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    How the Egyptian pyramids were built. When and how are Egypt's pyramids built? Secrets and Riddles of Egyptian Pyramids

    Seeing the disputes about the construction of the pyramids, involuntarily come to the conclusion about how little supporters of the so-called alternative story know about ancient Egypt. Alas, semi-faceted hamsters with iPhones and burning tour trips to Egypt only pour oil into the fire. They take pictures of things, the meaning of which they do not understand and do not even try to understand. All their knowledge is limited to the tourist guide.

    And these are people who do not distinguish the ancient kingdom from the middle and confuse Ramses II with SENUSERT III, they begin on the basis of their kitchen logic, office knowledge and pictures from the school textbook to do "meaningful" conclusions that historians and scientists lie. I will try to dispel a number of delusions.

    Egypt era of building a pyramid. This is the era of the ancient kingdom (28-23 centuries. BC) - one of the few first civilizations bronze Age among barbarians. Others were Sumerians in Mesopotamia and Harappz in Punjab. After a long bloody struggle, many small cities - states were combined under the rule of one king Pharaoh. To make their power legitimate, Pharaohs assigned divine status, created a bureaucratic apparatus, the army (the arsenals of bronze weapons belonged to Pharaoh) and put the country under their control. The will of Pharaoh at that time was never limited. War hikes allowed to rob neighbors and increase the inflow to Egypt Copper and Tin, which were at that time strategic materials. Bronze began to be enough for economic tools, but they were in the minority - stone and wooden guns were used throughout the entire period of Ancient Egypt. Pharaoh officials controlled the population literally - everything was recorded in the documents: to whom how many things were issued and how much was produced. Moreover, Pharaohs assigned all arable land in private ownership. Land of Pharaohs were distributed as award venores and temples. The population of Egypt was taxed by taxes and obligations, including for the construction of public buildings and canals. The peasant's right was not any - the ancient peasant communities slowly lost their meaning, lost their rights and fell under the power of Pharaoh and noble. The peasant was to work badly and praise the gods and pharaoh, otherwise any official could beat him with a stick.

    What technologies have the Egyptians of the time? They perfectly worked with a stone (experience was thousand-year-old), made ceramics, owned metallurgy. From the stone age, the Egyptians received and developed drilling technology, including stone, skin treatment, bones, wood. They knew the fermentation process for cooking bread and beer. The Egyptians used the entire spectrum of the materials available to them, up to the bird feathers and intestines. It should be remembered that Egypt, besides the stone, experienced a deficit in everything, including in the tree, so the reed was widely used, which was a lot (made from mats and baskets to ships, not to mention the writing material - papyrus). There was no shortage in clay. The Egyptians were able to make glazed ceramics - faience. Spells to do various paints and varnish. No other-technologies did not know the Egyptians - they were simply perfectly owned by the technologies available to them, which were not even able to understand the hamsters with the iPhones.

    Slaves of the pyramid did not build. One of the most stupid statements of alternatively gifted comrades that alleged historians tell them about the construction of the pyramids of thousands of slaves. There is clearly a gap in knowledge. His ignorance alternatives demonstrate, attributing false statements by historians. Very convenient: he invented nonsense himself - her himself and denied.

    In fact, Egypt slavery at that time was patriarchal, that is, slaves were used in the household. Slaves were not much, mostly women. The pyramids were built the most ordinary Egyptian peasants. Construction went usually 3-4 months during the spill of the Nile, when the peasants were not doing what. Work on construction was a kind of sachet for peasants, because they received food pieces for work. It is clear that the annual work of Will-Neils produced their professional qualities. Therefore, by the construction of great pyramids in Egypt, there were enough professional builders. The stone blocks themselves were cut down by professional brigades of Kamenotesov, who worked for the state for food, clothing and beer (no money at that time). It can be assumed that private orders were performed for favored chambers. Bricks were able to all the peasants of Egypt.

    The construction was observed officials appointed by Pharaoh. It is difficult to say how much they understood in mathematics and geometry, but experts capable of calculating the base area and the angle of inclination were there. True, sometimes they were mistaken. So Pyramids of Pharaoh Snofer (2613-2589 BC) were defective: one Egyptologists were called "broken", and on the second "pink" architects were accomplished with a measurement of the angle of inclination.

    Pink Pyramid

    Therefore, by the time IV of the dynasty, the pharaohs of which were built the Great Pyramids, the Egyptians have accumulated experience and knowledge for such grand struck. Heops, Micheryin and Hefren only used all the resources of their state and eventually undermined the economy of Egypt and the basics of the authorities of their dynasty, when the priests of the RA God in Heliopole seized the power as a result.

    The pyramids are built of 10-50-ton blocks. Another lie, which alternative comrades feed gullible readers. This is understandable, because drawings from children's books paint truly terrible paintings, where semi-naked people are dragging huge blocks.

    In fact, these are nightmares from ignorance. In fact, large blocks are only at the base of the pyramid. The higher the pyramid was, the less blocks became. Here is a photo of the top tiers of the pyramid of Heops - pay attention to the pigeons for the scale. The height of the unit is 45-50 cm, that is, the Egyptians had a saw to cut the blocks of this size.

    The horrors about the average blocks of the pyramid of Heops in 2.5 tament went from an outstanding English Egyptologist 19 V. F. Petri, who made counting on the pyramid. In this case, for some reason, he counted the sandstone as 2.2 tons per cube. m., although in fact - 1.7 tons per cube. m. Limestone weight - 1.6 tons per cubic meter. M. It is from these rocks that the pyramids were built. The volume of PTIT block calculated 1.14 cu. As we see, in fact, the middle unit did not reach 2 tons. But many blocks are less than a cubic meter. Even the largest blocks of the lower tiers are not reaching up to 5 tons. This is understandable, Kamenotees would not make blocks that workers would not be able to move off.

