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  • How the earth's magnetic field changes. The magnetic field of the earth. Barcode of the magnetic chronicle

    How the earth's magnetic field changes.  The magnetic field of the earth.  Barcode of the magnetic chronicle

    27.07.11 The Earth's magnetic layer began to shrink at a high speed.
    This will lead to an increase in the radiation background and a weakening of the protection of all living things. World science is concerned: new satellites are being launched to record the rate of these messages.

    General: The earth has a magnetic field, the north pole of which is at the south geographic pole.

    To obtain a magnetic field of the desired direction, a stable current sheet must exist around the earth, in a plane perpendicular to the earth's axis of rotation. Such a layer exists and is called the ionosphere.

    The sun, as a result of nuclear reactions taking place in it, radiates into the surrounding space a huge amount of charged particles of high energies, the so-called solar wind.

    According to its composition, the solar wind contains mainly protons, electrons, some helium nuclei, oxygen ions, silicon, sulfur, and iron. Particles forming the solar wind are carried away by the upper layers of the atmosphere in the direction of the Earth's rotation. Thus, a directed stream of electrons is formed around the Earth, moving in the direction of the Earth's rotation. As a result of the presence of this current, the Earth's magnetic field is excited.

    As a result of the interaction of the ionospheric current and magnetic field The Earth is affected by a torque directed in the direction of the Earth's rotation.
    Thus, the Earth with respect to the solar wind manifests itself similarly to the engine direct current self-excited. The source of energy (generator) in this case is the Sun.

    It should be noted that the magnetic flux caused by the current of the solar wind permeates a stream of hot lava rotating with the Earth inside it.
    As a result of the interaction of the current field of the ionosphere and the flow of incandescent lava, an electromotive force is induced in it, under the action of which a current flows, which also creates a magnetic field. As a result, the Earth's magnetic field is the resulting field from the interaction of the ionospheric current and the lava current.

    Since both the magnetic field and the torque acting on the earth depend on the current in the ionosphere, and the latter on the degree of solar activity, then with an increase in solar activity, the torque acting on the Earth should increase and the speed of its rotation should increase.

    What is happening to the Earth's magnetic field today? - I asked the famous nuclear physicist Igor Nikolaevich Ostretsov.

    The actually existing picture of the Earth's magnetic field depends not only on the configuration of the current sheet, but also on the magnetic properties crust, as well as on the relative location of the magnetic anomalies.

    Here you can draw an analogy with a circuit with a current with and without a ferromagnetic core. It is known that a ferromagnetic core not only changes the configuration of the magnetic field, but also significantly enhances it.

    The current layer of the Earth largely determines the course of electrical processes in the atmosphere (thunderstorms, polar lights, lights of "St. Elmo").
    It has been noticed that during volcanic eruptions, electrical processes in the atmosphere are significantly activated. This phenomenon can be explained as follows. When a volcano erupts, a column of incandescent gases (plasma) is emitted. The convective motion of incandescent gases closes the current sheet of the ionosphere with the Earth's surface. Thus, a leakage current appears, which activates electrical processes during eruptions.

    In particular, it is possible that the interconnection of electromagnetic processes in the Sun-Earth system can provide the possibility of developing powerful power plants using the energy of the Sun.

    It is known that the geographic poles constantly make complex loop-like movements in the direction of the Earth's diurnal rotation with a period of 25776 years.

    Usually, these movements occur near the imaginary axis of rotation of the Earth and do not lead to noticeable climate change. But few people paid attention to the fact that at the end of 1998 the general component of these movements shifted. Within a month, the pole shifted towards Canada by 50 kilometers. At present, the North Pole is "creeping" along 120 west longitude.

    It can be assumed that if the current trend in the movement of the poles continues until 2015, then the North Pole may be displaced by 3-4 thousand kilometers. The end point of the drift is the Great Bear Lakes in Canada. The South Pole, accordingly, will shift from the center of Antarctica to the Indian Ocean.

    The displacement of the magnetic poles has been recorded since 1885. Over the past 100 years, the magnetic pole in the southern hemisphere has moved almost 900 km and entered the Indian Ocean.

    The latest data on the state of the Arctic magnetic pole (moving towards the East Siberian world magnetic anomaly across the Arctic Ocean): showed that from 1973 to 1984. its movement was 120 km, from 1984 to 1994. - more than 150 km. It is characteristic that these calculated data were confirmed by specific measurements of the location of the north magnetic pole. As of the beginning of 2002, the drift speed of the North Magnetic Pole increased from 10 km / year in the 70s to 40 km / year in 2001.

    In addition, the strength of the earth's magnetic field falls, and very unevenly.

