It may seem to you that the magnetic field is something constant, an integral part of life on Earth, and to some extent you will be right. But the Earth's magnetic field is currently changing.

    What is currently prompting geophysicists to act is the realization that the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has been contracting over the past 160 years at an alarming rate. This collapse is concentrated in a vast area of ​​the southern hemisphere, stretching from Zimbabwe to Chile, in a place known as the South Atlantic Anomaly. The strength of the magnetic field has weakened so much that there is a danger for satellites flying above this area - the field no longer protects them from radiation that interferes with the operation of satellite electronics.

    And the field continues to weaken even more, potentially heralding more dramatic new events, including a global reversal of the magnetic poles. This significant change will affect our navigation systems as well as power transmission. The spectacle of the northern lights can be observed at different latitudes. And because more radiation will reach the Earth's surface at very low field strengths during the global roll, this could also lead to an increase in cancer incidence. We still do not fully understand the degree of danger of these effects, which increases the relevance of our study. We are now turning to some possibly unexpected data sources, including 700-year-old African archaeological records, to understand them.

    Magnetic field in motion

    Sampling in the Limpopo Valley gave South Africa the first ancient geomagnetic history between AD 1000 and 1600. What we have found shows that in the past, around 1300 AD, the magnetic field in this area was decreasing as rapidly as it is today. Then the intensity increased, albeit at a much slower pace.

    The appearance of two intervals of rapid field decay - one 700 years ago and up to the present day - suggests a recurrent phenomenon. Is it possible that the pattern of reversal movement currently observed within South Africa is occurring regularly, and it has happened in the past, which is not in our records? If so, why doesn't it happen again in this place?

    Traditional Pole Shift Idea

    The traditional idea behind inversions is that they can start anywhere in the core. Our conceptual model suggests that there may be special locations at the core-mantle boundary that facilitate reversals. We do not yet know for sure whether the current field weakening will continue for the next several thousand years, or will simply continue for the next two centuries.

    But the evidence provided by the ancestors of modern South Africans will undoubtedly help us further develop our proposed pole reversal mechanism.

    If everything is correct and happens the way we think it is, then the pole reversals may come from "Africa."