    It is not difficult to notice that the ancient builders did not particularly scored the heads of the processing of blocks - she was trimmed somehow. Anyway, then no one will see them, as the pyramid is lining with plates.

    Millions of blocks in the pyramid of Heops. Myth went from Wikipedia (I don't know who squeezed this information there).

    The number of averaged volume blocks does not exceed 1.65 million (2.50 million m³ - 0.6 million m³ of rock base inside the pyramid \u003d 1.9 million m³ / 1.147 m³ \u003d 1.65 million blocks of the specified volume can physically fit in the pyramid without taking into account the volume of the solution in inter-block seams); The attribution to the 20-year construction period * 300 business days per year * 10 working hours per day * 60 minutes in an hour leads to the speed of laying (and delivery to the construction site) - near the block in two minutes.

    Really impressive. In fact, we do not know how much the blocks pyramid. The calculations are made speculative, based on the total pyramid (with a deduction of emptiness and rock base). In fact, the pyramid may not be entirely monolithic. Thus, during the excavations of the Palace of the Palace in Crete, archaeologists found that the ancient builders of the palace of the wall, where the stone blocks were used, built them with cavities that were clogged with rubble. It is quite possible to assume that this is an Egyptian technology. And if we consider that scientists are constantly found in the pyramid of Heops mysterious emptiness scored by sand, it is quite possible that the Egyptians saved time and materials precisely with such cavities, scoring them with sand and rubble. And besides, an error in this calculationthat is not taken into account such a concept as a person-hour. Of course, if workers, lined up in one row, will lay one block, then the calculation is correct. So approximately an alternatively gifted mind and thinks - the organizational abilities of the ancestors they are simply not able to. In fact, the construction was ambitious. Dozens worked there, if not hundreds of brigades. So the pyramid, they built several dozen brigades at once from all four sides at the same time.

    It did not have time to complete the Cheops pyramid - died earlier than the internal finishing work began. So I was buried in an unfinished tomb, where workers labels of ancient builders remained on the walls.

    Therefore, millions of blocks in the pyramid of Heops are a big question that is waiting for its solution.

    Geopolymer concrete. Well, the most delicious. Alternatively gifted personals instead of looking for answers began to invent them. If from the stone, in their opinion, the pyramids could not build, then cast from concrete. Why it is easier not clear. The bike about the "geopolymer" concrete threw the French chemist of Jewish origin Joseph Davidovich. It is not difficult to look at its website to understand - Davidovich made a good business, shutting on suckers with fairy tales about the ancient geopolymers. Here and the sale of books, lectures, courses, paid, of course. It is also not difficult to know that the mythical Egyptian geopolymers to real geopolymers have no relation to any relationship. In Russia, this bike picked up two Novokhrenologist - Fomenko with Nosovsky, shovels of our suckers.

    Geopolymers are materials based on binding alkaline activation (methacolic, for example) or, based on fine amorphous or crystalline aluminosilicate materials, laid by alkali solutions or salts having an alkaline reaction (usually solutions of hydroxides, silicates or sodium and potassium aluminates). In the consciousness of alternatively gifted it is not. They have it just fragmented in a powder stone, which diluted with water, after which everything from the mixture can do anything - at least a block, at least a column, at least a statue.
    The Novokhrenologists themselves Fomenko and Nosovsky imagine the process like this:

    To obtain a primitive concrete, it was enough to be confused by the breed into a fine powder, remove moisture from it, and then mix with water. It is easier to use soft rocks, for example, - limestone, the outputs of which are located right on the Pyramid field in Egypt. Here it was possible to take just under his feet, next to the pyramids under construction. To get cement, it is necessary to remove moisture from the breed. But in the conditions of hot and dry Egypt, where rains sometimes fall out once every five years, t.15, p.447, a special drying was unnecessary. The breed was and so sufficient. After grinding, a ready-made cement was immediately obtained. If you fall asleep it into the formwork, pinned out of the boards, pour water and mix thoroughly, then after drying the particle of the crushed rock firmly fasten with each other. When the solution is driving, it will turn into a stone. It will be a primitive concrete.

    This quote is the whole alternative theory about "geopolymer concrete". Next, the adepts of Novokhrenology usually dozens of pictures of allegedly "liquid stone" and allegedly historical transcriptions of alternative brains. I can say one thing, do not make such a concrete in fact, otherwise this "concrete" will fall apart right in your eyes. Why? Because in Concrete is obliged to attend a component with astringent properties, but about this alternatively gifted creation is not aware. By itself, the tumped limestone or plaster do not possess astringent properties. To do this, they need to burn. It is because of the time-consuming process of manufacturing a concrete, it has not been distributed before the onset of the industrial era. It was easier to cut a stone block than the crowd of the stone breed into powder, burn, mix the solution. Machines facilitated and accelerated this process, as a result of which concrete displaced the stone and brick from construction. But Novokhrenology Chukchi we do not build builders, but astronomers.


    But we turn to the alternative version of "geopolymer concrete". For some reason, alternative comrades are sacred confident that casting a pyramid from concrete is easier than to build from stone. Consider the structure of the structure of the stone: cut down the stone in the quarry, she was cut, delivered to the construction site, put in the pyramid.

    Now the process of casting from concrete.

    1. Cut the stone.

    2. They crushed the stone into crushed stone.

    3. Crushed stone in powder.

    4. Powder burned on fire.

    5. Put asleep in bags or baskets.

    6. Delivered to the place.

    7. Builded formwork.

    8. Weching the solution.

    9. Waited to dry the block.

    10. Put in the pyramid.

    As you can see this longer and costly construction. What objections arise:

    1. How and how did the crushed stone of the messenger and sandstone in the powder? Some alternative comrades express the opinion that they say the stone triturated on their arms. Well, let them try to do it yourself and let's see how it will have it. And it is not at all clear how such a focus will be held with granite, basalt, a diorit or quartzite. They often offer historians, then make a catapult, then the stone block is made. So I propose - to crush a couple of granite stones into granite crumbs with their own hands. Very interesting to this process will look.