    Thus, over the past 22 years, it has decreased by an average of 1.7 percent, and in some regions - for example, in the South Atlantic Ocean - by 10 percent. However, in some places on our planet, the strength of the magnetic field, contrary to the general trend, even slightly increased.

    We emphasize that the acceleration of the movement of the poles (on average by 3 km / year per decade) makes us think that in this movement of the poles we should see not a particular phenomenon, but a polarity reversal of the Earth's magnetic field.

    Acceleration could bring the pole displacement up to 200 km per year, so the inversion will take place much faster than is currently assumed. And of course it's not safe.

    In the history of the Earth, changes in the position of the geographic poles have occurred more than once, and this phenomenon is primarily associated with the glaciation of vast areas of land and dramatic changes in the climate of the entire planet.
    Another name for this phenomenon was called the "earth roll" by the writers.

    But only the last catastrophe, most likely associated with the pole shift, which occurred about 12 thousand years ago, received echoes in human history. All we know is that mammoths are extinct. But everything was much more serious.

    The disappearance of hundreds of animal species is beyond doubt.
    Discussions are underway about the Flood, the Death of Atlantis, and the emergence of the Black Sea. But one thing is certain - the echoes of the greatest catastrophe in the memory of mankind are real basis... And it is most likely caused by a pole shift of only 2000 km.

    Dear Igor Nikolaevich, please comment on what caused the polarization reversal and is it dangerous for humanity?

    Scientists have long wondered why Earth's magnetic poles change places from time to time. Recent studies of the vortical movements of molten masses within the Earth provide insight into how polarization reversal occurs. A magnetic field, much more intense and more complex than the field of the core, inside which magnetic oscillations are formed, was found at the boundary of the mantle and the core.

    Importantly, most of the geomagnetic field is generated only in four vast regions at the core-mantle boundary. Although the geodynamo produces a very strong magnetic field, only 1% of its energy is distributed outside the core. The general configuration of the magnetic field measured at the surface is called a dipole, which is oriented along the earth's axis of rotation most of the time. As in the field of a linear magnet, the main geomagnetic flux is directed from the center of the Earth in the Southern Hemisphere and towards the center in the Northern. Space observations have shown that the magnetic flux has an uneven global distribution, the greatest intensity is traced on the Antarctic coast, under North America and Siberia.

    Ulrich R. Christensen of Research Institute Solar system Max Planck in Katlenburg-Lindau, Germany, believes that these vast tracts of land have existed for thousands of years and are supported by the ever-evolving convection within the core.

    Could similar phenomena cause the polarity reversal? Historical geology testifies that the pole changes took place in relatively short periods of time - from 4 thousand to 10 thousand years. If the geodynamo had stopped its work, the dipole would have existed for another 100 thousand years. The rapid reversal of polarity gives reason to believe that some unstable position violates the original polarity and causes a new reversal of the poles.

    In some cases, the mysterious instability can be explained by some chaotic change in the structure of the magnetic flux, which only accidentally leads to polarization reversal.

    However, the frequency of polarity reversal, which has become more and more stable over the past 120 million years, indicates the possibility of external regulation. One of the reasons for this may be a temperature drop in the lower layer of the mantle, and as a result, a change in the nature of the outpouring of the core.

    Some symptoms of polarization reversal were identified when analyzing maps that were made from satellites.

    Long-term changes in the geomagnetic field occur at the boundary of the core and mantle in those places where the direction of the geomagnetic flux is opposite to the normal one for a given hemisphere. The largest of the so-called reverse magnetic field stretches extends from the southern tip of Africa westward to South America. In this area, the magnetic flux is directed inward, towards the core, while most of it in the Southern Hemisphere is directed from the center.

    Areas where the magnetic field is directed in the opposite direction for a given hemisphere arise when the twisted and winding lines of the magnetic field accidentally break out of the Earth's core.

    Areas of the reverse magnetic field can significantly weaken the magnetic field on the Earth's surface, called a dipole, and indicate the beginning of a change in the earth's poles. They appear when a rising liquid mass pushes horizontal magnetic lines upward in the molten outer core. In this sense, it is difficult to predict exactly how the climate on the planet will change. And such changes, of course, can lead to disasters.

    The most significant discovery made when comparing recent measurements was that new regions of the reverse magnetic field continue to form, for example, at the core-mantle boundary under the east coast of North America and the Arctic.
    Moreover, the previously identified areas have grown and shifted slightly towards the poles. In the late 80s. XX century David Gubbins of the University of Leeds in England, studying old maps of the geomagnetic field, noted that the spread, growth and displacement towards the poles of sections of the reverse magnetic field explains the decrease in the strength of the dipole in historical time.