    2. The number of tools for such a job will be simply fantastic - hundreds of hammer, molot, pestles and all of the road bronze and copper, which was very small at that time. Egypt of the ancient kingdom could not afford such a metal consumption when the country actually lived in the Stone Age.

    3. It is not clear from where the Egyptians took so much wood for firing limestone or gypsum into lime. Egypt is poor in the tree and it was barely enough for the needs of metallurgy and ceramics. And without roasting, any concrete will not work.

    4. Bags for cement, as we say supporters of the alternative version allegedly were in cash. Like, if the block, by ptit, 2.5 tons, then having a bag of 50 kg - it is 50 bags to cast one block. So, alternative comrades, it was Egypt III thousand to n. e. There were no bags for the production of bags. All textiles were produced by women - wives and slaves. The bags themselves were mainly used to store wheat - approx. 60 kg in the bag. The question arises: where did you get so many bags for millions of tons of cement?

    5. How did these bags with the cement delivered to the construction site? Stone mined on the opposite bank of the Nile. From Nile to Giza - approx. 10 km.

    Drag and drag bags on your own back - I advise alternative comrades to make such an experience. Drag on donkey - expensive for that time. And there was no such amount of donkeys in Egypt. Drop on sledes? So what is the advantage in front of the stone block?

    6. What did formwork make? Tree in Egypt - rare deficient imported raw materials. He was barely enough for ceiling beams, furniture, weapons, therefore had to import or tritely rob neighboring peoples. And here we need tons of wood on formwork. We also have a 1.5 million blocks on the pyramid of Heops, did not forget? But apparently, this understands alternative comrades themselves. Some colms in a serious journal even published a new-screen article, where he wrote to complete:

    "The totality of signs allows to make a categorical conclusion that the blocks of the peyramid of cheops were made by casting into the formwork. The formwork could be, for example, the skin of animals stitched together or sheet metal with an uneven surface or other material fixed in the frame and allowing you to leave such traces on the following trails Surfaces.

    In this chapter, we will look at some puzzles of history, ancient structures and their relationship with global cataclysms occurring on Earth in a distant past. One of the mysteries of our civilization is the Pyramids of Egypt. Such a lot of books, monographs and articles are written on this topic, that from all these editions you can build another great pyramid. This geometric body turned into a fantastic and mystical object, around which many legends, guesses and fabrications were branded. For what, in fact, these grand structures were intended and what way were built? Answers to this question are available in some historical sources, and the construction of the pyramids and other structures is shown on the wall of the tomb of the recommist (the middle of the XV century to our era) and it is very necessary to fulfill various fantastic hypotheses and guesses about the construction and purpose of the pyramids.

    Arab historian and geographer al-Masidi, whom they call the Arab Herodotus, in his book "Washers of Gold and Placement of Gemstones" specifically indicates why the pyramids were intended: "One of the Egyptian Vladyk to the World Flood built two large pyramids. It is not known why later they were called from her husband named Sheddat, the son of hell, for they were built not by members of the genus of hell, because they could not conquer Egypt, because they did not possess the power that the Egyptians owned by Charas. The reason for the construction of the pyramids was a dream, who saw Surid (Pharaoh) for three hundred years before the flood. He drew out that the earth was filled with water, and helpless people floundered in it and drown that the stars were abandoned by their ways and with terrible noise fall from the sky. And at least, this dream made a strong impression on the ruler, he did not tell anyone about him, and in the premonition of terrible events convened the clergy from all over his country and secretly told them about visible. "

    The priests confirmed that Egypt would comprehend a great disaster, and only after many years the earth will again bring bread and dates. The knowledge of the priests was orally transmitted from generation to generation, according to Herodotus for 17 thousand years, and then recorded on a papyrus. They knew what catastrophic disasters on Earth caused a neutron star (tonphon) at its appearance in Solar system in the past.

    "Then the rulers decided to build pyramids," continues the story of Al-Masidi, "and the prophecy of the clergymen commanded to draw on the pillars and large stone slabs. In the interior of the pyramids, he covered the treasures and other valuable things together with the bodies of their predecessors. He ordered the clergymen to leave written evidence about his wisdom, about the achievements of science and arts. After that, ordered to build underground moves to the root of the Nile. All rooms inside the pyramids, he filled with talismans, idols and other miraculous objects, as well as records made by clergy and containing all areas of knowledge, titles and properties of therapeutic plants, information relating to accounts and measurements in order to be preserved for those who can intelligence "

    And in conclusion, al-Masudi reports that Pharaoh has commanded the following words on the pyramids: "I, the ruler Surid, built these pyramids for 60 years. Let the one who comes after me try to destroy them for 600 years! But it is easier to destroy than to build. "

    Surid did not consider one circumstance - a real pilgrimage to the pyramids of modern tourists, who, according to Egyptian scientists, will be abandoned by pebble (for memory) these colossal structures over a hundred years.

    Arabic scientist Abu Balkhi (IX - X AP) wrote that in front of the soot of the wise men, providing a catastrophe, "built a lot of stone pyramids in Nizhny Egypt in order to escape there during the impending death. Two of these pyramids exceeded the rest, having 400 elbows in height and the same in width and length. It was built from large polished marble boulders, fitted to each other so tightly that the connection site was barely visible. " In the production of construction work, the work of the ancient builders would greatly facilitate.

    Neoplatonic borne in his comments on Timey Plato argued that the Great Pyramid was intended to observe the stars and was an astronomical observatory.

    Pythagore, who was trained in the Egyptian temples thirty years, there is such important information that the Egyptian priests reported: "The pyramid trusts the underground labyrinth compiled from long and strong arch .... The Trismegist invented it to protect all human knowledge. "

    From the above information, it can be concluded that the pyramids were initially intended solely to preserve the knowledge of civilization that existed in antiquity and to protect against various cataclysms - floods, hurricanes, earthquakes, the fall of meteorites, etc. In this reliable bunker, which, according to experts, could not destroy and atomic bombHiroshima, who was covered with Hiroshima, could calmly survive any natural disaster.

    In more late period Pharaohs tried to use the pyramids as their tomb, but for some reason they refused it. And none of these numerous structures found the mummies of the dead Vladyk of Ancient Egypt, except for one dried corpse. It is possible that this is just a lost pyramid robber.

    The Egyptians called the area where these colossal structures were quite ordinary. Herodotus mentions in his writings: "Even the pyramids are called the pyramids of the shepherd of Phortis, who in those days of passing their herds in these places." In the hieroglyphic inscription on the stove found in Abidos in Upper Egypt, with the text "Velmembrazh's Velmes-like" Pyramid of Pharaoh Mirerene Named completely unclear for our generation: "His Majesty sent me to Ibhat to deliver the sarcophagus" Liver's cheese "along with his lid and precious and The luxurious top for the pyramid "is and gracious Mr." Mrs. ". In a later period, these huge structures called "steps to God." How were the pyramids built? The technology of facilities of the pyramids and various buildings is fairly accurately depicted on the wall of the tomb of the recommist.

    In the center of the figure, three workers are depicted, which pour sand in the vest and transmit them to two other builders who fall asleep this sand into the formwork. In the upper right corner, one of them arranged a cross (by the way, in one of the pyramids, archaeologists have discovered smoking pipes and tobacco), and in the lower right corner of the image of another worker, which, bent, dragging from construction (left) already made bricks, just as in Nowadays. The most important part of the technological process of manufacturing stone blocks is drawn in the upper left corner, where two Egyptians draw the jugs, from the pool, surrounded by deciduous trees, some kind of black liquid that the working planning of the right pool pours into the shape of sand. This mixture is partially dissolved, then hardens in the formwork and turns into a stone.

    The American chemist J. Davidovich put forward the hypothesis that Egyptian pyramids are made of ordinary concrete. The French architect J.Brto suggested that the "ancient cement", which was used when casting stone blocks, was Nile River Il, mixed with carbon dioxide sodium and other natural materials. But the stone blocks of the Great Pyramids of Giza in their composition are almost homogeneous, without inclusions of any impurities, and consist of sinks of the simplest microorganisms - Foraminifera. And it is extremely doubtful that this "cement" mixture can turn into a stone monolith. The Egyptians really built the pyramids from Nielsky, but there were practically nothing left of these structures.

    Most likely, in the manufacture of huge pyramid blocks weighing in tens of tons, an organic liquid with a high dielectric constant was used - juice of some plant or tree. And the unknown liquid used by the Egyptians for the manufacture of blocks dissolved selectively only some substances containing silicon, and only certain rock rocks.

    As you know, if you strengthen any substance with such a liquid, the molecular forces between the particles of this substance will be reduced, due to the electrostatic forces, by its dielectric constant. In this principle, the effect of some known solvents is based. Of inorganic substances The greatest dielectric constant has water (81 - dimensionless quantity), nitric acid (110), and from organic fluids N-methyl formamide - 182. Some emulsions and gels it reaches (2000).

    On the organic, the mysterious solvent did not act. Although for builders and cutters on stone, which worked for a long time with this substance, its use affected the harmful. This is mentioned in the papyrus "Teaching Ahto, the son of Duafuf, his son of Peopia, which provides a list of various professions and professional diseases of workers (peculiar kzot).

    "The builder of the walls. I tell you about the builder of the walls. The disease is tested .... His power disappeared, his hands as non-fat (literal translation - died) from work on stone. "

    "Stonecutter. A stone cutter is looking for a job on solid stone. When he finishes the execution of things, his hands as inanimate (died), and he is tired. "

    Such properties, dissolve with the help of juice rocks, plants and trees could be purchased in the process of evolution. It is enough to look at an ordinary pine, growing on the slopes of rocks, which literally permeates rocks with its roots, and with almost the absence of soil grows perfectly in such heavy conditions. For the same properties, primitive mosses and lichens have, which dissolve several microns of rocks per year to maintain their livelihoods.

    During the construction period, the Pyramids of the Egyptians are extremely appreciated "MAT Tree", the number of trees of which was reported directly by Pharaoh, as evidenced by numerous reports of priests. Probably juice of this tree was used as a miraculous solvent

    The composition of this universal solvent was known and the Indians of South America. In one of the caves near the mummified corpses, a leather bag was discovered from which an unknown black liquid left and partially dissolved the stone floor of the cave.

    The officer of the British army Colonel Perse X. Fosette, who has been engaged in topographic shooting for a long time different countries Latin America, before disappearing without a trace in tropical rules during the last expedition, left diaries with striking information. Fotette cites the story of one traveler who made a five-minute trip along the virgin forest along the River Pyrene to Peru. He had a horse, and the rider had to dismount and lead her about. After he overcame the thick thickets of a low shrub with fleshy leaves, he discovered that his spurs was rusted practically through. He shown by the adventure by this adventure, he showed the spurs to a familiar Indian, who confirmed that it was the shrub "ate" his spurs and said: "These plants used the inclination to process the stone."