    When the rotation brings the section of the reverse magnetic field closer to the geographic pole than the section with normal flux, a weakening of the dipole is observed, which is most vulnerable near its poles.
    This can explain the reverse magnetic field in southern Africa. With a global onset of a pole change, patches of the reverse magnetic field can expand throughout the region near the geographic poles.

    And here, the Kiev professor, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, director of the Ukrainian Institute of Human Ecology Mikhail Vasilievich Kurik connects life expectancy with the magnitude of the Earth's magnetic field.

    Fifty years ago, a renowned Japanese scientist, Dr. Nakagawa, described a new disease afflicting a huge number of people on earth and called it "human magnetic field deficiency syndrome."

    Dr. Nakagawa came to a very serious conclusion, which made it possible to treat a large number of diseases. He described the "magnetic field deficiency syndrome" leading to the formation of dozens of pathological processes. and hypotension, digestive disorders, skin changes, prostate problems, gynecological dysfunctions and a number of other processes.

    Tell me: are there really problems with weak magnetic fields?

    Since the Earth's magnetic field simultaneously protects a person from dangerous solar and cosmic radiation, according to scientists, a decrease in the magnetic field at high altitudes increases the risk from such harmful effects for the body.

    In the experiments, mice were placed in chambers shielded from the earth's magnetic field. Within a day, they began to decompose their tissues. The cubs of such mice were born bald and grew up sick.

    The planet's magnetic field protects us from the high-energy plasma streams spewing out from the sun.

    A decrease in the Earth's magnetic field means a weakening of this protection and a corresponding increase in the radiation background. Which, of course, can lead to serious illness.

    Barcode of the magnetic chronicle

    Who among us in our youth did not regret that our thoughts and momentary deeds pass without a trace? And who has not dreamed of magic tablets, similar to the biblical stone tablets, given by God to Moses on Mount Sinai, which can forever preserve the memory of us?

    Let's look around and ask ourselves: the surrounding rocks - is it not in them that the history of the Earth is written on grains of ferromagnetic materials that retain magnetization for millions of years, starting from the moment when the rock ceased to be fiery lava? After all, the magnetic field is the only field known in physics that has a memory: at the moment when the rock cooled below the Curie point - the temperature of acquiring magnetic order, it was magnetized under the action of the Earth's field and forever captured its configuration at that moment. Is it only rocks that are capable of retaining the memory of magnetic emanations (outflows) that accompany any event both in the life of the planet and in the biography of an individual being?

    Extracting this rich and varied information is a gratifying task for future researchers. Modern paleomagnetologists, yes, colleagues will not conceal resentment against me, as a rule, limit themselves to studying the evolution of the magnitude and direction of remanent magnetization. However, even such an essentially elementary approach makes it possible to draw a conclusion that is very important for earthly civilization about the consequences of the expected inversion of the geomagnetic field. Research by paleomagnetologists, in particular at the Institute of Physics of the Earth named after O.Yu. Schmidt Russian Academy of Sciences, made it possible to trace the history of changes in the Earth's field over 3.5 billion years and build a kind of barcode, a calendar of reversals. It shows that they occur quite regularly, 3-8 times in a million years, but the latter happened on Earth as much as 780 thousand years ago, and such a deep delay in the next event is very alarming.

    “They are frightening again,” the reader will sigh. "End of the world, comet impact, nuclear winter, terrorism, extremism, and now also inversion!" For some reason, Anna Akhmatova recalled: "The end of the world has already come, but no one noticed it." But how not to notice the transient inversion of the Earth's magnetic field? The sunflower side of the magnetosphere, which is restrained by the ropes of the lines of force of the magnetic field frozen into the proton-electron near-Earth plasma, will lose its former elasticity, and a stream of deadly solar and galactic radiation will rush to the Earth. It will be impossible not to notice this in any way.

    About the source of the geomagnetic field

    Throughout its history, the Earth has changed the position of its magnetic poles many times. The picture on the left shows a fragment of a giant barcode, where the alternation of gray and black stripes corresponds to the change of poles. The numbers on the left are millions of years A rare essay on geomagnetism dispenses with a treatise by William Hilbert, the court physician. the queen of England Elizabeth I, "On the magnet, magnetic bodies and the big magnet - the Earth", published in 1600. It shows that the Earth's magnetic field is the same as that of a magnetic dipole, that is, our planet is like a large magnetic arrow. Anticipating parting words last book of his famous treatise, Hilbert wrote: "Now we must reveal the reasons and amazing, though noticed earlier, but unexplained actions of all this."

    400 years later, Hilbert's words are still relevant. The mystery of geomagnetism has not yet been solved and remains one of the most important unsolved fundamental problems of geophysics.