    During the excavations of the ancient burial, the Fotette and his comrades found a large clay bottle with residues of thick, black, hard and unpleasantly smelling liquid. By negligence, the bottle crashed, and its contents were spread through a stone on which she stood. Soon the liquid absorbed into the stone, and it turned out to be covered with a substance resembling a mlin-like putty, which is easily deformed.

    In the Peruvian and Bolivian mountainous areas, the Andes lives a little bird similar to a hazard, which, for the construction of its nests, use the leaves of an unknown plant in the sheer cliffs. The juice of this plant softens the steady mountain minerals, and they are simply removed by the beak of excess rocks squeezing, therefore, deep holes in rock rocks.

    This universal solvent is sold even in Peruvian antique shops at present! The Englishman (the surname of which is not reported) Hiring for mines in Peru told the representative of the press: "Once my friends and I decided to go on an excursion to the ancient structures of the Inca ...". On the way, they went to the local bench, and their attention attracted the carefully sealed antique clay bottle, which they acquired at a fairly high price, suggesting that it is old wine in it. The owner of the shop tried to explain something to customers, but they did not understand the local dialect, did not understand anything. After the excursion, friends decided to celebrate this event and opened the plug. Inside it turned out to be a thick dumping liquid of black color.

    "Fortunately, we smell alarmed - sharp and unpleasant, - recalled the Englishman, - Only here we guessed to ask our guide, too, from the Indians, what did it go? The conductor took the broken cup, sniffed the liquid, turned pale and rushed to run. The engineer who kept the heavy bottle, from surprise dropped her out of her hands. The shards scattered in all directions, and strange content spread over the stones. " In the eyes of amazed friends, the liquid was absorbed into the stones and they "flowed" like melted wax.

    The British asked local Indians about the origin of this fluid and tried to acquire the same vessel, but to no avail. It was possible only to find out that their ancestors made a softening solution from a juice of some plant. The secret of making liquid has long been lost, and only occasionally you can still find vessels with this wonderful liquid in the ancient ruins of destroyed cities.

    In 1927, during the excavations of the ancient city of Maya Lubaantun, a skull, made from a solid piece of transparent colorless quartz, was discovered in the Honduras Decree, Lubaantun, located in the Honduras Decree. According to Hedges, the skull was at least three and a half thousand years, and he was used by the Mayan priests in religious rites. Soon the crystal skull began to be called like a "skull of deaths", "Rock Skull", or "Skull of Fate". With its detailed study in the cavity and at the bottom of the eye depression, precisely calculated and beautifully polished convex and concave lenses, optical prisms and light guides, which allowed to use a skull as a peculiar projector. When the beam of the light was directed to the cavity of the skull, the eye depressions began to glow brightly and sparkle like diamonds. Cut such a product of arts even with the help of modern tools, especially internal cavities, almost impossible. According to experts, it is possible to make a similar object from the coolest quartz only with a gradual removal of the mineral by an unknown solvent. Similar skulls are stored in the British Museum's Observe and in the Museum of Man in Paris.

    In ancient Greece, sculptors probably also knew the secret of this fluid. It is enough to look at the marble sculptures that the Greeks scolded. Their perfection amazes. Cut into the marble the finest folds of clothes, hair, fingers with a gross iron tool, when any careless blow could lead to a chip of marble. From the experience of cutters on the stone, it is known that when the incision of a more solid material falls under the cutter, the tool will inevitably take to the side with the consequences unpleasant to the sculpture. Greek sculptors simply softened marble with this liquid and scolded their unsurpassed statues in their perfection. In the future, the secret of this solvent was lost.

    The Egyptians also used the unique properties of this liquid. Numerous inscriptions and embossed images on the walls are not cut on the stone, but simply squeezed on a softened surface with the simplest stamps. Almost the same in the form and dimensions of the hieroglyphs on the walls of the pyramid without traces, which chipped stone confirms this assumption.

    Even during the first finds, the Mumiy of the Egyptian pharaohs were noted that there were extremely narrow moves to the funeral cameras. Stone sarcophages in which mummy rested, much larger in size than those passages that lead to these premises. How did they deliver them there? Some Egyptologists believe that sarcophages put in the chambers even before the construction of the pyramid. Although it is possible that these massive stone coffins were simply cast on the spot in the very funeral chamber. On one of the drawings of the tomb detected on the wall, a sequential process of manufacturing sarcophagus is depicted. Moreover, in the picture, in the hands of the Egyptians, there are no tools. They simply have hands formed by his own hands. Next to them are two vessels on the stands. And only at the final stage of work, a beard appears at the stone copy of Pharaoh, then the sarcophagus polished and paint.

    Universal solvent, or a plant from which he received, the Egyptians could borrow from the Indians of South America. Perhaps there were even trade relations between two ancient civilizations. In any case, tobacco and coca, which, as you know, grow only by the new light, the Egyptians smoked and sniffed. Svetlana Balabanova - a specialist in the detection of traces of narcotic drugs from the Institute of Forensic Medicine at Ulm University, examining the hair of the Mummy of the Egyptian Priestess Henttavi, the age of which was more than three thousand years, discovered the presence of traces of nicotine and cocaine. In 1992, Balabanova and her colleagues studied 11 Egyptian mummies and registered in all cases traces of nicotine, in eight cases - cocaine and in ten cases - Gasisha. And these drug addicts built pyramids?

    In all Peruvian mums studied by experts, nicotine and cocaine were also found. In the mummified remains of the ancient Germans registered the presence of nicotine. The Egyptians of the new kingdom seemed to attend even Australia. As part of preservatives intended for the preservation of body tissues, a resin eucalyptus, which, as is known, is growing only on the Australian continent.

    HEOPS Pyramid (Houf) The largest of all existing and is composed of 2.3 million limestone blocks, each of which weighs an average of 2.5 tons. There are both huge stone monoliths weighing up to 70 tons. Cut such a huge number of blocks, even with the help of modern stone clinked machines is very difficult. Egyptians cut out with the help of copper guns from rock rocks such a huge number of building stone, deliver from a mantomolomanian, to smuggle through the Nile (as the quarry is located on the other bank of the river) and raise them to a significant height in the construction of the pyramid, it was clearly not able to. There is an assumption that the Egyptians drove the shurts in the stone and with the help of wooden wedges moistened with water, rock rocks were split into separate blocks, but traces of holes would remain on the surface of the blocks. In addition, any sedimentary rocks are extremely heterogeneous and at their discharge or splitting are inevitable chips. Any natural limestone is a layered sedimentary rock, which is permeated with a network of cracks. It is impossible to get almost rectangular blocks. In the quarries, such a number of compatible debris would have accumulated, which could be built from a dozen pyramids. In addition, the total weight of the "laid" in the pyramid of the stone is 6.5 million tons. Pyramid, according to Herodotus, was built for 20 years. For the successful construction of this structure, it was necessary to deliver 890 tons of stone daily. This is about one railway composition of 14 cars. Working at 12 o'clock a day, builders should raise at a considerable height and set 30 blocks in one hour.

    But granite, marble and alabastral blocks were still mined in the quarries. Using this solvent, which softened the stone, the Egyptians simply cut with copper tools, like oil, stones of the desired size and delivered them to the pyramids.

    According to the technology of manufacturing stone blocks, which is given above, build a pyramid quite a simple matter. It is only necessary to fall asleep in the formwork of sand, which around the construction is more than enough, and then pour a liquid on top and wait until the sand hardens. Egyptian priest Gafir Memphic told Pyphagora miser information about the construction technology of the pyramid: "Then, boiling by the binding matter, the stones were poured ...". In order not to dissolve the underlying blocks, the mats from a papyrus or other organic material were paved between them, which has been rotted with time. Footprints of the mats, according to the testimony of ordinary tourists, can be seen between the blocks on the side opposite to the entrance to the pyramid of Heops at an altitude of 50 meters. For this method of construction, it is not necessary to use a large number of lifting mechanisms, vehicles and a huge number of workers. Judging by one of the inscriptions on the pyramid of Heops (according to Herodotus), "Egyptian letters were marked, how many radish, Luke, Garlic workers," the number of major builders did not exceed 4,000-5,000 people, and not 100 thousand, according to some Egyptologists. The same Herodot wrote that the construction of the pyramids was funded by the tax on the services of representatives of the most ancient profession: "Heops, in the end, came to such a dishonor that, in need of money, sent his own daughter to a public house and ordered her to get some money - How many, priests, however, did not say. The daughter did the father's tartage, but he wondered and herself to leave a monument: every of his visitor she asked to give her at least one stone for the construction of the tomb. From these stones, according to priests, and the middle of the three pyramids is built, which is before the great pyramid. " Historical chronicles retained rates for ordinary prostitutes services that did not exceed the price of beer mug. It is unlikely that these funds could be built a huge pyramid.

    The secret of the composition of the universal solvent, the priests kept in the strictest mystery. After building the pyramid or tombs in the valley of the kings to maintain the secrets of technologies and the secret of entry into the tomb of workers who participated in the creation of one of the miracles of the world was executed by the most severe way, but in an honorable place - in the Sphinx body, so that they hurried to the other world and there they were adequately met His pharaoh. The usual criminals just executed outdoors.

    In 1952, nomads who were hiding from the terrible sandstone storms in the rocks of the desert of South Nubia, noticed a huge human head looking out of the sand dune. Returning to the Nile, they reported the find to the Egyptian service of antiquities. The expedition of archaeologists discovered a giant sphinx with a length of 80 meters and a height of 20 meters, and this stone colossus inside was the floor. Finding an entrance at an altitude of 15 meters, archaeologists penetrated into the body of the Sphinx and saw a terrible picture. From the ceiling, leather belts still hung, in the nodes of which the remains of human legs are preserved. Human skulls were lying on the floor with other bones. Sentenced to death were suspended for their feet and left hanging until the drowned body had fallen into the floor. To date, another five of the same Sphinxes have been discovered. Hung in the womb of colossos-sphinx down his head on leather belts probably ended their lives legendary builders of the pyramids.

    The architectural appearance of ancient Egypt has changed raratively during the ancient kingdom. Pyramidal complexes came to change Mastabam - stone grounds. The evolution of construction took several centuries.

    Life of the builders of the pyramids of ancient Egypt

    Construction pyramids in ancient Egypt Preceded the creation of Mastaba - the site at the ground level made of high-quality granite or marble. Underground tunnels, a burial chamber and storage facilities and products were pre-built under the site.

    In the last Pyramids of Egypt, the fifth dynasty of the camera where the sarcophagus with the body of Pharaoh was stored, washed from marble or granite blocks at the level of the ground with an inlet at an altitude of 10-20 meters. This gave the opportunity to save on the execution of earthworks.

    Plateau Giza. Hope's pyramid (hufow). The 80s of the last century. Photo.

    During earthworks, builders lived in a number of constructed temporary structures or underground facilities, that is, not far from the construction site of the pyramids.

    The burial of ordinary workers and employees was conducted in the zone of the construction of the funeral complex in the reserved place.

    A part of the local population, mostly women, prepared food and baked bread, brought water in jugs from the River Nile or from the channels built specifically for water supply to the village of Masters. Food was preparing not only for hired workers, but also for slaves.

    At the same time, up to 10 thousand workers and employees worked on the pyramid, and even as many blocks were prepared in limestone and marble quarries, both near the pyramid and hundreds of kilometers.

    Most marble and granite blocks were supplied on the Nile with the stone developments of the Com-Metbo and, finishing materials from Syria and Libya.