    It would be wrong to believe that for four centuries geomagnetologists have slept in peace. From the 17th to the 20th centuries, a huge number of observations of the Earth's magnetic field were carried out, as a result of which the main patterns of its behavior were revealed. It should be noted the enormous contribution of such famous scientists as Halley Hallei, Alexander von Humboldt, Joseph Gay-Lussac, James Maxwell, Karl Gauss.

    The creation of the theory of electromagnetism by Maxwell in the 70s of the XIX century is especially significant. From his equations it follows that the magnetic field is generated by an electric current. Further, this implies the equivalence of closed elementary currents and magnetic dipoles, the moment of which is also called the magnetic moment of the current. Adding together, these quantities form, for example, the magnetic field of a cylindrical magnet, which approximately coincides with the field of a solenoid of the same length and the same section. To those readers who remember the school physics textbook A.V. Peryshkin, I just remind the common truth. I do not undertake to answer for the young tribe.

    Now, moving on to the "big magnet", the matter at first glance seems to be small: to find inside the planet current systems of a suitable configuration and forces that create a field on the Earth's surface, the structure of which we have thoroughly studied.
    If we move inside the Earth, then, having passed the crust (0-15 km under the oceans and 0-50 km under the continents), the upper mantle (up to 640 km deep) and the lower mantle (640-2885 km), we will find ourselves in a huge liquid core ( 2885-4590 km), the existence of which was established in the middle of the 20th century by Harold Jeffries of Cambridge University. It is the liquid state of a significant part of the core that explains the mechanism for generating the geomagnetic field. Its essence is that the constant magnetic field of the Earth is determined by electric currents arising from the movement of a conductive fluid in the core. The alternatives to this theory have not yet been invented.

    If we go further and try to understand the essence of the processes of generating the Earth's geomagnetic field, then it’s time to use the dynamo mechanism for this purpose. In rough outline, we will assume that the creation of a magnetic field in the outer liquid core of the Earth occurs in the same way as in a self-excited dynamo, where a coil of wires rotates in an external magnetic field. Then, due to electromagnetic induction, an electric current arises in the coil and creates its own magnetic field. It strengthens the external magnetic field, and the current in the coil also increases.

    Rice. 1. The intensity of the Earth's magnetic field during the observation period decreases with an increasing speed.

    Of course, the planet's liquid core is not a dynamo. But if thermal convection occurs in a liquid conductor, then a certain system of flows of an electrically conductive liquid appears, which is similar to the movement of a conductor. The assumption about the presence of some primordial magnetic fields in the nucleus will not be a gross violence against nature. This means that when a liquid conductor, during its relative motion (and this is due to the fact that the core does not rotate at the same speed as the crust), crosses the lines of force of these fields, then an electric current arises in it, creating a magnetic field, which enhances the external seed field, and this, in turn, increases the electric current and so on, like a song about a priest and his dog, inadvertently eating a piece of meat. The process will continue until the establishment of a stationary magnetic field, when various dynamic processes will balance each other.

    The outlined ideas of the source of the geomagnetic field are called the hydromagnetic dynamo (HD) and were first expressed in 1919 by Joseph Larmor in England to explain solar magnetism. In the mid-1940s, Ya.I. Frenkel in the USSR and Walter Elsasser in the USA suggested that thermal convection in the core is precisely the reason that drives the GD of the Earth's core.

    However, the theory of GD (it would be more correct to say, still a hypothesis, since no one has been able to obtain experimental evidence so far) is not so flexible as to explain all the variety of observed facts associated with geomagnetism. This is not the place to cite tricks and strains, with the help of which experts are trying to combine the incompatible. Sometimes the simplest fairy-tale hypothesis seems to be more convincing: a devil with horns sits in the depths of the planet and twists a huge linear magnet, causing anomalies of the geomagnetic field.

    Signs of an impending inversion

    Since the theory is dragged along in the wagon train, let us turn to the facts. And the facts show that throughout the history of the Earth, the geomagnetic field has repeatedly changed its polarity. There were periods when reversals occurred several times in a million years, and there were periods of prolonged calm when the magnetic field retained its polarity for tens of millions of years.

    Rice. 2. Drift of the Earth's North Magnetic Pole since 1931.

    According to the research results of the laboratory of the main geomagnetic field and petromagnetism of the Institute of Physics of the Earth named after O.Yu. Schmidt RAS, the frequency of reversals in the Jurassic and Middle Cambrian was one reversal in 200-250 thousand years. However, the last inversion took place on the planet 780 thousand years ago. From this, we can draw a cautious conclusion that another inversion should occur in the near future. Several considerations lead to this conclusion. Paleomagnetism data indicate that the time during which the Earth's magnetic poles change places during the inversion is not very long. The lower estimate is one hundred years, the upper one is eight thousand years. An obligatory sign of the beginning of the inversion is a decrease in the intensity of the geomagnetic field, which decreases by tens of times in comparison with the norm. Moreover, his tension can drop to zero, and this state can last for quite a long time, tens of years, if not more. Another sign of inversion is a change in the configuration of the geomagnetic field, which becomes sharply different from the dipole one. Are these signs present now? It seems that yes.

    The behavior of the Earth's magnetic field in a relatively recent time helps to judge the data of archaeomagnetic studies. Their subject is the residual magnetization of shards of ancient ceramic vessels: magnetite particles in fired clay fix the magnetic field at the moment of ceramics cooling. These data indicate: the last 2.5 thousand years, the intensity of the geomagnetic field has been decreasing. At the same time, observations of the geomagnetic field on the world network of observatories indicate an acceleration in the drop in its intensity in recent decades (Fig. 1).

    One more interesting fact- change in the speed of movement of the Earth's magnetic pole. Its movement reflects processes in the outer core of the planet and in near-earth space. However, if magnetic storms in the Earth's magnetosphere and ionosphere cause only relatively small jumps in the position of the pole, then deep factors are responsible for its slow but constant displacement.

    As seen in Fig. 2, the North magnetic pole since its discovery by D. Ross in 1931 for half a century has been moving at a speed of 10 km per year in the northwest direction. However, in the 1980s, the displacement rate increased several times, reaching an absolute maximum by the beginning of the 21st century - about 40 km / year: by the middle of this century, it could leave Canada and end up off the coast of Siberia. The sharp increase in the speed of movement of the magnetic pole reflects the restructuring of the system of current currents in the outer core, which is believed to create a geomagnetic field.

    Strongest argument

    Configurations of the planet's magnetic field during the inversion period (according to G. Glatzmeier and P. Roberts).

    Rice. 3. Change
    As you know, to prove a scientific position, you need thousands of facts, and to refute, just one is enough. The above arguments in favor of inversion only suggested the possibility of the coming end of the world.
    The strongest indication that the inversion has already begun comes from recent observations from the Oersted and Magsat satellites of the European Space Agency. Their interpretation, which was carried out by Gaultier Ilot of the Paris Institute of Physics of the Earth, showed that the magnetic lines of force on the outer core of the Earth in the South Atlantic are located in the opposite direction to what should be in the normal state of the field. But the most interesting thing is that the field line anomalies are very similar to the data of computer simulations of the geomagnetic reversal process performed by Californian scientists Harry Glatzmeier and Paul Roberts, who created the most popular model of terrestrial magnetism today (Fig. 3).

    So, here are four facts that indicate an approaching or already begun reversal of the geomagnetic field:
    1. Decrease in the intensity of the geomagnetic field over the past 2.5 thousand years;
    2. Acceleration of the drop in field strength in recent decades;
    3. Sharp acceleration of the displacement of the magnetic pole;
    4. Features of the distribution of magnetic field lines, which becomes similar to the picture corresponding to the stage of preparation of the inversion.

    Inversion start:
    Zones of a reversed magnetic field begin to appear.

    The possible consequences of the change of the geomagnetic poles are widely discussed. There are a variety of points of view, from quite optimistic to extremely disturbing. Optimists refer to the fact that hundreds of reversals have occurred in the geological history of the Earth, however, it was not possible to establish a connection between mass extinctions and natural disasters with these events. In addition, the biosphere has significant adaptability, and the inversion process can take quite a long time, so there is more than enough time to prepare for change.

    The opposite point of view does not exclude the possibility that the inversion can occur during the life of the next generations and will turn out to be a disaster for human civilization. In particular, a few years ago, the Canadian popular science magazine "Discovery magazine" compiled a list of the twenty greatest dangers, where the inversion is listed under the sixth number.

    Transformation of a dipole into a multipole: in addition to funnels in the region of the poles, funnels are formed in the equator; through them, charged particles from the Sun easily reach the atmosphere, causing auroras in the tropics.

    It must be said that this point of view has been largely compromised by a large number of unscientific and simply anti-scientific statements. As an example, we can cite the opinion that during the inversion, human brains will experience a reboot, similar to what happens with computers, and the information contained in them will be completely erased. Despite such rather anecdotal statements, I dare to note that the optimistic point of view is very superficial. Modern world- far from the one that was hundreds of thousands of years ago: man gave rise to many problems that made this world fragile, easily vulnerable and extremely unstable. There is reason to believe that the consequences of the inversion will indeed be truly catastrophic for the world civilization. And the complete loss of the working capacity of the World Wide Web due to the destruction of radio communication systems (and it will certainly come at the time of the loss of the radiation belts) is just one example of a global catastrophe. In fact, with the coming inversion of the geomagnetic field, we must go through a transition to a new space. The study of possible risks associated with inversion is actively engaged in the laboratory of the IPE headed by the candidate of physical and mathematical sciences V.E. Pavlov.