    Pyramid of ancient Egypt in the context

    If you consider in the context of the inner content of the pyramid, then it is easily determined by the place for the installation of the sarcophagus - the burial chamber, somewhere in the center of the pyramid, with the installation of five-seven ventilation strokes and hatches of different sections with an inclination of 45 degrees.

    From above, the sarcophagus is protected by a beau-like tent from multi-torque marble plates, which enhances the fastening and protection of sarcophagus from the severity of the ceiling, making acknowledging blocks of the pyramids of ancient Egypt from above, in the early project leading to its destruction.

    Work on the construction of a funeral chamber, underground moves, grottoes, false moves, mining and ventilation mines, tunnels, impasses, anti-vandal bolovov, angular fasteners, reset systems wastewater And the sewers of the stormwater - were performed before the construction of the pyramid, the so-called zero construction cycle.

    Question: "How did a multiple sarcophagus entered such narrow tunnels?", - in the root is incorrect. It was installed in place even before construction Pyramid B. Ancient Egypt , on a pre-built Mastabe or below it at a depth of 20-60 meters!

    The innovated body of Pharaoh was introduced into the sarcophagus on corridors at the end of the construction of the main building. It was also made with food and clothes that could come in handy in the past world. Upon completion of the loading of the burial chamber and sarcophagus, the inlet and ventilation tunnels overlapped with granite multiple plates. They left small holes for the passage of air and communicate pharaoh with the world.
    Neither marble valves, nor deep mines, did not save the tomb from the robbery.

    Everything that was built above the level of MastaBe type of ventilation mines was performed during the laying of stone blocks.
    Compared to the processing of tunnels and moves with a simple copper chisel with low surface quality, the walls of the funeral room are made with a special diet - polished and painted with hieroglyphs.

    Construction of the pyramids of ancient Egypt

    Build blocks in the construction of ancient Pyramids of Egypt

    Nobody raised blocks in 20 tons to the height of the pyramid, they were prepared on the place in the formwork from the boards of the Egyptian cedar, on the polymer concrete with additives from the marble and granite crumb from the waste of stone quarries. The solution was messed in place, water, boards and building materials were brought to the height of ramp. The larger the stone unit was planned, the less expensive tree left on the formwork.

    In earlier pyramids, the space between the funeral chamber and the external contour was littered with rubble and retirement from the quarries. The top the pyramid was laid out with lime polished plates and blocks.
    Almost no stone blocks inside - they were used only for fastening the moves of tunnels, mines, backups and stretch marks.

    Pyramids of ancient Egypt: photo

    Building material Pyramids Egypt

    The lack of stone blocks was replenished in almost all the pyramids brick - raw, which is now produced in large quantities for the construction of housing.

    The construction quarry had and near the pyramids, but the limestone here was low quality with a large content of sand. Visiting the moves of the pyramid and opening of the columns indicates a weak fastening of the inner bunch of a pyramid body consisting of debris and pieces that remain from the processing of limestone blocks and plates that went to the outer finish of the surface and the installation of the pyramid.

    This method of economical consumption of materials is used in our construction, the outer surface is made of high quality bricks, and interior Filled in waste with pouring polymeric mortar on cement.

    The procedure for performing polymeric concrete blocks is shown on one of the patterns of the pyramid, and it does not differ from the modern - formwork from wood and solution.

    Pyramid Egypt Pharaoh aunt and Joster

    The foundation for the multi-torque pyramid was not built, for the basis of the durable limestone soles of one of the natural elevations - plateau.

    Construction project ancient pyramid Egypt was envisaged to the territory of the burial of relatives and the wives of Pharaoh, sometimes near small.

    The lack of a geodesic study of the soil, the presence of groundwater, as a rule, led to premature destruction of the pyramid, but it was rarely happening. In the floodborn meadows of the Nile, the construction of the pyramids was not conducted, and the foothill territory engaged in burials did not have underground groundwater.

    The pyramids of the high water level of the Nile during the years of the Flood were destroyed almost to the base.
    Hundreds of millions of years ago in the zone of finding the pyramids stood mountain ranges, which collapsed from the water of the ancient sea in the valley of the river, the sun and heat - turning into the sand and crushed stone.

    Pyramids of ancient Egypt video

    The first miracle of the light of all time, one of the main structures of our planet, place full of secrets and mysteries, the point of permanent pilgrimage of tourists - Egyptian pyramids and in particular the Hueops pyramid.

    The construction of the giant pyramids, of course, was far from the lungs. The huge efforts of a large number of people were applied to deliver stone blocks on the Plateau Giza or Saccar, and later to the valley of the kings, which became a new necropolme of Pharaoh.

    Currently there are order of hundreds found pyramids in Egypt, but the finds continue, and their number is constantly increasing. At different times, one of the 7 wonders of the world was understood by different pyramids. Someone meant all the pyramids of Egypt as a whole, someone's pyramids near Memphis, someone three large pyramids of Giza, and the most critics recognized only the largest pyramid of Heops.

    Earthlife of ancient Egypt

    One of the central moments in the life of the ancient Egyptians was a religion, which formed the entire culture as a whole. Special attention was paid to the afterlife, perceived as an obvious continuation of the life of the earth. That is why preparing for life after death began long before it, was put as one of the main life tasks.

    According to the ancient Egyptian faith, a person had several shower. The soul performed as the Double Egyptian, with whom he was to meet in the afterlife. The soul of Ba binds to the man himself, and left his body after death.

    Religious life Egyptians and God Anubis

    At first it was believed that the right to life after death is only by Pharaoh, but he could give this "immortality" with his approximations, which were usually buried next to the tomb of Lord. It was not destined to get to the world of the dead, the exception was only slaves and servants, which Pharaoh "took" with themselves, and which were depicted on the walls of the Great Tomb.

    But for a comfortable life after the death of the dead, it was necessary to provide everything necessary: \u200b\u200bfood, homemade utensils, servants, slaves and much more needed for the average pharaoh. They also tried to keep the body of a person so that the soul of BA could later connect with him again. Therefore, in matters of body safety and balsaming and the creation of complex tomb-pyramids were born.

    The first pyramid in Egypt. Pyramid Josra

    Speaking about the construction of the pyramids in ancient Egypt as a whole, it is worth mentioning the beginning of their history. The very first pyramid in Egypt was built about five thousand years ago on the initiative of Pharaoh Josra. It is in these 5 millennia that the age of the pyramids in Egypt is evaluated. The construction of the Pyramid of Josher was led by the famous and legendary imhehotep, which in the late century was even deed.

    Pyramid Josra

    The entire complex of the built building occupied an area of \u200b\u200b545 by 278 meters. In the perimeter, it was charged with a 10-meter wall with a 14th gate, only one of which were real. The center of the complex was located the pyramid of Goser with 118 meters away by 140 meters. Joser's pyramid height - 60 meters. Almost 30-meter depth was the burial chamber to which the corridors with many branches were led. In the rooms of branches were kept utensils and sacrifices. Here, archaeologists have found three bas-relief of the Pharaoh Josra itself. Near the Eastern Wall of the Pyramid of Goser were found 11 small funeral cameras intended for the royal family.

    Unlike the famous large pyramids, Giza, Josra Pyramid had a stepped form, as if intended for the addende of Pharaoh to heaven. Of course, this pyramid is inferior to the fame and sizes of the pyramid of Heops, but still the contribution of the very first stone pyramid to the culture of Egypt is difficult to overestimate.

    The Pyramid of Cheops. History and brief description

    But still the most famous for the usual population of our planet located nearby three Pyramids of Egypt - Hefrena, Mekerin and the largest and most high pyramid in Egypt - Heops (Houfou)

    Pyramids Giza

    Pyramid Pharaoh Heops was built near the city of Giza, currently being suburb of Cairo. When the peyramid of Heops was built, now it is impossible to say for sure, and research gives a strong scatter. In Egypt, for example, the date of the beginning of the construction of this pyramid is officially celebrated - August 23, 2480 to our era.

    Hope and Sphinx Pyramid

    On the construction of a miracle of light, the pyramid of Heops was simultaneously involved about 100,000 people. For the first ten years of work, the road was built, on which huge stone blocks were delivered to the river and underground facilities of the pyramid. Work on the construction of the monument itself continued on about 20 years.

    Cheap pyramid sizes in Giza are striking. Heopsy pyramid height initially reached 147 meters. Over time, due to falling asleep with sands and loss of cladding, it decreased to 137 meters. But even this figure allowed her for a long time to remain the highest structure of a person in the world. The pyramid has a square base with a side of 147 meters. For the construction of this giant, it took 2,300,000 limestone blocks that have an average of 2.5 tons.

    How was the pyramids in Egypt?

    The construction technology of the pyramid is controversial and in our time. The versions differ from the invention in the ancient Egypt concrete to the construction of the pyramids of aliens. But still it is believed that the pyramids built a person solely with his power. So for the mining of stone blocks, first in the rock outlined the form, the grooves hollow out and a dry tree was inserted into them. Later, the tree was poured with water, it expanded, a crack was formed in the rock, and the unit was separated. Then it was processed to the necessary tools and sent along the river to the construction site.

    It has been established that the famous peyramid of Cheops contains more than two million impressive in size blocks. Each element of the design weighs from two to fifteen tons. The blocks are so tightly driven one to that between them there is no possibility to push the narrow blade of the knife. Despite the colossal dimensions, the pyramids have very precisely verified proportions. How did the ancient achieved ideality?

    The answer to this was looking for more ancient Greeks. The famous historian and traveler of antiquity of Herodotus expressed the suggestion that the pyramids were built using special wooden machines that could lift the stone blocks consistently from one ledge of the construction to another. Other researchers of that time believed that the blocks were transported along the canopy earthy embankment with a wolf or using wooden rinks.

    Herodotes in their writings indicates that up to one hundred thousand people were involved in the construction of large pyramids at the same time, which worked on one construction of several decades.

    In the 70s of the last century, Japanese engineers tried to build a reduced copy of the pyramid, applying a device for lifting blocks and inclined embankment. But their efforts did not lead to positive results, the experiment failed - friction was too large between blocks and soil. Obviously, the ancient builders knew a particular secret, which was subsequently lost and did not reach this time.

    How was the pyramids in Egypt built?

    Here is one of the ways that serious scientists and engineers are considered suitable for the construction of the pyramids with the existing one thousand years ago. Stone blocks rose to the pyramid from four sides at once. For each side of the block, a frame of wooden logs was installed, hacked. Between the racks of the frame structure there was a thicker log, which was attached to the frame with bronze rods.

    Opposite such structures laid several logs, tied them so that the flooring turned out to be slightly above the ribs of the stage. By such a log cabin, the block fastened up and was installed on wooden sleds through the levers. A long durable rope was attached to the Salace, which several employees were dragged together with joint efforts. The rotation of the log fixed on the bronze rods reduced friction.

    When the center of gravity of the stone block passed through the edge of the next layer of blocks, the element turned over and took the horizontal position in the desired place. Salazki lost to the next block.

    As calculations show, with such technology to lay one two-tone block, no more than fifty workers would take.

    Unfortunately, such engineering calculations exist so far only on paper. To confirm or disprove the effectiveness of the described technology, it would be necessary to have a full-fledged experiment, which should be very expensive. And yet the described technology in more than It deserves confidence than the arguments given by a number of researchers in favor of the fact that the pyramids actually built powerful aliens.