    Reverse field state after inversion.

    An interesting aspect of the impact of geomagnetic inversion on our planet, associated with a change in the configuration of the magnetosphere, is considered in his recent works by Professor V.P. Shcherbakov from the Borok Geophysical Observatory. In the normal state, due to the fact that the axis of the geomagnetic dipole is oriented approximately along the axis of rotation of the Earth, the magnetosphere serves as an effective shield for high-energy streams of charged particles moving from the Sun. In the case of inversion, a situation is quite likely when a funnel is formed in the frontal sunflower part of the magnetosphere in the region of low latitudes, through which the solar plasma can reach the Earth's surface. Due to the rotation of the Earth in each specific place of low and partly temperate latitudes, this situation will be repeated every day for several hours. That is, a significant part of the planet's surface will experience a strong radiation impact every 24 hours.

    There is reason to believe that a significant drop in the magnetic field strength and a change in its configuration can have significant, even catastrophic, consequences for the climate. In this regard, however, it is necessary to define what we mean by climatic disasters. The well-known Soviet geologist D.V. Nalivkin noted: the fact that on the scale of one human life is a catastrophe - storms, tornadoes, hurricanes, for nature, on a scale of hundreds and thousands of years - is quite an ordinary phenomenon. On the one hand, an increase in the level of cosmic radiation by several tens of percent due to the disappearance of the field (namely, this is the estimate given by V.P. Shcherbakov) may not bring any catastrophic consequences to mankind. On the other hand, it is unlikely that another dying cancer patient will be comforted by the fact that his individual personal tragedy on a global scale will not create a global catastrophe.

    Thus, there are good enough reasons to pay close attention to the expected soon (and already gaining momentum) inversion and try to figure out what dangers it can bring to humanity and each of its individual representatives, and, in the long run, to develop a system of protection that reduces their negative consequences. ... True, it is too early to speak about protection systems, if only because we do not know for certain even the origin of the geomagnetic field. But it is quite possible to organize a closer observation of its change. According to Academician V.N. Strakhov, for this it is necessary to build a network of observation stations. The costs are quite high: several billion rubles, but then we will be able to accurately track this process and select a model, as well as the time of a cardinal change in the geomagnetic field.

    Many planets in the solar system have magnetic fields. The planets in our system, including the Earth, were formed from a proto-cloud. And when the proto-cloud was compressed, there was initially a seed magnetic field in the interplanetary medium and in the interstellar medium. It is everywhere in the universe.

    1. Precession of the Earth

    When compressed, the magnetic field is enhanced. When the Earth became solid, inside because of high temperature a nucleus was formed. Until now, it is believed that a liquid iron core is located in the center of the Earth. This neutral liquid is conductive and has a magnetic field frozen into it. Fluid motions determine how the Earth's global magnetic field behaves - it is a kinematic dynamo.

    There are a number of dynamo theories. Symmetrical, spherical movements cannot generate a magnetic field. It is known that the Earth's current axis of rotation and magnetic axis do not coincide, so precession occurs. One theory says that precession can generate and maintain a field. The field is captured, it exists, and further it must be maintained. As long as there is a liquid core, the magnetic field exists, and for the Earth it has a dipole form.

    2. Magnetic shield

    Since we live next to the Sun, which continuously emits the solar wind - a stream of charged particles, the pressure of which is significant - then when the solar wind flows around the Earth's magnetosphere, it is deformed. Therefore, on the daytime side, the Earth's magnetosphere is compressed, and on the night side, it stretches out - a "tail" is formed. It should be borne in mind that the entire system rotates. For example, we are in Moscow, and when we are on the sunny side, the magnetic field above us is compressed, and when we go to the night side, this field is stretched out.

    The Earth's magnetosphere is very important, it protects all living things from harmful cosmic radiation. This refers to corpuscular radiation, that is, energy particles that cannot penetrate across the field, they move mainly along it and eventually arrive at the magnetic pole. Therefore, at the pole, we can observe auroras when magnetic storms occur. In the area of ​​the poles, the magnetic lines of force "invade" the Earth almost vertically. At middle latitudes, for example, in Moscow, these particles cannot penetrate, since they cannot move perpendicular to the lines of force of the earth's magnetic field. In this context, the earth's magnetic field is called a magnetic shield.

    3. Polarity reversal

    It is very important how the magnetic field lives and how it changes. Along with the field, which has deep sources in the Earth's core, there are magnetic anomalies in the crust, and at low altitudes they strongly affect the distribution of the field on the Earth's surface. At large distances from the Earth, the magnetic field of small-scale anomalies decreases rapidly. Basically, the Earth's magnetic field is in the form of a dipole. There is a concept of polarity reversal of the Earth's magnetic field. The sun changes its poles every approximately 11 years - the Hale magnetic cycle. The Earth changes its poles chaotically and with huge time intervals. The last polarity reversal dates from about 780 thousand years ago. According to the available data, it is stated that there were at least 14 polarity reversals. The process of polarity reversal itself occurs in a characteristic time from 3 to 10 thousand years. The intervals between the polarity reversals are different and chaotically scattered. One of the challenges facing researchers is to understand when this might happen and why.

    4. Observing the poles

    The Earth's magnetic field is monitored in detail. There is a whole network of different laboratories. In particular, the INTERMAGNET network consists of observatories located in magnetically clean places, where there is no interference or radiation. These series of measurements are very valuable, because it is on the basis of them that natural changes in the magnetic field can be traced. Due to the development of civilization, observatories often have to be moved. In such cases, they set up a new observatory, take measurements in parallel, then join the rows of observations, close the old observatory and continue observations in a new place.

    Recently, the movement of the Earth's magnetic poles has been of particular interest. The North magnetic pole (from a physical point of view, this pole is "south", that is, the direction of the magnetic field lines here is directed to the Earth, and not from the Earth, as at the "north" magnetic pole) is located in the island zone of Canada and at the beginning of the last century began to move towards the north geographic pole. Moreover, his speed was very high. If he continued to move at the same speed, then in 50 years he could move to the territory of Siberia. However, recent research data show that from 2004 to 2010, this movement has a component that shifts the direction of movement, and the speed has decreased.

    5. Multi-pole field

    Over the past 200 years of observations, at first, the movement of the pole went from north to south, recently, when they began to talk about movement to Siberia, it went from south to north. There is, as it were, a wandering of the position of the magnetic pole in the area of ​​the Canadian magnetic anomaly, which “does not let it go” far from itself. Although no one can say (according to observations at such insignificant times as 200 years, compared to tens and hundreds of thousands of years), the polarity reversal has begun or has not begun.

    When the polarity is reversed, the earth's magnetic field becomes multipolar. Initially, we have two poles - north and south (near New Zealand). The work of the Earth's dynamo, which is responsible for the global magnetic field, seems to weaken, and magnetic anomalies near the surface begin to prevail, and therefore many poles appear. We know the dipole, quadrupole, octupole, and so on. For a while, the two main poles disappear, and then gradually recover. This occurs at intervals of three to ten thousand years. But it is important that the field to zero never disappears or disappears, so the magnetic shield will always remain.

    6. Reduction of the Earth's magnetic field

    The most urgent question today is: how does the general intensity of the magnetic field change, because it is a magnetic shield and it regulates the effect of solar activity, the penetration of galactic cosmic rays? It is believed that galactic cosmic rays penetrate the atmosphere, affect clouds, climate, and so on. The Earth's magnetic field is a regulator.

    Recently, a decrease in the magnetic field strength has been observed for a long time. The question is: what will happen next? Is this a sign of a polarity reversal or is it just a local change? When talking about changes in the Earth's magnetic field, you need to keep in mind very long time periods - thousands of years. When we observe changes over the course of decades, they cannot be used to judge the global nature of the changes. Therefore, it is important to understand what causes the decrease in the magnetic moment and magnetic field of the Earth and what will happen next.

    Weakening the Earth's magnetic shield will expose us to solar magnetic radiation. Analysis of data from two satellites, Oersted, launched in 1999, and Magsat, 20 years earlier, confirm that the Earth's magnetic field is experiencing significant fluctuations. It is now impossible to say whether this is a temporary effect associated with the fact of moving away from the ecliptic, or a harbinger of a longer phenomenon, but in both cases it is alarming data.

    Decrease in the density of the Earth's magnetic field

    It seems that the strength of the Earth's magnetic field has decreased by 10% over the past 150 years, which leads some experts to the possibility of its disappearance over time, and then renewal and displacement, which will lead to a shift of the magnetic poles for the first time in 700 thousand years.

    Magnetic North Pole instability

    The earth behaves like a huge dynamo. Liquid iron and nickel make up the core of the Earth, move around and create a vast magnetic field that envelops the Earth. But since the matter that makes up the core is in constant motion, the magnetic poles are also constantly moving.

    So, the north magnetic pole does not coincide with the geographic north pole, now it is at the level of Canada and tends to move closer to the geographic pole, shifting towards Russia (Siberia) along the northwest axis.

    This movement is accelerating from a speed of 10 km per year until 1970 to the current speed of 40 km per year. However, according to Larry Nevitt of the Geological Commission of Canada, the observed acceleration of the magnetic north pole is a consequence of what scientists call "secular jumps", which nullify any predictions.

    The problem is that this is an ongoing acceleration. north pole, is associated with a decrease in the power of the magnetic field and can equally lead to the idea that the electromagnetic configuration of the Earth is no longer stable and tends to re-form.

    Indeed, from a geological point of view, the magnetic south pole is not content with moving towards the geographic north pole. Periodically, it suddenly and roughly fluctuates, and this can occur within 180 ◦. Polarity reversal studies span 7 million years. They point out that significant changes occur every 500,000 years.

    Luke Fleury. The Epoch Times

    Most of us have no time to speculate about the displacement of the Earth's magnetic belt. We have more pressing concerns: who has a job, who is cleaning, who is more interested in fighting in the virtual world of computer games, and who is completely engaged in banal acquisition of wealth, blindly believing that nothing will happen to him for sure ... However, in spite of all this, the Earth, like a living organism, has its own rhythms of life, its own breathing. Unfortunately, discord and disharmony between the rhythm of life of mankind and the Earth itself is growing more and more. They no longer "breathe" in unison ... It becomes extremely dangerous and humanity should stop and think, but ...

    As stated at the very beginning of the report"On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth" :

    “One of the most important international problems of the 21st century is the global climate change. Of particular concern is the general rapid increase in the dynamics of cataclysms, which has been observed in recent decades. Today, there is a great risk of misunderstanding and underestimation of all factors and scales of influence of various space and geological processes on global climate change on Earth. Until recently, at the end of the 20th century, some scientists put forward various hypotheses and theories about gradual climate change. But in practice, everything turned out to be somewhat different. Thorough analysis of the growth in the number of natural disasters, extreme weather events around the world, as well as statistical indicators of space and geophysical parameters for last years showed an alarming tendency to their significant increase in a short period of time. These data indicate that the assumptions put forward by a number of scientists that the Earth's climate change over 100 years or more will be gradual are incorrect, since in fact this process is much more dynamic. "

    The Earth's magnetosphere is the main “defense” shield that protects all life on the planet from solar radiation. This "screen" or a kind of "bubble" is one of the most important conditions for the preservation of life on Earth. Thanks to the magnetosphere, the Earth is in a “cocoon” that protects it from cosmic and solar radiation. By the way, the so-called aurora is formed in the polar regions, as in the places of the weakest magnetic "screen": in the northern magnetic belt and in the southern magnetic belt. These dazzling and mesmerizing auroras are formed when solar particles collide with the gases of the earth's atmosphere, which begin to glow. Although this spectacle is beautiful, it testifies to the fierce "struggle" of the Earth's magnetosphere with the invasion of solar radiation. And the auroras that have recently occurred in Europe indicate that anomalous processes are taking place in the Earth's magnetosphere that are dangerous for all life on the planet. A large displacement of the magnetic pole occurs due to serious anomalies and changes of a global nature (see table of values ​​of magnetic pole change). And it is extremely important that humanity prepares for these processes in advance. Exit paths and solutions to problems are proposed in a unique report

    "Global climate change on Earth is mainly a derivative of astronomical processes and their cyclicality. This cyclicality is inevitable. The geological history of our planet testifies that the Earth has repeatedly experienced similar phases of global climate change,"- from the report "On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth".

    During these phases, it is imperative that the actions of the human community be consolidated and effective. And for this, today it is necessary to lay the foundation of reliable relations between all the peoples of the planet Earth. Relationships based primarily on universal human spiritual and moral values. Thanks to the unification of bonds of friendship, mutual respect and love, the peoples of the Earth will be able to survive the coming trials. It is quite possible to achieve such a cohesion on the basis of the unique and evolutionary Knowledge set forth in the reports of the ALLATRA SCIENCE International Group of Scientists and in the AllatRa book itself. Therefore, today it is of paramount importance that the majority of people on the planet maximize short time managed to get acquainted with this Knowledge. A responsible and honorable task falls on the shoulders of those who have already managed to come into contact with the wisdom and depth of the Primordial Knowledge, and also realized the importance and necessity of their maximum dissemination among the population of the entire planet. With consolidated efforts and, most importantly, with faith in success, we will achieve the unification of all mankind on the basis of AllatRa Primordial Knowledge, and you will not wish for a better life for humanity.

    We are all people and we all have one place of residence - the Earth, one nationality - humanity, one value - life, thanks to which we can adequately realize ourselves and the meaning of our existence in the highest spiritual and moral aspect (from the report "On the Problems and Consequences of the Global climate change on Earth ").

    Jamal Bunyadov